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MATÈRIA Sistemes operatius propietaris
PROFESSOR/A Gual Purtí, Jordi [ ] No aplicable [ X ] Aplicable
Títol Activitat: MSMX1.2021.M02.UF2.NF3.FA01-Activitat-GestioUsuarisGrupsWin-Angles

Management of local users and groups in Windows 10

We are responsible for managing a computer in a phone attention enterprise that is used by four
different workers in different shifts during the week, as well as by its supervisor. For this reason, all
the users (the workers and the supervisor) must have their personal folder and their user profile.
Thus, we must create a user account for each one of them.

(MANDATORY) Creation of local user accounts

In order to create the user accounts that are needed to provide the own working environment to
each user, you must follow the steps explained below:

1. Open the local users and groups management tool. You can find this tool by right
clicking with the mouse on the "This PC" icon and selecting the "Manage" option.
Once you see the "Computer Management" tool on the screen (it may take a while to
appear), expand the "Local Users and Groups" element that is in the left. Once you
have done this, select the "Users" folder and right click on it. Select the "New User…"
option that will allow you to create new local users accounts.

2. Once you have opened the local user management tool, create the 4 user accounts
needed by the workers of the phone attention service and the one for their supervisor.
The basic properties that you must configure for each one of these user accounts are the

User name: tlphhl1

Full name: Treballador servei atenció telefònica 1
Description: Treballador torn 1
Password: P@ssword12
Options: √ Password never expires (disable the rest of options)

User name: tlphhl2

Full name: Treballador servei atenció telefònica 2
Description: Treballador torn 2
Password: P@ssword12
Options: √ Password never expires (disable the rest of options)
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User name: tlphhl3

Full name: Treballador servei atenció telefònica 3
Description: Treballador torn 3
Password: P@ssword12
Options: √ Password never expires (disable the rest of options)

User name: tlphhl4

Full name: Treballador servei atenció telefònica 4
Description: Treballador torn 4
Password: P@ssword12
Options: √ Password never expires (disable the rest of options)

User name: hlmanager

Full name: Supervisor atenció telefònica
Description: Supervisor de torns
Password: P@ssword12
Options: √ Password never expires (disable the rest of options)

(MANDATORY) Creation of user groups

Since, afterwards, we will be interested in sharing some resources between these workers, we must
create a local group of users that contains the four user accounts corresponding to the workers that
give the phone attention service. To do that, following these steps:

1. With the same tool of users and groups management, create a new group named
tlhelpline, using the "New Group…" option that you can open by right clicking on
the "Groups" folder.

2. The members of this group must be the four workers (not the supervisor).

(MANDATORY) User accounts’ testing

Once you have done the previous sections, it would be convenient to test that all steps have been
done correctly. Thus, do the following:
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1. Log in to the system using all the five user accounts you have just created and verify
that each of them has his own user profile and his own personal folder (you can
perform, for instance, some changes on the desktop configuration and, then, confirm
that each user sees his desktop as he left it the last time that he worked with).

(OPTIONAL) Creating user accounts and groups from command line

In order to learn other ways to create and manage user accounts, follow these steps:

1. Open a command prompt window in administrator mode:

2. Search information about the net user command. You can browse internet for it or
execute net user /help in order to display the command’s help.

3. Once you have understood how net user works, create a new user account (using this
command) with the following features:
User name: tlphhl5
Full name: Treballador servei atenció telefònica 5
Description: Treballador torn 5
Password: P@ssword12

4. Find out how to activate the "Password never expires" option of a user account by
using the wmic useraccount command. Use this command to enable this option on
the tlphhl5 user account.

5. Attach a screenshot with the two commands in the PDF document that you have to
deliver via Moodle.
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6. Do the same with the New-LocalUser cmdlet, using the Windows PowerShell
command line in administrator mode, to create the tlphhl6 user account.

7. Search information about the net localgroup command (for Windows command
line) and the New-LocalGroup and Add-LocalGroupMember cmdlets (for Windows
PowerShell), in order to learn how to create local groups and how to assign users as
members of these groups.

8. Create a new local group named Rookies and add the users tlphhl5 and tlphhl6 as
members of this local group. Do it by using the net localgroup command.

9. Create a new local group named Newbies and add the users tlphhl5 and tlphhl6 as
members of this new local group. Do it by using the New-LocalGroup and Add-
LocalGroupMember cmdlets in Windows PowerShell.

10. Attach the screenshots with the commands used in steps 8 and 9 in the PDF document
that you have to deliver via Moodle.


This activity must be done individually. The evaluation will be done taking into account two main
tasks that the student must have done on the indicated date:

a) Creation of the 5 user accounts and the group: the teacher will revise that all the steps
explained in sections 1, 2 and 3 have been done. It means that there must be the five
user accounts, the group and all user accounts must have been verified by logging in to
the system with each one of them. This part will be worth 60% of the mark.

b) Documentation: the student must deliver a PDF document with the explanations and
screenshots about the procedure of creating a user account and the procedure of
creating a group of users (is as important to include explanations as well as the
screenshots). This PDF document must be delivered via Moodle before the due date
and it will be worth the remaining 40% of the mark.

If you only do the mandatory sections, you can get a maximum mark of 7.5. If you also do the
optional section, you can get a final mark of 10.

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