Gobble Wizard Build

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Level Class Class BAB Total BAB # of Bonus Feats Level Feats Total Feats

1 Air Wizard 0.5 0.5 1 1 2

2 Air Wizard 0.5 1 0 0 2
3 Air Wizard 0.5 1.5 0 1 3
4 Air Wizard 0.5 2 0 0 3
5 Air Wizard 0.5 2.5 1 1 5
6 Air Wizard 0.5 3 1 0 6
7 Air Wizard 0.5 3.5 0 1 7
8 Air Wizard 0.5 4 0 0 7
9 Air Wizard 0.5 4.5 0 1 8
10 Air Wizard 0.5 5 1 0 9
11 Air Wizard 0.5 5.5 0 1 10
12 Air Wizard 0.5 6 0 0 10
13 Air Wizard 0.5 6.5 0 1 11
14 Air Wizard 0.5 7 0 0 11
15 Air Wizard 0.5 7.5 1 1 13
16 Air Wizard 0.5 8 0 0 13
17 Air Wizard 0.5 8.5 0 1 14
18 Air Wizard 0.5 9 0 0 14
19 Air Wizard 0.5 9.5 0 1 15
20 Air Wizard 0.5 10 1 0 16
Spell Level






Chosen Feats
Scribe Scroll, Eschew Materials

Craft Wondorous Items

Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wand

Spell Focus(Transmutation)
Forge Ring

Maximize Spell Metamagic

Empower Spell Metamagic
Craft Rod

Greater Spell Focus (Transmutation)

Spell Perfection(Disintegrate is best fucking choice), Quicken Spell

Spell Penetration

Greater Spell Penetration

Craft Construct
Suggested Spells at each Level

Aura Sight, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Daylight, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Haste, Lightning Bolt,
Magic Circle against evil, major image, rage, suggestion, summon monster III, Tiny Hut, Tongues,
Greater Thunderstomp

Animate Dead, Arcane eye, Bestow Curse, Black Tentacles, Charm Monster, Confusion, detect
scrying, dimension door, dimensional anchor, Fear, Lesser Geas, Greater invisibility, Locate
creature, Greater Make Whole, Phantasmal Killer, Remove Curse, Scrying, Summon Monster IV,
True Form

Lesser Astral Projection, Baleful Polymorph, Cone of Cold, Contact Other Plane, Dismissal,
Dominate Person, Fabricate, Hold Monster, Mind Probe, Permanency, Planar Adaptation,
Possession, Lesser Planar Binding, Summon Monster V, Suffocation, Symbol of Scrying,
Telekinesis, Teleport, Telepathic Bond, Unbreakable Construct,

Antimagic Field, Analyze Dweomer, Chain Lightning, Circle of Death, Contingency, Create Undead,
Major Curse, Disintegrate, Greater Dispel Magic, Explode Head, Flesh to Stone, Geas/Quest,
Greater Heroism, Legend Lore, Mislead, Move Earth, Permanent Image, Planar Binding, Stone to
Flesh, Mass Suggestion, Summon Monster VI, Telepathy, True Seeing,
Greater Arcane Sight, Banishment, Control Construct, Control undead, Lesser Create demiplane,
Dimensional Bounce, Ethereal Jaunt, Finger of Death, Forcecage, Form of the Dragon II, Mass
Hold Person, Insanity, limited Wish, Mass Planar Adaptation, Plane Shift, Reverse Gravity,
Greater Scrying, Simulacrum, Spell Turning, Statue, Summon Monster VII, Teleport Object,
Greater Teleport, Waves of Exhaustion

Clone, Binding, Create Demiplane, Create Greater Undead, Dimensional Lock, Discern Location,
Form of Dragon III, Mind Blank, Maze, Greater Planar binding, Polymorph any object, Power word
Stun, Greater Possession, Protection from spells, Prismatic wall, Prying Eyes, Greater Shout,
Stormbolts, Summon Monster VIII, Symbol of death, Trap the Soul

Astral Projection, Bilocation, Create Greater Demiplane, Dominate monster, Energy Drain,
Etherealness, Foresight, Freedom, Gate, Mass hold Monster, Imprisonment, Interplanetary
Teleport (Cuz why not), Mage's Disjunction, Meteor Swarm, Communal Mind blank,
Overwhelming Presence, Power Word Kill, Ride the Lightning, Mass Suffocation, Summon
Monster IX, Teleportation Circle, Time Stop, Wish, Wierd,
Class abilities Mythic Tier
Air Elemental School, Arcane Bond(Object), Feather Fall at will 1
Levitate at will 5
Icy Shackles 8
Fly at will 10

Fly checks always are natural 20

Highly Suggested out of the list

DISPEL MAGIC(TAKE THIS), Fireball, Haste, Lightning Bolt, suggestion

Arcane Eye, BLACK TENTACLES (TAKE THIS), Confusion, Detect Scrying,

Dimension Door, Dimensional Anchor, Greater Invisibility, Remove
Curse, Scrying

Baleful Polymorph, Cone of Cold, Dismissal, Dominate Person, Hold

Monster, Permanency, TELEPORT(TAKE THIS)


TAKE THIS), Chain Lighting, Greater Dispel Magic, Planar Binding,
Summon Monster VI
Banishment, Finger of Death, Mass Hold Person, Limited Wish, Mass
Planar adaptation, Plane Shift, Greater Scrying, Summon Monsteer VII,

CLONE(TAKE THIS), Binding, Dimensional Lock, Mind Blank, Greater

Planar Binding, Prying Eyes, Summon Monster VIII, Trap the Soul

Astral Projection, Dominate Monster, Energy Drain, Freedom, Gate,

Imprisonment, Meteor Swarm, Power Word Kill, Summon Monster IX,
Teleportation circle, TIME STOP (TAKE THIS), Wish
Mythic Ability Mythic Feats
Hard to kill, mythic power, surge +1d6 Mythic Crafter
Amazing initiative
Recuperation Mythic Paragon
Surge +1d8
Mythic saves Mythic Spell Lore
Force of Will
Surge +1d10 Extra Path Ability
Immortal Mythic Spell Penetration
Legendary hero, surge +1d12
Ability Score Increase Path Abilities (Archmage)
Wild Arcana, Enduring Armor
Int +2 Mythic Spellcasting
Flexible Counterspell
Int +2 Spell Sieve
Crafting Mastery
Int +2 Mirror Dodge
Channel Power, Sanctum
Int +2 Divine Source I
Divine Source II
Int +2 Divine Source III

Chosen Domains: Good, Community, Plant, Healing

Subdomains: Resurrection, Redemption, Decay, Home

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