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ROLL NO. – 119CS0103


Case scenario 2:
Consider the problem statement for an "Online Auction System" to be developed: New users can
register to the system through an online process. By registering a user agrees to abide by different pre-
defined terms and conditions as specified by the system. Any registered user can access the different
features of the system authorized to him / her, after he authenticates himself through the login screen.
An authenticated user can put items in the system for auction. Authenticated users users can place bid
for an item. Once the auction is over, the item will be sold to the user placing the maximum bid.
Payments are to be made by third party payment services, which, of course, are guaranteed to be
secure. The user selling the item will be responsible for it's shipping. If the seller thinks he's getting a
good price, he can, however, sell the item at any point of time to the maximum bidder available.

Requirement Analysis:

1. Identification of Functional Requirements:

a. New User Registration: All users who wish to participate in any auction held in the system or put any
item up for auction must first register themselves in the system. The user has to agree to the terms and
conditions set for the system and provide a valid email address and choose a unique username along
with an appropriate password for registration. A confirmation link will then be sent to the specified
email address and the user will be successfully registered upon opening the link within the next twenty
four hours.

b. User Login: A registered user can login to access the contents of the Auction System. The user has to
provide his user id and password for logging in. A two factor authentication can also be enabled in the
user’s account settings to have a unique one time password be sent to the users email required to be
entered for a successful login.

c. Auction: Upon providing relevant details and images of an item, an authenticated user can put items
in the system for auction. The items should be legally authorized for auctioning.

d. Placing bid and sell: Authenticated users can place bid for specific items within the specified time.
Once the auction is over the item is sold to the user placing the maximum bid. The user selling it is
responsible for its shipping. However, the seller can sell the item to any other maximum bidder

e. Payment: Payments are made by third party services which are secure. Once the payment is made,
the user will be notified of successful transaction.
Along with these, searching is required i.e. the user should be able to search for item if it is available or
not. Also, the user should be able to see all the items that are put for auctioning in that period.
Moreover, an already registered user shouldn't be allowed to register himself once again.

# Requirement Priority

R1 New user registration High

R2 User Login High

R3 Auction High

R4 Placing bid and sell Low

R5 Payment High

2. Non-functional Requirements:

a. Performance Requirements: The system should remain accessible to the users 24x7. At least 500
people should be allowed to use the system at any time.

b. Security Requirements: The database of the system shouldn’t store the passwords in plain text.

c. Software Quality Attributes: Good Reliability, Availability and Portability for the software have to be

d. Database Requirements: Database is required to store the user ids, passwords, the auction items etc.

e. Usability: The authenticated user should be able to use all the contents of the system smoothly.

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