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Stairwell Pressurization Fan Calculation Sheet

Project Name Proposed 2B+G+M+18 Floor

Project Description Residential Building
Project Address Lusail - Doha - Qatar
Designed by Eng. Ahmed Sami


ASHRAE 2007 (HVAC Applications)
Clauses 52 (Smoke Stairwell,
of (Pressurized Management)
Compartmentation, Stairwell Analysis)

Design Parameter:-

Summer outside temperature 46 C


Stairwell temperature 28 0
Building Stories 23 Stories
Average Story height 3.6 m
Building exterior wall per story 835 m2
Stairwell area per story 12.7 m2
Building tightness type average
Building height 90 m
Area gap for stairwell door according to ASHRAE 0.033 m2

From table (1) , chapter 52

Leakage ratio for exterior building walls 0.00017

Leakage ratio for stairwell 0.00011

Pressure Analysis for Stairwell

The pressure difference between the staircase and the building can be expressed as followed :
ΔPsb = ΔPsbb + BY / [ 1 + ( Asb / Abo )2]

Where :
ΔPsbb = pressure difference from stairwell to building at stairwell bottom ( Pa) .
Y = distance above stairwell bottom ( m )
Asb = flow area between stairwell and building per floor ( m2 )
Abo = flow area between building and out side per floor ( m2 )
B = 3460 x [ 1/ ( 273 + To ) - 1/ ( 273 + Ts )]
To = temperature of outside ( K )
Ts = temperature of stairwell air ( K )
A) In case of all doors are closed :

For the stairwell with no leakage directly to the outside, the flow rate of pressurization is :

(∆Psbt 3/2 - ∆Psbb 3/2 )

Q = 0.559 x N x Asb x
(∆Psbt - ∆Psbb )
Where :

Q = volumetric flow rate , m3/s

N = number of floors.
ΔPsbt = pressure difference from stairwell to building at stairwell top , Pa.

1- The leakage ratios for stairwell wall =

= 12.7 X 0.00011 = 0.001397 m2
2- The leakage ratios for exterior wall =
= 835 X 0.00017 = 0.14195 m2
3- B = 3460 x [ 1/ ( 273 + To ) - 1/ ( 273 + Ts )]
3460 x ( 1 / 273 + 46 ) - ( 1 / 273 + 28 ) = -0.6486
4- Asb = the leakage area of the stairwell wall + the gaps around the closed doors
0.001397 + 0.033 = 0.034397 m2/floor
5- Abo = the leakage area of exterior wall
= 0.14195 m2
6- Minimum pressure difference from stairwell to building at stairwell top (pa)

= 13 pa for building with sprinkler system as per NFPA 92A

= 25 pa for building with non-sprinkler system as per NFPA 92A
= 50 pa as per QCDD Qatar Civil Defense Requirement

7- ΔPsbt = ΔPsbb + BY / [ 1 + ( Asb / Abo ) 2 ] =

50 = ΔPsbb + ( -0.6486 X 90 ) / ( 1 + ( 0.034397 / 0.14195 ) 2 ) =

Get ΔPsbb
= 50 - ( -0.6486 X 90 ) / (1 + ( 0.034397 / 0.14195 ) 2 ) =
= 96.99 pa

8- Get air flow required

∆Psbt 3/2 - ∆Psbb 3/2
Qc =0.559 x N x Asb x =
∆Psbt - ∆Psbb

= 0.559 X 23 X 0.034397 X [ ( 50 3/2 - 96.99 3/2 ) ( 50 - 96.99 ) ]

= 5.67 m3/S
= 12015 CFM
B) In case of 3 doors are opened :

Number of doors in all building 23 Doors

Number of closed doors 3 Doors
Door size 2.2 m X 1.1 m
Door Area 2.42 m2

Q0 = A X V X N
Where :
Qo = Air flow rate ( m3/sec)
A = Door Area ( m2 ).
N=Number of open doors
V = air velocity ( m/sec ). The velocity recommended will be ( 0.75 - 2 ) m/s .

Assumed air velocity to be 1 m/s

Q = 3 X 2.42 X 1 = 7.26 m3/S
15384 CFM
C) Total air flow required for pressurization:-

Qt = Qo + Qc
= 12015 + 15384 27399 CFM

D- Door opening force calculations

The force required to open the door = The force to over come the door closer + the forces to
overcome the pressure difference across the door

F = Fdc + W x A x ΔP / 2 x ( W - D )

F = total door -opening force , N

Fdc = force to overcome door closer Fdc( min 13N ) 20 N
W = door width , m W 1.1 m
A = door area, m2 A=WXL 2.42 m2
ΔP = pressure difference across door, Pa . ΔP= 75 pa ( max ) 50 pa
d = distance form doorknob to edge of knob sie closer, m d= 75 mm 0.075
d= 75 mm according to ASHRAE

Based on above data the force required to open the door is

F = 20 + [ ( 1.1 X 2.42 X 50 ) ( 2 X ( 1.1 - 0.075 ) ] = 88.3 N

Based on maximum allowable pressure deferential across the doors which is around = 50 Pa
The maximum allowable force to open the door will be = 133 N
By comparing the calculated force in our project find F = 88.3 N < 133 , So no Need for Pressure Relief
 E- The pressure operated relief vent size calculations

Air flow to stair case at P= 50 Pa door closed Q1 = 5.67 m3/s

Air flow shall be supplied to the staircase @ 3 doors open Q2 = 7.26 m3/s
Using the equation Q= 0.83 x ALE (P)0.5
Pressure relief damper area Relief= (Q2-Q1)/0.83*(P)0.5
There for the required pressure relief vent area = 0.270916 m2

To be installed at the roof level on stair wall exposed to outside .

Stairwell Pressurization Fan Calculation Sheet

Project Name Proposed 2B+G+M+18 Floor

Project Description Residential Building
Project Address Lusail - Doha - Qatar
Designed by Eng. Ahmed Sami


ASHRAE 2007 (HVAC Applications)
Clauses 52 (Smoke Stairwell,
of (Pressurized Management)
Compartmentation, Stairwell Analysis)

Design Parameter:-

Summer outside temperature 46 C


Stairwell temperature 28 0
Building Stories 23 Stories
Average Story height 3.6 m
Building exterior wall per story 835 m2
Stairwell area per story 12.7 m2
Building tightness type average
Building height 90 m
Area gap for stairwell door according to ASHRAE 0.033 m2

From table (1) , chapter 52

Leakage ratio for exterior building walls 0.00017

Leakage ratio for stairwell 0.00011

Pressure Analysis for Stairwell

The pressure difference between the staircase and the building can be expressed as followed :
ΔPsb = ΔPsbb + BY / [ 1 + ( Asb / Abo )2]

Where :
ΔPsbb = pressure difference from stairwell to building at stairwell bottom ( Pa) .
Y = distance above stairwell bottom ( m )
Asb = flow area between stairwell and building per floor ( m2 )
Abo = flow area between building and out side per floor ( m2 )
B = 3460 x [ 1/ ( 273 + To ) - 1/ ( 273 + Ts )]
To = temperature of outside ( K )
Ts = temperature of stairwell air ( K )
A) In case of all doors are closed :

For the stairwell with no leakage directly to the outside, the flow rate of pressurization is :

(∆Psbt 3/2 - ∆Psbb 3/2 )

Q = 0.559 x N x Asb x
(∆Psbt - ∆Psbb )
Where :

Q = volumetric flow rate , m3/s

N = number of floors.
ΔPsbt = pressure difference from stairwell to building at stairwell top , Pa.

1- The leakage ratios for stairwell wall =

= 12.7 X 0.00011 = 0.001397 m2
2- The leakage ratios for exterior wall =
= 835 X 0.00017 = 0.14195 m2
3- B = 3460 x [ 1/ ( 273 + To ) - 1/ ( 273 + Ts )]
3460 x ( 1 / 273 + 46 ) - ( 1 / 273 + 28 ) = -0.6486
4- Asb = the leakage area of the stairwell wall + the gaps around the closed doors
0.001397 + 0.033 = 0.034397 m2/floor
5- Abo = the leakage area of exterior wall
= 0.14195 m2
6- Minimum pressure difference from stairwell to building at stairwell top (pa)

= 13 pa for building with sprinkler system as per NFPA 92A

= 25 pa for building with non-sprinkler system as per NFPA 92A
= 50 pa as per QCDD Qatar Civil Defense Requirement

7- ΔPsbt = ΔPsbb + BY / [ 1 + ( Asb / Abo ) 2 ] =

50 = ΔPsbb + ( -0.6486 X 90 ) / ( 1 + ( 0.034397 / 0.14195 ) 2 ) =

Get ΔPsbb
= 50 - ( -0.6486 X 90 ) / (1 + ( 0.034397 / 0.14195 ) 2 ) =
= 96.99 pa

8- Get air flow required

∆Psbt 3/2 - ∆Psbb 3/2
Qc =0.559 x N x Asb x =
∆Psbt - ∆Psbb

= 0.559 X 23 X 0.034397 X [ ( 50 3/2 - 96.99 3/2 ) ( 50 - 96.99 ) ]

= 5.67 m3/S
= 12015 CFM
B) In case of 3 doors are opened :

Number of doors in all building 23 Doors

Number of closed doors 3 Doors
Door size 2.2 m X 1.1 m
Door Area 2.42 m2

Q0 = A X V X N
Where :
Qo = Air flow rate ( m3/sec)
A = Door Area ( m2 ).
N=Number of open doors
V = air velocity ( m/sec ). The velocity recommended will be ( 0.75 - 2 ) m/s .

Assumed air velocity to be 1 m/s

Q = 3 X 2.42 X 1 = 7.26 m3/S
15384 CFM
C) Total air flow required for pressurization:-

Qt = Qo + Qc
= 12015 + 15384 27399 CFM

D- Door opening force calculations

The force required to open the door = The force to over come the door closer + the forces to
overcome the pressure difference across the door

F = Fdc + W x A x ΔP / 2 x ( W - D )

F = total door -opening force , N

Fdc = force to overcome door closer Fdc( min 13N ) 20 N
W = door width , m W 1.1 m
A = door area, m2 A=WXL 2.42 m2
ΔP = pressure difference across door, Pa . ΔP= 75 pa ( max ) 50 pa
d = distance form doorknob to edge of knob sie closer, m d= 75 mm 0.075
d= 75 mm according to ASHRAE

Based on above data the force required to open the door is

F = 20 + [ ( 1.1 X 2.42 X 50 ) ( 2 X ( 1.1 - 0.075 ) ] = 88.3 N

Based on maximum allowable pressure deferential across the doors which is around = 50 Pa
The maximum allowable force to open the door will be = 133 N
By comparing the calculated force in our project find F = 88.3 N < 133 , So no Need for Pressure Relief
 E- The pressure operated relief vent size calculations

Air flow to stair case at P= 50 Pa door closed Q1 = 5.67 m3/s

Air flow shall be supplied to the staircase @ 3 doors open Q2 = 7.26 m3/s
Using the equation Q= 0.83 x ALE (P)0.5
Pressure relief damper area Relief= (Q2-Q1)/0.83*(P)0.5
There for the required pressure relief vent area = 0.270916 m2

To be installed at the roof level on stair wall exposed to outside .

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