Dabur - Social Media Centre of Excellence

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Command Centre – The Digital Soul of Dabur


Social Media has now been the most preferred “The Touchpoint” for consumers and impacts overall Customer
Experience, be it peer to peer (P2P), brand to consumer (B2C) or consumer to brand (C2B). From being an additional
channel, it has now become most important for businesses and organizations, especially with a B2C model, covering all
aspects like Customer Care, Product Innovation, Advertising & Marketing, Public Relations, Sales and others.
The concept of Social Media Command Centre, SMCC as it is commonly referred to, helps the brands to be in touch
with the internal and external stakeholders and implement the feedbacks and improvements overall.
n, Advertising & Marketing, Public Relations, Sales and others.
The concept of Social Media Command Centre, or SMCC as it is commonly referred to, helps the

A Social Media Command Centre is a dedicated practice comprising 3P’s: Processes, People and Platform, where
a company's social media team can monitor, engage and act as the nerve centre for the company’s interaction
across its various business functions. A Social Media Command Centre enables organizations to listen and respond
to increasingly important Voice of Customer (VoC) that may not be achieved with distributed groups withincompanies
as they cannot weave in the 360 degree view of the customer, vision of the overall brand, all lines of business (LoBs)
and corporate strategy into their social media activities.

Figure 1: 3 P’s of Social Media Command Centre

The team in the SMCC works with the individual business lines and performs the following broad functions:

• Provide actionable insights based on information from Social Media

• Help track (or build) new products, services, technology innovations and peoples’ adoption
• Provide robust Customer Care support by engaging with customers to answer queries, receive
appreciation, address complaints, etc.
• Run campaigns on social media in conjunction with marketing
• Prospect profiling and lead generation
• Monitor and manage potential crisis
Social Media Maturity Index

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

Pull from internal Established SMCC*, Fully co-

Just starting Distributed functions to Run lots of data,acting as ordinated SMCC
out, established social media campaigns, a Centre of with Social CRM
Facebook pages initiatives with generate leads and Excellence, striving & direct plugins
little co-ordination customer care on for maximized to business
social media with collaboration strategy and
limited results decisions,
generating high
Social media RoI
The Social Media strategy identifies gaps and leverages the components to ensure the alignment of the
Social Media Strategy overall business and digital marketing strategy with the social media strategy,thus ensuring high RoI of
the organization’s social media efforts

Defines how the actual SMCC should be with details like owner, driver, KPIs, reports,engagements,
SMCC Structure business processes, periodicity, coverage etc.

Helps define the Line of Business’ specific requirements and metrics, synergies, exclusiveareas for each
LoBs LoB etc.

Defines the SMCC policies and governance that make it a world class centre. Covers areassuch as SLAs,
Policies content, access, management etc.

Defines the SMCC analysis areas and types of reporting, frequency, analysis dimensions suchas
Analytics geography, products, trends, topics, competition etc.

Engagement Defines how and when engagement should or should not take place and which posts ormentions should
follow what allocation. Escalation or resolution paths

Defines the social media tool(s) that will be used for crawling, sentiment analytics, engagement,workflow
Technology etc. and the visualization, bandwidth requirement, cloud capability etc.

Defines the requirements of the physical infrastructure such as whether it will be showcased ina fish
Infrastructure bowl set-up, seating, location, centralized etc.

Businesses are becoming better listeners and one way conversation has now moved to two-way conversation. Dabur
SMCC is doing the online monitoring of its brand portfolio . ORM Team stationed at SMCC is keeping an eye on all the
chatters happening around Dabur and its portfolio brands and passing on the data to the respective POC’s to analyze
the chatter and understand the customer pulse. Below are the KPI’s :

1. Actionable Opportunities Dabur SMCC automatically identify conversations that presents some sort of opportunity
for outreach or engagement. That may mean identifying conversations from important influencers and having the social
team draft responses together. It could also mean discovering new opportunities. For example, if someone tweets “Can
we buy Dabur Honey in London?” Dabur team can share the store address in UK and the command centre
dashboard could have rules set up to identify that type of conversation automatically and display it on the big screen.
The big-screen collaborative environment around social engagement promotes a much more unified voice in a
company’s social outreach.

2. Customer Care Perhaps one of the most common applications of the command center is with customer service
teams. Dabur SMCC provides constructive replies/ feedback to negative comments online is an imperative for brands to
enhance the online reputation among their customers and also replies to positive comments and make the consumer
understand that we are hearing to them. The command center allows customer service teams to easily visualize and
understand customer complaints online. Reactive engagement at scale means that there must be strong systems in
place to categorize and effectively eliminate the actual customer service issues from the noise – command centers can
provide that system.

3. Crisis Management / PR Those that are all too familiar with a public relations crisis know that identifying and
appropriately responding to crises early is paramount. Real time addressing of the viral content is MUST in present
scenario. We started with managing the Dabur honey PR crisis in December ’20. The ability to triage messages from
the screens at PR or social teams to executive offices means having a more organized system for handling crises so
that immediate corrective steps are taken by the brand. In many instances, having that preparation is key in protecting
the brand’s image

4. Moment & Real time Marketing Social media has given rise to a host of real-time marketing strategies that have
never before existed. SMCC is well informed on a real time and understand how the public is receiving the brand
campaigns – and keep track of the response as it unfolds online. Considering how quickly online communities can
develop strong opinions, staying aware of those views and being agile to the rapidly shifting online sentiment can
amplify a campaign’s success or mitigate its failure. With command centers, Dabur can instantly curate discussions to
bring mentions from key influencers forward, collaborate with the larger team on social replies and compare
performance against competitors. Real-time information translates to real-time reaction.

5. Competitive Benchmarking SMCC keeps an eye on peers and category data on a near real time basis and also
track the brand’s performance against that of competitors. Essentially, the displays can act as a KPI board from which
agents can use the company’s social performance as an indicator of the presence or performance of the brand, a
specific product, or other definable metrics. The ability to visualize competitive benchmarks w.r.t new campaigns , new
product release , major accomplishments over the course of a day, week, month, or year helps teams recognize the
business’s social development over time and the key inflection points that causing spikes in social chatter.

6. Bringing Company Awareness To The Business’s Online Presence The command center communicates the real
time action on social media channels to all the relevant teams internally. Considered an insight into the consumer pulse,
command centers give brand managers a link back to the ground where customers’ everyday thoughts and opinions are
driving businesses.

Roles and Responsibilities

1. Social Media Command Centre Lead(Analytics)

• Command centre setup & Maintenance – The lead is expected to setup the command center as discussed with
the brand. This involves the dashboard/screen/graph requirements. This activity would take place after a
detailed discussion with all the stakeholders involved.
• Tool/Data Integrations – Brandwatch Vizia, Brandwatch and Quickmetrix are the tools which will be integrated.
Integration of any other tools/offline data needs to be discussed and will be chargeable.
• Communications and Enablement function: One of the major role of the command center lead is to understand
the requirement of the brand team and guide the analytics team to help provide useful/actionable insights to the
brand team.
• Supervising the report making process: The lead needs to make sure that the analysts are making the reports
as per the set standards and are delivering them within the SLA timings.
• Handling the Ad-hoc reporting requirement: The lead is required to discuss the full scope of the report with the
stakeholders/brand managers and get back to them with the sources that would be covered in the report, what
kind of insights/answers we can expect and the timelines. Once this is discussed the lead with have a
discussion with the team/analyst and delegate the work to the team/individual to get the best results.
• Daily, Weekly and Monthly Scrum with the Analytics team – This includes taking work updates and discussing
about future deliverables.

2. Social Media Agents ( Response Team ) –

The Agents are responsible with the below points

• Agents will monitor and scan the social page of the brands and peers using the ORM tool
• Real-time tracking and responding to customers’ queries and complaints on social media
• Tag/Categorize the conversations and assign them to the respective brand POC’s.
• Getting into the depth of each conversation to understand the sentiment being
• demonstrated.
• Ability to identify critical social posts for the brand as well as patterns emerging from social.
• Analyze reports, share relevant insights, updating trackers ( daily/weekly/monthly)

3. Social Media Analysts (Analytics Team)

The team will be expected to work on the following:

• Daily/Weekly/Monthly Reports
• Ad-hoc reports
• Dashboard creation
• Data/Trends/Campaign monitoring
• Working with the other teams for providing them with actionable insights – This includes working with brand
teams, Strategy team, Content and Design team etc according to the requirement.

** The Analytics team will be working on the social media data/command centre data available to them through
the command center tools which include Brandwatch and Quickmetrix. The team will not work on reports which
are outside the scope of command center. In case any ad-hoc report requires the team to work on other data
sources in addition to the command centre data then it has to be discussed with the command center lead

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