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Technology for Teaching and Learning I

Cebu Technological University
Name: Creslene C. Calimpusan
Course/Section: BTVTEd 2-12

CHAPTER 5: Theories and Principles in the Use and

Design of Technology–Driven Lessons

Course Outcome:
Identify learning theories and principles applied in the design and
development of lessons through appropriate media and technologies for
teaching and learning.

LESSON 1: Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, TPACK, SAMR, and

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Time Allocation: 4 hours

Intended Learning Outcome(s):

Distinguish learning theories and principles applied in the use and design of
learning lessons with technology or technology driven teaching-learning models.
Review teaching plans that require learners to connect the content of the lesson
to the society.

• Quote Analysis

“I see and I forget, I hear and I remember, I do and I understand.”

- Confucius
• Video Play
Watch the video clip “Dale's Cone of Learning” through the link,

Guide Question: How are the experience of reality arranged in the cone of

Preliminary Question(s)
Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
 As you prepare to be a teacher, how do you assess your content knowledge of
your specialization?
 How will you integrate technology in your class?

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
How teachers integrate technology in the teaching and learning process depends
very much on their beliefs on how people learn. Specifically, they need to know who their
learners are and how to approach instruction. As educators, their role is to provide
learning experiences that will help achieve the defined outcome. In this module, you will
be acquainted with different theories and learning principles.


 The Eight M’s in Teaching

1. Milieu – the learning environment
2. Matter – the content of learning
3. Method – teaching and learning activities
4. Material – the resources of learning
5. Media – communication system
6. Motivation – arousing and sustaining interest in learning
7. Mastery – internalization of learning
8. Measurement – evidence that learning took place
• The Bands in Dale’s Cone of Experience
1. Direct Purposeful Experiences
2. Contrived Experiences
3. Dramatized Experiences
4. Demonstrations
5. Study Trips
6. Exhibits
7. Television and Motion Pictures
8. Still Pictures, Recordings, Radio
9. Visual Symbols
10. Verbal Symbols

(See reference pages 119-139, Bilbao, Purita P., Dequilla, Ma. Asuncion Christine V.,
Rosano, Daisy A., Boholano, Helen B. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning I.
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing.)

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University

• Content Knowledge (CK) – This describes teachers’ own knowledge of the

subject matter. CK may include knowledge of concepts, theories, evidence, and
organizational frameworks within a particular subject matter; it may also include
the field’s best practices and established approaches to communicating this
information to students. CK will also differ according to discipline and grade level –
for example, middle-school science and history classes require less detail and
scope than undergraduate or graduate courses, so their various instructors’ CK
may differ, or the CK that each class imparts to its students will differ.
• Pedagogical Knowledge (PK) – This describes teachers’ knowledge of the
practices, processes, and methods regarding teaching and learning. As a generic
form of knowledge, PK encompasses the purposes, values, and aims of
education, and may apply to more specific areas including the understanding of
student learning styles, classroom management skills, lesson planning, and
• Technological Knowledge (TK) – This describes teachers’ knowledge of, and
ability to use, various technologies, technological tools, and associated resources.
TK concerns understanding edtech, considering its possibilities for a specific
subject area or classroom, learning to recognize when it will assist or impede
learning, and continually learning and adapting to new technology offerings.
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) – This describes teachers’ knowledge
regarding foundational areas of teaching and learning, including curricula
development, student assessment, and reporting results. PCK focuses on
promoting learning and on tracing the links among pedagogy and its supportive
practices (curriculum, assessment, etc.), and much like CK, will also differ
according to grade level and subject matter. In all cases, though, PCK seeks to
improve teaching practices by creating stronger connections between the content
and the pedagogy used to communicate it.
• Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) – This describes teachers’
understanding of how technology and content can both influence and push
against each other. TCK involves understanding how the subject matter can be
Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
communicated via different edtech offerings, and considering which specific
edtech tools might be best suited for specific subject matters or classrooms.
• Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) – This describes teachers’
understanding of how particular technologies can change both the teaching and
learning experiences by introducing new pedagogical affordances and constraints.
Another aspect of TPK concerns understanding how such tools can be deployed
alongside pedagogy in ways that are appropriate to the discipline and the
development of the lesson at hand.

(See reference pages 119-139, Bilbao, Purita P., Dequilla, Ma. Asuncion Christine
V., Rosano, Daisy A., Boholano, Helen B. (2019). Technology for Teaching and
Learning I. Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing.)

The SAMR Model

Level Definition Examples Functional Change

Substitution Computer technology is Students print No functional change in
used to perform the out teaching and
same task as was done worksheet, learning. There may
before the use of finish it, pass well be times when this
computers. it in. the appropriate level of
work as there is no real
gain to be had from
technology. One needs
to decide computer use
based on any other
possible benefits. This
area tends to be
teacher centric where
the instructor is guiding
all aspects of a lesson.
Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
Augmentation Computer Technology Students take There is some
offers an effective tool a quiz using a functional benefit here
to perform common Google Form in that paper is being
tasks. instead of saved, students and
using pencil teacher can receive
and paper. almost immediate
feedback on student
level of understanding
of material. This level
starts to move along
the teacher / student
centric continuum. The
impact of immediate
feedback is that
students may begin to
become more engaged
in learning.
Modification This is the first step Students are There is significant
over the line between asked to write functional change in the
enhancing the an essay classroom. While all
traditional goings-on of around the students are learning
the classroom and theme "And similar writing skills, the
transforming the This I reality of an authentic
classroom. Common Believe...". An audience gives each
classroom tasks are audio recording student has a personal
being accomplished of the essay is stake in the quality of
through the use of made along with the work. Computer
computer technology. an original technology is
musical necessary for this
soundtrack. Th classroom to function
e recording will allowing peer and
be played in teacher feedback, easy
front of an rewriting, and audio
authentic recording. Questions
audience such about writing skills
as parents, or increasingly come from
college the students
admission themselves.
Redefinition Computer technology A classroom is At this level, common
allows for new tasks asked to create classroom tasks and
that were previously a documentary computer technology
inconceivable. video answering exist not as ends but as
an essential supports for student
question related centered
to important learning. Students
concepts. learn content and skills
Teams of in support of important
students take concepts as they
on different pursue the challenge of
subtopics and creating a professional
collaborate to quality

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
create one final video. Collaboration
product. Teams becomes necessary
are expected to and technology allows
contact outside such communications
sources for to occur. Questions
information. and discussion are
increasingly student

Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom is known educationist who provided the cognitive taxonomy which
has greatly been used in education. His students, Anderson and Krathwohl made some

(See textbook reference pages 119-139, Bilbao, Purita P., Dequilla, Ma. Asuncion Christine V.,
Rosano, Daisy A., Boholano, Helen B. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning I.
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing.)

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
Think-Pair and Share. Talk about your ideas given the following situations:
1. If you teach a lesson on the concept of fractions to a grader, how will you proceed
if you follow the pattern in Dale’s Cone of Experience beginning with the concrete
moving toward abstract?
 Education is formation, recapitulation, retrospection and reconstruction.
These are all continuous processes of education and only be provided with
the help of experience. Dale was a professor of education at university. He
made several contributions to audio and visual instruction, including a
methodology for analyzing the content of motion pictures Edgar Dale, an
expert in audiovisual education, created a model in his 1946 book Audio-
Visual Methods in Teaching that he named the Cone of Experience to
discuss various modalities/channels of imparting information.
2. Try to explain why reading teachers discourage us from reading only comics or
illustrated comic version of novels?
 The teacher discourages reading comics or illustrated comics version of
novels for it only encompasses little senses. Reading pocketbooks is
encouraged because it involves both the abstract and concrete learning
experiences which awakens the higher-level thinking compared to comics
reading only

3. Now, that there is a great deal of ICT tools and applications used in enriching the
lesson, how would you explain its potential use in instruction and where will you
categorize it on the Cone?
 Information Communication Technology (ICT) tools contribute to high
quality lessons since they have potential to increase students' motivation,
connect students to many information sources, support active in-class and
out-class learning environments, and let instructors to allocate more time
for facilitation.

With your peers/group, study the infographics iPadagogy Wheel. Discuss and select
how technology be integrated in a lesson. As a group, write your answers in the table

Subject Matter

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University

Technology Tool to be

Introductory Activity






Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
Video on the Web: There are two video clips that can be viewed. They will reinforce the
understanding of TPACK. Search in YouTube the following files and view them.
1. TPACK in Two Minutes (
2. Introduction to the TPCAK Model Video Common Sense Media
Guide Question: What insights have you gained after viewing them?

TASK: Evaluate your personal capability in relation to the TPACK Framework. How does
your TPACK look like? On a sheet of paper draw your TPACK and be able to explain and
exemplify the meaning of your model. Share this with your group and think of some
possible steps to take action on enhancing your TPACK state as a teacher.

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
Disclaimer: Pictures, videos, and some text/content used in this learning material are not solely
owned by the writer. Credits to the rightful owner. This material is created for educational purposes


tpack- framework/

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
CHAPTER 5: Theories and Principles in the Use and
Design of Technology–Driven Lessons

Course Outcome:
Identify learning theories and principles applied in the design and
development of lessons through appropriate media and technologies for
teaching and learning.

LESSON 2: The ASSURE Model, and Models of Technology – Enhanced Instructional L

Time Allocation: 3 hours

Intended Learning Outcome(s):

Integrate media and technology that require learners to connect the content of the lesson to the society

• Word Cloud (

Students will give words or concepts that can be associated with the elements when
planning a lesson. This is to be done with the use of a word cloud via Mentimeter.

Guide Question: Based on the given concepts, what are the integral parts of planning a
lesson? How should a lesson plan be done?

Preliminary Question(s)
 As you prepare to be a teacher, why integrating technology in the classroom is
 What do you think is the disadvantage of technology in the classroom?

A well-planned lesson is half of the battle won; the other half is the delivery of the
lesson by the facilitator who has the pedagogical skills in implementing what has been
planned. This will ensure the achievement of learning outcomes. This will engage
learners to perform expected standards. That is why, it is important that before teaching,
elements needed to be incorporated when designing a plan have to be plotted well.

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
The conventional way of teaching in this century may outmode the preference of the
present learners. The teacher providing the information while taking the center stage may
not hold student’s attention for a longer time. This still works, however, but with the
appropriate use of the right technology tool or application, a lesson becomes engaging.
The roles of the learners play in this millennium are no longer limited to being a receiver
of information. They desire to be actively involved in the retrieval of information,
repackaging them and using them to create something unconceivable before.


Models of Technology – Enhanced Instructional Materials

The learning place can also evolve especially when you consider the varied roles that
learners play. They can learn and perform the task in any physical or virtual location.
There is also the element of flexibility since learners can tackle assigned tasks at
preferred times or manner of doing them. However certain agreed rules have to be
established to provide the right amount of guidance without curtailing their ingenuity.

Learners can become…

 Contributors – Learners can upload materials such as video or an audio, post a

message, submit an output in a dropbox or add documents and EBooks and
add picture or contribute to a digital world using a “pop-up”.

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
 Creators – Learners can collate a digital portfolio known as an ePortfolio or create
a virtual poster or an interactive resource. They can produce a digital story, edit
the entries and share.
 Communicators – Using technology tools, learners can chat with peers post a
reply in a blog and contribute a comment to the let thread flow. Creating a wiki,
editing and adding to it gives the students the chance to communicate their
thoughts. Using the chat room or the web conferencing by Skype or Zoom creates
a dynamic to what a learning place is.
 Collaborators – Capstone projects can be outputs of collaboration. Learners can
participate in posting ideas in Forum where there can be an asynchronous
discussion. Using wikis to participate in group work with the aim to accomplish a
task or comment on blogs are a few ways on performing the role of a collaborator
I a new idea of a learning place.

(See reference pages 119-139, Bilbao, Purita P., Dequilla, Ma. Asuncion Christine V., Rosano,
Daisy A., Boholano, Helen B. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning I. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing.)

Think-Pair and Share. Discuss your answer to the following items:

1. Give three realization that you have gained from integrating technology in
2. Give two questions that you would like to ask in relations to how technology can
be integrated in a lesson?
3. Name one thing that you have enjoyed in using technology in a lesson.

Note: This activity is to be done with the use of Jamboard.

Think of a lesson and a hypothetical group of learners. Design the lesson good for an
hour by writing a brief outline of the plan. Explain how the ASSURE Model has helped in
the process of designing it. Discuss the rationale of the decision on the selection of the
materials, technology tools, learning and assessment activities.

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
Explain the reason for the
Elements in the
What is it? decision in relation to
Instructional Design

- Lesson Topic

- Subject Area

- Level of
One hour lesson
- Duration

- Learning
- Materials/
- Learning
- Assessment

Look for a lesson plan or instructional plan, assess what technology is used and how
it is integrated into the lesson. How will you improve the plan by having your modification
with the technology being asserted? If technology is not present, how will you make it

Disclaimer: Pictures, videos, and some text/content used in this learning material are not solely
owned by the writer. Credits to the rightful owner. This material is created for educational purposes



Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
CHAPTER 6: Innovative Technologies for Assessment
Tasks in Teaching and Learning

Course Outcome(s):
Integrate media and technology in various content areas.

LESSON 1: ICT and Assessment of Learning

Time Allocation: 5 hours

Intended Learning Outcome(s):

Demonstrateproficiencyintheformulationofteaching-learning experiences using innovative technologies.

 Word Cloud…

1. Look at the figure below, what are the key

terms related to assessment?
2. What is the role of ICT in assessment in

• Video Play…

Assessment is the process of identifying, gathering and interpreting information

about students’ learning. To understand better the different related terms on
assessment especially formative and summative assessment, please watch this video
on YouTube. Go to

Guide Question: What is the role of assessment in teaching and learning?

How does formative assessment differ from the summative

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
Preliminary Question(s)
 As a 21st century teacher, how can you explain the roles of ICT in assessment?
 How can you evaluate assessment tools using rubrics?
Assessment is very important in student learning. There are many approaches to
assessment in learning with an emphasis on the process of learning along with the
product of learning. The ultimate measure of student’s competence is performance.
Development in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has thrown open
numerous possibilities for assessing student learning and providing immediate feedback.

 Types of Assessment
1. Formative assessment – provides feedback and information during the
instructional process, while learning is taking place and while learning is occurring.
2. Summative assessment – takes place after the learning has been completed
and provides information and feedback that sums up the teaching and learning
3. Diagnostic assessment – can help you identify your students’ current knowledge
of a subject; their skill sets and capabilities and to clarify misconceptions before
teaching takes place. Knowing students’ strengths and weaknesses can help you
better plan what to teach and how to teach it.
4. Authentic assessment – describes the multiple forms of assessment that reflect
student learning, achievement, motivation, and attitudes on instructionally relevant
classroom activities.

 The Role of ICT in Assessment in Learning

There are new technologies created to provide students with higher level thinking
skills particularly the aspects of creative and critical thinking, and the opportunity to teach
and assess those skills. The use of ICT in assessment is very helpful to teachers
because students’ information and results of examination can be recorded and stored and
can easily be retrieved. With the use of IT, the teachers can right away give feedback to
students on the results of assessment. Feedback from the computer during the use of
test material improves student performance in later use of the same test material.
In educational assessment, the use of technology is an innovation and support for
teaching and learning (Sindhu, 2013), is essential to improve instruction and increase
performance. With an effective classroom assessment system in place, a valid
demonstration of student learning and progress connected to classroom instruction and
experience can be confirmed.
Tests play a vital role in traditional learning as well as e-learning and this helps the
teachers and the learners in measuring learning. There is many freeware where the
teachers can create quizzes and evaluate learning electronically. Online examination
systems seek to efficiently evaluate the test takers thoroughly through a fully automated
system that not only saves time but also give fast results. It is done in most cases through
a Web-Based Online Examination Software. This online examination will also eliminate
the need for monitoring while the exam is being taken.
One of the advantages of using a web-based exam software or an online
examination system is that it gives a high level of transparency as opposed to the
traditional method or remote method. It is also impossible to compromise exam questions

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
and evaluations because they cannot also be influenced. Most online exams generate
their results instantly and it is often possible for the exam taker to get information on his
results immediately. Some of the major advantages of online examination are: (1)
accessibility and flexibility; (2) time management; (3) save cost; and (4) statistical analysis.
Security and confidentiality should also be considered. Security needs to be given
top priority for any website that you will add information to. Some schools utilized
software for security and privacy of examinations.

 Current Trends in Assessment in Learning

Traditional assessment like objective test such as multiple choice, matching type,
true or false and other paper-and-pencil test received criticism by some experts in
assessment. The 21st century assessment includes: (1) utilizing multiple measures of
assessment, (2) increasing the use of technology, (3) focus on the growth and
development of the learner, and (4) differentiating the roles and responsibilities of the
teachers, administrators and other stakeholders. In the 21 st century, educators and
students can no longer afford this disconnect. To help students become college and
career-ready, we need to teach them how to apply what they are learning in school to the
practical and intellectual tasks in their everyday lives (Wolpert-Gawron, 2010).
The concept of ‘classroom’ has been shifting in recent years with dedication to
purposefully designed learning spaces and seamless integrations of technologies
(Williams, 2017). In the 21 st century, we are facing a global economy where information
travels at the speed of light and knowledge of how to harness and sift through that
information has become vital to our personal and national well-being. As an educator, we
know that our students must graduate ready to function in this expanded world.
Educational technology is used to increase the efficiency of education in teaching,
learning and assessment. Computers and related technology are viewed as the future of
teaching and learning and also as a powerful technological machine to promote
development of learning. Computers are able to create a more attractive and effective
learning environment (Keser & Ozcan, 2011).
Education technology has introduced new, exciting and innovative ways to engage
students in active learning while online. The teachers can incorporate active learning
activities through technology in fully-online lessons, homework modules, and even in-
class online activities. Robyler and Edwards (2000) as cited in (Keser & Ozcan, 2011)
suggested that there are important reasons for teachers to use technology in education:
motivation, distinctive instructional abilities, higher productivity of teachers, essential skills
for information age, and support for new teaching techniques (cited in Samak, 2006).
Online learning initiatives often fail to engage and teach learners because they are
passive in nature – reading PDFs, flipping through slides, listening to long lectures. One
way to improve these experiences is to focus on incorporating active learning
Active learning is any learning activity in which the student interacts or engages with
the material, as opposed to passively taking in the information. The parents can also help
the learners engage in reach learning experiences at home and during daily activities
such as field trip.
The teacher will give learning activities that are intentional, meaningful and useful.
Activities which involve student interaction with content can include listening to and/or
watching a live recorded talk, engaging with a written or visual text, engaging with
multimedia, or a combination of these.
Assessment has always been an integral part of the teaching and learning process.
The information from assessments can be used for several purposes. It provides valuable
insights into students’ learning and serves as a reference point for their progress.
Assessing students with the use of ICT will help teachers receive feedback right away.

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
The use of computer-adaptive tests is one of the recent advancements in assessment. It
is a design which add a great deal of efficiency to the testing process.

(See reference pages 160-167, Bilbao, Purita P., Dequilla, Ma. Asuncion Christine V., Rosano,
Daisy A., Boholano, Helen B. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning I. Quezon City:
Lorimar Publishing.)

E Portfolio…
On the Web, create an electronic portfolio that contains the following:

1. reflection about the current trends in assessment;

2. pictures
3. sample alternative assessment
4. sample rubric in rating alternative assessment

Note: For checking and evaluation kindly send link to your instructors.


Successful live lecturers are not simply those with the most expertise or the most
outgoing personalities. Knowledge of the subject and comfort in public speaking is helpful,
but a live lecture is only successful if it communicates the material effectively to the
listeners. Please follow the following steps in preparing your online demo.

1. Form a group of 2 or 3. Follow the steps in preparing a live lecture.

a. Beginning the Lecture
i. Plan an introduction to catch the student’s interest.
ii. Provide a general overview of the content.
iii. Tell students how you expect them to use the material
iv. Define or explain unfamiliar terminology.
b. The Body of the Lecture
i. Organization
ii. Allow time within the lecture to summarize key ideas and prepare relevant
examples to illustrate key ideas.
iii. Observe non-verbal clues.
c. Closing the Lecture
i. Answer any questions raised at the beginning of the lecture and provide
closure for the lecture.
ii. Restate what you expect the students to gain from the lecture material
iii. Give a concluding statement.

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University
Conduct an interview with your former teachers regarding their practice on
assessment in the new normal. Make an unstructured interview guide.

Disclaimer: Pictures, videos, and some text/content used in this learning material are not solely
owned by the writer. Credits to the rightful owner. This material is created for educational purposes


[53] Bilbao, Purita P., Dequilla, Ma. Asuncion Christine V., Rosano, Daisy A., Boholano,
Helen B. (2019). Technology for Teaching and Learning I. Quezon City: Lorimar

Technology for Teaching and Learning I
Cebu Technological University

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