Date Use Guide - Revision R1 130720 KDr9mXQ

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Data use guide

Revision R1: 13/07/20

Data use guide - revision R1

This report is issued under Creative Commons Licence Prindex is a joint initiative of:
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 - full attribution, no commercial gain,
no derivatives.

© Prindex, 2020.

c/o Overseas Development Institute Generously supported by:
203 Blackfriars Road

Data use guide - revision R1

1. INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................................................5
2. THE PRINDEX DATA ...............................................................................................................................................5
3. COMPUTED (RECODED) VARIABLES .......................................................................................................................6
4. SAMPLING WEIGHTS AND STRATIFICATION ........................................................................................................ 18
ANNEX 1 – COUNTRY LIST ............................................................................................................................................ 19
ANNEX 2 – PRINDEX CODEBOOK.................................................................................................................................. 25

Table 1 – Coding for the location variable............................................................................................................7

Table 2 – Coding for the marital status variable ..................................................................................................7
Table 3 – Coding for the employment status variable .........................................................................................8
Table 4 – Coding for the education variable ........................................................................................................8
Table 5 – Coding for the tenure classification variable ......................................................................................10
Table 6 – Coding for the other property variable...............................................................................................11
Table 7 – Coding for the tenure security for main property (home) variable....................................................11
Table 8 – Coding for the tenure security for other property variable................................................................11
Table 9 – Coding for the tenure security for additional property variable ........................................................12
Table 10 – Coding for the tenure security for all properties variable ................................................................12
Table 11 – Coding for the reasons for tenure insecurity variables ....................................................................13
Table 12 – Coding for property documentation variables .................................................................................14
Table 13 – Coding for respondent’s name on property documentation variable..............................................18

Data use guide - revision R1

GWP – Gallup World Poll

Prindex – Property Rights Index initiative

GWP data – The Prindex data collected as part of the Gallup World Poll

GWP wave – The third round (wave) of data collection carried out in 2019 through the Gallup World Poll

Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook - The document from Gallup containing the survey
methodology and codebook for the Gallup World Poll. It is available from the Gallup website

Prindex codebook – The document produced by Prindex description of all variables in the datasets
produced as part of the Prindex initiative.

Wave 1 & 2 – The first two rounds (waves) of data collection carried out in 2018

Wave 1 & 2 data – The Prindex data collected in 2018

Data use guide - revision R1


Purpose of the document

This document introduces the data collected as part of the Prindex initiative. It gives users the basic
information they need to carry out their own analysis using the Prindex data. Further information on the
Prindex methodology, including the questionnaires and details on property documentation, and answers
to frequently asked questions is available from the Prindex website -

Structure of the document

The first part of the document contains a description of the Prindex data. The next section contains
details on key variables which are computed (recoded) from the raw data. The third section has
information on sampling weights and stratification. The annexes contain the list of surveyed countries,
details of areas or populations which were excluded from the sampling frame and the Prindex codebook
for all variables.


In this section, we describe the key aspects of the Prindex data collection methodology and how this
affects the contents and structure of the datasets. There are more details on the Prindex methodology
on the Prindex website -

The Prindex data is collected through interviews with randomly selected individuals over the age of 18
from each country. Therefore, each observation in the datasets represents the responses for one
individual. This is different to some surveys on property rights which interview the head of each
household and report findings at household or property level. The Prindex approach means the data are
nationally representative for the population over 18 years of age in each country.

Interviews are conducted either in person or by telephone. Different sampling approaches are used to
select individuals depending on the survey method and availability of data to construct the sampling
frame. However, the sampling approaches all aim to provide a dataset that is nationally representative
for the population over the age of 18 years. Typically, circa 1,000 individuals were surveyed in each
country. This was increased in some countries with larger populations. In section 4, there is further
information on the variables that need to be used in analysis of the Prindex data to account for the
sampling approaches, including sampling weights.

The current Prindex data was collected in three waves (rounds) of data collection. The first two waves
were conducted in 2018. Hereafter, this is called the wave 1 & 2 data. The third wave of data collection
was carried out in 2019 as part of the Gallup World Poll. Hereafter, this is called the GWP data. The wave 1
& 2 data is from 33 countries and the GWP data covers 107 countries. Annex 1 has the list of countries,
the wave in which the data were collected and the number of completed observations.

The datasets from the wave 1 & 2 and GWP data collection can be downloaded from the Prindex website.
Separate datasets for each country are available from the individual country summary pages (for
example data on Mexico is available from, and all datasets are available
from All the datasets are currently available in .csv format. Two earlier rounds of
pilot surveys were also carried out. This data is not contained in the main Prindex datasets and so is not
covered by this guide. For information on piloting, see the reports on the nine country pilot and three
country pilot.

Different questionnaires were used for the wave 1 & 2 and the GWP data collection. These can be
downloaded from The same questionnaire was used for all the wave 1 & 2 surveys,
including in the UK where the survey was conducted via telephone rather than in person. Two slightly

Data use guide - revision R1

different questionnaires were used in the GWP survey, one for in person surveys and the other for
surveys conducted by telephone.

The structure of the datasets reflects the different rounds of data collection. The first variables in the
datasets are computed variables recoded from responses to both wave 1 & 2 and GWP surveys. These
are described in more detail in Section 3 of this report. The next set of variables are from the wave 1 & 2
data collection. Typically, these are prefixed with Q followed by a number. This relates to the number of
the question in the questionnaire. The final set of variables are from the GWP wave of data collection.
These are typically prefixed WP followed by a number. Again, this relates to the number of the question
from the questionnaire. When variable names have two different ‘WP’ numbers (e.g.
WP20656_WP20791), the first number relates to the face-to-face survey and the second to the survey
conducted by telephone.

The Prindex codebook (see annex 2) contains details of all variables. To ensure respondent
confidentiality, some data collected in both the wave 1 & 2 and GWP surveys are not made publicly
available. Publicly available variables are recorded as ‘public’ in the codebook and those recorded as
‘restricted’ are not publicly available.

The Prindex data uses the Creative Commons Licence CC BY-NC 4.0 – full attribution, no commercial
gain. Users are encouraged to reproduce and adapt material from Prindex data for their own use, as long
as they are not being sold commercially.


To facilitate use of the Prindex data, we have created a number of variables that combine the responses
from wave 1 & 2 and GWP waves of data collection. These are described in this section of the report.
Further details are provided in the Prindex codebook, Annex 2. We recommend that these variables are
used where possible as they are consistent across all waves of data collection and will be used for the
majority of results published by Prindex in the future.

Prindex unique id (variable name: prindex_unique_id)

This is a unique ID for all observations from both wave 1 & 2 and GWP. The other ID variables, for example
wpid from the GWP dataset, are specific to one of the waves of data collection.

Country (variable name: country)

This is the country in which the survey was undertaken. The country names are based on the latest
English short names from ISO 3166. In some cases, the names have been shortened by removing
portions that are in parenthesis in the ISO 3166 name. Commonly used country names have been
adopted when there isn’t an official ISO 3166 name, for example Northern Cyprus.

The coding for this variable follows the coding used by Gallup in the World Poll. It is not the ISO 3160
numeric code. This, along with the relevant two- and three-digit alphabetical codes, are contained in
variables ISO_Numeric, ISO_Alpha_2_code and ISO_Alpha_3_code.

The other country name variables that are specific to the different waves of data collection (Q3 and WP5)
do not necessarily match the computed country variable. Variable Q3 is retained as this was the country
identifier used in previous releases of Prindex data. WP5 is retained as this is the naming typically used
by Gallup in the Gallup World Poll.

Location (variable name: location)

This variable designates whether the observation was taken in an urban or rural area. It is based on
variable Q6 from wave 1 & 2 and WP14 from GWP. The table below illustrates how the relevant responses

Data use guide - revision R1

were combined. As the definition of urban and rural can vary between countries, care should be taken
when comparing responses in urban or rural areas based on this variable across different countries.
Table 1 – Coding for the location variable

location Q6 WP14
Urban Urban A small town or village
Peri-Urban A large city
A suburb of a large city

Rural Rural A rural area or on a farm

(Don't know / Other) (Don’t know) (DK)

(Refused) - (Refused)

Gender (variable name: gender)

This is the respondent’s gender. It is based on variable Q21_Gender from wave 1 & 2 and WP1219 from
GWP. The coding is the same.

Age (variable name: age)

This is the respondent’s self-reported age. It is based on variable Q21_Age from wave 1 & 2 and WP1220
from GWP. Numbers 1-98 are the respondents age. Code 99 is used for respondents who report being 99
years or older. Code 100 is used for respondents who refused to answer the question.

Marital status (variable name: marital_status)

This is the self-reported marital status of the respondent. It is based on variable Q25 from wave 1 & 2 and
WP1223 from GWP. The table below shows how the responses from the variables were combined.
Table 2 – Coding for the marital status variable

marital_status Q25 WP1223

Single/Never been married Single/Never married Single/Never been married

Married Married/Living together as if Married

Civil partnership

Other Separated Separated

Divorced Divorced
Widowed Widowed
Domestic partner

(Refused) (Refused) (Refused)

Employment status (variable name: employment_status)

This is the respondent’s self-reported employment status. It is based on variables Q27_1 to Q27_11 from
wave 1 & 2 and EMP_2010 from GWP. The table below shows how the responses from the variables were

Data use guide - revision R1

Table 3 – Coding for the employment status variable

employment_status Q27 EMP_2010

Employed full time Employed full time for an Employed full time for an
employer (Q27_1) employer
Employed full time for self Employed full time for self

Employed part time Employed part time, do not Employed part time do not
want full time (Q27_3) want full time
Employed part time, want full Employed part time want full
time (Q27_4) time

Unemployed Unemployed (Q27_5) Unemployed

Out of workforce Out of workforce (Q27_6) Out of workforce

Other Student (Q27_7)

Homemaker (Q27_8)
Farmer (Q27_9)
Other (Q27_10)

(Refused) (Refused) (Q27_11) (Refused or Don't know)

Education (variable name: education)

This is the respondent’s self-reported highest level of education. It is based on variable Q26 from wave 1
& 2 and WP3117 from GWP. The table below shows how the responses from the variables were combined.
Table 4 – Coding for the education variable

education Q26 WP3117

Completed No formal education Completed
elementary Informal schooling only (koranic school etc) elementary
education or less Incomplete primary education education or less
(up to 8 years of Complete primary education (up to 8 years of
basic education) Intermediate/Some secondary or high school basic education)
Secondary/Incomplete baccalaureate
Incomplete technical education
Nursery School
Infant/Junior School/Basic Adult Literacy
Lower Secondary School (Age less than 14)
Primary School
Junior High School
Did not attend/complete primary school

Secondary - 3 year Complete secondary education Secondary - 3 year

Tertiary / Post secondary education, other than university Tertiary /
Secondary (diploma from polytechnic college) Secondary
education and Incomplete university education education and
some education Secondary/Full baccalaureate some education
beyond secondary Complete technical education beyond secondary
education (9-15 Upper Secondary School (GCSE/SCE, Youth education (9-15
training/NTMA, A level, Highers, NVQ/SVQ Level 3) years of education)

Data use guide - revision R1

education Q26 WP3117

years of Higher Education Access Courses
education) HND/HNC/Nursing Degree, PG Diplomas, NVQ/SVQ
Levels 4/5
Senior School

Completed four Complete university education Completed four

years of education Post graduate education years of education
beyond high Undergraduate Degree beyond high school
school and/or Master’s Degree and/or received a
received a 4-year Doctorate 4-year college
college degree. University degree.

(Don't know) (Don't know) (Don't know)

(Refused) (Refused) (Refused)

Household size (variable name: HHsize_recode)

This is the total number of people living in the household (adults and children). It is based on variables
Q18 and Q19 from wave 1 & 2 and HHsize from GWP. Numbers from 1 to 4 are the number of people in the
household. Number 5 stands for 5 or more residents.

Income quintile (variable name: inc_quint)

This is the income quintile in which the respondent’s household is positioned in each country (not all
countries). It is based on variables Q82 and Q83 from wave 1 & 2 and INCOME_5_PRINDEX from GWP.
The income data is collected to allow comparisons between income groups within the dataset. It should
not be used to estimate average household income outside of the dataset (e.g. at national level).

Income adequacy (variable name: income_adequacy) – NB this variable is not publicly available

This is the self-reported income adequacy for the household. It is based on variable Q31 from wave 1 & 2
and WP2319 from GWP.

Tenure classification (variable name: tenure_class)

This is the respondent’s self-reported tenure classification (status) for their main property (home).
Typically, it is based on variable Q42_final from wave 1 & 2 and WP20666_WP20801 from GWP. The
‘Family member owns’ tenure classification was not directly included in the wave 1 & 2 survey. Hence the
tenure_class variable was computed from a combination of Q37 and Q37_other from the wave 1 & 2
data. The variable is based on Q42A for Malawi. The table below shows how the responses from the
variables were combined.

Data use guide - revision R1

Table 5 – Coding for the tenure classification variable

tenure_class Q42_final WP20666_WP20801

Owner/Joint owner Owner/Joint owner Owner/Joint owner

Renter Renter/Joint renter Renter

(except if Q37 is ‘A family member who lives
in this household owns’ or ‘A family member
not living in this household owns’ or
Q37_other refers to a family member)

Family member owns Q37 is ‘A family member who lives in this Family member owns
household owns’ or ‘A family member not
living in this household owns’ or Q37_other
refers to a family member

Stays with permission Stay with permission Stays with permission

(except if Q37 is ‘A family member who lives
in this household owns’ or ‘A family member
not living in this household owns’ or
Q37_other refers to a family member)

Stays without Stays without permission Stays without

permission (except if Q37 is ‘A family member who lives permission
in this household owns’ or ‘A family member
not living in this household owns’ or
Q37_other refers to a family member)

Other Other Other

(except if Q37 is ‘A family member who lives
in this household owns’ or ‘A family member
not living in this household owns’ or
Q37_other refers to a family member)

Unclear or Unclear or unconfirmed Unclear or

unconfirmed (except if Q37 is ‘A family member who lives unconfirmed
in this household owns’ or ‘A family member
not living in this household owns’ or
Q37_other refers to a family member)

Main property (Home) has land attached (variable name: land_attached)

This variable records if the respondent’s main property (home) has land attached solely for the
household’s use. It is based on variable Q36 from wave 1 & 2 and WP20790 and WP20702 from GWP. ‘No
land attached’ would be, for example, an apartment in an urban area. ‘Land attached’ would be, for
example, a single-family home with a garden or agricultural land that is directly attached to the main

Other property (variable name: other_property)

This variable records if any household member has property other than the main property (home). It is
based on variable Q62 from wave 1 & 2 and WP20688_WP20821 from GWP. The table below shows how
the responses from the variables were combined.

Data use guide - revision R1

Table 6 – Coding for the other property variable

other_property Q62 WP20688_WP20821

Yes Yes, one other property Yes
Yes, multiple other properties

No No (only home) No

(Don't know) - (Don't know)

(Refused) - (Refused)

Tenure security for main property (home) (variable name: mainprop_security)

This is a measure of the respondent’s perceived tenure security for their main property (home). It is
based on variable Q46 for wave 1 & 2 and WP20667_WP20802 from GWP. The table below shows how
the responses from the variables were combined.
Table 7 – Coding for the tenure security for main property (home) variable

mainprop_security Q46 WP20667_WP20802

Insecure Somewhat likely Somewhat likely
Very likely Very likely

Secure Very unlikely Very unlikely

Unlikely Unlikely

(Don’t know / Refused) (Don’t know) (Don’t know)

(Refused) (Refused)

Tenure security for other property (variable name: otherprop_security)

This is a measure of the respondent’s perceived tenure security for other property to which they have
rights. It is based on variable Q67 for wave 1 & 2 and WP20688_WP20821 from GWP. The table below
shows how the responses from the variables were combined.
Table 8 – Coding for the tenure security for other property variable

otherprop_security Q67 WP20689_WP20822

Insecure Somewhat likely Somewhat likely
Very likely Very likely

Secure Very unlikely Very unlikely

Unlikely Unlikely

(Don’t know / Refused) (Don’t know) (Don’t know)

(Refused) (Refused)

Tenure security for additional property (variable name: addprop_security)

This is a measure of the respondent’s perceived tenure security for any additional property to which they
have rights. It is based on variable Q74 for wave 1 & 2. The relevant questions were not asked in the GWP
wave. The table below shows how the responses from the variables were combined.

Data use guide - revision R1

Table 9 – Coding for the tenure security for additional property variable

addprop_security Q74
Insecure Somewhat likely
Very likely

Secure Very unlikely


(Don’t know / Refused) (Don’t know)


Tenure security for all properties (variable name: allprop_security)

This variable is the combination of the measures of the respondents perceived tenure security for all
properties to which they have rights. It is based on variables mainprop_security, otherprop_security and
addprop_security. This is the primary variable that we use to report levels of tenure security in Prindex
documentation. The table below shows how the responses from the variables were combined.
Table 10 – Coding for the tenure security for all properties variable

mainprop_security, otherprop_security and

Insecure One or more of mainprop_security, otherprop_security and
addprop_security is Insecure.

Secure Mainprop_security, otherprop_security and addprop_security are

all Secure.

(Don’t know / Refused) Mainprop_security, otherprop_security and addprop_security are

all (Don’t know / Refused) or a combination of Secure and (Don’t
know / Refused)

Reasons for insecurity (variable names: reason_1 to _7)

These variables record responses to the questions about the reasons a respondent feels insecure about
their tenure for their main property (home). The wave 1 & 2 survey contains questions on 12 reasons. The
GWP survey contains questions on eights reasons. The table below shows how these have been
combined into variables reason_1 to _7. Some questions were not asked in certain countries as it was
considered unsafe for the respondent to answer or not applicable. The notes section of the Prindex
codebook contains the details of this.

Data use guide - revision R1

Table 11 – Coding for the reasons for tenure insecurity variables

Wave 1 & 2
Computed variable GWP variable
Reason_1 - The owner or renter may ask you to leave Q49_1 WP20677_WP20811 and

Reason_2 - Disagreements with family or relatives Q49_2 WP20679_WP20813

Reason_3 - Death of a household member Q49_3 WP20680_WP20814

Reason_4 - Companies may seize this property Q49_4 WP20681_WP20815

Reason_5 - Lack of money or other resources needed Q49_6 WP20682_WP20816

to live in this property

Reason_6 - Government may seize this property Q49_7 WP20683_WP20817 and

WP20902 and WP20903
(if applicable)

Reason_7 - Issues with customary authorities Q49_8 WP20684_WP20818

Not included Q49_5, Q49_9, -

Q49_10, Q49_11
and Q49_12

Response to divorce scenario (variable name: divorce)

This is the responses to the question on perceived tenure security in the hypothetical situation of
divorce. It is based on variable Q50 for wave 1 & 2 and WP20685_WP20819 for GWP. These questions
were only asked to respondents who reported being married. The same response options are used in the
computed variable and the variables from wave 1 & 2 and GWP.

Response to spousal death (variable name: spousal_death)

This is the responses to the question on perceived tenure security in the hypothetical situation of
spousal death. It is based on variable Q51 for wave 1 & 2 and WP20687_WP20820 for GWP. These
questions were only asked to respondents who reported being married. The same response options are
used in the computed variable and the variables from wave 1 & 2 and GWP. The questions were not asked
in some countries as it was deemed culturally inappropriate. The notes section of the Prindex codebook
contains the details.

Property documentation

All respondents were asked questions about the property documentation that they or a family member
possess. The data were collected slightly differently in the wave 1 & 2 survey than in the GWP survey,

In wave 1 & 2, all respondents were asked to name all the property documentation they or a family
member possess which relates to their main property (home) – question Q54. Their responses were
recorded against a predefined list of property documents. Respondents who own or rent their main
property (home) were also asked if they possessed certain types of documentation from the predefined
list if they had not already mentioned them – question Q55. Respondents who reported having rights to
other properties were asked if they or a family member possessed documentation for this property from
a similar predefined list. The list of documentation varied between countries and whether the
respondent owned or rented their property. Each document has been classified as formal or informal
based on whether they could typically be used as evidence of rights in a court. Documents mentioned
that were not on the lists were recorded in free text variables Q54_other, Q55_other and Q69_other.

Data use guide - revision R1

These have been recoded as one of three options in variables Q54_other_recode, Q55_other_recode
and Q69_other_recode: ‘Not a document, unclear, don’t know or refused’, ‘Other informal’ or ‘Other

In the GWP wave, all respondents were asked if they or a family member possessed certain types of
documentation from a predefined list for their main property and other properties – questions
WP20668_WP20803 to WP20675_WP20810 and WP20686_WP20824 to WP20697_WP20831. As in
wave 1 & 2, the list of documentation varied between countries and whether the respondent owned or
rented their property. They have also been classified as formal or informal.

The names of documentation used in each country and whether they have been classified as formal or
informal are available on the Prindex website,

The following table contains summaries of how the individual variables have been recoded into
aggregated variables.
Table 12 – Coding for property documentation variables

Computed variable name Wave 1 & 2 variables GWP variables
variable option
Any form of documentation No or unclear Response ‘No’, ‘Don’t know’ Response ‘No’, ‘DK’
for main property (home) or ‘refused’ in all Q54 and or ‘Refused’ to all
(variable name: Q55 variables variables
mainprop_any) AND WP20668_WP20803
Response ‘Not a document, to
unclear, don’t know or WP20675_WP20810
refused’ in and
Q54_other_recode and WP20961, WP20915,
Q55_other_recode. WP20916 and
(if applicable)
Yes, Response ‘Yes’ in any Q54 Response ‘Yes’ to
documentation or Q55 variable any one or more of
exists AND / OR variables
Response ‘Other informal’ or WP20668_WP20803
‘Other formal’ in to
Q54_other_recode or WP20675_WP20810
Q55_other_recode and
WP20961, WP20915,
WP20916 and
(if applicable)

Any formal documentation No or unclear Response ‘No’, ‘Don’t know’ Response ‘No’, ‘DK’
for main property (home) or ‘refused’ in all Q54 or Q55 or ‘Refused’ to all
(variable name: variables classified as variables
mainprop_any_formal) formal documentation WP20668_WP20803
AND WP20669_WP20804
Response ‘Not a document, WP20670_WP20805
unclear, don’t know or WP20671_WP20806
refused’ or ‘Other informal’ WP20672_WP20807
in Q54_other recode and WP20675_WP20810
Q55_other_recode. and WP20961,
WP20915, WP20916
and WP20968
(if applicable)

Data use guide - revision R1

Computed variable name Wave 1 & 2 variables GWP variables
variable option
Yes, formal Response ‘Yes’ in any Q54 Response ‘Yes’ to
documents exist or Q55 variables classified any one or more of
as formal documentation variables
AND / OR WP20668_WP20803
Response ‘Other formal’ in WP20669_WP20804
Q54_other recode and WP20670_WP20805
Q55_other_recode. WP20671_WP20806
and WP20961,
WP20915, WP20916
and WP20968
(if applicable)

Any informal documentation No or unclear Response ‘No’, ‘Don’t know’ Response ‘No’, ‘DK’
for main property (home) or ‘refused’ in all Q54 or Q55 or ‘Refused’ to all
(variable name: variables classified as variable
mainprop_any_informal) informal documentation WP20673_WP20808
AND or
Response ‘Not a document, WP20674_WP20809
unclear, don’t know or
refused’ or ‘Other formal’ in
Q54_other_recode and

Yes, informal Response ‘Yes’ in any Q54 Response ‘Yes’ to

documents exist or Q55 variables classified any one or more of
as informal documentation variables
AND / OR WP20673_WP20808
Response ‘Other informal’ in or
Q54_other recode and WP20674_WP20809

Documentation classification No documents Response ‘No or unclear‘ in variable mainprop_any

for main property (home) exist
(variable name:
mainprop_document_class) Formal Response ‘Yes, formal documents exist‘ in variable
documents exist mainprop_any_formal

Informal Response ‘Yes, informal documents exist‘ in

documents only variable mainprop_any_informal
exist AND
Response ‘No or unclear‘ in variable

Any form of documentation No or unclear Response ‘No’, ‘Don’t know’ Response ‘No’, ‘DK’
for other property (variable or ‘refused’ in all Q69 or ‘Refused’ to all
name: otherprop_any) variables variables
AND WP20686_WP20824
Response ‘Not a document, to
unclear, don’t know or WP20697_WP20831
refused’ in and WP20962,
Q69_other_recode. WP20917, WP20918

Data use guide - revision R1

Computed variable name Wave 1 & 2 variables GWP variables
variable option
and WP20969 (if

Yes, Response ‘Yes’ in any Q69 Response ‘Yes’ to

documentation variable any one or more of
exists AND / OR variables
Response ‘Other informal’ or WP20686_WP20824
‘Other formal’ in to
Q69_other_recode WP20697_WP20831
and WP20962,
WP20917, WP20918
and WP20969 (if

Any formal documentation No or unclear Response ‘No’, ‘Don’t know’ Response ‘No’, ‘DK’
for other property (variable or ‘refused’ in all Q69 or ‘Refused’ to all
name: variables classified as variables
otherprop_any_formal) formal documentation WP20686_WP20824
AND WP20691_WP20825
Response ‘Not a document, WP20692_WP20826
unclear, don’t know or WP20693_WP20827
refused’ or ‘Other informal’ WP20694_WP20828
in Q69_other_recode WP20697_WP20831
and WP20962,
WP20917, WP20918
and WP20962,
WP20917, WP20918
and WP20969 (if

Yes, formal Response ‘Yes’ in any Q69 Response ‘Yes’ to

documents exist variables classified as any one or more of
formal documentation variables
AND / OR WP20686_WP20824
Response ‘Other formal’ in WP20691_WP20825
Q69_other_recode WP20692_WP20826
and WP20962,
WP20917, WP20918
and WP20969 (if

Any informal documentation No or unclear Response ‘No’, ‘Don’t know’ Response ‘No’, ‘DK’
for other property (variable or ‘refused’ in all Q69 or ‘Refused’ to all
name: variables classified as variable
otherprop_any_informal) informal documentation WP20695_WP20829
AND or
Response ‘Not a document, WP20696_WP20830
unclear, don’t know or
refused’ or ‘Other formal’ in
Q69_other recode

Data use guide - revision R1

Computed variable name Wave 1 & 2 variables GWP variables
variable option
Yes, informal Response ‘Yes’ in any Q69 Response ‘Yes’ to
documents exist variables classified as any one or more of
informal documentation variables
AND / OR WP20695_WP20829
Response ‘Other informal’ in or
Q69_other recode WP20696_WP20830

Documentation classification No documents Response ‘No or unclear‘ in variable otherprop_any

for other property (variable exist
name: Formal Response ‘Yes, formal documents exist‘ in variable
otherprop_document_class) documents exist otherprop_any_formal

Informal Response ‘Yes, informal documents exist‘ in

documents only variable otherprop_any_informal
exist AND
Response ‘No or unclear‘ in variable

Only have one Response ‘No’ in variable Q69


Documentation for all No documents Response ‘No documents exist’ in variable

property (variable name: exist mainprop_document_class
allprop_document_class) AND
Response ‘No documents exist’ in variable
otherprop_document_class (if applicable)

Formal Response ‘Formal documents exist’ in variable

documents exist mainprop_document_class
for at least one AND / OR
property Response ‘Formal documents exist’ in variable
otherprop_document_class (if applicable)

Informal There are three response combinations for this

documents only option:
exist for at least
one property Combination one:
Response ‘Informal documents only exist’ in
variable mainprop_document_class
Response ‘Informal documents only exist in variable
otherprop_document_class (if applicable)

Combination two:
Response ‘Informal documents only exist’ in
variable mainprop_document_class
Response ‘No documents exist’ in variable
otherprop_document_class (if applicable)

Combination three:
Response ‘No documents exist’ in variable

Data use guide - revision R1

Computed variable name Wave 1 & 2 variables GWP variables
variable option
Response ‘Informal documents only exist’ in

Respondent name on documentation for main property (variable name: main_prop_name_doc)

This variable records if the respondent’s name is on any of the property documentation they have
reported to possess for their main property (home). It is based on the Q56 variables for wave 1 & 2 and
WP20676_WP20832 for GWP. To align the methodologies from wave 1 & 2 and GWP only responses from
respondents who own or rent their main property are included.
Table 13 – Coding for respondent’s name on property documentation variable

main_prop_name_doc Q56 variables WP20676_WP20832

Yes Response ‘Shows respondent name only’ Yes
or ‘Shows both respondent name and
family member name’ any Q56 variables

No Response ‘Shows family member name No

only’, ‘Don’t know’ or ‘refused’ in all Q69

(Don't know) - (DK)

(Refused) - (Refused)


Both the Wave 1 & 2 and GWP wave of data collection used stratified multi-stage random sampling to
select the respondents within each country. The methodology section of the Prindex website has details
of this. The implications of this sampling approach must be taken into account in analysis to correctly
calculate the magnitude of statistics and their standard error. A weight variable (PRINDEX_WT), strata
variable (strata_all) and primary sampling unit (PSU) variable (PSU_all) are included in datasets for this

The weight variable corrects for the unequal probability of selection of the individual respondents at
country level (design weight). It has been adjusted, using post-stratification, so that rates of response
for key groups (typically gender, age, and, where reliable data are available, education or socioeconomic
status) are more closely aligned with the prevalence of these groups at national level.

The weight variable must be adjusted when calculating statistics for groups of countries to account for
the different probabilities of selection for individuals in each country.

Data use guide - revision R1


Country collection Exclusions and notes on sampling
Benin Wave 1 & 2 969
Bolivia Wave 1 & 2 994
Burkina Faso Wave 1 & 2 1,260
Cambodia Wave 1 & 2 991
Cameroon Wave 1 & 2 1,496
Colombia Wave 1 & 2 3,996 The Department of San Andres y Providencia was
excluded. It represents 0.18% of the population.
Costa Rica Wave 1 & 2 981
Côte d'Ivoire Wave 1 & 2 1,170
Ecuador Wave 1 & 2 985 Population living in Galápagos (province) and ‘Zonas no
delimitadas’ were excluded. These represent 0.4% of
the population.
Ghana Wave 1 & 2 1,455 The survey excluded nomadic populations, homeless
populations, displaced populations and people who do
not speak the languages in which the survey is
Honduras Wave 1 & 2 980
Indonesia Wave 1 & 2 3,966 The survey excluded nomadic populations, homeless
populations, displaced populations and people who do
not speak the languages in which the survey is

Residents in some districts in Papua Province

(Jayawijaya, Paniai, Puncak Jaya, Mappi, Tolikara,
Lanni Jaya, Intan Jaya) were excluded. They represent
approximately 0.5% of the population.

Five sampled primary sampling units (PSUs) (Pulau

Pini, Pulau Karakelong, Pulau Obi, Pulau Tidore and
Pulau Kei Besar) had to be replaced. The population in
these PSUs together represent less than 0.01% of the

Jordan Wave 1 & 2 1,009 Those living in refugee camps were excluded.
Kenya Wave 1 & 2 1,993 The survey excluded nomadic populations, homeless
populations, displaced populations (e.g., refugees) and
people who do not speak the languages in which the
survey is administered.

The Mandera County, Wajir County, Marsabit County

and Baringo County were excluded due to accessibility
or security issues. These exclusions represent about
9% of the population.
Liberia Wave 1 & 2 959
Madagascar Wave 1 & 2 1,193
Malawi Wave 1 & 2 1,001
Mexico Wave 1 & 2 2,996
Morocco Wave 1 & 2 1,510 Laayoune-Sakia El Hamra region and Eddakhla-Oued
Eddahab region were excluded. These represent
approximately 1.5% of the population.

Mozambique Wave 1 & 2 1,436

Data use guide - revision R1

Country collection Exclusions and notes on sampling
Namibia Wave 1 & 2 998
Niger Wave 1 & 2 1,464
Nigeria Wave 1 & 2 2,913 The survey excluded nomadic populations, homeless
populations, displaced populations and people who do
not speak the languages in which the survey is

Three states of the North East region (Adamawa,

Borno and Yobe) were excluded. They represent 7% of
the population.

Peru Wave 1 & 2 1,480

Rwanda Wave 1 & 2 968
Senegal Wave 1 & 2 1,012
Tanzania Wave 1 & 2 4,021
Thailand Wave 1 & 2 1,948 The provinces of the Southern region (Pattani,
Narathiwat, Yala) and smaller geographies in several
other provinces were excluded. These represent 3.6%
of population.
Tunisia Wave 1 & 2 1,012
Uganda Wave 1 & 2 1,978 The survey excluded nomadic populations, homeless
populations, displaced populations and people who do
not speak the languages in which the survey is

Three districts in the Northern region (Kotido, Moroto

and Nkapiripirit) were excluded. These represent 1.29%
of the population.

United Kingdom Wave 1 & 2 1,000 Regions outside of England, Scotland, Wales and
Northern Ireland were excluded.
Viet Nam Wave 1 & 2 2,035 Eleven out of 63 regions / municipalities were
excluded. These represent 19% of the total population.
Zambia Wave 1 & 2 1,011

Afghanistan GWP 1,048 Gender-matched sampling was used during the final
stage of selection.
Albania GWP 1,035 Some remote or difficult-to-access rural areas were
excluded. These represent approximately 2% of the
Algeria GWP 1,006 Sparsely populated areas in the far South were
excluded. These represent approximately 10% of the
Argentina GWP 1,024 Those living in dispersed rural areas were excluded.
This represents about 5.7% of the population.
Armenia GWP 1,035
Australia GWP 1,004
Austria GWP 1,013
Azerbaijan GWP 1,027 Kelbadjaro-Lacha, Nakhichevan and Nagorno-
Karabakh territories excluded. These represent
approximately 14% of the population.
Bangladesh GWP 1,001 Three hill districts in Chittagong (Rangamati,
Khagrachori & Bandarban) and two districts in
Rohingya rehabilitation areas (Teknaf and Ukhiya) were

Data use guide - revision R1

Country collection Exclusions and notes on sampling
excluded. These represent approximately 3% of the
Belarus GWP 1,095
Belgium GWP 1,003
Bosnia and GWP 1,053
Botswana GWP 1,009
Brazil GWP 1,030 People living in indigenous lands and dangerous areas
where excluded. These represent approximately 1% of
the population.
Bulgaria GWP 1,063
Canada GWP 1,027
Chad GWP 1,043 Eight regions were excluded (Lac, Ouaddaï, Wadi Fira,
Bourkou, Ennedi, Tibesti, Salamat and Sila). In addition,
the North Kanem and Bahr El Gazal North districts
were and quartiers/villages with less than 50
inhabitants are also excluded. The excluded areas
represent 25% of the population.
Chile GWP 1,028
China GWP 3,581 Xinjiang and Tibet were excluded. These represent
less than 5% of the population.
Comoros GWP 998
Congo (Republic) GWP 1,000
Croatia GWP 1,061
Cyprus GWP 1,010
Denmark GWP 1,007
Dominican GWP 1,020
Egypt GWP 1,000 Frontier governorates (Matruh, Red Sea, New Valley,
North Sinai, and South Sinai) were excluded. These
areas represent less than 2% of the population.
El Salvador GWP 999
Estonia GWP 1,057
Eswatini GWP 1,047
Ethiopia GWP 1,043 Six of the nine zones of the Somali region (Degehabur,
Warder, Korahe, Fik, Gode, Afder) were excluded.
Additionally, in the Somali region, Liben Zone, Moyale
and Dolo Ado Woreda were excluded. All the wordera in
Benshangul region, Kamashi Zone were also excluded.
The exclusions represent 4% of the population.
Finland GWP 1,025
France GWP 1,016
Gabon GWP 1,001
Gambia GWP 1,030
Georgia GWP 1,054 South Ossetia and Abkhazia were excluded. These
represent approximately 7% of the population.
Germany GWP 1,011
Greece GWP 1,069
Guatemala GWP 1,000
Guinea GWP 1,039
Hungary GWP 1,068
India GWP 3,156 Northeast states and remote islands were excluded.
These represent less than 10% of the population.
Iran GWP 1,000

Data use guide - revision R1

Country collection Exclusions and notes on sampling
Iraq GWP 999 The provinces of Maysan and Dohuk were excluded.
These represent approximately 6% of the population.
Ireland GWP 1,000
Israel GWP 999 East Jerusalem was excluded. This area included in
the sample of Palestine.
Italy GWP 1,021
Japan GWP 1,005 Landline RDD, excluded 12 municipalities near the
nuclear power plant in Fukushima. The exclusion
represents less than 1% of the population.
Kazakhstan GWP 1,047
Korea (Republic) GWP 1,000
Kosovo GWP 1,001
Kuwait GWP 1,001 Includes only Kuwaitis, Arab expatriates and non-
Arabs who were able to complete the interview in
Arabic or English.
Kyrgyzstan GWP 1,034
Lao GWP 999 Excluded Xaisomboun Province, Xayaboury Province
and some communes that are unreachable and/or
have security considerations. These represent
approximately 10% of the population.
Latvia GWP 1,053
Lebanon GWP 1,001 Hermel, Baalbak, and Bint Jbeil under the strict control
of Hezbollah were excluded. These represent
approximately 10% of the population.
Libya GWP 1,000
Lithuania GWP 1,044 People living in very small settlements (with less than
100 inhabitants) were excluded. These represent
approximately 9% of the population.
Luxembourg GWP 1,016
Malaysia GWP 1,008
Mali GWP 1,057 The regions of Gao, Kidal, Mopti and Tombouctou were
excluded. Quartiers and villages with less than 50
inhabitants were also excluded. These represent 23%
of the total population.
Malta GWP 1,002
Mauritania GWP 1,026
Mauritius GWP 1,000
Moldova GWP 1,045
Mongolia GWP 1,001
Montenegro GWP 1,053
Myanmar GWP 1,057 Chin and Kayah states, and portions of Kachin and
Rakhine states, were excluded. These represent less
than 5% of the population.
Nepal GWP 1,000
Netherlands GWP 1,013
New Zealand GWP 1,001
Nicaragua GWP 1,018
North Macedonia GWP 1,043
Northern Cyprus GWP 1,048
Norway GWP 1,015
Pakistan GWP 1,040 AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan were excluded. These
represent approximately 5% of the population.
Gender-matched sampling was used during the final
stage of selection.

Data use guide - revision R1

Country collection Exclusions and notes on sampling
Palestine GWP 1,012 Areas with security concerns close to the Israeli
borders, areas that are accessible only to special Israeli
permit holders, and areas with population
concentrations less than 1000 people were excluded.
These represent less than 2% of the population. The
sample includes East Jerusalem.
Panama GWP 1,019
Paraguay GWP 1,045
Philippines GWP 1,015 Some areas were excluded from the sampling frame,
due to security concerns (such as barangays
considered as war zones in Marawi) and areas that are
remote or inaccessible. The excluded population from
these areas represent less than 1% of the population.
Poland GWP 1,062 Low population areas were excluded. These represent
approximately 5% of the population.
Portugal GWP 1,011
Romania GWP 1,057
Russian GWP 2,130 People living in very remote or difficult to access areas
Federation were excluded. These represent approximately 5% of
the population.
Saudi Arabia GWP 1,008 Includes Saudis, Arab expatriates, and non-Arabs who
were able to complete the interview in Arabic, English,
or Urdu.
Serbia GWP 1,062
Sierra Leone GWP 1,027
Singapore GWP 1,004 Some condominiums were excluded due to restricted
access. These represent no more than 12% of the
Slovakia GWP 1,046
Slovenia GWP 1,006
South Africa GWP 1,012
Spain GWP 1,020
Sri Lanka GWP 1,033
Sweden GWP 1,010
Switzerland GWP 1,017
Taiwan (Province GWP 1,000
of China)
Tajikistan GWP 1,003
Togo GWP 1,027
Turkey GWP 1,000
Turkmenistan GWP 1,000
Ukraine GWP 1,069 Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts were excluded. These
approximately 9% of the population.
United Arab GWP 1,001 Includes only Emiratis, Arab expatriates and non Arabs
Emirates who were able to complete the interview in Arabic or
United States of GWP 1,019
Uruguay GWP 1,054
Uzbekistan GWP 1,017
Venezuela GWP 1,033 The Federal Dependencies were excluded. These
represent less than 1% of the population.
Yemen GWP 1,007 Gender-matched sampling was used during the final
stage of selection. Al-Mahra, Sadah Governorate and

Data use guide - revision R1

Country collection Exclusions and notes on sampling
the island of Socotra were excluded. These represent
less than 4% of the population. In addition, due to the
ongoing security situation, half the PSUs were
replaced with a similar PSU in the same province.
Zimbabwe GWP 1,005

Data use guide - revision R1


Structure of the codebook
The codebook is in three sections. Section 1 contains the computed variables. Section contains the
variables for wave 1 & 2. Section 3 contains the variables for the GWP wave.

Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 1
These variables are computed from either the Wave 1 & 2 dataset or the GWP dataset. They include tenure security and documentation classification variables as well as certain socio-demographic
variables which are coded differently in the wave 1 & 2 and GWP datasets.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes

prindex_unique_id Prindex unique id Unique id for observation Public

country Country Surveyed country 0 Search code list Public
1 United States of America
2 Egypt
3 Morocco
4 Lebanon
5 Saudi Arabia
6 Jordan
7 Syria
8 Turkey
9 Pakistan
10 Indonesia
11 Bangladesh
12 United Kingdom
13 France
14 Germany
15 Netherlands
16 Belgium
17 Spain
18 Italy
19 Poland
20 Hungary
21 Czechia
22 Romania
23 Sweden
24 Greece
25 Denmark
26 Iran
27 Hong Kong
28 Singapore
29 Japan
30 China
31 India
32 Venezuela
33 Brazil
34 Mexico
35 Nigeria
36 Kenya
37 Tanzania
38 Israel
39 Palestine
40 Ghana
41 Uganda
42 Benin
43 Madagascar
44 Malawi
45 South Africa
46 Canada
47 Australia
48 Philippines
49 Sri Lanka
50 Viet Nam
51 Thailand
52 Cambodia
53 Lao
54 Myanmar
55 New Zealand
56 Angola
57 Botswana
58 hold
59 hold
60 Ethiopia
61 Mali
62 Mauritania
63 Mozambique
64 Niger
65 Rwanda
66 Senegal
67 Zambia
68 Korea (Republic)
69 Taiwan (Province of China)

70 Afghanistan
71 Belarus
72 Georgia
73 Kazakhstan
74 Kyrgyzstan
75 Moldova
76 Russian Federation
77 Ukraine
78 Burkina Faso
79 Cameroon
80 Sierra Leone
81 Zimbabwe
82 Costa Rica
83 Albania
84 Algeria
85 Andorra
86 Antigua and Barbuda
87 Argentina
88 Armenia
89 Austria
90 Azerbaijan
91 Bahamas
92 Bahrain

1 of 5
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 1
These variables are computed from either the Wave 1 & 2 dataset or the GWP dataset. They include tenure security and documentation classification variables as well as certain socio-demographic
variables which are coded differently in the wave 1 & 2 and GWP datasets.

93 Barbados
94 Belize
95 Bhutan
96 Bolivia
97 Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 Brunei Darussalam
99 Bulgaria
100 Burundi
101 Cabo Verde
102 Central African Republic
103 Chad
104 Chile
105 Colombia
106 Comoros
107 Congo (Democratic
108 Congo (Republic)
109 Croatia
110 Cuba
111 Cyprus
112 Djibouti
113 Dominica
114 Dominican Republic
115 Ecuador
116 El Salvador
117 Equatorial Guinea
118 Eritrea
119 Estonia
120 Fiji
121 Finland
122 Gabon
123 Grenada
124 Guatemala
125 Guinea
126 Guinea-Bissau
127 Guyana
128 Haiti
129 Honduras
130 Iceland
131 Iraq
132 Ireland
133 Island Nations
134 Côte d'Ivoire
135 Jamaica
136 Kiribati
137 Kuwait
138 Latvia
139 Lesotho
140 Liberia
141 Libya
142 Liechtenstein
143 Lithuania
144 Luxembourg
145 North Macedonia
146 Malaysia
147 Maldives
148 Malta
149 Marshall Islands
150 Mauritius
151 Micronesia
152 Monaco
153 Mongolia
154 Montenegro
155 Namibia
156 Nauru
157 Nepal
158 Nicaragua
159 Korea (Democratic
People's Republic)
160 Norway
161 Oman
162 Palau
163 Panama
164 Paraguay
165 Peru
166 Portugal
167 Puerto Rico
168 Qatar
169 Saint Lucia
170 Samoa
171 San Marino
172 Sao Tome and Principe
173 Serbia
174 Seychelles
175 Slovakia
176 Slovenia
177 Solomon Islands
178 Somalia
179 Saint Kitts and Nevis
180 Saint Vincent and the
181 Sudan
182 Suriname
183 Eswatini
184 Switzerland
185 Tajikistan
186 Gambia
187 Togo
188 Tonga

2 of 5
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 1
These variables are computed from either the Wave 1 & 2 dataset or the GWP dataset. They include tenure security and documentation classification variables as well as certain socio-demographic
variables which are coded differently in the wave 1 & 2 and GWP datasets.

189 Trinidad and Tobago

190 Tunisia
191 Turkmenistan
192 Tuvalu
193 United Arab Emirates
194 Uruguay
195 Uzbekistan
196 Vanuatu
197 Yemen
198 Kosovo
199 Somaliland region
200 US Hispanic
201 Timor-Leste
202 Northern Cyprus
203 Nagorno-Karabakh Region

204 Papua New Guinea

205 South Sudan
206 Macao
207 Reunion
900 African Country
901 Arab Country
902 Other Islamic Country
903 Other Country
907 None
997 (None)
998 (DK)
999 (Refused)
location [Computed] Location Household location based on Q6 from wave 1 and 2 1 Urban Public As the definition of urban and
and WP14 from GWP rural can vary between countries,
2 Rural care should be taken when
comparing responses in urban or
3 (Don't know / Other) rural areas based on this variable
across different countries.
4 (Refused)

gender [Computed] Gender of Respondent gender based on Q21_gender from 1 Male Public
respondent wave 1 and 2 and WP1219 from GWP 2 Female
age [Computed] Age of Respondent age based on Q21_age from wave 1 1-98 Public The number typically corresponds
respondent and 2 and WP1220 from GWP to the age of the respondent
99 99+ years except 99 refers to ages 99 years
and over and 100 is refused.
100 (Refused)

marital_status [Computed] Marital status Respondent marital status based on Q25 from 1 Single/Never been married Public
of respondent wave 1 and 2 and WP1223 from GWP
2 Married
3 Other
99 (Refused)
employment_status [Computed] Employment Respondent employment status based on Q27 1 Employed full time Restricted
status of respondent from wave 1 and 2 and EMP_2010 from GWP
2 Employed part time
3 Unemployed
4 Out of workforce
5 Other
99 (Refused)
education [Computed] Education Education level of respondent based on Q26 from 1 Completed elementary Public
level of respondent wave 1 and 2 and WP3117 from GWP education or less (up to 8
years of basic education)
2 Secondary - 3 year
Tertiary / Secondary
education and some
education beyond
secondary education (9-15
years of education)
3 Completed four years of
education beyond high
school and/or received a 4-
year college degree.
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
HHsize_recode [Computed] Total number Total number living in household based on Q18 and 1-4 Public Number of people in household
living in household Q19 from wave 1 and 2 and HHsize from GWP. 5 Five or more people
98 (Don't know)
99 (Refused)
inc_quint [Computed] Income Income quintiles based on combination of 0 (Don’t know / Refused) Public
quintile question Q82 and Q83 from wave 1 and 2 and 1 Income quintile 1
INCOME_5_PRINDEX from GWP 2 Income quintile 2
3 Income quintile 3
4 Income quintile 4
5 Income quintile 5
income_adequacy [Computed] Income Income adequacy for household based on Q31 0 Difficult Restricted
adequacy from wave 1 and 2 and WP2319 from GWP 1 Getting by
2 Comfortable
3 (Don’t know / Refused)
tenure_class [Computed] Tenure Tenure classification based on Q37, Q42_final and 1 Owner/Joint owner Public
classification Q42A from wave 1 and 2 and WP20666_WP20801 2 Renter
from GWP 3 Family member owns
4 Stays with permission
5 Stays without permission
6 Other
7 Unclear or unconfirmed
land_attached [Computed] Home has Home has land attached only for household to use 1 Yes Public
land attached only for based on Q36 from wave 1 and 2 and WP20790 and 2 No
household to use WP20702 from GWP 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)
other_property [Computed] Household Household member has other property based on 1 Yes Public
member has other Q62 from wave 1 and 2 and WP20688_WP20821 2 No
property from GWP 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)

3 of 5
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 1
These variables are computed from either the Wave 1 & 2 dataset or the GWP dataset. They include tenure security and documentation classification variables as well as certain socio-demographic
variables which are coded differently in the wave 1 & 2 and GWP datasets.

mainprop_security [Computed] Tenure Respondent tenure security for main property 0 Insecure Public
security for main property based on Q46 from wave 1 and 2 and 1 Secure
WP20667_WP20802 from GWP 2 (Don’t know / Refused)
otherprop_security [Computed] Tenure Respondent tenure security for other property 0 Insecure Public
security for other based on Q67 from wave 1 and 2 and 1 Secure
property WP20689_WP20822 from GWP 2 (Don’t know / Refused)
addprop_security [Computed] Tenure Respondent tenure security for additional 0 Insecure Public
security for additional property based on Q74 from wave 1 and 2 1 Secure
property 2 (Don’t know / Refused)
allprop_security [Computed] Tenure Respondent tenure security for all properties Insecure about at least Public
security for all properties based on mainprop_security, otherprop_security one property
and addprop_security
1 Secure about all properties
(Don’t know / Refused) or
not sure
mainprop_any [Computed] Any Any documentation exists for main property 0 No or unclear Public
documentation for main
1 Yes, documentation exists
mainprop_any_formal [Computed] Formal Formal documentation exists for main property 0 No or unclear Public
documentation for main Yes, formal documents
property exist
mainprop_any_informal [Computed] Informal Informal documentation exists for main property 0 No or unclear Public
documentation for main Yes, informal documents
property exist
mainprop_document_class [Computed] Document Classification of documentation for main property 0 No documents exist Public
classification for main 1 Formal documents exist
property Informal documents only
otherprop_any [Computed] Any Any documentation exists for other property 0 No or unclear Public
documentation for other
1 Yes, documentation exists
otherprop_any_formal [Computed] Formal Formal documentation exists for other property 0 No or unclear Public
documentation for other Yes, formal documents
property exist
otherprop_any_informal [Computed] Informal Informal documentation exists for other property 0 No or unclear Public
documentation for other Yes, informal documents
property exist
otherprop_document_class [Computed] Document Classification of documentation for other property 0 No documents exist Public
classification for other 1 Formal documents exist
property Informal documents only
3 Only have one property
allprop_document_class [Computed] Document Classification of documentation for main property 0 No documents exist Public
classification for all and other property Formal documents exist
properties for at least one property
Informal documents only
2 exist for at least one
main_prop_name_doc [Computed} Respondent Respondent name is on property documentation - 1 Yes Public
name is on based on Q56 for wave 1 and 2 and 2 No
documentation WP20676_WP20832 for GWP 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)
5 No documentation
6 Not owner or renter
reason_1 [Computed] Reason 1 - Reason for insecurity 1 - The owner or renter may 1 Yes, a reason Public
The owner or renter may ask you to leave - based on Q49_1 for wave 1 and 2 No, not a reason
ask you to leave 2 and WP20677_WP20811 and WP20678_WP20812 3 (Don't know)
for GWP
4 (Refused)
reason_2 [Computed] Reason 2 - Reason for insecurity 2 - Disagreements with 1 Yes, a reason Public
Disagreements with family or relatives -based on Q49_2 for wave 1 and 2 No, not a reason
family or relatives 2 and WP20679_WP20813 for GWP 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)
reason_3 [Computed] Reason 3 - Reason for insecurity 3 - Death of a household 1 Yes, a reason Public
Death of a household member -based on Q49_3 for wave 1 and 2 and 2 No, not a reason
member WP20680_WP20814 for GWP 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)
reason_4 [Computed] Reason 4 - Reason for insecurity 4 - Companies may seize 1 Yes, a reason Public
Companies may seize this this property -based on Q49_4 for wave 1 and 2 2 No, not a reason
property and WP20681_WP20815 for GWP 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)
reason_5 [Computed] Reason 5 - Reason for insecurity 5 - Lack of money or other 1 Yes, a reason Public
Lack of money or other resources needed to live in this property -based 2 No, not a reason
resources needed to live on Q49_6 for wave 1 and 2 and 3 (Don't know)
in this property WP20682_WP20816 for GWP
4 (Refused)
reason_6 [Computed] Reason 6 - Reason for insecurity 6 - Government may seize 1 Yes, a reason Public See notes on WP20683_WP20817
Government may seize this property -based on Q49_7 for wave 1 and 2 2 No, not a reason for locations in which the relevant
this property and WP20683_WP20817, WP20902 and WP20903 3 (Don't know) questions were asked.
for GWP
4 (Refused)
reason_7 [Computed] Reason 7 - Reason for insecurity 7 - Issues with customary 1 Yes, a reason Public See notes on WP20684_WP20818
Issues with customary authorities -based on Q49_8 for wave 1 and 2 and 2 No, not a reason for locations in which the relevant
authorities WP20684_WP20818 for GWP 3 (Don't know) questions were asked.
4 (Refused)
divorce [Computed] Divorce Worry about loosing property in divorce scenario 1 Not worried at all Public See notes on WP20685_WP20819
scenario based on Q50 for wave 1 and 2 and 2 Not worried for locations in which the relevant
WP20685_WP20819 for GWP 3 Somewhat worried questions were asked.
4 Very worried
5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
spousal_death [Computed] Spousal Worry about loosing property in spousal death 1 Not worried at all Public See notes on WP20687_WP20820
death scenario scenario based on Q51 for wave 1 and 2 and 2 Not worried for locations in which the relevant
WP20687_WP20820 for GWP 3 Somewhat worried questions were asked.
4 Very worried
5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 1
These variables are computed from either the Wave 1 & 2 dataset or the GWP dataset. They include tenure security and documentation classification variables as well as certain socio-demographic
variables which are coded differently in the wave 1 & 2 and GWP datasets.

PRINDEX_WT Weight for Prindex Respondent level weight - country level Public This is a combined design and
Module post-stratification weight. It
should be used for country level
PSU_all PSU Primary sampling unit Public
strata_all Strata Strata Public
survey Survey The survey in which the observation was 0 Wave 1 and 2 Public
conducted 1 GWP 2019
ISO_Alpha_2_code ISO_Alpha_2_code Two digit alphabetic ISO 3166 code for country Public Data from
Kosovo = XK
Northern Cyprus = XX3

ISO_Alpha_3_code ISO_Alpha_3_code Three digit alphabetic ISO 3166 code for country Public Data from
Kosovo = XKX
Northern Cyprus = XXX3
ISO_Numeric ISO_Numeric Three digit numeric ISO 3166 code for country Public Data from
Kosovo = 9999
Northern Cyprus =99993

5 of 5
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
RespondentID RespondentID. [Unique ID Question RespondentID: Unique ID of Respondent Public
of Respondent]
Duration Duration. [Duration of Duration of interview Restricted
Q1 Q1. [Time stamp] Question Q1: Time Restricted
Q2_lat Question Q2: GPS coordinates Restricted
Q2_long Question Q2: GPS coordinates Restricted
Q3 Q3. [Country] Question Q3: Surveyed country 1 Burkina Faso Public
2 Cameroon
3 Madagascar
4 Mozambique
5 Rwanda
6 Senegal
7 Zambia
8 Cote d'Ivoire
9 Liberia
10 Namibia
11 Tunisia
12 United Kingdom
23 Morocco
26 Jordan
34 Mexico
35 Nigeria
36 Kenya
37 Tanzania
40 Ghana
41 Uganda
42 Benin
44 Malawi
50 Vietnam
51 Thailand
64 Niger
82 Costa Rica
96 Bolivia
105 Colombia
112 Cambodia
115 Ecuador
129 Honduras
165 Peru
210 Indonesia
Q4 LANGUAGE OF Question Q4: Language of interview 2 Afrikaans Public
8 Ateso
22 Chichewa
30 English
32 Ewe
35 Fon
36 French
43 Hausa
48 Igbo
55 Khmer
56 Kinyarwanda
68 Luganda
70 Malagasy
71 Malay
91 Portuguese
96 Runyankole
110 Spanish
111 Swahili/Kishwahili
118 Thai
121 Tumbuka
123 Twi
127 Vietnamese
128 Wolof
130 Yoruba
131 Zarma
137 Dagbani
167 Pidgen English
191 Anago
219 Ndonga
220 Kwanyama
Q5 Q5. [Regular or substitute Question Q5: Regular or substitute household 1 Regular household Restricted
household] Indicate if this
is a substitute household
2 Substitute household

Q6 Q6. [Area: government Question Q6: Area: government classification 1 Urban Public Options 3 and 4 were only used in
classification] 2 Rural the United Kingdom
3 Peri-Urban
4 (Don’t know)
Q7 Q7. Region variable 1 Question Q7: Region variable 1 1 Boucle du Mouhoun Restricted
2 Cascades
3 Centre
4 Centre-Est
5 Centre-Nord
6 Centre-Ouest
7 Centre-Sud
8 Est
9 Hauts-Bassins
10 Nord
11 Plateau-Central
12 Sahel
13 Sud-Ouest Region
201 Adamaoua
202 Centre
203 Est
204 Extreme-Nord

1 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
205 Littoral
206 Nord
207 Nord-Ouest
208 Ouest
209 Sud
210 Sud-Ouest
401 Alaotra-Mangoro
402 Amoroni Mania
403 Analamanga
404 Analanjirofo
405 Androy
406 Anosy
407 Atsimo-Andrefana
408 Atsimo-Atsinanana
409 Atsinanana
410 Betsiboka
411 Boeny
412 Bongolava
413 Diana
414 Haute Matsiatra
415 Ihorombe
416 Itasy
417 Melaky
418 Menabe
419 Sava
420 Sofia
421 Vakinankaratra
422 Vatovavy-Fitovinany
601 Provincia de Cabo Delgado

602 Provincia de Inhambane

603 Provincia de Manica
604 Provincia de MAPUTO
605 Provincia de MAPUTO
606 Provincia de Nampula
607 Provincia de Niassa
608 Provincia de Sofala
609 Provincia de Zambezia
610 Provincia Gaza
611 Provincia Tete
801 East Province
802 Kigali City
803 North Province
804 South Province
805 West Province
1001 Dakar
1002 Diourbel
1003 Fatick
1004 Kaffrine
1005 Kaolack
1006 Kédougou
1007 Kolda
1008 Louga
1009 Matam
1010 Saint-Louis
1011 Sédhiou
1012 Tambacounda
1013 Thiès
1014 Ziguinchor
1201 Central Province
1202 Copperbelt Province
1203 Eastern Province
1204 Luapula Province
1205 Lusaka Province
1206 Muchinga Province
1207 North Western Province
1208 Northern Province
1209 Southern Province
1210 Western Province
1401 Abidjan
1402 Bas-Sassandra
1403 Comoé
1404 Denguélé
1405 Gôh-Djiboua
1406 Lacs
1407 Lagunes
1408 Montagnes
1409 Sassandra-Marahoué
1410 Savanes
1411 Vallée du Bandama
1412 Woroba
1413 Yamoussoukro
1414 Zanzan
1601 Bomi
1602 Bong
1603 Gbarpolu
1604 Grand Bassa
1605 Grand Cape Mount
1606 Grand Gedeh
1607 Grand Kru
1608 Lofa
1609 Margibi
1610 Maryland
1611 Montserrado
1612 Nimba

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
1613 Rivercess
1614 River Gee
1615 Sinoe
1801 Erongo Region
1802 Hardap Region
1803 Karas Region
1804 Kavango
1805 Khomas Region
1806 Kunene Region
1807 Ohangwena Region
1808 Omaheke Region
1809 Omusati Region
1810 Oshana Region
1811 Oshikoto Region
1812 Otjozondjupa Region
1813 Zambezi Region
2001 Ariana
2002 Beja
2003 Ben Arous
2004 Bizerte
2005 du Kef
2006 Gabes
2007 Gafsa
2008 Jendouba
2009 Kairouan
2010 Kasserine
2011 Kebili
2012 Mahdia
2013 Manouba
2014 Medenine
2015 Monastir
2016 Nabeul
2017 Sfax
2018 Sidi Bouzid
2019 Siliana
2020 Sousse
2021 Tataouine
2022 Tozeur
2023 Tunis
2024 Zaghouan
3001 Tanger-Tetouan-Al
3002 Oriental
3003 Fès-Meknès
3004 Rabat-Salé-Kénitra
3005 Béni Mellal-Khénifra
3006 Casablanca-Settat
3007 Marrakesh-Safi
3008 Drâa-Tafilalet
3009 Souss-Massa
3010 Guelmim-Oued Noun
3011 Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra
3012 Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab
4001 Banteay Meanchey
4002 Battambang
4003 Kampong Cham
4004 Kampong Chhnang
4005 Kampong Speu
4006 Kampong Thom
4007 Kampot
4008 Kandal
4009 Kep
4010 Koh Kong
4011 Kratie
4012 Mondul Kiri
4013 Otdar Meanchey
4014 Pailin
4015 Phnom Penh
4016 Preah Sihanouk
4017 Preah Vihear
4018 Prey Veng
4019 Pursat
4020 Ratanak Kiri
4021 Siem Reap
4022 Stung Treng
4023 Svay Rieng
4024 Takeo
6001 Irbid
6002 Ajloun
6003 Jerash
6004 Mafraq
6005 Balqa
6006 Amman
6007 Zarqa
6008 Madaba
6009 Karak
6010 Tafilah
6011 Ma'an
6012 Aqaba
10001 Nanggroe Aceh
10002 Sumatera Utara
10003 Sumatera Barat
10004 Riau
10005 Jambi
10006 Sumatera Selatan
10007 Bengkulu

3 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
10008 Lampung
10009 Kepulauan Bangka
10010 Kepulauan Riau
10011 DKI Jakarta
10012 Jawa Barat
10013 Jawa Tengah
10014 DI Yogjakarta
10015 Jawa Timur
10016 Banten
10017 Bali
10018 Nusa Tenggara Barat
10019 Nusa Tenggara Timur
10020 Kalimantan Barat
10021 Kalimantan Tengah
10022 Kalimantan Selatan
10023 Kalimantan Timur
10024 Sulawesi Utara
10025 Sulawesi Tengah
10026 Sulawesi Selatan
10027 Sulawesi Tenggara
10028 Gorontalo
10029 Sulawesi Barat
10030 Maluku
10031 Maluku Utara
10032 Papua
10033 Papua Barat
10034 Kalimantan Utara
12001 East Midlands
12002 East of England
12003 London
12004 North East
12005 North West
12006 Scotland
12007 South East
12008 South West
12009 Wales
12010 West Midlands
12011 Yorkshire and The Humber

12012 Northern Ireland

12098 (Don't know)
12099 (Refused)
34006 COLIMA
34015 MEXICO
34020 OAXACA
34021 PUEBLA
34026 SONORA
35001 North Central
35002 North East
35003 North West
35004 South East
35005 South South
35006 South West
36001 Central
36002 Coast
36003 Eastern
36004 Nairobi
36005 North Eastern
36006 Nyanza
36007 Rift Valley
36008 Western
37004 LAKE

4 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
40001 Ashanti
40002 Brong Ahafo
40003 Central
40004 Eastern
40005 Greater Accra
40006 Northern
40007 Upper East
40008 Upper West
40009 Volta
40010 Western
41001 Central
41002 Eastern
41003 Northern
41004 Western
42001 Alibori
42002 Atakora
42003 Atlantique
42004 Borgou
42005 Collines
42006 Kouffo
42007 Donga
42008 Littoral
42009 Mono
42010 Ouémé
42011 Plateau
42012 Zou
44001 Mzuzu
44002 Lilongwe
44003 Blantyre
50001 Mekong Delta
50002 North Central and Central
50004 Northern highlands
50005 Red River Delta
50006 South East
50007 Central Highlands
51001 Northeast
51002 North
51003 West
51004 Central
51005 East
51006 South
64001 Agadez
64002 Diffa
64003 Dosso
64004 Maradi
64005 Niamey
64006 Tahoua
64007 Tillabéri
64008 Zinder
82001 Alajuela
82002 Cartago
82003 Guanacaste
82004 Heredia
82005 Limón
82006 Puntarenas
82007 San José
96102 BENI
96103 PANDO
96203 TARIJA
96301 LA PAZ
96302 ORURO
96303 POTOSÍ
105001 Bogotá
105002 North Caribbean
105003 Central East
105004 Antioquia/Eje Cafetero
105005 South West
105006 National Territory
115001 Azuay
115002 Bolívar
115003 Cañar
115004 Carchi
115005 Chimborazo
115006 Cotopaxi
115007 El Oro
115008 Esmeraldas
115009 Galápagos
115010 Guayas
115011 Imbabura
115012 Loja
115013 Los Ríos
115014 Manabí
115015 Morona Santiago
115016 Napo
115017 Orellana
115018 Pastaza
115019 Pichincha
115020 Santa Elena
115021 Santo Domingo de los
115022 Sucumbíos
115023 Tungurahua

5 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
115024 Zamora-Chinchipe
129001 Atlántida
129002 Choluteca
129003 Colón
129004 Comayagua
129005 Copán
129006 Cortés
129007 El Paraíso
129008 Francisco Morazán
129009 Gracias a Dios
129010 Intibucá
129011 Islas de la Bahía
129012 La Paz
129013 Lempira
129014 Ocotepeque
129015 Olancho
129016 Santa Bárbara
129017 Valle
129018 Yoro
165001 Amazonas
165002 Ancash
165003 Apurímac
165004 Arequipa
165005 Ayacucho
165006 Cajamarca
165007 Callao
165008 Cusco
165009 Huancavelica
165010 Huánuco
165011 Ica
165012 Junín
165013 La Libertad
165014 Lambayeque
165015 Lima
165016 Loreto
165017 Madre de Dios
165018 Moquegua
165019 Pasco
165020 Piura
165021 Puno
165022 San Martín
165023 Tacna
165024 Tumbes
165025 Ucayali
Q8 Q8. Region variable 2 Question Q8: Region variable 2 1 Bale Restricted
2 Banwa
3 Kossi
4 Mouhoun
5 Nayala
6 Sourou
7 Comoe
8 Leraba
9 Kadiogo
10 Boulgou
11 Koulpelogo
12 Kouritenga
13 Bam
14 Namentenga
15 Sanmatenga
16 Boulkiemde
17 Sanguie
18 Sissili
19 Ziro
20 Bazega
21 Nahouri
22 Zoundweogo
23 Gnagna
24 Gourma
25 Komandjoari
26 Kompienga
27 Tapoa
28 Houet
29 Kenedougou
30 Tuy
31 Loroum
32 Passore
33 Yatenga
34 Zondoma
35 Ganzourgou
36 Kourweogo
37 Oubritenga
38 Oudalan
39 Seno
40 Soum
41 Yagha
42 Bougouriba
43 Ioba
44 Noumbiel
45 Poni
98 Don't know
99 Refused
201 Département de la VINA
202 Département du DJEREM
203 Département du MAYO
204 Département du MBERE

6 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
205 Département de la HAUTE -
206 Département de la LEKIE
207 Département de la MEFOU
208 Département de la MEFOU
209 Département du MBAM &
210 Département du MFOUNDI

211 Département du NYONG &

212 Département du NYONG &
213 Département de la
214 Département de la KADEY
215 Département du HAUT -
216 Département du LOM &
217 Département du DIAMARE

218 Département du LOGONE

219 Département du MAYO
220 Département du MAYO
221 Département du MAYO
222 Département du MAYO
223 Département de la
224 Département du MOUNGO
225 Département du WOURI
226 Département de la
227 Département du FARO
228 Département du MAYO
229 Département du MAYO
230 Département de BOYO
231 Département de BUI
232 Département de DONGA -
233 Département de la MEZAM

234 Département de MOMO

235 Département de NGO -
236 Département de KOUNG -
237 Département de la
238 Département de la MIFI
239 Département des
240 Département des HAUTS -
241 Département du HAUT -
242 Département du NDE
243 Département du NOUN
244 Département de la MVILA
245 Département de la VALLEE
246 Département du DJA &
247 Département de
248 Département de MANYU
249 Département de MEME
250 Département du FAKO
401 Ambatondrazaka
402 Amparafaravola
403 Andilamena
404 Moramanga
405 Ambatofinandrahana
406 Ambositra
407 Fandriana
408 Manandriana
409 Ambohidratrimo
410 Andramasina
411 Anjozorobe
412 Ankazobe
413 Antananarivo
414 Antananarivo Avaradrano
415 Antananarivo Renivohitra
416 Manjakandriana
417 Fenoarivo Atsinanana

7 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
418 Sainte Marie
419 Vavatenina
420 Soanierana Ivongo
421 Vavatenina
422 Ambovombe-Androy
423 Bekily
424 Tsihombe
425 Amboasary Atsimo
426 Betroka
427 Taolanaro (Tôlanaro)
428 Ampanihy Ouest
429 Sakaraha
430 Betioky Atsimo (Betioky-
431 Toliara I
432 Toliara II
433 Farafangana
434 Vangaindrano
435 Vondrozo
436 Mahanoro
437 Vatomandry
438 Toamasina I
439 Toamasina II
440 Vatomandry
441 Vohibinany (Brickaville)
442 Maevatanana
443 Tsaratanana
444 Ambato-Boeni (Ambato
445 Mahajanga I
446 Mahajanga II
447 Marovoay
448 Tsiroanomandidy
449 Ambanja
450 Ambilobe
451 Antsiranana I
452 Ambalavao
453 Ambohimahasoa
454 Fianarantsoa I
455 Isandra
456 Lalangina
457 Vohibato
458 Ihosy
459 Arivonimamo
460 Miarinarivo
461 Soavinandriana
462 Antsalova
463 Belo sur Tsiribihina (Belon'i
464 Mahabo
465 Miandrivazo
466 Andapa
467 Antalaha
468 Sambava
469 Vohemar (Vohimarina)
470 Analalava
471 Antsohihy
472 Bealanana
473 Befandriana Avaratra
474 Boriziny (Port-Bergé)
475 Mandritsara
476 Ambatolampy
477 Antanifotsy
478 Antsirabe I
479 Antsirabe II
480 Betafo
481 Faratsiho
482 Mandoto
483 Ifanadiana
484 Ikongo
485 Manakara (Manakara
486 Mananjary
487 Nosy Varika
601 Distrito BALAMA
602 Distrito de ANCUABE
603 Distrito de CHIURE
604 Distrito de CIDADE DE
605 Distrito PEMBA - METUGE
606 Distrito de MELUCO
607 Distrito de MONTEPUEZ
608 Distrito de MUEDA
609 Distrito MUIDUMBE
610 Distrito NAMUNO
611 Distrito QUISSANGA
612 Distrito CIDADE DE
613 Distrito de HOMOINE
614 Distrito INHARRIME
615 Distrito INHASSORO
616 Distrito JANGAMO
617 Distrito MASSINGA
618 Distrito MORRUMBENE
619 Distrito VILANKULO

8 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
620 Distrito ZAVALA
621 Distrito BARUE
622 Distrito CIDADE DE
623 Distrito de GONDOLA
624 Distrito de GURO
625 Distrito MACHAZE
626 Distrito MANICA
627 Distrito MOSSURIZE
628 Distrito SUSSUNDENGA
633 Distrito BOANE
634 Distrito de CIDADE DE
635 Distrito de MAGUDE
636 Distrito de MARRACUENE
637 Distrito MANHIÇA
638 Distrito ANGOCHE
639 Distrito CIDADE DE
640 Distrito de MECONTA
641 Distrito LALAUA
642 Distrito MALEMA
643 Distrito MECUBURI
644 Distrito MEMBA
645 Distrito MOGINCUAL
646 Distrito MOGOVOLAS
647 Distrito MOMA
648 Distrito MONAPO
649 Distrito MOSSURIL
650 Distrito MUECATE
651 Distrito MURRUPULA
652 Distrito NACALA-PORTO
653 Distrito NACAROA
654 Distrito Namapa
655 Distrito NAMAPA-ERATI
656 Distrito NAMPULA
657 Distrito RIBAUE
658 Distrito de CIDADE DE
659 Distrito de CUAMBA
660 Distrito de LAGO
661 Distrito de LICHINGA
662 Distrito de MANDIMBA
663 Distrito de MARRUPA
664 Distrito de MECANHELAS
665 Distrito de MUEMBE
666 Distrito de N'GAUMA
667 Distrito CHIBABAVA
668 Distrito CAIA
669 Distrito CHEMBA
670 Distrito de CIDADE DA
671 Distrito de DONDO
672 Distrito CHERINGOMA
673 Distrito MARROMEU
674 Distrito MUANZA
675 Distrito NHAMATANDA
676 Distrito ALTO MOLOCUE
677 Distrito MOPEIA
678 Distrito de CIDADE DE
679 Distrito GILE
680 Distrito GURUE
681 Distrito ILE
682 Distrito INHASSUNGE
683 Distrito LUGELA
684 Distrito MACURRA
685 Distrito MAGANJA DA
686 Distrito MILANGE
687 Distrito MOCUBA
688 Distrito MORRUMBALA
689 Distrito NAMARROI
690 Distrito NICOADALA
691 Distrito PEBANE
692 Distrito BILENE
693 Distrito CHOKWE
694 Distrito CIDADE DE XAI-
695 Distrito de CHIBUTO
696 Distrito GUIJA
697 Distrito MANDLACAZE
698 Distrito XAI-XAI
699 Distrito ANGONIA
700 Distrito CAHORA-BASSA
701 Distrito CHANGARA
702 Distrito CIDADE DE TETE
703 Distrito MAGOE
704 Distrito MARAVIA
705 Distrito MOATIZE
706 Distrito MUTARARA
707 Distrito TSANGANO

9 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
709 Distrito MASSINGIR
710 Distrito CHIFUNDE
711 MAUA
712 Distrito de CIDADE DE
801 Bugesera
802 Gatsibo
803 Kayonza
804 Kirehe
805 Ngoma
806 Nyagatare
807 Rwamagana
808 Gasabo
809 Kicukiro
810 Nyarugenge
811 Burera
812 Gakenke
813 Gicumbi
814 Musanze
815 Rulindo
816 Gisagara
817 Huye
818 Kamonyi
819 Muhanga
820 Nyamagabe
821 Nyanza
822 Nyaruguru
823 Ruhango
824 Karongi
825 Ngororero
826 Nyabihu
827 Nyamasheke
828 Rubavu
829 Rusizi
830 Rutsiro
1001 Dakar
1002 Guediawaye
1003 Pikine
1004 Rufisque
1005 Bambey
1006 Diourbel
1007 Mbacke
1008 Fatick
1009 Foundioungne
1010 Birkelane
1011 Kaffrine
1012 Koungheul
1013 Malem Hoddar
1014 Guinguineo
1015 Kaolack
1016 Nioro du Rip
1017 Kédougou
1018 Kolda
1019 Medina yoro foulah
1020 Velingara
1021 Kebemer
1022 Linguere
1023 Louga
1024 Kanel
1025 Matam
1026 Dagana
1027 Podor
1028 Saint-Louis
1029 Bounkiling
1030 Goudoump
1031 Sédhiou
1032 Bakel
1033 Koupentoum
1034 Tambacounda
1035 M'Bour
1036 Thiès
1037 Tivaouane
1038 Bignona
1039 Ziguinchor
1201 Chibombo District
1202 Mkushi District
1203 Mumbwa District
1204 Serenje District
1205 Chililabombwe District
1206 Chingola District
1207 Kitwe District
1208 Luanshya District
1209 Lufwanyama District
1210 Masaiti District
1211 Mpongwe District
1212 Ndola District
1213 Chipata District
1214 Katete District
1215 Lundazi District
1216 Nyimba District
1217 Petauke District
1218 Chienge District
1219 Kawambwa District
1220 Mwense District
1221 Samfya District
1222 Chongwe District
1223 Kafue District

10 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
1224 Lusaka District
1225 Chama District
1226 Chinsali District
1227 Mpika District
1228 Kabompo District
1229 Mufumbwe District
1230 Mwinilunga District
1231 Solwezi District
1232 Zambezi District
1233 Kasama District
1234 Luwingu District
1235 Mbala District
1236 Mporokoso District
1237 Mpulungu District
1238 Mungwi District
1239 Choma District
1240 Itezhi Tezhi District
1241 Kalomo District
1242 Kazungula District
1243 Livingstone District
1244 Mazabuka District
1245 Monze District
1246 Siavonga District
1247 Kalabo District
1248 Kaoma District
1249 Senanga District
1250 Shang'ombo District
1401 Northern Abidjan
1402 Southern Abidjan
1403 Sub prefecture
1404 Gbôklé
1405 Nawa
1406 San-Pédro
1407 Indénié-Djuablin
1408 Sud-Comoé
1409 Kabadougou
1410 Gôh
1411 Lôh-Djiboua
1412 Bélier
1413 Moronou
1414 N'Zi
1415 Agnéby-Tiassa
1416 Grands-Ponts
1417 La Mé
1418 Cavally
1419 Guémon
1420 Tonkpi
1421 Haut-Sassandra
1422 Marahoué
1423 Bagoué
1424 Poro
1425 Tchologo
1426 Gbêkê
1427 Hambol
1428 Bafing
1429 Béré
1430 Worodougou
1431 Autonomous District
1432 Bounkani
1433 Gontougo
1601 Klay
1602 Suehn Mecca
1603 Boinsen
1604 Jorquelleh
1605 Kokoyah
1606 Salala
1607 Sanoyeah
1608 Suakoko
1609 Tukpahbllee
1610 Yeallequelleh
1611 Bopolu
1612 Kongba
1613 Commonwealth
1614 District # 2
1615 District # 3
1616 District # 4
1617 Neekreen
1618 Owensgove
1619 Garwula
1620 Golakonneh
1621 Porkpa
1622 Tewor
1623 Cavala
1624 Konobo
1625 Putu
1626 Tchien
1627 Dorbor
1628 Grand Cess Wedabo
1629 Foya
1630 Kolahun
1631 Quardu Bondi
1632 Salayea
1633 Voinjama
1634 Zorzor
1635 Firestone
1636 Kakata
1637 Mambah Kaba

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
1638 Harper
1639 Karluway #2
1640 Pleebo/Sodoken
1641 Careysburg
1642 Greater Monrovia
1643 St. Paul River
1644 Todee
1645 Buu-Yao
1646 Doe
1647 Garr Bain
1648 Leewehpea-Mahn
1649 Meinpea-Mahn
1650 Sanniqquellie Mahn
1651 Twan River
1652 Wee-Gbehy-Mahn
1653 Yarmein
1654 Yarwein Mehnsonnoh
1655 Zoe-Gbao
1656 Jo River
1657 Norwein
1658 Gbeapo
1659 Nyenebo
1660 Kpayan
1661 Seekon
1662 Wedjah
1801 Daures
1802 karibib
1803 Swakopmund
1804 Walvis Bay Rural
1805 Walvis Bay Urban
1806 Rehoboth Rural
1807 Mariental Urban
1808 Rehoboth Urban East
1809 Rehoboth Urban west
1810 Berseba
1811 Karasburg
1812 Luderitz
1813 Keetmanshoop Urban
1814 Kahenge
1815 Kapako
1816 Mashare
1817 Mpungu
1818 Mukwe
1819 Ndiyona
1820 Rundu Rural East
1821 Rundu Rural west
1822 Rundu Urban
1823 Katutura Central
1824 Katutura East
1825 Khomasdal North
1826 Moses //Garoeb
1827 Samora Machel
1828 Soweto
1829 Tobias Hainyeko
1830 Windhoek East
1831 Windhoek Rural
1832 Windhoek West
1833 Epupa
1834 Khorixas
1835 Opuwo
1836 Sesfontein
1837 Eenhana
1838 Endola
1839 Engela
1840 Epembe
1841 Ohangwena
1842 Okongo
1843 Omulonga
1844 Omundaungilo
1845 Ondobe
1846 Ongenga
1847 Oshikango
1848 Gobabis
1849 Aminius
1850 Epukiro
1851 Anamulenge
1852 Etayi
1853 Ogongo
1854 Okalongo
1855 Oshikuku
1856 Otamanzi
1857 Outapi
1858 Ruacana
1859 Tsandi
1860 Okaku
1861 Ompundja
1862 Ondangwa
1863 Ongwediva
1864 Oshakati East
1865 Eengodi
1866 Okankolo
1867 Omuntele
1868 Omuthiya Gwiipundi
1869 Onayena
1870 Oniipa
1871 Onyaanya

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Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
1872 Tsumeb
1873 Grootfontein
1874 Okahandja
1875 Okakarara
1876 Omatako
1877 Tsumkwe
1878 Otjiwarongo
1879 KatimaMulilo Rural
1880 KatimaMulilo Urban
1881 Linyanti
1882 Sibbinda
10012 Banda Aceh
10014 Bireuen
10016 Langsa
10024 Buleleng
10025 Denpasar
10026 Gianyar
10028 Karang Asem
10038 Cilegon
10039 Kota Tangerang
10040 Lebak
10041 Pandeglang
10042 Serang
10043 Tangerang
10055 Gorontalo
10060 Kota Sorong
10068 Jakarta Barat
10069 Jakarta Pusat
10070 Jakarta Selatan
10071 Jakarta Timur
10072 Jakarta Utara
10073 Batang Hari
10075 Jambi
10076 Kerinci
10077 Merangin
10078 Muaro Jambi
10081 Tanjung Jabung Timur
10083 Bandung
10085 Bekasi
10086 Bogor
10087 Ciamis
10088 Cianjur
10089 Cimahi
10090 Cirebon
10091 Depok
10092 Garut
10093 Indramayu
10094 Karawang
10095 Kota Bandung
10096 Kota Bekasi
10097 Kota Bogor
10098 Kota Cirebon
10099 Kota Sukabumi
10100 Kota Tasikmalaya
10101 Kuningan
10102 Majalengka
10104 Subang
10105 Sukabumi
10107 Tasikmalaya
10109 Banyumas
10110 Batang
10113 Brebes
10114 Cilacap
10116 Grobogan
10117 Jepara
10118 Karanganyar
10119 Kebumen
10121 Klaten
10124 Kota Semarang
10125 Kota Tegal
10126 Kudus
10127 Magelang
10128 Pati
10129 Pekalongan
10130 Pemalang
10131 Purbalingga
10132 Purwokerto
10133 Purworejo
10134 Rembang
10136 Semarang
10137 Sragen
10138 Sukoharjo
10139 Surakarta
10140 Tegal
10142 Wonogiri
10143 Wonosobo
10144 Bangkalan
10145 Banyuwangi
10148 Blitar
10149 Bojonegoro
10150 Bondowoso
10151 Gresik
10152 Jember
10154 Jombang
10155 Kediri
10157 Lamongan
10158 Lumajang

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
10159 Madiun
10161 Magetan
10162 Malang
10166 Nganjuk
10167 Ngawi
10169 Pamekasan
10170 Pasuruan
10172 Ponorogo
10174 Probolinggo
10175 Sampang
10176 Sidoarjo
10178 Sumenep
10179 Surabaya
10180 Trenggalek
10185 Ketapang
10197 Banjar
10198 Banjarmasin
10200 Hulu Sungai Selatan
10202 Hulu Sungai Utara
10209 Barito Selatan
10210 Barito Timur
10211 Barito Utara
10213 Kapuas
10214 Katingan
10215 Kotawaringin Barat
10216 Kotawaringin Timur
10217 Lamandau
10219 Palangka Raya
10223 Balikpapan
10242 Bandar Lampung
10243 Lampung Barat
10245 Lampung Tengah
10246 Lampung Timur
10248 Metro
10249 Tanggamus
10250 Tulang Bawang
10254 Halmahera Tengah
10255 Halmahera Timur
10268 Bima
10271 Lombok Barat
10273 Lombok Timur
10274 Mataram
10276 Sumbawa
10279 Ende
10285 Manggarai
10286 Ngada
10296 Jayapura
10299 Kota Jayapura
10302 Mimika
10304 Paniai
10313 Bengkalis
10317 Kampar
10319 Pekan Baru
10323 Siak
10328 Polewali Mamasa
10331 Bone
10332 Bulukumba
10334 Gowa
10338 Luwu
10339 Makassar
10340 Maros
10341 Palopo
10344 Pinrang
10346 Sidenreng Rappang
10347 Sinjai
10356 Morowali
10357 Palu
10358 Parigi Moutong
10360 Tojo Una-Una
10362 Baubau
10365 Kendari
10367 Kolaka
10372 Bitung
10373 Bolaang Mongondow
10376 Minahasa Selatan
10386 Lima Puluh Koto
10388 Padang Pariaman
10389 Padang
10394 Pesisir Selatan
10398 Solok
10400 Banyuasin
10401 Lahat
10403 Muara Enim
10404 Musi Banyu Asin
10406 Ogan Ilir
10407 Ogan Komering Ilir
10410 Ogan Komering Ulu
10412 Palembang
10413 Prabumulih
10414 Asahan
10417 Deli Serdang
10418 Humbang Hasundutan
10420 Labuhan Batu
10422 Langkat
10423 Mandailing Natal
10424 Medan
10435 Tapanuli Selatan

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Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
10436 Tapanuli Tengah
10437 Tapanuli Utara
10438 Tebing Tinggi
10440 Bantul
10443 Sleman
10444 Yogyakarta
12001 Tees Valley and Durham
12002 Northumberland and Tyne
and Wear
12003 Cumbria
12004 Cheshire
12005 Greater Manchester
12006 Lancashire
12007 Merseyside
12008 East Riding and North
12009 North Yorkshire
12010 South Yorkshire
12011 West Yorkshire
12012 Derbyshire and
12013 Leicestershire and
12014 Lincolnshire
12015 Herefordshire,
Worcestershire and
12016 Shropshire and
12017 West Midlands
12018 East Anglia
12019 Bedfordshire and
12020 Essex
12021 Inner London West
12022 Inner London East
12023 Outer London East and
North East
12024 Outer London South
12025 Outer London West and
North West
12026 Berkshire,
Buckinghamshire and
12027 Surrey, East and West
12028 Hampshire and Isle of
12029 Kent
12030 Gloucestershire, Wiltshire
and Bristol/Bath
12031 Dorset and Somerset
12032 Cornwall and Isles of Scilly

12033 Devon
12034 West Wales and The
12035 East Wales
12036 Easter Scotland
12037 South Western Scotland
12038 North Eastern Scotland
12039 Highlands and Islands
12040 Northern Ireland
12098 Don't know
12099 Refused
30009 TATA
30015 TIZNIT
30016 ZAGORA
30021 SETTAT
30022 AL HAOUZ
30030 NADOR
30038 RABAT
30039 SALE
30042 SAFI
30043 AZILAL

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
30045 MEKNES
30048 IFRANE
30051 FES
30052 SEFROU
30056 TAZA
30073 MIDELT
34001 Norte (North)
34002 Sur (South)
34003 Centro (Central)
36001 Embu
36002 Kisumu
36003 Machakos
36004 Nyamira
36005 Baringo ( Kabarnet)
36006 Bomet
36007 Bungoma
36008 Busia
36009 Garissa
36010 Hola
36011 Homa Bay
36012 Isiolo
36013 Kajiado
36014 Kakamega
36015 Kericho
36016 Kiambu
36017 Kilifi
36018 Kirinyaga
36019 Kisii Central
36020 Kitui
36021 Kwale
36022 Laikipia (Nanyuki)
36023 Lamu
36024 Makueni
36025 Mandera
36026 Marsabit
36027 Meru
36028 Migori
36029 Mombasa
36030 Murang'a
36031 Mutomo
36032 Nakuru
36033 Nandi (Kapsabet)
36034 Narok
36035 Nyandarua (Nyahururu)
36036 Nyeri
36037 Samburu (Maralal)
36038 Siaya
36039 Tharaka-Nithi (Chuka )
36040 Trans Nzoia (Kitale)
36041 Turkana (Lodwar)
36042 Uasin Gishu (Eldoret)
36043 Vihiga
36044 Wajir
36045 West Pokot (Kapenguria)
36046 Wundanyi
36047 Nairobi
37001 ARUSHA
37003 DODOMA
37004 GEITA
37005 IRINGA

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
37006 KAGERA
37007 KATAVI
37008 KIGOMA
37010 LINDI
37012 MARA
37013 MBEYA
37015 MTWARA
37016 MWANZA
37017 NJOMBE
37020 PWANI
37021 RUKWA
37022 RUVUMA
37024 SIMIYU
37027 TABORA
37028 TANGA
40001 Adansi North District
40002 Adansi South District
40003 Afigya-Kwabre District
40004 Ahafo Ano North District
40005 Ahafo Ano South District
40006 Amansie Central District
40007 Amansie West District
40008 Asante Akim Central
Municipal District
40009 Asante Akim North District

40010 Asante Akim South District

40011 Asokore Mampong

Municipal District
40012 Atwima Kwanwoma
40013 Atwima Mponua District
40014 Atwima Nwabiagya District

40015 Bekwai Municipal District

40016 Bosome Freho District
40017 Botsomtwe District
40018 Ejisu-Juaben Municipal
40019 Ejura - Sekyedumase
40020 Kumasi Metropolitan
40021 Kwabre East District
40022 Mampong Municipal
40023 Obuasi Municipal District
40024 Offinso North District
40025 Offinso South Municipal
40026 Sekyere Afram Plains
40027 Sekyere Central District
40028 Sekyere East District
40029 Sekyere Kumawu District
40030 Sekyere South District
40031 Asunafo North Municipal
40032 Asunafo South District
40033 Asutifi North District
40034 Asutifi South District
40035 Atebubu-Amantin District
40036 Banda District
40037 Berekum East Municipal
40038 Berekum Municipal District

40039 Dormaa East District

40040 Dormaa Municipal District
40041 Dormaa West District
40042 Jaman North District
40043 Jaman South District
40044 Kintampo North Municipal
40045 Kintampo South District
40046 Nkoranza North District
40047 Nkoranza South District
40048 Pru District
40049 Sene East District
40050 Sene West District
40051 Sunyani Municipal District
40052 Sunyani West District
40053 Tain District
40054 Tano North District
40055 Tano South District

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
40056 Techiman Municipal
40057 Techiman North District
40058 Wenchi Municipal District
40059 Abura/Asebu/Kwamankes
e District
40060 Agona East District
40061 Agona West Municipal
40062 Ajumako/Enyan/Essiam
40063 Asikuma/Odoben/Brakwa
40064 Assin North Municipal
40065 Assin South District
40066 Awutu Senya East
Municipal District
40067 Awutu Senya West District

40068 Cape Coast Metropolitan

40069 Effutu Municipal District
40070 Ekumfi District
40071 Gomoa East District
40072 Gomoa West District
40073 Komenda/Edina/Eguafo/A
birem Municipal District
40074 Mfantsiman Municipal
40075 Twifo-Ati Morkwa District
40076 Twifo/Heman/Lower
Denkyira District
40077 Upper Denkyira East
Municipal District
40078 Upper Denkyira West
40079 Akuapim South District
40080 Akuapim North District
40081 Akyemansa District
40082 Asuogyaman District
40083 Ayensuano District
40084 Atiwa District
40085 Birim Central Municipal
40086 Birim North District
40087 Birim South District
40088 Denkyembour District
40089 East Akim Municipal
40090 Fanteakwa District
40091 Kwaebibirem District
40092 Kwahu Afram Plains North
40093 Kwahu Afram Plains South
40094 Kwahu East District
40095 Kwahu South District
40096 Kwahu West Municipal
40097 Lower Manya Krobo
40098 New-Juaben Municipal
40099 Nsawam Adoagyire
Municipal District
40100 Suhum Municipal
40101 Upper Manya Krobo
40102 Upper West Akim District
40103 West Akim Municipal
40104 Yilo Krobo Municipal
40105 Ablekuma North Municipal
40106 Ablekuma West Municipal
40107 Accra Metropolitan District

40108 Ada East District

40109 Ada West District
40110 Adenta Municipal District
40111 Ashaiman Municipal
40112 Ayawaso East Municipal
40113 Ayawaso North Municipal
40114 Ayawaso West Municipal
40115 Ga Central District
40116 Ga East Municipal District
40117 Ga North Municipal District

40118 Ga South Municipal District

40119 Ga West Municipal District

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
40120 Kpone Katamanso
Municipal District
40121 Krowor Municipal District
40122 La Dade Kotopon Municipal
40123 La Nkwantanang Madina
Municipal District
40124 Ledzokuku Municipal
40125 Ningo Prampram District
40126 Okaikwei Municipal District

40127 Shai Osudoku District

40128 Tema Metropolitan District

40129 Tema West Municipal

40130 Weija Municipal District
40131 Bole District
40132 Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo
40133 Central Gonja District
40134 Chereponi District
40135 East Gonja District
40136 East Mamprusi District
40137 Gushegu District
40138 Karaga District
40139 Kpandai District
40140 Kumbungu District
40141 Mamprugo Moaduri District

40142 Mion District

40143 Nanton District
40144 Nanumba North District
40145 Nanumba South District
40146 North Gonja District
40147 Saboba District
40148 Sagnarigu District
40149 Savelugu Municipal
40150 Sawla-Tuna-Kalba District

40151 Tamale Metropolitan

40152 Tatale Sangule District
40153 Tolon District
40154 West Gonja District
40155 West Mamprusi District
40156 Yendi Municipal District
40157 Zabzugu District
40158 Bawku Municipal District
40159 Bawku West District
40160 Binduri District
40161 Bolgatanga Municipal
40162 Bongo District
40163 Builsa District
40164 Builsa South District
40165 Garu-Tempane District
40166 Kassena Nankana East
40167 Kassena Nankana West
40168 Nabdam District
40169 Pusiga District
40170 Talensi District
40171 Daffiama Bussie Issa
40172 Jirapa District
40173 Lambussie Karni District
40174 Lawra District
40175 Nadowli District
40176 Nandom District
40177 Sissala East District
40178 Sissala West District
40179 Wa East District
40180 Wa Municipal District
40181 Wa West District
40182 Adaklu District
40183 Afadjato South District
40184 Agotime Ziope District
40185 Akatsi North District
40186 Akatsi South District
40187 Biakoye District
40188 Central Tongu District
40189 Ho Municipal District
40190 Ho West District
40191 Hohoe Municipal District
40192 Jasikan District
40193 Kadjebi District
40194 Keta Municipal District
40195 Ketu North District
40196 Ketu South Municipal
40197 Kpando Municipal District
40198 Krachi East District
40199 Krachi Nchumuru District

19 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
40200 Krachi West District
40201 Nkwanta North District
40202 Nkwanta South District
40203 North Dayi District
40204 North Tongu District
40205 South Dayi District
40206 South Tongu District
40207 Ahanta West District
40208 Aowin/Suaman District
40209 Bia West District
40210 Bia East District
40211 Bibiani/Anhwiaso/Bekwai
40212 Bodi District
40213 Ellembele District
40214 Jomoro District
40215 Juaboso District
40216 Mpohor District
40217 Mpohor/Wassa East
40218 Nzema East Municipal
40219 Prestea-Huni Valley
40220 Sefwi Akontombra District

40221 Sefwi Wiawso Municipal

40222 Sekondi Takoradi
Metropolitan Assembly
40223 Shama District
40224 Suaman District
40225 Tarkwa-Nsuaem Municipal
40226 Wasa Amenfi East District
40227 Wasa Amenfi West District
40228 Wassa Amenfi Central
41001 Abim
41002 Adjumani
41003 Agago
41004 Alebtong
41005 Amolatar
41006 Amudat
41007 Amuria
41008 Amuru
41009 Apac
41010 Arua
41011 Budaka
41012 Bududa
41013 Bugiri
41014 Buhweju
41015 Buikwe
41016 Bukedea
41017 Bukomansimbi
41018 Bukwa
41019 Bulambuli
41020 Buliisa
41021 Bundibugyo
41022 Bushenyi
41023 Busia
41024 Butaleja
41025 Butambala
41026 Buvuma
41027 Buyende
41028 Dokolo
41029 Gomba
41030 Gulu
41031 Hoima
41032 Ibanda
41033 Iganga
41034 Isingiro
41035 Jinja
41036 Kaabong
41037 Kabale
41038 Kabarole
41039 Kaberamaido
41040 Kalangala
41041 Kaliro
41042 Kalungu
41043 Kampala
41044 Kamuli
41045 Kamwenge
41046 Kanungu
41047 Kapchorwa
41048 Kasese
41049 Katakwi
41050 Kayunga
41051 Kibaale
41052 Kiboga
41053 Kibuku
41054 Kiruhura
41055 Kiryandongo
41056 Kisoro
41057 Kitgum
41058 Koboko

20 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
41059 Kole
41060 Kotido
41061 Kumi
41062 Kween
41063 Kyankwanzi
41064 Kyegegwa
41065 Kyenjojo
41066 Lamwo
41067 Lira
41068 Luuka
41069 Luweero
41070 Lwengo
41071 Lyantonde
41072 Manafwa
41073 Maracha
41074 Masaka
41075 Masindi
41076 Mayuge
41077 Mbale
41078 Mbarara
41079 Mitooma
41080 Mityana
41081 Moroto
41082 Moyo
41083 Mpigi
41084 Mubende
41085 Mukono
41086 Nakapiripirit
41087 Nakaseke
41088 Nakasongola
41089 Namayingo
41090 Namutumba
41091 Napak
41092 Nebbi
41093 Ngora
41094 Ntoroko
41095 Ntungamo
41096 Nwoya
41097 Otuke
41098 Oyam
41099 Pader
41100 Pallisa
41101 Rakai
41102 Rubirizi
41103 Rukungiri
41104 Sembabule
41105 Serere
41106 Sheema
41107 Sironko
41108 Soroti
41109 Tororo
41110 Wakiso
41111 Yumbe
41112 Zombo
42001 Banikoara
42002 Gogounou
42003 Kandi
42004 Karimama
42005 Malanville
42006 Ségbana
42007 Boukoumbé
42008 Cobly
42009 Kérou
42010 Kouandé
42011 Matéri
42012 Natitingou
42013 Pehonko (Péhunco)
42014 Tanguiéta
42015 Toucountouna
42016 Abomey-Calavi
42017 Allada
42018 Kpomassè
42019 Ouidah
42020 Sô-Ava
42021 Toffo
42022 Tori-Bossito
42023 Zè
42024 Bembéréké
42025 Kalalé
42026 N'Dali
42027 Nikki
42028 Parakou
42029 Pèrèrè
42030 Sinendé
42031 Tchaourou
42032 Bantè
42033 Dassa-Zoumé
42034 Glazoué
42035 Ouèssè
42036 Savalou
42037 Savé
42038 Bassila
42039 Copargo
42040 Djougou
42041 Ouaké
42042 Aplahoué
42043 Djakotomey

21 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
42044 Klouékanmè
42045 Lalo
42046 Toviklin
42047 Cotonou
42048 Athiémé
42049 Bopa
42050 Comè
42051 Grand-Popo
42052 Houéyogbé
42053 Lokossa
42054 Adjarra
42055 Adjohoun
42056 Aguégués
42057 Akpro-Missérété
42058 Avrankou
42059 Bonou
42060 Dangbo
42061 Porto-Novo
42062 Sèmè-Kpodji
42063 Ifangni
42064 Adja-Ouèrè
42065 Kétou
42066 Pobè
42067 Sakété
42068 Abomey
42069 Agbangnizoun
42070 Bohicon
42071 Covè
42072 Djidja
42073 Ouinhi
42074 Za-Kpota
42075 Zangnanado (Zagnanado)
42076 Zogbodomey
42077 Dogbo
44001 Chitipa
44002 Karonga
44003 Likoma
44004 Mzimba
44005 Nkhata Bay
44006 Rumphi.
44007 Dedza
44008 Dowa
44009 Kasungu
44010 Lilongwe
44011 Mchinji
44012 Nkhotakota
44013 Ntcheu
44014 Ntchisi
44015 Salima
44016 Balaka
44017 Blantyre
44018 Chikwawa
44019 Chiradzulu
44020 Machinga
44021 Mangochi
44022 Mulanje
44023 Mwanza
44024 Neno
44025 Nsanje
44026 Phalombe
44027 Thyolo
44028 Zomba
50001 An Giang
50002 Ba Ria-Vung Tau
50003 Bac Giang
50004 Bac Kan
50005 Bac Lieu
50006 Bac Ninh
50007 Ben Tre
50008 Binh Dinh
50009 Binh Duong
50010 Binh Phuoc
50011 Binh Thuan
50012 Ca Mau
50013 Can Tho
50014 Cao Bang
50015 Da Nang
50016 Dak Lak
50017 Dak Nong
50018 Dien Bien
50019 Dong Nai
50020 Dong Thap
50021 Gia Lai
50022 Ha Giang
50023 Ha Nam
50024 Ha Noi
50025 Ha Tinh
50026 Hai Duong
50027 Hai Phong
50028 Hau Giang
50029 Hoa Binh
50030 Hung Yen
50031 Khanh Hoa
50032 Kien Giang
50033 Kon Tum
50034 Lai Chau
50035 Lam Dong

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
50036 Lang Son
50037 Lao Cai
50038 Long An
50039 Nam Dinh
50040 Nghe An
50041 Ninh Binh
50042 Ninh Thuan
50043 Phu Tho
50044 Phu Yen
50045 Quang Binh
50046 Quang Nam
50047 Quang Ngai
50048 Quang Ninh
50049 Quang Tri
50050 Soc Trang
50051 Son La
50052 Tay Ninh
50053 Thai Binh
50054 Thai Nguyen
50055 Thanh Hoa
50056 Thanh pho Ho Chi Minh
50057 Thua Thien-Hue
50058 Tien Giang
50059 Tra Vinh
50060 Tuyen Quang
50061 Vinh Long
50062 Vinh Phuc
50063 Yen Bai
50064 Ho Chi Minh
51001 Bangkok
51002 Amnat Charoen
51003 Ang Thong
51004 Bueng Kan
51005 Buriram
51006 Chachoengsao
51007 Chai Nat
51008 Chaiyaphum
51009 Chanthaburi
51010 Chiang Mai
51011 Chiang Rai
51012 Chonburi
51013 Chumphon
51014 Kalasin
51015 Kamphaeng Phet
51016 Kanchanaburi
51017 Khon Kaen
51018 Krabi
51019 Lampang
51020 Lamphun
51021 Loei
51022 Lopburi
51023 Mae Hong Son
51024 Maha Sarakham
51025 Mukdahan
51026 Nakhon Nayok
51027 Nakhon Pathom
51028 Nakhon Phanom
51029 Nakhon Ratchasima
51030 Nakhon Sawan
51031 Nakhon Si Thammarat
51032 Nan
51033 Narathiwat
51034 Nong Bua Lam Phu
51035 Nong Khai
51036 Nonthaburi
51037 Pathum Thani
51038 Pattani
51039 Phang Nga
51040 Phatthalung
51041 Phayao
51042 Phetchabun
51043 Phetchaburi
51044 Phichit
51045 Phitsanulok
51046 Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya
51047 Phrae
51048 Phuket
51049 Prachinburi
51050 Prachuap Khiri Khan
51051 Ranong
51052 Ratchaburi
51053 Rayong
51054 Roi Et
51055 Sa Kaeo
51056 Sakon Nakhon
51057 Samut Prakan
51058 Samut Sakhon
51059 Samut Songkhram
51060 Saraburi
51061 Satun
51062 Sing Buri
51063 Sisaket
51064 Songkhla
51065 Sukhothai
51066 Suphan Buri
51067 Surat Thani
51068 Surin

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
51069 Tak
51070 Trang
51071 Trat
51072 Ubon Ratchathani
51073 Udon Thani
51074 Uthai Thani
51075 Uttaradit
51076 Yala
51077 Yasothon
64001 Abalak department
64002 Aguie department
64003 Arlit department
64004 Bilma department
64005 Konni department
64006 Boboye department
64007 Bouza department
64008 Dakoro department
64009 Diffa department
64010 Dogondoutchi department

64011 Dosso department

64012 Filingue department
64013 Gaya department
64014 Goure department
64015 Guidan Roumdji
64016 Illela department
64017 Keita department
64018 Kollo department
64019 Loga department
64020 Madarounfa department
64021 Madaoua department
64022 Maine-soroa department
64023 Magaria department
64024 Cumaradi department
64025 Matameye department
64026 Mayahi department
64027 Mirriah department
64028 N guigmi department
64030 Cuniamey department
64031 Ouallam department
64032 Say department
64033 Tahoua department
64034 Cutahoua department
64035 Tanout department
64036 Tchin-Tabaraden
64037 Tchirozerine department
64038 Tera department
64039 Tessaoua department
64040 Tillaberi department
64041 Cuzinder department
64042 Aderbissinat department
64043 Iferouane department
64044 Ingall department
64045 Bosso department
64046 Goudoumaria department
64047 N’Gourti department
64048 Dioundiou department
64049 Falmey department
64050 Tibiri (Doutchi)
64051 Bermo department
64052 Gazaoua department
64053 Bagaroua department
64054 Malbaza department
64055 Tassara department
64056 Tillia department
64057 Abala department
64058 Balleyara department
64059 Banibangou department
64060 Bankilare department
64061 Gotheye department
64062 Torodi department
64063 Tarka department
64064 Damagaram Takaya
64065 Dungass department
64066 Kantche department
64067 Takeita department
64068 Tesker department
64069 Belbedji department
82001 Alajuela
82002 San Ramón
82003 Grecia
82004 San Mateo
82005 Atenas
82006 Naranjo
82007 Palmares
82008 Poás
82009 Orotina
82010 San Carlos
82011 Zarcero
82012 Valverde Vega
82013 Upala
82014 Los Chiles
82015 Guatuso

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
82016 Río Cuarto
82017 Cartago
82018 Paraíso
82019 La Unión
82020 Jiménez
82021 Turrialba
82022 Alvarado
82023 Oreamuno
82024 El Guarco
82025 Liberia
82026 Nicoya
82027 Santa Cruz
82028 Bagaces
82029 Carrillo
82030 Cañas
82031 Abangares
82032 Tilarán
82033 Nandayure
82034 La Cruz
82035 Hojancha
82036 Heredia
82037 Barva
82038 Santo Domingo
82039 Santa Bárbara
82040 San Rafael
82041 San Isidro
82042 Belén
82043 Flores
82044 San Pablo
82045 Sarapiquí
82046 Limón
82047 Pococí
82048 Siquirres
82049 Talamanca
82050 Matina
82051 Guácimo
82052 Puntarenas
82053 Esparza
82054 Buenos Aires
82055 Montes de Oro
82056 Osa
82057 Quepos
82058 Golfito
82059 Coto Brus
82060 Parrita
82061 Corredores
82062 Garabito
82063 San José
82064 Escazú
82065 Desamparados
82066 Puriscal
82067 Tarrazú
82068 Aserrí
82069 Mora
82070 Goicoechea
82071 Santa Ana
82072 Alajuelita
82073 Vásquez de Coronado
82074 Acosta
82075 Tibás
82076 Moravia
82077 Montes de Oca
82078 Turrubares
82079 Dota
82080 Curridabat
82081 Pérez Zeledón
82082 León Cortés Castro
105005 Antioquia
105008 Atlántico
105011 Bogotá
105013 Bolívar
105015 Boyacá
105017 Caldas
105018 Caquetá
105019 Cauca
105020 Cesar
105023 Córdoba
105025 Cundinamarca
105041 Huila
105044 La Guajira
105047 Magdalena
105050 Meta
105052 Nariño
105054 Norte de Santander
105063 Quindío
105066 Risaralda
105068 Santander
105070 Sucre
105073 Tolima
105076 Valle del Cauca
105077 Chocó
105081 Arauca
105085 Casanare
105086 Putumayo
105101 Guaviare
115001 Camilo Ponce Enríquez
115002 Chordeleg

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
115003 Cuenca
115004 El Pan
115005 Girón
115006 Guachapala
115007 Gualaceo
115008 Nabón
115009 Oña
115010 Paute
115011 Pucará
115012 San Fernando
115013 Santa Isabel
115014 Sevilla de Oro
115015 Sigsig
115016 Caluma
115017 Chillanes
115018 Chimbo
115019 Echeandía
115020 Guaranda
115021 Las Naves
115022 San Miguel
115023 Azogues
115024 La Troncal
115025 Biblián
115026 Cañar
115027 Déleg
115028 El Tambo
115029 Suscal
115030 Bolívar
115031 Espejo
115032 Mira
115033 Montúfar
115034 San Pedro de Huaca
115035 Tulcán
115036 Alausí
115037 Chambo
115038 Chunchi
115039 Colta
115040 Cumandá
115041 Guamote
115042 Guano
115043 Pallatanga
115044 Penipe
115045 Riobamba
115046 La Maná
115047 Latacunga
115048 Pangua
115049 Pujilí
115050 Salcedo
115051 Saquisilí
115052 Sigchos
115053 Arenillas
115054 Atahualpa
115055 Balsas
115056 Chilla
115057 El Guabo
115058 Huaquillas
115059 Las Lajas
115060 Machala
115061 Marcabelí
115062 Pasaje
115063 Piñas
115064 Portovelo
115065 Santa Rosa
115066 Zaruma
115067 Atacames
115068 Eloy Alfaro
115069 Esmeraldas
115070 Muisne
115071 Quinindé
115072 Río Verde
115073 San Lorenzo
115074 Isabela
115075 San Cristóbal
115076 Santa Cruz
115077 Alfredo Baquerizo
Moreno (Jujan)
115078 Balao
115079 Balzar (San Jacinto de
115080 Colimes
115081 Coronel Marcelino
115082 Daule
115083 Durán
115084 El Empalme
115085 El Triunfo
115086 General Antonio
Elizalde (Bucay)
115087 Guayaquil
115088 Isidro Ayora
115089 Lomas de Sargentillo
115090 Milagro
115091 Naranjal
115092 Naranjito
115093 Nobol
115094 Palestina
115095 Pedro Carbo

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
115096 Playas (General Villamil
115097 Salitre (was Urbina Jado)
115098 Samborondón
115099 Santa Lucía
115100 Simón Bolívar
115101 La Troncal
115102 Yaguachi
115103 Antonio Ante
115104 Cotacachi
115105 Ibarra
115106 Otavalo
115107 Pimampiro
115108 San Miguel de Urcuquí
115109 Calvas
115110 Catamayo
115111 Celica
115112 Chaguarpamba
115113 Espíndola
115114 Gonzanamá
115115 Loja
115116 Macará
115117 Olmedo
115118 Paltas
115119 Pindal
115120 Puyango
115121 Quilanga
115122 Saraguro
115123 Sozoranga
115124 Zapotillo
115125 Baba
115126 Babahoyo
115127 Buena Fé
115128 Mocache
115129 Montalvo
115130 Palenque
115131 Pueblo Viejo
115132 Quevedo
115133 Quinsaloma
115134 Urdaneta
115135 Valencia
115136 Ventanas
115137 Vinces
115138 Bolívar
115139 Chone
115140 El Carmen
115141 Flavio Alfaro
115142 Jama
115143 Jaramijó
115144 Jipijapa
115145 Junín
115146 Manta
115147 Montecristi
115148 Olmedo
115149 Paján
115150 Pedernales
115151 Pichincha
115152 Portoviejo
115153 Puerto López
115154 Rocafuerte
115155 San Vicente
115156 Santa Ana
115157 Sucre
115158 Tosagua
115159 Veinticuatro de Mayo
115160 Gualaquiza
115161 Huamboya
115162 Limón Indanza
115163 Logroño
115164 Morona
115165 Pablo Sexto
115166 Palora
115167 San Juan Bosco
115168 Santiago de
Méndez (Santiago)
115169 Sucúa
115170 Taisha
115171 Tiwintza
115172 Archidona
115173 Carlos Julio Arosemena
115174 El Chaco
115175 Quijos
115176 Tena
115177 Aguarico
115178 Francisco de Orellana
115179 Joya de los Sachas
115180 Loreto
115181 Arajuno
115182 Mera
115183 Pastaza
115184 Santa Clara
115185 Cayambe
115186 Mejía
115187 Pedro Moncayo
115188 Pedro Vicente Maldonado
115189 Puerto Quito

27 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
115190 Quito
115191 Rumiñahui
115192 San Miguel de Los Bancos
115193 La Libertad
115194 Salinas
115195 Santa Elena
115196 Santo Domingo de los
Colorados (Santo
115197 La Concordia
115198 Cascales
115199 Cuyabeno
115200 Gonzalo Pizarro
115201 Lago Agrio
115202 Putumayo
115203 Shushufindi
115204 Sucumbíos
115205 Ambato
115206 Baños
115207 Cevallos
115208 Mocha
115209 Patate
115210 Pelileo
115211 Píllaro
115212 Quero
115213 Tisaleo
115214 Centinela del Cóndor
115215 Chinchipe
115216 El Pangui
115217 Nangaritza
115218 Palanda
115219 Paquisha
115220 Yacuambi
115221 Yantzaza
115222 Zamora
129001 Arizona
129002 El Porvenir
129003 Esparta
129004 Jutiapa
129005 Le Ceiba
129006 La Masica
129007 San Francisco
129008 Tela
129009 Apacilagua
129010 Choluteca
129011 Concepción de María
129012 Duyure
129013 El Corpus
129014 El Triunfo
129015 Marcovia
129016 Morolica
129017 Namasigue
129018 Orocuina
129019 Pespire
129020 San Antonio de Flores
129021 San Isidro
129022 San José
129023 San Marcos de Colón
129024 Santa Ana de Yusguare
129025 Balfate
129026 Bonito Oriental
129027 Iriona
129028 Limón
129029 Sabá
129030 Santa Fé
129031 Santa Rosa de Aguán
129032 Sonaguera
129033 Tocoa
129034 Trujillo
129035 Ajuterique
129036 Comayagua
129037 El Rosario
129038 Esquías
129039 Humuya
129040 La Libertad
129041 Lamaní
129042 Las Lajas
129043 La Trinidad
129044 Lejamaní
129045 Meámbar
129046 Minas de Oro
129047 Ojo de Agua
129048 San Jerónimo
129049 San José de Comayagua
129050 San José del Potrero
129051 Sa Luis
129052 San Sebastián
129053 Siguatepeque
129054 Taulabe
129055 Villa de San Antonio
129056 Cabañas
129057 Concepción
129058 Copán Ruinas
129059 Corquín
129060 Cucuyagua
129061 Dolores
129062 Dulce Nombre

28 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
129063 El Paraíso
129064 Florida
129065 La Jigua
129066 La Unión
129067 Nueva Arcadia
129068 San Agustín
129069 San Antonio
129070 San Jerónimo
129071 San José
129072 San Juan de Opoa
129073 San Nicolás
129074 San Pedro de Copán
129075 Santa Rita
129076 Santa Rosa de Copán
129077 Trinidad de Copán
129078 Veracruz
129079 La Ruidosa
129080 Choloma
129081 La Lima
129082 Omoa
129083 Pimienta
129084 Potrerillos
129085 Puerto Cortés
129086 San Antonio de Cortés
129087 San Francisco de Yojoa
129088 San Manuel
129089 San Pedro Sula
129090 Santa Cruz de Yojoa
129091 Villanueva
129092 Alauca
129093 Danlí
129094 El Paraíso
129095 Guinope
129096 Jacaleapa
129097 Liure
129098 Morocelí
129099 Oropolí
129100 Potrerillos
129101 San Antonio de Flores
129102 San Lucas
129103 San Matías
129104 Soledad
129105 Teupasenti
129106 Texiguat
129107 Trojes
129108 Vado Ancho
129109 Yauyupe
129110 Yuscarán
129111 Alubarén
129112 Cedros
129113 Curarén
129114 Distrito Central
129115 El Porvenir
129116 Guaimaca
129117 La Libertad
129118 La Venta
129119 Lepaterique
129120 Maraita
129121 Marale
129122 Nueva Armenia
129123 Ojojona
129124 Orica
129125 Reitoca
129126 Sabanagrande
129127 San Antonio de Oriente
129128 San Buenaventura
129129 San Ignacio
129130 San Juan de Flores
129131 San Miguelito
129132 Santa Ana
129133 Santa Lucía
129134 Talanga
129135 Tatumbla
129136 Valle de Ángeles
129137 Vallecillo
129138 Villa de San Francisco
129139 Ahuas
129140 Brus Laguna
129141 Juan Francisco Bulnes
129142 Puerto Lempira
129143 Ramón Villeda Morales
129144 Wampusirpi
129145 Camasca
129146 Colomoncagua
129147 Concepción
129148 Dolores
129149 Intibucá
129150 Jesús de Otoro
129151 La Esperanza
129152 Magdalena
129153 Masaguara
129154 San Antonio
129155 San Francisco de Opalaca
129156 San Isidro
129157 San Juan
129158 San Marco de Sierra
129159 San Miguelito

29 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
129160 Santa Lucía
129161 Yamaranguila
129162 Guanaja
129163 José Santos Guardiola
129164 Roatán
129165 Útila
129166 Aguaqueterique
129167 Cabañas
129168 Cane
129169 Chinacla
129170 Guajiquiro
129171 La Paz
129172 Lauterique
129173 Marcala
129174 Mercedes de Oriente
129175 Opatoro
129176 San Antonio del Norte
129177 San José
129178 San Juan
129179 San Pedro de Tutule
129180 Santa Ana
129181 Santa Elena
129182 Santa María
129183 Santiago de Puringla
129184 Yarula
129185 Belén
129186 Candelaria
129187 Cololaca
129188 Erandique
129189 Gracias
129190 Gualcince
129191 Guarita
129192 La Campa
129193 La Iguala
129194 Las Flores
129195 La Unión
129196 La Virtud
129197 Lepaera
129198 Mapulaca
129199 Piraera
129200 San Andrés
129201 San Francisco
129202 San Juan Guarita
129203 San Manuel Colohete
129204 San Marcos de Caiquín
129205 San Rafael
129206 San Sebastian
129207 Santa Cruz
129208 Talgua
129209 Tambla
129210 Tomalá
129211 Valladolid
129212 Virginia
129213 Belén Gualcho
129214 Concepción
129215 Dolores Merendon
129216 Fraternidad
129217 La Encarnación
129218 La Labor
129219 Lucerna
129220 Mercedes
129221 Ocotepeque
129222 San Fernando
129223 San Francisco del Valle
129224 San Jorge
129225 San Marcos
129226 Santa Fé
129227 Sensenti
129228 Sinuapa
129229 Campamento
129230 Catacamas
129231 Concordia
129232 Dulce Nombre de Culmí
129233 El Rosario
129234 Esquipulas del Norte
129235 Gualaco
129236 Guarizama
129237 Guata
129238 Guayape
129239 Jano
129240 Juticalpa
129241 Olancho
129242 Mangulile
129243 Manto
129244 Patuca
129245 Salamá
129246 San Esteban
129247 San Francisco de Becerra
129248 San Francisco de la Paz
129249 Santa Maria del Real
129250 Silca
129251 Yocón
129252 Arada
129253 Atima
129254 Azacualpa
129255 Ceguaca
129256 Chinda

30 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
129257 Concepción del Norte
129258 Concepción del Sur
129259 El Nispero
129260 Gualala
129261 Ilama
129262 Las Vegas
129263 Macuelizo
129264 Naranjito
129265 Nueva Frontera
129266 Nuevo Celilac
129267 Petoa
129268 Protección
129269 Quimistán
129270 San Francisco de Ojuera
129271 San José de Colinas
129272 San Luis
129273 San Marcos
129274 San Nicolás
129275 San Pedro Zacapa
129276 Santa Bárbara
129277 Santa Rita
129278 San Vicente Centenario
129279 Trinidad
129280 Alianza
129281 Amapala
129282 Aramecina
129283 Caridad
129284 Goascorán
129285 Langue
129286 Nacaome
129287 San Francisco de Coray
129288 San Lorenzo
129289 Arenal
129290 El Negrito
129291 El Progreso
129292 Jocón
129293 Morazán
129294 Olanchito
129295 Santa Rita
129296 Sulaco
129297 Victoria
129298 Yorito
129299 Yoro
165001 Chachapoyas
165002 Bagua
165003 Bongará
165004 Condorcanqui
165005 Luya
165006 Rodríguez de Mendoza
165007 Utcubamba
165008 Huaraz
165009 Aija
165010 Antonio Raymondi
165011 Asunción
165012 Bolognesi
165013 Carhuaz
165014 Carlos Fermín Fitzcarrald
165015 Casma
165016 Corongo
165017 Huari
165018 Huarmey
165019 Huaylas
165020 Mariscal Luzuriaga
165021 Ocros
165022 Pallasca
165023 Pomabamba
165024 Recuay
165025 Santa
165026 Sihuas
165027 Yungay
165028 Abancay
165029 Andahuaylas
165030 Antabamba
165031 Aymaraes
165032 Cotabambas
165033 Chincheros
165034 Grau
165035 Arequipa
165036 Camaná
165037 Caravelí
165038 Castilla
165039 Caylloma
165040 Condesuyos
165041 Islay
165042 La Unión
165043 Huamanga
165044 Cangallo
165045 Huanca Sancos
165046 Huanta
165047 La Mar
165048 Lucanas
165049 Parinacochas
165050 Páucar del Sara Sara
165051 Sucre
165052 Víctor Fajardo
165053 Vilcas Huamán
165054 Cajamarca

31 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
165055 Cajabamba
165056 Celendín
165057 Chota
165058 Contumazá
165059 Cutervo
165060 Hualgayoc
165061 Jaén
165062 San Ignacio
165063 San Marcos
165064 San Miguel
165065 San Pablo
165066 Santa Cruz
165067 Callao
165068 Cusco
165069 Acomayo
165070 Anta
165071 Calca
165072 Canas
165073 Canchis
165074 Chumbivilcas
165075 Espinar
165076 La Convención
165077 Paruro
165078 Paucartambo
165079 Quispicanchi
165080 Urubamba
165081 Huancavelica
165082 Acobamba
165083 Angaraes
165084 Castrovirreyna
165085 Churcampa
165086 Huaytará
165087 Tayacaja
165088 Huánuco
165089 Ambo
165090 Dos de Mayo
165091 Huacaybamba
165092 Huamalíes
165093 Leoncio Prado
165094 Marañón
165095 Pachitea
165096 Puerto Inca
165097 Lauricocha
165098 Yarowilca
165099 Ica
165100 Chincha
165101 Nazca
165102 Palpa
165103 Pisco
165104 Huancayo
165105 Concepción
165106 Chanchamayo
165107 Jauja
165108 Junín
165109 Satipo
165110 Tarma
165111 Yauli
165112 Chupaca
165113 Trujillo
165114 Ascope
165115 Bolívar
165116 Chepén
165117 Julcán
165118 Otuzco
165119 Pacasmayo
165120 Pataz
165121 Sánchez Carrión
165122 Santiago de Chuco
165123 Gran Chimú
165124 Virú
165125 Chiclayo
165126 Ferreñafe
165127 Lambayeque
165128 Lima
165129 Huaura
165130 Barranca
165131 Cajatambo
165132 Canta
165133 Cañete
165134 Huaral
165135 Huarochirí
165136 Oyón
165137 Yauyos
165138 Maynas
165139 Alto Amazonas
165140 Loreto
165141 Mariscal Ramón Castilla
165142 Putumayo
165143 Requena
165144 Ucayali
165145 Datem del Marañón
165146 Tambopata
165147 Manú
165148 Tahuamanu
165149 Mariscal Nieto
165150 General Sánchez Cerro
165151 Ilo

32 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
165152 Pasco
165153 Daniel Alcídes Carrión
165154 Oxapampa
165155 Piura
165156 Ayabaca
165157 Huancabamba
165158 Morropón
165159 Paita
165160 Sullana
165161 Talara
165162 Sechura
165163 Puno
165164 Azángaro
165165 Carabaya
165166 Chucuito
165167 El Collao
165168 Huancané
165169 Lampa
165170 Melgar
165171 Moho
165172 San Antonio de Putina
165173 San Román
165174 Sandia
165175 Yunguyo
165176 Moyobamba
165177 Bellavista
165178 El Dorado
165179 Huallaga
165180 Lamas
165181 Mariscal Cáceres
165182 Picota
165183 Rioja
165184 San Martín
165185 Tocache
165186 Tacna
165187 Candarave
165188 Jorge Basadre
165189 Tarata
165190 Tumbes
165191 Contralmirante Villar
165192 Zarumilla
165193 Coronel Portillo
165194 Atalaya
165195 Padre Abad
165196 Purús
350001 Abia
350003 Akwa Ibom
350004 Anambra
350005 Bauchi
350007 Benue
350009 Cross River
350010 Delta
350011 Ebonyi
350012 Enugu
350013 Edo
350014 Ekiti
350015 Gombe
350016 Imo
350017 Jigawa
350018 Kaduna
350019 Kano
350020 Katsina
350021 Kebbi
350022 Kogi
350023 Kwara
350024 Lagos
350025 Nassarawa
350026 Niger
350027 Ogun
350028 Ondo
350029 Osun
350030 Oyo
350031 Plateau
350032 Rivers
350033 Sokoto
350034 Taraba
350035 Zamfara
Q9 to Q13 Question Q9 to Q13 Restricted
Q14 Q14. [Area: Interviewer Question Q14: Area: Interviewer classification 1 Rural: Agricultural Public Question Q14 was not asked in
classification] property (Land where Morocco, Jordan, Tanzania,
crops are grown/farm) Colombia or Indonesia.
2 Rural: Pasture/pastoral
(Open-field or land used
for livestock)
3 Rural: Forest (Land
covered with trees or
woody vegetation)
4 Rural: Village
5 Suburban
6 Peri-Urban: Area near a
city or town with parts
that are both rural and
7 Urban: Small town
8 Urban: Large city
9 (Don’t know)
Q15 to Q17 Question Q15 to Q17 Restricted

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q18 Q18. [HH size - adults] Question Q18: Including yourself, how many adults - Number of adults Public
Including yourself, how 18 years or older - currently live in this household?
many adults - 18 years or Please count all adults, for whom this household is
older the primary residence, whether they are at home
right now or not.
Q19 Q19. [HH size - children] Question Q19: And how many children under the 0 to 14 Number of children Public
And how many children age of 18 currently live in this household? Please
15 15 or more
under the age of 18 count all children, for whom this household is the
currently li primary residence, whether they are at home right 98 (Don't know)
now or not.
99 (Refused)
Q20 Question Q20: Household roster of eligible persons Restricted
Q21_Age Q21.Age. Age [Random Question Q21: Age of respondent Respondent age Public The computed variable age
selection] Selected contains responses for GWP and
person from Random wave 1 & 2
selection method

Q21_Gender Q21.Gender. Gender Question Q21: Gender of respondent 1 Male Public The computed variable gender
[Random selection] contains responses for GWP and
Selected person from wave 1 & 2
Random selection meth 2 Female

Q22 to Q24 Question Q22 to Q24 Restricted

Q25 Q25. [Marital Status] What Question Q25: What is your current marital status? 1 Single/Never married Public
is your current marital 2 Married/Living together as
status? if married
3 Separated
4 Divorced
5 Widowed
6 Civil partnership
99 (refused)
Q26 Q26. [Education] What is Question Q26: What is the highest level of 1 No formal education Public
the highest level of education you completed? 2 Informal schooling only
education you (koranic school etc)
completed? 3 Incomplete primary
4 Complete primary
5 Intermediate/Some
secondary or high school
6 Complete secondary
7 Post secondary education,
other than university
(diploma from polytechnic
8 Incomplete university
9 Complete university
10 Post graduate education
11 Secondary/Incomplete
12 Secondary/Full
13 Incomplete technical
14 Complete technical
15 Refused
16 Don't know
1202 Nursery School
1203 Infant/Junior
School/Basic Adult
1204 Lower Secondary School
(Age less than 14)
1205 Upper Secondary School
(GCSE/SCE, Youth
training/NTMA, A level,
Highers, NVQ/SVQ Level 3)

1206 Higher Education Access

1207 Undergraduate Degree
1208 Masters Degree
1209 HND/HNC/Nursing Degree,
PG Diplomas, NVQ/SVQ
Levels 4/5
1210 Doctorate
10002 Primary School
10003 Junior High School
10004 Senior School
10005 Diploma
10006 University
10007 Did not attend/complete
primary school
Q27_1 Q27. Employed full time Question Q27_1: What is your employment status? - 0 No Public
for an employer Employed full time for an employer
[Employment Status] 1 Yes
What is your employm

34 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q27_2 Q27. Employed full time Question Q27_2: What is your employment status? 0 No Public
for self [Employment - Employed full time for self
Status] What is your 1 Yes
employment sta

Q27_3 Q27. Employed part time, Question Q27_3: What is your employment status? 0 No Public
do not want full time - Employed part time, do not want full time
[Employment Status] 1 Yes
What is your

Q27_4 Q27. Employed part time, Question Q27_4: What is your employment status? 0 No Public
want full time - Employed part time, want full time
[Employment Status] 1 Yes
What is your employm

Q27_5 Q27. Unemployed Question Q27_5: What is your employment status? 0 No Public
[Employment Status] - Unemployed
What is your employment 1 Yes

Q27_6 Q27. Out of workforce Question Q27_6: What is your employment status? 0 No Public
[Employment Status] - Out of workforce
What is your employment 1 Yes

Q27_7 Q27. Student Question Q27_7: What is your employment status? - 0 No Public
[Employment Status] Student
What is your employment 1 Yes

Q27_8 Q27. Homemaker Question Q27_8: What is your employment status? 0 No Public
[Employment Status] - Homemaker
What is your employment 1 Yes

Q27_9 Q27. Farmer [Employment Question Q27_9: What is your employment status? 0 No Public
Status] What is your - Farmer
employment status? 1 Yes

Q27_10 Q27. Other [Employment Question Q27_10: What is your employment 0 No Public
Status] What is your status? - Other
employment status? 1 Yes

Q27_11 Q27. (Refused) Question Q27_11: What is your employment 0 No Public

[Employment Status] status? - Refused
What is your employment 1 Yes

Q28 Q28. [Main income earner] Question Q28: Are you the main income earner in 1 No Public
Are you the main income this household? By ‘main income earner’, I mean 2 Yes
earner in this household? are you the highest income earner in this 3 (Don't know)
By ' household? 4 (Refused)
Q29 Q29. [Education of main Question Q29: To the best of your knowledge, what 1 No formal education Public
income earner] To the is the highest level of education completed by the 2 Informal schooling only
best of your knowledge, main income earner in this household? (koranic school etc)
what is th 3 Incomplete primary
4 Complete primary
5 Intermediate/Some
secondary or high school
6 Complete secondary
7 Post secondary education,
other than university
(diploma from polytechnic
8 Incomplete university
9 Complete university
10 Post graduate education
11 Secondary/Incomplete
12 Secondary/Full
13 Incomplete technical
14 Complete technical
15 Refused
16 Don't know
1202 Nursery School
1203 Infant/Junior
School/Basic Adult
1204 Lower Secondary School
(Age less than 14)
1205 Upper Secondary School
(GCSE/SCE, Youth
training/NTMA, A level,
Highers, NVQ/SVQ Level 3)

1206 Higher Education Access

1207 Undergraduate Degree
1208 Masters Degree

35 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
1209 HND/HNC/Nursing Degree,
PG Diplomas, NVQ/SVQ
Levels 4/5
1210 Doctorate
10002 Primary School
10003 Junior High School
10004 Senior School
10005 Diploma
10006 University
10007 Did not attend/complete
primary school
Q30_1 Q30. Employed full time Question Q30_1: What is the employment status of 0 No Public
for an employer the main income earner in this household? -
[Employment status of Employed full time for an employer 1 Yes
main income earner
Q30_2 Q30. Employed full time Question Q30_2: What is the employment status 0 No Public
for self [Employment of the main income earner in this household? -
status of main income Employed full time for self 1 Yes
earner] What
Q30_3 Q30. Employed part time, Question Q30_3: What is the employment status 0 No Public
do not want full time of the main income earner in this household? -
[Employment status of Employed part time, do not want full time 1 Yes
main income
Q30_4 Q30. Employed part time Question Q30_4: What is the employment status 0 No Public
want full time of the main income earner in this household? -
[Employment status of Employed part time want full time 1 Yes
main income earner]
Q30_5 Q30. Unemployed Question Q30_5: What is the employment status 0 No Public
[Employment status of of the main income earner in this household? -
main income earner] What Unemployed 1 Yes
is the employment
Q30_6 Q30. Out of workforce Question Q30_6: What is the employment status 0 No Public
[Employment status of of the main income earner in this household? - Out
main income earner] What of workforce 1 Yes
is the empl
Q30_7 Q30. Student Question Q30_7: What is the employment status of 0 No Public
[Employment status of the main income earner in this household? -
main income earner] What Student 1 Yes
is the employment st
Q30_8 Q30. Homemaker Question Q30_8: What is the employment status 0 No Public
[Employment status of of the main income earner in this household? -
main income earner] What Homemaker 1 Yes
is the employment
Q30_9 Q30. Farmer [Employment Question Q30_9: What is the employment status 0 No Public
status of main income of the main income earner in this household? -
earner] What is the Farmer 1 Yes
employment sta
Q30_10 Q30. Other [Employment Question Q30_10: What is the employment status 0 No Public
status of main income of the main income earner in this household? -
earner] What is the Other 1 Yes
employment stat
Q30_11 Q30. (Refused) Question Q30_11: What is the employment status 0 No Public
[Employment status of of the main income earner in this household? -
main income earner] What (Refused) 1 Yes
is the employment
Q31 Q31. [Income level] Which Question Q31: Which one of these phrases comes 1 Very difficult to live on Public
one of these phrases closest to your own feelings about your present income
comes closest to your household’s income these days? - Income level 2 Difficult to live on present
own feeling income
3 Getting by on present
4 Living comfortably on
present income
5 Living very comfortably on
present income
6 (Don’t know)
7 (Refused)
Q32 Q32. [Past economic Question Q32: How has the financial situation of 1 Gotten worse Public
change] How has the the household changed over the past 2 years? 2 Stayed the same
financial situation of the Would you say it has… 3 Gotten better
household cha 4 (Don’t know)
5 (Refused)
Q33 Q33. [Economic Outlook] Question Q33: How do you expect the financial 1 Get worse Public
How do you expect the outlook of the household to change over the next
2 Stay the same
financial outlook of the 2 years? Do you expect it to…
household 3 Get better
4 (Refused)
5 (Don’t know)
Q34 Q34. [Tenure] How long Question Q34: How long have you personally lived 0 Less than 1 year Public
have you personally lived in this dwelling? 1-100 Length of time in years
in this dwelling? 999 (Refused)
Q35 Q35. [Expected future Question Q35: How long do you think you will 1 Less than 1 year Public
tenure] How long do you continue to live here? Your best estimate is fine. 2 Between 1 and 2 years
think you will continue to 3 Between 2 and 5 years
live he 4 Between 5 and 10 years
5 Longer than 10
6 (Don’t know)
7 (Refused)

36 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q36 Q36. [Property term Question Q36: Type of property 1 No land attached, e.g., Public
definition] Decide about apartment in urban areas
the type of property 2 Any land attached, e.g.,
rural areas; also includes
single-family homes with
Q37 Q37. [Ownership] Who Question Q37: Who owns this property? 1 I own myself (alone) Public
owns this <$property>? 2 I own jointly with my
3 I own jointly with
somebody else
4 A family member who lives
in this household owns

5 A family member not living

in this household owns

6 Another private
person/individual owns
(not related to persons in
this household/not a
family member).
7 Employer owns
8 A company (not employer)
9 A public institution owns/
Government owns
10 A cooperative owns
11 Community owns
12 Other, please specify
13 (Don’t know)
14 (Refused)
Q37_Other Q37. Other, please specify Question Q37_Other: Specified other ownership Public
[Ownership] Who owns
this <$property>?

Q38 Q38. [Relationship to Question Q38: How are you related to the owner / 1 I am the spouse Public
owner/ joint owner] How co-owner? 2 I am the father/mother
are you related to the co- 3 I am a son/daughter
owner/ow 4 I am a brother/sister
5 I am a grandparent
6 I am the in-law
7 I am an uncle/aunt
8 I am a cousin
9 I am a niece/nephew
10 I am a grandchild
11 Other relative, please
12 Not related
13 (Refused)
Q38_Other Q38. Other relative, Question Q38 - Other: Other specified relationship Public
please specify to owner / co owner
[Relationship to owner/
joint owner] How are
Q39 Q39. [Rent] Do you or Question Q39: Do you or somebody else who lives 1 I pay rent - alone Public
somebody else who lives here pay rent to the owner? This could be money 2 I pay rent - shared with
here pay rent to the or goods and services provided to the owner. somebody else
owner? 3 Somebody else who lives
here pays rent (but I don’t
4 Another person not living
here pays rent
5 Employer pays rent
6 Other, please specify
7 Don’t pay rent
8 (Don’t know)
9 (Refused)
Q39_Other Q39. Other, please specify Question Q39 - Other: Other specified renter Public
[Rent] Do you or option
somebody else who lives
here pay ren
Q40 Q40. [Relationship to Question Q40: How are you related to the renter / 1 I am the spouse Public
person paying rent] How co-renter of this property? 2 I am the father/mother
are you related to the co- 3 I am a son/daughter
renter/r 4 I am a brother/sister
5 I am a grandparent
6 I am the in-law
7 I am an uncle/aunt
8 I am a cousin
9 I am a niece/nephew
10 I am grandchild
11 Other relative, please
12 Not related
13 (Refused)
Q40_Other Q40. Other relative, Question Q40 - Other: Other specified relationship Public
please specify to person paying rent
[Relationship to person
paying rent] How are

Q41 Q41. [Staying with Question Q41: Can you tell me a bit more about the 1 Yes - have permission, Public
permission or squatting or circumstances under which you live here? For please explain
other circumstance] Can example, has the owner or renter of this property 2 No - don’t have permission
you tell m agreed that you can live here?
3 Other, please specify
4 (Refused)

37 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q41_Other1 Q41. Yes - have Question Q41 - Other1: Explanation for Q41 Public
permission, please explain response 1
[Staying with permission
or squatting
Q41_Other3 Q41. Other, please specify Question Q41 - Other3: Explanation for Q41 Public
[Staying with permission response 3
or squatting or other
Q42A Q42A. [Tenure Question Q42A: Please confirm the following 1 Owner/Joint owner Public This is the tenure classification
classification] classification is correct based on your based on the preceding
understanding of the respondent’s situation. 2 Renter/Joint renter questions. Refer to variable
Q42_final for final classification
3 Stay with permission
based on these options and
4 Stay without permission tenure_class for tenure
classification based on the
5 Other options used in the GWP dataset.

Q42B Q42B. [Interviewer Question Q42B: Interviewer confirmation 1 Classification not correct Public
confirmation] or unclear
2 Classification correct
Q43_1 Q43. Inherited from my Question Q43_1: How did you obtain this property? 0 No Public
family [Acquisition] How - Inherited from my family
did you obtain this 1 Yes
Q43_2 Q43. Inherited through Question Q43_2: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
marriage/from my property? - Inherited through marriage/from my
spouse's family spouse’s family 1 Yes
[Acquisition] How did yo
Q43_3 Q43. Bought from a Question Q43_3: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
private individual property? - Bought from a private individual
[Acquisition] How did you 1 Yes
obtain this <$pr
Q43_4 Q43. Bought from an Question Q43_4: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
institution (government property? - Bought from an institution
or private entity) (government or private entity) 1 Yes
[Acquisition] How
Q43_5 Q43. Allocated by Question Q43_5: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
government or property? - Allocated by government or
local/customary authority local/customary authority (e.g., community, elder) 1 Yes
(e.g., community, elde
Q43_6 Q43. Exchange for other Question Q43_6: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
property [Acquisition] property? - Exchange for other property
How did you obtain this 1 Yes
Q43_7 Q43. Donation by Question Q43_7: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
charitable organization property? - Donation by charitable organization
[Acquisition] How did you 1 Yes
obtain this <
Q43_8 Q43. Constructed it Question Q43_8: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
[Acquisition] How did you property? - Constructed it
obtain this <$property>? 1 Yes

Q43_9 Q43. Other, please specify Question Q43_9: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
[Acquisition] How did you property? - Other
obtain this <$property>? 1 Yes

Q43_Other Q43. Other, please specify Question Q43_Other: Specified other method of Public
[Acquisition] How did you acquisition
Q43_10 obtain this <$property>?
Q43. (Don't know) Question Q43_10: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
[Acquisition] How did you property? - Don't know
obtain this <$property>? 1 Yes

Q43_11 Q43. (Refused) Question Q43_11: How did you obtain this 0 No Public
[Acquisition] How did you property? - Refused
obtain this <$property>? 1 Yes

Q44_1 Q44. A reliable water Question Q44-A: Does the property have a reliable 1 No Public Question Q44 was not asked in
supply [Infrastructure] water supply the United Kingdom
2 Yes
Does your <$property>
have... 3 (Refused)
Q44_2 Q44. Reliable garbage Question Q44-B: Does the property have a reliable 1 No Public Question Q44 was not asked in
pickup [Infrastructure] garbage pickup the United Kingdom
2 Yes
Does your <$property>
have... 3 (Refused)
Q44_3 Q44. A latrine facility Question Q44-C: Does the property have a latrine 1 No Public Question Q44 was not asked in
attached to the dwelling facility attached to the dwelling the United Kingdom
2 Yes
[Infrastructure] Does your
<$pr 3 (Refused)
Q45 Q45. [Worry of leaving Question Q45: How worried are you that you could 1 Not worried at all Public
against will] How worried lose the right to use this property, or part of this 2 Not worried
are you that you could property, against your will in the next 5 years? 3 Somewhat worried
lose the 4 Very worried
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q46 Q46. [Likelihood of losing Question Q46: And in the next 5 years, how likely 1 Very unlikely Public
rights to use] And in the or unlikely is it that you could lose the right to use 2 Unlikely
next 5 years, how likely or this property, or part of this property, against your 3 Somewhat likely
will? 4 Very likely
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)

38 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q47 Q47. [Follow up to Question Q47: We would like to confirm we have 1 No Public
conflicting response of no recorded your answers correctly. You’ve indicated
worry and likelihood of that it is very likely you could lose the right to use
losing] Yo this property against your will, but you are not 2 Yes
worried about it. Is this correct?

Q47_1_1 Q47.1. Check this if Question Q47_1_1: Respondent wanted to change 0 No Public
respondent wanted to answer about ‘worry’
change their answer
1 Yes
about "worry" [Fol

Q47_1_2 Q47.1. Check this if Question Q47_1_2: Respondent wanted to change 0 No Public
respondent wanted to answer about ‘likelihood’
change their answer
1 Yes
about "likelihood"

Q47_1_3 Q47.1. Check this if Question Q47_1_3: Respondent did not want to 0 No Public
respondent does not change either answer
want to change either
1 Yes
answer [Follow up

Q47_1_4 Q47.1. (Don't know) Question Q47_1_4: Respondent did not know if 0 No Public
[Follow up to conflicting they wanted to change responses
response of no worry and
1 Yes

Q47_1_5 Q47.1. (Refused) [Follow Question Q47_1_5: Respondent refused to 0 No Public

up to conflicting response respond about on changing responses
of no worry and likelihood
1 Yes

Q47_2 Q47.2. [Follow up to Question Q47_2: Did respondent give a response 1 Response Public
conflicting response of no to the reason for the conflicting answers
2 (Don’t know)
worry and likelihood of
losing] 3 (Refused)

Q47_2_Other Q47.2. Response [Follow Question Q47_2_Other: Response to Q47_2 Public

up to conflicting response
of no worry and likelihood

Q48 Q48. [Follow up to Question Q48: Clarification on conflicting response 1 No Public

conflicting response of of very worried and low likelihood of losing
being very worried and property. Are responses correct? 2 Yes
low likelihood

Q48_1_1 Q48.1. Check this if Question Q48_1_1: Respondent wanted to change 0 No Public
respondent wanted to answer about ‘worry’
change their answer 1 Yes
about "worry" [Fol

Q48_1_2 Q48.1. Check this if Question Q48_1_2: Respondent wanted to change 0 No Public
respondent wanted to answer about ‘likelihood’
change their answer 1 Yes
about "likelihood"

Q48_1_3 Q48.1. Check this if Question Q48_1_3: Respondent did not want to 0 No Public
respondent does not change either answer
want to change either 1 Yes
answer [Follow up

Q48_1_4 Q48.1. (Don't know) Question Q48_1_4: Respondent did not know if 0 No Public
[Follow up to conflicting they wanted to change responses
response of being very 1 Yes
worried and

Q48_1_5 Q48.1. (Refused) [Follow Question Q48_1_5: Respondent refused to 0 No Public

up to conflicting response respond about on changing responses
of being very worried and 1 Yes

Q48_2 Q48.2. [Follow up to Question Q48_2: Did respondent give a response 1 Response Public
conflicting response of to the reason for the conflicting answers
being very worried and
2 (Don’t know)
low likeliho

3 (Refused)

Q48_2_Other Q48.2. Response [Follow Question Q48_2_Other: Response to Q48_2 Public

up to conflicting response
of being very worried and
Q49_1 Q49. The owner/renter Question Q49_1: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
may ask me to leave you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Pleas this property in the next 5 years? - The 1 Yes
owner/renter may ask me to leave

Q49_2 Q49. Disagreements with Question Q49_2: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
family or relatives you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Ple this property in the next 5 years? - Disagreements 1 Yes
with family or relatives

Q49_3 Q49. Death of a Question Q49_3: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
household member you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Please tell me this property in the next 5 years? - Death of a 1 Yes
household member

39 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q49_4 Q49. Companies may Question Q49_4: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
seize this <$property> you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Pleas this property in the next 5 years? - Companies 1 Yes
may seize this property

Q49_5 Q49. Other people or Question Q49_5: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
groups may seize this you previously said you are worried about losing /
<$property> [Reasons for said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
insecurity u this property in the next 5 years? - Other people or 1 Yes
groups may seize this property

Q49_6 Q49. Lack of money or Question Q49_6: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
other resources needed you previously said you are worried about losing /
to live in this <$property> said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
[Reason this property in the next 5 years? - Lack of money 1 Yes
or other resources needed to live in this property

Q49_7 Q49. Government may Question Q49_7: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
seize this <$property> you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Plea this property in the next 5 years? - Government 1 Yes
may seize this property

Q49_8 Q49. Issues with Question Q49_8: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
local/customary you previously said you are worried about losing /
authorities (e.g., said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
officials/chiefs, elder) [Re this property in the next 5 years? - Issues with 1 Yes
local/customary authorities (e.g., officials/chiefs,
Q49_9 Q49. Missing or Question Q49_9: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
inaccurate land records you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Please this property in the next 5 years? - Missing or 1 Yes
inaccurate land records

Q49_10 Q49. Conflict or terrorism Question Q49_10: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
[Reasons for insecurity you previously said you are worried about losing /
unaided] Please tell me said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
the r this property in the next 5 years? - Conflict or 1 Yes

Q49_11 Q49. Difficulty of Question Q49_11: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
reclaiming land if I had toyou previously said you are worried about losing /
leave due to a natural said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
disaster ( this property in the next 5 years? - Difficulty of 1 Yes
reclaiming land if I had to leave due to a natural
disaster (e.g., flood, fire, earthquake)
Q49_12 Q49. Other, please specify Question Q49_12: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
[Reasons for insecurity you previously said you are worried about losing /
unaided] Please tell me said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
the r this property in the next 5 years? - Other, please 1 Yes

Q49_Other Q49. Other, please specify Question Q49_Other: Other specified reason Public
[Reasons for insecurity
unaided] Please tell me
the r
Q49_13 Q49. (Don't know) Question Q49_13: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
[Reasons for insecurity you previously said you are worried about losing /
unaided] Please tell me said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
the reasons wh this property in the next 5 years? - (Don’t know) 1 Yes

Q49_14 Q49. (Refused) [Reasons Question Q49_14: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
for insecurity unaided] you previously said you are worried about losing /
Please tell me the reasons said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
why y this property in the next 5 years? - (Refused) 1 Yes

Q50 Q50. [Divorce scenario] Question Q50: Suppose you and your spouse were 1 Not worried at all Public
Suppose you and your to get divorced. How worried are you that your
2 Not worried
spouse were to get spouse would have the right to stay but you would
divorced. How wo be forced to leave this property under these 3 Somewhat worried
circumstances? 4 Very worried
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q51 Q51. [Spousal death Question Q51: And suppose – and we apologize as 1 Not worried at all Public Question Q51 was not asked in
scenario] And suppose – we know this may be hard to think about - your 2 Not worried Vietnam
and we apologize as we spouse was to pass away. How worried would you 3 Somewhat worried
know this m be that your right to stay in this property would be 4 Very worried
taken away from you if this occurred? 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q52 Q52. [Lost job or Question Q52: Suppose you lost your job. How 1 Not worried at all Public
livelihood scenario] worried would you be that your right to stay in this 2 Not worried
Suppose you lost your job. property would be taken away from you if this 3 Somewhat worried
How worried wo occurred? 4 Very worried
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_1 Q53. If you had a Question Q53-A: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
disagreement/dispute your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
with your family away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
[Robustness other scenar occurred? - If you had a disagreement/dispute 4 Very worried
with your family 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)

40 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q53_2 Q53. If someone in your Question Q53-B: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
household <besides your your right to stay in this property would be taken
2 Not worried
spouse> passed away away from you if any of the following events
[Robustness occurred? - If someone in your household, besides 3 Somewhat worried
your spouse, passed away 4 Very worried
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_3 Q53. If someone else in Question Q53-C: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
your family lost their job your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
[Robustness other away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
scenarios] occurred? - If someone else in your family lost 4 Very worried
their job 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_4 Q53. If you couldn't make Question Q53-D: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
the payments on this your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
property for two months away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
in a row occurred? - If you couldn’t make the payments on 4 Very worried
this property for two months in a row 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_5 Q53. If a company tried to Question Q53-E: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
take over the land your your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
dwelling is on away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
[Robustness ot occurred? - If a company tried to take over the 4 Very worried
land your dwelling is on against your will 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_6 Q53. If the government Question Q53-F: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public Question Q53 option 6 was not
tried to seize your your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried asked in Jordan
<$property> from you away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
(e.g., if they b occurred? - If the government tried to seize your 4 Very worried
property from you (e.g., if they build a road or 5 (Don’t know)
other infrastructure) 6 (Refused)
Q53_7 Q53. If another person or Question Q53-G: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
group claimed ownership your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
[Robustness other away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
scenarios] H occurred? - If another person or group claimed 4 Very worried
ownership 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_8 Q53. If somebody else Question Q53-H: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
fraudulently sells the your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
<$property> [Robustness away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
other scena occurred? - If somebody else fraudulently sells the 4 Very worried
property 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_9 Q53. If a neighbor initiates Question Q53-I: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
a boundary dispute your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
[Robustness other away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
scenarios] How occurred? - If a neighbor initiates a boundary 4 Very worried
dispute 5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q53_10 Q53. If a disagreement Question Q53-J: How worried would you be that 1 Not worried at all Public
arose with your right to stay in this property would be taken 2 Not worried
local/customary away from you if any of the following events 3 Somewhat worried
authorities (e.g., occurred? - If a disagreement arose with 4 Very worried
officials/c local/customary authorities (e.g., officials/chiefs, 5 (Don’t know)
elder) 6 (Refused)
Q54_1 Q54. Title deed Question Q54_1: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, if a that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Title deed

Q54_2 Q54. Rural land Question Q54_2: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
possession certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
(Attestation de this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
Possession Foncière Rura that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Rural land possession certificate

Q54_3 Q54. Minutes of palaver Question Q54_3: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Minutes of palaver

Q54_4 Q54. Land use certificate Question Q54_4: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Land use certificate

Q54_5 Q54. Occupancy permit Question Q54_5: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Occupancy permit

Q54_6 Q54. Deed of transaction Question Q54_6: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you h that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Deed of transaction

41 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q54_7 Q54. Survey plan Question Q54_7: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, if that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Survey plan

Q54_8 Q54. Certificate of Question Q54_8: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
customary ownership have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of doc that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of customary
Q54_9 Q54. Certificate of Question Q54_9: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
occupancy have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do family member. - Certificate of occupancy

Q54_10 Q54. Certificate of Question Q54_10: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
hereditary acquisition, have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
listed in registry this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
[Documentation un that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of hereditary
acquisition, listed in registry
Q54_11 Q54. Sales deed Question Q54_11: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, if a that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Sales deed

Q54_12 Q54. Registered lease Question Q54_12: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
agreement have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents d that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Registered lease agreement

Q54_13 Q54. Rental contract Question Q54_13: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Rental contract

Q54_14 Q54. Property tax receipt Question Q54_14: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Property tax receipt

Q54_15 Q54. Utility bills Question Q54_15: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, i that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Utility bills

Q54_16 Q54. Land certificate Question Q54_16: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Land certificate

Q54_17 Q54. Provisional Question Q54_17: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
concession have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do yo family member. - Provisional concession

Q54_18 Q54. Individual land Question Q54_18: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Individual land certificate

Q54_19 Q54. Collective land Question Q54_19: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Collective land certificate

Q54_20 Q54. Simple petits papier Question Q54_20: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Simple petits papier

Q54_21 Q54. Official petits papier Question Q54_21: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do yo that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Official petits papier

42 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q54_22 Q54. Community DUAT Question Q54_22: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Community DUAT

Q54_23 Q54. Granted DUAT Question Q54_23: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, if that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Granted DUAT

Q54_24 Q54. Certificate of land Question Q54_24: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
registration have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of docum that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of land registration

Q54_25 Q54. Land lease Question Q54_25: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do yo family member. - Land lease certificate

Q54_26 Q54. Surface rights Question Q54_26: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
document have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do y family member. - Surface rights document

Q54_27 Q54. Administrative Question Q54_27: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents d that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Administrative certificate

Q54_28 Q54. Private land sale Question Q54_28: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
contract [Documentation have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
unaided] What kind of this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
documents d that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Private land sale contract

Q54_29 Q54. Provisional Question Q54_29: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do y family member. - Provisional certificate

Q54_30 Q54. Petit papiers Question Q54_30: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, i that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Petit papiers

Q54_31 Q54. Certificate of Question Q54_31: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
localization have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of localization

Q54_32 Q54. Tribal/Land Question Q54_32: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do y family member. - Tribal/Land certificate

Q54_33 Q54. License agreement Question Q54_33: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you hav that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - License agreement

Q54_34 Q54. Certificate of Question Q54_34: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
registered title have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of docume that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of registered title

Q54_35 Q54. Mortgage bond Question Q54_35: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, i that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Mortgage bond

Q54_36 Q54. Starter title Question Q54_36: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, i that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Starter title

43 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q54_37 Q54. Landhold title Question Q54_37: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Landhold title

Q54_42 Q54. Sale Agreement Question Q54_42: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Sale Agreement

Q54_43 Q54. Real Estate Question Q54_43: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of d that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Real Estate Registration
Q54_44 Q54. Urban Planning Question Q54_44: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
Parameters Certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Urban Planning Parameters
Q54_45 Q54. Zoning Certificate Question Q54_45: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Zoning Certificate

Q54_46 Q54. Sales contract Question Q54_46: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Sales contract

Q54_47 Q54. Updated Property Question Q54_47: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Updated Property Registration
Q54_48 Q54. Reservation Question Q54_48: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
Agreement have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do you family member. - Reservation Agreement

Q54_49 Q54. Property History Question Q54_49: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
Certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Property History Certificate

Q54_50 Q54. Conveyance deed Question Q54_50: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Conveyance deed

Q54_51 Q54. Mortgage statement Question Q54_51: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Mortgage statement

Q54_52 Q54. Conveyance Question Q54_52: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
documents have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do you family member. - Conveyance documents

Q54_53 Q54. Council tax letter Question Q54_53: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Council tax letter

Q54_54 Q54. Grant of admission Question Q54_54: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Grant of admission

Q54_55 Q54. Tenancy agreement Question Q54_55: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Tenancy agreement

44 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q54_56 Q54. Land ownership Question Q54_56: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
certificate have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents d that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Land ownership certificate

Q54_57 Q54. Mortgage agreement Question Q54_57: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Mortgage agreement

Q54_58 Q54. Deed of assignment Question Q54_58: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you ha that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Deed of assignment

Q54_59 Q54. Gazette Question Q54_59: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, if any, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Gazette

Q54_60 Q54. Certificate of Question Q54_60: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
ownership have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do family member. - Certificate of ownership

Q54_61 Q54. Certificate of title Question Q54_61: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of title

Q54_62 Q54. Promise of purchase Question Q54_62: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
document have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Promise of purchase document

Q54_63 Q54. Public contract Question Q54_63: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
document have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do family member. - Public contract document

Q54_64 Q54. Building right Question Q54_64: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Building right

Q54_65 Q54. Group title deed Question Q54_65: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Group title deed

Q54_66 Q54. Right of occupation Question Q54_66: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
from state have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documen that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Right of occupation from state

Q54_67 Q54. Sales transfer Question Q54_67: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Sales transfer

Q54_68 Q54. Land right certificate Question Q54_68: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do yo that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Land right certificate

Q54_69 Q54. Land use certificate Question Q54_69: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Land use certificate

Q54_70 Q54. Occupancy permit Question Q54_70: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Occupancy permit

45 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q54_71 Q54. Current Tax Question Q54_71: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
Clearance Certificates of have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
the Assignor and this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
Assignee [Documentat that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Current Tax Clearance
Certificates of the Assignor and Assignee
Q54_72 Q54. Certificate of real Question Q54_72: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
property (used to be have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
called Real Title) this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
[Documentation that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of real property (used
to be called Real Title)
Q54_73 Q54. Real property title Question Q54_73: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
based on court decision have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What ki that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Real property title based on
court decision
Q54_74 Q54. Certificate of rural Question Q54_74: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
property survey plan have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Certificate of rural property
survey plan
Q54_75 Q54. Donation deed Question Q54_75: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
do you have, i that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Donation deed

Q54_76 Q54. Bailment Question Q54_76: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
agreements have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do you h family member. - Bailment agreements

Q54_77 Q54. Security trust Question Q54_77: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
agreement have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
do family member. - Security trust agreement

Q54_38 Q54. Other document, Question Q54_38: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public See documentation section of
please specify have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents document types in each country.
What kind of documen that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - Other document, please specify

Q54_Other Q54. Other document, Question Q54_Other: Other specified document Public
please specify
[Documentation unaided]
What kind of documen

Q54_39 Q54. No documents Question Q54_39: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public
mentioned have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in
[Documentation unaided] this property? Please tell me all such documents
What kind of documents that show either your name or the name of a
do yo family member. - No documents mentioned 1 Yes

Q54_40 Q54. (Don't know) Question Q54_40: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents
do you have, if that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - (Don't know)

Q54_41 Q54. (Refused) Question Q54_41: What kind of documents do you 0 No Public
[Documentation unaided] have, if any, that demonstrate your right to live in
What kind of documents this property? Please tell me all such documents
do you have, if an that show either your name or the name of a 1 Yes
family member. - (Refused)

Q55_1 Q55. Title deed Question Q55_1: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
you have any of the this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documents that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Title deed 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_2 Q55. Rural land Question Q55_2: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
possession certificate documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
(Attestation de this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
Possession Foncière Rura that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Rural land possession certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

46 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q55_3 Q55. Minutes of palaver Question Q55_3: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
you have any of the this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
following d that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Minutes of palaver 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_4 Q55. Land use certificate Question Q55_4: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
you have any of the this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
following that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Land use certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_5 Q55. Occupancy permit Question Q55_5: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
you have any of the this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
following doc that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Occupancy permit 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_6 Q55. Deed of transaction Question Q55_6: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
you have any of the this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
following that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Deed of transaction 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_7 Q55. Survey plan Question Q55_7: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
you have any of the this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
following document that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Survey plan 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_8 Q55. Certificate of Question Q55_8: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
customary ownership documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Certificate of customary ownership 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_9 Q55. Certificate of Question Q55_9: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
occupancy documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the follo that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Certificate of occupancy 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_10 Q55. Certificate of Question Q55_10: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
hereditary acquisition, following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
listed in registry to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
[Documentation ai documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of hereditary 3 (Don't know)
acquisition, listed in registry
4 Refused

Q55_11 Q55. Sales deed Question Q55_11: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
you have any of the this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documents that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Sales deed 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_12 Q55. Registered lease Question Q55_12: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
agreement following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the fol documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Registered lease 3 (Don't know)
4 Refused

Q55_13 Q55. Rental contract Question Q55_13: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docu documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Rental contract 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_14 Q55. Property tax receipt Question Q55_14: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Property tax receipt 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

47 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q55_15 Q55. Utility bills Question Q55_15: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docume documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Utility bills 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_16 Q55. Land certificate Question Q55_16: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following doc documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Land certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_17 Q55. Provisional Question Q55_17: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
concession documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the that have either your name or a family member’s
followi name on it. - Provisional concession 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_18 Q55. Individual land Question Q55_18: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the fo documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Individual land certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_19 Q55. Collective land Question Q55_19: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the fo documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Collective land certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_20 Q55. Simple petits papier Question Q55_20: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Simple petits papier 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_21 Q55. Official petits papier Question Q55_21: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
followi documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Official petits papier 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_22 Q55. Community DUAT Question Q55_22: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docum documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Community DUAT 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_23 Q55. Granted DUAT Question Q55_23: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documen documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Granted DUAT 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_24 Q55. Certificate of land Question Q55_24: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
registration following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of t documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of land 3 (Don't know)
4 Refused

Q55_25 Q55. Land lease Question Q55_25: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
followi member’s name on it. - Land lease certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_26 Q55. Surface rights Question Q55_26: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
document following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
follow member’s name on it. - Surface rights document 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

48 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q55_27 Q55. Administrative Question Q55_27: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the fol documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Administrative certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_28 Q55. Private land sale Question Q55_28: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
contract [Documentation following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
aided] Do you have any of to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
the fol documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Private land sale contract 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_29 Q55. Provisional Question Q55_29: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
follow member’s name on it. - Provisional certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_30 Q55. Petit papiers Question Q55_30: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docume documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Petit papiers 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_31 Q55. Certificate of Question Q55_31: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
localization following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the fo documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of localization 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_32 Q55. Tribal/Land Question Q55_32: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
follow member’s name on it. - Tribal/Land certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_33 Q55. License agreement Question Q55_33: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following do documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - License agreement 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_34 Q55. Certificate of Question Q55_34: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
registered title following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of th documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of registered 3 (Don't know)
4 Refused

Q55_35 Q55. Mortgage bond Question Q55_35: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docume documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Mortgage bond 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_36 Q55. Starter title Question Q55_36: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docume documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Starter title 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_37 Q55. Landhold title Question Q55_37: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docum documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Landhold title 3 (Don't know)

4 Refused

Q55_42 Q55. Q55 Sale Agreement Question Q55_42: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following d documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Sale Agreement 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

49 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q55_43 Q55. Q55 Real Estate Question Q55_43: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Real Estate Registration 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)

Q55_44 Q55. Q55 Urban Planning Question Q55_44: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Parameters Certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Urban Planning 3 (Don't know)
Parameters Certificate
4 (Refused)

Q55_45 Q55. Q55 Zoning Question Q55_45: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
followi member’s name on it. - Zoning Certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_46 Q55. Sales contract Question Q55_46: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docum documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Sales contract 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_47 Q55. Updated Property Question Q55_47: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Updated Property 3 (Don't know)
Registration Certificate
4 (Refused)

Q55_48 Q55. Reservation Question Q55_48: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Agreement following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
followin member’s name on it. - Reservation Agreement 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_49 Q55. Property History Question Q55_49: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the f documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Property History 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)

Q55_50 Q55. Conveyance deed Question Q55_50: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docu documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Conveyance deed 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_51 Q55. Mortgage statement Question Q55_51: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following d documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Mortgage statement 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_52 Q55. Conveyance Question Q55_52: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
documents following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
following member’s name on it. - Conveyance documents 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_53 Q55. Council tax letter Question Q55_53: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following d documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Council tax letter 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_54 Q55. Grant of admission Question Q55_54: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following d documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Grant of admission 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

50 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q55_55 Q55. Tenancy agreement Question Q55_55: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following do documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Tenancy agreement 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_56 Q55. Land ownership Question Q55_56: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the fol documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Land ownership certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_57 Q55. Mortgage agreement Question Q55_57: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following d documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Mortgage agreement 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_58 Q55. Deed of assignment Question Q55_58: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following d documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Deed of assignment 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_59 Q55. Gazette Question Q55_59: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documents th documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Gazette 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_60 Q55. Certificate of Question Q55_60: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
ownership following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the follo documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of ownership 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_61 Q55. Certificate of title Question Q55_61: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of title 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_62 Q55. Promise of purchase Question Q55_62: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
document following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the f documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Promise of purchase 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)

Q55_63 Q55. Public contract Question Q55_63: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
document following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the follo documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Public contract document 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_64 Q55. Building right Question Q55_64: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docum documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Building right 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_65 Q55. Group title deed Question Q55_65: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following doc documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Group title deed 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_66 Q55. Right of occupation Question Q55_66: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
from state following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Right of occupation from 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)

51 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q55_67 Q55. Sales transfer Question Q55_67: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docum documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Sales transfer 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_68 Q55. Land right certificate Question Q55_68: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
followi documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Land right certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_69 Q55. Land use certificate Question Q55_69: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Land use certificate 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_70 Q55. Occupancy permit Question Q55_70: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following doc documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Occupancy permit 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_71 Q55. Current Tax Question Q55_71: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
Clearance Certificates of documents that demonstrate your right to live in data use guide for information on
the Assignor and this property? Again, I am asking about documents 2 Yes document types in each country.
Assignee [Documentat that have either your name or a family member’s
name on it. - Current Tax Clearance Certificates of 3 (Don't know)
the Assignor and Assignee
4 (Refused)

Q55_72 Q55. Certificate of real Question Q55_72: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
property (used to be following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
called Real Title) to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
[Documentation documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of real property 3 (Don't know)
(used to be called Real Title)
4 (Refused)

Q55_73 Q55. Real property title Question Q55_73: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
based on court decision following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you ha documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Real property title based 3 (Don't know)
on court decision
4 (Refused)

Q55_74 Q55. Certificate of rural Question Q55_74: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
property survey plan following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Certificate of rural 3 (Don't know)
property survey plan
4 (Refused)

Q55_75 Q55. Donation deed Question Q55_75: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
following docume documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Donation deed 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_76 Q55. Bailment Question Q55_76: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
agreements following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the documents that have either your name or a family
following member’s name on it. - Bailment agreements 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_77 Q55. Security trust Question Q55_77: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
agreement following documents that demonstrate your right data use guide for information on
[Documentation aided] Do to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes document types in each country.
you have any of the follo documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Security trust agreement 3 (Don't know)

4 (Refused)

Q55_38 Q55. Other document Question Q55_38: Do you have any of the 1 No Public
[Documentation aided] Do following documents that demonstrate your right
you have any of the to live in this property? Again, I am asking about 2 Yes
following docum documents that have either your name or a family
member’s name on it. - Other document, please 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)

Q55_Other Q55. Other document Question Q55_Other: Other specified document Public
[Documentation aided] Do

52 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_1 Q56. Title deed [Names on Question Q56_1: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
documents] For each mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
document type I mention, if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
please te both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Title deed 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_2 Q56. Rural land Question Q56_2: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
possession certificate mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
(Attestation de if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
Possession Fonciere Rural both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Rural land possession certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_3 Q56. Minutes of palaver Question Q56_3: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, p both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Minutes of palaver 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_4 Q56. Land use certificate Question Q56_4: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Land use certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_5 Q56. Occupancy permit Question Q56_5: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, ple both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Occupancy permit 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_6 Q56. Deed of transaction Question Q56_6: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Deed of transaction 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_7 Q56. Survey plan [Names Question Q56_7: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
on documents] For each mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
document type I mention, if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
please t both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Survey plan 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_8 Q56. Certificate of Question Q56_8: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
customary ownership mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
[Names on documents] if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
For each document t both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of customary ownership 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_9 Q56. Certificate of Question Q56_9: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
occupancy [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I ment both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of occupancy 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_10 Q56. Certificate of Question Q56_10: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
hereditary acquisition, mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
listed in registry [Names if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
on documen both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of hereditary acquisition, listed in 3 Shows both respondent
registry name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)

53 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_11 Q56. Sales deed [Names Question Q56_11: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
on documents] For each mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
document type I mention, if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
please te both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Sales deed 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_12 Q56. Registered lease Question Q56_12: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
agreement [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I me both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Registered lease agreement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_13 Q56. Rental contract Question Q56_13: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, plea both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Rental contract 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_14 Q56. Property tax receipt Question Q56_14: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Property tax receipt 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_15 Q56. Utility bills [Names Question Q56_15: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
on documents] For each mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
document type I mention, if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
please both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Utility bills 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_16 Q56. Land certificate Question Q56_16: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, ple both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Land certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_17 Q56. Provisional Question Q56_17: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
concession [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I mentio both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Provisional concession 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_18 Q56. Individual land Question Q56_18: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I m both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Individual land certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_19 Q56. Collective land Question Q56_19: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I m both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Collective land certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)

54 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_20 Q56. Simple petits papier Question Q56_20: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Simple petits papier 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_21 Q56. Official petits papier Question Q56_21: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mentio both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Official petits papier 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_22 Q56. Community DUAT Question Q56_22: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, pleas both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Community DUAT 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_23 Q56. Granted DUAT Question Q56_23: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, please both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Granted DUAT 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_24 Q56. Certificate of land Question Q56_24: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
registration [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document typ both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of land registration 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_25 Q56. Land lease Question Q56_25: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I mentio both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Land lease certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_26 Q56. Surface rights Question Q56_26: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
document [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I menti both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Surface rights document 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_27 Q56. Administrative Question Q56_27: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I me both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Administrative certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_28 Q56. Private land sale Question Q56_28: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
contract [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I me both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Private land sale contract 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)

55 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_29 Q56. Provisional Question Q56_29: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I menti both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Provisional certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_30 Q56. Petit papiers [Names Question Q56_30: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
on documents] For each mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
document type I mention, if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
please both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Petit papiers 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_31 Q56. Certificate of Question Q56_31: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
localization [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I m both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of localization 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_32 Q56. Tribal/Land Question Q56_32: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type I menti both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Tribal/Land certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_33 Q56. License agreement Question Q56_33: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, pl both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - License agreement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_34 Q56. Certificate of Question Q56_34: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
registered title [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] For each if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
document type both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of registered title 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_35 Q56. Mortgage bond Question Q56_35: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, please both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Mortgage bond 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_36 Q56. Starter title [Names Question Q56_36: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
on documents] For each mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
document type I mention, if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
please both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Starter title 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_37 Q56. Landhold title Question Q56_37: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
mention, pleas both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Landhold title 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)

56 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_42 Q56. Q56 Sale Agreement Question Q56_42: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family mem both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Sale Agreement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_43 Q56. Q56 Real Estate Question Q56_43: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
[Names on documents] Is if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your has y both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Real Estate Registration Certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_44 Q56. Q56 Urban Planning Question Q56_44: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
Parameters Certificate mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
[Names on documents] Is if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your has both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Urban Planning Parameters Certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_45 Q56. Q56 Zoning Question Q56_45: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
Certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a family both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Zoning Certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_46 Q56. Sales contract Question Q56_46: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family member' both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Sales contract 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_47 Q56. Updated Property Question Q56_47: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
[Names on documents] Is if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your has both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Updated Property Registration Certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_48 Q56. Reservation Question Q56_48: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
Agreement [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a family both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Reservation Agreement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_49 Q56. Property History Question Q56_49: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
Certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Property History Certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_50 Q56. Conveyance deed Question Q56_50: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family member both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Conveyance deed 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_51 Q56. Mortgage statement Question Q56_51: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family mem both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Mortgage statement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)

57 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_52 Q56. Conveyance Question Q56_52: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
documents [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a family m both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Conveyance documents 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_53 Q56. Council tax letter Question Q56_53: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family mem both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Council tax letter 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_54 Q56. Grant of admission Question Q56_54: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family mem both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Grant of admission 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_55 Q56. Tenancy agreement Question Q56_55: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family memb both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Tenancy agreement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_56 Q56. Land ownership Question Q56_56: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
certificate [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a fa both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Land ownership certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_57 Q56. Mortgage agreement Question Q56_57: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family mem both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Mortgage agreement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_58 Q56. Deed of assignment Question Q56_58: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family mem both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Deed of assignment 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_59 Q56. Gazette [Names on Question Q56_59: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
documents] Is your has mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your name, a family if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
member's name, both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Gazette 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_60 Q56. Certificate of Question Q56_60: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
ownership [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a fami both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of ownership 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)

58 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_61 Q56. Certificate of title Question Q56_61: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family m both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of title 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_62 Q56. Promise of purchase Question Q56_62: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
document [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Promise of purchase document 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_63 Q56. Public contract Question Q56_63: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
document [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a fami both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Public contract document 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_64 Q56. Building right Question Q56_64: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family member' both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Building right 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_65 Q56. Group title deed Question Q56_65: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family membe both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Group title deed 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_66 Q56. Right of occupation Question Q56_66: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
from state [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Right of occupation from state 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_67 Q56. Sales transfer Question Q56_67: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family member' both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Sales transfer 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_68 Q56. Land right certificate Question Q56_68: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Land right certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_69 Q56. Land use certificate Question Q56_69: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family m both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Land use certificate 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_70 Q56. Occupancy permit Question Q56_70: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family membe both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Occupancy permit 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)

59 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q56_71 Q56. Current Tax Question Q56_71: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
Clearance Certificates of mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
the Assignor and if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
Assignee [Names on d both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Current Tax Clearance Certificates of the 3 Shows both respondent
Assignor and Assignee name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_72 Q56. Certificate of real Question Q56_72: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
property (used to be mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
called Real Title) [Names if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
on docum both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of real property (used to be called 3 Shows both respondent
Real Title) name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_73 Q56. Real property title Question Q56_73: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
based on court decision mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
[Names on documents] Is if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your ha both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Real property title based on court decision 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_74 Q56. Certificate of rural Question Q56_74: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
property survey plan mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
[Names on documents] Is if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your has both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Certificate of rural property survey plan 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_75 Q56. Donation deed Question Q56_75: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
[Names on documents] Is mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
your has your name, a if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
family member's both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Donation deed 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_76 Q56. Bailment Question Q56_76: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
agreements [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a family me both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Bailment agreements 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_77 Q56. Security trust Question Q56_77: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public See documentation section of
agreement [Names on mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only data use guide for information on
documents] Is your has if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member document types in each country.
your name, a fami both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Security trust agreement 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q56_38 Q56. Other document Question Q56_77: For each document type I 1 Shows respondent name Public
[Names on documents] mention, please tell me if it has your name on it, or only
For each document type I if it has a family member’s name on it, or if it has 2 Shows family member
mention, pleas both your name and a family member’s name on name only
it? - Other document 3 Shows both respondent
name and family member
4 (Don't know)
5 (Refused)
Q57_1 Q57. It costs too much to Question Q57_1: Reason for not having documents 0 No Public
get them [Reason for not - It costs too much to get them
having documents] What 1 Yes
are th
Q57_2 Q57. You'd have to travel Question Q57_2: Reason for not having 0 No Public
too far to get them documents - You’d have to travel too far to get
[Reason for not having them 1 Yes
Q57_3 Q57. You don't have the Question Q57_3: Reason for not having 0 No Public
necessary paperwork to documents - You don't have the necessary
get the documents (i.e. paperwork to get the documents (i.e. receipt of 1 Yes
receipt o payment, etc.)
Q57_4 Q57. The process takes Question Q57_4: Reason for not having 0 No Public
too much effort [Reason documents - The process takes too much effort
for not having 1 Yes
documents] What ar
Q57_5 Q57. The process is too Question Q57_5: Reason for not having 0 No Public
confusing/difficult to documents - The process is too confusing/difficult
understand [Reason for to understand 1 Yes
not having

60 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q57_6 Q57. Of family Question Q57_6: Reason for not having 0 No Public
disagreements [Reason documents - Family disagreements
for not having 1 Yes
documents] What are the
Q57_7 Q57. You don't need the Question Q57_7: Reason for not having documents 0 No Public
documents [Reason for - You don’t need the documents
not having documents] 1 Yes
What are the
Q57_8 Q57. You don't think Question Q57_8: Reason for not having 0 No Public
documents would documents - You don’t think documents would
improve your rights improve your rights 1 Yes
[Reason for not having
Q57_9 Q57. You lost the Question Q57_9: Reason for not having 0 No Public
documents, or they were documents - You lost the documents, or they were
stolen [Reason for not stolen 1 Yes
having document
Q57_10 Q57. You could obtain Question Q57_10: Reason for not having 0 No Public
such documents, if documents - You could obtain such documents, if
needed [Reason for not needed 1 Yes
having documents
Q57_11 Q57. Some other reason, Question Q57_11: Reason for not having 0 No Public
specify [Reason for not documents - Some other reason, specify
having documents] What 1 Yes
are the m
Q57_Other Q57. Some other reason, Question Q57_Other: Reason for not having Public
specify [Reason for not documents - Specified other reason
having documents] What
Q57_12 are the
Q57. m know) [Reason Question Q57_12 : Reason for not having
(Don't 0 No Public
for not having documents - (Don’t know)
documents] What are the
1 Yes
main reasons wh

Q57_13 Q57. (Refused) [Reason Question Q57_13: Reason for not having 0 No Public
for not having documents - (Refused)
documents] What are the
1 Yes
main reasons why y

Q58 Q58. [Property income] Question Q58: Do you use this property to earn 1 No Public
Do you use this money or to produce anything to support your
<$property> to earn household? 2 Yes
money or to produce a
3 (Refused)

Q59_1 Q59. Rent out the Question Q59-A: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
<$property> [Bundle of decide alone, together with your spouse or 2 Could decide together
rights] Which of the together with somebody else? - Rent out the with spouse
following could yo property 3 Could decide together
with somebody other than
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q59_2 Q59. Sell the <$property> Question Q59-B: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
[Bundle of rights] Which decide alone, together with your spouse or 2 Could decide together
of the following could you together with somebody else? - Sell the property with spouse
de 3 Could decide together
with somebody other than
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q59_3 Q59. Use the <$property> Question Q59-C: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
as collateral to get decide alone, together with your spouse or 2 Could decide together
credit/financing [Bundle together with somebody else? - Use the property with spouse
of rights as collateral to get credit/financing 3 Could decide together
with somebody other than
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q59_4 Q59. Transfer the Question Q59-D: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
<$property> to a family decide alone, together with your spouse or 2 Could decide together
member [Bundle of rights] together with somebody else? - Transfer the with spouse
Which of the property to a family member 3 Could decide together
with somebody other than
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q59_5 Q59. Decide who will Question Q59-E: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
inherit the <$property> decide alone, together with your spouse or 2 Could decide together
after my death [Bundle of together with somebody else? - Decide who will with spouse
rights] W inherit the property after my death 3 Could decide together
with somebody other than
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q60_1 Q60. I or someone in my Question Q60_1: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
household spends time general or your choices have been affected, if at
trying to protect my all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
<$property> [ could lose the right to use this property in the next
5 years? - I or someone in my household spends 1 Yes
time trying to protect my property

61 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q60_2 Q60. I or someone in my Question Q60_2: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
household spends money general or your choices have been affected, if at
trying to protect my all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
<$property> could lose the right to use this property in the next
5 years? - I or someone in my household spends 1 Yes
money trying to protect my property

Q60_3 Q60. I do not invest more Question Q60_3: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
time or money in general or your choices have been affected, if at
improving my <$property> all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
[Impact of i could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - I do not invest more time or money in
improving my property

Q60_4 Q60. I do not invest more Question Q60_4: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
time or money in my general or your choices have been affected, if at
business [Impact of all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
insecurity] Pl could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - I do not invest more time or money in
my business

Q60_5 Q60. I can't rent out my Question Q60_5: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
<$property> [Impact of general or your choices have been affected, if at
insecurity] Please tell me all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
how y could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - I can’t rent out my property

Q60_6 Q60. I can't sell my Question Q60_6: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
<$property> [Impact of general or your choices have been affected, if at
insecurity] Please tell me all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
how your could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - I can’t sell my property

Q60_7 Q60. I can't use my Question Q60_7: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
<$property> as collateral general or your choices have been affected, if at
to get credit/a loan all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
[Impact of in could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - I can’t use my property as collateral to
get credit/a loan

Q60_8 Q60. It causes me anxiety Question Q60_8: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
and/or negatively affects general or your choices have been affected, if at
my wellbeing [Impact of all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
inse could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - It causes me anxiety and/or negatively
affects my wellbeing

Q60_9 Q60. Other, please specify Question Q60_9: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
[Impact of insecurity] general or your choices have been affected, if at
Please tell me how your all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
life i could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - Other, please specify

Q60_Other Q60. Other, please specify Question Q60_Other: Other specified reason Public
[Impact of insecurity]
Please tell me how your
life i
Q60_10 Q60. No impact [Impact of Question Q60_10: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
insecurity] Please tell me general or your choices have been affected, if at
how your life in general or all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - No impact

Q60_11 Q60. (Don't know) [Impact Question Q60_11: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
of insecurity] Please tell general or your choices have been affected, if at
me how your life in all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
general could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - (Don’t know)

Q60_12 Q60. (Refused) [Impact of Question Q60_12: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
insecurity] Please tell me general or your choices have been affected, if at
how your life in general or all, due to your worry about losing / belief that you
could lose the right to use this property in the next 1 Yes
5 years? - (Refused)

Q61_1 Q61. Spend more on Question Q61-A: If you could be absolutely certain 1 No Public
education/school fees that you wouldn’t lose the right to live in your
2 Yes
[Potential Behaviors] If property in the next 5 years, would you be likely to
you could be a do any of the following? - Spend more on 3 (Don't know)
education/school fees
4 (Refused)
Q61_2 Q61. Invest money to Question Q61-B: If you could be absolutely certain 1 No Public
make your <$property> that you wouldn’t lose the right to live in your
2 Yes
more productive property in the next 5 years, would you be likely to
[Potential Behaviors] do any of the following? - Invest money to make 3 (Don't know)
your property more productive
4 (Refused)
Q61_3 Q61. Start a business Question Q61-C: If you could be absolutely certain 1 No Public
[Potential Behaviors] If that you wouldn’t lose the right to live in your
2 Yes
you could be absolutely property in the next 5 years, would you be likely to
certain t do any of the following? - Start a business 3 (Don't know)
4 (Refused)

62 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q61_4 Q61. Make major Question Q61-D: If you could be absolutely certain 1 No Public
improvements to your that you wouldn’t lose the right to live in your
2 Yes
<$property> [Potential property in the next 5 years, would you be likely to
Behaviors] If you co do any of the following? - Make major 3 (Don't know)
improvements to your property
4 (Refused)
Q61_5 Q61. Spend more on the Question Q61-E: If you could be absolutely certain 1 No Public
health and nutrition of that you wouldn’t lose the right to live in your
2 Yes
your family [Potential property in the next 5 years, would you be likely to
Behaviors] do any of the following? - Spend more on the 3 (Don't know)
health and nutrition of your family
4 (Refused)
Q62 Q62. [Other properties Question Q62: Do you or does anyone in this 1 No (only home) Public
used] Do you or does household own, lease, or otherwise possess rights 2 Yes, one other property
anyone in this household to use any land or property – other than the 3 Yes, multiple other
own, lease, property where you live? properties
Q63 Q63 [Primary or derivative Question Q63: Is the right to use this other 1 The right is mine alone Public
use right] Is the right to property yours alone, a right you share with 2 I share the right with
use this other property yo another household member or is your access to it someone else in the
the result of your relationship with someone else household
in this household? 3 I have access to the
property because of my
relationship to someone
else in this household
4 (Refused)
Q64 Q64. [Tenure type other Question Q64: And is this other property owned, 1 Owned Public
property] And is this other leased, or used under some other arrangement? 2 Leased
property owned, leased, 3 Other, please specify
or u 4 (Don’t know)
5 (Refused)
Q64_Other Q64. Other, please specify Question Q64_Other: Other specified tenure type Public
[Tenure type other
property] And is this other

Q65_1 Q65. Residential purposes Question Q65-A: Which of the following describe 0 No Public
[Tenure type other the purpose or purposes for which this other
property] Which of the property is either currently used or may be used in
following de the future? Residential purposes 1 Yes

Q65_2 Q65. Commercial or Question Q65-B: Which of the following describe 0 No Public
industrial purposes the purpose or purposes for which this other
[Tenure type other property is either currently used or may be used in
property] Which of the the future? Commercial or industrial purposes 1 Yes

Q65_3 Q65. Agricultural Question Q65-C: Which of the following describe 0 No Public
purposes [Tenure type the purpose or purposes for which this other
other property] Which of property is either currently used or may be used in
the following d the future? Agricultural purposes 1 Yes

Q65_4 Q65. Other, please specify Question Q65-D: Which of the following describe 0 No Public
[Tenure type other the purpose or purposes for which this other
property] Which of the property is either currently used or may be used in
following d the future? Other, please specify 1 Yes

Q65_Other Q65. Other, please specify Question Q65_Other: Other specified arrangement Public
[Tenure type other
property] Which of the
following d
Q65_5 Q65. Don't intend to use Question Q65-E: Which of the following describe 0 No Public
[Tenure type other the purpose or purposes for which this other
property] Which of the property is either currently used or may be used in 1 Yes
following des the future? Don’t intend to use

Q66 Q66. [Worry about losing Question Q66: How worried are you that you could 1 Not worried at all Public
other property] How lose the right to use this other property, or part of 2 Not worried
worried are you that you this other property, against your will in the next 5 3 Somewhat worried
could lose years? 4 Very worried
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q67 Q67. [Likelihood of losing Question Q67:And in the next 5 years, how likely or 1 Very unlikely Public
right to use other unlikely is it that you could lose the right to use 2 Unlikely
property] And in the next this other property, or part of this other property, 3 Somewhat likely
5 years, against your will? 4 Very likely
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q68_1 Q68. The owner/renter Question Q68_1: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
may ask me to leave you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Pleas this property in the next 5 years? - The 1 Yes
owner/renter may ask me to leave

Q68_2 Q68. Disagreements with Question Q68_2: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
family or relatives you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Ple this property in the next 5 years? - Disagreements 1 Yes
with family or relatives

Q68_3 Q68. Death of household Question Q68_3: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
member [Reasons for you previously said you are worried about losing /
insecurity unaided] said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
Please tell me t this property in the next 5 years? - Death of 1 Yes
household member

63 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q68_4 Q68. Companies may Question Q68_4: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
seize it [Reasons for you previously said you are worried about losing /
insecurity unaided] said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
Please tell me the this property in the next 5 years? - Companies 1 Yes
may seize it

Q68_5 Q68. Other people or Question Q68_5: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
groups may seize it you previously said you are worried about losing /
[Reasons for insecurity said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
unaided] Please this property in the next 5 years? - Other people or 1 Yes
groups may seize it

Q68_6 Q68. A lack of money or Question Q68_6: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
other resources needed you previously said you are worried about losing /
to maintain it [Reasons said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
for insec this property in the next 5 years? - A lack of 1 Yes
money or other resources needed to maintain it

Q68_7 Q68. The government Question Q68_7: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
may seize it [Reasons for you previously said you are worried about losing /
insecurity unaided] said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
Please tell me this property in the next 5 years? - The 1 Yes
government may seize it

Q68_8 Q68. Issues with Question Q68_8: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
local/customary you previously said you are worried about losing /
authorities (e.g., said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
officials/chiefs, elder) [Re this property in the next 5 years? - Issues with 1 Yes
local/customary authorities (e.g., officials/chiefs,

Q68_9 Q68. Poor land Question Q68_9: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
administration (e.g., you previously said you are worried about losing /
missing or inaccurate said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
land records) [Reason this property in the next 5 years? - Poor land 1 Yes
administration (e.g., missing or inaccurate land

Q68_10 Q68. Conflict or terrorism Question Q68_10: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
[Reasons for insecurity you previously said you are worried about losing /
unaided] Please tell me said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
the r this property in the next 5 years? - Conflict or 1 Yes

Q68_11 Q68. Difficulty of Question Q68_11: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
reclaiming land if I had to you previously said you are worried about losing /
leave due to a natural said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
disaster ( this property in the next 5 years? - Difficulty of
reclaiming land if I had to leave due to a natural 1 Yes
disaster (e.g., flood, fire, earthquake)

Q68_12 Q68. Other, please specify Question Q68_12: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
[Reasons for insecurity you previously said you are worried about losing /
unaided] Please tell me said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
the r this property in the next 5 years? - Other, please 1 Yes

Q68_Other Q68. Other, please specify Public

[Reasons for insecurity
unaided] Please tell me
the r
Q68_13 Q68. (Don't know) Question Q68_13: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
[Reasons for insecurity you previously said you are worried about losing /
unaided] Please tell me said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
the reasons wh this property in the next 5 years? - (Don’t know)

1 Yes
Q68_14 Q68. (Refused) [Reasons Question Q68_14: Please tell me the reasons why 0 No Public
for insecurity unaided] you previously said you are worried about losing /
Please tell me the reasons said it is likely that you could lose the right to use
why y this property in the next 5 years? - (Refused)

1 Yes
Q69_1 Q69. Title deed Question Q69_1: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
property] Do you have this other property? - Title deed 2 Yes document types in each country.
any of the follow 3 (Don’t know)

4 (Refused)

Q69_2 Q69. Rural land Question Q69_2: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
possession certificate documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
(Attestation de this other property? - Rural land possession 2 Yes document types in each country.
Possession Foncière Rura certificate 3 (Don’t know)

4 (Refused)

Q69_3 Q69. Minutes of palaver Question Q69_3: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have this other property? - Minutes of palaver document types in each country.
3 (Don’t know)
any of th
4 (Refused)
Q69_4 Q69. Land use certificate Question Q69_4: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have this other property? - Land use certificate document types in each country.
3 (Don’t know)
any of
4 (Refused)

64 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q69_5 Q69. Occupancy permit Question Q69_5: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have this other property? - Occupancy permit document types in each country.
any of the 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_6 Q69. Deed of transaction Question Q69_6: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have this other property? - Deed of transaction document types in each country.
any of t 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_7 Q69. Survey plan Question Q69_7: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other documents that demonstrate your rights to use 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have this other property? - Survey plan 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the follo 4 (Refused)
Q69_8 Q69. Certificate of Question Q69_8: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
customary ownership documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other this other property? - Certificate of customary document types in each country.
property] Do yo ownership 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_9 Q69. Certificate of Question Q69_9: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
occupancy documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other this other property? - Certificate of occupancy document types in each country.
property] Do you have 3 (Don’t know)
any 4 (Refused)
Q69_10 Q69. Certificate of Question Q69_10: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
hereditary acquisition, following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
listed in registry to use this other property? - Certificate of document types in each country.
3 (Don’t know)
[Documentation fo hereditary acquisition, listed in registry
4 (Refused)
Q69_11 Q69. Sales deed Question Q69_11 : Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Sales deed 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the follow 4 (Refused)
Q69_12 Q69. Registered lease Question Q69_12: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
agreement following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Registered lease document types in each country.
property] Do you have a agreement 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_13 Q69. Rental contract Question Q69_13: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Rental contract 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the f 4 (Refused)
Q69_14 Q69. Property tax receipt Question Q69_14: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Property tax receipt 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of 4 (Refused)
Q69_15 Q69. Utility bills Question Q69_15: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Utility bills document types in each country.
any of the fol 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_16 Q69. Land certificate Question Q69_16: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Land certificate 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the 4 (Refused)
Q69_17 Q69. Provisional Question Q69_17: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
concession documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other this other property? - Provisional concession document types in each country.
property] Do you have 3 (Don’t know)
any o 4 (Refused)
Q69_18 Q69. Property tax receipt Question Q69_18: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Property tax receipt 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of 4 (Refused)
Q69_19 Q69. Individual land Question Q69_19: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Individual land 2 Yes document types in each country.
property] Do you have certificate 3 (Don’t know)

4 (Refused)

Q69_20 Q69. Collective land Question Q69_20: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Collective land 2 Yes document types in each country.
property] Do you have certificate 3 (Don’t know)

4 (Refused)

Q69_21 Q69. Simple petits papier Question Q69_21: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Simple petits papier 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of 4 (Refused)
Q69_22 Q69. Official petits papier Question Q69_22: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Official petits papier document types in each country.
any o 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_23 Q69. Community DUAT Question Q69_23: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Community DUAT document types in each country.
any of the fo 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)

65 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q69_24 Q69. Granted DUAT Question Q69_24: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Granted DUAT document types in each country.
any of the foll 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_25 Q69. Certificate of land Question Q69_25: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
registration following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Certificate of land document types in each country.
property] Do you registration 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_26 Q69. Land lease Question Q69_26: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Land lease certificate 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property] Do you have 4 (Refused)
Q69_27 Q69. Surface rights Question Q69_27: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
document following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Surface rights document types in each country.
property] Do you have document 3 (Don’t know)
any 4 (Refused)
Q69_28 Q69. Administrative Question Q69_28: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Administrative 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property] Do you have a certificate 4 (Refused)
Q69_29 Q69. Private land sale Question Q69_29: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
contract [Documentation following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
for other property] Do you to use this other property? - Private land sale 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
have a contract 4 (Refused)
Q69_30 Q69. Provisional Question Q69_30: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Provisional certificate document types in each country.
3 (Don’t know)
property] Do you have
any 4 (Refused)
Q69_31 Q69. Petit papiers Question Q69_31: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Petit papiers 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the fol 4 (Refused)
Q69_32 Q69. Certificate of Question Q69_32: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
localization following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Certificate of document types in each country.
property] Do you have localization 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_33 Q69. Tribal/Land Question Q69_33: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Tribal/Land 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property] Do you have certificate 4 (Refused)
Q69_34 Q69. License agreement Question Q69_34: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - License agreement document types in each country.
any of the 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_35 Q69. Certificate of Question Q69_35: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
registered title following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Certificate of document types in each country.
3 (Don’t know)
property] Do you h registered title
4 (Refused)
Q69_36 Q69. Mortgage bond Question Q69_36: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Mortgage bond document types in each country.
any of the fol 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_37 Q69. Starter title Question Q69_37: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Starter title document types in each country.
3 (Don’t know)
any of the fol
4 (Refused)
Q69_38 Q69. Landhold title Question Q69_38: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Landhold title 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the fo 4 (Refused)
Q69_42 Q69. Q69 Sale Agreement Question Q69_42: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Sale Agreement document types in each country.
any of th 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_43 Q69. Q69 Real Estate Question Q69_43: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Real Estate 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property] Registration Certificate 4 (Refused)
Q69_44 Q69. Q69 Urban Planning Question Q69_44: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Parameters Certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Urban Planning document types in each country.
property Parameters Certificate 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_45 Q69. Q69 Zoning Question Q69_45: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Zoning Certificate document types in each country.
property] Do you have 3 (Don’t know)
any o 4 (Refused)

66 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q69_46 Q69. Sales contract Question Q69_46: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Sales contract 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the fo 4 (Refused)
Q69_47 Q69. Updated Property Question Q69_47: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Registration Certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Updated Property 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property Registration Certificate 4 (Refused)
Q69_48 Q69. Reservation Question Q69_48: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Agreement following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Reservation document types in each country.
property] Do you have Agreement 3 (Don’t know)
any of 4 (Refused)
Q69_49 Q69. Property History Question Q69_49: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
Certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Property History 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property] Do you have Certificate 4 (Refused)
Q69_50 Q69. Conveyance deed Question Q69_50: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Conveyance deed document types in each country.
any of the f 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_51 Q69. Mortgage statement Question Q69_51: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Mortgage statement document types in each country.
any of th 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_52 Q69. Conveyance Question Q69_52: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
documents following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Conveyance document types in each country.
property] Do you have documents 3 (Don’t know)
any of 4 (Refused)
Q69_53 Q69. Council tax letter Question Q69_53: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Council tax letter 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of th 4 (Refused)
Q69_54 Q69. Grant of admission Question Q69_54: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Grant of admission 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of th 4 (Refused)
Q69_55 Q69. Tenancy agreement Question Q69_55: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Tenancy agreement document types in each country.
any of the 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_56 Q69. Land ownership Question Q69_56: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
certificate following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Land ownership 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property] Do you have a certificate 4 (Refused)
Q69_57 Q69. Mortgage agreement Question Q69_57: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Mortgage agreement document types in each country.
any of th 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_58 Q69. Deed of assignment Question Q69_58: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Deed of assignment document types in each country.
any of th 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_59 Q69. Gazette Question Q69_59: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Gazette 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the following 4 (Refused)
Q69_60 Q69. Certificate of Question Q69_60: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
ownership following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Certificate of 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property] Do you have ownership 4 (Refused)
Q69_61 Q69. Certificate of title Question Q69_61: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Certificate of title 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of 4 (Refused)
Q69_62 Q69. Promise of purchase Question Q69_62: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
document following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Promise of purchase document types in each country.
property] Do you have document 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_63 Q69. Public contract Question Q69_63: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
document following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Public contract document types in each country.
property] Do you have document 3 (Don’t know)
any 4 (Refused)
Q69_64 Q69. Building right Question Q69_64: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Building right 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the fo 4 (Refused)
Q69_65 Q69. Certificate of Question Q69_65: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
customary ownership following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Certificate of document types in each country.
property] Do yo customary ownership 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)

67 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q69_67 Q69. Sales transfer Question Q69_67: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Sales transfer 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the fo 4 (Refused)
Q69_68 Q69. Land right certificate Question Q69_68: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Land right certificate 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any o 4 (Refused)
Q69_69 Q69. Land use certificate Question Q69_69: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Land use certificate 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of 4 (Refused)
Q69_70 Q69. Occupancy permit Question Q69_70: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Occupancy permit document types in each country.
any of the 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_71 Q69. Current Tax Question Q69_71: Do you have any of the following 1 No Public See documentation section of
Clearance Certificates of documents that demonstrate your rights to use data use guide for information of
2 Yes
the Assignor and this other property? - Current Tax Clearance document types in each country.
Assignee [Documentat Certificates of the Assignor and Assignee 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_72 Q69. Certificate of real Question Q69_72: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
property (used to be following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
called Real Title) to use this other property? - Certificate of real document types in each country.
3 (Don’t know)
[Documentation property (used to be called Real Title)
4 (Refused)
Q69_73 Q69. Real property title Question Q69_73: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
based on court decision following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Real property title 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
proper based on court decision 4 (Refused)
Q69_74 Q69. Certificate of rural Question Q69_74: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
property survey plan following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Certificate of rural 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
property property survey plan 4 (Refused)
Q69_75 Q69. Donation deed Question Q69_75: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights 2 Yes data use guide for information of
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Donation deed 3 (Don’t know) document types in each country.
any of the fol 4 (Refused)
Q69_76 Q69. Bailment Question Q69_76: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
agreements following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Bailment agreements document types in each country.
property] Do you have 3 (Don’t know)
any of t 4 (Refused)
Q69_77 Q69. Security trust Question Q69_77: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
agreement following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
[Documentation for other to use this other property? - Security trust document types in each country.
property] Do you have agreement 3 (Don’t know)
any 4 (Refused)
Q69_39 Q69. Other document Question Q69_39: Do you have any of the 1 No Public See documentation section of
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights data use guide for information of
2 Yes
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Other document, document types in each country.
any of the fo please specify 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)
Q69_Other Q69. Other document Question Q69_Other: Do you have any of the Public
[Documentation for other following documents that demonstrate your rights
property] Do you have to use this other property? - Other specified
any of the fo document

Q70_1 Q70. Rent out the Question Q70-A: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
property [Bundle of rights- decide alone, or together with your spouse , or 2 Could decide together
other property] Which of together with somebody else? - Rent out the with spouse
the follow property 3 Could decide together
with somebody else (other
than spouse)
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
Q70_2 Q70. Sell the property Question Q70-B: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
[Bundle of rights-other decide alone, or together with your spouse , or 2 Could decide together
property] Which of the together with somebody else? - Sell the property with spouse
following 3 Could decide together
with somebody else (other
than spouse)
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
Q70_3 Q70. Use the property as Question Q70-C: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
collateral to get decide alone, or together with your spouse , or 2 Could decide together
credit/financing [Bundle together with somebody else? - Use the property with spouse
of rights-ot as collateral to get credit/financing 3 Could decide together
with somebody else (other
than spouse)
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)

68 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q70_4 Q70. Transfer the Question Q70-D: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
property to a family decide alone, or together with your spouse , or 2 Could decide together
member [Bundle of rights- together with somebody else? - Transfer the with spouse
other property] property to a family member 3 Could decide together
with somebody else (other
than spouse)
4 Could decide alone
5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
Q70_5 Q70. Decide who will Question Q70-E: Which of the following could you 1 Could not decide to do Public
inherit the property after decide alone, or together with your spouse , or 2 Could decide together
my death [Bundle of together with somebody else? - Decide who will with spouse
rights-other inherit the property after my death 3 Could decide together
with somebody else (other
than spouse)

4 Could decide alone

5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
Q71 Q71. [Used as collateral] Question Q71: Have you ever used or tried to use 1 No, never used or tried Public
Have you ever used or this property as collateral to get access to 2 Yes, tried to use (but did
tried to use this property credit/financing from a bank or to obtain a loan not end up using)
as co from someone? 3 Yes, actually used
4 (Don’t know)
5 (Refused)
Q72_1 Q72. I or someone in my Question Q72_1: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
household spends time general or your choices have been affected, if at
trying to protect my all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
property [Imp could lose the right to use this other property in
the next 5 years? - I or someone in my household 1 Yes
spends time trying to protect my property

Q72_2 Q72. I or someone in my Question Q72_2: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
household spends money general or your choices have been affected, if at
trying to protect my all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
property [Im could lose the right to use this other property in
the next 5 years? - I or someone in my household 1 Yes
spends money trying to protect my property

Q72_3 Q72. I do not invest more Question Q72_3: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
time or money in general or your choices have been affected, if at
improving my property all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
[Impact of inse could lose the right to use this other property in
the next 5 years? - I do not invest more time or 1 Yes
money in improving my property

Q72_4 Q72. I do not invest more Question Q72_4: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
time or money in my general or your choices have been affected, if at
business [Impact of all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
insecurity of could lose the right to use this other property in
the next 5 years? - I do not invest more time or 1 Yes
money in my business

Q72_5 Q72. I can't rent out my Question Q72_5: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
property [Impact of general or your choices have been affected, if at
insecurity of other all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
property] Pleas could lose the right to use this other property in 1 Yes
the next 5 years? - I can’t rent out my property

Q72_6 Q72. I can't sell my Question Q72_6: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
property [Impact of general or your choices have been affected, if at
insecurity of other all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
property] Please te could lose the right to use this other property in 1 Yes
the next 5 years? - I can’t sell my property

Q72_7 Q72. I can't use my Question Q72_7: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
property as collateral to general or your choices have been affected, if at
get credit/a loan [Impact all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
of insec could lose the right to use this other property in 1 Yes
the next 5 years? - I can’t use my property as
collateral to get credit/a loan
Q72_8 Q72. It causes me anxiety Question Q72_8: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
and/or negatively affects general or your choices have been affected, if at
my wellbeing [Impact of all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
inse could lose the right to use this other property in 1 Yes
the next 5 years? - It causes me anxiety and/or
negatively affects my wellbeing
Q72_9 Q72. Other, please specify Question Q72_9: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
[Impact of insecurity of general or your choices have been affected, if at
other property] Please tell all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
could lose the right to use this other property in 1 Yes
the next 5 years? - Other, please specify

Q72_Other Q72. Other, please specify Question Q72_Other: Other specified impact Public
[Impact of insecurity of
other property] Please tell

69 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q72_10 Q72. No impact [Impact of Question Q72_10: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
insecurity of other general or your choices have been affected, if at
property] Please tell me all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
how your could lose the right to use this other property in
1 Yes
the next 5 years? - No impact

Q72_11 Q72. (Don't know) [Impact Question Q72_11: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
of insecurity of other general or your choices have been affected, if at
property] Please tell me all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
how yo could lose the right to use this other property in
1 Yes
the next 5 years? - (Don’t know)

Q72_12 Q72. (Refused) [Impact of Question Q72_12: Please tell me how your life in 0 No Public
insecurity of other general or your choices have been affected, if at
property] Please tell me all, due to your worry about losing / belive you
how your could lose the right to use this other property in
1 Yes
the next 5 years? - (Refused)

Q73 Q73. [Worry about losing Question Q73: How worried are you that you could 1 Not worried at all Public
additional property] How lose the right to use any additional property you 2 Not worried
worried are you that you have access to, or part of any additional property 3 Somewhat worried
could you have access to, against your will in the next 5 4 Very worried
years? 5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
Q74 Q74. [Likelihood of losing Question Q74: And in the next 5 years how likely or 1 Very unlikely Public
right to use other unlikely is it that you could lose the right to use 2 Unlikely
property] And in the next any additional property you have access to, or part 3 Somewhat likely
5 years of any additional property you have access to, 4 Very likely
against your will? 5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
Q75 Q75. [Knowledge of Question Q75: If somebody tried to challenge your 1 No Public
defending] If somebody rights to live in or otherwise use your property / a 2 Yes
tried to challenge your property would you know how to defend your 3 (Don’t know)
rights to live rights? 4 (Refused)
Q76 Q76. [Authorities support] Question Q76: How confident are you that the 1 Not confident at all Public
How confident are you authorities would protect you if somebody tried to 2 Not confident
that the authorities would take away your right to use your property / a 3 Somewhat confident
prot property against your will? 4 Very confident
5 (Don't know)
6 (Refused)
Q77 Q77. [Experience of losing Question Q77: Did you personally ever lose the 1 No Public
property rights] Did you right to live in a property against your will? 2 Yes
personally ever lose the 3 (Refused)
Q78 Q78. [Experience of losing Question Q78: Did you personally ever have to give 1 No Public
property rights – other up the right to use another property (other than
property] Did you the one you lived in) against your will? 2 Yes
3 (Refused)

Q79 Q79. [Experience of rights Question Q79: And has anyone ever disputed your 1 No Public
disputes] And has anyone right to live in a property, or disputed your right to
ever disputed your right use another property? 2 Yes
3 (Refused)

Q80 Q80. [Perceived property Question Q80: In general, how well do you think 1 Not protected at all Public Question Q80 was not asked in
protection in country] In people in this country are protected when it 2 Not well-protected Vietnam
general, how well do you comes to their property rights? 3 Somewhat well-protected
4 Very well-protected
5 (Don’t know)
6 (Refused)
Q81_1 Q81. The local police Question Q81-A: Do you have confidence in the 1 No Public Question Q81-A was not asked in
[Confidence in local police? Vietnam or Jordan
institutions] Do you have 2 Yes
confidence in...? 3 (Don’t know)

4 (Refused)

Q81_2 Q81. The local Question Q81-B: Do you have confidence in the 1 No Public Question Q81-B was not asked in
government [Confidence local government? Vietnam or Jordan
in institutions] Do you 2 Yes
have confidence in 3 (Don’t know)

4 (Refused)

Q81_3 Q81. The judicial Question Q81-C: Do you have confidence in the 1 No Public Question Q81-C was not asked in
system/courts judicial system/courts? Vietnam or Jordan
[Confidence in 2 Yes
institutions] Do you have 3 (Don’t know)
4 (Refused)

Q81_4 Q81. Non-governmental Question Q81-D: Do you have confidence in non- 1 No Public Question Q81-D was not asked in
institutions focused on governmental institutions focused on social Vietnam
social issues [Confidence issues? 2 Yes
in insti 3 (Don’t know)

4 (Refused)

70 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
Q82 Q82. [Income estimate] Question Q82: What is your best estimate of total Local Public
What is your best household income over the past 12 months in your currency
estimate of total local currency before taxes? Please include
household income over income from ALL sources (for example, from
wages and salaries, self-employment, farming,
rent, remittances from family members living
elsewhere, investment returns, etc.).

Q82_DK_Refused Q82. (Don't Question Q82: Income estimate - refused 1 (Don't know) Public
know)/(Refused) [Income
estimate] What is your
best estimate of tota 2 (Refused)

Q83 Q83. Income quintile I Question Q83: I wonder if you could just tell me 1 0-300,000 XOF Public
wonder if you could just which one of the following broad ranges your past 2 300,001-600,000 XOF
tell me which one of the 12-month total household income falls into? Your 3 600,001-1,020,000 XOF
follo best estimate is fine. 4 1,020,001-1,845,000 XOF
5 1,845,001 and above XOF
11 0-240,000 XAF
12 240,001-600,000 XAF
13 600,001-960,000 XAF
14 960,001-1,800,000 XAF
15 1,800,001 and above XAF
21 0-432,000 MGA
22 432,001-840,000 MGA
23 840,001-1,632,000 MGA
24 1,632,001-3,600,000 MGA
25 3,600,001 and above MGA
31 0-12,000 MZN/MT
32 12,001-30,000 MZN/MT
33 30,001-60,000 MZN/MT
34 60,001-104,700 MZN/MT
35 104,701 and above
41 0-120,000 RWF
42 120,001-240,000 RWF
43 240,001-370,000 RWF
44 370,001-720,000 RWF
45 720,001 and above RWF
51 0-720,000 XOF
52 720,001-1,200,000 XOF
53 1,200,001-2,400,000 XOF
54 2,400,001-3,600,000 XOF
55 3,600,001 and above XOF
61 0-3,600 ZMW
62 3,601-9,600 ZMW
63 9,601-18,000 ZMW
64 18,001-42,000 ZMW
65 42,001 and above ZMW
71 0-540,000 XOF
72 540,001-960,000 XOF
73 960,001-1,440,000 XOF
74 1,440,001-2,400,000 XOF
75 2,400,001 and above XOF
81 0-42,000 LRD
82 42,001-84,000 LRD
83 84,001-144,000 LRD
84 144,001-276,000 LRD
85 276,001 and above LRD
91 0-14,000 NAD
92 14,001-36,000 NAD
93 36,001-67,000 NAD
94 67,001-144,000 NAD
95 144,001 and above NAD
98 (Don't know)
99 (Refused)
101 0 - 4,800 TND
102 4,801 - 8300 TND
103 8,301 - 11,600 TND
104 11,700 - 18,000 TND
105 18,001 and above TND
111 0 - 330,000 KHR (0-82
112 330,001 - 600,000 KHR
(83-150 USD)
113 600,001 - 1,000,000 KHR
(151-250 USD)
114 1,000,001 - 1,700,000 KHR
(251-425 USD)
115 1,700,001 - 4,000,000 KHR
- (426-1000 USD)
116 4,000,001 - 8,000,000
KHR - (1001-2000 USD)
117 Over 8,000,000 KHR
(2000 USD Plus)
3001 0 - 12,000 MAD
3002 12,001 - 18,000 MAD
3003 18,001 - 32,000 MAD
3004 32,001 - 60,000 MAD
3005 60,001 MAD and above
6001 0 - 335 JOD
6002 336 - 450 JOD
6003 451 to 600 JOD
6004 601 to 800 JOD

71 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
6005 801 JOD or more
10001 0 - 12,000,000 IDR
10002 12,000,0001 - 18,000,000
10003 18,000,001 - 30,000,000
10004 30,000,0001 - 40,800,000
10005 40,800,001 IDR and above

12000 None/No household

12001 1,500 GBP or less
12002 1,501 – 2,240 GBP
12003 2,241 - 3,000 GBP
12004 3,001 - 4,500 GBP
12005 More than 4,500 GBP
34001 0 - 24,000 MEX
34002 24,001 - 38,000 MEX
34003 38,001 - 60,000 MEX
34004 60,001 - 84,000 MEX
34005 84,001 and above MEX
35000 0-108,000 NGN
35001 108,001 - 180,000 NGN
35002 180,001 - 360,000 NGN
35003 360,001 - 600,000 NGN
35004 600,001 and above NGN
36001 0 - 70,000 KES
36002 70,001 - 120,000 KES
36003 120,001 - 180,000 KES
36004 180,001 - 360,000 KES
36005 360,001 KES and above
37001 0 - 600,000 TZS
37002 600,001 - 1,200,000 TZS
37003 1,200,001 - 2,400,000 TZS
37004 2,400,001 - 4,800,000
37005 TZS
4,800,001 TZS and above
40001 0 - 1,500 GHC
40002 1,501 - 3,000 GHC
40003 3,001 - 4,800 GHC
40004 4,801 - 8,400 GHC
40005 8,401 GHC and above
41001 0 - 720,000 UGX
41002 720,001 - 1,800,000 UGX
41003 1,800,001 - 3,600,000
41004 UGX
3,600,001 - 6,600,000
41005 6,600,001 UGX and above
42001 0 - 240,000 XOF
42002 240,001 - 420,000 XOF
42003 420,001 - 720,000 XOF
42004 720,001 - 1,200,000 XOF
42005 1,200,001 XOF and above
44001 0 - 140,000 MWK
44002 140,001 - 240,000 MWK
44003 240,001 - 480,000 MWK
44004 480,001 - 840,000 MWK
44005 840,001 and above MWK
50001 0 - 36,000,000 VND
50002 36,000,001 - 60,000,000
50003 60,000,001 - 96,000,000
50004 96,000,001 - 150,000,000
50005 150,000,001 VND and
51001 0-60,000 THB
51002 60,001-108,000 THB
51003 108,001-156,000 THB
51004 156,001-249,100 THB
51005 249,101 and above THB
64001 0 - 160,000 XOF
64002 160,001 - 400,000 XOF
64003 400,001 - 660,000 XOF
64004 660,001 - 1,800,000 XOF
64005 1,800,001 XOF and above
82001 0-180,0000 CRC
82002 1,800,001-3,000,000 CRC
82003 3,000,001-4,800,000 CRC
82004 4,800,001-7,200,000 CRC
82005 7,200,001 and above CRC
96001 0 - 13,000 BOB
96002 13,001 - 24,000 BOB
96003 24,001 - 36,000 BOB
96004 36,001 - 52,000 BOB
96005 52,001 BOB and above
105001 0 - 24,000 COP
105002 24,001 - 38,000 COP
105003 38,001 - 60,000 COP
105004 60,001 - 84,000 COP
105005 84,001 COP and above
115001 0-1,800 US dollars

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Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 2
This is the codebook for the wave 1 & 2 data collection.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
115002 1,801-3,600 US dollars
115003 3,601-4,800 US dollars
115004 4,801-7,200 US dollars
115005 7,201 and above US dollars

129001 0-14,400 HNL

129002 14,401-34,600 HNL
129003 34,601-54,000 HNL
129004 54,001-96,000 HNL
129005 96,001 and above HNL
165001 0-5,100 PEN
165002 5,101-9,600 PEN
165003 9,601-14,400 PEN
165004 14,401-24,000 PEN
165005 24,001 and above PEN
WP12362 Contacted by Landline or Landline or Cell Phone interview 1 Landline Public This question is only relevant for
Cell Phone the UK
2 Cell Phone
Q42_final [Computed] Confirmed Classification of tenure 1 Owner/Joint owner Public
tenure security 2 Renter/Joint renter
classification 3 Stay with permission
4 Stay without permission
5 Other
6 Cannot confirm
scenarios_insecure_count Number of insecure Scenarios_insecure_count: Total number of Public Number of responses 3 and 4
scenarios reasons that are somewhat or very worried from from Q53

Q54_Other_recode [Computed] Q54 Other Responses to Q54_Other categorised 0 Not a document, unclear, Public
responses classified don’t know or refused
1 Other informal

2 Other formal

Q55_Other_recode [Computed] Q55 Other Responses to Q55_Other categorised 0 Not a document, unclear, Public
responses classified don’t know or refused
1 Other informal

2 Other formal

Q69_Other_recode [Computed] Q69 Other Responses to Q69_Other categorised 0 Not a document, unclear, Public
responses classified don’t know or refused
1 Other informal

2 Other formal

rent_anyproperty Bundle of Rights: Ability Has the ability to rent any property 0 Could not decide to do at Public
to rent any property least for one property
1 Could decide to do alone
or together
2 (Don’t know / Refused)
sell_anyproperty Bundle of Rights: Ability Has the ability to sell any property 0 Could not decide to do at Public
to sell any property least for one property
1 Could decide to do alone
or together
2 (Don’t know / Refused)
collateral_anyproperty Bundle of Rights: Ability Has the ability to use any property as collateral 0 Could not decide to do at Public
to use any property as least for one property
collateral 1 Could decide to do alone
or together
2 (Don’t know / Refused)
transfer_anyproperty Bundle of Rights: Ability Has the ability to transfer any property to a 0 Could not decide to do at Public
to transfer any property famility member least for one property
to family member 1 Could decide to do alone
or together
2 (Don’t know / Refused)
inherit_anyproperty Bundle of Rights: Ability Has the ability to decide who will inherit any 0 Could not decide to do at Public
to decide who will inherit property after death least for one property
any property after death 1 Could decide to do alone
or together
2 (Don’t know / Refused)

73 of 73
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

Variable Name Variable label Description Value labels Dataset Notes
WP5889 Questionnaire Serial 1 1 Restricted
Number 9997 9999
9998 (DK)
9999 (Refused)
WP5 Country Surveyed country 0 Search code list Public
1 United States
2 Egypt
3 Morocco
4 Lebanon
5 Saudi Arabia
6 Jordan
7 Syria
8 Turkey
9 Pakistan
10 Indonesia
11 Bangladesh
12 United Kingdom
13 France
14 Germany
15 Netherlands
16 Belgium
17 Spain
18 Italy
19 Poland
20 Hungary
21 Czech Republic
22 Romania
23 Sweden
24 Greece
25 Denmark
26 Iran
27 Hong Kong
28 Singapore
29 Japan
30 China
31 India
32 Venezuela
33 Brazil
34 Mexico
35 Nigeria
36 Kenya
37 Tanzania
38 Israel
39 Palestinian Territories
40 Ghana
41 Uganda
42 Benin
43 Madagascar
44 Malawi
45 South Africa
46 Canada
47 Australia
48 Philippines
49 Sri Lanka
50 Vietnam
51 Thailand
52 Cambodia
53 Laos
54 Myanmar
55 New Zealand
56 Angola
57 Botswana
58 hold
59 hold
60 Ethiopia
61 Mali
62 Mauritania
63 Mozambique
64 Niger
65 Rwanda
66 Senegal
67 Zambia
68 South Korea
69 Taiwan
70 Afghanistan
71 Belarus
72 Georgia
73 Kazakhstan
74 Kyrgyzstan
75 Moldova
76 Russia
77 Ukraine
78 Burkina Faso
79 Cameroon
80 Sierra Leone
81 Zimbabwe
82 Costa Rica
83 Albania
84 Algeria
85 Andorra
86 Antigua & Barbuda
87 Argentina
88 Armenia
89 Austria
90 Azerbaijan
91 Bahamas

1 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

92 Bahrain
93 Barbados
94 Belize
95 Bhutan
96 Bolivia
97 Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 Brunei
99 Bulgaria
100 Burundi
101 Cape Verde
102 Central African Republic
103 Chad
104 Chile
105 Colombia
106 Comoros
107 Congo (Kinshasa)
108 Congo Brazzaville
109 Croatia
110 Cuba
111 Cyprus
112 Djibouti
113 Dominica
114 Dominican Republic
115 Ecuador
116 El Salvador
117 Equatorial Guinea
118 Eritrea
119 Estonia
120 Fiji
121 Finland
122 Gabon
123 Grenada
124 Guatemala
125 Guinea
126 Guinea-Bissau
127 Guyana
128 Haiti
129 Honduras
130 Iceland
131 Iraq
132 Ireland
133 Island Nations (11)
134 Ivory Coast
135 Jamaica
136 Kiribati
137 Kuwait
138 Latvia
139 Lesotho
140 Liberia
141 Libya
142 Lichtenstein
143 Lithuania
144 Luxembourg
145 North Macedonia
146 Malaysia
147 Maldives
148 Malta
149 Marshall Islands
150 Mauritius
151 Micronesia
152 Monaco
153 Mongolia
154 Montenegro
155 Namibia
156 Nauru
157 Nepal
158 Nicaragua
159 North Korea
160 Norway
161 Oman
162 Palau
163 Panama
164 Paraguay
165 Peru
166 Portugal
167 Puerto Rico
168 Qatar
169 Saint Lucia
170 Samoa
171 San Marino
172 Sao Tome & Principe
173 Serbia
174 Seychelles
175 Slovakia
176 Slovenia
177 Solomon Islands
178 Somalia
179 St. Kitts & Nevis
180 St. Vincent & Grenadines
181 Sudan
182 Suriname
183 Eswatini
184 Switzerland
185 Tajikistan
186 The Gambia
187 Togo
188 Tonga
189 Trinidad & Tobago
190 Tunisia

2 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

191 Turkmenistan
192 Tuvalu
193 United Arab Emirates
194 Uruguay
195 Uzbekistan
196 Vanuatu
197 Yemen
198 Kosovo
199 Somaliland region
200 US Hispanic
201 Timor Leste
202 Northern Cyprus
203 Nagorno-Karabakh Region

204 Papua New Guinea

205 South Sudan
206 Macau
207 Reunion Island
900 African Country
901 Arab Country
902 Other Islamic Country
903 Other Country
907 None
997 (None)
998 (DK)
999 (Refused)
countrynew Country Name Country name as string Restricted
wave Wave of Data Collection Wave of GWP data collection Restricted
wpid Unique Case ID Unique Case ID Public
WPID_RANDOM Random Unique Case ID Restricted
FIELD_DATE Study Completion Date Study Completion Date Public
HHsize Total Number Living in Total number living in household for per capita Restricted See variable HHsize_recode for
Household for Per Capita income publicly available household size
Income variable

Gallup have advised that the GWP

can overestimate household size
in African countries and
underestimate household size in
countries surveyed by telephone
in general. Therefore, it is not
advised to use this variable to
estimate household size outside
of the dataset (e.g. at national

INCOME_1 Annual Household Income Annual household income in local currency Restricted Income data is collected to allow
in Local Currency comparisons within the dataset. It
should not be used to estimate
average household income
outside of the dataset (
national level).

This based on total household

income before taxes and includes
income from wages and salaries,
remittances from family members
living elsewhere, farming, and all
other sources. See pages 12 and
13 of the Gallup World Poll
Methodology document.

Data is not available for


income_2 Annual Household Income Annual household income in international dollars Restricted See notes on INCOME_1
in International Dollars

INCOME_3 Per Capita Annual Income Per capita annual income in local currency Restricted See notes on INCOME_1
in Local Currency

INCOME_4 Per Capita Annual Income Per capita annual income in international dollars Restricted See notes on INCOME_1
in International Dollars

INCOME_7 Reported Versus Imputed Reported versus imputed values 1 Exact reported value Restricted
Values 2 Imputed from categorical
3 Imputed without
categorical response
INDEX_CA Community Attachment Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Index codebook
INDEX_CB Community Basics Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_CE Civic Engagement Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_CMA Communications Access Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Index codebook
INDEX_CMU Communications Use Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Index codebook
INDEX_CR Corruption Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_DE Daily Experience Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_DI Diversity Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_EC Economic Confidence Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Index codebook

3 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

INDEX_FL Financial Life Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_FS Food and Shelter Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_JC Job Climate Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_LE Life Evaluation Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Thriving Restricted
2 Struggling
3 Suffering
INDEX_LEC Local Economic Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Confidence Index codebook
INDEX_LO Law and Order Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_NI National Institutions Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Index codebook
INDEX_NX Negative Experience Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Index codebook
INDEX_OT Optimism Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_PH Personal Health Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_PX Positive Experience Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_SL Social Life Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_ST Struggling Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_SU Suffering Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_TH Thriving Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
INDEX_YD Youth Development Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
M30 Current Economic Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Poor Restricted
Conditions codebook 2 Only fair
3 Good
4 Excellent
8 (DK)
9 (Refused)
REG_GLOBAL Global Region Global region 1 European Union Public
3 Europe-Other
4 Commonwealth of
Independent States
5 Australia-New Zealand
6 Southeast Asia
7 South Asia
8 East Asia
9 Latin America and the
10 Northern America
11 Middle East and North
12 Sub-Saharan Africa
REG2_GLOBAL Region 2 Global Global region - alternative categorisation 1 Europe Public
2 Former Soviet Union
3 Asia
4 Americas
5 Middle East and North
6 Sub-Saharan Africa
REGION_XXX Region xxxxxxxx Region - codes - - Restricted
WP10200 Employed for Employer Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP10202 Employed for Self Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
EMP_2010 Employment Status Employment status of respondent 1 Employed full time for an Restricted
2 Employed full time for self

3 Employed part time do not

want full time
4 Unemployed
5 Employed part time want
full time
6 Out of workforce
EMP_FTEMP Employed Full Time for an Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Employer Index codebook
EMP_FTEMP_POP Payroll to Population Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Not full-time for an Restricted
Index (P2P) codebook employer
1 Full-time for an employer

EMP_LFPR Labor Force Participation Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Index codebook
EMP_UNDER Underemployment Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Not Underemployed Restricted
codebook 1 Underemployed
EMP_UNEMP Unemployment Index Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Not Unemployed Restricted
codebook 1 Unemployed

4 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

EMP_WORK_HOURS Total Number of Hours Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Less than 15 hours per Restricted
Work Per Week codebook week
2 15 to 29 hours per week
3 30 to 39 hours per week
4 40 to 49 hours per week
5 50 or more hours per week

98 No answer
WP10248 Opportunities to Make Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
Friends codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP10251 Freedom of Media Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP10268 Major Cities Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 100 Angola - Luanda Restricted
codebook 101 Benin - Cotonou
102 Botswana - Gaborone
103 Burkina Faso -
104 Burundi - Bujumbura
105 Cameroon - Douala
106 Chad - NDjamena
107 Congo Brazzaville -
108 Congo DR (Kinshasa) -
109 Djibouti - Djibouti-city
110 Ethiopia - Addis
111 Ghana - Accra
112 Guinea - Conakry
113 Ivory Coast - Abidjan
114 Kenya - Nairobi
115 Liberia - Monrovia
116 Madagascar -
117 Malawi - Blantyre
118 Mali - Bamako
119 Mauritania - Nouakchott
120 Mozambique - Maputo
121 Namibia - Windhoek
122 Niger - Niamey
123 Nigeria - Benin City
124 Nigeria - Ibadan
125 Nigeria - Kaduna
126 Nigeria - Kano
127 Nigeria - Lagos
128 Nigeria - Maiduguri
129 Nigeria - Port Harcourt
130 Rwanda - Kigali
131 Senegal - Dakar
132 Sierra Leone - Freetown
133 South Africa - Cape Town
134 South Africa - Durban
135 South Africa -
136 South Africa - Tshwane
137 Sudan - Khartoum
138 Tanzania - Dar es Salaam
139 Togo - Lome
140 Uganda - Kampala
141 Zambia - Lusaka
142 Zimbabwe - Harare
143 Malawi- Lilongwe
144 Kenya- Mombasa
145 Senegal- Pikine
147 Cameroon- Yaounde
148 CAR - Bangui
149 Comoros - Moroni
150 Congo Brazzaville - Pointe-
151 Ghana - Kumasi
152 Mauritius - Port-Louis
153 Somaliland - Hargeisa
154 Swaziland - Mbabane
155 Zimbabwe - Bulawayo
156 Lesotho - Maseru
157 South Africa - Pretoria
158 South Africa - Germiston
159 South Africa - Port
160 Nigeria - Zaria
161 Congo DR (Kinshasa) -
162 Congo DR (Kinshasa) -
163 Mozambique - Beira
164 Mozambique - Nampula
165 Angola - Huambo
166 Angola - Lobito
167 Angola - Benguela
168 Gabon - Libreville
169 Nigeria - Abuja
170 Eritrea - Asmara
171 Ivory Coast -
172 South Sudan- Juba
173 Somaliland - Mogadishu

5 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

174 Somaliland - Bosaso

175 Somaliland - Galyako
176 Gambia - Banjul
177 Gambia - Serekunda
200 Argentina - Buenos Aires
201 Argentina - Cordoba
202 Argentina - Rosario
203 Bolivia - La Paz
204 Bolivia - Santa Cruz
205 Brazil - Sao Paulo
206 Brazil - Rio de Janiero
207 Canada - Toronto Metro
208 Canada - Montreal Metro
209 Chile - Santiago
210 Colombia - Bogota
211 Colombia - Cali
212 Colombia - Medellin
213 Costa Rica - San Jose
214 Cuba - Havana
215 Cuba - Santiago
216 Dominican Republic -
Santo Domingo
217 Ecuador - Quito
218 Ecuador - Guayaquil
219 El Salvador - San Salvador
220 Guatemala - Guatemala
221 Guyana - Georgetown
222 Haiti - Port-au-Prince
223 Honduras - Tegucigalpa
224 Honduras - San Pedro Sula

225 Jamaica - Kingston

226 Mexico - Mexico City
227 Mexico - Guadalajara
228 Mexico - Monterrey
229 Nicaragua - Managua
230 Panama - Panama City
231 Panama - San Miguelito
232 Paraguay - Asuncion
233 Peru - Lima Metro
234 Puerto Rico - San Juan
235 Trinidad & Tobago - Port of
236 USA - New York Metro
237 USA - Los Angeles Metro
238 Uruguay - Montevideo
239 Venezuela - Caracas
240 Venezuela - Maracaibo
241 Venezuela - Valencia
242 Canada - Vancouver Metro

243 Suriname - Paramaribo

244 Canada - Calgary
245 USA - Miami
246 USA - Honolulu
247 USA - San Francisco
248 USA - Chicago
249 USA - Houston
250 USA - San Diego
251 USA - Philadelphia
252 USA - Phoenix
253 USA - San Antonio
254 USA - Dallas
255 Belize - Belize City
300 Afghanistan - Kabul
301 Australia - Sydney
302 Australia - Melbourne
303 Bangladesh - Dhaka
305 Cambodia - Phnom Penh
306 China - Beijing
307 China - Shanghai
308 China - Guangzhou
309 Hong Kong
310 India - Mumbai
311 India - Delhi
312 India - Kolkata
313 India - Chennai
314 India - Bangalore
315 Indonesia - Jakarta
316 Indonesia - Surabaya
317 Indonesia - Bandung
318 Indonesia - Medan
319 Japan - Tokyo
320 Japan - Yokohoma
321 Japan - Osaka
322 Japan - Nagoya
323 Laos - Vientiane/Vianchan

324 Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur

325 Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar
326 Nepal - Kathmandu
327 New Zealand - Auckland
328 Pakistan - Karachi
329 Pakistan - Lahore
330 Philippines - Metro Manila

6 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

331 Singapore
332 South Korea - Seoul
333 Sri Lanka - Colombo
334 Taiwan - Taipei
335 Thailand - Metro Bangkok
336 Vietnam - Ho Chi Minh
337 Vietnam - Hanoi
338 Japan - Sapporo
339 Pakistan - Hyderabad
340 Pakistan - Peshawar
341 China - Chong Qing
342 India - Hyderabad
343 South Korea - Busan
344 South Korea - Daegu
345 South Korea - Incheon
346 New Zealand -
347 New Zealand - Wellington
348 Myanmar - Yangon
349 Myanmar - Mandalay
350 Bhutan - Thimphu
351 Australia - Perth
352 Australia - Brisbane
353 Pakistan - Sukkur
354 Pakistan - Quetta
355 Pakistan - Multan
356 Pakistan - Faisalabad
357 Pakistan - Rawalpindi
358 Pakistan - Islamabad
400 Albania - Tirana
401 Austria - Vienna
402 Belgium - Brussels
403 Belgium - Antwerp
404 Bosnia and Herzegovina -
405 Bulgaria - Sofia
406 Croatia - Zagreb
407 Cyprus - Limassol
408 Czech Republic - Prague
409 Denmark - Copenhagen
410 Finland - Helsinki
411 France - Paris
412 France - Marseille
413 Germany - Berlin
414 Germany - Hamburg
415 Germany - Munich
416 Germany - Frankfurt
417 UK - London
418 UK - Birmingham
419 Greece - Athens
420 Greece - Thessaloniki
421 Hungary - Budapest
422 Iceland - Reykjavik
423 Ireland - Dublin
424 Ireland - Cork
425 Italy - Rome
426 Italy - Milan
427 Kosovo - Prishtine
428 Macedonia - Skopje
429 Netherlands - Amsterdam
430 Norway - Oslo
431 Poland - Warsaw
432 Portugal - Lisbon
433 Romania - Bucharest
434 Serbia - Belgrade
435 Slovakia - Bratislava
436 Slovenia - Ljubljana
437 Spain - Madrid
438 Spain - Barcelona
439 Sweden - Stockholm
440 Switzerland - Zurich
441 Turkey - Istanbul
442 Turkey - Ankara
443 Turkey - Izmir
444 Denmark- Aarhus
445 Switzerland- Basel
446 Portugal- Braga
447 Romania- Brasov
448 Czech Republic- Brno
449 Romania- Cluj/Napoca
450 Norway - Drammen
451 Sweden- Goteborg
452 Austria- Graz
453 Poland- Katowice
454 Slovakia- Kosice
455 Poland- Krakow
456 Cyprus- Larnaka
457 Cyprus - Nicosia
458 Slovenia- Maribor
459 Hungary- Miskolc
461 Netherlands- Rotterdam
463 Switzerland - Geneva
464 Sweden - Malmo
465 Sweden - Uppsala
466 Norway - Bergen
467 Norway -
468 Norway - Trondheim

7 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

469 Norway -
470 Cyprus - Pafos
471 Cyprus - Paralimni
472 Poland - Lodz
473 Poland - Wroclaw
474 Poland - Poznan
475 Poland - Gdansk
476 Northern Cyprus -
477 Poland- Szczecin
500 Armenia - Yerevan
501 Azerbaijan - Baku
502 Belarus - Minsk
503 Estonia - Tallinn
504 Georgia - Tbilisi
505 Kazakhstan - Almaty
506 Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek
507 Latvia - Riga
508 Lithuania - Vilnius
509 Lithuania - Kaunas
510 Moldova - Chisinau
511 Russia - Moscow
512 Russia - St. Petersburg
513 Tajikistan - Dushanbe
514 Turkmenistan - Ashgabat
515 Ukraine - Kiev
516 Uzbekistan - Tashkent
517 Kazakhstan - Astana
518 Kyrgyzstan - Osh
600 Algeria - Algiers
601 Bahrain - Manama
602 Egypt - Cairo
603 Egypt - Alexandria
604 Iran - Tehran
605 Iran - Mashhad
606 Iran - Isfahan
607 Iraq - Baghdad
608 Israel - Jerusalem
609 Jordan - Amman
610 Kuwait - Kuwait City
611 Lebanon - Beirut
612 Libya - Tripoli
613 Morocco - Casablanca
614 Morocco - Rabat
615 Oman - Muscat
616 Palestine - Gaza
617 Palestine - Ramallah
618 Qatar - Doha
619 Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
620 Saudi Arabia - Jeddah
621 Syria - Damascus
622 Syria - Aleppo
623 Tunisia - Tunis
624 UAE - Dubai
625 UAE - Abu Dhabi
626 Yemen - Sanaa
627 Israel- Tel Aviv
629 Saudi Arabia - Mecca
630 Saudi Arabia - Medina
631 Libya - Benghazi
632 Maldives - Male
WP103 Racial/Ethnic Minorities Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Good place Restricted
codebook 2 Not a good place
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP105 Gay or Lesbian People Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Good place Restricted
codebook 2 Not a good place
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP106 Immigrants Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Good place Restricted
codebook 2 Not a good place
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP108 Donated Money Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP109 Volunteered Time Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP10949 Level of Education Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 (No formal education) Restricted
codebook 1 Incomplete primary
2 Primary
3 Incomplete secondary
4 Secondary
5 Secondary vocational
6 Incomplete higher
7 Higher
8 Postgraduate
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
WP110 Helped a Stranger Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)

8 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP111 Voiced Opinion to Official Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP112 Confidence in Local Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Police codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP113 Safe Walking Alone Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP11589 People Starting Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Good place Restricted
Businesses codebook 2 Not a good place
3 (DK)
WP11612 Currently Own a Business Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
WP11613 Number of Employees at Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1-2500 Number Restricted
Business codebook 9998 (DK)
9999 (Refused)
WP11619 Formally Registered Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Business codebook 2 No
WP117 Money/Property Stolen Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP118 Assaulted in Past Year Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP119 Religion Important Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP12 Residents 15+ in Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 1 Restricted
Household codebook 2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
96 96+
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
WP1219 Gender Gender of respondent 1 Male Public The computed variable gender
contains responses for GWP and
2 Female wave 1 & 2
WP1220 Age Age of respondent 99 99+ Public The number typically corresponds
to the age of the respondent
except 99 refers to ages 99 year
and over and 100 is refused.
100 (Refused) The computed variable age
contains responses for GWP and
wave 1 & 2

WP1223 Marital Status Marital status of respondent 1 Single/Never been married Restricted See computed variable
marital_status for publicly
2 Married available marital status variable
3 Separated
4 Divorced
5 Widowed
6 (DK)
7 (Refused)
8 Domestic partner
WP1230 Children Under 15 Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 None Restricted
codebook 97 97+
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
WP1230Recoded Children Under 15 Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
WP12316 Sent Financial Help Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Living inside this country Restricted
codebook 2 Living in another country
3 Both
4 Neither
5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP1233 Religion Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Other (list) Restricted
codebook 1 Christianity: Roman
Catholic, Catholic
2 Christianity: Protestant,
Anglican, Evangelical,
SDAs, Jehovahs
Witnesses, Quakers, AOG,
Monophysite, AICs,
3 Christianity: Eastern
Orthodox, Orthodoxy, etc.
4 Islam/Muslim
5 Islam/Muslim (Shiite)
6 Islam/Muslim (Sunni)
7 Druze
8 Hinduism
9 Buddhist

9 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

10 Primal-indigenous/African
Traditional and

11 Chinese Traditional
12 Sikhism
13 Juche
14 Spiritism
15 Judaism
16 Bahai
17 Jainism
18 Shinto
19 Cao Dai
20 Zoroastrianism
21 Tenrikyo
22 Neo-Paganism
23 Unitarian-Universalism
24 Rastafarianism
25 Scientology
26 Secular/Nonreligious/Agn
28 Christian
29 Taoism/Daoism
97 (No response)(2011 and
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
WP1233Recoded Religion Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Christian Restricted
codebook 2 Islam
3 Hinduism
4 Buddhism
5 Judaism
6 Secular/Non-religious
7 Other
8 DK/Refused
WP12427 Class/Caste Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 General Restricted
2 Other backward caste
3 Schedule caste
4 Schedule tribe
5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP128 Work Hard, Get Ahead Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP129 Children Respected Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP130 Children Learn and Grow Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP131 Deal With the Poor Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP13125 Approval of Country Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leader codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP13125_2019 2019 Leader Codes Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 United States Restricted
codebook 2 Egypt
3 Morocco
4 Lebanon
5 Saudi Arabia
6 Jordan
7 Syria
8 Turkey
9 Pakistan
10 Indonesia
11 Bangladesh
12 United Kingdom
13 France
14 Germany
15 Netherlands
16 Belgium
17 Spain
18 Italy
19 Poland
20 Hungary
21 Czech Republic
22 Romania
23 Sweden
24 Greece
25 Denmark
26 Iran
27 Hong Kong
28 Singapore
29 Japan
30 China
31 India
32 Venezuela
33 Brazil
34 Mexico
35 Nigeria

10 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

36 Kenya
37 Tanzania
38 Israel
39 Palestine
40 Ghana
41 Uganda
42 Benin
43 Madagascar
44 Malawi
45 South Africa
46 Canada
47 Australia
48 Philippines
49 Sri Lanka
50 Vietnam
51 Thailand
52 Cambodia
53 Laos
54 Myanmar
55 New Zealand
56 Angola
57 Botswana
58 hold
59 hold
60 Ethiopia
61 Mali
62 Mauritania
64 Niger
65 Rwanda
66 Senegal
67 Zambia
68 South Korea
69 Taiwan
70 Afghanistan
71 Belarus
72 Georgia
73 Kazakhstan
74 Kyrgyzstan
75 Moldova
76 Russia
77 Ukraine
78 Burkina Faso
79 Cameroon
80 Sierra Leone
81 Zimbabwe
82 Costa Rica
83 Albania
84 Algeria
85 Andorra
86 Antigua & Barbuda
87 Argentina
88 Armenia
89 Austria
90 Azerbaijan
91 Bahamas
92 Bahrain
93 Barbados
94 Belize
95 Bhutan
96 Bolivia
97 Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 Brunei
99 Bulgaria
100 Burundi
101 Cape Verde
102 Central African Republic
103 Chad
104 Chile
105 Colombia
106 Comoros
107 Congo (Kinshasa)
108 Congo Brazzaville
109 Croatia
110 Cuba
111 Cyprus
112 Djibouti
113 Dominica
114 Dominican Republic
115 Ecuador
116 El Salvador
117 Equatorial Guinea
118 Eritrea
119 Estonia
120 Fiji
121 Finland
122 Gabon
123 Grenada
124 Guatemala
125 Guinea
126 Guinea-Bissau
127 Guyana
128 Haiti
129 Honduras
130 Iceland
131 Iraq
132 Ireland
133 Island Nations (11)
134 Ivory Coast
136 Kiribati

11 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

137 Kuwait
138 Latvia
139 Lesotho
140 Liberia
141 Libya
142 Lichtenstein
143 Lithuania
144 Luxembourg
145 Macedonia
146 Malaysia
147 Maldives
148 Malta
149 Marshall Islands
150 Mauritius
151 Micronesia
152 Monaco
153 Mongolia
154 Montenegro
155 Namibia
156 Nauru
157 Nepal
158 Nicaragua
159 North Korea
160 Norway
161 Oman
162 Palau
163 Panama
164 Paraguay
165 Peru
166 Portugal
167 Puerto Rico
168 Qatar
169 Saint Lucia
170 Samoa
171 San Marino
172 Sao Tome & Principe
173 Serbia
174 Seychelles
175 Slovakia
176 Slovenia
177 Solomon Islands
178 Somalia
179 St. Kitts & Nevis
180 St. Vincent & Grenadines
181 Sudan
182 Suriname
183 Swaziland
184 Switzerland
185 Tajikistan
186 The Gambia
187 Togo
188 Tonga
189 Trinidad & Tobago
190 Tunisia
191 Turkmenistan
192 Tuvalu
193 United Arab Emirates
194 Uruguay
195 Uzbekistan
196 Vanuatu
197 Yemen
900 Non-specific African
901 Non-specific Arab country

902 Non-specific Asian

903 Other
904 Non-specific European
907 None
997 (None)
998 (DK)
999 (Refused)
WP13156 Field Start Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
WP132 Preserve the Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
Environment codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP1325 Move Permanently to Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Like to move to another Restricted
Another Country codebook country
2 Like to continue living in
this country
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP134 Freedom in Your Life Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP137 Confidence in Military Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP138 Confidence in Judicial Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
System codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)

12 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP139 Confidence in National Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Government codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP14 Urban/Rural Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 A rural area or on a farm Restricted See variable location for publicly
codebook available urban / rural variable.
2 A small town or village As the definition of urban and
rural can vary between countries,
3 A large city care should be taken when
comparing responses in urban or
4 (DK) rural areas based on this variable
across different countries.
5 (Refused)

6 A suburb of a large city

WP141 Confidence in Financial Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Institutions codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP1417 Express Political Views Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Most are afraid Restricted
codebook 2 Many are afraid
3 Some are afraid
4 No one is afraid
5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP1423 Approval of EUs Approval of EUs Leadership 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP144 Honesty of Elections Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP14456 Government or Business Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Government Restricted
codebook 2 Business
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP145 Corruption Within Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Businesses codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP146 Corruption in Government Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP148 National Economy Getting Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Getting better Restricted
Better codebook 2 (Do not read) (The same)
3 Getting worse
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP150 Approval of Countrys Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP151 Approval of U.S. Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP153 Approval of Germanys Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP154 Approval of Frances Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP155 Approval of Russias Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP156 Approval of Chinas Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP157 Approval of Japans Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Approve Restricted
Leadership codebook 2 Disapprove
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP15717 Primary Job in Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Government sector Restricted
Government or Private codebook 2 Private sector
Sector 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP15862 Used the Internet in Past Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Seven Days codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP16 Life Today Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Worst possible Restricted
codebook 10 Best possible
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
WP16056 Access to the Internet Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
Field Start (Reference Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
Tool) codebook

13 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP17625 Landline in Home for Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Personal Calls codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP17626 Mobile Phone for Personal Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Calls codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP18 Life in Five Years Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Worst possible Restricted
codebook 10 Best possible
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
WP19472 Economic Conditions in Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Poor Restricted
City or Area Today codebook 2 Only fair
3 Good
4 Excellent
8 (DK)
9 (Refused)
WP19544 Mobile Phone Can Be Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Used to Access the codebook 2 No
Internet 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP23 Health Problems Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP2319 Feelings About Household Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Living comfortably on Restricted
Income codebook present income
2 Getting by on present
3 Finding it difficult on
present income
4 Finding it very difficult on
present income
5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP2376 Delivered Promise from Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Bribe codebook 2 No
3 (It is too early to say)
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP27 Count On to Help Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP30 Standard of Living Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP31 Standard of Living Better Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Getting better Restricted
codebook 2 (Do not read) (The same)
3 Getting worse
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP3117 Education Level Education level of respondent 1 Completed elementary Public
education or less (up to 8
years of basic education)
2 Secondary - 3 year
Tertiary / Secondary
education and some
education beyond
secondary education (9-15
years of education)

3 Completed four years of

education beyond high
school and/or received a 4-
year college degree.

4 (DK)
5 (RF)
WP3120 Country Would Move To Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Search code list Restricted
codebook 1 United States
2 Egypt
3 Morocco
4 Lebanon
5 Saudi Arabia
6 Jordan
7 Syria
8 Turkey
9 Pakistan
10 Indonesia
11 Bangladesh
12 United Kingdom
13 France
14 Germany
15 Netherlands
16 Belgium
17 Spain
18 Italy
19 Poland
20 Hungary
21 Czech Republic
22 Romania
23 Sweden
24 Greece
25 Denmark
26 Iran
27 Hong Kong
28 Singapore

14 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

29 Japan
30 China
31 India
32 Venezuela
33 Brazil
34 Mexico
35 Nigeria
36 Kenya
37 Tanzania
38 Israel
39 Palestinian Territories
40 Ghana
41 Uganda
42 Benin
43 Madagascar
44 Malawi
45 South Africa
46 Canada
47 Australia
48 Philippines
49 Sri Lanka
50 Vietnam
51 Thailand
52 Cambodia
53 Laos
54 Myanmar
55 New Zealand
56 Angola
57 Botswana
58 hold
59 hold
60 Ethiopia
61 Mali
62 Mauritania
63 Mozambique
64 Niger
65 Rwanda
66 Senegal
67 Zambia
68 South Korea
69 Taiwan
70 Afghanistan
71 Belarus
72 Georgia
73 Kazakhstan
74 Kyrgyzstan
75 Moldova
76 Russia
77 Ukraine
78 Burkina Faso
79 Cameroon
80 Sierra Leone
81 Zimbabwe
82 Costa Rica
83 Albania
84 Algeria
85 Andorra
86 Antigua & Barbuda
87 Argentina
88 Armenia
89 Austria
90 Azerbaijan
91 Bahamas
92 Bahrain
93 Barbados
94 Belize
95 Bhutan
96 Bolivia
97 Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 Brunei
99 Bulgaria
100 Burundi
101 Cape Verde
102 Central African Republic
103 Chad
104 Chile
105 Colombia
106 Comoros
107 Congo (Kinshasa)
108 Congo Brazzaville
109 Croatia
110 Cuba
111 Cyprus
112 Djibouti
113 Dominica
114 Dominican Republic
115 Ecuador
116 El Salvador
117 Equatorial Guinea
118 Eritrea
119 Estonia
120 Fiji
121 Finland
122 Gabon
123 Grenada
124 Guatemala
125 Guinea
126 Guinea-Bissau
127 Guyana

15 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

128 Haiti
129 Honduras
130 Iceland
131 Iraq
132 Ireland
133 Island Nations (11)
134 Ivory Coast
135 Jamaica
136 Kiribati
137 Kuwait
138 Latvia
139 Lesotho
140 Liberia
141 Libya
142 Lichtenstein
143 Lithuania
144 Luxembourg
145 Macedonia
146 Malaysia
147 Maldives
148 Malta
149 Marshall Islands
150 Mauritius
151 Micronesia
152 Monaco
153 Mongolia
154 Montenegro
155 Namibia
156 Nauru
157 Nepal
158 Nicaragua
159 North Korea
160 Norway
161 Oman
162 Palau
163 Panama
164 Paraguay
165 Peru
166 Portugal
167 Puerto Rico
168 Qatar
169 Saint Lucia
170 Samoa
171 San Marino
172 Sao Tome & Principe
173 Serbia
174 Seychelles
175 Slovakia
176 Slovenia
177 Solomon Islands
178 Somalia
179 St. Kitts & Nevis
180 St. Vincent & Grenadines
181 Sudan
182 Suriname
183 Eswatini
184 Switzerland
185 Tajikistan
186 The Gambia
187 Togo
188 Tonga
189 Trinidad & Tobago
190 Tunisia
191 Turkmenistan
192 Tuvalu
193 United Arab Emirates
194 Uruguay
195 Uzbekistan
196 Vanuatu
197 Yemen
198 Kosovo
199 Somaliland region
200 US Hispanic
201 Timor Leste
202 Northern Cyprus
203 Nagorno-Karabakh Region

204 Papua New Guinea

205 South Sudan
206 Macau
207 Reunion Island
900 African Country
901 Arab Country
902 Other Islamic Country
903 Other Country
907 None
997 (None)
998 (DK)
999 (Refused)
WP3333 People Outside Country to Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Rely On codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP4 Interview Date Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
WP40 Not Enough Money: Food Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)

16 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP43 Not Enough Money: Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Shelter codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP4633 Family Member Moved Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes, still there Restricted
Abroad codebook 2 Yes, returned
3 No
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP4657 Born in Country Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Born in this country Restricted
codebook 2 Born in another country
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP4847 Nationality Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Russian Restricted
codebook 2 Tatar
3 Ukrainian
4 Belarussian
5 Other
9 (DK/Refused)
11 German
12 Chuvash
13 Mordvinian
15 Georgian
16 Armenian
17 Greek
18 Azeri
20 Kurdish
22 Bulgarian
23 Jewish
24 Moldavian
25 Roma (Gipsy)
26 Polish
27 Gaguazian
30 Kyrgyz
31 Uzbek
32 Uygur
33 Doungan
34 Turkish
35 Karakalpak
36 Kazakh
37 Tajik
38 Bashkir
42 Korean
45 Turkman
46 Lithuanian
47 Latvian
48 Estonian
53 Udmurt
55 Komi-Permyak
56 Chechen
58 Albanian
59 Bosnian
60 Croatian
63 Hungarian
64 Macedonian
65 Montenegrin
66 Muslim
67 Romanian
68 Ruthenian/Russniak
69 Serbian
72 Yugoslav
73 Bosniak
74 Kosovar
76 Finnish
WP5354 Jewish Denomination Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
4 None

6 Jewish: Orthodox (Haredi)

7 Jewish: Religious (Dati)
Jewish: Traditional
9 Jewish: Secular (Hiloni)
WP5366 Your Area: Gangs Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP5367 Your Area: Drugs Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Sales/Trafficking codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP5AA Country (by alpha) Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Afghanistan Restricted
codebook 2 Albania
3 Algeria
4 Andorra
5 Angola
6 Antigua & Barbuda
7 Argentina
8 Armenia
9 Australia
10 Austria
11 Azerbaijan
12 Bahamas
13 Bahrain
14 Bangladesh
15 Barbados
16 Belarus
17 Belgium
18 Belize
19 Benin

17 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

20 Bhutan
21 Bolivia
22 Bosnia Herzegovina
23 Botswana
24 Brazil
25 Brunei
26 Bulgaria
27 Burkina Faso
28 Burundi
29 Cambodia
30 Cameroon
31 Canada
32 Cape Verde
33 Central African Republic
34 Chad
35 Chile
36 China
37 Colombia
38 Comoros
39 Congo (Kinshasa)
40 Congo Brazzaville
41 Costa Rica
42 Croatia
43 Cuba
44 Cyprus
45 Czech Republic
46 Denmark
47 Djibouti
48 Dominica
49 Dominican Republic
50 Ecuador
51 Egypt
52 El Salvador
53 Equatorial Guinea
54 Eritrea
55 Estonia
56 Ethiopia
57 Fiji
58 Finland
59 France
60 Gabon
61 Georgia
62 Germany
63 Ghana
64 Greece
65 Grenada
66 Guatemala
67 Guinea
68 Guinea-Bissau
69 Guyana
70 Haiti
71 hold
72 hold
73 Honduras
74 Hong Kong
75 Hungary
76 Iceland
77 India
78 Indonesia
79 Iran
80 Iraq
81 Ireland
82 Island Nations (11)
83 Israel
84 Italy
85 Ivory Coast
86 Jamaica
87 Japan
88 Jordan
89 Kazakhstan
90 Kenya
91 Kiribati
92 Kosovo
93 Kuwait
94 Kyrgyzstan
95 Laos
96 Latvia
97 Lebanon
98 Lesotho
99 Liberia
100 Libya
101 Lichtenstein
102 Lithuania
103 Luxembourg
104 Macedonia
105 Madagascar
106 Malawi
107 Malaysia
108 Maldives
109 Mali
110 Malta
111 Marshall Islands
112 Mauritania
113 Mauritius
114 Mexico
115 Micronesia
116 Moldova
117 Monaco
118 Mongolia

18 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

119 Montenegro
120 Morocco
121 Mozambique
122 Myanmar
123 Namibia
124 Nauru
125 Nepal
126 Netherlands
127 New Zealand
128 Nicaragua
129 Niger
130 Nigeria
131 North Korea
132 Norway
133 Oman
134 Pakistan
135 Palau
136 Palestine
137 Panama
138 Paraguay
139 Peru
140 Philippines
141 Poland
142 Portugal
143 Puerto Rico
144 Qatar
145 Romania
146 Russia
147 Rwanda
148 Saint Lucia
149 Samoa
150 San Marino
151 Sao Tome & Principe
152 Saudi Arabia
153 Senegal
154 Serbia
155 Seychelles
156 Sierra Leone
157 Singapore
158 Slovakia
159 Slovenia
160 Solomon Islands
161 Somalia
162 Somaliland
163 South Africa
164 South Korea
165 Spain
166 Sri Lanka
167 St. Kitts & Nevis
168 St. Vincent & Grenadines
169 Sudan
170 Suriname
171 Swaziland
172 Sweden
173 Switzerland
174 Syria
175 Taiwan
176 Tajikistan
177 Tanzania
178 Thailand
179 The Gambia
180 Togo
181 Tonga
182 Trinidad & Tobago
183 Tunisia
184 Turkey
185 Turkmenistan
186 Tuvalu
187 Uganda
188 Ukraine
189 United Arab Emirates
190 United Kingdom
191 United States
192 Uruguay
193 Uzbekistan
194 Vanuatu
195 Venezuela
196 Vietnam
197 Yemen
198 Zambia
199 Zimbabwe
WP60 Feel Well-Rested Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP61 Treated With Respect Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP63 Smile or Laugh Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP65 Learn Something Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)

19 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP67 Experienced Enjoyment Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Yesterday codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP6764 Faced Bribe Situation Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP6765 Gave Bribe or Present Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP68 Experienced Physical Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Pain Yesterday codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP69 Experience Worry Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Yesterday codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP70 Experience Sadness Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Yesterday codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP71 Experience Stress Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Yesterday codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP74 Experience Anger Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Yesterday codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP7572 Urban/Rural Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Urban Restricted
codebook 2 Rural
WP7824 Local Currency Local currency in country 0 test Restricted
1 afghani (AFA)
2 Algerian dinar (DZD)
3 Argentine peso (ARS)
4 ariary (MGA)
5 Aruban guilder/florin
6 Australian dollar (AUD)
7 Azerbaijani manat (AZN)
8 Bahamian dollar (BSD)
9 Bahraini dinar (BHD)
10 baht (THB)
11 balboa (PAB)
12 Barbadian dollar (BBD)
13 Belarusian ruble
14 Belizean dollar (BZD)
15 Bermudian dollar (BMD)
16 birr (ETB)
17 Bolivar fuerte (VEF) (BsF)
18 boliviano (BOB)
19 British pound (GBP)
20 Bruneian dollar (BND)
21 Burundian franc (BIF)
22 Canadian dollar (CAD)
23 Cape Verdean escudo
24 Caymanian dollar (KYD)
25 Chilean peso (CLP)
26 Colombian peso (COP)
27 Central African Franc
28 West African Franc (XOF)
29 Comoran franc (KMF)
30 Comptoirs Francais du
Pacifique franc (XPF)
31 Congolese franc (CDF)
32 Convertible peso (CUC)
33 Costa Rican colon (CRC)
34 Cuban peso (CUP)
35 Cypriot pound (CYP)
36 Czech koruna (CZK)
37 dalasi (GMD)
38 Danish krone (DKK)
39 Djiboutian franc (DJF)
40 dobra (STD)
41 Dominican peso (DOP)
42 dong (VND)
43 dram (AMD)
44 East Caribbean dollar
45 Egyptian pound (EGP)
46 Emirati dirham (AED)
47 Estonian kroon (EEK)
48 euro (EUR)
49 Falkland pound (FKP)
50 Fijian dollar (FJD)
51 forint (HUF)
52 Ghana cedi (GHC)
53 Gibraltar pound (GIP)
54 gold cordoba (NIO)
55 gourde (HTG)
56 guarani (PYG)
57 Guernsey pound
58 Guinean franc (GNF)

20 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

59 Guyanese dollar (GYD)

60 Hong Kong dollar (HKD)
61 hryvnia (UAH)
62 Icelandic krona (ISK)
63 Indian rupee (INR)
64 Indonesian rupiah (IDR)
65 Iranian rial (IRR)
66 Isle of Man pound (IMP)
67 Jamaican dollar (JMD)
68 Jersey pound
69 Jordanian dinar (JOD)
70 Kenyan shilling (KES)
71 kina (PGK)
72 kip (LAK)
73 convertible mark (BAM)
74 kuna (HRK)
75 Kuwaiti dinar (KD)
76 kwanza (AOA)
77 kyat (MMK)
78 lari (GEL)
79 lat (LVL)
80 Lebanese pound (LBP)
81 lek (ALL)
82 lempira (HNL)
83 leone (SLL)
84 leu (RON)
85 lev (BGN)
86 Liberian dollar (LRD)
87 Libyan dinar (LYD)
88 lilangeni (SZL)
89 litas (LTL)
90 loti (LSL)
91 Macedonian denar (MKD)
92 Malawian kwacha (MWK)
93 Maltese lira (MTL)
94 Mauritian rupee (MUR)
95 metical (MZM)
96 Mexican peso (MXN)
97 Moldovan leu (MDL)
98 Moroccan dirham (MAD)
99 naira (NGN)
100 Eritrean nakfa (ERN)
101 Namibian dollar (NAD)
102 Nepalese rupee (NPR)
103 Netherlands Antillean
guilder (ANG)
104 New Iraqi dinar (NID)
105 New Israeli shekel (ILS)
106 New Taiwan dollar (TWD)
107 New Zealand dollar (NZD)
108 ngultrum (BTN)
109 North Korean won (KPW)
110 Norwegian krone (NOK)
111 nuevo sol (PEN)
112 NZ dollar (NZD)
113 Omani rial (OMR)
114 ouguiya (MRO)
115 paanga (TOP)
116 Pakistani rupee (PKR)
117 pataca (MOP)
118 Philippine peso (PHP)
119 pula (BWP)
120 Qatari riyal (QAR)
121 quetzal (GTQ)
122 rand (ZAR)
123 real (BRL)
124 Renminbi (RMB)
125 riel (KHR)
126 ringgit (MYR)
127 rufiyaa (MVR)
128 Russian ruble (RUB)
129 Rwandan franc (RWF)
130 Saint Helenian pound
131 Saudi riyal (SAR)
132 Serbian dinar (RSD)
133 Seychelles rupee (SCR)
134 Singapore dollar (SGD)
135 Slovak koruna (SKK)
136 Solomon Islands dollar
137 som (KGS)
138 Somali shilling (SOS)
139 somoni (TJS)
140 Uzbek sum (UZS)
141 South Korean won (KRW)
142 Sri Lankan rupee (LKR)
143 Sudanese dinar (SDD)
144 Surinam dollar (SRD)
145 Swedish krona (SEK)
146 Swiss franc (CHF)
147 Syrian pound (SYP)
148 taka (BDT)
149 tala (SAT)
150 Tanzanian shilling (TZS)
151 tenge (KZT)
152 togrog/tugrik (MNT)
153 Trinidad and Tobago dollar

21 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

154 Tunisian dinar (TND)

155 Turkish lira (TRY)
156 Turkmen manat (TMM)
157 Tuvaluan dollar
158 Ugandan shilling (UGX)
159 Uruguayan peso (UYU)
160 US dollar (USD)
161 vatu (VUV)
162 Yemeni rial (YER)
163 yen (JPY)
164 Zambian kwacha (ZMK)
165 Zimbabwean dollar (ZWD)
166 zloty (PLN)
167 Sudanese Pound (SDG)
168 Iranian tomans (IRT)
169 South Sudanese Pound
170 Somaliland shilling
171 Puntland shilling
172 Zambian kwacha (ZMW)
173 Belarusian ruble (BYN)
174 Bolivar soberano (BsS.)
WP83 Overall City Satisfaction Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP8415 Singapore Resident Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Singapore citizen Restricted
codebook 2 Permanent resident
3 No
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP85 Move Away or Stay Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Likely to move Restricted
codebook 2 Unlikely to move
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP86 Recommend City Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes, would recommend Restricted
codebook 2 No, would not recommend
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP88 City Economy Getting Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Getting better Restricted
Better codebook 2 (Do not read) (The same)
3 Getting worse
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP89 Local Job Market Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Good time Restricted
codebook 2 Bad time
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9042 Move to Country in Last 5 Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Years codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9048 Country Where Born Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Search code list Restricted
codebook 1 United States
2 Egypt
3 Morocco
4 Lebanon
5 Saudi Arabia
6 Jordan
7 Syria
8 Turkey
9 Pakistan
10 Indonesia
11 Bangladesh
12 United Kingdom
13 France
14 Germany
15 Netherlands
16 Belgium
17 Spain
18 Italy
19 Poland
20 Hungary
21 Czech Republic
22 Romania
23 Sweden
24 Greece
25 Denmark
26 Iran
27 Hong Kong
28 Singapore
29 Japan
30 China
31 India
32 Venezuela
33 Brazil
34 Mexico
35 Nigeria
36 Kenya
37 Tanzania
38 Israel
39 Palestinian Territories
40 Ghana
41 Uganda
42 Benin
43 Madagascar
44 Malawi
45 South Africa
46 Canada

22 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

47 Australia
48 Philippines
49 Sri Lanka
50 Vietnam
51 Thailand
52 Cambodia
53 Laos
54 Myanmar
55 New Zealand
56 Angola
57 Botswana
58 hold
59 hold
60 Ethiopia
61 Mali
62 Mauritania
63 Mozambique
64 Niger
65 Rwanda
66 Senegal
67 Zambia
68 South Korea
69 Taiwan
70 Afghanistan
71 Belarus
72 Georgia
73 Kazakhstan
74 Kyrgyzstan
75 Moldova
76 Russia
77 Ukraine
78 Burkina Faso
79 Cameroon
80 Sierra Leone
81 Zimbabwe
82 Costa Rica
83 Albania
84 Algeria
85 Andorra
86 Antigua & Barbuda
87 Argentina
88 Armenia
89 Austria
90 Azerbaijan
91 Bahamas
92 Bahrain
93 Barbados
94 Belize
95 Bhutan
96 Bolivia
97 Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 Brunei
99 Bulgaria
100 Burundi
101 Cape Verde
102 Central African Republic
103 Chad
104 Chile
105 Colombia
106 Comoros
107 Congo (Kinshasa)
108 Congo Brazzaville
109 Croatia
110 Cuba
111 Cyprus
112 Djibouti
113 Dominica
114 Dominican Republic
115 Ecuador
116 El Salvador
117 Equatorial Guinea
118 Eritrea
119 Estonia
120 Fiji
121 Finland
122 Gabon
123 Grenada
124 Guatemala
125 Guinea
126 Guinea-Bissau
127 Guyana
128 Haiti
129 Honduras
130 Iceland
131 Iraq
132 Ireland
133 Island Nations (11)
134 Ivory Coast
135 Jamaica
136 Kiribati
137 Kuwait
138 Latvia
139 Lesotho
140 Liberia
141 Libya
142 Lichtenstein
143 Lithuania
144 Luxembourg
145 Macedonia

23 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

146 Malaysia
147 Maldives
148 Malta
149 Marshall Islands
150 Mauritius
151 Micronesia
152 Monaco
153 Mongolia
154 Montenegro
155 Namibia
156 Nauru
157 Nepal
158 Nicaragua
159 North Korea
160 Norway
161 Oman
162 Palau
163 Panama
164 Paraguay
165 Peru
166 Portugal
167 Puerto Rico
168 Qatar
169 Saint Lucia
170 Samoa
171 San Marino
172 Sao Tome & Principe
173 Serbia
174 Seychelles
175 Slovakia
176 Slovenia
177 Solomon Islands
178 Somalia
179 St. Kitts & Nevis
180 St. Vincent & Grenadines
181 Sudan
182 Suriname
183 Eswatini
184 Switzerland
185 Tajikistan
186 The Gambia
187 Togo
188 Tonga
189 Trinidad & Tobago
190 Tunisia
191 Turkmenistan
192 Tuvalu
193 United Arab Emirates
194 Uruguay
195 Uzbekistan
196 Vanuatu
197 Yemen
198 Kosovo
199 Somaliland region
200 US Hispanic
201 Timor Leste
202 Northern Cyprus
203 Nagorno-Karabakh Region

204 Papua New Guinea

205 South Sudan
206 Macau
207 Reunion Island
900 African Country
901 Arab Country
902 Other Islamic Country
903 Other Country
907 None
997 (None)
998 (DK)
999 (Refused)
WP9050 Women Treated with Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Respect codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9086 Receive Money or Goods Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Living inside this country Restricted
codebook 2 Living in another country
3 Both
4 Neither
5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP91 Public Transportation Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
Systems codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9105 National Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 0 Search code list Restricted
codebook 1 United States
2 Egypt
3 Morocco
4 Lebanon
5 Saudi Arabia
6 Jordan
7 Syria
8 Turkey
9 Pakistan
10 Indonesia
11 Bangladesh
12 United Kingdom
13 France

24 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

14 Germany
15 Netherlands
16 Belgium
17 Spain
18 Italy
19 Poland
20 Hungary
21 Czech Republic
22 Romania
23 Sweden
24 Greece
25 Denmark
26 Iran
27 Hong Kong
28 Singapore
29 Japan
30 China
31 India
32 Venezuela
33 Brazil
34 Mexico
35 Nigeria
36 Kenya
37 Tanzania
38 Israel
39 Palestinian Territories
40 Ghana
41 Uganda
42 Benin
43 Madagascar
44 Malawi
45 South Africa
46 Canada
47 Australia
48 Philippines
49 Sri Lanka
50 Vietnam
51 Thailand
52 Cambodia
53 Laos
54 Myanmar
55 New Zealand
56 Angola
57 Botswana
58 hold
59 hold
60 Ethiopia
61 Mali
62 Mauritania
63 Mozambique
64 Niger
65 Rwanda
66 Senegal
67 Zambia
68 South Korea
69 Taiwan
70 Afghanistan
71 Belarus
72 Georgia
73 Kazakhstan
74 Kyrgyzstan
75 Moldova
76 Russia
77 Ukraine
78 Burkina Faso
79 Cameroon
80 Sierra Leone
81 Zimbabwe
82 Costa Rica
83 Albania
84 Algeria
85 Andorra
86 Antigua & Barbuda
87 Argentina
88 Armenia
89 Austria
90 Azerbaijan
91 Bahamas
92 Bahrain
93 Barbados
94 Belize
95 Bhutan
96 Bolivia
97 Bosnia and Herzegovina
98 Brunei
99 Bulgaria
100 Burundi
101 Cape Verde
102 Central African Republic
103 Chad
104 Chile
105 Colombia
106 Comoros
107 Congo (Kinshasa)
108 Congo Brazzaville
109 Croatia
110 Cuba
111 Cyprus
112 Djibouti

25 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

113 Dominica
114 Dominican Republic
115 Ecuador
116 El Salvador
117 Equatorial Guinea
118 Eritrea
119 Estonia
120 Fiji
121 Finland
122 Gabon
123 Grenada
124 Guatemala
125 Guinea
126 Guinea-Bissau
127 Guyana
128 Haiti
129 Honduras
130 Iceland
131 Iraq
132 Ireland
133 Island Nations (11)
134 Ivory Coast
135 Jamaica
136 Kiribati
137 Kuwait
138 Latvia
139 Lesotho
140 Liberia
141 Libya
142 Lichtenstein
143 Lithuania
144 Luxembourg
145 Macedonia
146 Malaysia
147 Maldives
148 Malta
149 Marshall Islands
150 Mauritius
151 Micronesia
152 Monaco
153 Mongolia
154 Montenegro
155 Namibia
156 Nauru
157 Nepal
158 Nicaragua
159 North Korea
160 Norway
161 Oman
162 Palau
163 Panama
164 Paraguay
165 Peru
166 Portugal
167 Puerto Rico
168 Qatar
169 Saint Lucia
170 Samoa
171 San Marino
172 Sao Tome & Principe
173 Serbia
174 Seychelles
175 Slovakia
176 Slovenia
177 Solomon Islands
178 Somalia
179 St. Kitts & Nevis
180 St. Vincent & Grenadines
181 Sudan
182 Suriname
183 Eswatini
184 Switzerland
185 Tajikistan
186 The Gambia
187 Togo
188 Tonga
189 Trinidad & Tobago
190 Tunisia
191 Turkmenistan
192 Tuvalu
193 United Arab Emirates
194 Uruguay
195 Uzbekistan
196 Vanuatu
197 Yemen
198 Kosovo
199 Somaliland region
200 US Hispanic
201 Timor Leste
202 Northern Cyprus
203 Nagorno-Karabakh
204 Papua New Guinea
205 South Sudan
206 Macau
207 Reunion Island
900 African Country
901 Arab Country
902 Other Islamic Country

26 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

903 Other Country

907 None
997 (None)
998 (DK)
999 (Refused)
WP92 Roads and Highways Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP93 Educational System Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP94 Quality of Air Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9407 Nationality Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 National Restricted
codebook 2 Arab Expat
3 Non-Arab Expat
WP95 Quality of Water Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9608 Employee Engagement Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Actively Disengaged Restricted
codebook 2 Not Engaged
3 Engaged
WP97 City: Quality Healthcare Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9700 Relative/Friend Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Kidnapped codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9701 Relative/Friend Murdered Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9707 Confidence in Private Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Yes Restricted
Corporations codebook 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP98 City: Good, Affordable Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
Housing codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP9811 Education Level Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 No formal education Restricted See variable WP3117 for publicly
codebook 2 1 to 8 years education available education variable
3 9 years through
completed secondary
4 1 to 3 years tertiary
5 Completed 4 or more
years tertiary (bachelors
degree or higher)
98 (DK)
99 (Refused)
INCOME_5_PRINDEX Per Capita Income Income quintile of respondent household 1 Income quintile 1 Public
Quintiles for Prindex 2 Income quintile 2
Sample 3 Income quintile 3
4 Income quintile 4
5 Income quintile 5
WP99 City Beauty Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and 1 Satisfied Restricted
codebook 2 Dissatisfied
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
YEAR_CALENDAR Calendar Year Calendar year survey was conducted Restricted
Wave Year Refer to Gallup World Poll Methodology and Restricted
WP20790 Home Has Land Attached Question PR0A: Does your home have land 1 Yes Public
Only For Household to attached that is ONLY for your household to use, 2 No
Use such as a yard, garden or agricultural land? 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20702 Interviewer Property Question PR0A: Interviewer Property Designation 1 Home with no land Public
Designation attached (such as an
apartment, condo, or flat)
2 Home with land attached
(such as agricultural land
or a home with a yard or
WP20655 Property Type Question P0B: Property Type 1 Home Public
2 Property
WP20656_WP20791 Pay Rent to Live Question PR1 and P1: Do you, personally, pay 1 Yes Public
money or provide any goods or services as RENT 2 No
to live in your home / on your property? 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20657_WP20792 Someone Else Pays Rent Question PR2 and P2: Does someone else pay rent 1 Yes Public
so That You Can Live so that you can live in your home / on your 2 No
property? 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20658_WP20793 Own This Home/Property, Question PR3 and P3: Do you, personally, own your 1 Yes Public If respondent says they have a
By Yourself or Together home / If your property, either by yourself or 2 No mortgage or that the bank owns
With Someone Else together with someone else? 3 (DK) their home, coded as 1 - 'yes'.
4 (Refused)

27 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP20659_WP20794 Own This Home/Property Question PR3A and P3A: Do you own your home / 1 Own alone Public If respondent says they own it
By Yourself, Together your property by yourself, together with your 2 Own together with spouse with both their spouse and
With Your Spouse or spouse, or together with someone else? someone else, coded as 2 - Own
Together With S 3 Own together with together with spouse
someone else
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP20660_WP20795 Owns This Question PR4A and P4A: Do any of the following 1 Yes Public
Home/Property: The own your home / the property you live on? The 2 No
Government Government (National/State/Local) 3 (DK)
(National/State/Local) 4 (Refused)
WP20661_WP20796 Owns This Question PR4B and P4B: Do any of the following 1 Yes Public
Home/Property: Your own your home / the property you live on? Your 2 No
Community or a Community or a Community Group 3 (DK)
Community Group 4 (Refused)
WP20662_WP20797 Owns This Question PR4C and P4C: Do any of the following 1 Yes Public
Home/Property: A own your home / the property you live on? A 2 No
Company or Employer Company or Employer 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20663_WP20798 Owns This Question PR4D and P4D: Do any of the following 1 Yes Public
Home/Property: A Family own your home / the property you live on? A 2 No
Member Living in the Family Member Living in the Household 3 (DK)
Household 4 (Refused)
WP20664_WP20799 Owns This Question PR4E and P4E: Do any of the following 1 Yes Public
Home/Property: A Family own your home / the property you live on? A 2 No
Member Not Living in This Family Member Not Living in This Household 3 (DK)
Household 4 (Refused)
WP20665_WP20800 Owner of This Question PR5 and P5: Has the owner of your home 1 Yes Public
Home/Property Agreed / the property you live on agreed that you can live 2 No
That You Can Live Here there? 4 (Refused)
WP20666_WP20801 Tenure Classification Question PR5A and P5A: Tenure classification 1 Owner/Joint owner Public
2 Renter
3 Family member owns
4 Stays with permission
5 Stays without permission
6 Other
WP20667_WP20802 In the Next 5 Years, Question PR6 and P6: In the next 5 years, how 1 Very unlikely Public
Likelihood to Lose the LIKELY OR UNLIKELY is it that you could lose the 2 Unlikely
Right to Use This right to use some or all of your home / the 3 Somewhat likely
Home/Property property you live on against your will? 4 Very likely
5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP20668_WP20803 You or Family Member Question PR7A and P7A: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Title Deed documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Title Deed 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20669_WP20804 You or Family Member Question PR7B and P7B: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Land or documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Registration Certificate HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Land or Registration 3 (DK)
Certificate 4 (Refused)
WP20670_WP20805 You or Family Member Question PR7C and P7C: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Survey Plan documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Survey Plan 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20671_WP20806 You or Family Member Question PR7D and P7D: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Registered Lease documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Agreement HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Registered Lease 3 (DK)
Agreement 4 (Refused)
WP20672_WP20807 You or Family Member Question PR7E and P7E: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Rental contract documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Rental Contract 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20673_WP20808 You or Family Member Question PR7F and P7F: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Property Tax documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Receipt HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Property Tax Receipt 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20674_WP20809 You or Family Member Question PR7G and P7G: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Utility Bill documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Utility Bill 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20675_WP20810 You or Family Member Question PR7H and P7H: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Purchase/Sales documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Agreement HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Purchase/Sales 3 (DK)
Agreement 4 (Refused)
WP20961 You or Family Member Question PR7H1: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Certificate of documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Residence HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Certificate of Residence 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20915 You or Family Member Question PR7H1: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Certificate of documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Inheritance HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Certificate of 3 (DK)
Inheritance 4 (Refused)
WP20916 You or Family Member Question PR7H2: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Certificate of documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Government HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Certificate of 3 (DK)
Government 4 (Refused)

28 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP20968 You or Family Member Question PR7H_1: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have: Intiqal (Transfer of documents, if any, DO YOU OR A FAMILY MEMBER 2 No data use guide for information on
Land) HAVE that demonstrate your right to live in your document types in each country.
home / on your property? Intiqal (Transfer of 3 (DK)
Land) 4 (Refused)
WP20676_WP20832 Name Personally on Question PR7I and P7I: Is YOUR name personally on 1 Yes Public
Documents this document / any of these documents? 2 No
3 (DK)
4 (Refused)
WP20677_WP20811 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8A and P8A: Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you
Home/Property: The previously said it is likely you could lose the right 2 No, not a reason
Owner May Ask You to use some or all of your home / the property you
3 (DK)
live on against your will in the next 5 years - The
owner may ask you to leave 4 (Refused)

WP20678_WP20812 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8B and P8B : Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you
Home/Property: The previously said it is likely you could lose the right 2 No, not a reason
Person Paying Ren to use some or all of your home / the property you
live on against your will in the next 5 years - The 3 (DK)
person paying rent may ask you to leave
4 (Refused)

WP20679_WP20813 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8C and P8C: Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you
Home/Property: previously said it is likely you could lose the right 2 No, not a reason
Disagreements With Fa to use some or all of your home / the property you
live on against your will in the next 5 years - 3 (DK)
Disagreements with family or relatives
4 (Refused)

WP20680_WP20814 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8D and P8D : Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you
2 No, not a reason
Home/Property: Death of previously said it is likely you could lose the right
a Household to use some or all of your home / the property you 3 (DK)
live on against your will in the next 5 years - Death
of a household member 4 (Refused)

WP20681_WP20815 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8E and P8E: Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you
Home/Property: previously said it is likely you could lose the right 2 No, not a reason
Companies May Seize to use some or all of your home / the property you
live on against your will in the next 5 years - 3 (DK)
Companies may seize your home / your property
4 (Refused)

WP20682_WP20816 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8F and P8F: Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you
Home/Property: Lack of previously said it is likely you could lose the right 2 No, not a reason
Money or Othe to use some or all of your home / the property you
live on against your will in the next 5 years - Lack 3 (DK)
of money or other resources needed to live in your
home / on your property
4 (Refused)

WP20683_WP20817 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8G and P8G: Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public See WP20902 and WP20903 for
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you responses in Palestine.
Home/Property: previously said it is likely you could lose the right 2 No, not a reason This questions was not asked in
Government May Seize to use some or all of your home / the property you Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Tajikistan
live on against your will in the next 5 years - 3 (DK) and Turkmenistan.
Government may seize your home / your property
4 (Refused)

WP20684_WP20818 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8H and P8H: Please tell me whether 1 Yes, a reason Public This question was not asked in
the Right to Use This each of the following is a reason why you the Albania, Algeria, Armenia,
Home/Property: Issues previously said it is likely you could lose the right Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus,
With Customar to use some or all of your home / the property you Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
live on against your will in the next 5 years - Issues Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China,
with customary authorities. Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt,
Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia,
2 No, not a reason Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan,
Kazakhstan, Korea (Republic),
Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius,
Moldova, Montenegro,
Netherlands, Nicaragua, North
Macedonia, Northern Cyprus,
3 (DK)
Norway, Paraguay, Poland,
Portugal, Romania, Russian
Federation, Serbia, Singapore,
Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri
Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland,
Taiwan (Province of China),
Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan,
4 (Refused) Ukraine, United Arab Emirates,
United States of America,
Uruguay and Uzbekistan

WP20902 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8G_1: Please tell me whether each of 1 Yes, a reason Public This question was only asked in
the Right to Use This the following is a reason why you previously said it Palestine
Home/Property: is likely you could lose the right to use some or all 2 No, not a reason
Palestinian Authority of your home / the property you live on against
3 (DK)
your will in the next 5 years - Palestinian Authority
may seize 4 (Refused)

29 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP20903 Reason You Could Lose Question PR8G_2: Please tell me whether each of 1 Yes, a reason Public This question was only asked in
the Right to Use This the following is a reason why you previously said it Palestine
Home/Property: Israeli is likely you could lose the right to use some or all 2 No, not a reason
Government Ma of your home / the property you live on against
3 (DK)
your will in the next 5 years - Israeli Government
may seize 4 (Refused)

WP20685_WP20819 If Get Divorced, How Question PR9 and P9: Suppose you and your 1 Not worried at all Public This question as not asked in
Worried Are You That spouse were to get divorced. How worried are you 2 Not worried Pakistan
Your Spouse Would Have that your spouse would have the right to stay, but 3 Somewhat worried
the Right to St you would be forced to leave your home / the 4 Very worried
property you live on under these circumstances? 5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP20687_WP20820 If Spouse Was to Pass Question PR10 and P10: We apologize as we know 1 Not worried at all Public This question as not asked in
Away, How Worried Would this may be hard to think about, but suppose your 2 Not worried Pakistan
You be That Your Right to spouse was to pass away. How worried would you 3 Somewhat worried
Stay Wou be that your right to stay in your home / on the 4 Very worried
property you live on would be taken away from you 5 (DK)
if this occurred? 6 (Refused)
WP20688_WP20821 You or Household Question PR11A and P11A: Do you or does someone 1 Yes Public
Member Own or Lease a in your household own or lease a piece of land or 2 No
Piece of Land or Property property OTHER THAN the home you live in / 3 (DK)
Other Than the property you live on? 4 (Refused)
WP20689_WP20822 In the Next 5 Years, Question PR12 and P12: In the next 5 years how 1 Very unlikely Public
Likelihood to Lose the LIKELY OR UNLIKELY is it that you could lose the 2 Unlikely
Right to Use this Other right to use some or all of this OTHER land or 3 Somewhat likely
Land or Prop property against your will? 4 Very likely
5 (DK)
6 (Refused)
WP20690_WP20833 Other Land or Property Question PR13 and P13: Is this other land or 1 Agricultural purposes Public
Used For property used for? 2 Non-agricultural purposes

3 Both
4 (DK)
5 (Refused)
WP20686_WP20824 You or Family Member Question PR14A and P14A: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Title Deed for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
2 No
lease? I am asking about documents that have
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Title Deed
4 (Refused)

WP20691_WP20825 You or Family Member Question PR14B and P14B: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Land or Registration for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
2 No
Certificate lease? I am asking about documents that have
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Land or
Registration Certificate 4 (Refused)

WP20692_WP20826 You or Family Member Question PR14C and P14C: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Survey Plan for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
2 No
lease? I am asking about documents that have
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Survey
Plan 4 (Refused)

WP20693_WP20827 You or Family Member Question PR14D and P14D: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Registered Lease for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
2 No
Agreement lease? I am asking about documents that have
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Registered
Lease Agreement 4 (Refused)

WP20694_WP20828 You or Family Member Question PR14E and P14E: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Rental Contract for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
2 No
lease? I am asking about documents that have
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Rental
Contract 4 (Refused)

WP20695_WP20829 You or Family Member Question PR14F and P14F: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Property Tax Receipt for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
2 No
lease? I am asking about documents that have
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Property
Tax Receipt 4 (Refused)

30 of 31
Codebook - Version: 20200701_W123_codebook

Section 3
This is the codebook for the GWP wave of data collection.
The Gallup World Poll Methodology and codebook is available from Gallup and contains information on variables which are not publicly available.

WP20696_WP20830 You or Family Member Question PR14G and P14G: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Utility Bill for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
2 No
lease? I am asking about documents that have
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Utility Bill
4 (Refused)

WP20697_WP20831 You or Family Member Question PR14H and P14H: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Purchase/Sales for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
Agreement lease? I am asking about documents that have 2 No
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one 3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document -
Purchase/Sales Agreement 4 (Refused)

WP20962 You or Family Member Question PR14H1: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Certificate of Residence for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
lease? I am asking about documents that have 2 No
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one
3 (DK)
property other than the one you are living in, you
should answer yes for that document - Certificate
of Residence 4 (Refused)

WP20917 You or Family Member Question PR14H1: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Certificate of Inheritance for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
lease? I am asking about documents that have 2 No
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one
property other than the one you are living in, you 3 (DK)
should answer yes for that document - Certificate
of Inheritance
4 (Refused)

WP20918 You or Family Member Question PR14H2: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Certificate of Government for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
lease? I am asking about documents that have 2 No
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one
property other than the one you are living in, you 3 (DK)
should answer yes for that document - Certificate
of Government
4 (Refused)

WP20969 You or Family Member Question PR14H_1: Which of the following 1 Yes Public See documentation section of
Have on Other Property: documents, if any, do you or a family member have data use guide for information on
Intiqal (Transfer of Land) for any of the OTHER land or properties you own or document types in each country.
lease? I am asking about documents that have 2 No
either your name or a family member's name on
them. If you have a document for even one
property other than the one you are living in, you 3 (DK)
should answer yes for that document - Intiqal
(Transfer of Land)
4 (Refused)

WP20698_WP20834 Name Personally on Question PR15 and P15: Is YOUR name personally 1 Yes Public
Documents for Other on this document / any of these documents? 2 No
Property 3 (DK)
4 (Refused)

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