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The Blaylock Wellness Report

Living a Long, Healthy Life

Edited by Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
April 2015 Vol. 12, No. 4

Key Points Drug Companies

• Vaccine propaganda Secretly Push Forced
increases sales

• Studies prove flu vaccine

is ineffective
The big pharmaceutical companies have launched a new, clever
• Lies about vaccine strategy to guarantee sales of their growing list of vaccines: They are
secretly pushing for mandatory vaccination for all Americans.
complications And what is the tactic that they turn to any time they want to force
the enactment of an otherwise unpopular piece of legislation?
• Myth of ‘herd immunity’
• Most doctors don’t It is well-understood that people lose the ability to think rationally
when they are in a state of panic. For instance, a person in a burning
understand vaccination house will often run to an area that allows no escape in order to get
science away from the fire. That person’s analytical mind has shut down; his or
her only thought is to run.
• Vitamin D3 keeps A similar, innate reaction is something that has been called the
immune system working “herd instinct.” Cattle will race off at full speed when frightened by
a loud noise, following the leaders of the herd, often to their deaths,
• Vitamin C protects simply because the entire group has panicked.
against infection But humans can also suffer from herd instinct. Gustav Le Bon wrote
an entire book, called “The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,”
about this very interesting human reaction.
ASK DR. BLAYLOCK Another classic of “herd instinct” is “Propaganda,” by public
relations pioneer Edward Bernays, originally published in 1928.
• Flavonoids can prevent In the book, Bernays explains that people are controlled
unconsciously by companies, governments, and other elite controllers
dementia associated with
of society such as (Bernays’ examples) General Motors, Procter &
Down syndrome Gamble, John D. Rockefeller, and General Electric, as well as entities as
diverse as the Nazi Party in Germany, the U.S. War Department, and the
• Coenzyme Q10 fights fashion industry.
aging In this month’s issue of The Blaylock Wellness Report, I will tell
you why the drive for mandatory vaccines will lead to more, not less,
• Protect yourself from CT health problems in this country.
scan radiation
Vaccines: New Moneymaker
There is an old adage that says if you want to find the cause of a
particular issue or predicament, you just have to “follow the money.” In
Page 2 The Blaylock Wellness Report April 2015

many ways, this adage holds true for medicine. they’ve missed in their lives and begin getting
What many people don’t know is that only regular shots each year.
a handful of drugs actually make big bucks for That would be like a chair manufacturer having
pharmaceutical companies. These include: the authority to make everyone in the United States
• Statins buy his chairs every year, as well as any new models
• Antidepressants he creates thereafter.
• Chemotherapy drugs
• Antibiotics Propaganda and Media Manipulation
It is these “glitzy,” lucrative drugs you see Using the propaganda techniques described by
advertised constantly on TV. But lately, drug Bernays, vaccine makers developed clever slogans
companies have had difficulty coming up with new released too woo not only to public, but physicians
moneymakers. as well.
Then they hit upon a brilliant idea: vaccines. These included pleasant phrases such as “safe and
The reason vaccines can be so profitable is that effective vaccines” and claims like “vaccines are the
they are relatively cheap to make and pharmaceutical greatest success story in the history of medicine.”
companies can get the government, the media, and Of course, another part of the propaganda
various healthcare professionals to do their selling technique is to demonize and marginalize your
for them. opponents. This requires a compliant media, which
For example, Merck, maker of the HPV (human receives millions of dollars in pharmaceutical
papillomavirus) vaccine Gardasil, planned to have advertisement monies.
representatives meet secretly with state congressmen This is where the scare tactics come in. The media
to convince them to propose and pass bills has gotten its fear mongering down to a science. As
mandating vaccination for all girls starting at age 11. a result, health-related scare stories have become a
Until they were exposed, the plan was working. staple of nightly news broadcasts.
Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Take, for example, the recent Ebola scare or the
(CDC) condemned the practice. swine flu panic before it. The media presented these
Yet drug companies intend to extend this practice events as though they were harbingers of the end of
by getting laws passed to make various vaccines the world.
mandatory for the entire nation. Likewise, we are told that each year some 36,000
Adults will have to make up any vaccinations people die from the flu — a wild distortion. In truth,

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April 2015 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 3

no more than 1,000 actually die nationwide from flu

infections. Hundreds of Thousands of
But if I told you that 1,000 people had died from Complications Every Year
the flu in 2013, that would sound like a big number
The federal government has established a
— the kind of number that can be terrifying.
reporting method for vaccines called the Vaccine
But if you looked at the statistics in your own
Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). In this
state, you would see that number was maybe 20 or voluntary reporting system, doctors and others
30 or less in the entire state. And if you focused on are asked to report any vaccine-related injury or
your particular county, the number of deaths would complication.
shrink to just one or two cases. Last year, 46,283 vaccine-related complications
The truth is that your actual risk of severe were reported.
consequences from a flu infection is infinitesimally Worse yet, studies have shown that only 10
small. Furthermore, if I showed you a map of where percent of all complications are ever reported to
these fatal influenza cases occurred nationwide, VAERS.
you would see that they are concentrated in very That means a better estimate would be that there
large metropolitan centers. And even within these were 462,830 vaccine-related injuries last year — a
mega-cities, most of the cases are in the poorest much more frightening figure.
According to the CDC, most minor complications,
neighborhoods, where nutrition and public health is
such as arm soreness or slight fevers, are not usually
reported. This means that the reported complications
Yet the media manages to frighten the whole are mostly significant and many quite serious.
country because they understand just how to A researcher friend of mine has collected a
manipulate us. large number of very serious complications from
the Gardasil vaccine and has written a number of
Studies Prove Flu Vaccine Doesn’t Work scholarly articles on how these vaccines damage the
In many flu seasons, including this year, the brain.
vaccination “experts” have guessed the wrong strain It is now accepted in scientific literature that all
of the virus that would spread, rendering the vaccine cases of polio in Africa were caused by the oral polio
that was produced completely worthless. vaccine itself.
This polio vaccine was banned in the United States
Yet this doesn’t deter the medical establishment
because studies determined that all cases of polio
at all — they always tell the public to take the after 1961 were caused by the vaccine.
vaccine anyway. So much for “safe vaccines.”
An extensive study of 260,000 children under the
age of 2 found that the flu vaccine was effective for
none. That is, it had 0 percent effectiveness.1 of the flu vaccine in preventing pneumonia,
In children older than 2, the vaccine was effective hospitalization, and death among people 55 or older.
only 33 to 36 percent of the time, depending on the These researchers found that even though the
type of vaccine. That means 64 to 67 percent of the number of people vaccinated increased progressively
children got no benefit whatsoever from the vaccine. and dramatically every decade, there was no
But they did risk suffering complications. reduction in any of these complications that are
A similar study found that among elderly people related to influenza.4
living at home, the flu vaccine had absolutely no These studies demonstrate that you are being
effect in reducing pneumonia, hospitalization or lied to — not just by the makers of the vaccines,
death, which are the three outcomes that are used to but also by public health authorities, the CDC, the
push the vaccine so vigorously among the elderly.2, 3 government, medical associations, and the media.
Among those living in a nursing facility, the flu
vaccine showed 0 percent effectiveness in preventing Vaccines Damage Young Brains
flu, and was only 46 percent effective for preventing Children are now receiving as many as 46 vaccine
pneumonia.6 injections before attending school.
Another 20-year study examined the effectiveness There are literally dozens of carefully conducted
Page 4 The Blaylock Wellness Report April 2015

studies from major research groups that link immune system using only a vaccine-like immune
excessive — and especially repetitive — immune stimulant (not a living organism), you see the very
stimulation with abnormal development of infants same damage to the baby’s brain.19-21
and small children’s brains.5-8 The science is heavily against vaccine use for
This is not speculation; these are findings based pregnant women.
on careful science. I have written at least a half Proponents, on the other hand, never produce
dozen papers in peer-reviewed journals describing any primary research to defend the safety of vaccines
this vaccine-induced effect on children’s developing as they are currently being given to pregnant women
brains. and small children.
The pharmaceutical industry propaganda mill They try to back up vaccination by saying that if
tries to cover up this research by implying that all a woman gets the flu during pregnancy it can cause
vaccine opposition stems from a single article by a brain damage in her baby.
single researcher, Dr. Andrew Wakefield. In other words, they are admitting that I am
They follow that lie by claiming that Dr. correct in describing the harm caused by immune
Wakefield’s research has been discredited and stimulation during pregnancy.
rejected by all scientists. These same proponents then claim vaccinating
But in fact, Dr. Wakefield’s articles are only a all women can prevent them from getting the flu.
small part of the discussion, and his research has The problem with this argument is that the
been confirmed independently. His original paper vaccine is barely effective, so it won’t protect most
has been shown to meet all criteria of scientific women.
protocol and methods. Yet all women who receive shots will be exposed
Essentially, the promoters of mandatory to the vaccines’ immune stimulation, and thus
vaccination have been lying all along — and expose their babies to complications.
continue to lie. In addition, these vaccines contain a number
Recently, Dr. Brian Hooker, a senior scientist at of brain-toxic substances, such as aluminum, MSG,
the CDC, disclosed that a paper he co-wrote finding mercury, and viral fragments, most of which are
no link between vaccines and autism was doctored retained in babies’ brains for very long periods.22
to make that claim. All my statements are backed up by hard science.
In a paper that made public the previously The vaccine promoters, on the other hand, have no
hidden data, Dr. Hooker demonstrated that the real science.
autism rate in black children vaccinated before the
age of 36 months was 173 percent higher than those Elderly People Being Misinformed
not vaccinated that early.9 A great deal of medical propaganda is expended
Based on such compelling research, we now trying to convince people 55 and older to get
know that the idea of encouraging pregnant women all of the recommended vaccines, including the
to undergo flu vaccination and take other vaccines pneumococcal, the herpes zoster, the meningococcal,
is ludicrous. It has resulted in a great number of and the flu vaccine each and every year.
miscarriages and possibly a number of brain-injured What people are not told is that receiving all
Scientific research proves that stimulating an
Exclusive to Current Subscribers
immune reaction in a pregnant woman will raise
the level of immune cytokines in the baby’s brain, Current subscribers have instant access to any and
which can drastically increase the risk of autism and every past edition of The Blaylock Wellness Report.
schizophrenia when the child matures.11-16 Simply go here:
This research also indicates that it is not the flu
virus itself that causes damage to the baby’s brain.
Rather, it is the mother’s immune reaction to the This
password password
every issue is:
is is:
virus.17, 18 in the
(Please introductory
remember e-mail.
to use lowercase letters.)
Studies show that if you stimulate the mother’s
April 2015 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 5

Vaccines Do Not Eradicate Diseases

After a person takes a type no more than 4 or 5 years, and that received the polio vaccine, and
of live-virus vaccine such as the booster vaccine immunity lasts an that is how the virus was finally
measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) even shorter period. eradicated.
shot, he or she sheds the virus in Because natural immunity lasts a But in fact, the vaccine was
their bowel movements and nasal lifetime, over time the virus begins not mandatory, and a significant
and oral secretions for up to a to lose its virulence (disease-causing number of people either delayed
month. ability) and starts to disappear. We getting the vaccine or refused it
This means that the newly witnessed that phenomenon long altogether — especially after the
vaccinated kids are the ones before the measles vaccine was Cutter Laboratories disaster, in
spreading the measles virus at the developed and used, beginning in which it was found that the vaccine
schools as well as to other children, 1961. itself was causing new cases of
such as babies, in their own homes. In fact, by the time the measles polio.
The measles virus is also vaccine came into use, the death Personally, I didn’t take the
known to be among the immune- rate from the disease had fallen 90 vaccine until the late 60s. No one
suppressing viruses, which makes percent. else in my family did either.
children more susceptible to That shows that the death rate My wife and her brother didn’t
complications from the vaccine. fell not because of vaccination, take the polio vaccine as children
Natural epidemic diseases, such but because of better public either.
as the measles, not only elicit full health measures and better overall In essence, the polio epidemic
immunity in a high percentage of nutrition (vitamins were added to disappeared without ever
individuals, but this immunity lasts many foods). reaching “herd immunity” levels
a lifetime. In talking to younger people, of vaccination. Like many such
On the other hand, studies have I realize that they assume that epidemics, it disappears as quickly
shown that vaccine immunity lasts everyone in the United States as it appears.

of these vaccines significantly increases their risk a series of vaccines — will cause brain microglia
of developing medical complications such as the to release very harmful chemicals in high
Guillian-Barre syndrome, a disorder in which concentrations.24, 25
the body’s immune system attacks the peripheral This has been shown to lead to destruction of
nervous system. neurons and synapses in the brain.
When that happens, it can leave a person The same process could very well increase the
permanently paralyzed or even dead. risk of a person developing Parkinson’s disease, ALS,
They are also not told that if a person has a or Alzheimer’s.
neurodegenerative disorder, the vaccines can make Most of these neurological diseases have
the disease advance much faster and cause worse prolonged courses, during which there are no or few
damage to the brain.23 symptoms.
It is important to keep in mind some important
Vaccinations during this silent period could
scientific facts.
hasten the onset of the disease, as well as making the
Vaccines can magnify the damage done by
disease more severe.
pesticides and herbicides and aging, because the
microglia (the brain’s primary immune cells) But elderly people are never informed about
become hyperactive. these very real dangers from vaccination.
Exposure to pesticides and herbicides is
now considered a major trigger for developing Herd Immunity Myth
Parkinson’s disease. Vaccine promoters faced a powerful argument:
When microglia are in this hyperactive, primed If vaccines are 99 percent effective in preventing
state that occurs with aging, any further immune diseases, why would anyone oppose certain people
stimulation in the body — such as occurs with refusing to vaccinate themselves or their children?
Page 6 The Blaylock Wellness Report April 2015

After all, it’s only the unvaccinated children that which means the ability to prevent a disease.
are at risk. As I have noted, when given to children younger
Because so many of their assurances of safety and than 2, the flu vaccine offered no protection. The
effectiveness were dispelled by scientific research, pertussis vaccine (whooping cough) is only about 20
promoters of mandatory vaccination hit upon to 40 percent effective.
another tactic to use to their advantage — a concept Most other vaccines offer anywhere from 12 to, at
called “herd immunity.” most, 60 percent immune efficacy.
Basically, herd immunity postulates that if a What this means is that even if everyone in the
certain percentage of the population is immunized country — 100 percent of the population — is
against a disease, that disease will slowly disappear. vaccinated against a certain disease, you’ll still never
Originally, this was based on natural immunity — meet the criteria for herd immunity.
that is, having contracted the disease naturally, not by Therefore, all the children and adults who are
ways of vaccination. deemed to be “at risk” will remain at risk. This has
It has never been established that herd immunity been shown in medical literature, specifically with
could work with vaccination alone. regard to the measles vaccine.
In the beginning, scientists assumed that 55 In the past decade, despite carrying out aggressive
percent of the population would need to be immune vaccination programs, thousands of cases of measles
for herd immunity take hold. have been reported in Germany, Japan, Singapore,
Then the figure rose to 85 percent, then 95 and France.26, 27
percent. Now, the claims have reached 100 percent. In the latest measles occurrence in the United
The supposed reason for establishing herd States, we have had less than 150 cases reported —
immunity is to protect those within society who and yet the media acts as if it were the Black Plague.
cannot be vaccinated — for example, people with And once again, politicians and the media have
cancer, severe diabetes, or hereditary defects of begun screaming for mandatory vaccinations.
immune systems. But not one child has died from measeles in this
From birth until age six months to a year, babies so-called “outbreak.” According to CDC records,
also have impaired immune systems. In fact, that is during a 10-year study period, not one child died in
why it is so important for mothers to breast-feed, the U.S. from measles.
because the milk transfers the mother’s immunity to Yet during the same time period, 108 infants
the baby. died as a result of complications from the measles/
Bottle-fed babies are at a higher risk of getting mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine.
infections. That certainly can’t be counted as a “greater
Unfortunately, almost half of the children in the good.”
United States are bottle-fed. Furthermore, millions of illegal immigrants are
This is where the deception comes in. entering the U.S. without medical examinations,
Vaccine promoters know that most of the and with no confirmable vaccine records. What’s
public thinks that vaccination is the same thing as more, many of these immigrants are coming from
immunity to a disease. But it’s not. countries known to have endemic diseases.
Virtually all vaccines have a limited efficacy, Infections that are even more dangerous — such

A note from Dr. Blaylock: Advertisements for various supplements may appear in the newsletter or attached
to the newsletter. I have nothing to do with these advertisements and do not endorse them. The only
supplements I endorse are those that I list in the newsletter. This is not to say that I object to the supplements;
it’s just that I am not familiar with the supplements being advertised.

Please note that this advice is generic and not specific to any individual. You should consult with your doctor
before undertaking any medical or nutritional course of action.

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April 2015 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 7

as the D68 enterovirus that is causing a polio-like vaccine. Some doctors rant and rave, insult their
illness in young children — are also crossing the patients, and even refuse to treat them anymore.
border, filling our schools, and exposing our children In such circumstances, the best thing a patient
to potential harm. can do is switch doctors.
But why are doctors so adamant about
Greatest Danger: vaccination?
Viruses Inside Your Body One reason is that they get heavy doses of
The proponents’ argument for mandatory propaganda from medical societies, especially those
vaccination is it will protect those who have involved with pediatricians and family practice
compromised immune systems because of immune doctors.
deficiency diseases, cancer, heart failure, or extreme But in many instances the leaders of those
old age and infirmity. medical societies are receiving large sums of money
The implication is that the greatest risk for from the vaccine makers.
In addition, most of those doctors, especially the
such people comes from others in the community
older ones, have had very little training in immune
contracting diseases such as measles, mumps, rubella,
system physiology, and they have no idea what’s in
or flu.
most vaccines.
The problem with this idea of protection by herd
They also have little knowledge about what
immunity is that most of these individuals, especially
happens to the brain when the immune system is
the children, will not die from the typical childhood
stimulated by repeated doses of vaccines.
They know nothing of the brain’s development
In fact, they are more likely to die from viruses
during infancy and childhood, or that intense
— such as the cytomegalovirus and herpes group of
immune stimulation can result in recurrent seizures,
viruses — that are already within their bodies.28, 29
encephalopathy, abnormal brain development, and
In fact, more than 85 percent of people are
prolonged brain inflammation.
infected with one or both of these viruses.
They have no idea of the link between
For people with normal immune systems, the autoimmune diseases (asthma, juvenile diabetes),
viruses present no problem. leukemia, and other diseases and certain vaccines.
But a loss of immunity can turn these latent They have no clue about the effect of
viruses into killers.30 accumulating doses of aluminum — the major
Remember that no vaccine is 100 percent adjuvant used in most vaccines — has on the
effective. The flu vaccine is no more than 46 percent developing or adult brain.
effective for healthy people. This means that even In most instances, the literature that those
if you forcibly vaccinated everyone in the United doctors are reading is written by makers of vaccines
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Page 8 The Blaylock Wellness Report April 2015

BLAYLOCK TIP discovered a great many ways to improve immune

health and resistance to disease, this knowledge is
Reducing Inflammation not being utilized.
Lessens Depression From what the proponents of forced vaccination
Depression and anxiety are linked to inflammation. say you would think that we have made no
Therefore, treatments that reduce chronic advances in treating and preventing many of the
inflammation also reduce anxiety and depression. complications associated with these infectious
In fact, depression can cause so much brain diseases, such as measles and whooping cough.
inflammation, especially in the memory areas Actually, there have been many advances.
(hippocampus), that one can see a loss of recent
memories and damage to this vital brain area. Vitamin D3 Keeps Immunity Working
Magnesium, curcumin, quercetin, zinc, hesperidin, Vitamin D3 is actually not a true vitamin, but a
ginkgo biloba, lithium, and St. John’s wort all lessen
hormone. However, for the sake of clarity, I will refer
depression by reducing brain inflammation and
to it as a vitamin.
Most of the vitamin D3 we get is generated by an
interaction of the sun’s UV rays with chemicals in
or by other doctors who are receiving large sums of our skin. Very little comes from our diets.
money from pharmaceutical companies. One of the major functions of vitamin D is
These are most often population studies that modulation of the immune system. It does this by
are known to be highly manipulated, even falsified. producing a series of antibiotic-like compounds
In many cases, they may even be ghostwritten by (called antimicrobial peptides) that kill infectious
representatives of the vaccine makers. organisms.
The truth is that most doctors almost never Vitamin D3 also keeps the immune system from
read scientific articles that explain how vaccines, overreacting, which is a major cause of death from
especially vaccine adjuvants, can cause damage to the infections such as the flu and measles.
body. It never occurs to many of these physicians to Recent studies have shown that vitamin D3
wonder why measles is so deadly in Africa but not deficiency is extremely common because of the use
the United States. of sun blockers and the wearing of hats and other
But the vaccine manufacturers know, and sun-shielding clothing.
that’s why they and the CDC always talk about Dark-skinned people have very low levels
the number of worldwide deaths from infectious of vitamin D3, putting them at a higher risk of
diseases — because it provides much larger numbers. infections and complications from infections (and
In much of the world, poor sanitation, crowded vaccines).
living conditions, and poor nutrition are the leading Combined with urban crowding, poor sanitation,
causes of death related to infections. poor personal hygiene, and exposure to high levels
That’s also why so many Americans died in the of particulate matter from automobile engines,
19th century from measles epidemics. vitamin D3 deficiency is a formula for out-of-control
When doctors added vitamin A to the diets of infections.
African children, the death rate from measles was cut Yet despite all of this, I have never heard of a
in half. When they also added zinc, it fell by almost campaign by the vaccine proponents to begin a
80 percent. program of vitamin D3 supplementation — not even
Most Africans are still vitamin D3 deficient, among the most at-risk population.
which adds greatly to the continent’s death rate from Pregnant women should supplement with at least
infections. 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 throughout their pregnancy
Experience teaches us that you can’t protect and during breast-feeding; newborns can be given at
everyone. But we can dramatically improve people’s least 500 IU of vitamin D3. Small children can take
ability to resist diseases and prevent infection-related 1,000 IU a day.
complications — at all ages. Adults should have their blood vitamin D3 levels
Unfortunately, despite the fact that we have checked. If the reading is below 25 ng/mL, they
April 2015 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 9

should take 10,000 IU a day for two weeks, and 5,000

IU a day thereafter. Fevers Aid Immune System
They should then repeat the blood test one
Fever is a built-in system that aids the body in
month after starting their supplementation. stopping and fighting infections.
Optimal vitamin D3 levels are 65 to 75 ng/mL, Most people make the mistake of taking anti-fever
but not more than 100 ng/mL. medications throughout the course of an infection.
While medication will lower your temperature
Vitamin C Prevents Infection and make you feel better, it will also reduce your
Vitamin C plays an important role not only defenses.
in preventing infections but also in preventing Studies have shown that lowering the temperature
in African children with measles resulted in a fivefold
complications from infections, such as the immune
increase in mortality compared to those who had
response known as a cytokine storm.
While most people in this country are not Fevers are of no real danger to the sufferer until
severely deficient in vitamin C, a large number have the temperature exceeds 104 degrees, or if a child
subclinical deficiencies, which increase as person’s has a pre-existing history of febrile or other types of
risk of infection and causes difficulty in recovering seizures.
from infections. Several things in the diet can worsen infections.
Because there is a limit to how much vitamin C These include high sugar intake, use of omega-6 oils
a person can absorb, researchers have created a high- and high red meat intake. Iron, especially from red
absorption form called Lypo-Spheric vitamin C that meat, stimulates bacterial and viral growth.
comes in small packets of 1,000 mg each. Both sugar and omega-6 oils can suppress
immunity. Nicotine is a very powerful immune
If you take 2,000 mg three times a day when you
suppressant, even that from nicotine patches and
are around infected people, it will help protect you. electronic cigarettes.
If you are sick with a virus, you can increase this
to 3,000 to 4,000 mg three times a day.
Small children can take 1,000 mg twice a day. that some plant extract flavonoids have
Vitamin C should be taken on an empty stomach. significant antiviral effects against a number
of viruses, including influenza A and B, HPV,
Important Immune hepatitis C, enteroviruses, and cytomegaloviruses.
The flavonoids include apigenin, luteolin, EGCG,
System Supplements
• Green and White Tea. The catechins in these baicalein, and curcumin.31-36 All of these are
teas have been shown to inhibit flu virus available as high-quality supplements. However,
replication and entry into cells. Most powerful if you eat 5 to 10 servings of vegetables a day, you
was a component called EGCG, which has its will get most of these flavonoids in your diet.
highest concentration in white tea, and the next • Aged Garlic Extract. Garlic has been shown
highest in green tea. Drinking two cups of white to have significant antibacterial and antiviral
tea a day will help prevent viral infections and benefits. The aged garlic extract is the most tested.
reduce their impact. The dose is one capsule twice a day.
• N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (NAC). This compound • Mixed Carotenoids. Carotenoids, composed
increases glutathione levels in all cells and has of several hundred types, are found in many
been shown to significantly boost resistance to plants, and account for the colorful leaves. While
viral infections, including the influenza virus. beta-carotene is the best known, several of the
Studies have also shown that taking NAC leads to others — including astaxanthin, canthaxanthin,
a reduction in the number of sick days. The dose lutein, lycopene, and zeaxanthin — may be of
is 750 mg taken once or twice a day with a full much greater importance. As a mixture, which is
meal. Never take NAC on an empty stomach, as it available as a supplement, they play a significant
can cause severe cramping. role in immune function. These carotenoids are
• Plant Flavonoids. Recent research has shown safe even in very large doses. If you eat (or drink)
Page 10 The Blaylock Wellness Report April 2015

5 to 10 servings of vegetables a day you probably vaccine-injured children and see the despair and
do not need a supplement. The usual dose is anguish on the parents’ faces, I am deeply moved.
25,000 IU a day. When I hear of how their lives have been
• Magnesium. This important mineral not only disrupted by a child damaged by vaccines — a child
has a role in immunity, but it also reduces that now is a danger to other children, a child that
excessive tissue inflammation, improves blood may have no hope of a decent future — it is gut-
flow (especially in small blood vessels), and raises wrenching.
cell glutathione levels. All of these things protect Many of these parents also tell terrible tales of
you from damage during infections. I prefer a watching helplessly as their beautiful children lose
slow-release form such as the magnesium malate. both their personalities and their abilities to learn.
I take two capsules twice a day. Those who say that we should force all children
• Beta 1,3/1,4-glucan. This natural substance is to be vaccinated in order to protect the unvaccinated
extracted from the cell wall of yeast and then children never consider this important question:
purified. A number of studies have shown that Would they be willing to exchange their own child’s
the extract stimulates mostly cellular immunity, future, health, and happiness for a remote chance
the part of the immune system that is most
that it will save another child? 
effective at killing microorganisms, including
viruses. Vaccines do not stimulate this system.
The dose for an adult is 500 mg as soon as you REFERENCES
1. The Cochrane collaboration; Cochrane database of systematic reviews, 2006(1):
know you have been exposed or begin to feel cd004879.
sick. In most cases, this will prevent an infection. 2. Simonsen L et al. The Lancet Infect Dis 2007[7(10):658-66.

With infections that have already occurred, it will 3. Rizzo C et al. Vaccine 24(42-43):6468-75.
4. Simonsen L et al. Arch Intern Med 2005;165:265-72.
significantly lessen the impact and shorten the 5. Blaylock RL. J Physc Surg 2004;9(2):46-51.
duration of illness. Once you begin to recover, 6. Aral K et al. Jpn J Pharmacol 2001;87:95-201.
cut the dose to 250 mg a day, always taken on an 7. Blaylock RL. Med Veritas 2008;5:1727-41.

empty stomach. 8. Strunecka (Ed); Cellular and Molecular Biology of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Bentham Sci Pub, 2010.
9. Hooker BS. Translational Neurodegen 2014;3:16.
Seeing the Damage Vaccines Cause 10. Bilbo SD et al. Microb Ecol Health Dis 2015;26:26253.

It’s common to have the vaccine proponents refer 11. Parker-Athill EC, Tan J. Meurosignals 2010;18:113-28.
12. Cai Z et al. Pediatr Res 2000;47:64-72.
to those of us urging caution as “anti-vaccine.” 13. Bilbo SD, Schwartz JM, Front Behav Neurosci 2009;3:14.
However, I am in favor vaccines — as long 14. Smith SE et al. J Neurosci 2007;27:10695-702.
as those recommending the medications can 15. Ellman LM et al. Schizophrenia Res 2010;121:46-54.

demonstrate a very high degree of safety, which they 16. Patterson PH. Behav Brain Res 2009;204:313-21.
17. Ashdown H et al. Mol Psychiatry 2006;11:47-55.
have not been able to do. 18. Forrest CM et al. Mol Brain 2012;5:22.
The very fact that proponents are spending so 19. Arrode-Bruses G, Bruses JL. J Neuroinflam 2012;9:83.
much effort covering up the medical literature on 20. Garbett KA et al. Transl Psychiatry 2012;2)4):e98.
complications and attacking reasonable scientists 21. Meyer U et al. Schizo Bull 2009;35(5):959-72.

who are asking critical questions says a lot. 22. Blaylock RL. Curr Inorganic Chem 2012;2:46-53.
23. Perry VH et al. Nat Rev Neurosci 2003;4(2):103-12.
Likewise, the fact that so much money is being 24. Sparkman NL. Johnson RW. Neuroimmunomodulation 2008;15:323-30.
spent promoting widespread use of vaccines known 25. Ye SM, Johnson RW. J Neuroimmunol 1999;93:139-48.
to have little effectiveness or even need (chickenpox, 26. Antona D et al. Emerging Infect Dis 2013;19:357-64.

tetanus, herpes zoster, meningiococcus, influenza) 27. Ong G et al. Singapore Med 2007;48:656-61.
28. Johnson J, Anderson B. Onstet Gynecol Clin North Am 2014;41(4): 593-9.
does not inspire confidence. 29. Huygens A et al. Front Immunol 2014;5:552.
Unfortunately, many scientists who are aware 30. Griffiths P et al. J Pathol 2015;235:288-97.
of the dangers inherent to vaccination programs 31. Zhang W et al. PLoS One 2014;9(10):e110429.

are afraid to speak out because of the concerted 32. Ding Y et al. Arch Virol 2014;159:3269-78.
33. Nayak MK et al. Antimicrob Chemother 2014;69(5):1298-310.
attacks on their reputations and the risk of a loss of 34. Lv Y et al. BMC Compl Alter Med 2014;284.
employment. 35. Ou JL et al. FEBS J 2013;280(22):5029-40.
Yet when I meet the mothers and fathers of 36. Kim M et al. Antiviral Res 2013;100(2):460-72.
April 2015 The Blaylock Wellness Report Page 11

Ask Dr. Blaylock

Attention Blaylock Readers:
Dr. Blaylock welcomes any questions or comments you would like to share.
Each month, he will select a few to be published and answered in the newsletter.
Please remember that he cannot answer every question.
When submitting a question or comment, please include full name, city, and state.
Please e-mail the doctor at:

Vinpocetine for Alzheimer’s If all of these measures fail to improve the

condition, then you might consider undergoing
Q:  My wife has Alzheimer’s and is currently surgical removal.
taking Plavix. I would very much like to get her on
curcumin and/or vinpocetine. Can you give me any Flavonoids Prevent Dementia
— John W., Santa Fe, N.M. Q:  My 14-year-old daughter has Down syndrome.
Virtually all people with Down syndrome get
A:  Plavix is associated with a number of serious Alzheimer’s dementia if they live long enough. What
complications. In my experience — and based on supplements can I give her to delay or prevent the
the latest medical research — vinpocetine would be onset?
far superior and safer. — Donna S., Choudrant, La.
Vinpocetine is a powerful anti-inflammatory
and it has been shown to significantly increase A:  There is considerable evidence that Down
cerebral blood flow, which is essential. syndrome children develop Alzheimer’s because of
I would not recommend combining aspirin long-term brain inflammation.
with vinpocetine. Experimental studies have shown that a
Curcumin has a mild anticoagulant effect, but number of plant flavonoid extracts can reduce
can be combined with vinpocetine. brain inflammation and other neurodegenerative
It also has some very powerful brain-protective reactions.
effects. These flavonoids include curcumin, quercetin,
baicalein, luteolin, apigenin, vinpocetine, acetyl-L-
Avoid Colon Surgery carnitine, and blueberry concentrate.
Q:  After 48 years with ulcerative colitis, I am going
to have my colon removed in a few weeks. I’ve
Managing Dopamine Levels
heard about the benefits of intravenus ascorbic acid Q:  I take a medication that raises dopamine
before, during, and after surgery. Can you tell me levels for Parkinson’s disease. I have heard that
more about this? taking vinpocetine could cause problems such
— Gregory C., Ottawa, Ont. as hallucinations or psychotic reactions. Would
vinpocetine be safe for me?
A:  Removal of a person’s colon is a very serious — John G., San Diego, Calif.
surgery. Personally, I would not do it until I had
tried all other options. A:  Vinpocetine’s effect on brain dopamine levels
I have written in previous issues of The Blaylock is dose-related — meaning the higher the dose, the
Wellness Report about natural treatments for greater the dopamine elevating effect.
ulcerative colitis, such as apigenin, luteolin, DHA, Studies have shown that a dose as low as 5 mg
curcumin, and quercetin in combination, as well as twice a day will provide the benefits without undue
change in diet. side effects.
A food sensitivity test is also valuable. The hallucinations are reversible by either
Page 12 The Blaylock Wellness Report April 2015

lowering the dose or discontinuing the vinpocetine Protection From CT Scans

Vinpocetine’s advantage over medications is Q:  Two years ago, our daughter had to have hip
in reducing brain inflammation and improving surgery at the age of 18. Before surgery, the doctor
cerebral blood flow. required a CT scan of both hips. I have read that CT
Make sure you work with your doctor if you scans can significantly increase the chance of cancer.
are considering lowering dopamine medications or Can you recommend ways to “undo” any possible
taking vinpocetine. side effects?
— Blair B., Ambler, Pa.
Increase Energy in Cells
Q:  What is the effect of the combination of CoQ10 A:  CT scans emit a considerable amount of
radiation. A number of compounds have been
and pyrroloquinoline quinone, or PQQ, on the
mitochondria in cells? shown to be highly protective against this
— Donna G., McCook, Neb. radiation. These include curcumin, quercetin, and
A:  PQQ is a compound that is supposed to In addition, mixed tocopherols and mixed
increase the number of mitochondria in cells, tocotrienols, R-lipoic acid, and niacinamide can
which would increase energy production. help. These can also reduce damage after the
One of the primary energy products created exposure.
within mitochondria is CoQ10. A combination of R-lipoic acid (100 mg twice a
Taking them both would be beneficial, as it day), mixed tocopherols (400 IU a day) and mixed
would maximize cellular energy. tocotrienols (50 mg twice a day) with curcumin (as
Mitochondrial failure is a part of aging, and is CurcumaSorb 250 mg taken twice a day) for three
also seen with heart failure, all neurodegenerative months will add a lot of protection.
diseases and in many other diseases — even retinal It is a good idea for a person to take these
eye diseases. supplements before he or she is exposed. 

About Dr. Blaylock

Dr. Russell Blaylock is a nationally recognized, board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and
lecturer. He attended the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in New Orleans and completed his
internship and neurosurgical residency at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, S.C. For 25 years,
he has practiced neurosurgery in addition to having a nutritional practice. He recently retired from his neurosurgical
duties to devote his full attention to nutritional studies and research. Dr. Blaylock has authored four books on
nutrition and wellness, including “Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills,” “Health and Nutrition Secrets That Can Save
Your Life,” “Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients,” and his most recent work, “Cellular and Molecular Biology of
Autism Spectrum Disorders,” edited by Anna Strunecka. An in-demand guest for radio and television programs, he
lectures extensively to both lay and professional medical audiences on a variety of nutrition related subjects.
He is the 2004 recipient of the Integrity in Science Award granted by the Weston A. Price Foundation. He
serves on the editorial staffs of the Surgical Neurology International and the Journal of American Physicians
and Surgeons, official publication of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons. He also serves as an
assistant editor-in-chief for the journal Surgical Neurology International. He was also a lecturer for the Foundation
on Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. At present, he is a reviewer for the journal Food & Chemical Toxicology
and other journals.
Dr. Blaylock previously served as clinical assistant professor of neurosurgery at the University of Mississippi
Medical Center in Jackson, Miss.

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