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A Reaction Paper

Human being is imbued with numerous and hidden characteristics which could be seen or
unseen by observing or detecting through the action being executed by the individual.
Apparently, with these characteristics comes with amount of equal and balance biological sense
of human being. This includes the decision making where counted as one of the most important
in doing our daily activities in life. Signal detection theory being explained by Ms. Catolos is
very informative which I’ve learned that a successful outcome starts with the right decision that
undergone through processes and analyzation depends on both the intensity of stimulus and
physical/physiological state of the individual.
Realistically, we live by the decision we made by just what we think already or what
already pops up in our head. For example, by spending our money without using our right sense.
What we think to buy just because the desire we have in our heart or mind not to think wisely if
that material thing is important or just that we want to. This enter the signal detection theory
which explains that we decide in a basic way not using the right decision which is imbued on us.
The framework tells us that we have to use our maximum of thinking in evaluating sensitively in
decision making. Moreover, considering also the background from the situation where about to
execute in decision making because there are factors which could alterate the decisions which
has a big impact on it. As explained, there are called false alarming to the truth in making
decisions which is normal by nature. There is an error of margin in every decision because as far
as I know there is no perfect in decision making. But there is also a miscalculation without using
the right decision which turns into more complicated situation.
By this theory it tells us that the decision we made are base on the situation which creates
uncertainty. For example, someone is being choke with his food. The instincts we had acts on it
base on the situation. Whether we call for help or we will be the primary person in helping that
person. It is like fundamental thinking which we are using it everyday but as this theory explains
it could be glean that signal detection theory explains well in terms of the measurability of the
difference of information bearing patterns and random patterns that distract from the
information. This highlight the decision making wherein we ought to use when certain situation
triggers our stimulus. Which our attention being undertaken to such uncertainty. Provided that
every situation should be methodologically under analyzation as said by this theory.
Consequently, signal detection theory is a significant process that conceptualize through
analyzation and a major methodological performance in evaluation. The logic behind most basic
in decision making which is the detection of a stimulus depends on both the intensity of the
stimulus and the physical/physiological state of the individual. The execution of right decision as
based on how strong it is and on how much we’re paying attention to. As part of our life, we
create our decision individually as we grow old. We are being thought because learning is a
continuous process. We will never stop learning and learning will always put us into the right
direction. And the right direction is being implemented through the right decision. In relation to
our lives, that this theoretical framework shows and explicated us to perceptually decide through
our own choices which it is being stimulated through the stimulus being the representation of our
brain inside.

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