All Main Tenses of English

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Simple Continuous Perfect

past event-present

repeated action progressing action consequences

Pronoun+V/Vs pronoun+to be+v+ing

usually, often, always,

ever, never, just, already,
seldom, always, now, at the moment yet, by 3 p.m.
every(day, month, week)

+ I have worked/she has
+ I work/She works + I am working/She is working worked
- I don`t work - I`m not working/She isn`t - I haven`t worked/She
She doesn`t work working hasn`t worked
? Do you work?/Does she ? Am I working?/ Is she ? Have I worked?/ Has she
work? working? worked?

finished event
  progressing in past action before
Past Simple
pronoun+Ved/V2 was/were+Ving had+V3

yesterday, last week, 5 yesterday at 3p.m.(from 3 yesterday since 3p.m.,for

min ago till 4), when you came.. some time in the past..

+ I worked/ She came + I was working/ We were + I had worked/ She had
- I didn't work working gone
She didn't come - I wasn't working - I hadn't worked
?Did I work? We weren`t working She hadn't gone
Did she come? ? Was I working? ?Had I worked?

Were we working? Had She gone?


Simple to be going to+verb

will happen 100%/ high probability
future plans, probability 70%
tomorrow, next Sunday

+ I am going to work / She is going to travel

+ I will work
- I`m not going to work/She isn`t going to
- I won`t work
? Will I work? ? Am I going to work?/ Is she going to travel?

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