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Deadline November 27, 2021

Preliminary Design of a Gravity Dam

Part 1: Introduction
The main purpose of this project is to access what you have learned in your first water resources
engineering course the fluid mechanics (FM) and see if you can apply the knowledge you gained in FM to
solve practical and real world problems. In this project you need to estimate the preliminary dimensions
of a dam and its ancillary structures, namely a spillway, a penstock and a navigation lock from the
hydrostatic and dynamic forces principles you learned in FM.

1.1. Dams and Reservoirs

A dam, as you know, is huge structure built across a river to hold, control and manage the amounts of
water (discharge) flows from the river. The large amounts of water stored behind a dam form what we
call reservoir, an artificial lake (Fig. 1a). Dams are built for several purposes: to protect against floods,
for irrigation, hydropower generation and navigation. The reservoir volume of a dam is broadly divided
into 3 zones (Fig. 1b), namely, the dead zone, the active zone and flood protection zone. Below is
description of the function of each zone:

1. The dead-zone is located at bottom of the reservoir and is allocated for the storage of the
accumulated sediment (material) delivered from the river to the reservoir. There are no outlets in
this zone, therefore the volume of the dead-zone decreases gradually due to the accumulation of
the sediment over many decades. When dead-zone is completely full, it will start to take from the
active-zone volume.

Upstream side Free board

Air valve
Flood storage zone
Siphon spillway

Spillway crest Gravity dam


Active storage zone Downstream side

Dead storage zone
Turbine River

Figure 1: a) Hoover dam; b) Reservoir storage zones.

2. The active-zone is located in middle between the dead zone and flood zone of the reservoir and is
allocated to store water for varies uses such as irrigation, power generation and navigation. The
water outlets from the reservoirs for such activities are located in this zone.

3. The flood-zone is located above the active-zone and extents up to the maximum permissible water
level behind the dam. This storage is reserved for flood control and is usually kept empty to be
used for temporary storage of floodwater during storm events. The water outlet for this zone is
typically located at interface line between the active zone and the flood zone.

The difference in elevation between the dam crest (highest point) and the maximum permissible water
level behind the dam is called the free board. The free board accounts for wave action and provides an
additional factor of safety against overtopping.

1.2. Dams and Spillways Types

There are several types of dams (Fig. 2). The choose of a specific dam type depends on many factors
such as the river width, dam height, soil properties where the dam will be located, available material for
dam construction at the site and cost. Dams needs structure facilities, called spillways, to pass the excess
water in the flood-zone safely to the river side downstream of the dam. The spillway capacity must safely
accommodate the maximum design flood and the spillway crest level (highest point) must be at the
maximum normal water level (NWL). Spillways can be part of the dam body or separate from the dam
body. Like dams, there are several types of spillways (Fig. 2).

Figure 2: Major types of dams and spillways.

1.3. Hydropower House and Penstocks
Most dams benefit from the head difference between the reservoir and river water surface elevations to
generate electricity by having a hydropower house. The hydropower house is typically located
downstream of the dam and has a number of water turbines for hydropower generation. The water coming
out from the turbine is delivered into the river side, called the tailrace. The pipe providing water from the
reservoir to the turbines in the powerhouse called penstock. A penstock is special pipe that can withstand
very high pressure, when concrete-lined tunnels or unlined rock tunnels do not support the pressure or
they are expensive. Typical velocity in a penstock is about 10 m/s under normal operating conditions.
However, due sudden valve closure at the end of the penstock pressure can tremendously change.

Figure 3. Hydropower house, penstock and pressure change due to sudden valve closure at the end of the
1.4. Navigation Locks
If boats and ships navigate in the river at the location where the dam has been built, you need a
mechanism across the dam to raise and lower the boats, ships and other watercraft between the upstream
side and downstream side of the dam. This is done via a structure called navigation lock (Fig. 4). A
navigation lock is straight section like a room with large moveable gates at each end called chamber at the
dam section that can be filed and emptied from water through openings in the culverts located under the
chamber floor. A culvert is like a big tunnel with small gates and openings to fill and empty the lock
chamber. If the difference in elevation exceeds 40 m, you will need more than one lock or what we call
lock system (Fig. 4).

The two major aspects in the design of navigation locks are the determination of the size and the design of
the filling and emptying systems. The overall height of the lock chamber must be equal to the maximum
expected difference in water elevations plus the required ship draft and freeboard. The elevation of the
bottom of the lock chamber must equal the minimum water in the downstream pool less the required ship
draft. The size of the lock in plan depends on the traffic expected to pass through it. Most of the locks for
example in the large rivers of the US are 34 wide by 180 m long. Where small-boat traffic is heavy an
additional small lock may also be provided to keep small boats and commercial tows separate.

Figure 4. Single and system navigation locks.

Lock gates control the water level in the lock chambers (Fig. 5). For a single chamber, there are two sets
of major gates G1 and G2 at the ends of the chamber. Suppose the ship is at position 1 (on the left hand
side of the chamber) is sailing to position 2 (on the right hand side). The operation of the lock is as follow

1. Sluice gate S1 on the upstream side is opened to fill the chamber up to level L–L.
2. Lock gate G1 on the upstream side is opened to permit the ship to enter the chamber.
3. Gate G1 is closed.
4. Sluice gate S2 is opened to allow the water to fall to level M–M.
5. Lock gate G2 on the downstream is opened to permit the ship to leave the chamber.
6. Reverse the operation in case the ship is sailing from position 2 to position 1.

Figure 5. Operation of navigation locks.

Part 2: Design Aspect
2.1. Gravity Dams
A concrete gravity dam is entirely dependent upon its own mass for stability. The gravity profile is
essentially triangular, with the outline geometry (Fig. 2) to ensure stability and to avoid overstressing of
the dam or its foundation.

2.1.1. Stability analysis

The stability of a gravity dam requires that it meets the conditions for static equilibrium of structures,
where the sum of all active and reactive horizontal, vertical forces, bending moments due to those forces
in relation to an arbitrary point are equal to zero. In addition, the profile of the dam, for different possible
loading conditions (see section 2.1.4), must have an acceptable safety in relation to (Fig. 6):
(a) Translation and sliding;
(b) Rotation and overturning;
(c) Exceeding the permissible stresses and failure of the material or soil under foundation.


Figure 6. Stability concept.

The overall stability of the dam depends on criteria (a) and (b). Both criteria must be satisfied in relation
to all profiles, i.e. cross-sections, over any horizontal plane and foundation. Criterion (a), translation and
sliding, often appears to be the critical one. Stability can be increased by one of the two methods shown in
figure 7. Criterion (c), keeping stresses within allowable limits must be satisfied both for the concrete in
the dam and for the rock in the foundation.

Stabilizing forces are weight of the dam and water on the reservoir faces, and tail water force, while
destabilizing forces are reservoir horizontal water force, uplift, wave, sediment and seismic forces.

Factor of safety against sliding is

 V  H  tan 
FS 
 
1     V  H  tan
 

Factor of safety against overturning (around the toe: far point in the dam bottom) is

V  H  tan  LR 
 where, LR   M R
FS   V and LO   M O H
   LO 
1    V  H  tan
 
Stress on the soil foundation

    1   where e    * 
 V  6e   M 
 B  B  V 

where V is the vertical force, H is the horizontal force, MR is the resisting moment and MO is the
overturning moment,  is the friction coefficient,  is the inclined angle with the horizontal, B is the dam
width and M* is the moment in relation to the CG of the plane. To avoid tensile stress on the upstream
side e < B/6.


Figure 7. Methods of improving stability.

2.1.2. Loads on dams

It is convenient to classify individual loads as primary, secondary, or exceptional. Classification in this
manner assists in the proper appreciation of load combinations to be considered in analysis. The
classification is made in terms of the applicability and/or the relative importance of the load.
(a) Primary loads are identified as universally applicable and of prime importance to all dams,
irrespective of type, e.g. water and related seepage loads, and self-weight loads.
(b) Secondary loads are generally discretionary and of lesser magnitude (e.g. sediment load) or,
alternatively, are of major importance only to certain types of dams (e.g. thermal effects within
concrete dams).
(c) Exceptional loads are so designated on the basis of limited general applicability or having a low
probability of occurrence (e.g. tectonic effects, or the inertia loads associated with seismic activity).

Different loads are described in details below and identified schematically in Fig. 8 for a gravity dam.

(a) Primary loads

1. The resultant horizontal force Fw1 at the upstream and Fw2 at the downstream.
2. The vertical component of load Ww1 at the upstream and Ww2 at the downstream.
3. The weight of the dam Wd and acts at the GC.
4. The resultant vertical uplift force Fu (upward) due to the pores of the soil under the dam.

(b) Secondary loads

1. The horizontal resultant force Fs due to the accumulated sediment.
2. The horizontal hydrodynamic wave force Fwa at the water surface.
3. The horizontal ice force Fi at water surface due to freezing. Note that ice force and wave force can
not exist at the same time.
4. The internal thermal force Ft in bulky concrete due to weather change
(c) Exceptional loads
1. The resultant oscillatory horizontal seismic force in the water Fsw1 at the upstream and Fsw2 at the
2. The resultant oscillatory vertical seismic force in the water Wsw1 at the upstream and Wsw2 at the
3. The resultant oscillatory horizontal seismic force in the dam body Fsd and the resultant oscillatory
vertical seismic force in the dam body Wsd acting in the CG.
hw-max hwa hb
hw-nor Fwa

hw1 1
hwn Wsd
Fsw Wd
hd1 Wsw2
rsw rw1 Fs hs
R hw2 Fw2
rs Ww2
hw1 Fu

B1 B2
Stress on soil 2
B/3 B/3 B/3
Figure 8. Forces on a gravity dam.
2.1.3. Load equations
For rectangular section assuming unit width of the dam (1 m in direction normal to the screen, see Figure

Fw  0.5 w ghw2 and rw  0.333hw

Ww   w gAw acting in the CG

Fws  0.55khs  w ghw2 and rsw  0.43hw (von-Karman Eq.)

Wws  k vsWw acting in the CG

Fu1   w ghw 2 B and ru1  0.5B

Fu 2  0.5 w g (ku hw1  hw 2 ) B and ru 2  0.667B

Fwa  2 w ghwa and rw  0.375hwa from the water surface

Fs  0.5ka (  s   w ) ghs2 and rs  0.333hs

Wd   d gAd acting in the CG

Wds  k vsWd acting in the CG
Fds  k hsWd acting in the CG

Figure 9. Gravity dam section.

2.1.4. Critical loading combinations

Load Condition No. 1: Usual loading condition - normal operating.
(a) Water depth at the spillway crest and minimum tailwater depth.
(b) Uplift force.
(c) Ice, wave and silt forces, if applicable.

Load Condition No. 2: Unusual loading condition - flood discharge.

(a) Water depth at maximum level and maximum tailwater depth.
(b) Uplift force
(c) Wave and silt forces, if applicable and no ice force.

Load Condition No. 3: Unusual loading condition - normal operating and earthquake.
(a) Water depth at the spillway crest and minimum tailwater.
(b) Uplift force.
(c) Wave and silt forces, if applicable and no ice force.
(d) Horizontal earthquake forces in the downstream direction and vertical earthquake force upward.
Load Condition No. 4: Extreme loading condition - flood discharge and earthquake.
(a) Water depth at maximum level and maximum tailwater depth.
(b) Uplift force.
(c) Wave and silt forces, if applicable and no ice pressure.
(d) Horizontal earthquake forces in the downstream direction and vertical earthquake force upward.

2.2. Spillway Design

2.2.1. Permissible velocity and pressure
Because water comes out from the spillways at high velocity, pressure drops down to very low values
below atmospheric pressure (Bernoulli Equation). If this negative or vacuum pressure approaches the zero
absolute pressure, cavitation may take place. Minimum allowable absolute pressure in is 25 kPa to avoid
cavitation (an undesirable phenomenon that can damage concrete, see figure 10). This corresponds to
max velocity of V1  2 g (10  2.5)  12m / s for standard atmospheric pressure of Pat = 100 kPa. For
atmospheric pressure less than the standard, max velocity must be reduced.

Figure 10. Spillway concrete damage due to cavitation.

2.2.2 Siphon Spillway Equations

Gage pressure

Pg  Pabs  Pat

The discharge at the spillway crest (see the figure 11) can be estimated from

Q  V1 R1bc ln( R 2 / R1 )

And the average velocity at the crest is

Q V1 R1bc ln( R 2 / R1 ) V1 R1 ln( R 2 / R1 )

Vc av   
Ac bc ( R2  R1 ) ( R2  R1 )

To avoid cavitation, the max velocity at the crest can not exceed V1  2 g (10  2.5)  12m / s for standard
atmospheric pressure of Pat = 100 kPa, then

Qmax  12 R1bc ln( R 2 / R1 )

And the corresponding Vc av is

12R1 ln( R 2 / R1 )
Vc av 
(R2  R1 )

Note that for atmospheric pressure other than the standard

V1 Pat

12 100

The head at outlet considering the losses

V2 V
H o  o  hL where hL  k L c av
2g 2g


Vo  2 gH o  k LVc av and Ao  Q / Vo

Not that from the continuity equation if Ao  Ac then Vo  Vc av

dc R2
Ac T.E.L.
V 2/2g

Pc/<7.5 m H.G.L.

Datum Ao
o bo

Figure 11. Siphon spillway elements and energy diagram.

2.3. Penstock design
2.3.1. Penstock pressure
Penstock must be designed to withstand high pressure due sudden valve closure at the end of the penstock,
which can tremendously change the pressure (positive or negative) in the penstock (see figure 3). This
excess pressure due sudden valve closure can damage the penstock (Fig. 12). When concrete-lined
tunnels or unlined rock tunnels do not support such a pressure or they are expensive, steel pipes are used.
Typical velocity in a penstock is about 10 m/s under normal operating conditions.

Figure 12. Penstock collapse due to excessive positive and negative surge pressure of sudden valve

2.3.2. Penstock equations

Wave speed in pipe (celerity)

c  E w /  w for the most extreme condition (rigid pipe)

c1  0.8c  for the normal condition (elastic pipe)
 1 d 
 W   
 E w tE s 
P   w c1V

Pmax  P0  P

Ts Pmax Ts
P d
t  max

where c is the wave speed of sound (celerity) in water propagating in the penstock, V is the flow velocity,
d is the diameter of the penstock and t is the thickness of the penstock, P0  gh is the static pressure, Ew
and Es are the modulus’ of elasticity for water and steel, respectively and Ts is the tensile strength of steel.
2.4. Lock Design
2.4.1 Lock filling and emptying system
The design of the lock-filling and -emptying system requires a compromise between two differing
demands: (1) that the filling time is short (15 min) in order not to delay traffic, and (2) that the
disturbances in the lock chamber not to cause damage to the vessels or the lock structure. When the lock
is being filled, the vessels are initially in shallow water and water is entering under a relatively high head.
This condition is more serious than that encountered in emptying, and therefore the governing criteria are
those encountered during the filling operation. If the lock gates were opened instantaneously, an abrupt
wave would travel across the lock chamber. This wave causes an unbalanced force on the vessel in the
lock. Therefore, longitudinal conduits in the lock walls with lateral ports to distribute the flow uniformly
along the length of the lock is used avoid the wave action. The rate of gate opening should be very slow at
first and increased as the lock is filled. The time required to fill and empty the lock chamber is
summarized in the following table.

Action Time in minutes

Fill (or empty) the lock chamber from the bottom and sides 5 – 10
Open the upstream gates to enter the lock 1
Vessels to enter into chamber 8 - 10
Close the upstream gates 1
Open the upstream gates to exit from the lock 1
Vessels to leave the chamber 6-8
Close the downstream gates 1
Total time 28 - 42

Average time taken to fill or empty the lock chamber depends on: dimensions of lock chamber; head
between water levels; efficiency of opening and closing system of the gates; efficiency of the mechanical
system of controlling the valves of side culverts filling the lock chamber.

The time of filling of the lock chamber is divided into stages

1) The first stage starts by gradually opening the side culverts (lower gates that used to fill the
chamber) until it is completely opened. During this period, the area of gates opening is variable
(like you open a faucet/tap at home)
2) The second stage starts when the area of side culverts is completely opened and ends when the
water level inside and outside the lock chamber is equal.

2.4.2 Lock filling and emptying time equation

Locks should be designed that the total filling or emptying time of a lock chamber is within the estimates
of the following practical equation

Tp 
For multiple locks

nK NL H / n
Tp 

where H is the water level difference (H = hw-n – h2), n is the number of lock such that such that H/n <
40 m and KNL is a constant range between 720 – 960, with an average value of 840.

The total time to fill or empty the lock chamber derived from the conservation equation of mass can be
estimated from

T1 2 AL H
Tcm  
2 C d Ac 2 g

Ac  T1v g b g

T1 2 AL H
Tcm  
2 C d T1v g bg 2 g

For multiple locks

T 2 AL H / n 
Tcm  n 1  
 2 C T v b 2g 
 d 1 g g 

where, T1 is the time until the culvert gate area is completely open, vg is the gates open at a rate, bg is the
gate width, H is the water level difference (H = hw-n – h2), AL is the lock chamber plan area, Ac is the
culvert gate total area, n is the number of lock such that H/n < 40 m and Cd is the discharge coefficient
(0.6 - 0.7) with an average value of 0.65. See the derivation in the appendix for the above equations.

Maximum discharge during the filling or empting of the lock chamber occurs at either at time of either h1
or 4/9H, whichever is greater and estimated from

Qmax  C d Ac 2 gh
2.4.3. Lock gates equations

Figure 13 shows the forces on the lock gates.

hw2 + (hwn  hw2)/n

F1 hwn - hw2
F2 hw2



0.5 m
180  2 Hg
CG Rtv
Nh Wg
Nh F1
Ft rwt F2
 Ft Rbh
 0.5 m

Figure 13. Forces on the lock gates.

Horizontal reactions on the bottom and top hinges from the water and other supporting gate forces

1 
Ft  F1  F2  g hw 2  (hwn  hw2 ) / n2  hw2 2 
2  
rwt  F1  F2  g hw2  (hwn  hw 2 ) / n   hw3 2  Ft

6    0.5 m
N h  Rh1  Ft 2 sin  Bg
CG Rtv
Nh Wg
Rth1  Rh1  (rwt  0.5) /( H g  1) F1
Rbh1  Rh1  Rth1 rwt F2
Ft Rbh
Horizontal reactions on the bottom and top hinges from the gate weight 0.5 m

Wg  k g gBg H g Rbv
Rth 2  W g  (0.5B g ) /( H g  1)
Rbh 2  Wg  (0.5 Bg ) /( H g  1)

Total horizontal reactions on the bottom and top hinges

Rth  Rth1  Rth 2

Rbh  Rbh1  Rbh 2

Total vertical reactions on the bottom and top hinges

Rtv  Rbv  0.5W g

Total reactions on the bottom and top hinges

Rt  Rth2  Rtv2 and Rb  Rbh2  Rbv2

Note that when the gates are open, Rbh1 and Rth1 will be zero and the gate weight will cause compression
on the bottom hinge and tension on the top hinge in horizontal direction.

where n is the number of locks, hwn and hw2 is the water depths, Fw1 and Fw2 are the water force on the
gate and Ft is their resultant force acting normal to the gate at height rwt from the bottom, Wg is the gate
weight with height Hg and width Bg, Nh is reaction force of the other supporting gate in the horizontal
plan acting normal to centerline of lock chamber, Rh1 is the resultant reaction of the top and bottom
hinges at the same horizontal plane of Ft and Nh, Rbh1 and Rth1, respectively are the horizontal reactions of
the bottom and top hinges due to the water and other supporting gate forces, Rbh2 and Rth2, respectively are
the horizontal reactions of the bottom and top hinges due to the gate weight, Rbv and Rtv, respectively are
the vertical reactions of the bottom and top hinges due to the gate weight, Rb and Rt, respectively are the
total reactions of the bottom and top hinges, and α is the angle of inclination of gate to normal side of
Part 3: Problem Statement
1. For the gravity dam shown in Fig. 14, check the stability of the dam and the stress on the soil for
load condition 2 and 3, only. Factor of safety for sliding and overturning for load condition 2 and
load condition 3 must be not less than 1.5 and 1.2, respectively. You can tilt the dam up to 20o to
meet the stability requirements, if needed. No tensile stress is allowed at the foundation level and
maximum allowable bearing stress of soil is 3800 kPa.

2. Design the siphon spillway by finding the dimensions of its cross sections at the crest (highest point)
and at the outlet for the maximum discharge. Minimum allowable absolute pressure in the siphon is
25 kPa to avoid cavitations (an undesirable phenomenon that can damage concrete). Absolute
pressure of 25 kPa is equivalent to 12 m/s in the siphon pipe section for normal atmospheric
pressure of 100 kPa. The atmospheric pressure at the dam site is 90 kPa. Assume the spillway cross
section is rectangular with a constant width. Find also the thrust (force) of the spillway jet on the
dam when the flow rate is maximum in the reservoir.

3. Design the penstock (a pipe that can withstand high pressure feeding the turbines) by finding its
thickness against sudden valve closure if the flow velocity is 10 m/s. The downstream end of the
penstock has a rapid-acting valve at the elevation of the tailrace. The penstock is made from steel
with modulus of elasticity Es = 207 × 106 kPa and tensile strength of 400 × 103 kPa. Modulus of
elasticity of water Ew = 2 × 106 kPa.

4. Design the navigation lock of the dam by finding the width of the culverts (filling/emptying) gates.
The lock has a plan area 200 m × 24 m filled by two longitudinal culverts with rectangular gates
(bottom gates). The gates open at a rate of 8 mm/s in 4 min. Find also the reactions on the main
gates upper and lower hinges assuming the main gates are 1.0 m taller than the water in the lock and
has an angle  of 30o. The maximum operating height of the lock is the normal flow depth and the
height of the lock can not exceed 30 m. If the lock is larger than 30 m, you have to use multiple
locks. Take the discharge coefficient Cd = 0.65.

Upstream side Free board

Air valve
Flood storage zone
Siphon spillway

Spillway crest Gravity dam

Active storage zone Downstream side

Dead storage zone
Turbine River
Figure 14. Section in gravity dam to be designed.
Given Information at the Dam Site

Dimensions (m) Parameters

Dam height EN Water specific weight, w (kN) 9.81
Free board height, hb 0.05EN Sediment specific weight, s (kN) 22.0
Dam crest (top) width, b 0.15EN Concrete specific weight, s (kN) 24.0
Upstream face inclined height, hd 0.65EN Soil active pressure coefficient, ka 0.333
Bottom width portion, B1 0.10 hd Uplift coefficient for LC #2, ku 1.0
Dam bottom width, B B1 + b + 0.65EN Uplift coefficient for LC #3, ku 0.5
Spillway outlet height 0.25EN Seismic horizontal coefficient, ksh 0.15
Maximum water height, hmax 0.95EN Seismic vertical coefficient, ksv 0.75 ksh
Tailrace minimum water height 0.15hmax Friction coefficient,  0.5
Dead storage zone 0.35hmax Gate mass per unit area, kg (kg/m2) 300
Active storage zone 0.55hmax Max. allowable soil stress kPa 3800
Flood storage zone 0.10hmax Spillway bend losses, kb 2(R2 – R1)
Wave height, hwa 0.03hmax Spillway pipe losses, kp 0.5+0.003EN
Spillway inner radius, R1 0.55b Total spillway losses, kL kb + kp
Spillway outer radius, R2 0.70b Max. spillway capacity, Q (m3/s) 0.8EN
Penstock diameter, d 0.1b Lock plan area (m2) 200 × 24
Penstock length, L 0.8B Time for full gate opening T1 (min) 4
Maximum lock height (m) 30 Lock gates opening rate vg (mm/s) 8

Project Summary MUST be Submitted on Blackboard as a Table in ONE Raw

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
ID EN Sum FR (kN) Sum FM (kN) FSS Sum MR (kNm) Sum MO (kNm) LR (m) LO (m) FSM Sum M* (kNm) Sum V (kN) s 1 (kPa) s 2 (kPa)

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Sum FR (kN) Sum FM (kN) FSS Sum MR (kNm) Sum MO (kNm) LR (m) LO (m) FSM Sum M* (kNm) Sum V (kN) s 1 (kPa) s 2 (kPa)

Spillway Penstock Lock Chamber Lock gates

27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Vo (m/s) do (m) Pc/g F (kN) t (mm) Pmax (kPa) t (mm) n Tp (min) b g (m) Rth (kN) Rbh (kN) Rt (kN) Rb (kN)

Course Survey
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Course Survey: By completing this course, students will be able to: (3 marks)
1) (Part-1): Describe the fluid physical properties
2) (Part-1): Apply the concept of fluid pressure (or normal stress) and the importance of hydrostatic forces in
estimation of the stability of hydraulic structures (e.g., gates/dams)
3) (Part-2): Apply the conservation laws of mass (the continuity equation); energy (the Bernoulli equation) and
momentum (the force equation)
4) (Part-3): Apply the similitude concepts and differentiate between a model and a prototype behavior
5) (Part-3): Determine the friction factor and losses in pipes and differentiate between laminar and turbulent;
steady and unsteady flows

Please provide a rating between 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 as a feedback of the course: 1 = poor and 5 = excellent.
Student Project Number EN

1058828 82 1025590 106
1061520 26 1061751 108
1061536 56 1062103 114
1062469 68 1063813 128
1062996 64 1065385 130
1063458 84 1071027 110
1064919 22 1071575 122
1065065 44 1072420 124
1065140 60 1072760 132
1065205 46 1072943 120
1065247 34 1073110 102
1065526 50 1074022 112
1065729 52 1075363 100
1066258 54 1075370 126
1066489 88 1075456 118
1070938 58 1075594 116
1071374 80 1075951 104
1071376 96
1071377 90
1071700 78
1071783 48
1072034 72
1072280 40
1072406 62
1073706 28
1073738 66
1074035 76
1074745 74
1075062 38
1075103 32
1075349 70
1075428 24
1075488 42
1075505 30
1075526 98
1075529 92
1075635 36
1075851 86
1077026 94
Part 4: Appendices
Appendix I: Derivation of the total time to fill or empty the lock chamber derived from the
conservation equation of mass

Stage 1: During opening of the filling or empting the lock culverts (bottom gates)

From the conservation of mass

AL Q  0

AL  C d Ac 2 gh  0

Where, AL is the lock chamber plan area, Ac is the culvert total area and Cd is the discharge coefficient
(Cd = 0.7). For linear opening system of the lock culverts, culvert opening area Aco at time t to the
culvert total area Ac at time T1 is Aco  Act /T1 , integrating gives the time T1 until height h1 as

T1  AL h1 dh
 dt  
Cd Aco 2 g H h1 / 2

T1 dt  AL T1 h1 dh
   and
0 t C d Ac 2 g H h1 / 2 Ac

T1 
4 AL  H  h1 
C d Ac 2 g
t T1 T
Stage 2: After the culvert gates are completely open

The conservation equation in this stage is

T  AL 0 dh
 dt  
Cd Ac 2 g h1 h1 / 2

2 AL h1
T  T1 
Cd Ac 2 g

The total time to fill or empty the lock chamber is

T1 2 AL H
T 
2 Cd Ac 2 g
Appendix II: Dams and spillway pictures
Appendix III: Navigation Locks Pictures

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