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110 學年第一學期 普通物理 B 第一次段考試題

[Wolfson Ch. 5-9] 2021/10/26, 8:20am – 09:50am


Useful constant: The gravitational field on Earth g = 9.803 m/s2, Graviational constant G =
6.6741*10-11 N m2/kg2, The Earth’s radius Re = 6378077 m, The earth’s mass Me = 5.9763*1024 kg.

Part I. Filling the blank (5 points per blank)

 In the figure, a 5.00-kg block is moving at 5.00 m/s along a horizontal frictionless
surface toward an ideal, massless spring that is attached to a wall. After the block
collides with the spring, the spring is compressed a maximum distance of 0.68 m.
What is the speed of the block when it has moved so that the spring is compressed
to only one-half of the maximum distance? 【01】
 Consider an elastic collision between a lithium (Li) and a cesium (Cs) atom in one dimension. Li atoms have a
mass of 7u, while Cs atoms have 133u. The lithium is initially at rest. What is the fraction of the initial energy of
the Cs atom transferred to the lithium atom in the collision? 【02】%

 In the figure, a 4.0-kg ball is attached to the end of a 1.6-m rope that is fixed at 0. The ball
is held at point A, with the rope horizontal, and is given an initial downward velocity. The
ball moves through three quarters of a circle with no friction and arrives at B, with the rope
barely under tension. The initial velocity of the ball, at point A, is 【03】.

 Two identical springs have each an unstretched length of 0.25 m and a spring
constant of 300 N/m. The springs are attached to a small cube and stretched to a
length L of 0.36 m as in Figure A. An external force P pulls the cube a distance D =
0.020 m to the right. (See Figure B.) The work done by the external force P in pulling
the cube 0.020 m is 【04】.

 Consider two stars rotating around each other as shown in the right plot. The star 1 is twice as
heavy as star 2, i.e. m1 = 2m2 : (1) what is the ratio of the linear velocities v1:v2 = 【05】? (2)
what is the time for the stars to make one revolution? 【06】 (Express your answer using G,
m2, r2)

 The right graph shows the force acting on an object as a function of its position.
Determine the amount of work done by this force moving the object from x = 1.0
m to x = 6.0 m. (Assume an accuracy of 2 significant figures for the numbers on
the graph.) 【07】

 An object with a mass of 2.00 kg which can move on a frictionless inclined

plane as shown in the figure. Three forces, F1 = 20.0 N, F2 = 40.0 N, and F3 = 10.0 N
act on the object. The object is moved a distance of 0.600 m along the surface of the
inclined plane in the upward direction. Calculate the amount of work W1, W2, W3 =
【08】, 【08】, 【08】 done by F1, F2, F3, respectively.
 A piece of metal with a mass m moving along x axis collided with another identical piece of metal at rest. After
the collision, two metals stick together. How much energy fraction is lost during the event? 【09】%

 A piece of metal moves along the x axis at a velocity of 10 m/s. The metal breaks into two equal pieces. One of
the two pieces has a velocity 𝑣⃗ = 10 (𝑚/𝑠) 𝑥̂ + 5 (𝑚/𝑠)𝑦̂ . What is the other’s velocity ? 𝑣⃗ = (【10】
𝑥̂+【10】𝑦̂ )

 The figure shows two wires that are tied to a 710 g mass that revolves in a horizontal
circle at a constant speed of 7.5 m/s. What is the tension in the upper wire? 【11】

 3 balls are placed on a frictionless table. Their coordinates are shown in the right plot.
Assume all balls have the same mass m. What is the net gravitational force from the other
two balls at the origin point? 𝐹⃗ =𝐺 𝑚2(【12】𝑥̂+【12】𝑦̂ )

 Two boxes are connected by a weightless cord running over a very light, frictionless pulley as
shown in the figure. Box A, of mass 8.0 kg, is initially at rest on the top of the table. The coefficient
of kinetic friction between box A and the table is 0.10. Box B has a mass of 15.0 kg. What is the
acceleration of box B? 【13】

 Consider planets A and B. A has a 6.00 times larger gravity and 3.67 times larger radius than B. The escape
velocity for Planet A is 11.17 m/s. What is the escape velocity for Planet B? 【14】

 A block moves upwards a 20.0° incline. There is no friction and the initial speed is 12.0 m/s. How much time
elapsed till the block returns to its starting position? 【15】

Part II Problems (10 points per problem)

【1】 A satellite of mass 200 kg is launched from a site on the Equator into an orbit at 200
km above the Earth’s surface. (a) If the orbit is circular, what is the satellite’s speed in the
orbit? (b) what is the orbital period of this satellite? (c) What is the minimum energy necessary
to place this satellite in orbit, assuming no air friction? (1 day = 86400 sec, please keep only 3
significant figures)

【2】A small hockey puck slides without friction over the

icy hill shown in the figure and lands 6.20 m from the foot
of the cliff with no air resistance. Assume the puck flies
horizontally off the cliff, what was its speed v0 at the
bottom of the hill?

【3】The highest mountain (Mt. Everest) is at a height of 8840 m above sea level, and the deepest trench (The
Mariana Trench) in the sea is 10,430m. Assume the gravity on the sea level is 9.8030 m/s2, the gravity on the top
of the mountain is gh and the gravity at the bottom of the trench is gl. Please calculate gh, gl, and (gl - gh) /g.

Part I Answer Sheet,Note: 有效位數錯誤者,扣 0.5 分。

A【01】 4.3 m/s

A【02】 19
A【03】 6.9 m/s
A【04】 0.12 J
A【05】 1:2
A【06】 3 2𝜋 (𝑟2)3/2
2√2 √𝐺 𝑚2
A【07】 26 J
A【08】 12.0 J, 20.8 J, 0.00 J
A【09】 50
A【10】 𝑚 𝑚
10 ( ) 𝑥̂ − 5 ( ) 𝑦̂
𝑠 𝑠
A【11】 34 N
A【12】 1 1
(1 − ) 𝑥̂ + ̂
2√2 2√2
A【13】 6.1 m/s2
A【14】 2.38 m/s
A【15】 7.16 s

Part II Answer Sheet,Note: 有效位數錯誤者,扣 0.5 分。


(1) Vorb = Sqrt(6.6741*10-11 * 5.9763*1024 / (6378077+200000)) = 7787 or 7.787*103 m/s

(2) Torb = 2*3.1415*(6378077+200000)/ 7787 = 5308 or 5.308*103 sec

(3) Vrot = 2*3.1415*6378077/ 86400 = 464 m/s

Emin = (1/2*m*Vorb2 – G m Me/ (Re+200000))- (1/2*m*Vrot2 – G m Me/ (Re)) =

= (1/2*200*77872 – 6.6741*10-11*200*5.9763*1024/ (6378077+200000)) – (1/2*200*4642 – 6.6741*10-

*200*5.9763*1024/ 6378077)

= 6.4440*109 J


Ei=Ui+Ki=0+0.5mV_0 ^2


Falling time t=sqrt(2h/g)=1.317s


Ei=Ec => 0.5mV_0 ^2 =mgh+0.5m4.708^2

=>V_0 ^2 =166.6+22.165=188.765

=> V_0 =13.739m/s=13.7m/s


gh = (6.6741*10-11*5.9763*1024)/(6.386917*106)2 = 9.7778 m/s2

gl = (6.6741*10-11*5.9763*1024)/(6.367647*106)2 = 9.8371 m/s2

(gl-gh)/g = 0.0060 or 0.60%


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