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B.Sc. Engineering pt.Year l51 Term Examination, 2019

Department of Computer Science and Engineering
. EEE 1107 .
Basic Electrical Engineering
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
I .. a) Define resistance, voltage, node, and linear bilateral. element. . (10)
. b) Using mesh analysis. determine the value of
Ii and Vab of the following circuit- ·-· (12)


12A 2n ion 4n v

'-----'----�· --'------OJ
. ' .
c) Define supernode. Use nodal analysis to find the value of VI and and V2 as shown in the below
CI 3)


40 20

03) .

b) Determine the current supplied by each battery in the following circuit. ( 15)


c) .What is electrical source? Classify electrical sources. Define independent and. dependent (07) ·

3. a) Transfer a delta network to equivalent wye network, and find each of the wyc connected ( I 0)
resistances in terms of delta resistances.
b) Explain the methods of range extension of an nm meter and a voltmeter. ( l 2)
c) State and explain Ampere circuital law. Define (i) Permeabiiity.: (ii) Reluctance, and (13)
(iii) Magnetomotive force.

Page: I o/2.
4. a) - Write the principle of generator and motor. Describe a practical de generator. ( l 0)
b) A 4-pole, Jong-shunt, lap-wound generator supplies 25kw at a terminal voltage of 500V. The ( I 0)
armature resistance is 0.030, series field resistance· is 0.040 and shunt field resistance is
2000. The brush drop may be taken as l .5V. Determine the emf generated. Also, calculate the
_ number of conductors if the speed is 1200 rpm and flux per pole_ is 0.02wb. Neglect armature
c) Classify de generators according to. their excitation with necessary diagrams. Describe the (08)
three important characteristic curves of de generator.
d) What is back emf? What is the significance of it? Derive the condition·for maximum efficiency (07)
of a de motor.

(Answer ANY THREE questions from.this section in Script B)
5. a) Explain the following terms with necessary illustration. . (10)
(i) Oscillating current, (ii) Periodic current, (iii) Alternating current; (iv) Period, and (v) Cycle.'
b) Define impedance. Derive the equation of impedance of R and L branch. Show the graphical - (15)
representation of voltage, current, and power variation in that branch.
c) What is phasor? Write the significance of operator j. Express the complex expression (10)·
V4.5...., )7.79 + loge 1 OLl 72° �s a single number.

6. a) Obtain the value of crest factor and form factor of pure sine wave. (10) ·
b) Obtain the expressions for the amount of energy stored during a quarter cycle of an inductor _ (12)
and a capacitor.
c) A voltage 'v = 200sin377t is applied to an inductive branch and the maximum current is 10 (13)
i) Find the value of L in milihenrys and ii) If it is known that this inductive coil has the
resistance of 10., what will be the actual value of L?

7. a) Calculate real power and reactive power employing complex forms. The voltage of a circuit (12)
is v = 200 sin( wt+ 30 °) and the current is i = 50 sin( wt + 60") . What are _ the power factor,
reactive factor and volt-amp?
. b) Why is transfer rating in KV A? Describe the open circuit test and short circuit test of a single - (13) ·
phase transformer.
c) What are the differences between alternator and synchronous motor? Write the advantages of (1_0)
. stationary armature in an. alternator. Describe v-curves. ,·� -· .. -

8. a) Write the working principle of a transforrner ". Mention some applications of it. What are the (12)
main components of a transformer? Describe them. . _
b) What are the losses in a transformer? Define efficiency arid find the condition for maximum (08)
c) What are the different types of 3-¢ transformer connections? Describe them briefly. Write (15)
advantages and disadvantages of 3 - ¢ transformer.

Page: 2 of2
: ;1;3."�c .. Engineering '1 ��: Year P� Term Examination, 2018
·. Department' ofComputerScienceand Engineering: .
�-:,-, .. · ... . · -, . . ', : . .: . EEE .fi'o}:; :.: · . . .. .,
. _·: :: =. . .._. · Basic.Electrical'.En.gineeririg:
hours· · ·.:··.·:. . . -· · .. · ·. ·: .:·. -:r. ;,;-,._;.·:_·.. · .. - •, .· ·... · · .•. FULLMARKs· 210
N.B. Answer'� T�Ii:q���tlo�s_:���-e��h':.;�c&o� �--separa�e ��-np_ts;.- . .
·ii) 'Figures in the 'rightmargin indicate full
... . . . . : . .·
... • .. , :., .. :· -.'?

, SECTION A,• ... ·.

. ··.. . . . .
qu�stioristroril this -�·ection �-S�ript A) · . .. ..... ·
.... ,. .. . .· ....
· ':· ... . . . . . ' .
1. a) State and explain Ohm's law, KVL and KCL. '.
.......,.-.. .: : .· . . . -. (09) ·
. b) · Deduce -thecoaditiontor maximum
.. .power trrui.
,, .
smission ·and find the equatjon-· for maximum (11) .
' .
. power. .. . . . .· . . . . .. ..··.... · . .. . . .. .
.c) Find all the branch currents usingnodal analysis· forthe following circuit.· '. .: . (15)"
'. .... :. � '. ·:.:
, ' ' ' . ' ' . • , r • . · ". " •. ' ' · .• : •

. ·.··
' ' ':• '
\. ·.·., ., ......
.. . . ' . :.' . . . . ,'="---- .. '•
·�. �.··.·.:_. · 4n .. ··.·. · . : . · ·. : - ,
r: . -: • ·=.:;.:/ � .•
. . .... . : . :: lOv. · ·
. � •.....: ·.
. .
··'.' .. .i; .,- . .-: •' ·.
... .
·.;=:: ��·.: . ·,: • .. .A.�.·


��2tL� .,
. . •, . ' . ....• � ... . ,·
. .. .

_2. a) State
;;ild th� �e�r=. s p position
resistance using � �

.: r.
theorem for· the following circuit, · · · ·- · · · ·

-: .
·<>}_ .::. -:�,,6�.
•' ·:,·· '

:·4n · 1n . . · ·
.. . .. sn .·
· ion
.. .

•' • �·.' .
• • �· . '. 'I
"'" ·�··�· .:·.!·�·:� .. · ,,;. ,: . �� • ' ' .. •' ,. · � . '"
'b) State Thevenin's theorem· andby using the�.t�1eo·rem;Jeplace the followingnetwork with. (13)
. ·· reference to terminal AB. ·· : . · . .' ·: ·· '< '.: ·. · . , : . . . · ... , · ·. ·· ·. . :
••' . ··sn · · · ·· :· · �."·:· .' ·
.: ;
; · · ·· · · ·
. ;
. . ,· ·._ . �
"", · · '24v-=-=-:- -: · 60 ·,

40 ··. ·;:. .: -, - ... : .'. ....:'_;·, .. :'j· -," :· .. ·

.... ·.... · .:. -· .... ._ '

. ·.:·:· .
"":: ..
. . ·' . ··�. '.
. . . . . - . . .· :·. . . . '

�) F�r. transmission from � . · d lta. n�twork to· equivalent· . wy�. ' network; find. each of ·th·e wye.. (09)
... connected resistances in terms delta resistances. . . . of
: "3.· a). Define -measuring' i�tru����: and.' clas-�if;/·��i°_'�are· the techniques of range extensi�n· or' (ll)
. ammeter and-voltmeter? . . . . . ·. . . : , . � .. . ·. . . . .. : . . . . .
· .: 'b) State and explain' Ampere. circuital, Compare between electrical circuit and magnetic law. .(12)·
circuit. . · :. · · · · . · . ·.;- . · · · . ·. . . . ·
.. c): Define (i) Permeability,. (ii) Permitivity, {ifi) Magnetic field, (iv) Electric field intensity and .(12)
(v) Right hand· rule: · · . . ._ . ·- ·
. ., ' . .. .. . ,· .. ·.... ·. ·,·:·:·'": ..... : : ._ . .

> . . . . . . a .' ..··.

-l 4. a) ·.What are 'the factors·. that -d�termine the
induced'-�oitage i� conductor? Detjv� the ·equation·
. . of generated' emf.of'a DC generator.. . . .. ·:. ·.: . . . . . . (1�)
. .
b) Deriye the condition for maximum effici. ency'of a DC motor. What'is meant by back emf? . (11)
. c) What'ate the f�ctors that·control-mot<?r.speed? A 220V-dc'.machine has an amiature resistance (12)
· . ·of 0.6(l°.'ffful1'1oad annatute ' _32A,.; 'find the induced em_fwhen the machine acts as·
. .. -Ci) m<;>tor:(ii).generator.·: ·.. :

Page: 1 o/2 .
· -SECTIONB ·.··
(Answer � T�E questions from this se tion in Script B)
5. a) What is phase_?:.find_.$e' angle of phase-difference between' V=lOOcos(ai--:-30°) and (05) .
. i = -iOsin(mt..,.. 60°): Which wave.lagsv ·.' · ·. ..
b) :Define impedance. Find ·the 'impedance of_· an L branch from.jts dynamic equilibrium (10).
·equation. . . . . . .
c). A voltage v = -150sin377t is applied. 'to a particular circuit element and it is -'found (10)
. i = 10cos377t amp. Make a sketch of v and i waves. Find the nature and magnitude of the
circuit parameter. . ' .
d) Define phasor. Write the significance . of j. Express the complex expression as a single �10)
.· number V4.5- }7.79 + loge IOLI 72°. . . ..
. . .
6. a) Find· the· equations· for energy delivered· to an inductor and to a capacitor· during a quarter (10)
. cycle. . . .
b) Deduce the value of crest factor and formfactor of sinusoidal waves. . . (08)_
c) Calculate real power and reactive power.employingcomplex form. . .(08)
d) What are-the differences betweenalternator and synchronous motor? Write the advantages of (09)
stationaryarmature in an _altemator. J?es�tib� ·v�curve�.. .

.. : ': 7. a) WntJ down ·th�

pe a on
principle of � � � �f -�higl�'.ph�e_.transf�rmer..Draw the' different (1-1) .
equivalent circuits of a transformer.: . .. . . .
b) Describe short circuit test and open circuit test of a single phase transformer. · (12)
c) Describe transformer on· no load. Show 'that for maximum efficiency of a transformer, Cu loss (12)
must be equal to ·the iron loss. · · ·

8. a) Mention some application of transformer.What are the main components of a transformer? (07)
b) Deduce the expression for induced e.m.f. in a transformer and find voltage transformation (07)
ratio: .
c) What are different types of 3-¢ transformer connecticns'i.Describe any two of them. · (11) ·
d) Write down the principle of operation of a synchronous motor. Why synchronous motor is not ( 10)
self-starting? . · ·

_Page: 2.o/2 .
B.Sc. Engineering 1st '(ear 1st Term Examination, 2017
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
EEE 1107
Basic Electrical Engineering
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210
N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks. ·

. ' .
' . . '

(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)

1. a) Write short notes on KVL, KCL and Ohm's law. (06)
b) State the conditions for applying superposition theorem to a circuit. Usetheilieorem to find (12)
current through 30 resistor of the terminal AB shown in the following figure.
. ·A
40 10
40- 30

c) "The power delivered to a load will be maximum when the load resistance is equal to the 'line (09)
resistance"-prove it. Also show that.atmaximum powerthe efficiency is 50%.
d) An electrical heater takes 1 KW 'from main· 'supply with certain voltage. If the voltage is (08)
increased -by 20%, the current through the heater is 8 Amp. (i) What is the original voltage?
(ii) What is the resistance of the coil?

2. a) For transformation from delta network to equivalent v.:ye network, find each of the wye (-10)
. · connected resistances in terms of delta resistances.' ·. ·
b) State Thevenin's theorem and by using the theorem, replace the network shown in the (15)
following figure with reference to the terminals AB.

80 60

,,......._.. B
c)' What is electrical source? Classify electrical sources. Define 'independent and dependent (10)

3. a) Find the current using Norton's theorem through a load of 8 n in the following circuit. (15)

200V 40 60 60

200 80

100 ion

Page: 1 of2
b) Determine the current supplied by each battery in the. following circuit.
__,, so 40 s so

30 2n
T rsv T5V 30V
c) How can a voltage source should be converted into a current source?. · (05)

4. a) Write down the working principle of a DC generator. (15)

b) Describe different parts of a DC motor. (15)
c) Prove that speed of motor depends on applied voltage, flux and armature resistor. (05)

THREE questions
from this
. .
in. Script

. 5. a) Define with necessary diagrams (i) Oscillating current (ii)�ent .(iii) Alternating (10)
current (iv) Period and (v) Cycle.
b) Define impedance. Derive the equation of impedance of q and L branch. Show graphical (15)
representation of voltage, current and power variation in'tjlat branch.
c) Find the amount of energy stored by a capacitor during a quarter cycle. (1 O)

6. a) Show that the crest factor of a sine wave is Ji and theform factor of the wave is 1.11. (10)
b) A voltage. y= 200sin377t isappliedtoan inductive branch and themaximum current is 10 (12)
A. (i) Find the-voltage of �:·.i°' millihenrys and (1.i)Jf is known that .this inductive coil
.. actually possesses LO resistance, .whatis the true value of L?
c) What is phaser? Write the significance of operator j .:Find all possible roots of the expression , (13)
10L45°5ei60(--4.047- j2.94).
,1- jl.732

7. a) Write the working principle of a transformer. 'Mention some applications of it. What .are the (1 O)
main components of a transformer?
b) Explain the transformer on no load and on load. Draw the necessary vector diagrams. (08)
c) Deduce the expression for induced voltage in a transformer and find out voltage· (07)
transformation ratio. .
d) Draw the equivalent circuit of a transformer and find ou! the total impedance between input (10)
terminals. ··. · "

8. a) Describe the working principle of a synchronous motor. Wrrte down the method of starting. (15)
b) What are the main four parameters of a transformer? How can they be determined? Describe (10)
transformer tests briefly. .,
c) A single phase. transformer has 400 primary and 1000 secondary turns. The .net cross- (10)
· of to
sectioned area· the core is 60 cnr'. If the primary winding be connected a 50 Hz supply at
520 V; calculate (i) peak value pf the flux density in the core {ii) the voltage induced in
secondary winding.

Page: 2 o/2
B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 1st Tenn Examination, 2016
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
. EEE 1107 ·
Basic Electrical Engineering
TIME: 3 hours FULL MARKS: 210

N.B. i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
iii) B-H curve may be supplied ifnecessary.
(Answe! ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
1. a) Define: (i) node (ii) mesh . (iii) linear circuit. � -- (06)
b) Using mesh analysis, determine the currents for the network in Fig. 1 (b). · (12)


.z n sn

Fig. l(b).
c) Deduce the condition for maximum power transfer. Under maximum power transfer (11)
conditions, show that the power transfer efficiency is 50%.
d) Arrange seven resistors each having a magnitude of 4 ohm in such a way so that the (06)
equivalent circuit resistance will be 7 ohm.

2. a) Mention three conditions for applying superposition theorem in a circuit. Using (13)
superposition theorem, find the current through 1 on resistor of Fig. 2(a).

2V 10n 15 Q

Fig. 2(a).
b) Find the Thevenin's equivalent circuit for the network shown in Fig. 2(b) across the RL. (12)


Fig. 2(b).
c) For transformation from 'delta network' to equivalent 'wye network' find each of the 'wye' (10)
connected resistance in terms of three 'delta' connected resistances.

3. a) Define magnetic field, flux density and permeability. State Ampere's circuital law for (10)
magnetic circuit and give an example.
b) Write the principle of generator and motor. Describe a practical de generator. (12)
c) Classify de generators according to their excitation with necessary diagrams. Describe the (13)
three important characteristic curves of de generator.

4. a) Describe armature reaction and its effects. (06)

b) Define critical resistance and explain voltage build up of a shunt generator. (10)
c) Define counter e.m.f. and write its significance. (07)
d) Mention the methods of speed control ofa de motor. Describe any oneof them. (12)

Page: I o/2
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script B)

5. a) What is phase? Find the angle of phase difference between v = 100 cos (cat - 30°) and (05)
i = -10 sin ( wt- 60°). Which wave lags?
b) Define impedance. Show that at no time the power in a pure resistance reach negative (06)
c) Find the· impedance of an L branch from its dynamic equilibrium equation. (12)
d) A voltage = -150 sin 3TI t is applied to a particular circuit element and it is found that (12)
i = 10 cos 3TI t amp. Make a sketch of the v and i waves. Find the nature and magnitude of
the circuit parameter.
. ....

6. a) Show that the crestfactor of sine wave is· .fi. and the form factoris 1.11. (10)
b) Find the equations for the amount of energy during a quarter cycle of an inductor and a (15)
c) Find the equation of instantaneous power delivered to the R-L branch and from the equation (10)
define real and reactive power. Also represent the power graphically.

7. a) What is phasor? Write the significance of operatorj. . (04)

b) Calculate real power and reactive power employing complex forms. The voltage of a circuit (12)
is v = 200 sin ((l)t + 30°) and the current is i = SO sin ((l)f + 60°). What are the p.f., reactive
factor and volt-amp?
y) Why is transformer rating in KVA? Describe the open circuit test and short circuit test of a (13)
single phase transformer.
�) What are the differences between alternator and synchronous motor? Write the advantages (06)
of stationary armature in an alternator. ·

8. a) Write the working principle of a transformer. Define step up and step down transformer. (12)
Write some applications of them.
b) What are the losses in a transformer? Define efficiency and find the condition for maximum (08)
efficiency of a transformer.
c) Describe transformer on (i) no-load and on (ii) load conditions. Draw necessary vector (15)
diagrams. Give constructional details of a transformer and write also the methods of cooling
�� .

B.Sc. Engineering 1st Year 1st Term Examination, 2015
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
EEE 1107
. Basic Electrical Engineering

· TIME: 3 hours 'FULL.MARKS: 210

N .B: i) Answer ANY THREE questions from each section in separate scripts.
· ii) Figures in the right margin indicate full marks.
iii) B-H curve will be supplied if needed.
(Answer ANY THREE questions from this section in Script A)
·. 1. a) · State and explain KVL, XCL and ohm's Law. . (09)
b) Determine the current supplied by each battery in the· circuit shown in Fig. I (b ). (13)
so ·40 sv ·. so

30 20.

Fig. l(b)
c) State the conditions for applying superposition theorem to a circuit. Using superposition · (13)
theorem- find the value of the output voltage "o in the circuit of Fig. I (c ). ·

·30 2n. +
. . Fig. l(c)
6V 1
. 2. a). For transformation from "delta network" to equivalent "wye network" find each of the (08)
"wye" connected resistances in terms of three ''delta" connected resistance ..
b) State Thevenin's theorem and by using Thevenin's theorem, replace the network shown in (15)
Fig. 2(b) with reference to terminals A and B. ·

80 60
2A o.
. 40
1.----0.B ,;
��2� .
c) A battery which gives 40 Amperes on short circuit will supply a current of 9.5 amperes to (09)
a resistance of 1 n ,connected between its terminals. (i) What is the electromotive .force of·
the battery? (ii) What is its internal resistance? · ·
d) State Millman's theorem. (03)
. .

3. a) "The power delivered to a load will be maximum whenthe load resistance 'is equal to the (08)
Thevenin resistance't-prove. Also show 'that at maximum power the .efficiency is only -
. 50%. . .
b) Define magnetic.field, flux density and permeability. . (06)·
c) . State ohm's law for magnetic circuit. Compare between the electric and magnetic circuit, (09)
d)., Find the magnetic field intensity at a point 5 cm distant from the midpoint of a straight ( 12)
wire 20 cm· long and carrying a current of IO amp. ·

4.. a) Write the principle of generator and motor. Describe a practical de generator. (IO}
b) Classify de generators according to their excitation with necessary diagrams. Describe the (08)
. open circuit characteristic of a de. generator.
c) Write the significance of the back emf of a de motor, Write the necessity of a starter in it. (07)
d) What are thefactors controlling.motor speed. Describe flux control method.' (IO)

Page: 1 o/2
. . .
(Answer ANY THREE questions
. from this section in Script
. B)

5.: a) What is phase and phase difference? Find the angle of phase· difference between· (I 0)
v = 3 lOcos(wt + 30°) =
and i ..:.2sin(wt -60°); which lags? .
b)· ·Define impedance: Derive the equation for impedance and power for an R-L branch.· (15)
· Show graphical representation of voltage, current and power variation in. that branch.
c). Find the amount of energy stored by a capacitor during a quarter cycle. (10)
. .
. 6. .a} · Define: (i) Form Factor (ii) Crest Factor (iii) Power Factor. (09)
b) 'What is phasor? Write the. significance· of operation j. Find all possible roots of ( 14)
·3 I OL45°5ef6o· (-4.04 T- /2.94)
I - JL732 .
c) Show· that the crest factor of sine wave is Ji and the form factor of the 'same wave is 1.11. (12)

7· a) . Define with necessary diagrams .(i) Oscillating current (ii) Periodic current and. ( I 0) .
.(iii) Alternating current. (iv) Period and (v) Cycle. · .
·b) Calculate the real power and reactive power employing complex forms. (10)
c) Find the impedance of an L branch from its dynamic equilibrium equation. . (07)
d) A voltage v=-l50sin377t. ·is applied to a particular circuit element and it is found that (08)
·.. i == l0c.os377t amp. Make a 'Sketch ofv and i . Find the nature and magnitude of circuit
· parameter ..

&. · ·a). Show· that e.m.f/turri. is the same in both the primary and secondary windings of a (07)
transformer. · .
b) Describe transformer on (i) No-load condition and (ii) on-load condition .. Draw necessary· (08)
vector diagrams. 1
. . .
. · .

c): Mention. themain parameters of a transformer. Briefly explain the open-circuit and short (12)
circuit tests ofa single phase transformer to calculate these parameters.
d) What are the losses in a transformer? Define. efficiency and· find the condition for (08)
maximum efficiency of a· transformer. .

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