Empowerment Week 5-6

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Planning and Conceptualizing
Week 5-6
an ICT Project for Social

You have explored a variety of online

tools and apps over the past few weeks
that you can use for your own benefit.
Let's carry this knowledge into practice.
It is your responsibility, as a citizen, to
make a difference in your own tiny

Let’s begin by understanding the simplified ICT project process:

Image source: Empowerment Technologies by Rex Book Store

The first stage is planning or conceptualizing for your social campaign. It

involves researching about your topic, setting meeting and deadlines,
assigning tasks, finding a web or blog host, creating a site map, listing down
all applications and output that you need, and considering funding. For the
second stage, it involves developing or the actual creation of the website or
the other materials for your campaign. The third stage involves the
release and promotion of the campaign for the public view. For the last
stage, it involves a direct communication with site visitors and continuing to
improve and update the website.

Concept Paper and Its Elements

Once you identify the issue or cause you want to solve, start your project by
composing one to two pages concept paper. It is a document showing the
important details of your project or campaign. It is used to convince
potential sponsors to make your vision into a reality. Your project must
meet the SMART criteria: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and
time bounded.
These are the five elements of a concept paper:

1. Introduction – indicate the mission, vision, and a short introductory

paragraph of your project.
2. Purpose – to convince your potential funders, indicate the reasons why
it is worth their time, effort and money.
3. Description – show in writing all the necessary information that
involves in your project such as the sites you are going to produce and the
purpose of each and how they work in unison.
4. Support – you may or may not indicate the budget needed for the project
or campaign.
5. Contact Information – if you’re looking for a sponsor, it is important to
know how they will contact you.


Directions: Match column A to column B.


1. introduction a. research about your topic

2. development b. improving and updating the website
3. planning c. the worthiness of your project
4. purpose d. actual creation of the materials.
5. maintenance e. budget needed for the project
f. mission and vision of your campaign

Here are the

Aside from researching for an issue or cause, it is a must to find an ICT

platform or application you can use to
contact, inform, and mobilize a group
of concerned people. Digital
advocacy uses digital technology to
galvanize supporters to act. Its
central component is digital tools
such as social media. Are you still
thinking for an advocacy or projects?
Here are some of the advocacies and
projects include but are not limited

Another task you can do during the stage one is audience profiling. Before
the releasing and promotion stage, you must know your audience first. It is a
task about defining exactly who are your target or intended user and
audience. In doing this, you consider the demographics and psychographics
on defining your user and audience.

The demographics is a common and traditional method of audience

profiling. It is a statistic characterizing human population which includes
(but not limited to) your audience’s age, location, gender, language, and
country. For example, the table below shows ranges of job/status with its
respective letter code.

Letter Code Job/Status

A Higher Management, Bankers, Lawyers, Doctors, etc.
B Middle Management, Teachers, Creative and Media
People (Graphic Designers)

C1 Office Supervisor, Junior Managers, Nurses, Specialist

Clerical Staff, White Collar Jobs
C2 Skilled Manual Workers, Plumbers, Builders, Blue Collar
D Semi-Skilled and Unskilled Manual Workers
E Unemployed, Students, Petitioners, Casual Workers
The psychographics is a way of describing an audience by looking at their
behavior and personality traits. Psychographics marks a certain category of
individual and provides an observation of their viewing and spending habits.
It can be beliefs, values, attitudes, motivations, and aspirations.

A small advertising agency from Philadelphia called Young and Rubicam or

Y&R (currently known as VMLY&R) invented a successful psychographic
profile known as 4C’s Marketing Model stands for Cross Cultural Consumer
Characterization. This characterization allows us to connote our audience by
their personality/behavior which is a more psychographic approach. Below is
the model that was divided into seven (7) different categories:

Mainstreamers Seek security. Tend to me domestic, conformist,

conventional, sentimental. Favor value for money family
brands. Nearly always.
Aspirers Seek status. Materialistic, acquisitive, orientated to
image and appearance, persona and fashion. Attractive
packaging more important than contents. Typically,
younger people, clerical and sales jobs.
Succeeders Seek control. Strong goals, confidence, work ethic and
organization. Support stability. Brand choice based on
self-reward and quality. Typically, higher management
and professionals.
Resigned Seek survival. Right and authoritarian values.
Interested in the past and tradition. Brand choice
stresses safety, familiarity and economy. Typically,
older people.
Explorers Seek discovery. Energy, individualism and experience.
Values difference and adventure. Brand choice
highlights satisfaction and instant effect. The first to try
new brands. Younger demographic-students.
Strugglers Seek escape. Alienated and disorganized. Few
resources beyond physical skills. Brand choice involves
impact and sensation. Buys alcohol, junk food, lottery
tickets. D and E demographics.
Reformers Seeks enlightenment. Freedom of restrictions and
personal growth. Social awareness and independent
judgement. Anti-materialistic but aware of good taste.
Has attended higher education and selects products for
To craft an effective publicity strategy, audience profiling is the key. You can
create messages around their needs and points of distress if you know who
you're referring about and what they care about. Once you understand the
difference between demographics and psychographics, you are expected to
create an audience profile. It is a fictitious character that you model after a
member of your target audience. Here are the steps you need to follow in
creating your target audience profile (Hughes, J. and Brafton.com):

Step 1: Collect data about your target audience. During the planning and
conceptualizing for your social change campaign, search for existing
campaigns and projects similar with your advocacy and analyze how its
audiences react on the content of its campaign and what are the factors that
affects this reaction.

Step 2: Research your target audience’s demographics. Some basic

demographics may be easy to identify such as gender, while the other may
require more research to identify such as age, location, status, etc.

Step 3: Identify needs and pain points of your target audience. You must
apply empathy in this step. When they say, “place yourself in the other's
shoe”, it means you put yourself in their situation, and look things from their
point of view or perspective.

Step 4: Round out likes and dislikes. In this step, you must understand the
psychographics of the target audience. By identifying their interest, value,
like, dislikes, attitudes, and personality traits, it can be basis for your
branding. It is a marketing strategy that helps to distinguish your campaign
or project from the others. From what kind of language use, what values you
endorse, what sort of imagery you use, and so on, branding can be seen.

Step 5: Put it all together and create a broad description of your ideal
audience. Are you done researching? Follow this format in creating your ideal
audience profile:
a) Key demographics (age range, gender, and common job titles)
b) Key psychographics (likes, dislikes, strives for, values)
c) Challenges (3 to 5 needs or problems)
d) Preferred Channels (ICT platforms or tools for content
consumption, for first contact, and for browsing)
e) Preferred content types (image, audio, or any file format)
Step 6: Make changes as needed. The only constant here is change.
Audience’s taste changes frequently. As part of the maintenance,
improvement is a must.

Here is an example from Brafton.com:

Directions: Match column A to column B.
A B.

1. Audience Profiling a. age, gender, location

2. Demographics b. audience’s profile data collection

3. Psychographic c. list down the audience’s demographics and


4. Step 1 d. creates some changes and make some


5. Step 6 e. likes and dislikes, values, beliefs

f. a task on identifying the target audience and

its qualities.

Here are the answers:

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