Adjectives and Prepositions Long List

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Adjectives and prepositions list

afraid of Are you afraid of dogs?

amazing at She is amazing at maths.

angry about / with I'm angry with John about the holiday.
available to / for The room is available to you for meetings.
awful at He is awful at tennis.
bad at I'm very bad at music.
bored of/with We're bored of this game now.
brave about The child was brave about the injection.
brilliant at He is brilliant at languages.
busy with I'm busy with the children.
careful with / of Please be careful with that vase.

close to He's close to me.

comfortable with I'm not comfortable with the situation.
correct about She was correct about the problem.
crazy about He's crazy about his wife.
crowded with The trainw as crowded with students.
different to / from (than) This one is different from that one.
difficult for This exercise is difficult for me.
dressed in She was dressed in black.
easy for Maths is easy for him.

early for We were early for the meeting.

excellent at She is excellent at the piano.
excited about I'm so excited about our holiday.
famous for London is famous for its rainy weather.
fantastic at My father is fantastic at chess.
friendly to He is always friendly to everyone.
funny about It was funny about the cat.
full of The glass was full of water.
good at He's really good at English.
great at They're really great at throwing parties.
happy for / about She's happy about her exam results.
horrible to He was horrible to his mother.
ill with She's ill with a cold.
important to This is important to me.
interested in She's interested in music.
kind to They are kind to everyone.
late for We are late for dinner!
lazy about He is lazy about his work.
lovely to She was always lovely to my granny.
lucky It's lucky for you that the boss doesn't know!
mad about He's mad about football.
married to She's married to John.

mean about Don't be mean about my singing!

missing from There's a card missing from this game.
next to He sat next to me.
nice to She wasn't nice to us.
normal for This weather is normal for the UK.
perfect for This dress is perfect for her!
pleasant to The waiter was pleasant to everyone.
pleased for / with / about I'm very pelased with my new car.
polite to / about He was polite to us.

popular with/among This song is popular with teenagers.

possible for Thankfully, this house was possible for us.
proud of She's proud of her son.
ready for Are you ready for the party?
right about He was right about the election.
rude to / about Don't be rude about my shoes!
sad about He's very sad about losing his job.
safe for This medicine is safe for children.
satisfied with I'm not satisfied with this report.
sick with / of She's sick of all these problems.
sorry for / about I'm sorry for being late.
special to This is special to me.
sure about Are you sure about these numbers?
surprised about We were surprised about the present.
terrible at I'm terrible at German.
tired of We are tired of your lies.
unhappy about He's unhappy about the rain.
unusual for This cold is unusual for Spain.
upset about / with She's upset about the argument.
useful for This app is useful for tracking your sleep.
usual for This behaviour is usual for John.
well known for She is well known for her beauty.

worried about I'm worried about the children.

wrong about / with He was wrong about the train times.

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