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SI UNITS CONVERSION TABLE file:///D:/Abhi%27s%20Softwares/conversn.



This table may be downloaded and imported into a spreadsheet, math program or other computer codes, for use in
your analyses. Instructions for use of the table and importing into a spreadsheet follow the table.

HOW TO READ THIS TABLE: The table provides conversion factors to SI units. These factors can be considered
as unity multipliers. For example:
Length: m/X
0.0254 in 0.3048 ft

Means that
1 = 0.0254 (m/in)
1 = 0.3048 m/ft
And similarly:
1 = 418.7 (W/m)/(cal/s-cm)
The SI units are listed immediately after the quantity; in this case: Length: m/X. The m stands for meter, and the
"X" designates the non-SI units for the same quantity. These non-SI units follow the numerical conversion factors.

The uneven spacing in the table is a result of using tabs to facilitate proper import of the table into a spreadsheet as
"values" and "labels."

See the TechExpo List of Basic and Derived SI units.

NOTE: In the following table at all locations, ton refers to U.S. rather than metric ton.
UPDATE 18 October 1995: Several corrections were made in the table. If you have a previous version, please
download this corrected table.

Length: m/X
0.01 cm 1.0E-06 µm 1.0E-10 Å 0.3048 ft
0.0254 in 0.9144 yd 1609.3 mi

Mass: kg/X
1.0E-03 g 0.4536 lbm 6.48E-05 grain 0.02835 oz(avdp)
907.2 ton (U.S.) 14.59 slug

Time: s/X
60.0 min 3,600. h 86,400 day 3.156E+07 yr

Temperature: K/X (difference)

0.5555 °R 0.5555 °F 1.0 °C

Current: A/X
10.0 abampere 3.3356E-10 statampere

Area: m2/X
1.0E-04 cm2 1.0E-12 µm2 0.0929 ft2 6.452E-04 in2
0.8361 yd2 4,047 acre 2.59E+06 mi2

Volume: m3/X
1.0E-06 cm3 1.0E-03 lit 1.0E-18 µm3 0.02832 ft3
1.639E-05 in3 3.785E-03 gal (U.S.)

Flow Rate, Volume: (m3/s)/X

1.0E-06 cm3/s 0.02832 cfs 1.639E-05 in3/s 4.72E-04 cfm
7.87E-06 cfh 3.785E-03 gal/s 6.308E-05 gpm 1.051E-06 gph

Specific Volume: (m3/kg)/X

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1.0E-03 cm3/g 1.0E-15 µm3/g 0.0624 ft3/lbm

Specific Surface: (m2/kg)/X

0.1 cm2/g 2.205E-12 µm2/lbm 0.2048 ft2/lbm

Velocity: (m/s)/X
0.01 cm/s 2.78E-04 m/h 0.278 km/h 0.3048 ft/s 5.08E-03 ft/min 0.447

Acceleration: (m/s2)/X
0.01 cm/s2 7.716E-08 m/h2 0.3048 ft/s2 8.47E-05 ft/min2
2.35E-08 ft/h2

Momentum: (kg-m/s)/X
1.0E-05 g-cm/s 0.1383 lbm-ft/s 2.30E-03 lbm-ft/min

Velocity, Angular: (rad/s)/X

0.01667 rad/min 2.78E-04 rad/h 0.1047 rev/min

Acceleration, Angular: (rad/s2)/X

2.78E-04 rad/min2 7.72E+08 rad/h2 1.74E-03 rev/min2

Momentum, Angular: (kg-m2/s)/X

1.0E-07 g-cm2/s 0.04215 lbm-ft2/s 7.02E-04 lbm-ft2/min

Moment Inertia, Area: m4/X

1.0E-08 cm4 4.16E-07 in4 8.63E-03 ft4

Moment Inertia, Mass: (kg-m2)/X

1.0E-07 g-cm2 0.04214 lbm-ft2 1.355 lbf-ft-s2 2.93E-04 lbm-in2
0.11 lbf-in/s

Momentum Flow Rate: (kg-m/s2)/X

1.0E-05 g-cm/s2 0.1383 lbm-ft/s2 3.84E-05 lbm-ft/min2

Flow Rate, Mass: (kg/s)/X

1.0E-03 g/s 2.78E-04 kg/h 0.4536 lbm/s 7.56E-03 lbm/min
1.26E-04 lbm/hr

Flux, Mass: (kg/m2-s)/X

10 g/cm2-s 1.667E-05 g/m2-min 2.78E-07 g/m2-h 4.883 lbm/ft2-s
0.0814 lbm/ft2-min 1.356E-03 lbm/ft2-h

Mass per Area: (kg/m2)/X

10 g/cm2 4.883 lbm/ft2 703.0 lbm/in2 3.5E-04 ton/mi2

Density: (kg/m3)/X
1,000.0 g/cm3 16.02 lbm/ft3 119.8 lbm/gal 27,700 lbm/in3
2.289E-3 grain/ft3

Flow Rate, Mass/Volume: (kg/m3-s)/X

1,000 g/cm3-s 16.67 g/cm3-min 0.2778 g/cm3-h 16.02 lbm/ft3-s
0.267 lbm/ft3-min 4.45E-03 lbm/ft3-h

Flow Rate, Mass/Force: (kg/N-s)/X

9.869E-05 g/cm2-atm-s 1.339E-08 lbm/ft2-atm-h

Specific Volume: (m3/kg)/X

1.0E-03 cm3/g 0.06243 ft3/lbm

Specific Weight: (N/m3)/X

10 dyn/cm3 157.1 lbf/ft3

Force: N/X
1.0E-05 dyn 1 kg-m/s2 9.8067 kg(force) 9.807E-03 g(force)
0.1383 pdl 4.448 lbf 4,448 kip 8,896 ton(force)

Surface Tension: (N/m)/X

1.0E-03 dyn/cm 14.6 lbf/ft 175.0 lbf/in

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Pressure, Stress: (N/m2)/X

0.1 dyn/cm2 9.8067 kg(f)/m2 1.0E+05 bar 1.0133E+05 std. atm
1.489 pdl/ft2 47.88 lbf/ft2 6,894 lbf/in2 1.38E+07 ton(f)/in2
249.1 in H2O 2,989 ft H2O 133.3 torr, mm Hg 3,386 in Hg

Force, Body: (N/m3)/X

10 dyn/cm3 9.807E+06 kg(f)/cm3 157.1 lbf/ft3 2.71E+05 lbf/in3
3.14E+05 ton(f)/ft3

Force per Mass: (N/kg)/X

0.01 dyn/g 9.807 kg(f)/kg 9.807 lbf/lbm 0.3049 lbf/slug

Torque: N-m/X
1.0E-07 dyn-cm 1.356 lbf-ft 0.0421 pdl-ft 2.989 kg(f)-ft

Viscosity, Dynamic: (Kg/m-s)/X

1 N-s/m2 0.1 P 0.001 cP 2.78E-04 kg/m-h
1.488 lbm/ft-s 4.134E-04 lbm/ft-h 47.91 lbf-s/ft2
(g/cm-s)/X 1 P

Viscosity, Kinematic: (m2/s)/X

1.0E-04 St 2.778E-04 m2/h 0.0929 ft2/s 2.581E-05 ft2/h
(cm2/s)/X 1 St

Henry's Constant: (N/m2)/X

1.01326E+05 atm 133.3 mmHg 6893 lbf/in2 47.89 lbf/ft2

Diffusion Coeffiecient: (m2/s)/X

1.0E-04 cm2/s 2.78E-04 m2/h 0.0929 ft2/s 2.58E-05 ft2/h

Energy: J/X
3.6E+06 kWh 4.187 cal 4187 kcal 1.0E-07 erg
1.356 ft-lbf 1055 Btu 0.04214 ft-pdl 2.685E+06 hp-h
1.055E+08 therm 0.113 in-lbf 4.48E+04 hp-min 745.8 hp-s
1.60207E-19 eV

Power: W/X
4.187 cal/s 4187 kcal/s 1.0E-07 erg/s 1.356 ft-lbf/s
0.293 Btu/h 1055 Btu/s 745.8 hp 0.04214 ft-pdl/s
0.1130 in-lbf/s 3517 ton refrigeration 17.6 Btu/min

Energy, Linear: (J/m)/X

418.7 cal/cm 4.187E+05 kcal/cm 1.0E-05 erg/cm 4.449 ft-lbf/ft
3461 Btu/ft 8.81E+06 hp-h/ft 1.18E+07 kWh/ft

Energy per Area: (J/m2)/X

41,868 cal/cm2 4.187E+07 kcal/cm2 0.001 erg/cm2 14.60 ft-lbf/ft2
11,360 Btu/ft2 2.89E+07 hp-h/ft2 3.87E+07 kWh/ft2

Energy Density: (J/m3)/X

3.6E+06 kWh/m3 4.187E+06 cal/cm3 4.187E+09 kcal/cm3 0.1 erg/cm3
47.9 ft-lbf/ft3 3.73E+04 Btu/ft3 1.271E+08 kWh/ft3
9.48E+07 hp-h/ft3

Power, Linear: (W/m)/X

418.7 cal/s-cm 4.187E+05 kcal/s-cm 1.0E-05 erg/s-cm
4.449 ft-lbf/s-ft 3461 Btu/s-ft 0.961 Btu/h-ft 2447 hp/ft

Power Flux: (W/m2)/X

41,868 cal/s-cm2 4.187E+07 kcal/s-cm2 0.001 erg/s-cm2
14.60 ft-lbf/s-ft2 11,360 Btu/s-ft2 3.156 Btu/h-ft2 8028 hp/ft2
1.072E+04 kW/ft2

Power Density: (W/m3)/X

4.187E+06 cal/s-cm3 4.187E+09 kcal/s-cm3 0.1 erg/s-cm3
47.9 ft-lbf/s-ft3 3.73E+04 Btu/s-ft3 10.36 Btu/h-ft3
3.53E+04 kW/ft3 2.63E+04 hp/ft3

Specific Energy: (J/kg)/X

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1 m2/s2 4187 cal/g 4.187E+06 kcal/g 2.99 ft-lbf/lbm

2326 btu/lbm 5.92E+06 hp-h/lbm 7.94E+06 kWh/lbm

Specific Heat, Gas Constant: (J/kg-K)/X

1 m2/s2-K 4187 cal/g-°C 1.0E-04 erg/g-°C
4187 Btu/lbm-°F 5.38 ft-lbf/lbm-°F

Thermal Conductivity: (W/m-K)/X

418.7 cal/s-cm-°C 1.163 kcal/h-m-°C 1.0E-05 erg/s-cm-°C
1.731 Btu/h-ft-°F 0.1442 Btu-in/h-ft2-°F 2.22E-03 ft-lbf/h-ft-°F

Heat Transfer Coefficient: (W/m2-K)/X

41,868 cal/s-cm2-°C 1.163 kcal/h-m2-°C 1.0E-03 erg/s-cm2-°C
5.679 Btu/h-ft2-°F 12.52 kcal/h-ft2-°C

Electrical Charge, C/X

1 A-s 10 abcoulomb 3.336E-10 statcoulomb

Voltage, Electrical Potential: V/X

1.0 kg-m2/A-s3 1 W/A 1.0E-08 abvolt 299.8 statvolt

Resistance: Ohm/X
1 kg-m2/A2-s3 1 V/A 1.0E-09 abohm 8.988E+11 statohm

Electrical Resistivity: (V-m/A)/X

1 kg-m3/A2-s3
(ohm-m)/X 1 kg-m5/A2-s3 1.0E-09 abohm-m 8.988E+11 statohm-m

Electrical Capacitance; F/X

1 A2-s4/kg-m2 1 A-s/V 1.0E+09 abfarad 1.113E-12 statfarad
(V/m)/X 3.28 V/ft

Electrical Field Strength: (V/m)/X

1 kg-m/A-s3 100 V/cm 1.0E-08 abvolt/m 299.8 statvolt/m
39.4 V/in

Magnetic Flux: Wb/X

1 kg-m2/A-s2 1 V-s

Inductance: H/X
1 kg-m2/A2-s2 1 V-s/A 1.0E-09 abhenry 8.988E+11 stathenry

Using the Table: The quantity in braces { } is selected from the table.
Example 1: To calculate how many meters are in 10 ft , the table provides the conversion factor as 0.3048
m/ft. Hence multiply
10 ft X {0.3048 m/ft} = 3.048 m

Example 2: Convert Thermal Conductivity of 10 kcal/h-m-°C to SI units. Select the appropriate conversion
factor for these units,
10 (kcal/h-m-°C) X {1.163 (w/m-K)/(kcal/h-m-°C)} = 11.63 w/m-K

The Table may be downloaded and important into a spreadsheet as an ascii text file, using tab separators for fields.
Just clean the text and HTML tags and the table may be used in your daily work.

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Compiled by Nahum Gat, Ph.D. Comments and corrections will be appreciated. Please address correspondence to

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