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Community Engagement Narrative Report

Pante, Dyan May S.

Project Description

The purpose of this project is to teach housewives or unemployed mothers how to make dishwashing
liquid, a popular household cleaning substance. Dishwashing liquid is widely used not only in
communities but also across the country; so, making and selling it can both be beneficial, particularly
to mothers in a community. We're going to look for someone who is willing to start a business. We are
going to hold a proper lecture on how to make dishwashing liquid. I will ask someone who already has
a successful business to give me some advice on how to manage their budget and business, and then I
will gather those willing moms to learn how to make a dishwashing liquid that can help them in their
daily lives and can also be used in business. I want to put this concept into action because we want
something that will last and that they will remember. We are considering working with a merchant in
Divisoria to offer their items at an affordable price. They can also sell the items in their own Barangay
because they are very inexpensive and affordable.

Project Objective

In order to create employment for jobless women, especially those who labor in the home, this
initiative is being implemented. It is also intended to instill confidence in the recipients that, even if
they are out of work, they can still make a contribution to their families' well-being. The project's
organizer will give all of the cash that is necessary for the project's implementation. Aside from that,
they will be offering six kits to moms who are interested in beginning their own business.

Vision Statement

Our vision for the community is to aid unemployment and for it to be reduced, and also for the
mothers to have enough to provide for themselves and their family needs, and that they are able to
enjoy their free time also for them to be productive.

Mission Statement

It is our objective to create a community in which unemployed workers who have received little or no
employable skills training can maximize their potential and find work, as well as start their very own
small business.
Narrative Report

Dishwashing Liquid was created and provided to interested moms in starting a business. The Project
organizer provided a dishwashing liquid kit that may be given to the moms. Also I provide all the
resources required. As a project organizer I donated 6 kits to moms who want to establish a business.
Each mother makes 75 bottles for 900 pesos. In return, each mom sold approximately 50pcs of
dishwashing liquid, for a total of 3000 sales per mom.

After that they almost ran out of stock after their first sale, so they purchased the similar kit again and
sold it to earn more money. And I believe this business will succeed since all the moms I choose are
passionate about it.

Selling of the Product

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