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काय, चिककत्सा & आवरण मनस &

कायचिककत्सा धातु प्रदोषज चवकार मानचसक रोग

चिककत्सा ितुष्पाद सामान्यज & Nutritional deficiency
रोगी रोग परीक्षा नानात्मज चवकार

काय चिककत्सा 1 (A)

कियाकाल Importance of दोष- वाधधख्यजन्य चवकार
वृचि & क्षय of दोष इचन्ियप्रदोषज चवकार
दूष्याकद in चिककत्सा
– धातु – मल चिचवधोपिम Alzheimer’s disease
ओज षड् चवधोपिम Sleep disorders
साम – चनराम शोधन & शमन General debility
रोगानुत्पचत्िकर चिककत्सा चनदान पररवजधन Genetic factors
रोग प्रशमन चिककत्सा औषध मात्रा Environmental factors
दोषोपिम औषध सेवन काल Iatrogenic factors
स्थानान्तर दोष & अनुपान Drug allergy
लीन दोष पथ्य-अपथ्य Food allergy
Chikitsa 1

काय, चिककत्सा & कायचिककत्सा 11. पुरुष  Male.

12. िी  Female.
13. मूर्तध  That which has shape.
चनरुचि (Etymology of Kaya)  14. तनु  That which expands.
 िीयतेन्नाकदच िः इचत कायिः । 15. तनू  That which grows and expands with proper nourishment.
The term ‘Kaya’ means nourishment and building up of the body with
ेद (Types of Kaya) 
ingested food.
Kaya can be classified on the basis of following factors 
 िीयते प्रशस्तदोषधातुम लिः इचत कायिः ।
1. मानचसक प्रकृ चत, 2. शारीररक or दोषज प्रकृ चत, 3. सार
Kaya or the body forms dosha, dhatu and mala after assimilation of food.
काय ेद
 जाठरिः प्राचणनामाचनिः काय इत्यच चधयते ।
 कायस्य अन्तरनेिः .....।
मानचसक प्रकृ चत शारीररक प्रकृ चत सार
The digestive fire of the human body is also known as ‘Kaya’. The term
‘Kaya’ denotes the meaning of whole process of metabolism.
साचववक राजचसक तामचसक वाचतक त्वक् सार
पचिक रिसार
पयाधय (Synonyms of Kaya) 
ब्राह्म आसुर पाशव कफज मांससार
अथ कलेवरं गात्रं वपुिः संहननं शरीर बष्मध चवग्रहिः । माहेन्ि राक्षस मात्स्य िन्िज मेदसार
कायो देहिः क्लीव पुंसो चियां मूर्तधस्तनुस्तनू ॥ (अमरकोश) याम्य पशाि वानस्पत्य चत्रदोषसम अचस्थसार
1. कलेवर  Effect of combination of shukra and shonita. वारुण सापध मज्जासार
कौबेर प्रेत शुिसार
2. गात्र  That which moves. गान्धवध शाकु न सववसार
3. वपु  That which carries. आषध
4. संहनन  Formed by the proper combination of pancha-mahabhoota.
5. शरीर  That which undergoes destruction continuously. काय- ेद based on मानचसक प्रकृ चत  16
6. बष्मध  That which has the capacity to reproduce. (A) साचववक काय  7
7. चवग्रहिः  That which receives sukha and dukha. Individuals of a sattvik kaya possess a good intellect and memory and
8. काय  That which gets nourishment with ingested food. have an inherent instinct for cleanliness. Although they usually have
9. देह  That which grows continuously. good amount of knowledge, they always make efforts to get more. They
10. क्लीव  That which has capacity to copulate. possess a good will and allow others to prosper well. They are polite and
have faith in the divine and devotion to the good.

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Chikitsa 2

1. ब्राह्म काय  Respectable, authoritative, free from passion and anger. 8. आसुर काय  Has great pleasure in self-praise. He is very brave but
Possessing the knowledge and the power of discrimination. cruel and full of envy as well as ruthless. He may have appearance
2. माहेन्ि काय  Devotion to sacred books, studies rituals and oblations. that can create terror in others. Likes physical and verbal disguise.
Has good farsightedness, and strong courage. Knowledgable and 9. राक्षस काय  He has constant behavior, which is full of cruel activity,
has authoritative behavior and speech. anger and intolerance. Likes to eat, drink and sleep too much.
3. याम्य काय  Free from mean and conflicting desires and acts. Having 10. प शाि काय  Has unclean habits. Also likes to eat and drink, but has
initiative and excellent memory as well as leadership. Free from abnormal diet and daily regimen. Likes opposite sex.
emotional binds, hatred, ignorance and envy. Has good capacity for 11. सापध काय  He may have brave or cowardly attitude. Has sharp
timely action. reactions for others comments. Many times has fearful disposition.
4. वारुण काय  Good looking, lovable, free from mean acts, exhibits 12. प्रेत काय  Has envious character, is greedy and actions which are
emotions in its proper place. Observes all religious rites. without discrimination. Also has excessive desire for food.
5. कौबेर काय  Enjoys pleasure in recreation but has liking for virtuous 13. शाकु न काय  He is full of passion. The character is unsteady but
acts and purity. Has good courage, patience and hatred for impure ruthless and has excessive appetite.
thoughts. (C) ताम चसक काय  3
6. गान्धवध काय  Possession of wealth, attendants and luxuries. Likes Those of a tamasika kaya are lazy and arrogant – both physically and
music, dance and all kinds of arts. Also fond of poetry, stories and mentally. Consequently they are not curious about anything. Usually
epics. Takes pleasure in various perfumes, good clothes, garlands they have lesser intelligence. They prefer not to work and are interested
and flowers. Full of passion. mainly in eating, drinking, and sleeping. They avoid cleanliness and are
7. आषध काय  Religious, following all the rituals in correct manner, not health conscious. They are afraid of many things; hence they do not
having excellent memory, purity, love and self control. Free from initiate any work on their own.
pride, ignorance, greed or anger. Possessing the power of 14. पाशव काय  His behavior is like animal. He lacks normal intelligence.
understanding and retention. Has excessive indulgence in sex and sleep.
(B) राजचसक काय  6 15. मात्स्य काय  He has unsteady character, with constant passion and
Those of a rajasika kaya have a nature that tries to overpower others. is coward in nature. Has excessive desire for intake of water and
They are not satisfied with the positions and possessions they achieve, other drinks.
and therefore always strive for more. Hence they are ambitious and 16. वानस्पत्य काय  He also lacks natural intelligence and has excessive
industrious in nature. Usually these people are short-tempered and indulgence in food and drinks. He jas no interest in arts and science
egoistic. They have a brave but jealous and cruel character. as well as scientific achievements.

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Chikitsa 3

काय- ेद based on शारीररक / दोषज प्रकृ चत  7 3. कफज प्रकृ चत 

1. वाचतक प्रकृ चत  शारीररक लक्षण  Pleasant look, dark complexion, firm and well
interlocking joints, stable and strong body, attractive appearance,
शारीररक लक्षण  Dry, lean, small body with prominent veins and tendons,
smooth, plump and rounded limbs, stable movements, deep thundering
voice is longdrawn, dry, low, broken, hallow and hoarse. Restless
voice, talks less, strong, curly, black, plenty of hairs, sleeps more, eyes
movement of joints, eyes, eyebrows, jaws, lips, hands, feet etc. Rough
are red with a slight red tinge in the corners, he has profuse semen,
hair, nails, teeth, cracked limbs, joints produces sound while walking.
more desire for sexual act, more children, very little perspiration. Kapha
Vata Prakriti Purushas are having less strength, short life span, less
prakriti persons possess good strength, wealth, knowledge, vitality,
wealth and progeny.
gentleness and long life span.
मानचसक लक्षण  Always wakeful, inconsistant behavior, variation of
मानचसक लक्षण  He is self controlled forbearing, unselfish and strong
moods, quick in grasping and forgetting, ungrateful, jealous, thievish,
mentality. He has no hurry in taking decisions and giving opinions. He is
unsteady in nfriendship, quickly affected by fear, like music, gambling
fast in his enemity, but unflinching and unchanging in his friendship. He
and hunting. Short tempered, grinds his teeth during sleep.
is grateful, humble and not having excessive desire towards wordly
2. प चिक प्रकृ चत  things. He bears hunger, thirst, suffering and sunlight. He has a dignified
शारीररक लक्षण  Soft, delicated body with many moles, spots and nature, respectful towards his superiors, obedient to his teachres, makes
pimples, flabby and soft joints and limbs, colour of the body is large gifts after long delibration.
gouravavarna (fair), nails, eyes, tongue, palate, lips, palm and sole arw
4. 5. & 6. िन्िज प्रकृ चत  (वात-चपि, वात-कफ, चपि-कफ)
coppery colour. Eyes are small and unsteady with less lashes, desire of
cold things, profusely sweating with strong offensive smell from the Mixed lakshanas of two doshas.
body. Frequently passing urine and faeces. Early wrinkles, grey hair and 7. चत्रदोषज सम प्रकृ चत 
baldness, less hairs with brownish colour and soft.
Mixed lakshanas of three doshas.
मानचसक लक्षण  Incapable to bear sufferings, irritable temper, intelligent
and scholar, quick grasping mind, makes lengthy speech, brave, never काय- ेद based on सार  8
overpowered by fear, dislikes sunlight and hot things. These persons are 1. त्वक् सार पुरु ष  Tvaksara or rasasara purusha has got soft, smooth,
having moderate knowledge, experience, wealth, strength, and lifespan, thin, shining skin & hairs. They are happy, healthy & wealthy,
small quantity of semen. Limited sex, appetite and offspring. intelligent, charming & soft nature, and log life.

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Chikitsa 4

2. रिसार पुरु ष  Nakha (nails), nayana (eyes), taalu (palate), jihva 8. सववसार पुरुष  These persons are having excellent working, thinking,
(tongue), ostha (lips), paani (palms), padatala (soles) are so soft and analyzing ability, and has high aims and ambitions which are
tamra (coppery) or red coloured. Rakta sara purushas are always properly planned. They are strong and happy. They can withstand all
happy, enthusiastic, and intelligent. Soft nature, less strength. They types of stress and strain. They are confident in doing all their work;
are unable to withstand stress and strain. they take Sukha-dukha, Maan-apamaan, Jay-parajay equally.
3. मांससार पुरुष  No depressions are seen in the body that means body Lifespan is long, and they have got respectable place in the society.
is round and highly muscular. Bones are completely surrounded by
muscles and not visible, body is heavy. These persons are
courageous, forgiving in nature. Healthy, firm, solid, happy and have चनरुचि (Etymology of Chikitsa) 
good life span.  ककत् रोगापनयने ।
4. मेद ोसार पुरु ष  These persons sweat more and voice is soft. Huge The word chikitsa is formed by the root word ‘kit rogapanayane’ that
body but they are unable to withstand stress and strain. Healthy, means removal of disease.
wealthy, happy, helping and serving in nature.  चिककत्सा रूक् प्रचतकिया ।
5. अचस्थसार पुरु ष  These persons’ head and shoulder are big in size Chikitsa is that which prevents and cures the painful conditions.
and their teeth, nails, mandibular joint and bone are so strong. These  या किया व्याचधहरणी सा चिककत्सा चनगद्यते ।
persons look very enthusiastic, active and will have good endurance Chikitsa is the procedure that which destroys or removes disease.
and strong body. पयाधय (Synonyms of Chikitsa) 
6. मज्जासार पुरु ष  Majjasara purushas are not lean, having good चिककचत्सतं व्याचधहरं पथ्यं साधनमौषधम् ।
strength, smooth & deep voice, large eyes, and wealthy. Having प्रायचििं प्रशमनं प्रकृ चतस्थापनं चहतम् ॥ (ि.चि.1/3)
pleasant colour with bulky, long and round joints. They possess long
1. चिककचत्सतं  method of treatment
life span, good physical stamina and scientific and literary
2. व्याचधहरं  which cures disease
knowledge. They have good progeny and social dignity.
3. पथ्यं  wholesome, and which is beneficial for the srotas
7. शुि सार पुरु ष  Shukrasara persons are soft with solid strong bones,
4. साधनं  an instrument for treatment
teeth and nails are white, has excessive desire for coitus. They
5. औषधं  which cures disease
possess healthy progeny many in number, pleasant looks, charming
6. प्रायचििं  daivavyapashraya viz. pooja, bali, upahara etc.
face, and the eyes look as if floating in pure milk. Overwhelming
7. प्रशमनं  subsides or pacifies the disease
enthusiastic, attractive voice, pleasant colour and broad buttocks.
8. प्रकृ चतस्थापनं  brings the vitiated dosha to normal state
9. चहतं  beneficial to both body and mind

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Chikitsa 5

Definition of ेष ज  (VI) Types of रोगघ्न चिककत्सा

“रोग यं जयचत” That which defeat or overpower the fear of disease. The 1. रोग प्रशमन चिककत्सा – Treatment for pacification of disease
term ‘ ेषज’ is used as synonym of चिककत्सा (treatment) and औषध 2. अपुन धव चिककत्सा – Treatment for un-occurrence of disease
(medicine) as well.
(VII) 1. िव्य ूत चिककत्सा – Drug therapy
ेद (Types of Chikitsa)  2. अिव्य ूत चिककत्सा – Non drug therapy
According to Acharya Charaka, there are innumerable (असंख्य) diseases
चत्रचवध चिककत्सा (Three types) 
and hence treatments (chikitsa) are also innumerable. There are various
classifications of chikitsa  (I) 1. दवव्यपाश्रय चिककत्सा – Devine or spiritual therapy
2. युचिव्यपाश्रय चिककत्सा – Rational therapy (objectively planned)
एकचवध चिककत्सा (One type) 
3. सववाजय चिककत्सा – Psychological therapy
चनदान पररवजधन – Avoiding the causative factors, or the treatment of
underlying cause is an important type of chikitsa. Acharya Sushruta has (II) 1. अन्तिः पररमाजधन चिककत्सा – Internal administration of medicines
told “संक्षेपतिः किया योगो चनदानपररवजधनम्”. 2. बचहिः पररमाजधन चिककत्सा – External application of medicines
3. शिप्रचणधान – Shastrakarma or surgery
चिचवध चिककत्सा (Two types) 
(III) 1. हेतु चवपरीत चिककत्सा – Opposite to etiology (causative factors)
(I) 1. शीत चिककत्सा – Hot therapy for diseases caused by coldness
2. व्याचध चवपरीत चिककत्सा – Opposite to disease
2. उष्ण चिककत्सा– Cold therapy for diseases caused by hotness
3. उ याथधकारर चिककत्सा – Mixed approach
(II) 1. संतपधण चिककत्सा (बृंहण) – Tonifying or nourishing the body
2. अपतपधण चिककत्सा (लंघन) – Reducing or making the body light (IV) 1. दोष प्रत्यनीक चिककत्सा – Treatment of aggravated dosha
2. व्याचध प्रत्यनीक चिककत्सा – Treatment of yvadhi (disease)
(III) 1. शोधन चिककत्सा – Purificatory treatments
3. उ य प्रत्यनीक चिककत्सा – Mixed approach
2. शमन चिककत्सा – Palliative or pacifying treatments

(IV) 1. ऊजधस्कर चिककत्सा – Promoting the strength (preventive rx) (V) According to Bhaishajya Ratnavali 
2. रोगघ्न चिककत्सा – Pacifying the disease (curative rx) 1. आसुरी चिककत्सा – Surgery is called aasuri chikitsa because of
the violent procedures (हहंसा) such as incision, excision etc.
(V) Types of ऊजधस्कर चिककत्सा
2. मानुषी चिककत्सा – Herbal and herbomineral approach
1. रसायन – Rejuvenatives (bringing youth and longevity)
3. दवी चिककत्सा –Spiritual approach including parada-preparations
2. वाजीकरण – Aphrodisiacs (helping in progeny)

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Chikitsa 6

(VI) Types of िव्य (drugs used in chikitsa)  पंि चवध चिककत्सा (Five types) 
1. ौम िव्य (minerals) – पारद, गंधक, अभ्रक, स्वणध, रजत, ताम्र, लौह etc.  संशोधन चिककत्सा (पंिकमध) – According to Charaka 
2. औचिद् िव्य (herbs) – वनस्पचत, वानस्पत्य, वीरुध, औषध. 1. वमन – Emesis
3. जांगम िव्य (animal products) – दुग्ध, घृत, मधु, गोरोिन, प्रवाल, शुचि etc. 2. चवरेिन – Purgation
3. अनुवासन बचस्त – Unctuous enema
(VII) Types of अपतपधण चिककत्सा 
4. चनरूह बस्त – Decoction enema
1. लंघन – Fasting (उपवास), or use of light foods (लघु आहार or िव्य) such
5. नस्य – Errhines / Nasal insufflation
as पेया, चवलेपी, मुद्गयूष etc. for those patients who have अल्पदोष or अल्पबल.
 According to Sushruta 
2. पािन – Along with लंघन or उपवास, use of digestants (पािन िव्य) such as
1. वमन – Emesis
चित्रक, मुस्ता, चत्रकटु etc. for those patients who have मध्यमदोष or मध्यमबल.
2. चवरेिन – Purgation
3. दोषावसेिन – Purificatory procedures (संशोधन) for elimination of the
3. चनरूह बचस्त – Enema
aggravated dosha in those patients who are बलवान or having बहुदोष.
4. चशरोचवरेिन (नस्य) – Errhines
(VIII) Types of कृ चम चिककत्सा  5. रिमोक्षण – Blood letting
1. अपकषधण – Expulsion of unwanted things that means to take out or षष्ठचवध चिककत्सा (Six types ) 
remove by force. This has been again subdivided into 2 types  षडोपिप or षडचवध उपिम (Acharya Charaka has explained six types of
(i) बाह्य अपकषधण – e.g. Surgical removal of gulma, arbuda, krimi etc. treatment measures) 
(ii) आभ्यन्तर अपकषधण – e.g. Removal of aggravated dosha by shodhana. 1. लंघन – यहत्कं चित लाघवकरं देहे तल्लंघनं स्मृतम् ।
2. प्रकृ चत चवघात – It means to break the pathogenesis of disease by Reducing therapy – that which brings lightness in the body.
means of either external application (बचहर् पररमाजधन) or internal medicine 2. बृंहण – बृहत्वं यच्छरीरस्य जनयेत् तच्च बृंहणम् ।
(अन्तिःपररमाजधन). Nourishing therapy – increases the musculature or bulk of body.
3. चनदान पररवजधन – Avoiding the etiology factors (cause) of the disease. 3. रूक्षण – रौक्ष्यं खरत्वं वशद्य यत्कु याधद तचिरूक्षणम् ।
Drying therapy – brings dryness, roughness and non-sliminess.
ितुर् वधध चिककत्सा (Four types) 
4. स्नेहन – स्नेहनं स्नेह चवष्यन्द मादधवं क्लेद कारकम् ।
Acharya Sushruta has mentioned four types of treatments 
Oleation therapy – brings unctuousness, sliminess, softness & moisture.
1. संशोधन – Purificatory therapy
5. स्वेदन – स्तम् गौरव शीतघ्नं स्वेदनं स्वेद कारकम् ।
2. संशमन – Palliative therapy
Sudation – removes stiffness heaviness coldness, and induces sweating.
3. आहार – Dietic regimen (pathya)
6. स्तम् न – स्तम् नं स्तम् यचत यद् गचतमन्तं िलं ध्रुवम् ।
4. आिार – Good conduct of body, mind & speech
Astringent therapy – that which stops the flow of doshas.

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Chikitsa 7

सप्तचवध चिककत्सा (Seven types)  5. पािन (आमदोष पािन) – Using digestants e.g. चित्रक, मुस्ता
There are 7 types of शमन चिककत्सा 6. उपवास – Fasting / or intake of less food
1. पािन (आमदोष पािन) – Using digestants e.g. चित्रक, मुस्ता 7. चपपासा (तृष्णा) – Intake of less or no water
2. दीपन (अचन दीपन) – Using appetizers e.g. चत्रकटु (शुण्ठी, मररि, चपप्पली) 8. आतप सेवन – Exposure to sun rays
3. क्षुधा (उपवास) – Fasting / or intake of less food 9. मारुत सेवन – Exposure to fresh air
4. तृष्णा – Intake of less or no water 10. व्यायाम – Exercise
5. आतप सेवन – Exposure to sun rays
अष्टादश ेद (Eighteen types ) 
6. मारुत सेवन – Exposure to fresh air
There are 18 types of उपशय (therapeutic tests) explained by Acharya
7. व्यायाम – Exercise
Charaka 
अष्टचवध चिककत्सा (Eight types)  1. हेतु चवपरीत
अष्टचवध शिकमध – Acharya Sushruta has explained eight types of surgical 2. व्याचध चवपरीत
procedures. 3. हेतु-व्याचध चवपरीत 3 (औषध-अन्न-चवहार)
1. छे दन – Excision 4. हेतु चवपरीताथधकारी = 18
2. ेदन – Incision 5. व्याचध चवपरीताथधकारी
6. हेतु-व्याचध चवपरीताथधकारी
3. लेखन – Scrapping
4. वेधन – Puncturing
5. एषण – Probing कायचिककत्सा
6. आहरण – Extraction परर ाषा (Definition of Kayachikitsa) 
7. चवस्रावण – Drainage or Blood lettinig  कायचिककत्सािः नाम सवाांगसंचश्रतानां व्याधीनां ज्वररिचपिशोषोन्मादापस्मारकु ष्ठ-
8. सीवन – Suturing or Stitching मेहाचतसारादीनामुपशमनाथधम ् । (सु.सू. 1/11)
Kayachikitsa deals with treatment of all the diseases of body like jwara,
दशचवध चिककत्सा (Ten types) 
raktapitta, shosha, unmada, apasmara, kushtha, prameha, atisara etc.
There are 10 types of लंघन चिककत्सा in which 4 types of संशोधन and 6
 जाठरिः प्राचणनामचनिः काय इत्यच चधयते ।
types of अिव्य ूत चिककत्सा are included.
सस्तं चिककत्सेत् सीदन्तं स व कायचिककत्सकिः ॥ (ििपाचण)
1. वमन – Emesis Kaya is agni of the body, and the physician, who can treat the agni
2. चवरेिन – Purgation properly, definitely become successful.
3. चनरूह बचस्त – Enema
 कायचिककत्सा इचत कायस्य अन्तरनेचिककत्सा । (गंगाधर)
4. नस्य – Errhines Kayachikitsa is the treatment of agni of the body.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 8

चिककत्सा ितुष् पाद पररिारक (attendant) 

The prognosis of any disease – whether the disease is easily curable, अनुरििः शुचिदधक्षो बुचिमान् पररिारकिः । (अ.हृ.सू.1/27)
difficult to cure, or incurable – depends upon its nature and the healthy 1. Sympathy for the patient
combination of the four factors required for the successful treatment  2. Purity in mind, body (action) and speech
the physician, the medicine, the attendant, and the patient himself. 3. Skilled in nursing techniques
4. Intelligent
च षग्िव्याण्युपस्थाता रोगी पादितुष्टयम् ।
चिककचत्सतस्य चनर्दधष्टं, प्रत्येक तच्चतुरुणम् ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.1/27) रोगी (patient) 
There are four limbs of the treatment  च षक or वद्य (physician), िव्य आढ्यो रोगी च षग्वश्यो ज्ञापकिः सववावानचप । (अ.हृ.सू.1/27)
(medicine), उपस्थाता or पररिारक (attendant), and रोगी (patient). Each of 1. Should be able to afford the treatment
them is having four qualities those are important for successful 2. Should be obedient, or follow the advice of physician
treatment. 3. Should be able to describe his ailments
4. Should have will power (courageous with balanced mind, and willing
च षक (physician) 
to overcome disease)
दक्षस्तीथाधिशािाथो दृष्टकमाध शुचि ुधषक । (अ.हृ.सू.1/27)
1. Skilled in the practical application of medical knowledge चिककत्स्य पुरु ष
2. Acquired theoretical knowledge
The person who is treated is called ‘Chikitsya purusha’. Treatment of
3. Acquired experience in practical work
Ayurveda is aimed at living person; and the living person has been
4. Purity in mind, body (action) and speech
described as चिककत्स्य पुरुष that is having various synonyms such as िेतन
िव्य (medicine)  पुरुष, कमध पुरुष, संयोग पुरुष, स्थूल पुरुष, राचष पुरुष, & ितुर्वांशचतक पुरुष, and
बहुकल्पं बहुगुणं सम्पन्नं योग्यमौषधम् । (अ.हृ.सू.1/27) various classifications based on its constitution such as एकधातुज पुरुष,
षड्धातुज पुरुष, & ितुर्वांशचत तत्वात्मक पुरुष.
1. Available in many formulations
1. एकधातुज पुरुष  composed of आत्मा (िेतना धातु).
2. Having many qualities
2. षड्धातुज पुरुष  composed of पंिमहा ूत + िेतना धातु.
3. Potent (having good potency)
3. ितुर्वांशचत तत्वात्मक पुरुष  composed of 24 elements  अष्टप्रकृ चत (अव्यि
4. Capable to cure respective disease, and suitable to the patient
– महान – अहंकार – पंिमहा ूत) & षोडश चवकार (पंितन्मात्रा – पंिज्ञानेचन्िय –
पंिकमेचन्िय – मन)

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 9

अचिककत्स्य पुरु ष रोगी-रोग परीक्षा

The patients unsuitable for treatment are called ‘Achikitsya purusha’. Examination of the patient and disease is essential for the proper
The physician should reject those patients who are अचिककत्स्य  diagnosis so that the disease can be treated successfully,

तद्यथा – अनपवाद प्रतीकारस्याधनस्यापररिारकस्य वद्यमाचननिण्डस्यासूयकस्य - रोगी परीक्षा  The patient should be examined first and then the disease.
तीव्रधमाधरुचिरचतक्षीणबलमांसशोचणत तस्यासाध्यरोगोपहतस्य मुम ुषुधहलंगाचन्वतस्य िेचत ॥ Examination of the patient can be done by following methods 
 अनपवाद प्रतीकार  Those who don’t follow the beneficial advice. (A) चत्रचवध परीक्षा 
 अधन  Those who don’t have money to afford the treatment. 1. दशधन – Inspection – Direct observation of the patient, वणध (change in
 अपररिारक  Those who don’t have nurse or caretaker. colour), रूक्षता (drynesss), ग्लाचन (lethargy), प्रमाण (measurements),
 वद्यमाचनन  Those who pose themselves as physician. आकृ चत (structure), वरूप्यता deformities etc.
 िण्ड  Those who are having violent behavior.
2. स्पशधन – Palpation – शीतता-उष्णता (temperature), गुरुता-लघुता, सुप्तता-
 असूयक  Those who are envious or cynic (हनंदक).
असुप्तता, खरता-श्लक्ष्णता, सस्पन्दता-अस्पन्दता (palpitations), organomegaly,
 तीव्र धमध अरुचि  Those who don’t have faith in dharma (rightful acts),
tenderness etc.
or who enjoys the vicious acts (adharma).
 अचतक्षीण बल मांस शोचणत  Excessive depletion of strength, muscles or 3. प्रश्न – Interrogation (History taking) – Name, age, occupation,
flesh, and blood. address, complaints, H/o present illness, H/o past illnesss, family
 असाध्य रोगोपहत  Those who are suffering from incurable disease. history etc. and आहार, चवहार, कोष्ठ, अचन, मल-मूत्र प्रवृचि, चनिा, व्यसन etc.
 मुम ुषुध हलंगाचन्वत  Those who are having symptoms of imminent death
(B) पंि चवध परीक्षा (पंि ज्ञानेच न्िय) 
(अररष्ट लक्षण).
1. िक्षुर रचन्िय परीक्षा – प्राकृ त & चवकृ त वणध, छाया, आकृ चत, प्रमाण etc.
If the physician takes such patients under his treatment, then he is 2. त्वचगचन्िय (स्पशधन ेच न्िय) परीक्षा – प्राकृ त & चवकृ त स्पशध, body temperature,
defamed because of unsuccessful treatments, and such treatment is organomegaly, tenderness etc.
considered as sinful act for the physician. 3. श्रोत्रेचन्िय परीक्षा – Gurgling soung (आन्त्रकूं जन), cracking & crepitations in
joints, auscultatory sounds like wheezing, ronchi, murmurs etc.
abnormal sounds, voice of patient like normal voice or hoarseness of
voice etc.
4. रसनेच न्िय परीक्षा – प्राकृ त & चवकृ त रस (Examined by अनुम ान)
5. घ्राणेच न्िय परीक्षा – प्राकृ त & चवकृ त गन्ध

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 10

(C) षड् चवध परीक्षा  In चपिप्रकोप – रि-श्याम वणध; In कफप्रकोप – श्वेत & चपचच्छल; And in चत्रदोष
1. to 5. पंिज्ञानेचन्िय परीक्षा प्रकोप – कृ ष्ण, कण्टकयुि चजह्वा.
6. प्रश्न परीक्षा – Interrogation (History taking) 5. शब्द परीक्षा – Examination of voice (स्वर) of the patient – in वातप्रकोप it
becomes रूक्ष स्वर, in चपिप्रकोप – तीव्र स्वर, in कफप्रकोप – गम् ीर स्वर.
(D) अष्टचवध (अ ष्टस्थान) परीक्षा 
6. स्पशध परीक्षा – Examination of skin (त्विा) of the patient – in वातप्रकोप it
1. नाडी परीक्षा – Examination of pulse – Examination of radial pulse, 1 cm becomes शीत & कृ ष्णवणध त्विा, in चपिप्रकोप – उष्ण & पीतवणध त्विा, in
below wrist joint of right hand of male patient or left hand of female कफप्रकोप – आिध (क्लेदयुि) & श्वेतवणध त्विा.
patient with the help of first three fingers of physician  examine the 7. दृ क परीक्षा – Examination of eyes (नेत्र) of the patient – वणध, पाण्डु ता
गचत (rate), ताल (rhythm), यचत (volume), तनाव (tension) & वेग (force) of (pallority), पीतता (icterus), रिता (redness), शोफ (swelling) etc. should
the pulse, and identify the वात, चपि & कफ- pulsations at the index, be examined. In वातप्रकोप eyes become रूक्ष, धूम वणध; In चपिप्रकोप – पीत,
middle and ring fingers respectively. दोषानुसार नाडीगचतs are as दाहयुि ; In कफप्रकोप – चस्नग्ध, जल (िव) युि .
follows 8. आकृ चत परीक्षा – Examination of body built of the patient – Physique of
(i) वात प्रकोप  जलौका or सपध गचत the patient is examined on the basis of कृ श, स्थूल, सामान्य, अचतह्रस्व,
(ii) चपि प्रकोप  काक or मण्डू क गचत अचतदीघध etc.
(iii) कफ प्रकोप  पारावत or हंस गचत
(E) दशचवध परीक्षा 
2. मूत्र परीक्षा – For urine examination collect the sample of urine in early 1. प्रकृ चत – Constitution of the patient (e.g. वातज, चपिज, कफज etc.)
morning. Following tests are done for मूत्र परीक्षा  2. चवकृ चत – Strength of the disease (e.g. प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
मूत्र प्रवृचि (frequency of micturition), धार (stream of urine while 3. सार – dhatus of best quality (e.g. त्वक्सार, रिसार, मांससार etc.)
micturition), संहनन (density of urine), मात्रा (quantity), गन्ध (smell), वणध 4. संह नन – Compactness of the body (प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
(colour), सरि (presence of blood), सपूय (presence of pus), सशकध रा 5. सात्म्य – Habitual and suitable foods etc. (प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
(presence of calculus), सशुि (presence of semen), तलचबन्दु परीक्षा etc. 6. सवव – Mental strength (प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
7. प्रमाण – Measurements of the body (प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
3. मल परीक्षा – Stool examination – The stool also should be examined
8. आहारशचि – Strength of digestive fire is examined in two ways 
like urine  मल प्रवृचि (frequency of defaecation), मात्रा, संहनन, वणध,
(i) अभ्यवहरण शचि – intake capacity (प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
गन्ध, सरिता, सापूयता, सकृ चम, सकफ, आम, चनराम etc.
(ii) जरण शचि – digestive capacity (प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
4. चजह्वा परीक्षा – Tongue is examined for its वणध, आकृ चत, अंकुर, चलप्तता, स्पशध, 9. व्यायामशचि – strength of the patient is examined by his exercising or
गचत etc. For example, in अचनमान्द्य, चजह्वा (tongue) becomes चलप्त or normal working capacity (प्रवर, मध्यम, अवर)
मलावृत (coated). In वातप्रकोप it becomes शीत, रूक्ष, स्फु रटत (fissure); 10. वय – age group of the patient (बाल-मध्यम-जीणध)

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 11

(F) प्रमाण (परीक्षा)  1. चनदान (हे त ु) 

 चत्रचवध परीक्षा  आप्तोपदेश – प्रत्यक्ष – अनुम ान व्याचधचवचनिय करणं चनदानम् । (मधुकोष मा.चन. 1/4)
 ितुर्वधध परीक्षा  आप्तोपदेश – प्रत्यक्ष – अनुम ान – युचि The causative factors of the disease are called चनदान. It has various
synonyms such as हेतु, चनचमि, आयतन, कारण etc.
1. आप्तोपदेश परीक्षा  Examination of the patient on the basis of आप्तविन
It has various classifications 
(told by acharyas) such as involvement of dosha-dushya,
Two types  (1) बाह्य हेतु – e.g. चमथ्या आहार-चवहार
aggravating factors, how the disease is manifested, prognosis,
(2) आभ्यन्तर हेतु – e.g. दोष-दूष्य समूच्छध न
complications, nomenclature of the disease etc.
2. प्रत्यक्ष परीक्षा  Direct observation or examination by sense organs (1) उत्पादक हेतु – produces disease directly
like पंिज्ञानेचन्िय परीक्षा or दशधन-स्पशधन परीक्षा etc (2) व्यञ्जन हेतु – aggravating factors of disease
3. अनुम ान परीक्षा  Examination of the patient with the help of inference, (1) अनुबन्ध्य हेतु – (प्रधान) – primary cause
e.g. examination of अचन by observing पािनशचि, examination of बल by (2) अनुबन्ध हेतु – (अप्रधान) – secondary cause
व्यायामशचि, examination of ज्ञानेचन्िय by अथधग्रहण शचि etc. It helps to
Three types (1) असात्म्येचन्ियाथध संयोग – improper use of sense organs
examine and diagnose those conditions which cannot be observed
(अयोग or हीनयोग – चमथ्यायोग – अचतयोग of इचन्ियाs)
directly. अनुम ान प्रमाण gives knowledge of चत्रकाल (past-present-future).
(2) प्रज्ञापराध – sinful acts
4. युच ि परीक्षा The physician has to use his skill and specification of
(चमथ्यायोग of वाक् -मन-शरीर)
circumstances such as देश (place), काल (time) etc. to plan the
(3) पररणाम (काल) – seasonal imbalance
treatment by observing all the tests and effect of treatment.
(अयोग – चमथ्यायोग – अचतयोग of काल)
रोग परीक्षा  Four types  (1) सचन्नकृ ष्ट हेतु – nearest cause – such as दोष प्रकोप
रोग परीक्षा plays important role in the diagnosis (रोग-चनदान) as well as
according to day, night, before and after food etc.
treatment (चिककत्सा). With the help of चनदान पंिक the disease (रोग) is
(2) चवप्रकृ ष्ट हेतु – distant or slow cause – such as कफ-संिय in
examined and then treatment is planned on the basis of ेद, बल,
हेम ंत ऋतु is responsible for कफ-प्रकोप in वसंत ऋतु.
साध्यसाध्यता etc.
(3) व्यच िारी हेतु – weak cause – the etilogical factors those
चनदान पंि क  produce disease with combination of other factors or when
get favourable conditions.
चनदान – पूवधरूप – रूप – उपशय – सम्प्राचप्त
(4) प्राधाचनक हेतु – powerful cause – such as poison that
These are called चनदान पंिक because of their utility in the diagnosis (रोग- manifests disease immediately.
चनदान) and being five in number (पंिक).

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 12

Importance  Importance 
संक्षेपतिः कियायोगो चनदानपररवजधनम् । (सु.उ.1/25) व्याधेिः स्वरूपं...
Avoiding the etiological factors is the first line of treatment for all the For proper diagnosis the physician must have knowledge of clinical
diseases. So चनदान not only helps in diagnosis but also helps in features of the disease.
prevention and treatment of disease.
4. उपशय 
2. पूव धरू प  उपशयिः पुनिः हेतुव्याचधचवपरीतानां चवपरीताथधकाररणां ि
पूवधरूपं प्रागुत्पचि लक्षणं व्याधे । (ि.चन.1/8) औषधाहारचवहाराणां उपयोगिः सुखानुबन्धिः ।
Before complete manifestation of disease, the pre-clinical symptoms or Therapeutic tests with use of relieving factors of the disease such as
prodromal symptoms are called पूवधरूप. medicines, foods or activities are called उपशय. The aggravating factors
It has two types  are called अनुपशय.
(1) सामान्य पूवधरूप – e.g. – ज्वर सामान्य पूवधरूप – श्रम अरचत चववणध वरस्य नयनप्लव उपशय has eighteen types 
अष्ट ादश उ पशय औषध आहार चवहार
(2) चवशेष पूवधरूप – e.g. – ज्वर चवशेष पूवधरूप – जृम् ा in वातज ज्वर
हेत ु चवपरीत उष्ण िव्य प्रयोग in मांसरस प्रयोग in चवश्राम in श्रमज
नयनदाह in चपिज ज्वर वात कफज ज्वर वातज ज्वर ज्वर
अनन्नाच लाषा in कफज ज्वर व्याचध चवपरीत रास्ना & गुग्गुलु यव प्रयोग in िंिमण in प्रमेह
प्रयोग in वातव्याचध स्थौल्य
Importance 
हेत ु- व्याचध चवपरीत दशमूल प्रयोग as पेया प्रयोग in राचत्रजागरण in
स्थानसंश्रचयणिः कु िा ाचवव्याचध प्रबोधकम् । (मा.चन.1/5-6)
शोथहर & वातहर शीतजन्य वाचतक चस्नग्ध आहार &
At the stage of स्थानसंश्रय, the prodromal symptoms (पूवधरूप) arise and ज्वर
in वाचतक शोथ कदवास्वप्नजन्य तन्िा
indicate the upcoming disease. So पूवधरूप helps in diagnosis as well as
हेत ु चवपरीत ाथधक ारी उष्ण उपनाह प्रयोग उष्ण & तीक्ष्ण िव्य developing य
prevention and treatment of disease at early stage. in चपिज व्रण प्रयोग in कामला in वातज उन्माद
व्याचध चवपरीत ाथधक ारी मदनफल प्रयोग in दुग्ध प्रयोग प्रवाहण in हृल्लास
3. रूप (लक्षण)  in
व्याधेिः स्वरूपं व्यिं तद् रूपम् । (मधुकोष मा.चन. 1/7) हृल्लास or छर्दध अचतसार or छर्दध
हेत ु- व्याचध चवपरीत ाथधक ारी जांगल चवष प्रयोग मद्य सेवन प्लवन -swimming
Signs and symptoms of disease are called रूप or लक्षण. in
in स्थावर चवष मदात्यय in उरुस्तम्
It has two types 
(1) सामान्य रूप – general symptoms of disease
Importance 
(2) चवशेष रूप – specific symptoms of different types of disease – वातज, गूढहलंगव्याचध उपशयानुपशयाभ्यां परीक्षेत् ।
चपताज, कफज etc. Both the उपशय & अनुपशय helps in the diagnosis of गूढहलंग व्याचध (diseases
of complex symptoms).

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 13

5. सम्प्राचप्त  षड् कियाकाल

यथादुष्टेन दोषेन यथा िानुचवसर्पधता ।
चनवृचिरामयस्यासौ सम्प्राचप्तिःजाचतिःआगचतिः ॥ Disease (व्याचध) is not a state; it is rather a process of changing
The mechanisms by which the doshas get vitiated, and pathways manifestations, involving different stages. The physician must have
through which they produce the disease (pathogenesis), are called knowledge of different stages of a particular disease for its prevention
सम्प्राचप्त. It has synonyms such as सम्प्राचप्त, जाचत, आगचत. and cure. In Ayurveda, the diiferent stages of the pathogenesis of
It has six types  diseases are described as कियाकाल.
(1) संख्या – number of types of disease – e.g. अष्ट ज्वर, पंि गुल्म etc. संियं ि प्रकोपं ि प्रसरं स्थानसंश्रयम् ।
(2) प्राधान्य – predominant dosha in particular disease denoted by तर, तम. व्यहिं ेदं ि यो वेचत्ि दोषाणां स वेद् च षक् ॥ (सु.सू.21/36)
(3) चवकल्प – अंशांश कल्पना of प्रकु चपत दोष that means the aggravated There are six stages of the pathogenesis 
qualities of dosha such as गुरु-लघु, चस्नग्ध-रूक्ष, शीतता-उष्णता etc.. 1. संिय, 2. प्रकोप, 3. प्रसर, 4. स्थानसंश्रय, 5. व्यि, 6. ेद
(4) बल – strength of the disease. Who has the knowledge of all these stages is called physician (च षक् ).
(5) काल – relation of disease with time variations such as day, night, These stages (अवस्था) suggest the physician what action (किया) should
seasonal changes, before and after food etc. be taken to prevent or cure the disease, and that is why these are called
(6) चवचध – subtypes of disease other than number - e.g. उध्वधग & अधोग कियाकाल.
रिचपि, नवज्वर, जीणधज्वर, पुनरावतधक ज्वर, मृद् क्षणजन्य पाण्डु etc.
1. संि य (Acumulation of doshas) 
As the कियाकाल also gives knowledge of pathogenesis of the disease, ‘संहचत रुपा वृचििः िय’ Dosha-vriddhi in its own place (seat) is called chaya.
the षड् कियाकालाs (six stages of the disease) are also considered as types Accumulation of doshas first takes place in their normal seats of
of सम्प्राचप्त itself. predominance. Lakshanas of this stage are as follows
तत्र संचितानां खलु दोषाणां स्तब्धपूणधकोष्ठता पीताव ासता मन्दोष्मता िांगानां
Importance  गौरवमालस्यं ियकारणचविेषिेचत हलंगाचन वचन्त । (सु.सू. 21/18)
सम्प्राचप्त चवघटनमेव चिककत्सा ।
As soon as this accumulation starts, it is reflected in the mind in the form
Treatment is nothing but to break the pathogenesis of the disease.
of a desire for the qualities opposite to those of the particular dosha and
the patient develops hatred (िेष) for substances having similar qualities
of the accumulated dosha. दोषानुसार लक्षणाs are 
a. वात दोष संिय  स्तब्धता – पूणधकोष्ठता
b. चपि दोष संिय  पीताव ासता – मन्दोष्मता
c. कफ दोष संिय  अंग गौरवता – आलस्य

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 14

2. प्रकोप (Aggravation of doshas)  There are 15 types of spread (प्रसर) of aggravated dosha 
‘चवलयन रुपा वृचििः प्रकोप’ Dosha-vriddhi with its excitation or aggravation is (1) वात (6) वात-कफ (11) वात-चपि-शोचणत
called prakopa. दोषानुसार प्रकोप लक्षण  (2) चपि (7) चपि-कफ (12) वात-कफ-शोचणत
तेषां प्रकोपात् कोष्ठतोदसञ्चरणाचम्लकाचपपासापररदाहान्निेषहृदयोत्क्लेदाि जायन्ते । (3) कफ (8) वात-शोचणत (13) चपि-कफ-शोचणत
(सु.सू.21/27) (4) रि (9) चपि-शोचणत (14) वात-चपि-कफ
a. वात प्रकोप  कोष्ठ तोद – सञ्चरण (वायु सञ्चरण) (5) वात-चपि (10) कफ-शोचणत (15) वात-चपि-कफ-शोचणत
b. चपि प्रकोप  अचम्लका (अम्लोद्गार) – चपपासा (तृष्णा) – पररदाह
c. कफ प्रकोप  अन्निेष (अरुचि) – हृदयोत्क्लेद (हृल्लास) 4. स्थानसंश्र य (Localization of the aggravated doshas) 
Aggravations of doshas are of two types  एवं प्रकु चपतािः तांस्ताञ् शरीरप्रदेशानागम्य तांस्तान् व्याधीन् जनयचन्त । तेषामेव -
मच चनचवष्टानां पूवधरूपप्रादु ाधविः ॥ (सु.सू. 21/33)
i. िय पूवधक प्रकोप  Aggravation of dosha followed by its
accumulation. This can be either (a) स्वा ाचवक िय प्रकोप – such as The aggravated doshas circulating in all over the body during प्रसरावस्था,
seasonal chaya & prakopa, or (b) अस्वा ाचवक िय प्रकोप – such as if not treated properly, then advance to next stage and get settled or
chaya & prakopa due to चमथ्या आहार चवहार. localized in a part of the body, where they find favourable condition, or
ii. अिय पूवधक प्रकोप  Sudden aggravation of doshas can also be weak tissue, organ, channel or vitiated srotas (ख वगुण्य). This stage of
occurred without the stage of accumulation (i.e. अिय) due to disease gives rise to prodromal symptoms (पूवधरूप).
harsh-activities (अचतव्यायाम), day-sleep (कदवास्वप्न), sun-burn (आतप प्रकु चपत दोष gets स्थानसंश्रय in different locations producing different types
सेवन), trauma (आगन्तुज) etc. of diseases 
 उदरगत  गुल्म –चविचध –उदर रोग –अचनसंग –आनाह –चवसूचिका –अचतसार etc.
3. प्रसर (Spread of aggravated doshas) 
 बचस्तगत  प्रमेह – अश्मरी – मूत्राघात – मूत्रदोष etc.
If the earlier stage (प्रकोपावस्था) is not treated, then the aggravated
 मेढ्रगत  चनरुिप्रकश – उपदंश – शूकदोष etc.
doshas expand and overflow just like starch with yeast, when soaked in
 वृषणगत  वृचि रोग etc.
water (चपष्ट+सुराबीज+जल) for overnight, it gets fermented and rises up in
 गुदगत  गन्दर – अशध etc.
its vessel. In प्रसरावस्था the doshas start expanding, overflowing from their
 ऊध्वधजत्रुगत  ऊध्वधजत्रुगत चवकार etc.
seats, and spreading to other parts of the body. दोषानुसार प्रसर लक्षण 
 त्वक् मांसरिगत  क्षुिरोग – कु ष्ठ – चवसपध etc.
एवं प्रकु चपतानां प्रसरतां वायोर्वधम ागधगमनाटोपो, ओषिोषपररदाहधूम ायनाचन चपिस्य,  मेदोगत  ग्रचन्थ – अपिी – अबुधद – गलगण्ड – अलजी etc.
अरोिकाचवपाकांगसादश्छर्दधिेचत श्लेष्मणो हलंगाचन वचन्त । (सु.सू. 21/32)  अचस्थगत  अचस्थचविचध etc.
a. वात प्रसर  वायु चवमागध गमन – आटोप
 सचन्धगत  सचन्धगत वात etc.
b. चपि प्रसर  ओष – िोष – पररदाह – धूम ायन
 पादगत  श्लीपद – वातरि – वातकण्टक etc.
c. कफ प्रसर  अरुचि – अचवपाक – अंग साद – छर्दध

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 15

5. व्यि (Manifestation of signs & symptoms of disease)  वृच ि & क्षय of दोष - धातु - मल
Later on दोष-दूष्य-सम्मूच्छध न gets completed and the complete
सामान्य चनदान of दोषधातुम ल क्षय 
manifestation of signs and symptoms (रूप) of the disease takes place. If
the disease is not treated in पूवधरूपावस्था, it advances to रूपावस्था. रूक्ष & अल्प आहार – अनशन – अचतव्यायाम – अचतव्यवाय – प्रजागर – आतप सेवन –
For example: ज्वर लक्षण  सन्ताप (increased body temperature), मारुत सेवन – चिन्ता – शोक – य – कफ शोचणत शुि मल अचतवतधन – जीणध आयु etc.
अचतसार लक्षण  अचतिव सरण (excessive passage of watery stool) etc.
 सवधदा सवध ावानां सामान्यं वृचिकारणम् ।
6. ेद (Chronicity or Differentiation of disease)  ह्रासहेतुिः चवशेषि .....॥ (ि.सू.1/44-45)
After some time if the disease pocess continues, then the disease Indulgence in the foods & activities (आहार-चवहार) of similar qualities
becomes chronic, and the physician can differentiate the exact types of (सामान्य) results in वृचि, whereas the foods & activities of dissimilar
dosha vitiation. If this stage is not treated properly, then complications qualities (चवशेष) result in क्षय.
may occur and disease becomes incurable (असाध्य).

Importance of Kriyakala  चनदान of वात-वृच ि (वातप्रकोप) 

1. ‘कियाकालो चिककत्सा अवसरिः’ The knowledge of stages of disease a. आहारज चनदान  कटु चति कषाय रस अचतसेवन – रूक्ष लघु शीतवीयध आहार सेवन
provides opportunity to prevent it in earlier stage or treat it properly. – अनशन – चवषमाशन – सतीन – कलाय – मसूर – आढकी – शुष्क शाक etc.
2. Kriyakala helps to understand the progress of diseases as well as to b. चवहारज चनदान  अचतव्यायाम – अचतव्यवाय – लंघन (उपवास) – प्लवन – पतन –
plan suitable preventive measures. अच घात – राचत्रजागरण – वेगधारण etc.
3. If the physician skips the earlier stages due to any reason and c. मानचसक चनदान  अचत शोक – चिन्ता – य – ग्लाचन etc.
disease progresses to later stage, then also he can treat the disease d. अन्य चनदान  धातु क्षय – रिस्राव – सांयकाल – वषाध ऋतु – वृिावस्था etc.
and stop it to progress further with the help of Kriyakala.
4. Different stages require different types of treatment measures those चनदान of चपि-वृच ि (चपिप्रकोप) 
should be apllied to the respective stages only  a. आहारज चनदान  कटु अम्ल लवण रस अचतसेवन – क्षार तीक्ष्ण चवदाही उष्णवीयध
i. संियावस्था  रोग-अनुत्पचिकर चिककत्सा आहार सेवन – अध्यशन – चतल – अतसी – सषधप – कु लत्थ – माष – हररतशाक –
ii. प्रकोपावस्था  हेतु चवपरीत चिककत्सा दोष प्रत्यनीक चिककत्सा कांजी – दचध – मांस of मत्स्य, गोधा, वाराह, माचहष, गव्य, अचवक etc.
iii. प्रसरावस्था  हेतु चवपरीत चिककत्सा b. चवहारज चनदान  अचत आतप सेवन – अचत िी प्रसंग – अचतव्यायाम etc.
iv. स्थानसंश्रयावस्था  दोष & दूष्य चिककत्सा उ यप्रत्यनीक चिककत्सा
c. मानचसक चनदान  िोध – शोक – य – ईष्याध – िेष etc.
v. व्यिावस्था  व्याचध चवचशष्ट चिककत्सा
d. अन्य चनदान  मध्याह्न काल – मध्य राचत्र – शरद ऋतु – मध्यावस्था etc.
vi. ेदावस्था  जीणध व्याचध चवचशष्ट चिककत्सा व्याचध प्रत्यनीक चिककत्सा

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 16

चनदान of कफ-वृच ि (कफप्रकोप)  क्षय लक्षण चिककत्सा

वात क्षय साद – अल्प ाचषता – • कटु -चति, कषाय रस प्रधान, रूक्ष, लघु, शीत गुण
a. आहारज चनदान  मधुर अम्ल लवण रस अचतसेवन – गुरु चस्नग्ध चपचच्छल अच ष्यचन्द
संज्ञानाश – मोह – प्रधान िव्य प्रयोग – मुद्ग, सतीन, कलाय, आढकी,
शीतवीयध आहार सेवन – अध्यशन – समशन – नवान्न – इक्षुरस – गुड चवकार – क्षीर कफवृचि लक्षण जांगल मांसरस etc.
चवकार – दचध – गोधूम – माष – चतलचपष्ट – आनूप मांस etc. • राचत्रजागरण, व्यायाम, चिन्ता
b. चवहारज चनदान  कदवास्वप्न – अचतस्वप्न – अव्यायाम – आलस्य etc. चपि क्षय मन्दोष्मा – मन्दाचन • कटु -अम्ल-लवण रस प्रधान, क्षार, तीक्ष्ण,
c. मानचसक चनदान  हषध – संतोष – अचिन्ता – तमोगुण प्रधानता etc. (अचनमान्द्य) – प्र ाहाचन उष्णवीयध िव्य प्रयोग – चतल, माष, कु लत्थ,
d. अन्य चनदान  प्रातिः काल – ोजनोपरांत – वसंत ऋतु – बाल्यावस्था etc. अतसी, मत्स्य मांस, चत्रकटु etc.
• आतपसेवन, व्यायाम
वृच ि लक्षण चिककत्सा कफ क्षय भ्रम – श्लेष्माशय शून्यत्व – • मधुर-अम्ल-लवण रस प्रधान, गुरु, चस्नग्ध,
वात वृचि काश्यध – काष्ण्यध – • स्नेहन-स्वेदन पिात् मृद ु संशोधन हृद् िव – श्लथसंचधता चपचच्छल, शीतवीयध िव्य प्रयोग – नवान्न, गोधूम,
उष्णकाचमत्व – कं प – • अनुवासन & चनरूह बचस्त इक्षुरस, गुड चवकार, क्षीर, दचध, आनूप मांस etc.
आनाह – शकृ द् ग्रह – बल • नस्य, गण्डू ष, धूमपान • कदवास्वप्न, चवश्राम, हषध (अचिन्ता)
इचन्िय भ्रंश – प्रलाप – भ्रम • चशरोबचस्त, अभ्यंग, मदधन , वेष्ट न
– दीनता • मधुर-अम्ल-लवण रस युि, उष्ण & चस्नग्ध आहार
• वातशामक िव्य प्रयोग – चतलतल, दशमूल,
ि. धातु वृच ि लक्षण क्षय लक्षण
1 रस अचनमान्द्य – प्रसेक – उत्क्लेद – शब्द असचहष्णुत ा – हृद् िव – हृत्पीडा
रास्ना, एरण्ड, चनगुधण् डी, अकध , हररिा, बला,
आलस्य – गौरव – श्वत्य – शचथल्य – – ग्लाचन – क्लम – शून्यता – तृष्णा –
अश्वगन्धा, लशुन , मांसरस etc.
कास – श्वास – अचतचनिा शोष – प्राकृ त कमध ह्रास – रिाकद धातु
चपि वृचि पीत चवट् मूत्र नेत्र त्वक् – • चवरेिन & रिमोक्षण
क्षुदा – तृष्णा – दाह – • शीत प्रदेह, पररषेक, अभ्यंग रि
2 चवसपध – प्लीहावृचि – चविचध – कु ष्ठ – रिाल्पता – पाण्डु – त्वक् रूक्षता –
संताप – मूच्छाध – • मधुर-चति, कषाय रस प्रधान & शीत िव्य सेवन
वातरि – रिचपि – गुल्म – उपकु श त्वक् स्फोटन – चसरा शचथल्य – त्वक्
अल्पचनिता – शीतकाचमत्व • क्षीर & घृत प्रयोग
– कामला – व्यंग – अचननाश – म्लानता – अचनमान्द्य – चशरिःकम्प –
• चपिशामक िव्य प्रयोग – पंिचति, िन्दन,
सम्मोह – त्वक् नेत्र मूत्र रिवणधत ा भ्रम – चतचमर
उशीर, ह्रीबेर, मुिा, प्रवाल, यचष्टमधु etc. मांस चस्फक् -गण्ड-औष्ठ-चशश्न-उरु-बाहु-जंघा चस्फक् -गण्ड-औष्ठ-चशश्न-वक्ष-ग्रीवा-
कफ वृचि अचनसदन (अचनमान्द्य) – • स्वेदन, वमन, चशरोचवरेिन प्रयोग स्थूलता – गौरव – अचधमांस – अबुधद – कक्षा-उरु-उदर शुष्कता – रूक्षता –
प्रसेक – आलस्य – गौरव – • तीक्ष्ण चवरेिन अशध – ओष्ठ प्रकोप तोद – श्रम – धमनी शचथल्य –
श्वत्य (श्वेत ता) – शत्य • व्यायाम, रूक्ष उितधन संचधवेदना – नेत्र ग्लाचन
(शीतता) – श्लथांगत्व – • कटु -चति-कषाय रस, तीक्ष्ण, ऊष्ण, रूक्ष आहार 4 मेद चस्नग्धांगता – उदर पाश्वध – वृचि – प्लीहा वृचि – संचधशून्यता – रूक्षता –
श्वास – कास – अचतचनिता • कफशामक िव्य प्रयोग – मधु, पंिकोल, चत्रकटु , कास – श्वास – दौगधन्ध्य – क्षुदातुर – मांस क्षण अच लाषा – संचधस्फु टन –
चत्रफला, लवंग, यवक्षार etc. तृष्णा – चनिा – प्रमेह – स्थौल्य कृ शता

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 17

ि. धातु वृच ि लक्षण क्षय लक्षण दोष-धातु- मल वृच ि & क्षय चिककत्सा 
5 अचस्थ अध्यचस्थ – अचधदन्त – के श नख अचस्थशूल – संचधशूल – अचस्थ
दोषािः क्षीणा बृंहचयतव्यािः, कु चपतािः प्रशमचयतव्यािः, वृिािः चनहधतधव्यािः,
अचतवृचि चशचथलता – के श लोम नख श्मश्रु
समािः पररपाल्या इचत चसिान्तिः । (सु.चि.33/3)
रोमाकद प्रपतन
6 मज्जा सवाांग & नेत्र गौरव – तमोदशधन – भ्रम अल्पशुिता – पवध ेद – अचस्थ चछिता
To maintain the health of a patient, the physician should increase the
– मूच्छाध – अचस्थ पवध व्रण – अचस्थ चनस्तोद – भ्रम – चतचमर decreased dosha, or decrease the increased dosha to bring the
7 शुि शुिाश्मरी – शुि अचतप्रवृचि – दौबधल्य – मुख शोष – पाण्डु – सदन – equilibrium state of dosha, with respective treatment measures.
स्वप्नदोष – अचतिीकामता – शुि श्रम – क्लब्य – शुि चिरस्राव – मेढ्र सवधदा सवध ावानां सामान्यं वृचिकारणम् ।
प्रदोषज चवकार वृषण वेदना ह्रासहेतुिः चवशेषि .....॥ (ि.सू.1/44-45)
In case of वृचि , the physician should use चवशेष चिककत्सा  as the foods
ि. उपधातु वृच ि लक्षण क्षय लक्षण and activities of dissimilar qualities of dosha, dhatu & mala cause क्षय
1 स्तन्य स्तन स्थूलता – मुहुमुधहुिः स्तन्य प्रवृचि – स्तनम्लानता – क्षीराल्पता – क्षीर
and bring it to normal state.
स्तन तोद अनुत्पचि
2 आतधव आतधव अचतप्रवृचि (रि प्रदर) – अंगमदध यथा उचितकाल अदशधन – अल्प
In case of क्षय, the physician should use सामान्य चिककत्सा  as the foods
– दौबधल्य – दाह – पाण्डु – दौगधन्ध्य आतधव – योचनवेदना and activities of similar qualities of dosha, dhatu & mala cause वृचि and
3 कण्डरा, संकोि – खल्ली आकद चवकार कण्डरा चसरा स्नायु प्रदोषज चवकार – bring it to normal state.
चसरा, स्तम् – ग्रचन्थ – स्फु रण – सुचप्त रसधातु प्रदोष चिककत्सा  लंघन (उपवास)
स्नायु रि प्रदोष चिककत्सा  रिचपिशामक चिककत्सा – चवरेिन – रिमोक्षण
मांस प्रदोष चिककत्सा  संशोधन (पंिकमध) – शिकमध – क्षारकमध –अचनकमध
ि. मल वृच ि लक्षण क्षय लक्षण मेदो प्रदोष चिककत्सा  अपतपधण or कषधण – स्थौल्यहर & कफ-मेदोहर चिककत्सा
1 पुरीष कु चक्ष शूल – आटोप – आध्मान – कु चक्ष हृदय पाश्वध पीडा – आन्त्रकूं जन –
अचस्थ प्रदोष चिककत्सा  पंिकमध – चति क्षीर बचस्त – चति घृत प्रयोग
गौरव – वेदना सशब्द मल प्रवृचि – वायु उध्वधगमन
मज्जा प्रदोष चिककत्सा  मधुर चति िव्य – व्यवाय – व्यायाम – यथाकाल संशोधन
– कु चक्ष संिरण
शुि प्रदोष चिककत्सा  शुिल िव्य प्रयोग – शोधन – वाजीकरण
2 मूत्र मूत्राचधक्य – मुहुमुधहुिः मूत्र प्रवृचि – अल्पमूत्रता – बचस्ततोद – मूत्रकृ च्र
बचस्ततोद – आध्मान – अचततृष्णा – मुख शुष्कता – मूत्र पुरीष वृचि चिककत्सा मलचवरेिक & चवबंधहर िव्यप्रयोग (e.g.एरण्डतल,हरीतकी etc.)
ववण्यध पुरीष क्षय चिककत्सा  यव, माष, कु ल्माष, शाक, धान्याम्ल आकद मलवधधक िव्य प्रयोग.
3 स्वेद तक् दौगधन्ध्य – कण्डू – अचतस्वेद – रोमकू प अवरोध – रोमकू प स्तब्धता
रोमहषध मूत्र वृचि चिककत्सा  गोक्षुराकद मूत्रल or मूत्रचवरेिनीय िव्य प्रयोग
– त्वक् रूक्षता – त्वक् स्फु टन – स्पशध
ज्ञान अ ाव – रोम प्रपतन मूत्र क्षय चिककत्सा  इक्षुरस, वारुणीमण्ड, िव, मधुर अम्ल लवण मूत्रवधधक िव्य प्रयोग
स्वेद वृचि चिककत्सा  चपिशामक िव्य, पंिचति घृत गुग्गुलु प्रयोग
स्वेद क्षय चिककत्सा  अभ्यंग पिात स्वेदन िव्य प्रयोग

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 18

ओज ओजोचवस्रंस लक्षण  सचन्धचवश्लेषो गात्राणां सदनं दोषच्यवनं कियासचन्नरोधि चवस्रंसे ।

- सचन्ध चवश्लेष (Looseness of the joints)
ओजस्तु तेजो धातूनां शुिान्तानां परं स्मृतम् । (अ.हृ.सू 11/37)
- गात्र सदन (Weakness of the body)
Ojas is the essence of all the saptadhatu and it is formed after the
- दोष च्यवन (Displacement of doshas)
shukradhatu. It is also called बल or प्राकृ त श्लेष्मा.
- किया सचन्नरोध (Impairment in activities)
ओज स्थान  हृदय
ओजोव्यापद लक्षण  स्तब्धगुरुगात्रता वातशोफो वणध ेदो ग्लाचनस्तन्िाचनिा ि व्यापन्ने ।
ओज प्रकार  1. पर ओज  अष्टचबन्दु प्रमाण & हृदय गत - स्तब्धगुरुगात्रता (Stiffness & heaviness in body)
2. अपर ओज  अधध अंजली प्रमाण & सवधशरीर गत - वातशोफ (Swelling due to vata)
- वणध ेदो (Discolouration or loss of complexion)
ओज गुण  गुरु शीतं मृदु श्लक्ष्णं बहलं मधुरं चस्थरम् ।
प्रसन्नं चपचच्छल चस्नग्धं ओजो दशगुण स्मृतम् ॥ (ि.चि.24/31) - ग्लाचन (Exhaustion)
- तन्िा & चनिा (Drowsiness and excessive sleep)
ओज कमध  प्राकृ तस्तु बलं श्लेष्मा । (ि.सू.17/73)
Ojas is responsible for the natural strength (innate immunity) of the body.
ओजोक्षय लक्षण  मूच्छाध मांसक्षयो मोहिः प्रलापो मरणचमचत ि क्षये ।
Its functions are  to nourish the body, to provide strength and
- मूच्छाध (Fainting)
immunity, to make voice and complexion pleasant, to support life by
- मांसक्षय (Muscle wasting)
residing in hridaya pradesha. Loss of ojas leads to death.
- मोह (Unconsciousness)
ओजोदु ष्ट ी हे त ु (चनदान)  - प्रलाप (Delirium)
रूक्ष & अल्प आहार – अनशन (क्षुधा) – अचतव्यायाम – अचतव्यवाय – स्वप्न चवपयधय – - मरण (Death)
चिन्ता – िोध – शोक – य – कफ शोचणत शुि मल अचतवतधन (चनहधरण) – धातुक्षय –
अच घात – जीणध आयु (वृिावस्था) etc. ओजोदु ष्ट ी चिककत्सा 
 In case of vitiation of ojovaha srotas, the physician should use हृद्य &
ओजोदु ष्ट ी  ओजोsनुकूल चवशेष किया,
There are three types of ojovaha sroto-dushti   मधुर, चस्नग्ध, शीतवीयध, लघु, जीवनीय गण, बल्य, रसायन, ओजोवधधक िव्य प्रयोग.
1. ओजो चवस्रंस – Displacement of ojas from its normal place.  चनत्य गोदुग्ध & गोघृत सेवन.
 पथ्य आहार & चवहार सेवन.
2. ओजो व्यापत् – Vitiation of ojas due to dushta dosha and dushya.
 हषध & अचिन्ता.
3. ओजो क्षय – Decrease of ojas in its normal quantity.  As the ओज-क्षयावस्था is incurable (असाध्य) it should not be treated.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 19

साम-चनराम अवस्था कफ प्रधान आम – आमाजीणध & प्रवाचहका

अन्न चवष  चपि प्रधान आम – चवदग्धाजीणध, अम्लचपि & स्मक रोग
अपच्यमानं शुित्वं यात्यन्नं चवषरूपताम् । (ि.चि.15/44) वात प्रधान आम – चवष्टब्धाजीणध & ग्रहणी रोग
Acharya Charaka has mentioned that undigested food is a poison. And शेष रसजन्य आम – रसशेषाजीणध
the undigested food is responsible for production of ama. साम 
आम  अपक्व अन्नरस is called आमदोष; when this आमदोष is mixed with दोष & रोग,
ऊष्मणोsल्पबलत्वेन धातुमाद्यमपाचितम् । they are called साम दोष and साम रोग respectively.
दुष्टं आमाशयगतं रसमामं प्रिक्षते ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.13/25) साम  स + आम  with आम
Reduced digestive activities (मन्दाचन) lead to production of improper चनराम 
formed or uncooked first dhatu (अचवपक्व रसधातु). This undigested and दोष & रोग without आमदोष are called चनराम दोष and चनराम रोग respectively.
harmful toxic waste product gets accumulated in stomach (आमाशय),
चनराम  चनिः + आम  without आम
which is known as आम.
साम -चनराम सामान्य लक्षण 
आमदोष हे त ु (चनदान) 
स्रोतोरोध बलभ्रंश गौरवाचनलमूढतािः ।
a. आहारज चनदान  अ ोजन (अनशन) – अजीणध ोजन (अध्यशन) – अकाल ोजन
आलस्यापचि चनष्ठीव मलसंग अरुचिक्लमािः ॥
(चवषमाशन) – अचत ोजन – असात्म्य & चवरुि आहार – गुरु शीत अचतरूक्ष & दूचषत हलंगं मलानां सामानां, चनरामाणां चवपयधयिः ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.13/23-24)
आहार सेवन etc.
साम लक्षण चनराम लक्षण
b. चवहारज चनदान  कदवास्वप्न – आलस्य – वेगधारण etc.
स्रोतोरोध – बलभ्रंश – शरीर गौरव – अचनल प्राकृ त स्रोतस – प्राकृ त बल – शरीर लघुता –
c. मानचसक चनदान  शोक – तमोगुण प्रधानता etc. मूढता – आलस्य – अचवपाक – चनष्ठीव – मलसंग वायु अनुलोमता – न आलस्य – सम अचन –
d. अन्य चनदान  स्नेहन चमथ्यायोग – वमन & चवरेिन चमथ्यायोग – ऋतु चवषमता etc. – अरुचि – क्लम प्राकृ त मल प्रवृचि– ोजन रुचि – न क्लम
आम लक्षण 
साम -चनराम दोष 
मल चवष्टम् – स्तम् – अंग सदन – चशरिःशूल – पृष्ट करटग्रह – जृम् ा – अंगमदध – तृष्णा –
साम वात चवबन्ध – अचनमान्द्य – तन्िा – आन्त्रकू जन – वेदना – शोफ – तोद – िमशिः अंग
ज्वर – छर्दध – प्रवाचहका – अरुचि – अचवपाक etc.
पीडन – स्नेहन पिात् लक्षण वृचि – सुयोदय, मेघोदय & राचत्र वृचि
आमज रोग  चनराम वात चवशद रूक्ष वायु – चनर्वधबन्ध – अल्पवेदना – चवपरीत गुणिः शाचन्त (स्नेहन पिात्
अलसी ूत आम – अलसक
लक्षण शाचन्त) – त्वक् श्याम&ताम्र वणधता
चवलचम्बत आम – चवलचम्बका
उध्वध अधिः प्रवृि आम – चवसूचिका साम चपि दुगधचन्ध, हररत श्याववणध, अम्ल, घन, गुरु चपि – अम्लीकाकण्ठ – ह्र्ददाह
िव बहुल आम – अचतसार चनराम चपि ताम्र पीत वणध, कटु , अत्युष्ण, अचस्थर, चवगचन्ध, रुचि-पचि-बलवधधक चपि

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 20

साम कफ आचवल (turbid or viscus), तन्तु (thready), स्त्यान (thick) कफ – कण्ठदेशे साम -चनराम मल 
अवचतष्ठते – दुगधन्धी – क्षुधानाशक – उद्गारनाशक साम पुरीष गुरु – जले मज्जचत – दुगधन्धयुि – चपचच्छल – भ्रंश & चवचच्छन्न पुरीष
चनराम कफ फे नवान् (frothy), चपचण्डत (bolus), पाण्डु (white coloured), चनिःसार चनराम पुरीष जले प्लवचत – दुगधन्ध रचहत – पक्व & चपचण्डत पुरीष – शरीर लघुता
(clear, light substance), अगन्ध (free from foul smell), पक्व,
मुख शुचिकारक कफ (cleanses oral cavity) आम दोष चिककत्सा 
आमप्रदोषजानां पुनर्वधकाराणां अपतपधणेनव परमो वचतिः । (ि.चव.2/13)
साम धातु लक्षण (धातु प्रदोषज चवकार) 
अपतपधण चिककत्सा is best for treatment of आम प्रदोषज चवकाराs. Acharya
साम रस अश्रिा – अरुचि – आस्यवरस्य – अरसज्ञता – हृल्लास – गौरव – तन्िा – अंगमदध –
Charaka has mentioned three types of अपतपधण चिककत्सा 
ज्वर – तम – पाण्डु – स्रोतोरोध – क्लब्य – कृ शता – अचननाश – अकाल वली
साम रि कु ष्ठ – चवसपध – चपडका – रिचपि – असृग्दर (रिप्रदर) – वातरि – गुदपाक – अपतपधणमचप ि चत्रचवधं –लंघनं लंघनपािनं दोषावसेिनं िचत । (ि.चव.3/43)
मेढ्रपाक – मुख पाक – प्लीहा – गुल्म – चविचध – नीचलका – कामला – व्यंग – 1. लंघन – Fasting (उपवास), or use of light foods (लघु आहार or िव्य) such
चपप्लु – चतलकालक – दिू – िमधदल – चश्वत्र (ककलास) – पामा – कोठ – रिमण्डल as पेया, चवलेपी, मुद्गयूष etc. for those patients who have अल्पदोष or अल्पबल.
– न्यच्छ – इन्िलुप्त – अशध – अबुधद – अंगमदध
2. पािन – Along with लंघन or उपवास, use of digestants (पािन िव्य) such as
साम मांस अचधमांस – अबुधद – मांसकीलक – गलशालूक – गलशुण् डी – पूचतमांस – अलजी –
चित्रक, मुस्ता, चत्रकटु etc. for those patients who have मध्यमदोष or मध्यमबल.
गलगण्ड – गण्डमाला – उपचजवचह्वका – मांससंघात – ओष्ठ प्रकोप
3. दोषावसेिन – Purificatory procedures (संशोधन) for elimination of the
साम मेद अष्ट चनचन्दत पुरुष – प्रमेह पूवधरूप (मुख माधुयध, हस्तपाद शून्यता व दाह, मुख तालु
aggravated dosha in those patients who are बलवान or having बहुदोष.
कण्ठ शोष, चपपासा, आलस्य, मलाचधक्य, मत्स्यगन्धी, मूत्रदोष etc.) – ग्रचन्थ –
वृचिरोग – गलगण्ड – अबुधद – मेदोज ओष्ठप्रकोप – मधुमेह – अचतस्वेद शांचतरामचवकाराणां वचत तु अपतपधणात् ।
साम अचस्थ अध्यचस्थ – अचधदन्त – दन्त ेद – दन्तशूल – अचस्थ ेद – अचस्थशूल – अचस्थ व चत्रचवधं चत्रचवधे दोषे तत्समीक्ष्य प्रयोजयेत् ॥
दन्त चववणधता – के श लोम नख श्मश्रु दोष – कु नख रोग तत्राल्पे लंघनं पथ्यं मध्ये लंघन पािनम् ।
साम मज्जा रुक् पवधणां (सचन्धशूल) – भ्रम – मूच्छाध – तमोदशधन – नेत्राच ष्यन्द प्र ूते शोधनं तचि मूलादुन्मूलयेन्मलान् ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.8/20-21)
साम शुि क्लब्य – अहषधण – शुिाश्मरी – शुिमेह – शुिदोष – चनष्फल शुि (shukra For the three types of दोष-बल (अल्प-मध्यम-बहुदोष) the physician should use
dhatu incapable to produce ग ध, if conception occurs it leads to three types of अपतपधण चिककत्सा
ग धपात or birth of अल्पायु and / or चवरूप सन्तान) 1. For अल्प दोष  लंघन-पथ्य (उपवास & मण्ड, पेया, चवलेपी, यूष, ति प्रयोग)
2. For मध्यम दोष  लंघन-पािन (उपवास or लघु आहार & चित्रक, मुस्ताकद प्रयोग)
चनराम धातु लक्षण  3. For बहुदोषावस्था  संशोधन चिककत्सा (स्वेदन, वमन, चवरेिन, चनरूह बचस्त)
Dhatus in niramavastha perform their normal functions  आमदोष नाशक औषध योग  अचनतुण्डी रस – अजीणधकण्टक रस – पंिकोल िूणध – चत्रकटु
प्रीणनं जीवनं लेपिः स्नेहो धारण पूरणे । िूणध – लवण ास्कर िूणध – हहंग्वाष्टक िूणध – अजमोदाकद िूणध – शंख वटी – अचनतुण्डी वटी
ग ोत्पादि धातूनां श्रेष्ठ कमध िमात् स्मृतम् ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.11/4) – चित्रकाकद वटी – रसोन वटी – हहंग्वाकद वटी – दशमूलाररष्ट – जीरकाद्याररष्ट –
कु मायाधसव – धान्यपंिक क्वाथ –शुण्ठी जीरक क्वाथ – चपप्पल्याकद घृत – चित्रकाकद घृत

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 21

रोगानुत् पचत्िकर चिककत्सा रोगप्रशमन चिककत्सा

आयुव ेद प्रयोजन  रोगस्तु दोषवषम्यं । (अ.हृ.सू.1/20)
प्रयोजनं िास्य स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणं आतुरस्य चवकारप्रशमनं ि । (ि.सू.30/26) The imbalance of dosha and dushya is roga (disease). धातु वषम्यता or दोष
The aims of Ayurveda are – (i) स्वस्थस्य स्वास्थ्यरक्षणं (i.e. prevention of वषम्यता is teated by application of रोगप्रशमन चिककत्सा (curative treatment).
disease), and (ii) आतुरस्य चवकारप्रशमनं (i.e. cure of disease). To treat the disease (रोग) which is produced by धातु वषम्यता, physician
To prevent the disease, physician should use रोगानुत्पचत्िकर चिककत्सा hast to bring दोष / धातु साम्यता (i.e. equilibrium state of dosha and dhatu).
(preventive treatment), and to cure the disease रोगप्रशमन चिककत्सा It is achieved by following measures  शोधन चिककत्सा & शमन चिककत्सा
(curative treatment). 1. शोधन चिककत्सा  (purificatory treatments)
यद् इयेद् बचहदोषान् पंिधा शोधनं ि तत् ।
“रोगानुत्पचिकर  रोग + अन् + उत्पचि कर” चनरूहो वमनं कायचशरोरेको अस्रचवस्रुचतिः॥ (अ.हृ.सू.14/5)
The treatment that prevents the occurrence of disease is called
शोधन कमध are the purificatory procedures those eliminate the aggravated
रोगानुत्पचिकर चिककत्सा. It is preventive treatment which includes स्वस्थवृि
doshas from the body. These are five in numbers; hence they are called
पालन, सद्वृि पालन, & रसायन-वाजीकरण प्रयोग.
as पंिकमध. According to Acharya Sushruta and Vagbhata, Shodhana
1. स्वस्थवृि 
karmas are as follows 
a. कदनियाध पालन  To follow the daily regimen such as waking up in
वमन – चवरेिन कमध – चशरोचवरेिन (नस्य कमध) – चनरूह बचस्त – रिमोक्षण
ब्रह्ममुहुिध, then after शौि कमध – दन्तधावन, चजह्वाचनलेखन, अंजन, प्रचतमषध
2. शमन चिककत्सा  (palliative or pacifying treatments)
नस्य, गण्डू ष-कवल, धूम पान, अभ्यंग, उितधन, स्नान, स्वच्छ विधारण etc.
न शोधयचत यद् दोषान् समान्नोदीरयत्यचप ।
b. राचत्रियाध  To follow night regimen such as avoiding the आहार,
समीकरोचत िु िाि तत् संशमनमुच्यते ॥ (सु.सू.1, डल्हण)
म थुन, चनिा, अध्ययन and मागध गमन in the evening (संध्याकाल). And to
Treatment measures those neither eliminate the doshas, nor aggravate
follow right methods of ोजन and शयन in the night (राचत्र).
the doshas, but they pacify the aggravated dosha and bring equilibrium
c. ऋतुियाध पालन  To follow the seasonal regimen such as हेम न्त,
in the body, are called Shamana chikitsa. (*detailed in page no.35*)
चशचशर, वसन्त, ग्रीष्म, वषाध, शरद ऋतुियाध. The physician should use
seasonal purificatory procedures (ऋतु अनुसार संशोधन) and advice For रोगप्रशमन, following treatment measures can also be used 
regimens to avoid aggravation of repective doshas.  िव्य ूत & अिव्य ूत चिककत्सा
d. योग  To practice yoga, asana, pranayama, dhyaan etc.  संतपधण & अपतपधण चिककत्सा
 हेतुचवपरीत, व्याचधचवपरीत & उ याथधकारर चिककत्सा
2. सद्वृि  To follow good conduct, and avoid the sinful acts.
 दवव्यपाश्रय, युचिव्यपाश्रय & सत्वाजय चिककत्सा
3. रसायन & वाजीकरण प्रयोग  Rejuvenatives & Aphrodisiacs.  अन्तिःपररमाजधन, बचहिःपररमाजधन & शिप्रचणधान चिककत्सा
 संशोधन, संशमन, आहार & आिार चिककत्सा
Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 22

दोषोपिम कफदोष उपिम 

श्लेष्मणो चवचधना युिं तीक्ष्णं वमनरेिनम् ।
1. वातदोष उपिम  अन्नं रूक्षाल्पतीक्ष्णोष्णं कटु चतिकषायकम् ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.13/10-12)
वातस्योपिमिः स्नेहिः स्वेदिः संशोधनं मृदु । a. शोधन  स्वेदन – तीक्ष्णोष्ण संशोधन (वमन, चवरेिन, चशरोचवरेिन, गण्डू ष etc.)
स्वािम्ललवणोष्णाचन ोज्यान्यभ्यंगमदधनम् ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.13/1-3)
b. शमन  रूक्षोन्मदधन – रूक्ष उितधन – उत्सादन – उपनाह – ऊष्ण स्नान etc.
a. शोधन  स्नेहन – स्वेदन – मृदु संशोधन – चनरूह बचस्त – अनुवासन बचस्त – चस्नग्ध
ऊष्ण बचस्त – मात्रा बचस्त – नस्यकमध – धूम पान – चशरोबचस्त – गण्डू ष etc. c. आहार & औषध  कटु चति कषाय रस प्रधान – तीक्ष्ण – उष्ण – क्षार – रूक्ष आहार &
औषध – मेदोघ्न उपिार – कफशामक िव्य प्रयोग e,g. मधु, पंिकोल, चत्रकटु , यवक्षार etc.
b. शमन  अभ्यंग – मदधन – वेष्टन – उत्सादन – उपनाह – ऊष्ण पररषेक etc.
d. चवहार  लघु व्यायाम – जलावगाहन – िंिमण – िीसेवन – उपवास (लंघन) – राचत्रजागरण
c. आहार & औषध  मधुर-अम्ल-लवण रस युि, उष्ण & चस्नग्ध आहार – दीपनीय, पािनीय,
– चिन्ता – उष्ण स्थान चनवास – वसन्त ऋतुियाध पालन etc.
वातशामक आहार – गौचडक मद्यपान – वृष्य & बल्य िव्य सेवन – मांसरस – तल – गोधूम –
Among all obove measures, वमन कमध is the best, and among all the
नवान्न – दशमूल – रास्ना – एरण्ड – चनगुधण् डी – अकध – हररिा – बला – अश्वगन्धा – लशुन etc.
dravyas मधु is best to mitigate the प्रकु चपत कफ.
d. चवहार  आतपसेवन – ऊष्ण जलावगाहन – प्रावार – मृगिमध – चवस्मापन – चवस्मारण –
हेमन्त ऋतुियाध पालन etc. स्थानान्तर दोष
Among all obove measures, चनरूह बचस्त & अनुवासन बचस्त are the best, and
स एव कु चपतो दोषिः समुत्थानचवशेषतिः ।
among all the dravyas तल is best to mitigate the प्रकु चपत वात. स्थानान्तरगतिव जनयत्यामयान् बहून् ॥ (ि.सू.18/45)
2. चपिदोष उपिम  When aggravated, a single dosha may cause various diseases,
चपिस्य सर्पधषिः पानं स्वादुशीतचवरेिनम् । depending upon the various etiological factors and sites of manifestation.
स्वादुचतिकषायाचण ोजनान्यौषधाचन ि ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.13/4-9) Even if the सम or प्राकृ त दोष gets displaced or moves to other place, under
a. शोधन  स्नेहन – चवरेिन – रिमोक्षण etc. the influence of वायु, it results in दोष वृचि of that place, and causes
b. शमन  शीत प्रदेह – पररषेक – अभ्यंग etc. various diseases. This displaced dosha is called स्थानान्तरगत दोष.
c. आहार & औषध  मधुर, चति, कषाय रस प्रधान & चपिहर िव्यचसि घृत प्रयोग – क्षीर आशयापकषधक हेतु  Under the influence of aggravated vata, displacement
पान – शीतल हृद्य सुगचन्धत आहार – जांगल मांसरस – चपिशामक िव्य प्रयोग e.g. पंिचति, or movement of normal dosha to other places, which results in
िन्दन, उशीर, ह्रीबेर, मुिा, प्रवाल, यचष्टमधु etc. manifestation of various disease, is also called आशयापकषधक हेतु.
d. चवहार  शीतल & मनोs नुकूल चवहार – प्रदेह – पररषेक – मुिामचण धारण – शीत वायु स्थानान्तरगत दोष चिककत्सा 
सेवन – ूगृह – िन्िककरण सेवन – जलाशय & उद्यान चवहार – सुगचन्धत चवहार – िी स्पशध –  Generally treatment should be adopted according to स्थान.
कपूधर िन्दन उशीर लेप – मनोs नुकूल गीत वाद्य यन्त्र – शरद ऋतुियाध पालन etc. For example, In case of चपिस्थानगत वात, treat the चपि.
Among all obove measures, चवरेिन कमध is the best, and among all the - In कफस्थानगत चपि, treat the कफ.
dravyas घृत is best to mitigate the प्रकु चपत चपि. - In वातस्थानगत कफ, treat the वात.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 23

 While treating स्थानान्तरगत दोष, the physician should also consider आवरण
दोष-बलाबल. If आगत दोष is सम, स्थानीय दोष should be treated, but if Avarana means Vata dosha gets enveloped or occluded and obstructed
आगत दोष is बलवान, treatment is given for आगत दोष. with other dosha and dushya.
 When दोष moves to शाखा from कोष्ठ, it should be brought to कोष्ठ with आवरक  the dosha-dushya those are causing avarana.
the help of स्नेहन-स्वेदन and eliminated with शोधन (पंिकमध).
आवृत  obstructed vata
 The aggravated doshas (कु चपत दोष) produce various diseases due to
Types of आवरण 
various etiological factors (चवच न्न कारण) and different sites of
1. दोषावृत वात 13
manifestations (स्थानान्तर). Hence physician should consider various
2. धातु, अन्न & मलावृत वात  9
factors such as रोग प्रकृ चत, चनदान, स्थान, दोष-बलाबल etc. and then plan
the treatment. 3. अन्योन्यावरण  20
Total 42 types of आवरण are explained by Acharya Charaka 
लीन दोष 13 दोषावृत वात  चपिावृत वात – कफावृत वात – चपिावृत प्राणवात – कफावृत
लीनचमचत अनुचत्क्लष्टम् । (ि.चि.15/76, ििपाचण) प्राणवात – चपिावृत उदानवात – कफावृत उदानवात – चपिावृत समानवात – कफावृत
Hidden or secretely accumulated doshas are called leena doshas.
समानवात – चपिावृत व्यानवात – कफावृत व्यानवात – चपिावृत अपानवात – कफावृत
लीनान-चश्लष्टान् अनुचत्क्लष्टान् स्वस्थानाद् । अपानवात – कफचपिावृत वात (चमश्रावरण)
िचलतान् न चनहधरेत्-वमनकदच िः न शोधयेत् ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.13/28, सवाांगसुन्दर)
चमश्रावरण is again of 5 types  कफचपिावृत प्राणवात – कफचपिावृत उदानवात –
Leena doshas are those which are stuck in their place, not showing
कफचपिावृत समानवात – कफचपिावृत व्यानवात – कफचपिावृत अपानवात
prominent features, and can not be eliminated easily by shodhana like
vamana –virechana etc. लीन दोषाs do not show prominent features but 9 धातु, अन्न & मलावृत वात  रिावृत वात – मांसावृत वात – मेदसावृत वात –
they produce various chronic diseases. अस्थ्यावृत वात – मज्जावृत वात – शुिावृत वात – अन्नावृत वात – मलावृत वात
लीन दोष चिककत्सा  (पुरीषावृत) – मूत्रावृत वात
 लीन दोष (secretely accumulated or hidden dosha) should not be 20 अन्योन्यावरण  उदानावृत प्राणवात – समानावृत प्राणवात – व्यानावृत प्राणवात –
eliminated forcefully, otherwise it can lead to destruction of their sites अपानावृत प्राणवात – प्राणावृत उदानवात – समानावृत उदानवात – व्यानावृत उदानवात
just as extraction of juice from unripe fruit.
– अपानावृत उदानवात – प्राणावृत समानवात – उदानावृत समानवात – व्यानावृत
 These doshas should be aggravated first (i.e. उत्क्लेष) and then
समानवात – अपानावृत समानवात – प्राणावृत व्यानवात – उदानावृत व्यानवात –
eliminated with the help of suitable purificatory procedures.
समानावृत व्यानवात – अपानावृत व्यानवात – प्राणावृत अपानवात – उदानावृत अपानवात
 If आम is hidden in intestines (पक्वाशयस्थ लीन), then the patient should
be given puration mixed with appetizers (सदीपन चवरेिन). – समानावृत अपानवात – व्यानावृत अपानवात

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 24

अन्न & मलावरण लक्षण

दोष आवरण लक्षण
अन्नावृत वात ुिे उदरशूल & जीणे शाम्यचत
चपिावृत वात दाह – तृष्णा – शूल – शीतकाचमता
मलावृत वात मलावरोध – स्वे स्थाने पररकृ न्तचत (cutting type of pain in
कफावृत वात शत्य (शीतता) – गौरव – शूल – उष्णकाचमता (पुरीषावृत)
pakwashaya) – passing of hard stool with difficulty –
चपिावृत प्राणवात मूच्छाध – दाह – भ्रम – शूल – शीतकाचमता – छर्दध
pain in lower abdomen and lowback
कफावृत प्राणवात ष्ठीवन – क्षवथु – उद्गार – श्वासोच्छवाससंग्रह
मूत्रावृत वात मूत्राघात – आध्मान in बचस्त
चपिावृत उदानवात मूच्छाध – दाह – भ्रम – क्लम – साद – ओजोभ्रंश
कफावृत उदानवात चववणधता – वाक् -स्वरग्रह – दौबधल्य – गुरुता – अरुचि अन्योन्यावरण लक्षण चिककत्सा
चपिावृत समानवात अचतस्वेद – तृष्णा – दाह – मूच्छाध – अरुचि प्राणावृत व्यानवात ऊध्वधजत्रुगत चिककत्सा
सवेचन्ियाणां शून्यत्वं – स्मृचतबलक्षय
कफावृत समानवात अस्वेद – अचनमांद्य – लोमहषध – अचतशीतता व्यानावृत प्राणवात स्नेहयुि चवरेिन
अचतस्वेद – लोमहषध – त्वक चवकार
चपिावृत व्यानवात सवाांगदाह – क्लम – गात्रचवक्षेपसंग – सन्ताप प्राणावृत समानवात जडता – गद्गद – मूकता यापनाबचस्त &
कफावृत व्यानवात सवधगात्रगौरव – सवधसन्ध्यचस्थरुजा – गचतसंग ितुष्प्रयोग of स्नेह
चपिावृत अपानवात हाररिमूत्रविध – तापगुदमेढ्रयो – अचतरजिःस्राव समानावृत अपानवात अचनदीपक घृत
ग्रहणीदोष – हृदरोग – पाश्वधपीडा
कफावृत अपानवात च न्न आम श्लेष्मसंसृष्ट गुरु विधिः – कफजप्रमेह प्राणावृत उदानवात चशरोग्रह – चनिःश्वासोच्छवाससंग्रह ऊध्वधजत्रुगत चिककत्सा
कफचपिावृत वात चपि-कफ चमश्रावरण लक्षण उदानावृत प्राणवात ओज कमध बलवणध नाश – मृत्यु शीतजलसेिन आश्वासन
उदानावृत अपानवात छर्दध – श्वास – कास बचस्त & अनुलोमन

धातु आवरण लक्षण

अपानावृत उदानवात मोह – अचनमांद्य – अचतसार दीपन-ग्राही & वमन
रिावृत वात त्वक् मांसान्तर अचतदाह & पीडा – सराग शोथ – मण्डल
व्यानावृत अपानवात छर्दध – आध्मान – उदावतध – गुल्म – चस्नग्ध & अनुलोमन
मांसावृत वात करठन चववणध चपडका – शोथ – हषध – चपपीचलकानां संिार इव
मेदसावृत वात (known as आढ्यवात) िलचस्नग्धमृदश
ु ीत शोथ – अरुचि
अपानावृत व्यानवात चवण्मूत्ररेतस अचतप्रवृचि संग्राही-स्तम् क िव्य
अस्थ्यावृत वात उष्णस्पशध & पीडन अच नन्दचत – अंग ंजन – सूिीच ररव तोद समानावृत व्यानवात मूच्छाध – तन्िा – प्रलाप – अंगसाद – व्यायाम & लघु ोजन
मज्जावृत वात चवनाम – जृम् ा – शूल – पाचणभ्यां पीड्यमाने सुख ल ते अचन ओज बल क्षय
शुिावृत वात शुि-अवेग or अचतवेग – चनष्फल शुि उदानावृत व्यानवात स्तब्धता – अस्वेद – िेष्ट ाहाचन पथ्य & लघु ोजन
Remaining 8 types of Anyonyavarana should be understood on the basis
of लक्षणs of above avarana.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 25

धातु प्रदोषज चवकार

आवरण चिककत्सा  रसधातु अश्रिा – अरुचि – आस्यवरस्य – अरसज्ञता – हृल्लास – गौरव – तन्िा – अंगमदध
प्रदोषज चवकार
आवरक दोष or दूष्य should be treated first, then आवृत वात should be treated – ज्वर – तम – पाण्डु – स्रोतोरोध – क्लब्य – कृ शता – अचननाश – अकाल वली

as per general line of treatment of वातव्याचध. रिधातु कु ष्ठ – चवसपध – चपडका – रिचपि – असृग्दर (रिप्रदर) – वातरि – गुदपाक –
प्रदोषज चवकार
मेढ्रपाक – मुख पाक – प्लीहा – गुल्म – चविचध – नीचलका – कामला – व्यंग –
Though root-cause is वात, the obstruction should be cleared before
चपप्लु – चतलकालक – दिू – िमधदल – चश्वत्र (ककलास) – पामा – कोठ –
treating आवृत वात.
रिमण्डल – न्यच्छ – इन्िलुप्त – अशध – अबुधद – अंगमदध
मांसधातु अचधमांस – अबुधद – मांसकीलक – गलशालूक – गलशुण् डी – पूचतमांस – अलजी –
 चपिावृत वात चिककत्सा  शीत-उष्ण व्यत्यासिम (alternate) – जीवनीय घृत
प्रदोषज चवकार
गलगण्ड – गण्डमाला – उपचजवचह्वका – मांससंघात – ओष्ठ प्रकोप
 कफावृत वात चिककत्सा  वमन & चवरेिन – तीक्ष्ण स्वेद – यव – चतल – सषधप
मेदोधातु अष्ट चनचन्दत पुरुष – प्रमेह पूवधरूप (मुख माधुयध, हस्तपाद शून्यता व दाह, मुख
 रिावृत वात चिककत्सा  वातरि चिककत्सा प्रदोषज चवकार तालु कण्ठ शोष, चपपासा, आलस्य, मलाचधक्य, मत्स्यगन्धी, मूत्रदोष etc.) –
 आमावृत वात चिककत्सा प्रमेह चिककत्सा – वात & मेद नाशक चिककत्सा
ग्रचन्थ – वृचिरोग – गलगण्ड – अबुधद – मेदोज ओष्ठप्रकोप – मधुमेह – अचतस्वेद
 मांसावृत वात चिककत्सा  स्वेदन – अभ्यंग – मांस रस – क्षीर – घृत – तल अचस्थधातु अध्यचस्थ – अचधदन्त – दन्त ेद – दन्तशूल – अचस्थ ेद – अचस्थशूल – अचस्थ व
 अचस्थ मज्जावृत वात चिककत्सा  महास्नेह प्रयोग(घृत-तल-वसा-मज्जा) प्रदोषज चवकार
दन्त चववणधता – के श लोम नख श्मश्रु दोष – कु नख रोग
 शुिावृत वात चिककत्सा  शुिल & बल्य औषध-आहार-चवहार मज्जाधातु रुक् पवधणां (सचन्धशूल) – भ्रम – मूच्छाध – तमोदशधन – नेत्राच ष्यन्द
प्रदोषज चवकार
 अन्नावृत वात चिककत्सा  वमन – दीपन & पािन – लघु आहार शुिधातु क्लब्य – अहषधण – शुिाश्मरी – शुिमेह – शुिदोष – चनष्फल शुि (shukra
 पुरीषावृत वात चिककत्सा  एरण्ड तल पान – चस्नग्ध िव्य – उदावतध चिककत्सा प्रदोषज चवकार
dhatu incapable to produce ग ध, if conception occurs it leads to
 मूत्रावृत वात चिककत्सा  मूत्रल औषध – उिरबचस्त – स्वेदन ग धपात or birth of अल्पायु and / or चवरूप सन्तान)

धातु प्रदोष and साम धातु are having similar लक्षणाs. But treatment differs for
रसायन प्रयोग in आवरण चिककत्सा : साम and चनरामावस्था.
 चशलाजतु धातुप्र दोष चिककत्सा 
 गुग्गुलु
 च्यवनप्राश रसधातु प्रदोष चिककत्सा  लंघन (उपवास)
 ब्रह्म रसायन रि प्रदोष चिककत्सा  रिचपिशामक चिककत्सा – चवरेिन – रिमोक्षण
 अ यामलकी रसायन मांस प्रदोष चिककत्सा  संशोधन (पंिकमध) – शिकमध – क्षारकमध –अचनकमध
मेदो प्रदोष चिककत्सा  अपतपधण or कषधण – स्थौल्यहर & कफ-मेदोहर चिककत्सा
अचस्थ प्रदोष चिककत्सा  पंिकमध – चति क्षीर बचस्त – चति घृत प्रयोग
मज्जा प्रदोष चिककत्सा  मधुर चति िव्य – व्यवाय – व्यायाम – यथाकाल संशोधन
शुि प्रदोष चिककत्सा  शुिल िव्य प्रयोग – शोधन – वाजीकरण
Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 26

वातज नानात्मज चवकार  80

सामान्यज & नानात्मज चवकार
Examples – अर्दधत, एकांगवात, सवाांगवात, पक्षावध (पक्षाघात), आक्षेपक, दण्डक,
सामान्यज चवकार  जानु ेद, गृध्रचस, चवपाकदका, पादशूल, खंज, कु ब्ज, वामनत्व, पृष्टग्रह, ग्रीवास्तम् ,
सामान्यज चवकाराs are those diseases which are produced by vitiated मन्यास्तम् , हनु ेद, ओष्ठ ेद, अचक्ष ेद, दन्त ेद, कणधशूल, चशरोरुक् (चशरिःशूल), बाचधयध,
doshas either individually or in combinations of two or three. They may मुखशोष, गुदभ्रंश, वेपथु, जृम् ा, चहक्का, रौक्ष्य, पारुष्य etc.
be एकदोषज (वातज /चपिज /कफज), चिदोषज (संसगधज), or चत्रदोषज (सचन्नपातज).
चपिज नानात्मज चवकार  40
Examples of Samanyaja vikaras – Examples – ओष, दाह, धूम क, आम्लक, अन्तदाधह, त्वग्दाह, अंसदाह, ऊष्माचधक्य,
8 types of उदर, मूत्रकृ च्र, क्षीरदोष, शुिदोष; 7 types of कु ष्ठ, प्रमेह चपचडका, चवसपध; अचतस्वेद, रिकोठ, रिचवस्फोट, रिचपि, रिमण्डल, कामला, चतिास्यता, पूचतमुखता,
6 types of अचतसार, उदावतध, गुल्म, प्लीहा, कास, श्वास, चहक्का, तृष्णा, छर्दध, अरुचि, तृष्णाचधक्य, अतृचप्त, मुखपाक, गलपाक, अचक्षपाक, गुदपाक, मेढ्रपाक, जीवादान, तमिःप्रवेश,
चशरोरोग, हृदरोग, पाण्डु रोग, उन्माद; 4 types of नेत्ररोग, कणधरोग, प्रचतश्याय, मुखरोग, हाररत-हाररि नेत्र मूत्र विध etc.
ग्रहणी रोग, मद, मूच्छाध, शोष, क्लब्य; 3 types of शोथ, ककलास, रिचपि; 2 types of
ज्वर, व्रण, आयाम, गृध्रचस, कामला, आम, वातरि, अशध; 1 type of उरुस्तम् , सन्यास, कफज नानात्मज चवकार  20
महागद; 20 types of कृ चमरोग, प्रमेह, योचनव्यापत. Examples – तृचप्त (अनन्नाच लाषा), तन्िा, चनिाचधक्य, गुरुगात्रता, आलस्य, मुखमाधुयध,
मलाचधक्य, अचवपाक, हृदयोपलेप, कण्ठोपलेप, गलगण्ड, अचतस्थौल्य, शीताचन (मन्दाचन),
नानात्मज चवकार 
उददध, श्वेताव ासता (श्वेतवणध त्वक नेत्र) etc.
“न + अन् + आत्मज” The diseases which cannot be produced without
involvement of the प्रधान दोष (predominant dosha), i.e only one dosha is
सामान्यज & नानात्मज चवकार चिककत्सा
responisible for such disease, whereas other doshas may be involved as
अप्रधान दोष (associated doshas).  These diseases are produced by imbalance or vitiation of doshas
(दोष चवषमता), therefore they can be treated by balancing the dosha
For examples –
(i.e. bringing about दोष साम्यता).
वातव्याचध is produced by वात दोष, in which चपि or कफ may or may not be
 चनदान पररवजधन
involved as associated doshas, and the वातव्याचध cannot be produced
 बृंहण of क्षीण दोष, शमन of कु चपत दोष, चनहधरण (शोधन) of वृि दोष, and
without involvement of वात; hence it is a नानात्मज चवकार.
पररपालन of सम दोष are the general line of treatments for bringing
वातज नानात्मज चवकार  80 about equilibrium state of dosha (दोष साम्यता). – सु.चि.33/3
चपिज नानात्मज चवकार  40  Treatment is given with consideration of रोगी-रोग बल & दोष बलाबल.
कफज नानात्मज चवकार  20  दोषोपिम – For नानात्मज चवकार, specific treatments for respective
doshas should be adopted. (Detailed on page. no. 22)

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Chikitsa 27

Importance of दोष, दू ष्य, दे श, काल, बल, अचन, प्रकृ चत, वय, सवव, दे श  The term ‘देश’ denote two meanings –(i) ूचम & (ii) आतुर.
(i) ूचम परीक्षा  To examine the place where the patient is born, brought
सात्म्य, आहार and व्याचध अवस्था in चिककत्सा
about, or corrently living, and most importantly the place where he got
the disease. All these places should be examined for their climate, soil,
A wise physician always should consider the following factors carefully
common ahara-vihara etc. There are three types of ूचम 
before initiating any kind of therapy 
1. जांगल देश  रूक्ष & वातप्रधान
दोष  The शारीररक दोष (वात-चपि-कफ ) & मानचसक दोष (सवव-रज-तम), in 2. आनूप देश  क्लेद & कफप्रधान
normal state, play important role in normal physiological and 3. साधारण देश  सामान्य वातावरण, चत्रदोष सम
psychological fuctions of the body. But when they get aggravated or
(ii) आतुर परीक्षा  The area where treatment is applied, is the body of
vitiated, pathological changes occur in the body those lead to
patient. This body should be thoroughly examined to determine प्रमाण of
manifestation of various diseases. So health and disease depend upon
आयु, दोष बल, and रोगी-रोग बल. Diagnosis, selection of treatment
state of दोष साम्यता & चवषमता, and therefore physician should examine
measures, selection of drugs and dosage of drugs depend upon रोगी-रोग
the शारीररक & मानचसक दोष carefully before initiating any treatment.
बल, दोष बल, आयु etc. Also these factors are used to assess साध्यासाध्यता
Always treatment should be planned with consideration of दोष वृचि-क्षय- (prognosis of disease).
सम अवस्था, ऊध्वधगचत, अधिःगचत, चतयधकगचत, कोष्ठगचत, शाखागचत, ममाधचस्थसचन्धगचत,
दशचवध आतुर परीक्षा includes प्रकृ चत, चवकृ चत, सार, संहनन, सात्म्य, सवव, प्रमाण,
स्वस्थान प्रकोप, स्थानान्तरगत प्रकोप, स्वतन्त्र प्रकोप, परतन्त्र प्रकोप, आवरण, आम,
आहार शचि, व्यायाम शचि and वय.
िन्दज, सचन्नपातज, दोष बलाबल, धातुगत, मलगत, संिय-प्रकोप-प्रसर-स्थानसंश्रय-व्यि –
Patient’s body can also be examined with अष्टस्थान परीक्षा  नाडी, मूत्र, मल,
ेदावास्था, अंशांश कल्पना etc.
चजह्वा, शब्द, स्पशध, दृक and आकृ चत.
Disease is produced due to दोष-दूष्य सम्मूच्छध न and the pathogenesis of
disease (सम्प्राचप्त) includes चनदान, दोष, दूष्य, स्रोतोदुचष्ट, स्थानसंश्रय etc. Hence काल  There are two types of काल 
the general line of treatment for every disease is चनदान पररवजधन & (i) चनत्यग काल – क्षण, मुहुिध, seconds, minutes, hours, कदन (days), राचत्र
treatment of दोष-दूष्य for सम्प्राचप्त चवघटन. (night), पक्ष (fortnight), मास (months), ऋतु (seasons), अयन (उिरान &
दचक्षणायन), संवत्सर (year), युग (era) etc. Physician has to consider काल for
दू ष् य  Consideration of involved धातु is also equally important as of दोष, proper diagnosis, treatment and dose of drugs (औषध सेवन काल) etc.
during treatment of any disease. Vitiated धातु & मल are called दूष्य. They (ii) आवचस्थक काल – It is either वयानुसार or व्याचध अवस्थानुसार – e.g. diseases
are सम्प्राचप्त घटक, so they must be treated for सम्प्राचप्त चवघटन. If दूष्य is are generally सुखसाध्य in युवावस्था, and कष्टसाध्य in वृिावस्था. And the
ignored, it can result in unsuccessful treatment or relapse of the disease. treatment defers for different व्याचध अवस्था.

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Chikitsa 28

बल  Consideration of रोगी बल, रोग बल, दोष बल and अचन बल are having सवव  The mental strength or will power of the patient should be
utmost importance in diagnosis and treatment, especially for selection of examined for assessment of severity and prognosis of disease, such as
therapeutic procdures like shodhana & shaman, selection of drugs, and गुरुव्याचधत रोगी appears to be having mild disease even if he has severe
dose & duration of drug-therapy. disease; but in case of लघुव्याचधत, he appears to be having severe
 रोगी बल of सहज (innate), कालज (seasonal) and युचिकृ त (acquired) may disease while actually having mild disease. सवव may be प्रवर, मध्यम or
be प्रवर (strong), मध्यम (medium), and अवर or अल्प (weak). अवर. A good mental strength indicates good prognosis.
 रोग बल may also be प्रवर (strong), मध्यम (medium), and अवर (weak).
सात्म्य  Acceptability of the body and mind of patient, or the स्वप्रकृ चत
 दोष may be involved in disease with बहुदोष (excessive doshas)
अनुकूल (suitable) पदाथध (substances), रस (tastes) or जलवायु (climates) are
मध्यमदोष (moderate) and अल्पदोष (less) प्रकोप. They may be causing
called सात्म्य. For example, patient may be एकरस सात्म्य, सवधरस सात्म्य, चस्नग्ध
the disease individually (एकदोषज), in combination of two (संसगधज), or
or रूक्ष सात्म्य etc.
in combination of all the three (सचन्नपातज) with variable दोष बलाबल that
is denoted by तर - तम. सात्म्य should be examined as देह सात्म्य, प्रकृ चत सात्म्य, ऋतु सात्म्य, देश सात्म्य,
 अचन बल may be प्रवर, मध्यम or अवर. ओक सात्म्य, जाचत सात्म्य, काल सात्म्य, बल सात्म्य etc. It is useful in the treatment
for choosing the line of treatment and deciding dosage and duration of
अचन  Consideration of अचन बल and अचन अवस्था such as assessment
drug therapy.
तीक्ष्णाचन, समाचन, मन्दाचन, and चवषमाचन help in diagnosis and treatment. The
importance of अचन can be understood by following quotations  आहार  आहार is having various types such as अचशत, पीत, लीढ, खाकदत,
कायचिककत्सा इचत कायस्य अन्तरनेचिककत्सा । (गंगाधर) शाकाहारी, मांसाहारी, चवरुिाहार, अनशन, अध्यशन, चवषमाशन, चवरूिाशन, लघु, गुरु,
रोगािः सवेचप मन्देs नौ . . . । (अ.हृ.चन.12/1) शीत, उष्ण, प्रकृ चत, करण, सन्योग, राचश, देश, काल, उपयोगसंस्था, उपयोिा etc. All
these types of ahara should be considered before initiating treatment.
प्रकृ चत  The constitution of patient is examined for proper diagnosis and
initiation of proper treatment. Selection of drugs and treatment measures व्याचध अवस्था  Assessment of the stages of a disease is essential for
also depend upon the प्रकृ चत of the patient. प्रकृ चत may be वातज, चपिज, successful treatment. The knowledge of व्याचध अवस्था is useful in
कफज, िन्दज, or सचन्नपातज. determining the strength of disease and deciding the line of treatment.
व्याचध अवस्था may be नव or जीणध, and based on षड् कियाकाल it may be
वय  Many diseases are age-related, e.g., वाधधख्यजन्य चवकाराs are
संियावस्था, प्रकोपावस्था, प्रसरावस्था, स्थानसंश्रयावस्था, व्यिावस्था and ेदावस्था.
produced due to degenerative changes in old age. Consideration of
The treatment measures for all these stages are diffrerent and those
बाल्यावस्था, ककशोरावस्था, युवावस्था, प्रौढ, वृि, and जरावस्था is important in
must be applied with proper assessment of the stage of disease.
treatment for diagnosis, selection of drugs and prognosis etc.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 29

चिचवधोपिम सन्तपधण उपिम 

This therapy includes बृंहण चिककत्सा that is treatment with धातुपुचष्टकर & बृंहण
उपिम्यस्य चह चित्वाकदचिधवोपिमो मतिः ।
एकिः सन्तपधणस्तत चितीयिापतपधणिः ॥ (अ.हृ.सू.14/1) औषध-आहार-चवहार. It is indicated for अपतपधणजन्य रोग.
सन्तपधण or बृंहण चिककत्सा is classified as follows 
Acharya Vagbhata has mentioned two types of therapies 
1. सन्तपधण  Tonofying or nourishing therapy (बृंहण चिककत्सा) 1. सद्य सन्तपधण  Administration of therapies (चिककत्सा) and drugs (िव्य),
2. अपतपधण  Making the body light or reducing therapy (लंघन चिककत्सा) those provide nourishment to the शरीर (body) and धातु (tissues)
immediately, is known as सद्य सन्तपधण.
सन्तपधण means nourishment, and अपतपधण means under nourishment.
For example – बृंहण बचस्त प्रयोग, बृंहण िव्य प्रयोग (िाक्षा, खजूधर, दाचडम,
Indications of सन्तपधण चिककत्सा are अपतपधणजन्य व्याचध such as क्षय, शोष,
परूषक, वृक्षाम्ल etc.)
वातव्याचध etc., whereas indications of अपतपधण are आमदोषजन्य & सन्तपधणजन्य
2. अभ्यास सन्तपधण  Nourishing therapy that includes बृंहण िव्य प्रयोग and
व्याचध such as स्थौल्य, मेदोचवकार, कु ष्ठ, प्रमेह etc.
धातुपुचष्टकर आहार-चवहार सेवन, continuously for longer duration, is known
चिचवध उपिम also includes six types of therapies (षडचवध उपिम) 
as अभ्यास सन्तपधण.
लंघन रूक्षण स्वेदन  अपतपधण
बृंहण स्नेहन स्तम् न  सन्तपधण For example – दुग्ध & घृत चनत्यसेवन, मांसरस, सिू , मधुर अम्ल शीत चस्नग्ध मृदु
अपतपधण उपिम  गुण युि बृंहण आहार सेवन, अभ्यंग, अनुवासन बचस्त etc.
This therapy includes लंघन चिककत्सा, which is indicated for आमदोषजन्य &
सन्तपधणजन्य रोग. अपतपधण or लंघन चिककत्सा is classified as follows  [ Note  Detailed explanation of लंघन and बृंह ण, under the heading of षडचवधोपिम can
also be used to describe चिचवधोपिम, if चिचवधोपिम is asked for 15 marks. ]
 3 types of अपतपधण  (i) लंघन, (ii) लंघन-पािन, (iii) दोषावसेिन
 2 types of लंघन चिककत्सा  (i) शोधन चिककत्सा, (ii) शमन चिककत्सा
षड् चवधोपिम
 10 types of लंघन चिककत्सा  (i) वमन
षडचवध-उपिम (six types of therapies) are included in चिचवध-उपिम (two
(ii) चवरेिन
types of therapies – सन्तपधण & अपतपधण). अपतपधण is used in स्थूल रोगी & साम
(iii) चनरूह बचस्त
रोग (सन्तपधण जन्य रोग), whereas सन्तपधण is used in कृ शरोगी & चनराम रोग
(iv) चशरोचवरेिन (नस्य)
(अपतपधण जन्य रोग).
(v) पािन
लंघनं बृंहणं काले रूक्षणं स्नेहनं तथा ।
(vi) उपवास
स्वेदनं स्तम् नं जानीते यिः स व च षक् ॥ (ि.सू.22/4)
(vii) चपपासा
According to Acharya Charaka, those who have the knowledge about all
(viii) आतप सेवन
six types of therapies (षडचवधोपिम) are called च षक or वद्य (physicians).
(ix) मारुत सेवन
These therapies are लंघन, बृंहण, रूक्षण, स्नेहन, स्वेदन and स्तम् न.
(x) व्यायाम

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 30

1. लंघ न  Contraindications of लंघन  वात वृचि, अपतपधण जन्य व्याचध, कृ श, रूक्ष पुरुष etc.
यहत्कं चित लाघवकरं देहे तल्लंघनं स्मृतम् ।
Reducing therapy – that which brings lightness in the body. सम्यक लंघन लक्षण  (i) शरीर लघुता
लंघ न िव्य  (ii) आमपािन & अचनदीपन
लघूष्णतीक्ष्णचवशदं रूक्षं सूक्ष्मं खरं सरम् । (iii) हृदय, कण्ठ & मुख शुचि
करठनं िव यद् िव्यं प्रायस्तल्लंघनंस्मृतम् ॥ (ि.सू.22/12) (iv) सम्यक् मल मूत्र त्याग
लंघन िव्य are लघु (light), उष्ण(hot in potency), तीक्ष्ण (sharp), चवशद (non (v) सन्तपधणोत्थ रोग प्रशमन
slimy), रूक्ष (dry) सूक्ष्म (minute) खर (rough) सर (mobile) and करठन (hard) in
अचतलंघन लक्षण  (i) अंगमदध, पवध ेद, कास, श्वास, चहक्का, जृम् ा उत्पचि
nature. For example – यव, मुद्ग, चत्रफला, मररि, चपप्पली, चवडंग, मेचथका etc.
(ii) क्षुधानाश, देह & अचन बल नाश
लंघ न ेद 
(iii) अरुचि
1. दश ेद 
(iv) तृष्णाचधक्य
1. वमन – Emesis
(v) चििचवभ्रंश
2. चवरेिन – Purgation
अचतलंघ न चिककत्सा  शकध रा, मांसरस, क्षीर, घृत आकद बृंहणीय िव्य प्रयोग.
3. चनरूह बचस्त – Decoction enema
4. नस्य (चशरोचवरेिन) – Errhines 2. बृंह ण 
5. पािन – Use of digestants बृहत्वं यच्छरीरस्य जनयेत् तच्च बृंहणम् ।
6. उपवास – Fasting Nourishing therapy – increases the musculature or bulk of body.
7. चपपासा – Thirst बृंह ण िव्य 
8. आतपसेवन – Exposure to sun rays गुरु शीतं मृदु चस्नग्धं बहलं स्थूलचपचच्छलम् ।
प्रायो मन्दं चस्थरं श्लक्ष्णं िव्यं बृंहणमुच्यते ॥ (ि.सू.22/13)
9. मारुतसेवन – Exposure to fresh air
बृंहण िव्य are गुरु (heavy), शीत (cold), मृदु (soft), चस्नग्ध (unctuous), बहल
10. व्यायाम – Exercise
(thick), स्थूल (bulky), चपचच्छल (slimy), मन्द (sluggish), चस्थर (stable) and श्लक्ष्ण
2. चि द
े  (smooth) in nature. For example – मधुर शीत चस्नग्ध आहार, दुग्ध, घृत, शकध रा,
1. शोधन – Purificatory procedures मांसरस, िाक्षा, मृचिका, खजूधर, दाचडम, परूषक, वृक्षाम्ल, आमलकी, शतावरी, बला,
(वमन, चवरेिन, चनरूह बचस्त, चशरोचवरेिन, and रिमोक्षण) अश्वगन्धा, चवदारीकन्द, अनुवासन बचस्त, अभ्यंग, उत्सादन, स्नान, चनिा सेवन etc.
2. शमन – Palliative or pacifying procedures
Indications of बृंह ण  अपतपधण जन्य रोग, वातव्याचध, क्षत, क्षीण, कृ श, वृि, दुबधल
(पािन, दीपन, क्षुधा, तृष्णा, व्यायाम, आतप and मारुत सेवन)
पुरुष, िी-मद्य चनत्यसेवी, ग्रीष्मकाल etc.
Indications of लंघन  आमदोष जन्य चवकार, सन्तपधण जन्य रोग, स्थौल्य, प्रमेह, कु ष्ठ,
Contraindications of बृंह ण  सन्तपधण जन्य रोग, आमदोष, अचतचस्नग्ध, अचतस्थूल
उरुस्तम् , अलसक, अचतचस्नग्ध पुरुष, रसधातुगत चवकार, मेदो चवकार, चशचशर ऋतु etc.
पुरुष, उरुस्तम् , मेदोवृचि, कफवृचि etc.

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Chikitsa 31

सम्यक बृंहण लक्षण  (i) शरीर & धातु पुचष्ट 4. स्नेह न 

(ii) बलवृचि स्नेहनं स्नेह चवष्यन्द मादधवं क्लेद कारकम् ।
(iii) कृ शता दोष नाश Oleation therapy – brings unctuousness, sliminess, softness & moisture.
(iv) अपतपधणोत्थ रोग प्रशमन स्नेह न िव्य 
िवं सूक्ष्मं सरं चस्नग्धं चपचच्छलं गुरु शीतलम् ।
अचत बृंहण बृंहण  (i) शरीर स्थूलता
प्रायो मन्दं मृदु ि यद् िव्यं तत् स्नेहनं मतम् ॥ (ि.सू.22/15)
(ii) स्थौल्य अष्टदोष उत्पचि
स्नेहन िव्य are िव (liquid), सूक्ष्म (minute), सर (mobile), चस्नग्ध (unctuous),
(आयुह्रास – जवोपरोध – कृ च्रव्यवाय – दौबधल्य
चपचच्छल (slimy), गुरु (heavy), शीतल (cold), मन्द (sluggish), and मृदु (soft) in
– दौगांध्य – अचतस्वेद – अचतक्षुधा – अचततृष्णा)
nature. For example – महास्नेह (घृत-तल-वसा-मज्जा); चतल, एरण्ड, सषधप, चनम्ब,
(iii) सन्तपधणोत्थ रोग उत्पचि (प्रमेह-कु ष्ठ-ज्वर-उदर etc.)
करंज आकद स्थावर स्नेह; दचध, दुग्ध, घृत, मांस, वसा, मज्जा आकद जांगल स्नेह.
अचतबृंह ण चिककत्सा  लंघन, रूक्षण, कफहर & मेदोहर िव्य प्रयोग etc.
स्नेह न ेद 
There are various classifications of स्नेहन कमध 
3. रूक्षण 
रौक्ष्यं खरत्वं वशद्य यत्कु याधद तचिरूक्षणम् । ितुर्वधध स्नेह  (1) घृत – Ghee
Drying therapy – brings dryness, roughness and non-sliminess. (2) तल – Oil
रूक्षण िव्य  (3) वसा – Muscle fat
रूक्षं लघु खरं तीक्ष्णमुष्णं चस्थरमचपचच्छलम् । (4) मज्जा – Bone marrow
प्रायशिः करठनं िव यद् िव्यं तचि रूक्षणम् ॥ (ि.सू.22/14)
रूक्षण िव्य are रूक्ष (dry), लघु (light), खर (rough), तीक्ष्ण (sharp), उष्ण (hot), Based on स्नेह योचन  (1) स्थावर स्नेह – Plan source
चस्थर (stable), अचपचच्छल (non-slimy), and करठन (hard) in nature. For (2) जांगम स्नेह – Animal source
example – कटु -चति-कषाय रस प्रधान िव्य सेवन, िी असंयम, सषधप खली, चतलखली,
Based on स्नेह मात्रा  (1) ह्रसीयसी मात्रा – get digested in 1 याम (3 hrs)
ति, मधु, चत्रकटु , चत्रफला etc.
(2) ह्रस्व मात्रा – get digested in 2 याम (6 hrs)
Indications of रूक्षण  अच ष्यन्द जन्य रोग (स्रोतोरोध), महादोष (दोष मात्राचधक्य), (2) मध्यम मात्रा – get digested in 4 याम (12 hrs)
ममधस्थान गत रोग, उरुस्तम् etc. (3) उिम मात्रा –get digested in 8 याम (24 hrs)
सम्यक रूक्षण लक्षण  सम्यक लंघन लक्षण
Based on स्नेह पाक  (1) मृदु पाक – Consistency of paste
अचतरूक्षण लक्षण  अचत लंघन लक्षण (2) मध्यम पाक – Jelly consistency that can be
अचतरूक्षण चिककत्सा  स्नेहन चिककत्सा, घृत, तल, वसा, मज्जा, पंिप्रासृचतकी पेया, चतल- poured out easily with spoon
काम्बचलक आकद प्रयोग. (3) खर पाक – Thicker consistency that can be
rolled between the fingers
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Chikitsa 32

Based on स्नेहन प्रयोग(1) बाह्य स्नेहन – External application of Sneha Indications of स्नेहन  स्वेद्यािः शोधचयतव्याि रूक्षा वातचवकाररणिः ।
(2) आभ्यन्तर स्नेहन – Internal administration of Sneha व्यायाममद्यिीचनत्यािः स्नेहािः स्युयै ि चिन्तका ॥ (ि.सू.13/52)

 बाह्य स्नेह is of various types  such as – अभ्यंग, उितधन, लेप, मदधन, उन्मदधन, The person who is about to undergo sudation therapy (स्वेदन) or
पादघात, पररषेक, गण्डू ष, मूधध तल (चशरो बचस्त-चपिू-सेक-अभ्यंग), कणध तपधण, नासा purificatory therapies (शोधन), dry (रुक्ष), suffering from वातव्याचध, and tired
तपधण, अचक्ष तपधण, अवगाह etc. from regular exercise (व्यायाम), alcohol consumption (मद्यसेवन), sexual
intercourse (िीसेवन), or excessive worry (चिन्ता).
 आभ्यन्तर स्नेह (स्नेहपान) is of mainly three types  स्नेहन कमध is administered as पूवधकमध for the शोधन चिककत्सा (पंिकमध), as
1. शोधनांग स्नेहपान प्रधानकमध for the शमन चिककत्सा (best for वातव्याचध), and also for बृंहण चिककत्सा.
-Used as पूवधकमध of शोधन चिककत्सा that eliminate the aggravated dosha
-Administered in the morning before the time of breakfast Contraindications of स्नेहन  आमदोष, नवज्वर, अरुचि, मन्दाचन, अचतस्थूल, तृष्णा,
2. शमनांग स्नेहपान मूच्छाध, छर्दध, श्रम, क्लम, ग्लाचन, दुबधल, गर् धणी, बचस्तकमध पिात, नस्यकमध पिात etc.
-Used for pacification (शमन) of the aggravated dosha
-Administered in the morning at the time of breakfast सम्यक चस्नग्ध लक्षण  वातानुलोम्यं दीप्तोsचनवधिधिः चस्नग्धमसंहतम् ।
3. बृंहणांग स्नेहपान मादधवं चस्नग्धता िांगे चस्नग्धानामुपजायते ॥ (ि.सू.13/58)
-Used for nourishment of the body (बृंहण)  वातानुलोमन – proper movement of vata (or flatus)

-Can be administered before food, with food, or after food. Generally  अचनदीपन – improvement of digestion
it is administered by mixing with food.  चस्नग्ध & असंहत विध – unctuous & loose stool
 मादधवता – softness of the body
Other types based on स्नेह-योग   चस्नग्धता – unctuousness of the body
(I) (1) अच्चपेय –Sneha without mixing (के वल स्नेह)
(2) प्रचविारण –Sneha along with various preparations अचतचस्नग्ध लक्षण  पाण्डु ता गौरवं जाड्य पुरीषस्याचवपक्वता ।
तन्िारुचिरुत्क्लेशिः स्याद् अचतचस्नग्धलक्षणम् ॥ (ि.सू.13/59)
प्रचविारण स्नेह is internal administration of sneha mixed with other food
 पाण्डु ता – pallority in the body
articles, and also external application of any sneha with or without
 गौरवता – heaviness in the body
mixing. It is of 24 types  ओदन, चवलेपी, रस, मांस, पय, दचध, यवागु, सूप, शाक,
 जाड्यता – dullness in the body
यूष, काम्बचलक, खड, सिु , चतलचपष्ट, मद्य, लेह्य, क्ष्य, अभ्यंजन, बचस्त, उिरबचस्त,
 पुरीषस्य अचवपक्वता – unformed stool
गण्डू ष, कणधतल, नस्य, and अचक्षतपधण.
 तन्िा – drowsiness
(II) (1) यमक स्नेह – Combination of any two of ितुर्वधध स्नेह  अरुचि – anorexia
(2) चत्रवृत स्नेह – Combination of any three of ितुर्वधध स्नेह  उत्क्लेश – nausea
(3) महास्नेह – Combination of all the four ितुर्वधध स्नेह
अचतचस्नग्ध चिककत्सा  लंघन & रुक्षण चिककत्सा.
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Chikitsa 33

5. स्वेद न  7. अश्मघन स्वेद – Preheated slab of stone

स्तम् गौरव शीतघ्नं स्वेदनं स्वेद कारकम् । 8. कषूध स्वेद– Trench (pit) containing a large space inside & small opening
Sudation – removes stiffness heaviness coldness, and induces sweating. 9. कु टी स्वेद – Svedana in the Round shaped Hut
स्वेद न िव्य  10. ू स्वेद – Svedana on the ground
उष्णं तीक्ष्णं सरं चस्नग्धं रूक्षं सूक्ष्मं िवं चस्थरम् । 11. कु चम् क स्वेद – Svedana with the help of Kumbhi (pitcher)
िव्यं गुरु ि यत् प्रायस्तचि स्वेदमुच्यते ॥ (ि.सू.22/16)
12. कू प स्वेद – Svedana with the help of Kupa (a well-like pit)
स्वेदन िव्य are उष्ण (hot), तीक्ष्ण (sharp), सर (mobile), चस्नग्ध (unctuous) or रूक्ष
13. होलाक स्वेद – A bed is prepared over the burnt, smokeless & hot dung
(dry), सूक्ष्म (minute), िव (liquid), चस्थर (stable), and गुरु (heavy) in nature.
For example – शो ांजन, एरण्ड, अकध , पुननधवा, यव, चतल, कु लवथ, माष, बदर etc. चनरचन स्वेद (10 types)  व्यायाम उष्णसदनं गुरुप्रावरणं क्षुधा ।
स्वेद न ेद  बहुपानं य िोध उपनाहाहवातपािः ॥ (ि.सू.14/64)
There are various classifications of स्वेदन कमध  1. व्यायाम – Exercise
According to िरक  (1) एकांग स्वेद – Svedana to one part of the body 2. उष्णसदन – Warm room
(2) सवाांग स्वेद – Svedana all over the body 3. गुरुप्रावरण – Covering with thick Blankets
4. क्षुधा – Hunger
(1) चस्नग्ध स्वेद – e.g. षचष्टकशाचल चपण्ड स्वेद etc.
5. बहुपान – Excessive alcohol
(2) रूक्ष स्वेद – e.g. वालुका स्वेद etc.
6. य – Fear
(1) अचन (साचन) स्वेद – Direct contact with अचन (fire) 7. िोध – Anger
(2) चनरचन (अनचन) स्वेद – No direct contact with अचन 8. उपनाह – Poultice
साचन स्वेद (13 types)  संकर प्रस्तरो नाडी पररषेकोsवगाहनम् । 9. आहव – Wrestling
जेन्ताकोsश्मघनिः कषूधिः कु टी ूिः कु चम् कव ि ॥ 10. आतप – Sun bath
कू पो होलाक इत्येते स्वेदयचन्त त्रयोदश । (ि.सू.14/39) According to सुश्रुत  ितुर्वधधिः स्वेदिः, तद्यथा – तापस्वेदिः, उष्मस्वेदिः,
1. संकर स्वेद – Pinda Sveda (bolus) with or without Pottali उपनाहस्वेदो, िवस्वेद इचत । (सु.चि.32/3)
2. प्रस्तर स्वेद – Svedana with Stone Slab (1) ताप स्वेद – By patting the body with heated
3. नाडी स्वेद – Svedana with vapours through a pipe (Nadi) cloth, metal plate, palm of the hand, sand etc.
4. पररषेक स्वेद – Pouring of warm oil or liquid over the body or part (2) उष्म स्वेद – Steam of boiling liquids or the heat
5. अवगाह स्वेद – Hot Tub Bath of the hot leaves, stone, cow-dung etc.
6. जेन्ताक स्वेद – Sudatorium (a special room for sveda) (3) उपनाह स्वेद – By poultice or bolus (Pottali)
(4) िव स्वेद – Pouring hot liquids

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Chikitsa 34

Indications of स्वेदन  प्रचतश्याये ि कासे ि चहक्का श्वासेषु लाघवे । अचतचस्वन्न लक्षण  चपिप्रकोपो मूच्छाध ि शरीरसदनं तृषा ।
कणध मन्या चशरिःशूले स्वर ेदे गलग्रहे ॥ दाहिः स्वरांगदौबधल्यमचतचस्वन्नस्यलक्षणम् ॥ (ि.सू.14/13)
अर्दधतर् एकांग सवाांग पक्षाघाते चवनाचमके ।  चपि प्रकोप – Aggravation of pitta dosha
कोष्ठानाह चवबन्धेषु मूत्राघाते चवजृम् के ॥  मूच्छाध – Unconsciousness
पाश्वध पृष्ठ करट कु चक्षसंग्रहे गृध्रसीषु ि ।
 शरीर सदन – Lassitude
मूत्रकृ च्रे महात्वे ि मुष्कयोर् अंगमदधके ॥
पाद जानू उरु जंघार्तध संग्रहे श्वयथावचप ।  तृष्णा – Excess thirst (polydipsia)
खल्लीषु आमेषु शीते ि वेपथौ वातकण्टके ॥  दाह – Burning sensation
संकोि आयाम शूलेषु स्तम् गौरव सुचप्तषु ।  स्वर दौबधल्य – Weakness of voice
सवाांगेषु चवकारेषु स्वेदनं चहतमुच्यते ॥ (ि.सू.14/20-24)
 अंग दौबधल्य – Weakness of the body parts
प्रचतश्याय – कास – चहका – श्वास – कणध मन्या चशरिःशूल – स्वर ेद – गलग्रह – अर्दधत
अचतचस्वन्न चिककत्सा  मधुर-चस्नग्ध-शीत आहार चवहार, ग्रीष्म ऋतुियाध पालन, and
एकांगवात – सवाांगवात – पक्षाघात – चवनाचमका – कोष्ठ आनाह – चवबन्ध – मूत्राघात –
स्तम् न चिककत्सा should be used to treat excess sudation.
पाश्वध पृष्ठ करट कु चक्षग्रह – मूत्रकृ च्र – पाद उरु जानु जंघा ग्रह – शोथ – आमदोष – वेपथु
(कम्पवात) – वातकण्टक – संकोि आयाम शूल – स्तम् गौरव सुप्तता – अबुधद रोग – ग्रंचथ 6. स्तम् न 
रोग – शुिाघात – आढ्यवात (उरुस्तम् ) etc. स्तम् नं स्तम् यचत यद् गचतमन्तं िलं ध्रुवम् ।
Astringent therapy – that which stops the flow of doshas.
Contraindications of स्वेद न  कषाय & मद्य चनत्य सेवी – गर् धणी – रिचपि –
स्तम् न िव्य 
चपिज रोग & चपिज प्रकृ चत – अचतसार – मधुम ेह – गुदभ्रंश – गुदपाक – नष्टसंज्ञा – शीतं मन्दं मृदु श्लक्ष्णं रूक्षं सूक्ष्मं िवं चस्थरम् ।
अचतस्थूल – क्षुधा – तृष्णा – पाण्डु – कामला – उदर – उरिःक्षत – क्षय (राजयक्ष्मा) – यद् िव्यं लघु िोकिष्टं प्रायस्तत् स्तम् नं स्मृतम् ॥ (ि.सू.22/17)
अजीणध – चवष – वातरि – चतचमर – िोध – शोक etc. स्तम् न िव्य are शीत (cold), मन्द (slow / sluggish), मृदु (soft), श्लक्ष्ण (smooth),
रूक्ष (dry), सूक्ष्म (minute), िव (liquid), चस्थर (stable) and लघु (light) in nature.
सम्यक चस्वन्न लक्षण  शीतशूल व्युपरमे स्तम् गौरव चनग्रहे । For example – अचहफे न, ंगा, मोिरस, कु टज, लोध्र, जातीफल, लाक्षा, वासा, खकदर,
संजाते मादधवे स्वेदे स्वेदनातचिरचतमधता ॥ (ि.सू.14/13) दूवाध, अशोक, उशीर, रििन्दन, पद्मक, प्रवाल, गररक etc.
 शीत उपरम – Reduction of cold
 शूल उपरम – Reduction of pain Indications of स्तम् न  चपि प्रकृ चत, क्षार-अचन दग्ध, वमन (छर्दध) or अचतसार
 स्तं चनग्रह – Relief from stiffness पीचडत, चवष, स्वेद-अचतयोग, अचतप्रवृचि-स्रोतोदुचष्ट etc.
 गौरव चनग्रह – Relief from heaviness सम्यक स्तम् न लक्षण  रोग शाचन्त & बल प्राचप्त
 मादधवता – Softness of the body
अचतस्तम् न लक्षण  श्यावता – स्तब्धगात्रता – उिेग – हनुग्रह – हृदग्रह – विधग्रह etc.
 स्वेद प्रवृचि – Perspiration (sweating)
अचतस्तम् न चिककत्सा  स्नेहन & स्वेदन, उष्ण-चस्नग्ध-सर गुणयुि िव्य प्रयोग

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 35

शोधन & शमन 1. वमन कमध – Emesis

तत्र दोषहरणं उध्वध ागं वमन संज्ञकम् ।
 शोधन चिककत्सा  Therapeutic procedure of eliminating the aggravated dosha upwards
यद् इयेद् बचहदोषान् पंिधा शोधनं ि तत् । (i.e. through mouth) is called वमन कमध.
चनरूहो वमनं कायचशरोरेको अस्रचवस्रुचतिः॥ (अ.हृ.सू.14/5)
It is considered as best purificatory treatment for कफ दोष & आमाशय.
शोधन कमध are the purificatory procedures those eliminate the aggravated
2. चवरे ि न कमध – Purgation
doshas from the body. These are five in numbers; hence they are called तत्र दोषहरणं अधो ागं चवरेिन संज्ञकम् ।
as पंिकमध. According to Acharya Sushruta and Vagbhata, Shodhana Therapeutic procedure of eliminating the aggravated dosha
karmas are as follows  downwards (i.e. through anus) is called चवरेिन कमध.
वमन – चवरेिन –– चनरूह बचस्त – चशरोचवरेिन – रिमोक्षण It is considered as best purificatory treatment for चपि दोष.
Indications of शोधन  3. चनरूह बचस्त – Decoction enema
बहुदोष अवस्था – अचवपाक – अरुचि – स्थौल्य – पाण्डु ता – गौरव – क्लम – चपडका – “वसु चनवासे” “बस् आच्छादने” The word बचस्त denotes the meaning of
कोठ – कण्डु – स्तम् – अरचत – आलस्य – श्रम – दौबधल्य – अवसाद – कफोत्क्लेश – residing or covering the site of application. The बचस्त िव्य reside and
चपिोत्क्लेश – चनिानाश – अचतचनिा – तन्िा – क्लब्य – बलनाश – वणधनाश etc. cover the पक्वाशय and then eliminate the aggravated dosha.
Contraindication of शोधन  (अचिककत्स्य पुरुष) “बचस्तना दीयते इचत बचस्त” This procedure is called बचस्त because of the
अनपवाद प्रतीकार – अधन – अपररिारक – वद्यमाचनन – िण्ड – असूयक – तीव्र धमध use of animal bladder as बचस्तपुटक.
अरुचि – अचतक्षीण बल मांस शोचणत – असाध्य रोगोपहत – मुम ुषुध हलंगाचन्वत It is considered as best purificatory treatment for वात दोष & पक्वाशय.
4. चशरोचवरे ि न (नस्य कमध) – Errhines
Importance of शोधन  औषधं औषधचसिं स्नेहो वा नाचसकाभ्यां दीयते इचत नस्यम् ।
 ऋतु अनुसार शोधन (रोगानुत्पचिकर चिककत्सा) – e.g. वमन in वसंत ऋतु, चवरेिन Administration of medicines or medicated oils through nostrils is
& रिमोक्षण in शरद ऋतु, बचस्त in वषाध ऋतु – To prevent the diseases. called नस्य. It is of three types based on action – रेिन, शमन & बृंहण.
 रसायन-वाजीकरण पूवध शोधन – Acharyas has mentioned that “As dirty चशरोचवरेिन refers to elimination of aggravated dosha through nostrils
clothes (मचलन वि) cannot be coloured properly, patients without (i.e. Errhine). It is considered as best purificatory treatment for
शोधन (अचवशुि शरीर) cannot get proper result of रसायन & वाजीकरण”. उध्वधजत्रुगत रोग (चशरोरोग-नासा-कणध-मन्या etc.)
 दोषािः कदाचित् कु प्यंचत चजता लंघनपािनिः । 5. रिमोक्षण – Blood letting (Venesection, leech therapy etc.)
चजतािः संशोधनयधषु न तेषां पुनरुिव ॥ (ि.सू.16/20) रिस्य मोक्षणं रिमोक्षणम् ।
The diseases, treated with शमन चिककत्सा like लंघन-पािन, may recur but Letting out the vitiated blood is called रिमोक्षण. It is considered as
the diseases treated with शोधन चिककत्सा do not recur. best purificatory treatment for रिज व्याचध and त्वक गत चवकार, and also
used in चपि प्रकोप.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 36

 शमन चिककत्सा   If शोधन कमध is performed without दोषोत्क्लेष, the patient has to suffer
न शोधयचत यद् दोषान् समान्नोदीरयत्यचप । just as extraction of juice from an unripe fruit results in destruction of
समीकरोचत िु िाि तत् संशमनमुच्यते ॥ (सु.सू.1, डल्हण) that fruit.
Treatment measures those neither eliminate the doshas, nor aggravate  In case of बहुदोषावस्था & बलवान रोगी, the संशोधन चिककत्सा should be
the doshas, but they pacify the aggravated dosha and bring equilibrium used and then संशमन चिककत्सा. And in case of अल्पदोष & दुबधल रोगी, the
in the body, are called Shamana chikitsa. संशमन चिककत्सा should only be used.
There are 7 types of शमन चिककत्सा including 2 िव्य ूत & 5 अिव्य ूत चिककत्सा.
1. पािन (आमदोष पािन) – Using digestants e.g. चित्रक, मुस्ता
चनदान पररवजधन
2. दीपन (अचन दीपन) – Using appetizers e.g. चत्रकटु (शुण्ठी, मररि, चपप्पली)
3. क्षुधा (उपवास) – Fasting / or intake of less food  संक्षेपतिः कियायोगो चनदानपररवजधनम् । (सु.उ.1/25)
4. तृष्णा – Intake of less or no water Avoiding the etiological factors is itself a treatment. चनदान पररवजधन is
5. आतप सेवन – Exposure to sun rays having utmost importance in Ayurvedic treatments.
6. मारुत सेवन – Exposure to fresh air  चनदान पररवजधन refers to avoiding etiological factors by patient and also
7. व्यायाम – Exercise treating the etiological factors by physician, e.g., In case वातव्याचध,
Indications of शम न  the etiological factors of वात दोष are to be avoided by patient, and the

मध्यम & अल्प दोष अवस्था – वृि – बाल – गर् धणी – दुबधल – मन्दाचन – अजीणध – छर्दध – physician has to treat वात प्रकोप.
अचतसार – चवसूचिका – अलसक – हृिोग –गौरव – उद्गार – हृल्लास – चवबन्ध etc.  Various diseases can be cured with चनदान पररवजधन only, while all the
Contraindication of शमन  अचिककत्स्य पुरुष Ayurvedic treatments are incomplete without चनदान पररवजधन.
 If a patient continues चनदान सेवन, physician cannot treat him
 Considerations for संश ोधन & संश मन चिककत्सा  successfully. Or if the disease subsides due to शोधन & शमन but
 शोधन should always be used after अचनदीपन-आमपािन, after bringing patient continues चनदान सेवन, it leads to relapse or recurrence of
कु चपत दोष towards कोष्ठ from शाखा, and after making दोषोत्क्लेष; those disease that can advance to chronic or complicated stage.
can be achieved by दीपन-पािन, स्नेहन-स्वेदन & शोधन पूवध ोजन व्यवस्था.  To avoid relapse or recurrence of any disease, patient has to avoid
 If शोधन कमध is performed without अचनदीपन & आमपािन, the शोधन िव्य the etiological factors even after successful treatment.
(drugs) are not digested properly and may lead to adverse effects.  चनदान पररवजधन not only helps in treatment but it also helps in
 If शोधन कमध is performed without कोष्ठगमन of कु चपत दोष, the complete prevention of the diseases. For example, in ऋतुियाध पालन the
elimination of aggravated dosha can not be achieved that can result etiological factors of the respective accumulating doshas should be
in relapse or recurrence of disease. avoided to prevent their aggravation such as during वसंत ऋतु one
should avoid कफवधधक आहार-चवहार.
Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 37

औषध मात्रा 2. क्षीरान्नाद  Those children who consume breastmilk (क्षीर) and foods
चस्थचतनाधस्त्येव मात्रायािः कालमहनं वयो बलम् । (अन्न) are called क्षीरान्नाद. They are of 1 to 2 years of age. िूणध or कल्क
प्रकृ हतं दोषदेशौ ि दृष्टा मात्रां प्रकल्पयेत् ॥ (शा.सं.पू.1/37) in dose of कोलाचस्थ मात्रा should be given to them.
औषध मात्रा (dose of a medicine) should always be decided with 3. अन्नाद  Those children who consume foods only are called अन्नाद.
consideration of following factors  They are of 3 to 16 years of age. कोल मात्रा औषध should be given to
 अचन – मन्दाचन / समाचन / तीक्ष्णाचन / चवषमाचन them.
 वय – बाल / मध्यम / वृि
सामान्य औषध -मात्रा (Adult dose) 
 बल – अवर / मध्यम / प्रवर
 दोष – वात / चपि / कफ / संसगध / सचन्नपात / दोष बलाबल / दोष गचत (वृचि-क्षयाकद) ि. औषध कल्प औषध मात्रा (dose)
 प्रकृ चत – वातज / चपिज / कफज / वातचपिज / वातकफज / चपिकफज / सम चत्रदोषज 1 रस, स्म, लौह, 1 to 3 रिी 125 to 375 mg in divided dose
 देश – ूचम देश (जांगल / आनूप / साधारण) & आतुर (दशचवध परीक्षा) मण्डू र, चपष्टी
 काल – ऋतु (हेम न्त-चशचशर-वसन्त-ग्रीष्म-वषाध-शरद) / औषधसेवन काल (प्रातिः / सांय) 2 पपधटी 2 to 4 रिी 250 to 500 mg in divided dose
3 वटी ½ to 1 तोला 500 mg to 1 gm in divided dose
बलानुसार औषध मात्रा  Inadequate or less dose of a medicine is unable to
4 स्वरस ½ पल 24 ml in divided dose
cure a disease just as less quantity of water is unable to stop a fire.
5 कल्क 1 कषध 12 gm in divided dose
Overdose of a medicine may lead to adverse effects and complications
6 क्वाथ 1 to 2 पल 48 to 96 ml in divided dose
just as the excess rain destroys the crops. Therefore, dose of a medicine
7 िूणध 1 कषध 6 to 12 gm in divided dose
should neither be less nor be more, and it should be decided with proper
8 अवलेह पाक ½ पल 12 to 24 gm in divided dose
assessment of दोषबल, व्याचधबल & रोगीबल.
9 चसि घृत तल 1 पल 48 ml in divided dose
बाल्यावस्थानुसार औषध मात्रा  Medicines should be given in िव or लेह रूप to आसव अररष्ट
10 1 पल 48 ml in divided dose
children. िूणध or कल्क should be licked with घृत-मधु. वटी or गुरटका should not
be given. According to Acharya Sushruta, upto 16 years of age there is {*Note  While writing शमनौषचध for any disease  write common dosage and
anupana, such as  रसौषचध – 125 to 250 mg BD/ TID 𝑐̅ मधु / उष्णजल
बाल्यावस्था (कफ प्रधान) and the बाल्यावस्था is having three subtypes 
िूणध – 3 to 6 gm BD/ TID 𝑐̅ मधु / घृत / उष्णजल
1. क्षीरप  The children of 1 month to 1 year of age and those consume वटी / गुग्गुलु – 500 mg to 1 g (1 to 2 pills) BD/ TID 𝑐̅ उष्णजल
breastmilk only are called क्षीरप. If medicine has to be given to these क्वाथ / कषाय – 24 to 48 ml BD / TID 𝑐̅ जल / कोष्णजल
children, then it should be given to the nursing mother and the अवलेह/ पाक – 12 to 24 gm OD/ BD 𝑐̅ दुग्ध / उष्णजल
medicine can also be coated on nipples of mother in the quantity of घृत/ तल – 12 to 24 ml OD/ BD 𝑐̅ दुग्ध / उष्णजल
अंगुचलपवधिय मात्रा. आसव/अररष्ट – 12 to 24 ml OD/ BD 𝑐̅ जल / गोमूत्र }

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 38

औषध सेव न काल 7. िान्तर  Repeatedly in between the meals

Intake of medicine frequently in between meals is useful in अरुचि etc.
औषध सेवन काल (time of administration of medicine) depends upon रोगी-
8. सग्रास  With every bite (morsel) of meal
रोग अवस्था. For successful treatment, administration of medicine with
Intake of medicine with every morsel is useful in प्राणवायु चवकार such
proper dosage is essential.
as श्वास etc.
षज्यकालो ुिादौ मध्ये पिान्मुहुमुधहुिः ।
9. ग्रासान्तर (कवलान्तर)  In between two morsels
सामुद्गं िसंयुिं ग्रास ग्रासान्तरे दश ॥ (ि.चि.30/298)
Intake of medicine in between two morsels is useful in प्राणवायु चवकार.
Acharya Charaka has mentioned 10 types of औषध सेवन काल 
10. मुहु मुधहु  Frequent intake of medicine
1. अ ि  Empty stomach
Frequent intake of medicine is useful in चवष चवकार, छर्दध रोग, चहक्का,
Intake of medicine empty stomach is useful in कफ प्रकोप & in case of
तृष्णा, श्वास, कास etc.
बलवान रोगी.
2. पूव ध ि (प्राक् ि)  Before food (Pre-prandial) Acharya Vagbhata has told one more type 
Intake of medicine few minutes before the food is useful in अपान-वायु 11. चनचश  At night (before going to bed) 
चवकार such as चवबन्ध, उदावतध, अश्मरी, मूत्रकृ च्र, प्रदर etc. Intake of medicine at night is useful in उध्वधजत्रुगत चवकार.
3. मध्य ि  In between the intake of food
After intake of half of the food, administration of medicine and then अनुप ान
intake of remaining food is called मध्य ि. It is useful in समान-वायु
“अनु सह पिाद् वा पानं अनुपानम्” Anupana refers to substances taken with or
चवकार such as ग्रहणी, अन्निवशूल, पररणामशूल, उदरशूल, अचतसार, प्रवाचहका,
after diet and drugs.
अलसक, चवलचम्बका etc.
4. स ि (सान्न)  Mixed with foods यदाहारगुणिः पानं चवपरीत तकदष्यते ।
अन्नानुपानं धातूनां दृष्टं यन्न चवरोचध ि ॥ (ि.सू.27/319)
Intake of medicine mixed with food is useful in अरुचि.
The best Anupanas have properties opposite to diet and drugs which is
5. पिाद् ि (अधो ि)  After food (Post-prandial)
taken but not opposite to the Dhatus.
Intake of medicine just after food is useful in व्यानवायु चवकार such as
उच्च रििाप & in उदान वायु चवकार such as स्वर ेद etc. Anupana is considered as half medicine in Ayurveda, because it
6. सामुद्ग  Pre & Post-prandial provides nourishment to the Dhatus, help in digestion of food, digestion
Intake of medicine before and after food (pre & post prandial) is & absorption of administered drugs etc. Anupana acts as vehicle for
useful in कम्प, आक्षेपक, चहक्का etc. drugs which help in quick spread and action of the drugs in the body,
and hence enhances the efficacy of drugs.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 39

अनुप ान कमध (Actions of Anupana)  Anupana provide a medium of Anupana indicated according to patient 
administration of drugs with acceptability & palatability. They acts as  ि. रोगी अनुप ान
1 कृ श रोगी मांस रस or सुरा
अनुपानं तपधयचत, ऊजधयचत, बृंहयचत, पयाधचप्तमच चनवधतधयचत, ुिमवसादयचत,
2 स्थूल रोगी मधूदक
अन्नसंघातं च नचि, मादधवमापादयचत, क्लेदयचत, जरयचत, सुखपररणाचमता- क्षीर
3 क्षीण, बालक, वृि रोगी
माशुव्यवाचयतां िाहारस्योपजनयतीचत । (ि.सू.27/325)
Anupana brings about pleasure, energy, nourishment, satisfaction and Anupana indicated according to disease 
steadiness in the food eaten. It helps in breaking down, softening, ि. रोग अन ुप ान ि. रोग अन ुप ान
1 वातज रोग चस्नग्ध-उष्ण अनुपान 18 अजीणध उष्णोदक
moistening, digestion, assimilation, and instant diffusion of food and
2 चपिज रोग मधुर-शीत अनुपान 19 अरुचि चनम्बू स्वरस
drugs taken.
3 कफज रोग रुक्ष-उष्ण अनुपान 20 अचनिा माचहष दुग्ध / मद्य
अनुप ान चनधाधर ण  Anupana intake is decided on following three basis  4 चत्रदोषज आिधक स्वरस + मधु 21 वातव्याचध लशुन, गुग्गुलु
1. औषध-आहार अनुसार (According to Drugs and Diet) 5 धातुक्षय मांसरस 22 गुल्म चशग्रू त्वक
2. रोगी अनुसार (According to Patient) क्षय रोग क्षीर / मांसरस प्लीहोदर चपप्पली िूणध
6 23
3. रोग अनुसार (According to Disease) ज्वर अम्लचपि
7 मुस्ता, पपधट , 24 िाक्षा, कू ष्माण्ड
ककरातचति क्वाथ 25 छर्दध लाजा / मघु
Anupana indicated according to drugs and diet 
8 जीणध ज्वर चपप्पली िूणध + मधु 26 कु ष्ठ खकदरसार जल
ि. औषध व आहार अनुप ान
उष्ण जल 9 रिचपि दुग्ध / इक्षुरस / वासा 27 श्वेत कु ष्ठ बाकु िी फल
1 स्नेह पान (except ल्लातक & तुवरक तल)
2 मधु – दचध – मद्य - ल्लातक तल – तुवरक तल शीत जल 10 पाण्डु पुननधवा क्वाथ 28 नेत्ररोग चत्रफला
3 मांस or मांसरस मद्य or फलाम्ल 11 आमवात एरण्ड तल + गोमूत्र 29 प्रमेह चत्रफला, हररिा
4 लशुन शकध रा, मधु or घृत 12 वातरि गुडूिी 30 स्वर ेद पुष्करमूल + मधु
5 हरीतकी (ऋतु हररतकी) सैंधव in वषाध 13 शूल हहंगु + घृत 31 श्वास चत्रकटु +मधु / शुण्ठी
शकध रा in शरद 14 ग्रहणी ति 32 कास वासा, कण्टकारी
शुण् ठी in हेमन्त अचतसार कु टज त्वक क्वाथ पाश्वधशूल पुष्करमूल
15 33
चपप्पली in चशचशर
16 अशध ल्लातक / कु टज 34 उन्माद पुराणघृत /कौम् घृत
मधु in वसन्त
17 कृ चमरोग चवडंग 35 अपस्मार ब्राह्मी / विा स्वरस
गुड in ग्रीष्म
If any anupana for particular condition, mentioned above, is not available
then उष्ण जल (कोष्ण जल) should be used.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 40

पथ्य-अपथ्य 5. दे श  Place of origin of the dravyas

6. काल  चनत्यग (ऋतु- season) or आवचस्थक (दोष & रोग अवस्था- stages)
पथ्य  पथ्य is a synonym (पयाधय) of ेषज or चिककत्सा.
7. उपयोगसंस् था  Dietetic rules (Acharya charaka has explained आहार
पथ्यं पथोsनपेतं यद्यच्चोिं मनसिः चप्रयम् । (ि.सू.25/45) चवचध चवधान, and Acharya Sushruta has explained िादश अशन चविार)
पथ्य are those आहार-चवहार which are wholesome for the पथ or स्रोतस and 8. उपयोिा  The user (consumer) has to take food as per his सात्म्यता.
pleasant for मनस.
 आहार चवचध चवधान 
“पथिः स्रोतोरुपात् शरीरमागाधत् अनपकारकं यिपथ्यम् ” The substances, which are
Following rules are mentioned by Acharya Charaka in Vimanasthana 
not harmful for srotas of body, are called पथ्य.
 आहार should be उष्ण, चस्नग्ध and मात्रापूवधक.
अपथ्य  अपथ्य is that which is harmful for body and unpleasant for mind.  One should take food (आहार) after digestion of previous meal.
पथ्यापथ्य चनयामक ाव   One should take अचवरुि वीयध (the िव्य which are not वीयधचवरुि)
 पथ्यापथ्य depends upon following six factors   One should take food while sitting in इष्ट देश (suitable place)
1. मात्रा, 2. काल, 3. किया, 4. ूचम, 5. देह, 6. दोष.  One should take food with इष्ट उपकरण (suitable dishes and dishwares)
 Consideration of all these six factors is essential before deciding  During intake of food (eating or drinking) one should follow the rules
पथ्यापथ्य, because use of proper पथ्य can act as a treatment itself, like नाचत शीघ्र (not too fast), नाचत चवलम्ब (not too slow), अजल्पन् (not
while improper use of पथ्य can act as अपथ्य. while talking), अहसन् (not while laughing), स्व अचनबल अनुसार (quantity
of food should be according to person’s digestion capacity), and
 पथ्य व्यवस्था can be used as two types 
आत्मनान् (Beneficial food should be taken with concentration).
1. स्वास्थ्य संरक्षणाथध पथ्य व्यवस्था
2. रोगकालीन पथ्य व्यवस्था  िादश अशन चविार 

 अष्टचवध आहारचवचधचवशेषायतन  For intake of beneficial diet (पथ्य आहार) Acharya Sushruta has explained 12 types of food items (िादश अशन)
Acharya Charaka has explained eight rules  those are as follows 
तत्र खचल्वमान्यष्टावाहारचवचधचवशेषायतानाचन वचन्त, 1. शीत आहार  useful for उष्णता, मद & तृष्णा पीचडत
तद्यथाप्रकृ चतकरणसंयोगराचशदेशकालोपयोगसंस्थोपयोिाष्टमाचन ॥ (ि.चव. 1/21) 2. उष्ण आहार  useful for कफ वातज रोग, स्नेहपीत, चवररि व्यचि
1. प्रकृ चत  Natural quality of dravya 3. चस्नग्ध आहार  useful for वात प्रकृ चत, वातव्याचध पीचडत, कृ श & दुबधल व्यचि.
2. करण  Processing of dravyas, or Preparations of food items 4. रुक्ष आहार  useful for मेदस्वी (मेदोवृचि), कफ प्रकृ चत, कफज रोगी, & प्रमेही.
3. संय ोग  Combinations of various dravyas 5. िव आहार  useful for शुष्क शरीर, दुबधल शरीर, & तृष्णा पीचडत.
4. राचश  Quantity of food 6. शुष् क आहार  useful for कु ष्ठ, चवसपध, चक्लन्न शरीर (क्लेदयुि) & प्रमेही.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 41

7. एक काचलक आहार  in case of मन्दाचन, food should be taken once a day Examples 
(one meal in 24 hours) to increase the जठराचन.
8. चिकाचलक आहार  in case of मन्दाचन, food should be taken twice a day. 1. पथ्यापथ्य for वातज चवकार 
9. औषधयुि आहार  those patients who are औषधिेषी (not willing to take पथ्य अपथ्य
medicine) are given medicine mixed with food. आहार घृत , तल, गोधूम, षचष्टक शाचल, पटोल, िणक, सतीन, आढकी, मुद्ग, मसूर,
10. मात्राहीन आहार  persons having मन्दाचन or suffering from any disease चशग्रु, लशुन , दाचडम, िाक्षा, चनम्बू, कोिव, चनष्पाव, कारवेल्लक, जम्बू,
(रोगी) should be given less food as compared to normal persons. नाररके ल जल, गोमूत्र, गोदुग्ध, जांगल मांस पूग, शुष्क शाक, शुष्क मांस
11. प्रशमन कारक आहार  ऋतु अनुसार आहार should be given for दोष प्रशमन. चवहार जल िीडा, अभ्यंग, संवाहन, स्नान, वि राचत्रजागरण, अनशन, श्रम,
12. स्वस्थवृच ि प्रयोजक  स्वास्थ्य संरक्षणाथध सवधरसयुि आहार should be given. धारण, बृंहण कमध वेगधारण, मथुन , चिन्ता, शोक

 अपथ्य  1. पथ्यापथ्य for चपिज चवकार 

Those आहार or औषध which dislodge the दोष from their normal sites and
पथ्य अपथ्य
aggravate them but do not eliminate them from body, are called चवरुि
आहार पुराण शाचल, लाजा, गोधूम, मुद्ग, मसूर, चतल, माष, कु लत्थ, सषधप, गुड , दचध,
आहार, and these are harmful or अपथ्य.
चनम्ब, पटोल, मूलक, पलाण्डु , कू ष्माण्ड, क्षार, लवण, कटु तीक्ष्ण चवदाही
There are 18 types of चवरुिाहार 
अजादुग्ध, गोदुग्ध, घृत , जांगल मांसरस, अन्नपान, मत्स्य मांस
देश चवरुि – काल चवरुि – अचन चवरुि – मात्रा चवरुि – सात्म्य चवरुि – दोष चवरुि –
आमलकी, कदली, िाक्षा, मृचिका, चमश्री
संस्कार चवरुि – वीयध चवरुि – कोष्ठ चवरुि – अवस्था चवरुि – िम चवरुि – पररहार
चवहार शीतजल स्नान, शीत चवहार, िन्दन लेप, आतप सेवन, स्वेदन, वेगधारण, िोध
चवरुि – उपिार चवरुि – पाक चवरुि – संयोग चवरुि – हृदय चवरुि – संपद चवरुि –
मुिा मचणधारण, िन्िककरण सेवन, वमन
and चवचध चवरुि आहार
चवरेिन नस्याकद
ऋतु अनुसार दोष प्रकोपक आहार is also अपथ्य that must be avoided for
prevention of several diseases. 2. पथ्यापथ्य for कफज चवकार 
आहारज चनदान (रोग उत्पादक हेतु) is अपथ्य that must be avoided for successful पथ्य अपथ्य
treatment. आहार मधु, यव, लाजा, मुद्ग, पुराण शाचल, नवान्न, चपष्टान्न, गोधूम, इक्षुरस, गुड
हररिा, शुण् ठी, मररि, चपप्पली, चित्रक, चवकार, क्षीर, दचध, आनूप मांस,
चवरुि आहार & अपथ्य आहार सेवन जन्य रोग  कु ष्ठ – चवसपध – चवस्फोट – आमचवष –
लवंग, एला, त्वक, तुलसी, खकदर, कटु - चवरुिाहार, चवदाही अच ष्यन्दी गुरु
क्लब्य – जलोदर – गन्दर – मद – मूच्छाध – उन्माद – पाण्डु – ग्रहणी – अम्लचपि – ज्वर चस्नग्ध आहार
चति-कषाय रस, तीक्ष्ण, ऊष्ण, रूक्ष आहार
अपथ्यज रोग चिककत्सा  वमन – चवरेिन – चवपरीत गुणयुि आहार & औषध सेवन – चवहार लघु व्यायाम, उितधन , वमन कदवास्वप्न, अव्यायाम, वेगधारण
व्याचध चवपरीत चिककत्सा – रसायन सेवन etc.

Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 42

मनस & मानचसक रोग मनो-रोग सामन्य लक्षण 

 उिेग लक्षण  अस्थयध (instability) – वेपथु (tremor) – असचहष्णुता
“मन्यतेs नेन इचत मनिः” / “मन ज्ञाने एवं मनु अवबोधने” (intolerance) – शीघ्रकोप (Irritability) – स्वेदबाहुल्य (Excessive
Manas or mind is defined as an object of cognition (indriya) through perspiration) – तृट्बाहुल्य (Excessive thirst) – मुखशोष (Dryness of
which one perceives knowledge. mouth) – य (Fear) etc.
मनस स्थान  हृदय  चवषाद लक्षण  चवषाद (depression) – उत्साहनाश (loss of enthusiasm) –

मनस-गुण  अणुत्वमथ ि एकत्वं दौ गुणौ । (ि.शा.1/19) आशा ंग (frustration) – अनन्नाच लाषा (lack of interest in food) – अल्पिेष्टा

मनस कमध  इचन्ियाच ग्रहिः कमध मनसिः स्वस्य चनग्रहिः । (ि.शा.1/21) (reduced activity) – अचनिा (sleeplessness)
 मनो-रोग सामान्य चिककत्सा 
मनस चवषय  चिन्त्यं चविायधम ूह्यं ि ध्येयं संकल्पमेव ि । 1. द व व्यपाश्रय चिककत्सा 
यचत्कचञ्चन्मनसो ज्ञेयं तत् सवां ह्यथधसंज्ञकम् ॥ (ि.शा.1/20)
 मन्त्र जप – औषध & मचणधारण – पूजन – यज्ञ – स्तुचत – बचल – मंगल – होम –
मनो-रोग सामान्य चनदान 
उपहार – ब्रह्मियध – तप – सत्य – चनयम– साधुदशधन etc.
 अल्प अत्व
2. युच ि व्यपाश्रय चिककत्सा 
 Vitiation of मानचसक दोष  रज & तम
 आहार – चवहार – औषध प्रयोग
 Emotions or मनो ाव  (िोध –शोक – य –हषध –चवषाद –ईष्याध –मात्सयध –काम
 मेध्य िव्य  ब्राह्मी – मण्डू कपणी – यचष्टमधु – गुडूिी – शंखपुष्पी – ज्योचतष्मचत
–लो –मोह)
– जटामांसी – विा – अश्वगन्धा etc.
 All of the Sharirika and Manasika rogas are caused by following
3. सत्वाजय चिककत्सा 
three types of etiological factors  Restrain mind from desire of unwholesome objects. The best
1. असात्मेचन्ियाथध संयोग approach to achieve the goal of sattvajaya chikitsa is through the
2. प्रज्ञापराध
propagation of: “मनसो ज्ञानचवज्ञान धयध स्मृचत समाकदच िः” (ि.सू.1/52)
3. पररणाम (काल)
ज्ञान  knowledge of self
प्रज्ञापराध 
चवज्ञान  professional / analytical knowledge
धीधृचतस्मृचतचवभ्रष्टिः कमध यत् कु रुतेs शु म् ।
धयध  patience and confidence
प्रज्ञापराधं तं चवद्यात् सवधदोषप्रकोपणम् ॥ (ि.शा.1/102)
स्मृचत  keeping good memories
When a person does sinful acts because of the derangement of धी, धृचत
समाचध  concentration and meditation
& स्मृचत, it is called प्रज्ञापराध. Indulging in the improper activities knowingly
 अिव्य ूत चिककत्सा 
is nothing but प्रज्ञापराध that leads to सवधदोषप्रकोप.
त्रासन – य दशधन – चवस्मापन – चवस्मारण – क्षो न – त्सधन – बंधन – हषधण etc.
Rabin Singh
Chikitsa 43

Nutritional Deficiency Disorders There are two categories of vitamins 

(a) Fat soluble  Vitamin A, D, E, K
Nutrition  Nutrition is the science or practice of consuming and utilizing (b) Water soluble  Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 etc.) & Vit.C
foods. It includes food intake, absorption, assimilation, biosynthesis,
Minerals  Minerals are chemical elements required as essential
catabolism, and excretion.
nutrient by humans to perform functions necessary for life. The five
Nutrients  A nutrient is a substance used by humans to survive, grow,
major minerals in the human body are calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P),
and reproduce. Generally nutrients are classified into macronutrients and
potassium (K), sodium (Na), and magnesium (Mg). All of the remaining
elements in a human body are called “trace elements”. The trace
(a) Macronutrients  A class of chemical compounds which humans
elements that have a specific biochemical function in the human body
consume in the largest quantities and which provide humans with the
are Sulphur (S), Iron (Fe), Chlorine (Cl), Cobalt (Co), Copper (Cu), Zinc
bulk of energy. These are Protiens, Carbohydrates, and Fats (lipids).
(Zn), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Iodine (I) and Selenium (Se).
(b) Micronutrients  Micronutrients are those vitamins and minerals Antioxidants  The substances that protect cells against the effects of
required in very small quantities and essential for a number of oxidative damage (i.e. free radicals – molecules produced when body
physiological functions including normal growth and development. breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation). Vit C,
Proteins  Proteins are organic compounds that consist of amino acids vit E,  carotene etc. act as antioxidant. Rich sources of antioxidants are
joined by peptide bonds. These are essential for growth and repair. Apples, Berries, Carrots, Beets, Oranges, Potatoes, Green tea, Dark
Carbohydrates  Carbohydrates are made of carbon, hydrogen & green veggies, Whole grains, Nuts etc.
oxygen (CHO) such as sugars, starch, and cellulose. They are rich S.No. Macronutrients Deficiency Treatment
source of energy. 1 Proteins • In children– Kwashiorkor • Nutritional
Fats  Fats are made of triglycerides and fatty acids. They are solid at Source– Eggs, & Marasmus, Stunted growth powders
room temperature. Fats are needed for construction and maintenance of milk, meat, fish, • Flaky and splitting skin & • Protein
cell membranes, to maintain a stable body temperature, and to sustain lentils, cereals, patches of depigmented skin shakes
the health of skin and hair. nuts, soy, oats • Edema • Advice -
Vitamins  Vitamins are organic molecules which are essential etc. • Fatty liver Eggs, Milk,
micronutrients – these are vital substances which humans need in small • Fatigue & irritability Curd, Lentil
quantities for the proper metabolism but cannot synthesize, either at all RDA– 60 g /day • More prone to infections soups etc.
or in sufficient quantities, and therefore must obtain through diet. • Loss of muscle mass

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S.No. Micronutrients Deficiency Treatment

S.No. Macronutrients Deficiency Treatment
1 V it amin A Eyes  • Tab. Vit. A
2 Carbohy drat es  Hypoglycemia  If mild-
Source– Milk, butter, • Nyctalopia (Retinol)
Source– Whole grain cereals,  Hunger 3-4 tsf of sugar or
liver and fish liver oils, • Xerophthalmia 50,000 IU
bread, potatoes, peas,  Sweating chocolate, or
eggyolk, carrots, sweet  Conjunctival • Inj. Aquasol-
beans, lentils, vegetables,  Fainting glucose tablets
potatoes, spinach etc. xerosis A 50,000 IU
and fruits; while refined carbs  Confusion  If moderate-
RDA–  Bitot’s spot per 2ml
include sugar sweetened  Slurred Glucose water, or
Retinol- 600 g/day  Corneal • Multivitamin
drinks, fruit juices, pastries, speech fruit juice
 carotene- 4800 g/d ulceration with capsules or
pasta, white rice etc.  If severe-
 Ketosis xerosis syrup
RDA– 225 to 325 g /day 25-50 ml 25-50% (Retinol is vitamin A, Skin  For eyes 
 Mental fatigue
( 2400 kcal energy for men IV Dextrose, or and  carotene is a • Xerosis • Soframycin
and 2000 kcal for women is  Bad breath Inj. Glucagon 1 precursor of vitamin A) • Phrynoderma eye ointment
needed per day and  Nausea mg SC or IM
 Headache (toad skin) • Atropine
approximately 45 to 55% of
 Painful  Advice • Follicular papules eyedrops
diet should be
swelling of Carbs-rich 2 V it amin D In children  • Inj. Vit. D3
carbohydrates. 1 g carbs= 4
the joints diet (vit.D3-cholecalciferol) • Rickets • Oral calcirol
kcal / 1 g proteins = 4 kcal / 1
Source– Milk, egg yolk, • Tetany sachets (one
g fats= 9 kcal )
butter, yeast, liver, fish In adults  sachet- 60,000
3 Fat s • Scaly • Advice
liver oil, synthesis in the • Osteomalacia IU) with milk
Source– Cheese, butter, dermatitis Essential fatty
skin when irradiated. • Calcimax
cream, whole milk, meat, • Dry, scaly, acids - rich diet 
RDA– 400 IU(10 g/d) 250 mg tab.
coconut oil, palm oil etc. flaky, dull, or Flax-seeds,
3 V it amin E • Skin  • Vitamin E
Essential fatty acid occurs bumpy skin Soybeans,
(Tocopherol) Erythematous 400 mg
naturally in whole grain • Dry, brittle, or Seafood,
Source – Vegetable oil, popular eruptions capsules
cereal, seeds and nuts. lusterless Ghee, Milk,
sunflower oil, egg yolk, • Anemia in ( Tocopherol-
RDA– 25 g /day hairs Almonds,
butter, maize, molasses, premature infants acetate )
• Alopecia Walnuts etc.
peas etc. • Ataxia
• Thrombocyto-
RDA– 8 to 10 mg/day • Muscle weakness
• Retinopathy

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S . No. Micronutrients Deficiency Treatment S . No. Micronutrients Deficiency Treatment

4 V it amin K • Elevated prothrombin • Vitamin K 8 V it amin B 6 (Pyridoxine) • Dermatitis • Inj. Pyrido-
Source– K1– time (Delayed clotting injection Source– Whole grains, • Glossitis xine 100 mg
Vegetables, spinach, time) & bleeding SC / IM / legumes, milk, liver, • Microcytic anemia stat
tomatoes, fruits • Skin  Intracutaneous slow IV meat etc. • Weakened immunity • Tab Pyri-
K2– Synthesized by hemorrhage, purpura • Oral Vit. K RDA– 2 mg/day doxine 10
bacteria in intestine. and ecchymosis. in multivitamin mg BD
RDA– 55 g/day tab / cap / pwd 9 V it amin B 1 2 • Macrocytic anemia • Inj.
5 V it amin B 1 (Thiamine) • Beriberi • Tab Berin (Cyanocobalamin) (megaloblastic Cyanocobala-
 Wet beriberi
Source– Whole grain
 Dry beriberi
(100 mg) Source – Only animal anemia) min, Hydroxo-
cereals, rice, wheat, • Muscle weakness • Inj. Berin sources such as milk, • Stomatitis cobalamin
yeast, meat etc. • Peripheral neuropathy • Cap. Vit. B liver, kidney, meat, • Glossitis • Cap. or
RDA– 1.2 mg/day complex fish, egg etc. • Neuropathy Syrup of Vit. B
6 V it amin B 2 (Riboflavin) • Angular stomatitis • Tab. RDA– 1 g/day • Reduced sensation complex, or
Source– Sprouted • Glossitis Riboflavin of touch Multivitamins
grains, germinating • Dermatitis 5 mg BD • Tingling feet
seeds, green • Blurred vision • Inj. 10 Folic ac id • Megaloblastic anemia • Tab. Folic
vegetables, milk, egg, Riboflavin (Folate / Vitamin B9) • Pallor acid 5 mg
liver, kidney etc. • Cap. Vit. B Source – Dairy • Fatigue alone or with
RDA– 1.4 mg/day complex products, liver, meat, • Stomatitis combination of
7 V it amin B 3 (Niacin) • Pellagra • Rx fruits, cereals etc. iron or other
Source– Liver, kidney, characterized by – Tab. Niacin- RDA– 200 g/day vitamins
meat, poultry, fish, D3 - Diarrhea amide 300 to Dietary Folate
legumes, rice etc. Dermatitis 500 mg, or 11 V it amin C • Scurvy • Inj. Vt. C
RDA– 16 mg/day Dementia B complex (Ascorbic acid)  Bleeding gums • Tab Vt. C
• Avoid Source – Only  Bruising 500 mg
sunshine vegetables – Citrus  Rash • Vit.C drops
• Apply fruits, goose berry,  Fatigue for infants
soothing lotion lemon, orange etc.  Weight loss • Amla &
to skin RDA– 40 mg/day Citrus fruits

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S.No. Minerals Deficiency Treatment 5 Zinc (Zn) • Thinning or loss of • Zinc supple-
1 Calc ium (Ca) • Hypocalcemia • Inj. Calcium Source– Meat, seafood, hairs (alopecia) ments
Source– Milk, cheese, • Tetany gluconate pomegranates, • Eczema • Multivitamin
yogurt, soy beans, lentils, • Muscle cramps • Calcium legumes, seeds, nuts, • Xerosis capsules or
millets, nuts, fish etc. • Weak and gluconate IV dairy products, eggs, • Low immunity syrup
RDA– 600 mg/day brittle nails • Tab Calcium whole grains etc. • Diarrhea
( For children 800 mg/day & • Osteoporosis & vit D3 RDA– 12 mg/day • Weight loss
For pregnant and lactating • Calcium rich 6 Magnes ium (Mg) • Muscle twitching • Oral
woman 1200 mg/day ) diet Source– whole wheat, and cramps magnesium
2 P hos phorus (P) • Hypo- • Phosphorus spinach, almonds, • Fatigue and supplements
Source– Milk, beans, lentils, phosphatemia supplement cashews, peanuts, muscle weakness • IV Fluids
millets, nuts, pumpkin • Rickets orally or IV banana etc. • Mental disorders (Electrolytes)
seeds, chicken, fish etc. • Osteomalacia • Vitamin D RDA– 340 mg/day • Osteoporosis • Diet
RDA– 600 mg/day • Osteoporosis supplement 7 S odium (Na) • Hyponatremia • Intake of less
3 Iron (Fe) • Iron deficiency • Tab ferrous Source– Table salt, • Tremors water orally
Source– Spinach, beetroot, anemia sulfate / fumarate pickles, soy sauce, • Muscle weakness • IV Fluid
gooseberry (amla), dates, • Pallor • If oral iron is beets, carrots, spinach, • Fatigue (Normal saline)
pomegranates, raisins, • Dyspnea not tolerated  sweet potatoes etc. • Headache • Treat the
seeds, lentils, meat, fish etc. • Tachycardia Inj. Imferon (Iron RDA– 1.6 g sodium, or underlying
RDA– 17 to 21 mg/day • Dizziness dextran) 4 g salt (2.54 g salt cause
( For pregnant women- 35 • Fatigue • Advice iron- contains 1 g sodium)
mg of iron per day ) rich diet
4 Iodine (I) • Goiter • Tab. Levo- Emaciation 
Source– Iodized salt, dairy • Hypothyroidism thyroxine 50 Emaciation is a state of extreme leanness. It is not a disease, but is an
products, peas, beans, • Unexpected g (0.05 mg) important symptom of various disorders.
seafood, meat, eggs etc. weight gain • Radioactive Etiology  Malnutrition – Diseases of GIT – Marasmus – Addison’s
RDA– 150 g/day • Hypothermia iodine disease – TB – Anorexia nervosa – Cancer – Diabetes – Hyperthyroidism
( One teaspoon of iodized • Sensitivity to • Surgery – Chronic diarrhoea – Parasites – Insomnia – Starvation – AIDS etc.
salt contains approximately cold
Management  To treat underlying cause – Symptomatic management
400 g iodine. )
– Nutritious and easily digestabe diet – Nutritional supplements etc.

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Obesity  Systemic effects of obesity 

Obesity describes a weight of 120% or above. Obesity is often 1. Cardiovascular system  Coronary artery disease , or Ischemic
expressed in terms of body mass index (BMI), but pathophysiologically heart disease (IHD) – Hyertension – Varicose veins – Pedal edema
may be considered to be present when sufficient body fat has 2. Respiratory system  Breathlessness etc.
accumulated to adversely affect health. 3. Gastrointestinal system  Hiatus hernia – Gallstones – Gall bladder
diseases – Pancreatitis – Constipation etc.
BMI is calculated by measuring an individual’s weight in kg, and dividing
4. Joints  Gout – Osteoarthritis – Backacke etc.
his/her height in meters square 
5. Pregnancy  Neural tube defect – Perinatal mortality – Pre-
Weight in kilograms kg
eclampsia – Gestational diabetets – Preterm labour – DVT etc.
BMI = =
6. Endocrine and M etabolic  NIDDM – Hyperlipidemia – Hirsutism –
(Height in meters)2 m2
Menstrual irregularities – Menorrhagia – Impotency etc.
WHO classification of overweight 7. Skin  Excess sweating – Dermal and sweat rashes etc.
Classification BMI (kg/m2) Associated health risk 8. Psychosocial  Psychosocial and emotional stress
 Underweight < 18.5 Low (but risk of other
Investigations  Lipid profile, Blood sugar, Hormonal assay, USG, BMI,
problems increased)
Measurement of body fat with Skinfold Calipers / DEXA scan /
 Normal 18.5 - 24.9 Average
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis etc.
 Overweight
 Pre-obese 25 - 29.9 Increased
Management 
 Obese class I 30 - 34.9 Moderately increased
 Exercise  Extra calories should be burnt with exercises unless
 Obese class II 35 - 39.9 Severely increased
there is medical contraindication.
 Obese class III > 40 Very severely increased
 Diet  800 to 900 kcal daily with restricted diet – Bulkiness of food is
Etiology  important as the patient needs to be satiated, dietary fibers, salad,
Over eating – Lack of exercise – Hereditary predisposition or idiopathic sprouts, oats, and protein-rich but low carbs diet with honey-water or
or genetic obesity – Endocrinal factors (Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s warm water in the morning and metabolic booster herbs.
syndrome, PCOD / PCOS, Tumours, Puberty adiposity, Post-  Hormonal therapy (to treat endocrine diseases, if present)
menopause, Pregnancy etc.)  Use of appetite suppressants & Psychotherapy
 Surgery (if required)

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वाधधख् यजन्य चवकार इचन्ियप्रदोषज चवकार

The branch of medicine dealing with the health and care of old people is इचन्ियाचण समाचश्रत्य प्रकु प्यचन्त यदा मलािः ।
उपघातोपतापाभ्यां योजयन्तीचन्ियाचण ते ॥ (ि.सू.28/19)
known as Geriatrics (जरा चिककत्सा – a branch of अष्टांग आयुवेद).
आिायध िरक has considered more than 60 years of age as जीणध or जरावस्था, When the vitiated doshas get localized in sense organs, इचन्िय प्रदोषज
while आिायध सुश्रुत mentioned 70 years of age. जरावस्था is वात-प्रधान and चवकार is produced that results in either उपघात (destruction) or उपताप
also known as हीनावस्था. जरा (aging) is one among स्वा ाचवक व्याचध. (diseases) of sense organs.

वाधधख् यजन्य चवकार refers to diseases of elderly (Loss of physical and इचन्िय प्रदोषज चवकार 
mental abilities in old age is termed as senile). The diseases which are 1. इचन्िय उपघात – destruction or complete damage of sense organs
produced due to aging are called वाधधख्यजन्य चवकार. e.g. हलंगनाश, घ्राणनाश, बाचधयध, स्पशाधज्ञान etc.
For example – खाचलत्य (Baldness), पाचलत्य (Greying of hair), इचन्िय दौबधल्यता 2. इचन्िय उपताप – diseases or partial damage of sense organs
(Visual and hearing impairments, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s e.g. पूयालस, अमध, अच ष्यन्द, कणधशूल, कणधक्ष्वेड, प्रचतश्याय, नासा अशध etc.
disease etc.), चतचमर or हलंगनाश (Cataract), उच्च रििाप (Hypertension),
इचन्िय प्रदोष चिककत्सा 
सचन्धवात (Osteoarthritis), अचस्थसौशीयध (Osteoporosis ), क्लब्य (Impotency),
 चनदान पररवजधन
Atherosclerosis, Cardiovascular diseases, Urinary incontinence, Type-2  शरीर शोधन
Diabetes, Cancer etc.  शमनौषचध प्रयोग
General principles of geriatric care   स्थाचनक चिककत्सा
The following principles help in caring for older adults   प्रचतसारण, सेक, आश्च्योतन, अंजन, चवडालक etc. for नेत्ररोग
1. Many disorders are multifactorial in origin and are best managed by  प्रक्षालन, प्रमाजधन, कणधधूपन, कणधपूरण etc. for कणधरोग
multifactorial interventions.  प्रक्षालन, नस्य, धूम etc. for नासारोग
2. Diseases often present atypically.  प्रचतसारण, धूम , कवल-गण्डू ष etc. for चजह्वारोग
3. Not all abnormalities require evaluation and treatment.  प्रलेप, प्रदेह, रिमोक्षण etc. for त्वकरोग
 शि चिककत्सा ( ेदन / छे दन/ लेखन / व्यधन)
4. Complex medication regimens, adherence problems, and
 पथ्यापथ्य पालन
polypharmacy are common challenges.
In Ayurveda वृि रोगी is contraindicated for संशोधन चिककत्सा. They can be “नासा चह चशरसो िारं” For all types of diseases of sense organs, नस्य कमध is
treated with अभ्यंग, मृदु स्वेद and बृंहण बचस्त, followed by संशमन चिककत्सा with the best treatment, as the नासा (nostrils) are gateway of चशरस् (head-
proper assessment of रोगी-रोग बल and अचनबल. region) and चशरस् is the seat of all the sense organs.
रसायन-वाजीकरण प्रयोग is best for improving स्मृचत-मेधा-अचन-देह-इचन्ियबल, it A physician should use both सवधदचहक & स्थाचनक चिककत्सा to cure the इचन्िय
also delays the aging, e.g., च्यवनप्राश, ब्रह्म रसायन, मेध्य रसायन, चशलाजतु etc. प्रदोषज चवकार.
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Alzheimer’s disease Investigations  CT scan, MRI, PET scan etc.

Management 
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the commonest type of dementia. It is
There is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease; available treatments offer
neuro-degenerative diseases that usually occurs after the age of 65
relatively small symptomatic benefit but remain palliative in nature.
years, and is, therefore, considered senile dementia.
Current treatments can be divided into pharmaceutical, psychosocial and
Dementia is chronic brain disorder in which there is progressive decline caregiving.
in acquired intellect, behavior and personality. 1. To treat the cognitive problems 
Etiology  (a) Acetyl-cholinesterase inhibitors:
 Age – After 65 years of age, the incidence approximately doubles for  Tacrine
every 5-year increase in age; at least until age 90 years. The  Rivastigmine
incidence is similar in men and women but the prevalence is greater  Galantamine
in women.  Donepezil
 Genetics - About 70% of the risk is believed to be genetic with many (b) NMDA receptor antagonist:
genes usually involved.  Memantine hydrochloride
 Other risk factors include a history of head injuries, depression, or
2. To treat non-cognitive symptoms 
hypertension. The disease process is associated with plaques and
(a) Non-pharmacological treatment, particularly if symptoms not
tangles in the brain.
severe. Assessment of clear precipitants (e.g. suboptimal
Clinical Features  propting, personal care or toileting), social interaction, activity,
 Cognitive symptoms  The most common early symptom is difficulty and exercise.
in remembering recent events i.e. short-term memory loss. Patients (b) In depression – Non-tricyclic antidepressants (e.g. selective
have difficulty learning and retaining new information. Other cognitive serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, trazodone, escitalopram)
defects include anomia, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia etc. (c) In psychosis – Atypical antisychotics (e.g. risperidone,
 Non-cognitive symptoms  As the disease advances, symptoms can olanzapine)
include problems with thought (delusion of theft, infidelity and
Ayurvedic management  Elderly persons should be kept happy and
abandonment), disorders of perception (auditory, visual and other
family members should care and obey them. Vaidya should use मेध्य
hallucinations), misidentifications, disorientation (including easily
रसायन & वयस्थापन िव्य to keep elderly patient healthy, e.g. ब्राह्मी घृत,
getting lost), mood swings, aggression or depression etc.
स्मृचतसागर रस, सारस्वताररष्ट, अश्वगन्धाररष्ट, च्यवनप्राश, स्वणध स्म etc.

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Sleep disorders  Sleep disordered breathing (SDB), including (non exhaustive) 

a. Several types of Sleep apnea
A sleep disorder, or somnipathy, is a medical disorder of the sleep
b. Snoring
patterns of a person. Some sleep disorders are serious enough to
c. Upper airway resistance syndrome
interfere with normal physical, mental, social and emotional functioning.
 Restless leg syndrome
Sleep disorders are broadly classified into dyssomnias, parasomnias,
 Periodic limb movement disorder
and circadian rhythm sleep disorders.
 Dyssomnias  A broad category of sleep disorders characterized by  Circadian rhythm sleep disorders 

either hypersomnia or insomnia. The 3 major subcategories include:  Delayed sleep phase disorder
a. Intrinsic (i.e., arising from within the body),  Advanced sleep phase disorder
b. Extrinsic (secondary to environmental conditions or various  Non-24-hour sleep–wake disorder
pathologic conditions), and  Parasomnias  A category of sleep disorders that involve abnormal
c. Disturbances of circadian rhythm and unnatural movements, behaviors, emotions, perceptions, and
 Insomnia disorder (primary insomnia), chronic difficulty in falling dreams in connection with sleep.
asleep and/or maintaining sleep when no other cause is found for  Bedwetting or sleep enuresis
these symptoms. Insomnia can also be comorbid with or  Bruxism (Tooth-grinding)
secondary to other disorders.  Catathrenia – nocturnal groaning
 Primary hypersomnia  Hypersomnia of central or brain origin.  Sleep terror (or Pavor nocturnus)- Characterized by a sudden
a. Narcolepsy: A chronic neurological disorder, which is caused by arousal from deep sleep with a scream or cry, accompanied by
the brain's inability to control sleep and wakefulness. some behavioral manifestations of intense fear.
b. Idiopathic hypersomnia: a chronic neurological disease in which  REM sleep behaviour disorder
there is an increased amount of fatigue and sleep during the day.  Sleepwalking (or somnambulism)
Patients who suffer from idiopathic hypersomnia cannot obtain a  Sleep talking (or somniloquy)
healthy amount of sleep for a regular day of activities. This  Sleep sex (or sexsomnia)
hinders the patients' ability to perform well, and patients have to
Etiology  Factors that can cause sleep problems include Physical
deal with this for the rest of their lives.
disturbances (e.g. pain from ulcers), Medical issues (e.g. asthma),
 Recurrent hypersomnia – including Kleine-Levin syndrome
Psychiatric disorders (e.g. stress, depression, and anxiety disorders),
 Posttraumatic hypersomnia
Environmental issues (e.g. alcohol use), Genetics, Night shift work etc.
 Menstrual-related hypersomnia
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Management of Sleep disorders   Treatments for sleep disorders generally can be grouped into four
Evaluation of the Patient with the Complaint of Excessive Daytime Somnolence categories:
Fi ndings on History D i a g n o sti c D i a g n o si s Th e ra p y 1. Behavioral and psychotherapeutic treatment
a n d Ph ysi ca l Eva l u a ti o n 2. Rehabilitation and management
Exa m i n a ti o n 3. Medication
Obesity, snoring, Polysomnography Obstructive Continuous positive airway
4. Other somatic treatment
hypertension with respiratory sleep pressure; ENT surgery (e.g.,
monitoring apnea uvulopalatopharyngoplasty);
 The treatment of narcolepsy is symptomatic. Somnolence is treated
dental appliance;
pharmacologic therapy (e.g.,
with wake-promoting therapeutics. Modafinil is now the drug of
protriptyline); choice, principally because it is associated with fewer side effects
weight loss than older stimulants and has a long half-life; 200 to 400 mg is given
Cataplexy, Polysomnography Narcolepsy- Stimulants (e.g., modafinil,
as a single daily dose. Older drugs such as methylphenidate (10 mg
hypnogogic with multiple cataplexy methylphenidate);
bid to 20 mg qid or dextroamphetamine (10 mg bid) are still used as
hallucinations, sleep latency syndrome REM-suppressant
sleep paralysis, testing antidepressants alternatives, particularly in refractory patients.
Family history (e.g., protriptyline);  Treatment of the REM-related phenomena cataplexy, hypnogogic
genetic counseling hallucinations, and sleep paralysis requires the potent REM sleep
Restless legs Polysomnography Periodic Treatment of predisposing
suppression produced by antidepressant medications. The tricyclic
syndrome, with bilateral limb condition, if possible;
antidepressants [e.g., protriptyline (10 to 40 mg/d) and clomipramine
disturbed sleep, anterior tibialis movements dopamine agonists
predisposing EMG monitoring of (e.g., pramipexole); (25–50 mg/d)] and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
medical condition sleep benzodiazepines [e.g., fluoxetine (10 to 20 mg/d)] are commonly used for this purpose.
(e.g., anemia or (e.g., clonazepam)  Treatment with clonazepam (0.5 to 1.0 mg qhs) provides sustained
renal failure)
improvement in almost all reported cases of REM.
Disturbed sleep, Sleep-wake diary Insomnias Treatment of predisposing
predisposing recording condition and/or change in
 For nocturia, symptomatic pharmacotherapy is usually accomplished
medical conditions therapy, if possible; with desmopressin (0.2mg qhs), oxybutynin chloride (5 to 10 mg qhs)
(e.g., asthma) behavioral therapy; or imipramine (10 to 50 mg qhs). Nocturia
and/or predisposing short-acting benzodiazepine  Treatment options for Periodic limb movement disorder include
medical therapies receptor agonist
dopaminergic medications or benzodiazepines.
(e.g., theophylline) (e.g., zolpidem)

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General debility Management 

 Treat the underlying cause
General debility (दौबधल्य) means the lack of strength in a person.
 Symptomatic treatment
General debility is a state of general weakness or feebleness that may  IV Fluids (to provide glucose & correct electrolyte balance)
be a result or an outcome of one or more medical conditions that  Multivitamin capsules or syrup
produce symptoms such as pain, fatigue, cachexia and physical  Nutritional supplements
disability, or deficits in attention, concentration, memory, development  Appetizers & digestants with balanced diet should be adviced
and / or learning.
Aurvedic management 
Causes of debility   चनदान पररवजधन
 Lack of adequate nutrition (malnutrition) leading to conditions like  रोग प्रशमन चिककत्सा
 मधुर बल्य सुपाच्य िव्य प्रयोग
 रसायन-वाजीकरण प्रयोग
 Working too hard, or over exertion  अभ्यंग with महानारायण तल or िन्दन बला लाक्षाकद तल
 Mental stress, lack of adequate sleep, or depression  औषध योग  आमलकी – हरीतकी – शतावरी – अश्वगन्धा – सफे द मुसली – एला –
 Common cold & cough लशुन – िाक्षा – खजूधर – दाचडम – मांसरस – घृत – च्यवनप्राश – मुसली पाक –
 Prolonged infection or injury अश्वगन्धाकद िूणध – अश्वगन्धाररष्ट – दशमूलाररष्ट – िाक्षासव – कु मारी आसव –
 Sedentary life style (without much activity in the routine) लोहासव etc.
 Obesity
 Vitamin deficiency General Introduction and Principles of Management of diseases
 Thyroid disorders produced by genetic, environmental and iatrogenic factors
 Addison’s disease Diseases produced by genetic factors 
 Myasthenia gravis A genetic disease is any disease that is caused by an abnormality in an
 Guillain-Barre syndrome individual’s genome, the person’s entire genetic makeup.
 Liver disorders The abnormality can range from minuscule to major- from a discrete
 Renal disorders mutation in a single base in the DNA of a single gene to a gross
 Tuberculosis chromosome abnormality involving the addition or subtraction of an
 Cancer entire chromosome or set of chromosomes. Some genetic disorders are
 Parkinson’s disease inherited from the parents, while other genetic diseases are caused by
 All types of fevers acquired changes or mutations in a preexisting gene or group of genes.
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There are a number of different types of genetic inheritance including: 3. Chromosome abnormalities 
Chromosomes, distinct structures made up of DNA and protein, are
1. Single gene genetic inheritance 
located in the nucleus of each cell. Because chromosomes are the
Single gene inheritance, also called Mendelian or monogenetic
carriers of the genetic material, abnormalities in chromosome number or
inheritance. This type of inheritance is caused by changes or mutations
structure can result in disease. Abnormalities in chromosomes typically
that occur in the DNA sequence of a single gene.These disorders are
occur due to a problem with cell division. e.g.,
known as monogenetic disorders (disorders of a single gene). e.g.,
 Down syndrome, or trisomy 21, is a common disorder that occurs
 Cystic fibrosis,
when a person has three copies of chromosome 21.
 Sickle cell anemia,
 Turner syndrome (45,X0), and
 Marfan syndrome,
 Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY).
 Huntington's disease, and
 Hemochromatosis. 4. Mitochondrial genetic inheritance 
Single-gene disorders are inherited in recognizable patterns: autosomal
This type of genetic disorder is caused by mutations in the non-nuclear
dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked.
DNA of mitochondria. Mitochondria are small round or rod-like
2. Multifactorial genetic inheritance  organelles that are involved in cellular respiration and found in the
Multifactorial inheritance disorders (complex or polygenic inheritance), cytoplasm of plant and animal cells. e.g.,
are caused by a combination of environmental factors and mutations in  An eye disease called Leber's hereditary optic atrophy;
multiple genes. e.g.,  A type of epilepsy called MERRF which stands for myoclonic
 Congenital diseases (birth defects)  (a) Clefft lip & cleft palate epilepsy with Ragged Red Fibers; and
(b) Club foot  A form of dementia called MELAS for mitochondrialencephalopathy,
(c) Pyloric stenosis lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes.
(d) Congenital heart disease
Management of Genetic diseases 
(e) Spina bifida
 Many genetic disorders result from gene changes that are present in
 Adult diseases(a)Alzheimer’s disease,(b)Schizophrenia,(c)Obesity,
essentially every cell in the body. As a result, these disorders often
(d) Diabetes, (e) Hypertension, (f) Multiple sclerosis, (g) Cancer etc.
affect many body systems, and most cannot be cured. However,
Multifactorial inheritance also is associated with heritable traits such as approaches may be available to treat or manage some of the
fingerprint patterns, height, eye colour, and skin colour. associated signs and symptoms.

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 For genetic conditions, treatment and management strategies are  Stem cell treatments – The ongoing researches suggest that stem
designed to improve particular signs and symptoms associated with cells can be used for treating the genetic disorders as well. Apart
the disorder. These approaches vary by disorder and are specific to from treating diseases like diabetes, brain injuries, Osteoarthritis,
an individual's health needs. learning disabilities, various types of blood cancer, Sickle cell
o For example, a genetic disorder associated with a heart anemia, Parkinson’s, Haemophilia, and Thalassemia, etc. The
defect might be treated with surgery to repair the defect or defects of cells due to mutation result in a wide of variety of genetic
with a heart transplant. disorders. These genetic diseases can be treated by the
o Conditions that are characterized by defective blood cell transplantation of stem cells where the normal stem cell replaces the
formation, such as sickle cell disease, can sometimes be defected cells.
treated with a bone marrow transplant. Bone marrow
transplantation can allow the formation of normal blood cells आनुव ांच शक व्याचध 
and, if done early in life, may help prevent episodes of pain In Ayurveda, hereditary diseases are also explained by ancient sages;
and other future complications. Acharya Sushruta termed such diseases as आकदबल प्रवृि, Acharya
 Some genetic changes are associated with an increased risk of Charaka mentioned कु लज व्याचध, Acharya Vagbhata mentioned सहज व्याचध,
future health problems, such as certain forms of cancer. One well- Acharya Bhela explained it as प्रकृ चत प्र ाव, and Acharya Yagyavalkya
known example is familial breast cancer related to mutations in the explained it as संिारी.
BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Management may include more frequent
आकदबल प्रवृि रोग  तत्राकदबलप्रवृिा ये शुिशोचणतदोषान्वयािः कु ष्ठाशधिः
cancer screening or preventive (prophylactic) surgery to remove the
प्र ृतयिः, तेs चप चिचवधािः मातृजािः चपतृजाि ॥ (सु.सू.24/6)
tissues at highest risk of becoming cancerous.
The diseases such as कु ष्ठ, अशध etc. produced by vitiation or defect of
 Most treatment strategies for genetic disorders do not alter the
shukra & shonita are called आकदबल प्रवृि रोग. There are two types of
underlying genetic mutation; however, a few disorders have been
आकदबल प्रवृि रोग – (1) मातृज & (2) चपतृज.
treated with gene therapy.
 Gene therapy refers to a form of treatment where a healthy gene is Examples of आकदबल प्रवृि or सहज रोग  कु ष्ठ – अशध – प्रमेह – चश्वत्र – अपस्मार –
introduced to a patient. This should alleviate the defect caused by a बाचधयध – मूकत्व – वामन – वणाधन्धता – चतचमर – उच्च रििाप – वातरि – अबुधद – मेदो
faulty gene or slow the progression of disease. Gene therapy, along वृचि – खण्डौष्ठ – खण्ड तालु etc.
with many other treatment and management approaches for genetic चिककत्सा  चनदान पररवजधन – पथ्यापथ्य पालन – स्वस्थवृि – सद्वृि – दोषानुसार &
conditions, are under study in clinical trials. रोग-लक्षणानुसार चिककत्सा

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Diseases produced by environmental factors  Diseases produced by iatrogenic factors 

Diseases and conditions caused by factors in the environment are
Iatrogenic disease is the result of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures
collectively called environmental diseases. Stress, physical and mental
undertaken on a patient (i.e.due to the activity of a physician or therapy).
abuse, diet, exposure to toxins, pathogens, radiation, and chemicals are
possible causes of a large segment of non-hereditary diseases. With the multitude of drugs prescribed to a single patient adverse drug
reactions are bound to occur. The Physician should take suitable steps
If a disease process is concluded to be the result of a combination of
to detect and manage them.
genetic and environmental factor influences, its etiological origin can be
referred to as having a multifactorial pattern. An iatrogenic disorder occurs when the deleterious effects of the
therapeutic or diagnostic regimen causes pathology independent of the
There are many different types of environmental disease including:
condition for which the regimen is advised. Diagnostic procedures
 Stress-related diseases such as mental health disorders, or lifestyle
(mechanical and radiological), therapeutic regimen (drugs, surgery, other
disease such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, arthritis, diseases
invasive procedures), hospitalization and treating doctor himself can
caused by substance abuse such as alcoholism, and smoking-
bring about iatrogenic disorders.
related diseases.
 Diseases caused by pollution such as hearing impairment due to Examples of iatrogenic diseases  Adverse effects of prescribed drugs;
noise pollution, breathing problems due to air pollution, GIT problems Resistence due to over use of drugs; Incomplete or improper diagnosis
due to water pollution etc. and treatment due to medical error or negligence; Hospital-acquired
 Disease caused by physical factors in the environment, such as skin infections; Infection, scar-formation, or other complications due to faulty
cancer caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation in sunlight. procedures and surgical techniques such as post-operative hemorrhage,
 Disease caused by exposure to toxic or irritant chemicals in the nerve injuries, incisional hernia etc.
environment such as toxic metals. Prevention & Management of environmental diseases 
Prevention & Management of environmental diseases   Primary prevention aims to stop iatrogenic disease before it starts,
 To prevent environmental diseases, one should avoid exposure to usually by reducing or eliminating risk factors. In secondary
environmental factors such as tobacco, alcohol, pollution etc., and prevention, iatrogenic disease is detected and treated at an early
live healthy life such as avoiding the stress and practicing yoga and stage, before symptoms or functional losses occur, thereby
exercises etc. minimizing morbidity and mortality.
 Treatment includes avoidance of etiological factors (e.g. quitting  Physician should treat the patient after proper diagnosis.
smoking etc.) and symptomatic management.  Drugs & therapeutic procedures should be used with consideration of
indications, contraindications and their side-effects.
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Drug Allergy During an allergic reaction, histamine and other chemicals can cause
symptoms that include:
A drug allergy is an allergy to a drug, most commonly a medication, and
 Hives
is a form of adverse drug reaction. It is the abnormal reaction of the
 Skin rash
immune system to a medication. Any medication – over the counter,
 Itchy skin or eyes
prescription or herbal – is capable of inducing a drug allergy.
 Runny nose
A drug allergy is not the same as a drug side effect, a known possible  Congestion
reaction listed on a drug label. A drug allergy is also different from drug  Swelling in the mouth and throat
toxicity caused by an overdose of medication.  Difficulty breathing

Causes  Anaphylaxis is a rare, life-threatening reaction to a drug allergy that

When a medication causes an allergic reaction, it is called an allergen. causes the widespread dysfunction of body systems. Signs and
The following is a short list of the most common drug allergens: symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
 Antibiotics  Tightening of the airways and throat, causing trouble breathing
 Penicillin  Nausea or abdominal cramps
 Sulfa drugs  Vomiting or diarrhea
 Tetracycline  Dizziness or lightheadedness
 Analgesics  Weak, rapid pulse
 Codeine  Drop in blood pressure
 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)  Seizure
 Antiseizure  Loss of consciousness
 Phenytoin Treatment 
 Carbamazepine  Withdrawal of the drug
 Injections of antihistamine and corticosteroids, e.g. Inj. Avil
Signs & symptoms of Drug allergy 
(Pheniramine maleate) + Inj. Dexamethasone / Hydrocortisone
Symptoms of allergic reactions can range from mild itching to life-
 Oral antihistamine and corticosteroids
threatening conditions. Many drugs can also cause side effects or
 Treatment of anaphylaxis  Anaphylaxis requires an immediate
intolerances such as an upset stomach. These symptoms do not always
epinephrine injection as well as hospital care to maintain blood
indicate a true allergy to a drug.
pressure and support breathing.

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Food allergy  Wheezing

 Repetitive cough
A food allergy is an abnormal immune response to food. The signs and
 Shock or circulatory collapse
symptoms may range from mild to severe. Even a tiny amount of the
 Tight, hoarse throat; trouble swallowing
allergy-causing food can trigger signs and symptoms such as digestive
 Swelling of the tongue, affecting the ability to talk or breathe
problems, hives or swollen airways. In some people, a food allergy can
 Weak pulse
cause severe symptoms or even a life-threatening reaction known as
 Pale or blue coloring of skin
 Dizziness or feeling faint
Food intolerance and food poisoning are separate conditions.  Anaphylaxis, a potentially life-threatening reaction that can impair
breathing and send the body into shock; reactions may
Causes 
simultaneously affect different parts of the body (for example, a
While any food can cause an adverse reaction, eight types of food
stomachache accompanied by a rash)
account for about 90 percent of all reactions:
 Eggs Diagnosis 
 Milk Diagnosis is usually based on a medical history, elimination diet, skin
 Peanuts prick test, or blood tests for food-specific IgE antibodies.
 Tree nuts
Treatment 
 Fish
 To prevent the food allergy, follow the strict diet.
 Shellfish
 Total avoidance of the foods identified as allergens.
 Wheat
 If the food is accidentally ingested and a systemic reaction
 Soy
(anaphylaxis) occurs, then epinephrine (adrenaline) should be used.
Signs and symptoms  A second dose of epinephrine may be required for severe reactions.
Symptoms of an allergic reaction may involve the skin, the The person should then be transported to the emergency room,
gastrointestinal tract, the cardiovascular system and the respiratory tract. where additional treatment can be given. Other treatments include
They can surface in one or more of the following ways: antihistamines and steroids.
 Vomiting and/or stomach cramps [Epinephrine (arenaline) is the first-line treatment for anaphylaxis. If administered in a
timely manner, epinephrine can reverse its effects. Epinephrine relieves airway swelling
 Hives
and obstruction, and improves blood circulation; blood vessels are tightened and heart
 Shortness of breath rate is increased, improving circulation to body organs.]

Rabin Singh

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