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Horizontal force required to bend a lithospheric plate

n 2 2
P 2 D
L . Where L- Length of lithospheric plate, D- Flexural rigidity

Eh 3

12 1  2 
Maximum deflection at the centre of Laccolith

w0 
 p  gh L4
384 D
Deflection at a point x distance from the centre

 x2 x4 
w  w0 1  8 2  16 4 
 L L 
Thickness of sedimentary basin in terms of stretching factor

hsb  hcc
 m   cc  1  1 
 
 m   s    
The stretching factor a is defined by

wo , Where Initial width- w Final width after stretching- w
o, b

The height of the mountain belt h is given by

h  hcc
 m  cc    1
The compression factor b is defined by
wmb , Initial width- w , Final width after compression- w .
o mb
Site location is at S (s, s); site-mean magnetic field direction is Im, Dm; M is the
geocentric dipole that can account for the observed magnetic field direction; P is the
magnetic pole at (p, p); p is the magnetic colatitude (angular distance from S to P );
North Pole is the north geographic pole; is the difference in longitude between the
magnetic pole and the site.

Input parameter- s, s, Dm, Im Output parameter-p, p


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