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Worksheet on Pronouns for 10 English

I. Choose the correct answer.
1. According to the Christian Bible, when the disciples saw Jesus after he had risen from the dead, they
said, ________________.
A. it is him B. it is he C. it is his D. it is himself
2. When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill, his wife began to take a more active role in politics, and
many people believed that ________________ and the president shared his responsibilities.
A. she B. her C. herself D. hers
3. One property of radioisotopes is that ________________ decaying occurs in half-lives over a long
period of time.
A. they B. them C. they’re D. their
4. Sports medicine experts agree that ice should be applied immediately when an athlete suffers an injury
to ________________ leg.
A. its B. an C. the D. his
5. Charlie Chaplin was a comedian ________________ was best known for his work in silent movies.
A. who B. which C. whose D. what
6. The jaw structure of a snake permits it to eat and digest animals much larger than ________________.
A. it B. itself C. its D. it has
7. Business partners can usually sell their mutually owned property without consulting
________________ unless they have agreed to a separate contract.
A. other B. other one C. one the other D. each other
II. Choose the incorrect underlined word or phrase in each sentence and correct it.
1. It was her, Elizabeth I, not her father, King Henry, who led England into the Age of Empire.
2. Among we men, it was he who always acted as the interpreter.
3. I would appreciate you letting me know as soon as possible.
4. Kevin jammed the finger while he was fixing his car.
5. According to the theory of natural selection, the man who was able to use the hands and feet most
freely to walk and grasp was the one who survived and evolved.
6. The Pilgrims were 102 English emigrants whom, after arriving on the Mayflower, became the first
European settlers in New England.
7. The twinkling lights of the firefly are signals so that the male and female of the species can find each
to the other.
III. Use a correct type of personal pronoun or indefinite pronoun.
1. Mary and Bob have ________________ books. In other words, Mary has ________________ and Bob
has ________________.
2. ________________ house is almost the same as ________________ neighbours’ house. The only
difference in appearance is that ________________ is gray and ________________ is white.
3. A: Is that your notebook?
B: No. It belongs to one of the other students.
A: Look on the inside cover. Did ________________ write ________________ name there?
4. Everyone was shocked when ________________ heard the news. Nobody opened ________________
mouth. No one made a sound.
5. If anyone calls, please ask ________________ to leave a message.
6. Everyone who came to the picnic brought ________________ own food.
7. The audience clapped enthusiastically. Obviously ________________ had enjoyed the concert.
8. The soccer team felt unhappy because _____________ had lost in the closing moments of the game.
IV. Fill in each blank with one suitable pronoun:
1. This is my property. It is __________ own. __________ paid for __________ out of __________ own
money so it is __________.
2. One must take care of __________ own property and look after it __________.
3. The world __________ he entered was a strange __________.
4. John and Mary wanted to go out by __________ but their parents don’t allow __________ to do so.
5. Every country has __________ own traditions and prides __________ on __________.

by Hoai Huong, High School for Gifted Students, HNUE Page 1

Worksheet on Pronouns for 10 English

6. He often loses __________ temper but his wife always keeps __________.
7. She knows how to keep __________ under control and never loses __________ temper.
8. I have an aunt __________ is an expert on this matter but __________ is out at the moment.
V. Complete the sentences with a word or expression from the list and an appropriate reflexive pronoun.
angry at enjoy entertained feeling sorry for promised talking to
introduced killed laugh at pat proud of taught
1. Karen Williams never took lessons. She _____taught herself____ how to play the piano.
2. Did Roberto have a good time at the party? Did he ________________?
3. All of you did a good job. You should be ________________.
4. You did a good job, Barbara. You should ________________ on the back.
5. A man down the street committed suicide. We were all shocked by the news that he had _________.
6. The children played very well without adult supervision. They _______________ by playing school.
7. I had always wanted to meet Mr. Anderson. When I saw him at a party last night, I walked over and
________________ to him.
8. Nothing good ever comes from self-pity. You should stop ________________, George, and start
doing something to solve your problems.
9. People might think you’re a little crazy, but ________________ is one way to practise using English.
10. Humor can ease the trials and tribulations of life. Sometimes we have to be able to ______________.
11. Carol made several careless mistakes at work last week, and her boss is getting impatient with her.
Carol has ________________ to do better work in the future.
12. Yesterday Fred’s car ran out of gas. He had to walk a long way to a gas station. He is still
________________ for forgetting to fill the tank.

VI. Underline the correct answer. If both answers are possible, notice the difference in meaning.
1. Can you post this letter for myself/ me, please?
2. All my friends were away, I was bored, and I just didn’t know what to do with myself/ me.
3. We put the tape recorder on the table between ourselves/ us.
4. They dragged the tree behind themselves/ them all the way to the trailer.
5. Now that you’re a well-known novelist, you must hear a lot about yourself/ you on TV and in the
6. He ought to be ashamed of himself/ him, being rude to his parents like that.
7. She should take care of herself/ her better. She’s looking really ill.
8. I opened the window in front of myself/ me and took a deep breath of fresh air.

VII. Study the underlined parts of this email. Make corrections if necessary or write √. Give alternatives
where possible.
Hi Jane
Yes, Tony’s a lot better, thanks. Pretty much back to (1) his old himself. We (2) got vaccinated ourselves against
hepatitis before we went to West Africa, so Tony was just unlucky to get it. He went into work after we got
back although he was feeling bad, and some of his colleagues were worried about (3) getting it themselves. I
know that some of them (4) had checked themselves by their doctors. By coincidence, his boss said that (5)
he’d caught himself hepatitis when he was in Africa a few years ago. When he’s completely recovered, (6) Tony
and myself are off to Paris for a few days, and (7) we’re going to occupy us with looking at the galleries and
having a rest.
Must go now. The children have just shouted that they want some juice and (8) they can’t reach it themself.

Will be in touch, Maggie

VIII. Complete these sentences with some, someone, something, any, anyone or anything. Where both
some(one/thing) or any(one/thing) are possible, write them both and consider any difference in meaning.
1. John worked hard at learning Japanese but failed to make ___________________ real progress.
2. I was unable to eat ___________________ of the food.
3. I always offer to help organise school concerts, but there is seldom _________________ for me to do.
4. Janet Jones is ___________________ I rarely see these days.
5. He denied that he had done ___________________ wrong.
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Worksheet on Pronouns for 10 English

6. I always get to work before ___________________ else.

7. The theatre is unlikely to have ___________________ tickets left for tonight’s performance.
8. Despite rowing as hard as we could, we had progressed barely ____________ distance from the shore.
9. ___________________ parents never seem to have time to sit down and talk to their children.
10. The regulations of the game forbid ___________________ ball to rise above shoulder height.
11. When I last lent my laptop to a friend it came back damaged, so I’m reluctant to lend it to
___________________ else.
12. She valued friendship more than ___________________ in the world.
IX. Complete the sentences with a word or phrase from (i) followed by a word or phrase from (ii). Use
each word or phrase once only.
(i) no none none of (ii) a drop else going to get
no-one nothing nowhere heard the hotels in the cupboard
never not point wrong
1. Where are the biscuits? There’s ...none in the cupboard... .
2. We left the house as quietly as possible and _______________ us.
3. _______________ was spilt as she poured the liquid into the flask.
4. Jack was determined to leave and I knew that there was _______________ in protesting.
5. The door was locked and he had _______________ to go.
6. I found that _______________ in the city centre had any rooms left.
7. Tom’s so lazy. Is he _______________ a job?
8. The doctors reassured Emily that they could find _______________ with her.
X. Complete the sentences with either the/ my/ its/ his/ her many or many a/an and then one of the following.
coffee shop expeditions German relatives golf courses
letters ship sunny afternoon teacher
1. She went to stay in Munich with one of ...her many German relatives... .
2. I spent _______________ sitting on the terrace looking out over the hills.
3. _______________ has been lost in the treacherous waters off the south coast of the island.
4. The town is most famous for _______________ that attract players from all over the world.
5. Since the end of last year he has refused to speak to me on the phone or answer _______________.
6. Jo Granger accompanied Colonel Smithers on _______________ to the Himalayas and the Andes.
7. _______________ will be looking forward to the start of the school holidays at the end of the week.
8. I walked into the first of _______________ along the High Street and ordered an espresso.
XI. Make corrections or improvements to these extracts from conversations (1-3) and from academic
writing (4-6).
1. Sheila’s had many problems with her back for a lot of years. She’s having an operation next week and
she won’t be back at work for a good deal of weeks afterwards.
2. ‘There’s bound to be much traffic on the way to the station. Perhaps we should leave now.’
‘Don’t worry, there’s plenty time left, and at this time of day many people will already be at work.’
3. Many think that hedgehogs are very rare nowadays, but when I was in Wales I saw many.
4. A lot have claimed that Professor Dowman’s study on current attitudes to politics is flawed. One
criticism is that much too many people questioned in the survey were under 18.
5. A lot of research has been conducted on the influence of diet on health, with a lot of studies
focusing on the relationship between fat intake and heart disease. However, a lot remains to be done.
6. While it is true that a lot of thousands of jobs were lost with the decline of the northern coal and
steel industries, a lot of advantages have also followed. Much too many cases of lung disease were
recorded in the region, but with lower levels of pollution the number has declined. In addition, a
great deal of hi-tech companies have moved in to take advantage of the newly available workforce.
XII. Find any mistakes in the underlined parts of this text and suggest corrections.
(1) Each so often I like to invite (2) my entire family – my parents, six brothers and their families – over for
dinner on Saturday evening. My parents are quite old now, so I like to see them (3) each few weeks. It’s
quite a lot of work and I usually spend (4) all Friday shopping and cooking. Some of my family are fussy

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Worksheet on Pronouns for 10 English

about what they eat, so I generally have to cook different things for (5) every of them. Fortunately, (6) all
the food doesn’t usually get eaten, so I have plenty left for the rest of the week. (7) None of my brothers
always come, but the ones who live locally usually do. This time (8) Neil and his family all were on holiday so
they couldn’t make it. (9) We had all a great time and we spent (10) the whole evening talking about when we
were children.

XIII. Complete the sentences with (a) few, (a) little, the few, the little, what few or what little, giving
alternatives where possible.
1. Thomas was named sportsman of the year, and _______________ would disagree with that decision.
2. _______________ remains of the old castle walls except the Black Gate.
3. She called her _______________ remaining relatives together and told them she was leaving.
4. Simpson is among _______________ foreign journalists allowed into the country.
5. _______________ evidence we have so far suggests that the new treatment will be important in the
fight against AIDS.
6. ‘Has my explanation helped?’ ‘_______________, yes.’
7. _______________ belongings she had were packed into a small suitcase.
8. _______________ will forget the emotional scenes as Wilson gave his farewell performance in front
of a huge audience.
9. The announcement will come as _______________ surprise.
10. Tony hasn’t been looking well recently, and I’m _______________ worried about him.
11. ‘Have there been many applications for the job?’ ‘Yes, quite _______________.’
12. The children weren’t well so I had to take _______________ days off.
13. I don’t have much money, but I’m happy to lend you _______________ I have.
14. The tax reforms will mean less income for the majority of people and more for _______________.
XIV. If necessary, correct or make improvements to these sentences. If they are already correct, write √.
1. There’s something which I should tell you.
2. The doctor whom Ingrid went to see was very thorough.
3. Yesterday was the hottest day I can remember.
4. There isn’t much can go wrong with the machine.
5. Thieves whom stole paintings from Notford art gallery have been arrested in Paris.
6. It may be the most important decision which you will ever take.
7. The boy took the photograph was paid $100.
8. I heard many different accents in the room, but none which I could identify as British.
9. There’s this dream which I have every night about falling downstairs.
10. He just said anything which came into his head.
XV. Choose one of the following phrases and then either when, whereby, where or why to complete these sentences.
the area an agreement a condition a method moments the reason
1. During the performance there were _______________ she found it difficult not to laugh.
2. The two governments reached _______________ the border would be patrolled by troops from a
third country.
3. The land is very fertile in _______________ Jack had bought his farm.
4. I think _______________ we get on so well is that we both enjoy talking.
5. Freeze drying is _____________ water is rapidly evaporated from frozen food in order to preserve it.
6. Hypoglycemia is _______________ the level of sugar in the blood drops suddenly.
XVI. If the underlined word is correct, write √. If not, suggest another word.
1. I think whatever was responsible for damaging the trees should be fined or sent to prison.
2. Do they really understand that they are doing?
3. I don’t envy whoever buys that house. It’s in a terrible condition.
4. Now that I no longer have to wear a school uniform, I’ll be able to wear which I want.
5. I think the government should improve the health service, whichever the cost.

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Worksheet on Pronouns for 10 English

6. It’s a question that I’ve been asking for many years.

7. The clock makes a noise what keeps me awake at night.
8. I’m sure that Keith will do well at university, which one he goes to.
9. We kept a note of who we met as we travelled around Africa and wrote to them when we got home.

XVII. If appropriate, replace the underlined words or phrases with one or ones. If it is not possible or is
unlikely, write No after the sentence.
1. I answered most of the questions, but had to miss out some very difficult questions.
2. The female violinists in the orchestra outnumber the male violinists by about three to one.
3. He used to work for a finance company, but he’s moved to an insurance company.
4. The issue discussed at the meeting was an extremely complicated issue.
5. ‘I’ll just clean my shoes before we go out.’ ‘Can you do my shoes, too, please?’
6. Many people are happy about the new road being built, but there are some angry people, too.
7. ‘Was it these earrings you wanted?’ ‘No, the earrings on the left of those, please.’
8. Dave is really good at taking photos of old buildings. There’s an excellent photo of a local church in
his office.
9. ‘Are you picking Jo up at the train station?’ ‘No, she’s arriving at the bus station.’
10. On one channel was a war film and on the other was a horror film, so I turned the TV off.
11. There are lots of gloves here. Are these your gloves?
XVIII. If the sentence is correct without the underlined one/ones, put brackets around it (as in 1). If it is
not correct without one/ones, write √ (as in 2).
1. The children had eaten all the pizza and were still hungry so I had to make them another (one).
2. I drove around the houses, looking for the ones with ‘For Sale’ notices outside.√
3. I’m not keen on those ones with the cherry on top. I think I’ll have a chocolate biscuit instead.
4. I like both of these jackets. I don’t know which one to choose.
5. The vases are all handmade and every one looks different.
6. Each winter seemed to be colder than the last one.
7. There are many excellent food markets in town but the main one is near the port.
8. She tried on lots of pairs of shoes and finally chose the purple ones.
9. The books were so disorganised that I soon lost track of which ones had already counted.
10. I went to a lot of interesting talks at the conference, but the best one was given by a Chinese professor.
11. Mark drove because he was the only one who knew where the restaurant was.
12. Can you remember where you bought this one? I’d like to get one myself.
13. You can buy quite a good guitar for under €200, but the most expensive ones cost thousands.
14. He’s just bought a new bike and has offered to give me his old one.
XIX. Complete these sentences with the quantifiers and the other words.
a few every most lottery maximum quota
any many much majority minority unanimous
1. A _________________ is the smaller part of a group, sometimes consisting of only
_________________ people.
2. The _________________ weight allowed per passenger is a restriction on how _________________
luggage each passenger is permitted to put on board an aircraft.
3. A _________________ system is one that sets a limit on how _________________ people are
permitted to do something.
4. A _________________ choice is one that _________________ person agrees with.
5. In a ______________, people can usually choose ______________ number that they think will win.
6. A _________________ decision is one that is based on what _________________ people want.

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Worksheet on Pronouns for 10 English

XX. Complete these sentences (from an article on student life) with any (x4), no (x3) or some (x3).
Did you know that (1)________ thirty percent of students have to leave university, not because
they can’t cope with their studies, but because they simply can’t afford it?
In one survey, researchers found that students cited ‘(2)________ money’ more often than
(3)________ other reason such as ‘courses too difficult’ for ending their studies.
During interviews with the researchers, (4)________ of these former students said that they had
tried to do part-time jobs after classes, but they had discovered that they didn’t have
(5)________ time or they had (6)________ energy left for study when they finished their jobs at
When the researchers asked these students if they had received financial support from their
parents, (7)________ said they had, but the majority said they hadn’t received (8)________.
Most of those interviewed said they had (9)________ plans to return to university (10)________
time soon.
XXI. Complete the sentences with these words.
choice doubles either neither (x2) quarterly couple each (x2) every pair twins
1. Behind the nun came four young white-faced boys, dressed in grey uniforms, walking in pairs,
_______________ holding hands.
2. Simon Weston and Joe Barnes were actually _______________ who had been adopted by different
families when they were born and _______________ of them knew about the other until they were
almost forty years old.
3. The _______________ was between a boat trip or a bus tour round the island and _______________
would have been fine with me, but Shirley wasn’t feeling well and didn’t want to leave the hotel.
4. Jim and Tracy are a young _______________ who have been together for about three years, but
_______________ of them wants to get married.
5. Next year you’ll have to send 400 in _______________ payments, which is 100 _______________
three months.
6. In a mixed _____________ match in tennis, _____________ team consists of a man and a woman.
XXII. Complete this weather forecast with many (x2), more (x3) and much (x2).
There’s not (1)___________ sunshine in the forecast for this weekend and (2)___________
areas will see (3)___________ rain than usual for this time of the year. Saturday will start with
some bright spells and scattered showers, (4)___________ of them heavy, giving way to
(5)___________ persistent rain later in the afternoon. Southwest winds will bring
(6)___________ unsettled weather and rain to (7)___________ of England and Wales on Sunday.

XXIII. Complete these descriptions with one set of words (not necessarily in this order).
another/ each/ one/ the other another’s/ each/ one/ other’s each/ other/ you/ yourself
Mutual respect is a feeling of admiration that people have for (1)___________ (2)___________
equally, and self-respect is a feeling of pride in (3)___________ and the belief that what
(4)___________ do or say is right and good.
An exchange is an arrangement through which two people or groups from different countries visit
(5)___________ (6)___________ homes or do (7)___________ (8)___________ jobs for a
short time.
Wrestling is a sport in which two people fight by holding onto (9)___________ (10)___________
while (11)___________ tries to throw or force (12)___________ to the ground.

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