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. FABRSLGBSBI = FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 96-CE-BCON | Marking Scheme ECON 1996 Please note that the answers suggested in the marking scheme are not necessarily the only possible answers to the questions. All well-reasoned alternative answers are acceptable, Section A Mad 1. (a) Thecost decreased / changed’: the value ofthe concert lowered / changed 2 (©) ~ Nochange--enjoyment in the karaoke lounge isnot an option forgone, 2 any one — No change’the value of the concert has not changed / the cos is still the concert 2 max:2 {Mere identification ofthe concert asthe highest-valued option forgone — max. 1 mark for the whole queston,} 2. Secondary production — food materials are cooked in the shop and turned into cooked food. 2 ‘Tertiary production — when having meals, customers ate served by waiters inthe shop. 2 3. (a) Public limited company 1 Advantages: ~ limited liability: loss of an owner of the firm is confined to his investment in the firm flower risk in investment legal entity: the firm can act as a legal person to make contracts, to own properties land be sued /proft or loss belongs to the firm, not the owners = wider source of capital «> lower risk in investment encourages more investors (even without professional skills in the business) to invest, => economies of scale | 2@ ~ easy transfer of shares : an investor can convert his shares into cash with ease. professionals to run the business “: separation of ownership and management and economies of scale — lasting continuity ~> the firm's existence not affected by any investor's death, withdrawal, ete max: 4 [Mark the FIRST TWO points only.) (©) Not included — Not a consumption expenditure «consumers got their money back. / Nor an investment expenditure ~> the products were destroyed, 2@ ~ No value added to GNP. /~" production costs (such as cost of materials, wage payments, transportation costs. etc.) were offset by loss atthe firm level. max :2 4. (a) GDP at factor cost increased by $2000 1 as itis a current production, / The $2000 is included in the government expenditure of the current year. L (©) A taffic light is a man-made resource used for production 2 vo.ce-eCON 12 FABRE BA = FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ENA 1 ATU DUNSITS 3. Monopolistic competition Any three kinds of price or non-price competition. [Mark the FIRST THREE points nly} Real wage in 1994 = S100 . 199. $83333 20 100 = $8000 512000 al wage in 1995 = Real wage in 1 so real wage decreased, Alternative answer L Real wage in 1995 based on 1994 S10) x 120 = $9600 < $1000 “teal wage decreased. Alternative answer 2 150~120 (Change in price index 25% cred is 0 Change in satary ; $12000-$10000 _ 555, '$10000 " Feal wage decreased, 7. AMI = change in the amount of cash held by the non-bank public + change in the demand deposits with licensed banks = 0+ $30 ~20) mn, /= + $(30 ~ 20) mn, = +$10 mn. 4M2 = AMI + change in the time and savings deposits with licensed banks + change in the negotiable certificates of deposit issued by licensed banks and held by the non-bank public = +$10 mn. + ${(40 + 30) — (40 + 40)) mn, =0 Alternative answer ‘SMI = change in the amount of cash held by the non-bank public + change in the demand deposits with licensed banks (40 ~ 50) mn. + $(30 ~ 20) mn, =o 4M2. = AMI + change in the time and savings deposits with licensed banks + change in the negotiable certificates of deposit issued by licensed banks and held by the ‘non-bank public = (1 S{(40 + 30) ~ (40+ 40)] mn. /= + $[(40 + 30) - (40 + 40)} ma, -$10 mn ve-ce-ccon tn FABRIXAD SBI FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY SHR ISPT NE RSET OTR FABRAeSBA FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY NLM heme ‘Store of value — less purchasing power of the same amount of money Standard of deferred payment — the real value of money decreases / creditors prefer immediate cash to post-dated cheques @ Medium of exchange — the real value of money decreases / the general acceptability of money is adversely affected (in times of a hyperinflation) max: 4 [Mark the FIRST TWO points only.| 9. (a) $(4—35+ 17-19) mn, /-$13 mn, (b) There is a balance of payments deficit of $28 mn_/There isa deficit in the current and capital accounts Effective communication for Section A. voceecon 1s LBRSLEH EBA = FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY ABRIL BI == FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 96-CE-ECON | Marking Scheme Section B 10 (fi) Within A. the production cost of 1 unit of clothing is 3 usits of rice i Within 8. the production cost of 1 unit of clothing is 32 units of rice 1 B has a lowser cost or a comparative advantage over A in the production of clothing 1 (ii) Wye = Under no trade, the unit price of clothing in A is 3 units of rice forgone. When A trades with B, the import pce of I unit of clothing is 2 units of rice exported to B.-A | 3 ccan save I unit of rice per unit of clothing imported form B. 3 ~ Similarly. the unit price of rice in A before trade is 1/3 units of clothing, With trade, the expon price of 1 unit of rice is 1/2 units of clothing imported -.Acan gain | 3 W6 units of clothing from exporting 1 unit of rice. a (11) Including the transport cost. the (otal) cost of 1 unit of clothing imported from B is 3 units of rice. This equals to the unit cost of production of clothing in A. -.there is no gain for A to trade with B. 3 (©) Regressive tax a ~The low-income group spends a greater proportion of income on 4 clothing than the high-income group. 2 <.the low-income group pays a larger proportion of income as tax | max: 3 than the high-income group. 2 any one = The same amount of tax on clothing represents a greater proportion of income for the low-income group. 3 max: 3 (©) This is because we do not know — the population size / per capita income of both countries. IfB’s population size is three times, say, as that of A. then in general B's living standard is not higher than A — the income distribution of both countries If B’s income is highly unevenly distributed but A's is not. then we cannct conclude that — other social costs of both countries Eg, if B hasa higher crime rate / more pollution / more sertous social instability / tc. then B's living standard may not be generally higher than A. ra ~ other social benefits of both countries. Eg. if B has less social benefits / less leisure hours / cic . then B's living standard may not be generally higher than A what other goods besides rice and clothing these two countries have Eg iB has less other goods. then she conclusion may be wrong, = any other relevant point max 6 [Mark the FIRST THREE points onls | onceccon ss FLOR BS RA FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY A FRE SBE FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 7 96.CE-ECON | Marking Scheme Marks w @ Country A County B Onnershipof most saie-onned privately-owned resources Decision of resource | ~ government control | ~ price mechanism 8 allocation dominates dominates = centralized decision | ~ decentralized decision making making maxi Effective communication 2 Toul 25 MG) General manager: Price D> 3 R a ® a im] No 0 ae Quantity Qa ~ inelastic demand 1 ~ increase in quantity demanded < % decteasein price 2 Sales manager : Price * D Die . P, Loss 0 > Quantity @ a ~ different newspapers are substitutes for each other / demand for this newspaper would decrease = quantity decreases 96-CE-£CON 1-16 9 BRL EDS BS FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY FABRAABSBA = FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY Jhome Marks “cnewspapers and magazines are related products but not nnecessatily competing with cach other, 2 OR Horizontal expansion ' ] 1.) (Lateral expansion 7} 5 “newspapers and magazines may be viewed as the same type of product. 2 «i better utilization of resources benefits derived from brand name 1a diversification of investment / spread risk economies of scale max. 2 [Mark the FIRST TWO points ony. (c) (i) - No change in total bank deposits~- it is only a switch from one's bank deposit to another's oR 3 = Nochange in total bank deposits there may be some depesit contraction at first, but then it would be offset by the deposit expansion later on (ii) ~ tanks gain excess reserves 1 ~ increase in total bank deposits ty an amount of $Smn x 1/25% = $20mn 2 Effective communication 2 Toul 25 oo.ce-econ -17 ABRAXAHZEBA = FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 4 FABRANEHAABA . FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 96-CE-ECON | Marking Scheme 12, (@) @) Wage rate — demand decreases = (at the going wage rate. greater) excess supply A simplified version Wage rate No. of workers = demand decreases = (atthe going wage rate,) excess supply ye-ce-econ tix FUURANEBEBY = FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY Marks FRAO BS FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY CON | Marking Scheme 12 G@) Gi) Wage rate o 7 __. no, of local workers — imported workers are substitutes of local workers 1 = demand for local workers decreases = local workers : (at the going wage rate, greater) excess supply 1 ‘Alternative answer Wage rate eR Ss AY Ss: w 7s %y (unemployment) ol > No.of workers ~ supply increases 1 ~ (at the going wage rate, greater) excess supply 1 ecox iy ABRANBHAEBI = FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY 6-€ 9 ARRAS BA FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY :CON I Matki me Marks 12, @) Advantages: = higher working incentive ~ lower monitoring cost @ = any other relevant point [Mark the FIRST point only: max : 2 Disadvantage = tess careful in using the machinery = better quality control is required 2@ = any other relevant point [Mark the FIRST point only. max :2 (©) Demand-side factor : government expenditure (in current yeat) increases 2 Supply-side factor = the labour productivity would be raised. 2 = labour supply would increase 1 2@ ‘with reasonable elaboration 1 max:2 GDP (both in current year and in future) would increase. [Mark the FIRST demand-side factor and the FIRST supply-side factor only.] (d) _Incteased progressivity means the tax burden of taxpayers with higher salary income increases at a faster rate than the low-income group / unemployed. 2 ‘The provision of unemployment benefits will benefit the low-income group / unemployed but not the high-income group. 1 _ more even income distribution, 1 Effective communication 2 Total 25 suce-pcon nin FURSVEBSBS «= FOR TEACHERS’ USE ONLY

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