Isaac Dissertation 2018

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy at
The University of Texas at Arlington
December, 2018

Arlington, Texas

Supervising Committee:

Robert M. Taylor
Ashfaq Adnan
Kenneth Reifsnider
Rassel Raihan
Sunand Santhanagopalan




Blesson Isaac, Ph.D.

The University of Texas at Arlington, 2018

Supervising Professor: Robert M. Taylor

Many advanced applications, including aerospace, can benefit from materials with

superior mechanical and dielectric properties. For these applications, most fiber alignment

electrospinning research has focused on either mechanical property improvement or dielectric

property improvement, but not both simultaneously. Through an improved apparatus design and

system parameter optimization, this work develops an electrospinning apparatus that produces an

increased electrostatic force and more tightly controlled discharged particle path to enable a

more uniform distribution and higher degree of alignment in deposited electrospun material,

which results in simultaneous improvement of both mechanical and dielectric properties.

The current state-of-the-art in aligned electrospinning techniques are limited. Parallel

collectors have aligned fibers but there is a possibility of extraction challenge for applications

because of larger volume fraction of gaps. Rotating mandrel collectors have fibers better

molecular orientation in the fiber direction because of elongation strain. But the fibers are

oriented randomly and the parameter optimization can deliver only limited alignment


Electrospinning has been successfully used to develop aligned micro- and nano-fiber

mats for lightweight reinforcement of composite materials and structures. A horizontal

electrospinning apparatus has been designed and fabricated for improved micro- and nano-fiber

alignment that provides the possibility of developing better reinforcement and dielectric

materials in the form of aligned fiber mats. The design of experiments results show that the

improved system has better combined mechanical and dielectric properties because of better

degree of aligned fibers than that of the original system.


I would like to thank my supervising committee for guidance and supports throughout the

research work. I thank my supervising professor, Dr. Robert M. Taylor for his timely responses

on the research update and his support for completing this dissertation. I thank Dr. Ashfaq

Adnan, my co-advisor, for his guidance on writing journal papers and using Multiscale

Mechanics and Physics Laboratory, UTA. I thank Dr. Kenneth Reifsnider, for his guidance for

completing the research work at Institute of Predictive Performance and Methodologies (IPPM),

UTARI and encouragements for publishing papers. I thank Dr. Rassel Raihan for his support on

conducting experiments and using the IPPM laboratory facilities. I thank Dr. Sunand

Santhanagopalan for his guidance on analyzing some of the research outputs. I thank Mr. Ron

Laposa, facility manager, UTARI, Mr. Kermit Beird, machine shop supervisor, UTA, and Mr.

Dave Manivanh, equipment technician, UTARI. Also, I would like to thank colleagues including

Mr. Vamsee Vadlamudi, Mr. Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian, Ms. Rajini Chahal, and Mr.

Khandakar Abu Hasan Mahmud.


I dedicate this dissertation to Almighty God for his wisdom to complete the research work. I

dedicate this work to my wife, Bincy Paul, for her support throughout the research work. Also, I

dedicate this work to my parents, brothers’ families, parent-in-laws’ family, relatives, and

friends, especially Christian Campus Center (TRI-C) family at UTA, for their support.


ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………... ii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………………... iv

DEDICATION………………………………………………………………………… v

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………… vii

LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………. xi

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION.………………………………………………... 1

CHAPTER TWO: BACKGROUND………………………………………………….. 5

References…………………………………………………………….. 31

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY.…………………………………………….. 49

References……………………………………………………………….. 60


References……………………………………………………………….. 77


References……………………………………………………………….. 103






Figure Page

1. Schematics of electrospinning apparatus of vertical set up (left) and

horizontal set up (right)…………………………………………………………. 2

2. Electrospinning set up by A. Formhals [5]…………………………………………... 3

3. Applications of electrospun nanofibers………………………………………............ 6

4. Working principle of electrospinning……………………………………………….. 8

5. a. Rotating Drum Collector ………………………………………………………… 12

b. Rotating Disk Collector [33]…………………………………………………....... 12

6. a. Parallel conductor stripes method (Reprinted with permission from [40].

Copyright 2003 American Chemical Society)…………………………………. 13
b. Uniaxially aligned nanofibers [41]………………………………………………. 13
c. Wire Drum Collector (Reprinted with permission from [47].
Copyright 2004 American Chemical Society)…………………..……………… 15
d. Wheel Rotor Collector [48]………………………………………………………. 15

7. a. Tensile strength/modulus vs fiber diameter [33]………………………………..… 16

b. Crystallinity vs fiber diameter [33]…………………………………………….… 17

8. Typical stress-strain curve of CNF (left) and the average fiber diameter (right) [58]... 18

9. Stress-strain graph of as-spun PAN nanofibers (left) and strength of annealed

nanofibers (right) (Reprinted with permission from [59]. Copyright 2004
American Chemical Society)…………………………………………………… 19

10. Strength and modulus of individual carbon nanofiber obtained

from PAN nanofiber mat [34]………………………………………………….. 19

11. Stress-strain relationship of individual PAN nanofibers [35]……………………… 20

12. Stress-strain curve of carbon nanofiber mats [60]…………………………………. 20

13. Predicted tensile strength of individual nanofiber vs tensile strength

of nanofiber mat [60]…………………………………………………………… 21

14. Tensile strength as a function of porosity [60]…………………………………….. 22

15. Dependence of density and porosity of PAN nanofiber membranes

at frequency of 1 MHz [67] ……………………………………………………... 24

16. Dielectric constant of PAN at 8 w % in the radio frequency range [67]……………. 24

17. Dielectric constant of PAN as a function of

graphene nano flakes concentrations [68] ………………………………………. 25

18. Permittivity (ε΄) (left) and EMI-SE (right) of carbon fibers

with different proportions of ZrO2 [74] ………………………………………….. 26

19. Schematic of electrospinning technique……………………………………………… 51

20. Enclosure, Syringe pump, and High voltage power supply…………………………. 52

21. Mandrel and D.C.Motor ………………………………………………………….…. 53

22. Enclosure in the 3D model [78].………………………………………………….…. 55

23. The final electrospinning set up [78]…………………………………………….….. 55

24. Fiber mat is being formed on mandrel (left) and the fiber mat (right) [78]……….… 56

25. NanoSEM 230, SEM of fibermats using 18G (middle), and

22G (right) needles [78]…………………………………………………………. 56

26. a. Sample 1, 2, and 3 at 20μm magnification………………………………..……… 57

b. Tensile strength of best three samples [78]……………………………………… 57
c. Dielectric constant of best three samples………………………………………… 58

27. SEM images at 5μm and respective angle measurements of

samples 1, 2, and 3 [78] …………………………………………………………. 59

28. Stress-strain curve of nanofiber mat [7]……………………………………………. 64

29. PAN/DMF is stirred in heating stir plate (left) and

the final yellowish solution (right)………………………………………………. 65

30. Electrospinning original system [17]…………………………………………….….. 65

31. Electrospun mat is being fabricated at the mandrel……………………………..…... 65

32. Schematic of frame and specimen (left) and the tensile test is being run (right)……. 66

33. Schemmatic of square specimen (left) and

Faraday cage (right) for dielectric test …………………………………………… 66

34. PAN specimen (left) and optical microscope image in micro inch scale (right)……. 68

35. Variability in stress-strain curves when using strain rate for nanofiber mat……….... 68

36. Variability in force-stroke curves when using strain rate for nanofiber mat………. 68

37. a. Force-stroke plot of a nanofiber mat…………………………………………….. 69

b. Normalized force-stroke plot of a nanofiber mat………………………….…….. 69

38. Specific strength for 5v speed and 10w% of two mats………………………….….. 70

39. Specific strengths for 3v speed and 10w% of two mats……………………….…… 71

40. a. Main effects for tensile tests…………………………………………….……….. 71

b. Standard deviation for tensile tests……………………………………………… 71
41. Force rate behavior of mat at 1N/min and 5N/min………………………………… 72

42. Dielectric constant with high variability…………………………………………… 73

43. a. Dielectric constant of 15cm-4v-10w% mats…………………….……….……... 73

b. Normalized dielectric constant of specimens from
two mats of same combination………………………………………..……...... 74

44. Dielectric constant of 3v-10w% mats……………………………………………… 74

45. a. Main Effects for dielectric tests…………………………………………………. 75

b. Standard deviation for dielectric tests………………………………………….... 75

46. Below 0.025g has shear failure (left) and above 0.025g
resembles brittle failure (right)………………………………………………….. 75

47. a. Fracture mode at 5N/min force rate……………………………………………… 76

b. Fracture modes of specimens below and above 0.025g …………………….…… 76

48. Stirrer and heater (left) and yellowish solution (right)……………………………… 82

49. Schemmatics of improved system…………………………………………….…….. 83

50. Flow chart of improved system………………………………………………..……. 84

51. Pictorial representation of improved system……………………………………..…. 84

52. Aligned fibers formed in the improved system (shadow is alligator clip) …………... 85

53. SEM images and angular measurements of mats from

original and improved system……………………………………………..……… 85

54. Improved system shows consistent mass along the mat……………………………… 86

55. Test configuration and schematic representation of
dielectric constant measurement ………………………………………………... 87

56. Test configuration and schematic of tensile test specimen………………………… 89

57. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for

dielectric data of original system…………………………………………….….. 90

58. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for

dielectric data of improved system……………………………………………… 91

59. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for

tensile data of original system…………………………………………………… 92

60. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for

tensile data of improved system…………………………………………………. 93

61. Tensile strengths of improved system (left) and

original system (right) nanofiber mats…………………………………………… 94

62. SEM images shows better alignment for mats at 5v speed (left) than that at
4v speed (right)…………….. ………………………………………………… 94

63. The fiber direction side of mat is in coincidence with

the vertical axis of SEM device………………………………………………….. 95

64. Intensity vs 2ϴ plot of XRD analysis of PAN at 8w% for

original and improved system…………………………………………………… 96

65. Fitted model of specific tensile strength from original system…………………….. 98

66. Goodness of fit for original system from tensile response……………………..…. 98

67. Fitted model of specific tensile strength from improved system………………..… 99

68. Goodness of fit for improved system from tensile response…………..…………... 99

69. Fitted model of normalized dielectric constant from original system…..…………. 100

70. Goodness of fit for original system from dielectric response……………..………. 100

71. Fitted model of normalized dielectric constant of improved system………....…… 101

72. Goodness of fit for improved system from dielectric response………………..….. 101

73. Dielectric versus tensile for original and improved system……………………….. 102


Table Page

1. Mechanical properties of as-spun/pure nanofibers…………………………………. 18

2. Comparison of CNT and CNF [7]…………………………………………………… 25

3. Dielectric properties of different nanofibers…………………………………………. 27

4. Tensile and dielectric properties of three samples [78]……………………………… 58

5. Full factorial test matrix for DOE……………………………………………………. 67

6. Test matrix for original and improved system………………………………….......... 87

7. Two factors and three levels for each factor…………………………………………. 87

8. Angle measurements using image J for 4v and 5v at 9w% …………………………. 95

9. a. Increment in improved tensile…………………………………………………….. 102

b. Percentage increment in tensile……………………………………………………. 102

10. a. Increment in improved dielectric…………………………………………………. 102

b. Percentage increment in dielectric………………………………………………… 102



This research work discusses the development of an electrospinning system capable of

producing high quality alignment characteristic of rotating mandrel by controlling the path of

electric field and producing the controlled deposition and uniform distribution of fibers.

Electrospinning is a process of producing micro- and nano-fibers using polymer solution in an

enclosed apparatus with a syringe pump, collector and high voltage power supply. This

technique results in a simpler and more economical design configuration than other techniques.

The design and set up of an electrospinning apparatus to produce the micro- and nano- fibers is

carried out. The set up consists of a high voltage power supply, positive and negative electrodes,

syringe pump and enclosure. Many advanced applications can benefit from electrospun materials

with superior mechanical and dielectric properties. For these applications, it is paramount to

understand the effects of electrospun fiber alignment on mechanical and dielectric properties.

Anisotropic nanofiber mats are achievable through aligned fibers in mats produced through

electrospinning. The mechanical and dielectric property can be tailored for applications through

aligned nanofiber mats.

Electrospinning is a process of producing micro- and nano-fibers using polymer solution with

a syringe pump, syringe, needle, collector, and high voltage power supply. The typical set up of

an electrospinning apparatus is either horizontal electrospinning or vertical electrospinning [1].

Figure 1 shows the schematic set up of both types. The idea of electrospinning can be traced

back to 1902, when John. F Cooley received the patent for his apparatus for electrically

dispersing fluids [2]. Later in the same year, William James Morton invented a method of

dispersing fluids by the process of separating from composite fluids the volatile components and

breaking up the fixed component [3].

Figure 1. Schematics of electrospinning apparatus of vertical set up (left) and horizontal set up (right)

Anton Formhals received a patent in the year 1934 for his invention of producing polymer

threads using electrostatic force. He claimed the patent with his paper titled “Process and

apparatus for preparing artificial threads [4].” He used solutions of cellulose esters, specifically

cellulose acetate, for the spinning solution. In U.S. Patent No. 2,160,962 (1939), he described

collecting artificial fibers as substantially parallel to each other on a moving collecting device

[5]. There he introduced the term “electrical spinning” of fibers. He revealed that he had

experienced difficulties in solidifying the formed fibers. In addition, the as-processed fibers were

so sticky that, not only would they stick to the collecting device, but also they would stick to

each other. He observed that it was difficult to control the paths of high-speed liquid streams and

the corresponding fibers out of it. As shown in Figure. 2, he tried to use a fiber direction guide

(55 in Figure 2), which consists of shields (57 in Figure 2) to direct the fibers along fixed,

predetermined paths towards the collecting electrodes. He claimed that his invention made it

possible to obtain smooth, continuous, compact, and coherent fiber bands composed of

heterogeneous filaments arranged substantially parallel to each other.

Salas (2017) showed that electrostatic forces play a key role on the electrospinning of

polymer solutions. As such, the Coulomb’s force is considered as the driving factor for better

𝑞𝑞1 𝑞𝑞2
𝐹𝐹 = 𝑘𝑘 ----------------------------------- (1)
𝑟𝑟 2

In equation (1), F is the Coulomb’s force, 𝑘𝑘 is the constant of proportionality, 𝑞𝑞1 , 𝑞𝑞2 are

charges, and r is the distance between the charges. In principle, the smaller the distance, the

greater the electrostatic force on a charged particle.

Figure 2. Electrospinning set up by A. Formhals [5]

According to Luo, Stoyanov, Stride, Pelan, and Edirisinghe (2012), there are various

spinning techniques available for producing micro and nanofibers [6]. Zhang, Kang, Tarascon,

and Kim (2016) reported that other production methods include vapor growth, arc discharge,

laser ablation, and chemical vapor deposition [7]. These processes are very expensive because of

low product yield and high equipment cost. However, electrospinning processes can produce

fibers with diameters ranging from 10nm to 10µm from a polymer solution under the application

of an electrostatic force [8]. These fibers have high surface area to volume ratio, high porosity,

and tunable porosity [1]. Solution electrospinning compared to melt electrospinning requires a

solvent. The melt electrospinning method uses a molten polymer, but the absence of solvent

excludes the effect of solvent properties on the fiber formation. In emulsion electrospinning, two

immiscible fluids are used [9]. Magnetic electrospinning and near-field electrospinning are good

examples of interdisciplinary technological convergence between magnetism and electric

potential methods. Dip-pen nanolithography with traditional electrospinning can also be used,

but the alignment of fibers is not satisfactory [6].



This section examines the current state-of-the-art in fabrication of aligned fibers via

electrospinning techniques and the effects of these techniques on the mechanical and dielectric

properties of electrospun fibers. Aligned and heat treated electrospun mats, when added to other

composites, have better specific strength and specific stiffness properties. These aligned nano

fiber composites have better mechanical and dielectrical properties for many structural and

multi-functional applications, including advanced aerospace applications. For these applications,

most fiber alignment electrospinning research has focused on either mechanical property

improvement or dielectric property improvement alone, but not both simultaneously. Relative to

many other nanofiber formation techniques, the electrospinning technique exhibits superior

nanofiber formation when considering cost and manufacturing complexity for many situations.

This nanofiber formation often leads to superior mechanical properties as well as superior

combinations of mechanical-dielectric properties. Even though the dielectric property of pure

nanofiber mat may not be of general interest, the analysis of the combined effect of mechanical

and dielectric properties is relevant to the present analysis of alignment. An exploratory study by

the author demonstrates the relationship between mechanical and dielectric properties for

specimens obtained from a rotating mandrel horizontal set up.


The typical applications of electrospun fibers include filtration [10-11], energy, structures,

biomedical, textiles, and others as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Applications of electrospun nanofibers

Other applications include optical and chemical sensors, textiles, reinforcement of

composites, health care and defense, and security. Electrospun fibers are projected to play an

important role in the development of air filtration, energy storage devices, super-capacitors, and

rechargeable batteries [12-14]. The applications of nanofiber mats in the reinforcement of

nanocomposites are discussed by Huang, Zhang, Kotaki, and Ramakrishna (2003), who executed

mechanical characterization of nanofibrous membranes of various polymers and examined their

potential applications [15]. Nanofibers can have better mechanical properties than micro fibers

and therefore superior structural properties can be anticipated. Bergshoef and Vancso (1999)

showed that smooth nylon-4, 6 electrospun fibers with diameters in the range of 30-200 nm can

be produced from formic acid solutions. These fibers demonstrated reinforcement of transparent

composites with an epoxy matrix [16]. Highly porous nanofibers with pore interconnectivity and

relatively uniform pore distributions improve membrane performance in the application of

desalination (water filtration) [17]. The large surface area of the constituent fibers provides high

functionalization capability and mechanical bonding to limit delamination between laminae [18].

Biomedical applications include tissue engineering scaffolds, wound dressing, drug delivery

[19], and creation of artificial blood vessels. The non-woven nanofibrous mats produced by

electrospinning techniques mimic the extracellular matrix components.

Some important issues and challenges in the 21st century are addressed using electrospun

fibers in the domains of tissue regeneration, energy conversion and storage, and water treatment.

Large surface areas, high porosity, and the unique mat structure of electrospun nanofibers have

provided improvements over the last decade in the fields of tissue regeneration (skin, nerve,

heart, and bone), energy conversion and storage (solar cells, fuel cells, and batteries), and water

treatment (adsorption, photocatalysis, and filtration) [14]. Potential applications and promising

advantages are overviewed by Bhardwaj and Kundu (2010), who highlighted more than 200

polymers that are electrospun for various applications. Teo and Ramakrishna (2006) has given a

detailed review on electrospinning design and nanofiber assemblies [20].


The working principle for electrospinning is shown below in the Figure 4. A sufficiently high

voltage is applied at the location of the liquid droplets formed at the tip of the needle. The local

body of the liquid becomes charged. Electrostatic repulsion counteracts the surface tension. So

the droplet is stretched, and at a critical point a stream of liquid erupts from the surface. The

point of eruption is called a Taylor Cone. Sir Geoffrey Taylor developed the equation which

shows the relationship between the critical voltage and the surface tension as shown in equation

(2) [21].

4𝐻𝐻 2 2𝐿𝐿 3
𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐2 = (𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙 − )(0.117ᴨ𝛾𝛾𝛾𝛾)----------------------- (2)
𝐿𝐿2 𝑅𝑅 2

where 𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐 is the critical voltage, H is distance between the needle tip and the collector, L is the

length of the needle with radius R, and 𝛾𝛾 is the surface tension of the liquid (units: 𝑉𝑉𝑐𝑐 in kilovolts,

H, L, R in cm, and 𝛾𝛾 in dyne per cm).

Figure 4. Working principle of Electrospinning

Important parameters that affect the quality of electrospun fibers formed from polymer

solutions can be categorized as solution-specific parameters, process-specific parameters, and

environmental-specific parameters [22]. The solution-specific parameters include (i) viscosity

and (ii) polymer concentration. It is observed that low viscosity is typically responsible for bead

generation and significant increase in fiber diameter. Additionally, polymer concentration

directly controls fiber diameter. In general, an increase in fiber diameter can be achieved by

increasing the polymer concentration. Applied voltage and distance between the tip and

controller are the two parameters that are regarded as process-specific. In general, fiber diameter

can be reduced by increasing applied voltage and vice-versa. The distance between the tip and

the controller mainly controls fiber solidification because a minimum distance is required to

allow the fibers sufficient time to dry before reaching the collector. Distances that are too close

or too far can cause beads to form. Humidity and temperature are treated as environment-specific

parameters. According to De Vrieze et al. (2009), the evaporation rate increases with increase in

temperature [23]. Also, the viscosity of solution generally decreases with an increase in

temperature. As the humidity increases, the average fiber diameter increases.

Parameter optimization has been studied by Gu, Ren, and Vancso (2005) using a Design of

Experiments approach [24]. A detailed mathematical modeling and review has been conducted

by Rafiei, Maghsoodloo, Noroozi, Mottaghitalab, and Haghi (2013) [25]. The review included

the Leaky dielectric model and Whipping model for electrospinning processes. Ismail, Maksoud,

Ghaddar, Ghali, and Tehrani-Bagha (2016) developed a model for stable region and unstable

region in the jet propulsion stream for predicting the fiber diameter [26]. Rafiei et al. (2014)

modeled and simulated viscoelastic elements for jet propulsion to predict and improve control of

nanofiber diameter [27]. Pandya, Akash, and Runkana (2015) modeled straight jet dynamics of

electrospun nanofibers using a momentum equation, charge conservation equations, and

viscosity models [28]. Modeling electrospinning of nanofibers for short range and long range

electrostatic interactions has been conducted by Kowalewski, Barral, and Kowalczyk (2009)

[29]. The whipping instability in the unstable region of the electrospinning jet propagation has

been studied in three solutions by Kowalewski, Blonski, and Barral (2005) [30]. Ghaly (2015)

modeled the electrospinning jet with an inkjet printer techniques using computer-aided

fluid/multi-physics/multi-phase flow simulations in COMSOL [31]. Only a few papers have

provided details on parameter optimization using design of experiments. Gu et al. (2005) used

two factors and four and three respective levels for finding average fiber diameter. Senthil and

Anandhan (2005) examined three variables and seven, four, and three respective factor levels for

finding the average fiber diameter [32].

Here, a detailed review of molecular orientation and system configuration to align nanofibers

will be discussed. The current state-of-the-art mechanical and dielectric properties of not only

electrospun fibers but also that of nanofibers from other techniques must be known and the

influence of porosity and density on mechanical and dielectric properties will be discussed. The

applications of aligned fibers will be discussed based on these facts. The authors will discuss the

mechanical and dielectric properties of the polyacrylo nitrile (PAN) nanofiber mat in the end.

They suggest alignment improves our ability to tailor for specific applications.



Two key factors affecting mechanical and dielectric properties are molecular orientation due

to elongation of fibers on the periphery of the rotating mandrel and system configuration

improvement for better alignment. Other properties, such as thermal and electrical, also often

improve in the direction of improved alignment.


High orientation of polymer molecular chains along the fiber axis and aligned electrospun

fibers have important consequences in the field of carbon fiber-reinforced nano composites. The

electrospun fibers are generally stronger than traditional fibers because of their higher orientation

of macromolecular polymer chains along the fiber axis. The polymer jet under the influence of

an electrostatic field experiences a high degree of molecular orientation due to high elongation

strains and shear forces. Also, Baji, Mai, Wong, Abtahi, and Chen (2010) studied the effects of

electrospun polymers on oriented morphology and tensile properties. The lower the diameter of

the fibers, the higher the modulus and strength of the fibers. They observed that finer fibers have

enhanced properties because of gradual ordering of molecular chains and increase in crystallinity

[33]. Also, Beese, Papkov, Dzenis, and Espinosa (2013) concluded that electrospun PAN fibers

have better mechanical properties at lower diameters [34]. Arshad, Naraghi, and Chasiotis (2011)

observed that the strength of the carbonized nanofibers at 800˚C increased by 100% when the

diameter was reduced from 800nm to 200nm [35]. Baji et al. (2010) noticed that the modulus and

tensile properties of polycaprolactone (PCL) fibers increased significantly when the fiber

diameter was reduced to below 500nm. The molecular orientation improves gradually as the

fiber diameter is reduced [33]. According to Fennessey and Farris (2004), twisted yarns of higher

degree of molecular orientation resulted in better mechanical properties [36]. The degree of

orientation can be quantified by the X-ray diffraction analysis of the samples. For composite

applications, a decrease in diameter of fiber at the nanoscale level can improve mechanical

properties as the specific reinforcement area per unit mass increases. Uyar, I. Cianga, L. Cianga,

Besenbacher, and Yagci (2009) observed self-aligned bundled fibers of polyphenylene-g-

polystyrene/poly (a-caprolactone) (PP-g-PS/PCL) when blended with polystyrene (PS) or

polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA). This is because of the unique molecular architecture of PP-g-

PS/PCL and its interaction with PS or PMMA [37]. Lin (2005) used selected area electron

diffraction (SAED) to show that the degree of molecular orientation in individual polylactic acid

(PLLA) nanofibers increased as the nanofiber diameter decreased [38].


In addition to molecular orientation, physical alignment of electrospun fibers contributes to

the production of high strength/high toughness fiber reinforced composites [7]. Among the many

ways to produce aligned fibers using an electrospinning technique, drum collection and rotating

disk collectors are the two most popular designs, as shown in Figure 5 (a)-(b).

Figure 5a. Rotating Drum Collector

In the drum collector method, the drum collector rotates at high speed and the deposited fiber

diameter can be controlled based on the rotational speed of the drum. The linear speed at the

surface of the rotational drum should match the evaporation rate of the solvent so that fibers are

deposited and taken up on the surface of the drum. At a rotational speed less than the fiber take-

up speed, randomly oriented fibers are obtained on the drum. At higher speed the fiber take-up

velocity breaks the fiber, and continuous fibers are not collected. Therefore, the optimal speed of

the rotating drum that matches the evaporation rate is required for maximum alignment.

Figure 5b. Rotating Disk Collector [33]

In the rotating disk collector, higher alignment is possible but the production rate is lower

because fibers are effectively deposited at only a small area at the disk edge. Theron, Zussman,

and Yarin (2001) reported that polyethylene-based polymer nanofibers can be aligned and wound

on a disk wheel-like bobbin using an electrostatic field–assisted technique [39].

Other collection methods that are suitable for fiber alignment are parallel conductor, wire

drum collector, and wheel rotor collector as shown in Figure 6(a)–(d).

In the parallel conductor method, the length of aligned fibers is restricted by the distance

between conductive stripes as shown in Figure 6a.

Figure 6a. Parallel conductor stripes method (Reprinted with permission from [40]. Copyright 2003

American Chemical Society)

Uniaxially aligned PAN nanofibers were electrospun using a collector consisting of two

conductive strips separated by a gap as shown in Figure 6b.

Figure 6b. Uniaxially aligned nanofibers [41]

According to Jalili, Morshed, and Ravandi (2006), the best alignment received using

conductive stripes gap method was up to a width of 3cm [41]. The best alignment was formed

between 10 w% to 15 w% solutions. Here, a bundle collector is moved across the gap to another

side. Uniaxially aligned fibers formed had an aspect ratio (l/d) of higher than 5000. Also, Fryer,

Scharnagl, and Helms (2018) studied the effect of alignment on fiber modulus using electrostatic

gap method. Aligned polyethylene oxide (PEO) fibers have higher modulus than the non-aligned

fibers of similar diameter [42]. Cai et al. (2017) provided an insight in to fabricating ultra-long

polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) fibers. Here, parallel conducting U-shaped collectors are used to

fabricate fibers [43]. According to Lei, Z. Xu, Cai, L. Xu, and Sun (2018), more than a meter

long aligned PVDF nanofibers were fabricated using gap electrospinning, where the needle is

connected to positive power supply and the parallel plates are connected to the negative power

supply [98]. These fibers have applications in reinforcing composites. Yang, Lu, Zhao, and Jiang

(2007) demonstrated a method that generates parallel fibers using magnetic-particle-doped

polymers in a magnetic field. The magnetic field guides the magnetized electrospun polyvinyl

alcohol (PVA) fibers to align in a parallel fashion [44]. Park and Yang (2011) built uniaxial

aligned PCL fibers by introducing an inclined gap into dual collectors that consisted of two

conductive stripes [45]. Dabirian, Sarkeshik, and Kianiha (2009) used a hollow metallic cylinder

with needle placed at the center of the cylinder. Fibers produced by this method are claimed to be

well aligned and spread over large area [46].

Next, in the wire drum collector method, shown in Figure 6c, fibers are deposited without the

need for high speed rotation. However, thick films are not possible with this method.

Figure 6c. Wire Drum Collector (Reprinted with permission from [47]. Copyright 2004 American Chemical


Finally, a wheel rotor collector, as shown in Figure 6d, provides elongation strain and

therefore more strength to the fibers. But the many electrodes on the rotating wheel complicate

apparatus design.

Figure 6d. Wheel Rotor Collector [48]

The limitations of other methods imply that drum collection is more likely to be scalable to

commercial capacities than other electrospinning methods for fiber alignment.

Grasl, Arras, Stoiber, Bergmeister, and Schima (2013) developed a technique using two

parallel rotatable auxiliary electrodes applied with time-varying square wave potential, which led

to aligned fiber-deposition of PEO [49]. Lei et al. (2017) used a collecting system consisting of

hollow cylinder and grating-like electrodes for aligning PVDF fibers using whipping instability

[50]. Khamforoush and Mahjob (2011) used a modified rotating jet method for aligning fibers.

The degree of alignment enhanced by more than two times [51]. Despite the simplicity of the

electrospinning methodologies, industrial applications are relatively rare due to low fiber

throughput for existing fiber collection methods. This throughput limitation could be addressed

with larger drum sizes and other innovations.


Among many nanofibers discussed for mechanical properties, PAN nanofibers are widely

reported because of their excellent tensile strength and modulus. In this section, mechanical

properties of different electrospun nanofibers including PCL, polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP), PEO,

and PAN will be reported. Also, PAN nanofibers (in general) and carbon nanofillers will be


Baji et al. (2010) proved that as the PCL fiber diameter reduces, the tensile strength and

modulus increase. Figure 7a shows the tensile strength and modulus versus fiber diameter

Figure 7a. Tensile strength/modulus vs fiber diameter [33]

For fiber diameters greater than 2 µm, both tensile modulus and tensile strength appear not to

change with diameter. The degree of crystallinity increases gradually as the PCL fiber diameter

is reduced as shown in Figure 7b [33].

Figure 7b. Crystallinity vs fiber diameter [33]

Also, for polymers in general, an increase in the degree of crystallinity increases the density,

stiffness, strength, and toughness [52].

Huang et al. (2016) showed that with the addition of conductive filler materials, the diameter

of fibers reduced due to increasing composition of PVP/ cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) /silver

particles [53]. The addition of CNC increased the tensile strength. According to Kancheva,

Toncheva, Manolova, and Rashkov (2015), the mechanical strength of various combinations of

polylactic acid (PLA) and PCL mats was reported to be enhanced after thermal treatment at

60˚C. The melting of PCL enabled the sealing of the fibers thus enhancing the mechanical

properties of mats [54]. Wang, Jin, Kaplan, and Rutledge (2004) reported an increase in modulus

of silk/PEO fibers from as-spun to methanol-treated and to water extracted fibers [55]. The

mechanical properties of single fibers were characterized by AFM nanoindentation. Tan, Goh,

Sow, and Lim (2005) studied tensile property by an approach using atomic force microscope tip

to stretch a single electrospun PEO nanofiber. The elastic modulus of PEO nanofiber is found to

be 45MPa [56]. Lin et al. (2012) demonstrated characterization of mechanical properties of ultra-

thin electrospun polymer fibers. Electrospun techophilic, tecoflex, nylon 6, PVP, and PEOX

fibers were captured directly on the testing device, stretched at controlled rates, and deflected

with forces created by different velocities of streams of air [57].

The mechanical properties of different nanofibers are shown in Table 1.

Nanofibers: Tensile Tensile

as-spun/pure Strength Modulus Characteristics
5.4 GPa 287 GPa Hot drawn and carbonized at 1100˚C, 400nm in diameter [58]
PAN CNF 7.3 Gpa 262 GPa Carbonized at 800˚C, 108nm in diameter [34]
PCL 66 MPa 340 MPa 400nm in diameter [33,100]
PVP 2.3MPa [53] - 300nm in diameter [53]
7 MPa [57] 500 MPa [57] 800nm in diameter [57]
PEO - 0.75 GPa [55] 200nm in diameter [55]
45 MPa [56] 22 MPa [56] 700nm in diameter [56]
Nylon 6 900 MPa 304 MPa 800nm in diameter [57]

Table 1. Mechanical properties of as-spun/pure nanofibers


Chawla, Cai, and Naraghi (2017) observed that carbon nanofibers (CNF) obtained from hot-

drawn samples demonstrated strength as high as 5.4 GPa and modulus 287 GPa as shown in

Figure 8.

Figure 8. Typical stress-strain curve of CNF (left) and the average fiber diameter (right) [58]

Here, 400nm PAN nanofibers reached a maximum strength (5.4 GPa) after hot-drawn and

carbonized at 1100˚C [58].

Papkov et al. (2013) studied simultaneous improvement in strength, modulus, and toughness in

ultrafine as-spun PAN nanofibers as shown in Figure 9 [59]. A reduction of as-spun PAN

nanofiber diameter from 2.8μm to 100nm resulted in higher modulus, strength, and toughness.

Figure 9. Stress-strain graph of as-spun PAN nanofibers (left) and strength of annealed nanofibers (right)

(Reprinted with permission from [59]. Copyright 2004 American Chemical Society)

The 100nm annealed PAN fibers showed a modulus of 48GPa and strength of 1.75GPa. This

study recorded dramatic increase in strength and modulus for nanofibers finer than 200-250nm.

Beese et al. (2013) compared the result with Arshad et al. (2011) and showed the dependence

of fiber diameter on strength and modulus as shown in Figure 10. As the fiber diameter

decreases, the tensile strength and modulus increase.

Figure 10. Strength and modulus of individual carbon nanofiber obtained from PAN nanofiber mat [34]

Beese et al. (2013) observed that individual PAN nanofibers with 108nm in diameter, heat

treated at 800˚C, showed a maximum modulus of 262 GPa and strength of 7.3 GPa.

Arshad et al. (2011) showed that individual PAN nanofibers with 9 w% and other given

parameters had the stress-strain relationship shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Stress-strain relationship of individual PAN nanofibers [35]

The plot shows a linear relationship until 125 MPa and thereafter a strain hardening region

where crystallinity occurs. The maximum ultimate strength was found with 1 KV/cm and 430nm

in diameter.

Wan, Wang, Gao, and Ko (2015) reported that tensile strength of carbon nanofiber mats can

be approximately estimated as the sum of individual nanofibers as shown in Figure 12 [60].

Figure 12. Stress-strain curve of carbon nanofiber mats [60]

The nanofiber mat reached their maximum strength where the curves dropped sharply, which

means the majority of nanofibers break simultaneously.

Wan et al. (2015) showed that a quantitative relationship exists between the tensile strength

of a nanofiber mat and that of individual nanofibers as in Figure 13.

Figure 13. Predicted tensile strength of individual nanofiber vs tensile strength of nanofiber mat [60]

The tensile strength of nanofiber mat is described by Equation 3 below.

𝜎𝜎 = 𝜎𝜎𝑓𝑓 --------------------------(3)

where 𝜎𝜎𝑓𝑓 is the fiber strength and θ is the diagonal angle of fibers to the longitudinal axis of

loading. The value of θ can be obtained from L=D cosθ and W=D sinθ, where L,W, and D are

the length, width, and diagonal respectively of rectangular tensile testing specimen. According to

Wan et al. (2015), tensile strength is also a function of the porosity of a nanofiber mat as shown

in Figure 14.

Fiber volume is determined using Equation 4 below.

𝑉𝑉𝑓𝑓 = 𝑉𝑉𝑚𝑚 (1 − 𝑃𝑃) ----------------------------------- (4)

where 𝑉𝑉𝑚𝑚 is the volume of mat and 𝑃𝑃 is the porosity.

Figure 14. Tensile strength as a function of porosity [60]


Edie (1998) reported that PAN-based carbon fibers have higher tensile strengths and

reasonable tensile moduli compared to pitch-based carbon fibers [61]. PAN fibers are widely

used for carbon fiber production. Zhang et al. (2016) reported that carbon nano fibers (CNF) are

used in reinforcement of nanocomposites [7]. A carbon nanotube (CNT) is one of the allotropes

of carbon. According to Naebe, Lin, and Wang (2010), electrospinning of CNT/polymer has

been shown to induce alignment of nanotubes with in the matrix. Electropsun CNT/polymer

nanofibers showed significant improvement in fiber strength, modulus, and conductivity [62].

One dimensional CNF and CNT have high aspect ratios (typically over a few hundred) that

enable them to form a conductive network. CNF and CNT possess excellent mechanical

properties. According to Zhang et al. (2016), CNF, compared to CNT, exhibits good dispersion

and low fabrication cost. CNT has excellent electrical conductivities, a large surface area to

volume ratio, and structural stability [7]. As noticed by Chung (2016), CNT and CNF are

difficult to disperse and bond relatively weakly in a matrix. The large area of interface associated

with small diameter CNT and CNF aggravate the issue [63]. Two types of MWNT are possible;

one is long MWNT and the other is short MWNT. Short MWNTs are 0.5-2µm in length and the

diameter could be 30-50nm [64]. PAN is soluble in polar solvents like dimethylformamide

(DMF), dimethylsulfone (DMS), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and dimethylacetamide (DMAc)

[8]. Among organic solvents DMF and DMSO are known to be good solvents of PAN [65].

Alarifi, Alharbi, Khan, Rahman, and Asmatulu (2009) reported the mechanical property of a

PAN-derived carbon nanofiber composite and the effect of molecular orientation along the fiber

direction [66]. The study placed electrospun carbonized PAN nanofibers on a stacking sequence

of 0, 45, -45, and 45 to create a laminate of ten plies. The tensile testing of PAN-derived carbon

nanofiber composites revealed that they possess a high elastic modulus due to stabilization at

high temperature (280˚C) for 1 hour in an oxygen atmosphere. Thermogravimetric analysis

(TGA), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), thermomechanical analysis (TMA) and

differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses confirmed that the nanofibers were crystalline

and had good mechanical and thermal properties. Thinner nanofibers have larger surface area to

volume ratios. Therefore, thinner fibers have better mechanical integrity between the matrix and

the surface of the reinforcing agent for effective load transfer in composites


According to classical theory, the dielectric constant (k) is defined as the ratio of the

permittivity (E) of a substance to the permittivity of free space (E0). Values of k are always

greater than or equal to 1. For most polymers, k values are in the range of 2 to 10. According to

Li et al. (2010), the dielectric property depends on porosity and density as shown in Figure 15

[67]. The figure shows the dependence of density and porosity of PAN nanofiber membranes at

the frequency of 1 MHz. The dielectric constant gradually increases with density ranging from

0.164 g/cm3 to 0.182g/cm3. Also, the dielectric decreases with increasing porosity from 84.4%

to 86.1%. The apparent porosity can be found by Equation 5.

P (%) = (1- )*100---------------------------------- (5)

where P is the porosity, 𝜌𝜌𝑀𝑀 is the membrane density and 𝜌𝜌𝑃𝑃 is the polymer density.

Figure 15. Dependence of density and porosity of PAN nanofiber membranes at frequency of 1 MHz [67]

Figure 16 shows the dielectric constant of PAN at 8 w% in the radio frequency range.

Figure 16. Dielectric constant of PAN at 8 w % in the radio frequency range [67]

Khan, Asmatulu, Rodriguez, and Ceylan (2014) reported the dielectric constant of PAN and

PMMA as a function of graphene nano flakes as in Figure 17.

Figure 17. Dielectric constant of PAN as a function of graphene nano flakes concentrations [68]

The physical properties including dielectric constant were significantly increased with

graphene concentrations [68].

Among many conventional carbon fillers, CNTs have been preferred for high dielectric

constant. Bhattacharya (2016) gave a detailed review of processing of CNTs as potential

nanofillers to form nanocomposites [69]. CNFs have been widely used in electrochemical energy

storage devices as reviewed by Zhang et al. (2016) [7]. Electrospun polymer/CNF or CNT fibers

has been used in energy storage devices. The comparison between the CNF and CNT are shown

in Table 2.

Allotropes of Specific gravity Electric conductivity
carbon (𝒈𝒈𝒈𝒈𝒈𝒈−𝟑𝟑 ) conductivity (𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺𝑺−𝟏𝟏 ) (𝑾𝑾𝒎𝒎−𝟏𝟏 𝑲𝑲−𝟏𝟏 )
CNF 1.5-2.0 10−7 -103 5-1600
CNT 0.8-1.8 102 − 106 2000-6000

Table 2. Comparison of CNT and CNF [7]

Wang et al. (2011) studied that an increase in dielectric constant was achieved in a

combination of high aspect ratio barium titanate (BaTiO3) and graphene platelets in a silicon

rubber matrix compared to their spherical counterparts. Higher volume fractions of ferroelectric

particles lead to increased dielectric constant but also to a lower mechanical properties.

Composites with high aspect ratio fillers at lower loading exhibit higher dielectric constant [70].

Wei et al. (2014) reported the dielectric characterization of annealed electrospun BaTiO3 fibers.

Crystallized BaTiO3 nanofibers showed better dielectric permittivity [71]. Issa, Al-Maadeed,

Luyt, Ponnamma, and Hassan (2017) reported an increase in permittivity by the addition of silver

nanoparticles (AgNP) in PVDF. This is due to the interfacial polarization associated with

entrapment of free charges generated at the interfaces between the AgNPs and PVDF [72].

Electrospun PVDF fibers has higher β-crystalline content which enhances the piezoelectric

property and its energy-harvesting application. Jabbarnia, Khan, Ghazinezami, and Asmatulu

(2016) reported various electrospun PVDF/PVP mats fabricated with different percentages of

carbon black nanoparticles for the applications such as supercapacitor separators and other

energy storage devices. The dielectric constant values were increased with the carbon black

loading [73]. According to Im, Kim, Bae, and Lee (2011), the increase in dielectric property of

permittivity increases the electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness (EMI-SE) as

shown in Figure 18. The permittivity of carbon fibers with different proportions of ZrO2 is

shown at left side and the EMI-SE of the same proportions at the right side. This relationship is

more evident below 2000 MHz [74].

Figure 18. Permittivity (ε΄) (left) and EMI-SE (right) of carbon fibers with different proportions of ZrO2 [74]

Lee, Jang, and Choa (2016) studied the effect of Fe and Co mixed with PVP. The analysis of

FE-SEM images of electrospun products obtained using solutions with and without citric acids

were carried out. The composite showed excellent electromagnetic (EM) wave absorption

properties where the power loss of the FeCo nanofibers increased to 20 GHz [75]. EM waves

with frequencies in the microwave range of from 12 to 18GHz are widely used in wireless

communication networks, radar systems, military aircraft, and satellite communication devices.

Anita and Natarajan (2015) studied the potential of ZnO nanopowders with PVA matrix for the

use of UV shielding [76]. The in-situ sol-gel method (ISM) and direct deposition method (DDM)

have been discussed to analyze the effect of UV shielding. The ISM-PVA/ZnO composite

showed better UV absorption in optical transmission measurements due to the uniform

dispersion of the ZnO in the fibrous matrix. S. M. Kim, S. H. Kim, Choi, and Lee (2016)

analyzed the EMI SE of MWNT-PU in the DMF with THF solvents and coated with conductive

poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene) (PEDOT) [77]. The EMI SE from a network analyzer shows

25dB at the frequency range of 50 MHz-10GHz.

The dielectric properties of different nanofibers are shown below in Table 3.

Pure Dielectric Property

PAN ̴ 3.5 Physical properties can increase with graphene [68]
PMMA ̴ 3.5 Physical properties can increase with graphene [68]
PVDF ̴ 11 Physical properties can increase with addition of AgNP[72]
PVP - EMI increases with addition of FeCo (ε΄ ̴ EMI) [75]
PVA - Uniform distribution of ZnO increases EMI (ε΄ ̴ EMI) [76]
PU - EMI increases with PEDOT (ε΄ ̴ EMI) [77]

Table 3. Dielectric properties of different nanofibers


Isaac, Taylor, Adnan, and Raihan (2017) observed improvements in the mechanical strength

and dielectric constant with increase in degree of alignment of fibers [78]. Aligned fibers are

greatly beneficial when they are used in applications including field effect transistors, gas and

optical sensors, fiber reinforced composite materials, and tissue engineering [79-80]. Bashur

(2009) discussed the application of aligned fibers in the field of tissue engineering [81]. Also,

Lawrence and Liu (2006) and Katti, Robinson, Ko, and Laurencin (2004) stated that there are

other applications found in the variety of areas if the fibers are in aligned form [82-83]. This

section discusses mechanical and dielectric applications of electrospun aligned fibers.


Hou et al. (2005) showed that well-aligned, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCT) can

improve the mechanical properties of a PAN-based nanofiber mat [84]. Kannan, Eichhorn, and

Young (2007) demonstrated that electrospun polymer/CNT leads to nanocomposite fibers with

embedded CNTs orienting parallel to the nanofiber axis [85]. Also, alignment of CNTs in the

fiber direction can improve thermal conductivity [86]. Dhakate et al. (2016) reported that semi-

aligned electro spun carbon nanofiber composites show excellent bending strength and

interlaminar shear strength [87].

Aligned micro scale fibers (7µm diameter) have application in composite reinforcement.

There is increased need to manufacture complex composites for light weight applications.

Carbon/epoxy composites have greater application in aircraft, sports cars, and space crafts

because of better strength to weight ratio than that of metals like aluminum alloys. They are

thermally stable because of the lower coefficients of thermal expansion properties of carbon

fibers. Yu, Potter, and Wisnom (2014) showed that short carbon fiber composites can be used in

places where complex shapes and ductile properties are required [88]. Short carbon fibers, with

an aspect ratio of 400, resulted in composites with a tensile modulus of 119 GPa and strength of

1.211 GPa.

Compton and Lewis (2014) reported that cellular composites with controlled alignment of

multi-scale and high aspect ratio fibers can result in reinforcement of hierarchical structures [89].

They demonstrated the first 3D printed cellular composites composed of oriented fiber-filled

epoxy with exceptional mechanical properties. Malek, Raney, Lewis, and Gibson (2017)

developed a new carbon fiber reinforced epoxy for 3D printing which resulted in printing

materials with longitudinal Young’s modulus up to 57 GPa [90].


Ning et al. (2014) showed that aligned MWCNT/PVA has high dielectric constant, low

dielectric loss, high breakdown strength, and high energy density. These properties contribute in

applications such as artificial muscles, energy storage, flexible electronics, and sensors [91].

Aligned MWCNT/PVA composite films were prepared using electrospinning in-situ film-

forming technique. Also, Liu, Lai, Sun, and Chen (2012) confirmed the tailoring of dielectric

property by controlling the alignment of CNTs [92]. Ma et al. (2012) reported that aligned PVDF

had better molecular orientation than its random fiber counterparts. This is because of the smaller

diameter of the aligned fibers. These nanofibers have applications in the field of sensors and

actuators [93]. Agarwal, Greimer, and Wendorff (2009) reported that aligned fibers have

applications in nanofluidics, superhydrophobic patterning, nanoelectronics, and nanophotonic

circuits [94]. Edmondson, Cooper, Jana, Wood, and Zhang (2012) demonstrated the significance

of fiber alignment in improving the piezoelectric property using centrifugal electrospinning.

PVDF and PEO have piezo-, pyro-, and ferro-electric properties and these aligned fibers can

provide for applications in actuators, transistors, textiles, and composites [95]. P. Kumar, A.

Kumar, Cho, Das, and Sudarsan (2017) showed that aligned graphene films improved EMI

shielding. Electromagnetic (EM) waves cause interference or device malfunction and also can

cause harm to human bodies [96]. Song et al. (2013) observed that aligned carbon-based fillers

enhanced EMI shielding. The alignment produced anisotropic characteristics that achieve

enhancement in absorption and reflection performance [97].


While a few studies have methodically experimented with system parameter optimization for

limited sets of parameters, none have studied the nonlinear effects of two or more factors with

three levels per factor for obtaining the mechanical and dielectric responses. Consequently,

parameter interactions and nonlinearities have not been studied in depth in order to optimize

alignment for mechanical and dielectric properties. Very few studies have been conducted on the

nanofiber orientation variations along the fiber direction using a rotating mandrel and its effect

on mechanical and dielectric properties. Variability of data in both dielectric and tensile tests

need to be quantitatively addressed and therefore a modified improved system should be

developed. The improved system will lead to consistencies in the behavior of nanofiber

specimens and acceptable standard deviations in variability that indicate meaningful parameter

levels and trends. Future work will focus on system improvements and methodical

experimentation (Design of Experiments) to optimize system parameters for improved

mechanical and dielectric responses, and application of PAN nanofiber mat materials in

advanced mechanical and energy applications. Future research work will determine the nature of

the trade-off between mechanical strength and dielectric properties—whether it is linear or non-

linear, synergistic or detrimental.


This work has provided a detailed review and analysis of methods for alignment of

electrospun fibers and their resulting mechanical and dielectric properties. A key consideration is

the molecular orientation of fibers along the fiber direction as it is important for improvement in

mechanical properties. Also, design configuration options for electrospinning apparatuses have

been surveyed in order to analyze the ability of each to improve fiber alignment. Given the

mechanical and dielectric performance improvement possible with increasing fiber alignment,

the need to improve electrospinning apparatus capabilities for fiber alignment is paramount and

worthy of further study and experimentation.


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Electrospinning has been successfully used to develop aligned micro- and nano-fiber mats for

lightweight reinforcement of composite materials and structures. Electrospinning systems can be

oriented either vertically, utilizing gravity-assisted electric field material deposition, or

horizontally, utilizing electric field with little effect on gravity. A horizontal apparatus has been

designed and fabricated for improved micro- and nano-fiber alignment that provides the

possibility of developing better reinforcement materials in the form of aligned fiber mats. These

nano fiber mats are stiffer, stronger and have better mechanical, electrical and thermal properties

for structural and multi-functional applications. The micro- and nano-fiber mats produced with

the set up were scanned under Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). These images show

successful deposition of micro- and nano-fibers with alignment comparable with current

electrospinning systems. System enhancement is in work to enhance alignment of deposited

fibers through additional electromagnetic controls.

This section discusses the design and set up of an apparatus to produce the micro- and nano-

fibers using an Electrospinning Technique. Electrospinning is a process of producing micro- and

nano-fibers using polymer solution in an enclosed apparatus with a syringe pump, collector and

high voltage power supply. This technique results in a simpler and more economical design

configuration than other techniques. The nanofibers produced through this technique can be used

in many applications including reinforcement of composites, tissue engineering, water filtration,

air filtration, and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding. The electrospinning design used

here is a horizontal set up and the apparatus yields consistent and uniform nanofibers compared

to a vertical set up. The set up consists of a high voltage power supply, positive and negative

electrodes, syringe pump and enclosure.

For structural applications, composites having higher mechanical specific strength (strength

per density) and specific stiffness (stiffness per density) are preferred. Anisotropic polymer

matrix composites (PMC) are found to have better specific strength and specific stiffness in the

fiber directions compared to that of the isotropic metal or alloy structures. Nanofiber mats are

applied to the composites to improve mechanical strength. Anisotropic nanofiber mats are

achievable through aligned fibers in mats produced through electrospinning. The EMI shielding

effectiveness (EMI-SE) can be achieved through aligned fibers as well. The EMI shielding helps

the structures to prevent unnecessary and harmful radiations.


This section discusses the operating principle, design, and fabrication of the horizontal drum

collector electrospinning apparatus used in this work.


In electrospinning apparatuses, there are two types of standard configurations, namely a)

vertical electrospinning and b) horizontal electrospinning [7]. In a vertical configuration, gravity

promotes bead formation, which leads to lower quality deposited material morphology. For this

reason drum collection methods do not allow for vertical configurations and therefore this work

uses a horizontal configuration. Figure 19 depicts a schematic of the horizontal set up. Despite

the simplicity of the electrospinning in this setup, industrial applications are relatively rare due to

low fiber throughput for currently available fibers [8]. This throughput limitation could be

addressed with larger drum sizes.

Figure 19. Schematic of Electrospinning Technique

To operate, electrospinning apparatus requires a sufficiently high voltage applied to the

liquid droplets formed at the tip of the syringe needle. The body of the liquid gets charged and

electrostatic repulsion counteracts the surface tension. Consequently, the droplet is stretched and

at a critical point the stream of liquid erupts from the surface. The point of eruption is called the

Taylor Cone.

3.1.2 DESIGN

The horizontal drum collector electrospinning apparatus used in this work consists of four

main parts

a) Enclosure

b) Syringe pump

c) High voltage power supply

d) Mandrel

The design has been created for the enclosure and mandrel in 3D CAD software. The syringe

pump and high voltage power supply have been purchased and integrated into the designed

components. Various parts are shown in Figure 20 below.

Figure 20. Enclosure, Syringe pump, and High voltage power supply


The enclosure, shown in Figure 20, consists of high definition polyethylene (HDPE) sheets

forming four sides and the back. The front sliding door is made out of polycarbonate sheet.

White polyethylene brackets are used to assemble the enclosure together. Nylon screws and nuts

are used to fix the brackets in position. Impact resistant polycarbonate sheet is used for the

mandrel holder. ABS sheets hold the mandrel holder in place while the mandrel rotates at high

speed. Impact resistant polycarbonate channels are used to hold the ABS sheets, and allow the

adjustment of mandrel position relative to the syringe tip.


The programmable syringe pump, shown in Figure 20 above, is capable of holding two

syringes up to 60ml each. Blunt needle tips are each syringe. The inside diameter of the

syringe is 11.99 mm. Dimensions of needle used here is 22g and 18g luer lock needles. The input

voltage to the pump is 120v. The syringes along with needles are held at the v-slot provided at

the pump.


The high voltage power supply, shown in Figure 20 above, is capable of 11kv-18kv output

voltage. The input voltage to the power supply is 24v.


The mandrel, shown in Figure 21 below, is made of aluminum and is press fit to the extruded

structural aluminum brackets through needle bearings. The mandrel along with the brackets are

attached to the mandrel holder using set screws. The mandrel is connected to the 9v DC motor

which is capable of rotating at no load speed of 7000 rpm.

Figure 21. Mandrel and D.C.Motor


The following steps are used to operate the electrospinning system.

1. The mandrel is wound with an aluminum foil before the setup is run.

2. The syringe pump is turned on with the polymer solution in the 5 ml syringe. The syringe

pump is set to operate at 5ml/hr. A droplet of polymer solution forms at the tip of the


3. The high voltage power supply is turned on.

4. The polymer film is formed on the rotating collector or mandrel.

5. After the required amount of solution is made to pass through the syringe, the syringe

pump is turned off first and then the high voltage power supply.

6. The walls of the enclosure and the needle are touched with ground stick.

7. The polymer film formed on the aluminum foil is left for some time for curing. After the

curing process, the aluminum foil is detached with a scalpel very carefully. Then the film

is kept under as Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) for verifying the fiber distribution

and its diameter measurement.


This section discusses material composition, material builds, morphological tests, tensile and

dielectric results


Polymer solution: Polymer solution is prepared with 15% weight/volume of the PCL in

TriFluoroEthanol (TFE) solvent. This means that 15 g of PCL is used to prepare 100 ml of

solution. PCL is used as nanofibrous scaffolds in tissue engineering. The fiber morphology and

properties of electrospun fibers are affected by the following process parameters and solution



a. Voltage: Higher voltage leads to stronger repulsion of polymer jet. The decrease in diameter

would make the control of distribution of fibers more difficult.

b. Flow rate: A stabilized Taylor Cone is required for smooth operation of electrospinning. A

uniform flow rate is adjusted using syringe pump.

c. Collector-needle distance: Collector-needle distance is kept at 10cm, 15cm, and 20cm. The

longer the distance, the smaller the fiber diameter.


a. Concentration: The concentration of solution in weight per volume percentage (w/v %)

affects the deposited fiber diameter.

b. Volume: The volume in milliliters used in the syringe determines the morphology and

properties of nanofiber mat.

c. Viscosity: Viscosity is measured in poise. Viscosity measures the ease with which the

solution can be pumped through the syringe.

d. Surface tension: the greater the surface tension, the higher the voltage required for creating

Taylor Cone.

The effects of alignment on mechanical and dielectric properties were studied using a set up

designed and drawn in 3D modeling software as shown in Figure 22 below.

Figure 22. Enclosure in the 3D model

The electrode, mandrel holding sheet, ABS sheet for adjusting the distance between needle

tip and mandrel, and the sliding front door are shown above. The final electrospinning system is

shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23. The final electrospinning set up

The whole apparatus is placed under a fume hood for safety purposes so that any toxic

solvent escapes through the fume hood. Using this setup, electrospun fiber mats were fabricated,

fiber morphology analyzed, tensile and dielectric properties characterized.


The electrospinning device was run for ten minutes in order to form sufficient fibers on the

aluminum foil wrapped on the mandrel. Figure 24 below shows the fiber mat is being formed on

the mandrel (left) and the fabricated fiber mat unfolded from the mandrel (right).

Figure 24. Fiber mat is being formed on mandrel (left) and the fiber mat (right)


The electrospun fiber mat formed was examined under a NanoSEM 230 SEM microscope as

in order to measure fiber diameter. As shown in the Figure 25, the fiber diameter decreases as the

needle size decreases from 18G to 22G. The feed rate was 0.3ml/hr. The 18G needle produced

fibers with 1 µm, whereas the 22G needle produced fibers in the range of 300nm to 900nm.

Figure 25. NanoSEM 230, fibermats using 18G (middle), and 22G (right) needles


More than thirteen experimental runs were carried out to determine suitable process

parameter settings for the best degree of fiber alignment using PAN precursor with DMF at 8w%

using a 22G needle. The SEM images, tensile, and dielectric test results for the best identified

process parameters are given below in Figure 26(a)-(c) respectively.

Figure 26a. SEM of samples 1, 2, and 3 at 20μm magnification

The SEM image of sample 1 shows loosely packed nanofibers. Samples 2 and 3 have more

closely packed fibers and sample 3 has the highest densely packed fibers. These images are

viewed at 20 μm magnification. The tensile and dielectric results are shown below.

Figure 26b. Tensile strength of best three samples

Samples 2 and 3 show higher tensile strength, and sample 1 is the least. Sample 2 shows a

tensile strength of 4.47Mpa.

Figure 26c. Dielectric constant of best three samples

As shown above, sample 3 shows the highest dielectric constant. The dielectric constant for

sample 3 is 2.56Hz at 0.1Hz.

The best parameters are chosen by comparing the three given samples for their SEM images,

tensile strengths, and dielectric properties as shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Tensile and dielectric properties of three samples

The SEM images at 5μm magnification for three samples viewed under NanoSEM 230 and the

mean values of degree of alignment of three samples are shown below in Figure 27.

Figure 27. SEM images at 5μm and respective angle measurements of samples 1, 2, and 3

The mean value of fiber orientation with respect to vertical axis for sample 3 is 26.2 degrees

and standard deviation is 24.59 whereas the mean value of fiber orientations for sample 1 and 2

are 50.27 and 51.23 degree respectively.

Sample 3 gives consistent and uniform fibers. The best parameters at 8w% correspond to

sample 3. The sample 3 has uniform fiber distribution with the lowest range in diameters. Also,

the fibers are formed without beads. The tensile strength and dielectric constant of sample 3 is

found to be 4.43MPa and 2.56 respectively.


With this exploratory study, system improvement has been carried out for an electrospinning

nanofiber deposition system. The nanofibers produced from the best determined system

parameters have good alignment with the intended direction. Furthermore, tensile tests show that

material strength in the loading direction improves with the degree of fiber alignment as

expected so the system can effectively be used for mechanical property tailoring. Also, the

nanofibers deposited with the best system parameters have improved dielectric properties that

can be used for EMI shielding from harmful radiation. The current work, while limited in scope,

has shown that the electrospinning nanofiber deposition system developed can produce fiber

mats that can be tailored to improve both mechanical and EMI response for simultaneous

structural reinforcement and EMI shielding applications.


Future work will focus on methodical experimentation to optimize system parameters for best

mechanical and EMI response, process simulation, and application of fiber mat materials.

First, the system parameter optimization will be performed using Design of Experiments.

Design improvement at the electrode side and electromagnetic deflection will be targeted for

controlled deposition and uniform distribution of fibers. Second, simulations will be carried out

before the hardware design changes are performed. Finally, the aligned fiber mats will be applied

on structures like aircraft wings for mechanical and shielding property improvement.


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Electrospinning technology has been found to have applications in various fields including

medical, structural reinforcement, filtration, storage, energy, and others. Electrospinning has

been successfully used to develop aligned micro- and nano-fiber mats for lightweight

reinforcement of composite materials and structures. A horizontal apparatus has been designed

and fabricated for improved micro- and nano-fiber alignment that provides the possibility of

developing better reinforcement materials in the form of aligned fiber mats. These nano fiber

mats are stiffer, stronger, and have better mechanical, electrical and thermal properties for

structural and multi-functional applications. Understanding the behavior of nanofibers at its nano

scale is important for realizing benefits in these fields. In this research, the dielectric properties,

tensile strength, toughness properties, specimen geometries, measurement challenges, and

characterizing failure modes at the failure regions have been demonstrated.

This section discusses the characterization of tensile and dielectric properties to project the

variability issues for specimens from as spun nanofiber mat. This work also paves the ways for

improved system parameter optimization and apparatus design that produces an increased

electrostatic force and more tightly controlled discharged particle path to enable a more uniform

distribution and higher degree of alignment in deposited electrospun material. This results in

simultaneous improvement of both mechanical and dielectric properties. The design of

experiment approach leads to parameter optimization for the mechanical and dielectric properties

for the electrospun mats. For this approach, tightly controlled tensile test and dielectric test

results are required. In measuring the tensile strength of nanofiber mat specimens, the stress-

strain curves provide high variability. This shows that measuring thickness is not accurate for

stress-strain relationship. It is important to accurately measure the tensile behavior of mat to

verify the alignment of fibers. Also, there should be repeatability between the mats.

According to L.Y. Wan, stress-strain curve for electrospun nanofiber mat has high

variability as shown below in Figure 28. Thickness and porosity can be rarely accurately

measured because of variability and mass is used instead of them [7]. It is also a known fact that

1 kv/cm results in optimal alignment as well as narrow fiber distribution [8].

Figure 28. Stress-strain curve of nanofiber mat [7]


In this section, materials and specimen fabrication, test configuration, and test matrix for

DOE study are discussed. System configuration has been discussed in Isaac, (2017) [17].


PAN powder is mixed with DMF in a conical glass ware having a stopper. 8, 9 and 10 w% of

solute and solvent are stirred and heated at 300rpm and 80 °C for 4 hours until a homogeneous

yellow colored solution is formed as shown in Figure 29. PAN and DMF are bought from Sigma

Aldridge with product number 181315 and D158550 respectively. The molecular weight of PAN

is 150,000 Da. DOE for current set up includes concentrations of 8w%, 9w%, 10w%. 15kv

voltage is applied throughout the experiments.

Figure 29. PAN/DMF is stirred in heating stir plate (left) and the final yellowish solution (right)


The original electrospinning is shown below in Figure 30.

Figure 30. Electrospinning original system [17]

Figure 31 below shows the electrospun mat is being fabricated at the rotating mandrel.

Figure 31. Electrospun mat is being fabricated at the mandrel

The specimens are cut from the mat for tensile and dielectric tests.


Tensile tests are conducted as per the ASTM D882-02 standard as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32. Schematic of frame and specimen (left) and the tensile test is being run (right)

The thin specimen is placed between two rectangular frames of card board sheet. The

specimens for tensile tests are cut in to sizes of 80mm x 10mm.

As shown in Figure 33, Faraday cage has two electrodes of size 0.5x 0.5 inch which are

connected to Broadband Dielectric Spectrometer for dielectric measurements. The specimens are

cut a little more than the electrode size to avoid any electrode to electrode contact and placed in

between the electrodes.

Figure 33. Schemmatic of square specimen (left) and Faraday cage (right) for dielectric test


In this section, the full test matrix for the current system configuration is discussed.


The full factorial test matrix with two factors and three levels are shown below in Table 5.

Speed A Concentration B
+ 5V 3100 rpm + 10w%
- 3V 1700 rpm - 8w%
0 4V 2400 rpm 0 9w%

Serial Speed Concentration Mechanical Dielectric

number A B
1 + + 6 6
2 0 + 6 6
3 - + 6 6
4 + 0 6 6
5 0 0 6 6
6 - 0 6 6
7 + - 6 6
8 0 - 6 6
9 - - 6 6
Total 54 54

Table 5. Full factorial test matrix for DOE

There are 54 specimens for each mechanical and dielectric tests. Three specimens from each

mat of same combinations. Two mats are fabricated for each combination.


In the results, geometric challenges, the tensile, toughness, dielectric responses, and failure modes

are discussed.


Figure 34 shows the optical microscopic image of nanofiber mat with thickness variation. The

specimen on left is according to the dimension mentioned in Figure 32. While conducting tensile and

dielectric tests, the thickness is required for stress-strain analysis and dielectric constant measurement.

Therefore, thickness should be avoided and mass should be used to avoid variability. From the figure it

is obvious that measurement of thickness brings challenges.

Figure 34. PAN specimen (left) and optical microscope image in micro inch scale (right)


Figure 35 shows the stress-strain plot using stroke control at 5mm/min strain rate. Figure 36 shows

force-stroke plot to avoid thickness measurement.

Figure 35. Variability in stress-strain curves when using strain rate for nanofiber mat

Figure 36. Variability in force-stroke curves when using strain rate for nanofiber mat

The following steps are done to reduce the variability issues. The force-stroke plot is used to avoid

the measurement of thickness. The force-stroke plots of the 20cm needle tip to mandrel, 3v rotating

speed, 9w% concentration nanofiber mat with an applied voltage of 15kv have been shown in Figure 37

(a)-(b). Strain rate is avoided and replaced with force rate. The force rate is 1N/min. Most importantly

mass is used instead of thickness for measuring strength. The specimens are cut with consistent width

measurement at the substrate (aluminum foil) side of electrospun mat. Finally, the force is normalized

with respect to mass for specific strength.

Figure 37a. Force-stroke plot of a nanofiber mat

Figure 37b. Normalized force-stroke plot of a nanofiber mat

Though the figure above shows consistent specific strength measurements for four specimens, the

fact is that the needle to collector distance of 20cm reduces the electrostatic repulsion between the

fibers when compared to 15 cm. But the 15kv-15cm (1kv/cm) is necessary for the current set up of

electrospinning system as it produces better alignment. Figure 38 shows the specific strength versus

stroke plot for 5 specimens from the first mat and 3 specimens from the second mat of 5v speed and

10w % concentration. There are difference in consistencies between mats. The solid line represents the

first mat and the dashed lines represent the second mat.

Figure 38. Specific strength for 5v speed and 10w% of two mats

The specific strengths of specimens in a mat, unlike that of the Figure 36, follow a pattern. But the

variation of specific strengths between the mats could be because of the environmental factors such as

humidity change or temperature variation. Figure 39 shows specific strengths for two mats of 3v speed

and 10w% combination which has more variability between the specific strengths. The variation in

strengths within mat is because of higher electrostatic repulsion between the bigger fibers resulting in

random fiber mat.

Figure 39. Specific strengths for 3v speed and 10w% of two mats

Note that 3v speed results in bigger fibers than 5v speed. For Figure 39, there were 6 and 4

specimens possible for mats 1 and 2 respectively.

The main effects and standard deviation of dielectric tests are shown in Figures 40 (a)-(b)

respectively. The total difference for the factor A is 8018 and it is 71.41 % of the maximum value.

Figure 40a. Main effects for tensile tests

Figure 40b. Standard deviation for tensile tests

The coefficient of variation for A0 is 36.52% and that of A+ is 50.32%. Variability in the data is too

great to draw conclusion on the main effects.


As shown in Figure 41, the 15cm-5v-8w% specimens with two force rates are plotted with force

versus stroke.

Figure 41. Force rate behavior of mat at 1N/min and 5N/min

The specimens are built at 15cm needle tip to collector distance, 5v corresponding speed of the

mandrel and 8w% concentration of PAN solution. The force control method is used so that thickness

measurement is avoided for mass consideration. It is worth noting that the black colored plot is at

1N/min and the fibers have enough time to catch up with load increment rate so that the weakest fiber

breaks first, and then the next weaker fiber and so on. But in the case of 5N/min, the behavior of each

fiber is not recorded accurately because of higher force increment rate.


The dielectric test is conducted at Broadband Dielectric Spectrometer. The dielectric data were

plotted against 1 kHz for measurement. Tests are conducted on each 0.5x0.5 inch specimen for 9

readings. Therefore, there are total of 27 measurements for 6 specimens (samples).

Before solving the variability issues, the variability is found to be more than 600% as shown in

Figure 42. The needle to collector distance was 20cm, 4v speed is applied, and 10w% concentration

mat is used. The dielectric constant is taken at 1 kHz.

Figure 42. Dielectric constant with high variability

The data show that there are variability issues with dielectric measurements also. After solving the

variability issues, the coefficient of variation is found to be lower as shown in Figure 43(a)-(b). Though

taking sufficient number of thickness measurements (five or more) for each specimen with size a little

more than 0.5 x 0.5 inch tightened the data, the fact is that by reducing the distance from 20cm to 15cm

reduced the variability.

Figure 43a. Dielectric constant of 15cm-4v-10w% mats

The distance to collector distance was 15cm to keep the 1kv/cm criteria. The reason of this

reduction in variability is that the porosity is more consistent as in Figure 43a, because it gives better

aligned fibers at 1kv/cm.

Figure 43b. Normalized dielectric constant of specimens from two mats of same combination

The dielectric constants from two mats of 4v speed and 10w% concentration has lower coefficient

of variation when compared to Figure 42.

Figure 44 shows dielectric constants of 15cm-3v-10w% mats. The fibers are bigger at 3v and

therefore higher repulsion between the fibers resulting in higher variability than 4v.

Figure 44. Dielectric constant of 3v-10w% mats

The main effects and standard deviation of dielectric tests are shown in Figures 45(a)-(b)

respectively. The total difference of main effects for the factor A is 3.76 and it is 88.4 % of the

maximum value. The coefficient of variation for A- is 27.17% and that of A0 is 28.3%.

Figure 45a. Main effects for dielectric tests

Figure 45b. Standard deviation for dielectric tests

Variability in the data is too great to draw conclusion on the main effects.


The fracture mode below 0.025g resembles a shear failure (left) and that of above 0.025g shows

brittle failure (right) as shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46. Below 0.025g has shear failure (left) and above 0.025g resembles brittle failure (right)

There are two failure modes in a mat fabricated with parameters 10cm needle tip to collector, 3v

speed and 9w% concentration. One is shearing failure and the other is a brittle fracture. As shown in

Figure 47(a)-(b) below, the fracture mode above 0.025g resembles brittle fracture.

Figure 47a. Fracture mode at 5N/min force rate

Figure 47b. Fracture modes of specimens below and above 0.025g


The DOE needs tight data for good results. It is important to reduce the variability issues in

characteristic tests with as spun nanofiber mat for tensile and dielectric tests. DOE study with

electrospinning for tensile and dielectric results are inconclusive because of high variability. In this

research work, the tensile test and dielectric test variability issues are projected. Also, the force rate

behavior of nanofiber mat and the failure modes are demonstrated in this research work. The tensile

tests require thin film and dielectric tests need thicker film. Above the mass of 0.025g of tensile test

film with 80mm x10mm size brings higher variability and the dielectric test provides good results at

that mass. The notion of thicker film is that it avoids the electrode-electrode contact while measuring

the dielectric constant as the electrospun mat has high porosity. It is important to find a trade-off

between these two tests. It is advisable to take all specimens towards the middle region (trimming 1 and

½ inch each from vertical sides) of electrospun mat of size 3 inch x 5.5 inch, where the thickness is

supposed to be almost equal. Future work will focus on system improvement for reducing the

variability of thickness along the horizontal direction of the mandrel and also controlled deposition and

uniform distribution of fibers.


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This section studies the dielectric and mechanical characterizations of polyacrylonitrile (PAN)

aligned electrospun nanofiber mats. A two factor three levels full factorial experiment is conducted to

understand the effect of various parameters on dielectric and mechanical responses. These responses

are recorded against randomly oriented and aligned nanofiber mats. Improved properties of electrospun

mats have applications in the field of energy storage and nanocomposites reinforcement.

Dielectric and mechanical characterizations of PAN mats are vital as the aligned electrospun mats

have found to be useful in advanced energy and mechanical reinforcement applications. Therefore, it is

paramount to understand the effects of system parameters to these properties. Design of Experiments

(DOE) includes two factors and three level full factorial experiments with concentrations of PAN

solutions at 8w%, 9w%, and 10w% and speed of the rotating mandrel (collector) at 3v, 4v and 5v input

voltages. The electric field intensity is 1kv/cm. The viscosity of 10w% concentration is 28.4 Poise or

2.84 Pa-s at 20° C. Design of experiments are conducted to understand the nonlinear interactions of

parameters to these responses. The dielectric and mechanical characterizations of 8w%, 9w%, and

10w% with different speeds for original and improved system are discussed in this paper.


Taylor (1964) showed that liquid disintegrates due to instability when subjected to a uniform

electric field [1]. Coulomb’s force is thought to be the main cause for instability. Arshad, Naraghi, and

Chasiotis (2011) showed that maximum ultimate strength for PAN fibers occurred at 1kv/cm [2]. Also,

Mei, Han, Gao, Fu, and Liu (2013) reported that maintaining the electric field intensity at 1 kv/cm

produced optimal alignment [3]. Popkov et al. (2013) showed that different concentrations from 8-

11w% polymer solutions have PAN nanofibers with extraordinary strength, modulus, and toughness

[4]. Jalili, Morshed, and Ravandi (2006) showed that the best alignment for PAN/DMF occurs for 10-

15% using parallel plates [5]. However, Khan et al. (2015) showed 6 to 12w% concentration with

increasing fiber diameter from 6w% [6]. Uniform PAN nanofibers were obtained at concentration of

8w% and 10w% under the applied voltage of 10-20 kv [7]. According to Gu, Ren, and Vancso (2005),

applied voltage had no significant influence on fiber diameter whereas concentration of solution

impacts the diameter of fibers. The average fiber diameter increased with polymer concentration

according to a quadratic relationship. Alignment maximizes modulus and strength and it makes the

composite anisotropic [8]. Among the various organic and inorganic solvents, dimethyl formamide

(DMF) offered the best properties. With solvent and polymer solute, there are three types of spinning:

wet, dry, and gel spinning. An additional technique, melt spinning, uses no solvent. For that method,

the polymer precursor can be prepared by melting polymer at elevated temperature between 250 ͦ C and

400 ͦ C in the absence of solvent. PAN based nanofibers are widely used for carbon fiber production.

PAN is soluble in polar solvents like DMF, dimethylsulfone (DMS), dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), and

dimethylacetamide (DMAc) [11]. Among organic solvents DMF and DMSO are known to be good

solvents of PAN [12]. Optimization of PAN precursor fibers results in enhanced performance for the

use in aerospace applications [6]. Edmonsdon, D. (2012) demonstrated the capability of his

system using PVDF as a model polymer, which has the favorable piezo-, pyro-, and ferro-electric

properties, that aligned PVDF fibers can provide for applications in actuators, transistors, textiles, and

composites [10]. Electrospinning is used to increase specific area, alignment of fibers, and the β-phase

content for polymorphic materials. The β-phase increment is due to shearing force through the needle,

columbic force between the collector and the needle, and mechanical force due to elongation of fibers

on rotating drum. Depending on the applications, material properties generated or enhanced through

electrospinning are exploited using appropriate polymer selections. In our scope of study, two

applications are important.

1. Specific area for composite reinforcement. PAN is an example for the polymer.

2. β-phase for energy generation (electrode cells). PVDF is an example for polymer. Fiber

alignment can improve piezoelectric effect of voltage generation [10].


PAN powder bought from Sigma Aldridge with product number 181315 is mixed with DMF bought

from Sigma Aldridge with product number D158550. The molecular weight of PAN is 150,000 Da.

They are mixed in a conical glass ware having a stopper. 8 w% of solute and solvent are stirred and

heated at 300rpm and 80 °C for 4 hours until a homogeneous yellow colored solution is formed. For

9w% and 10w %, the stirring can change. The syringe and needle are bought from Becton and

Dickinson. The syringe is 5ml and the needle is 22G x1 1/2 (0.7mm x 40mm) in dimensions. Figure 48

shows the stirrer and PAN solution after heating and stirring.

Figure 48. Stirrer and heater (left) and yellowish solution (right)

The solution is pumped through a programmable syringe pump. The speed of the mandrel and the

input voltages are propertional. 5v, 4v and 3 v input voltages are 3100rpm, 2400rpm, and 1700rpm



The original system has basic components namely; high voltage power supply, syringe, needle, and

collector. They are enclosed in a closed chamber. The collector is a rotating type horizontal mandrel.

The improved system has an additional negative electric potential and the syringe and needle moves at

the controlled rate along the horizontal direction of the mandrel.The schemmatics of improved system

is shown below in Figure 49. The improved system has the capability of reducing the repulsion of

fibers while they are formed on the madrel. The deposition of fibers is controlled by linear movement

of syringe and needle. With the improved system the fibers formed are aligned and uniform. The

improved system supplies -6kv negative voltage in addition to the 15kv from high power voltage

supply to the needle. The distance from needle tip to mesh tip was 20cm. Thus, the electric field

intensity is 23/20=1.15kv/cm. Volume dispensed was 1ml.

Figure 49. Schemmatics of improved system

The flowchart for the electrospinning improved system is shown below in Figure 50. The computer

interface enables precise movement of linear stage connected to programmable syringe pump and

syringe needle using a bolted base plate. The needle moves accordingly along the horizontal direction

of the mandrel. The syringe pump is mounted with syringe and needle. The solution in the syringe is

supplied at a controlled rate.

Figure 50. Flow chart of improved system

The positive electrode and the grounded mandrel bring an electrostatic potential to form fibers on

the mandrel. The negative electrode and mesh provides additional potential that pulls the fibers in the

perpendicular direction of horizontal mandrel reducing the repulsion between the fibers. A pictorial

representation of improved system is shown in Figure 51.

Figure 51. Pictorial representation of improved system

Aligned fibers formed on the mesh is shown below in Figure 52. These fibers are formed on the

negative electrode to show that the improvement system works. The width of the aligned fibers is

Figure 52. Aligned fibers formed in the mesh of improved system (shadow is alligator clip)

The difference in alignment using the improved electrospinning system and original electrospinning

system is shown below. Both the original and improved systems are kept at 20cm needle tip to collector

distance. Therefore, both are kept at electric field intensity of 1.15kv/cm. The scanning electron

microscope (SEM) images of electrospun mats from both the system with angle measurements are

shown in Figure 53.

Figure 53. SEM images and angular measurements of mats from original and improved system

The angle measurement is taken through Image J software. The mean value is taken to analyze the

improvement in alignment. The SEM images show that improved system has better alignment. Mean

value of all the fibers of improved system is 19.55 degrees, whereas that of the original system is 40.03

degrees. There is 51% increment in degree of alignment for improved system. Figure 54 shows that the

variability along the mats are reduced through improved system.

Figure 54. Improved system shows consistent mass along the mat

For improved system, coefficient of variation of mass is 8.43% whereas the coefficient of variation

of original system is 4.72%.


Various tests conducted for DOE are tensile and dielectric. DOE test matrix for original and

improved system is shown below in Table 6. The two factors used are speed (A) and concentration (B).

Table 7 shows the three levels used for each factor. Number of samples taken for mechanical and

dielectric tests are 54 each.

Speed Concentration Mechanical Dielectric

1 + + 6 6
2 0 + 6 6
3 - + 6 6
4 + 0 6 6
5 0 0 6 6
6 - 0 6 6
7 + - 6 6
8 0 - 6 6
9 - - 6 6
Total 54 54

Table 6. Test matrix for original and improved system

Speed A Concentration B
+ 5v + 10
- 3v - 8
0 4v 0 9

Table 7. Two factors and three levels for each factor


Dielectric test is conducted using 0.5x0.5 inch electrode in Faraday Cage using Broadband

Dielectric Spectrometer (BbDS). It uses the frequency range between 1MHz and 0.1 Hz. The

dielectric constants increases after 1 kHz. Dielectric test is conducted using ASTM D-150. The

test configuration and schematic of dielectric test are shown below in Figure 55.

Figure 55. Test configuration and schematic representation of dielectric constant measurement

The interfacial polarization comes in to play below the frequency of 1 kHz as the charges get

accumulated at lower frequencies between the pores and fibers [8]. Therefore, values are taken

only at 1 kHz for DOE study. The relative permittivity of nanofiber mat [17],

𝜀𝜀𝑟𝑟 = 𝐶𝐶 ∗
𝐴𝐴 ∗ 𝜀𝜀𝑜𝑜

where 𝜀𝜀𝑟𝑟 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 the relative dielectric is constant, 𝐶𝐶 is the capacitance, 𝐴𝐴 represents area of

plates, 𝑙𝑙 is the thickness of the film, and 𝜀𝜀𝑜𝑜 is the relative permittivity of the vacuum.

𝜀𝜀𝑟𝑟 is a function of porosity and density [17].

P (%) = (1- )*100

where P is the porosity, 𝜌𝜌𝑀𝑀 is the membrane density and 𝜌𝜌𝑃𝑃 is the polymer density.

Normalized dielectric constant in kg-1m,

𝜀𝜀𝑟𝑟 𝜀𝜀𝑟𝑟
𝜌𝜌∗𝐴𝐴 𝐺𝐺/𝑙𝑙

where G is the mass of the specimen in kg, 𝑙𝑙 is the thickness of the film in m, ρ is the density

of the mat in kgm-3, and A is the surface area of the mat in m2.


Mechanical testing: ASTM D882-12 standard test method is followed. From practical

perspective, porosity and thickness can be hardly accurately measured. Mass is used instead of

thickness [9].

For improved system, the tensile tests are taken from specimen sizes 2inchx1/2 inch length

and width respectively. The test configuration and schematic representation of tensile specimen

are shown below in Figure 56.

Figure 566. Test configuration and schematic of tensile test specimen

Specific strength of a nanofiber mat [11] 𝜎𝜎𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 ,

𝜌𝜌 ∗ 𝐴𝐴 𝐺𝐺/𝐿𝐿

where 𝜎𝜎𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 is the specific strength of the tensile specimen in N kg-1m, ρ is the fiber density of

fiber in kgm-3, A is the cross sectional area of the specimen in m2, G is the mass of nanofiber mat

in kg, and L is the gauge length of the specimen in m. Also,

𝜎𝜎𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠 =
𝜌𝜌(1 − 𝑃𝑃)

where σ is the tensile strength of nanofiber mat in Nm-2 and P is the porosity.


The results of dielectric and mechanical tests for DOE are given below. The dielectric and

tensile test responses are discussed here.


Figure 57 shows the main effects, standard deviation, and interaction between the factors for

dielectric data from original system. For factor A, the difference in main effects is 3.76 from A-

to A0 and the coefficients of variations are 27.2% and 28.3% respectively. The difference in

main effects is 8.89 from B- to B+. This is 72.6% of the highest value. For factor B, the

coefficient of variations are 30.6% and 34.2% at B- and B+ respectively.

Figure 57. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for dielectric data of original system

At the highest concentration (10w %), 5v corresponds to the highest value of normalized

dielectric constant. The interaction is more evident at 9w% and 3v contributes to the highest

value of normalized dielectric constant.

Figure 58 shows the main effects, standard deviation, and interactions between the factors for

dielectric data from improved system. For factor A, the difference in main effects is 6.23 from

A- to A+. This is 72.3 % of the highest value. For factor B, the difference in main effects is 5.93

from B- to B0. This is 73% of the highest value and the coefficient of variations are 56% and

26% at B- and B0 respectively.

Figure 58. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for dielectric data of improved system

At concentration 8w %, 3v corresponds to the highest value of normalized dielectric constant

and the next higher value corresponds to 4v.


Figure 59 shows the main effects, standard deviation, and interactions between the factors for

tensile test data from original system. For factor A, the difference in main effects is 8018 from

A+ to A0, which is 71.4% of the highest value. The coefficient of variations are 50.3% and

36.5% at A+ and A0 respectively. For factor B, there is a difference of 3772.8 from B- to B+.

This is 85% of the highest value and the coefficient of variations are 50% and 21.4% at B- and

B+ respectively.

Figure 59. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for tensile data of original system

At the lowest concentration (8w %), 5v corresponds to the highest specific strength. At 9w%,

3v and 5v correspond to the highest specific strength.

Figure 60 shows the main effects, standard deviation, and interactions between the factors for

tensile test data from improved system. The specific tensile strength data from improved system

shows that there is a difference of 5510 in main effects from A+ to A-. This is 79.7% of the

highest value. For factor B, the difference in main effects is 4069.6 from B+ to B-. This is 84% of

the highest value. For factor B, the coefficient of variations are 23.5% and 24.5% at B+ and B-


Figure 60. Main effects, standard deviation, and interactions for tensile data of improved system

At the lowest concentration (8w %), 5v corresponds to the highest specific strength. At 9w%,

5v corresponds to the highest specific strength, 4v corresponds to higher value, and 3v

corresponds to the least.

Figure 61 shows that specific tensile strengths at 8w% of the improved system have

consistency and therefore mats produced from improved system are useful in applications. As

shown below, the 5v speed nanofiber mats have an average tensile strength higher than that of

the 4v speed nanofiber mats. The average specific strength of 5v and 8w% specimens is 24828.7

N-kg-1 m and the average specific strength of 4v and 8w% is 20629.7 N-kg-1 m. Figure 62 shows

5v and 4v speed mats for 9w% of original system. As shown in Figure 62, the fiber alignment is

better at 5v speed than at 4v speed.

Figure 61. Tensile strengths of improved system (left) and original system (right) nanofiber mats

Figure 62. SEM images shows better alignment for mats at 5v speed (left) than that at 4v speed (right)

Table 8 shows that alignment is better at higher speed. This shows that mats with

comparatively aligned fibers have better mechanical strength than that with less aligned fibers.

That is, the thinner the fibers, the better the mechanical strength.

Angle in degrees Angle in degrees

for 5v-9w% mat for 4v-9w% mat
1 31.329 1 11.94
2 91.102 2 117.03
3 31.504 3 66.95
4 29.745 4 149.47
5 52.651 5 125.79
6 6.499 6 140.71
7 32.55 7 68.96
8 17.879 8 117.00
9 16.639 9 64.26
10 148.671 10 92.05
Mean 45.86 Mean 95.42
Standard Standard
Deviation 43.08 Deviation 42.54

Table 8. Angle measurements using image J for 4v and 5v at 9w%

The mean angle for 5v is 45.86 degrees whereas for 3v speed is 95.42 degrees. The

alignment is better at higher speed. The fiber direction side of the mat is in coincidence with the

vertical axis of the SEM HR S-4800 as shown in Figure 63. Therefore, the alignment of fibers is

measured along the fiber direction.

Figure 63. The fiber direction side of mat is in coincidence with the vertical axis of SEM device

Figure 64 shows the XRD analysis of mats from original and improved system at 8w%.

Figure 64. Intensity vs 2ϴ plot of XRD analysis of PAN at 8w% for original and improved system

Crystallinity is determined as the ratio of the peaks to the total area of the curve. Though the

peak in improved system is smaller, the percentage of crystallinity is higher in improved system.

This shows that the mats from the improved system has higher tensile strength. Also, it is

noticeable that planes are distorted in improved system so that only one plane is predominant.

This shows that the improved system distorted other planes by molecular orientation due to



A model that might describe an empirical model relating the tensile strength or dielectric

constant of a polymer to the speed and concentration of electrospinning rotating mandrel and

solution respectively is

𝑦𝑦 = 𝛽𝛽0 + 𝛽𝛽1 𝑥𝑥1 + 𝛽𝛽2 𝑥𝑥2 + 𝛽𝛽3 𝑥𝑥12 + 𝛽𝛽4 𝑥𝑥22 + 𝛽𝛽5 𝑥𝑥1 𝑥𝑥2 + ε

where y represents the tensile strength or dielectric constant, 𝑥𝑥1 represents the speed, and 𝑥𝑥2

represents the concentration. If we let 𝑥𝑥3 = 𝑥𝑥12 , 𝑥𝑥4 = 𝑥𝑥22 , and 𝑥𝑥5 = 𝑥𝑥1 𝑥𝑥2 , the above equation

becomes a multiple linear regression model. Applying method of least squares, the sum of the

squares of the errors, 𝛆𝛆𝒊𝒊 is minimized.

The least squares function is


𝐿𝐿 = � 𝛆𝛆𝟐𝟐𝒊𝒊

The function L is to be minimized with respect to regression coefficients 𝛽𝛽0 , 𝛽𝛽1 𝛽𝛽2, …..,𝛽𝛽𝑘𝑘 .

The least squares estimators must satisfy

𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕 𝜕𝜕𝜕𝜕
= 0 and 𝜕𝜕𝛽𝛽 = 0 j= 1,2,3,….,k.

The least squares normal equations above may be written in matrix notation as

y = X𝜷𝜷 +𝛆𝛆

The fitted regression model,

𝒚𝒚� = X 𝜷𝜷

� = (𝑿𝑿′ 𝑿𝑿)−𝟏𝟏 𝑿𝑿′ 𝒚𝒚


� is the least squares estimators of the regression coefficients, 𝜷𝜷.

where 𝜷𝜷

And residual

𝒆𝒆 = 𝒚𝒚 − 𝒚𝒚

Tensile–Original system

Response surface regression equation of specific tensile strength is

𝒀𝒀𝟏𝟏 = −𝟐𝟐. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 + 𝟏𝟏. 𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖𝟖 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝑨𝑨𝟐𝟐 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝑩𝑩𝟐𝟐 − 𝟎𝟎. 𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓𝟓

where 𝒀𝒀𝟏𝟏 is the specific tensile strength of original system, A and B are speed and

concentrations. Figure 65 shows the fitted model of specific strength mats from original system.

Specific tensile strength of original system 10

4 3.4


specific tensile strength, N/(kg/m) 3


2.5 2.6

2 2.4

1.5 2.2

9.5 5 2

9 4.5
8.5 1.8
concentration, w% 8 3 speed, v

Figure 65. Fitted model of specific tensile strength from original system

The goodness of fit is shown below in Figure 66. The coefficient of determination is 71.91%.

Figure 66. Goodness of fit for original system from tensile response

Tensile –Improved system

Similarly for improved system as shown in Figure 67,

𝒀𝒀′𝟏𝟏 = −𝟏𝟏. 𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒𝟒 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑨𝑨𝟐𝟐 − 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑩𝑩𝟐𝟐 − 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎

Specific tensile strength of improved system

4 2.7


Specific tensile strength, N/(kg/m) 2.5





10 2

9.5 5
9 4.5
8.5 1.8
concentration, w% 8 3 speed, v

Figure 67. Fitted model of specific tensile strength from improved system

The goodness of fit is shown below in Figure 68. Coefficient of determination is 80.96%.

Figure 68. Goodness of fit for improved system from tensile response

Dielectric–Original system

Similarly for dielectric original system,

𝒀𝒀𝟐𝟐 = 𝟓𝟓. 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 − 𝟎𝟎. 𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑𝟑 − 𝟏𝟏. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑨𝑨𝟐𝟐 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑩𝑩𝟐𝟐 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎

Figure 69 shows the fitted model of normalized dielectric constant of mats from original


Normalized dielectric constant of original system


36 33

34 32

Normalized dielectric constant, 1/(kg/m) 32 31




10 27

9.5 5
9 4.5
8.5 25
concentration, w% 8 3 speed, v

Figure 69. Fitted model of normalized dielectric constant from original system

The goodness of fit is shown below in Figure 70. Coefficient of determination is 86.96%.

Figure 70. Goodness of fit for original system from dielectric response

Dielectric –Improved system

Also for dielectric improved system as shown in Figure 71,

𝒀𝒀′𝟐𝟐 = −𝟒𝟒. 𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕𝟕 − 𝟎𝟎. 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 + 𝟏𝟏. 𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏𝟏 + 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑨𝑨𝟐𝟐 − 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝑩𝑩𝟐𝟐 − 𝟎𝟎. 𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎𝟎

Normalized dielectric constant of improved system



Normalized dielectric constant, 1/(kg/m) 30





10 22

9.5 5

9 4.5
concentration, w% 8 3 speed, v

Figure 71. Fitted model of normalized dielectric constant of improved system

The goodness of fit is shown below in Figure 72. Coefficient of determination is 68.43%.

Figure 72. Goodness of fit for improved system from dielectric response

The Pareto Front for original and improved system is shown in Figure 73 below. It shows

that for the original system, as the tensile strength increases from 21 to 29 kN-kg-1m, the

dielectric constant decreases from 33 to 26 kg-1m. For improved system, as the tensile strength

increases from 23.2 to 24.8 kN-kg-1m, the dielectric constant decreases from 34.4 to 30.8 kg-1m.

Figure 73. Dielectric versus tensile for original and improved system

The results show that for improved specific tensile strength and for 5v speed, at 10w% there

is an increment from 20887.8 to 26386.6 N-kg-1m, at 9w% there is an increment of 23753.2 to

30272.4 N-kg-1m, and at 8w% there is a decrement from 39483.4 to 24828.7 N-kg-1m. Similarly,

the specific tensile results for other speeds and concentrations are given in Table 9 (a)-(b).

10w% 9w% 8w% 10w% 9w% 8w%

5v 5498.81 6519.24 -14654.71 5v 26.33% 27.45% -37.12%
4v 446.55 5643.07 2008.86 4v 1.94% 30.67% 10.79%
3v 6598.38 -4560.58 1662.29 3v 33.12% -18.80% 9.73%
Table 9a. Increment in improved tensile Table 9b. Percentage increment in tensile

The decrement at lower concentrations are due to less alignment and randomness of fibers

because of lower electrostatic potential. For normalized dielectric constant and for 5v speed, at

10w% there is a decrement from 33.9 to 19.6 kg-1m, at 9w% there is a decrement from 24.4 to

23.2 kg-1m, and at 8w% there is a decrement from 30.6 to 22.4 kg-1m. Similarly, the dielectric

constants for other speeds and concentrations are given in Table 10 (a)-(b).

10w% 9w% 8w% 10w% 9w% 8w%

5v -14.3 -1.2 -8.2 5v -42.18% -4.92% -26.80%
4v -2.5 1.8 -13.8 4v -8.04% 7.38% -45.70%
3v -5.9 7.2 -8.3 3v -18.21% 23.15% -24.78%
Table 10a. Increment in improved dielectric Table 10b. Percentage increment in dielectric

The decrement in dielectric constants are due to the alignment of fibers. The charges are not

getting accumulated or in other words the capacitance of the mat is reduced due to alignment.

The effect of randomness of fibers comes in to play at 9w% and the alignment effect is overtaken

by less porous specimens and results in increased dielectric constant.


The improved system definitely shows higher tensile strength and lower dielectric property.

Therefore, the mats produced from the improved system are useful in nanocomposite

reinforcement applications and controlled energy applications. The DOE study shows the

extensive outlook of speed and concentration and their interactions when analyzing the dielectric

and tensile outputs.


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This work has provided a detailed review and analysis of methods for alignment of

electrospun fibers and their resulting mechanical and dielectric properties. A detailed review has

been done for all nanofiber polymers with mechanical and dielectric properties. Molecular

orientation concepts and design configuration options for electrospinning apparatuses have been

surveyed in order to analyze the ability of each to improve fiber alignment. An exploratory study

has been conducted for best parameter settings in the current system. Variability study has been

conducted while performing 3 levels 2 factors experimentations for original system. Geometric,

measurement challenges, and normalization effects have been analyzed. Finally, the improved

system has been developed to align fibers and provide more consistency in mechanical properties

but controlled and decreased dielectric properties. Given the improvements in mechanical and

dielectric performances possible with increasing fiber alignment of improved system, the

improved electrospinning apparatus can be tailored for specific applications with energy and


The results show that the specific tensile strength has the highest percentage increment at 3v

and 10w% and then at 4v and 9w%. The percentage increments are 33.12% and 30.67%

respectively for these combinations. Similarly, for dielectric constant the highest percentage

decrement (decrement is desirable because of better alignment) is at 4v and 8w% and then at 5v

and 10w%. The percentage decrements are 45.7% and 42.18% respectively for these

combinations. Through the improved alignment, the system is capable to tailor the properties for

specific applications. For example, a higher tensile strength and lower dielectric constant should

be chosen for composite reinforcement where the application calls for only strength. For a higher
energy applications, a lower tensile strength and higher dielectric constant should be chosen. The

response data for these applications should be chosen from Pareto Front. Then the parameters

should be selected from the response surface regression equations.

Future works should include different materials for specific applications. For example, PVDF

is a polymer for energy application. PVP/Ag nanoparticle is a polymer/filler for medical

application. The parameters can be optimized using DOE while conducting experiments in

improved system. Viscosity of these polymers are related to the concentration. The Pareto Front

results from current research work show the feasible regions of specific tensile strength and

normalized dielectric constant with the current configuration. Therefore, knowing the

concentration of other polymers, we should be able to give insights in to the feasible regions of

other polymers. It is advisable to add input parameters, voltage and distance from needle to

mandrel to analyze the effect on dielectric and tensile responses in future works. Also, the other

parameters’ effects should be analyzed. Negative electrode mesh distance from mandrel,

curvature of the mesh, number of pointed edges in mesh, vertical height of needle tip from the

center of mandrel, and negative potential should be varied to find an overall effect of various

parameters on dielectric and tensile responses.




clear all;
format long

X = [1 5 10 25 100 50;
1 4 10 16 100 40;
1 3 10 9 100 30;
1 5 9 25 81 45;
1 4 9 16 81 36;
1 3 9 9 81 27;
1 5 8 25 64 40;
1 4 8 16 64 32;
1 3 8 9 64 24];
y =
xtransx = (transpose(X))*X;
xtransy = (transpose(X))*y;
beetacap = inv(xtransx)*transpose(X)*y

clear all
zlabel('Specific tensile strength,
ylabel('concentration, w%','fontsize',8,'fontweight','bold');
xlabel('speed, v','fontsize',8,'fontweight','bold')
title('Specific tensile strength,N/(kg/m) of original


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