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Srikantha Murthy
Sarngadhara Samhita
Reading excerpt
Sarngadhara Samhita
of K.R. Srikantha Murthy
Publisher: Chaukhambha Orientalia

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Narayana Verlag GmbH, Blumenplatz 2, D-79400 Kandern, Germany
Tel. +49 7626 9749 700
Introduction iii-xiv
Prathama Khanda (First Section)
1. Paribhasa (Definitions, Weights and Measures etc.) 3
2. Bhaisajya Vyakhyana (Principles of Pharmacy) 10
3. Nad! ParTksadi Vidhi (Examination of Pulse etc.) 14
4. DTpanapachanadi Kathanam (Pharmacological definitions) 17
5. Kaladikakhyana-SharTram (Anatomy and Physiology) 20
6. Aharadigati Kathanam (Digestion and Metabolism) 28
7. Rogaganana (Enumeration of diseases) 31
Madhyama Khanda (Second Section)
1. Swarasa Adhyaya (Fresh Juices) 51
2. Quatha Kalpana (Decoctions, Infusions etc.) 56
3. Phanta Kalpana (Infusions) 77
4. Hima Kalpana (Cold Infusions) 79
5. Kalka Kalpana (Wet Pills or Bolus) 81
6. Churna Kalpana (Pulvis. Powders) 84
7. Gutika Kalpana (Pills) 101
8. Avaleha Kalpana (Confections) 111
9. Sneha Kalpana (Medicated Ghee and Oils) 115
10. Sandhana Kalpana (\Jalenicals, Fermented liquids) 136
11. Dhatu Shodhana-marana Kalpana (Purification and Killing of 145
Minerals and Metals)
12. Rasadi Shodhana-marana Kalpana (Purification and Preparation of 157

Narayana Verlag 79400 Kandern Tel. 07626 974 970 0

Excerpt from Prof. S. Murthy: Sarngadhar-Samhita

Uttara Khanda (Third Section)

1. Sneha Adhyaya (Oleation Therapy)
2. Sweda Vidhi (Sudation Therapy)
3. Vamana Vidhi (Emesis Therapy)
4. Virechana Vidhi (Purgation Therapy)
5. Basti Vidhi (Enemata-oil enema Therapy)
6. Niruha Basti Vidhi (Decoction Enemata)
7. Uttara Basti Vidhi (Uretheral and Vaginal douches)
8. Nasya Vidhi (Nasal Medication)
9. Dhumapana Vidhi (Inhalations, Fumigations Therapy)
10. Gandusa-Kavala Pratisarana Vidhi (Mouth gargles)
11. Lepa-murdha Taila Karnapurana Vidi (Topical application,
Oletation of head, ears etc.)
12. Shonitasrava Vidhi (Blood letting)
13. Netra Prasadana Karma (Therapies for the eyes)
Appendix. I and II
Appendix. Ill

Narayana Verlag 79400 Kandern Tel. 07626 974 970 0

Excerpt from Prof. S. Murthy: Sarngadhar-Samhita
K.R. Srikantha Murthy
Sarngadhara Samhita

352 pages, hb
publication 2000

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