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The Nahtwaithia - The real vampirism

A brief discussion of the term 'vampire' - version 3.1 / July 2010

The text can be copied freely, if it contains a note that it is written by me. It is based primarily on personal observation of several people.

Vampire, the hunters of the night. In films, literature, folklore, history, mysticism, these creatures often glorified as the symbol of
many human aspirations. In just about every popular belief they are found with many different names, variants and legends.

The vampire myth has produced the vampyre sub culture in the modern era. With the term "vampyr" there is now a possibility to
distance oneself from the myths and show that one is real. A real and living vampire. Especially in america there is a very popular
scene around the teachings of Michelle Belanger, Father Sebastian Todd and others. But in many places there is also reality mixed
with imagination.

Now, what's real and what is the truth about vampires?

End of April 2007 I was listening a conversation about the real vampirism, as so often. It was about when someone is a real vampire
and when not. It's sometimes gruesome, what one does just to be "different". A vampyre is one, if he feels like a vampire - such
things can be heard in many places.

There are many different meanings, opinions, lifestyles, individuals around the subject of vampirism, yes. And there is nothing
wrong with that. But everything is very questionable, if pretty much everyone wants to enforce his opinion that he has all right
answers. In addition, all the different meanings and opinions make the term somewhat real soft, that a vampyre can really be anyone.

But there are more than the people who saw the movies or read some books, use gothic make-up or "eat" psychological impulses of

The term vampyre includes - besides role players and dreamers - alternative vampires, psychological vampires, sanguinarians and
psychic vampyres. In some writings there is the term Schatten (german for "shadow") - as well as formerly at this location. Shadows,
are mainly described by Frater Mordor books as the real vampires. But there is much room left for interpretation. Not only Mordor
left out things himself. He also wrote fictional things. For example vampire retrovirus RV K-17. Over time many people added own
things to the term of shadow. In addition, shadow is also used in a very different context. For example, some guards are called

The Nahtwaithia (nahtwaiþja; pronounced "n[a:]tw[a:]i[d][j][a:]") could be the real counterpart of that what the myths of vampires,
lamias and similar creatures tells in addition to various diseases. The term Nahtwaithia is like the american coinage sanguinarians (=
blood drinkers / vampyre), a word that has its roots from ancient languages to describe what we actually do and what we are.
Nahtwaithia is a ancient germanic and means something like "night fighter" or "nocturnal hunter". Naht is translated with night and
the ancient gothic word Waithia means "woodsman" / "Weidmann" - an old word for hunter.

Basically, the Nahtwaithia eats human life force (Vi/Chi (, ...) in the form of blood, ideally) and the ability to grow on it. Primary
following features are common:

Hunting instinct: to seduce people and / or hunt, to bite them and drink their blood - these are deep-rooted instincts of an
Nahtwaithia . It is a predator. Most Nahtwaithia in modern times prefer voluntary donors, but the hunting instinct is still present. It is
not uncommon that the object of desire, found in an nightclub or SM club, is more or less hypnotically told that as part of the
lovemaking to donate some blood is very stimulating.

Aggressiveness: Closely associated with the hunting instinct is the property of increased aggressiveness. Especially if a Nahtwaithia
is thirsty, it is often uncontrolled aggressive and irritable. In extreme situations, he "ticks out" from normal being, so the intellect sets
out and there is only one thing left in it's mind: instinct. An instinct which tells you to find some "blood", as fast as possible.

Strong physique / psychic characteristics: A hunter like the Nahtwaithia must to have certain psychic and sensory characteristics and/
or strong physiological abilities. This can be sometimes very "hard" among other people. For example they have an increased sense
of smell and light sensitivity compared with an average human. Also the body is more powerful and/or agile with the time.

High psychological intellect / intelligence: The Nahtwaithia tend to be highly intelligent. They are, unless they are very thirsty (see
above), very deliberate in their actions and more philosophically, intellectually inclined. Often they take creative or managerial
positions in the human society.

Propensity to "paranormality": Nahtwaithia are, whether consciously or unconsciously, more sensitive for auras of people and
environment-sensitive energy as the average man. This is necessary to find potent food, realizing instinctively that a person is better
for feeding than an other and / or to identify other Nahtwaithia. Cause of the high sensitivity to subtlety, he usually observe things
that most people don't recognize. Including seeing/feeling the aura or energy flowings, strong emphatic tendency, visionary abilities
and/or something like that, for example.

Recognition to another: Nahtwaithia recognize each other primarily through the aura and the eyes. They usually notice a kind of
colorless "glow" in the eyes, which remains undiscovered for most other people. To non-Nahtwaitha the eyes look ominous and
sometimes also quite attractive. Thats because the inner mood, thirst and the resulting be behavior.

The blood of Nahtwaithia: The blood is a special liquid. And not only that of the Nahtwaithia. However, their blood is a very special.
Blood in general often transfers properties of the (med.) donor - for example with blood transfusions - to the "receiver". The blood of
an Nahtwaithia normally transfers the essence of being an Nahtwaithia to the receiver. So it is possible to transform an non-
Nahtwaithia. But this is a not very well researched property and therefore depends on several factors. Donating blood to a human is
no guarantee for a change on the drinker!
An Nahtwaithia develops in the course of his live, sometimes unconsciously / unintentionally, other more or less skills. But it is
important to take what one needs, if he does not want to struggle like man for such things. Some of the possible skills: Rapid
regeneration of wounds, slowed or completely stopped aging, telekinetic abilities, hypnosis, ...

Nahtwaithia where always there with the Homo Sapiens. It is quite possible that even earlier forms of the human species had his
version of the Nahtwaithia. The Nahtwaithia is a "lower" or "minor strain" of the human race, in principle. The body is human on the
current state of knowledge, except for the above properties. Therefore Nahtwaithia are not an own race in the scientific sense.

Some think an Nahtwaithia (or Vampyre) must have an trauma or a near-death experience to be one. Because it is not possible for
most Nahtwaithia to grow up with theirselfs they undergo many special difficult stages in their growth. Due to today's social habits
and the fact that Nahtwaithia are more solitary disposition, there is some rather negative experiences with other people. For details
see the text "The Nahtwaithia - insights into the psychology of vampires."

The term "Nahtwaithia" may be used only in reference to this disclosure or description of this building texts, which give the facts in spirit again. serves as a common information platform.

Posted by scops on 08.06.2010, last updated 07/27/2010

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