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Sports for Fitness: Onward to a
Sport Active Life Module 1
Most Essential Learning Competencies:
1. Describes the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s
2. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at
least 60 minute most days of the week in a variety of settings in-and-
out of school.

Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasksthat will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions
below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kt. I Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every
page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing
enhances learning that, is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/ guardian assess your answers using the
answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations – These are what you will be able to know after

completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test – This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson – This section will measure what
learnings and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction – This section will give you an overview of the
• Activities – This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember – This section summarizes the concepts and applications of
the lessons.
• Check your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the
• Post-test – This will measure how much you have learned from the
ti d l


Multiple Choices
Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which statement about sports is incorrect?

A. Sports includes all forms of competitive activity or games
B. Sports are activities that require nonphysical actions and skills
performed under a set of rules

C. Sports improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment

to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.
D. All statements are correct.

2. Choose a sport that is best played in singles or doubles category.

A. Table tennis
B. Football
C. Soccer
D. Hockey
3. Choose a sport that is best played in teams.
A. Fencing
B. Basketball
C. Boxing
D. Arnis
4. Which of the following is not considered as a combative sport?
A. Kickboxing
B. Muay Thai
C. Javelin Throw
D. Judo
5. Which statement about stress is correct?
A. Stress is a physical response experienced on encountering a threat
B. All human beings have the same stressors.
C. When people have the resources to cope with a situation, they get
D. There are bodily signals that result from stress
6. Which statement about sports and stress is correct?
A. Physical activities such as sports cause more stress
B. There are no social benefits in joining team sports
C. Physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier
and more relaxed
D. Physical activity triggers anxiety
7. Which statement is incorrect about sports and concentration?
A. Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as
you age
B. Sports can help improve critical thinking skills
C. Sports have no mental health benefits
D. Engaging in sports three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes is
beneficial to us
8. Which statement is incorrect about sports and stress?
A. When you are physically active, your mind is focuses on daily
B. When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily
C. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body
D. Endorphins are natural mood lifters that are triggered by physical
9. Which statement is incorrect about sports and sleep?
A. Sports and other forms of physical activities improve sleep quality.
B. Sleeping better can improve your mental outlook the next day, as well
as improve your mood
C. It is best not to engage in sports late in the day or before bedtime.
D. Exercising 30 minutes before going to bed is a great way to get a good
10. Which statement is true?
A. There are 3 sports categories.
B. People engage in sports both for health purposes and entertainment.
C. Sports help in managing stress and depression.
D. All of the above.

Great, you finished answering the questions.

You may request your facilitator to check your


Congratulations and keep on learning!

NATURE (Managing Stress through Sports)


You will identify and understand the different categories of

sports. Specifically, this module will help you to:
• describe the different types of sports under its categories and its nature.
• have an awareness on how the different categories of sports being played.
• maximizes different types of physical activities such as sports in
managing ones stress.

Let us start your journey in learning more about the Categories of Sports
and its
Let’s Think and Act Now!


Say Whaaat??
Directions. Answer the following Whaaat?? by choosing your answer in the choices
provided in the box beside.
1. Whaaat?? fitness component is the ability of the muscles to
exert maximum force in a single effort. Composition

2. Whaaat?? fitness component is the ability of the heart, Muscular

blood vessels and the lungs to supply oxygen to the working Strength
muscles. Muscular
3. Whaaat?? component of fitness refers to the amount of body
weight that is fat compared to muscles, bones and other
body tissues.

4. Whaaat?? fitness component refers to the ability to move joints through its
normal range of motion.

5. Whaaat?? is the component of fitness that refers to the ability of the working
muscles to perform efficiently for a long period of time?


Sports are activities that require physical actions and skills performed under a
set of rules. Sports includes all forms of competitive activity or games which,
through casual or organized participation, at least in part aim to use, maintain or
improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and
in some cases, entertainment for spectators. A sport also includes different physical
activity or skills with a recreational purpose for competition, for self-enjoyment, to
attain excellence, for the development of skill, or some combination of these. The
difference of purpose is what characterises sport, combined with the notion of
individual (or team) skill or prowess.

There are 3 categories of Sports: Individual/Dual Sports, Team Sports and

Combative Sports.


Participants compete alone in individual sports, hence the category

Individual/Dual Sports on the other hand are sports played by two individuals
competing against another pair. While there is only a handful of sports that are
really dual in category, many individual sports are classified in the dual category
too. One example is tennis. Athletes generally compete in singles play; however,
there are also doubles play categories. This is the format used among other racquet
sports such as badminton and racquetball in both minor and major tournaments.

Individual/Dual sports provides benefits that team sports do not. Aside from
providing development in terms of motor skills, agility, hand-eye coordination and
endurance, individual/Dual sports combine physical fitness and mental
development. Unlike with team sports, a player's success or failure in individual
sports is totally dependent on his own ability. Individual sport athletes are
completely responsible for every play and cannot rely on the help of other
teammates; this build coping skills and resilience while developing self-esteem and

The most popular example of a team sport is Basketball. Other examples are
baseball, football, volleyball, hockey, and softball. Relays in swimming or track and
field are team efforts. The dynamic of team sports is even more different than
individual or dual sports, because of the cooperation and specialization of roles on

Being a part of a team can be one of the most rewarding things a person can
do. The camaraderie, the character building, and of course, the teamwork, are just
some of the positives to being a part of a team. In team sports, teams have to work
together to win the game, there's no single person who can carry the rest of the
team themselves. And there's nothing like watching a team come together for a big


A combat sport, or fighting sport, is a competitive contact sport that usually

involves one-on-one combat. In many combat sports, a contestant wins by scoring
more points than the opponent or by disabling the opponent. Some of the most
common examples of combative sports are Arnis, Boxing and Taekwondo. Combat
sports can be a great way to improve your focus, confidence, and health.
Consider these 8 reasons for learning a combat sport.

Improved Focus
Any sport requires focus, but activities like ballet or martial arts require even
more. Since balancing, concentration, and memorization of techniques comes into
play, a study of combat sports can be a great way for you or your child to improve
your focus.

Conflict Resolution Skills

In Combat sports, while you are exploring combat techniques you are also
teaching yourself inner peace and respect, so training in a martial art can give you
the necessary confidence to properly negotiate a dispute.

Physical Activity
Combat sport gets you on your feet and keep your body moving. Improved
muscle tone and a weekly cardio work out are only some of the physical advantages
of combat sports.

Self Defense Skills

When it comes to dangerous situations, having some self-defense moves up
your sleeve will help inspire confidence. Plus, for kids, knowing some self-defense
skills will help keep them feeling protected and confident.

A key part of Combat Sport is the respect extended to the teacher, fellow
students, and oneself. A martial arts class will help foster respect in your child, and
if you, as an adult, are looking at a class, it might be a refreshing reminder of the
importance of courtesy.

Improved Social Skills

Combat sport could improve the social skills of an individual. Our environment
can be intimidating, and rather than instilling a sense of belonging, most of the
time our environment makes us feel like we are not belong. Learning a combat
sport, gives us a sense of belonging and teamwork, and that positive social
experience can help improve our social skills.

A combat sport takes a lot of hard work. In order to move up, one belt at a
time, you or your child will have to engage, again and again, in practice. Since the
system rewards hard work and dedication, perseverance gets positive

Combat sport helps instill confidence. Training in a combat sport will help us
feel a sense of power, skill, and accomplishment that you didn’t have before. That
sense of confidence will extend to other areas of your life, including work, school,
and relationships.
Managing Stress through Sports

What is Stress?

Stress is a biological and psychological response experienced on encountering a

threat, which we feel we don’t have the resources to cope with. A stressor is
a stimulus that causes stress, e.g. Exam, Death of a loved one, Defeats, Losses, etc.
Sudden and severe stress manifests through bodily signals such as an increase in
heart rate, difficulty in breathing, loss of appetite, excessive sweating, shaking and
sometimes even disorientation and weakness. Our body judges a situation and
decides whether or not it’s stressful. Therefore, stressors and stress levels vary
from person to person.

How Sports can help you manage your Stress?

Stress can be managed in a lot of ways. By having a positive outlook in life and
by seeking the help of the people around you, overcoming stress will be a little bit
easier for you. Engaging into Sports can also be a good way to overcome stress.
Here’s how:

1. Sports can improve your


Getting involved in a
physical activity whether playing
sports, working out at a gym, or
taking a brisk walk, physical
activity triggers brain chemicals
that make you feel happier and more relaxed. Team sports in particular
provide a chance to unwind and engage in a satisfying challenge that
improves your fitness. They also provide social benefits by allowing you to
connect with teammates and friends in a recreational setting
2. Sports can improve your concentration

Regular physical activity helps

keep your key mental skills sharp as
you age. This includes critical
thinking, learning, and using good
judgment. Participating in this kind
of activity three to five times a week
for at least 30 minutes can provide
these mental health benefits.

3. Sports reduce stress and depression

When you are physically active,

your mind is distracted from daily
stressors. This can help you avoid
getting bogged down by negative
thoughts. Exercise reduces the levels of
stress hormones in your body. At the
same time, it stimulates production of
endorphins. These are natural mood
lifters that can keep stress and depression at bay. Endorphins may even
leave you feeling more relaxed and optimistic after a hard workout.

4. Sports improve sleep habit

Sports and other forms of physical

activity improve the quality of sleep.
They do this by helping you fall asleep
faster, deepening your sleep. Sleeping
better can improve your mental
outlook the next day, as well as
improve your mood. Just be careful
not to engage in sports too late in the day. Evening practices within a few hours of
bedtime may leave you too energized to sleep.

Activity 1: Fill it in!

Directions: Fill in each boxes with Advantages and Disadvantages of playing each
Categories of Sports.


Advantages Disadvantages


Advantages Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages

Activity 2: Play your stressors out!

Directions: Choose 1 sport whether individual, dual, team or combative, and write
down how playing your chosen sport can help you manage your stress.

Sport How it will help manage stress

Sports are activities that require physical actions and skills where
individuals or teams compete under a set of specific rules and regulations.
Sports can be played individually, in pair, or in teams composed of three or
more players.
Individual and dual sports foster greater discipline, self-confidence, focus,
and passion. Team sports promote collective discipline beside individual
skills and talents.
Sports are beneficial not just to your physical health but with psychological,
and psychosocial health as well.
A combat sport, or fighting sport, is a competitive contact sport that usually
involves one-on-one combat.
Our body judges a situation and decides whether or not it’s stressful.
Therefore, stressors and stress levels vary from person to person.
A stressor is a stimulus that causes stress, e.g. Exam, Death of a loved one,
Defeats, Losses, etc.
Sports and other forms of physical activity improve the quality of sleep.
When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily stressors.
Combat sports can be a great way to improve your focus, confidence, and

TikTok it!
Directions. Choose your favorite sport and do a mimic of the different skills
being performed in your chosen sport. Use the application of TikTok in doing
the activity. Make it creative by choosing the best background music to
make your movement lively and exciting while performing it with any of your
family member.

Name: Grade & Section:

Let’s Reflect! REFLECTIVE


Directions.In not less than 5 sentences give your reflection on what is the
importance of participating in different physical activities such as sports.
Write your answer in the box provided below.

Multiple Choices
Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which statement about sports is incorrect?

A. Sports includes all forms of competitive activity or games
B. Sports are activities that require nonphysical actions and skills
performed under a set of rules

C. Sports improve physical ability and skills while providing enjoyment

to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for spectators.
D. All statements are correct.

2. Choose a sport that is best played in singles or doubles category.

A. Table tennis
B. Football
C. Soccer
D. Hockey
3. Choose a sport that is best played in teams.
A. Fencing
B. Basketball
C. Boxing
D. Arnis
4. Which of the following is not considered as a combative sport?
A. Kickboxing
B. Muay Thai
C. Javelin Throw
D. Judo
5. Which statement about stress is correct?
A. Stress is a physical response experienced on encountering a threat
B. All human beings have the same stressors.
C. When people have the resources to cope with a situation, they get
D. There are bodily signals that result from stress
6. Which statement about sports and stress is correct?
A. Physical activities such as sports cause more stress
B. There are no social benefits in joining team sports
C. Physical activity triggers brain chemicals that make you feel happier
and more relaxed
D. Physical activity triggers anxiety
7. Which statement is incorrect about sports and concentration?
A. Regular physical activity helps keep your key mental skills sharp as
you age
B. Sports can help improve critical thinking skills
C. Sports have no mental health benefits
D. Engaging in sports three to five times a week for at least 30 minutes is
beneficial to us
8. Which statement is incorrect about sports and stress?
A. When you are physically active, your mind is focuses on daily
B. When you are physically active, your mind is distracted from daily
C. Exercise reduces the levels of stress hormones in your body
D. Endorphins are natural mood lifters that are triggered by physical
9. Which statement is incorrect about sports and sleep?
A. Sports and other forms of physical activities improve sleep quality.
B. Sleeping better can improve your mental outlook the next day, as well
as improve your mood
C. It is best not to engage in sports late in the day or before bedtime.
D. Exercising 30 minutes before going to bed is a great way to get a good
10. Which statement is true?
A. There are 3 sports categories.
B. People engage in sports both for health purposes and entertainment.
C. Sports help in managing stress and depression.
D. All of the above

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