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Chikkarayapuram , Near Mangadu Chennai -600 069

Academic Year 2021 - 2022 / Odd Semester

Branch : IT/CSE/ECE – VII Semester Date:23.11.2021

Sub Code : OBM752 Marks: 100
Subject : HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT Time: 3hrs

Part - A (10* 2 = 20)

1.Define the word hospital.
2.List any five features of the hospital.
3.How does team work management pave way for successful hospital ?
4. What is the nature of a HRM?
5. List any four characteristics of a good medical record
6. Give the benefits of Ethylene oxide in sterilization process.
7. Write the advantages of CSSD.
8. How does a press advertisement play a vital role in recruitment process?
9. List the widely used communication technologies in hospitals.
10. Explicate the healthcare surveillance risks.
Part - B (5*13 = 65)
11.a) i) Describe in detail about i) Comparing on the basis of training objectives ii) Comparing on
the basis of learning process and its stages iii) Comparing training methods on the basis of
the available time, skills, facilities and resources. (13)
b) Write a short note on i) Promotions ii) Impact of promotions
iii) Transfer in hospitals (4+4+5)

12) a) i)Explain in detail about the characteristics of a good medical record.

ii)List in detail the components of a medical record (7+6)
b) Discuss in detail about i) Medicine Assessment ii) Care as an inpatient iii) Monitoring
patients outcomes iv) continuity of care for patients not admitted (3+3+4+3)
13.a) Describe in detail about the Classification of hospitals
i)Public ii)Private iii)Voluntary (4+4+5)
b) i) Illustrate with a neat diagram on the Components and the Functions of
Hospital Administration . (8+5)
ii) List in detail the challenges in hospital administration

14. ) Write short notes on

i)Hospital Administration ii)Hospital administration as a profession. (8+5)
b) Explain in detail about i)Function of the hospital ii) Special features of Hospital. (9+4)
15.a) i)Describe in detail about skillset required for a health care manager.
ii)Mention any five factors in the process of recruitment and selection. (8+5)
b) i)Write a short note on the responsibilities and skill of Laundry workers in a hospital.
ii) “Food is your medicine – hence let your medicine be your food” What are the major
guidelines that has to be followed in a hospital for food services. (5+8)
Part - C (1*15=15)
16.a) Explain in detail about the key factors pertaining to alarm management. (15)
b) i) Discuss the fire security in hospitals. ii) Write the surveillance risks, (8+7)
advantages of CCTV camera.
Chikkarayapuram , Near Mangadu Chennai -600 069
Academic Year 2021 - 2022 / Odd Semester

Branch : IT/CSE/ECE – VII Semester Date:23.11.2021

Sub Code : OBM752 Marks: 100
Subject : HOSPITAL MANAGEMENT Time: 3hrs

Part - A (10* 2 = 20)

1. Why is a hospital an integral part of the society?
2.What are the key changes in a hospital organization
3. How can the behavioural skills of its employees be enhanced ?
4. List out the HRM practices and policies.
5. Write about the inpatient services in a hospital.
6.Describe the workflow of a CSSD.
7. Write about investigational drugs.
8.Describe the responsibilities of a pharmacist
9. Elucidate effective and ineffective communication
10. Write down the advantages of Hospital Security Camera.

Part - B (5*13 = 65)

11.a i)Describe in detail about the recent trends in hospital planning and designing in the (8)
ii) ii)Discuss the strategies involved in planning to build a new hospital. (5)
b)i)Explain in detail the fundamental principles of HRM. (8+5)
ii)Write a short note on the objectives of Human resource Utilization
12.a)Discuss the case study of i) Human Resources Planning ii) Job Analysis iii) )
Recruitment iv) Selection
b)i)Explain in detail about ways to develop human resource development
programs in hospitals training programs

13) a)Explain in detail about the professional standards for hospital pharmacy services. (13)
b) It is customary to describe healthcare service at 4 levels, viz., primary, secondary, tertiary
and quaternary care levels. These levels represent different types of care involving varying
degree of complexity. Discuss the levels of medical care with suitable examples.

14.a) Write short notes on (8+5)

i) Need of Technical Training Programs for Hospital Employees ii) Need of Behavioral Training
Programs for Hospital Employees
b) A case means a chunk of reality brought to the classroom for further analysis. Case renders
some problem and demands alternative solutions for the same. The method is very effective
when the trainees need to enhance their strategic and analytical skills. Discuss the type of
training method used in this scenario.
1 5 a)Write in detail about the seven steps to functional planning via strategic planning. (14)
b) In modern hospitals, different categories of staff work in different capacities. The doctors,
the nursing staff, different types of technicians, management personnel contribute
substantially to the smooth functioning of the hospital. Discuss what the major roles are played by a
human resource manager in a hospital.
Part - C (1*15=15)
16.a.i) Explain the Internal Communication technologies used in hospitals and the challenges faced in it.
ii) Write down the purpose and importance of communication in hospitals . (15)
16.b) i) Explain how nurse communication skills leads to success and its benefits.
ii) Explain about decontamination process. (15)

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