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ISSN: 2322 - 0902 (P)

ISSN: 2322 - 0910 (O)

International Journal of Ayurveda
and Pharma Research

Review Article


Sarita Verma1*, D. C. Singh2, Ritu Singh1, Rupesh Kumar Sanger1
*1M.D.Scholar, 2Professor and H.O.D, P.G. Dept. of Dravyaguna, Rishikul Campus Haridwar, Uttrakhand Ayurveda
University, Uttrakhand, India.
Cosmetics have important place in every women's life since ancient times. Women are more concern about
their look during pregnancy as 90% cases develop striae marks on abdomen, breast and thighs or scratch
marks due to itching make their look ugly. But there is a difference between cosmetic and cosmeceutical
products which restrict sell of cosmetic without medical prescription if it contains ingredients that can
penetrate or change the functioning of the skin. Cosmeceuticals are serving as a bridge between personal
care products and pharmaceuticals. Manjistha can play a very good role in this burning issue of itching and
striae marks due to their medicinal properties. Manjistha as remedy can prevent burning, itching and other
fungal or bacterial infection and promotes skin healing by local action on skin and promotes collagen
formation due to property of Ropana- Sothahar. Kandughana and Vishghana properties shows antiallergic
action, anti bacterial, antifungal action actions prevents skin from secondary infection of skin caused due to
itching. Pittashamak property pacify alleviated Dosha and Varnya property promotes skin texture, colour
and luster. Manjistha can acts as skin protective drug which is used in Striae gravidarum to relief basic
symptom of hypopigmentation, itching burning and maintains skin luster so that drug can be used in
cosmeceutical industry for prevention of striae gravidarum.
KEYWORDS: Manjistha, Cosmetic, Cosmeceutics, Striae gravidarum (Kikkisa).
Nature bestowed us with remedy for every pharmaceuticals. Cosmeceuticals are the fastest growing
problem and Ayurveda being an oldest healing science segment in skin care market in present era. But there is no
enriched with various medicinal herbs for management of promising treatment for striae gravidarum in market of
different disorders by external and internal uses. Ayurveda cosmetic and cosmeceutical.(4)
can offer a smart strategy for new drug discovery. Strategic Then in this regard, society look towards
options based on ethano-pharmacology, reverse Ayurveda to develop better and safer remedy for these
pharmacology and traditional medicine offers a good base trouble causing striae during pregnancy. Manjistha can
for alternate natural product drug discovery. Ayurvedic play a very good role in this burning issue of striae marks
cosmeceuticals dates back to the Indus valley civilization and itching due to their medicinal properties. Manjistha
and it is now gaining importance in the beautification and can prevent Burning, itching and other fungal or bacterial
to cure skin ailments. Cosmetics have important place in infection and promotes skin healing by local action on skin
every women's life since ancient times. Women are more and promotes collagen formation. Due to Property of
concern about their look during pregnancy as 90% cases Ropana- sothahar, promotes wound healing and have local
develop striae marks on abdomen, breast and thighs or anti-inflammatory action helps in odema caused due to
scratch marks due to itching make their look ugly. It is said itching. Kandughana and Vishghana properties shows
that healthy glowing skin is indicator of healthy mind. It is antiallergic action, anti bacterial, antifungal action actions
hard sometimes to use any synthetic cosmetic during prevents skin from secondary infection of skin due to
pregnancy. But there is a difference between cosmetic and itching. Pittashamak and Varnya property promotes skin
cosmeceutical products which restrict its sell without texture, colour and luster.(5-11)
medical prescription if it contains ingredients that can Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia )(12-14)
penetrate or change the functioning of the skin. Cosmetics
Habitat: Rubia cordifolia is a climbing plant growing in the
assist the beauty of a lady by which she gets mentally
North-west Himalayas, Nilgiris and other hilly districts of
healthy status and remain confident.(1, 2, 3)
India (Altitude: 1500-2500m).
Cosmeceuticals is the combination of “cosmetic”
Botanical description: It is Perennial, prostate or
and “pharmaceutics” and defined as cosmetic-
climbing herb. Stems sharply 4-angled, minutely prickly;
pharmaceutical hybrids intended to enhance health and
leaves in whorle of 6-8, elliptic to ovate- cordate, long
beauty through ingredients that influence the skin's
petiolate, flowers in axillary panicles of dichotomous
biological texture and function. Cosmeceuticals are serving
cymes, greenish-yellow; fruits 2-celled, globose, smooth,
as a bridge between personal care products and
shinning, purpulish-black when ripen.
IJAPR | June 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 60
Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2017;5(6):60-65
Flowering and fruiting: June-October and Part used: Root Acharya Harita in Harit Samhita has not described about
and Stem mainly. development of Kikkisa. But he has enlisted eight disorders
Cultivation: The tolerable thermal range for the species of pregnancy and includes “Vivarnata” which is a symptom
varies from 15-35ºC in high altitude of Himalayas. The of Kikkisa.
plant prefers loose, moist, light soil with some shade. As If we look etiology behind the formation of these
the root goes deep into soil, porous well-aerated soils are stretch marks termed as Kikkisa (striae gravidarum) in
beneficial for cultivation. Irrigation is recommended at literatures it is stated that growing foetus in uterus
weekly intervals to maintain moist conditions in the beds. displaces all the body Doshas upwards, thus vitiating the
For vegetative propagation, pieces of the stem are planted Doshas. Vitiated Doshas causes Twak prasaran (stretching
directly.(16) of skin), Pitta leads to Vidaah and Vaivarnya (burning and
Varieties of Rubia in India (17) depigmentation) and Kaph causes itching and the
R. cordifolia is a common plant in almost all parts of south combination of these changes as Kikkisa. Kikkisa is related
India. R. tinctorium is not reported from south India. to Striae gravidarum in modern concepts.(20- 23)
The stem pieces are adulterants, and samples Striae gravidarum: Striae gravidarum generally develops
derived from Sikkim and North East hills are originated in the last trimester (after 28 weeks) of pregnancy in about
from R.Sikkimensis Kurz. It is seen that R. cordifolia is a 90% of cases. In Modern Era, Striae distensa is a condition
complex group, exhibiting a wide range of morphological of disfiguring cutaneous condition characterized by linear
characters. smooth bands of atrophic appearing skin which occurs in
areas of dermal damage produced by stretching. When the
Red color dye is present in both root and stem of
striae are present during pregnancy are called as Striae
Manjistha. Manjistha has been used as natural colorants
Gravidarum. Striae are seen in 90% of pregnant women
and natural dye. Basically the pigments purpurin and
due to combination of hormonal factors (e.g;adrenocortical
munjistin are present in roots. In ancient times, it was used
hormones, estrogen and relaxin) along with increased
as a coloring material for clothes and described as “Lohita
lateral stress on connective tissues leads breaking of
varna ” like blood in color and “lata” as it is a creeper in
fibres. The natural evolution of striae is for the red to
nature. (18)
purple, raised wavy lesions (striae rubra) to fade and leave
At the time of “Yajnopavita Sanskar” in Hindu white atrophic lesions with a wrinkly surface(striae alba).
dharma rituals clothes were coloured by it. However, no Striae gravidarum are slightly depressed linear marks with
therapeutic uses are documented so far in these Vedic varying length and breadth found in pregnancy and
treatises.(19) represent the scar tissues in the deeper layer of the cutis.
MATERIAL AND METHODS Striae gravidarum generally develops in the last trimester
The following are the process and eligibility (after 28 weeks) of pregnancy. Although it can also appear
criteria for the inclusion of data pertaining to this review suddenly at the end of pregnancy due to mechanical
are Data collection from various Ayurvedic treatise, text stretching effect by growing foetus in uterus rather lacking
book of Ayurveda, Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, of rapid healing rate in comparison to rapid increase in
Thesis/ dissertations available. Various search engines size.(24-27)
were undertaken in Google search, Medscape, Pubmed and Treatment in literature(28 – 31)
other relevant databases using Keywords like Manjistha, We found Manjistha in combination of other drugs used in
Rubia cordifolia and striae gravidarum. Treatment of Kikkisa.
LITERARY OBSERVATION Like Pestled Leaves of Nimba, Kola, Sursa and manjistha.
Kikkisa (Ch. Sha. 8/32, A.S. Sha. 3/10), Decoction of Patol, Nimba,
Acharaya Charak while describing about Manjistha and Surasha (A.H. Sha. 1/61).
formation and condition of foetus advised the Antenatal Treatment of Kikkisa is given only in Charak Samhita,
Care of Garbhini (pregnant women) and proper diet Astang Sangraha, Astang Hridaya and Bhela Samhita.
regime with or without medication in 7th month of Therapeutic Indication
pregnancy and a disease called Kikkisa develops during
Therapeutic indication for both internal and
this period.
external use in skin disease described in Literature and
Acharya Vaghbhatt follows the concept of Charak Ayurvedic Materia Medica like Charak Samhita (C.Ci),
but states that Doshas resides in Hridya and causes itching Sushruta Samhita (S.Su, S.Ci, S.Sh), Astangh Hridya (A.H.U)
and burning. and Bhav Prakash (Bh.P).
Acharya Bhel follows the Charak and Vagbhatt.
Table 1:Therapeutic Indication in Skin Disorders
Indications Formulation Use Reference
Kustha, Kilasa, Prameha Madhuka asava Int. C.Ci-15/146
Vrana Vrana Ropan Ext. S.SU.-37/23
Pitta saman varga Drugs Int.- Ext. S.SU-40/8
Vrana Vrana ropan tail S.Ci-2/73
Vyanga, Neelika, Paphole, Kusthanasak, Ghrita paka mardan Ext. S.Ci-26/38-41

IJAPR | June 2017 | Vol 5 | Issue 6 61

Sarita Verma et al. Manjistha (Rubia Cordifolia) as Cosmeceutical Remedy for Prevention of Striae Gravidarum
Pittaj roga Lodhradi Asthapana Basti S.Ci-38/55
Vyanga, Neelika Manjisthadi tail Ext. A.H.U-32/31
Sarva kustha Bhrit manjisthadi kwath Int. S.Sh.-M-2
Vyanga Mukha kantikar lepa Ext. S.Sh.-U-11/9
Vyanga Vyangahaar lepa Ext. S.Sh.-U-11/12
Kustha Brihat Manjisthadi kwath Int. Bh.P-54/104-106
Kustha Laghu manjisthadi kwath Int. Bh.P-54/99-100
Kustha Madhyam manjisthadi kwath Int. Bh.P-54/101-103
Medicinal Properties In Ayurvedic Materia Medica Virya : Usna
Properties of Manjistha IN API(32) and Bhav prakash Vipaka : Katu
Nighantu (33): Karma : Kaphapittasamaka, Varnya, Svarya, Visaghna,
Rasa : Kashya, Tikta, Madhura sothaghna, Kusthaghna, Pramehaghna, Vrnaya, Krimighna,
Guna : Guru Stambhana, Artavajanana, Rasayana.
Table 2: Properties of Manjistha in literature(34-36)
Literature Rasa Guna Veerya Vipaka Karma
Dhanvantari Madhura Guru Usnaa Madhur Kapha-Vrana-Meha-Asra-Visha-Aamyajeeta
Nighantu Kashaya
Kaiyadev Kashaya Guru Usnaa Madhur Yoniroghana
Nighantu Tikta Kaphashopha-Vishapaha
Raaj Madhura Guru Usnaa Vrana-Meha-Jwara-Sleshma-Visha-Netramayapaha
Nighantu Kashaya
In Charak Samhita Manjistha Categorized under (37) Various researches as evidence
1. Vishaghana mahakashya Anti- acne property(44-45)
2. Varnya dashemani Anthraquinone rich fraction of Rubia cordifolia in
3. Jwara Ghana a gel formulation against Propionibacterium acne,
In Sushuruta Samhita classified into(38-39) staphylococcus epidermidis when compared with
1. Priyangvadi gana clindamycin gel.
2. Ambasthadi gana Wound healing activity (46)
3. Pitta sanshaman Root extract of Rubia cordifolia was reported as an
Chemical Constituents of Manjistha effective wound healing principle in experimental models
Major chemical constituents are Rubiofolic acid, as wound healer. Ethanolic extract and the hydrogel
Rubicoumaric acid (two pentacyclic triterpenes), formulation of roots were found to be effective the
Ruberythric acid, Rubuanin, Rubiadin, mollugin, lucidin, functional recovery and healing of wound and
Purpurin, pseudo purpurin, xanthopurpurin, manjisthin, histopathological alterations.
ten fatty acid with saturated and unsaturated long chains, Anti-inflammatory activity (47-48)
Naphthoquinones, Naphthohydroquinones, six Aqueous extract in rats with carrageenan paw
Anthraquinones, Free alizarin and its glucoside, oleanolic odema in a dose dependent manner which is comparable
acid acetate, -sitosterol scopoletol, glucosides, flavonoids, to that of phenylbutazone. It also inhibit the lipooxygenase
phenols and saponin. The roots and stem are well known enzyme pathway which catalyses the production of
source of Anthraquinones and purpurin. (18) various inflammatory mediators such as leukotrienes that
Action and uses (40-43) are involved in asthma, arthritis and other inflammatory
Stem is bitter, acrid, astringent, thermogenic in disorders and the production of cumene hydroperoxides. A
nature and cooling potency. The dried stem is used in formulation of Munjisthin and purpurin from cell culture
blood, skin and urinogenital disorder, dysentery, piles, manifested to have and antiproliferative action during
ulcers, inflammation, erysipelas, skin disease and rapid development of a model oedema.
rheumatism. Anti-microbial activity(49)
Action: The root is Sweet, Bitter, Acrid, Astringent, According to Basu the aqueous extract is
Alterative, Thermogenic, Antidysentric, Anti-inflammatory, active against Bacilius subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus
Antitussive, Expectorant, Antipyretic, Analgesic, Anodyne, compared with streptomycin and pencillin G. The ethanolic
Antihelmintic, Antiseptic, Diuretic, Galactopurifier, whole plant extract also showed same result.
Febrifuge, Emmenagogue, Styptic, Rejuvenating and Tonic. Rubiacordone A reported to have considerable
Pharmacological property: Blood purifier, Anti-oxidant, antimicrobial activity against Gram +ve bacteria like
wound –healing, immunomodulator, Analgesic, Diuretic, Bacillus subtilis, streptococcus faecalis and Bacillus cereus.
Gastroprotective, Hepatoprotective and Nephroprotective. Neuroprotection(50)
It has been reported to contain a wide variety of
antioxidants and exhibited strong free radical scavenging
properties against reactive oxygen and nitrogen species.

Available online at: 62

Int. J. Ayur. Pharma Research, 2017;5(6):60-65
The alcoholic extract administration reduced the β- soak up the toxins and neutralize them. It is drug with
amyloid induced cognitive and memory dysfunction in multiple activities helps in prevention of itching, burning
rats. The extract decreases the neuro-degeneration and and scar formation and acts as coloring agent for
helps in memory retention. depigmentation of skin.(33)
Antioxidant Property (51) So it can be evolved as a drug which will be
The study of in vivo antioxidant activity and its effective in reducing all types of striae marks (linea alba -
influence on ethanol-induced immune-supression showed linea nigra) and healing and maintaining the pigmentation
that the concurrent daily administration prevent the level. So preventing the scar formation and can be used as
decrease of humoral and cell mediated immune response, cosmeceutical product in combination with other drugs.
phagocytosis index, leukocyte count, etc. which were CONCLUSION
comparable with that of combination of vitamin E and C. Manjistha is a drug used since ancient time as a
Discussion colouring agent and promotes pigmentation of skin. It acts
Relief of symptoms in Kikkisa as a skin protective and healing herb by virtue of wound
On basis of Rasa Panchak, Medicinal properties healing, antimicrobial, antifungal and antibacterial
and pharmacological action relief the symptoms of Kikkisa properties which is revealed by my researches. Codified
like and uncodified therapeutic use of Manjistha for skin
ailments can be proved on the basis of available references
Vidah: Vidah is primary complain of patient due to tearing
for Varnya, Vishaghana, Krimighana and Kusthaghana
of fibres and vitiation of Pitta dosha mainly occur during
action from various literature. Kikkisa or Striae
second trimester of pregnancy. Pittashamak property of
gravidarum is burning problem in 90% pregnant women
Manjistha along with Tikta and Kashaya Rasa and Madhur
in modern era and vitiated Pitta dosha along with
veepak causes Daha Shaman.
physiological changes in skin due to overstretching of skin
Kandu: Kandu is the symptom of Kaph mainly but in is responsible mainly. Women are more conscious towards
Kikkisa it is due to dryness of skin and Vata dosha is the their appearance leading more consumption of
main reason behind it. Tearing of fibres also alleviates Vata Cosmeceutical products in day to day life. Manjistha
dosha. Madhur rasa of Manjistha pacifies the Vata dosha promotes skin pigmentation in striae (linea alba), prevents
relieving Kandu. Kandughana action is performed by Tikta itching and other skin infection and promotes healing
rasa. Mildly elevated SGOT, SGPT and Alkaline phosphates process of skin. So it can be raised as important ingredient
is also another reason behind itching during pregnancy. in development of herbal cosmeceutical product for
Vaivarnya: Manjstha is included under Varnya Dashemani. prevention of Kikkisa (Striae gravidarum).
Ushna veerya accelerate the action of Bhrajak Pitta (Agni), REFERENCES
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*Address for correspondence
Cite this article as:
Sarita Verma, D. C. Singh, Ritu Singh, Rupesh Kumar Sanger. Manjistha (Rubia Dr Sarita Verma
Cordifolia) as Cosmeceutical Remedy for Prevention of Striae Gravidarum. M.D. Scholar, P.G. Dept. of
International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research. 2017;5(6):60-65. Dravyaguna, Rishikul Campus
Source of support: Nil, Conflict of interest: None Declared Haridwar, Uttrakhand Ayurveda
University, Uttrakhand, India.
Mob- 7500997627

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