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Write your own life story using the stages of psychosocial development as
framework. Go through each of the stages that apply to you (most probably,
stages 1-5 or 6). Ask information from your parents and other significant
persons in your life. Look at old baby books and photo albums. Also, include
the results of your questionnaire in the activity section. Write a narrative for
each stage.

Erik Erikson developed an eight-stage psychological model of our social

development. By thoroughly examining these stages, I discovered that I had completed
the first four and am currently in the sixth.

When it came to trust vs. mistrust in the initial stage of development, I was more
skeptical. My grandma provided enough babysitting for the first year of my existence
that my parents were not compelled to lavish attention on me. My younger sister was
born at the age of 23 months. This occurrence took away a lot of the parental attention
that I may have had. I learnt that if I wanted something, such as food or a toy, I had to
pester others for it or go out and buy it myself.

During the autonomy vs. shame stage, I learnt to be secure in my autonomy and to
exercise excellent control. I was always eager to try new activities and was fast to take
up walking and cycling. My parents say I was not very strong as a child, but I was
always eager to show off my muscles and the abilities I had acquired. This, I believe, is
reflected in my current personality. For example, I recently learned to ride a unicycle,
something I am proud of despite my peers' mockery.

I was taught to be creative and inventive throughout the initiative vs. guilt period, but
I also learned to admit when I was incorrect. I painted and drew a lot and always
believed everything I produced was a masterpiece. If I ever made a mistake, I would
constantly be concerned about it and attempt to correct it. I felt I was the brightest child
in the world, capable of accomplishing anything. My great aunt recalls me greeting her
at an airport by saying, "My name is Joshua, and I am smart."

I believe I discovered pleasure in being productive at the industry vs. inferiority

period I've always considered myself a productivity geek. As early as middle school, I
recall reading articles and books about time management. It wasn't called productivity
back then; it was always called time management or organization, I was fascinated with
checklists, charts, and calendars, and I did a lot of studying, reading, and testing things
out, even at an early age. I excelled in all of my scholastic activities at school and learnt
the satisfaction that comes from completing a task.

During the stage of identity versus role confusion, I asserted more independence
through defiant or rebellious actions, as well as testing limits and boundaries by
purposefully exceeding curfews, failing to complete homework or chores, or dressing or

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acting in a way that my parent or teacher disapproved of. During this period, I am
unable to control myself, and a power struggle occurs. I'm afraid I'll be pestering my
mom with “Why? Why? Why?” questions. I become more curious in the world around
me, and I begin to wonder how I will fit into this vast universe in the years ahead.

Not everyone feels loves. Some of feel it and some people don’t. That’s the
difference between Intimacy vs. Isolation and I identify with this stage of Erikson. As I
finally got out of the self-confusion I managed to discover myself and with this self-
discovery I get to identify with intimacy in this stage. Intimacy vs. Isolation is a very big
difference that can cause unfortunate outcomes with people and their minds. For that it
is important to have been a good person and accept yourself before anything in other to
share your life with another person. In this stage, I begin to share moments with another
person and learn how to have good relationships. I am a very pleasant guy with
fantastic social ties and a wonderful romantic relationship. Now that I've had this
experience, I know how to choose what's best for me and for everyone.

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