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Title : Remain in Love – Remain in Christ

Scripture: John 15: 9-17


In the New American Standard Version, love is mentioned 348 times — 133 times in the Old Testament and 215
times in the New Testament. In the New International Version, it is mentioned 551 times — 319 times in the Old
Testament and 232 times in the New Testament.
What about loving others?
Loving one another was redundantly written and explained many times especially in the New Testament. In A
new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this
everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another (John 13:34-35).
Jesus was not only summoning with an authoritative order, but he was also instituting a new law to replace the
law of Moses — the law of love.

So why do we need to love one another?

I. Love covers a multitude of sins. (1 Peter 4:8)

In John 3:16 – Love is the main reason why are been saved
and called the children of God (1 John 3:11a)
If you want to save someone from eternal death, loving them is a must.
There is no greater love than to lay down his life (energy, time, knowledge and compassion)
for one’s friend.
Let Jesus Christ be the perfect model of loving others.

What we should do?

a. Share the Word of God
If we want them to be saved and we really love them, we don’t want them to be in eternal death.
Share the Word of God in perfect timing and place.
Don’t belittle one’s faith, don’t be one of the reasons of their downfall.
Pray and intercede for them
b. Help them (1 John 3 :17-18)
Be a reliable friend in times of need.
Small effort counts.
Understand and correct them if they are being lost.
Love and appreciate (pahalagahan) them

Maybe our consistent works to them may bring them to the Lord.

II. Love fulfills God’s requirement.

God gave us two important commandments, they are not requests.
One who profess that he is a Christian but does not love is a liar (1 John 4:20)
Don’t pretend to love them. Really love them. (Rom.12: 8-10) because Love is the first fruit of the
Holy Spirit.
Whatever you do even for the Lord, if you don’t have love it is worthless. Faith is not enough (1
Corinthians 13)

Loving others is a part of self denial.

Anyone who does not love is dead and anyone who hates his brothers/ sisters are murderers.
Evaluate ourselves if we are really loving others or just the reason is its needed as a Christian.
For no one has seen God but if we love, God live in us and His love is made complete in us
(1 John 4:12)
“ If you want to impact someone’s life, love them when they least expect it and deserve it.”
-Mark Batterson

III. Love Builds Bridges (Col. 3:14)

Serve one another with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.
Don’t let loyalty, love and kindness leave you. Tie them around your heart.

Forgave one another.

- Avoid having grievance against someone. (Col. 3:13b)
- Don’t dwell on each other’s flaw and faults. (Proverbs 17:9)
Forgiveness is the highest action form of love.
- Take amends to one another.
- Forgave them as the Father has forgiven you. “Dapat walang magbago.” (John 15:12)
- You have never love someone if you don’t learn to forgive.
- Let the brotherly love true and not for the sake that you are a servant of God.
- Let Jesus be the center of friendship.
- Don’t do wrong to others.
“Madami ng nabibigatan at nasasaktan bakit kailangan pa natin manakit?”

Unity requires love to the works of the Lord and compassion to one another
Loving builds a new foundation of faith to others.
The manifestation of love of God in our lives bonds broken relationships.

“Holding anger and angry thoughts doesn’t allow love to grow in your heart. If you don’t have
love in your heart or mind, your actions will not come from a place of compassion and darkness.”
- Winnie Anderson


Jesus called us to serve Him. We don’t choose him He chose us.

Part of being chosen is to obey His commandments with all of our strength, mind and heart.
That is also goes in loving others.
If God forgave and love us, we should let love remain in our lives.
Loving others is one of the shining characteristics of a disciple of Christ.
Let love be your highest goal, cause if we remain in love.
We also remain in Christ.

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