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Môn thi: Tiếng Anh 9- THCS
Số báo danh Đề thi thử số 4
..................... Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Ngày thi: ……………
Đề này có 06 trang.
* Bài nghe gồm 3 phần, mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau khoảng 15 giây, mở đầu và kết thúc
mỗi phần nghe có tín hiệu.
* Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc. Thí sinh có 3 phút để hoàn chỉnh bài trước tín hiệu nhạc kết
thúc bài nghe.
* Mọi hướng dẫn cho thí sinh (bằng tiếng Anh) đã có trong bài nghe.
Part 1. You will hear people talking in five different situations. For questions 1-5, choose the best answer
(A, B or C).
1. You hear part of a programme about music in schools. Why are fewer children joining school choirs?
A. Their teachers lack the necessary musical skills.
B. Their parents don't encourage them to sing.
C. They are unwilling to sing in public.
2. You overhear a conversation about evening classes.
Why did the girl decide to register for a photography course?
A. She wanted to take better holiday snaps.
B. She thought it would help her in her career.
C. She needed a relaxing change from her studies.
3. You overhear two people talking about a new cafe. What did they both approve of?
A. the size of the portions B. the originality of the food C. the efficiency of the service
4. You hear a man talking about exploring underground caves. What is he?
A. an experienced caver B. a journalist C. a student
5. You overhear a woman talking about a job interview she had.
What does she say about it?
A. Some of the questions were unfair.
B. She felt she was insufficiently prepared.
C. The interviewers put her under pressure.
Part 2. You will hear a radio programme about a day in the life of a television researcher. For questions
6-15, complete the sentences.
The subject that Rita studied first at university was (6) ____________ .
Before getting her present job, Rita studied a subject called (7) ___________.
On the day she tells us about, the country where Rita was working was (8) ___________.
There were a total of (9) ___________ people in Rita's team on that day.
The animal which Jamie had to photograph was a sort of (10) ____________ .

The camera crew had to film Jamie as he climbed over the edge of a (11) __________.
Rita's lunch consisted of sandwiches with (12) ___________ inside.
Jamie had to hold a (13) _________ to help him see the crocodiles as he crossed a river.
A special light which the crew was using, known as a (14) ___________stopped working.
Rita says that Jamie looks really (15) __________when you see him crossing the river on the programme.
Question I. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in the same
line. (3 pts)
16. A. vintage B. massage C. luggage D. passage
17. A. drought B. sought C. wrought D. nought
18. A. respond B. opinion C. compulsory D. pollution
Question II. Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each
question. (2 pts)
19. A. volunteer B. understand C. temperature D. scientific
20. A. accidental B. sensitivity C. beneficial D. industrial
Question I. Choose the most suitable word or phrase to complete each sentence. (10 pts)
21. I’d like to take this………………… of wishing you all the best of luck with your exams.
A. chance B. possibility C. occasion D. opportunity
22. They said they had the European rights for the product but it was a lie. They were acting under false
A. pretences B. eel C. egg D. wool
23. Although he has been dead for many years, Elvis Presley is a person……………. many people continue
to be interested.
A. in that B. in whom C. whom D. in him
24. When asked……………..she has interviewed with other companies, she denied having done so.
A. when B. whenever C. while D. whether
25. “There’s a car coming!” – “ …………………”
A. Attention! B. Watch! C. Look out! D. Take guard!
26. My mother had to work 12 hours a day in a factory just to…………………….
A. make ends meet B. call it a day C. tighten the belt D. break the ice
27. Jackson was trying to …………………….another cyclist when he crashed.
A. overpass B. overcome C. overtake D. overcharge
28. Before railways were built, many goods were carried on………………….. .
A. channel B. water C. river D. canals
29. You ………………have told me that my skirt was split!
A. needn’t B. must C. all D. might
30. I know this is a big disappointment but I don’t take it to…………...
A. heart B. mind C. soul D. spirit
Question II. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate form. (8 pts)
31. It’s vitally important that the order (cancel)……………………………... immediately.
32. I think his book will become a best seller when (publish)…………………………..
34-35. “I had to walk home because my bike was broken.” – “You (tell)………………..…... me, I (give)
………………………..……you a lift.”
36. Galileo proved that the earth (go) ……………………….around the sun.
37. He died of lung cancer. He (smoke) ……………………………. a lot.
38. I wrote them the second time in case they (not / receive) ……………………………..…. my first one.
Question III. Supply the correct form of the words given. (7 pts)
39. It’s Frank’s (obstinate) ………………….... that drives his parents crazy. They can’t even persuade him
to brush his teeth in the morning.
40. The private school feared losing its (credit) …………………. with the state’s university system.
41. It was found that some aromas made people feel drowsy, others made them feel (lift) ……………..….
42. That the child behaved (dear) …………………..….. made the couple happy.
43. His behavior in his father’s presence caused his (inherit) ……………….……… and his sister ended up
inheriting the whole family fortune.
44. The TV serial presented a scene of happy (domestic) ……………………
45. Tuition at private universities has become (astronomy) ……………………………..
Question IV. There are FIVE mistakes in the text (from 46 to 50). Identify each mistake, write it down
and give your correction. (5pts)
Example: Line 2: is→X
1Stress is often called the 21st century illness, but it has always been with us perhaps with different names.

Those days we often consider stress is a necessary evil of modern life. However, stress is not negative and
without it we will certainly not enjoy some of the highpoints in life just as the anticipation before a date or
the tension leading up to an important match. All these situations produce stress, but if you can control it and
5not the other way round you will feel stimulated, not worn out. Unlike these situations, which are generally

positive but easier to deal with, sitting in a train that is late, being stuck in a traffic jam, working to a tight
deadline is much harder to manage and control. Stress is now recognized as a medical problem and as a
significant factor in causing coronary heart disease, high blooded pressure and high cholesterol count. The
fact is that patients are often unwilling to admit to stress problems because they feel they are a form of
10society failure and it is important that symptoms should be identified in order to avoid unnecessary

sufferings. So why should we be looking out for as danger signals? Some common signs of stress are
increased tiredness, irritability and the inability to solve certain situations.
Question I. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in
each space (10pts)
Neil Armstrong was born on 5 August 1930, in Ohio, United States. He was (51) ______ in flying
from an early age. When he was only eight years old, he (52) ______ his first model plane. When he was ten
years old, he got a part-time job mowing grass so that he could have enough money to purchase newer and
bigger planes.
When Armstrong was a high school student, he continued to (53) _____ up different part-time work.
He wanted to earn more money which was needed to pay for his flying lessons. On his 16th birthday in 1946,
Armstrong was really exhilarated on learning that he had gained his pilot’s license.
The (54) ______ year, 1947, Armstrong finished high school and went to Purdue University to study
aeronautical engineering. (55) , before he could finish his university studies, he was called up by
the Navy to fight in the Korean War.
In 1952, Armstrong returned to the USA to (56) _____ his studies at Purdue. He graduated from the
university in 1955 and worked as a research pilot, testing new aircraft.
In 1962, Armstrong was selected by National Aeronautics and (57)______ Administration (NASA)
to be an astronaut. He and several others had to go (58)______ an intensive program of training to prepare

(59) ______ for America’s first mission to land on the moon. He is still famous for his (60) “It’s
only a small step of ours, but it is a giant leap of the human”.
Question II. Read the following passage and then choose the most suitable word or phrase for each
space. (10 pts)
Over the last few centuries, great (61)………. have been made in the field of medicine. More treatments
have become available, so that a range of illness can be (62)……… and the life (63)…………..of people in
developed countries has extended. It is still a matter of debate, however, whether governments should focus
on prevention or cure.
Nowadays the media is used to promote a (64)……….approach to preserving health. In the other
words, people are encouraged to look after not only their bodies, but also their mental and emotional
(65)………… . We have had anti-smoking campaigns and advice on nutrition for decades, and many people
have quit their nicotine habit or reduce their fat intake. Thus, there has been some decline in lung and heart
disease. The government also supports childhood (66)…………..programmes. Thus, few children suffer
from previously fatal illness such as rubella or hepatitis B. Now we also have leaflets available in doctor’s
waiting room on relaxation techniques to reduce stress. Alongside these are posters recommending how
much exercise should be taken.
However, when it comes to most forms of cancer and inherited genetic disorders, the only option
available is treatment and so it is vital that governments continue to (67)………….research into medication.
More effective pain (86)………….and drugs with fewer (69)………..effects should be available to all
citizens, not just to the minority who can afford the prices that (70)…………..companies charge. Prevention
only works when a person has active control over the way their body functions.
61. A. stage B. advances C. results D. answers
62. A. healed B. cured C. dealt D. aided
63. A. expansion B. longevity C. period D. expectancy
64. A. holistic B. conservation C. supplementary D. detailed
65. A. aspects B. situation C. well-being D. background
66. A. injection B. antidote C. antibiotics D. immunization
67. A. pay B. fun C. donate D. afford
68. A. delay B. relief C. support D. assistance
69. A. side B. extra C. margin D. down
70. A. chemistry B. pharmaceutical C. medicinal D. surgical
Question III. Read the passage and choose the best answers to the questions below. (10 pts)
Madison Square Garden, a world-famous sporting venue in New York City, has actually been a series
of buildings in varied locations rather than a single building in one spot. In 1873, P.T. Barnum built
Barnum’s Monster Classical and Geological Hippodrome at the corner of Madison Avenue and 26th Street,
across from Madison Square Park. Two years later, the bandleader Patrick Gilmore bought the property,
added statues and fountains, and renamed it Gilmore’s Gardens. When Cornelius Vanderbilt bought the
property in 1879, it was renamed Madison Square Garden.
A second very lavish Madison Square Garden was built at the same location in 1890, with a
ballroom, a restaurant, a theater, a rooftop garden, and a main arena with seating for 15,000. However, this
elaborate Madison Square Garden lasted until 1924 when it was torn down to make way for a forty-storey
When the second Madison Square Garden had been replaced in its location across from Madison
Square Park, the boxing promoter Tex Rickard raised six million dollars to build a new Madison Square
Garden. This new Madison Square Garden was constructed in a different location, on 8th Avenue and 50th
Street and quite some distance from Madison Square Park and Madison Avenue. Rickard’s Madison Square

Garden served primarily as an arena for boxing prize fights and circus events until it outgrew its usefulness
by the late 1950s.
A new location was found for a fourth for Madison Square Garden, a top Pennsylvania Railroad
Station, and plans were announced for its construction in 1960. This current edifice, which includes a huge
sports arena, a bowling center, a 5,000-seat amphitheater, and a twenty-nine-storey office building, does
retain the traditional name Madison Square Garden. However, the name is actually quite a misnomer. The
building is not located near Madison Square, nor does it have the flowery gardens that contributed to the
original name.
71. The main point of this passage is that Madison Square Garden ________.
A. has had a varied history in various locations B. was P.T. Barnum’s major accomplishment
C. is home to many different sporting events D. was named after and adjacent park
72. Which paragraph discusses the third location of Madison Square Garden?
A. The third paragraph. B. The second paragraph.
C. The first paragraph. D. The last paragraph.
73. According to the passage, Patrick Gilmore did all of the following EXCEPT that he ________.
A. purchased the property at the corner of Madison Avenue and 26th Street
B. made improvements to the property that he bought
C. named the property that he bought Madison Square Garden
D. sold the property to Cornelius Vanderbilt
74. The word “lavish” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ________.
A. simple B. modern C. elaborate D. outlandish
75. How long did the second Madison Square garden last?
A. 11 years B. 34 years C. 45 years D. 60 years
76. Which of the following would most likely have taken place at Rickard’s Madison Square Garden?
A. A balloon dance B. A theater production C. A basketball game D. a tiger show
77. An “edifice” in paragraph 3 is most likely________.
A. an address B. an association C. a competition D. a building
78. Monster Classical and Geological Hippodrome was renamed Gilmore’s Gardens in ________.
A. 1890 B. 1879 C. 1875 D. 1874
79. What can be inferred about the current Madison Square Garden?
A. It is on Madison Avenue. B. It is across from Madison Square Park.
C. It has incredible gardens. D. It is above a transportation center.
80. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Madison Square Garden has been rebuilt for the fourth time.
B. Lots of flowers have been planted inside Madison Square Garden.
C. The Madison Square Garden building is far from Madison Square.
D. Madison Square Garden still has its original name.
81. The first sign of the disease is blurred vision.
The onset ………………………………………………………………………………………….
82. I will only be satisfied if the manager apologizes fully.
Nothing short ……………………………………………………………………………………..
83. Julia isn’t to blame for the negligence by any means.
By no means ………………………………………………………………………………………
84. It rumored that we will have a new manager.
Rumor has …………………………………………………………………………………………
85. No one stands a chance of beating Mansell in this year’s championship.
It’s a foregone …………………………………………………………………………………….
Question II. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one, using the
words given. (5 pts)
86. I remained neutral during their disagreement because I like both of them. (SIDES)
I didn’t …………………………………………………………………………………………..
87. A great many people will congratulate her if she wins. (SHOWERED)
She will ………………………………………………………………………………………….
88. He is a generous person. (NAME)
Generosity ………………………………………………………………………………………
89. Several runners have withdrawn from the race because of health problems. (BACKED)
Several runners ……………………………………………………………………………….
90. Returning from the battle, they had no money left. (RUB)
Returning from the battle, they ……………………………………………………………..
Question III. Write a paragraph 100 - 150 words on the following topic. (10 pts)
People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences, career
preparation, increased knowledge).
Why do you think people attend college or university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your

…………….. THE END ……………….

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