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Cloud computing is considered the most significant technique terminologies in our history.
Cloud computing was invented by the internet service provider to increase user support while
using minimum resources. The cloud computing system has shifted from IT to public service. It
has also evolved from being a cost-saving tool to a source of revenue generator and from ISP
system to telecom.

Thesis statement: The advancements of cloud computing services have been a great help in data
managing sectors, storage and processing powers, networking, and software. Research shows the
advancements of how these services helped in today’s time. 

 It is an ongoing or on-demand computing service that offers you the application of
storage and processing powers. You can have it on the internet or even on a pay-as-you-
go basis meaning on rent. There are two commonly used cloud computing categories
these include service boundary and service type.
 The service boundary classifies cloud computing as public cloud, hybrid cloud, and
private cloud. The public cloud is referring to the services that are offered to external
parties. Some enterprises have their private cloud for example Hybrid cloud utilizes the
resources between the public cloud and the private cloud by using a secure networking


 Cloud computing has a vast variety of service options now. From basics to the complex
services everything is available now. It includes the services such as storage, networking,
artificial intelligence, office applications, etc. It doesn’t require you to be physically close
to the computer to able to get the services, it can be delivered to you through the cloud. It
covers a vast number of services, including the services of consumers like Gmail or cloud
backup of the photos on the phone.

C. Importance of cloud
 Using this service has vast benefits, it means companies do not have to buy or maintain
their system. The updating applications, operating systems, disposing of hardware or
software of a computer, all of it will be take care of by the suppliers. For the applications
like Email, it can be switch to a cloud provider. A company with these running services
will likely have better skills and more experienced staff members. So cloud offers you a
better delivery, more secure and efficient service to the users. Cloud services are faster,
helps you move faster on projects test out the projects without any length work or big
upfront costs. 
D. Advantages of cloud computing
 The dynamic resource scheduling system of cloud computing enhances the efficiency of
resource management.
 Cloud computer is energy-saving and with the help of a low-cost PC. It also minimizes
the power consumption of the hardware and decreases CAPEX and OPEX.
 Cloud computing is not just a service for accessing files on multiple devices. This also
helps user checking their email on any computer. 

E. Disadvantages of cloud
 The biggest disadvantage or concern of users regarding cloud has been the security,
security has been the biggest concern with the cloud especially when it comes to medical
data or financial information, these are confidential documents that can’t be trusted with
 Severs which are have been maintained by cloud computing companies may fall victim to
natural disasters, internal bugs or power outages, etc. 
 No organization has been able to reach an agreement related to the standardization of the
external interface of cloud computing.

F. Counter Argument 
In today’s times where technology and competition are very much in, this technology resulted in
making cloud computing the mainstream that it is today with manifold and other options. It has
helped us a lot in a way like it improved agility, increased productivity, storage limits, and
backups, work options, file synchronization, etc.
Cloud computing services help minimize the dependency on a single server but rather help both
businesses and individuals in consolidating operations. The cloud setup is another maximum
accessibility of it. It doesn’t depend on the increasing data, more data demands more storage and
its popularity has been increasing. 
Cloud computing helps you transform the IT infrastructure into a utility. It lets you plug
information through the internet and use computing resources without maintaining them. It is in
demand these days. It helps you to access the internet and other computing resources such as
data storage, development tools, networking abilities. It has the potential to have a great impact
on the world because it is a new technology and this will do wonders shortly if we keep on using
it. It has its benefits which help the users and businesses. It focuses more on the business rather
than the maintenance and the software upgrade. But it has its shortcoming which must overcome.
Cloud services let you rend the services instead of buying them completely so it can benefit both
individuals and businesses.

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