Functional Ecology - 2002 - Dahlgaard - Induced Thermotolerance and Associated Expression of The Heat Shock Protein Hsp70

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Ecology 1998
Induced thermotolerance and associated expression
12, 786–793 of the heat-shock protein Hsp70 in adult Drosophila
*Centre for Tropical Biodiversity, Department of Population Biology, University of Copenhagen,
Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen Ø, Denmark, †Department of Ecology and Genetics, University
of Aarhus, Ny Munkegade, Bldg. 540, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark, ‡Institute of Zoology, Jagiellonian
University, ul. Ingerdena 6, 30–060 Krakow, Poland, and §Department of Molecular Biology, University of
Aarhus, Universitetsparken Bldg. 135, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

1. Inducible heat-shock proteins are synthesized when temperatures are increased to
levels substantially above normal. The functional role of these proteins is well known
at the cellular level. Today increasing interest has been directed towards the impor-
tance of heat-shock proteins for resistance of whole organisms to high-temperature
stress and other environmental stressors.
2. Here the functional relationship between the heat-shock protein, Hsp70, and ther-
mal resistance in adult Drosophila melanogaster was examined by comparing thermal
resistance, i.e. survival at 39 °C for 85 min, and levels of Hsp70 at various times
elapsed (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 and 64 h) after thermotolerance was induced by short-term
acclimation/heat hardening at 37 °C for 55 min.
3. Levels of Hsp70 in both males and females were highest 2 h after heat hardening
and declined with longer times elapsed. The rate of decrease initially was very fast but
diminished with increasing time. After 32 h the level of Hsp70 approached the level in
flies that were not hardened. Levels of Hsp70 in males exceeded that of females during
the entire period.
4. Survival of both sexes increased with increasing time after heat hardening and reached
an optimum between 8 and 32 h. Thereafter resistance decreased with longer times
elapsed. Survival of females generally exceeded that of males except after 16 and 64 h.
5. Regression analysis applied to the data on Hsp70 levels revealed that the model
describing these data could not explain the data for survival. Also, higher levels of
Hsp70 in males compared with females were not associated with greater survival in
males. However, statistical analysis on paired measurements of Hsp70 and survival
revealed a positive association between Hsp70 level and survival at each time elapsed
after induction of thermotolerance.
Key-words: Acclimation, heat-shock proteins, high-temperature stress, insects, survival
Functional Ecology (1998) 12, 786–793

Heat-shock proteins (hsps) belong to highly con-
Adult Drosophila that have been pre-exposed to high served protein families. Some of these proteins act as
temperatures benefit from an extended period of molecular chaperones and participate in protein folding
increased thermotolerance (Loeschcke, Krebs & and unfolding (Parsell & Lindquist 1994). At the cellu-
Barker 1994). The build-up and subsequent decrease in lar level heat-shock proteins are important for acquisi-
resistance that results after pre-exposure to high tem- tion of thermal resistance (Lindquist 1986; Landry
peratures (Krebs & Loeschcke 1994a) resembles the et al. 1989; Parsell & Lindquist 1994), and for microor-
regulation of heat-shock protein synthesis after expo- ganisms they are a major factor in coping with high
sure to heat (Landry et al. 1982). We therefore exam- temperatures. Recently, the heat-shock protein Hsp70
ined whether heat hardening in adult Drosophila has been found to improve thermotolerance in both
© 1998 British melanogaster Meigen is correlated with the expression embryos (Welte et al. 1993) and larvae (Feder 1996;
Ecological Society of heat-shock proteins. Feder & Krebs 1997) of D. melanogaster, and natural

787 variation of Hsp70 expression in larvae has also been and sex, at each time elapsed after induction, were
Thermal found to be correlated with thermotolerance (Krebs & then examined for potential associations between the
resistance and Feder 1997). These studies constitute the first direct two traits.
Hsp70 in D. evidence revealing that heat-shock proteins improve
melanogaster thermal resistance of multicellular organisms.
Materials and methods
For adult Drosophila, evidence supports that selec-
tion for thermal resistance occurs in nature (Parsons A mass population of D. melanogaster was founded
1980; Loeschcke et al. 1994), and recent published with adults from reciprocal crosses among three popu-
data reveal that a selective response in adults does not lations out of Mali in Africa, Italy (Bologna) and
evolve as an indirect response from direct selection on Spain (Tenerife). Prior to the experiment, the popula-
the larval life stage (Loeschcke & Krebs 1996). tion was maintained for 21 generations at 25 °C on an
However, multicellular organisms such as Drosophila agar–sugar–yeast medium at a population size greater
possess various mechanisms to cope with high tem- than 600. For the experiment, 10 bottles with 20 pairs
peratures apart from the strictly biochemical ones. each were set up and females were allowed to oviposit
Behaviour, morphology and physiology may all func- for 24 h. During the next 3 days, flies were transferred
tion to prevent potential damage from temperature to fresh bottles to produce sufficient numbers of flies
stress. Owing to the evolution of such features, the rel- for both the stress resistance assay and the ELISA.
ative importance of heat-shock proteins in the most
complex organisms could have become subordinate.
Among the different life stages in Drosophila, the
adult stage is the most complex in terms of behaviour, After emergence, flies were collected and sexed under
morphology and physiology. Nevertheless, despite the light CO2 anaesthesia each day over a 4-day period.
possibility of adaptive changes in morphological and Four blocks with flies of similar age (± 1 day) were
physiological traits, McColl, Hoffmann & obtained. For the stress-resistance assay, two blocks
McKechnie (1996) showed a response of two heat- contained 56 vials with 20 flies each (two sexes, seven
shock genes to selection for knockdown heat resis- treatments and four replicates). For the ELISA assay,
tance in adult D. melanogaster. Lessons from cell four blocks contained 28 vials with 30 flies each (two
cultures, embryos and larvae on the role of heat-shock sexes, seven treatments and two replicates). Thirty
proteins for thermal resistance therefore also may flies per vial were used in order to reduce random
apply to adults. variation in body size among vials. Three days after
In addition to the resemblance between the dynam- emerging, flies were transferred to fresh food vials. To
ics of heat hardening and the induction of heat-shock induce thermotolerance, flies were exposed to 37 °C
synthesis, other observations appear to link the two for 55 min in fresh vials containing agar. This temper-
phenomena. Fitness costs experienced by adults ature is known to be very effective in inducing Hsp70
shortly after exposure to high temperatures (Krebs & synthesis in Drosophila cell lines although a tempera-
Loeschcke 1994a,b) are consistent with two funda- ture as low as 33 °C is also effective (Lindquist 1980;
mental observations related to the heat-shock DiDomenico et al. 1982a). Preliminary experiments
response. First, costs may occur owing to repression revealed that 33 °C also results in elevated levels of
of normal cell activity after exposure to heat shock, Hsp70 in adult D. melanogaster. After induction of
e.g. in cell lines of D. melanogaster (DiDomenico, thermotolerance, all flies were transferred back to the
Bugaisky & Lindquist 1982a,b). Second, increased food vials. Flies were allowed to recover for various
consumption of energy for protein production follow- lengths of time (2, 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 h), following
ing a heat shock (Gething & Sambrook 1992) may induction, before the ELISA- and the stress-resistance
cause an energy debt (Krebs & Loeschcke 1994b) that assays on day six. In the control group tolerance was
increases vulnerability against further stress. not induced.
Here we test for a functional relationship between
resistance at various times elapsed after induction of
thermotolerance, by exposing flies to a high non-
lethal stress (37 °C for 55 min), and expression of the On day six postemergence, adults for the stress-resis-
heat-shock protein Hsp70 in adult D. melanogaster. tance assay, of the seven different acclimation/harden-
Thermotolerance was induced in flies from a mass ing treatments, were transferred to fresh vials to be
population and groups of flies were randomly exposed to a potentially lethal stress (39 °C for
assigned to either a stress resistance- or an enzyme- 85 min). Induction of thermotolerance and heat shock
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) at 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 both took place in inverted food vials containing a 2%
and 64 h after induction. This procedure was repli- agar solution. Stoppers were moistened and inserted
© 1998 British cated in two blocks to obtain two replicates of paired fully to obtain nearly saturated humidity (treatment
Ecological Society, measurements (survival vs Hsp70 level) for each time details are described in Krebs & Loeschcke 1994b).
Functional Ecology, elapsed after induction. Paired measurements of The proportion of surviving flies was scored 22 h
12, 786–793 Hsp70 level and resistance from within each block after exposure to heat stress to allow time to recover
788 mobility. Flies were considered alive if they were Results of the ELISA are presented as a percentage
J. Dahlgaard able to walk following a slight touch with a brush. of the signal of the standard. In addition, Western
et al. blotting was performed on a subsample of male
homogenates. Proteins were electrophoretically sep-
arated on 10% SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate
On day six postemergence, flies for the ELISA assay polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) gels by the
of the seven different acclimation/induction treat- method of Laemmli (1970) and following were
ments were transferred to empty glass vials and transferred to an Immobilon membrane (Millipore).
stored at – 70 °C. To make an Hsp70 standard, flies The membrane was blocked with PBS containing 5%
of an Australian D. melanogaster population were dry skim milk. The primary and secondary antibod-
exposed to 38 °C for 45 min and allowed to recover ies described above were used to identify Hsp70 and
for 5 h before being stored at – 70 °C. Protein sam- the antibodies were visualized with enhanced
ples for measurement of Hsp70 were obtained by chemoluminescence (ECL, Amersham) according to
homogenizing frozen flies in an ice-cold phosphate the manufacturer’s instructions.
buffered saline (PBS) containing 2 mM phenyl
methyl sulphonyl fluoride (PMSF) and 1% (per vol-
ume) antiprotease cocktail (100 µg ml–1 pepstatin A,
50 µg ml–1 leupeptin, 10 mM benzamidine, 10 mM
sodium metabisulphite). Homogenates were cen- One paired measurement (xtbs, ytbs) of survival (x) and
trifuged at 14 000 g for 30 min at 4–6 °C, and the Hsp70 level (y) was obtained for each time (t) elapsed
supernatants were stored at – 70 °C. Storing adults at after heat hardening from each of the two blocks (b)
– 70 °C did not affect the level of Hsp70 compared and for each sex (s). As Hsp70 could not be detected
with adults frozen using liquid nitrogen. Likewise, after 64 h, this treatment was not included in the anal-
storing homogenates at – 70 °C did not affect the ysis. To test whether increases in the level of Hsp70
level of Hsp70 compared with the method where are accompanied by increases in survival, the between
homogenates were used immediately after homoge- block differences in Hsp70 level (xt1s – xt2s) and in
nization, without freezing. Before ELISA, the pro- survival (yt1s – yt2s) were calculated for each time (t)
tein concentrations of samples and standards were and sex (s). For a parametric test of this hypothesis,
measured (BCA Assay, Pierce Biochemicals, the two sets of data were transformed before differ-
Rockford, IL, USA). Samples and standards were ences were calculated in order to obtain homogeneity
diluted in coating buffer to 30 µg protein ml–1 and of variances within each time group, or at least to
incubated in microplate wells at 37 °C for 1 h to reduce the heterogeneity of these variances. All
allow proteins to adsorb to the plate. To make sure survival data were arcsine-square-root transformed
that all protein binding sites were blocked, 150 µl of and homogeneity of variances was confirmed
2% BSA in PBS was placed in each well at 37 °C for (Bartlett’s test) allowing the estimation of a variance
1 h. After extensive washing, bound Hsp70 was (vbs) common to all time groups for each block and
detected with an Hsp70-specific monoclonal pri- sex. The differences, xt1s – xt2s , were adjusted accord-
mary antibody (7.FB) (Velazquez, DiDomenico & ing to the formula:
Lindquist 1980; Velazquez et al. 1983) and an HRP- xt1s – xt2s
conjugated secondary antibody (antirat IgG, DAKO

v1s v2s eqn 1
A/S, Glostrup, Denmark). The primary antibody is ––– + –––
n n
specific for the 70-kDa inducible member of the
Hsp70 family in Drosophila, and does not recognize where (n) is the number of samples within each time
either Hsp68 or the various Hsc70s. Plates were group per block per sex.
incubated with a solution of orthophenylenediamine For the ELISA data, a log10-transformation was
(OPD) tablets (DAKO A/S) and the coloured reac- applied in order to remove a dependence of the vari-
tion product was measured at 490 nm in a microplate ance on the mean. The differences, yt1s – yt2s, were
reader. Each plate contained seven samples (accli- then calculated. Associations between the differences,
mation/induction treatments) and two standards in xt1s – xt2s and yt1s – yt2s, were examined by calculating
four replicates. Two blanks (without primary anti- the Pearson correlation coefficient for each sex sepa-
body) of each sample and standard were included to rately and for both sexes together.
allow correction for non-specific signal. Prior to the For a non-parametric test, the difference in block
experiment, different concentrations of both the pri- means between block 1 and block 2 of each sex was
mary and secondary antibodies as well as of the sam- added to block 2 in order to obtain the same grand
ples were tested to ensure that the proper range was mean in the two blocks. Associations between the dif-
© 1998 British worked within (i.e. that the corrected signal was lin- ferences, xt1s – xt2s and yt1s – yt2s, were then examined
Ecological Society, early dependent on the Hsp70 concentration) by by comparing their signs. If these differences are not
Functional Ecology, mixing samples of flies, of which thermotolerance associated the probability of two identical signs in one
12, 786–793 was either induced or not, in different proportions. comparison is 50% and the probability of two differ-
789 ent signs likewise is 50%. The binomial probability P < 0·001). The treatment × block × sex interaction
Thermal for any outcome can then easily be computed. also was significant (F6,83 = 3·54, P < 0·01). These
resistance and interaction terms with block, however, were pooled
Hsp70 in D. within the error mean square and thus served only to
melanogaster make the F-test more conservative.

The time for which flies were at 25 °C after induction HSP70 LEVEL
of thermotolerance prior to heat shock explained a
Induction of thermotolerance increased the level of
significant proportion of the variation in survival
Hsp70, with the highest concentration 2 h after expo-
(F5,82 = 2·31, P = 0·05). Survival without prior induc-
sure to 37 °C (Figs 2 and 3). The time at 25 °C after
tion was low (males: 0·027 ± 0·014; females:
induction explained a significant proportion of the
0·070 ± 0·025). Male survival increased with increas-
variation in the level of Hsp70 (F5,81 = 51·1,
ing time after thermal induction with highest survival
P < 0·001). The level of Hsp70 in males was signifi-
after 16 h and lower survival after 32 h and 64 h
cantly greater than in females (F1,81 = 39·2, P < 0·001).
(Fig. 1). Female survival also increased with time
The difference in Hsp70 level between the sexes
after induction, except for the 16-h group, with high-
decreased and finally disappeared with increasing time
est survival after 32 h and lower survival after 64 h.
after induction and the time × sex interaction therefore
For males, survival after 64 h was still significantly
was significant (F5,81 = 7·59, P < 0·001). The block
higher compared with flies that were not hardened
effect was significant (F3,81 = 9·16, P < 0·001). Rank
(P < 0·05, Duncan’s multiple comparisons test). For
order of the different acclimation/hardening treatments
females, survival after 32 h exceeded that of flies
generally was consistent between blocks except after
without heat hardening (P < 0·05, Duncan’s multiple
32 h and 64 h where the level of Hsp70 approached
comparisons test). Survival of females exceeded that
that of flies without heat hardening. The block × time
of males (F1,96 = 4·01, P < 0·05) except after 16 h and
interaction therefore was significant (F15,63 = 2·6,
64 h. The sex × treatment interaction was significant
P < 0·01). This term, however, was pooled within the
(F6,96 = 2·74, P < 0·05). Survival in the two blocks dif-
error mean square and thus served only to make the F-
fered (F1,96 = 26·62, P < 0·001) which is normal for
test more conservative. Regression analysis applied to
this stress resistance assay but the rank order of the
male and female data suggested that the level of Hsp70
acclimation/hardening treatments also differed
is an inverse function of time elapsed after induction:
between the two blocks. The treatment × block inter-
(1) Cmale = 26·1 + (212·6/T); (R2 = 0·70;
action therefore was significant (F6,83 = 4·9,
F1,46 = 108·30, P < 0·001) and (2)
Cfemale = 23·8 + (96·1/T); (R2 = 0·75; F1,46 = 138·49,
P < 0·001). The subsequent decrease in the level of
Hsp70, although initially fast, diminished with time.
The level of Hsp70 thus remained elevated for several
hours, approaching the level of the male (0·19 ± 0·03)
and female (0·22 ± 0·04) control group only after 32 h.
Results from Western blotting were consistent with
those of the ELISA assay (Figs 2 and 3). With increas-
ing exposure time, the ECL detection system revealed
the presence of a faint band at 32 h after induction (not
shown). Furthermore, the background seen in the
ELISA (Fig. 2) is not present in the Western blot
(Fig. 3).



To test for the possibility that an excess in the level of

Hsp70 is accompanied by an excess in survival, the
between block differences in Hsp70 level and in sur-
vival were calculated (see materials and methods) for
each time (t) and sex (s). For a parametric test of this
hypothesis, associations among differences were
examined by calculating the Pearson correlation coef-
Fig. 1. Percentage survival (mean ± SE) of Drosophila melanogaster males and
females after 55 min at 37 °C. Survival was estimated at different times elapsed (h) ficient for each sex separately (rmale = 0·1, NS;
between acclimation/heat hardening and exposure to heat shock. Survival without rfemale = 0·92, P < 0·05) and for both sexes together
prior induction was low (males: 0·027 ± 0·014; females: 0·070 ± 0·025). (r = 0·44, NS; Table 1).
J. Dahlgaard
et al.

Fig. 2. Levels of Hsp70 (in percentage of standard) in Drosophila melanogaster males (a) and females (b) at different times
elapsed after acclimation/heat hardening (the grand means across blocks are indicated by diamonds). The curves connect the
predicted values of Hsp70 estimated by the regression analysis (indicated by dotted lines). Horizontal lines show the level of
Hsp70 in the male and female control group. Males and females were exposed to 37 °C for 55 min. Aliquots of homogenates of
adult flies, that were exposed to 38 °C for 45 min and allowed to recover for 5 h, were used as a standard reference.

For a non-parametric test, associations among binomial probability for obtaining an outcome being
differences were examined by comparing their signs. at least as extreme as the one obtained (one tailed
For females, five out of five comparisons had identi- probabilities).
cal signs whereas for males only three of five com-
parisons were identical in sign. For both sexes
therefore 8 of 10 comparisons were of similar sign.
Table 1 shows the different outcomes as well as the Inducing thermotolerance by short-term acclima-
tion/heat hardening at 37 °C for 55 min substantially
increased the concentration of Hsp70 in adult D.
melanogaster. For up to 32 h after induction of ther-
motolerance, the level of Hsp70 remained elevated
compared with that of flies without hardening despite
an initially rapid decay rate. The level of Hsp70 in
males greatly exceeded that in females. As synthesis
of Hsp70 is proportional to the severity of the stress
Fig. 3. Western blot showing Hsp70 expression in in Drosophila cell lines (DiDomenico et al. 1982a) as
Drosophila melanogaster males at different times elapsed
after acclimation/heat hardening. Flies were exposed to
well as in adults (J. Dahlgaard, V. Loeschcke, P.
37 °C for 55 min and were allowed to recover for various Michalak & J. Justesen, unpublished observations),
lengths of time: 2 h, 4 h, 8 h, 16 h, 32 h and 64 h. For a con- heat hardening may be experienced as more stressful
trol group, tolerance was not induced. A group of adult flies by males than by females. However, although males
that were exposed to 38 °C for 45 min and allowed to are smaller than females, having a surface to volume
recover for 5 h also was included (the standard from the
ELISA assay). Marker: Sigma-prestained ‘blue’ marker.
ratio that enhances a faster internal temperature
There were no signs of proteolytic degradation of Hsp70 in increase, the main reason for the observed sex differ-
any of the lanes on the blot. ence in large remains unknown. With increasing
times elapsed after induction, differences in Hsp70
Table 1. Associations between the level of Hsp70 and survival after heat shock of level between the sexes became smaller and finally
Drosophila melanogaster estimated on the basis of differences between sets of pair- disappeared.
wise measurements at five different times elapsed after induction of thermotolerance.
Female survival generally exceeded that of males,
All probabilities given refer to one tailed tests
as previously reported for this species (Krebs &
Binomial ‘sign test’ Pearson correlation coefficient Loeschcke 1994b). Survival after heat shock at differ-
ent times after induction resembled that reported by
Males 3:2 (P = 0·50) 0·1 (P = 0·44) Krebs & Loeschcke (1994a). For both sexes, resis-
Females 5:0 (P = 0·03) 0·92 (P = 0·01)
tance initially increased with time after induction,
Both sexes 8:2 (P = 0·05) 0·44 (P = 0·10)
reached a maximum between 8 and 32 h, and then
791 decreased. The present results, however, suggest a on comparisons within each time group for each sex
Thermal somewhat later maximum than do the results of Krebs separately. A positive association was found between
resistance and & Loeschcke (1994a). The location of the maximum Hsp70 level and resistance at each time elapsed after
Hsp70 in D. may vary depending on the intensity and duration of induction, although this was significant only for
melanogaster the acclimation/hardening treatment as recovery from females. The trend, however, was similar for the male
heat shock in Drosophila cell lines (DiDomenico data and the combined results therefore suggest a func-
et al. 1982b) is proportional to the severity of the tional relationship between the level of Hsp70 and heat-
stress. Although it is unclear whether results from cell shock tolerance in adult D. melanogaster.
lines apply to adults, a process of recovery after heat Almost no attention has been paid to the ecological
hardening may explain why protection is not maximal significance of heat-shock protein expression in adults
2 h after induction, when levels of Hsp70 were high- for two reasons. First, adult Drosophila are highly
est. As thermotolerance in the present study was mobile and therefore should be able to avoid high
induced using a higher temperature than did Krebs & temperatures behaviourally, perhaps limiting the
Loeschcke (1994a), it is likely that higher acclima- attention to the molecular stress protection system
tion/induction temperatures may cause maximal resis- offered by the heat-shock proteins. Second, detection
tance to be delayed and prolonged. of heat-shock protein expression in nature is techni-
Resistance was not proportional to the level of cally difficult and not until recently (Feder 1996) was
Hsp70. In fact the initial increase in resistance was the first report published on natural expression of
almost balanced by a decrease in the level of Hsp70. Hsp70 in larvae. That variation in heat-shock genes is
Also, while the level of Hsp70 in males greatly present and potentially could play an important eco-
exceeded that of females, male resistance generally was logical role was demonstrated by McColl et al. (1996)
lower than that of females. From these results we may who detected a correlated response in the allele fre-
come to either of two conclusions: (1) Hsp70 is not quencies of hsp68 and hsr-omega after selection for
important for resistance of adult D. melanogaster or (2) increased knockdown heat resistance in D.
Hsp70 is involved in resistance in some way but sur- melanogaster. As the geographical distribution of D.
vival from heat shock is complex and depends on the melanogaster extends into regions of high tempera-
cumulative stress level and the physiological state of tures, it is possible that Hsp70 expression in adults
cells and organism as well as on sex. DiDomenico et al. play an important ecological role. Activity of adult D.
(1982b) showed that restoration of normal protein syn- melanogaster has been observed in central Chaco,
thesis is co-ordinate with repression of Hsp70. The co- Argentina, at temperatures of at least 33 °C in the
ordinate increase in resistance with decreased levels of shade (J. Dahlgaard, E. Hasson & J. S. F. Barker,
Hsp70 that we recorded resembles the pattern found by unpublished data from March 1997). Temperatures
DiDomenico et al. (1982b), and may be due to the fact inside the collecting buckets, when placed in direct
that normal cell activity has not recovered until at least sunlight, typically were 2–5 °C higher in the centre of
2 h after induction (DiDomenico et al. 1982a,b). Krebs the buckets. Adults were nevertheless still attracted to
& Loeschcke (1994a) suggested that an energy debt these buckets, allowing for the possibility that the
may increase the susceptibility of flies immediately heat-shock response at least temporarily may be acti-
after induction. In addition, heat hardening may consti- vated in adults in the field. Experiments with free-
tute a stress in itself, as mentioned above, and it is pos- ranging adult flies also revealed that the heat-shock
sible that stress from the acclimation/hardening response, at least temporarily, may be activated in
treatment and the subsequent heat shock are cumula- nature (M. Feder, personal communication). Krebs &
tive. Therefore, it is likely that flies experience an over- Loeschcke (1994a) measured the cost of activating the
all greater stress level when heat shocked shortly after heat-shock response, and showed that when food con-
induction and, since normal cell activity is not yet ditions were improved, the negative consequences of
attained, benefits from highly elevated levels of Hsp70 expressing the heat-shock response may be reduced.
may be outweighed. Attempts to associate resistance Behavioural evasion therefore may not always be nec-
directly with Hsp70 levels thus will confound different essary and perhaps benefits in terms of access to
cumulative stress levels and different levels of normal resources for oviposition and feeding outweighs the
cell activity with different times elapsed after induc- cost of activating the heat-shock response. Activity of
tion. Sex differences, whether physiologically or genet- other Drosophila species, e.g. Drosophila simulans
ically determined, will also confound the analysis. Sturtevant and Drosophila buzzatii Patterson and
The experimental design, however, allows another Wheeler, also has been reported at high temperatures,
way to test for associations between Hsp70 level and of at least up to 35 °C in the shade (Vilela, Sene &
resistance. If higher concentrations of Hsp70 enhance Pereira 1980).
survival after heat shock, paired measurements of The present results suggest a functional role of
© 1998 British Hsp70 level and resistance from within each block and Hsp70 that for two reasons could be of considerable
Ecological Society, sex, at each time elapsed after induction, are expected ecological importance. First, in nature temperatures
Functional Ecology, to be associated. This approach avoids the confounding can increase rapidly (Dahlgaard & Loeschcke 1997),
12, 786–793 effects mentioned above in that associations are based and a molecular stress resistance system able to
792 respond at least as fast conceivably is beneficial. In protocol for the ELISA assay that was subsequently
J. Dahlgaard the present study, the response to short-term acclima- modified. We are grateful to Doth Andersen for excel-
et al. tion/heat hardening was very fast, causing high levels lent technical help, to Margit Christensen for homoge-
of Hsp70 to accumulate within a short time. Second, nizing flies and to Inger Bjørndal, Jure Piskur and
as temperature in nature fluctuates diurnally, current Lisbeth Hoenberg for helping with the protein assay.
temperature extremes may predict future extremes. We thank Jesper G. Sørensen for assessing different
Thus, because acquired thermotolerance does not techniques of protein/sample storage. The study was
decay rapidly, it may protect against both an immedi- supported by a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation
ate thermal stress and those stresses experienced on (No. 96–0359–40) and a Tempus grant to support the
subsequent days. The extended period in which Hsp70 stay of PM in Aarhus.
is detectable in adults after induction also is interest-
ing from the perspective that it contrasts with the situ-
ation in embryos. At the early embryo stages, Hsp70 is References
sequestered into granules within minutes after return Bader, S.B., Price, B.D., Mannheim-Rodman, L.A. &
to normal temperatures (Parsell & Lindquist 1994). Calderwood, S.K. (1992) Inhibition of heat shock gene
The detrimental effects of Hsp70 on growth and cell expression does not block the development of thermotol-
erance. Journal of Cellular Physiology 151, 56–62.
division (Feder et al. 1992) therefore are most pro- Dahlgaard, J. & Loeschcke, V. (1997) Effects of inbreeding
nounced in embryos or at least have the greatest con- in three life stages of Drosophila buzzatii after embryos
sequences at this life stage. were exposed to a high temperature stress. Heredity 78,
From our results it is reasonable to conclude that 410–416.
the initial discovery of Hsp70 as a critical factor for DiDomenico, B.J., Bugaisky, G.E. & Lindquist, S. (1982a)
The heat shock response is self-regulated at both the tran-
heat-shock resistance in early life stages of a multi- scriptional and posttranscriptional levels. Cell 31,
cellular organism, i.e. of embryos (Welte et al. 1993) 593–603.
and larvae (Feder 1996) of D. melanogaster, now DiDomenico, B.J., Bugaisky, G.E. & Lindquist, S. (1982b)
possibly can be extended to the adult life stage. Heat shock and recovery are mediated by different trans-
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Acknowledgements Krebs, R.A. & Loeschcke, V. (1994b) Effects of exposure to
short-term heat stress on fitness components in
Flies from Mali and Bologna were kindly provided by Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Evolutionary
Sandro Cavicchi. The monoclonal antibody, 7.FB, was Biology 7, 39–49.
generously provided by Susan Lindquist. We thank Krebs, R.A. & Loeschcke, V. (1996) Acclimation and selec-
Jørgen Granfeldt from the Department of Theoretical tion for increased resistance to thermal stress in
© 1998 British Drosophila buzzatii. Genetics 142, 471–479.
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Response of two heat shock genes to selection for knock-
down resistance in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics Received 19 December 1996; revised 8 January 1998;
143, 1615–1627. accepted 9 January 1998

© 1998 British
Ecological Society,
Functional Ecology,
12, 786–793

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