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History of Urban Form and Space

Aayojan School of Architecture & Design, Pune

Mayur M. Rotithor
F.Y. M.Arch 2020-21
The city lies in western Anatolia, about thirty kilometres south of the
present-day city of Söke in Turkey and the adjacent island of Samos and
close to the mouth of the River Menderes.
Before 500 BC, Miletus was the greatest Greek city in the east.
It was the natural outlet for products from the interior of Anatolia and
had a considerable wool trade with the Greek colony of Sybaris in
southern Italy.

11th BC:- Miletus inhabited by Greeks
8th BC :- Miletus a major polis and important for trading
494 BC :- City Burned
493 BC :- Hippodamus restored Miletus

Miletus served as trading centre for east and west states at that
There were four ports built for trading purpose.
Political Situations:- Economic base & Primary Role:-
Miletus was originally ruled by a king, the monarchy. • Miletus was a famous commercial center.
• Miletus was mainly based on the rich land the city controlled and the
Around 630 BCE a tyranny evolved from its elected chief magistracy the exploitation of its agricultural products.
Prytaneia. The most famous Milesian tyrant was Thrasybulus who bluffed • The city was wealthy, already from the Prehistoric period, because of
Alyattes out of attacking his city. privileged position, as it was the gate of the East to the West and vice
After 404 BC Miletus came again under the Persian control. versa.
• Regarding the local production of Miletus, the city was famous in
In 334 BC Miletus was one of the most powerful fortified places of the quality of lamb wool, the well-known textiles and the purple dye.
Persian defense against Alexander the Great. • There was large-scale furniture production as well. In the 5th century
BC the beds of Miletus were particularly popular and were considered
After the Persian fleet was permanently destroyed in the summer of 332 valuable possessions.
BC, Miletus was occupied again by the Macedonians under Balacrus. • When Augustus (30 BC) consolidated peace, Miletus became again an
important commercial entrepot, with merchandise travelling between
Social Situations:- East and West.
Hippodamus was an ancient Greek architect, planner & philosopher and
considered as “Father of Urban Planning” He planned Miletus in Grid iron
He divided the citizens in 3 classes:-
1. Soldier
2. Artisans
3. Husbandmen
Land was also divided in 3 types:-
1. Sacred
2. Public
3. Private
City Planning of Miletus
• The city had ocean on three sides and Kalabak hill on south west which
served defence for the city.
• Miletus was protected by defensive wall all-around.
• The planning was based on typical Greek city principals with Agoras at
the centre of the cities.
• During the archai period temples places like Delphinon, temple of Athena
and temple of hill Kalabak were built.
• Classical city was later built according to Hippodameian city plan which
was based on grid iron layout.
• Centre of the civic life was developed in north part.
• In Hellenistic period, city got new Agora, Gymnasium, theatre.
• In Roman period baths, monumental gates were constructed.
• The city was impressive civic centre of the Roman world.
Nature & Position of Social Institutions
• City conditionally consists of three zones: community Harbour
center, residential buildings and shopping areas,
adjacent to the Harbor.
• The central area of ​settlement consists of two parts, Theatre
one of which includes a gymnasium, stadium and Sacred-
carefully planned park area. The second part of the Way
center contained retail space, next to its housed social
and administrative buildings. Agora

Lion harbour
• The lion harbor was situated
between theatre and north Humey
hill which was penetrated deep into
north peninsula.
• Lion harbor was main military port
of the Miletus city.
• Lon l-shape stoas were placed on
waterfront which accommodated
shops and store houses.
• Lion harbor gate was built to enter
the city.
Temple of Athena South of Athena
• The temple of Athena was situated • South agora situated southern part
southern side of theatre. of peninsula.
• It is most ancient temple of Miletus. • South agora was largest agora of
• The main deity was lord Athena. ancient Greek.
• The main purpose of the south agora
was to accommodate events for
political, economical and religious
• The north gate of south agora was
important monument as it was two
storey U-shaped building.

The West Agora Theatre was situated northern part of
• The west agora was situated peninsula.
southern side of theatre. It was direct oriented in south west
• The west agora was built after the direction so that spectators coult enjoy
south agora and north agora. the view of sea and south part of the
• Stadium, Gymnasium and west agora city.
were part of broader project of The seating capacity was aroud 20,000
public buildings to cater needs of the seats.
• The plan was rectangular open
measuring 191 X 79M
Stadium Residential Districts
• The was situated on south side of • The residential zone was based on
theatre adjacent to gymnasium. grid iron layout.
• It was rectangular measuring • Houses had courtyards which were
192X27M oriented west to east. used for various rituals.
• Courtyards also provided natural
light for small houses.
• Ground floor had kitchen, store
animal pen, toilets.
• There was chief room for men
• On 1st and 2nd floors there was
quarters for women and children.

The North Agora

• The north agora was situated south
of lion harbor.
• The north agora was main agora of
Miletus. North Agora
• It was the oldest Agora of all the
• The main purpose of North agora
was to accommodation for official
visitors and honors of guest.

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