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Quarter 1 – Module 4:
Solving Problems Involving Functions

General Mathematics – SHS

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Regional Director: Gilbert T. Sadsad

Assistant Regional Director: Jessie L. Amin

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Arthur Lawrence T. Yee

Editor: Desiree R. Euste
Reviewers: Sarah Christine P. Godoy
Simeon D. Brillantes
Illustrator: John Ervin Babor
Layout Artist: Jhomar B. Jaravata
Cover Art: Jed Adra


Problem Solving is a process. You can apply different strategies and developed
your plan in order to solve a certain problem. Identifying an appropriate solution will lead to
an easier way on finding the answer to a real-life problem involving functions.

In this module, you will learn how to solve problems involving functions in easier way.


At the end of the self-directed module’s learning activities, you will be able
to solve problems involving functions. (M11GM-Ia-4)

Vocabulary list

In exploring and answering this module, you will encounter the following terms
and concepts to help you use them appropriately in context:

Function is a relation where each element in the domain is related to only one value
in the range by some rule. (DepEd’s General Mathematics Learner’s Material,
page 1.)

Function Notation is the way of writing a function.

Evaluating a function means replacing the variable in the function, in this case x,
with a value from the function's domain and computing for the result. To
denote that we are evaluating f at a for some a in the domain of f, we write

Piecewise Function is a function in which more than one formula is used to define
the output. Each formula has its own domain, and the domain of the function
is the union of all these smaller domains.


Directions: This test will evaluate your knowledge and skills prior to starting this
module. Read each question/item and encircle the letter that corresponds to your

1. A kilogram of squid can be purchased at Balatan Public Market for ₱180.00, but the
seller gives a ₱10.00 discount for every kilo if you buy more than 5 kilos of it. How
much will you pay for 6 kilos of squid?
a. ₱60.00 c. ₱1 080.00
b. ₱1 020.00 d. ₱1 240.00

2. In item #1, how much will be received by the buyer as his discount?
a. ₱60.00 c. ₱1 080.00
b. ₱1 020.00 d. ₱1 240.0

3. The monthly salary of Mang Thomas is ₱25 000.00 plus the overtime pay of ₱35.00
per hour. How much is his salary, if he has a total overtime of 20 hours?
a. ₱700.00 c. ₱25 000.00
b. ₱24 300.00 d. ₱25 700.00

4. The function 𝑇(𝑑) = 10𝑑 + 20 gives the Temperature in degrees Celsius inside the
Earth as a function of 𝑑, the depth in kilometers. Find the temperature at 10

a. 100℃ c. 140℃
b. 120℃ d. 160℃

5. Angelo started selling kakanin in the nearby school. In one day, he spends ₱150.00
for rent and ₱20.00 for each kakanin item he prepares. His expenses can be
expressed as the function 𝐸(𝑥) = 20𝑥 + 150, where 𝑥 is the number of items and
𝐸(𝑥) is his daily expenses in pesos. How many items of kakanin did he prepares if
his total expenses is ₱3 150.00.

a. 50 pcs
b. 100 pcs
c. 150 pcs
d. 200 pcs

Learning Activities
In this part, you will learn how to solve problems involving
real-life situations using functions in simplest way. Problems are
everywhere, be it in real life or just an application of real-life
situation. It can be learned gradually. Therefore, it is essential that
you know how to solve problems correctly. In solving problem, we
need to read the problem entirely and list down the information
needed. Working in an organized manner or in an step-by-step
process will help you keep directed in finding the correct answer.
We will be following the steps introduced by George Polya,
known as the father of modern problem solving.

Four-step Problem Solving (George Polya)

Step 1. Identify the Problem.

Understand and explore the problem. In order to understand
the problem, read the problem carefully. Identify what is ask, or
determine what the problem requires you to do.
Step 2. Devise a Plan
Find the strategy you will use to solve the problem. Setting
up an equation, drawing a diagram or making a chart are some
ways of solving a problem.
Step 3. Evaluate (Solve)
Carry out the plan, solve the equation you came up with in
your Step 2. (Devise a Plan).
Step 4. Asses your answer
Look back and reflect on the solution, if you used all the
information correctly. Make sure that you write your final answer
with the correct labelling.

Learn from the succeeding examples how to solve problems involving real-life
situations using functions. In case you forget the four steps, just remember the first letter of
every step I D E A, So, let’s begin.

Sample Problems:

Example 1

The cost 𝐶 of buying 𝑥 number of meals in a school canteen is

given by the function 𝐶(𝑥) = 45𝑥 + 5. Each meal costs ₱45.00 plus
₱5.00 service fee. How much will you spend if you’re going to treat 5
of your friends with one meal each?

(To fully understand how to solve the problem using a Function, always follow the
steps mentioned above.)

Solution 1

Step 1. Identify the Problem.

In this problem, you are asked to find the total expenses of buying 5
we will let 𝐶(𝑥) = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑠, where 𝑥 is the number of meals.
Step 2. Devise a Plan
The cost of buying 𝑥 meal is given by the function notation;
𝐶(𝑥) = 45𝑥 + 5
Step 3. Evaluate(Solve)
Since there are 5 friends, one meal each we will just evaluate the
function 𝑥 with 5. Thus
𝐶(𝑥) = 45𝑥 + 5
𝐶(5) = 45(5) + 5
𝐶(5) = 225 + 5
𝐶(5) = 230
Step 4. Asses your answer
When you multiply 45 by 5 that is equal to 225, plus 5, equals 230.
The same with your answer in Step 3, therefore, total expenses when you
treat 5 of your friends is ₱230.00.

Example 2

The cost 𝐶 to produce 𝑥 number of CDs is 𝐶(𝑥) = 10 000 + 50𝑥.

The CDs are sold in wholesale for ₱250.00, so the revenue 𝑅 is given by
𝑅(𝑥) = 250𝑥. Find how many CDs that the manufacturer needs to
produce and sell to break even.

Solution 2

Step 1. Identify the Problem.

Make sure that you read the problem several times.
In this problem, we are looking for the number of cd’s needed to
produced and sold to break even, we will let
𝒙 = 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒖𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 𝒄𝒅′𝒔
Step 2. Devise a Plan
The cost will equal the revenue, hence
𝐶𝑜𝑠𝑡 = 𝑅𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛𝑢𝑒
𝐶(𝑥) = 𝑅(𝑥)
Step 3. Evaluate (Solve)
The cost of production should be equal to the revenue to break even.
Thus 𝐶(𝑥) = 𝑅(𝑥)
10 000 + 50𝑥 = 250𝑥
10 000 + 50𝑥 − 50𝑥 = 250𝑥 − 50𝑥
10 000 200𝑥
200 200
𝒙 = 𝟓𝟎

Solution 2, continuation
Step 4. Asses your answer
When 𝑥 is 50, the cost and the revenue both equals to
₱12 500.

Therefore, the manufacturer needs to produce and sold 50 CDs to breakeven.

Example 3

A tricycle ride in a particular town from a friend’s house

charges ₱8.00 for the first 4 kilometers, and each additional
integer kilometer adds ₱1.50 to the fare.

a. Use a piecewise function to represent the tricycle
fare in terms of the distance (d) in kilometers.
b. How much will you pay if your destination is 7.5
kilometers away from your friend’s house ?

Solution 3

Step 1. Identify the Problem.

Make sure that you read the problem several times.
In this problem, we are looking for the amount you will pay for a
distance of 7.5 kilometers, we will let
𝒅 = 𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒐𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆𝒅

Step 2. Devise a Plan

To answer the problem, translate first the problem into mathematical
1. Identify the intervals for which different rules apply.

• The tricycle fare is ₱8.00 for the first 4 kilometers.

• Over 4 kilometers, the fare is ₱8.00 plus ₱1.50 per additional integer

2. Determine formulas that describe how to calculate an output from

an input in each interval.

Based on the interval identified, you can represent that using the
following formulas;
𝟖 , 𝒊𝒇 𝟎 < 𝒅 ≤ 𝟒
𝟖 + 𝟏. 𝟓𝟎⌊𝒅 − 𝟒⌋ , 𝒊𝒇 𝒅 > 𝟒

Solution 3, continuation

3. Use braces and if-statements to write the function.

Let 𝐹(𝑑) be the function that will represent the total costs of the tricycle
fare, where 𝑑 is the number of kilometer.
Therefore, the total cost of the tricycle fare can be expressed by the piecewise
𝟖 , 𝒊𝒇 𝟎 < 𝒅 ≤ 𝟒
𝑭(𝒅) = {
𝟖 + 𝟏. 𝟓𝟎⌊𝒅 − 𝟒⌋ , 𝒊𝒇 𝒅 > 𝟒
(where d is the number of kilometer)

(Note that ⌊𝒅⌋ is the floor function applied to 𝒅. The floor function gives the largest integer less
than or equal to 𝒅, e.g. ⌊𝟒. 𝟐⌋ = ⌊𝟒. 𝟕⌋ = 𝟒)

Step 3. Evaluate(Solve)
We will use the second equation, since 𝒅 = 𝟕. 𝟓. Evaluate the function
by substituting the value of 𝒅 in the function to find the amount of fare, thus
𝐹(𝑑) = 8 + 1.50⌊𝒅 − 𝟒⌋
𝐹(7.5) = 8 + 1.50⌊𝟕. 𝟓 − 𝟒⌋
𝐹(7.5) = 8 + 1.50⌊𝟑. 𝟓⌋
𝐹(7.5) = 8 + 1.50(3)
𝐹(7.5) = 8 + 4.50
𝑭(𝟕. 𝟓) = 𝟏𝟐. 𝟓𝟎
Step 4. Asses your answer
The minimum fare is P8.00 for 𝟎 < 𝒅 ≤ 𝟒, since what is ask is 𝒅=
𝟕. 𝟓 , we will use the second equation in the fare function. Therefore, the amount
you will pay is ₱12.50.
Item 3a was answered in Step 2, which is
𝟖 , 𝒊𝒇 𝟎 < 𝒅 ≤ 𝟒
𝑭(𝒅) = {
𝟖 + 𝟏. 𝟓𝟎⌊𝒅 − 𝟒⌋ , 𝒊𝒇 𝒅 > 𝟒
(where d is the number of kilometers)

Now, let’s see if you can do it.! Just

remember the word I D E A!


Practice Task 1

Direction: Answer the following questions..

1. A kg of dalandan in Fruit Stand X cost ₱55.00. If Jessica bought 3 kilograms, how much
did she spend?

For numbers 2-3: Use the problem below to answer the following questions.

A mall charges ₱35.00 for the first two hours as a parking fee and an
additional ₱15.00 for each hour (or a fraction of it) after that. If you park for
more than twelve hours, you instead pay a flat rate of ₱250.00. The parking
area operates from 7 A.M to 11 PM every day.

2. How much will be charged to a car owner who parked a car from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM?
3. How much will be charged to a car owner who parked a car from 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM?

For 4-5: Use the problem below to answer the following questions.

A local band spent ₱5 000.00 producing audio tapes of its last

performance and will sell the tapes for ₱300.00 each.

4. Write a rule to describe the local band’s profit as a function of the number of tapes sold.
5. If the local band made a profit of ₱10 000.00, how many tapes did they sell? (Let P(x) be
the local band’s profit in t tapes sold.)

Practice Task 2
Show Me Your IDEA.

Direction: Solve the following problems involving functions. Use IDEA in solving this

1. A kg of mango in Fruit Stand Y cost ₱ 95.00. If

Aaron bought 5 kg, how much did he spend?

2. Mrs. Roman received the amount of ₱5,500.00 to

be divided equally among student, represented by
𝟓 𝟓𝟎𝟎
the function 𝑭(𝒙) = 𝒏
. If she has 25 students, how
much will each receive?

3. Mrs. Villareal implemented waste segregation in

her class. She instructed her students to collect
recyclable pieces of paper to sell. The total earning
of the class is given by the function 𝑬(𝒎) = 𝟔𝒎,
where m is the number of kgs of paper collected.
How much is their total earnings if they collected
100kg of paper?

4. A computer shop charges ₱20.00 per hour (or a

fraction of an hour) for the first two hours and an
additional ₱10.00 for each succeeding hour. Find
how much you would pay if you used one of their
computers for 4 hours.

Yeah, I can do

Practice Task 3
Let’s Analyze

Direction: Solve the problems given below.

If N(x) = x denotes the number of bags sold by a

shop, the selling price (in pesos) per bag is given by
p(x) = 120 – 4x, for 0 ≤ x ≤ 5, and the cost of producing
x bags is given by C(x) = 100x.

1. (N٠p)(x)
2. What is the total cost of buying 4 bags?
3. (N ٠ p)(x) – (C)(x). What do these functions represent?

Post Test

Directions: This test will evaluate your knowledge and skills after
completing this module. Read each question/item and encircle the letter
that corresponds to your answer.

1. A kilogram of carabao mango can be purchased at Nabua Public Market for

₱120.00. How much will you spend if you buy 5 kg?
a. ₱500.00 c. ₱700.00
b. ₱600.00 d. ₱800.00

2. Mrs. Avila, a Grade 11 teacher will buy teaching materials worth ₱425.00.
She was already at the cashier when she remembered that she also needs
manila paper. If each manila paper costs ₱3, how much will she pay if she
adds 10 pieces of manila paper?
a. ₱425.00 d. ₱500.00
b. ₱455.00
c. ₱475.00
3. Ashley charges ₱25.00 for every page for encoding . In addition, she charges
₱7.00 per page of printed output. How many page/s did she encode and print
if she receives an amount of ₱960.00?
a. 10 c. 30
b. 20 d. 40

4. The function 𝑇(𝑑) = 10𝑑 + 20 gives the Temperature in degrees Celsius on

Earth’s surface as a function of 𝑑, the depth in kilometres. Find the
temperature at 20 kilometers.
a. 160℃ c. 200℃
b. 180℃ d. 220℃

5. Angelo started selling kakanin in the nearby school. In one day, he spends
₱150.00 for rent and ₱20.00 for each kakanin item he prepares. His expenses
can be expressed as the function 𝐸(𝑥) = 20𝑥 + 150, where 𝑥 is the number of
items and 𝐸(𝑥) is his daily expenses in pesos. How much is his profit if he
prepares 100 items of kakanin and sell for ₱25.00 each.

a. ₱350.00
b. ₱2 000.00
c. ₱2 150.00
d. ₱2,500.0

Good Job!!!


Solve the problem below as instructed.

A hotel charges ₱2 500.00 a day for each room.

However, special concession is available for each
room if more than 6 rooms are rented by a group, the
rent of a room is decreased by ₱500.00.

1. Compute the total rent of the room that a group has to

pay if 10 rooms are rented.
2. Find the total profit that the group earned of renting 8

Department of Education. (2016). General Mathematics Learner’s Material
First Edition. Lexicon Press Inc.
Oronce, O.A. (2016). General Mathematics. Rex Bookstore, Inc.

Answer key

1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. C

1. ₱165.00
2. ₱80.00
3. ₱155.00
4. 𝑃(𝑡) = 300𝑡 − 5 000, t is the number of tapes
5. 𝑡 = 50

1. ₱475.00
2. ₱220.00
3. ₱600.00
4. ₱60.00

1. (𝑁 ∙ 𝑝)(𝑥) = 120𝑥 + 4𝑥 2
2. ₱416.00
3. profit function

1. B
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A


1. ₱20 000.00
2. ₱4 000.00


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