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NAS NATIONAL ASTRONOMY & SCIENCE OLYMPIAD INSTRUCTIONS > Please Write your Student ID, Name, Class, and School Name on the OMR Sheet > This question paper contains 50 Questions, duration is 60 minutes > Answer all the questions in OMR sheet only and please do sign ont. > Use only Black or Blue Ball Point Pen to answer the questions inthe OMR sheet Total Questions : 50 > Indicate the correct answer by darkening one of the 4 responses provided. > Time 1 Hour > After successful completion of the test, please submit the J OMR answer sheet to the invigilator. + Marked Questions are HOT's or Critical Type Questions #2, ‘Aman was having a nice cup of hot fresh coffee in a restaurant. As soon as he grabbed the cup, he had to put it down. What possibly send a message to him to do this? a. His Hand, b. His Finger. His Skin. 4. His Brain Read the following statements and identify the organ which correctly fits in the description. SOOL pict pie2pie.3— pied a, Picture1 —_b, Picture 2 c. Picture 3 4d. Picture 4 Exercising is good for health. Mona works out on a daily basis. Which muscle does Mona uses the most while lifting and exercising with weights? a, Arm muscles b. Heart muscles c. Leg muscles d, Stomach muscles ‘The digestive systems of a pig and a human being are very similar as they both are omnivores and have one stomach as well. Given under is the digestive system of a pig. Find out ‘x’ and ‘Y’. (Food is partially digested at *X’ and digested food is absorbed into the bloodstream at ‘Y’. ‘a, Mouth and large intestine b, Stomach and small intestine c. Stomach and large intestine d. Large intestine and gall bladder Identify the correct statement/s about arteries and ve ack tothe heart a. Only Ais correct b. Only Bis correct c. Both A & Bare correct d. Both A & B are wrong. John met with a serious accident and was immediately rushed to a hospital. Doctors reported that he won’t be able to move properly for few months as he had broken his spine. Which system of the body has he damaged? a, Digestive system —b. Reproductive system —_c. Nervous system —_d. skeletal system. ‘There is a birthday party going on in Ram’s house. He has invited his friends over, One of his friends has bad breath. Ram suggests him to go see a doctor. Which doctor should he get to? a, Heart Specialist b. Dentist . Bone Specialist d. Veterinary doctors. During a science lecture, a teacher asked her students “look at the machine in the picture and say which human-body organ it reminds you of? In the whole class, only Raj gave the correct answer. Which answer did he surely give? a, Heart b. Lungs c. Liver 4d. Kidneys re 9. Riya had become very sick so she saw a doctor. ‘After examining her thoroughly and conducting many tests, the doctor informed her “Your body's largest internal organ which filters the blood coming from the digestive tract and excretes a product called bil ‘a. Urinary bladder, Heart liver 10. The picture given below is suffering from common cold. senses, like.. a. Smell and hearing c. Taste and touch b. Smell and touch d. Taste and smell #11. Given under is the family tree of Sita which shows the straight hair. Study the family tree and identify the correct statement(s) about her family tree. a. Her father has a brother who has curly hair. b. Her parents have curly hair. c, She and her brother have curly hair 4d, Both A and C can be correct. is not functioning properly.” Which organ is he referring to? d. Lungs Because of this, he will lose some of his 3 members who either have curly hair or Sgbe ese ede Sry 12. Look at the two organisms in the given figure and identify what way/ways make Organism 1 and 2 similar? ‘a, Both reproduce by laying eggs. b. Both have gills. c. Both move around to rest. d, Both have 3 pairs of legs. Me ORGANISM 1. ORGANISM 2. 13. Four friends Raj, John, Rhea and Sita tried to identify carnivores from the given table. Who managed to correctly identify all of them? Goat Eagle Horse Dog a, Raj Raj YES NO XO NO b. John John NO YES NOYES c. Rhea Rhea NOYES YES NO a. Sita sita YES YES NO NO 414. Look at the flowchart and identify the correct match ANMALT SNARE ‘ANIMAL 2 cROCODTEE, “ANIMAL 3 HORSE SNALT ‘MONKEY b. ‘ANIMAL 2 (CROCODILE. “ANIMAL | FISH SSRGLT ‘COAT c ‘ANIMAL 2 ELEPHANT ‘ANIMAL. 3 HORSE SNRGLT SNAKE 4 ‘ANIMAL 2 ‘BIRD. ANIMAL 5 ISH = veanse coor BD wsunnsy 6 © ves ves oo @ Qe @ 15. Ina classroom discussion about bacteria, Raj and Amith made a few points. Who has made the correct statement? a. Only Rajis correct b. Only Amith is correct ©. Both are correct d. Both are wrong 16. Study the classification chart carefully and identify the animal that has not been grouped correctly. a, WHALE [ona] b. SHARK —— c. MONKEY ace] ae] ee d. TOAD CE)" 3) be) Gm) (Ee) 17. Identify the type of feet which are best suited for aquatic animals? a. Feet type 1 HX b. Feet type 2 7\ ©. Feet type 3 re aie a d. Feet type 4 18. The table below shows the recordings of certain data of two animals- Animal 1 and Animal 2. Identify the animals. a. Animal 1: Mammal Animal 2: Fish ANDIALL ANIMAL 2 b. Animal 1: Bird Animal 2: Fish ¢. Animal 1: Mammal Animal 2: Insect d. Animal 1: Insect Animal 2: Bird Ye Ye 19, People around the world are keen of keeping animals as their pet. They keep cats, dogs, turtles, squirrels and what not. Pet animals are good for companionship. Given under are few Venn diagrams, identify the correct one. © OC @® 20. Lookat the Venn diagram which shows the four animals 1, 2, 3 and 4. Based on this diagram below identify the correct matching given in the options. eon a. Animal 2- fish. b. Animal 1- crocodile. wrt c, Animal 3- frog. mre a d. Animal 4- seahorse. 21. Which type of toe helps a bird to grab its prey and cling on them while they fly? a. Toes 1 J b. Toes 2 ©. Toes 3 7 | 3 4 d. Toes 4 *22. #23. 24, 25. *26. *27. Some third graders prepared a table for two types of flowers- 1 and 2. Study the table and identify land 2. eS a. Option A b. Option B ¢. Option 4. Option D ‘Sudha organized a setup for her experiment, in which she took a beaker and filled it with 300 ml of water and placed this set-up in an open balcony for 1 whole day. Next day she observed the level of water and recorded it in form of a simple table. The amount of water left in the beaker at the end of the experiments shown best in which of the following options? gm |exzeriment experiment] | experiment Experiment] [Experiment Experiment] [Experiment | Experiment] ao 300i | 310mi_| [3001 | 300m! 300m | 200m 300mt | 280m pee a b. 7 da. The teacher denoted a certain process in the form of a flow chart as shown below. Identify the process. a. Transpiration b. Vaporization ean c. Photosynthesis proxoe [+] ware d. Respiration The following graph shows the different levels of carbon dioxide in a botanical garden in the air in a day. At which point on the graph P, Q, Ror S, shows the level of carbon dioxide in the air at night? a P 3 b.a@ a. ar gle as ge ‘Three similar pots 1. 2 and 3 were placed in a garden. The table given below shows the types of soil used and the amount of water given to each plant daily. ee TT eT CC ae ror or ata Port poT2 poTs ‘Which plant will grow most effectively under the given conditions? a. Pot b. Pot 2 c. Pot3 d. Both pot 2 and 3 Raj put four types of plants into 4 identical containers filled with 100 ml of water each and a layer of oil was poured into each container. One out of these four plants is made of plastic. Raj recorded the volume of water in each container on the Sth day and noted them in the table below. Identify the container with the plastic plant. Es » 7 mo a ay ge =a wi = 1 Z rr a = = a. Plant 1 b. Plant 2 d. Plant 4 OO 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33, 34, When a few ice cubes are put into the glass filled with water to the brim, the water overflows and gets spilled onto the floor as shown below. What does that prove about matter ? a, Matter is visible b. Matter has mass c. Matter occupies space 4. Matter exists in three states. How can one make a pan of water evaporate more quickly? ‘a. Pouring it into a closed container b, Freezing it. c. Heating it d. Adding more water Given under are four types of glasses. Which glass is more likely TO CRACK when placed in hot water? Glass 1: Made of thick glass | { \ fy Glass 2 : Made of thin glass hel | | Glass 3: Made of wood. a Glass 4: Made of steel. 1 2 3 4 a. Glass 1 b. Glass 2 c.Glass3—d, Glass 4 Observe the table carefully and identify the hardest material in the table. a. Wood b. Concrete c. Stone 4. Granite Ravi wants to convey a very important message from India to his friend Raj who lives in USA. Suggest the fastest means of sending a message to Ravi? a. E-mail " ut @ & . Courier ) 4. Regular post e-mail fax courier Regular post This time, Ravi choose to call Raj who lives in USA from India. What type of phone services will Ravi need to call USA? a, ISD b.sTD HTTP d. SMTP nan experiment, Sara took four glasses full of four different types of liquids in them. In her set-up there isa light bulb lighting over each glass, Observe the given pictures carefully and select the correct conclusion regarding red, yellow, green and bluish liquids. a, Liquid blue is transparent and liquid yellow is translucent. b. Liquid green is opaque and liquid blue is translucent. cc. Liquid red is transparent and liquid blue is opaque. d. Liquid green is transparent and liquid yellow is opaque. 35. 36. 37, 38. #39, 40, Sara placed a cylinderical vertically to the light source candel as shown in the diagram. What type of shadow would be casted on the screen? a. RECTANGULAR. <= b. CIRCULAR eens ©. OVAL d. TRIANGULAR. crunoen Depending on certain observations, Sita developed a pie chart that shows different ways of disposing ‘the garbage. Identify the correct match of type of garbage with the best way of disposal from the given options. a. Greasy cardboard box - Incineration. b. Glass jars - Recycling. . Latex gloves ~ Composting. d, Plastic bag - recycling, ‘Teacher asked a series of questions to Sara during science class. The following table represents all ‘the questions along with the answers given by Sara. Observe the table and find out how many questions she answered correctly ? a0 7 Ei ba Ty c2 Ant 13 Baw Indias national bird is Peacock. Its very beautiful and amusing creature, specially its outer formation. Which animal has the same outer covering as a peacock? a. Eagle b. Bat. c. Porcupine d. Hen. What could possibly the Questions A and B in the flowchart given below. Ga a. Question A: Does it live on land? Question B: Does it have wings? a no b, Question A: Does itive on lands? Question 8: Does it give birth to young Eessou=> Ee J ones? = io . Question A: Does it breathe through lungs? Question B: Does it have oo oh) wings? mn d. Question A: Does it breathe through gills? Question B: Does it lay eggs? Identify the type of materials that will make the best swimwear? Material 1 -is stretchy but not absorbent. Material 2 - is very absorbent but does not stretch. ‘Material 3 - is very absorbent and stretchy. Material 1 b. Material 2 Material 3 d. Both Material 1 and Material 2 make good swimwear. OO a1, #42, 43, 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 43. 50. Study the flow chat given below and identify the characterises possesed Cray by Objects? o A) Itis flexible B) It is transparent oem E10) C) Itis not flexible ® § D) It sinks in water E) It does not sink in water a. AandB b,AandD © c. A,BandD d.B, Cand E Mohan arranged a set up of an to find out the strength of different types of paper experiment as is shown below. There is a plastic plate hanging by the paper using strings. He put one by one similar balls sized marbel balls into the plastic PLATE until the paper snapped. He counted the number of marbel balls to break the paper and recorded his findings in the as table below . Based on the table, which type of paper is the strongest ? a, Newspaper IYPESOFPAPER NUMBEROF ae b. Construction paper es | ¢. Waxed paper Reve ‘6 d. Handmade paper roa ° oot Which type of paper is the WEAKEST ? a. Newspaper b. Construction paper ¢. Waxed paper d. Handmade paper SECTION-II FE across Down 3, This planet's blue colors the 1. This planet is more than twice result of absorption of red light as massive as all the other by methane in the upper planets combined almosphore, 2. The second largest planet with 5. The closest planet to the Sun many rings. and the eighth largest. 4. Itis the brightest object in the 6. The only planet whose English sky excopt for the Sun and the name does not derive from ‘Moon. Greek’Roman mytnoiogy. 7. Named atter the Roman god of the sea. a. Venus b. Mercury Jupiter d. Uranus a. Neptune b, Saturn . Jupiter 4. Uranus a. Venus b. Mercury . Jupiter 4. Uranus. a. Venus b. Saturn Jupiter d. Uranus a. Neptune b, Mars . Earth 4. Pluto, a. Venus b. Mars . Earth 4d. Pluto, a, Neptune b, Saturn ¢. Jupiter 4. Uranus

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