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John Gabriel M.



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SPED experts Contributions

 An education pioneer and

established the American School
for the deaf.
 filled with the compassion for the
neglected people in society and
aware of non-availability of
resources for the deaf.
 began study of sign language and
European methods of education
for the deaf after meeting Alice
Cogswell, a nine-year old deaf girl.
 American physicians, educator and
 A founding director of the New-
England Institutions for the
education of the blind (Perkins
School for the blind) and
Massachusetts School for idiotic
and Feeble-Minded Youth.
SAMUEL GRIDLEY HOME  Champion the improvement of
publicly funded schools and lip-
reading for the deaf
 Funded the first residential school
for “idiots” (as intellectually
disabled people were called at that
 Pioneer of Special Education
 Devoted to children with disabilities
 Founded the Haddonfield School
for the mentally deficient and
Peculiarly Backward
 Champion the cause of children
MARGARET BANCROFT with developmental disabilities
 Fought for their right to adequate
care and education until her death
 Created a specialized program for
the physical, mental and spiritual
growth of each particular student.
 Valued the importance of proper
nutrition, personal hygiene,
exercise, daily prayers, sensory
and artistic development and
lessons suited to mental age.
 American psychologist
 Established the concept of child
psychology and founded Clark
 Considered a pioneer of child and
educational psychology
 His ideas influenced Sigmund
Freud and Charles Darwin.
 American educator, social
reformer, and humanitarian
 Devoted to the welfare of the
mentally ill that led to widespread
international reforms
 Requested Congress to grant
more than 12 million acres of land
as a public endowment to be used
for the benefit of the mentally ill as
well as the blind and deaf.
JEAN MARC GASPARD ITARD  French physician who was an
authority on disease of the ear and
on the education of students who
were deaf.
 The person to whom most
historians trace the beginning of
special education as we know it
 His techniques and willingness to
stand up for the cause of “Victor
the Wild Boy” were very influential
to the training and education
programs of the time.

Philosophy of Early Childhood SPED Description

Are techniques teachers use to help
students become independent, strategic
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES learners. These strategies when students
independently select the appropriate ones
and use them effectively to accomplish
task or meet goals
Is an ongoing dynamic process that
modifies and adapts the prescribed
program of studies to meet the learning
CURRICULUM ADOPTION requirements of a student with special
needs. It enables the teaching team to
welcome learners of all abilities and
ensures that every student is challenged
to learn.
Are interventions designed to affect the
actions that individuals take with regard to
BEHAVIORAL INTERVENTION their health. These interventions
encourage people who are at high risk for
a particular disease to do something
about it.
Means kids who get special education
should be in the same classrooms as
other kids as much as possible. LRE isn’t
LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT a place, it’s a principle that guides a
child’s education program, and that
students with disabilities must be
educated with their nondisabled peers, to
the maximum extent appropriate, as
determined by the individualized
education program (IEP) team.

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