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Liminal Exalted 

Charms: ​(X) = (Trait/2) Liminals use Improvised 
charms by paying a surcharge of 1m, and Named 
Traits  charms as normal. Liminals do not pay xp for charms, 
  only for Ways. Native Ways are: 
Blood:​Bureaucracy, Presence, Performance, Linguistics,  ● Overwhelming:​Add (X) dice, or double a static 
Socialise  value, for a single action. 
Breath:​Survival, Archery, Stealth, Dodge, Larceny  ● Exanimate: ​Treat 9s as double successes. If (x) is 
Flesh: ​Athletics, Melee, Thrown, Martial Arts, Resistance  3+, treat 10s as triple successes. 
Marrow: ​Investigation, Lore, War, Awareness, Sail   
Soil:​Occult, Craft, Ride, Medicine, Integrity  Charm themes:​Undead, Souls, Decay, Rebirth 
Other: ​Liminals can learn sorcery of the First Circle and 
Terrestrial Martial Arts. They possess their own form of 
Ragged Men: ​The Liminals are assembled from patchwork 
«Sorcery», called Exorcism; see below for details. 
corpses, and continue to replace body parts throughout 
their lives. Many can steal the cleverness from a liar’s 
tongue, or the prowess of a swordsman’s arm. Whenever  Anima Banner 
Limal Exalted attaches another being’s bodypart to itself it  0. Dim:​Anima is invisible and silent. The Liminal 
looks like a normal, although pale, mortal. 
may pick one of it’s traits to be replaced by the rating of 
1. Glowing: ​Liminal starts showing subtle signs of 
the same trait from the other being. Bodypart in question 
must be somehow related to the trait being replaced, like  its undead nature. It may be their eyes rolling 
in the examples above. Every bodypart attached takes up a  back, veins and eyes glowing faintly, a slight scent 
single attunement slot like a one-dot artifact. The only  of decay coming from their mouths or some 
exception is Liminal’s original body part if one wishes to  other concealable effect. When the Exalt spends 
Essence, said signs of undeath intensify, making 
use it again. It is possible to keep a stock of spare body 
them impossible to ignore. 
parts by preserving them in some way, either through 
charms, magic, mummification or leaving them floating in  2. Burning: ​The undead nature is on full display. 
jars filled with alcohol.  Effects from the Glowing level of anima intensify 
  and new ones surface. At this level the signs are 
Undying: ​The Liminals need no air, cannot starve to death  related to the aspect of the Liminal - Blood 
aspects bleed profusely from their eyes, mouths 
and do not age.​​Additionally​ , s​
o long as Liminal’s brain 
and ears, earth around Soil aspects starts to 
remains intact, children of the soil may even come back 
from death, the spark of their Essence spontaneously  blacken and skeletons of animals buried under it 
reigniting itself. Water also interferes with Liminal  surface. 
3. Iconic:​Liminals start emanating large amounts 
resurrection; drowning will prevent the Children of the 
of essence, forming a large whirlwind of a pale 
Soil from returning from the grave to exact revenge. 
color around them. An iconic representation of 
However, such lore is unknown to most, including the 
the Exalt’s soul manifests itself, typically 
majority of the Liminals themselves. 
alongside the symbol of the soul of its maker. 
The Maker and the Lifeline:​A strange, indelible link exists 
between a Liminal and her creator. The maker is branded 
Anima effects
by his act, tied forever to the life he has brought forth.  For 1m per scene, or for free at Iconic anima 
Though the two may travel hundreds of miles apart, they  level: 
remain linked by dreams and insights, which may serve as   
a source of comfort or torment—or both. Inevitably they  Blood: ​Whenever an action is tied to one of your 
intimacies, add half it’s rating dice to it. 
will be drawn back to-gether, though it may take years. 
Liminals can take the bond advantage just like Lunars, 
Breath: ​Ignore wound penalties to Evasion. 
though even without it, they still enter limit break and gain 
permanent point of limit if their maker is killed. 
Flesh: ​Halve wound penalties (rounding down). 
Upon losing last health level, Flesh aspect might 
Hunters of the dead: ​ For 1m, an Liminals can increase 
perform an attack as a reaction. 
their minimum die pool for an action to (Essence/2) dice 
against the creatures of death.   
  Marrow: ​Sense presence, identity and the exact 
  location of any creatures of death within range 
  equal to the awareness rating. 
Soil: ​Create a 3/turn hazard at close range 
affecting only creatures of death. 
Exorcism  Liminal character advancement 
Exorcism works just like Sorcery, with the following   
Subject  Cost, xp  Time 
● Spells and workings are limited to themes of  Trait, Aspect (New level x2)  (Current Level) 
combating creatures of death, dealing damage,  or Favored  weeks 
reincanation, removing shadowlands and staying 
Trait, (New level x2)+1  (Current Level) 
non-Aspect  months 
● Exorcisms can be paid for from personal mote pool at 1 to 
1 cost.  2  One week 
New Way,
● When countering Necromancy, treat it normally instead of 
Aspect or
it being one circle higher. When dispelling necromantic  Favored
spells, ignore penalty of -1 for every circle you’re not  Ability  
initiated into. 
● May not counter, distort or dispell Sorcery.  New Way, 3  Two weeks 
● There are only two Circles:  other Trait 
1. Exorcism: Maximum cost is 6. 
2. Enlightened Exorcism: Maximum cost is 13.  Named 0  (ways) days 
Existence of Exorcism is not common knowledge. Only  Aspect/
Exalted can be initiated into the first circle. Learning it 
requires being a Liminal, or being taught by one. Second 
Named 0  (ways x2) days 
circle may only be learned by Soil aspect Liminals, or 
other Liminals and Celestial Exalted if taught by a Soil 
  New spell   (circle)  (circle) weeks 
Liminal Character Creation 
1. Have an idea and general concept.  New (ways)  (circle) months 
2. Choose an Aspect. Assign 1 Favored Trait in Aspect  Evocation  
Abilities. Assign 1 additional Favored Trait wherever you 
New (New level)  Off-screen 
3. Traits begin at 0 dots. Favored Traits gain a dot form 
being Favored. Distribute 10 dots in Aspect or Favored 
Raise a 2  Instant, but 
Abilities. Distribute additional 15 dots as desired. Liminal  needs story 
Traits can be raised to a maximum of 5 (or 6 for Favored  reasons 
4. Virtues begin with 1 dot in each. Distribute an additional  Lower a 2   
5 dots between them, up to a 5-dot maximum.  Virtue 
5. Starting Essence for Liminals is 2. 
Essence  (New level)x2  (current level) 
6. Calculate Essence pool: (Essence x 2) + (Highest Virtue). 
7. Assign 4 known Ways to Aspect or Favored Abilities. 
Assign 2 more Ways where desired.  Martial arts 2  One month 
8. Distribute 4 dots of Advantages.  Technique,
9. Choose one Defining and two Major Intimacies. One of  base 
them should be towards your maker. 
10. Spend some additional xp, if your storyteller is feeling 
Time indicated assumes rigorous training, 8+ hours a day 
or so. Increase the time accordingly if it is not the case. 
11. Record starting equipment. 
Without a competent teacher or other source of 
12. Calculate static values. 
knowledge, many things can be impossible to learn. A 
13. Record Health levels. Each character begins with -0 -1 -1 
Liminal can always learn Ways and charms in his Aspect 
-3 -3 levels. Resistance Ways known provide two 
or Favored Abilities. Paced Lore on behalf of the teacher 
additional levels per Way, starting with the lower ones. 
can shorten training times. 
liminals have a maximum of 8x-3, 5x-1 and 4x-0 health 
14. Here’s your shovel. 
Liminal limit break 
Whenever Liminal Exalted enter limit break, they 
turn their back on humanity. They refuse to help or 
even in certain cases actively want to make the 
situation worse. They lash back at the mortals who 
rejected them. If especially annoyed by a mortal, 
Liminal won’t hesitate to kill. All social rolls other 
than intimidation are at -2 penalty. 
If Liminal’s maker dies, Exalted immediately suffers 
a mental backlash, regardless of distance between 
them, which makes him immediately enter Limit 
break and gain a permanent point of limit. After the 
limit break, Liminal is under effect of a 2/week 
obstacle resisted by integrity. Failure to resist it adds 
Limit. It is removed when Liminal forges a new bond 
with another living soul. Liminals who enter a Limit 
break before forging a new bond become just like 
their enemy. Heartless, unfeeling evil monsters, 
which use their powers to spread destruction, misery 
and death throughout Creation. In the eyes of their 
peers, they become another target. Sometimes they 
even join the forces of their former enemies... 

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