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C H A P T E R 3 5 

Disorders Lori A. Karol

of the Brain
loss of conduction of motor impulses. In the absence of
Chapter Outline sensory changes, it is difficult to distinguish between dis-
eases of the peripheral nerves, anterior roots, and anterior
Levels of Involvement horn cells.
Cerebral Palsy Myoneural Level. If the pathologic process arises at the
Rett Syndrome myoneural junction, as in myasthenia gravis and familial
Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis periodic paralysis, it is a disease at the myoneural level. In
Ataxia Syndromes diseases of primarily muscular origin, the motor system is
involved at the muscular level. The muscular dystrophies
are familiar examples of disturbance at the muscular level
in diseases with spinomuscular involvement. The paralysis
Levels of Involvement is flaccid, but reflexes persist until the late stages, when
marked atrophy has already occurred. Contractility is lost
The neuromuscular system may be affected at various but not excitability; that is, the muscle fibers have degener-
levels, each of which is characterized by changes in motor ated and have been replaced by fibroadipose tissue, but the
function peculiar to the site and extent of involvement.1 peripheral nerves and anterior horn cells are normal.
The differential features of various levels of motor function
are illustrated in Table 35-1. Extrapyramidal Level. Disorders of the motor system at
the extrapyramidal level are characterized by generalized
Spinomuscular Level. At the spinomuscular level, motor involvement of the muscles of the limbs and trunk. Muscle
activity is simple; impulses arising in the anterior horn cells tone is hypertonic. Atrophy, fasciculations, and degenera-
of the spinal cord are transmitted through peripheral nerves tion are absent. Motion of the limbs is hyperkinetic, with
to myoneural junctions and then to individual muscles. In loss of associated or automatic movements. The deep
disorders at the spinomuscular level, the loss of motor tendon and superficial reflexes are normal. No pyramidal
power is focal and segmental, with complete paralysis of tract responses or sensory deficits are present. Athetoid
the muscles or muscle groups that are supplied by a periph- cerebral palsy (CP) is a common example of a disease at
eral nerve or by the anterior horn cells in the spinal cord. the extrapyramidal level.
Muscular paralysis is flaccid or hypotonic, and degeneration,
atrophy, fibrillations, and fasciculations are typical findings. Pyramidal (Corticospinal) Level. At the pyramidal or cor-
The deep tendon and superficial reflexes are diminished or ticospinal level, motor deficit arises from involvement of
absent. Pyramidal tract signs, abnormal involuntary move- motor nuclei of the cerebral cortex. The paresis is usually
ments, and ataxia are absent. Trophic changes may be seen generalized and associated with hypertonicity or spasticity
in the skin, nails, and bone. of muscles. Pyramidal tract signs and pathologic reflexes are
Spinal Level. Pathologic processes at the spinomuscular generally present. Usually some atrophy that is not focal is
level may be further classified into various sublevels. When present; it is caused by chronic paralysis and disuse. Fascicu-
the disease originates in the anterior horn cells, as in polio- lations, trophic disturbances, degeneration, and abnormal
myelitis, the spinal level of the motor system is affected. movements are absent. The deep tendon reflexes are hyper-
Other examples of diseases at the spinal level are progres- active, and the superficial reflexes are diminished or absent.
sive spinal muscular atrophy of the Werdnig-Hoffmann Spastic CP illustrates the pyramidal level of motor
type, progressive bulbar palsy, syringomyelia, and intramed- involvement.
ullary neoplasm. Loss of function of the anterior horn cells
or the motor nuclei of the brainstem results in clinical find- Cerebellar Level. Lesions at the cerebellar level are charac-
ings of flaccid paralysis, atrophy, areflexia, degeneration, and terized by loss of coordination and control, or ataxia. No
fasciculations. real loss of motor power occurs. Fasciculations, degenera-
Neural Level. At the neural level of the motor system, tion, atrophy, and trophic disturbances are absent. The deep
the peripheral nerves and nerve roots are affected, as in tendon reflexes may be diminished, but the superficial
obstetric brachial plexus palsy and progressive neuromuscu- reflexes are normal.
lar atrophy (Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease). In processes
affecting nerves, the sensory fibers are usually involved,
with resultant sensory changes such as anesthesia or hyper- Reference
esthesia. Otherwise, the clinical findings are similar to those Levels of Involvement
of involvement of the spinal level; that is, flaccid paralysis, 1. Tachdjian MO: Pediatric orthopaedics, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1990,
atrophy, degeneration, and areflexia develop as a result of Saunders.

CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e3

Table 35-1  Differentiation of Motor Disorders at Various Levels of Neuromuscular Function

Type of
Disturbance Muscular Neural Spinal Extrapyramidal Pyramidal Cerebellar

Loss of motor Focal-segmental Focal-segmental Focal-segmental Generalized Generalized None

power Usually Usually distal Usually distal Entire limb and Entire limb and Ataxia may
proximal limb limb movements movements simulate
and axial musculature musculature Incomplete Incomplete loss of
muscle Complete Complete power
Tone Flaccid Flaccid Flaccid Rigid Spastic Hypotonic
Atrophy Present Present Present Absent Minimal Absent
(caused by
disuse and
Fasciculations May be present Absent May be present Absent Absent Absent
Reaction of Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent
  Deep Diminished and Absent early Absent early Normal or Hyperactive Diminished or
preserved variable pendular
until late
  Superficial Diminished Absent Absent Normal or Diminished or Normal
increased absent
Sensory deficit Absent Usually present Absent Absent May be Absent
Trophic Present Present Present Absent Usually absent Absent
Ataxia Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Present
Abnormal Absent Absent Absent Present Absent May be present
movements (intention
tremor and

Adapted from DeJong RN: The neurological examination, ed 3, New York, 1967, Harper & Row, p 382; and Farmer TW: Pediatric neurology, New
York, 1964, Harper & Row, p 612.

• CP is the result of a brain lesion; therefore, the spinal

Cerebral Palsy cord and muscles are structurally and biochemically
• The brain lesion must be fixed and nonprogressive. Thus,
CP was first described by William Little in 1862.351 Little all the progressive neurodegenerative disorders are
correlated the findings seen in young children with CP and excluded from the definition.
associated them with difficult births. The term cerebral • The abnormality of the brain results in motor
palsy originated with Freud.202 Static encephalopathy has impairment.
been used interchangeably with cerebral palsy.
A succinct and accurate definition of CP is difficult to The insult to the brain may occur prenatally, perinatally,
construct because of wide variability in the manifestations or during childhood. Although older children with brain
of CP.52,423 In 2008 CP was proposed as “a group of perma- damage were traditionally excluded from the definition, this
nent disorders of the development of movement and is not clinically relevant from an orthopaedic standpoint.
posture, causing activity limitation, that are attributed to Certainly, any orthopaedist caring for a child who has sus-
non-progressive disturbances that occurred in the develop- tained an anoxic injury after nearly drowning or who is
ing fetal or infant brain.”448 In all cases, the following must spastic after infectious meningitis would argue that these
be true: slightly older children functionally have CP.
e4 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

The clinical manifestations of CP depend on which part Fetal exposure to drugs and alcohol through maternal use
and how much of the brain are involved. The range of can also result in injury to the developing brain. Unfortu-
manifestations is huge, with both a young child who is intel- nately, this problem is being seen more frequently in
lectually bright but walks on his toes and a noncommunica- newborn nurseries. Cocaine, heroin, and marijuana can all
tive wheelchair-bound child with seizures meeting the cross the placental barrier and cause damage to the central
aforementioned definition of CP. nervous system of the fetus.
The orthopaedic surgeon is consulted by a pediatrician Congenital malformations of the brain that occur during
or family for management of the musculoskeletal problems early pregnancy often result in severe CP. It has been
that follow from the underlying brain lesion. It is of utmost stated that approximately 10% of patients with CP have
importance for the orthopaedist to evaluate the child thor- congenital brain malformations that are apparent on
oughly to ascertain why the child has CP. If the child was neuroimaging.326
born full-term, if no perinatal medical problems were noted, Rhesus blood group incompatibility resulting in kernic-
and especially if the child began to develop normally and terus as a cause of CP is decreasing in incidence with
then regressed, prompt neurologic consultation must be improvements in prenatal care. RhoGAM treatment of
sought. The neurologist will differentiate CP from such Rh-negative mothers has led to a decline in kernicterus,
dangerous entities as brain and spinal cord tumors, meta- which often resulted in the development of such movement
bolic encephalopathies, and progressive neurodegenerative disorders as athetoid CP.
diseases, some of which are treatable. Maternal health problems, such as renal failure or infec-
tions, can lead to problems with brain development in the
fetus.487 Prenatal chorioamnionitis and maternal infection
have been associated with an increased risk for premature
The incidence of CP is increasing slightly.63 In recent reports onset of labor and CP in the infant.25,421,449,450 Placental
the incidence has been estimated to be between 2.4 and 2.7 abnormalities have been linked with a higher frequency
per 1000 live births.86,419,443,534 The prevalence of CP appears of CP.137
to be increasing secondary to an increase in the number of Fetal biophysical profile scores are prenatal noninvasive
infants with very low birth weight being born and the tests used to monitor the health of the developing fetus.
increased survival of these tiny neonates, whereas the rate These scores are often obtained in high-risk pregnancies.
of CP in infants of a given birth weight has remained Abnormally low fetal biophysical profile scores are thought
stable.332,423,428,451,480 This increase in incidence is of concern to result from antenatal hypoxia and have been associated
because the economic impact of CP is considerable, with with an increased incidence of CP.372
the cost per case estimated at $503,000 in 1992.109 The
risk for CP in a child born full-term is approximately 1 Perinatal
in 2000.534 The incidence of CP has been correlated with Anoxia as a result of perinatal complications may lead to
both gestational age and birth weight.250 CP was diagnosed the development of CP. A tight nuchal cord430 or placental
in 12.3% of infants born at between 24 and 33 weeks of abruption605 can lead to anoxia and thus result in CP. Fetal
gestation.604 Approximately 50% of children with CP have hypoxia may be detected by fetal heart rate monitoring, but
low birth weight, and 28% weigh less than 1500 g at changes consistent with hypoxia, such as late deceleration
birth.135,481 The prevalence of birth weight–specific CP of the heart rate with uterine contractions, are common and
ranges from 1.1 per 1000 neonatal survivors weighing not specific.429 The frequency of CP associated with birth
2500 g or more to 78.1 per 1000 infants weighing less than asphyxia is estimated to be 1 in 3700 full-term live births.692
1000 g.480 Fetal distress during delivery has been documented in
The incidence of CP is increased with multiple births. some children with CP.204 The mode of delivery—vaginal or
In more recent studies of multiple births the incidence of cesarean—has not been found to influence the incidence
CP is 9 to 12 per 1000 in twins, 31 to 45 per 1000 in of CP.565
triplets, and 111 per 1000 in quadruplets.239,479,690 The pre- Premature delivery, either from premature onset of labor
disposition to CP in twin pregnancies is present even when or from premature rupture of membranes, is commonly
controlling for birth weight and gestational age.678 The risk associated with CP.144
for CP is high for a surviving twin when the other twin dies Sepsis in the neonatal period can predispose to the
in utero.478,479 development of CP in a low–birth weight infant.679 Bron-
chopulmonary dysplasia and prolonged ventilation in
preterm infants may result in hypoxia, which predisposes
Etiology the infant to CP.20,234,420 Extracorporeal membrane oxygen-
ation (ECMO) has been used to sustain babies with severe
Prenatal cardiorespiratory failure. CP has been diagnosed in up
The brain of the fetus is susceptible to damage from mater- to 20% of surviving children who were treated with
nal infections and toxins. The TORCHES group of infec- ECMO.233
tions (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, and Cardiac surgery for the treatment of severe congenital
syphilis) is known to cause significant damage to the devel- heart disease has been linked with an increased incidence
oping brain of the fetus, and such damage leads to very of CP. Heart surgery before the age of 1 month resulted in
neurologically involved infants with mental retardation, CP in 25% of infants.400 Clearly, these children are quite ill,
microcephaly, and seizures. Orthopaedic deformities are with an increased risk for hypoxia, sepsis, and prolonged
noted in 82% of these children.351 ventilation.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e5

Infections such as meningitis in early childhood can lead to
CP. Any episode of hypoxia, such as cardiopulmonary arrest,
near-drowning, and suffocation, can also produce brain
damage leading to CP.7 Trauma, such as motor vehicle acci-
dents producing head injury, severe falls, and child abuse,
may result in CP as well.

The first classification is physiologic and describes the type
of movement disorder present. The most common move-
ment abnormality is spasticity. Spasticity results from
damage to the pyramidal system, particularly the motor
cortex in the brain. Disinhibition of pathologic reflex arcs
leads to increased tone in the extremities. The tone is
dependent on velocity, which means that if a muscle is
stretched rapidly, tone increases more than if the same
muscle group were stretched gradually and gently. FIGURE 35-1  A 7-year, 6-month-old girl with left hemiparesis.
Hypotonia is, as its name implies, abnormally decreased Note the posturing of the left upper extremity in flexion and the
tone. Infants with CP are often described as floppy or relative atrophy of the calf.
hypotonic. Hypotonia is usually a phase and most frequently
leads to spasticity as the infant matures.
Dystonia is described as increased tone, which is not Diplegia implies involvement of both sides of the body,
dependent on velocity. Whereas tone in spasticity is with both lower extremities being involved (though not
described as “clasped knife,” tone in dystonic CP is described always symmetrically) and lesser involvement of the upper
as “lead pipe,” which means that tone does not decrease extremities (Fig. 35-2). A word of caution is needed. If the
with gentle prolonged stretching. patient has abnormal tone in both lower extremities but the
Athetosis is characterized by abnormal writhing move- upper extremities are completely normal, the examiner
ments that the patient cannot control. The movements should beware. Patients with diplegia will have some abnor-
become more exaggerated as the patient tries to complete mality in the upper extremities, such as decreased fine
a purposeful motion. Athetosis results from damage to the motor control, spasticity, or increased reflexes. If the upper
basal ganglia. Speech is often garbled and difficult to under- extremities are normal, it is imperative to evaluate the
stand, yet affected patients may be intelligent. Athetosis has spinal cord. Spinal cord pathology, including tumor, may
frequently been the result of neonatal kernicterus.201 masquerade as CP.
Cerebellar lesions lead to ataxic CP. The disturbed Involvement of both lower extremities and one upper
balance of these children results in a wide-based and clumsy extremity is termed triplegia. Quadriplegia, or total body
gait. Pure ataxic CP is rare. involvement, is present when all four extremities are
Patients with CP frequently have a mixed form of move- severely involved, with poor trunk control as well (Fig.
ment disorder. It is important to correctly classify the 35-3). Clinicians often disagree over the difference between
movement disorder of a patient with CP because the results severe diplegia and quadriplegia.423
of surgical treatment are unpredictable for all but purely Familial spastic paraparesis, a genetic neurologic disease,
spastic patients. may resemble CP in that both lower extremities are spastic
yet the upper extremities are normal. Various forms of the
Geographic disease exist, and a history of other affected family members
The second classification system is geographic and describes is helpful.
what part of the body is affected by CP. Hemiplegia is
present when only one side of the body is involved, with Functional
the upper extremity usually more involved than the lower Current emphasis is on classifying patients with CP by
extremity (Fig. 35-1). Patients with spastic hemiplegia can functional level (Fig. 35-4). The Gross Motor and Func-
be further divided by their degree of gait impairment. tional Classification System (GMFCS) is most commonly
Winters and colleagues subdivided patients with spastic used to describe the patient’s level of function before and
hemiplegia into four groups: (1) loss of swing-phase ankle after an intervention.535 The GMFCS scale has five levels.
dorsiflexion (i.e., footdrop) but stance-phase dorsiflexion GMFCS 1 describes a patient who ambulates without aids
present; (2) loss of stance- and swing-phase ankle dorsiflex- on all surfaces and keeps up with peers. In GMFCS 2, the
ion (equinus) and possible knee hyperextension in stance patient is fully ambulatory, may use lower extremity ortho-
phase; (3) ankle involvement plus increased stance-phase ses, and does not keep up fully with peers. At GMFCS 3,
knee flexion with limited range of knee motion; and the patient uses ambulatory aids such as a walker or crutches
(4) ankle, knee, and hip involvement with increased stance- and may use a wheelchair for longer distances. GMFCS 4
phase hip flexion and limited range of hip motion.682 describes nonambulatory patients who are able to propel
e6 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-3  Fifteen-year-old girl with spastic quadriplegia.

The first step in the evaluation of a child with CP is to
obtain a complete history, especially the birth history. Birth
weight, gestational age, complications, and whether the
child required ventilator assistance or hospitalization in the
neonatal intensive care unit are important data. If the birth
history is normal, neurologic consultation should be consid-
ered. Evaluation of motor milestones will reveal delayed
development. Head control should be present at 3 to 6
months, sitting by 6 to 9 months, crawling by 9 months,
standing and cruising by 10 to 12 months, and walking
between 12 and 18 months. Adjustments for prematurity
should be made; a premature child may not walk by 15
months of age. Preferential use of one hand or leg and early
handedness, particularly left-handedness in small infants,
are often clues that spastic hemiparesis may be present.
B Likewise, dragging one leg when crawling or scooting may
also be an indication of hemiparesis. Ascertaining whether
FIGURE 35-2  A and B, Five-year-old girl with spastic diplegia. She the child has other problems, such as strabismus, difficulty
walks with the aid of a walker and bilateral ankle–foot orthoses. swallowing, frequent choking, delayed speech development,
poor eyesight, and seizures, is important. Some 20% to 40%
of children with CP have seizures, most common in hemi-
their own wheelchair, whereas GMFCS 5 indicates an plegic and quadriplegic patients.13,247,333,443 These observa-
inability to transfer, propel a wheelchair, or support the tions may all be clues leading to the diagnosis of CP.
trunk. A comprehensive review of nine CP registries
throughout the world revealed the following proportion of Physical Examination
GMFCS levels: level 1, 34.2%; level 2, 25.6%; level 3,
11.5%; level 4, 13.7%, and level 5, 15.6% .505 Because levels Muscle Tone
1 and 2 are considered lesser involvement, most patients Physical examination of a child with CP should include
are mildly involved, although more severely involved muscle tone in the extremities. With the patient relaxed
children are more apparent in a pediatric orthopaedic (even sitting on the lap of a parent), the extremities are
practice. brought through a full range of motion. Spasticity feels like
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e7

Level 1 Level 2

Level 3 Level 4 Level 5

FIGURE 35-4  Gross Motor and Functional Classification System. Level 1: Children walk without limitations and can run and jump, but
speed and coordination are reduced. Level 2: Walk without aids indoors and with assistive mobility devices such as crutches, walkers, and/
or orthotics. Level 3: Walk indoors and outdoors with assistive mobility devices such as crutches, walkers, and/or orthotics. Level 4: Rely on
a wheelchair for most mobility. Children may have a very limited ability to take steps but are not functionally ambulatory. Level 5: No
independent mobility and unable to maintain an upright trunk without support.

tightness in the muscles, which become tighter the quicker outlines these reflexes in clear detail.72 The startle reflex,
the limbs are passively moved. Greater range of motion can or the Moro reflex, which should disappear by 4 months of
be gained by slowly and gently stretching the joints in ques- age, is elicited by letting the infant’s head drop back into
tion. The Tardieu test is a measure of spasticity. For example, extension with the infant supine but slightly elevated. This
if the examiner is assessing hamstring spasticity, the angle causes the legs and arms to extend abruptly. A sudden loud
at which a “grab” of resistance occurs when quickly extend- noise can likewise cause an older child to extend and lurch
ing the knee with the hip in flexion is compared with the from a wheelchair. The parachute reflex is tested by holding
amount of extension possible when the knee is stretched the child in the air and then lowering him quickly headfirst
slowly.639 toward the examining table. Children older than 5 months
Fine motor activities should be assessed. Passing the will reach out with both arms to protect themselves. Chil-
child a toy or a pen often reveals spastic hemiplegia in one dren with CP cannot do so, and those with hemiplegia will
extremity. Having the child clap the hands or wiggle the reach out with only one arm.
fingers may reveal difficulties in fine motor control. The tonic neck reflex is elicited by turning the supine
infant’s head to one side. The ipsilateral arm and leg will
Reflexes extend while the contralateral arm and leg flex. This reflex
Deep tendon reflexes are increased in patients with CP. should disappear in infancy; persistence should raise suspi-
Repetitive tapping of the deep tendons or quick passive cion for CP.
dorsiflexion of the ankle may produce clonus, which estab-
lishes the presence of an upper motoneuron neurologic Balance, Sitting, and Gait
abnormality. In hemiparesis, reflexes will be asymmetric. Balance, sitting, and gait are assessed by noting whether the
Infantile reflexes disappear in normal children by 3 to 6 child can sit unsupported without use of hands or get into
months of age as the motor cortex matures; however, they a sitting position without assistance or whether balance is
are retained in children with CP.66 Bleck’s textbook on CP easily disturbed in the sitting position or as the child walks.
e8 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Clinical assessment of gait requires that the child’s joints

be readily seen, so the child should be barefoot and in shorts Gait Analysis
or a short gown. The evaluation should be conducted with Gait analysis has become popular in the assessment of
the examiner seated on a stool at the level of the child. movement disorders in children with CP, but the usefulness
Enough room should be available for the child to walk natu- of such studies is controversial. Accurate documentation of
rally. Heel-to-toe walking, hopping on either foot, and dynamic range of motion may help in planning surgical
running are observed. A patient with mild hemiplegia may treatment and assessing the results of orthopaedic opera-
walk nearly normally but exhibit abnormal movement pat- tions, but it does not replace a good clinical examination.
terns while running; the affected upper extremity will draw When gait analysis graphs are scrutinized together with
upward and not have a normal arm swing. information from the clinical examination and slow-motion
Gait should be observed from the front of the child and videotape, better understanding of a patient’s gait can be
then from the side, and the hips, knees, and ankles should gained.151 A detailed discussion of gait analysis can be found
be systematically assessed from each perspective. A in Chapter 5. The Functional Mobility Scale is a question-
crouched gait consisting of increased flexion at the hip and naire that assesses the child’s ambulatory ability at 5 m
knee, toe-walking with genu recurvatum, or a footdrop in (within the home), 50 m (short distances), and 500 m
the swing phase of gait may all be indicative of CP. Distur- (community ambulation) and should be considered in con-
bance in clearance of the swing-phase limb may be caused junction with gait analysis in surgical decision making.229,230
by footdrop or an inability to flex the knee.
Cadence. Cadence parameters include walking speed, step
Other Assessments length, number of steps per minute, and the proportion
Rarely are imaging studies ordered by orthopaedic surgeons of time spent in stance and swing phases. Patients with
when establishing the diagnosis of CP. If questions persist CP usually have disturbances in cadence parameters. In
regarding a correct diagnosis, referral to a pediatric neurolo- good walkers with spastic diplegia, walking velocity is main-
gist is indicated. At the neurologist’s discretion, imaging tained despite decreased step length by increasing cadence
studies such as cranial ultrasonography, brain magnetic reso- (quick, short steps). Good walkers with CP increase their
nance imaging (MRI), and computed tomography (CT) may speed by increasing cadence, but spasticity interferes with
be pursued.322 Similarly, laboratory studies may be neces- increasing step length.4 In those with more severe diplegia
sary to look for evidence of metabolic diseases associated and quadriplegia, walking speed is diminished, with
with delays in development and CP-like symptoms, such as decreased cadence and step length. The proportion of time
congenital hypothyroidism or dopa-responsive dystonia. A spent in stance phase, particularly double-limb stance,
detailed discussion of these metabolic conditions is beyond increases because the child has greater difficulty with
the scope of this chapter, however. balance and advancing the limb. Children with hemiplegia
show asymmetry in step length and in single- and double-
Histopathologic and Imaging Findings support time.437
Two findings frequently described on histopathologic exam-
ination or imaging studies of the brain in children with CP Kinematics. Certain kinematic patterns are seen in patients
are periventricular leukomalacia and intraventricular and with CP.158,208,280,629,682,683 In the hip, scissoring, which is
periventricular hemorrhage. Periventricular leukomalacia is caused by tightness in the adductor musculature and, in
defined as patchy areas of necrosis in the periventricular part, by weakness of the hip abductors, leads to a narrow
white matter adjacent to the lateral ventricles. It results base of gait and difficulty advancing the swing-phase limb
from an ischemic insult to the arterial watershed area close past the stance-phase limb (Fig. 35-5). In the sagittal plane,
to the ventricular walls. Pyramidal tract fibers mapping to increased hip flexion and anterior pelvic tilt may be part of
the lower extremities pass through this area and are there- crouch gait as a result of increased tone in the iliopsoas (Fig.
fore more susceptible to injury than fibers responsible for 35-6). Increased femoral anteversion may be documented
the upper extremities and face. The bigger the lesion, the by gait analysis as increased internal rotation of the hips.
more fibers that are injured and the greater the proportion Asymmetric pelvic rotation may be present, and gait analy-
of the body that is affected by CP.65 sis is particularly helpful when the examiner is trying to
The areas of the brain immediately adjacent to the ascertain whether the abnormal rotation is originating from
ventricles are also most susceptible to hemorrhage. Hem- the pelvis, hips, or tibiae (Fig. 35-7).158
orrhage may be seen on ultrasound, MRI, or CT. Mild At the knee, sagittal-plane motion is usually abnormal.
hemorrhages involve the germinal matrix adjacent to the In patients with tight hamstrings, the knee remains flexed
ventricles, whereas more severe hemorrhages extend into at initial contact and is unable to extend normally during
the ventricles themselves and into the parenchyma of stance phase. In swing phase, spasticity of the rectus femoris
the brain. Hypoxia is known to predispose to periven- may inhibit the patient’s ability to flex the knee and clear
tricular and intraventricular hemorrhage.65 Approximately the floor (Fig. 35-8). Genu recurvatum during stance phase
one half of preterm infants with CP are found to have may be present in response to a tight Achilles tendon, which
abnormalities on neuroimaging, such as echolucency in causes difficulty advancing the tibia forward over the foot.
the periventricular white matter or ventricular enlarge- Ankle kinematics often shows disturbances in plantar
ment on cranial ultrasound. In children with CP born flexion, dorsiflexion, and push-off. Plantar flexion on weight
at or near term, about two thirds have abnormalities on acceptance is generally abnormal in patients with equinus
neuroimaging, including focal infarction, malformations, contractures. Dorsiflexion during midstance is diminished
and periventricular leukomalacia.448 in the presence of a tight Achilles tendon, and push-off is
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e9

Hip abduction/adduction Pelvic rotation

30 45


Adduction 20





–30 Hip rotation

0 25 50 75 100 45
Stance phase Swing phase

Percentage of gait cycle
FIGURE 35-5  In normal gait (black dotted curve), the hip adducts 15

slightly in stance phase as the contralateral hemipelvis drops,
and it abducts slightly in swing phase. In patients with scissoring
as a result of cerebral palsy (red curve), adduction of the hip is

increased. Vertical lines designate divisions between the stance and
swing phases for each leg.


Foot progression

Pelvic tilt 30


20 –30


0 Shank–based foot rotation



Hip flexion 30





Stance phase Swing phase
FIGURE 35-7  Transverse-plane kinematics is useful in determining

the cause of intoeing or outtoeing in cerebral palsy. In this

–20 hemiplegic patient, the involved hemipelvis is characteristically
Stance phase Swing phase externally rotated (red curves), excessive femoral anteversion is
FIGURE 35-6  Normal kinematics for pelvic tilt and hip sagittal- present, and the foot is internally rotated relative to the knee
plane motion is represented by the black dotted curve. Patients because of equinovarus deformity of the foot. This results in a foot
with cerebral palsy (red curve is the right side, blue dotted curve progression angle of 40 degrees internally. The uninvolved side is
is the left side) may crouch at the hip joint, which is represented represented by the blue dotted curves, and normal transverse-plane
on gait analysis as increased anterior pelvic tilt and lack of hip kinematics is represented by the black dotted curves. Vertical lines
extension at terminal stance phase. Vertical lines designate designate divisions between the stance and swing phases for
divisions between the stance and swing phases for each leg. each leg.
e10 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Knee flexion 132 Rectus femoris


150 Vastus medialis


66 Med. hamstrings


154 Tibialis anterior


–15 mV
0 25 50 75 100
Stance phase Swing phase 85.1 Gastrocnemius
Percentage of gait cycle
FIGURE 35-8  Crouch at the knee in a diplegic patient (red curve is
the right knee, blue dotted curve is the left knee) is documented as 252 Rectus femoris
increased knee flexion throughout stance phase. As the leg enters
swing phase, the knee slowly flexes and reaches maximal flexion mV
later than in the normal gait (black dotted curve) because of rectus
femoris spasticity, which interferes with clearing of the foot as it 244 Vastus medialis
swings forward. Vertical lines designate divisions between the
stance and swing phases for each leg. mV

73.4 Med. hamstrings

Ankle flexion

158 Tibialis anterior



172 Gastrocnemius


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Percentage of gait cycle

–60 FIGURE 35-10  Typical electromyographic pattern during gait in a

0 25 50 75 100 child with cerebral palsy. The horizontal bars represent the
Stance phase Swing phase situation in which a muscle is normally “on.” Stance phase is
represented from 0 to 60 and swing phase from 60 to 100.
Percentage of gait cycle
Contraction of all muscles is inappropriate during gait.
FIGURE 35-9  Sagittal-plane kinematics of a patient with cerebral
palsy who has bilateral equinus (red curve is the right side, blue
dotted curve is the left side). The ankle remains in plantar flexion
during stance phase rather than progressively dorsiflexing, as in at the hip and knee but excessive dorsiflexion at the ankle
the normal second rocker (black dotted curve). Vertical lines leading to inefficient push-off.
designate divisions between the stance and swing phases for
each leg. Electromyography. Spasticity leads to electrical overactivity
on electromyography (EMG) during gait, and it seems that
the more spastic the child, the greater the EMG signal and
reduced if the ankle is already plantar-flexed from the the less phasic the muscles in their contraction (Fig. 35-10).
equinus. Swing-phase dorsiflexion may be absent as a result Dynamic EMG data collected during gait analysis can be
of weakness or inactivity of the tibialis anterior and lead to correlated with kinematic and kinetic graphs to gain a fuller
footdrop (Fig. 35-9). understanding of the biomechanics of the child’s gait.470 For
Gait analysis is particularly useful in assessing the cause example, normally at initial contact, the ankle plantar-flexes
of toe-walking. It is tempting to attribute all toe-walking to while the anterior tibialis fires on the EMG. Kinetic plots
tight Achilles tendons; however, some children walk on show absorption of power as weight acceptance occurs. In
their toes in response to crouch above the ankle and have stance phase a child with CP may exhibit early heel rise,
neutral ankle dorsiflexion but increased flexion at the knee seen as plantar flexion on kinematic plots, which correlates
and hip. Lengthening of the Achilles tendon in these chil- with gastrocsoleus overactivity on EMG. We find data
dren would result in a calcaneus gait, with persistent crouch from EMG most useful when evaluating a child with a stiff
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e11

Hip power Ankle power







–2 –3
0 25 50 75 100 0 25 50 75 100
Stance phase Swing phase Stance phase Swing phase
Percentage of gait cycle Percentage of gait cycle
FIGURE 35-11  A normal hip generates power at terminal stance FIGURE 35-12  As the gastrocsoleus contracts at heel rise, the
phase as the iliopsoas pulls the leg off the ground (black dotted ankle generates a burst of power (black dotted curve). In patients
curve). In patients with cerebral palsy (red curve is the right side, with either equinus or calcaneus gait secondary to cerebral palsy,
blue dotted curve is the left side), hip kinetics can be disturbed. power generation is decreased. (Red curve is the right side, blue
This patient generates little power at terminal stance phase and dotted curve is the left side). Vertical lines designate divisions
is therefore less efficient. Vertical lines designate divisions between between the stance and swing phases for each leg.
the stance and swing phases for each leg.

knee in swing phase for rectus femoris transfer and when not always be in the patient’s best interest. Gait analysis
assessing a child with an equinovarus foot for tendon can be an adjunct to clinical examination, but the data
transfer (either anterior tibialis or posterior tibialis split should be scrutinized and the videotape reviewed to judge
transfer).472 whether the data are representative of the gait seen in the
clinic or described by the parents in the home.
Kinetics. Kinetics is the force exerted across joints during Very active gait analysis laboratories claim that their
gait. Each joint has well-described kinetic patterns, and the studies can change the surgical plan in patients with CP in
reader is referred to work by Gage for descriptions.207 Two up to 52% to 70% of instances.160,206 In many cases, gait
particular forces are clinically interesting: hip pull-off power analysis reduces the number of individual procedures
and ankle push-off power. Hip pull-off power, the force needed in a single-event multilevel surgery (SEMLS)
exerted by the iliopsoas and other hip flexors to lift the approach.354 The decision-making process with the use of
stance-phase limb off the ground and into swing phase, is gait analysis data is only as good as the astuteness and famil-
often diminished in patients with CP and leads to decreased iarity of the orthopaedic surgeon reading the graphs.
energy efficiency (Fig. 35-11). Ankle push-off power, the The Gilette Gait Index (GGI) is a numerical calculation
force exerted by the gastrocsoleus at terminal stance to that represents how different the kinematic data are from
push the stance-phase limb off the ground, is diminished in age-matched normal values. Improvement in the GGI fol-
patients with equinus or calcaneus gait (Fig. 35-12). lowing SEMLS has been documented in various studies.644

Oxygen Consumption. The goal of orthopaedic interven- Summary. Gait analysis in our center is used to
tion is to improve the quality and efficiency of walking.
1. Clearly document the three-dimensional movement of
By comparing oxygen cost and consumption with normal
the lower extremity during gait preoperatively
values through collection of preoperative and postoperative
2. Document changes in gait over time as the patient grows
data, the efficiency of the child’s gait can be measured
because gait may deteriorate in children with CP292
objectively.84,184,662 Heart rate is an indirect measure of
3. Allow preoperative and postoperative comparisons of
oxygen consumption and can easily be measured in the
results after tendon or bone surgery and to gather
clinic.431,531,532 Children with CP have been found to have
research data
six times higher heart rates when walking than able-bodied
4. Analyze the rotational profile of the patient before
peers do, with the highest heart rates seen in children with
surgery to help the surgeon select the correct site and
crouch gait.497
amount of rotational change
5. Confirm a surgical plan when needed
Flaws in Gait Analysis. Critics of gait analysis in patients
with CP have pointed out that patients fitted with markers Gait analysis does not tell surgeons whether they should
and electrodes and placed in front of video cameras do not operate, but it may help them fine-tune the operative plan
walk as they do at home or school.670 Considerable vari- when questions exist. Additionally, gait analysis provides an
ability in how patients walk from clinic visit to clinic visit objective assessment of changes seen after SEMLS, includ-
has been noted. Basing treatment plans on kinematic and ing alterations in joint position, dynamic range of motion,
kinetic data from a few strides across a gait laboratory may and time and distance parameters.6
e12 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

pain and deformity as an adult.71 Patients with CP do not

Muscle Strength
usually have severely shortened life spans. In a study of all
It has long been known that muscles in children with CP children with CP born between 1966 and 1984, the 20-year
are typically spastic and that motor control of the muscles survival rate was 89%. If the patients were ambulatory, had
(i.e., the child’s ability to volitionally contract and relax the manual dexterity, and were not mentally retarded, the
muscle) is impaired. Reports have documented that muscle 20-year survival rate was higher than 99%.281 Survival is
weakness is also a problem in children with CP. Docu- clearly linked with the patient’s GMFCS level. In a study
mented muscle weakness is worse for children as the CP from the Swedish database, all GMFCS level 1 and 2 chil-
GMFCS level worsens.648 dren survived to 19 years of age, whereas only 60% of
GMFCS 5 children were still alive. Patients with gastros-
tomy tubes were most likely to succumb to early death,
Prognosis for Ambulation
which is indicative of their medical fragility rather than the
Many authors have proposed criteria for predicting the ulti- presence of the gastrostomy itself.672 The overall 30-year
mate ability of a child with CP to walk. Inability to sit by survival rate is estimated to be 87%; it is lower in those with
2 years of age,404 persistence of two or more infantile spastic quadriplegia, seizure disorders, and profound mental
reflexes beyond 12 to 15 months,68 and lack of head control retardation.132
by 20 months imply a poor prognosis for ambulation.148
Beals stated that the severity of involvement of the lower Nonsurgical Treatment
extremities is the most important factor affecting a child’s
eventual ability to walk.53 The presence or absence of Physical Therapy
mental retardation does not influence the ability to walk. Frequently, the first treatment rendered to a child with CP
The geographic type of CP that a child has influences is physical therapy. Yet no controlled studies have confirmed
whether the child will walk. All children with spastic hemi- that regular physical therapy improves the outcome of a
plegia develop the ability to ambulate. Eighty-six percent to child with CP.656 One of the first well-designed studies
91% of children with spastic diplegia become ambulatory investigating the effect of physical therapy was performed
and 0% to 72% of patients with spastic quadriplegia learn by Wright and Nicholson in 1973. They found no difference
to walk. The discrepant figures are due to variation in dif- in motor skills or reflexes after 12 months in children who
ferentiation between spastic diplegia and quadriplegia had neurodevelopmental training or physical therapy and
among studies.548 those who did not.686 Other studies followed and again
The age at which children with CP begin to walk varies showed no discernible improvement after different forms
with the severity of their neurologic disease. Patients with of therapy.264,377,457,484 In defense of physical therapy, these
spastic hemiplegia generally walk between the ages of 18 studies are difficult to carry out because they involve dif-
and 21 months. Children with spastic diplegia who walk ferent age groups and children with varying severity of
usually do so by 4 years of age. Many agree that the ability neurologic impairment and usually encompass just a brief
to walk plateaus by 7 years of age, thus implying that if a period of therapy. However, as Bleck72 pointed out, “The
child is nonambulatory at 7 years, the child will probably burden of proof is on the proponents of the treatment.
never become ambulatory.53,68,133 Critics need not prove ineffectiveness but can insist on
positive data.” The efficacy of physical therapy can be
proved or disproved only with a properly designed, collab-
orative, multicenter, randomized, controlled trial. Such a
Once the diagnosis of CP has been made, the physician trial has yet to be undertaken.649
must select a course of treatment. Treatment choices are Physical therapy, ranging from the medical model, with
now more numerous than ever and include observation, the aims of attaining ambulation, range of motion, or trans-
physical therapy, botulinum toxin, intrathecal administra- fers, to neurodevelopmental training, sensory integration,
tion of baclofen, neurosurgery, and orthopaedic surgery.406 and even craniosacral therapy, has been proposed. Electrical
With the increasing popularity of nonorthopaedic manage- stimulation of the muscles has also been used in these
ment of spasticity, some centers have noted an overall patients.101,257 Families like physical therapy and attribute
decrease in orthopaedic surgical procedures in this patient gains in their young child’s ability to interaction with the
group.251 Treatment, whether surgical or nonsurgical, must therapist. However, some of these gains are simply the
be goal oriented. The goals of treatment of children with result of neurologic maturation of the child.
CP that have been linked to productive lives as adults are Our approach to physical therapy is to establish therapy
communication, education, mobility, and ambulation. for monitoring the developmental milestones of very young
Note that walking ranks below mobility. Although ambu- children, around the age of 2 or 3 years. Therapy is contin-
lation remains a desirable goal, it should not be pursued so ued if gains are being made in attaining ambulation. School-
fervently that attention to overall development of the child based programs are used in elementary school and often
is ignored. include adaptive physical education. Postoperative intensive
Bleck68 quoted Rang as advising orthopaedists to remem- physical therapy is essential to reestablish range of motion
ber that “the child with cerebral palsy becomes the adult and strength after surgical intervention. Strength training of
with cerebral palsy.” Childhood is the optimal time for weak muscles has been successful in improving motor func-
intervention to maximize the function of a patient with CP. tion.140,143 We also draw on the expertise of physical thera-
It is the orthopaedists’ duty to ensure that the musculosk- pists in assessing orthotic needs and wheelchair seating
eletal treatment of the child prevents future problems with when appropriate. No evidence supports the continued use
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e13

FIGURE 35-13  A to C, Different views of common ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) used in patients with cerebral palsy. The orthosis on the left
is a ground reaction AFO that extends across the anterior aspect of the tibia to prevent flexion of the knee in stance. The center orthosis is
a conventional solid ankle AFO. The orthosis on the right is a hinged AFO that allows dorsiflexion of the ankle but prevents equinus.

of physical therapy for range of motion, particularly in a Orthoses

nonambulatory child. Physical therapists play an important Orthoses can be helpful in improving gait in ambulatory
consultative role in making treatment decisions for patients patients with CP. Bracing is best prescribed when specific
whom they treat on a regular basis and whom we examine treatment goals for gait improvement are identified.152
on a relatively infrequent basis. Ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs) are helpful in positioning the
It is common for parents of children with CP to resist ankle and foot during gait. In young children, dynamic
discontinuing physical therapy. We believe that goals must equinus can be improved, with a plantigrade foot position
be set for therapy and, if progress toward these goals is not obtained and the tendency for genu recurvatum
being made, either the goals need to be reassessed or therapy decreased.544,595
should be stopped because it is not useful. Setting measur- AFOs come in various designs (Fig. 35-13). Solid ankle
able functional goals has led to greater success after physical AFOs are used when minimal dorsiflexion of the ankle is
therapy.85 possible. Of the various types, they afford the easiest fit.
In an older child, transitioning from physical therapy to Solid ankle AFOs can also be used in patients with excessive
therapeutic recreation is desirable and generally met with dorsiflexion and knee flexion; by stabilizing the ankle,
enthusiasm by the patient.501 Adaptive sports or swimming extension of the knee is encouraged. Ground reaction AFOs
allows the child to participate with peers and affords greater have an anterior shell of plastic across the proximal end of
enjoyment than exercises in the therapy gym do. Time in the tibia and are rear entry. The goal of a ground reaction
school should be spent on education at this age and not on AFO is to provide push-back on the knee during stance
physical therapy. phase and help the knee extend. Patients who walk in mild
crouch with knee flexion contractures of less than 10
Casting degrees may benefit from this design.522 Hinged AFOs
Inhibitive casting has waxed and waned in popularity as a permit a more natural gait by allowing some dorsiflexion
mode of treatment of spasticity in children with CP. It is during stance but blocking plantar flexion and therefore
based on the presence of areas on the feet that are target eliminating equinus and footdrop.102,512 Greater power gen-
centers for increased tone at the ankle and, some believe, eration in preswing is seen with hinged AFOs than with
throughout the lower extremities in certain patients. Usually, solid ankle designs496; however, hinged AFOs are bulkier
short-leg casts are applied with extended toe plates, careful and break more frequently, and they offer no benefit if the
molding of the heel, and metatarsal head control. This has patient does not have passive dorsiflexion of the ankle. If
been used by physical therapists and by some physicians. crouch gait is present, a hinged AFO will worsen knee
The time spent in casts varies but is generally a minimum of flexion, thereby leading to ankle calcaneus and a less effi-
6 weeks and is followed by the use of orthoses. cient gait.97 Posterior leaf spring AFOs are fabricated from
In our experience, casting has a limited role in patients more pliable polypropylene and have more severe posterior
with CP. We have used casting in rare cases of very young trim lines at the ankle. They are touted as providing a little
children (<4 years) with equinus contractures to delay sur- push-off at terminal stance. They tend to break and may
gical heel cord lengthening. Because equinus recurs after not provide enough hindfoot control in most patients with
casting, permanent resolution of the equinus is not a goal. CP. Gait analysis has shown that posterior leaf spring AFOs
Some studies show short-lived improvements in passive and function similar to hinged AFOs; that is, they allow some
dynamic ankle range of motion following casting,391 whereas dorsiflexion in stance phase through deformation of the
others have reported longer resolution of equinus contrac- brace, and they control equinus in swing phase but do not
tures in children younger than 6 years.126 return energy at push-off.454
e14 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Tone-reducing (or dynamic) AFOs incorporate a molded Comfortable footwear without orthoses is preferable for
footplate, termed an inhibitive footplate, and have higher these feet. Finally, as young children with CP become ado-
trim lines that extend across the dorsum of the foot. The lescents, they often refuse to wear orthoses for cosmetic
goal of these orthoses is to apply pressure similar to that of reasons. Allowing the patient to make a personal choice in
an inhibitive cast and therefore reduce tone throughout the whether to wear a brace is particularly important in this
lower extremities. Little scientific evidence supports this age group.
design inasmuch as no significant functional changes in gait
have been noted with the use of tone-reducing as opposed Medical Treatment of Spasticity
to standard AFOs.131 Nonetheless, they remain popular
with many families. Oral Medication
Bracing above the knee with knee-ankle-foot orthoses Oral pharmacotherapy, including diazepam and baclofen,
(KAFOs) or hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses (HKAFOs) is not has been used in an attempt to reduce tone in patients with
generally done in those with CP. The weight and bulk of the CP.138 Side effects include somnolence. Oral tizanidine has
braces usually interfere with rather than improve the child’s been used to relieve spasticity with improved results.139
ability to walk. Short-term use of KAFOs or knee immobi- Patients with movement disorders such as dystonia or cho-
lizers after soft tissue surgery for crouch gait can be helpful reiform movements have been treated by various medica-
in retraining children to walk. tions, with varying success.490
Our indications for bracing are
Intrathecal Baclofen. The inability to adequately reduce
1. To obtain a plantigrade foot position and reduce genu
tone with oral baclofen because of the side effects with
recurvatum in patients with dynamic equinus
large dosages led to trials of intrathecal baclofen. When
2. To support the foot in dorsiflexion during swing phase
baclofen is injected into the intrathecal space, small doses
when footdrop is present
can effectively reach the target neural tissue of the spinal
3. To assist the foot postoperatively while weakness is being
cord and produce a greater reduction in tone.406 Baclofen,
treated by physical therapy
a γ-aminobutyric acid agonist, acts at the spinal cord level
4. To improve mild crouch
to impede release of the excitatory neurotransmitters that
We do not advocate the use of AFOs in nonambulatory cause spasticity.16 After proof of efficacy with test injections
patients who are able to wear shoes, but we do on occasion of the drug, implantable pumps filled with baclofen are
prescribe them when footwear is difficult and is improved surgically inserted into the anterior abdominal wall and the
with orthoses. We also do not use AFOs in a preambulatory dose of medication is titrated. Continuous infusion of the
young child because they interfere with the child’s ability medication is delivered by the pump, which requires refill-
to crawl and move about the floor. ing approximately every 3 months. Studies have shown
Some patients walk worse with AFOs than without decreased upper and lower extremity tone and improve-
them. In patients with significant crouch gait, flexion of the ments in range of motion with continuous intrathecal
knee and hip with the foot supported in an AFO forces the baclofen infusion.17,38
child to either pull up out of the braces or toe-walk despite Complications occur in approximately 20% of patients.
the orthosis (Fig. 35-14). Toe-walking has not ever been The complications are usually related to catheter dislodg-
found to be harmful, so it is often better to allow the child ment or fracture, but serious infection occurs in 5%.16
to walk on toes brace free or to proceed with surgery when Overdose of intrathecal baclofen is very rare but serious
appropriate. Valgus deformities of the hindfeet are often and can produce somnolence and hypotonia, which
difficult to brace because braces can produce painful cal- leads to respiratory depression requiring mechanical
luses and blisters over the prominence of the talar heads. ventilation.551

FIGURE 35-14  A, Bilateral equinus in a child with spastic diplegia. B, The orthosis is unable to maintain a plantigrade foot position
because of spasticity in the gastrocsoleus and flexion at the hip and knee.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e15

Currently, no strict indications for the use of intrathecal

baclofen have been determined, but most pumps are
implanted in patients with severe spasticity that interferes
with positioning and function of the upper and lower
extremities. Pumps are currently being implanted in both
nonambulatory and ambulatory patients. Spasticity, as
graded by the Ashworth scale, has been shown to decrease
1 year following implantation of intrathecal baclofen pumps
regardless of preoperative severity.415 Caregiver satisfaction
in the nonambulatory group is high, with parents noting
easier positioning, transfers, and personal care, as well as
improved pain control.221,413 Pain relief and improved sleep
are typically seen within 6 months of pump implantation.499
Many of these patients still need orthopaedic surgery for
hip subluxation or contractures.216 Although progressive hip
subluxation can occur, significant deterioration in migration
percentage is uncommon.328 Close monitoring for scoliosis
is also warranted because rapid progression of deformity has
been described in some studies but refuted in others.559 Two
studies comparing progression of scoliosis in patients who
had intrathecal baclofen pumps implanted versus a well-
matched control group of children with severe CP who
were not treated with baclofen found no statistical differ-
ence in progression of scoliosis in the treated group. Both
groups of patients experienced curve progression, which
supports the premise that it is the severity of neurologic
involvement and functional disability that predisposes the
patient to scoliosis and not the medical management of
spasticity (Fig 35-15).579,588

Botulinum Toxin. Botulinum toxin injections have become

a popular form of treatment in patients with CP. The toxin
is produced by the anaerobic bacterium Clostridium botu-
linum and works by blocking the release of acetylcholine at
the neuromuscular junction. It is injected at known ana-
tomic sites of innervation,663 often guided by EMG. The
targeted muscle becomes weak because of lack of innerva-
tion until the neuromuscular junction sprouts new endings.105
FIGURE 35-15  Eleven-year-old boy with 110-degree scoliosis,
Botulinum toxin is available in two forms, Botox and
spastic quadriparesis, and an intrathecal baclofen pump. The
Dysport, which are not pharmacologically equivalent.412 patient had also undergone left hip reconstruction for subluxation.
Muscles that are considered to be candidates for injec-
tion are those that produce dynamic deformities in the
absence of fixed contracture. For example, a child who
walks in ankle equinus because of spasticity in the gastroc-
soleus but who exhibits dorsiflexion on passive range of less equinus—after botulinum toxin injection.186,323,628 Cos-
motion may be a candidate for injection into this muscle. grove, one of the first proponents of this treatment, notes
The drug begins taking effect after 2 to 3 days, and its effect that patients who are younger, who have diplegia rather
wears off after approximately 3 months. The amount of than hemiplegia, and who have greater dynamic shortening
botulinum toxin that can be injected at any one setting has of the muscle with less contracture have the best response.
an upper limit, so it works best in children in whom only He and others proposed that botulinum toxin may allow
one or two muscles are to be injected. It offers less benefit tendon surgery to be delayed until a later age, when the risk
to a child with multiple muscle involvement. From a techni- for recurrence is lower.125,324
cal standpoint, superficial large muscles are the easiest to Botulinum toxin injections have been compared with
inject. Deep muscles, such as the iliopsoas, can be injected serial casting for the nonsurgical treatment of equinus. In
under imaging for accurate localization.673,677 one study, the results were similar between children treated
Most research that has been published in the orthopaedic with serial casting and those who underwent botulinum
literature on the use of botulinum toxin for CP has involved toxin injection.122 Conflicting results were seen in another
gastrocsoleus injection. Two randomized, double-blind, report, which found Botox alone to be less effective than
placebo-controlled trials found improved initial foot contact either casting or combined Botox and casting for ankle
and gross motor function in botulinum toxin–treated equinus.8 Yet another study reported that casting plus Botox
patients.325,661 Gait studies have found improvements in provided improved passive dorsiflexion and motor control
sagittal-plane stance-phase dorsiflexion—in other words, when compared with Botox alone.256 Finally, a meta-analysis
e16 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

of all randomized controlled studies found no benefit of whether the complications described are due to the injec-
Botox and casting over either casting or Botox alone.543 tion of botulinum toxin or are inherent because of the
Botox injections into other muscles have been patients’ underlying fragile health.
studied.100,125 Hamstring injections may decrease crouch In conclusion, botulinum toxin injection is of use in the
at the knee. Injection of the adductors is reported to treatment of lower extremity spasticity. Recommended
lessen scissoring and significantly increase hip abduction.370 dose guidelines have been published.358 Complications are
Some centers perform adductor injections to decrease rare but serious and are seen most frequently in the GMFCS
hip subluxation, although the results to date do not support 5 population.
this approach.483 A randomized controlled study in Aus-
tralia compared young children with CP treated with Surgical Treatment
botulinum toxin injections into the adductors and ham-
strings every 6 months and daily use of an abduction General Considerations
brace with a similar group of young children who were When evaluating a child with CP for surgical intervention,
observed without intervention. Both groups experienced a few general principles must be kept in mind. Speaking
progressive subluxation, although the treated group had frankly with the family about the goals of surgery and the
a minimal decrease in the rate of progression. The authors expected postoperative course is important. Frequently, the
concluded that the program of botulinum toxin injection family will have unrealistic expectations and believe that
and bracing did not significantly influence the outcome surgery will “cure” the child and help him walk normally.
of the hip.227 It must be explained that CP is a brain disease and that
Frequently, parents adopt the philosophy that no harm orthopaedic surgery for CP will make the child walk differ-
will be done with injection and surgery can be performed ently, hopefully better, but will not make the child walk
later if necessary. One study found that only 10% of chil- “normally.”
dren treated with Botox (and guided by gait analysis) under-
went surgery by 7 years of age as opposed to 52% of Timing of Surgery
7-year-olds who did not receive injections.403 Although the Experts recommend combining multiple tendon surgeries
use of Botox may delay the need for operative treatment, and osteotomies into a single surgical event (SEMLS).73,159
it has not been shown to decrease the need for tendon Rang advised avoiding “birthday surgery,” or hospitalizing
surgery in the long run. The results wear off, and over time the child every year for yet another soft tissue surgery or
repeated injections become undesirable. osteotomy.501 Aside from avoiding repeated hospitalizations
Indications for botulinum toxin injection are as one joint is released at a time, contractures present at
one joint affect the position and movement of the rest of
1. A child with a dynamic equinus deformity and no fixed
the extremity, so correcting all concomitant contractures
plantar flexion contracture
simultaneously during one surgery is important to avoid
2. A child with equinus gait without multilevel crouch
recurrence or overcorrection of deformity.506 Because gait
3. A child younger than 4 years who cannot tolerate AFOs
changes and matures until approximately 7 years of age,
because of dynamic equinus
when feasible it is wise to avoid surgery until this time. At
4. Parents’ desire for injections and refusal of tendon-
this age, multiple levels can be treated simultaneously to
lengthening surgery
optimize the ambulatory skills of the patient, followed by
Rarely, we recommend botulinum toxin injection before a single aggressive course of physical therapy to maximize
surgery to investigate possible response to a planned surgical the benefits from surgery. This surgical approach has been
intervention. termed “single-event multilevel surgery.” The literature
Botox has been used in a few hospitals to reduce muscle supports the fact that well-executed surgery addressing all
spasm after orthopaedic surgery. Although improved pain contractures can result in stabilization of patients’ GMFCS
relief and reduced medication requirement have been level, thereby preserving their function or in many cases
reported in a small series, widespread use of Botox in the resulting in a lower GMFCS level at follow-up (i.e., improv-
perioperative period has not yet been adopted.51 ing their gait closer toward normal).218
Some reports of adverse events linked to botulinum In some patients surgery cannot be delayed until the age
toxin injection have led to warnings from regulatory agen- of 7 years. Young children with hip subluxation should
cies that have tempered the enthusiasm for Botox treat- undergo surgery when the problem is first recognized to
ment.15,28 Sixteen deaths from dysphagia and respiratory improve coverage of the hip. At younger ages hip surgery is
compromise led to issuing the warning. A follow-up study often less extensive and frequently consists of only soft
of 334 patients who received 596 Botox treatments found tissue release, whereas in older children, additional osteoto-
a 23% incidence of temporary adverse events, which mies of the femur and pelvis are required.
included generalized weakness in one child, worsening of For other children who are nearly ambulatory but whose
dysphagia, and respiratory infections; however, no deaths progress has been halted by contractures in the lower
occurred in this group.444 A large Australian series of 1147 extremities, earlier surgery may allow them additional range
children treated with botulinum toxin injections found a of motion to make walking less cumbersome. Adductor
1.3% incidence of hospital admission for respiratory com- release for scissoring and gastrocsoleus surgery with or
promise and linked the adverse reactions to higher GMFCS without hamstring lengthening in these younger children
levels.426 Because many severely involved patients have mul- may be indicated. Parents should be forewarned about
tiple comorbid conditions as a result of the severity of their recurrent contractures requiring additional surgery in the
medical condition, it is difficult to definitively establish future.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e17

Studies have found that the natural history of gait

disturbances in patients with CP is gradual deterioration
beginning at 12 years of age.310 Decreased ankle, knee, and
hip sagittal-plane motion, decreased cadence, and slower
walking speed have been documented over time in patients
who did not undergo intervening surgical procedures.60 It is
common for crouch and contractures to worsen in the early
teen years. Surgery may offer some benefit, but realistic
goals must be discussed.
Anesthetic Concerns
Patients with CP experience latex allergy with increased
frequency, and for those with suspected latex allergy, a
latex-free surgical environment is necessary. Allergy testing
is available for latex products. At-risk children are those
who have undergone multiple previous operations or who
have indwelling latex devices such as gastrostomy tubes or
ventriculoperitoneal shunts.156,175
Antiseizure medications may produce alterations in
clotting. Increases in bleeding times and decreased platelet
counts are known side effects of some antiepileptic FIGURE 35-16  Bilateral severe equinus contracture in a child with
agents. Preoperative evaluation of clotting parameters is cerebral palsy.
recommended for major operations such as hip recon-
struction or spinal fusion. A routine clotting profile
consisting of a prothrombin time and partial thrombo-
plastin time will miss bleeding time abnormalities. avoiding overimmobilization and secondary stiffness is
Platelet function assays can help identify these bleeding logical.
Postoperative pain control is difficult in patients under-
going hip reconstruction, spinal surgery, and multilevel Management of Foot Involvement
tendon surgery. We use continuous epidural infusions at our in Cerebral Palsy
hospital and find that if the pain is well controlled, problems
with muscle spasm are lessened. Oral medication often Equinus
needs to include both pain control medications and muscle Equinus is defined as increased plantar flexion secondary to
relaxants such as diazepam. a plantar flexion contracture or dynamic plantar flexion
secondary to overactivity of the gastrocsoleus during gait
Postoperative Management (Fig. 35-16). Patients who walk on their toes often have
Weakness is a frequent short-term sequela of lower extrem- equinus, but some may be on their toes as a consequence
ity surgery in those with CP. Persistent diminished muscle of crouch at the hip and knee and may in fact have a neutral
strength has been documented 1 year following surgery.581 ankle position. The physician must differentiate these two
Plans should be made for frequent postoperative physical groups of children.
therapy beginning shortly after surgery with attention given
to muscle strengthening. If at all possible, the patient should Differential Diagnosis of Equinus
be kept ambulatory or weight bearing after the operation. Not all children who walk on their toes have CP. Idiopathic
Prolonged time in a wheelchair adds to the overall weakness toe-walking caused by a congenitally short Achilles tendon
of the limbs. Patients with osteotomies are the exception is a condition in which otherwise neurologically normal
to this rule. In these children, weakness may be even more children walk on their toes. Unlike children with CP, these
of a problem once casts are discontinued. A few centers children are not developmentally delayed and walk on time,
have exhibited new enthusiasm for minimally invasive have normal knee motion during gait, have no neurologic
surgery to correct contractures in children with CP. Percu- signs of spasticity, and have normal reflexes. Gait studies
taneous releases with safe intramedullary fixation of rota- looking at kinematic and EMG data have attempted to dif-
tional osteotomies may result in less loss of strength in the ferentiate the two diagnoses on these grounds,243,267,297,458
postoperative period.647 Because it is imperative, however, but a thorough history and physical examination by an
that safety be ensured, percutaneous releases are not appli- experienced clinician are really all that is needed in most
cable in all situations. children.
A trend toward less immobilization after soft tissue Another condition that produces toe-walking is muscular
surgery has emerged. In our practice, short-leg casts are still dystrophy. The condition should be suspected in any young
used after Achilles tendon lengthening, but knee immobiliz- boy who walks on his toes and has a normal birth history.
ers rather than casts are becoming more frequently used A delay in the age of walking is frequently seen in patients
after hamstring lengthening, and removable abduction bars with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, so the developmental
are preferable to Petrie casts after adductor release.300 The history may not differentiate it from CP. Testing for the
goal of soft tissue surgery is greater range of motion, so Gower sign by having the child rise up rapidly from a sitting
e18 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Normal hip


FIGURE 35-18  Hyperextension of the knees to compensate for

fixed equinus deformity of the ankle. One method of aligning the
trunk and bringing the center of gravity over the feet is by knee

FIGURE 35-17  A and B, Mild ankle equinus in a 17-year-old girl equinus. Genu recurvatum is seen when the tibia is unable
with spastic diplegia. The ankle cannot be dorsiflexed past neutral to move forward over the plantigrade foot because of tight-
with the knee extended. ness in the gastrocsoleus, so the knee thrusts backward
during midstance (Fig. 35-18). The body and femur con-
tinue to move forward over the stationary tibia, and an
position on the floor will accentuate the presence of proxi- extensor moment is produced at the knee. This aligns the
mal muscle weakness. If the test for the Gower sign is ground reaction force anterior to the knee, thereby reducing
suspicious, laboratory evaluation for serum muscle enzymes demands on the quadriceps and improving the stability of
(creatine phosphokinase) is indicated. the knee.595,631 Likewise, compensatory knee flexion can be
seen during stance phase in patients who walk on their toes.
Clinical Features Over time, ankle equinus leads to valgus positioning of
Clinical examination of a child with equinus associated with the hindfoot and stretching of the plantar arch (midfoot
CP reveals an inability to fully dorsiflex the ankle. If the break). Although the foot may appear plantigrade, the talar
ankle can be passively dorsiflexed with the knee bent to 90 head is very prominent in the longitudinal arch and the
degrees but cannot be dorsiflexed with the knee extended, calcaneus is actually in equinus. Pain and calluses form over
it is believed that the gastrocnemius is tight but the soleus the head of the talus (Fig. 35-19). Hallux valgus can develop
is not contracted (Silfverskiöld test; Fig. 35-17).473 Some in response to the valgus positioning of the foot.
have used this test to determine which type of surgical
lengthening to perform. If the ankle has sufficient dorsiflex- Treatment
ion on passive range-of-motion examination, the equinus is Surgical treatment of equinus is selective lengthening of the
termed dynamic, and surgical treatment is not usually Achilles tendon or gastrocnemius fascial recession.73 Advo-
needed.621 cates of gastrocnemius recession state that this operation
Equinus interferes with forward progression of the tibia preserves or even increases push-off power more than
over the foot during stance phase and therefore shortens Achilles tendon lengthening does by not involving the soleus
stride length. Because the ankle is already plantar-flexed at muscle or tendon.39,533 Immobilization is minimized after
terminal stance, little push-off power is generated and the gastrocnemius recession, whereas casting is necessary after
gait is less efficient. If the tibialis anterior is unable to lift Achilles tendon lengthening. The risk for overcorrection
the foot to neutral during swing phase, footdrop results, into a calcaneus gait is negligible. Perry and Hoffer believe
with possible problems in clearing the foot in swing phase that gastrocnemius recession should be performed when a
and tripping. Lack of normal swing-phase ankle dorsiflexion Silfverskiöld test performed under anesthesia is positive and
leads to forefoot contact on foot strike at the beginning of dynamic EMG shows more abnormality of the gastrocne-
stance phase. Knee disturbances also result from ankle mius than of the soleus during gait.472
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e19


FIGURE 35-19  Equinovalgus of the right foot of an adolescent girl

with spastic quadriplegia. The talar head is very prominent, and a
painful callus has developed.
Those who prefer lengthening of the Achilles tendon
recognize a greater rate of recurrence of equinus after gas-
trocnemius recession, which has been as high as 48% in
some studies.147,445 They also state that Achilles tendon
lengthening may be done percutaneously, unlike gastrocne-
mius recession.237,410 In one comparative gait analysis study,
no significant difference was found between patients who
had undergone gastrocnemius recession and those who had
undergone lengthening of the Achilles tendon.193 In another
study, if equinus was an isolated gait abnormality (i.e., the
knee did not lack extension during stance phase), isolated
percutaneous Achilles tendon lengthening to a plantigrade FIGURE 35-20  Lengthening of the gastrocnemius by the Vulpius
position was very successful in improving ankle kinematics technique.
and kinetics without resulting in knee abnormalities or a
calcaneus gait.658 A higher risk for calcaneal overcorrection existing literature failed to show a scientific preference for
has been noted after percutaneous Achilles tendon length- one procedure over another, although it was agreed that
ening than after Baker gastrocsoleus aponeurotic lengthen- recurrence was most likely in younger patients and that
ing.79 At 9 years of follow-up, a calcaneus gait had developed overcorrection (or talipes calcaneus) was unlikely in hemi-
in only 10% of 44 spastic diplegics treated by gastrocsoleus plegics when compared with diplegics.589
aponeurotic recession.176 In contrast, Dietz and colleagues
studied 79 children who had undergone Achilles tendon Gastrocnemius Recession. Gastrocnemius recession may
lengthening. At an average of 7 years’ follow-up, they found be done with the techniques of Strayer, Baker, or Vulpius.
that a calcaneus gait did not develop in the hemiplegic In a Vulpius procedure, the aponeurosis of the gastrocsoleus
patients whereas 41% of the diplegic and 50% of the quad- is divided in chevron fashion and the midline fibrous septum
riplegic patients did walk with excessive knee flexion and of the soleus is transected, but the soleus muscle fibers are
ankle dorsiflexion.172 Vuillermin and colleagues side with not disturbed (Fig. 35-20). The fascia slides on the underly-
Dietz. They studied the prevalence of crouch in two periods, ing soleus.287,536 The cut in the gastrocnemius is transverse
the first when Achilles tendon lengthening was commonly and more proximal in the Strayer procedure, which does
performed and the second when gastrocnemius recession not lengthen the soleus whatsoever (Fig. 35-21).624 In the
replaced Achilles tendon lengthening. They found a marked Baker technique, the gastrocsoleus aponeurosis is cut in
decrease in the development of crouch gait in the second tongue-in-groove fashion and dissected free from the under-
cohort of patients. Confounding factors were the use of gait lying soleus muscle.41 The fascia is allowed to slide on the
analysis for preoperative planning and adoption of the underlying muscle, thereby increasing the overall length of
SEMLS approach in the group treated with gastrocnemius the muscle, and the four corners of the aponeurosis are
recession.668 Controversy on this subject continues, with sutured in the lengthened position (Fig. 35-22). These sur-
surgeons split between those who believe that the adoles- geries can be divided into groups based on the zone in which
cent crouch gait is the result of weakness from previous lengthening occurs. Zone 1 is from the gastrocnemius origin
Achilles tendon–lengthening surgery and those who believe to the distal end of the medial gastrocnemius. Zone 2 is
it to be due to growth and untreated hamstring spasticity. from the distal end of zone 1 to the end of the soleus muscle
Increasing knee flexion (crouch gait) has been documented belly. Zone 3 represents the Achilles tendon. The Strayer
to develop over time in patients who have not previously lengthening occurs in zone 1 and the Vulpius and Baker
undergone orthopaedic procedures.530 Meta-analysis of the lengthenings in zone 2.589
e20 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Gastrocnemius and
soleus muscles separated
by blunt dissection at
level of beginning of
conjoined tendons Severed tendon
sutured to soleus
muscle at least
1 inch higher
than origina

Gastrocnemius muscle severed

over a probe; proximal portion
of tendon lifted and dissected
from underlying muscle

FIGURE 35-21  Distal recession of the gastrocnemius, Strayer technique.

Line of incision
in Achilles tendon
for Z-lengthening

Achilles tendon
Medial half is to be
detached from calcaneus
Inverted U incision Sutures holding
lengthened Achilles FIGURE 35-23  Z-lengthening of the Achilles tendon.
Underlying soleus
tendon in place
muscle left intact
FIGURE 35-22  Tongue-in-groove lengthening of the
gastrocnemius aponeurosis in its middle third, the Baker insertion, a little more than half the tendon is divided medi-
technique. ally by inserting a scalpel longitudinally into the center of
the tendon, turning the blade out medially, and ballotting
the tendon down onto the blade. The lateral half of the
Achilles Tendon Lengthening. Achilles tendon lengthening tendon is then divided by using a similar maneuver more
may be performed by open or percutaneous techniques. In proximally. The heel is inverted into varus, and the ankle is
the open technique, a longitudinal incision is made just dorsiflexed to the neutral position (see Plate 35-1). The
lateral to the Achilles tendon. The tendon is lengthened in tendon can be heard lengthening as the ankle is gently
Z-fashion and repaired with stout nonabsorbable suture manipulated. It is not unusual to hear a pop as the tendon
(Fig. 35-23). The tendon must be repaired with sufficient slides and lengthens, although we prefer more gradual and
tension to avoid postoperative calcaneus gait.42,43,210,213 The gentle lengthening to prevent overlengthening of the tendon.
ankle is then immobilized in a short-leg cast for 6 weeks. It is important to check the integrity of the tendon after
An open sliding lengthening of the Achilles tendon may also percutaneous lengthening. The calf is squeezed while the
be performed; this procedure does not require suturing of surgeon observes the ankle. If the ankle plantar-flexes when
the tendon. the calf is squeezed, the tendon can be presumed to be
The percutaneous technique may require two or three intact within the tendon sheath, and no sutures are needed.
cuts in the tendon. We prefer the two-cut technique Steri-Strips are applied to the two stab wounds, followed
described by White.675 Just proximal to the calcaneal by a cast. If no plantar flexion is noted, the tendon may
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e21

have been completely separated by the lengthening proce- have lost continuity. When performing lengthening, the
dure and open suture repair will be needed to reestablish surgeon must be careful to bring the foot just to neutral.
continuity of the tendon. This is a very rare occurrence; Overstretching of the tendon can lead to excessive length
usually, the percutaneous technique proceeds without com- and a calcaneus gait, with poor push-off and a tendency for
plication. Again, a short-leg cast is applied and worn for 6 the development of progressive crouch of the knees.
weeks, with weight bearing encouraged. The second reason that a calcaneus gait may occur after
Hoke described a three-cut technique for percutaneous lengthening of the gastrocnemius or Achilles tendon is an
heel cord lengthening.273 After making one lateral and two unrecognized flexion contracture of the knee.364 If the knee
medial cuts in the tendon, the ankle is dorsiflexed as the remains crouched and the Achilles tendon becomes longer,
tendon slides on itself and lengthens. Postoperative care is the ankle sags into excessive dorsiflexion during stance
identical to that after the two-cut technique. phase and gait loses efficiency. A meticulous physical exami-
nation before surgery in which tone and range of motion of
Postoperative Care the knee are assessed is critical. If the popliteal angle is
After either heel cord lengthening or gastrocnemius reces- increased and the child exhibits excessive knee flexion
sion, patients may tend to flex their knees after surgery. This during stance phase or an inability to straighten the leg as
is caused by muscle spasm in the hamstrings and gastrocne- the heel makes contact with the ground, postoperative cal-
mius (which crosses the knee joint). We find that use of a caneus will most likely develop if the knee is not surgically
knee immobilizer for the first few days to weeks can help treated at the same time (Fig. 35-24).
reduce the amount of muscle spasm and prevent the devel- The incidence of calcaneus gait as a complication of heel
opment of a postoperative knee flexion contracture. cord lengthening averages approximately 5%. Segal and col-
After the short-leg cast is removed, an AFO is prescribed leagues found calcaneus on kinematic graphs in 30% of
postoperatively for most patients. Children who had foot- patients.573 Although this figure seems high in comparison
drop in swing phase preoperatively will continue to have to previous studies, it does highlight the need to treat all
footdrop after heel cord lengthening, and patients and fami- levels of deformity during surgery and avoid overlengthen-
lies should be forewarned of the continued need for ortho- ing at all cost.503 Mathematic equations have been derived
ses after surgery to support the foot and improve toe to calculate the exact amount of lengthening required for a
clearance in swing phase. Many younger children benefit particular patient, but most find the use of these equations
from the stability of an AFO postoperatively, whereas in somewhat cumbersome.213
most older children and teens, the goal of heel cord length- Although most patients in whom a calcaneus gait devel-
ening is to rid them of braces on their feet, so they are ops have previously undergone equinus surgery, in a group
reluctant to use an AFO after surgery. of patients calcaneus will develop de novo. An adolescent
diplegic patient is at greatest risk for calcaneus. Patients
Complications who gain weight (as in the adolescent growth spurt) and
Complications are rare after heel cord lengthening or gas- who have plantar flexor weakness were found on serial
trocnemius recession. Recurrent equinus is the greatest risk; gait analysis to be most prone to the development of a
it occurs in approximately 15% to 35% and correlates calcaneus gait.278
strongly with the age of the patient at surgery. Children who
undergo heel cord lengthening at 4 years or younger are
particularly at risk for recurrence.228,339,503 It is impossible
to know whether it is the greater amount of growth left in
younger children after heel cord surgery that leads to the
high rate of recurrence or whether it is preselection of
young children with the greatest tone to undergo surgery at
an early age after failure of nonoperative treatment that
leads to recurrent contracture. In a long-term study by
Rattey and colleagues, 26% of patients who had undergone
Z-lengthening of the Achilles tendon required repeated
lengthening for recurrent equinus at an average follow-up
of 10 years. The risk for recurrent contracture was greater
in patients with hemiplegia (41%) than in those with diple-
gia (18%).503 Grant and associates found that an inability
to actively dorsiflex the foot preoperatively increased the
risk for recurrence.231 Repeated surgery is possible and
common. With repeated lengthening, the Achilles tendon
becomes scarred and adherent, so repeated lengthening Toe-walker Foot flat
must usually be done with the open technique.228 Patients A B
who have undergone gastrocnemius recession have a higher
FIGURE 35-24  A, Child with a crouched knee and toe-toe gait.
rate of recurrence than do those treated by tendon The ankle is actually in neutral position, but the child walks on the
lengthening. toes to compensate for the flexed knee. B, After inappropriate
Calcaneus deformity, defined as excessive dorsiflexion of Achilles tendon lengthening, flexion at the knee remains
the ankle during stance phase, may result for two reasons. unchanged and the ankle is now excessively dorsiflexed, which
First, the tendon may simply be overlengthened or may results in a calcaneus gait.
e22 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Preferred Procedure Treatment

In our clinical practice we prefer percutaneous Achilles Nonoperative treatment is usually unsuccessful. A supple
tendon lengthening as the surgical treatment of fixed deformity can be braced, but if the muscles are very spastic,
equinus contractures. Postoperative cast immobilization is the orthoses can exacerbate the blisters or calluses over the
used for 6 weeks, and AFOs are prescribed on an individual lateral border of the foot. Botulinum toxin injections have
basis. We agree with the philosophy that “a little equinus is been tried, but no published studies have shown long-term
better than any calcaneus” and avoid overlengthening. Most efficacy for equinovarus.
important, we thoroughly evaluate the child for other joint Surgery is indicated to improve foot contact and relieve
involvement, and we typically perform surgery on multiple pain and skin changes. If the foot can be passively corrected
levels of the lower extremity at the same time (SEMLS). with manipulation in the clinic to a neutral position, tendon
We do see some recurrent contractures with growth, and surgery can be performed. Lengthening procedures and split
we reoperate when these contractures interfere with gait. transfers have been described, and more detail will be pro-
Gastrocnemius fascial lengthening is performed in our vided about these procedures. If the deformity is stiff and
center for milder dynamic equinus. the foot cannot be manipulated into a plantigrade position,
bone surgery will be necessary. In patients with spastic
Equinovarus diplegia and quadriplegia, equinovalgus tends to develop
later during childhood and adolescence. Young patients,
Etiology and Clinical Features specifically those younger than 8 years, who are diplegic or
Equinovarus deformity of the foot results from muscle quadriplegic are most likely to have unsatisfactory long-
imbalance in which the invertors of the foot, specifically the term results after surgery for equinovarus. For this reason,
posterior and anterior tibialis muscles, overpower the ever- nonoperative treatment options should be exhausted in
tors (the peroneals). The gastrocnemius contributes equinus these patients.111
to the deformity. Patients walk on the lateral border of the Surgical decision making for the soft tissue correction of
inverted foot, and painful calluses may develop laterally spastic equinovarus focuses on distinguishing whether it is
over the fifth metatarsal. The deformity is most prevalent the anterior tibialis or the posterior tibialis that is the cause
in patients with spastic hemiplegia (Fig. 35-25). of the deformity. The evaluation should start in the clinic
Gait analysis shows an internal foot progression angle as with a careful physical examination. The confusion test is
a result of inversion of the foot. Ankle equinus is present, helpful in this setting. The patient is asked to flex the hip
and footdrop may be evident during swing phase. Pedobaro- against resistance while seated, and the ankle is inspected.
graphic assessment demonstrates decreased hindfoot pres- In most children with CP the anterior tibialis fires while the
sure (secondary to equinus) and increased pressure beneath hip is flexed; this is considered a positive confusion test (Fig.
the lateral border of the forefoot and midfoot, specifically 35-27). However, the reflex has been seen in some children
the fifth metatarsal (Fig. 35-26). without CP.149 The examiner should look for the position of

FIGURE 35-26  Typical pedobarograph of a patient with

FIGURE 35-25  Equinovarus deformity in a 5-year-old boy with equinovarus showing decreased hindfoot pressure and excessive
right spastic hemiplegia. pressure along the lateral border of the foot.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e23

71.4 Tibialis anterior


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
FIGURE 35-28  Electromyographic (EMG) tracing showing activity
of the tibialis anterior muscle during gait in a child with an
equinovarus foot secondary to cerebral palsy. The tibialis anterior
normally fires at foot contact to gradually lower the foot to the
ground and again during swing phase to prevent footdrop. This
EMG tracing shows activity throughout stance phase, occupying
from 0% to 70% of this gait cycle, and lack of activity during
swing phase.

FIGURE 35-27  Confusion test. Anterior tibialis function can be

tested by having the patient flex the hip against resistance. The
anterior tibialis normally dorsiflexes the ankle.

the foot as the anterior tibialis fires. If supination of the

forefoot is seen, the anterior tibialis is most likely contribut-
ing to the equinovarus deformity. If the foot dorsiflexes
without supinating, the equinovarus is less likely to improve
with surgery on the anterior tibialis.
Next, the examiner feels for spasticity in the posterior
tibialis muscle. Passive manipulation of the hindfoot into A
valgus while feeling the posterior tibialis tendon can help FIGURE 35-29  A and B, Intramuscular lengthening of the
the physician appreciate tightness in the posterior tibialis. posterior tibial tendon can be performed in the distal third of the
The examiner should look at where the varus appears to be leg in patients with mild varus deformity.
located. Hindfoot varus is most probably caused by overpull
of the posterior tibialis, whereas forefoot supination is more Posterior Tibialis Tendon Lengthening. Surgical options for
commonly caused by the anterior tibialis. The examiner equinovarus deformity start with lengthening of the poste-
should observe for tension in the anterior tibialis and pos- rior tibialis tendon, usually done in conjunction with an
terior tibialis during gait; the spastic tendon may be visibly Achilles tendon–lengthening procedure in young patients
taut as the patient walks.317 with mild varus in addition to equinus. The tendon may be
Gait analysis with dynamic EMG can help determine Z-lengthened distally, or preferably intramuscular lengthen-
which muscle is acting inappropriately.296,472,630 Surface elec- ing can be performed in the distal third of the calf (Fig.
trodes suffice for measuring anterior tibialis activity, but the 35-29).538 The patient is placed in a short-leg cast postop-
posterior tibialis is deep, and a fine wire–needle electrode eratively for approximately 6 weeks. Complications consist
is necessary to measure its signal. The anterior tibialis should of recurrence of the deformity525 and the development of
be quiet in midstance. Signal from the anterior tibialis postoperative valgus. The posterior tibialis is weakened by
throughout stance phase is indicative of overactivity (Fig. the lengthening, but rebalancing of forces around the foot
35-28). The posterior tibialis serves to stabilize the foot does not occur to the same extent as with a tendon transfer.
during stance phase. Early-onset signal and prolongation of Yet in many milder cases this is sufficient to obtain a plan-
the activity during swing phase indicate an abnormality in tigrade foot.
control of the posterior tibialis.94 Nearly one third of patients
with equinovarus will show inappropriate activity of both Transfer of the Posterior Tibialis Tendon to the Dorsum.
the anterior and posterior tibialis muscles during gait.393 Anterior transfer of the entire posterior tibialis tendon has
Some patients with equinovarus feet have preexisting been performed as treatment of equinovarus.244,527 Calca-
footdrop during swing phase. When this is seen, either neovalgus can be a disastrous result of this procedure and
in the clinic or during gait analysis, further weakening by occurs in up to 68% of patients.568,657 The only published
anterior tibialis surgery may lead to significant footdrop indication for this procedure is when the posterior tibialis
postoperatively, and an AFO will be needed. is completely silent during stance phase and active during
e24 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

swing.401,472 Otherwise, the posterior tibialis serves as a dor- is detached from its insertion, split proximally to a level just
siflexor during stance, and little resistance to the calcaneus proximal to the ankle, rerouted posterior to the tibia and
position is offered by the lengthened Achilles tendon. We fibula, and then woven into the tendon of the peroneus
do not perform this operation in children with CP at our brevis (Fig. 35-30). The remaining posterior tibialis tendon
hospital. attached to the navicular is then balanced by the lateral half
of the transferred tendon, which acts as an evertor. Four
Split Posterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer. Overcorrection incisions were used in the original description of the opera-
with complete tendon transfers led to the popularization of tion. Thompson and colleagues647 described the use of a
split tendon transfers in children with CP, one of the most Cincinnati incision for this transfer. Usually, an Achilles
common being that of Kaufer and then Green.236,304 In this tendon–lengthening procedure is also required to treat the
procedure the posterior half of the posterior tibialis tendon equinus.

Medial malleolus


Medial incision


Line of split of
posterior tibial tendon

Neurovascular bundle
(tibial nerve and
posterior tibial artery)

Split posterior
tibial tendon

FIGURE 35-30  Surgical technique of split posterior tendon transfer. A, Line of the medial incision. Two smaller incisions may also be used.
B and C, The posterior tibial tendon is split longitudinally and proximally to its musculotendinous junction; the dorsal portion of the
tendon is left intact and attached to the navicular. The retinaculum of the ankle is not divided. Note that the neurovascular bundle and
long toe flexors are gently retracted posteriorly.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e25

The prerequisite for a successful split posterior tibialis case with transfer of the entire tendon because the posterior
tendon transfer on gait analysis is swing-phase activity half of the tendon remains intact. Although early studies
seen on dynamic EMG. Yet several authors have reported have shown promising results, this procedure has yet to be
successful series of split posterior tibialis tendon transfers adopted universally.417,545
in which preoperative or postoperative EMG was not
performed.317,599 Split Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer. In split anterior
Usually, patients can walk without orthoses after this tibialis tendon transfer (see Plate 35-2), the lateral half of
tendon transfer.599 As with any tendon transfer, the defor- the anterior tibialis is detached from the base of the first
mity must be passively correctable preoperatively for post- metatarsal and split up proximal to the level of the ankle.
operative correction to be expected. Recurrent varus may The tendon is then passed beneath the extensor retinacu-
be a complication after split posterior tibialis tendon trans- lum, inserted through a bone tunnel into the cuboid bone,
fer and generally results from inappropriate selection of and tied over a button on the sole of the foot under tension
patients with a deformity that is too rigid. Green stated with the foot positioned in 5 to 10 degrees of dorsiflexion.
that overcorrection into valgus has not occurred in their Again, the procedure is usually combined with an Achilles
patients,235 but we have occasionally seen overcorrection in tendon–lengthening procedure. When done in conjunction
older patients in our outpatient clinics several years after with posterior tibialis lengthening, it is known as the Rancho
tendon transfer. procedure (Fig. 35-31).
Transferring the anterior half of the posterior tibialis The clinical prerequisite for the procedure is overactivity
tendon anteriorly through the interosseous membrane to of the anterior tibialis causing supination rather than dorsi-
the dorsum of the foot is a variation of the classic posterior flexion of the foot during the confusion test. Gait analysis
tendon transfer. It is believed that this split transfer might will show inappropriate signal on EMG during stance phase
assist dorsiflexion with less calcaneus deformity than is the because of inappropriate activity of the anterior tibialis.269

Lateral malleolus

Lateral incision

Open tendon

Peroneus longus

Inferior peroneal

Peroneus brevis
E tendon
FIGURE 35-30, cont’d  D, Lateral view of the foot and ankle showing the line of the lateral skin incision. Here also, two smaller incisions
may be used. E, The peroneus brevis and longus tendons are identified and the tendon sheath is opened to expose the peroneal tendons.
e26 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Hemostat passes suture (with tendon)

behind tibia toward lateral incision

Split posterior
tibial tendon

Posterior tibial tendon

passes posterior to tibia
and fibula, anterior to
neurovascular bundle
and toe flexors


Fixed half of split posterior tibial tendon

Flexor digitorum longus tendon

Posterior tibial artery and tibial nerve

Flexor hallucls longus tendon

FIGURE 35-30, cont’d  F and G, The split half of the posterior tibial tendon is transferred to the lateral side of the foot by passing anterior
to the neurovascular bundle, long toe flexor tendons, and flexor digitorum longus. It is inferior to the lateral malleolus and deep to the
peroneus brevis tendon.

Patients with profoundly weak anterior tibialis tendons and preoperatively, the split anterior tibialis tendon transfer will
notable footdrop should not undergo split anterior tibialis not be successful in correcting the deformity.47
tendon transfer.
The published results of split anterior tibialis tendon Bone Surgery. If the varus deformity of the foot is fixed
transfer and split posterior tibialis tendon transfer are and it is thought that lengthening the posterior tibialis
similar and encouraging, with nearly all patients doing tendon will not provide correction, tendon transfer in and
well, brace free, and without overcorrection.521 Pedobaro- of itself will be unsuccessful and bone surgery should be
graphs can document the normalization of plantar pressure performed. Two choices exist. Heel varus will respond to
after the Rancho procedure (Fig. 35-32). As in posterior calcaneal osteotomy. The calcaneus is approached laterally
tibialis tendon surgery, if the deformity is not flexible and a laterally based wedge of bone is resected.593 Fixation,
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e27

Peroneus brevis tendon

Peroneus longus tendon

FIGURE 35-30, cont’d  H and I, The split posterior tibial tendon is brought out into the peroneus brevis tendon sheath, the tension on it
is adjusted, and it is sutured to the tendon as far distally as possible. It is best to weave it through the peroneus brevis tendon. J, Posterior
view of the ankle and hindfoot showing the direction of tendon transfer. It is oblique from its musculotendinous junction above toward
the tip of the lateral malleolus distally and laterally. Continuous contraction of the spastic posterior tibial tendon provides mechanical
stability and control of the hindfoot in neutral position or 5 degrees of valgus inclination.

when used, can consist of a staple or screw to approximate arthrodesis. Pain at follow-up correlates with residual defor-
the osteotomy on the lateral side of the calcaneus. A non– mity, so it is imperative to fuse the foot in an optimal
weight-bearing cast is applied until healing begins. position.641
If the deformity is very severe with a component of Even with bone procedures, muscle imbalance must be
midfoot supination that is rigid, calcaneal osteotomy will be corrected, or the fusion or osteotomy will migrate over time
insufficient and triple arthrodesis should be performed. A into recurrent deformity. Frequently, Achilles tendon
fused position in mild valgus is preferable because it will lengthening and posterior tibialis lengthening are required,
provide a broad weight-bearing surface. Pseudarthrosis may but some have performed tendon transfers at the time of
occur, particularly in the talonavicular joint, and may or may osteotomy or fusion.
not be symptomatic.285 Degenerative changes in the ankle A word of caution is needed about patients with con-
and pain limiting ambulation have been reported after triple comitant soft tissue imbalance and tibial torsion. One study
e28 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-31  A, Preoperative photo of a boy with right hemiplegia and equinovarus foot deformity that is passively correctable. B and
C, Clinical appearance of a foot after a Rancho procedure. The patient is able to walk without the use of an orthosis.

FIGURE 35-33  Patient with spastic diplegia and pes valgus. The
prominent talar head was painful.

A B quadriplegic patients.61 Equinovalgus deformity develops in

FIGURE 35-32  A, Pedobarograph of a child with equinovarus up to 42% of patients with spastic diplegia and up to 68%
showing lack of heel contact and excessive pressure over the fifth with spastic quadriplegia.442 It is usually present bilaterally.
metatarsal. B, Postoperative pedobarograph showing evidence of Complaints consist of abnormal shoe wear and pain from
heel strike and a more normal pressure distribution with calluses and blisters in the area of the talar head, which
unweighting of the lateral border of the foot. becomes very prominent in the arch of the foot (Fig. 35-33).
Parents note that the ankles appear to roll in as the hindfoot
found a disturbing preponderance of overcorrected feet valgus increases. With time, hallux valgus develops in
after combined tendon transfer and tibial derotation oste- response to the everted foot position, which may be painful
otomy. Staging the tibial osteotomy was recommended.349 (Fig. 35-34).274
Pes valgus can be caused by spastic peroneal muscles,
Pes Valgus weakness of the posterior tibialis, or a tight gastrocsoleus,
in any combination. EMG studies have shown that the
Incidence and Etiology peroneals may be continuous or may be phasic but inap-
Valgus deformity of the foot occurs in up to 25% of patients propriate in pes valgus. The same studies found some chil-
with CP and is most common in older diplegic and dren in whom the posterior tibialis muscle was silent during
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e29

FIGURE 35-34  Clinical photo of the feet of a 17-year-old boy with spastic diplegia. Note the valgus of the left heel, the severe hallux
valgus, and abnormalities in plantar pressure with excessive medial midfoot pressure.

Treatment is controversial. Conservative treatment should
be vigorously pursued because shoe inserts and orthosis
modifications may be adequate to relieve the pain in some
patients, and therefore surgery can be avoided. As long as
the foot is painless, even orthotic support of the valgus foot
may not be necessary, with some children doing well in
athletic shoes, and in fact symptoms may develop only after
rigid orthoses are placed on their feet.
After conservative measures have been exhausted, surgi-
cal treatment may be considered. If the valgus is thought
to be secondary to contracture of the Achilles tendon, heel
cord lengthening may offer improvement in a young child.
FIGURE 35-35  Lateral radiograph of a patient with pes valgus. Clinically, these patients will have a normal longitudinal
The talus is excessively plantar-flexed. arch without medial prominence when the ankle is held in
plantar flexion, and valgus becomes apparent as the foot is
dorsiflexed to neutral. With further dorsiflexion, midfoot
stance phase, further enabling the peroneals to pull the foot break occurs. Aggressive realignment of the valgus foot may
out into abduction and valgus.57,472,596 not be required in this group of young patients. Once the
equinus is corrected surgically, postoperative support with
Clinical Features and Radiographic Findings orthoses is needed to control the hindfoot. This treatment
Physical examination should assess for coexisting equinus does not work in older children because the valgus becomes
or calcaneus deformities. Frequently, the gastrocsoleus fixed with age.
complex will not appear tight on initial examination. The Tendon lengthening of the peroneals has been studied as
examiner must be certain to maintain the hindfoot in varus treatment of pes valgus427 but has not been found to be
and then passively dorsiflex the ankle. Valgus will mask successful in obtaining and maintaining a plantigrade foot,
equinus unless this is done. The foot may appear flat in the with some feet being undercorrected and others drifting
standing position, yet the hindfoot may be positioned in into varus over time.72 Not only can tenotomy of the pero-
significant equinus, the talar head plantar-flexed, and the neals lead to a varus deformity, but a dorsal bunion of the
midfoot overly mobile to maintain the plantigrade position. first metatarsophalangeal joint can also occur because of the
Midfoot break is the term used to describe plantar flexion absence of plantar flexion of the first metatarsal head by
of the talus and calcaneus, a collapsed longitudinal arch, and the peroneus longus. Transfer of the peroneus brevis to the
dorsiflexion and pronation of the forefoot. posterior tibialis has also been performed,472 with resultant
Radiographs should be obtained in the standing position. overcorrection.220 We do not advocate these procedures.
Lateral radiographs are most helpful. The position of the In valgus deformity, bone surgery is the only predictable
hindfoot can be assessed for equinus or calcaneus deformity, alternative for full and lasting correction. Surgical options
and plantar flexion of the talus can be appreciated (Fig. are (1) the Grice extraarticular arthrodesis, (2) lateral
35-35). The navicular moves laterally and is seen as uncov- column lengthening of the calcaneal neck, (3) calcaneal
ering of the talar head on an anteroposterior radiograph. osteotomy, and (4) triple arthrodesis.
Standing radiographs of the ankle should also be obtained.
It is not uncommon to find ankle valgus on an anteroposte- Grice Extraarticular Arthrodesis (see Plate 35-3). The
rior radiograph of the ankle coexisting with hindfoot valgus. Grice procedure is defined as placement of a structural
In such cases the fibular physis will migrate proximally and graft, such as from the fibula or tricortical iliac crest, into a
lie superior to its normal position opposite the joint line of shallow trough in the sinus tarsi laterally to elevate the
the distal end of the tibia (Fig. 35-36). plantar-flexed talus and correct the valgus of the subtalar
e30 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-36  A, Radiographic appearance of an adolescent boy with a

hindfoot valgus deformity and pain in the medial arch over the prominent talar
head. B, Standing anteroposterior radiograph of the ankle demonstrating
coexistent ankle valgus that is due to the proximal location of the distal part
of the fibula. The fibular physis lies opposite the distal tibial physis rather
than at the joint line. C, Lateral radiograph obtained 5 months after subtalar
arthrodesis for correction of the hindfoot valgus. D, Medial malleolar
epiphysiodesis with a screw was performed concomitantly to address the
valgus of the ankle.

joint.240 The articular surfaces of the subtalar joint are not Although excellent outcomes after Grice arthrodesis
resected. The advantage of this operation is that it does not have been reported,182,336 the results of the procedure are
interfere with growth of the tarsal bones because it is not unpredictable.379,411,537,571 The graft is not inherently stable
a formal arthrodesis. Growth disturbance results from in the Grice procedure, and loss of correction because of
arthrodesis because the articular surfaces of the tarsals are dislodgment of the graft is well documented. Bleck pointed
growth centers. Grice arthrodesis is often combined with out that the orientation of the graft must be vertical for the
lengthening of the peroneal tendons or the Achilles tendon, forces through it to be compression rather than rotation. If
or both. Grice reported satisfactory results in 79% of the graft is aligned obliquely, dislodgment and fracture
patients (Fig. 35-37).241 of the graft are likely.72 Failure of the graft to unite and
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e31

FIGURE 35-37  A, Weight-bearing lateral

radiograph of a patient with pes
equinovalgus. B, Radiograph obtained
8 months after Achilles tendon lengthening
and Grice extraarticular arthrodesis.
C, Lateral radiograph obtained 3 years,
6 months postoperatively.

undercorrection of valgus at the time of surgery also occur.379 The calcaneus is approached through an oblique incision
Unsatisfactory outcomes have been reported in 30% to 70% laterally that follows the skin lines. The peroneal sheath is
of patients as a result of uncorrected contracture of the incised and the tendons are retracted. The lateral dorsal
Achilles tendon, overcorrection into varus, ankle valgus, cutaneous nerve is identified and protected. The extensor
and graft nonunion.379,411,571 Although maintenance of good digitorum brevis is reflected from the lateral surface of the
results and high patient satisfaction at 20-year follow-up in calcaneus and the sinus tarsi. Subperiosteal exposure of the
patients with CP who have undergone Grice arthrodesis distal portion of the calcaneus is achieved, and the calcaneo-
have been reported, a tendency toward ankle valgus was cuboid joint is identified but its capsule is left intact. An
noted. However, it may have been present at the time of osteotomy is created 1.5 cm proximal to the calcaneocuboid
surgery or may have developed as a result of harvesting the joint, in the area between the anterior and middle facets.
ipsilateral fibula as graft material.81 At an average 22.6-year The osteotomy is opened laterally, and a tricortical iliac crest
follow-up, Leidinger and co-workers found excellent or graft is inserted into the osteotomy. Care is taken to prevent
good results in 78% of 51 feet but warned that overcorrec- dorsal subluxation of the distal calcaneus or calcaneocuboid
tion into varus is poorly tolerated.346 joint, and pinning of the osteotomy and the calcaneocuboid
Because of lack of predictable success with the Grice joint is performed when needed. Reefing of the posterior
arthrodesis, several modifications of the original procedure tibialis and medial talonavicular capsule is done when laxity
were proposed. First, the site from which the bone graft is persists. Nearly always, the Achilles and peroneal tendons
taken was changed from the fibula to the iliac crest as symp- must be lengthened to attain a plantigrade foot. If the fore-
tomatic fibular nonunion and progressive ankle valgus were foot is supinated following lengthening of the calcaneus, a
recognized.277,680 Some groups began inserting bone plugs plantar-based closing wedge osteotomy of the medial cunei-
or dowels across the sinus tarsi to stabilize the subtalar form may be necessary to obtain a plantigrade foot. The foot
joint.88,211,246,485,583 Without internal fixation, graft fracture is then immobilized in a non–weight-bearing, short-leg cast.
and loss of correction are still possible risks because the bone Published series have reported very good results in
dowel is placed obliquely to the axis of weight bearing.72,245 patients with flatfoot deformity and valgus of different
Internal fixation using an iliac crest graft helps maintain origins, including CP, myelomeningocele, and idiopathic pes
the position of the subtalar joint.165 Local bone graft from planovalgus (Fig. 35-38).414,482 The preoperative rigidity of
the calcaneus has also been used.289 Less loss of correction the foot does not always correlate with the postoperative
occurs with the addition of internal fixation (70% to 95% result. Several patients continued to use orthoses after
satisfactory short-term outcomes), and problems with surgery, but pain relief and resolution of the talar head callus
screw breakage are very rare. Cancellous bone grafting or blisters were common. Objective results obtained via
accelerates bony fusion. Again, coexisting contractures must pedobarography show improvement in plantar pressure
be corrected to improve results.49,203,249,289 Alman and asso- following lateral column lengthening in comparison to
ciates used K-wires rather than a screw to maintain subtalar extraarticular subtalar arthrodesis in patients with CP.459
joint position while the graft healed, with good results in Complications consisted of graft dislodgment and dorsal
48 of 53 feet.24 Bioabsorbable screws were used in an subluxation of the calcaneocuboid joint.9 Contraindications
extraarticular subtalar arthrodesis with comparable results to the procedure are advanced osteoarthrosis and the pres-
in one small series, but this technique must be considered ence of other bony deformities of the foot.414 Poor results
investigational at present.461 are unusual but are generally caused by recurrence of pla-
novalgus, which is less likely in patients who are indepen-
Lateral Column (Calcaneal) Lengthening. Lateral column dent walkers and have mild to moderate deformity.27,436
lengthening was first described by Evans194 and has enjoyed Overcorrection into varus because of spasticity of the tibi-
recent popularity after a series by Mosca.414 Mosca per- alis posterior has been described.691
formed the procedure to correct pes valgus in 31 feet,
including 26 procedures done for valgus secondary to CP Calcaneal Osteotomy. Another surgical option for a child
and myelomeningocele.414 Correction is achieved by length- with pes valgus secondary to CP is the calcaneal osteotomy
ening the neck of the calcaneus to tighten the plantar fascia described by Dwyer.185 An osteotomy is performed obliquely
and reduce the lapsed talonavicular joint. The procedure is from the sinus tarsi to the posterior margin of the calcaneus.
summarized in Plate 35-4 and the following text. Either a medial wedge can be resected or the lateral side
e32 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-38  A and B, Preoperative anteroposterior

(AP) and lateral radiograph of the foot of a 17-year-
old girl with right hemiplegia and painful pes valgus.
C and D, AP and lateral radiographs after lateral
column lengthening.

can be propped open as an opening wedge and bone- arthrodesis or more complex osteotomies such as the
grafted.591,592 Additionally, a sliding osteotomy can be per- calcaneal-cuboid-cuneiform osteotomies described by
formed in which the distal inferior fragment of the calcaneus Rathjen and Mubarak will correct deformity at more than
is moved medially to reestablish the heel directly beneath one level in the foot.502
the axis of weight bearing.327,502 The advantage of these
calcaneal osteotomies is that they preserve motion of the Subtalar Arthrodesis. Subtalar arthrodesis has been pro-
subtalar joint.510 Up to 94% good or excellent results have posed to provide long-lasting correction of symptomatic pes
been reported.323 A contraindication to surgery is severe equinovalgus. The articular surfaces of the subtalar joint are
rigid valgus deformity, which is best treated with triple resected. Tricortical autograft from the iliac crest or allograft
arthrodesis. A bone abnormality or malalignment in the can be used to achieve fusion and improve hindfoot posi-
midfoot or forefoot will not be amenable to treatment with tion, followed by screw fixation of the subtalar joint (Fig.
a single osteotomy through the calcaneus because realign- 35-39). A large series from the Dupont Institute found good
ment of the calcaneus and hindfoot could exacerbate the results in 96% following subtalar arthrodesis at an average
deformity more distally in the foot. In these feet, triple 4.8-year follow-up.580
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e33

Figure 35-39  A, Lateral foot radiograph of a 13-year-old, Gross Motor and Functional Classification System level 2 girl with spastic
diplegia and symptomatic equinovalgus. Note the prominence caused by the plantar flexion. B, Lateral radiograph after subtalar fusion.
The position of the foot is improved and the pain resolved.

Triple Arthrodesis. Triple arthrodesis may be necessary for Frost and associates202a have described triple arthrodesis
severe rigid symptomatic pes valgus in an adolescent with combined with lateral column lengthening in patients with
CP (Fig. 35-40). By resecting the subtalar, calcaneocuboid, rigid planovalgus, but the authors have no experience with
and talonavicular joints, the growth of these bones is dis- this procedure.
turbed, which leads to a small, shortened foot in younger
patients. In adolescents, however, a well-corrected triple Arthroereisis of the Subtalar Joint. With this technique the
arthrodesis can yield a stable plantigrade foot for future joint is propped open laterally, the talus is reduced on the
ambulation. Indications for triple arthrodesis are pain, skin calcaneus, and stabilization is achieved by inserting either a
ulcerations over the talar head, and deformity interfering staple or a polyethylene peg spacer. Lasting improvement
with shoe wear or ambulation in a child with a severe defor- in the pes valgus has been noted in 85% to 96% of children
mity not amenable to osteotomy. Valgus alone without dis- treated before 6 years of age.129 However, other authors
abling symptoms does not merit triple arthrodesis. have discontinued its use because of the rates of revision
The technique used is identical to that performed in the and arthrodesis required.555,667 Bleck observed lucency
nonneuromuscular population.273,335 Wedges of bone are around the staple on radiographs of patients and did not
resected with the articular surfaces, and internal fixation is recommend this technique.72
performed when the bones are sufficiently strong. Screws We have no experience with this technique and do not
or staples can be used. A short-leg, non–weight-bearing cast recommend it.
is applied, followed by a walking cast and then an orthosis
until the fusion is mature. Ankle Valgus
Satisfactory outcomes are achieved when the deformity In patients with neuromuscular disease, valgus alignment of
is well corrected.285 Postoperative malalignment usually the ankle often develops and can contribute to the overall
results from undercorrection of the valgus deformity at the valgus deformity of the foot. Before surgical correction of
time of surgery.575,641 It is technically more challenging to pes valgus is undertaken, radiographs of the ankle with the
perform a perfect triple arthrodesis for a valgus foot than patient standing should be obtained. Valgus of the ankle is
for a varus foot, and it is particularly difficult to achieve present when the physis of the distal end of the fibula is
fusion at the talonavicular joint.285 When visualization of located proximal to the distal tibial articular surface.
the talonavicular joint is compromised, it is advised that Surgical correction of ankle valgus is performed by either
a second medial incision be made to complete the joint epiphysiodesis or osteotomy. Hemiepiphysiodesis of the
resection. distal medial aspect of the tibia provides gradual correction
Patients are generally satisfied with the results of triple by tethering the medial malleolus and medial tibia while
arthrodesis, and rarely is talonavicular joint pseudarthrosis allowing growth of the fibula and lateral distal aspect of the
sufficiently symptomatic to interfere with function or tibia (Video 35-1). Three techniques have been used. When
necessitate further surgery. Degenerative changes have been permanent hemiepiphysiodesis is desired, such as in a child
documented in the ankle joint at an average of 18 years approaching the end of growth, open epiphysiodesis of the
after triple arthrodesis in 43% of the pediatric population, medial malleolus is performed. If the surgeon anticipates
but functional limitations in this group of patients are full correction before cessation of growth, a more tempo-
unusual.10,601,641 rary epiphysiodesis effect may be desired. In such cases,
Triple arthrodesis has also been used at our institution hemiepiphysiodesis using staples or a vertical medial mal-
for the treatment of severe fixed deformity in nonambula- leolar screw will tether growth laterally but allow resump-
tory patients who cannot wear shoes. The bony wedges tion of growth on removal of the implants.153,622 Staples in
resected in such cases are quite large, but patients and thin children with CP may be quite prominent and can
parents have been pleased with the improvement in the cause rubbing on orthoses and result in skin problems
position of the feet and the ability to wear shoes in or pain, so we have used the screw technique of late.
public. The procedure can be performed percutaneously, and
e34 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 35-40  A to C, Triple arthrodesis for a severe fixed painful valgus deformity in a nonambulatory girl with cerebral palsy.

immobilization is unnecessary. Although we have seen peroneus longus leads to progressive eversion and abduction
growth out of valgus with the medial malleolar screw, our of the foot, which results in lateralization of the origin of
experience is too new to definitively comment on growth the adductor hallucis muscle and subsequent increasing pull
after screw removal. Others reported correction with of the proximal phalanx of the great toe into adduction.
minimal morbidity and further growth after hardware When combined with external tibial torsion, the toe is
removal. Some patients required replacement of the screw pushed laterally as weight is borne by the everted forefoot.
for recurrent valgus.153 The first toe comes to lie beneath the second toe. The head
When immediate correction of the valgus is desired, of the first metatarsal becomes uncovered as the toe devi-
distal tibial osteotomy is useful. Internal fixation allows ates laterally, and a painful bunion develops70 (see Fig.
precise realignment. Usually, a closing wedge osteotomy of 35-34). Patients complain of discomfort and swelling over
the distal end of the tibia, combined with distal fibular the prominent head of the first metatarsal and difficulty
osteotomy, is performed. wearing shoes.
Before undertaking surgical correction of hallux valgus in
Hallux Valgus a child or adolescent with CP the child should be examined
Hallux valgus in patients with CP develops in response to for concomitant malalignment of the tibia and foot. If the
an equinovalgus deformity of the hindfoot. Spasticity of the bunion is corrected but the external tibial rotation and
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e35

FIGURE 35-41  A to C, Hallux valgus in a 14-year-old girl with spastic diplegia treated by metatarsophalangeal fusion.

crouch or pes valgus is not corrected, the hallux valgus

deformity is likely to remain symptomatic. When the hallux
valgus is mild, surgical treatment of the pes valgus will halt
progression of the toe deformity.
When the bunion is symptomatic, soft tissue realign-
ment, including release of the adductor hallucis tendon
and lateral capsulotomy of the first metatarsophalangeal
joint, combined with first metatarsal osteotomy and proxi-
mal phalangeal osteotomy, has been described.70,220 First
metatarsophalangeal joint fusion using the technique of
McKeever has shown better results and less recurrence.288,511
The preferred position for fusion is 15 to 25 degrees of
dorsiflexion and slight valgus.203,388 Patient satisfaction is
high after metatarsophalangeal fusion for hallux valgus.150
We prefer first metatarsophalangeal arthrodesis for the
surgical treatment of hallux valgus in patients with CP (Fig.
35-41). We use internal fixation with screws whenever pos- FIGURE 35-42  Painful bilateral dorsal bunions in a child with
sible. In the rare cases in which pseudarthrosis occurs, revi- spastic quadriparesis.
sion surgery with additional internal fixation has been
with a closing wedge plantar flexion osteotomy of the first
Dorsal Bunion metatarsal.70,220,387
A dorsal bunion is a rare deformity in which the first meta-
tarsal head is elevated but the great toe is plantar-flexed,
thereby leading to dorsal prominence of the metatarsal head Management of Knee Involvement
(Fig. 35-42). The cause is usually iatrogenic and occurs after in Cerebral Palsy
surgical procedures meant to balance the foot. It is argued Hamstring Lengthening
whether the primary deforming force is overpowering of a
weak peroneus longus by the tibialis anterior or overpower- Clinical Features
ing of a weak extensor hallucis and gastrocsoleus by the The hamstrings are nearly always affected in patients with
flexor hallucis. Symptoms include pain over the prominence CP. Spasticity or contracture in the hamstrings is generally
with footwear. Surgery entails rebalancing the pull on the the cause of a crouch knee gait, but quadriceps and gastroc-
great toe by transfer of the flexor tendon to the extensor, soleus weakness may also lead to excessive knee flexion
by flexor tendon tenotomy with or without anterior tibialis in stance phase.12,631 Findings during gait analysis include
transfer, by transfer of the flexor hallucis brevis to the greater than normal knee flexion during midstance and an
metatarsal neck, or by a combination of these techniques inability to extend the knee fully at the end of swing phase
e36 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

and continuing into initial contact (Fig. 35-43). Step length as hip extensors,669 whereas at the knee they serve as knee
then decreases as the knee loses excursion. Increasing flexors. The medial hamstrings also produce some dynamic
demand is placed on the quadriceps to resist the progressive internal rotation of the hip during gait.
crouch, and energy expenditure during gait rises.471 The Clinically, hamstring spasticity can be measured via the
quadriceps and patellar tendon stretch, and patella alta and popliteal angle. The patient is positioned supine on an
anterior knee pain may result. In severe cases, knee flexion examining table and the hip is flexed to 90 degrees. The
contracture leads to failure of the extensor mechanism and ipsilateral flexed knee is then extended, and the angle
fracture of the inferior pole of the patella (Fig. 35-44).453,520,577 between the vertical and the position to which the tibia may
It is important to note that the hamstrings cross two be extended is the popliteal angle (Fig. 35-45). Normal
joints, the hip and the knee. At the hip the hamstrings serve popliteal angles are variable, with a mean value of 26 degrees

FIGURE 35-43  Clinical appearance of a 13-year-old boy with

spastic diplegia in crouch gait. He walks with increased hip FIGURE 35-44  Lateral radiograph of the knee of a teenager with
flexion, knee flexion, and calcaneus at the ankles, primarily spastic diplegia showing fracture of the inferior pole of the patella.
because of spasticity of the hamstrings. No traumatic incident was noted.



FIGURE 35-45  The Holt method of determining hamstring contracture. A, With the contralateral hip in extension, the tested limb is
flexed to 90 degrees at the hip and the knee is extended passively. The angle between the anterior aspect of the leg and the axis of
the thigh determines the degree of hamstring contracture. Bleck measures the angle on the popliteal surface between the leg and thigh.
B, The popliteal angle of the left leg measures 70 degrees.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e37

FIGURE 35-46  Method of determining hamstring tautness by

straight-leg raising. The knee should be in complete extension and
the pelvis should be stabilized. The angle between the lower limb
and the examination table is measured.

FIGURE 35-48  Hamstring tightness can lead to an inability to flex

the hips sufficiently to sit. The patient then thrusts forward in the
chair and sits with lumbar kyphosis.

Orthotic Management. Mild tightness in the hamstrings
may respond to orthotic management, usually with ground
reaction AFOs. The posterior push on the knee from the
brace in stance phase can improve mild crouch without
fixed contracture. Excessive internal femoral or external
tibial rotation can render ground reaction AFOs less useful.
KAFOs are rarely prescribed in those with CP because they
FIGURE 35-47  Fixed knee flexion contracture in a teenage boy generally make walking more difficult and cumbersome.
with spastic diplegia. Serial casts were required to correct the Botox has been tried in patients with a flexed-knee gait.
contracture after hamstring lengthening.
Short-term improvement in the popliteal angle and
maximum knee extension can occur.123

in normal children 4 years and older.303 Values greater than Surgical Technique. Historically, transfer of the medial and
50 degrees in this age range are considered abnormal. A lateral hamstring tendons to the posterior femoral condyle
decrease in the angle of straight-leg raising is also seen in has been performed for correction of crouched gait but has
those with tight hamstrings (Fig. 35-46). fallen out of favor because genu recurvatum was a frequent
In severe hamstring contracture, a fixed knee flexion complication (Fig. 35-49). Release of the proximal ham-
contracture develops (Fig. 35-47). It is important to assess string off the ischial origin has also been described, but
for a fixed contracture because the presence of a contrac- hyperlordosis of the spine and anterior pelvic tilt occur
ture may lead to disappointing results after hamstring frequently.179,584,585 Patients at greatest risk had hip flexion
lengthening. When the contracture is most severe, the contractures of 25 degrees or greater. Proximal release is
patient becomes unable to flex the hips, and a poor sitting not recommended in patients who are able to walk. Proxi-
posture with lumbar kyphosis and a slumped position results mal hamstring release in nonambulatory patients is dis-
(Fig. 35-48). Lack of lumbar lordosis can be seen radio- cussed further in the later section “Soft Tissue Release for
graphically in patients with increased popliteal angles.380 Subluxation or a Hip at Risk.”190
As discussed earlier in the section on equinus, the exam- Surgical lengthening of the distal hamstrings is the pre-
ining physician must carefully assess other joints for spastic- ferred surgical treatment of crouched-knee gait and is
ity and contracture. A bent-knee gait may be a compensation usually performed in combination with other procedures.
for equinus and toe-walking if the popliteal angle is normal. The technique of hamstring lengthening varies among sur-
The hip must also be examined because correction of ham- geons. We prefer an open approach to perform intramuscu-
string contractures without treating concomitant hip flexion lar aponeurotic lengthening of the semimembranosus,
contractures leads to increased hip flexion and anterior Z-lengthening of the semitendinosus, and either tenotomy
pelvic tilt during gait. Rotational malalignment such as or Z-lengthening of the gracilis at a level proximal to the
excessive internal hip rotation or external tibial torsion knee. When the lateral hamstrings are included in the pro-
should also be evaluated. cedure, intramuscular aponeurotic lengthening of the biceps
e38 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Serial casts can be used to progressively extend the knees

in an awake child after hamstring release.671
Bone surgery has become accepted as a safer procedure
for patients with CP who have fixed flexion contractures or
those who have previously undergone hamstring lengthen-
ing.258,438,623 Shortening extension osteotomy of the distal
end of the femur is useful in improving crouch at the knee
in older children and teens who have previously undergone
hamstring lengthening and who have knee flexion contrac-
tures. Pediatric implants such as a pediatric condylar blade
plate provide stable fixation and enable earlier mobiliza-
tion.540 Stout and colleagues studied a group of 74 patients
who underwent distal femoral extension osteotomy with or
without patellar tendon reefing and a group that underwent
patellar tendon reefing without osteotomy. They found that
patients who did not undergo patellar tendon reefing con-
a tinued to walk in excessive knee flexion and advocated for
b patellar tendon advancement as treatment of the quadriceps
insufficiency.438,623 Furthermore, they advocated that ham-
string lengthening is not generally necessary when perform-
ing distal femoral extension osteotomy with patellar tendon
c advancement.258 Satisfactory results following shortening
femoral osteotomy combined with patellar tendon reefing
c and transfer of the hamstrings to the femur have also been
reported in older children and adolescents who were ambu-
latory but had severe crouch gait.295 These publications have
A B in common the need to shorten the femur to gain knee
extension but protect the sciatic nerve, which is at risk for
FIGURE 35-49  Eggers transfer of hamstrings to the femoral postoperative palsy in patients with significant crouch gait.
condyles. a, Quadriceps femoris muscle; b, hamstring muscles;
Although extension osteotomy can immediately correct a
c, soleus muscle. A, Before the procedure. B, After the procedure.
fixed flexion contracture of the knee, recurrence of defor-
(Redrawn from Eggers GNM: Transplantation of hamstring
tendons to femoral condyles in order to improve hip extension mity in time has been seen even following osteotomy.164
and to decrease knee flexion in cerebral spastic paralysis. J Bone A preliminary report on the use of anterior distal femoral
Joint Surg Am 34:827, 1952, with permission from The Journal of staples or plating to gradually correct knee flexion contrac-
Bone and Joint Surgery, Inc.) tures via guided growth principles shows possible utility.329
Guided growth may be preferable to extension osteotomy
in skeletally immature patients with fixed knee flexion con-
femoris is done (see Plate 35-5). Usually, two cuts are tractures.315,366 Tension band plates are placed medial and
needed in the fascia of the semimembranosus and biceps lateral to the patella, centered at the physis (Fig. 35-50).
femoris for adequate lengthening. Medial hamstring length-
ening suffices in ambulatory patients with mild to moderate Postoperative Care. In the past we always used a long-leg
crouch and increased popliteal angles. The addition of cast in the postoperative period after hamstring lengthen-
lateral hamstring lengthening further improves maximum ing. Currently, if the knee can be fully extended with ease
knee extension during stance phase and is therefore helpful after surgery, a knee immobilizer can provide sufficient
with more severe crouch and in patients with knee flexion immobilization for 3 or 4 weeks. Early weight bearing and
contractures. The addition of lateral hamstring lengthening ambulation are encouraged in physical therapy because a
does increase the risk for knee hyperextension, however, child who becomes nonambulatory in the immediate post-
especially in patients with spastic gastrocsoleus muscles.308 operative period loses strength and has more difficulty when
The popliteal angle is gently rechecked, and adequate immobilization is discontinued.
lengthening has been accomplished when the angle is
reduced to around 20 to 30 degrees. Percutaneous tech- Results. Improvements in knee extension during stance
niques to release the semitendinosus and gracilis have phase are expected. The greatest improvements in the knee
been described; lengthening of the semimembranosus and flexion contracture are seen within 1 year after surgery. As
biceps femoris was performed via an open approach in a rule, the greater the contracture, the greater the degree
this study.223 of correction.145 A significant number of children improve
Patients with severe crouch and fixed knee flexion con- at least one level in their ability to walk after hamstring
tractures present a surgical challenge. Although improve- lengthening, with up to 39% of preambulatory patients
ment can be expected after medial and lateral hamstring becoming able to walk at least around the house.145,167
lengthening, rarely can the crouch be eliminated. Posterior Quadriceps and hamstring strength has been found to be
capsulotomy has been described, but newer alternatives initially reduced after surgery but returned to preoperative
may provide simpler and safer correction.55,337 Great care values by 6 months and then improved by 9 months to 1
should be taken to prevent sciatic nerve palsy in these cases. year after surgery.141,508 Mild improvement in internal hip
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e39

FIGURE 35-50  A and B, Growth modulation plates applied for residual flexion contracture of the knee following revision hamstring
lengthening in a 10-year-old boy with spastic diplegia. C, One year following implantation, the distal end of the femur has grown into
extension as evidenced by change in screw trajectory.

rotation is seen following hamstring lengthening, but it is tendon–lengthening procedure because further loss of ankle
insufficient to address the increased femoral anteversion power will worsen the tendency toward a postoperative
that results in an intoeing gait.359 calcaneus gait.62
Yet another complication of hamstring lengthening may
Complications. Frequently, anterior pelvic tilt increases be stance-phase hyperextension of the knee. Patients with
after hamstring lengthening as a result of weakening of the a preoperative “jump knee” pattern, described as increased
hamstrings. Because the hamstrings are also hip extensors, knee flexion at initial contact but extension of the knee
weakness leads to more relative hip flexion as a result of in midstance because of the ankle plantar flexor–knee
muscle imbalance and to forward tilt of the pelvis and extensor couple, are particularly prone to this outcome.11,177
trunk. Medial hamstring transfer to the femur was per- It can occur with medial hamstring lengthening even
formed in a small series of children undergoing SEMLS after rectus femoris transfer in this group at risk. In such
procedures to preserve the hamstrings’ function as hip patients, postoperative bracing with an AFO to maintain
extensors. Knee hyperextension was seen in 12.5% follow- ankle dorsiflexion can be helpful in minimizing the knee
ing this procedure but was addressed by orthotic modifica- hyperextension.
tions.365 DeLuca and colleagues found that if just the medial On occasion, hamstring lengthening can lead to palsy of
hamstrings were lengthened, anterior pelvic tilt did not all or part of the sciatic nerve (Fig. 35-51). A mathematic
occur, but if the medial and lateral hamstrings were length- equation is available to predict how much straightening can
ened without psoas surgery, the pelvis did tip anteriorly.161 be performed safely, but clinical judgment in not aggres-
Muscle length modeling has been performed for the ham- sively stretching the posterior structures of the knee in
strings and psoas in crouch gait and has shown that the patients with significant contractures is required.35 Intraop-
hamstrings are not usually particularly short because they erative EMG shows diminution of amplitude with progres-
also cross the hip whereas the psoas is often shortened.157 sive extension of the knee, particularly when the hip is
If a hip flexion contracture is present, it must be surgically flexed during surgery.302 Hip flexion (i.e., long sitting at 90
lengthened as well to minimize the postoperative tendency degrees) with the knees extended in casts can further
toward more hip flexion.272 stretch the sciatic nerve.12 In our experience, partial or
Postoperative gait analyses have also shown that exten- complete sciatic nerve palsy occurred in 9.6% of patients
sion at the knee may be improved, but rarely normalized, following hamstring lengthening (as part of the SEMLS
following hamstring with or without rectus surgery but approach). Patients most at risk were older and had impair-
that residual crouch at the knee will contribute to the ment in communication. Nonambulatory patients were
development of calcaneus at the ankle with loss of push-off most at risk.301 Postoperative nerve palsy is extremely dif-
power during walking. In children with significant knee ficult to manage. Casts must be removed and the knee
flexion preoperatively in whom it is predicted that knee allowed to flex as soon as the nerve palsy is recognized.
position will be improved but full extension not achieved, Simply splitting the cast does nothing to relieve stretch on
extreme caution should be taken with any Achilles the nerve. Medical management of the painful paresthesias
e40 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-51  A and B, Fourteen-year-old

boy who is minimally ambulatory with severe
crouch at the hip and knee and fixed knee
flexion contractures. Hamstring lengthenings
led to dysesthesias in his feet postoperatively, A B
which resolved over time.

is often necessary with medications such as amitriptyline Knee flexion/extension

(Elavil) or gabapentin (Neurontin). Prevention of excessive 75
stretch is important in older children with knee flexion
contractures, which has led to popularization of shortening 60
extension osteotomy of the distal end of the femur in
such cases. 45

It is common to also see a decrease in flexion of the knee

in swing phase as a result of spasticity of the rectus femoris
muscle after hamstring lengthening.645 Normally, the knee
should flex at least 60 degrees in swing phase, and this
flexion occurs early in swing phase.205,209,632 As a muscle that 0
crosses two joints, the rectus acts to flex the hip at initial

swing and to extend the knee.469 Preoperative EMG will

often show inappropriate electrical activity in the rectus 0 25 50 75 100
femoris during midswing. Gait analysis in affected patients Percentage of gait cycle
shows a decrease in the amount of swing-phase knee flexion
FIGURE 35-52  Hamstring spasticity leads to an inability to extend
and a delay in when the peak swing-phase knee flexion the knee and accept weight at initial contact (which occurs at 0%
occurs (Fig. 35-52).645 When severe, it leads to problems of the gait cycle). When the rectus femoris is spastic, the knee is
clearing the foot in swing phase and thereby results in trip- unable to flex rapidly at initial swing phase, which is to the right
ping and dragging the toe. Patients may complain of diffi- of the vertical lines. The amount of swing-phase knee flexion
culty climbing stairs or stepping up onto a street curb or in is decreased, and its timing is delayed. Normal kinematics is
moving from a standing position to a seated position and depicted by the black dotted curve and that of a child with spastic
vice versa, known as transitional movements. diplegia by the red curve. Vertical lines designate divisions between
Spasticity in the rectus femoris can also be tested for the stance and swing phases.
during physical examination. The Duncan-Ely test is per-
formed by positioning the patient prone and then flexing
the knee to 90 degrees. If the rectus femoris is spastic, the
ipsilateral buttock will rise from the table as a result of the A symptomatic stiff-knee gait from overactivity of the
hip flexion caused by the rectus (Fig. 35-53). Patients with rectus femoris during swing phase does not develop in all
normal Duncan-Ely test results are unlikely to benefit from patients after isolated hamstring lengthening.12,145,146,167,276,626
rectus transfer.307 Unfortunately, this test is not specific for Although Damron and colleagues found that 71% of patients
the rectus because a patient with a hip flexion contracture lost some knee flexion in swing phase after hamstring
secondary to tightness of the iliopsoas will also have a posi- lengthening, only 13% of ambulatory patients required
tive Duncan-Ely test. Another clinical measure of rectus rectus transfer for correction of stiff-knee gait.146 Dhawlikar
spasticity is rectus grab. With the patient supine on the and colleagues described recurvatum after distal hamstring
examining table, the knee is rapidly flexed. If resistance is lengthening and a need for subsequent rectus femoris trans-
felt, the rectus is spastic. fer in 17% of their patients.167
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e41

FIGURE 35-53  A and B, The Duncan-Ely test. With the patient prone, the knee is passively flexed. A positive result occurs when the
ipsilateral buttock rises, which may indicate rectus femoris spasticity.

Rectus Femoris Transfer preserve these two muscles as well. Once the rectus femoris
is dissected from the other parts of the quadriceps, the
Indications tendon is divided transversely just proximal to the superior
Surgical treatment of stiff-knee gait and inability to flex the pole of the patella, again taking great care to leave the
knee in swing phase consists of rectus femoris transfer.209 tendon of the rest of the quadriceps undisturbed. A sturdy
This procedure is often performed simultaneously with stitch is woven into the tendon of the rectus femoris, and
hamstring lengthening and other soft tissue procedures but a subcutaneous tunnel is made to the site of transfer. The
has also been performed in isolation in children without tendon is then passed medially, usually through the poste-
crouch but with stiff-knee gait.103 The principle behind rior wound used for concomitant hamstring lengthening,
rectus transfer is to preserve the role of the rectus femoris and the rectus is sewn into the stump of the gracilis tendon,
as a hip flexor but to move the distal rectus insertion pos- the sartorius muscle, or the lengthened semitendinosus.
terior to the axis of the knee to eliminate its role as an The remainder of the quadriceps tendon is then repaired
inappropriate knee extensor during swing phase. Release of by suturing the vastus lateralis to the medialis over the
the proximal rectus femoris was studied but found to intermedius.
increase swing-phase knee flexion less than after distal
transfer of the rectus tendon.633 Release of the rectus from Postoperative Care
the patella with mobilization of the muscle was also deter- Postoperative care consists of either a long-leg cast or knee
mined to be ineffective in treating loss of knee flexion in immobilizer, and early weight bearing and ambulation are
swing, probably because of readherence to the underlying encouraged, as for hamstring lengthening.
quadriceps postoperatively.110,456 Neither of these proce-
dures physically moves the distal part of the rectus posterior Results
to the knee joint, which may be the reason why they do not Abundant research investigating the outcome of rectus
work as well as rectus transfer. Riewald and Delp measured femoris transfer has been published. First, the preferred site
knee moments after rectus transfer and did not see that the for transfer was studied by Ounpuu, Gage, and others.
rectus generated a knee flexor moment after surgery.515 MRI Although it was hypothesized that rotation of the hip would
of the trajectory of the transferred tendon likewise does not become more external if the tendon were transferred medi-
support change of the rectus to a knee flexor.32,33 Regardless, ally and more internal if the tendon were transferred later-
rectus transfer has been found to increase swing-phase knee ally, they found that rotation of the femur did not change,
flexion by an average of 16 degrees.209 When rectus transfer regardless of where the tendon was transferred.455 The site
is combined with a hamstring-lengthening procedure, for tendon transfer is based on the surgeon’s preference and
dynamic range of motion and crouch improve without loss the existence of wounds from other concomitant surgeries
of swing-phase knee flexion.248,513 such as simultaneous hamstring lengthening.425 Miller trans-
fers the rectus to the sartorius, whereas Gage prefers to
Surgical Technique (see Plate 35-6 and Video 35-2) transfer it to the gracilis.115,398 Aiona and Sussman trans-
An incision is made superior to the proximal pole of the ferred the rectus to the iliotibial band in a group of patients
patella.205 Many incisions have been described, but we and found the results to be identical to those from a group
prefer to use a short transverse incision two to three finger- in which the rectus was reattached to the medial hamstring
breadths above the patella.462 Through this cosmetic inci- tendons.259 It appears that the results of transfer of the
sion the rectus femoris is dissected off the underlying vastus rectus tendon do not depend on the anchor site.
intermedius. Distally, the two muscles and their tendons are Results on the role of EMG in determining whether a
adherent, so it is easier to start the dissection more proxi- stiff-knee gait will occur after hamstring surgery and in
mally, where the tissue plane can be identified. The vastus predicting the outcome of rectus femoris transfer are con-
lateralis and medialis also converge distally at the patellar flicting. Preoperative EMG of the rectus femoris and vastus
insertion of the quadriceps tendon. Care must be taken to lateralis has not been shown to be predictive of the amount
e42 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

of peak swing-phase knee flexion after rectus release or than 30 degrees of stance-phase knee flexion. Nine of the
transfer.110 Miller and co-workers found that the best results 10 children were older than 10 years at the time of surgery.
were achieved in patients who had phasic but inappropriate Although anterior pelvic tilt did increase, knee kinematics
rectus activity in swing phase on EMG.398 Patients with less improved overall at 5-year follow-up. Interestingly, 6 of
than 80% of normal preoperative dynamic range of knee their patients had patellar avulsion fractures preoperatively.
motion (i.e., stiff knees preoperatively) benefit from rectus All but one healed following soft tissue surgery without
transfer more so than do those with nearly normal motion.425 operative fixation of the patellar fracture.520 Others have
Other predictive variables used to study rectus femoris found that even though the popliteal angle improves
transfer include walking speed, dynamic range of motion, after hamstring lengthening with or without rectus femoris
and joint kinetics. Patients whose walking speed is at least transfer, slow, gradual loss of correction usually occurs over
80% that of age-matched normal subjects walk better after time with growth.145 Recurrence of contracture requiring
rectus transfer than do their slower counterparts.154 It is repeated surgery is not uncommon,37,168 and loss of knee
therefore logical that independent ambulators would have range of motion occurs in many adolescents with CP regard-
better results than walker-dependent or exercise ambula- less of whether they have previously undergone hamstring
tors.689 This has been substantiated in a study by Rethlefsen surgery.292 Progressive loss of knee extension has also been
and colleagues, who found poor results following rectus reported in patients observed for approximately 5 years
transfer in children who were GMFCS level 4 before after rectus femoris transfer, although swing-phase knee
surgery because of worsened crouch.514 Patients with 80% flexion was maintained.562 Repeated hamstring lengthening
or more of normal dynamic range of motion of the knee on can be performed, but the procedure is more difficult
preoperative gait analysis do not appear to benefit from because of scarring in the tendons from the first surgery,
rectus transfer,456 whereas patients with good power genera- and extension osteotomy may be considered in some chil-
tion at the ankle and hip do best with rectus transfer.205 If dren. Recurrence has not correlated with the age of the
a patient has difficulty initiating swing phase and cannot patient at the time of initial lengthening.167
powerfully flex the hip to lift it from the ground, little
momentum is available to produce swing-phase knee flexion.
Management of Rotational Abnormalities
If power is satisfactory, however, sufficient momentum is
of the Femur and Tibia
present to allow knee flexion if the rectus femoris spasticity
does not interfere—hence the better results for transfers in Spasticity in the lower extremities over time leads to the
the presence of good joint power. Inferior outcomes have development of rotational abnormalities in the femur and
been described in patients who underwent rectus transfer tibia. Typically, persistent femoral anteversion is present in
but had rotational abnormalities exceeding 8 degrees.209 If patients with spastic diplegia and in some patients with
the knee and feet are not pointing straight ahead, swing- severe spastic hemiplegia. Femoral anteversion is mani-
phase knee flexion does not occur in the sagittal plane and fested as intoeing in a school-age child. Patients and their
rectus transfer is not optimal. families complain of frequent falling and difficulty advanc-
Cruz and coauthors in 2011 published the results of 42 ing one leg past the other during gait. When femoral ante-
patients treated by intramuscular lengthening of the rectus version is combined with scissoring and tight adductors, the
femoris. Using gait analysis, they found similar results as in-turned foot can become quite an obstruction in swing
seen following rectus transfer after this simpler proce- phase (Fig. 35-54). Rotational abnormalities can contribute
dure.134 Further study comparing rectus lengthening versus
transfer is needed to clarify which patients will benefit most
from which procedure.
Indications for Distal Hamstring Lengthening
With Simultaneous Rectus Femoris Transfer
On review of the literature, our current criteria for distal
hamstring lengthening with simultaneous rectus femoris
transfer are the following:
1. For significant crouch gait during stance phase with
limited knee extension at midstance
2. For an increased popliteal angle and positive rectus grab
on clinical examination
3. If EMG shows activity in the rectus femoris during swing
4. In the case of sufficient hip pull-off power generation at
late stance phase or no preceding iliopsoas release
5. For velocity greater than 60% of normal
6. If no significant rotational abnormalities of the hips inter-
fere with gait
FIGURE 35-54  Excessive anteversion bilaterally in a child with
Rodda and co-workers published their results of com- cerebral palsy. Tape outlines the patellae. He has difficulty clearing
bined hamstring lengthening, rectus transfer, and rotational his foot forward in swing phase because of intoeing from the
osteotomies as needed in 10 subjects who walked in greater anteversion, and the condition is exacerbated by scissoring.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e43

to “lever arm disease,” which is deviation in gait resulting

from malalignment of musculotendinous forces because of
skeletal anatomic abnormalities in rotation. The typical
rotational differences thought to contribute to lever arm
disease are increased femoral anteversion and external tibial
torsion, which can exacerbate crouch gait.266
Clinical Features
Physical examination shows increased internal rotation and
decreased external rotation of the hips. The patient’s patel-
lae appear internally deviated during gait, a finding that is
made more apparent by outlining the child’s patella and
watching the child walk toward the examiner. Care is
needed when assessing a child’s gait for femoral rotation
because pelvic rotation may also be present and confound
the clinical picture. This situation is particularly common
in patients with spastic hemiplegia, in whom the hemipelvis
on the involved side retracts and is externally rotated,
thereby partially masking the increased femoral anteversion
that is present.226
Over time, compensatory external rotation of the tibia
may develop and the foot progression angle turns more
external. At this time rotational abnormalities may be
missed without careful observation of gait. The child does
not appear to be intoeing, yet the patellae are still pointing
significantly inward. The foot progression angle may actually
be external if the external tibial torsion is severe enough.
Pes valgus and crouch are frequently present as well. FIGURE 35-55  Distal femoral rotational osteotomy for the
Internal tibial torsion may also be present in children treatment of excessive anteversion in an 11-year-old girl with
with CP, specifically those with spastic hemiplegia. Clini- spastic diplegia.
cally, the torsion can be quantified by examining the bimal-
leolar angle. The lateral malleolus should be 25 to 30 degrees
posterior to the medial malleolus when the patient is seated Femoral anteversion is treated by femoral osteotomy, either
and the knee is pointing directly forward. Varus deformity proximally at the intertrochanteric or subtrochanteric level
of the foot because of spasticity of the posterior or anterior or distally at the supracondylar level (Fig. 35-55).
tibialis muscles can produce an internal foot–thigh angle, so Those who advocate proximal osteotomy believe that
the bimalleolar angle is more specific for internal tibial rotation of the knee extensor mechanism with the distal
torsion. osteotomy is undesirable, although comparative studies
In some patients, more precise information about the have not been conducted. Computer simulation of intertro-
amount and levels of rotation can be obtained through gait chanteric, subtrochanteric, and supracondylar osteotomies
analysis331 by identifying the dynamic component of rota- has shown minimal effect on the length of the hamstring
tional abnormalities during walking.14 The foot progression and adductor muscles.567 If the osteotomy is performed
angle can be quantified accurately. Transverse-plane rotation proximally, the patient is usually positioned prone on the
of the pelvis, femur, tibia, and foot can be documented and operating table. Rotation to allow twice as much external
the appropriate level of osteotomy planned. Although com- rotation of the hip as internal rotation is the goal—for
puterized gait analysis is more accurate than observation in example, 30 degrees of internal rotation and 60 degrees of
complex cases, it should be noted that patients with severe external rotation.510 Mathematic models have been devised
crouch gait may have measurement errors in the estimation to quantify the amount of rotation needed intraopera-
of transverse-plane rotation even on sophisticated gait anal- tively495 but have not been widely used. Fixation with a
ysis studies.498 blade plate, a standard fixation plate and screws, or a locking
plate is performed,539,614,659 and postoperative immobiliza-
Surgical Technique tion is used only when the surgeon thinks that loss of fixa-
The medial hamstrings, adductors, and gluteus medius and tion may result because of osteopenia.
minimus can all produce dynamic internal rotation of the Distal osteotomy is performed at the supracondylar level
hips in children with CP.634 Lengthening of the medial ham- through a lateral approach with the patient supine and the
strings and adductors may in some patients lead to less legs draped free.270 The benefits of performing the osteot-
dynamic internal rotation of the hip, but the amount of omy distally are ease of the procedure and the ability to use
correction is usually slight and not very predictable. a tourniquet. The femur is exposed by elevating the vastus
lateralis anteriorly off the intramuscular septum. K-wires
Derotational Osteotomy are used to quantify the amount of rotation intraopera-
Correction of rotational malalignment of the lower extrem- tively.319 Hoffer and colleagues used Steinmann pins to
ity is best achieved through derotational osteotomies.314,660 quantify the rotation and then used the pins for fixation by
e44 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

incorporating them into the cast.270 They did encounter pin

tract infections, so those who perform distal osteotomy now
generally use stable internal fixation with a plate and
screws.118 Hip rotation can be assessed in flexion after pro-
visional fixation so that symmetry in internal and external
rotation can be achieved. Immobilization with long-leg casts
in knee extension allows standing and early weight bearing.486
Finally, fixation of femoral rotational osteotomies can be
achieved with flexible intramedullary nails. This technique
may result in less postoperative weakness because of lack
of dissection in the zone of the osteotomy.647 Stable internal
fixation is emphasized when performing rotational osteoto-
mies on children with CP. Stable fixation, whether of the
proximal or distal end of the femur, can allow early weight
bearing and more timely resumption of ambulation.563
Postoperative gait laboratory studies have shown
improvement in hip rotation after femoral osteotomy for
intoeing in patients with CP. These changes are appreciated
by the parents, who voice high satisfaction with the
Recurrence or persistence of some degree of internal
rotation occurs in up to a third of patients with CP who
undergo femoral rotational osteotomy.163 Patients who are
younger than 10 years at the time of surgery are at higher
risk for recurrence.312 Gait studies have shown that the
mean change in dynamic and static hip rotation after either FIGURE 35-56  Bilateral rotational osteotomies of the femora and
proximal or distal femoral osteotomy is approximately 40% tibiae for the treatment of femoral anteversion and external tibial
less than what was reported at surgery.306 Changes in pelvic torsion.
rotation can be unpredictable and may compromise accu-
rate correction of the intoeing.26,305 For example, patients
with spastic hemiplegia or asymmetric diplegia typically combination with increased hip adduction and internal rota-
walk with external pelvic rotation and internal hip rotation tion, knee flexion secondary to hamstring spasticity, and
on the more neurologically affected side. Pelvic rotation equinus, calcaneus, or valgus deformities of the feet. Hence,
often becomes more neutral after femoral osteotomy.457,560 surgery to improve hip flexion contractures is part of the
If not planned for, the net result of femoral osteotomy with SEMLS approach in conjunction with other soft tissue or
spontaneous correction of pelvic rotation would be persis- bony procedures in patients with CP.523
tent intoeing.
In patients with tibial rotational deformities, surgical Diagnosis
correction should be performed at the distal level. Proximal The flexion contracture is caused by increased tone in the
osteotomies are associated with a higher risk for neurovas- hip flexors, primarily the iliopsoas, and relative weakness of
cular injury.561 Satisfactory results have been published for the hip extensors, such as the gluteal muscles. The contrac-
tibial osteotomy without concomitant fibular osteotomy,542 ture is identified during physical examination by performing
but most surgeons continue to cut the fibula in cases in the Thomas and Staheli maneuvers.48 In the Thomas test,
which larger amounts of rotation are desired. Internal fixa- the patient is positioned supine on the examining table. The
tion with a plate and screws or crossed K-wire fixation can opposite hip is fully flexed to flatten the lordosis of the
be performed with a low complication rate (Fig. 35-56).174 lumbar spine and lock the pelvis against moving. The angle
Alternatively, osteoclasis of the distal end of the tibia between the table and the hip in question is then measured
through percutaneous drill holes283 and intramedullary nail because the hip will rise up in flexion off the table in the
fixation in skeletally mature teens199 has been used. Gait presence of a contracture (Fig. 35-57). The Staheli test is
studies have shown that realignment of the tibia tends to performed by placing the upper part of the body of the
normalize the forces working at the ankle and foot.618 patient prone on the table with the hips dangling off the
edge of the table. The angle formed by the horizontal
and the thigh, at the point at which further hip extension
Management of Hip Involvement causes the pelvis to move, is the hip flexion contracture
in Cerebral Palsy (Fig. 35-58).611
Hip Flexion Contracture During gait, a hip flexion contracture is apparent either
as increased flexion of the hip during the middle of stance
Clinical Features phase (when the hip should be extended) or as increased
Hip flexion contractures are found most commonly in anterior pelvic tilt. The anterior pelvic tilt produces either
patients with spastic diplegia and spastic quadriplegia and forward lean of the upper part of the body during gait or
are one component of the patient’s overall crouched-gait increased lumbar lordosis as the spine extends above the
pattern. Hip flexion contractures are nearly always seen in flexed pelvis.253
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e45

On radiographs, the sacrofemoral angle can be used to crouch gait. A study by Truong650 found that surgical man-
objectively quantify the hip flexion contracture. A standing agement of crouch gait led to greater improvement (in gait
lateral radiograph that includes the proximal femoral shaft analysis) in GMFCS 3 and 4 children with maximum
and the lumbar spine is taken. A line is drawn along the stance-phase hip extension no greater than 8 degrees of
superior surface of the sacrum and another along the femoral flexion, anterior pelvic tilt greater than 24 degrees, and
shaft. The intersection of these lines is the sacrofemoral excessive range of sagittal-plane pelvic motion when psoas
angle, which should normally be between 45 and 65 degrees. lengthening was performed.
In the presence of a hip flexion contracture, the sacrofemo-
ral angle decreases (Fig. 35-59).67 Surgical Technique
Hip flexor surgery in a walking child is done to improve The recommended procedure to correct increased hip
the hip flexion contracture, but more often than not the flexion is a psoas tenotomy performed over the pelvic brim.
goal of the surgery is to prevent increasing hip flexion and The surgical approach is anterior, through an oblique inci-
anterior pelvic tilt when hamstring lengthening is per- sion just distal to the anterior superior iliac spine. The psoas
formed. As noted earlier in the discussion on knee surgery, is located between the sartorius and the femoral sheath.
not only are the hamstrings knee flexors, but they are also The femoral nerve nearly overlies the psoas tendon. The
hip extensors. The hamstrings lose strength after lengthen- tendon of the psoas is identified deep within the iliacus
ing, so any preexisting hip flexion contracture will be exac- muscle, which is not lengthened. The tendon is then tran-
erbated after hamstring surgery.161 Therefore, hip flexor sected and slid within the iliacus, thereby increasing the
lengthening may be part of the overall surgical correction of overall length of the iliopsoas.375,635 This is similar to the
technique described by Salter as part of his innominate
osteotomy.549 Gait analysis studies have shown improve-
ment in hip extension during stance and in hip moments
and power and no loss of strength after lengthening either
at the pelvic brim or over it.114,439,635
Release of the iliopsoas tendon off the lesser trochanter
of the femur should not be done in ambulatory patients
because it results in loss of hip power and inability to forc-
ibly flex the hip against gravity. Climbing stairs becomes
extremely difficult, and gait deteriorates.67 The gait of chil-
dren who have undergone iliopsoas release is characterized
by increased pelvic motion and a decreased arc of hip flexion
and extension as the trunk tries to substitute for the weak
hip flexors in pulling the leg forward off the ground. Others
circumduct to advance the leg.
Bleck advised against simply releasing the iliopsoas as
well and suggested attaching the distal iliopsoas tendon
FIGURE 35-57  The Thomas test reveals a 30-degree flexion anteriorly into the hip capsule. This would allow addi-
contracture of the right hip. The opposite hip is fully flexed to tional length, yet hip flexion would be preserved.67 Because
flatten the lumbar lordosis. psoas tenotomy over the pelvic brim is technically easier,



FIGURE 35-58  The Staheli test, used to determine hip flexion deformity with the patient prone. A, The pelvis is stabilized, the patient’s
thigh is raised toward the ceiling, and the tested hip is extended. Normal extension is 30 degrees. B, The degree by which the hip fails to
reach neutral position is the degree of deformity.
e46 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

The muscles leading to the adduction contracture are the

adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus, gracilis,
and occasionally the pectineus.
Clinical examination reveals an inability to abduct the hips
in flexion and extension. The tendon of the adductor longus
is palpable and visibly tight in the groin. The child walks
with knees knocking, and one foot scissors over the other
in stance phase. The feet may appear locked together as the
50° child has difficulty initiating swing phase. EMG has shown
20° abnormal swing-phase electrical activity in the adductor
muscles in patients with scissoring.242
A word of caution is needed here. Increased femoral
Normal Fixed flexion anteversion when combined with crouch at the knee can
FIGURE 35-59  The sacrofemoral angle. With increasing hip flexion
produce the appearance of scissoring.163 This clinical sce-
contracture the pelvis tips forward and the sacrum becomes more nario has been termed pseudoadduction. Careful observa-
vertical. The angle formed between a line drawn along the tion of the patellae during gait will alert the surgeon to the
superior aspect of the sacrum and the femoral shaft decreases internal rotation.
with flexion of the hip.
Surgical Treatment
Bracing has not been shown to improve adduction contrac-
tures, and although botulinum toxin injections may relieve
dynamic adduction, this treatment modality is still under
investigation.101 Surgery to improve adduction contractures
is limited to adductor release, with or without obturator
neurectomy, and posterior adductor transfer.

Adductor Release. Adductor release was initially described

by Banks and Green44 and is commonly performed in a
young child with CP who is able to stand with support but
has difficulty walking because of scissoring (see Plate 35-7)
and as a component of multiple soft tissue single-stage
procedures in children with CP who are ambulatory. A short
transverse incision is made in the groin crease. The adductor
longus tendon is detached from its origin on the superior
pubic ramus, often along with at least part of the origins of
the adductor brevis and gracilis. The adductor magnus is not
FIGURE 35-60  Seven-year-old boy with cerebral palsy and released. The adductor brevis is sandwiched between the
scissoring of the hips. anterior and posterior branches of the obturator nerve,
which innervate the adductor musculature. These branches
should be identified to avoid injury to the nerves. The
transferring the tendon to the capsule is rarely performed patient is then placed in either long-leg casts held in abduc-
at present. tion (Petrie casts) or a removable abduction bar. A spica cast
Proximal rectus femoris release has been described for is unnecessary unless other procedures are performed
correction of hip flexion contracture in patients with CP. concomitantly.
Gait studies have failed to show efficacy, however.390 The advantage of adductor release is that it is a simple
and quick procedure. It results in increased abduction and
Adduction Contracture therefore improves scissoring.674 It has been linked with the
development of postoperative abduction contractures and a
Clinical Features wide-based gait, particularly when combined with an ante-
Spasticity in the adductor muscles in CP results in a narrow rior branch obturator neurectomy that denervates the
base of gait and scissoring. The patient has difficulty advanc- adductor brevis.376,553 For this reason, anterior branch obtu-
ing one limb in front of the other as the swing limb contacts rator neurectomy should not be performed. The adduction
the ground in front of the other leg. Young children may be contracture may recur with growth, and further surgery is
unable to progress in their ability to ambulate because of necessary in 10% to 37% of children who undergo adductor
the scissoring (Fig. 35-60). Over time, the untreated adduc- release.528,553
tion contractures, when combined with a hip flexion con-
tracture, lead to progressive hip subluxation and possible Posterior Adductor Transfer. The rate of recurrent contrac-
dislocation. Surgery for the unstable hip in patients with CP ture led Perry in the early 1960s to devise a procedure in
is discussed in the later section “Soft Tissue Release for which the adductor longus, adductor brevis, and gracilis
Subluxation or a Hip at Risk.” tendons are transferred from the pubic ramus to the ischium
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e47

Anteroposterior view Lateral view

Ischial tuberosity

Adductor brevis Incision lines

Adductor longus
Gracilis muscle


Ischial tuberosity

Adductor brevis
muscle divided

Adductor longus and

gracilis muscles FIGURE 35-61  Posterior transfer of the
hip adductors to the ischium. A and B,
Anteroposterior and lateral views showing
the line of division of the gracilis and
adductor longus muscles at their origin and
the line of myotomy of the adductor brevis.
C and D, The adductor longus and gracilis
C D muscles are transferred to the ischium, and
the adductor brevis is divided.

(Fig. 35-61). The new origin of the muscle converts the fixation of the tendons to the ischium.570 Loder and col-
adductors to hip extensors, thereby lowering the risk for leagues351a found that only 19 of 33 transfers to the ischium
recurrent contractures and further stabilizing the hips. The remained attached and that asymmetry of the hip and pelvis
surgery was designed for patients with poliomyelitis, but it occurred if only one side of the tendon remained attached.
soon began to be used in the CP population. Many studies To avoid this, Beals sutured the adductor longus and brevis
of adductor transfer then followed and found improved into a lengthened gracilis, which remains attached to its
abduction, extension, hip stability, scissoring, and standing origin, thereby increasing the integrity of the transfers and
balance, with better results achieved in ambulatory improving abduction.56 Although adductor transfer has been
patients.30,127,509,528 purported to maintain abduction better than release does,
Pelvic obliquity and unilateral hip subluxation have been adductor tenotomy is simpler.
reported in patients 10 years after posterior transfer of the We currently do not perform adductor transfer at our
adductor tendons, presumably because of unilateral loss of institution for the treatment of adduction contractures in
e48 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

CP. We continue to perform adductor tenotomy but no in a neurologically normal young child does not occur in
longer recommend obturator neurectomy because of prob- patients with CP, and anteversion persists into adulthood.
lems with abduction contractures. We mobilize patients The increased anteversion has been shown to correlate
earlier than previously, and we use removable abduction bars strongly with the development of hip dysplasia, particularly
more frequently now to decrease postoperative stiffness. in nonwalking patients.337 The neck–shaft angle becomes
increased as coxa valga develops. The anteversion worsens
Hip Subluxation or Dislocation the radiographic appearance of the valgus neck. The lesser
trochanter becomes elongated because of pull from the
Etiology and Epidemiology iliopsoas. Acetabular changes consisting of an increased
Before an extensive discussion about surgical reconstruction acetabular angle and erosion of the lateral lip of the acetabu-
of a subluxated or dislocated hip in a patient with CP, it is lum by the subluxating femoral head occur as the hip
important to understand the epidemiology and etiology of subluxates. Finally, the shape of the femoral head changes,
hip instability in this condition. with superolateral and then superomedial notching as
Hip dysplasia or instability is a common problem in a result of pressure from the capsule, the rim of the
patients with CP and occurred in approximately 21% of acetabulum, the abductors, and the ligamentum teres
1450 patients at the Hospital for Special Surgery.510 Other (Fig. 35-63).65,362,554
series report a prevalence of subluxation or dislocation Because bony deformity develops in response to muscu-
ranging from 3% to 47%.119,275,356,409,602 The incidence of hip lar spasticity, bone surgery in the absence of soft tissue
dysplasia varies with the severity of neurologic involve- release is ineffective in correcting subluxation or dislocation
ment.40,275 Hip dysplasia and dislocation may rarely develop secondary to CP. Likewise, by the time that bone changes
in patients with spastic hemiplegia.541 Patients with spastic are seen, soft tissue surgery alone will fail.
diplegia are at increased risk. Patients with spastic quadri-
plegia who have total body involvement have the highest Diagnosis
rate of hip instability, with hip subluxation or dislocation Hip subluxation or dislocation can be suspected from the
developing in almost 50%.212 The incidence of hip sublux- results of physical examination. Loss of range of motion is
ation and dislocation is also linked to the ability of the the first clue. Abduction is limited, usually to less than 30
patient to walk. Nonambulatory patients are at much higher degrees; a hip flexion contracture is present; and increased
risk than those who can walk and account for 89% of those internal and decreased external rotation of the hip are seen.
with hip instability and CP. Soo and associates correlated When dislocation is present and unilateral, a positive Gale-
the incidence of hip dysplasia with the GMFCS level. They azzi sign will be obvious: the thigh on the dislocated side
found that level 1 children (community ambulators with appears shorter than the contralateral femur when both hips
minimal disability) had a 0% incidence of hip dysplasia; are flexed to 90 degrees and the knees are fully flexed
level 2, a 15% incidence; level 3, a 41% incidence; level 4, bilaterally.
a 69% incidence; and level 5 (totally involved wheelchair- The diagnosis is then confirmed radiographically (Fig.
bound children without head or trunk control), a 90% 35-64). The first signs of hip instability are a subtle break
incidence of dysplasia.602 The relationship between the in the Shenton line and mild uncovering of the most
prevalence of hip dysplasia and more severe GMFCS level lateral aspect of the femoral head by a shallow acetabulum.
has been verified in other studies as well.252 The mean age The amount of femoral head protruding past the lateral
at which patients with CP are initially seen with subluxation border of the acetabulum can be quantified by the Reimers
or dislocation is 7 years,554 although radiographic changes migration index (MI), or the percentage of the transverse
consistent with subluxation can be found as early as 18 diameter of the femoral head that lies lateral to the Perkins
months of age in some patients.572 Hip subluxation develops line, which is drawn at the edge of the acetabulum.507 The
in 60% of children with CP who are unable to walk by 5 acetabular index will be elevated because of acetabular dys-
years of age.224 plasia. The neck–shaft angle of the proximal end of the
Hip subluxation develops in response to muscle imbal- femur is increased, indicative of coxa valga and increased
ance. Spasticity and contracture of the adductors and flexors femoral anteversion (Fig. 35-65).54 The amount of coxa
of the hip overpower the weaker and noncontracted hip valga and increased femoral anteversion correlates with
extensors and abductors. Subluxation develops gradually, increasing GMFCS level (i.e., with the severity of CP
with increasing lateralization and proximal migration of the involvement).519
femoral head with respect to the acetabulum. This is com- With more significant subluxation, the lateral edge of the
pletely different from developmental dislocation of the hip, acetabulum becomes worn or eroded such that the acetabu-
in which soft tissue laxity leads to instability of the hip (Fig. lar index becomes very high and the capacity of the acetabu-
35-62). The hip in CP is not grossly unstable on clinical lum appears to be reduced. The femoral head–to–teardrop
examination; it is an extremely rare case (usually a hypo- distance increases as the hip begins to dislocate.
tonic child) in which an Ortolani maneuver is positive with Robin and Graham proposed a classification system for
reduction of the hip. Rather than laxity, the hip is pried hip subluxation in children with CP between the ages of 2
from the acetabulum over time by spastic muscles. It has and 7 years. A grade I hip has a Reimers MI of less than
been found through computer modeling that the forces 10%, grade II has an MI between 10% and 15%, grade III
exerted across a spastic hip in CP are up to six times greater has an MI between 15% and 30%, grade IV has an MI
than normal.399 between 30% and 100%, and grade V is a dislocated hip in
Bony deformity, then, occurs in response to the spastic- which the MI is greater than 100%.518 Murnaghan and
ity. The normal remodeling of the femoral anteversion seen others tested the reliability of this classification of hip
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e49

Gluteus medius Center of movement


Iliopsoas muscle

Adductor brevis muscle

Adductor longus
Adductor magnus
Gracilis muscle

Center of movement

FIGURE 35-62  Mechanism of superior and posterior displacement of the femoral head out of the acetabulum. A, A normal hip. B, In
cerebral palsy the hip adductor and iliopsoas muscles are spastic and shortened, and the gluteus maximus and medius muscles are weak.
The center of movement of the hip is translated from the center of the femoral head distally to the level of the lesser trochanter. The hip
joint capsule is elongated superoposteriorly, with gradual dislocation of the hip. (Redrawn from Sharrard WJW: Paediatric orthopaedics and
fractures, ed 2, Oxford, 1979, Blackwell.)

morphology in children with CP and proposed that it be approximately 75% of untreated hips that had Reimers MIs
used in natural history studies.418 of less than 30% did not progressively subluxate and those
that did progress were in individuals younger than 18 years.
Treatment All hips with MIs of greater than 60% eventually dislocated.
The goals of treatment include a painless hip that allows Subluxation persisted in the intermediate group with MIs
stable sitting and positioning in a nonambulatory patient and between 30% and 60%, and approximately 25% of hips
full hip reduction in an ambulatory patient so that pain-free worsened.396 Once it is determined that a given hip is likely
ambulation can continue. For a hip that is subluxated, to progress and therefore needs treatment, the risks and
surgery is performed in large part to prevent dislocation. benefits of surgery should be weighed. The first question to
Therefore, it is important to know whether a hip is likely be answered is whether treatment of the subluxated or
to progress to dislocation. Miller and Bagg found that dislocated hip will make a difference in the quality of life
e50 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

more pain than did those with either nondislocated or sub-

luxated hips.40 Interestingly, almost 25% of patients with
reduced hips had mild pain, and a few even had severe pain.
It remains difficult to know precisely what the influence of
hip stability is on pain in this severely involved group of
Cooper and colleagues evaluated 38 patients not residing
in institutions for the prevalence of pain with hip disloca-
tion.120 Fifty-seven percent of dislocated hips were not
painful at an average age of 26 years. In nine hips, resection
or fusion had been performed for pain, and nine additional
hips were painful at follow-up. What makes this study
notable is the patient population: 50% of the patients were
Finally, it is important to know whether significant pain
following surgical reconstruction is likely to develop in
patients without hip pain. If so, it would argue against
surgery in painless children. Krebs and associated studied
56 hips following soft tissue release, femoral osteotomy, and
pelvic osteotomy. They found that persistent postoperative
hip pain developed in only 1 of 27 painless hips. Of the
children who had painful hips before surgery, 62% experi-
enced resolution of their pain at follow-up. Unfortunately,
follow-up was only 4.75 years, with patient age at follow-up
FIGURE 35-63  Flattening of the lateral aspect of the femoral head ranging from 6.8 years to 23.6 years.330 Whether the inci-
(arrow) in a 17-year-old, Gross Motor and Functional Classification
dence of scoliosis is increased in patients with CP because
System level 5 patient with long-standing dislocation.
of the pelvic obliquity secondary to hip subluxation or
whether the population at greatest risk for scoliosis is the
of a child with CP. Great controversy exists, with several same totally involved group of patients that is at risk for hip
studies yielding differing results. Pritchett studied 100 dysplasia remains unclear. The high side of the oblique
severely involved nursing home patients with an average age pelvis has been correlated with the side of subluxation.348
of 26 years: 50 with hip dislocations that were untreated Scoliosis has been correlated with pelvic obliquity, but the
and 50 who had undergone surgical treatment of hip dislo- direction of the curve does not always correlate with the
cations.494 He found that only 50% of patients who under- side of the hip dislocation.356 Abel and coauthors reported
went soft tissue releases as treatment of hip subluxation had that infrapelvic obliquity and the side of hip subluxation
stable hips at follow-up and that 12 of 19 who had osteoto- cannot be predicted from the pattern of scoliosis. They
mies of the femur, with or without pelvic osteotomy, had found that hip subluxation correlated with femoral adduc-
reduced hips. No difference was found in pain, ease of tion but not with suprapelvic obliquity.3 Contrary to these
perineal hygiene, or incidence of decubitus ulcers between studies, Black and Griffin reported that hip subluxation was
those who underwent surgery and those who did not. consistent with the forces related to pelvic obliquity. In
Approximately 40% of patients in both groups had pain in 21 patients with pelvic obliquity, unilateral subluxation
the hip, which was usually classified as minor and did not occurred on the high side in 17 and on the low side in 4
interfere with daily activities. The incidence of scoliosis was patients.64 We conclude that unilateral hip subluxation
the same irrespective of whether hip surgery had been strongly tends to occur in conjunction with pelvic obliquity,
performed. He concluded that aggressive surgery to reduce with most dislocations occurring on the high side of the
dislocated hips offers no benefit to the well-being of the pelvis (Fig. 35-66). The influence of unilateral hip disloca-
patient.494 tion on progression of scoliosis has been studied. Even
though the amount of pelvic obliquity correlated with the
Pain Prevention. Noonan and co-workers published a study presence of scoliosis, progression of scoliosis did not.578
that also supports conservative management of asymptom-
atic hips. Although hip subluxation and dislocation did cor- Categories of Surgical Treatment. Surgical treatment is
relate with radiographic osteoarthritis, they did not correlate divided into three categories: (1) soft tissue release for
with pain at an average age of 40 years. In this series, only subluxation or a hip at risk, (2) reduction and reconstruc-
18% of 154 hips were definitely painful.433 Knapp and tion of the subluxated or dislocated hip, and (3) salvage
Cortes gave further evidence for observation of asymptom- surgery for long-standing painful dislocations.
atic hip dislocations. Of 38 dislocated hips in adults with Soft Tissue Release for Subluxation or a Hip at Risk. A
CP, 71% were not painful at an average age of 34 years.318 hip at risk is defined as a hip that has significant adduction
Bagg and associates reviewed the findings in their patients and flexion contractures but minimal subluxation, with an
with hip subluxation and dislocation. Most of the patients MI of less than 30%. Patients are 5 years or younger.298
had undergone some surgical treatment of their hips, gener- Surgical treatment is aimed at preventing dislocation of
ally either soft tissue releases or femoral osteotomy. They the hip. Soft tissue release of contractures is indicated when
found that patients with hip dislocations had significantly the abduction range is less than 30 degrees, the flexion
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e51



FIGURE 35-64  A, Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph of a 32-month-

old girl with spastic quadriplegia. B, At 5 years of age the right hip is
subluxated. Coxa valga is apparent, and the lesser trochanters appear
elongated. C, The right hip is dislocated at 7 years of age, and the
acetabulum has become very dysplastic. D, One year later the left
hip is beginning to subluxate. The pelvis is tipped anteriorly because
of flexion contractures of the hips. E, Finally, at 10 years of age, both
hips are dislocated, the acetabuli are dysplastic, and the femoral
heads have become eroded.

contracture is greater than 45 degrees, the MI is higher than releases may be added to the procedure in sitting patients
25% to 30%, and the child is preferably no older than who vault from their chairs as a result of their startle reflex.
5 years.200,298 The procedure consists of adductor release and iliopsoas
Bilateral adductor releases should be performed when- lengthening or release.268 The surgical technique is described
ever bilateral contracture exists, but also in the absence of in Plate 35-7. Many studies have examined the surgical
a contralateral abduction contracture. Proximal hamstring outcome after soft tissue surgery for a hip at risk. Sharrard
e52 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

1 2


FIGURE 35-65  Radiographic measurements of hip subluxation in cerebral palsy. A, The neck–shaft angle (α1, normal; α2, subluxated hip)
increases in patients with spasticity at the hip. B, The Shenton line. In a normal hip a line drawn along the inferior femoral neck matches
a line drawn along the inferior aspect of the pubic ramus. In a spastic hip the femoral neck line is superior to the pubic line. C, Reimers
migration index. In a normal hip the entire femoral head is located medial to the lateral margin of the acetabulum. In a spastic hip, lateral
migration is measured as a/b. D, Acetabular index. As a spastic hip progressively subluxates, the acetabulum becomes more shallow and
the index (θ2) increases in comparison to normal (θ1).

and others compared outcomes in a group of children with preoperative MIs of less than 40% treated by adductor
CP who had undergone adductor tenotomy for abduction release remained stable. Seventy-seven percent of hips that
of less than 45 degrees with outcomes in a matched control were uncovered with MIs greater than 40% remained sub-
group of patients who did not undergo surgery. At 4-year luxated or eventually dislocated.121 Bowen and Kehl’s study
follow-up, 13% of hips treated by contracture release had also found that 81% of hips remained stable at 7-year
subluxated, without any dislocations. In the control group, follow-up if the preoperative MI was less than 50%.83 The
28% had subluxated and 11% were dislocated.586 Wheeler amount of preoperative subluxation present strongly influ-
and Weinstein published their results after adductor release ences the outcome of soft tissue hip release.397
in 41 hips and noted that acetabular development and sub- Although short-term improvement in hip coverage—and
luxation improved at 3.7 years of follow-up. The center– therefore stability—can be expected in some patients
edge (CE) angle of Weiberg increased from an average of 4 undergoing soft tissue release for mild hip subluxation, long-
degrees preoperatively to 32 degrees postoperatively. Four- term results remain in question. In a 10-year follow-up
teen of the hips remained subluxated or dislocated after the study, ambulatory patients had the best results, and two
operation.674 thirds of the hips had not required further hip surgery.492,642
Hips with a preoperative MI of greater than 50% have Yet other studies found that 58% to 77% of patients moni-
been reported to have poorer results than hips with milder tored for 5 to 8 years required further surgery for hip
subluxation.594 Unilateral adductor release often led to con- subluxation or dislocation after soft tissue release.566,655
tralateral contractures. It is recommended that bilateral Shore and coauthors published an excellent study of 330
release be routine and that hips that are significantly uncov- children with CP in which the outcomes of adductor release
ered preoperatively be monitored closely for dislocation.594 were compared with the patients’ preoperative GMFCS
Cornell and colleagues reported that 83% of hips with level. They found that patients who were mildly involved
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e53

FIGURE 35-66  Paralytic dislocation of the left hip with severe scoliosis. A, Anteroposterior (AP) view of the spine showing right
dorsolumbar scoliosis (long C curve). Note the left hip subluxation. B, AP view of the left hip. Note the progressive subluxation.

(GMFCS level 2) experienced successful results, defined as Some reports have noted extension–abduction contrac-
an MI of less than 50% and no further hip surgery at 7-year tures resulting from adductor–flexor releases. The children
follow-up. Nonambulatory patients did not fare well, had usually previously undergone tenotomy of the iliopsoas
however. Successful outcomes from adductor release were and obturator neurectomy at the time of adductor release.
seen in only 27% of the GMFCS level 4 and 14% of the Spasticity in the gluteal muscles and hamstrings, which are
GMFCS level 5 patients. Unfortunately, 73% of the patients not released, drives the development of this new contrac-
were nonambulatory at the time of surgery, so one can ture.82 Extension is particularly disabling in patients who are
conclude that although adductor release works well in the nonambulatory because they are unable to sit comfortably
ambulatory population, most children with hip instability in their wheelchairs as a result of the loss of hip flexion.
are nonambulatory and rarely achieve long-term success Lumbar lordosis is lost, and thoracic kyphosis results. Surgi-
with soft tissue release alone.590 cal release of the gluteal muscles from their insertion on the
In summary, the best results following adductor release greater trochanter combined with proximal hamstring
for hip instability have occurred in patients who were 5 release can be helpful. The proximal hamstrings are
years or younger, were ambulatory, had mild subluxation, approached through an adductor incision transversely just
and had no pelvic obliquity.197,298,408,597 Very early release, at distal to the groin crease (Plate 35-8). The tendons are iden-
2 to 3 years of age, before the hip is dysplastic has been tified at their origin on the ischium. The sciatic nerve is
advocated but is not generally accepted.446 Many patients located just lateral to the hamstring origin, so it must be pro-
will require repeated surgery for recurrent subluxation over tected.192 Some use a nerve stimulator to be sure that what
time, especially if they are nonambulatory. they perceive as the hamstring tendons is not the sciatic
Aside from failure to prevent progressive subluxation nerve.397 In severe cases, sciatic nerve palsy has resulted
and dislocation, complications resulting from adductor from stretch after this release, and femoral shortening may
surgery and iliopsoas lengthening are few. Infection and be necessary.637 This deformity can be prevented by per-
hematomas may occur as a result of the dead space created forming a proximal hamstring release at the time of adductor
by the surgery and the location of the groin incisions.528 and hip flexor release in nonambulatory patients with a
These complications are seen more frequently after adduc- tendency to thrust their hips forward in their wheelchairs
tor transfers than after releases. and when significant hamstring tightness is present.192,597
e54 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 35-67  A, Right hip subluxation in a 6-year-old

nonambulatory girl with cerebral palsy. B, Six months
after bilateral adductor release and right varus derotation
osteotomy, the hip is covered and the Shenton line is
restored. C, Four years after surgery, the hip remains
reduced and asymptomatic. The implant was removed C
because of irritation secondary to prominence of the screw.

Another complication seen after bilateral adductor wedge taken medially or femoral shortening (or both), and
release is a unilateral abduction contracture caused by a the femur is fixed in an increased amount of varus with
preexisting windblown hip deformity.4 On preoperative internal fixation (Fig. 35-67). Implants vary, but the two
clinical examination the surgeon should look carefully for most frequently used are a hip screw and side plate and a
abduction contracture of the contralateral hip when con- 90-degree blade plate.57,255 The desired neck–shaft angle
templating bilateral release for unilateral subluxation. The after varus osteotomy for hip instability is 90 to 100 degrees
“pseudo–Galeazzi sign” has been described as asymmetry in of varus.191 Release of soft tissue contractures must also be
the apparent lengths of the femora when the hips and knees done to balance the forces across the hip. Adductor tenot-
are flexed in a supine patient in the presence of reduced omy and iliopsoas lengthening are performed. Usually, the
hips. This sign can occur in the setting of a mild windblown patient is then immobilized in a spica cast.
hip deformity in which one hip is adducted and the other Noonan and colleagues studied 79 patients at an average
is abducted. Bilateral adductor release should not be per- 5 years’ postoperative follow-up after VDRO and found
formed in these cases because the abduction may worsen that 72% remained stable. They found that hips that were
postoperatively and interfere with positioning.348,440 initially subluxated had better outcomes than dislocated
Reduction and Reconstruction of the Subluxated or Dis- hips did and that younger patients were more likely to
located Hip achieve good results.435
Femoral Osteotomy. In the setting of more significant Brunner and Baumann also found deterioration (mean
hip subluxation, isolated soft tissue release is inadequate to 15-year follow-up) in coverage of the femoral head when a
maintain a stable reduced hip. The most frequently per- varus femoral osteotomy was performed for the treatment
formed procedure in this setting is femoral varus derotation of hip dislocation.90 The CE angle in these hips had returned
osteotomy (VDRO). An osteotomy is performed at the nearly to preoperative values, and most patients needed
intertrochanteric level, usually accompanied by a closing further pelvic surgery to reestablish coverage. Yet the results
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e55

in subluxated hips were uniformly good, with improvement Three-dimensional CT reconstructions of dysplastic hips
in the CE angle from an average of 8 degrees preoperatively in patients with CP have helped define the nature of the
to 23 degrees at follow-up. Just as with soft tissue release, instability.313 Abel and Damiano reviewed the three-
superior coverage is found when VDRO is performed in dimensional CT scans of 31 hips from a mix of ambulatory
hips with better coverage to begin with.41,91 Herndon and and nonambulatory patients.5 They found that subluxation
associates reported on 48 varus osteotomies performed for and dislocation occur in a posterior direction in those with
hip subluxation or dislocation in children with CP. What is CP. In patients who were able to walk, acetabular volume
novel about this study is that a medial open reduction was was better, but significantly more anteversion was noted in
also performed on 20 hips. The postoperative result closely the proximal end of the femur. Global acetabular deficiency
correlated with the amount of preoperative coverage, the with lack of anterior and posterior wall development and
preoperative CE angle, and the acetabular index. Asymp- decreased acetabular volume relative to the size of the
tomatic vascular changes within the femoral head subse- femoral heads was seen in nonambulatory patients (Fig.
quently developed in 5 of the 20 hips treated by open 35-68). Based on their study results, the authors recom-
reduction. The authors concluded that the procedure is mended against performing redirectional osteotomies that
useful for subluxated hips but that if instability or poor increase anterior coverage, such as the Salter osteotomy,
coverage is present at the end of surgery, pelvic osteotomy because of the possibility of decreasing the already deficient
should be added.263 Other studies comparing outcomes in posterior coverage.7 Posterior insufficiency was also found
hips treated by VDRO and hips treated by VDRO and by CT in a study performed by Buckley and colleagues.95
pelvic osteotomy found superior results with the addition However, in another study of three-dimensional CT scans,
of pelvic osteotomy, and the authors recommended against the authors did not think that the acetabulum was globally
performing VDRO alone.37,600 deficient but that a rut driven by the femoral head through
Remodeling does occur after femoral VDRO. Remodel- the acetabular roof occurred as the hip subluxated and that
ing of the proximal end of the femur back into valgus occurs anterior and posterior wall coverage was adequate.92 From
with growth, which is most likely in children who are oper- these different studies it appears that those with CP may
ated on before 4 years of age.90,271,378 No significant remodel- have varying patterns of acetabular deficiency, with many
ing can be expected in patients operated on at 8 years or but not all patients exhibiting posterior insufficiency.
older.271 Schmale and colleagues monitored 38 young chil- The two pelvic procedures with the longest historical use
dren who underwent VDRO at an average age of 4 years in patients with CP are the Chiari osteotomy and the shelf
without pelvic osteotomy for hip subluxation and found that acetabular augmentation procedure.
74% required further surgery at a 5-year mean follow-up.566 Chiari Osteotomy. The Chiari osteotomy is per-
Complications from femoral VDRO other than recur- formed by making a horizontal osteotomy from the sciatic
rent dysplasia are loss of fixation and fracture. Taking care notch to a point just at the superolateral margin of the
to perform the osteotomy an adequate distance away from acetabulum. The osteotomy is displaced medially so that
the insertion site for the blade can reduce the incidence of the hip capsule lies over the lateral bony surface of the
proximal femoral fractures.57 We use a spica cast after ilium, which over time undergoes metaplasia to form fibro-
VDRO in patients with hip instability associated with CP cartilage (Fig. 35-69).112 A more detailed description of the
because we believe that weakness and stiffness will improve surgical procedure can be found in Chapter 16.
in time after physical therapy and are preferable to the Although good results have been reported after Chiari
potential loss of fixation in osteopenic bone. Delayed union osteotomy, it should be combined with femoral osteotomy
and nonunion are rare but do occur.600 Heterotopic ossifica- in patients with severe subluxation.155,173,452,489 The series
tion can result from any hip reconstructive procedure, with the greatest success rate was that of Atar and col-
including varus osteotomy. Patients with spastic quadriple- leagues, in which 14 of 15 hips remained stable at 3-year
gia who undergo capsulotomy and experience a postopera- follow-up after a Chiari osteotomy combined with a varus
tive infection are at highest risk.282 Avascular necrosis (AVN) osteotomy and muscle release.36
has been documented in some studies following VDRO Shelf Acetabular Augmentation (Plate 35-9). A
(and following VDRO with concomitant pelvic osteotomy) second pelvic procedure that has been widely used is the
and occurs to varying degrees in 0% to 37% of patients.19,311 shelf acetabular augmentation as described by Staheli in
Combined Femoral Varus and Pelvic Osteotomies. In 1981. A notch is made in the outer wall of the ilium just
cases in which muscle release and femoral VDRO does not at the margin of the acetabulum, and cancellous and corti-
provide adequate coverage or stability of the hip, pelvic cocancellous strips of iliac crest are wedged into this notch
osteotomy should also be performed.53 This is most likely above the hip capsule to increase the area of load bearing
to be necessary when the preoperative MI is greater than and therefore improve the stability of the hip (see Chapter
50%.279 Among the various possible osteotomies are redi- 16).612 The graft can be placed wherever acetabular defi-
rectional osteotomies, such as the Steel and periacetabular ciency is present, thereby improving the posterior and
procedures; osteotomies that reshape the acetabulum, such lateral deficiencies most common in CP. Because the ace-
as the Pemberton and Dega osteotomies; and salvage oste- tabulum is not redirected, coverage is not increased in one
otomies that increase the area of the acetabulum with non- direction at the expense of the opposite direction. In fact,
articular cartilage, such as the Chiari osteotomy and the coverage that is increased beyond normal can be achieved
shelf augmentation procedure. Each of the osteotomies has and, according to Staheli, should be.613 The procedure is
its advocates, but it is important to understand the three- indicated for a hip in which spherical congruency cannot be
dimensional anatomy of the acetabulum and femoral head achieved. In hips that remain congruent, a redirectional
before choosing a particular osteotomy. osteotomy is preferable to maintain coverage by articular
e56 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-68  A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis of a 10-year-old child with cerebral palsy. B, A three-dimensional computed
tomography scan of the right hip reveals global deficiency of the acetabulum with anterior, superior, and lateral lack of coverage. C, The
hip was reconstructed by muscle release, femoral varus derotation osteotomy with blade plate fixation, and a Dega pelvic osteotomy.

FIGURE 35-69  Paralytic dislocation of the right hip in severe spastic cerebral palsy. A, Preoperative radiograph. B, Postoperative
radiograph after open reduction with femoral shortening, capsular plication, and Chiari pelvic osteotomy and shelf acetabuloplasty.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e57

cartilage. The shelf procedure is also helpful in hips with posteriorly with osteotomes and hinged on the triradiate
global acetabular deficiency and a small articular surface. cartilage, with the inner table of the ilium being left intact.
Studies of the outcomes of shelf procedures in those Wedges of bone graft prop the osteotomy open, and the
with CP have shown good results, with hip stability obtained direction of desired coverage is addressed by where one
in 83% to 95% of patients.363,600,693 The procedure can be places the bone graft. The sponginess of the triradiate car-
useful in some older children with a painful subluxated hip tilage closes the osteotomy around the bony wedges, so
and mild femoral head irregularities.361 Previous problems fixation with pins is not usually necessary. A prerequisite
with resorption of the lateral graft are lessened with decor- for the Dega osteotomy is open triradiate cartilage.416
tication of the lateral surface of the ilium and radiographic Mubarak and colleagues reported their experience with
localization of the inferior lip of the acetabulum, where the the Dega osteotomy combined with adductor, iliopsoas, and
shelf needs to be placed. If it is placed too high, the acetabu- proximal hamstring release and a shortening femoral VDRO.
lum will appear to have a step-off and the graft will be Ninety-five percent of 104 hips remained stable at 7 years’
resorbed. Because the shelf is built at the very margin of follow-up, although AVN occurred in 8% of the hips. The
the acetabulum, it is possible to disturb further lateral authors commented that the Dega osteotomy allowed
growth of the acetabulum, so the shelf procedure should excellent correction of the superior and lateral deficiency
not be performed in very young patients. seen preoperatively.416 They advocated performing the oste-
Dega Osteotomy. A third pelvic osteotomy that is of otomy in those with open triradiate cartilage, an acetabular
particular benefit in hip dysplasia secondary to CP is the index greater than 25 degrees, and an MI greater than 40%.
Dega osteotomy (Fig. 35-70; Plate 35-10). This osteotomy, For severe subluxation in which the hip is greater than 70%
as well as the San Diego variation described by Mubarak, uncovered, they also advised open reduction.392 With open
extends through the outer table of the ilium from the ante- reduction, an increased risk for AVN is present. In a series
rior inferior iliac spine to the sciatic notch. A bicortical in which open reduction via trochanteric flip osteotomy,
osteotomy is performed only at the anterior inferior iliac VDRO, and a Dega-like osteotomy was performed through
spine and, with a Kerrison rongeur, at the sciatic notch. The the lateral approach, no cases of AVN were found at 17-year
inner table of the ilium is not cut. The lateral osteotomy follow-up, which they attributed to careful preservation of
made through the outer table is extended with curved the blood supply and gentle reduction of the hip.558
osteotomes to the triradiate cartilage under fluoroscopic Miller and colleagues398a used a similar pelvic osteotomy,
guidance. The osteotomy is then pried down laterally and again combined with a shortening femoral VDRO and


FIGURE 35-70  A, Eight-year-old, Gross Motor and Functional Classification System level 5 boy with right hip subluxation. B, Four years
after right varus osteotomy and Dega osteotomy, the left hip is now subluxated. C, Intraoperative fluoroscopic shot of left adductor
release, femoral varus osteotomy, and Dega osteotomy. D, At 15 years of age both hips remain reduced.
e58 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-71  A, A radiograph of an ambulatory adolescent with severe left hip pain shows marked subluxation of the hip with severe
acetabular dysplasia. B, A postoperative radiograph after valgus osteotomy of the proximal end of the femur and periacetabular
osteotomy shows excellent coverage of the hip.

aggressive muscle release. Only 2 hips redislocated and 2 and who have closed triradiate cartilage are the best candi-
hips remained subluxated out of 70 hips at follow-up. Their dates for this osteotomy. In some instances, coverage can
osteotomy differed from the Dega osteotomy in that it did be greatly increased with the periacetabular osteotomy such
not extend into the sciatic notch but was directed inferiorly that femoral osteotomy may be avoided.
to the triradiate cartilage at the posterior aspect.346 Their Complications. Patients with CP who undergo surgi-
indications for this combined procedure were (1) failure of cal hip reconstruction with osteotomies are at significant
soft tissue release in a child younger than 8 years; (2) sub- risk for complications. The risk for complication after an
luxation, defined as an MI greater than 40% in children osteotomy is significantly greater in the nonambulatory
older than 8 years; (3) a recent hip dislocation (within 2 population, and in one series a worrisome 69% of patients
years); and (4) a painful subluxated or dislocated hip with a tracheostomy or gastrostomy had complications.616
without significant femoral head deformity. They success- Respiratory complications and postoperative anemia are the
fully did not use a spica cast postoperatively, but we do most likely complications in the immediate postoperative
continue to use a cast in this group of patients, both for period. In every study, postoperative fractures developed in
comfort and to reduce spasticity and maintain the position some patients, including pathologic fractures of the supra-
of the pelvic osteotomy during healing. condylar femur during mobilization after cast removal and
The benefit of the Chiari osteotomy, shelf augmentation, fractures in the area of the osteotomy, at times resulting in
and Dega osteotomy is that they provide coverage posteri- loss of fixation. It was this risk for fracture that stimulated
orly and laterally and thereby improve the MI percentage Miller’s group to try reconstruction without casting. We too
and CE angle. Drummond and coworkers warned against have seen problems with fractures in this group of patients
using the Salter or Pemberton osteotomy in patients with and attribute the fractures not only to immobilization but
CP because these osteotomies were designed to move cov- also to preexisting osteopenia. Great care in the period after
erage more anteriorly and laterally without improving pos- cast removal is needed, and attempts to increase passive
terior coverage.180,467 Salter himself indicated that his range of motion should be pursued with extreme caution.
innominate osteotomy was not to be used for spastic dislo- Patients with hip dislocations associated with CP are also
cations.550 Root and colleagues advocated using the Salter frequently malnourished. Malnutrition increases the risk for
osteotomy in children younger than 12 years and the Chiari postoperative pulmonary complications and the develop-
osteotomy in older children.526 We do not use the Salter or ment of decubitus sores from the cast. The “felt suit”
the Pemberton osteotomy in children with CP and cannot approach to spica casting is warranted; thick, soft felt is
explain these reports of satisfactory outcomes. applied to all potential sites of breakdown and bony promi-
Bernese Osteotomy. With increasing familiarity with nences and held in place with cast padding. These casts
the Bernese periacetabular osteotomy for adolescent hip must be well padded because skin sores develop in 15% of
dysplasia, modifications of this osteotomy have been used these children.360
in patients with CP.529 Marked improvement in coverage can Finally, patients who undergo surgical reconstruction of
be obtained because of the ability to redirect the acetabu- a unilateral dysplastic hip have a debatable risk for subse-
lum with greater ease (Fig. 35-71). Patients who are ambu- quent instability in the contralateral hip (Fig. 35-72).507,553,594
latory with sufficient bone stock for stable internal fixation Studies have shown that the risk for contralateral
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e59



FIGURE 35-72  A, Severe subluxation of the right hip of a

7-year-old boy with spastic quadriplegia. The left hip is well
contained. B, A unilateral varus derotation osteotomy (VDRO)
with a shelf procedure and bilateral adductor releases were
performed. C, The left hip subluxated 2.5 years after the right
hip reconstruction. D, VDRO and a Dega osteotomy were
performed. E, One year after contralateral reconstruction, both E
hips were reduced and painless.
e60 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

subluxation is greatest if soft tissue release is performed Bursae form over the lateral prominence and may cause pain
before 9 years of age in a nonambulatory patient.104 We have while sitting. Hardware removal is frequently helpful but
found unilateral VDRO (with pelvic osteotomy as needed) does carry a small risk for fracture in the postoperative
effective in our patient population if contralateral sublux- period. Physical therapy should be discontinued for 6 weeks
ation does not exist.582 It is recommended that contralateral after removal of internal fixation to allow bone healing.59
bone and soft tissue surgery be performed if even mild As discussed earlier, AVN is a recognized complication
dysplasia is present.104,225,434 The typical child undergoing of hip reconstruction in the CP population. Epiphyseal
hip reconstruction is medically frail; the risk for respiratory changes have been seen in 10% of patients who undergo
compromise requiring intensive care unit transfer and rein- femoral osteotomy, as well as in up to 46% of patients
tubation is not significantly different in children undergoing who undergo concomitant pelvic osteotomies.617 Not all
bilateral femoral and pelvic osteotomy than in those under- hips with epiphyseal changes become painful, however
going bilateral femoral and unilateral pelvic osteotomy.284 (Fig. 35-73).
Furthermore, contralateral surgery may benefit a child with Recovery time is prolonged after combined soft tissue
preoperative windswept deformity, a condition character- and bone reconstruction of the hip in children with CP. The
ized by unilateral subluxation and contralateral abduction interval after surgery until the patient regains the preopera-
contracture.45 tive level of function and experiences pain relief averages 7
Many patients who undergo femoral osteotomy experi- to 10 months, but up to 30 months may be needed in rare
ence symptoms as a result of prominence of the hardware. patients.615 Some have found that a rehabilitation period of


FIGURE 35-73  A, Preoperative radiograph of an adolescent girl with dystonia

and painful right hip subluxation. B, Postoperative radiograph after adductor
release, proximal femoral varus osteotomy, and a Steel triple pelvic osteotomy.
Note the segmental avascular necrosis of the femoral head. C, Clinical
appearance of a child after hip reconstruction. Note the presence of a right
shoe lift for limb length discrepancy.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e61

8 to 14 months occurs after hip reconstruction.290 Parents dissection carried out. The abductors are sharply detached
should be forewarned that surgical improvement will not be from the greater trochanter. An osteotomy is made across
seen for some time and that prolonged aggressive postopera- the proximal femur at a level 3 cm distal to the lesser tro-
tive care will be needed. chanter. The iliopsoas tendon is transected. The hip capsule
Salvage Surgery for Long-standing Painful Dislocations. is detached from the proximal femur and sewn shut after
Surgical reduction of a dislocated hip in patients with CP removal of the proximal femur to cover the acetabulum.
should be limited to children who do not have significant The quadriceps muscle is then sewn over the end of the
bony changes in the femoral head. Pressure from the hip femoral shaft. The abductors are interposed between
capsule, abductor muscles, and ligamentum can result in the acetabulum, which is covered with the capsule, and
erosion and loss of sphericity of the femoral head. Lateral the femur, which is covered by the quadriceps. The patient
notching can be caused by direct pressure from the gluteus is then placed in traction for a period of 3 weeks while the
minimus tendon.58 Reduction of the hip will not lead to pain soft tissue interposition begins to heal.
relief but may well exacerbate the hip and groin pain. Technical caveats to be appreciated here include a more
Patients with bony changes in the femoral head are usually distal level of resection than that described in the Girdle-
older, with most being adolescents. Indications for surgery stone procedure.217 McCarthy and associates advocated
in this group of patients include hip pain, inability to sit resection no more proximal than the level of the inferior
in a modified wheelchair, and difficulty with perineal aspect of the ipsilateral ischial ramus, or 3 cm distal to the
hygiene because of contractures. Four surgical options are lesser trochanter.383 Resection at a more proximal level can
available: proximal femoral resection, valgus osteotomy lead to increased pain after surgery as the femoral shaft
of the proximal end of the femur, hip arthrodesis, and migrates proximally and abuts the pelvis because of
total hip arthroplasty. spasticity.468
The decision to abort reduction of the hip can be a dif- A second problem that can follow proximal femoral
ficult one to make. In the presence of arthritic changes and resection is heterotopic bone formation with resultant stiff-
severe erosion of the femoral head, it is clear that the hip ness of the resected hip (Fig. 35-75).321 In children with CP
cannot be reconstructed. Bleck advocated opening the this has been seen after soft tissue release of the hip and
capsule before reduction in questionable cases and proceed- after spinal surgery,331,343 but it is most commonly encoun-
ing with proximal femoral resection if the articular cartilage tered after proximal femoral resection. The proximal
appears to be degenerated.69 Preoperative MRI can be of femoral exposure must be extraperiosteal, and the perios-
use in determining the status of the femoral head in teum and all bony fragments must be thoroughly removed
some cases. from the wound before closure to lessen the risk for this
Proximal Femoral Resection–Interposition Arthroplasty. complication. Some surgeons have used postoperative low-
Proximal femoral resection was popularized for the treat- dose irradiation to reduce the incidence of heterotopic ossi-
ment of painful dislocations of the hip in nonambulatory fication.676 When heterotopic bone blocks motion, it can be
patients by Castle and Schneider in 1978.108 The surgical resected if mature, but it may recur.
technique is as follows (Fig. 35-74). The proximal end of Recovery from proximal femoral resection is notoriously
the femur is approached laterally and extraperiosteal slow, with some patients not experiencing relief of pain and

FIGURE 35-74  A, The planned level of resection for proximal
femoral resection is below the level of the lesser trochanter
and below the level of the acetabulum. If less bone is resected,
persistent pain and contracture are more likely. B, Interposition
of soft tissue between the acetabulum and proximal end of the FIGURE 35-75  Radiograph of a patient after right proximal
femur includes closure of the capsule and suture of the iliopsoas femoral resection. At follow-up the patient had a warm, swollen
to it. The quadriceps is sewn over the proximal end of the femur. thigh. The radiograph shows severe heterotopic ossification.
e62 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

increasing mobility until 1 year after surgery.50 Families between the pelvis and the femoral head is lessened (Fig.
should be warned that after resection, pain and spasticity 35-77). In this way, pain relief may occur.
may seem to worsen before improvement is noted. Most The track record for proximal femoral valgus osteotomy
patients do achieve pain relief, improved range of motion, is variable. Sitting in a wheelchair can still be difficult
and increased sitting endurance after proximal femoral because of the fixed abduction of the leg postoperatively.
resection.424,676 A few patients never become completely Samilson and colleagues found that pain relief was not pre-
pain free after proximal femoral resection and can pose dictably achieved after this procedure.554 Yet a large series
difficult management problems (Fig. 35-76). Wheelchair of 55 proximal femoral valgus osteotomies performed for
modifications are always necessary after proximal femoral painful dislocation of the hip found improved range of
resection–interposition arthroplasty because the operated motion and improvement in pain (if not relief) in 98%.564
leg will be markedly shortened. McHale and coauthors reported the results in a very
Valgus Osteotomy of the Proximal Femur. Valgus oste- small series in which femoral head resection was combined
otomy of the proximal end of the femur is performed to with valgus osteotomy of the proximal end of the femur.385
allow the thigh to come out into abduction, thereby facili- The lesser trochanter was placed in the acetabulum and the
tating perineal hygiene. The femoral head is repositioned capsule was repaired. At 3-year follow-up, sitting ability and
farther laterally from the acetabulum so that rubbing pain had improved.385 Leet and co-workers found that the

FIGURE 35-76  A, Bilateral painful dislocations of the hip in

a 6-year-old boy with cerebral palsy. B, Heterotopic bone is
present 2 months after proximal femoral resections. C, Four
years later, sitting has been obstructed by recurrent
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e63

FIGURE 35-77  A, Pelvic radiograph of a patient with spastic quadriplegia and a painful right hip dislocation. B, Valgus osteotomy was
performed to improve seating and relieve pain.

combination of valgus osteotomy and proximal femoral

resection obviated the need for postoperative traction but
did not influence long-term caregiver satisfaction after
resection.344 We have no experience with this procedure.
Hip Arthrodesis. Surgical fusion of the hip has been
performed in patients with painful dislocations of the hip
as a result of CP. The desired position of fusion differs from
that in the nonneuromuscularly impaired population.510
Because the primary position of most of these patients
during daily activities is sitting in the wheelchair, a position
of 50 degrees of flexion and 10 degrees of abduction is
recommended for nonambulatory patients. Root and col-
leagues used a combined intraarticular and extraarticular
technique, nearly always together with subtrochanteric
osteotomy of the femur, to allow positioning of the leg.
They found that patients with CP had a high complication
rate after arthrodesis, particularly pseudarthrosis. Never-
theless, they advocated use of the procedure in young
patients with normal spines and normal contralateral hips.524
Another study found that hip arthrodesis was tolerated well
by ambulatory patients and those with unilateral nonrecon-
structable hip disease. The mean position of fusion in the
FIGURE 35-78  Anterior dislocation of the left femoral head in a
series was 40 degrees of flexion, 15 degrees of abduction,
17-year-old male patient with spastic quadriparesis. The right hip
and neutral rotation.162 Bleck rarely uses arthrodesis and was posteriorly dislocated and remains subluxated despite surgery.
believes that it compromises both the sitting and supine
positions and increases stress on the lumbar spine.72
Total Hip Arthroplasty. Root has been the greatest advo-
cate of total hip arthroplasty in patients with CP. The ideal surgery.524 Despite concern about early loosening of the
candidate for joint replacement is an adult with CP who is components, this has not been a problem in most patients.
able to walk, stand, or transfer. Nearly all the patients in Sixteen of 18 patients with CP who underwent total hip
whom he has performed total hip replacement had normal arthroplasty with conventional implants at an average age
or nearly normal intelligence. Patients should not have coex- of 30 years had relief of pain and improved function at an
isting pelvic obliquity or scoliosis.72 Technical considerations average of 10 years’ follow-up.99 Others have also seen
are (1) a need to position the acetabular component so improvements in pain scores following total hip arthroplasty
that it provides posterior stability in sitting patients and in ambulatory adults with CP but noted a higher loosening
(2) frequent loss of acetabular bone stock superolaterally, and dislocation rate in this patient population.569
which requires bone grafting at the time of total hip arthro-
plasty. The use of constrained implants has led to poor Anterior Dislocation of the Hip
results.321 Based on their experience with instability in the Anterior dislocation of the hip occurs much less frequently
early postoperative period after hip replacement with con- than posterolateral dislocation (Fig. 35-78). Children at
ventional nonconstrained components, Root and colleagues greatest risk for anterior dislocation have excessive adductor
recommended that a spica cast be worn for 4 weeks after and hip flexor release leading to extension and abduction
e64 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

contractures, or the dislocation appears to be caused by nonproportional, and unpredictable limb length discrepancy
extension posturing in the child with severe neurologic is a common finding in spastic hemiplegia.517 The overall
involvement. rate of maturation of the limb is affected, as well as its
Symptoms consist of an inability to sit in a wheelchair length and girth. The cause of this discrepancy is not related
because of extension contractures, and hip pain is present to the overall nutritional status of the child. In a study by
in half these patients. The diagnosis is made by physical Roberts and colleagues, delays in skeletal maturation on the
examination. The femoral head is palpable in the anterior affected side in comparison to the nonspastic side averaged
aspect of the groin, and flexion of the hip is limited. Radio- 7.3 months.517 Van Heest and co-workers found a correla-
graphs may be confusing because the hip may appear tion between the severity of sensory impairment and the
reduced as it lies anterior to the acetabulum.93 If doubt degree of growth impairment in the affected limb.665
exists, CT will confirm the diagnosis.
Treatment is difficult at best. Aggressive muscle release Treatment
of the proximal hamstrings and, if the hip is abducted, the Orthopaedic management of limb problems in children
abductors and short external rotators must be included in with CP has concentrated on the lower limb. It was believed
the surgical reconstruction. A varus shortening osteotomy that children affected by CP would not benefit from surgi-
of the femur in conjunction with acetabular osteotomy is cal reconstruction of the upper extremity. In general, if
recommended to gain anterior coverage. The Pemberton the child has some volitional use of the hand or even aware-
osteotomy is useful in this patient population because it ness of its presence, surgical intervention can potentially
augments anterior coverage. Redislocation is a problem, par- lessen the deformity and improve the function intrinsic to
ticularly in hypotonic patients. If pain relief is not achieved, that limb.664
proximal femoral resection is recommended.576 Success in the treatment of a spastic limb is determined
by setting reasonable pretreatment goals and by the family’s
acceptance of these goals. The goals of treating a spastic
Management of Upper Limb Involvement in
limb include improvement in function, decrease in defor-
Cerebral Palsy
mity, improvement in appearance, and facilitation of custo-
Operative treatment of the upper limb can improve the dial care. Volitional use of the hand is the best predictor of
function of children with CP, but only when the surgical functional improvement after a change in the position of
procedure is chosen carefully and the goals are realistic. Two the hand. However, a change in the position of even a mini-
basic goals can be achieved when the child is functioning at mally functional hand may significantly alter its role as an
a higher level: improvement in function and improvement assist hand and may improve the overall well-being of the
in appearance. In children with more severe involvement child by normalizing the appearance and lessening the social
who are unable to care for themselves, operative treatment stigma of spasticity in children who are not mentally or
may be a reasonable option if it facilitates nursing care developmentally delayed.338 An improvement in cosmesis
(bathing and dressing). The surgeon can achieve some can be dramatic but is often associated with disappointment
improvement by three major methods: (1) lengthening of a in the lack of a concomitant improvement in function.
tight musculotendinous unit, (2) augmenting a weaker
muscle by tendon transfer, and (3) arthrodesis in an older Nonsurgical Treatment
child near the end of growth. Nonoperative treatment of spasticity is directed toward
With the judicious choice of one or more of these treat- prevention of contractures, splinting for positional improve-
ments, surgeons can alter the lives of patients in a most ment, and hand therapy to improve dexterity, pattern use,
positive way. In the end, however, because the cause of the and sensory reeducation.
condition is in the brain and the operation is performed on
normal muscles and joints in the extremity, the result is Casting, Splinting, and Physical Therapy. Inhibitory casting
always unpredictable to some degree. This fact must be and aggressive splinting do not improve the results of stan-
understood and accepted by the patient and family. dard therapeutic intervention and should be discouraged.159
No evidence has demonstrated that one type of physical or
Sensory Impairment occupational therapy is more beneficial than any other.
Evaluation of sensory capacity in children with CP is diffi- Therapy protocols in which the timing, frequency, and type
cult, but sensory deficits are recognized to contribute more of intervention were varied did not reveal one combination
to the overall impairment in function than was previously to be of greater benefit than another. Recognition of the
recognized.664 When somatosensory evoked potentials limb and a desire to use the limb are not features that can
(SSEPs) were included, impairment in at least one modality be taught by therapy or infused surgically.
of sensory function was found in 88% of children with CP.120
Hemiplegic children who received intensive occupational Botulinum Toxin. Other forms of nonoperative treatment
therapy that concentrated on motor skills alone did not of spasticity include muscle relaxants such as baclofen and
show improvement in their performance. A therapeutic botulinum toxin (Botox) to effect a decrease in spasticity.
focus on sensory rehabilitation is part of the nonoperative The function of the antagonistic muscles may be unmasked
approach to a spastic upper limb.688 and expose the potential for better use of the hand. Plan-
ning of surgical procedures can be based on the results of
Effects on Growth selective Botox injections. The ideal patient is one with
A limb that lacks normal neurologic input from any marked flexor spasticity, no contracture, and some volitional
cause will often show abnormal growth. A progressive, control of the limb.124
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e65

Contraindications appear to be fixed contractures, lack

of volitional control, and lack of spasticity. Repeated injec-
tions may be needed because of neural recovery. Potential
problems include the development of antibodies to Botox
and the cost of treatment.
Surgical Treatment
Surgical Planning. Surgical treatment of upper limb spas-
ticity in CP, a neuromuscular problem, is limited to what
can be done at the musculoskeletal level. The goals of surgi-
cal treatment must be clearly defined and accepted pre-
operatively. A change in position to facilitate available
function, improve appearance, or facilitate hygiene or cus-
todial care is a clear indication for surgical care and must
be discussed thoroughly with the patient and the family,
who must understand that surgery cannot increase voli-
tional use or sensibility. Most surgical procedures attempt FIGURE 35-79  Hyperextensibility of the digits with variable tone
to restore balance by combinations of soft tissue release may indicate an athetoid component and should signal caution in
and tendon transfer when possible and by arthrodesis when considering tendon transfers to these digits.
soft tissue procedures are inadequate. Selective neurec-
tomy of motor nerves within spastic muscles or by chemical
block also has a place in the treatment of spasticity,
although the results are rarely lasting and difficult to that preclude manipulation and identification of small
control. Rhizotomy, a surgical procedure that ablates spinal objects without visual input.
motor nerve roots, is generally reserved for cases of uncon-
trolled spasticity in the lower limbs and has little applica- Surgical Techniques for the Elbow
tion in the upper limb. Surgical goals include release of Flexion Contracture. A severe elbow flexion contracture
contractures that interfere with function, cosmesis, or occurs when very little hand function is present, usually in
hygiene; tendon transfers to restore balance to forearm a globally involved child. Indications for contracture release
rotation and wrist, thumb, and finger position; and joint are to improve hygiene or facilitate custodial care. A shoul-
stabilization in the situation in which balance cannot be der adduction contracture may be present and can be ame-
maintained by soft tissue. liorated at the same time by intramuscular lengthening of
the pectoralis major muscle.
Preoperative Evaluation. Other medical conditions must A severe elbow flexion contracture can be relieved by
be under optimal control before elective surgery is release of the lacertus fibrosus, Z-lengthening of the biceps
performed, including any seizure disorder or dental condi- tendon, and lengthening of the brachialis tendon with
tion. Coordination of other surgical services to address several chevron-type incisions through an anterior Z-plasty
lower limb or eye deformity concomitantly may be or long curvilinear approach. Loss of some active flexion is
appropriate. expected. The radial nerve must be protected, and the
Motor Examination. The typical posture of a spastic proximal origin of the brachioradialis muscle can be released
upper limb is elbow, wrist, and finger flexion and forearm if the elbow is still tight. The elbow is casted in comfortable
pronation. Muscles with fixed contractures and muscles extension for 3 weeks until the wounds have healed and
that are consistently spastic are usually easy to identify. then is splinted intermittently to maintain a range of motion
Athetosis in a muscle is manifested by lack of a contracture that allows ease of dressing and positioning for balance and
and variable tone in the muscle that allows intermittent full limited function.
excursion, often without volitional control. An athetoid Pronation Contracture. Pronation contracture of the
muscle should not be selected as a donor for tendon transfer forearm develops insidiously and, with growth, causes a
because the result is unpredictable (Fig. 35-79). rotational deformity of the radius and occasionally disloca-
Dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by rigid tion of the distal radioulnar joint (Fig. 35-80). When the
cocontractions of opposing muscles that worsens with emo- forearm is passively correctable, options for correction of
tional overlay and is not amenable to surgical correction. the deformity are release or rerouting of the pronator
Bony procedures that increase rigidity are contraindicated tendon. If the pronator muscle is constantly spastic, with
in those with dystonia. EMG with gait analysis can be used no in-phase activity, it should not be transferred. Rerouting
to obtain this information; however, careful clinical exami- of the pronator tendon involves the use of a long
nation may provide the same information to a careful Z-lengthening by prolonging the proximal slip of tendon
examiner. with a strip of distal periosteum. Strong, nonabsorbable
Sensory Examination. Awareness of the limb and dis- sutures placed in half the tendon are used to pass the distal
crimination of pain and temperature are critical for incor- limb dorsally through the interosseous space and secure it
poration of the limb into a use pattern. Detailed and discrete to the proximal limb with the forearm positioned in full
sensory evaluation is difficult in a child with CP. Some supination. Regardless of whether the pronator has been
patients who are able to articulate their perceptions will lengthened or transferred, the forearm is protected with a
describe alterations in the sensibility of the involved hand long-arm cast in full supination for 4 weeks.
e66 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-80  Acute flexed wrist and hand with pronation of the forearm in a child with cerebral palsy. A, The patient’s upper limb.
B, Lateral radiograph showing volar subluxation of the carpus.

Releasing or rerouting the pronator should be done cau- cannot extend the patient’s fingers passively with the wrist
tiously when the flexor carpi ulnaris is used for a transfer in neutral position (Plate 35-12). In general, greater length
to the radial wrist extensors because of the additional supi- can be obtained by formal Z-lengthening than at the intra-
natory torque produced by that transfer.546 A position of muscular level, but at the expense of muscle function and
fixed supination is worse than one of pronation. strength. If more than 45 degrees of wrist flexion is needed
to fully extend the fingers, lengthening by proximal flexor–
Surgical Techniques for the Wrist and Fingers. The goal of pronator origin release is indicated if the desire is to pre-
surgical procedures on the wrist and fingers is to allow the serve finger flexor function.
fingers to open with wrist flexion for release and to close Lengthening of the extrinsic finger flexors may worsen
with wrist extension for grasp. Fine motor and individual the intrinsic contractures by altering the relationship
finger movement is not the intent of surgical procedures on between the superficialis and profundus tendon lengths.
the wrist and fingers in those with CP. Some wrist flexion Greater relative lengthening of the superficialis weakens
must be preserved to allow finger extension, and wrist proximal interphalangeal joint flexion while increasing
extension strong enough to resist the flexion force of the tension on the lumbrical (which takes its origin from the
fingers is needed for grasp. Achieving this balance is often profundus tendon) and increases flexion of the metacarpo-
difficult.488 phalangeal joint and hyperextension of the proximal inter-
Judicious lengthening of the wrist flexors, the flexor carpi phalangeal joint, which causes a severe swan-neck deformity
ulnaris at the intramuscular level and the flexor carpi radialis in the presence of intrinsic spasticity. Lengthening of the
with a Z-lengthening, and release of the palmaris longus and intrinsics or superficialis flexor tenodesis may help address
superficial fascia will allow the wrist to be brought into an this deformity.
extended position. The extensor carpi ulnaris is often over- For severe wrist flexion contractures, especially in a non-
active as an ulnar deviator but remains in phase as an exten- functional hand, wrist arthrodesis can offer a solution to
sor and is the preferred tendon to transfer into the extensor hygiene and care problems (see Chapter 15). Resection of
carpi radialis brevis. This transfer has less of a supinatory the proximal carpal row and fusion of the transected capi-
torque than the Green procedure does (transfer of the tate and hamate to the distal end of the radius will often
flexor carpi ulnaris to the extensor carpi radialis brevis). allow sufficient soft tissue decompression and facilitate
Tension is set with the wrist in maximum passive extension release or lengthening of the extrinsic and intrinsic finger
and the extensor carpi ulnaris in moderate tension as it is contractures. The released wrist flexors then become avail-
woven into the tendon of the extensor carpi radialis brevis able to augment finger extension in selected cases.
distal to the first compartment muscles (Plate 35-11).
Extrinsic finger flexion contractures may limit both Surgical Techniques for the Thumb. The thumb-in-palm
finger and wrist extension and can be addressed by length- deformity is common with deforming forces, including the
ening in the forearm at the intramuscular, tendinous, or adductor pollicis and all thumb intrinsic muscles (Fig.
muscle origin level. Fractional lengthening of the flexor pro- 35-81). The approach to thumb-in-palm deformity is to
fundus is feasible when flexor tone is such that the surgeon release contracted soft tissue and then augment the weak
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e67

Management of Spinal Deformity

in Cerebral Palsy
Scoliosis is a significant problem in children with CP that
affects between 25% and 68% of patients.368,381,552 As is the
case with hip instability, the incidence is highest in patients
who are nonambulatory and have total body involvement
A (i.e., GMFCS level 4 and 5). Series that include patients
who are ambulatory and have milder neurologic involve-
ment yield a lower incidence, whereas those that study
institutionalized patients show a higher frequency. Up to
64% of institutionalized adults with CP have scoliosis.368,646
Patients with spasticity are at higher risk than those with
other movement disorders.368
A typical curve pattern is seen with scoliosis secondary
to CP that differs from that seen with idiopathic scoliosis.
The usual pattern is a long sweeping curve that extends to
the pelvis, with the apex of the curve at the thoracolumbar
junction. Rotation accompanies the coronal-plane curvature
(Fig. 35-84).31,636
Scoliosis leads to difficulty sitting, the functional posi-
tion needed by a wheelchair-bound child. Curvature of the
lumbar spine leads to pelvic obliquity, which can produce
uneven pressure on the ischial tuberosities and eventually
B pressure sores.598 Seating imbalance forces the child to lean
FIGURE 35-81  Thumb-in-palm deformity of a spastic hand.
on the upper extremities and become a hands-dependent
A, The fingers are clenched in the palm over the thumb. B, On or a propped sitter (Fig. 35-85).500
hyperflexion of the wrist, the fingers and thumb extend out of
Nonoperative Treatment
the palm.
Nonoperative treatment of scoliosis with adaptive seating
extensors and abductors.547 If the child demonstrates active and orthoses has not met with success. Curve progression
thumb interphalangeal extension and has a palpable exten- is not controlled by bracing, a fact that has been proved in
sor pollicis longus, simple release of the contracture will many studies. Bracing had no impact on scoliosis curve,
usually suffice to bring the thumb out of the palm. Com- shape, or rate of progression in patients with spastic quad-
prehensive release of the origins of the thenar musculature, riplegia who were observed by Miller and colleagues until
while protecting the recurrent branch of the median nerve, fusion.395 Bracing can lead to skin intolerance in these thin
and release of the two heads of the adductor pollicis, while children, but Letts and colleagues found that seating was
protecting the deep branch of the ulnar nerve, will bring made somewhat easier when a soft orthosis was prescribed.
the thumb into a position of wide abduction (Fig. 35-82). The brace was used only to allow comfortable seating, not
Release of the first dorsal interosseous fascia along with to treat the curve.347 Wheelchair adaptations can help a
release of the thumb–index web space may also be needed. child with scoliosis sit but do little to halt worsening of the
The thumb metacarpophalangeal joint is often unstable and curvature.
hyperextended. This must also be treated so that extensor
power to the thumb will lift the entire thumb ray and not Surgical Treatment
increase the hyperextension instability of the metacarpo- With discouraging results from nonoperative treatment, it
phalangeal joint (Fig. 35-83).504 The joint may be stabilized would be logical that all patients with scoliosis secondary to
by capsulodesis, sesamoid–to–metacarpal head fusion, CP would undergo surgical correction. Yet such is not the
metacarpophalangeal arthrodesis, tenodesis of the extensor case. Spinal fusion surgery carries sufficient risks that it is
pollicis brevis proximal to the metacarpophalangeal joint, or not thought to be in the best interest of every child with
a combination of these procedures. Augmentation of the neuromuscular scoliosis. When deciding whether a specific
extrinsic extensors and abductors involves tendon transfers patient should undergo spinal fusion, it is important to
to the first dorsal compartment or the extensor pollicis know the natural history of scoliosis in this population of
longus in its native or rerouted position. patients.
Postoperative care of patients after release of contrac-
tures includes immobilization for a minimum of 3 to 4 Factors in Decision Making. Majd and colleagues moni-
weeks, followed by splinting. If a tendon transfer has been tored all adult patients with CP in a nursing home and
performed, immobilization should be prolonged to 6 weeks, documented whether they had scoliosis and whether their
followed by splinting full-time for an additional 6 weeks. curves progressed.369 They found that 18% of patients had
Thereafter, the splint is worn for protection during strenu- significant deterioration in their curves. The larger curves
ous activity. The arthrodesis must be protected until radio- tended to progress in adulthood at a rate of 4.4 degrees per
graphic evidence of healing. year. Three patients had decubitus ulcers, and their average
e68 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Median nerve and

Adductor flexor digitorum
superficialis muscle
pollicis muscle, retracted
oblique and

Superficial head of Recurrent

flexor pollicis brevis branch of
muscle and abductor median nerve
pollicis brevis muscle
cut and retracted Flexor
Flexor Palmar
carpi aponeurosis
muscle Palmaris longus muscle

Palmar cutaneous branch pollicis
A of median nerve brevis

Flexor pollicis
digitorum brevis
superficialis muscle muscle

Flexor pollicis
brevis muscle, Opponens
superficial Median nerve pollicis muscle
D carpal ligament

Adductor pollicis
muscle (transverse
Recurrent head)
muscle Flexor
branch of
C retinaculum
median nerve

Deep motor
branch of
ulnar nerve

Flexor pollicis
longus muscle
FIGURE 35-82  A to E, Comprehensive release of the
Deep palmar arch
origins of the intrinsic muscles acting on the thumb will of radial artery
Adductor pollicis
allow positioning of the thumb ray, including the muscle, oblique
abductor brevis, flexor brevis, opponens pollicis, and both head
heads of the adductor pollicis muscles. The thumb is
positioned in wide abduction for 3 weeks afterward. If the
Radial artery
extensor pollicis longus muscle is functional, a tendon
transfer may not be needed. E
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e69



FIGURE 35-83  Deformities of the thumb in cerebral palsy. A, Type I, simple metacarpal adduction contracture. B, Type II, metacarpal
adduction contracture and metacarpophalangeal flexion deformity. C, Type III, metacarpal adduction contracture combined with a
metacarpophalangeal hyperextension deformity or instability. D, Type IV, metacarpal adduction contracture combined with flexion
deformity of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints.

curves were greater than 100 degrees, with more than 45

degrees of pelvic obliquity.369 Thometz and Simon found
similar results, but the rate of progression of curves greater
than 50 degrees at skeletal maturity averaged only 1.4
degrees per year. They also found that thoracolumbar and
lumbar curves tended to progress more than thoracic curves
did.646 If a curve is greater than 40 degrees by 15 years of
age, it is likely to progress.544
These studies looked at whether curves progressed after
skeletal maturity, but they did not specifically address
whether patients with larger curves were less healthy or
more difficult to nurse. Kalen and associates compared 14
residents of a nursing home who had scoliosis of between
51 and 105 degrees with 42 residents who had either no
scoliosis or small curves. They found that patients with
larger curves had more orthopaedic deformities such as hip
dislocations and that they needed modified wheelchairs. No
difference was found in the incidence of decubitus ulcers,
functional level or loss of function, or oxygen saturation,
however.299 They concluded that problems with functional
loss and decubitus ulcers were seen in equal proportions in
both groups, so the surgical indications for spinal fusion in
those with CP were not clear.
Cassidy and associates analyzed the health and nursing
care of a group of institutionalized patients with CP who
had undergone spinal fusion surgery and a similar group of
FIGURE 35-84  Long thoracolumbar scoliosis in a 14-year-old patients with scoliosis of greater than 50 degrees who had
nonambulatory girl with cerebral palsy. The curve is associated not.107 They found no significant difference in pain, pulmo-
with severe pelvic obliquity, which compromises seating. nary status, decubitus ulcers, function, or time required for
e70 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-85  A, Fourteen-year-old girl

with spastic quadriparesis and scoliosis.
Note that she is unable to sit in her
wheelchair properly. B, The clinical
appearance of her spine shows severe
thoracolumbar scoliosis and pelvic

daily care. The nurses caring for these patients, however, which complications occur more frequently.291 Gastrostomy
believed that those who had undergone spinal fusion were tube feedings may be necessary preoperatively to lessen the
more comfortable. Based on this study and the study by risk for complications. Aspiration has been documented in
Kalen and colleagues,299 the indications for surgery in 69% of patients with total body involvement of CP.181 If
patients who are institutionalized and severely mentally aspiration occurs in the postoperative period, pneumonia
retarded remain clouded. frequently results, thus prolonging the hospital stay of the
child and even resulting in death in some children. In
Indications. Our current indications for spinal fusion are patients with gastroesophageal reflux, pancreatitis and
the following: feeding difficulties are also more likely to develop postop-
eratively.78 Preoperative swallowing studies should be per-
1. Curves greater than 50 degrees in ambulatory patients
formed in patients suspected of aspirating, and referral to
2. Progressive curves greater than 50 degrees in patients
a pediatric surgeon should be made when these studies
who are communicative and aware of their
confirm aspiration. Certain seizure medications that are fre-
quently used in patients with CP can increase blood loss by
3. Curves that interfere with seating and nursing in patients
interfering with coagulation. Patients treated with dival-
whose families desire surgical correction
proex (Depakote) or valproate (Depakene) will have normal
Because the prevalence of scoliosis increases with the sever- routine coagulation profiles—that is, prothrombin time and
ity of neurologic involvement, the surgeon is often faced partial thromboplastin time—but prolonged bleeding times.
with the decision whether to operate on children who are Platelet counts may also be decreased by these medica-
profoundly mentally retarded and unaware of their sur- tions.681 Preparations for large intraoperative blood loss
roundings. In these difficult cases we believe that it is the must be made.286 Use of antifibrinolytic medications such
family that often makes the decision to pursue surgery or as tranexamic acid at the start of surgery has been shown
not. When surgery is not thought to be in the best interest to decrease blood loss but not decrease transfusion require-
of the child and when the family chooses not to “put the ments. Consideration for use of these agents should be
child through” the surgery, modified seating can allow the given.166
child to be moved about.500
Choice and Timing of Procedures. No distinct guidelines
Preoperative Evaluation. Once the decision to operate has have been recommended for when anterior release, diskec-
been made, a thorough medical evaluation is necessary.681 tomy, and fusion are necessary in patients with CP. Before
Malnutrition is frequently a problem in these patients and, the advent of segmental sublaminar or pedicle fixation,
when present, predisposes to infection and delayed wound combined anterior and posterior fusion was recommended
healing. Laboratory studies, including measurement of for all patients with scoliosis and pelvic obliquity.89 The
serum protein and albumin and a total lymphocyte count, addition of anterior fusion reduced the pseudarthrosis
are useful in assessing the nutritional status of the child. A rate from 22% to 5.4% in a series published in 1983 by
serum albumin level of 35 g/L and a total lymphocyte count Lonstein and Akbarnia.355 Today, more secure segmental
of 1500 cells/mm3 have been established as levels below fixation has necessitated anterior fusion in only a small
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e71

subset of patients. In younger patients with open triradiate along the surface of the lamina after passage to prevent
cartilage, the crankshaft phenomenon may develop with bouncing the wire down on the dura as the surgery
isolated posterior fusion in the presence of postoperative continues.
anterior vertebral growth. These patients are best served by The best way to avoid pseudarthrosis in this patient
anterior fusion combined with posterior instrumentation population is to perform a meticulous dissection and fusion.
and fusion. Severe, stiff curves may require anterior release We perform facetectomies, decorticate the entire spine and
and fusion to improve the surgical correction of the defor- the exposed part of the sacrum, and apply copious amounts
mity.169 Rinsky proposed that curves greater than 70 degrees of bone graft to facilitate fusion. Because of the pelvic
be released anteriorly before posterior instrumentation and extensions of the rods, autograft from the iliac crest cannot
fusion.516 Boachie-Adjei and colleagues recommended pre- be obtained in sufficient quantity to adequately graft the
liminary anterior release and fusion for curves greater than entire area to be fused. For this reason, allograft bone is
90 degrees and for curves in which a stretch supine radio- used for the fusion.405
graph showed lack of correction of pelvic obliquity.75 Ante- As always, it is important to contour the rods carefully
rior instrumentation offers no additional benefit over simple in the sagittal plane for thoracic kyphosis and lumbar lor-
diskectomy and fusion. Keeler and co-workers compared dosis. Hyperlordosis is commonly present in the lumbar and
patients treated with anterior or posterior fusion along with thoracolumbar curves and can lead to increased difficulty
intraoperative halo-femoral traction. They found similar sitting and discomfort. Spines with extreme hyperlordosis
correction, less operative time, and less blood loss in the can be difficult to instrument posteriorly and are frequently
posterior group using intraoperative traction.309 We too use associated with increased surgical blood loss. If hip flexion
intraoperative traction in many of these patients. contractures are contributing to the lordotic posture, hip
In the past, anterior release and fusion and posterior flexor releases may improve the deformity before spinal
fusion were staged 1 to 2 weeks apart, with some surgeons surgery.
placing the patient in traction between the two proce- Intraoperative spinal cord monitoring should be per-
dures.80,516 Anterior release and fusion can be accomplished formed. Although a series from Rancho Los Amigos showed
under the same anesthetic as posterior instrumentation and only 53% successful tracings in patients with CP,34 others
fusion. Although complications are frequent regardless of have had greater success in being able to monitor SSEPs.
the timing of the surgeries, Ferguson and associates found Transcortical motor responses can be more difficult to
that nearly twice as many neuromuscular patients who measure in patients with severe CP.171 Ecker and colleagues
underwent same-day anterior and posterior surgery were able to measure cervical/brainstem SSEPs in 31 of 34
remained complication free as patients who underwent patients with CP, with one false-positive and no false-
staged procedures. Same-day surgery decreased total anes- negative tracings.189 Loder and colleagues found that spinal
thetic time, surgical blood loss, and hospital stay. Addition- cord monitoring in neuromuscular patients revealed many
ally, the nutrition of patients was better if the anterior and intraoperative changes, particularly during tightening of the
posterior approaches were done on the same day because sublaminar wires, but that very few of these events led to
they had to recover from only one very large surgery instead neurologic change.352 We continue to use spinal cord moni-
of two large surgeries.198,441 Opposing data from the Dupont toring whenever possible in patients with CP undergoing
Institute found higher blood loss, complication rates, and spinal surgery.
mortality with same-day anterior and posterior spinal In recent years, the use of indwelling intrathecal baclofen
fusion.651 In cases in which anterior fusion is needed, we pumps has become more prevalent. It should be expected
perform anterior and posterior surgery on the same day that the catheter will be in the way of the surgery, so a repair
whenever possible in our patient population. kit should be made available in these cases. We find it easiest
Precautions. Surgical treatment of scoliosis in patients to clamp and transect the tubing during exposure of the
with CP differs from that for idiopathic scoliosis. The bone spine and reanastomose it at completion of the procedure.
in nonambulatory patients is osteopenic, so hook sites may In patients in whom the catheter requires reinsertion, head-
be weak, thereby leading to disengagement of hooks and ache can develop postoperatively if leakage of cerebrospinal
loss of fixation. In patients with neuromuscular scoliosis, fluid occurs.574
segmental fixation is preferred. The Luque technique, Segmental Instrumentation of Scoliosis. Segmental instru-
which uses sublaminar wires at each level, distributes the mentation is recommended in patients with scoliosis sec-
corrective forces equally throughout the spine. Loss of fixa- ondary to CP. Wires are placed at each level through the
tion rarely occurs, and bracing is not needed in the postop- base of the spinous process and connected to either a Har-
erative period. The children can be mobilized immediately rington or a Luque rod.178,608 Although it is neurologically
after surgery, thus lessening the risk for pulmonary compli- safer to keep the wires out of the spinal canal by placing
cations such as pneumonia and atelectasis. Correction is them through the base of the spinous processes, most
usually achieved readily and maintained. authors still prefer the Luque technique because it allows
The use of sublaminar wires does impose a greater neu- greater correction and better sagittal contouring with less
rologic risk, however, because each wire must be passed loss of fixation.
between the lamina and the dura. Generous removal of the With the growing acceptance of pedicle screw fixation,
ligamentum flavum with Kerrison rongeurs can facilitate hybrid or all-screw spinal instrumentation constructs are
passage of the wires. Careful contouring of the wires must being used more often in patients with CP, with fixation
be done to minimize protrusion of the wire beneath the including screws, sublaminar wires, hooks, and various types
lamina. The wires must always be pulled up away from the of pelvic fixation. Correction of deformity can be maxi-
dura, never pushed into the canal, and the wires are bent mized with such techniques (Fig. 35-86).653,687
e72 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 35-86  A, Nineteen-year-old

nonambulatory male patient with
spastic quadriplegia and scoliosis
that is interfering with sitting.
B, Preoperative sitting radiograph.
C and D, Postoperative radiographs
after posterior spinal fusion to the
pelvis with hybrid fixation that
included iliac screws, lumbar pedicle C D
screws, and sublaminar wires.

In patients with idiopathic scoliosis, it is the rule to short often leads to additional levels being involved in the
instrument and fuse as little of the spine as possible while curve over time.117 Some authors have had success fusing
correcting and stabilizing the curve. In scoliosis secondary to L5 without inclusion of the pelvis, particularly in older
to CP, the opposite is true. The rule is to instrument and patients with milder deformities.627 Nonetheless, pelvic
fuse long, with the fusion extending from the second tho- obliquity is best improved and the correction maintained by
racic vertebra to the pelvis in nonambulatory patients and fusion to the pelvis. The surgeon should be aware of the
to the lower lumbar spine in those who do walk. Fusing patient’s iliac anatomy because asymmetry in iliac rotation
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e73

has been described in conjunction with pelvic obliquity in which loosening of the rods within the iliac wings occurs
this patient population.320 Isolated anterior fusions for commonly (Fig. 35-89). Exposure of the sacral ala sites is
lumbar and thoracolumbar curves may be tempting, yet less time-consuming than preparation of the ilium for the
time has shown that short fusions may not be adequate in Galveston rod. Correction of scoliosis averaged 70% in a
the long run, and reoperation for a curve that has added group of 17 patients with CP treated with S-rod fixation to
levels is difficult. Additionally, kyphosis may result from the sacrum.382 Postoperative complications are similar to
stopping the fusion in the midthoracic spine as the patient those seen with Galveston fixation—wound infections,
leans forward in the wheelchair.87,516 pressure sores, and occasional loss of sacral fixation. Neu-
Use of a 1 4 -inch rod is preferred over a 316 -inch rod ropathic pain can result from nerve root irritation secondary
whenever possible. Rod breakage is significantly less with to rod contact on the anterior sacrum.
the larger rods.87,215,516 Rigid cross-links should be used to Iliac and Sacroiliac Screw Fixation Technique. Recent
prevent migration of the rods relative to one another and advances in modular spinal instrumentation have improved
loss of correction of pelvic obliquity. the ease and security of pelvic fixation in neuromuscular
Galveston Technique. Fusion of the spine to the pelvis patients undergoing spinal fusion to the pelvis. Iliac screws
may be accomplished with the Galveston technique, as may be placed in the traditional trajectory of Galveston
described by Allen and Ferguson (Fig. 35-87).21 The poste- fixation between the tables of the ilium just proximal to the
rior iliac wings are exposed by stripping the gluteal muscles sciatic notches. These screws should be recessed into
from the outer table. The sciatic notch should be identified. the posterior iliac spines or they will become prominent
A drill is used to create a passage for the rod from the beneath the skin of these thin children. The screws
posterior superior iliac spine along the transverse bar may then be connected to the spinal fixation of choice
between the inner and outer tables of the ilium. The rods (Fig. 35-90).
should be inserted 6 to 9 cm within the ilium and come to Sponseller has studied sacroiliac screw fixation in adoles-
lie just superior to the sciatic notch.22 cents with CP. These screws have a starting point in the
Contouring of the Galveston bend requires practice sacral alae, cross the sacroiliac joint, and terminate between
because the rod must make two bends that are three the tables of the ilia. Advantages of these screws are that
dimensional.23 The rod is divided into three sections: the they are less prominent than iliac screws and the starting
spinal segment, the sacral segment, and the iliac segment.21 point is in line with pedicle screw fixation, thus obviating
The bend between the spinal segment and the sacral the need for a connector, over which it may also be difficult
segment is made first. Less experienced surgeons must to achieve soft tissue coverage. A comparative study found
remember that the bend itself will take up approximately that sacroiliac screw fixation provided better correction of
1 to 2 cm of rod. A 60- to 80-degree bend is made and pelvic obliquity and fewer cases of implant prominence than
checked next to the patient’s spine. A second bend is then did other forms of iliac fixation in patients with neuromus-
made distally with a rod clamp and a tube bender to drop cular conditions (Fig. 35-91).610
the rod down into the ilium. Finally, the spinal segment of Growing Rod Instrumentation. Growing rod instrumen-
the rod is bent to accommodate the scoliosis and sagittal tation has been used in small numbers of very young chil-
contouring of the kyphosis and lumbar lordosis. The rod dren with CP and scoliosis. Pelvic fixation is typically
must fit easily within the prepared site in the ilium because required to address concomitant pelvic obliquity but unfor-
forcefully manipulating the rod may lead to it cutting the tunately is prone to fracture necessitating revision.609 Deep
ilium out. wound infection has been reported in up to 30% of these
Alternatively, a unit rod can be used. A unit rod is a single young patients.384
U-shaped rod that is precontoured with the Galveston bend
for insertion into the iliac wings of the pelvis. With the rods Complications. Patients who undergo surgical correction
seated within the iliac crests, the proximal aspect of the rod of scoliosis have a high likelihood of postoperative com-
can be levered to correct pelvic obliquity and then bent in plications. In some series, complication rates have been as
situ and wired down onto the laminae for correction of high as 58% to 62%.214,357 Pseudarthrosis may occur in up
scoliosis. Biomechanically, the technique offers stable fixa- to 10% of children treated with modern instrumentation
tion, but it is more technically challenging than using two techniques. Radiographic evidence of movement of the iliac
Luque rods inserted into the pelvis with cross-links. It is extensions of the iliac screws or Luque-Galveston rods
particularly difficult to use when lumbar hyperlordosis is within the pelvis, manifested as radiolucency around the
present.170 Studies have shown superior correction of scolio- implants, is frequently seen. This “windshield wipering”
sis ranging from 55% to 78%.59,169 Correction of pelvic was documented in 26 of 68 patients in one series but
obliquity with a unit rod can average up to 82%.98,371 was not necessarily symptomatic in most children (Fig.
Dunn-McCarthy Technique. Another form of fixation 35-92).214
that is suitable for many patients with CP is the Dunn- Postoperative curve progression has been seen after pos-
McCarthy technique, in which two S-shaped rods are placed terior spinal fusion with Luque instrumentation (33%). This
over the sacral alae (Fig. 35-88). Up-going lamina hooks or high rate of curve progression was attributed to failure to
pedicle screws are placed more proximally, and distraction fuse to the pelvis, not fusing proximally enough, and failure
is applied to seat the rods firmly against the sacral alae.383 to perform anterior fusion in immature patients.117 The
Segmental fixation is then completed with wires or hooks. crankshaft phenomenon has also been observed in skeletally
The advantage of this system is that the sacroiliac joint is immature patients with CP who underwent isolated poste-
not crossed, which should lead to less movement and loos- rior spinal fusion with either Luque or Luque-Galveston
ening over time than with the Galveston technique, after instrumentation.556
e74 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 35-87  A, Eleven-year-old girl with spastic quadriparesis and scoliosis measuring 87 degrees. B, Posterior spinal fusion was
performed with Luque rods, sublaminar wires, and the Galveston technique to extend the fusion to the pelvis. C, The rods are contoured
in the sagittal plane. D, Fixation was maintained and the fusion has consolidated 5 years postoperatively.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e75


FIGURE 35-88  A and B, Preoperative radiographs of a 13-year-old girl with scoliosis measuring 79 degrees secondary to cerebral palsy.
C and D, Posterior fusion with sublaminar wires and Dunn-McCarthy instrumentation was performed from T3 to the pelvis. The rods are
seated over the sacral alae.
e76 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 35-89  Radiograph of the pelvis after posterior spinal fusion

with extension to the pelvis via the Galveston technique. Note the
radiolucent halos surrounding the iliac portion of the rods as a
result of loosening.


FIGURE 35-90  Standing radiograph of 10+9 females

10-year-old, Gross Motor and Functional r-0
Classification System level 3 girl with
cerebral palsy after posterior spinal
fusion from T2 to the pelvis using an all
pedicle screw construct and iliac screw A B
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e77

FIGURE 35-91  A, Anteroposterior spine

radiographs of a 16-year-old, Gross
Motor and Functional Classification
A B System level 3 girl. B, Pelvic fixation
was achieved with sacroiliac screws.

contamination from the diaper in patients with bowel and

bladder incontinence. When infection occurs, it is usually
located in the distal part of the incision.638 Hematomas
frequently accumulate in patients with CP and may also
become infected. Wound infection occurred in 9.4% of a
large series of patients undergoing fusion at the Dupont
Institute and was linked to increased residual curve and
implant-related wound breakdown,402 and a multicenter
study of 157 children found that infection developed in
10% and was linked in their study to an increased preopera-
tive white blood cell count and use of the unit rod.607 When
infection does occur, it generally responds to multiple irriga-
tion and débridement, hardware removal is rarely necessary,
some curve correction may be lost, and time to recovery
will be prolonged.291,474,638 The addition of gentamicin to the
FIGURE 35-92  Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph of a patient who allograft or vancomycin in the wound has been shown to
underwent posterior spinal fusion for scoliosis secondary to decrease infection rates in these patients.77,374,402,607
cerebral palsy via the Luque-Galveston technique. The Decubitus ulcers can occur after spinal fusion. The pro-
radiolucency present around the iliac portion of each rod is longed recumbency of thin, malnourished patients predis-
indicative of loosening. The patient was asymptomatic. poses to the development of bed sores. Persistent pelvic
obliquity can also create uneven pressure over the ischium
while sitting and lead to skin breakdown.214
Wound infection is a common problem after scoliosis Progression of deformity may occur after spinal instru-
surgery in patients with CP.355,638 Wound infection is most mentation and fusion in patients with CP. Reasons for curve
likely in malnourished patients,182,316 in those who receive progression are addition to the curve through unfused and
an allograft, and in those with greater cognitive impair- uninstrumented segments (i.e., below the distal end of a
ment.606 Infection with gram-negative organisms is seen fusion that does not extend to the pelvis)117 and pseudar-
more frequently in the CP population because of throsis with or without rod breakage. Additionally, cases
e78 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

have been described in which the iliac fixation was lost Rhizotomy
because of perforation of the rod through the ilium. Revi- Selective dorsal (or posterior) rhizotomy is a neurosurgical
sion surgery is possible but carries a high risk for subsequent procedure in which a percentage of the dorsal roots are
complications.170 severed at the level of the cauda equina to reduce spastic-
ity.447 Spasticity is improved by reducing stimulatory input
Results. Several reports of parent and caregiver perceptions from the muscle spindles of the lower extremities that
about the outcome of spinal fusion in children with CP have arrive via afferent fibers in the dorsal roots.510 This surgery
been published. Parents voice high satisfaction with the as currently performed was described by Fasano195 and
results of surgery and state that appearance, ease of care, popularized in the United States by Peacock.464
and quality of life are improved after spinal fusion.76,652
Improvement in pain may not occur until 1 year after Indications
surgery.293 The rate of good results after rhizotomy depends most criti-
cally on proper patient selection. Ideal candidates are
Spondylolysis and Spondylolisthesis younger than 8 years, with some advocating rhizotomy at
Bleck first proposed that hip flexion contractures and very early ages—between 2 and 4 years.113 Children older
increased lumbar lordosis may lead to an increased inci- than 10 years at the time of surgery have been found
dence of spondylolysis and back pain in patients with CP, to show a decrease in gross motor function following rhi-
although it appears that weight bearing is a prerequisite for zotomy when compared with a similarly aged group of
development of a pars stress fracture, which occurs univer- children undergoing orthopaedic surgery.367 Candidates
sally at L5, the bridge between the lumbar spine and the must have purely spastic CP. Patients with ataxia, athetosis,
sacropelvis. Although Hennrikus and associates did not dystonia, or rigidity are not candidates. Candidates should
report an increased incidence of spondylolysis in their have no fixed contractures, and they must be able to ambu-
patients,262 Harada and co-workers found spondylolysis in late without relying on spasticity for strength. The antigrav-
21% of 84 patients with spastic diplegia. Patients with spon- ity muscles or trunk musculature should have no
dylolysis had greater lumbar lordosis and smaller sacrofemo- weakness.465,666 Finally, patients must have supportive fami-
ral angles than did patients without pars fractures.253 Dorsal lies and be able to cooperate with the postoperative physical
rhizotomy may predispose patients to spondylolisthesis therapy. Patients who fulfill all these criteria are likely to
inasmuch as 12% of patients in one study had spondylolis- have a good result from rhizotomy because they are func-
thesis at a mean of only 4.2 years of follow-up.603 tional, intelligent, and mildly affected. It follows that these
patients might also be the best candidates for orthopaedic
Cervical Spine Spondylosis in Athetoid Cerebral Palsy surgery rather than rhizotomy, a debate that remains
Patients with athetoid-type CP are prone to the develop- unresolved.
ment of cervical spondylosis and resultant myelopathy
based on the movement disorder. Athetoid patients have Surgical Technique
uncontrollable writhing movements, and the neck is rapidly Surgery entails laminectomy from L2 to L5 or S1. The
flexed and extended in what has been described as a “whip facets are preserved. The dorsal roots are identified and
movement.”188 This motion places bending and shear subdivided into rootlets. Usually, 25% to 50% of the poste-
moments on the upper cervical spine, which leads to spon- rior nerve rootlets from L2 to S2 are divided under EMG
dylosis over time. Symptoms develop as early as late ado- guidance,466 and the laminae can be replaced at the end of
lescence but more commonly in early adulthood. Complaints surgery.116,587
consist of neck pain and arm pain, with weakness and
decreased sensation in the arms and legs present on physical Postoperative Care
examination. Patients who are able to walk and communi- Postoperative care focuses on aggressive physical therapy to
cate note deterioration in their gait. Deep tendon reflexes restore strength. Once spasticity is relieved, underlying
are increased, but this is commonly seen in most patients weakness of the muscles may become apparent, and physi-
with CP and may not be helpful in differentiating those cal therapy is prescribed three to five times a week.
with cervical cord embarrassment.
Radiographs show flattening of the anterosuperior aspect Results
of the vertebral bodies with osteophytes at the anteroinfe- Studies have shown decreased tone and increased joint
rior margins. The disk spaces are narrow. Increased move- range of motion after rhizotomy.466,620 Peacock and Staudt
ment is seen on flexion–extension lateral radiographs. A found that 82% of patients continued to improve 3 to 7
study by Harada and co-workers also showed stenosis of the years postoperatively.466 Studies using gait analysis have
spinal canal in patients with athetosis, which may predis- shown improvements in stride length and sagittal-plane hip,
pose to neurologic injury.254 The most frequent levels knee, and ankle motion after rhizotomy.5,232,643,666 These
involved are C3-4 and C4-5.187 improvements are seen at 1 year after rhizotomy, with little
Treatment is surgical. Laminectomy is contraindicated change occurring between 1 and 2 years postoperatively.643
because it does not correct the problem of instability. Nishi- Because the hip flexors are more proximally innervated,
hara and associates reported successful results with anterior anterior pelvic tilt is usually increased after rhizotomy.80
interbody fusion and postoperative immobilization in a halo Carroll and associates found that 29 of 112 patients who
vest. They warn of the tendency for degeneration of levels underwent rhizotomy used fewer walking aids postopera-
adjacent to the fusion.432 Others advocate combined ante- tively and that 3 who were unable to walk could do so after
rior and posterior spinal fusion.254,394 surgery. No objective improvements in ambulatory status
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e79

occurred in the remaining patients.106 Although rhizotomy the study was not randomized and long-term follow-up was
is believed to result in weakness of the lower extremities, necessary.373
this has not been objectively proved in studies of muscle Greene and co-workers raised awareness of postopera-
strength.96,113 tive hip subluxation after rhizotomy in the first postopera-
Results 10 years following selective dorsal rhizotomy tive year.238 Park and colleagues found that the MI increased
reach conflicting conclusions. In a study of 19 children in only 8% of hips after rhizotomy and that coverage
observed for 10 years after rhizotomy, spasticity returned improved in 17%; however, longer follow-up would have
in the knee and ankle. Sixteen of 19 children had undergone probably revealed more cases of subluxation.460 In a more
an average of three orthopaedic surgical procedures by 10 recent study, hip subluxation as measured by the CE angle
years after selective dorsal rhizotomy, most frequently for improved in 38% and worsened in 18% of 82 patients moni-
correction of ankle equinus, hamstring tightness, and hip tored for an average of 4 years after rhizotomy.265
subluxation.640 Another study of 29 children found contin- Patients who have undergone rhizotomy and in whom
ued decreased tone at 10 years, but little difference in femoral osteotomy was performed for progressive sublux-
passive range of motion. Sixteen of 29 children underwent ation have a peculiar predisposition to the development of
orthopaedic surgery, mostly involving the foot.294 heterotopic ossification. Ossification should be suspected in
An unexplained improvement in upper extremity use patients who lose range of motion postoperatively.463
also occurs after lumbar rhizotomy.18,353 Thirty-four percent A mechanism whereby subluxation might develop after
experience an improvement in speech.619 These supraseg- rhizotomy has been proposed. The hip flexors are inner-
mental improvements are theorized to occur as a result of vated by the L1 and L2 roots. Rhizotomy sections the
the decrease in excitatory activity entering the spinal cord posterior rootlets, starting proximally at L2. The hip exten-
through the posterior roots from the lower limbs and sors are more distally innervated. Denervation of the hip
spreading throughout the spinal cord along the propriospinal extensors is greater than that of the hip flexors after rhi-
tracts.619 Improvements in cognition and attention have also zotomy. Because spasticity in the iliopsoas contributes to
been described.128 hip instability, preservation of greater hip flexor tone can
Outcome studies using validated measurement tools are lead to hip subluxation in predisposed patients.238
being performed to assess functional results after rhizotomy. Increased hip flexion in the presence of weak hip exten-
In a small group of patients, self-care, mobility, and social sors can also result in hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine
functional skills were thought to improve when assessed by after rhizotomy, which is seen most frequently in nonam-
the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI) bulatory patients (Fig. 35-93).130,407 Surgical correction of
tool.74 A similar prospective study found that mobility and this deformity is very difficult, and the risk–benefit ratio of
self-care improved after rhizotomy in patients with spastic rhizotomy in the nonambulatory population should be
diplegia but not in those with spastic quadriplegia.183 Other considered.
studies have used the Gross Motor Functional Measure Spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, and scoliosis have also
(GMFM) to document functional improvement.389,685 been seen in patients who have undergone rhizotomy, in
some many years later (Fig. 35-94).47,222,475,476 A spinal
Complications deformity, in general, may occur in 36% of selective dorsal
Complications can occur with rhizotomy surgery.639 As with rhizotomy patients.654 Peter and colleagues found an abnor-
any major surgery in this patient population, postoperative mally high rate of isthmic spondylolysis in patients who
pulmonary complications occur frequently. Sensory distur- underwent rhizotomy.477 Spondylolysis and spondylolisthe-
bance as a result of sacrifice of some sensory rootlets has sis occurred in 20% of their patients but were asymptom-
been described in patients after rhizotomy.2 Up to 40% of atic.475,476 In conclusion, patients treated by rhizotomy
children experience painful postoperative dysesthesias of should be observed for possible spinal deformity.
the legs. Patients are at risk for neurogenic bladder, with an
inability to void. Patients at greatest risk are those who have
Management of Fractures in Cerebral Palsy
spastic bladders preoperatively, a condition manifested by
frequent urinary tract infections, constipation, and daytime Long-bone fractures occur frequently in patients with
incontinence.1 The changes in bladder function are usually CP.91,340,350 Sixty-six percent of fractures occur in patients
transient.619 with spastic quadriplegia, most of whom are nonambulatory,
Orthopaedic complications are related to residual con- and most involve the lower extremities.491 Bone mineral
tractures, hip subluxation, and spinal deformity. Subsequent density, measured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, is
orthopaedic surgery is required in more than half the decreased in patients with CP, with the most significant
patients who undergo rhizotomy, and Oppenheim suggested decreases seen in nonambulatory patients with poor nutri-
waiting 6 to 12 months after rhizotomy to release contrac- tion.261 Low levels of vitamin D have been documented in
tures.447 Carroll and colleagues found that 65% of patients up to 42% of children with severe CP,340 but others did not
who underwent rhizotomy needed subsequent orthopaedic find that the vitamin D level correlated with osteopenia or
surgery (37% required correction of planovalgus deformity; osteomalacia.260 Hypovitaminosis D has been seen with
25% required hip reconstruction for subluxation).106 In the increased frequency in patients who are taking anticonvul-
only study that compared patients who underwent ortho- sant medication.29,340,341 Lack of exposure to sunlight has
paedic releases with patients who underwent rhizotomy, been implicated as yet another cause of rickets and fractures
subsequent orthopaedic procedures were required in 62% in institutionalized patients.412 Older patients who take val-
of the rhizotomy group and 44% of the orthopaedic proic acid for treatment of seizures have also been found to
surgery group at an average follow-up of 4 years, although be highly at risk.345
e80 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 35-93  A, Clinical appearance of a 17-year-old girl with hyperlordosis after posterior rhizotomy. B, Radiograph revealing severe
lumbar lordosis. C, Accompanying scoliosis is present. D and E, Radiographs after posterior spinal fusion from T3 to the pelvis via
Dunn-McCarthy instrumentation achieved an excellent sitting position.

Up to 74% of fractures occur in the femur, particularly A 1993 study found that 29% of nonambulatory children
at the supracondylar level.91 Factors associated with an who were operated on for hip instability sustained a femoral
increased tendency for fracture are joint stiffness and recent fracture within 3 months after cast removal.625
surgery. Pritchett found a 20% incidence of femoral fracture Treatment of osteopenia begins with vitamin D supple-
in patients with untreated hip dislocations.493 Yet patients mentation. The addition of bisphosphonate treatment has
who have undergone hip surgery are most likely to experi- been shown to increase bone mineral density and decrease
ence femoral fractures during the months after cast removal. fracture frequency in some patients with CP who sustain
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e81


FIGURE 35-94  A and B, Clinical appearance of a 13-year-old boy with significant scoliosis who underwent rhizotomy. He is unable to
sit independently without propping with his arms. C, Anteroposterior sitting radiograph. Note the marked pelvic obliquity. D and E,
Posterior spinal fusion was performed with sublaminar wires proximally and pedicle screws in the previously operated area. The pelvic
obliquity was addressed with Dunn-McCarthy rods. F, Radiograph 4 years after surgery showing failure of implants because of

multiple fragility fractures.196,587 Fractures are usually

Outcome Assessment
treated by cast immobilization.340,616 Because immobiliza-
tion leads to further demineralization, the time spent in a The recent focus in medical research has been on documen-
cast should be kept to a minimum. Femoral shaft fractures tation of outcome after intervention, whether medical or
are difficult to manage in traction386 and may require inter- surgical. Goldberg published a thought-provoking summary
nal fixation with plating or intramedullary devices.334,625 of the status of outcome analysis in CP in 1991. Outcome
Orthopaedic surgeons who treat children with CP should studies must address three areas: the technical outcome of
be aware of an increased incidence of child abuse in this the procedure, an assessment of functional health status,
patient population. Abuse may be the cause of the CP, but and patient satisfaction.219 Current methods of assessing
an equally large proportion of patients are abused after the surgical outcome are gait analysis, the GMFM, the Wee-FIM
diagnosis of CP as a response to the diagnosis.168 Suspicion (a pediatric measure of functional independence), the
should be increased whenever the history of the injury is PEDI, the Child Health Questionnaire, and the Pediatric
peculiar. Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI).142,684 The
e82 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

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palsy in twins, triplets and quadruplets, Int J Epidemiol 24:943, is “normal” the first 6 months of life may be incorrect.
Movement disorders consisting of tongue protrusion,
691. Yoo WJ, Chung CY, Choi IH, et al: Calcaneal lengthening for
unusual finger movements, stiffness, and abnormal facial
the planovalgus foot deformity in children with cerebral palsy,
J Pediatr Orthop 25:781, 2005. expression may be noticed very early in life.9 Fifty-eight
692. Yudkin PL, Johnson A, Clover LM, et al: Assessing the contribu- percent of families of patients with Rett syndrome noted
tion of birth asphyxia to cerebral palsy in term singletons, Paedi- unusual behavior within the first 6 months of life.8,28 What-
atr Perinat Epidemiol 9:156, 1995. ever the age of onset, by 5 years of age the disease becomes
693. Zuckerman JD, Staheli LT, McLaughlin JF: Acetabular augmenta- relatively static.33 The patients’ behavior resembles autism,
tion for progressive hip subluxation in cerebral palsy, J Pediatr and they scream and babble.
Orthop 4:436, 1984. Hagberg and Witt-Engerstrom divided the clinical course
of the disease into four stages. The first stage, termed the
early-onset deceleration stage, is characterized by hypotonia,
deceleration of brain growth, and lack of developmental
progress. This stage typically occurs between 6 and 18
Rett Syndrome months of age. The stage of rapid destruction occurs between
the ages of 1 and 3 years and is characterized by develop-
mental regression, loss of purposeful hand function, and
Rett syndrome is a neurodegenerative condition seen in girls autism. The third stage, the pseudostationary stage, occurs
that consists of mental retardation, seizures, and character- between 2 and 10 years of age. During this period, seizures,
istic wringing of the hands. The incidence of Rett syndrome ataxia, and dementia occur. Finally, the late motor deteriora-
is 1 per 10,000 to 15,000 girls.2 The International Rett tion stage occurs after the age of 10 years and is character-
Syndrome Association has established the following criteria ized by the development of scoliosis, muscle atrophy and
for the diagnosis of Rett syndrome: normal prenatal and contractures, and upper and lower motoneuron signs.16
perinatal period; normal development through the first 6 Autonomic dysfunction also occurs in girls with Rett
months of life; normal head circumference at birth, with syndrome. Cardiac involvement has been documented with
subsequent deceleration of head growth; loss of purposeful prolonged QT syndrome.10,13 Depressed breathing may be
hand skills; severely impaired language; apparent severe seen in girls, usually between the ages of 10 and 18 years,23
mental retardation; and gait apraxia. Supportive criteria and may result in sudden death in some girls.
include respiratory dysfunction, seizures, spasticity, scolio- MRI of the brain shows a global reduction in gray and
sis, and growth retardation.3 white matter. Short fourth metatarsals and short ulnae are
e98 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

a peculiar radiographic finding in 56% of girls.12 Other radio- may lead to joint contractures, and a small group of patients
graphic findings include osteopenia (which may lead to frac- may benefit from soft tissue surgical procedures such as heel
tures)5,15,30 and scoliosis. cord lengthening.14 Coxa valga is seen in all patients.30 Hip
Orthopaedic manifestations of the disease are most com- displacement has been documented radiographically in 48%
monly spasticity that initially affects gait, joint contractures, of teenage girls with Rett syndrome.18,37
and scoliosis.36 Seventy-three percent of patients with Rett Scoliosis occurs in 45% to 87% of patients with Rett
syndrome walk at some time during childhood, although syndrome.17,25,27,30 The average age at onset is 8 years
many lose the ability to ambulate over time.27 Spasticity (Fig. 35-95, A to C).20,29 However, scoliosis may develop in

FIGURE 35-95  A and B, Clinical appearance of a 10-year, 7-month-old girl with

scoliosis secondary to Rett syndrome. C, Radiograph obtained at 7 years, 9 months
of age. D, The curve had worsened by 10 years, 6 months of age. E and F,
Posterior spinal fusion with Luque-Galveston instrumentation was performed.



CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e99

very young children. Most curves are long and sweeping, 15. Haas RH, Dixon SD, Sartoris DJ, et al: Osteopenia in Rett syn-
with the apex of the deformity generally located in the drome, J Pediatr 131:771, 1997.
thoracolumbar spine.14 In a smaller group of children a 16. Hagberg B, Witt-Engerstrom I: Rett syndrome: a suggested staging
system for describing impairment profile with increasing age
more idiopathic type of curve pattern without pelvic obliq-
towards adolescence, Am J Med Genet Suppl 1:47, 1986.
uity develops.35 Progression of the curve is the rule,4,17,30
17. Harrison DJ, Webb PJ: Scoliosis in the Rett syndrome: natural
and it occurs more rapidly than in idiopathic scoliosis history and treatment, Brain Dev 12:154, 1990.
(Fig. 35-95, D).29 18. Hennessy MJ, Haas RH: The orthopedic management of Rett
syndrome, J Child Neurol 3(Suppl):S43, 1988.
19. Hoffbuhr K, Devaney JM, LaFleur B, et al: MeCP2 mutations
in children with and without the phenotype of Rett syndrome,
Hip subluxation may require surgery in some patients.37 Neurology 56:1486, 2001.
Orthotic management may delay spine surgery but does not 20. Huang TJ, Lubicky JP, Hammerberg KW: Scoliosis in Rett syn-
control progression.20,24 Spinal fusion with segmental instru- drome, Orthop Rev 23:931, 1994.
21. Huppke P, Gartner J: Molecular diagnosis of Rett syndrome,
mentation is necessary for large progressive curves (Fig.
J Child Neurol 20:732, 2005.
35-95, E and F).6,24 Respiratory and gastrointestinal compli-
22. Jian L, Archer HL, Ravine D, et al: p.R270X MECP2 mutation
cations occur frequently in these girls postoperatively.11 and mortality in Rett syndrome, Eur J Hum Genet 13:1235, 2005.
Surgery does not generally interfere with the ability to 23. Julu PO, Kerr AM, Apartopoulos F, et al: Characterisation of
walk in ambulatory patients. Family surveys show that breathing and associated central autonomic dysfunction in the Rett
improvement in the patients’ general condition is perceived disorder, Arch Dis Child 85:29, 2001.
in 84%, seating balance is improved,25 and family perception 24. Keret D, Bassett GS, Bunnell WP, et al: Scoliosis in Rett syndrome,
as documented by the Wee-FIM questionnaire shows J Pediatr Orthop 8:138, 1988.
improved activity of daily living in this wheelchair-bound 25. Kerr AM, Webb P, Prescott RJ, et al: Results of surgery for scoliosis
population.7,26 in Rett syndrome, J Child Neurol 18:703, 2003.
26. Larsson EL, Aaro S, Ahlinder P, et al: Long-term follow-up of
functioning after spinal surgery in patients with Rett syndrome,
Eur Spine J 18:506, 2009.
References 27. Larsson G, Lindstrom B, Engerstrom IW: Rett syndrome from a
Rett Syndrome family perspective: The Swedish Rett Center survey, Brain Dev
1. Amir RE, Sutton VR, Van den Veyver IB: Newborn screening and 27(Suppl 1):S14, 2005.
prenatal diagnosis for Rett syndrome: implications for therapy, 28. Leonard H, Moore H, Carey M, et al: Genotype and early develop-
J Child Neurol 20:779, 2005. ment in Rett syndrome: the value of international data, Brain Dev
2. Amir RE, Van den Veyver IB, Wan M, et al: Rett syndrome is 27(Suppl 1):S59, 2005.
caused by mutations in X-linked MECP2, encoding methyl-CpG- 29. Lidstrom J, Stokland E, Hagberg B: Scoliosis in Rett syndrome.
binding protein 2, Nat Genet 23:185, 1999. Clinical and biological aspects, Spine 19:1632, 1994.
3. Anvret M, Clarke A: Genetics and Rett syndrome, Eur Child 30. Loder RT, Lee CL, Richards BS: Orthopedic aspects of Rett syn-
Adolesc Psychiatry 6(Suppl 1):89, 1997. drome: a multicenter review, J Pediatr Orthop 9:557, 1989.
4. Bassett GS, Tolo VT: The incidence and natural history of scoliosis 31. Mari F, Azimonti S, Bertani I, et al: CDKL5 belongs to the same
in Rett syndrome, Dev Med Child Neurol 32:963, 1990. molecular pathway of MeCP2 and it is responsible for the early-
5. Budden SS, Gunness ME: Possible mechanisms of osteopenia in onset seizure variant of Rett syndrome, Hum Mol Genet 14:1935,
Rett syndrome: bone histomorphometric studies, J Child Neurol 2005.
18:698, 2003. 32. Miyamoto A, Yamamoto M, Takahashi S, et al: Classical Rett
6. Downs J, Bergman A, Carter P, et al: Guidelines for manage- syndrome in sisters: variability of clinical expression, Brain Dev
ment of scoliosis in Rett syndrome patients based on expert 19:492, 1997.
consensus and clinical evidence, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 34:E607, 33. Naidu S: Rett syndrome: natural history and underlying disease
2009. mechanisms, Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry 6(Suppl 1):14, 1997.
7. Downs J, Young D, de Klerk N, et al: Impact of scoliosis surgery 34. Renieri A, Meloni I, Longo I, et al: Rett syndrome: the complex
on activities of daily living in females with Rett syndrome, J Pediatr nature of a monogenic disease, J Mol Med 81:346, 2003.
Orthop 29:369, 2009. 35. Riise R, Brox JI, Sorensen R, et al: Spinal deformity and disability
8. Einspieler C, Kerr AM, Prechtl HF: Abnormal general movements in patients with Rett syndrome, Dev Med Child Neurol 53:653,
in girls with Rett disorder: the first four months of life, Brain Dev 2011.
27(Suppl 1):S8, 2005. 36. Roberts AP, Conner AN: Orthopaedic aspects of Rett’s syndrome:
9. Einspieler C, Kerr AM, Prechtl HF: Is the early development brief report, J Bone Joint Surg Br 70:674, 1988.
of girls with Rett disorder really normal? Pediatr Res 57:696, 37. Tay G, Graham H, Graham HK, et al: Hip displacement and
2005. scoliosis in Rett syndrome—screening is required, Dev Med Child
10. Ellaway CJ, Sholler G, Leonard H, et al: Prolonged QT interval in Neurol 52:93, 2010.
Rett syndrome, Arch Dis Child 80:470, 1999. 38. Xiang F, Zhang Z, Clarke A, et al: Chromosome mapping of Rett
11. Gabos PG, Inan M, Thacker M, et al: Spinal fusion for scoliosis in syndrome: a likely candidate region on the telomere of Xq, J Med
Rett syndrome with an emphasis on early postoperative complica- Genet 35:297, 1998.
tions, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 37:E90, 2012.
12. Glasson EJ, Bower C, Thomson MR, et al: Diagnosis of Rett syn-
drome: can a radiograph help? Dev Med Child Neurol 40:737,
1998. Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis
13. Glaze DG: Neurophysiology of Rett syndrome, J Child Neurol
20:740, 2005. Hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP) is a neurodegenera-
14. Guidera KJ, Borrelli J Jr, Raney E, et al: Orthopaedic manifesta- tive condition characterized by spasticity in the lower
tions of Rett syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop 11:204, 1991. extremities with sparing of the upper extremities and
e100 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

cranial nerves. It is one of the more common progressive

neurodegenerative diseases encountered in children8 and
has been seen regularly in our pediatric orthopaedic popula- Hereditary Spastic Paraparesis
tion. It has two clinical forms, termed pure and compli- 1. Appleton RE, Farrell K, Dunn HG: “Pure” and “complicated”
cated.1,13 In pure HSP, spasticity is the only neurologic forms of hereditary spastic paraplegia presenting in childhood, Dev
Med Child Neurol 33:304, 1991.
finding. Dementia may occur in late adulthood.24 In the
2. Benson KF, Horwitz M, Wolff J, et al: CAG repeat expansion in
complicated form, mental retardation, bulbar involvement,
autosomal dominant familial spastic paraparesis: novel expansion
nystagmus, and dysarthria are also present. in a subset of patients, Hum Mol Genet 7:1779, 1998.
3. Bruyn RP: The neuropathology of hereditary spastic paraparesis,
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 94(Suppl):S16, 1992.
4. Bruyn RP, van Dijk JG, Scheltens P, et al: Clinically silent dysfunc-
tion of dorsal columns and dorsal spinocerebellar tracts in heredi-
HSP is most frequently transmitted as an autosomal domi- tary spastic paraparesis, J Neurol Sci 125:206, 1994.
nant trait with complete penetrance. Multiple genetic loci 5. Bruyn RP, van Veen MM, Kremer H, et al: Familial spastic paraple-
have been isolated. The most common mutation is in the gia: evidence for a fourth locus, Clin Neurol Neurosurg 99:87, 1997.
6. Cambi F, Tang XM, Cordray P, et al: Refined genetic mapping and
spastin gene (SPG4), located at the 2p locus of chromo-
proteolipid protein mutation analysis in X-linked pure hereditary
some 2.5,9,17,19,23 Genetic anticipation may occur, with off-
spastic paraplegia, Neurology 46:1112, 1996.
spring of affected parents having an earlier onset of 7. Cooley WC, Melkonian G, Moses C, et al: Autosomal dominant
symptoms.2,19 Paraplegin (SPG7) is a second gene impli- familial spastic paraplegia: description of a large New England
cated in some patients with HSP.14 Autosomal recessive and family and a study of management, Dev Med Child Neurol
X-linked forms have also been described.6 32:1098, 1990.
Histopathologic examination reveals degeneration of the 8. Dyken P, Krawiecki N: Neurodegenerative diseases of infancy and
corticospinal tract and posterior columns, as well as degen- childhood, Ann Neurol 13:351, 1983.
eration of the spinocerebellar tracts in approximately 50%.3 9. Fortini D, Cricchi F, Di Fabio R, et al: Current insights into familial
This can lead to subclinical sensory disturbances in patients spastic paraparesis: new advances in an old disease, Funct Neurol
18:43, 2003.
with HSP, which can be identified via SSEPs.4,21 The more
10. Geva-Dayan K, Domenievitz D, Zahalka R, et al: Botulinum toxin
advanced spinal degeneration distally in the lumbar spine,
injections for pediatric patients with hereditary spastic paraparesis,
with loss of myelin sheaths, leads to a predominance J Child Neurol 25:969, 2010.
of lower extremity involvement,11 although MRI shows 11. Gordon N: Hereditary spastic paraplegia. A diagnostic reminder,
atrophy of the cervical and thoracic spinal cord.22 On a Dev Med Child Neurol 35:452, 1993.
cellular level, degeneration of the distal parts of long axons 12. Harding AE: Hereditary pure spastic paraplegia: a clinical and
is seen.15 genetic study of 22 families, J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry
44:871, 1981.
13. Harding AE: Classification of the hereditary ataxias and paraple-
gias, Lancet 1:1151, 1983.
Clinical Features 14. McDermott CJ, Dayaratne RK, Tomkins J, et al: Paraplegin gene
analysis in hereditary spastic paraparesis (HSP) pedigrees in north-
Patients with HSP have progressive lower extremity spastic-
east England, Neurology 56:467, 2001.
ity and an abnormal gait. Toe-walking is a frequent com- 15. McDermott CJ, Grierson AJ, Wood JD, et al: Hereditary spastic
plaint. Affected children may be delayed in walking, and paraparesis: disrupted intracellular transport associated with
clinical symptoms may be present by 3 years of age.1 Other spastin mutation, Ann Neurol 54:748, 2003.
patients may be asymptomatic until adulthood.12 HSP is 16. McMonagle P, Byrne PC, Fitzgerald B, et al: Phenotype of AD-HSP
often misdiagnosed initially as CP.7,11 Patients with a family due to mutations in the SPAST gene: comparison with AD-HSP
history of CP should be suspected of having HSP, particu- without mutations, Neurology 55:1794, 2000.
larly if the upper extremities appear to be spared. 17. Nance MA, Raabe WA, Midani H, et al: Clinical heterogeneity of
Physical examination reveals spasticity in the legs. Deep familial spastic paraplegia linked to chromosome 2p21, Hum
Hered 48:169, 1998.
tendon reflexes are abnormally brisk, and the plantar
18. Nicholas AP, O’Hearn E, Holmes SE, et al: Clinical signs and
reflexes are extensor.11 Contractures, particularly of the
symptoms in a large hereditary spastic paraparesis pedigree with a
Achilles tendon, may result from the increased tone. Those novel spastin mutation, Mov Disord 19:641, 2004.
with the spastin gene mutation are noted to have lower 19. Raskind WH, Pericak-Vance MA, Lennon F, et al: Familial spastic
extremity hyperreflexia and increased tone; ankle clonus, paraparesis: evaluation of locus heterogeneity, anticipation, and
pes cavus, and bladder symptoms18; and possibly a more haplotype mapping of the SPG4 locus on the short arm of chromo-
severe and progressive clinical course.16 some 2, Am J Med Genet 74:26, 1997.
20. Rousseaux M, Launay MJ, Kozlowski O, et al: Botulinum toxin
injection in patients with hereditary spastic paraparesis, Eur J
Neurol 14:206, 2007.
Treatment 21. Schady W, Sheard A: A quantitative study of sensory function in
hereditary spastic paraplegia, Brain 113:709, 1990.
Botulinum toxin has been injected to reduce spasticity in
22. Sperfeld AD, Baumgartner A, Kassubek J: Magnetic resonance
the lower limbs of patients with HSP.10,20 Orthopaedic investigation of the upper spinal cord in pure and complicated
treatment may be necessary if contractures are present and hereditary spastic paraparesis, Eur Neurol 54:181, 2005.
is similar to the management of CP, although surgical out- 23. van Deutekom JC, Bruyn RP, van den Boorn N, et al: Pure heredi-
comes seem to be less predictable because of the progres- tary spastic paraparesis: an exclusion map covering more than 40%
sive nature of the disorder. of the autosomal genome, Hum Genet 93:408, 1994.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e101

24. Webb S, Coleman D, Byrne P, et al: Autosomal dominant heredi- Deep tendon reflexes are generally absent very early in
tary spastic paraparesis with cognitive loss linked to chromosome the course of the disease, with areflexia being one of the
2p, Brain 121:601, 1998. hallmarks of Friedreich ataxia. The Babinski reflex becomes
extensor. On sensory examination, position and vibration
sense and two-point discrimination are lost. Later, as the
disease progresses, the patient’s speech becomes slurred,
Ataxia Syndromes and dysphagia may become a serious problem.28 Rotatory or
horizontal nystagmus develops, and head tremor may be
Friedreich Ataxia (Hereditary noted. Muscle weakness occurs symmetrically and is first
Spinocerebellar Ataxia) apparent in proximal muscles, such as the hip extensors.23
Weakness initially occurs in the lower extremities and then
Pathogenesis progresses to the upper extremities.4 Spasticity has been
Friedreich ataxia, first described in 1863,13 is the most seen in some patients with documented Friedreich ataxia
common of the hereditary ataxias and occurs in approxi- and should be considered a rare feature in the clinical spec-
mately 1 in 50,000 live births.14 The disease is transmitted trum of the disease.3
by autosomal recessive inheritance. The genetic defect Certain orthopaedic deformities are characteristic of
was discovered in 1996 and is characterized by large triplet Friedreich ataxia. The most common is scoliosis, which
repeat expansions in the area of chromosome 9 responsible occurs in 63% to 100% of patients.16,21,26 The curves are
for encoding the protein frataxin.6,32 The frataxin gene most often located in the thoracic or thoracolumbar area
normally has up to 33 triplets, but patients with Fried- and more closely resemble idiopathic curves than the long,
reich ataxia have 67 to 1000 or more such triplets.27 sweeping neuromuscular curve patterns with associated
Frataxin is a mitochondrial protein that plays a critical pelvic obliquity.2,7,21 Approximately two thirds of patients
role in iron homeostasis.19 Deficiencies of frataxin lead with scoliosis will have coexisting increased kyphosis.7,21
to iron deposits in mitochondria, enhanced sensitivity to Cavus deformity of the feet may be the initial symptom in
oxidative stress, and eventual cell death from free radi- some patients. Early in the disease the cavus is flexible, but
cals.1,31,36 The clinical severity of the disease is linked to as the disease progresses, the cavus becomes associated with
the size of the triplet repeat.10,20,25 In some families, varus and loses flexibility. Muscle imbalance, specifically
affected persons may experience a milder form of Fried- peroneal muscle weakness, has been documented by Makin
reich ataxia. Prenatal diagnosis of the disease is available. in most patients with cavus feet secondary to Friedreich
In a less common variant of Friedreich ataxia, deep tendon ataxia.23
reflexes are preserved. The mutation in these patients is Diabetes mellitus has been seen in conjunction with the
also in the frataxin gene.30 disease in approximately a fourth of patients.11,35 Cardiomy-
In Friedreich ataxia both the cerebellar and the spinal opathy develops in patients with Friedreich ataxia, and
cord pathways are involved. In the cerebellum, atrophy of eventual cardiac failure leads to a diminished quality and
Purkinje cells and the dentate nuclei is seen. Changes may length of life.
also occur in the brainstem. Degeneration of the corticospi-
nal tract may occasionally occur above the level of the Diagnosis
medulla and involve the cerebral cortex. In the spinal cord, The presence of ataxia, scoliosis, and pes cavus, along with
degenerative changes are present in the dorsal and ventral a positive family history, leads to suspicion for Friedreich
spinocerebellar tracts, the corticospinal tracts, and the pos- ataxia. Definitive diagnosis is made by molecular genetic
terior column. The anterior horns are usually normal. testing for the frataxin gene triplet repeat expansion,
which can be documented in 98% of patients with Fried-
Clinical Features reich ataxia.29 All patients with ataxia in childhood or
A triad of clinical signs and symptoms are classically associ- adolescence should be screened for Friedreich ataxia
ated with the disease: ataxia, which is normally the initial because the genetic test is relatively simple.37 Though no
symptom; areflexia of the ankles and knees; and an extensor longer required in this era of genetic testing, muscle biopsy
Babinski response.35 The onset of symptoms generally shows denervation atrophy of both small and large muscle
occurs in childhood between 7 and 15 years of age,15 with fiber groups. Creatine phosphokinase levels are normal.
an average age of 12 years at diagnosis.12 The onset is often Spinal tap reveals normal cerebrospinal fluid. Electrocar-
insidious, thus making it difficult to precisely pinpoint when diographic findings include conduction defects with bundle
the condition was first manifested. branch block or complete heart block and T-wave inver-
An unsteady gait is almost always the first symptom. The sion. Ventricular thickening is notable on echocardiogra-
child has a tendency to stagger and fall and has difficulty phy.33 EMG shows loss of motor units and an increase in
making sudden turns. The unsteady gait is more pronounced polyphasic potentials. Nerve conduction studies demon-
when the child attempts to walk in the dark. Over a period strate only a slight decrease in motor fiber conduction
of years the symptoms progress and ataxia of the upper velocity but a marked decrease in sensory action potential,
limbs develops. The patient is not usually able to perform unlike the case in the hereditary motor sensory neuropa-
heel-to-toe walking. Stance is unsteady, and the Romberg thies (e.g., Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease), in which motor
sign is positive. The patient may demonstrate heel-to-shin conduction velocity is significantly diminished. MRI of the
ataxia and, later, finger-to-nose ataxia. Rapid alternating spinal cord shows a decrease in the anteroposterior diam-
movements of the hands become more difficult for the eter of the cord and changes in the posterior and lateral
patient to perform. columns.24
e102 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

generally progressive, but if a curvature stabilizes with a

Treatment Cobb angle of less than 40 degrees, progression after skel-
No definitive treatment is currently available for patients etal maturity rarely occurs. Posterior spinal fusion with
with Friedreich ataxia. instrumentation is the treatment of choice for curves 60
degrees or greater in magnitude (Fig. 35-96).7,18 Spinal
Orthopaedic Treatment fusion should span the thoracic and lumbar spine34 because
Orthopaedic treatment includes correction of cavus foot fusing short has led to further progression of the curve.
deformity (see Chapter 23). Orthoses can help support a Intraoperative neuromonitoring with SSEPs is usually
flexible foot deformity, and the role of Botox in this disease impossible because of the underlying neuropathy, so a
has been discussed in case reports but not studied longitu- wake-up test should be anticipated.26
dinally.8 Surgical management of symptomatic pes cavus can
prolong ambulation in some patients. In a series of 34 Medical Treatment
patients, Makin reported improvement in ataxia after Recent research has focused on the use of antioxidants as
surgery.23 Surgery usually consists of plantar fascia release, treatment of Friedreich ataxia. Idebenone, a free radical
Achilles tendon lengthening, posterior tibialis tendon scavenger, has been shown to benefit patients with cardio-
surgery (lengthening versus transfer), or triple arthrodesis.35 myopathy from Friedreich ataxia.5,9,17 Medical trials of
One study found that adult patients who underwent Achil- vitamin E and coenzyme Q have also shown some benefit
les tendon lengthening, posterior tibialis tendon transfer to in cardiac status.22
the peroneus brevis, and plantar fascia releases as needed
resumed the ability to perform a standing transfer into their Prognosis
wheelchairs because of improved foot stability. This pro- The clinical course of classic Friedreich ataxia is slow but
vided them with an added measure of independence in relentless progression. The earlier the onset of disease, the
performing their own transfers.8 poorer the outcome. The age at onset and the rate of pro-
Progression of scoliotic curves has been linked to an gression are usually similar in affected siblings. By 20 years
onset of ataxia at 10 years or younger and an onset of sco- of age the ataxia is severe, and by the second or third
liosis at 15 years or younger.21 Bracing rarely prevents decade of life the patient generally requires a wheelchair.
progression of scoliosis in patients with Friedreich ataxia.5 The average age at which patients were unable to walk was
In addition, bracing is poorly tolerated by patients and 26 years (±7.8 years) in a large Italian series12 and 20 years
usually interferes with their ability to walk. Scoliosis is in a pediatric orthopaedic center.7 The average duration of

FIGURE 35-96  A, Clinical appearance of a 14-year-old boy with scoliosis secondary to Friedreich ataxia. Because of poor balance
he needed his father’s assistance to stand for the photograph. B, Preoperative radiograph showing severe scoliosis and trunk
decompensation. C, Radiograph obtained 6 months after posterior spinal instrumentation with Texas Scottish Rite Hospital
instrumentation. Trunk balance has been improved.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e103

the disease from onset until death is 25 years. Death from 17. Hausse AO, Aggoun Y, Bonnet D, et al: Idebenone and
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy or pneumonia usually occurs reduced cardiac hypertrophy in Friedreich’s ataxia, Heart 87:346,
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9. Di Prospero NA, Baker A, Jeffries N, et al: Neurological effects of 29. Palau F: Friedreich’s ataxia and frataxin: molecular genetics, evolu-
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domised, placebo-controlled trial, Lancet Neurol 6:878, 2007. 30. Pandolfo M: Friedreich’s ataxia: clinical aspects and pathogenesis,
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11. Fantus IG, Janjua N, Senni H, et al: Glucose intolerance in first- 32. Priller J, Scherzer CR, Faber PW, et al: Frataxin gene of Fried-
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familial clustering of clinical features, Brain 104:589, 1981. 1998.
e104 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-1  Percutaneous Achilles Tendon Lengthening


A, The two levels of lengthening are planned. The proximal level should be distal
to the musculotendinous junction. The distal level should be close to the insertion
into the calcaneus. The distance between the two cuts varies with the severity of
the contracture. The knife is inserted through a vertical stab incision into the
B, The scalpel is then rotated so that slightly more than half the tendon is tran-
sected laterally at the proximal site and medially at the distal site.
C, The ankle is then dorsiflexed with gentle pressure until the desired degree of
dorsiflexion is obtained. As the tendon lengthens, a “crackling” sound can be
heard. If the tendon lengthens suddenly under force, a louder “pop” is heard. The
surgeon should squeeze the calf and watch for plantar flexion of the ankle to
ensure continuity of the tendon.
D, A short-leg cast and knee immobilizer are then applied.

CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e105

Plate 35-2  Split Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer

anterior B


A, A skin incision is made over the insertion of the anterior B, A longitudinal split is made in the tendon.
tibialis at the base of the first metatarsal. C, The lateral half of the tendon is detached.

Continued on following page

e106 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-2  Split Anterior Tibialis Tendon Transfer, cont’d

D E G 5°-10°

D, A stitch is woven into the detached tendon and the F, A trephine is used to create a bony tunnel in the cuboid.
split is propagated proximally. G, With the foot held in neutral position, the tendon is
E, A second incision is made over the tibialis anterior just transferred into the cuboid and the suture is passed on
proximal to the extensor retinaculum. With a tendon Keith needles out the sole of the foot. The suture is then
passer, the split tendon is then delivered on its suture into tied over felt and a button with tension.
the proximal wound. A third incision is made over the
dorsum of the cuboid.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e107

Plate 35-3  Extraarticular Arthrodesis of the Subtalar Joint (Grice Procedure)


Fat in sinus tarsi

Lines of incision
to excise fat pad

Cruciate ligament

CAUTION: Do not open

articular capsules
Peroneal tendon
Extensor digitorum brevis muscle

Curet excising fat

from sinus tarsi

A, A 2 12 -inch-long, slightly curved incision is made over reflected proximally. The fibrofatty tissue in the sinus tarsi
the subtalar joint, centered over the sinus tarsi. and the tendinous origin of the short toe extensors from
B, The incision is carried down to the sinus tarsi. The the calcaneus are elevated and reflected distally in one
capsules of the posterior and anterior subtalar articulations mass.
are identified and left intact. The operation is extraarticu- C, The remaining fatty and ligamentous tissue from the
lar. If the capsule is inadvertently opened, it should be sinus tarsi is thoroughly removed with a sharp scalpel
closed with interrupted sutures. and curet.
The periosteum on the talus corresponding to the
lateral margin of the roof of the sinus tarsi is divided and

Continued on following page

e108 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-3  Extraarticular Arthrodesis of the Subtalar Joint (Grice Procedure), cont’d

Bone graft bed

on inferior surface
of talus

Osteotome measuring length

of graft to be used

Bone graft bed on superior

surface of calcaneus

Sinus tarsi

D, Next, the foot is manipulated into equinus position and E, The optimal site of the bone graft bed is marked with a
inversion while rotating the calcaneus into its normal posi- broad osteotome. A thin layer of cortical bone ( 18 to 316
tion beneath the talus and correcting the valgus deformity. inch) is removed with a dental osteotome from the inferior
Broad straight osteotomes of various size ( 3 4 to 11 4 inches surface of the talus (the roof of the sinus tarsi) and the
or more) are inserted into the sinus tarsi to block the sub- superior surface of the calcaneus (the floor of the sinus
talar joint and determine the length and optimal position of tarsi) at the site marked for the bone graft. It is best to
the bone graft and the stability that it will provide. The long preserve the most lateral cortical margin of the graft bed to
axis of the graft should be parallel to the long axis of the support the bone block and prevent it from sinking into soft
leg when the ankle is dorsiflexed into neutral position. cancellous bone.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e109

Longitudinal axis of
graft placed parallel
to shaft of tibia

Shaped fibular graft

F, A bone graft of appropriate size can be taken from the calcaneal periosteum, and the tendinous origin of the short
fibula or iliac crest. The corners of the base of the graft are toe extensors are sutured to the reflected periosteum from
removed with a rongeur so that the graft is trapezoidal in the talus. The subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed with
shape and can be countersunk into cancellous bone to interrupted sutures, and a below-knee cast is applied.
prevent lateral displacement after surgery.
The bone graft is placed in the prepared graft bed in the Postoperative Care
sinus tarsi by holding the foot in varus position. An impactor
may be used to fix the cortices of the graft in place. The The cast is removed 8 to 10 weeks after surgery. If radio-
longitudinal axis of the graft should be parallel to the shaft graphs show solid healing of the graft, gradual weight
of the tibia with the ankle in neutral position. bearing is allowed with the protection of crutches. Active
With the foot held in the desired position, the distal soft and passive exercises are performed to strengthen the
tissue pedicle of fibrofatty tissue of the sinus tarsi, the muscles and increase range of motion of the ankle and knee.
e110 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-4  Lateral Column Lengthening

Peroneus brevis muscle

Peroneus longus muscle

Sural nerve

A, The calcaneus is approached laterally through a longi- B, The peroneal tendons are retracted plantarward and the
tudinal incision. neck of the calcaneus is exposed. The calcaneocuboid joint
is identified but left undisturbed.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e111

C, A vertical osteotomy is made in the neck of the calca- D, A tricortical wedge of iliac crest is placed in the
neus and hinged open laterally with osteotomes. A lamina osteotomy. The osteotomy may be stabilized with
spreader should not be used because it will crush the bony K-wires or a staple.
e112 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-5  Hamstring Lengthening

A, The hamstrings are approached

through two longitudinal incisions. The
medial incision is placed over the gracilis
tendon and the lateral incision is placed
lateral to the biceps femoris to protect
the peroneal nerve.
B, All three medial hamstrings are first
identified. After this step the gracilis
tendon may be divided or lengthened.
The aponeurosis of the semimembrano-
sus is cut while the underlying muscle
fibers are left in continuity. Usually, two
cuts in the aponeurosis spaced approxi-
mately 1.5 to 2.0 cm apart are required.
By gently extending the patient’s knee
• Gracilis muscle divided and flexing the hip, the surgeon can
A perform a sliding lengthening.
B • Fractional lengthening
of semimembranosus muscle C, The semitendinosus tendon is length-
ened with a Z-plasty and repaired.
D, The biceps femoris is identified and
the peroneal nerve protected because it
lies directly medial and deep to the
tendon. An intramuscular lengthening
procedure is performed by incising just
the tendinous portion of the biceps
while leaving the muscular fibers in con-
tinuity, as was done for the semimem-
branosus lengthening. Again, the hip is
flexed and the knee extended to achieve
Z-plasty of
a sliding lengthening.
C muscle E, The patient is then placed either in a
knee immobilizer or in a long-leg cast
with a straight knee. When other tendon
or bone surgery is performed simultane-
ously, the mode of immobilization may
vary. Early mobilization and weight
bearing are encouraged.

Fractional lengthening
of biceps femoris muscle

CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e113

Plate 35-6 (Video 35-2)  Rectus Femoris Transfer


A, The incision may be either a horizontal incision two B, The undersurface of the rectus must be carefully sepa-
fingerbreadths proximal to the proximal pole of the patella rated from the intermedius. This step is most easily done
or a vertical incision. The conjoined quadriceps tendon is proximally and extended by following the plane to the
isolated and the rectus femoris component is identified. insertion on the patella. The rectus tendon can then be
The rectus tendon is separated from the tendinous por- sharply released from the patella.
tions of the vastus medialis and lateralis. C, A strong suture is woven into the rectus tendon to be
used in the transfer.

Continued on following page

e114 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-6 (Video 35-2)  Rectus Femoris Transfer, cont’d


D, A medial posterior longitudinal incision is made and but use of the sartorius and biceps femoris has also been
the gracilis tendon is isolated. The rectus is mobilized and described.
transferred back into the posterior wound by grasping the E, The vastus medialis and lateralis may be repaired to
suture. The tendon is then routed subcutaneously. The each other to re-create the quadriceps tendon. The patient
distal end of the rectus tendon is inserted through the can be immobilized either in a long-leg cast or in a knee
tendon selected for the site of transfer and sutured back immobilizer.
onto itself. The gracilis is a popular site for the transfer,
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e115

Plate 35-7  Adductor Contracture Release

brevis muscle
longus muscle
magnus muscle

Cut adductor
longus tendon
longus tendon

brevis muscle

longus tendon

C Cut adductor brevis tendon

Keep obturator branches intact

A, A transverse incision is made in the groin crease and C, The adductor brevis is then divided in part with elec-
centered over the adductor longus tendon, which is easily trocautery. Care is taken to identify the anterior branch
palpated. of the obturator nerve, which should be preserved. The
B, The adductor longus tendon is identified, isolated posterior branch of the obturator nerve, which lies deep
from the deeper adductor brevis, and divided with to the adductor brevis, should likewise be preserved.

Continued on following page

e116 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-7  Adductor Contracture Release, cont’d

Cut Sart.
gracilis Rect. fem.
muscle A.L.

Gr. Pect.
V.i. TFL
A.b. Vastus
I-p lateral.
D O.e.
Ischium Quad. fem.

G. max

of iliopsoas muscle

D, Just posterior to the adductor brevis and more super- F, Fractional lengthening of the psoas tendon can be per-
ficial, the gracilis is identified. This flat, broad muscle is formed at this level, as illustrated, or preferably more
released from its origin with electrocautery. proximally at the pelvic brim.
E, If concomitant release of the iliopsoas is performed in G, Immobilization consists of two long-leg casts with a
a nonambulatory child, its tendinous insertion on the removable abduction bar. The bar can be removed for
lesser trochanter can be palpated deep to adductor brevis. range-of-motion exercises and transport but should be
used most of the day for 3 to 4 weeks. The hip flexion
contracture release is best treated by placing the child in
the prone position at frequent intervals.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e117

Plate 35-8  Proximal Hamstring Release

A, A transverse incision is made just distal to

the groin crease and centered over the graci-
lis origin, just posterior to the adductor
longus. When a proximal hamstring release
is performed in conjunction with an adduc-
tor release, the surgeon simply extends the
adductor incision more posteriorly.
B, The gracilis is divided close to its origin
with electrocautery.
C, The semimembranosus, semitendinosus,
and biceps femoris are found posterior to the
gracilis. Their common origin from the
Vastus medialis ischium should be verified by direct vision.
muscle Semitendinosus muscle
The sciatic nerve lies just posterolateral, so
Semimembranosus muscle
Sartorius muscle it is necessary to see the hamstring origins.
Adductor magnus muscle A nerve stimulator can be used to make
Adductor longus
muscle Gracilis muscle certain that the hamstrings are not the sciatic
nerve. The semimembranosus, semitendino-
sus, and biceps are then released from the
ischium with electrocautery.

Biceps femoris

Sciatic nerve

Continued on following page

e118 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-8  Proximal Hamstring Release, cont’d

D, The knee is subsequently extended with the hips in a wheelchair in these casts can maintain correction of
flexed. Postoperatively, the patient can be placed in the hip extension contracture.
straight-knee long-leg casts or orthoses for 3 weeks. Sitting
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e119

Plate 35-9  Shelf Acetabular Augmentation

Ilium superior
iliac spine 1 cm
diameter depth
Tensor fasciae
latae muscle

medius Rectus
muscle femoris




A, The patient is positioned supine with a bump beneath outline the shelf just superior to the acetabular rim along
the affected hip. Through an anterior approach, the outer the lateral aspect of the hip.
table of the ilium is exposed down to the hip capsule. The B, The drill is inserted approximately 1 cm just above the
rectus femoris is detached and tagged. After verifying the capsule.
position with fluoroscopy, the surgeon uses a drill to

Continued on following page

e120 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-9  Shelf Acetabular Augmentation, cont’d

Rectus femoris
muscle sewn
over bone

bone graft

Creating Morcellized bone

2 layers of bone strips

C Fibrous capsule

C, A rongeur is used to connect the holes to create a D, The strips are placed at 90-degree angles in layers, and
trough for bone graft. Strips of corticocancellous and can- morcellized bone graft is extended up the iliac wing.
cellous graft are obtained from the iliac wing. The graft is E, The rectus femoris is repaired over the shelf and a spica
placed in the trough and over the hip capsule to form an cast applied.
awning covering the femoral head.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e121

Plate 35-10  Dega Osteotomy

oblique muscle


Strip inner and outer

Capsule surfaces of pelvis to
access sciatic notch

A, The patient is positioned supine with the affected hip B and C, The iliac apophysis is split and the inner and
raised on a bump. An anterior incision is made over the outer tables are exposed subperiosteally to the sciatic
iliac crest. The Dega osteotomy is usually performed notch. The direct head of the rectus femoris is detached.
during the same surgical setting as a varus derotation oste-
otomy and will be illustrated as such.

Continued on following page

e122 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-10  Dega Osteotomy, cont’d

Insert bone
graft wedges
Retractors in
sciatic notch


D, Blunt Hohmann retractors are placed in the sciatic care should be taken so that the bony surfaces are not
notch. The osteotomy is drawn on the pelvis at the level crushed.
of the anterior inferior iliac spine and extended back to F, Tricortical wedges of iliac crest are harvested and
the sciatic notch. stacked in the opening wedge of the osteotomy. The graft
E, Osteotomes are then inserted from the outer table of can be preferentially positioned to improve coverage more
the ilium down to the triradiate cartilage. The inner table anteriorly, posteriorly, or just laterally. If the inner table
is preserved. The anterior inferior iliac spine is cut with remains intact, the osteotomy does not require fixation.
the osteotome, and the sciatic notch is incised with a Ker- Ranging the hip under visualization is recommended to
rison rongeur. The acetabulum is pried inferiorly and later- verify that the osteotomy is stable. A spica cast is then
ally with osteotomes. If a lamina spreader is used, great used for 6 weeks to allow healing of the osteotomy.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e123

Plate 35-11  Extensor Carpi Ulnaris–Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Transfer

Palmaris longus muscle

Flexor digitorum
superficialis muscle

Line of incision for

access to extensor
carpi ulnaris tendon Ulnar artery

Ulnar nerve

A Flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

cut and lengthened

Extensor pollicis
brevis muscle
Abductor pollicis Extensor indicis
Retrieve extensor longus muscle muscle
carpi ulnaris
tendon here

Transect extensor carpi

ulnaris tendon distal to
Extensor digitorum ulnar styloid
communis muscle

Fasciotomy proximally
B over muscle

A, Lengthening of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon is done B, The incision to expose the extensor carpi ulnaris tendon
at the musculotendinous level in the distal part of the is made just distal to the ulnar styloid. The extensor carpi
forearm. Lengthening of the other wrist flexors can be ulnaris tendon is then retrieved into the proximal incision
accomplished through the same incision if needed. and transferred subcutaneously to the dorsoradial wrist

Continued on following page

e124 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-11  Extensor Carpi Ulnaris–Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis Transfer, cont’d

Extensor pollicis
longus muscle and
Extensor carpi pollicis longus
radialis longus muscle retracted

Extensor carpi ulnaris tendon

Extensor carpi
radialis brevis muscle

Extensor retinaculum

Extensor digitorum communis


indicis muscle Extensor digiti minimi


C, The tendon transfer is secured with a weave technique. pass of the donor tendon through the recipient tendon to
The first suture is placed proximal to the site of the first prevent proximal migration of the tendon placement.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e125

Plate 35-12  Fractional Lengthening of the Finger and Wrist Flexors in the Forearm Operative Technique

Ulnar nerve Flexor digitorum
and vessels sublimis muscle

Radial nerve
Flexor and vessels
ulnaris Palmaris
muscle longus muscle
Flexor carpi
radialis muscle

Pronator teres

Lines of incision in the tendinous fibers

DO NOT DISTURB underlying muscle tissue

Separation of tendinous parts on extension
of wrist and digits
A, A midline longitudinal incision is made in the middle carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles is performed
three fourths of the volar surface of the forearm. The at the musculotendinous junction by making two incisions
subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia are divided in line in their tendinous fibers, about 1.5 cm apart, without dis-
with the skin incision. The wound flaps are undermined, turbing the underlying muscle tissue. The proximal inci-
elevated, and retracted with four-prong rake retractors to sion is transverse and the distal one is oblique. The palmaris
expose the superficial groups of muscles. On the radial longus and flexor digitorum muscles are lengthened by
side of the flexor carpi ulnaris tendon, the ulnar vessels only one transverse incision in each.
and nerves are identified and protected from injury; simi- B, The wrist and the fingers are passively hyperextended.
larly, on the radial side of the flexor carpi radialis tendon, The tendinous parts will separate, whereas the intact
the radial vessels and nerve are isolated to protect them underlying muscle fibers will maintain continuity of the
from inadvertent damage. Sliding lengthening of the flexor muscles.

Continued on following page

e126 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 35-12  Fractional Lengthening of the Finger and Wrist Flexors in the Forearm Operative
Technique, cont’d

C and D, The deep volar muscles are exposed by retracting supinated; the tendinous segments will slide and separate,
the brachioradialis muscle and radial vessels radially and the thereby elongating the muscle.
flexor carpi radialis and flexor digitorum sublimis muscles The tourniquet is released and complete hemostasis is
ulnarward. The median nerve is identified and protected obtained. The deep fascia is not closed. The subcutaneous
from injury by retracting it medially with the flexor carpi tissue and skin are approximated by interrupted sutures. An
radialis muscle. The flexor pollicis longus and flexor digito- above-elbow cast that includes all the fingers and the thumb
rum profundus muscles are lengthened by making two inci- is applied to immobilize the forearm in full supination, the
sions in their tendinous parts and sliding them in the same elbow in 90 degrees of flexion, the wrist in 50 degrees of
manner as described for the superficial volar forearm extension, and the fingers and thumb in neutral extension.
muscles. Continuity of muscles is maintained by gentle
handling of tissues and by taking care that adequate muscle Postoperative Care
substance underlies the divided tendinous parts. Sliding
lengthening is achieved by separating the tendinous fibers Four weeks after surgery, the cast is removed and active
by slow, but firm extension of the thumb and four ulnar exercises are started to develop motor power in the elon-
digits. gated muscle. Squeezing soft balls of various size and other
Next, the range of passive supination of the forearm is functional exercises are carried out several times a day. An
tested. If a pronation contracture is present, the pronator aggressive occupational therapy program is essential. The
teres muscle is lengthened by two oblique incisions, 1.5 cm corrected position is maintained in a bivalved cast. As motor
apart, in its tendinous fibers. Again, the underlying muscle function develops in the elongated muscle and its antago-
tissue should not be disturbed. The forearm is forcibly nists, periods out of the cast are gradually increased.
CHAPTER 35  Disorders of the Brain e127

Digits extended

Median nerve

Flexor pollicis
longus muscle

Flexor digitorum
profundus muscle

Radial vessels

teres muscle

Lines of incision in the tendinous fibers

of deep volar forearm muscles
Note the sliding lengthening by separation
of tendinous fibers
C H A P T E R 3 6 

Disorders of the Karl E. Rathjen

Spinal Cord
because of scarring in the meninges; as a result, they require
Chapter Outline monitoring during growth.
Myelomeningocele (spina bifida, or sometimes meningo-
Myelomeningocele myelocele) is a severe developmental anomaly characterized
Other Forms of Spinal Dysraphism not only by exposure of the meninges but also by myelo-
Spinal Muscular Atrophy dysplasia of the underlying neural elements and CNS mal-
formation. Dysplasia of the spinal cord and nerve roots
results in bowel, bladder, motor, and sensory paralysis distal
to the malformation in most patients. Patients with myelo-
Myelomeningocele meningocele often have other lesions of the spinal cord,
such as diastematomyelia and hydromyelia, which may be
Management of a child with myelomeningocele is one of found at sites remote from the myelodysplastic lesion itself.
the most challenging tasks faced by pediatric orthopaedic Structural abnormalities of the brain cause hydrocephalus
surgeons.* in most patients, potentially compromising neurologic func-
Typically, patients with myelomeningocele are referred tion at yet another level.
to as having what is termed spina bifida, but a more specific Myelomeningocele is a multisystem disorder that
definition of terms is in order. Myelomeningocele is one of demands a coordinated approach from numerous health
the more severe forms of what is termed spinal dysraphism, disciplines to maximize each patient’s potential. The ortho-
which also includes meningocele, lipomeningocele, and paedist should remember that the patient’s neurologic dys-
caudal regression syndrome (or lumbosacral agenesis). function is rarely limited to the level corresponding to the
Neural tube defects is another collective term, encompass- site of the spinal column dysraphism. Untreated hydro-
ing the disorders of anencephaly, myelomeningocele, and cephalus, Arnold-Chiari malformations, ventricular shunt
encephalocele. revisions, CNS infections, and scarring of the residual spinal
Spina bifida occulta is the mildest form of spinal dysra- cord (tethered cord syndrome) may all compromise what
phism; this condition can be a simple radiographic curiosity would otherwise be considered a stable neurologic disorder.
or an incidental finding of incomplete formation of the The orthopaedic surgeon should always document the level
posterior arch of the spinal column, usually identified in the of neurologic function, and any loss of function should be
lower lumbar or sacral spine. Typically, neither the overlying evaluated.
skin nor the underlying neural elements are affected, and
the patient is otherwise completely normal clinically and on
imaging studies. In an occasional patient, spina bifida occulta
may be associated with an overlying sinus, fatty deposit, or The incidence of myelomeningocele varies around the
hemangioma. In these cases, there may be associated myelo- world.†
dysplasia that requires further investigation, typically con- Regional and national variations may be the result of dif-
sisting of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the spinal ferent genetic compositions among different populations, as
cord. well as environmental factors. The birth prevalence rate of
Meningocele is a condition in which the meninges are myelomeningocele from 1983 to 1990 for 16 states in the
exposed in a saclike protrusion, almost always posteriorly, United States was 4.6 cases/10,000 live births. Prevalence
but rarely anteriorly or laterally. Because of the risk of break- by individual state varied from 3.0/10,000 in Washington
down of the meninges and secondary infection of the central to 7.8/10,000 in Arkansas. The ratio of affected females to
nervous system (CNS), surgical repair is usually required. males was 1.2:1; this slight female predilection has been
This lesion may be present in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, noted in other studies.
or sacral spine. When located at the base of the skull, it is The incidence of infants born with neural tube defects
usually referred to as an encephalocele. In meningocele, has been decreasing.‡
there is typically no involvement of the neural elements (i.e., Some of this decrease may be the result of natural or
no myelodysplasia), so there is usually no associated bowel, unidentified causes,52,70,332 but two identifiable factors also
bladder, or lower extremity paralysis. Affected patients do appear to play a role. The more important factor is prenatal
have a higher than average risk for congenital vertebral screening using ultrasonography, measurement of the mater-
anomalies, progressive noncongenital scoliosis during growth, nal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) level, or both, and elec-
or the development of tethered cord syndrome, presumably tive termination of affected pregnancies. AFP is a protein

References 4, 51-53, 62, 70, 73, 98, 133, 163, 180, 277, 318.

*References 23, 80, 127, 151, 159, 204, 216, 283. References 4, 51-53, 62, 70, 163, 277, 318, 332.

CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e129

Neural fold
Neural crest Surface ectoderm

Neural groove

B Notochord

Neural tube
Neural crest
Surface ectoderm

Yolk sac
FIGURE 36-1  Embryologic development of the spinal cord, demonstrating the formation of the neural crest with infolding of the neural
plate into the neural tube. A, Embryonic appearance at approximately 22 days. The neural tubes have fused opposite the somites but are
widely spread out at both ends of the embryo. Closure of the neural tube occurs initially in the region corresponding to the future
junction of the brain and spinal cord. B, Cross section at level B (of part A) demonstrating formation of the neural tube and its
detachment from the surface ectoderm. C, Cross section at level C (of part A). Note that some neuroectodermal cells are not included in
the neural tube but remain between it and the surface ectoderm as the neural crest. These cells first appear as paired columns but soon
break into a series of segmental masses. (Adapted from Moore KL: The developing human, Philadelphia, 1988, Saunders, p 4.)
normally present in fetal tissues and amniotic fluid from of pseudostratified epithelium. As the cells proliferate, a
weeks 6 to 14 of gestation. With closure of the abdominal groove forms in the sagittal plane of the cell mass. This
wall anteriorly and the neural tube posteriorly, AFP is no groove deepens, bringing the lateral portions of the neural
longer released into the amniotic fluid, so amniotic AFP plate toward each other. Contractile proteins located within
decreases to undetectable levels. If the neural tube or the superficial margin of these cells are thought to be
abdominal wall remains open, AFP remains detectable in responsible for the actual contraction and drawing together
amniotic fluid and maternal serum. A maternal serum AFP of the neural folds. Progressive flexion brings the peripheral
screening program has reportedly reduced the birth inci- edges of the neural folds into contact. On about day 21, cell
dence of neural tube defect by 80% in Scotland.70,332 Other adhesion occurs at the point of contact, fusing the neural
studies of AFP screening programs have reported a decrease folds into the neural tube. Initially, fusion occurs near the
in the birth incidence of anencephaly (by 96% to 100%) center of the embryo at a point destined to become the
and myelomeningocele (by 60% to 82%).9 craniovertebral junction. Fusion then proceeds longitudi-
The second factor in the decrease of neural tube defects nally in both directions, forming the long neural tube. The
is the administration of folate to women before and during cephalic (brain) end of the embryo closes first.
pregnancy.§ As the neural folds fuse to form the neural tube, the
It has been demonstrated that adequate intake of folic superficial ectoderm separates from the underlying (now
acid periconceptionally can reduce the incidence of neural fused) neural ectoderm and fuses with itself across the
tube defects by 50% to 70%.29 The incidence of neural tube midline to close the back. The separation of superficial and
defects in the United States decreased 36% after the U.S. neural ectoderm creates a plane into which mesenchymal
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mandated folate for- cells migrate. This mesenchyma gives rise to the neural arch
tification in all standardized enriched cereal grain products of the vertebrae and to paraspinal muscles. Closure of the
in 1998.246 neural ectoderm into a tubular structure and separation of
the neural tube from the superficial ectoderm are critical
events in the development of the CNS, and they are com-
pleted by 4 weeks after fertilization (Fig. 36-1).
In the embryo, the CNS begins as a dorsal focal thickening
caused by the proliferation of ectodermal cells. These cells
Causative Factors
increase in number and in height, ultimately forming a layer
The embryonic origin of myelomeningocele likely stems
References 36, 103, 165, 234, 237, 309, 348. from developmental abnormalities occurring at 26 to 28
e130 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

days of gestation, during the phase of closure of the neural

tube. Abnormalities that develop during this process are Heredity
termed neurulation defects and include myelomeningocele Genetic factors also appear to play an important role in
and anencephaly. Abnormalities arising in the next phase myelomeningocele. Genetic studies have investigated the
(canalization), from 28 to 48 days of gestation, are termed possible role of cell adhesion molecules in neural tube for-
postneurulation defects and include meningocele, lipome­ mation and closure.74 Variations in these molecules may
ningocele, and diastematomyelia.127 Although considerable influence the risk for human neural tube defects. There is
insight into normal tube closure and the factors that can a significantly greater incidence of neural tube defects,
disrupt this process has been gained in recent years, the including myelomeningocele, in the siblings of children
exact mechanisms whereby human myelomeningocele and affected with anencephaly or myelomeningocele than in the
anencephaly arise remain elusive.79 general population; the familial incidence of major neural
Morgagni is often credited with developing the theory tube defects has been reported as 6% to 8%.¶
that myelomeningocele results from rupture of the distal For a couple with one affected infant, the risk of subse-
end of the neural tube.236 According to his theory, when cere- quent siblings incurring a major CNS malformation is
brospinal fluid (CSF) cannot escape from the ventricular approximately 1 in 14.
pathways, it flows instead into the central canal of the neural The exact nature of this increased familial incidence is
tube, distends the tube, and bursts it open at the distal end, not understood. An overall prevalence of 21.4% compared
creating the myelomeningocele. It appears unlikely that with 4.5% in adult controls was reported in one study.184
Morgagni actually developed this theory because the patho- The risk is higher in larger families and in specific socioeco-
physiology of CSF flow was not understood at that time nomic and geographic groups. Thus families with a history
(1769). Morgagni’s real contribution was to note an associa- of neural tube defects should be counseled about this
tion between hydrocephalus and spina bifida. A different potential development, and pregnancies should be screened
mechanism for the development of myelomeningocele was (see earlier, “Incidence”).
postulated by Gardner.117 He thought that intrauterine
hydrocephalus caused the distal end of the neural tube to
rupture, producing myelomeningocele.
It was von Recklinghausen who postulated that myelo- A thorough description of the pathologic findings of myelo-
meningocele resulted from failure of the neural tube to meningocele was provided in 1886 by von Recklinghausen,
close.350 This view was supported by Patten, who showed who accurately dissected the spinal cord and meninges in
that overgrowth of the neural tube in embryos implied lack cases of myelomeningocele and recognized every variety of
of closure or interference with closure of the neural tube.265 spina bifida.350 Lesions can occur at any level along the spinal
As has been proven over time, myelomeningocele can be column but predominate in the lumbosacral area. The next
produced by interference with closure of the neural tube most common site is the cervical spine (usually as an
and by rupture of the already closed neural tube.317 Disten- encephalocele or meningocele only), and a smaller number
tion and rupture of the developing spinal cord in mouse of lesions are scattered along the thoracic spine. The great
embryos can be caused by poisoning the pregnant mouse majority of lesions are posterior, but a rare anterior or lateral
with vitamin A. Thus primary failure to close and secondary meningocele may be encountered. In this case, the anterior
rupture of the closed neural tube are possible causes of cyst protrudes through the vertebral body, not through the
myelomeningocele. vertebral arch.
The basic deformity of myelomeningocele is an open
Folate neural placode, which represents the embryologic form of
Although several factors contributing to the development the caudal end of the spinal cord. A narrow groove passes
of myelomeningocele have been proposed in the litera- down the placode in the midline. This represents the primi-
ture,58,249 the most important one identified is the associa- tive neural groove and is directly continuous with the central
tion between folate deficiency in pregnant women and an canal of the closed spinal cord above (and occasionally
increased risk of neural tube defects, including myelome- below) the neural placode. CSF passes down the central
ningocele, in their offspring. One study that compared canal of the spinal cord and discharges from a small pit at
mothers of children with neural tube defects, mothers of the upper end of the placode to bathe the external surface
children with other abnormalities, and mothers of normal of the neural tissue. This fluid does not indicate rupture of
children found no difference in folate intake during preg- the myelomeningocele.
nancy among the groups.233 Most studies, however, have
demonstrated a 60% to 100% reduction in the risk of neural Skin
tube defects with the administration of adequate levels of Skin is almost always absent over the myelomeningocele
folate to pregnant women.‖ sac. Between the edge of the skin and neural placode is a
The U.S. Public Health Service recommends that all zone of thin epithelium. At points, skin may actually reach
women of childbearing age who are capable of becoming the edge of the neural placode. In the usual type of lesion,
pregnant should consume 0.4 mg of folic acid/day to reduce there is a raised mass on the back covered laterally at its
the risk of having a child affected by spina bifida or other base by normal skin, but the apex of the mass is devoid of
neural tube defect.50 Total folate consumption should nor- skin (Fig. 36-2); it is covered by a paper tissue–thin mem-
mally be less than 1 mg/day. brane (arachnoid) through which nerve roots can be seen.
‖ ¶
References 36, 165, 234, 237, 239, 309, 348. References 84, 144, 184, 185, 191, 307, 364.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e131

Spinal Cord
Dysplasia of the spinal cord is invariably present. The cord
may be (1) cystic or cavitated, (2) solid but degenerated
and disorganized, or (3) grossly proliferated. Frequently, all
these features are found together in varying degrees.
Peripheral Nerve Roots
Peripheral nerve development is not affected in myelome-
ningocele. At surgery and on dissection of postmortem
specimens, normal peripheral roots are found in every case.
However, inside the dura mater, the roots appear to have
tenuous connections with the cord itself and are occasion-
ally hard to identify.
The principal defect is the arrested development of the
posterior elements (laminae and spinous process). The pos-
terior elements may be completely absent, in which case
the pedicles alone are present, or there may be partial
lamina formation. In the latter case, the intraspinal canal is
widened as a result of lateral displacement of the pedicles
on the vertebral bodies.
FIGURE 36-2  Clinical appearance of untreated myelomeningocele
sac. Note the large protrusion of the meninges, without protective Brain
skin. Breakdown of the sac usually occurs, followed by further
neurologic injury, meningitis, and potentially encephalitis.
There may be associated anomalies of the cerebellum and
brainstem (Chiari type II deformity) in which the posterior
lobe of the cerebellum, medulla, and fourth ventricle have
Within 1 or 2 days, this tissue breaks down to an ulcerated herniated through the foramen magnum into the cervical
granulating surface. The lesion may heal over completely spinal canal (Fig. 36-3). Rarely is a Chiari I deformity seen
by epithelial growth from the periphery. Usually, however, in myelomeningocele. In the more severe Chiari type III
the mass sloughs from secondary infection, which, without malformation, the entire cerebellum and lower brainstem
intervention, usually leads to meningitis and death. Hem- are inferior to the foramen magnum. Hydrocephalus devel-
angiomatous or other pigmented lesions are frequently seen ops from the obstruction of CSF flow at the roof of the
in the skin surrounding the sac. fourth ventricle because of dislocation of the ventricle,
occlusion of the subarachnoid space at the site of herniation,
Meninges occlusion of the same space at the tentorial level by adhe-
Underlying the neural placode is the arachnoid sac and sive arachnoiditis, or associated aqueduct stenosis. Other
subarachnoid space. Because the superficial (dorsal) surface causes of hydrocephalus in myelomeningocele are the
of the neural placode represents the everted interior of the Dandy-Walker malformation, which consists of marked dis-
neural tube, the deep (ventral) surface represents the entire tention of the fourth ventricle from occlusion of the foram-
outside of what should have been a closed neural tube. Thus ina of Luschka and Magendie, and so-called forking of the
the ventral and dorsal nerve roots arise from the deep aqueduct of Sylvius, in which the aqueduct is represented
(ventral) surface of the neural placode and pass through by two narrow channels situated in a sagittal plane. Radio-
the subarachnoid space to their root sleeves. Because the logic studies of CSF dynamics in children with hydrocepha-
placode is everted, the two dorsal roots are lateral to the lus have shown increased production of CSF. Secondary
two ventral roots. changes in the brain develop as a result of increased pressure
Within a few millimeters of the edge of the skin is the caused by the hydrocephalus.
junction between the skin and dura mater. Outside the dura
mater is a true epidural space that contains epidural fat. The
Natural History
underlying vertebral bodies are flattened and widened. The
pedicles are everted and lie almost horizontal in the coronal Before the introduction of the Holter valve for the shunting
plane. The laminae are hypoplastic and often everted. The of hydrocephalus and adequate closure of the myelodysplas-
spinous processes are absent. The paraspinal muscle masses tic lesion, death frequently occurred in infancy because of
are present but are everted with the pedicles and laminae; hydrocephalus or sac breakdown followed by meningitis;
thus they lie anteriorly and, as a result, often act as flexors survivors usually died from renal failure (55 of 57 in one
of the spine instead of extensors. The muscles may be mark- study).275 Shunting of the hydrocephalus combined with sac
edly attenuated because of the lack of innervation from the closure led to a significant increase in survival but resulted
CNS. in a large number of severely handicapped children.181,227
The size of the sac on the child’s back at the time of This led to the introduction of selection criteria to deter-
birth depends on the amount of spinal fluid that has col- mine which infants should receive aggressive surgical
lected ventral to the neural placode. care.180-183,185 Specific criteria against aggressive surgical
e132 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 36-3  Arnold-Chiari malformations of the brainstem. A, Type I Arnold-Chiari malformation, cerebellar tonsillar herniation only.
B, MRI appearance of type I Arnold-Chiari malformation. Note the associated cervicothoracic syringomyelia. C, Type II Arnold-Chiari
malformation, more extensive herniation of the cerebellum and brainstem through the foramen magnum. Type II malformations are
usually seen in patients with myelomeningocele. D, MRI appearance of type II Arnold-Chiari malformation. Note the associated
cervicothoracic syringomyelia.

treatment of patients born with myelomeningocele were However, other studies have noted that the level of
proposed by Lorber after a review of 524 cases.181 He found paralysis is not an indicator of survival in patients who are
that the presence of severe paralysis (upper lumbar or not treated surgically.327 At present, most U.S. centers do
higher), head circumference at or above the 90th percen- not have specific criteria for early surgical treatment, and
tile, congenital kyphosis, other major congenital anomalies the parents of all affected infants are offered surgical closure
such as heart disease, and severe birth injury were associ- of the sac, followed almost invariably by ventriculoperito-
ated with a significantly greater likelihood of death in neal shunting.283
infancy or severe handicaps in survivors. These factors Fetal surgery for myelomeningocele was first per-
became known as Lorber’s criteria, and their presence at formed in 1997 in the hope that intrauterine repair of the
birth was taken as a contraindication to aggressive surgical defect would result in less hindbrain herniation and
intervention.55,181-183 improved mental and motor function. The Management of
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e133

Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS) was a randomized, mul- lower extremity and overall patient function to match. It
ticenter, fetal surgery study started in 2003. The study was must be noted that myelomeningocele is a complex con-
stopped after enrollment of 183 of the planned 200 patients genital anomaly that is often dynamic and changing in its
because of the efficacy of prenatal surgery in decreasing the neuromuscular components, affecting the patient’s mobility
need for shunt placement at 1 year and improving mental capabilities and orthopaedic surgery requirements. In addi-
and motor function at 30 months. Prenatal surgery was also tion, patients typically have bowel and bladder paralysis,
associated with an increased risk of preterm delivery and CNS anomalies (especially hydrocephalus), and congenital
uterine dehiscence.2 Despite this landmark study, fetal anomalies of the spine and lower extremity, all of which
surgery for myelomeningocele remains controversial, both confound the clinical picture. Neurologic function can
ethically and clinically.69,100,136,189,190,275 change over time as a result of unchecked or complicated
hydrocephalus or scarring of the spinal cord. The most
important organ systems requiring management in these
patients, in addition to the musculoskeletal system, are the
Although most infants with myelomeningocele survive and neurologic, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary systems.
most of these children can attend regular school, a recent
study of adults with spina bifida demonstrated low rates of Upper Extremity Function
employment and independent living.26 Upper extremity function is often disturbed in patients
Gross motor function in patients with myelomeningo- with myelomeningocele (92%).*a
cele has been studied extensively. Numerous studies have Upper extremity dysfunction can be secondary to neu-
addressed factors affecting the short- and long-term poten- rologic impairment by hydrocephalus, brainstem compres-
tial for ambulation.# The single most important physical sion by the Arnold-Chiari malformation, hydromyelia
factor for maintaining ambulation in adulthood seems to be involving the cervical spinal cord, or cerebral insult caused
the strength of the quadriceps muscle.10,18,80,142,291,323 Most by the placement of ventricular shunts or infection of these
patients with a lower lumbar (L4 or L5) or sacral lesion are shunts. Patients with higher lesions (thoracic or upper
community ambulators (95%); those with higher levels lumbar) and patients who have undergone more than three
affected (thoracic) usually are not (<24%).10,18,137,328 Addi- shunt operations are more likely to have abnormal hand
tional factors in nonambulation are obesity, hip deformity, function,205 although one study found no correlation with
scoliosis, foot and ankle deformity, and age. the level of the myelodysplastic lesion.342 Upper extremity
Schopler and Menelaus291 found that only 4 of 51 patients dysfunction can take the form of spasticity, ataxia, dys-
with normal quadriceps strength in the first 3 years of life praxia, or a combination of these. The presence of spasticity
demonstrated deterioration in strength over time. Most may be particularly important because patients with upper
patients (21 of 22) initially assessed as having at least grade extremity spasticity are less likely to be independent in
4 strength improved, but none of the patients with less than activities of daily living (ADLs).208 Decreased grip strength
grade 4 strength improved. Quadriceps strength was strongly also is common. Several authors have noted that hand func-
correlated with ambulation ability—98% with grade 4 or 5 tion can improve over time in school-age children.148,342 An
quadriceps strength were at least household ambulators, assessment of hand function by therapists and orthopaedists
and 82% were community ambulators; in contrast, 88% is important to establish appropriate goals for ADLs, class-
with grade 0 to 2 quadriceps strength were nonambulatory. room performance, and the need for mobility aids.
McDonald and colleagues212 reported that the strength of
specific muscle groups predicted 86% of the mobility Early Puberty
outcome. All patients with an iliopsoas strength of grade 3 Girls in particular are at risk for the development of early
or less relied on wheelchairs for some or all of their mobility, or precocious puberty, thought to be related to increased
whereas none of those with an iliopsoas strength of grade 4 intracranial pressure and a higher incidence of shunt mal-
or 5 relied solely on wheelchairs. Patients with good ilio- functions and revisions.114,124,271 Furman and Mortimer
psoas and quadriceps strength and antigravity gluteal noted that girls with myelomeningocele began menstruating
strength could be expected to ambulate without a wheel- at an average age of 10 years, 3 months, significantly younger
chair, and those with grade 4 or 5 gluteal and tibialis anterior than their mothers, siblings, and the U.S. mean.114
strength usually walked without aids or braces.
Cognitive Problems
Cognitive learning difficulties are regularly reported in
Associated Health Problems patients with myelomeningocele, particularly those requir-
General or Universal Problems ing shunts.81,104,139 Thus difficulties at school should be
assessed and addressed by the health care team caring for
Inexperienced physicians may be led to believe that myelo- the patient. Performance level tends to improve with
meningocele represents a congenital lower extremity paral- increasing age, emphasizing the importance of monitoring
ysis that can be characterized by the level of the lesion, with the overall health and neurologic function of the child.248
a readily definable border between functioning and non- Children with myelomeningocele tend to have difficulty
functioning motor and sensory root levels and a predictable adjusting to their nondisabled peers,368 and those with
myelomeningocele and normal IQs have a higher rate
References 10, 18-20, 40, 54, 80, 89, 96, 97, 107, 131, 137, 142, of psychosocial maladjustment than mentally disabled
166, 195, 203, 207, 212, 243, 253, 268, 291, 305, 323, 329, 333,
356. *aReferences 148, 164, 205, 208, 238, 252, 253, 342.
e134 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

children in mainstream schools. Rüdeberg and associates of these patients, this is a temporary capability. Because of
emphasized the importance of coordinated, aggressive reha- the energy expenditure required for such ambulation, most
bilitation if these children attend regular schools.279 One patients ultimately choose to use a wheelchair full time,
study noted poorer school performance in ambulatory except for transfers.‡a
patients, suggesting that the energy devoted to ambulation Charney and co-workers found that compliant parents,
by children not using a wheelchair impairs their intellectual physical therapy, and the absence of mental retardation
performance in school.104 were the most important factors in predicting community
ambulation in children with thoracic lesions, whereas scolio-
Psychosocial Implications sis and hip surgery were not factors.54 Swank and Dias328
The impact of myelomeningocele on the patient, family, and found that 24% of patients with thoracic lesions were com-
community health care system is significant.†a munity ambulators, 41% were household ambulators, and
Appleton and colleagues noted that children with myelo- 35% were nonambulatory (accounting for all but one of the
meningocele aged 9 to 18 years were at greater risk for nonambulators in the entire population); of these, 70% had
depressive mood, low self-worth, and suicidal ideation. associated orthopaedic defects at birth, most commonly
Girls were more effected than boys, and self-evaluation of clubfeet, kyphosis, hip dislocation, and knee flexion
physical appearance was associated with depressive symp- deformity.
toms.8 A study of a large Scandinavian myelomeningocele
population found that families with children with myelo- Upper Lumbar Level
meningocele coped surprisingly well compared with control Patients with upper lumbar lesions have hip flexor power
families.168 However, responsibility for care of the disabled and some adductor power, but no motor control of the
children fell largely to the mothers, who were less likely knees or feet. For the most part, their ambulation potential
than controls to think that they were receiving adequate and needs parallel those of patients with thoracic level func-
support. Both parents reported more frequent absences tion; theoretically, however, they may be more efficient
from work than controls. Mothers of children with myelo- walkers as children because their hip flexor and adductor
meningocele were significantly less likely to work outside strength can be recruited to provide a better swing-through
the home. These findings were not related to the severity gait or, with the use of a reciprocating gait orthosis (RGO),
of the children’s disabilities. A study by Holmbeck and col- a reciprocating gait (see later, “Orthotic Management”).
leagues found that families with the least physically impaired This iliopsoas strength is usually not sufficient in adoles-
children reported the most family difficulties.139 cence and adulthood, when the natural history resembles
that of patients with thoracic lesions, in that they rarely
Specific Problems by Spinal Level continue to ambulate as adults.§a
Hoffer and colleagues, however, found no differences in
Thoracic Level ambulation between adult patients with upper and lower
Patients with thoracic level lesions essentially have flail lumbar lesions.137 Patients in this group experience signifi-
lower extremities and, based solely on the limbs’ total cantly more paralytic hip dysplasia and dislocation because
flaccid paralysis, would not be expected to develop muscle of imbalance at the hip, with hip flexors and adductors
imbalance–induced lower extremity deformities. In fact, present, but no hip extensors or abductors.
however, a frog-leg deformity is frequently present in these
patients at birth, characterized by hip flexion, abduction, Lower Lumbar Level
and external rotation contractures. In addition, there may Patients with lower lumbar lesions have greater hip adduc-
be knee flexion and ankle equinus contractures. These may tor strength and, more importantly, quadriceps power to
respond to judicious passive manipulation, but the hip con- provide active knee extension. Those with L5 functioning
tractures often do not respond adequately to this treatment, have a functioning tibialis anterior, and they may have
and the surgeon is faced with the decision whether to medial hamstring function as well. Hip strength is usually
release the contractures to allow the lower limbs to be adequate to allow these patients to walk with the hips
placed in a position for upright mobility. Occasionally, these unbraced—that is, with knee-ankle-foot orthoses (KAFOs).
patients develop secondary flexion deformities from spas- Their gait exhibits a compensatory combined maximus-
ticity in their lower extremities, which is actually presumed medius lurch (the limb in external rotation, and a backward
to be involuntary reflex motor function below the level of and lateral lean of the trunk over the hip to stabilize it in
the myelodysplastic cord lesion. The most frequent defor- stance). Some patients may be able to walk with only ankle-
mities encountered by the orthopaedic surgeon in this foot orthoses (AFOs); however, weakness of the foot, ankle,
patient group are spinal—congenital scoliosis, developmen- and hip abductors and extensors leads to a lurching gait that
tal scoliosis, and progressive congenital kyphosis. imposes a great deal of stress on the unbraced knee.170,335,357
Many patients with thoracic level lesions can achieve These patients are also at high risk for the development of
exercise or household ambulation as young children.54,203 All progressive hip subluxation and dislocation. Surgical treat-
require extensive bracing above the hip and upper extrem- ment of the hip is most controversial in this group of
ity aids (walker or crutches), and they ambulate with a patients in terms of its influence on the preservation of
swing-through gait using their upper extremities and long-term ambulation.‖a
abdominal muscles. The family must be aware that for most
References 10, 18, 54, 80, 137, 142, 203, 206, 207, 212, 291, 329.
References 10, 18, 80, 142, 291, 328, 329.
†a ‖a
References 8, 34, 139, 150, 168, 179, 211, 248, 260, 279, 368. References 5, 42, 46, 87, 96, 97, 105, 107.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e135

In the childhood population studied by Swank and Dias, management of a myelomeningocele patient, including
33 of 36 patients (92%) were community ambulators, and parents, nursing staff, anesthesiologist, and surgeon, must
the other 3 (8%) were household ambulators.328 Factors that be cognizant of the risk of latex allergy or of inducing it in
led to decreased ambulation included deterioration of the this patient population.
neurologic level of the lesion, spasticity, knee and hip flexion
contractures, and lack of motivation.19,20 Clubfeet and hip Infection
dislocation are also frequent in this group. Patients with myelomeningocele have a higher rate of com-
plications, including postoperative infections, for almost all
Sacral Level orthopaedic surgical procedures compared with patients
Patients with sacral level myelomeningocele have near- undergoing similar procedures who do not have myelome-
normal knee function and more stable hip, foot, and ankle ningocele. The reason is multifactorial, including poor nutri-
function. Their partial paralysis and insensate skin can lead tion, bladder paralysis, absence of protective pain perception,
to a number of foot problems, however, including cavovarus poor tissue perfusion and, in the case of spinal deformity
deformity, claw toes, and neurogenic ulcers.¶a surgery, poor skin condition overlying the lumbar spine.130,326
Hip subluxation can occur but is less frequent than in Bladder paralysis and its management usually lead to the
those with lumbar lesions. Knee problems can be associated presence of bacteria in the urinary tract. Diminished pain
with torsional or angular stress during ambulation.90,91,126,170,347 perception and skin insensitivity lead to more frequent
Excessive ankle dorsiflexion or external rotation may make wound breakdown and subsequent infection from unrecog-
ankle orthoses difficult to fit or ineffective in stabilizing the nized direct compromise of the wound under a cast or from
ankle. In theory, most sacral level patients could ambulate excessive swelling in patients who move, ambulate, or oth-
without orthoses but, in practice, weak gastrocnemius and erwise challenge the operated part in ways that a patient
foot intrinsics result in abnormal foot and ankle function; with normal sensation would not.
gait studies have demonstrated that even patients with
sacral level myelomeningocele ambulate most effectively Pressure Sores
with AFOs and crutches because of stresses at the knee and Patients with myelomeningocele invariably have loss of pro-
weakness in the foot and ankle.170,261,346 tective sensation of the lower extremities corresponding to
Long-term reviews of patients with sacral level paralysis the level of the lesion and, even more importantly, of the
are a sobering reminder of the multifactorial risk of losing buttocks and sacral area. As a consequence, these patients
neurologic function and mobility. Brinker and colleagues40 are prone to the development of pressure sores, which may
found that the ability to walk had declined in 11 of the 35 occur on the soles of the feet from walking on bony exos-
community ambulators (average age, 29 years), and a house- toses or other prominences secondary to deformity or from
hold ambulator had become nonambulatory; 15 patients had walking on rough or hot surfaces without adequate foot
developed osteomyelitis, and 11 required amputations. In protection. Patients who crawl may get pressure sores on
Selber and Dias’ report,294 41 of 46 slightly younger patients the dorsum of their foot from similar trauma, especially
(average age, 23 years) were still community ambulators, those with paralytic, uncorrected, or recurrent equinovarus
but 39 had undergone a total of 217 orthopaedic procedures deformity, or in the prepatellar area. The medial malleolus
and 12 had tethered cord release. is a common site of pressure sores in patients with valgus
deformity of the distal tibia who use AFOs or KAFOs that
do not or cannot adequately accommodate the medial mal-
Complications leolar prominence.
Latex Allergy Patients who are primarily sitters are especially prone to
pressure sores. These can develop in the sacrococcygeal area
Patients with spina bifida are at risk for the development of or over the ischial tuberosities or greater trochanters.
a serious allergy to latex.#a Patients with urinary incontinence who cannot stay dry and
Contact with latex in sensitized patients may produce clean are particularly susceptible to the development of
local rashes or mucosal irritation. recalcitrant pressure sores, as are patients with pelvic obliq-
Cardiovascular collapse is the most serious manifestation uity secondary to asymmetric hip deformity or lumbosacral
of latex allergy.14,152,368 About 10% to 15% of patients spinal deformity. Patients whose pelvic obliquity is fixed,
studied reported a definite allergy to latex.200,340 Risk factors such as after spinal fusion to the pelvis, are at a relatively
for the presence of latex allergy include a history of prior higher risk for the development of sores, and the surgeon
allergic reactions and multiple previous surgeries, particu- must be very careful in the early postoperative period to
larly urologic and orthopaedic procedures.200,201 Sensitivity guard against this complication. Patients with insensate
to latex can be ascertained by a latex skin prick test or an skin over a kyphotic deformity may also develop sores over
assay for latex-specific immunoglobulin E in serum. the apex of the deformity from internal pressure necrosis
However, current practice is to perform surgery and other or from rubbing of the skin against the back of the wheel-
invasive procedures in a latex-free environment in all chair. Many children require special adaptations to their
patients with myelomeningocele. This can prevent sensitiza- wheelchairs such as custom-molded back supports or
tion and, over time, may reduce sensitization in those who Roho cushions (Roho Group, Belleville, Ill.) to distribute
were previously sensitized.64,65 All personnel involved in the weight-bearing forces and prevent excess pressure over
bony prominences.
References 40, 80, 110, 199, 261, 285, 294, 346. The management of pressure sores involves education of
References 7, 14, 64, 65, 152, 200, 340, 367. the child and family in prevention techniques, careful
e136 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

postoperative management in at-risk patients, correction of

deformities that cause recalcitrant lesions, appropriate Fractures
brace modifications to prevent the brace from serving as a Patients with myelomeningocele are susceptible to patho-
source of skin breakdown and, as much as possible, a bowel logic fractures of the lower extremities, particularly in the
and bladder management protocol that keeps the child dry supracondylar femoral and supramalleolar tibial regions.
and clean. This is particularly important in those who are Risk factors include inattention toward insensate parts by
wheelchair-dependent. Patients and their families must be the patient or caretakers, joint contracture, postsurgical cast
educated to guard against skin contact with rough or hot immobilization, and higher levels of paralysis.*b
surfaces, inspect orthoses and wheelchairs for pressure Newborns with higher levels of paralysis and joint con-
points, and shift and relieve body weight regularly while tractures are susceptible to birth fractures.37 Bone mineral
sitting. Good perineal hygiene is essential. Established pres- density has been found to be lower in patients with myelo-
sure sores need prompt and aggressive treatment with meningocele than the normal population; patients with a
weight relief and correction of the source of excessive or history of fracture have been found to have bone densities
constant pressure. Pressure sores that are not treated in this lower than those in patients without a history of frac-
manner can lead not only to extensive soft tissue breakdown ture.272,330 Treatment with hydrochlorothiazide, known to
and scarring but also to deep recalcitrant osteomyelitis increase bone mineral density in patients with hypercalci-
requiring repeated surgical débridement. uria, did not have a favorable effect on bone mineral density
When placing patients in casts postoperatively, surgeons in patients with myelomeningocele.273
must do so with great care and expertise. Cast padding Several precautions should be taken to prevent fractures
must be evenly and smoothly applied, with bony promi- in this patient population. Caretakers and ultimately the
nences protected. Similarly, the casting material must be patient must be educated about safe transfer techniques.
carefully and evenly applied, without any pressure points Any passive manipulation of joint contractures must be
inadvertently created by fingers indenting the cast or chang- gentle, and the proper technique should be taught by an
ing the position of the patient’s limb after the padding and experienced therapist or physician. Patients who must be
casting material have been applied. Lower extremity casts immobilized postoperatively in a cast should have the
should extend beyond the toes but leave them visible to affected extremity placed in a functional position to the
protect the toes if the patient crawls or strikes them against greatest extent possible, avoiding plantar flexion or exces-
some hard surface (Fig. 36-4). Similarly, the surgeon must sive knee flexion in particular. Mobilization from the post-
educate the family to watch for sores developing on the operative cast into removable splinting should be done as
dorsum of the toes in a child permitted weight bearing in a soon as feasible. The physician and caretakers should be
cast. As the plantar surface of the cast softens with ambula- alert to the development of signs and symptoms of fracture
tion, the toes or dorsum of the foot will be pushed against after cast removal.
the dorsal surface or edge of the cast. Any undue swelling, Fractures manifest with localized erythema, heat, and
erythema, odor, or unexplained systemic reaction is an indi- swelling. Crepitus and deformity occur only with displaced
cation to remove a postoperative cast completely and fractures. The warmth and swelling and frequent absence
inspect the surgical wound and limb for evidence of skin of a specific history of trauma often cause an inexperienced
breakdown. physician or caretaker to suspect infection rather than frac-
ture, and this impression may be fueled by a low-grade
fever. Although hematogenous osteomyelitis can occur in
patients with myelomeningocele, in the absence of direct
contamination of the bone by long-standing or extensive
pressure sores or surgical intervention, the correct diagnosis
is almost always fracture in this clinical scenario. Fractures
in patients with myelomeningocele tend to heal rapidly,
with abundant callus formation (Fig. 36-5). Fractures do
not, however, invariably heal without incident; malunion,
delayed union, and physeal growth disturbance have all
been reported.88,94,158,355 Therefore adequate maintenance of
alignment and immobilization are required. Physeal frac-
tures may be slow to heal and require reevaluation to detect
subsequent growth disturbance.68,158,264,355
Immobilization of the limb, whether after a fracture
or postoperatively, should be to the minimal extent
and shortest duration possible, in a position of function.
Protective orthoses should be available when the cast is
removed, and cautious range-of-motion and weight-bearing
exercises should be initiated under supervision. Failure to
FIGURE 36-4  Proper casting of the feet in patients with
myelomeningocele is important to prevent pressure sores. The follow these principles can lead to a prolonged and frustrat-
casts should be well padded and should extend beyond the toes, ing clinical sequence of mobilization after fracture or
with the toes visible, to prevent sores at the ends of the toes as surgery, juxtaarticular fracture, immobilization, increased
the foot is dragged along the ground. The foot should be in a
neutral position anatomically. *bReferences 37, 68, 88, 94, 147, 158, 177, 264, 355.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e137

associated with these disabilities, and address the low self-

esteem and peer adjustment issues common in patients
with visible disabilities and limited mobility; a urologist to
monitor genitourinary function and maximize bladder
control; a neurosurgeon who, after closing the myelodys-
plastic lesion and placing a ventriculoperitoneal shunt in
infancy, must monitor for shunt dysfunction and evidence
of tethered cord development; a social worker to assist the
family in finding financial support and obtaining educational
and vocational counseling; and, ideally, an experienced neu-
rodevelopmental pediatrician to oversee the whole process
and provide a general assessment of the child’s health.
Kinsman and Doehring reviewed the costs and indica-
tions for 353 hospital admissions of 99 adults with myelo-
meningocele over an 11-year period155 and found that 47%
of hospital admissions were for potentially preventable sec-
ondary conditions, such as serious urologic infections, renal
calculi, pressure ulcers, and osteomyelitis. The results of
this study emphasize the need for coordinated care among
adults with myelomeningocele and the importance of their
continuing education in self-care to prevent such problems.
Kaufman and colleagues specifically assessed the impact of
the disbanding of a multidisciplinary clinic on the myelo-
FIGURE 36-5  Fractures in spina bifida frequently manifest with meningocele population.154 Despite the availability of spe-
asymptomatic swelling and erythema. Radiographically, there is cialty care in the same area, 66% of patients did not see a
typically exuberant new bone formation from excessive movement physician regularly, and the authors recorded a serious
secondary to the lack of pain. increase in morbidity in the affected patient population,
including amputation and nephrectomy. After the closing of
the multidisciplinary clinic, no one assumed the duties of
osteopenia and joint contracture, mobilization, and repeat coordinator of care.
Neurosurgical Treatment
The neurosurgeon is an important member of the health
Treatment care team involved in the management of children with
Multidisciplinary Care myelomeningocele. The initial challenge faced by the neu-
rosurgeon is closure of the myelomeningocele sac; in 70%
The health problems of patients with myelomeningocele to 90% of patients, sac closure is closely followed by the
encompass many organ systems; their management must be need for ventriculoperitoneal shunting. In follow-up, the
integrated to treat the whole child and provide the family neurosurgeon is actively involved in identifying and treating
with the necessary support.256 Thus children with myelo- shunt malfunction, shunt infection, brainstem compression
meningocele are best assessed and treated in multidisci- by the Chiari II (or Arnold-Chiari) malformation, develop-
plinary clinics.†b ment of hydromyelia within the spinal cord, and tethering
Ideally, the clinic should use an administrative or regis- of the distal nervous system tissue in scar, producing the
tered nurse coordinator to function as a patient advocate, so-called tethered cord.
coordinate the disciplines evaluating the patient, schedule
ancillary investigations, and secure the results. This coordi- Closure of the Myelomeningocele Sac
nator also ensures that all the patient’s needs are being met Early closure of the sac (within 48 hours) is a cornerstone
over time, including educational, vocational, and sexual in the management of children with myelomeningo-
counseling. Other health care workers involved with the cele.55,72,99,162,217,293 Before this became the standard proto-
patient or parents include the following: an orthotist to col, death was almost universal secondary to meningitis and
provide and repair lower extremity and spinal orthoses; a ventriculitis. Depending on the extent of the dermal defect
physical therapist to aid in lower extremity functional and underlying bony deformity (specifically, congenital
assessment, bracing needs, and instructions in range-of- kyphosis), closure can be achieved by direct approximation
motion exercises and mobility; an occupational therapist of the skin over the defect, with or without undermining of
to assess upper extremity function, adaptations for ADLs, the skin, local rotational flaps, or musculocutaneous latis-
and educational modifications; a nurse to teach the parents simus dorsi or gluteus maximus flaps. Defects larger than
and subsequently the child about skin care and self- approximately 18 cm are much more likely to dehisce after
catheterization; a psychologist to help parents cope with the primary direct closure, and consultation with a plastic
many challenges and stressors related to their child’s dis- surgeon is generally indicated for the purpose of covering
abilities, ameliorate self-destructive or hostile behavior the skin defect with a flap.72,125,293 If required because of the
underlying bony deformity, kyphectomy can be safely per-
References 24, 153, 154, 159, 160, 287, 320. formed at the time of dural sac closure in neonates, with
e138 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

excellent initial correction.63 Eventual recurrence of the

kyphotic deformity over time should be expected, however,
despite the procedure. Fetal closure is discussed in the next
The Chiari II malformation, characterized by herniation of
the cerebellum and brainstem, is almost universally associ-
ated with myelomeningocele.198 This deformity, especially
after closure of the myelomeningocele sac, produces an
obstructive hydrocephalus, necessitating ventriculoperito-
neal shunting in approximately 70% to 90% of infants.
These shunts must be reevaluated periodically by the neu-
rosurgeon to ensure continued function and absence of
infection. Despite the presence of a shunt, the develop-
mental delays, learning difficulties, and problems with
executive functions are frequently seen in patients with
Although many patients have enlarged ventricles at birth,
symptomatic hydrocephalus usually develops only after
closure of the myelomeningocele sac. Thus many infants
undergo closure of the sac within 48 hours of birth, develop
hydrocephalus, and then undergo ventriculoperitoneal
shunt placement. A study comparing staged and simultane-
ous sac closure and shunting found that patients treated by FIGURE 36-6  MRI appearance of tethered cord in a patient with
the simultaneous technique had a significantly reduced inci- myelomeningocele. Normally, the conus should end at L1.
dence of wound leakage at the closure site and no deleteri-
ous effects with respect to shunt failure, hydrocephalus, or spinal cord by a fibrous, cartilaginous, or bony spicule145
CSF infection.232 (diastematomyelia is also discussed in Chapter 12). Myelo-
There is increasing evidence that the neurologic deficits meningocele patients with other congenital vertebral anom-
in myelomeningocele patients are caused by the primary alies may have an associated diastematomyelia, which
myelodysplasia compounded by exposure of the neural ele- should be investigated by MRI if there is hypertrichosis,
ments to amniotic fluid in utero.46,229,230 As noted, this led progressive lower extremity weakness, spasticity, or back
to the development of fetal surgical techniques to close the pain or if corrective spinal surgery is planned.
sac in utero in the hope of limiting the secondary neurologic Tethering of the spinal cord in scar tissue at the site of
injury. Preliminary reports in the small group of patients repair of the initial myelodysplastic lesion may be the source
treated in this way have suggested that the need for ven- of significant symptoms as the child grows.§b
triculoperitoneal shunting is reduced, from 90% to 60%.42 Symptoms attributed to the presence of a clinically sig-
However, fetal surgery is associated with maternal and preg- nificant tethered spinal cord include back pain, especially at
nancy complications, premature birth chief among them. the site of sac closure, progressive lower extremity weak-
Brainstem compression, presumably by the Chiari II mal- ness, lower extremity spasticity, progressive foot deformity
formation, can lead to respiratory obstruction and apnea.138 or scoliosis, and changes in bladder habits and function.
Sleep disturbances related to air hunger, dyspnea, and Because a low-lying conus suggesting spinal cord tethering
squeaky voice may all require assessment by a neurosurgeon is demonstrated on MRI in almost all patients (Fig. 36-6),34,35
for the possible presence of brainstem compression as the the diagnosis of tethered cord is usually based on the pres-
cause of these complaints. ence of one or more of the symptoms or signs noted earlier,
typical MRI findings, and exclusion of hydromyelia or shunt
Other Spinal Cord Abnormalities malfunction as an alternative explanation. Evidence of dete-
Patients with myelomeningocele are subject to a number of rioration in somatosensory evoked potentials or urodynamic
other spinal cord lesions that may require assessment or testing has been used by some to document symptomatic
treatment by a neurosurgeon, including hydromyelia, dia- tethering of the spinal cord.38,132,349
stematomyelia, and tethered cord syndrome.‡b Sarwark and associates285 found that back pain resolved
Hydromyelia (sometimes termed hydrosyringomyelia) is after surgical untethering, and curves stabilized or improved
a dilation of the central canal of the spinal cord. This lesion in 60% of patients with scoliosis and in 78% of patients with
is often detected as an asymptomatic finding on MRI, but lower extremity weakness. Spasticity was least affected by
has been implicated in upper extremity weakness or spastic- surgical untethering, improving in only 43% of patients
ity in some patients; thus patients with these clinical find- but stabilizing in the remainder. Pierz and colleagues269
ings should undergo MRI and neurosurgical evaluation.34,39,129 reported that patients with curves less than 40 degrees
Diastematomyelia is a congenital anomaly of the spinal experienced some improvement after an untethering pro-
cord and column consisting of a central splitting of the cedure, but those with curves more than 40 degrees or
‡b §b
References 25, 34, 35, 39, 129, 132, 134, 218, 274, 285, 336. References 25, 34, 35, 132, 134, 141, 218, 222, 274, 285, 289, 336.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e139

thoracic neurologic levels had no improvement in scoliosis. baseline urologic evaluation, with postoperative reevalua-
McLaughlin and co-workers found that intraspinal rhizot- tion as necessary.
omy and distal cordectomy were effective in ameliorating
symptoms and lower extremity deformities caused by spas- Orthopaedic Treatment
ticity in patients with thoracic lesions.215 However, this
treatment is indicated only for patients with no voluntary Goals of Orthopaedic Management
lower extremity function and in whom symptoms of spas- Orthopaedists participating in the care of children with
ticity cannot be controlled with lower extremity bracing or myelomeningocele are members of the health care team
surgery. seeking to maximize function and minimize disability and
illness. Over time, the specific goals change, based on the
Urologic Treatment child’s needs and abilities and changes in neurologic status.
Bladder paralysis and its attendant medical and social prob- One of the major goals of the orthopaedist is to correct
lems are significant issues for affected children and their deformities to help patients meet their maximal functional
families.‖b capability. Almost all patients need orthoses to replace
Bladder paralysis is almost universal in the myelomenin- muscle strength and joint stability so that they can stand
gocele patient population.169,194 At birth, this paralysis is and walk. Regardless of the extent of the deformity and
usually flaccid, manifesting as uncontrolled constant drib- paralysis, it is possible for most children to walk at a young
bling of urine. Uncontrolled, spasmodic bladder contrac- age with a combination of deformity correction, bracing,
tions and bladder neck obstruction commonly develop and upper extremity aids, and instruction. Thus one of the
can produce overflow dribbling, a smaller, less compliant primary functions of the orthopaedist is to correct lower
bladder, and vesicoureteral reflux. Hydronephrosis results, extremity deformities that prevent the patient from using
with risk of injury to the renal parenchymal tissue from orthoses to ambulate during childhood. Many patients, espe-
urinary obstruction or an exacerbating upper urinary tract cially those with thoracic or upper lumbar paralysis, will be
infection.306 Lower urinary tract infections are also fre- unable or unwilling to maintain the same level of indepen-
quent. In the past, chronic renal failure or fulminant infec- dent ambulation as adolescents or adults because the extent
tions of the urinary tract were the most common causes of of bracing and energy consumption required for ambulation
delayed mortality in patients with myelomeningocele. will be too great. Patients with myelomeningocele should
The goals of urologic management are to make these be prepared for independent, self-sufficient living, which
patients continent, keep them free of lower and upper means that they should not be devoting a substantial portion
urinary tract infection, and preserve renal function. The of their energy solely to walking for its own sake. Excessive
mainstay of management is to teach caretakers—and ulti- emphasis on ambulation over the use of a wheelchair may
mately the patients themselves—the technique of clean even adversely affect academic achievement.104
intermittent catheterization.¶b The orthopaedic surgeon must monitor spinal balance
Such a program can help prevent the development of and deformity in the myelomeningocele patient. There is a
hydronephrosis and maintain bladder compliance and capac- high incidence of congenital and neurologically related sco-
ity. Instituting a clean intermittent catheterization program liosis and kyphosis, conditions that can jeopardize posture
before 1 year of age may result in fewer patients requiring or sitting comfort or increase the likelihood of the develop-
bladder augmentation to correct loss of bladder compli- ment of pressure sores.
ance.310,362 Total continence has not been achieved in most Finally, the orthopaedic surgeon must assist in monitor-
adult studies, but a reduced need for pads and preservation ing the neurologic status of the growing patient because
of upper urinary tract function may result from clean inter- hydrocephalus, hydromyelia, or tethered cord syndrome
mittent catheterization. Patients also need routine evalua- secondary to diastematomyelia or another anomaly or to
tion of the lower urinary tract for evidence of infection, scarring at the original level of myelodysplasia can occur.
reduced bladder compliance and capacity, and hydrone- Any of these conditions can result in a subtle deterioration
phrosis. Screening examinations, consisting of voiding cys- in the patient’s intellectual function and upper or lower
tometrography and renal ultrasonography performed every extremity function.
6 to 12 months, suffice for most patients. Abnormalities In an effort to help orthopaedic surgeons understand
may require more thorough urodynamic investigation. what is required to achieve treatment goals for this complex
The surgical treatment of spinal deformities may influ- disorder, experts from around the world convened in a
ence urinary tract management or function. In one study, symposium in 2000. The discussions from that meeting
eight of nine patients who underwent cordectomy with were published in a comprehensive report from the Ameri-
kyphectomy had improved bladder compliance and capacity can Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons describing the many
postoperatively, but the ninth patient had poorer function facets of the orthopaedic care of children with spina
secondary to the development of bladder spasticity, requir- bifida.284a
ing surgery.161 In another study, 6 of 16 patients who under-
went spinal surgery had urologic problems postoperatively, Physical and Radiographic Examination
including one female patient who could no longer self- of the Newborn
catheterize because of a change in body posture.32 Thus When examining a newborn with myelomeningocele for the
patients undergoing major spinal procedures should have a first time, the goal of the orthopaedic surgeon is to identify
the level of paralysis for each extremity and screen for
References 33, 153, 169, 171, 172, 194, 231, 266, 344. associated deformities. Sphincter control, the presence of
References 33, 153, 169, 171, 172, 194, 266, 344, 362. hydrocephalus, and the condition of the myelomeningocele
e140 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

sac are also important to note. Commonly, the orthopaedist control of the digits, and movement of the toes usually
is consulted after closure of the sac and shunting for hydro- results from root sparing below the myelodysplastic lesion
cephalus. The infant should be examined in a quiet warm and is not under volitional control. The examiner should try
environment to allow the best assessment of joint range of to assess the level of preservation of sensation by gently
motion, sensory preservation, and evidence of spinal defor- stroking the skin, beginning distally, and observing the
mity. A stimulated or crying infant, however, allows the infant’s facial and lower extremity muscular response. The
examiner to appreciate the child’s voluntary lower extrem- examiner checks for the usually obvious foot deformities,
ity muscular function better. Sharrard described the neuro- such as clubfoot and vertical talus. Range of motion of the
segmental function of the lower extremity,295,298 and this hips is assessed, with specific noting of abduction, adduc-
root by root assessment has become the standard for tion, external rotation, and/or flexion contractures. The
describing lower extremity function and the basis for estab- hips are also assessed for concentricity and stability. Knee
lishing a prognosis for long-term ambulation and the nature flexion contractures and their extent should be documented.
of secondary deformities likely to develop during childhood. The examiner strokes the patient’s legs on both sides indi-
The level of spinal cord lesion as visualized on prenatal vidually, from distal to proximal, by dermatome, to identify
ultrasonography has been positively correlated with the the level of sensory preservation. Finally, the examiner
level of postnatal paralysis noted on physical examination, checks for the almost invariably present patulous anus and
so if this information is available, it may be helpful.60 urinary dribbling, suggesting bowel and bladder paralysis.
Caution is advised, however, because determining the The physical examination should be supplemented with
precise level of function can be difficult, and the level may good anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the entire
change over time, may be asymmetric, or may not corre- spine. These radiographs should be carefully inspected for
spond exactly to Sharrard’s neurosegmental scheme.204,212,213 the level of the last closed posterior element, any congenital
In a longitudinal serial evaluation of 308 patients older than spinal deformity (particularly one remote from the myelo-
5 years, McDonald and colleagues found that quadriceps dysplastic level), and pedicular widening, especially with
strength correlated with iliopsoas strength, medial ham- associated congenital vertebral anomalies, which may
string function could be present without tibialis anterior suggest underlying diastematomyelia. In general, the level
function, gluteus medius and maximus strength correlated of paralysis noted on physical examination should corre-
strongly with each other and with tibialis anterior strength, spond to the first open level of the spine; however, there
and muscle weakness was most frequently noted in the may be a substantial discrepancy between these two find-
gastrocnemius-soleus group.213 ings, which suggests that other deformities of the spinal
During the examination, the orthopaedist should first cord or proximal CNS are contributing to the paralysis.
develop a sense of the child’s overall vigor because lack of Ultrasonography or MRI of the spinal cord may be indicated
vigor may suggest CNS depression caused by untreated in these cases. In general, radiographs of the lower extremi-
hydrocephalus. Whenever expedient, the examiner should ties merely confirm what has been determined from the
turn the infant prone on the mother’s lap, an examining physical examination. Ultrasonography can clarify the rela-
surface, or the palm of the examiner’s hand to determine tionship of the femoral head and acetabulum if the clinical
at what level the myelodysplastic deformity is located, its examination of the hip is not definitive.
extent, and the state of the skin overlying it, especially if This examination provides the orthopaedic surgeon with
the examination is being conducted after neurosurgical a good understanding of the lower extremity anomalies,
closure of the myelodysplastic lesion. The infant should also extent of lower extremity paralysis, and presence of verte-
be assessed for obvious spinal deformities or congenital bral anomalies that need to be monitored with growth. The
scoliosis or kyphosis associated with the myelodysplastic sum of these findings allows the surgeon to provide the
lesion. The examiner then looks for more subtle evidence patient’s parents with a reasonable outline of what will be
of spinal dysraphism at other levels—specifically, for discol- required to correct the deformities and what they should
oration or hemangiomas, hairy patches, or dimpling along expect in the future in terms of bracing needs and mobility
the spinal column remote from the obvious myelodysplastic expectations.
lesion. The entire spinal column is palpated, with the exam-
iner looking for curvature or defect. Periodic Assessment
With the child supine, neck mobility and upper extrem- Patients with myelomeningocele require periodic reassess-
ity formation and function are assessed; these are generally ment throughout growth, usually on a semiannual or annual
normal in the myelomeningocele patient. Next, the exam- basis. These assessments are typically carried out in a mul-
iner visually inspects the posture of the lower extremities, tidisciplinary clinic; this reduces the number of physician
which provides a clue to the extent of the paralysis. For visits for the patient and family and allows the health care
example, a child with a thoracic level lesion most often lies team to provide a comprehensive evaluation and coordi-
supine with the legs in a flopped open, frog-leg position, nated treatment plan when interventions are required.
with no spontaneous movement. Patients with lower levels Within this complex screening and treatment program, at
of paralysis exhibit spontaneous movement of the lower each routine visit, the orthopaedist assesses whether the
extremities; if necessary, the examiner can stimulate the following are present:
child to observe such movement. Specifically, the examiner
should look for hip flexion and adduction, knee extension 1. The child’s motor and sensory function have remained
and flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion. A stable.
note of caution is in order, however, because observed toe 2. The child’s mobility and bracing needs have remained
movements should not be taken as indicative of volitional stable.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e141

3. Orthoses and upper extremity aids are appropriate to the after tibialis anterior tendon transfer to the calcaneus (see
patient’s requirements, provide the desired effect of later, “Calcaneal Deformity”).
maximizing mobility, are in good repair, and are not Patients with positional neonatal equinus contractures
causing any undue pressure points on the patient’s lower associated with higher level paralysis can initially be treated
extremities. with extremely gentle passive manipulation. If the equinus
4. The range of motion of the patient’s lower extremity deformity persists when the child is ready for orthoses for
joints is stable and sufficient to allow the patient standing and ambulation, percutaneous release or open
maximum mobility based on preserved motor strength. lengthening of the heel cord can be carried out. Percutane-
5. The patient’s upper extremity function is stable. ous heel cord lengthening can be performed in the outpa-
6. Spinal deformity is stable or absent. tient clinic if the patient is insensate in that area. Some
7. The patient’s skin is in good condition over the spinal patients have long toe flexor contractures as well, which
deformity, in the perineal and ischial areas, at pressure should be divided. Otherwise, persistent toe flexion defor-
points under orthoses, and over the knees and around mities can result in pressure sores on the ends of the toes
the feet, where abuse of the skin may occur with crawl- when the child is placed in shoes. Careful postoperative
ing, walking, or swimming without braces or other casting for a few weeks should be followed by the fitting of
protection. orthoses required for standing or ambulation.

These evaluations may be accomplished with the aid of Equinovarus

a nurse, pediatrician, therapist, and orthotist. Periodic Clubfoot deformity is a common anomaly in patients
radiographic assessment of the spine and hips is often with myelomeningocele, irrespective of the level of
required as well; it is rare that a patient has no evidence of myelodysplasia.#b
spinal or hip deformity on physical examination. This deformity in myelomeningocele patients is truly
teratologic in that the deformity is almost always rigid, with
Surgical Management of Specific Orthopaedic less propensity to respond to conservative treatment,
Problems requires extensive surgery to correct, and is likely to recur,
even after excellent correction combined with resection of
Foot and Ankle Deformities the tendons that would presumably be the source of
Congenital and developmental foot deformities are common recurrence.*c
in children with myelomeningocele.41,86,110,251,300 Calcaneal Patients with myelomeningocele and clubfoot deformity
deformity is the most common, followed by equinus, valgus can initially be managed in a similar manner as other patients
deformity, clubfoot, and vertical talus. Foot deformities with idiopathic clubfoot deformity (see Chapter 23).
often interfere with effective bracing for ambulation or lead However, the treating physician should be very experienced
to pressure sores in ambulatory patients. Broughton and and comfortable with manipulation and casting techniques
colleagues41 found that acquired deformities could not be because absence of the pain response or of protective sensa-
accounted for solely by spasticity or muscle imbalance. tion makes it difficult to avoid pressure sores or fractures.
Even nonambulatory patients have concerns about the cos- One recent report noted favorable results with use of the
metic appearance of the feet and experience difficulty Ponseti method to treat clubfeet associated with myelome-
wearing normal shoes. ningocele. However, despite excellent initial correction, the
In general, foot deformities in an infant should undergo authors noted relapse in 68% of patients with spina bifida
a trial of gentle passive manipulation, with care taken to and a need for comprehensive soft tissue release in 14% of
avoid pressure sores and fractures. Even with early correc- patients, four times more frequent than idiopathic
tion, recurrence is common, and surgery is ultimately patients.121 Because crawling with the feet dragged behind
needed on most feet. When required, it is important that and rotated internally creates a deforming force that pro-
surgical correction be delayed until the child is develop- motes recurrence, surgery should not be performed before
mentally ready to be in the upright position. Proceeding patients have reached the developmental milestone of
with surgery for foot deformity before the patient is ready pulling to a stand.
to be fitted with orthoses for standing or walking risks When nonoperative or minimally invasive techniques
recurrence before the child even begins to walk. Early fail, extensive release is often required, and ancillary
recurrence of the deformity can be minimized by ensuring procedures such as lateral column shortening are required
that after the removal of postoperative casts, well-fitting much more frequently than in patients with idiopathic
orthoses are immediately available for use day and night, clubfeet. In patients with lower lumbar lesions, the tibialis
and the child should be encouraged to stand or walk in anterior tendon may be lengthened or transferred to the
them. midline or heel (see later, “Calcaneal Deformity”). In
patients with upper lumbar or higher lesions, tendons are
Equinus frequently resected rather than lengthened. Only in patients
Pure equinus contractures in patients with myelomeningo- with almost complete preservation of lower extremity func-
cele are common.41,110,300 They are not caused by voluntary tion is typical tendon lengthening performed rather than
muscle imbalance, however, because most patients have flail resection. Furthermore, much as in patients with arthrogry-
feet or, in patients with low lumbar lesions, tibialis anterior posis, myelomeningocele-related clubfeet may require
functioning. Positioning deformity, in utero or postnatally,
and gastrocsoleus spasticity account for some of the equinus #b
References 21, 41, 71, 78, 86, 110, 251, 292, 300, 302, 351.
contractures seen and, in some patients, equinus develops *cReferences 21, 41, 71, 78, 110, 199, 257, 292, 300, 302.
e142 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

naviculectomy, talectomy,78,167,292,302,303 or talar enucleation

(Verebelyi-Ogston procedure)111 to achieve correction.
Infrequently, in the most severe deformities, bringing the
foot into a corrected position may cause vascular compro-
mise, requiring combining clubfoot correction and tibial and
fibular shortening. Difficulty with wound closure is common,
and rotational flaps have been described for primary closure
of the surgical incision.351 I have found, however, that it is
most effective to leave the wound open as much as neces-
sary with the foot in the corrected position, provided that
circulatory status is not impaired in that position, and to
change the cast or window it for dressing changes. An alter-
native is to close the skin loosely and bring the foot into a
corrected position with a few cast changes in the first 2
weeks after surgery. Inadequate skin coverage for surgical
correction of recurrent clubfoot deformities has been
addressed with the preoperative use of soft tissue expand-
ers, but with only limited success (in two of seven cases).21
Postoperative casting must be meticulous, as described
earlier. Excessive swelling, erythema, or systemic reaction
must be investigated by removing the cast and inspecting
the foot. Wound necrosis and pressure sores are frequent, FIGURE 36-7  Calcaneal foot deformity in a patient with a low
lumbar level myelomeningocele. In addition to making bracing
even with casting by the most experienced and attentive
difficult, this deformity places the patient at risk for the
of surgeons, and families should be so warned. Bracing of development of neurotrophic ulceration of the heel and calcaneal
at least the foot is required indefinitely after cast removal, osteomyelitis.
so the surgeon should ensure that the required orthoses
are ready to be applied when the cast is removed. The
postoperative casting protocol may be shortened in favor of a propensity toward ulcer development can be treated surgi-
braces compared with that in patients with idiopathic cally to prevent this from occurring. In one study, a delay
clubfeet.71,101,300 in surgical treatment of this deformity resulted in a tenfold
Recurrence of deformity can be treated by primarily increase in the prevalence of calcaneal ulcers, from 3% to
bony procedures, including midfoot and forefoot osteoto- 30% of ambulatory patients.106
mies, talectomy, or triple arthrodeses78,199,292,302,304 When Patients with mild calcaneal deformities from birth, with
using these procedures, the surgeon must be careful to the possible exception of those with tibialis anterior–sparing
obtain even weight-bearing forces to minimize the predis- involvement, may respond to gentle passive stretching of
position to the development of neurotrophic ulcers. A varia- the foot into plantar flexion and splinting in a neutral,
tion of equinovarus deformity may be seen in patients with weight-bearing position. Patients with persistent or progres-
lower lumbar paralysis with a functioning anterior tibialis. sive calcaneal deformities associated with unopposed tibialis
In some of these patients, a deformity consisting of primar- anterior function frequently require anterior release of the
ily forefoot dorsiflexion and supination gives the impression deformity, usually combined with posterior transfer of the
of a deformity caused solely by the unopposed action of the tibialis anterior to the calcaneus to facilitate brace fitting
tibialis anterior or a very mild clubfoot. In infants with such and prevent the development of calcaneal plantar ulcers.‡c
a deformity, posterior or lateral transfer of the tibialis ante- The transfer is not performed if this muscle is spastic.
rior alone may not correct all components of the deformity, The tibialis anterior muscle transfer procedure is described
and a limited posteromedial release is often required as in Plate 36-1. A few important points should be made with
well. regard to this surgery. First, in patients with low lumbar
lesions, a posterior transfer performed in the hope of pro-
Calcaneal Deformity viding enough ankle stability to make braces unnecessary
Calcaneal deformity may be seen as a birth contracture or usually does not succeed; AFOs continue to be needed for
as a delayed deformity secondary to the unopposed action maximum mobility.324 Second, the transfer should be posi-
of the tibialis anterior in patients with paralysis at the lower tioned with the foot in a neutral position and, postopera-
lumbar level.†c tively, the foot should be immobilized in a neutral position
Not all developmental calcaneal deformities can be in a cast, not in equinus. If the foot is positioned in a plantar-
explained solely on the basis of muscle imbalance or spastic- flexed position, the patient may sustain a distal tibial meta-
ity.41,110 Calcaneal deformity of the foot may make the physeal fracture after cast removal when the foot is
fitting of orthoses more difficult and less effective, and it dorsiflexed with weight bearing. Finally, excessive tighten-
predisposes patients to the development of neurotrophic ing of the transfer in equinus may result in the development
heel ulcers. The latter can be difficult to eradicate and may of an equinus deformity that requires release, particularly
progress to recalcitrant calcaneal osteomyelitis (Fig. 36-7). when the transferred tibialis anterior is not under volitional
Patients with progressive calcaneal deformity or those with control.
†c ‡c
References 17, 30, 41, 106, 110, 120, 175, 300, 343. References 17, 30, 106, 120, 262, 276, 300, 343.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e143

orthopaedic surgeon include determining the precise loca-

tion of the clinical valgus (ankle or subtalar), ascertaining
whether the patient is skeletally mature and, if immature,
approximately how much growth remains in the distal tibia,
and deciding whether the extent of deformity requires
immediate correction because it is unbraceable or whether
more gradual methods of correction can be used. Thus
assessment requires a physical examination of the patient,
consultation with an orthotist regarding the interim man-
agement of medial malleolar pressure areas, and anteropos-
terior radiographs of the ankle to determine the source of
the valgus and state of the physis. In skeletally immature
patients, a scanogram and radiographs of the hand and wrist
for estimation of bone age may be necessary to assess how
much growth remains in the distal tibia if distal tibial epi-
physiodesis techniques are being considered.

Distal Tibia. Surgical options for the management of distal

tibial valgus deformities include distal tibial and fibular oste-
otomy,1,193,301 distal tibial medial hemiepiphysiodesis or
growth tethering with implants such as staples, screws, and
plates,44,193 and Achilles tendon–distal fibular tenodesis.322
A distal tibial valgus deformity that causes pressure sores
and cannot be corrected by adjustment of orthoses or such
FIGURE 36-8  Valgus deformity at the ankle in myelomeningocele. a deformity in a skeletally mature patient requires a distal
This deformity may lead to ulceration over the medial malleolus or
tibial osteotomy and varus realignment (Fig. 36-9). Skele-
head of the navicular from rubbing against the ankle-foot
component of the patient’s orthosis.
tally immature patients with deformities that are progres-
sive but not in need of immediate correction are candidates
for medial tibial hemiepiphysiodesis or Achilles tendon–
Vertical Talus fibular tenodesis. The medial growth arrest may be affected
Congenital vertical talus occurs with greater frequency in by direct curettage, stapling of the medial side of the distal
patients with myelomeningocele than in the general popula- tibia, or insertion of a fully threaded screw percutaneously
tion, although it is much less common than clubfoot and from the medial malleolus proximally across the physis. An
other deformities of the foot.41,110,300 The manipulative Achilles tendon–fibular tenodesis is indicated for young
treatment discussed for the management of vertical talus in patients with mild distal tibial valgus deformities who are
Chapter 2382 may be used in patients with myelomeningo- considered too young for an epiphysiodesis of the distal
cele. However, the treating surgeon must be cognizant of tibia.
the increased likelihood of pressure sores and recurrence Distal Tibial Osteotomy. Fixation may be done with
of deformity. Patients with vertical talus and spina bifida crossed Steinmann pins, staples, external fixator, or internal
usually require surgical correction, which is the same as for fixation with a dynamic compression plate. This osteotomy
any patient with congenital vertical talus (see Chapter 23). may be complicated by delayed union, nonunion, or infec-
The principles of timing and postoperative management tion, particularly in adolescents. Recurrence of the defor-
raised in the discussion of clubfoot in patients with myelo- mity is also relatively common in skeletally immature
meningocele apply here as well. Specifically, surgery should patients. Postoperatively, patients should be kept non–
be delayed until the patient is neurodevelopmentally ready weight bearing initially because weight bearing with dimin-
for orthoses and ambulation. Postoperative casting must be ished pain perception can lead to excessive swelling and
meticulous and hold the foot in a neutral functional posi- motion. Patients should also be counseled not to crawl in
tion, and bracing and weight bearing should be instituted as postoperative casting. If possible, the knees should not be
soon as the casts are removed. flexed excessively in long-leg casts because this can cause
rehabilitation difficulties after cast removal.
Valgus Deformity of the Foot and Ankle Distal Tibial Medial Hemiepiphysiodesis. If the patient
Valgus deformity at the ankle is a common deformity in is skeletally immature, with a deformity that does not
ambulatory patients with myelomeningocele, irrespective of demand full and immediate correction, a medial hemiepi-
the level of paralysis.§c physiodesis can be considered. The medial tibial physis can
The deformity may arise from the distal tibia, the sub- be closed with direct surgical ablation, stapling,44 or inser-
talar joint, or both193 and may be compounded by an exter- tion of a medial malleolar screw.321 The advantages of this
nal rotation deformity of the tibia. The most common technique are that immediate weight bearing is usually
sequela of this deformity is skin irritation or breakdown allowed and external immobilization is not necessary.
over the medial malleolus from excessive pressure against Achilles Tendon–Fibular Tenodesis. Stevens and Toomey
the orthosis (Fig. 36-8). Important considerations for the described the tenodesis of a portion of the Achilles tendon
to the distal fibula above the distal fibular physis.322 Their
References 1, 9, 15, 41, 44, 86, 110, 300, 301, 322, 358. rationale was that the valgus deformity is secondary to
e144 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-9  Distal tibial osteotomy

for ankle valgus. A, Preoperative
radiographic appearance.
B, Postoperative radiographic
appearance. Note displacement of the
distal fragment laterally to prevent
excessive prominence of the medial
malleolus. The fibular osteotomy should
be placed as distally as possible to
prevent excessive prominence of the
distal fragment on the lateral side of the

lateral compartment paralysis, with subsequent underdevel- tibial torsion. When a dynamic internal rotational deformity
opment of the fibula, and that this lack of growth stimula- is interfering with gait, Dias and associates reported good
tion can be compensated for by tenodesis of a slip of the results with transfer of the semitendinosus to the biceps
Achilles tendon to the fibula. With weight bearing and ankle and head of the fibula,77 but I have no experience with this
dorsiflexion, the tenodesis pulls downward on the fibula, procedure. Internal tibial torsion can be treated by rota-
leading to gradual correction of the deformity. The surgical tional osteotomy. I prefer to perform a tibial osteotomy
procedure is outlined in Plate 36-2. Similar to distal tibial distally with fixation with crossed Steinmann pins or a
hemiepiphysiodesis, this procedure is indicated for skele- dynamic compression plate.
tally immature patients with progressive deformities that Marked external rotation, in addition to being cosmeti-
do not yet require complete correction. It is particularly cally displeasing, may indirectly interfere with ambulation
well suited for younger patients in whom hemiepiphysiode- by making the fit or function of the AFO component of
sis is not appropriate. bracing more difficult.91,347 The external rotational defor-
mity places the medial malleolus in the line of progression
Subtalar Joint. When radiographs reveal that most of the of the limb and may lead to constant skin breakdown from
valgus deformity is in the subtalar region, treatment should rubbing against the AFO. This problem is aggravated if there
consist of subtalar arthrodesis, with internal fixation across is valgus deformity of the ankle or hindfoot as well. In addi-
the subtalar joint and extraarticular iliac crest bone graft- tion, the calcaneus-preventing action of the orthosis, par-
ing.9,15 Cautioned is advised, however, because fusions in ticularly a ground reaction orthosis, may be rendered
the foot, even when clinically plantigrade, predispose the ineffective if the external rotational deformity moves the
patient to neurotrophic ulcers over the long term.199 Thus foot sufficiently out of the line of progression of the patient’s
triple arthrodeses and subtalar fusions should be avoided gait (Fig. 36-10). An external rotational deformity may
whenever possible. An alternative to subtalar arthrodesis come from the hip but is usually found in the tibia. Treat-
may be to use a medial displacement osteotomy of the ment consists of internal rotational osteotomy of the
calcaneus.338 affected segment (usually the tibia), which Vankoski and
co-workers believe should be considered when external
Rotational Deformities (Internal or External) torsion exceeds 20 degrees.347
Rotational deformities of the lower extremities are frequent The surgeon must carefully assess the nature of the
in ambulatory and nonambulatory patients.77,91,108,361 In non- patient’s gait and extent to which the deformity should be
ambulatory patients and in most ambulatory patients, the corrected before recommending rotational osteotomy.
problem is largely cosmetic. Extreme internal rotation may Patients who ambulate with little knee motion—that is,
interfere with ambulation if the child is catching his or her who advance their limbs primarily by hip flexion or adduc-
foot on the contralateral extremity during swing. Internal tion with the hip externally rotated (typical of patients with
rotational deformities are usually dynamic, secondary to upper lumbar level paralysis)—will have difficulty clearing
medial hamstring dominance, or fixed, secondary to internal a foot in swing that points directly in the line of progression.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e145

This should be performed well before the child reaches

walking age so that the postoperative knee-flexed position
can be resolved before orthoses are required for ambulation.
In patients with myelomeningocele, treatment of congenital
knee dislocation usually results in some extension contrac-
ture, persistent hyperextension at the knee, or multiplanar
instability. The treatment of congenital knee dislocation is
discussed further in Chapter 21.

Developmental Knee Flexion Contracture. In ambulatory

and nonambulatory patients, knee flexion contractures can
occur during growth. The development of these contrac-
tures does not appear to correlate with ambulatory status,
level of paralysis, or presence of spasticity.360,361 Normally,
knee flexion deformities of 20 degrees or less are well toler-
ated in ambulatory patients, with or without bracing across
the knee; nonambulatory patients can usually tolerate even
more flexion contracture without interference in mobility
status or transfers. If greater deformity is present, careful
thought must be given to the patient’s ambulation level and
FIGURE 36-10  Extreme external tibial rotation takes the foot out extent to which ambulation is being impeded by the flexion
of line in terms of gait progression, making stabilization of the contracture. Contractures that interfere with ambulation or
foot and ankle for weight bearing in an ankle-foot orthosis transfers may be treated with radical knee flexor release76,196
ineffective. or anterior distal femoral hemiepiphysiodesis.312

In these patients, the external rotational deformity should Knee Extension Contracture. Another common problem is
not be corrected if no gait or bracing problems are present. extension contracture, although it is not as common as one
If rotational osteotomy is undertaken, the surgeon should might expect based on the number of patients with at least
aim to have the angle of foot progression in a more accept- some quadriceps function but no hamstring function. The
able position of external rotation. Satisfactory results with deformity is most often a consequence of quadriceps spas-
distal tibial osteotomy have been reported in 80% to 90% ticity but may also be seen following extensive bracing or
of cases.77,108 However, significant complications have been other immobilization in extension, surgical treatment for
reported and include delayed union (averaging 6 months to flexion contractures, or congenital knee dislocation. Exten-
union), wound infection, and persistent swelling.108 Note sion contractures generally do not interfere with bracing or
that I do not recommend a rotational osteotomy of the tibia ambulation, but are difficult for patients to cope with in the
in a patient with myelomeningocele without a serious con- sitting position and can impede independent sit to stand
sideration of the potential sequelae weighed against the transfers. In ambulatory patients, observation is usually the
extent to which the rotational deformity is creating prob- wisest course. When extension contractures are problem-
lems for the child. atic in ambulatory patients, a V-Y quadricepsplasty is effec-
tive.76 In nonambulatory patients, adequate flexion can
Knee Deformities usually be gained by simple transection of the patellar
The knee is not prone to many congenital anomalies in tendon.282 Intraarticular release is generally not required.
patients with myelomeningocele and is a surprisingly hardy With either procedure, the patient should be immobilized
joint in these young patients. However, long-term studies in knee flexion only as long as necessary for the soft tissues
in ambulatory patients with low lumbar or sacral lesions to heal. This should be followed by a program of daily gentle
suggest that knee instability, with or without pain, is present passive and, if possible, active range-of-motion exercises of
in about 25%.357 the knee.

Congenital Knee Flexion Contracture. Patients can be born Knee Instability or Internal Derangement. Patients with
with flexion contractures of the knee. Flexion contractures myelomeningocele frequently present with unexplained
of less than 10 degrees resolve by the time the patient is swelling of the knee. The surgeon must first ascertain that
ready for ambulation, spontaneously or with judicious there is no infection or intraarticular fracture. If these con-
passive stretching, even when the patient has no motor ditions are excluded, the precise cause of the effusion may
function across the knee. Knee flexion deformity may recur, be difficult to determine. Usually, the problem is synovial
particularly in patients with higher levels of paralysis.361 irritation from multiplanar instability or excessive move-
ment of the knee, which frequently develops in adult
Congenital Knee Hyperextension or Dislocation. Congeni- patients.357 Patients who are ambulatory with AFOs should
tal knee hyperextension or dislocation may also occur in probably be converted to KAFOs, at least temporarily, to
patients with myelomeningocele, usually in those carried in protect the knee. The physician and parents should also
the full breech position. Simple hyperextension deformity review the patient’s activities, looking for those that might
may respond to careful passive stretching and splinting. be placing undue stress on the knee (e.g., incautious trans-
Congenital knee dislocation requires surgical treatment. fers, aggressive activities out of orthoses). One study found
e146 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

that the use of KAFOs did not provide protective benefit osteotomy for its own sake. However, if the patient also has
to the knee in patients who were able to ambulate effec- a troublesome knee flexion contracture, greater hip exten-
tively in AFOs alone.170 Thus, in general, patients who sion may be desirable to aid in the patient’s postoperative
ambulate effectively in AFOs should not be prescribed management. Nonambulatory patients usually are not trou-
KAFOs solely in the hope of preventing long-term instabil- bled by hip flexion contractures. Patients who remain good
ity of the knee. walkers with HKAFOs are the main candidates for treat-
ment. Usually, a patient in a brace can accommodate 20 to
Hip Deformities 30 degrees of contracture, with the necessary modifications
No aspect of the orthopaedic management of patients with made by the orthotist. When the deformity is greater than
myelomeningocele is more controversial than the proper this, hip flexor release or, rarely, extension osteotomy of the
management of the hip joint.‖c proximal femur, should be carried out.61 Frawley and col-
Specific deformities encountered include abduction or leagues109 achieved good outcomes in 43 of 57 hips after
external rotation contractures, hip flexion contractures, hip flexor release at 9-year follow-up; in this study, 10 had
developmental dysplasia of the hip present at birth, and a poor outcome (>30-degree flexion contracture) and 4 had
progressive paralytic subluxation and dislocation of the contracture recurrence. The success of the procedure was
hip, usually with attendant hip flexion and adduction not correlated with the patient’s age or neurologic level, but
contractures. did correlate with walking ability. A subluxated or dislo-
cated hip does not seem to influence the final outcome.61
Abduction or External Rotation Contracture. This defor-
mity, which may be congenital or developmental, is typically Paralytic Hip Subluxation or Dislocation. The most fre-
seen in patients with thoracic and upper lumbar lesions. quent and vexing hip deformity is paralytic subluxation and
Occasionally, it develops from poor positioning and passive dislocation of the hip. The presence of unopposed hip flexor
manipulation of the lower extremities, with the patient’s and adductor muscle function in a growing child, as seen in
limbs always remaining in a position of flexion, abduction, patients with upper lumbar lesions and, to a lesser extent,
and external rotation. Initial management consists of gentle in those with lower lumbar lesions, leads almost inevitably
passive manipulation that draws the limbs into a position of to progressive hip subluxation and dislocation.
neutral hip flexion, adduction, and internal rotation. A
deformity that persists when the child is neurodevelopmen- Controversies in Treatment. The nature of the problem is
tally ready for upright positioning with braces should be perhaps best understood by comparing the treatment of
treated surgically. Release of the tensor fasciae latae, rectus developmental dysplasia of the hip in patients with myelo-
femoris, sartorius, and anterior fibers of the gluteus medius meningocele with its treatment in neuromuscularly intact
and minimus muscles from the anterior and lateral pelvis patients. In the latter, a Pavlik harness and closed reduction
usually achieves neutral positioning of the hips. Postopera- are the mainstays of treatment in patients before walking
tively, the lower limbs are maintained in a neutral position age. In patients with myelomeningocele, however, because
with a removable, narrow, foam adduction splint or by of the associated muscle imbalance, such reduction is inevi-
wrapping the legs together in elastic bandages. The parents tably followed by recurrence of the dislocation because
are taught how to perform gentle passive manipulation of there is no spontaneous improvement in the structural
the hips to maintain the child’s ability to bring the hips into femoral and acetabular deformities that contribute to the
neutral adduction, extension, and internal rotation as soon dislocation. In myelomeningocele, the muscle imbalance
as the wound has healed adequately. Although uncommon, between intact flexors and adductors and weak or absent
infection, heterotopic bone formation, hip subluxation or extensors and abductors drives the hip back into a dislo-
dislocation, femoral fracture, and recurrence of deformity cated position, with accentuation of the structural defor-
are complications associated with this procedure. Parents mity. Therefore, in the rare patient with myelomeningocele
and therapists should have a clear understanding that the in whom reconstruction of a dislocated or subluxated hip is
purpose of this release is to achieve upright positioning and considered, all the principles of paralytic hip dislocation
ambulation with hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses (HKAFOs) treatment must be followed: (1) obtain a concentric reduc-
and upper extremity aids. These patients typically choose tion, usually by means of an open reduction; (2) correct the
wheelchairs as their predominant method of mobility in bony abnormality (femoral anteversion and valgus, and
adolescence and adulthood. acetabular insufficiency, usually posterior) because there is
no propensity for spontaneous correction; and (3) seek to
Flexion Deformity. Pure hip flexion deformity is usually balance the flexor-adductor, extensor-abductor imbalance
seen in conjunction with hip subluxation or dislocation (see muscle release.
later), secondary to involuntary hip flexion or spasticity Paralytic hip surgery in myelomeningocele patients is
(often with knee flexion contracture as well), or as a simple extensive and involves transfers or muscle releases, which
contracture from unopposed preserved hip flexor power. In by their nature result in diminished muscle strength, even
an ambulatory patient who requires only KAFOs, the con- though balance may be achieved. Given the higher inci-
tracture usually does not require release or extension dence of surgical complications in patients with myelome-
ningocele, such as hip stiffness, fracture, and heterotopic
bone formation, along with the natural history of diminish-
References 5, 10, 18, 22, 42, 46, 47, 54, 61, 66, 80, 87, 89, 96, 97,
105, 107, 115, 131, 137, 142, 146, 166, 186, 212, 214, 223, 224, ing mobility in these partially paralyzed patients, the reason
226, 245, 268, 291, 295, 303, 305, 311, 323, 328, 329, 339, 354, for controversy in the treatment of myelomeningocele-
359. related hip abnormalities is apparent.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e147

Reduction. Based on gait analysis in lumbar myelomenin- with myelomeningocele who require hip reconstruction can
gocele patients with hip dislocation or subluxation, reduc- be treated successfully with capsulorrhaphy and muscle
tion of the dislocated hip is thought to be unnecessary. The release combined with appropriate femoral and acetabular
exception may be children with sacral level lesions and near- procedures.
normal function. Gabrieli and associates115 assessed pelvic
and hip kinematics in community ambulators with unilat- Surgical Complications. One of the complications of exten-
eral hip dislocation or subluxation and found that gait sym- sive hip surgery is loss of mobility. This may be exacerbated
metry corresponded to the absence of hip contractures or if heterotopic bone formation occurs. In nonfunctional or
presence of bilateral symmetric hip contractures, but not to nonambulatory patients, this loss of mobility can create
the presence of hip dislocation. They concluded that hip significant morbidity; after surgery, they may be unable to
reduction was unnecessary. An evidence-based review also sit comfortably because of inadequate hip flexion or fixed
showed that surgery for hip dislocation did not improve pelvic obliquity. Taylor reported that resection of the proxi-
walking ability.359 mal femur failed in most cases and recommended reposi-
An increasing number of pediatric orthopaedists who tional osteotomy (i.e., flexion osteotomy) as an alternative
care for children with myelomeningocele believe that the when improved hip positioning is required.331
indication for surgical treatment of hip dysplasia in patients
with myelomeningocele is progressive subluxation in an Summary: Management of Paralytic Hip Subluxation and
ambulatory patient. For the few patients in whom reduction Dislocation. The indications for the surgical treatment of
is considered, it almost always requires anterior open reduc- paralytic hip subluxation and dislocation remain controver-
tion with capsulorrhaphy, appropriate muscle releases sial and the effectiveness of such surgery is debatable.#c
(usually psoas and frequently adductors), and femoral and Applying the relatively successful surgical techniques
acetabular osteotomies. used in patients with poliomyelitis without an adequate
Correction of Bony Abnormality. Correcting the femoral understanding of the confounding variables in patients with
bony deformity requires a proximal femoral varus osteot- myelomeningocele has resulted in excessive hip surgery in
omy, often with external rotation to correct the associated the latter group of patients.96,97,224 Nevertheless, a few select
femoral anteversion. Acetabular deformity can be corrected patients with myelomeningocele may gain from the added
by the Pemberton osteotomy, Dega osteotomy, shelf proce- stability of successful hip surgery.6 One of the problems is
dure, Steel triple innominate osteotomy, or Chiari osteot- that successful surgery of the hip may be difficult to accom-
omy.5,38,56,195 Most surgeons believe that a Salter innominate plish; redislocation, hip stiffness, and loss of active hip
osteotomy is not indicated for myelomeningocele patients flexion are common complications, and these may actually
because this osteotomy redirects the acetabulum to face make the patient worse.*d
posteriorly, which is the direction of hip dislocation initially, Unfortunately, a review of the literature does not clarify
and may thus result in recurrent posterior instability. I the indications for surgery, even in good ambulators. Some
prefer to use the Dega75 or periacetabular osteotomy116 to authors contend that the patient who is most likely to
correct deficient acetabular coverage in patients with benefit from hip stabilization procedures has a low lumbar
myelomeningocele. lesion, is neurologically stable, and has proved to be an
Muscle Balancing Procedures. Broughton and colleagues excellent ambulator.5,166,223 Others have found no difference
reviewed the natural history of hip deformity in 802 chil- in function between low lumbar level patients with dislo-
dren with myelomeningocele.42 Hip dislocation had occurred cated hips and those with surgically stabilized
by age 11 years in 28% of thoracic level patients, in 30% of hips.90,96,97,107,131,305 Some authors believe that unilateral dis-
upper lumbar level patients, in 36% of patients with L4 location in an excellent ambulator strengthens the indica-
functioning, in 7% of patients with L5 functioning, and in tions for hip stabilization to prevent limb length inequality,
1% of patients with sacral level lesions. Hip dislocation was pelvic obliquity, and scoliosis.105 Others have found no such
not inevitable, even with maximal muscle imbalance about benefit.90,305 Fortunately, hip pain is unusual in myelomenin-
the hip. Hip flexion contractures were much more common gocele patients, so its prevention cannot be used to justify
in patients with thoracic and upper lumbar paralysis than in surgical reduction or stabilization of the hip.
those with lesions at other levels. This challenges the Issues that are not controversial are that the primary goal
concept of muscle balance restoration as a principal aim in of the orthopaedic surgeon is to maintain flexibility in the
children with myelomeningocele because the presence and hip, and patients with thoracic and upper lumbar lesions do
extent of imbalance are so variable. not benefit from hip stabilization. Furthermore, there is
Muscle balancing procedures include the following: (1) rarely, if ever, an indication to perform iliopsoas transfer in
simple release of the iliopsoas tendon with adductor release; patients with myelomeningocele; those with higher lesions
(2) posterior transfer of the adductor muscle mass on the will not benefit, and those with lower lesions risk the loss
ischium to convert it into more of a hip extensor; (3) trans- of active and passive hip flexion. I perform surgical treat-
fer of the iliopsoas tendon posterolaterally to convert it to ment of hip dysplasia in patients with myelomeningocele
a hip abductor (Sharrard procedure); and (4) transfer of the only when there is progressive subluxation in an ambulatory
external oblique to the trochanter to recruit a hip abductor patient. Gait analysis studies support this conservative
from the anterior abdominal wall.¶c approach in other patients, noting that surgical reduction of
We have not found that muscle transfers about the hip
result in improved function and believe that the rare patients #c
References 5, 42, 46, 47, 66, 87, 96, 97, 107, 109, 131, 195, 224,
268, 303, 305, 323, 339, 354, 359, 366.
References 42, 46, 146, 186, 295, 297, 303, 323, 366. *dReferences 5, 10, 87, 88, 96, 97, 107, 131, 166, 224, 305.
e148 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-11  Patterns of spinal

deformity in myelomeningocele.
A, Congenital scoliosis. Note the L4 B
hemivertebra. B, Paralytic scoliosis.

myelomeningocele-related hip dislocation does not result in General Management of the Spine
better ambulatory potential than leaving the hips dislo- Radiographic evaluation of the entire spinal column should
cated.115 In addition, the numerous potential surgery-related be carried out in infants with myelomeningocele, looking
complications can be avoided. specifically for the presence, location, and severity of
kyphosis, the last level of posterior element closure, and any
Spinal Deformities evidence of congenital spinal deformity (Fig. 36-12). The
Spinal deformity in patients with myelomeningocele last includes failures of formation or segmentation, as with
occurs frequently, can be complex, and often requires any congenital spinal anomaly (see Chapter 12), and pedic-
treatment.†d ular widening or secondary posterior element incomplete-
Deformities can be congenital or acquired, specific to ness, which may indicate the presence of diastematomyelia.
myelomeningocele or similar to deformities seen in other Routine physical examination and periodic radiographic
conditions. Congenital spinal anomalies include scoliosis screening for evidence of scoliosis should be performed in
secondary to vertebral malformations, congenital kyphosis all patients with spina bifida because the prevalence of this
related to posterior dysplasia, and intrathecal anomalies deformity is so high.
such as diastematomyelia. Acquired deformities include Congenital spinal deformities are managed as in any
idiopathic-like scoliosis, pelvic obliquity–related scoliosis, other patient; if the deformity is progressive, local anterior
and neuromuscular curves secondary to spinal muscle asym- and posterior spinal fusion is carried out (see Chapter 12).
metry, hydrocephalus, or tethered cord from any cause (Fig. Progressive neuromuscular (noncongenital) curves are
36-11). Deformities occur with any level of paralysis and treated according to their severity, evidence of progression,
without regard to ambulation ability or history. Problems and the patient’s skeletal maturity. First, the overall health
created by spinal deformity include unstable skin over the of the patient’s neurologic system should be evaluated, par-
deformity in the case of kyphosis, pressure sores or interfer- ticularly in those with newly evident or rapidly progressive
ence with sitting balance in wheelchair-bound patients, and deformities. Shunt function should be assessed and the
pulmonary compromise secondary to compression from the spinal cord evaluated for evidence of tethering, hydromy-
diaphragm or rib deformity. Although generalizations can elia, or diastematomyelia. Curves between 25 and 45
be made, treatment must be individualized, based on the degrees in skeletally immature patients may be considered
cause, severity, and risk of progression of the deformity, for total-contact orthoses. Bracing in ambulatory patients
the patient’s age and ambulatory status, and the impact of dependent on extensive lower extremity braces, particularly
the deformity on the patient’s well-being. HKAFOs, can be challenging, but because spinal orthoses
can at least delay the rate of progression of deformity,28,240
they should always be considered; bracing should probably
be recommended for young patients in whom deferral of
spinal fusion is warranted. As for patients with idiopathic
References 11-13, 16, 27, 32, 48, 49, 57, 83, 92, 93, 95, 112, 119,
128, 135, 140, 149, 173-175, 184, 188, 197, 202, 209, 218-221, scoliosis, spinal fusion should be considered for curves
228, 235, 240, 241-243, 259, 263, 270, 274, 286, 296, 315, 316, greater than 55 degrees unless the patient is a community
317, 319, 337, 341, 352, 353. ambulator. In this case, spinal fusion to the pelvis should be
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e149

FIGURE 36-12  Congenital abnormalities of the spine associated FIGURE 36-13  Clinical appearance of severe lumbar kyphosis in a
with myelomeningocele. Spinal dysraphism and congenital patient with myelomeningocele. The patient sits on the upper
vertebral anomalies are often best appreciated on infant films. In thighs. The skin over the kyphotic area is easily traumatized.
all infants with myelomeningocele, radiographs of the entire spine
should be obtained and studied for evidence of these deformities.
This radiograph demonstrates opening of the posterior spinal initial postoperative discharge, to lessen the likelihood of
elements from the L1 level, a hemivertebra at T8, and a butterfly skin problems associated with the change in posture. Finally,
vertebra at T6. if a patient performs independent transfers with flail or
almost flail extremities, the surgeon must observe these
delayed until the patient becomes largely wheelchair-reliant transfers preoperatively to determine whether fixation to
or the curve becomes significantly worse. the pelvis will allow these movements postoperatively. I
Patients with myelomeningocele who undergo spinal encourage one- or two-person assisted transfers for 6 to 8
surgery are particularly likely to experience peri- and post- weeks postoperatively to prevent excessive lumbopelvic
operative complications, making attentive treatment by an movement through the limbs, which can occur with inde-
expert health care team essential. Even with such care, pendent transfers. Rarely, a spine-thigh orthosis may be
pressure sores, urinary tract infections, wound breakdown, needed to protect the lumbopelvic junction from excessive
deep infections, pseudarthrosis, and progression of the movement during this period.
deformity are more frequent than in all other patient popu-
lations with spinal deformities. Kyphosis
Preoperatively, the treating surgeon must ensure that the Kyphosis of the lumbar spine is a common deformity in
patient’s shunt function is stable, there is no ongoing urinary myelomeningocele patients (20% to 46%; Fig. 36-13). They
tract infection, the weight-bearing skin of the pelvis and have been described as paralytic, sharp-angled, and congeni-
upper thighs is free of pressure sores, and the skin over the tal. Carstens and co-workers found paralytic kyphosis (<90
portion of the spine to be operated on is healthy. Preopera- degrees at birth) to be most common (44%), followed by
tive assessment should include careful assessment and neu- sharp-angled kyphosis (≥90 degrees at birth; 38%).48 Both
rosurgical consultation to assess the potential need for prior types of kyphotic curves progress during growth at a rate of
or concurrent detethering of the spinal cord.281 2 to 6 degrees/year.48,83,235 The progression of true congeni-
Postoperatively, the wound must be carefully monitored tal kyphosis was the least common (14%) in Carstens and
and promptly attended to if there is evidence of superficial colleagues’ series, and progression was variable during
or deep infection or tissue necrosis. The patient’s urinary growth.48,83,235 Kyphosis is usually seen in patients with tho-
tract must be kept clean. The patient’s perineal skin must racic and upper lumbar levels of paralysis. Progressive
be carefully monitored when the patient resumes sitting— kyphosis is usually associated with a compensatory thoracic
the load of weight bearing will have changed anatomically lordosis (Fig. 36-14).83 Mintz and co-workers noted that
because of the deformity correction, and there is always progressive kyphosis was associated with the loss of any
some loss of lumbopelvic movement with fixation to the previously preserved lower extremity function.235
pelvis, which likely increases the pressure in load-bearing
areas in a sitting patient. Wheelchair seating modifications Management of Skin Breakdown. The treatment of
should be made in the early postoperative period, prior to myelomeningocele-related kyphosis is always challenging.
e150 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-14  Patients with lumbar kyphosis typically have a

compensatory thoracic lordosis. FIGURE 36-16  Congenital kyphosis can be treated by partial
vertebrectomy at birth if necessary to close the skin over the
myelomeningocele defect. Typically, the deformity recurs with
growth, and further procedures may be necessary.

Patients with skin breakdown over a stable kyphosis that

does not need treatment should have their wheelchair sup-
ports and activities carefully evaluated and any irritants
causing the breakdown removed. If these efforts are unsuc-
cessful, rotational or free flaps can be used to cover the
kyphotic area with thicker, more stable skin. Soft
tissue expanders have been used for this purpose as well,
independently and in conjunction with spinal deformity

Definitive Management. There appears to be little, if any,

role for bracing in an attempt to control or correct
FIGURE 36-15  The consequence of severe kyphotic deformity is the deformity. Definitive management of kyphosis
often unstable skin that is prone to repeated breakdown over the
consists of kyphectomy and posterior spinal fusion and
This is one of the most challenging procedures in
Lumbar kyphosis can be problematic from birth, causing orthopaedics. Patients in whom the apex of the deformity
difficulty closing the skin and the meningeal defect. Later lies below the level of neurologic function are typically
difficulties include skin breakdown with sitting, sitting treated by cordectomy, vertebral body resection, and
balance problems, and even pulmonary compromise caused instrumentation.
by pressure on the thoracic cavity from the collapsing
abdomen and diaphragm. Chronic skin breakdown can leave Preoperative Preparation. Careful preoperative assessment
the neural elements and the spinal column exposed and at is necessary. The function of the shunt must be determined
risk for infection (Fig. 36-15). and, if it is nonfunctioning in a patient who is shunt-
If the kyphosis prevents adequate skin closure at birth, dependent, it must be replaced before surgical treatment
one or two largely cartilaginous vertebral bodies can be of the kyphosis. The skin over the kyphosis must be as
enucleated and the remaining spine held together with stable as possible and, if it is of poor quality, a plastic
sutures or cerclage wire (Fig. 36-16).57,63 Excellent initial surgeon should be consulted to assess the use of tissue
correction can be achieved, but eventual recurrence of the expanders or rotational flaps. Patients should have careful
kyphosis should be expected. However, recurrence takes
the form of a more rounded deformity, which may require ‡d
References 6, 57, 59, 93, 94, 113, 118, 128, 135, 140, 157, 173-175,
a less technically demanding correction in the future. 188, 197, 209, 247, 250, 254, 280, 284, 296, 315, 334, 337, 353.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e151

nutritional assessment and their nutritional status maxi-

mized prior to surgery. The patient should be treated for
any urinary tract infection preoperatively, and renal func-
tion should be evaluated. The aorta typically bridges the
area of kyphosis and thus is not at great risk during verte-
brectomy; however, the kidneys are often nestled within the
kyphotic area and may be inadvertently injured during
surgery.112,178 Cordectomy may result in improved bladder
function, as evidenced by increased bladder compliance
and capacity.161 Rarely, a patient has neurologic function
below the apex of the kyphotic deformity, in which case
the spinal sac must be carefully protected from injury or

Technique. Sharrard was the first to describe the tech-
nique of vertebrectomy in the management of kyphotic
deformity in newborns296 and later in older children, as
described by Sharrard and Drennan.299 At surgery, the
neural elements are dissected away from the posterior
spinal elements (see Plate 36-3). In patients with no func-
tion below the level of resection, the nerve roots and cauda
equina remnants can be resected by tying the roots, elevat- A B
ing the distal cord, and transecting it. The meninges should FIGURE 36-17  Fixation options for definitive surgical management
be dissected free of the neural elements, resected distal to of kyphosis. A, Luque segmental wire and Galveston
the elements, and sutured closed. The spinal cord should instrumentation fixation to the pelvis. B, Luque wire with
not be tied because acute hydrocephalus may result, pos- Dunn-McCarthy fixation to the pelvis. This is my preferred
sibly causing sudden death. After resection of the cord, the stabilization technique.
lumbar spine is dissected extraperiosteally from the poste-
rior approach to the anterior aspect of the vertebral bodies.
Two or more vertebral bodies are resected through their and braces) in very young patients and perform single-stage
midportions so that the kyphosis can be reduced. Fixation definitive surgery after the age of 6 years.
to the pelvis is then carried out. A number of instrumenta- Results. Martin and co-workers reported improved skin
tion techniques have been described, including fixation with condition and sitting posture in all 10 patients treated by
Harrington compression instrumentation, Luque-Galveston vertebrectomy, figure-eight wire fixation, and postoperative
instrumentation to the iliac crests, the Dunn-McCarthy cast immobilization at an average age of 5 years.197 However,
modification of Luque instrumentation to the sacral alae, lower extremity fractures, delayed wound healing, and
Luque rods contoured to fit through the first sacral foramen pseudarthroses occurred. The average degree of deformity
per the Fackler technique (a modification of the Dunn- was 90 degrees preoperatively, 40 degrees postoperatively,
McCarthy technique),353 vertebral body plates, and figure- and 60 degrees at an average follow-up of 5 years.
eight wire loops around the pedicular remnants, with Warner and Fackler found that 8 of 21 patients in whom
immobilization in a cast or brace (Fig. 36-17).§d kyphosis was stabilized with Harrington compression instru-
My preferred technique is to use Dunn-McCarthy rods mentation, but none of 12 patients treated by fixation ante-
over the sacral alae in older children, with posterior pedicu- rior to the sacrum (modified Dunn-McCarthy technique)
lar wire loops or vertebral body screws, and to use pedicle and instrumentation, had recurrence of kyphosis on
screws from the lowest level at which they are intact to the follow-up.353 Improved deformity correction using the
T2 or T3 level proximally. In young patients (6 to 10 years), Dunn modification of segmental fixation also has been
I prefer the Fackler technique, in which a contour rod is reported by others.135,209 McCall209 reported that preopera-
placed anterior to the sacrum through the first sacral tive deformity averaged 110 degrees, postoperative defor-
foramen. In younger patients, I have also used sublaminar mity averaged only 15 degrees, and loss of correction
wires without fusion in the upper thoracic spine to allow averaged only 5 degrees on follow-up. Of 16 patients, 8 had
for growth. There have been recent reports of using the complications, and blood loss averaged 1100 mL.209
vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib (VEPTR) to Garg and colleagues achieved improved seating balance
treat young patients with severe kyphotic deformity.102,308 and skin conditions in 17 of 18 patients undergoing kyph-
The high rate of complications in patients undergoing one- ectomy.118 Seven patients required reoperation and three
stage, definitive spine surgery has resulted in bias against developed deep infection. One patient who had removal of
the use of so-called growing techniques, which require mul- implants following deep infection developed recurrent
tiple planned operations in patients with myelomeningo- deformity. As a result of this experience, anterior fusion
cele; I prefer to use nonoperative delaying tactics (i.e., casts prior to implant removal is now recommended for patients
who develop deep infection.
References 57, 93, 94, 128, 135, 140, 173, 175, 188, 197, 209, 296, Odent and associates254 reported nine patients who
315, 337, 353. underwent a two-stage procedure consisting of a posterior
e152 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

kyphectomy using lumbar pedicle screws and long, S-shaped Spinal Fusion. Several aspects of myelomeningocele make
rods buttressing the anterior sacrum and a thoracoabdomi- scoliosis surgery unique in these patients. Foremost among
nal approach to the spine, with an inlay strut graft from T10 these is the presence of a posteriorly deficient spinal column,
to S1 as a second operation several weeks later. Kyphosis presenting challenges to fixation and fusion. Second, because
was corrected from a mean of 110 degrees before surgery the curves are neuromuscular, treatment often entails fusion
to 15 degrees afterward, with no instrumentation failure, to the pelvis, which requires fusing across the posterior
loss of correction, or pseudarthrosis. The authors believe deficiency and may negatively affect mobility and self-
that this technique improves biomechanical and biologic care.32,202,243 There is invariably significant scarring around
fusion mass anteriorly and should prevent late instrumenta- the neural elements, and distraction correction in patients
tion failure and loss of correction. Caution is advised, with useful lower extremity function must be done care-
however. It is generally agreed that kyphectomy with instru- fully to avoid the potential loss of neurologic function.
mentation is a major surgical procedure, intraoperative Finally, these challenges, combined with the scarring of
blood loss is usually well in excess of 1000 mL, periopera- posterior soft tissues, result in a much higher than average
tive deaths have occurred, and postoperative complications, incidence of wound healing and deep infectious
including skin breakdown, infection, loss of fixation, and complications.#d
recurrence of deformity, occur more frequently than after Spinal fusion with correction of the scoliotic deformity
most other orthopaedic procedures.‖d can have a positive effect on pulmonary function in myelo-
meningocele patients. This may be secondary to improved
Scoliosis thoracic mechanics after stabilization.16,49
Scoliosis in patients with myelomeningocele may be con- In many patients, the combination of posterior element
genital, idiopathic-like, or related directly or indirectly to deficiency and relative skeletal immaturity mandates ante-
the spinal dysraphism and associated paralysis (associated rior or combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion.*e
intrathecal anomalies such as tethered cord, hydromyelia, Internal fixation may be anterior, with vertebral body
or diastematomyelia; paralytic pelvic obliquity; asymmetric screws and rods, or posterior, with rods, hooks, wires, and
paralysis). Scoliosis is one of the most common musculo­ pedicle bone screws, with fixation to the pelvis.†e
skeletal deformities requiring treatment in patients with Technique. My preferred surgical treatment for scoliosis
myelomeningocele (52% to 70%, most by 6 years of age), in patients with myelomeningocele is a single-stage com-
and 50% of them will require surgery.¶d bined anterior spinal release and fusion, followed by
Muller and Nordwall240 found scoliosis in 94% of patients posterior spinal fusion with instrumentation to the pelvis. I
with thoracic level lesions and 20% with sacral level lesions. use pedicle screws when possible, pedicle wires or screws
Ambulatory status also correlated strongly with the devel- in the area of posterior element insufficiency, and Luque-
opment of scoliosis, which was more likely in nonambula- Galveston or Dunn-McCarthy fixation to the pelvis (see
tory patients and in those with limited ambulation. Plate 36-3).
Noncongenital scoliosis in young myelomeningocele Postoperative Management. Urinary tract infection,
patients is highly likely to progress by an average of 5 which threatens the urinary tract and posterior spinal fusion
degrees/year.242 The severity of the curve and age of the site, wound infection, pressure sores, implant failure, and
patient are risk factors for progression—curves of more than pseudarthrosis are all postoperative problems unique to or
40 degrees are much more likely to progress, and curves more frequent in myelomeningocele patients after exten-
continue to develop until age 15 and progress only slightly sive spinal fusion, particularly with instrumentation. To
thereafter.242 Curves less than 20 degrees often resolve. The minimize the possibility of a potential urinary tract infection
clinical motor level, ambulatory status, and last intact leading to a bacteremia-induced spinal wound infection, I
laminar arch are all predictive factors for the development treat patients the evening before surgery with parenteral
of scoliosis.341 gentamicin.
Postoperatively, the patient’s urinary management
Orthotic Treatment. Spinal orthoses such as the Boston routine should return to the preoperative technique, usually
brace may have a role in the management of noncongenital clean intermittent catheterization, as soon as possible, with
scoliosis in patients with myelomeningocele.241,255 Practi- postoperative urine cultures and prompt aggressive treat-
cally speaking, however, spinal orthoses such as the Boston ment of any early urinary tract infection. The surgical
brace may be difficult to incorporate into the overall man- wound must be kept covered with a sterile dressing until
agement of a child with myelomeningocele, especially one healed and should be inspected regularly for evidence of
who is ambulatory, because the spinal orthosis may be hot, inflammation, necrosis, hematoma, CSF collection, or
uncomfortable, and cumbersome. In patients who require drainage. If present, these conditions should be managed
a pelvic band for lower extremity bracing, the band must aggressively with surgical débridement, as indicated. Increas-
accommodate the brace; those who sit exclusively may have ingly, I have been using an impermeable, negative-pressure
pressure problems under the brace or over the anterior (vacuum-assisted closure [VAC]) dressing to cover the
thigh. wound for several weeks following the surgery.

‖d #d
References 6, 59, 118, 128, 135, 157, 175, 188, 197, 209, 280, 337, References 12, 13, 119, 130, 173, 209, 219, 259, 313, 315, 316,
353. 319, 352, 353.
References 12, 13, 16, 49, 173, 202, 218, 219, 240-243, 259, 263, *eReferences 13, 173, 219, 258, 259, 263, 314, 316, 319, 352, 353.
270, 274, 315, 316, 319, 341, 352. References 13, 27, 31, 173, 219, 258, 259, 263, 286, 352, 363.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e153

Fusions to the pelvis with instrumentation must be care- by staged anterior spinal fusion with Dwyer instrumenta-
fully protected during the early postoperative period (6 to tion followed by posterior spinal fusion with Harrington
12 weeks). During this time, I do not allow independent instrumentation. However, one patient died of cardiorespi-
transfers by the patient and teach the parents and other ratory failure, four had wound necroses, two had
caretakers to move the patient’s spine, pelvis, and lower deep wound infections, and one had a lumbosacral
extremities as a unit to prevent excessive force on the pseudarthrosis.
instrumentation at the lumbosacral junction. If necessary, a The best results of spinal fusion for paralytic scoliosis in
spinal orthosis with thigh extensions is fabricated to protect myelomeningocele patients occur in those treated by com-
these areas. The patient’s skin must be carefully monitored bined anterior and posterior fusion, with stable segmental
for evidence of irritation or impending breakdown in the fixation achieved by a combination of sublaminar wires,
new weight-bearing areas of the sacrum, buttocks, and pedicular remnant wires, and pedicle screws.352 Banta13
thighs. Sitting should be resumed gradually, with assess- reported that, overall, the addition of anterior fusion to
ment of these areas after the initial 20 minutes of sitting posterior fusion and instrumentation resulted in greater cor-
and periodically thereafter. Adjustments to the wheelchair rection of spinal deformity and pelvic obliquity and an
cushion and back support are almost always necessary. improved fusion mass over that achieved with posterior
Finally, the surgeon must monitor for evidence of deep fusion alone. Parsch and colleagues263 and Stella and associ-
infection or pseudarthrosis, as indicated by implant failure ates319 reported similar results.
or progressive deformity.
Results. Extensive spinal fusion such as that necessary to Hyperlordosis
treat progressive noncongenital scoliosis in myelomeningo- A less common spinal deformity in patients with myelome-
cele patients can have a negative impact on the child’s ningocele is hyperlordosis, with or without associated sco-
overall mobility.202,244,290 Although sitting balance was shown liosis.11,317 Hyperlordosis can lead to difficulty sitting,
to improve, ambulatory ability was adversely affected in intertriginous skin breakdown, and difficulty with self-
67%, unchanged in 33%, and improved in none in one catheterization in females because of the posterior rotation
study.202 Thus the decision to perform anterior and poste- of the perineum (Fig. 36-18). In the past, this deformity
rior fusion, especially to the pelvis, must be carefully was associated with lumboperitoneal shunting,317 but this
weighed against the potential impact on the child’s mobility method of shunting is rarely used today. Treatment, when
and independence. required, is by a combination of anterior and posterior spinal
ADLs, including self-dressing and self-catheterization, release and posterior instrumentation; in severe rigid defor-
may also be adversely affected by extensive spinal fusion.32,243 mities, postural reduction in traction after spinal release,
Thus the wise orthopaedic surgeon seeks the counsel of before definitive instrumentation, may improve the
therapists and a urologist regarding the potential impact of deformity.317
spinal fusion on these activities before proceeding with
surgery. Finally, the incidence of pressure sores in sitting Hemimyelodysplasia
position, weight-bearing areas may actually be increased by A relatively rare manifestation of myelomeningocele is char-
spinal fusion to the pelvis, regardless of whether there is acterized by significantly asymmetric involvement of the
residual pelvic obliquity. Presumably, the loss of flexibility lower extremities, with one leg being significantly affected
of the lumbar spine and lumbosacral junction, combined and the contralateral leg being normal or almost normal.
with altered areas of weight bearing in the sitting position, This condition is referred to as hemimyelodysplasia or
causes this increased incidence of pressure sores. Wheel- hemi–spina bifida. The affected extremity shows all the
chair modifications, including cushions, must be made in typical manifestations of myelomeningocele—motor and
the early postoperative period. sensory paralysis, congenital deformities, and deformities
A review of early reports of spinal fusion in myelome- that develop secondary to the motor paralysis. In addition,
ningocele patients is instructive; one simultaneously realizes significant limb length inequality develops in most patients
the impact that experienced multidisciplinary care and because of paralysis-induced growth inhibition on the
improved surgical techniques and instrumentation have had affected side. A review of 10 such patients by Maguire and
on the results of spinal fusion but is sobered by the fre- co-workers found that scoliosis and limb length inequality
quency and gravity of postoperative complications in this had developed in all of them; 6 of the 10 also had congenital
patient population.87,315 Postoperative complications, includ- renal anomalies.192 Many of the patients in their report also
ing deep wound infection, pseudarthrosis, fracture, worsen- had congenital vertebral anomalies and intrathecal anoma-
ing of neurologic deficits, or pressure sores have been lies, reinforcing the fact that these patients require a thor-
reported in more than 50% of these patients, regardless of ough assessment of the spinal column, spinal cord, and
the surgical technique. urinary system. Limb length inequality requires orthotic
With rare exceptions, posterior or anterior fusion alone management, epiphysiodesis, or lengthening, as clinically
is inadequate for myelomeningocele patients with paralytic indicated (Fig. 36-19).
scoliosis; progressive spinal deformity above the area of
anterior surgery that required further posterior surgery,
despite solid fusion from the first procedure, has been Orthotic Management
reported. 259,316 Pseudarthrosis rates have been reduced by
50% using combined anterior and posterior fusion with a General Principles of Bracing and Rehabilitation
variety of instrumentation systems.352 McMaster219 noted A principal component in the management of patients with
improved posture and function in 21 of 23 patients treated myelomeningocele is the use of orthoses to stabilize joints
e154 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-18  Hyperlordosis in

myelomeningocele. A, Clinical
appearance. Excessive lordosis can
interfere with self-catheterization,
particularly in girls. B, Radiographic A B

FIGURE 36-19  Patient with hemimyelodysplasia involving the right lower extremity. A, Clinical appearance. Typically, there is pronounced
asymmetry between the limbs in function, as well as leg length inequality. B, Radiographs demonstrate an 8-cm leg length inequality. The
patient had previously undergone a varus osteotomy of the right hip.

in the absence of lower extremity muscle function and lower extremity braces to accomplish upright positioning
facilitate weight bearing and ambulation.‡e and ambulation. Orthopaedists should be familiar with basic
Only rarely does a patient with a low sacral level lesion orthotic principles because they are often the ones prescrib-
not require bracing at all; the huge majority of children need ing orthoses, checking their fit, and confirming that the
prescription is appropriate and achieves the desired maximal
mobility with minimal intrusion.
References 67, 104, 122, 123, 156, 176, 187, 203, 207, 210, 241, The purpose of lower extremity orthoses is to substitute
267, 278, 288, 346, 361. for lower extremity muscle function, which, when present
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e155

normally, stabilizes joints during weight bearing and powers

advancement of the limbs during ambulation. Lower Specific Protocols by Spinal Level
extremity orthoses can also provide protection for insensate Thoracic and Upper Lumbar Levels. Patients with thoracic
skin. The initial orthotic fitting should be carried out when or upper lumbar levels of paralysis are unable to pull them-
the child is neurodevelopmentally ready to walk and capable selves to a standing position; thus this neurodevelopmental
of working with a physical therapist, rather than at a specific milestone cannot be relied on to determine when a lower
age, such as 12 months. Patients with thoracic or upper extremity orthosis should be prescribed. Stable, indepen-
lumbar lesions should have achieved enough trunk balance dent sitting balance without the need for constant upper
and strength to sit independently before lower extremity extremity support is usually a good indication that these
bracing is considered. Patients with lower lumbar or sacral patients are ready for upright positioning. Full lower extrem-
lesions usually have enough lower extremity strength to pull ity bracing (with HKAFOs) is likely to be required perma-
themselves into a standing position, at which time the first nently, and the long-term outlook for maintenance of
orthosis should be prescribed. In general, this neurodevel- ambulation, other than for transfers or exercise, is not good.
opmental stage is achieved somewhat later than in children The family and health care team should be aware that
without myelomeningocele, usually in the 18- to 24-month wheelchair mobility is the most likely end result. However,
range. If hip abduction contracture release or clubfoot some highly motivated patients with this extensive level of
surgery is required to enable the orthotist to fit the patient, paralysis maintain some ambulatory potential so, in general,
this surgery should be timed so that the child can be placed providing the opportunity to ambulate with braces during
in lower extremity braces as soon as the postoperative childhood is appropriate.
casting is removed and standing and ambulation can begin When these patients are ready for upright positioning,
immediately. Proceeding with surgery or brace fitting before they do best with standing frames or similar full upright
the child has reached the appropriate milestones just to positioning devices (Fig. 36-20). Wheeled standers allow
placate the parents’ anxiety that their 12-month-old child children a significant amount of mobility on flat surfaces at
is not yet walking only creates frustration for everyone home or at school (Fig. 36-21). Once the patient has
involved, and it may deflect attention from the fact that become comfortable with the upright position and does not
unlimited independent ambulation is not a realistic goal for resist it, consideration can be given to converting to
many patients.10,22,80,225,329 HKAFOs. When the joints of these braces are locked, they
The first prescription should usually extend one joint give the child standing support, although without the broad
level beyond that predicted to be necessary over the long base of support provided by a standing frame or similar
term, based on the child’s level of muscle paralysis. A child device, and allow ambulation with the orthoses and an
who is just beginning to assume upright mobility and is upper extremity aid, such as a walker or perhaps crutches.
compensating for muscle weakness with relatively heavy
and restrictive lower extremity orthoses can be expected
to experience muscle fatigue, joint instability, rotational
instability, and lack of confidence. All these factors tend
to unmask less than normal strength and joint stability,
particularly in the hip and knee. Furthermore, any orthotist
will readily attest to the fact that reducing HKAFOs
to KAFOs and KAFOs to AFOs is infinitely easier than
trying to extend an orthosis one level higher than the
original fit. Thus patients with good quadriceps function
who might be expected to need AFOs over time should
initially be fitted with KAFOs, and those with poorer quad-
riceps strength should initially be fitted with HKAFOs. I
believe that the purpose of the initial fitting is to gain
upright mobility and that orthotic adjustments should be
minimal and prompt to maintain focus on that initial goal.
Once the precise extent of bracing required by an indi-
vidual child has been confirmed and the initial goal of
independent upright positioning and ambulation has been
achieved, more elegant, lightweight orthoses made of poly-
propylene and more sophisticated joint components can
be prescribed.
Crutches or walkers are integral components of ambula-
tion for children with myelomeningocele, even those with
lower lumbar and sacral levels of paralysis.346 Their use
allows the child to transfer some weight bearing to the
upper extremity. Many children adopt a swing-through as
opposed to a reciprocal gait pattern when using crutches FIGURE 36-20  Standing frame for patients with significant lower
and any form of lower extremity bracing. This provides the extremity paralysis. This device can be used to introduce the child
child with a rapid but not necessarily energy-efficient means to upright positioning and requires relatively little adjustment for a
of ambulation. proper fit.
e156 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-22  Solid ankle polyethylene ankle-foot orthosis. This

FIGURE 36-21  The wheeled stander gives the child mobility to orthosis may be appropriate for patients with sacral level
the equivalent of a standing frame. This device is suitable for myelomeningocele and for the occasional patient with lower
young children with significant lower extremity paralysis who lumbar myelomeningocele and minimal knee and foot deformities.
otherwise are unable to stand or move about.

Patients who do not tolerate or who are afraid of the upright Surgery for congenital foot or knee deformities should be
position should not be forced into it; attempts should be timed so that the patient can be fitted with the initial
postponed until the child has developed further. Satisfac- orthotic prescription on removal of the postoperative cast.
tory function of the upper extremities is a prerequisite for Polypropylene orthoses can be considered for the first
consideration of HKAFOs. After the child has demon- prescription because the most complex adaptation after the
strated good acceptance of and adaptation to upright mobil- initial fitting is to reduce KAFOs to AFOs once the lack of
ity, reciprocating gait orthoses (RGOs; see later) should be need for knee support has been documented. Frequent falls,
considered. Patients with some quadriceps function and loss of confidence, or recurrent knee effusions indicate the
strong adductors may ultimately ambulate in KAFOs. need to reinstitute KAFOs.
In a review of the literature on mobility in spina bifida
patients, Mazur and Kyle reported that among patients with Braces
a high level of paralysis, studies have found little benefit to Ankle-Foot Orthoses.  Polypropylene AFOs are a mainstay
walking with a parapodium, HKAFOs, or RGOs.203 Most of lower extremity bracing in myelomeningocele patients
children give up walking as teenagers and choose a wheel- (Fig. 36-22). It is rare for a patient not to need these braces,
chair as a more energy-efficient means of locomotion. Pro- at a minimum, for endurance and comfort. The primary
moting ambulation, which involves physical therapy, purposes of AFOs are to protect the foot and toes during
orthoses, and possibly surgery, appears to be costlier than weight bearing and stabilize the flail or weak ankle. AFOs
promoting wheelchair locomotion, although that is difficult are ideally suited for patients with sacral level lesions and
to document. are often the only type of braces that these patients require.
A variation suitable for patients with lower lumbar lesions
Lower Lumbar and Sacral Levels. Typically, patients with is the ground reaction AFO (Fig. 36-23). The proximal
lower lumbar or sacral level paralysis have good to excellent anterior tibial component is meant to counteract calcaneal
quadriceps function and should be able to function with moment at the foot by pressing against the shin to prevent
AFOs.193 Thus the first prescription should be for KAFOs ankle sag into dorsiflexion with weight bearing more effec-
in most of these children because their initial efforts to tively.143,335 Because of this tendency for ankle dorsiflexion
ambulate and the need to compensate for lower extremity in the presence of inadequate gastrocsoleus function, articu-
weakness with braces may manifest as insufficient knee lated AFOs are usually not beneficial for patients with
stability for maximum mobility in AFOs alone. The conse- myelomeningocele.
quences of fitting a child with AFOs when KAFOs are
required include recurrent falls, knee effusions, and an Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses. KAFOs are required for
unwillingness to ambulate. Usually, the appropriate time to patients with upper lumbar lesions (weak quadriceps func-
fit the initial orthosis is more easily determined than in tion) and are the recommended first prescription for most
patients with upper lumbar or thoracic levels of paralysis patients with lower lumbar lesions. The orthosis consists of
because most children with lower lumbar or sacral lesions an AFO component, thigh cuff, and some type of knee
at least attempt to pull themselves to a standing position. hinge (Fig. 36-24).
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e157

significantly affecting walking ability. Greater deformities

usually obligate the patient to walk with the knee hinges
locked or even require a solid piece that accommodates the
flexion contracture between the thigh and calf. Ambulation
in such a position is usually labored, and the patient gener-
ally adopts a swing-to or swing-through gait strategy,
depending on the abdominal and hip flexor muscle strength.
If the knee hinges are not positioned to reflect the extent
of knee flexion deformity in the knee-locked position, pres-
sure areas will develop at the top of the cuff in the back.
This area is often troublesome, even when the fit is correct
for the amount of knee flexion deformity, because patients
tend to lean backward over the top of the orthoses when
standing (Fig. 36-25), or the orthoses may be pushed into
this area when the patient is sitting.

Hip-Knee-Ankle-Foot Orthoses. HKAFOs are extensive

braces required for all patients without adequate hip
strength or stability to allow weight bearing while standing
in KAFOs alone. Patients with anything less than good quad-
riceps strength are usually best fitted with HKAFOs ini-
tially, for the reasons discussed earlier. These orthoses
typically consist of two long-leg braces (KAFOs), as
described earlier, connected by a pelvic band and free hip
joint hinge (Fig. 36-26). The free hip hinge provides medio-
FIGURE 36-23  Ground reaction ankle-foot orthoses. The anterior
lateral stability in standing and walking, as well as rotational
portion of the brace presses against the shin, with dorsiflexion
moment at the foot to prevent excessive dorsiflexion of the ankle
stability. The most significant difference between HKAFOs
and flexion at the knee. and KAFOs for the orthotist is that limb length inequality
(true or apparent) and rotational, flexion, and adduction or
abduction deformities through the hip must be taken into
account when aligning the orthosis. Thus extending a pre-
scription for KAFOs to HKAFOs by the addition of a pelvic
band is often a significant undertaking for the orthotist;
removing an unneeded pelvic band, however, is a simple
HKAFOs involve significant bracing and make transi-
tional movements awkward. Combined with the extensive
weakness of the lower extremities, this makes this mode of
ambulation impractical for most adolescents and adults.
Patients requiring HKAFOs for ambulation as children
usually choose full-time wheelchair use as adolescents or
adults; alternatively, they might use KAFOs to assist with
transfers only.

Reciprocating Gait Orthoses. The concept of RGOs was

originally introduced at the Ontario Crippled Children’s
Treatment Center and refined by Douglas and colleagues.85
These braces are a sophisticated form of HKAFOs consist-
ing of long-leg braces with a connecting pelvic band. Their
unique feature is that the two long-leg components are con-
nected by spring-loaded cables (Fig. 36-27). Flexion of the
hip with advancement of the limb produces passive contra-
lateral hip extension through the springlike cable, allowing
FIGURE 36-24  Standard knee-ankle-foot orthoses have plastic a longer, more energy-efficient stride. Ideal candidates for
thigh and ankle-foot components connected with a knee hinge this orthosis are patients with upper lumbar lesions (i.e.,
(typically, a free, drop-lock hinge). with hip flexor power only) who have demonstrated a
motivation to ambulate and have no major contractures or
KAFOs must be aligned to the patient’s limb, taking into deformities preventing the fitting of the long-leg compo-
account knee flexion deformity, varus or valgus deformity nents of the braces. In these patients, gait laboratory and
at the knee, and rotational deformities in the tibia, ankle, clinical studies have demonstrated a more efficient, less
or foot. Usually, approximately 20 degrees of knee flexion energy-consuming ambulation compared with ambulation in
deformity is readily tolerated by the patient without conventional HKAFOs; however, many children adopt a
e158 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-25  Orthoses must be customized to fit the patient’s deformities. A, Long-leg braces that do not accommodate a knee flexion
deformity will dig into the posterior aspect of the child’s upper thigh, potentially producing pressure sores. B, Milder deformities may be
accommodated by inlaying a softer plastic insert into the thigh portion of the knee-ankle-foot orthosis to prevent excessive pressure in the
posterosuperior thigh area.

FIGURE 36-26  Standard hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses consist of

FIGURE 36-27  Pelvic component of a reciprocating gait orthosis.
knee-ankle-foot orthoses connected to a pelvic band, with hip
The knee-ankle-foot components are connected by a spring-
hinge joints incorporated. Usually, free or drop-lock hinges are
loaded cabling apparatus. When the patient advances one limb by
flexion of that hip, dynamic extension is produced in the
contralateral limb.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e159

swing-to or swing-through gait pattern with crutches and energy-efficient mobility device. If a child chooses never to
HKAFOs.67,122,207,210,267,365 This pattern of ambulation is walk again, it is because upright mobility with lower extrem-
faster than a reciprocating gait, irrespective of whether the ity bracing and an upper extremity aid was not useful in the
child is fitted with RGOs or conventional HKAFOs. RGOs child’s daily activities. The health care team should help
have also been prescribed for patients with thoracic or lower guide the child and family to the many enjoyable endeavors
lumbar levels of paralysis, but their value in these patients possible in a wheelchair, such as racing, basketball, tennis,
is less obvious.210 and similar adapted recreational activities.
Almost all patients with myelomeningocele are excellent
Other Mobility Aids candidates for manual wheelchairs. Their upper extremities
Standing Frame. Standing frames consist of a simple base are relatively unaffected, and manual powering of the
(e.g., partial sheet of plywood) with an A frame–like upright wheelchair provides them with much-needed exercise.
support to which the child can be strapped. No actual Some controversy exists as to whether patients with higher
mobility is provided by these devices, but the patient can levels of paralysis who use wheelchairs as their sole method
be placed in an upright position in them. They are useful of mobility become more efficient wheelchair users than
when upright mobility is being considered in severely those who use wheelchairs as limited ambulators—that is,
impaired patients because they are simple to adjust and can for exercise or to get around the house. Alternatively, there
accommodate relatively severe deformities. Patients must is some question about whether the latter patients incur
demonstrate sufficient head control before use of this appa- fewer medical problems, such as decubitus ulcer, joint con-
ratus. Standing frames allow patients to interact with their tracture, bone fragility, hydronephrosis, or obesity, if they
peers at eye level and allow parents, therapists, and physi- are taught upright mobility. Studies indicate that neither
cians an opportunity to assess the child’s reaction to being position is generally correct.176,206 Thus the health care
in an upright position as a precursor to ambulation in team, in consultation with the family, must individualize
HKAFOs. Occasional patients react poorly, especially if decisions about when to introduce the wheelchair and the
they are capable of crawling and resist being locked in one extent to which efforts at upright mobility are encouraged,
upright location; in this case, the child should not be forced based on each child’s needs and desires.
to accept the upright position. The child must be carefully
monitored by a responsible adult while in the standing Other Aspects of Care
frame. Usually, the child stands at a table surface in the
standing frame, and one must be careful that the child does Skin
not learn to push himself or herself away from the table, Insensate skin represents a constant risk of skin breakdown
pitching backward in the apparatus. in most patients with myelomeningocele, and parents, care-
takers, and the patients themselves must be taught how to
Parapodium. These devices are the equivalent of mobile prevent pressure sores. Initially, parents must be cautioned
standing frames. Simple lockable hip and knee hinges are to prevent contact with excessively hot or cold surfaces or
incorporated into the device so the patient can be held excessive exposure to sunlight or cold. Bath water must
upright with the hinges locked or sit with the joints always be checked by the parent before the child is immersed
unlocked. Walking can be accomplished with an upper in it. The immobile child must be turned regularly and
extremity aid, usually a walker. Fitting is simpler than with positioned carefully in bed. The diaper should be changed
HKAFOs because there is less intimate contact between the frequently to keep the perineal area clean, and diaper rashes
limbs and orthosis, but parapodia are heavy and bulky. Their should be treated promptly with appropriate creams and
use is limited to patients with thoracic level lesions who are exposure to air. When shoes are put on, they must be
motivated as children to assume an upright position and opened fully to ensure that the child’s toes do not curl up,
achieve limited mobility; in this respect, parapodia have an leading to sores.
advantage over standing frames. They are not useful long When the child gains crawling mobility, the lower legs
term, nor can they be used as adult mobility aids.176 At my must be protected from rough surfaces such as concrete to
institution, we prefer to use wheeled standers as mobility prevent excoriation. A common source of foot ulceration is
aids for this patient group. contact with the rough surfaces of swimming pools; protec-
tive wading shoes and education can help prevent this.
Wheelchair. Many variations of wheelchairs are available to After the child has been fitted with lower extremity
the paraplegic population. The wisest course for a physician braces for ambulation, the braces must be inspected every
is to recruit the assistance of a knowledgeable physical day for broken components or evidence of undue pressure
therapist, occupational therapist, or other mobility special- on the child’s skin. The following are the most common
ist to provide the ideal prescription for each child based on problem areas: the instep with a planovalgus foot deformity;
her or his needs. Most patients with myelomeningocele, around the malleoli, secondary to growth of the child or to
even those with lower lumbar lesions, use wheelchairs as a rotational or angular deformity affecting the position of
adolescents and adults because they are an energy-efficient the ankle relative to the orthosis; and at the top of the thigh
means of transportation. Parents of patients who have portion of a long-leg brace posteriorly, when the presence
walked are often reluctant to fill a prescription for a wheel- of a knee flexion deformity has not been accounted for in
chair for an older child or adolescent because they fear that the alignment of the long-leg brace.
the child will never walk again. They should be educated The sitting child must be fitted with a wheelchair that
that useful ambulation and standing transfers will not be has good cushioning (e.g., a Roho cushion); patients with
abandoned by the child; the wheelchair is simply the most pelvic obliquity or bony deformity about the pelvis or lower
e160 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

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e168 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

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adjustment of children with spina bifida, J Child Neurol 13:64, acterized by incorporation of subcutaneous fat into the
distal part of the spinal cord. The lesion is often skin-
covered, but the posterior elements of the vertebral column
Other Forms of Spinal Dysraphism are frequently defective. The neuropathways are often
intact; the neurologic deficit is caused primarily by tethering
The term spinal dysraphism refers to a complex group of of the spinal cord to the surrounding fixed structures. Weak-
developmental abnormalities of the spine and neural axis in ness in one or more lower extremities or disturbances in
which there is a nerve tissue anomaly, usually combined bowel or bladder function may be present from birth or
with bony anomalies of the vertebral column. This category develop over time.
of disorders encompasses a wide spectrum of conditions. At
one extreme is myelomeningocele, as presented in the pre- Clinical Features
vious section. Other, generally milder forms of spinal dys- Most patients with lipomeningocele are asymptomatic
raphism described here include lipomeningocele, tethered during infancy. The only physical finding may be the pres-
cord caused by thickened filum terminale, diastematomy- ence of a lumbosacral soft tissue mass (Fig. 36-28). Alter-
elia, spina bifida occulta, and caudal regression syndrome, natively, there may be a variable degree of muscle weakness,
including sacral and lumbosacral agenesis. sensory changes, or lower extremity skeletal anomalies,
Cutaneous lesions may be present in patients with more
subtle forms of spinal dysraphism, such as midline heman-
giomas, sacral dimples, and local hairy patches. Sacral
dimples associated with spinal dysraphism are always in the
midline; these dimples may be connected to a sinus tract
(dermal sinus) or a fibrous band leading to bone or dura.
The clinician should be highly suspicious of skin dimples
proximal to the fifth lumbar level, particularly when associ-
ated with spina bifida occulta. The location of the cutaneous
lesion does not always correlate with the level of the intra-
spinal lesion.
In spinal dysraphism, musculoskeletal deformity may be
absent or present at birth and may manifest as talipes equi­
novarus, congenital convex pes valgus, cavus, or simple
equinus. There may be shortening or atrophy of the lower
limb or hip subluxation or dislocation. When an infant pre­
sents with lower extremity deformity, clinical assessment
of the spine, at a minimum, is required to rule out spinal
Neurologic deficits may manifest at any time during a
child’s growth and development. One foot may be smaller
than the other or calf or thigh atrophy may be noted.
Sensory dysfunction is variable and may be difficult to FIGURE 36-28  Clinical appearance of a patient with
detect in an infant or young child. Loss of sensation usually lipomeningocele.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e169

FIGURE 36-30  Patient presenting with a unilateral cavovarus

(equinocavus) foot deformity. Lower extremity weakness and back
pain were present. MRI of the lumbar spine revealed a tethered
cord secondary to a taut, thickened filum terminale.

or second lumbar vertebra,4 may occur in association with

diastematomyelia (see later), lipomeningocele, a taut or
thickened filum terminale, or other congenital anomalies of
FIGURE 36-29  MRI appearance of lipomeningocele. Note the the filum terminale, or it may be secondary to scarring
lipomatous mass involving the conus medullaris. associated with intrathecal procedures such as closure of a
myelomeningocele sac.§e
such as hip dislocation or subluxation, knee deformity, and The radiographic hallmark of spinal cord tethering is the
clubfoot or other foot deformity. The MRI findings in a presence of the conus below its normal level of L1 or L2
patient with lipomeningocele are shown in Figure 36-29. after age 2 months (Fig. 36-32). When the cause is a thick-
ened, taut filum terminale, this is also evident on MRI scans.
Treatment Affected patients may have back pain, perhaps radiating
The natural history of lipomeningocele is variable. The late into the posterior thighs, lower extremity weakness, muscle
development of neurologic deficit may be caused by mass tightness, particularly in the hamstrings, foot deformities,
effect from the lipomatous tissue acting as an expansile including equinus and equinocavus, and occasionally bowel
tumor within the central canal and compressing the conus, or bladder problems. On examination, hemangioma, sacral
or it may be caused by tethering of the spinal cord to sub- dimpling, or hairy patches may be present. Treatment con-
cutaneous tissue or dura. Neurosurgical debulking is usually sists of neurosurgical release in symptomatic patients.
indicated when neurologic deficit is noted, and it is defi- Usually, any associated orthopaedic deformities will persist
nitely indicated when progressive neurologic deficit is and require treatment, as indicated.
present. Secondary tethering of the spinal cord as a conse-
quence of the scarring produced by this procedure may
occur in the growing child.
Orthopaedic management entails treating the lower Diastematomyelia is a congenital malformation of the neural
extremity deformity and weakness, as indicated by their axis in which there is a sagittal division of the spinal cord
severity and symptoms. The most common orthopaedic or its intraspinal derivatives. It is often associated with the
abnormality is an equinocavus foot deformity (Fig. 36-30). projection of an osseous, fibrocartilaginous, or fibrous spur
Treatment should be undertaken as described earlier in the attached anteriorly to one or more vertebral bodies and
discussion of myelomeningocele. During growth, the patient posteriorly to the dura (Figs. 36-33 and 36-34).13,41 There
should be reassessed periodically to screen for the develop- may be an associated tethering of the spinal cord secondary
ment of associated scoliosis and confirm stable neurologic to a thickened filum terminale.
function. In my experience, more severely affected patients The pathogenesis of diastematomyelia is unknown. It
may develop Charcot joints of the ankle, for example (Fig. appears that during the organization of the neural tube from
36-31). These joints can be difficult to treat. Initial manage- the primitive neuroectoderm, aberrant mesodermal cells
ment entails protective bracing. Fusion may be attempted protrude into the neural tissue on its anterior surface instead
for symptomatic, deformed Charcot joints, but it can be of becoming arranged entirely around its periphery. They
difficult to achieve. persist in this location, developing into a bony and dural
septum. Multiple associated congenital anomalies of the
vertebrae, with some degree of incomplete spinal fusion,
Tethered Cord (Thickened Filum Terminale)
are often present.20 The osseous septum transfixes the
Tethering of the spinal cord within the thecal sac, prevent-
ing normal migration of the conus to the level of the first §e
References 5, 7, 11, 17, 18, 22, 25, 33.
e170 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-31  Gross degenerative joint disease (Charcot joint) resulting from lack of protective sensation. A, Radiograph demonstrating
significant destructive changes of the tibiotalar joint. This disorder occurs more commonly in patients with lipomeningocele than in those
with myelomeningocele. B, Clinical appearance. Note swelling of the ankle. The joint is unstable, but the patient has only mild pain.

FIGURE 36-32  MRI scan of a patient with back pain and lower FIGURE 36-33  Plain radiograph of a patient with
extremity weakness. The conus medullaris normally ends at L1 or diastematomyelia in the thoracic spine. Note the interpedicular
L2 after 2 months of age. In this patient, the filum terminale is widening around the level of the lesion. The diastematomyelia
thickened, appearing to “tether” the conus medullaris distally. spur itself is visible as a spicule of bone in the spinal canal (arrow).
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e171

FIGURE 36-35  MRI scan of a patient with diastematomyelia. Note

FIGURE 36-34  CT scan of a patient with diastematomyelia. the splitting of the spinal cord around the osteocartilaginous

Spina Bifida Occulta

spinal cord or cauda equina, check-reining its normal ascent
during growth of the vertebral column. Failure of fusion of one or more vertebral arches is perhaps
the most common congenital anomaly of the spinal column
Clinical Features and, in most individuals, it is a normal variation. Spina bifida
Abnormalities of motor function in the lower limbs are not occulta is most commonly noted in the fifth lumbar and first
ordinarily detected at birth. Hallmarks of the condition are sacral vertebrae; it may also be seen in the cervical, lower
the various types of skin defects found near the midline at thoracic, and lower sacral spine of affected individuals.
the level of the lesion. The cutaneous abnormalities include The radiographic presence of spina bifida occulta is of no
abnormal tufts of hair, dimpling of the skin, ill-defined clinical significance in most patients. The diagnosis is typi-
subcutaneous fatty tumors, and cutaneous vascular malfor- cally made incidentally when radiographs of the spine are
mations. Back and lower extremity symptoms are highly obtained for some other purpose. Provided that there are
variable and depend on the extent of interference with cord no symptoms or physical abnormalities in the spine or lower
function. extremities of such patients, no further investigation or
management is required (Fig. 36-36).
Radiographic Findings A very small percentage of individuals have an intrathecal
The hallmark of diastematomyelia on plain radiographs of anomaly, such as lipoma or thickening of the filum termi-
the spine is a widening of the interpedicular distance in the nale, in association with spina bifida occulta. The physician
region of the diastematomyelia itself. Often, the posterior should search for evidence of any skin abnormality over the
elements are incompletely formed in this region. There may midline posterior spine, lower extremity deformity, or neu-
be associated congenital vertebral anomalies at or remote rologic abnormality. If present, MRI evaluation of the spinal
from the level of the diastematomyelia. CT and MRI allow cord and consultation with a neurosurgeon should be
accurate localization and depiction of the lesion (Fig. obtained.
Treatment Caudal Regression Syndrome (Sacral and
Lumbosacral Agenesis)
The purpose of surgery in patients with diastematomyelia
is to prevent progressive neurologic deficit. Patients who Caudal regression syndrome (lumbosacral or sacral agene-
have no symptoms, no neurologic abnormalities, and no sis) is a severe axial skeletal and neural deficiency character-
orthopaedic physical findings can be carefully observed ized by the absence of variable amounts of the sacrum and
with serial examinations. Neurosurgical excision of the lumbar spine and associated neural elements. There are
septum is recommended when there is a progressive neu- concomitant anomalies of the viscera, particularly of the
rologic deficit or the recent development of neurologic dys- genitourinary and lower gastrointestinal systems, with resul-
function. Neurosurgical resection of the lesion is also tant impairment of bladder and bowel function.‖e
normally indicated when surgical correction of an associ- The failure of development ranges from mere absence of
ated spinal deformity is planned to prevent acute deteriora- the lower coccygeal segment to complete aplasia of verte-
tion of spinal cord function during correction. Finally, in brae below the 12th thoracic segment. Lesser degrees of
some patients, prophylactic excision may be warranted if involvement, such as absence of the lower coccygeal
the risk of developing neurologic dysfunction is deemed to
be high. ‖e
References 1, 6, 8, 14, 24, 26, 28, 35, 39.
e172 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-36  Appearance of spina bifida occulta noted incidentally on spinal radiographs. If there are no complaints or physical
abnormalities, further investigation is unnecessary. A, The most common level of spina bifida occulta is at L5 or S1. B, Spina bifida occulta
of T11 was noted incidentally on spinal radiographs taken to evaluate scoliosis. Spina bifida occulta may also be seen in the lower cervical

segments, often go unnoticed and are usually recognized

fortuitously during unrelated radiographic studies. The
more extreme degrees of involvement may be incompatible
with life.
The first known case was described in 1852; since then,
a number of review articles and case reports have appeared
in the literature.¶e
The cause of lumbosacral agenesis is unknown. A higher
than normal incidence of diabetes mellitus in the mother
has been noted repeatedly.15,26 In a rare hereditary form of
the condition, the location of the genetic defect has been
The gross and histologic findings depend on the level of the
lesion. In total absence of the lumbosacral spine, normal
muscle tissue is replaced by large globules of soft, deep,
yellow fat. Tendons are thin filaments but have a normal
configuration. There is an abnormal nerve root pattern at FIGURE 36-37  Renshaw type I lumbosacral agenesis. The right
the end of the spinal cord. The femoral vessels are very hemisacrum is absent, evident on the anteroposterior radiograph.
small, and the femoral nerves are represented as gross fatty (From Renshaw TS: Sacral agenesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 60:373,
tissue adjacent to the small vessels. Afferent tracts are 1978.)
usually fairly well preserved, whereas efferent motor neuron
pathways are impaired or missing. The spinal cord does not
exhibit any lumbar enlargement or lumbosacral plexus and agenesis (Fig. 36-37). Type II is partial sacral agenesis with
terminates at a higher level than usual—for example, at T7 a partial but bilaterally symmetric defect, a stable articula-
when the vertebral column ends at the second lumbar tion between the ilia, and a normal or hypoplastic first sacral
segment; otherwise, the anatomy of the spinal cord is normal vertebra (Fig. 36-38); this is the most common type. Type
above the lesion. Unlike in myelomeningocele, CNS defor- III is variable lumbar and total sacral agenesis, with the ilia
mities above the level of the spinal cord lesion do not occur. articulating with the sides of the lowest vertebra present
However, the cervical spine should be examined radiograph- (Fig. 36-39). Type IV is variable lumbar and total sacral
ically for atlantoaxial instability or congenital anomalies.15 agenesis, with the caudal end-plate of the lowest vertebra
resting above fused ilia or an iliac amphiarthrosis (Fig.
Classification 36-40).
Renshaw Classification Guille Classification
Caudal regression syndrome has been classified by Renshaw In 2002, a new classification system was introduced by
into four types.29 Type I is total or partial unilateral sacral Guille and colleagues correlating spinal deformity and
ambulatory potential.15 They had been unable to apply
References 1-3, 12, 14-16, 24, 28, 29, 38. Renshaw’s classification to their patient population, which
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e173

FIGURE 36-38  Renshaw type II lumbosacral

agenesis. A, Appearance on anteroposterior
radiograph. Note the absence of the lower
sacrum and the hypoplastic first sacral
vertebra. B, The lumbopelvic articulation is
evidently stable on the lateral radiograph.
B (From Renshaw TS: Sacral agenesis, J Bone
Joint Surg Am 60:373, 1978.)

included only those with total or partial lumbar agenesis midline. In type C, there is total agenesis of the lumbar
and complete sacral agenesis. In the Guille classification, spine, the ilia are fused together, and there is a visible gap
the spinal deformities are divided into three types. In type between the most caudal intact thoracic vertebra and the
A, there is a slight gap between the ilia or the ilia are pelvis.
fused in the midline, one or more lumbar vertebrae are There appears to be crossover between Renshaw types
absent, and the caudal aspect of the spine articulates with III and IV and Guille types A to C.
the pelvis in the midline, maintaining the vertical alignment
of the spine. In type B, the ilia are fused together, some Clinical Features
of the lumbar vertebrae are absent, and the most caudal The clinical appearance of the patient depends on the
lumbar vertebra articulates with one of the ilia, with the extent of spinal involvement and degree of concomitant
most caudal aspect of the spine shifted away from the neurologic deficit.
e174 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-39  Renshaw type III lumbosacral

agenesis. A, On the anteroposterior radiograph,
the sacrum and lower lumbar vertebrae are absent.
The third lumbar vertebra articulates with the pelvis.
B, Appearance on the lateral radiograph. (From
Renshaw TS: Sacral agenesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am B
60:373, 1978.)

scoliosis develop, requiring surgical stabilization to facilitate

Renshaw Types sitting. There may be associated congenital anomalies of the
Type I. In total or partial unilateral sacral agenesis, the pelvic spine (e.g., hemivertebrae), which may cause progressive
ring and lumbosacral junction are intact; therefore the ver- congenital scoliosis and require treatment by spinal fusion.
tebropelvic articulation is usually, but not always, stable. There may be associated rib anomalies, such as fusion of
The unilateral absence of the sacrum results in an oblique adjacent ribs or absence of ribs.
lumbosacral joint and lumbar scoliosis. The scoliosis ordi- Motor paralysis is present and corresponds to within one
narily is not progressive and does not require orthotic or level of the vertebral defect. Sensation is usually intact.
surgical treatment. Hips and knees are usually normal; There may be anesthesia at S4 and distally. In patients with
however, there may be a calcaneovarus deformity of the associated myelomeningocele, the level of paralysis may be
foot. There is sensory loss corresponding to the distribution higher than the level of vertebral deficit, and the sensory
of the involved sacral roots. loss may be more extreme. Hip dislocation occurs in type
II agenesis and may be unilateral or bilateral. The pathogen-
Type II. The vertebropelvic junction is stable unless there esis of dislocation appears to be dynamic imbalance of the
is associated myelomeningocele. In some patients with muscles controlling the hip—absence or weakness of hip
myelomeningocele, progressive kyphosis and paralytic abductors-extensors versus normal motor strength of hip
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e175

FIGURE 36-40  Renshaw type IV lumbosacral

agenesis, the most severe type. The entire sacrum
and lower lumbar spine are absent, and the
articulation between the lumbar spinal remnant
and pelvis is unstable. A, Appearance on
anteroposterior radiograph. B, Appearance on
lateral radiograph. (From Renshaw TS: Sacral
agenesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 60:373, 1978.)

adductors-flexors. Foot deformities and flexion deformity rectal examination, the concavity of the sacrum and coccyx
of the knee are usually not marked. Most patients with type is absent. Hip dislocation, knee contracture, and foot defor-
II lumbosacral agenesis are ambulatory. mity are common in type III agenesis and may require
treatment. Patients with type III agenesis are unable to
Type III. The lumbopelvic junction is relatively stable in stand and walk without appropriate orthotic support or
this type, despite the absence of the sacrum and, in some crutches.
cases, L5. Progressive kyphosis and scoliosis may develop in
these patients. The level of motor paralysis parallels the Type IV. This type represents the classic, fully manifested
level of vertebral deficit within one segment. Sensation is form of lumbosacral agenesis. Patients have short stature
characteristically intact, at least down to the S4 nerve root and a characteristic cross-legged, Buddha-like appearance
level. In total absence of the sacrum, the buttocks are flat- (Fig. 36-41). The T12 vertebra is often prominent posteri-
tened, the intergluteal cleft is shortened, and there is dim- orly. There is marked disproportion between the thorax and
pling of each buttock lateral to the cleft. The normal pelvis. The narrow flat buttocks exhibit a depressed dim-
posterior convexity of the sacrococcygeal region is lost; on pling 2 or 3 inches lateral to the gluteal cleft. The normal
e176 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Guille Types
Type A. The functional level varies from T12 to L4. Patients
are likely to be community ambulators regardless of the
levels involved, and they often use braces and crutches for

Type B. The functional level is T12 or L1. Although house-

hold ambulation may be possible, wheelchairs are usually

Type C. Patients are nonambulators. For all three types

proposed by Guille and colleagues, there was no correlation
between the degree of hip dysplasia and level of spinal
involvement or motor power.
The treatment of patients with caudal regression syndrome
must be individualized based on the severity of the lower
extremity deformity and motor paralysis and the patient’s
motivation. The absence of CNS deformities such as hydro-
FIGURE 36-41  Clinical appearance of a 6-year-old child with type
cephalus and Arnold-Chiari malformations, and the preser-
IV lumbosacral agenesis. Note the tapering of the lower
extremities and the Buddha-like posture secondary to the flexion vation of protective sensation in the lower extremities, can
contractures and webbing of the popliteal fossa. make efforts to reconstruct the lower extremities to facili-
tate ambulation rewarding. However, the severe lower
extremity contractures associated with limited joint range
convexity of the sacrococcygeal region is lost, and the anus of motion and extensive motor paralysis may prevent sig-
is horizontal. The pelvis is very unstable under the spine; it nificant functional gains in mobility for more severely
tends to roll up under the thorax and drop forward, seeming affected individuals.
to rest anteriorly to the thoracic spine. If the patient tries In Guille’s classification scheme, correction of lower
to sit unsupported, he or she is forced to use the hands for extremity deformities in type A patients (without myelo-
support. In the occasional case in which the T12 vertebra meningocele) is recommended because their potential to
is also absent, the opposing ribs articulate in the midline walk is good.15 Only in these patients did the authors con-
posteriorly. Almost all patients with type IV lumbosacral sider surgical reduction appropriate for those with hip
agenesis develop progressive spinopelvic kyphosis and dislocation.
scoliosis; they may require stabilization of the spine by Knee flexion and foot deformities can be corrected by
spinal fusion, although I have never undertaken this surgical release or by shortening, corrective osteotomy. A
treatment.10,27,28,30,40 plantigrade foot can be provided for weight bearing with
The hips typically have severe restriction of motion in a orthotic support. Unfortunately, recurrence of knee flexion
position of hip flexion-abduction contracture. The hips may deformity is frequent. Bilateral subtrochanteric or knee dis-
be dislocated, but in most cases they are not. Knee flexion articulation amputation has been reported for patients with
contractures of 50 to 60 degrees are typical, often with large severe, uncorrectable, pterygium-like knee flexion deformi-
popliteal webs. Fixed deformities of the feet (calcaneus or ties.9,28,32 I have limited experience with limb ablation,
equinovarus) are usually seen. offering it only to allow better seating in patients with
Muscle paralysis and atrophy of the lower limbs are seating difficulties caused by fixed abduction contracture of
complete at and below the knees, with no voluntary or the hips.
involuntary motor or reflex movement. Because of the Although a number of authors have described surgical
marked muscle atrophy, the lower half of the body management of spinopelvic instability, I have not found
develops a cone-shaped appearance. An extreme (and this to be a significant problem but recognize that stabiliza-
extremely rare) variation of this deformity is a single lower tion of the residual spine to the pelvis may be indicated
extremity, or so-called mermaid configuration, known as for the rare patient who is unable to sit comfortably
sirenomelia.14,37 because of lumbopelvic instability. Stabilization may be
Peculiarly, sensory function is relatively intact, despite attempted with rod or plate fixation of the pelvis to the
the motor deficit, and is usually present at least to the residual spine, with bone grafting between the pelvis and
knees. Distally, there may be spotty areas of hypesthesia or spine.10,28,30,40
anesthesia. Unfortunately, patients rarely have bladder or
bowel control.
The severe pelvic outlet deformity may obstruct the References
lower intestinal tract, requiring colostomy. To ambulate, Other Forms of Spinal Dysraphism
patients with lumbosacral agenesis may require spinopelvic 1. Adra A, Cordero D, Mejides A, et al: Caudal regression syndrome:
stabilization, extension-producing releases or osteotomies at etiopathogenesis, prenatal diagnosis, and perinatal management,
the hips and knees, and extensive orthotic support. Obstet Gynecol Surv 49:508, 1994.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e177

2. Andrish J, Kalamchi A, MacEwen GD: Sacral agenesis: a clinical 27. Perry J, Bonnett CA, Hoffer MM: Vertebral pelvic fusions in the
evaluation of its management, heredity, and associated anomalies, rehabilitation of patients with sacral agenesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am
Clin Orthop Relat Res 139:52, 1979. 52:288, 1970.
3. Banta JV, Nichols O: Sacral agenesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 51:693, 28. Phillips WA, Cooperman DR, Lindquist TC, et al: Orthopaedic
1969. management of lumbosacral agenesis. Long-term follow-up, J Bone
4. Barson AJ: The vertebral level of termination of the spinal cord Joint Surg Am 64:1282, 1982.
during normal and abnormal development, J Anat 106:489, 1970. 29. Renshaw TS: Sacral agenesis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 60:373,
5. Berbrayer D: Tethered cord syndrome complicating spina bifida 1978.
occulta. A case report, Am J Phys Med Rehabil 70:213, 1991. 30. Rieger MA, Hall JE, Dalury DF: Spinal fusion in a patient with
6. Boemers T, van Gool J, de Jong T, et al: Urodynamic evaluation lumbosacral agenesis, Spine 15:1382, 1990.
of children with the caudal regression syndrome (caudal dysplasia 31. Rossi A, Cama A, Piatelli G, et al: Spinal dysraphism: MR imaging
sequence), J Urol 151:1038, 1994. rationale, J Neuroradiol 31:3, 2004.
7. Bono R, Inverno M, Botteon G, et al: Clinical features and MR 32. Russell HE, Aitken GT: Congenital absence of the sacrum and
imaging in children with repaired myelomeningocele, Ital J Neurol lumbar vertebrae with prosthetic management, J Bone Joint Surg
Sci 14:553, 1993. Am 45:501, 1963.
8. Cama A, Palmieri A, Capra V, et al: Multidisciplinary management 33. Sarwark JF, Weber DT, Gabrieli AP, et al: Tethered cord syndrome
of caudal regression syndrome (26 cases), Eur J Pediatr Surg in low motor level children with myelomeningocele, Pediatr Neu-
6(Suppl 1):44, 1996. rosurg 25:295, 1996.
9. Douglas DL, Sharrard WJ: Treatment of lumbosacral agenesis by 34. Sharony R, Aviram R, Tohar M, et al: Prenatal sonographic detec-
through-knee amputation and femoral osteotomy, J R Coll Surg tion of a lipomeningocele as a sacral lesion, J Clin Ultrasound
Edinb 33:219, 1988. 28:150, 2000.
10. Dumont CE, Damsin JP, Forin V, et al: Lumbosacral agenesis. 35. Sparnon AL, Ahmed S: Urological anomalies in the caudal regres-
Three cases of reconstruction using Cotrel-Dubousset or L-rod sion syndrome, Aust N Z J Surg 54:365, 1984.
instrumentation, Spine 18:1229, 1993. 36. Suh SW, Sarwark JF, Vora A, et al: Evaluating congenital spine
11. Fitz CR, Harwood Nash DC: The tethered conus, Am J Roentgenol deformities for intraspinal anomalies with magnetic resonance
Radium Ther Nucl Med 125:515, 1975. imaging, J Pediatr Orthop 21:p525, 2001.
12. Frantz CH, Aitken GT: Complete absence of the lumbar spine and 37. Towfighi J, Housman C: Spinal cord abnormalities in caudal regres-
sacrum, J Bone Joint Surg Am 49:1531, 1967. sion syndrome, Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 81:458, 1991.
13. Goldberg C, Fenelon G, Blake NS, et al: Diastematomyelia: a 38. Van Buskirk CS, Ritterbusch JF: Natural history of distal spinal
critical review of the natural history and treatment, Spine 9:367, agenesis, J Pediatr Orthop 6:146, 1997.
1984. 39. Wilmshurst JM, Kelly R, Borzyskowski M: Presentation and
14. Guidera KJ, Raney E, Ogden JA, et al: Caudal regression: a review outcome of sacral agenesis: 20 years’experience, Dev Med Child
of seven cases, including the mermaid syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop Neurol 41:806, 1999.
11:743, 1991. 40. Winter RB: Congenital absence of the lumbar spine and sacrum:
15. Guille JT, Benevides R, DeAlba CC, et al: Lumbosacral agenesis: one-stage reconstruction with subsequent two-stage spine length-
a new classification correlating spinal deformity and ambulatory ening, J Pediatr Orthop 11:666, 1991.
potential, J Bone Joint Surg Am 84:32, 2002. 41. Winter RB, Haven JJ, Moe JH, et al: Diastematomyelia and con-
16. Harlow CL, Partington MD, Thieme GA: Lumbosacral agenesis: genital spine deformities, J Bone Joint Surg Am 56:27, 1974.
clinical characteristics, imaging, and embryogenesis, Pediatr Neu-
rosurg 23:140, 1995.
17. Heinz ER, Rosenbaum AE, Scarff TB, et al: Tethered spinal cord
following meningomyelocele repair, Radiology 131:153, 1979. Spinal Muscular Atrophy
18. Herman JM, McLone DG, Storrs BB, et al: Analysis of 153
patients with myelomeningocele or spinal lipoma reoperated upon Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a hereditary disease char-
for a tethered cord. Presentation, management and outcome, acterized by degeneration of the anterior horn cells of the
Pediatr Neurosurg 19:243, 1993. spinal cord and occasionally of the motor neurons of the
19. Kadziolka R, Asztely M, Hanai K, et al: Ultrasonic measurement cranial nerves (cranial nerves V through XII). The classic
of the lumbar spinal canal. The origin and precision of the recorded
infantile form of SMA was first described by Werdnig in
echoes, J Bone Joint Surg Br 63:504, 1981.
189139; the less severe form was described by Kugelberg and
20. Leung YL, Buxton N: Combined diastematomyelia and hemiver-
tebra: a review of the management at a single centre, J Bone Joint Welander much later, in 1956.19 SMA manifests with pro-
Surg Br 87:1380, 2005. gressive hypotonia and weakness involving the lower
21. Lynch SA, Bond PM, Copp AJ, et al: A gene for autosomal domi- extremities to a greater degree than the upper extremities
nant sacral agenesis maps to the holoprosencephaly region at 7q36, and the proximal muscles more than the distal. Sensation
Nat Genet 11:93, 1995. is normal, as is intelligence. The incidence of SMA is
22. McLone DG, Herman JM, Gabrieli AP, et al: Tethered cord as a approximately 1 in 15,000 to 20,000 live births,8 and the
cause of scoliosis in children with a myelomeningocele, Pediatr prevalence of the carrier state is 1 in 80.
Neurosurg 16:8, 1990.
23. Miller JH, Reid BS, Kemberling CR: Utilization of ultrasound in
the evaluation of spinal dysraphism in children, Radiology 143:737, Pathogenesis
24. Miller P, Herndon WA, Yngve DA: Lumbosacral agenesis, Ortho- Spinal muscular atrophy is usually inherited in an autosomal
pedics 8:1297, 1985. recessive pattern. It is the second most common disease
25. Ohe N, Futamura A, Kawada R, et al: Secondary tethered cord inherited in this manner to affect children, after cystic
syndrome in spinal dysraphism, Child’s Nerv Syst 16:457, 2000. fibrosis.8 The genetic locus for SMA has been identified on
26. Perrot LJ, Williamson S, Jimenez JF: The caudal regression syn- chromosome 5q.8 At this 5q locus, two genes have been
drome in infants of diabetic mothers, Ann Clin Lab Sci 17:211, identified: the gene for neuronal apoptosis inhibitory protein
1987. (NAIP), which is present in 67% of patients, and the
e178 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

survival motor neuron (SMN) gene, which was found to

have deletions in more than 98% of SMA patients.8,20 A less
common form of the disease is inherited in an autosomal
dominant pattern, and its genetic locus is on 5q13.5,29
Although the SMN protein has been linked with RNA
metabolism—interacting with RNA-binding protein, which
is present in the nucleus and cytoplasm of motor neurons—
its precise role is under investigation.24 With molecular
genetic technology, first-trimester prenatal diagnosis is now

Spinal muscular atrophy is an extremely heterogeneous
condition, with a wide variety of clinical manifestations.
Classification systems have been developed primarily for
prognostic value. The Byers and Banker classification is the
one used most often.10,11 It defines three different types of
SMA—type I, acute infantile SMA or Werdnig-Hoffmann
disease; type II, chronic infantile SMA; and type III, a
milder form, also known as Kugelberg-Welander disease.
These types are genetically similar but differ in age of pre-
sentation and clinical course. As a rule, the younger the age
at disease onset, the worse the prognosis. Although there is
some overlap with other classification factors, management
FIGURE 36-42  Infant with type I spinal muscular atrophy. The
decisions are usually based on age at onset.
hips are held in abduction, flexion, and extension rotation. There
Type I: Acute Infantile is obvious respiratory compromise. (Courtesy Dr. Susan
Type I SMA is usually identified between birth and age 6
months. Abnormal inactivity of the fetus in late pregnancy
is reported by most mothers of affected babies. The newborn
is floppy and inactive, with little or no movement of the
arms or legs. The hips assume a characteristic posture, flop-
ping into abduction, flexion, and external rotation, with
flexion of the knees (Fig. 36-42). Finger and toe movement
is usually present because the distal musculature is rela-
tively spared. Head control is absent, and the infant cannot
lift the head. The growing infant is unable to roll over or
Physical examination reveals a lack of deep tendon
reflexes. Tongue fasciculations are characteristic. The dia-
phragm is unaffected, but the intercostals are involved,
leading to paradoxical respiratory movements. The face may
appear expressionless because the facial muscles are very
weak, but these children usually interact normally for their
age. Because of easy fatigability during feeding, they are
often malnourished and lose weight.
The clinical course of type I SMA is one of relentless
progression, usually leading to death by age 2 years second-
ary to pneumonia.18 Longer survival has been reported.28
Poorer survival has been linked to presentation at younger FIGURE 36-43  Seven-year-old boy with type II spinal muscular
than 2 months.33 atrophy. He has bilateral hip dislocation and diffuse weakness and
uses a wheelchair for mobility.
Because of the poor medical prognosis in acute Werdnig-
Hoffmann SMA, orthopaedic treatment is rarely indicated.
Birth fractures may occur and heal readily with splinting.9
Medical trials are ongoing but have yet to be proven triceps reflex may be preserved in the very young. Tongue
effective 35 fasciculations and upper extremity tremors may be noted.
These infants achieve head control, and approximately
Type II: Chronic Infantile 75% of affected children develop sitting balance. They do
Type II SMA is diagnosed between 6 and 12 months of age. not develop the ability to walk and require wheelchairs for
Muscular weakness is greater in the lower limbs than in the mobility (Fig. 36-43). Survival is better than in type I SMA,
arms. The patellar reflex is absent, but the biceps and with some patients living into the fifth decade.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e179

Once a patient is suspected of having SMA based on the

Type III: Kugelberg-Welander physical examination, the first diagnostic test is done to
Type III SMA is usually diagnosed between 2 and 15 years identify the SMN gene. Some deletions in this gene are
of age. The presenting symptoms are related to hip extensor found in more than 98% of patients with SMA. Absence of
weakness, such as difficulty rising from the floor and climb- the SMN gene raises the suspicion that the patient does not
ing stairs. These patients have a Trendelenburg lurch and have SMA; however, further laboratory evaluations should
increased lumbar lordosis secondary to the hip abductor and be performed. These include determination of serum cre-
extensor weakness. Because of quadriceps weakness, the atine phosphokinase and aldolase levels, which are usually
knees are often in recurvatum. Type III SMA in males may normal, although there may be mild elevations in SMA type
initially be confused with Duchenne or Becker muscular III patients. Motor and sensory nerve conduction velocities
dystrophy. Pseudohypertrophy of the calf may further con- must be normal for the diagnosis of SMA. Electromyogra-
found the diagnosis. These patients walk early in life; most phy demonstrates denervation with fibrillation potentials
maintain their ambulatory skills into adolescence but and reinnervation in the form of large polyphasic motor
become wheelchair-bound in adulthood. The life span is units and increased recruitment. If muscle biopsy is per-
almost normal. formed, it usually demonstrates neurogenic atrophy, evi-
dence of reinnervation, or both. In the infantile pattern of
neurogenic atrophy, preservation of large round fibers and
denervated fasciculi are seen.
A functional grading of SMA has been proposed by Evans
and colleagues.13 This grading scale focuses on the highest
function achieved rather than the age at onset and is helpful Treatment
in planning the orthopaedic treatment of a child with SMA Orthopaedic Treatment
(Table 36-1).
The orthopaedic treatment of children with SMA addresses
three concerns—development of contractures of the lower
Differential Diagnosis
extremities, hip subluxation or dislocation, and scoliosis.
Infantile SMA must be distinguished from cerebral palsy,
which may present with hypotonia and flaccidity in a young Contractures
infant. Congenital muscular dystrophy may also resemble Flexion contractures of the hips and knees invariably
SMA. Transverse myelitis may result from obstetric delivery develop in children with SMA who are unable to walk. The
and produce flaccid paralysis of the limbs and trunk. The role of surgical release of contractures is controversial. The
characteristic tongue fasciculations, which occur in 56% of function of a nonwalking child is rarely improved by surgical
patients with SMA but are absent in all other neuromuscu- tenotomies, and recurrence of contractures is universal in
lar diseases of infancy, can assist the clinician in making the sitters. Equinus contractures can occur in nonambulatory
diagnosis.18 The differential diagnosis of hypotonia in infants patients and may rarely develop in walking patients with
and children is given in Table 36-2. SMA. Wang and co-workers noted that 89% of patients with
type II SMA had knee flexion contractures, and 50% of all
patients had equinus contractures.37 Cavovarus foot defor-
Diagnostic Evaluation
mities have also been described in ambulatory patients.13
The diagnostic workup for SMA has changed significantly
with the discovery of the SMN gene. An initial history Hip Subluxation and Dislocation
should seek delays in reaching motor milestones, and the Hip subluxation and dislocation are common in nonambula-
physical examination should concentrate on assessing the tory patients with SMA (Fig. 36-44).30 Proximal muscle
neurologic status of the patient, especially the deep tendon weakness predisposes to coxa valga, which leads to uncover-
reflexes, and noting the presence of tongue fasciculations. age of the hips. Granata and associates found that radio-
Patients with SMA types I and II may demonstrate a fine graphs of the hips were normal in only 31% of nonambulatory
tremor in the fingers (polyminimyoclonus). patients; the incidence of hip subluxation or dislocation in
ambulatory patients was 50%.15 In a nonambulatory patient,
unilateral dislocation leads to uneven seating pressure. Bilat-
eral dislocation does not predispose to pelvic obliquity but
Table 36-1  Functional Grading of Spinal can accentuate lumbar hyperlordosis. Although the problem
Muscular Atrophy of hip instability is well recognized in SMA, management
remains controversial because pain is uncommon and treat-
Grade Description ment is difficult.32
I Child cannot sit independently, has poor head Passive stretching exercises with release of contracted
control; early scoliosis is present muscles have been advocated for the treatment of hip dys-
plasia.13 Surgical reconstruction of a unilateral subluxated
II Head control is present, sitting is possible, but
or dislocated hip in a nonambulatory patient, consisting of
child unable to stand or walk
varus derotation femoral osteotomy with or without capsu-
III Child can pull up to stand and walk with support lorrhaphy, has been advocated by Shapiro and Specht (Fig.
IV Child can walk and run independently 36-45)31; however, poor results caused by redislocation have
been reported.34,42 I generally do not advocate reduction of
Table 36-2  Classification and Differential Diagnosis of Hypotonic Child Syndrome
Cerebral Progressive Benign
Hypotonic Infantile Muscular Acute Infective Juvenile Muscular Congenital

Parameter Diplegia Atrophy Polyneuritis Myasthenia Gravis Dystrophy Polymyositis Hypotonia

Site of lesion Cerebrum Anterior horn cells Peripheral Myoneural junction Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle Skeletal muscle
Inheritance None Recessive None Not defined Sex-linked None None
Gender preponderance None None None Female Male Female None
Limb musculature Distal more than Generalized Distal more than Generalized Proximal Proximal Generalized
involved proximal proximal
Cranial muscle paresis Facial and Bulbar in late Facial common; Eyelids very None Pharyngeal (50%) None
pseudobulbar stages bulbar less common; ocular,
common facial, bulbar
Respiratory paralysis None Common Less common Common (43%) Late Occasional Mild
SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Muscle fasciculations None Common Less common None None None None
Muscle atrophy Moderate Severe Moderate to Mild Severe Mild (with Moderate
severe tenderness)
Pseudohypertrophy None None None None Characteristic Occasional None
Deep tendon reflexes Brisk or normal Absent Absent Normal Variable, usually Variable, usually Normal or
depressed depressed depressed
Sensory defect Cortical None Frequent None None Usually none None
Mental defect Severe None None None Moderate None None or moderate
Muscle biopsy Normal Grouped atrophy Atrophy Lymphorrhages Degeneration, Degeneration, Small fibers
variation in inflammatory
fiber size cells
Electromyography Normal Fibrillations; sparse, Fibrillations; Decline in amplitude Short, low- Fibrillations; short, Normal or
giant action sparse action of potentials amplitude low-amplitude low-amplitude
potentials potentials potentials potentials potentials
Serum creatine kinase, Normal Normal Normal Normal Increased Increased Normal
transaminase, aldolase
Spinal fluid protein Normal Normal Often high Normal Normal Usually normal Normal
Specific therapy None None Steroids (?) Rest and None Steroids None
Course Nonprogressive Rapid Acute or Prolonged, remittent Chronic Acute, subacute, Nonprogressive
subacute or chronic
Prognosis Severe chronic Fatal, usually Recovery in Complete remission Fatal within Remission in 80% Gradual
disability within 2 yr 80% in 25% within 20-30 yr improvement
(4 wk-20 yr) 6 yr; fatal in 5%

From Millichap JG: The hypotonic child. In Kelley V, editor: Brennerman-Kelley practice of pediatrics, vol 4, Hagerstown, Md, 1966, Harper & Row.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e181

orthoses can further tax their compromised respiratory

status. Seating systems that support flexible curves are
usually better tolerated than rigid orthoses.1 A soft, custom-
made thoracolumbosacral orthosis may be tolerated in
young children with flexible curves between 20 and 40
degrees to allow growth before definitive instrumentation
and fusion.4

Surgical Treatment. The indications for surgical treatment

are progressive spinal deformity despite orthotic manage-
ment, with a curve magnitude greater than 50 to 65 degrees.
A frank discussion among the family, surgeon, and neurolo-
gist should occur before the decision is made to proceed
with surgery. Physical therapy before surgery can improve
walking ability in an ambulatory patient, as well as sitting
tolerance.17 Preoperative traction is an excellent way to
increase the flexibility of the spine while also improving
pulmonary function.1,25
Posterior spinal fusion with segmental spinal instrumen-
tation is the treatment of choice for scoliosis in patients who
can tolerate surgery. Fusion should include the entire tho-
racic and lumbar spine and should extend to the pelvis.
Traditionally, Luque-Galveston instrumentation and unit
rod fixation have been used in these children (Fig. 36-47).3,7
FIGURE 36-44  Bilateral hip dislocation in a 3-year-old boy with Other fixation methods are available and useful, including
chronic infantile spinal muscular atrophy is seen in this multiple hook and/or screw systems and alternatives to
radiograph. fixation to the pelvis using iliac screws (Fig. 36-48). The
goal of surgery is to obtain a balanced trunk over a level
these hips because improvement in function is improbable pelvis to facilitate comfortable seating (Fig. 36-49). Ante-
and the risk of complications is high. rior fusion is generally contraindicated in most patients; the
risk of surgery in the chest that involves the diaphragm
Scoliosis outweighs the potential problems from continued anterior
Scoliosis is universal in nonambulatory patients with SMA growth and the crankshaft phenomenon. Despite the lack
and is prevalent in children with the Kugelberg-Welander of anterior surgery, a recent multicenter report found main
form of the disease as well. Granata and associates found curve progression in only 8 of 22 patients, 4 of whom had
that all but one of their patients with the infantile form of short fusions.41 Recently there have been reports of the
SMA developed scoliosis; the mean age at which a curve successful use of growing rod techniques to manage young
was discovered was 4 years 4 months.16 All patients with patients with severe spine deformity.12,22 Although these
mild SMA who lost the ability to ambulate also developed reports are encouraging, it is important to weigh the burden
scoliosis, although at an older age, 9 years 10 months. Of of multiple operations with a high likelihood of complica-
19 ambulatory patients, 12 developed scoliosis while able tions associated with growing rods against the good results
to walk, but the curves tended to progress more slowly than reported with single-stage, definitive surgery.
in sitting patients. Others have had similar findings.13 Shapiro and Specht compiled the results of several
Long sweeping curves are most common in SMA, with studies of posterior spinal fusion in older patients with
a predominance of thoracolumbar curves (Fig. 36-46). A SMA.31 The average age at surgery was 13.5 years. The
meta-analysis found 12% thoracic curves, 62% thoracolum- average deformity was 90 degrees, and the average correc-
bar curves, 10% lumbar curves, and 16% double major tion achieved after surgery was 43%. Based on their find-
curves.31 The single curves tend to be convex to the right, ings, they recommended earlier surgery to allow for less
and double curve patterns have right thoracic and left residual curve after instrumentation and fusion. They pro-
lumbar curves. Kyphosis is present in association with sco- posed that surgery be considered in patients older than 10
liosis in approximately 30% of patients.16 Despite the often years with curves greater than 40 degrees and forced vital
large magnitude of the curves, they are more flexible than capacities greater than 40% of normal.
those seen in typical idiopathic scoliosis; however, they The early postoperative course can be difficult because
progress more rapidly. of the pulmonary issues in these patients, and ventilatory
support is necessary. Atelectasis and pneumonitis are more
Nonsurgical Treatment. Nonoperative treatment of scolio- frequent in patients undergoing anterior surgery than in
sis in SMA is difficult. Orthoses make sitting easier, but those having posterior spinal fusion.1 Although uncommon,
they are ineffective in preventing curve progression or alter- long-term complications include pseudarthrosis with loss of
ing the need for surgery.13,16,23 Curves in nonambulatory correction, prominent implants, pulmonary embolism, and
patients were found to increase at a rate of 8 degrees/year, diaphragmatic rupture with significant pulmonary compro-
despite brace use.23 Respiratory function may be signifi- mise. The risk of postoperative complications is greater with
cantly depressed in patients with severe SMA, and rigid larger curves and in older patients.26
e182 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-45  A, Radiographic appearance in a 12-year-old boy with hip subluxation secondary to spinal muscular atrophy. B, Femoral
and Dega pelvic osteotomies were performed on the right hip. C, The right hip remained stable 2 years following surgery. D, At age 14,
the patient continued to walk, but scoliosis had developed.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e183


FIGURE 36-46  A, Thoracolumbar scoliosis in a 3-year-old boy with type II spinal muscular atrophy. B and C, Clinical appearance at age 9
years. The boy props himself up with his upper extremities to maintain sitting balance. D, The magnitude of the thoracolumbar curve has
significantly increased.
e184 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 36-47  Posterior spinal fusion with Luque-Galveston instrumentation to the

pelvis in the 9-year-old boy shown in Figure 36-46.

FIGURE 36-48  A, Preoperative radiograph demonstrates a severe, long-sweeping, left thoracolumbar curve and left truncal imbalance.
B, Posteroanterior radiograph 2 years after posterior spinal fusion and instrumentation from T2 to the pelvis, with multiple pedicle screws
in the thoracic and lumbar spine and iliac screws in the pelvis.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e185

FIGURE 36-49  A, Posteroanterior spinal radiograph of a 12-year-old boy with type II spinal muscular atrophy. B, Sitting balance has been
improved by posterior spinal fusion with Dunn-McCarthy instrumentation to the pelvis.

Although curve correction and stabilization can be decline in pulmonary function.1,25 Nonetheless, aggressive
achieved through spinal arthrodesis, the tradeoff is a pos- pulmonary care must be provided perioperatively to avoid
sible decline in the ability to carry out ADLs. Specifically, respiratory complications such as pneumonia and the need
the rigid and upright spine creates difficulty in self-feeding, for prolonged mechanical ventilation.
drinking, and self-hygiene because the patient cannot bring Scoliosis in an ambulatory patient poses a treatment
his or her hands up to the face because of upper extremity dilemma. Up to 50% of walking patients develop scoliosis.
proximal muscle weakness.7,13 Most studies, however, Often, lumbar lordosis and pelvic motion compensate for
report patient and family satisfaction and a willingness to the proximal muscle weakness of the lower extremities and
choose the surgery again if faced with that decision.1,6 are essential to the gait in these patients. Because the ability
Patients most at risk for losing function are those who are to walk may be lost in some patients after spinal arthro­
weakest preoperatively.14 In general, an improved outcome desis,13,14 surgical treatment of scoliosis should be delayed
was seen in sitting balance, cosmesis with respect to trunk when reasonable in ambulatory patients.31 When necessary,
position, and overall quality of life; intermediate to good fusion can be stopped proximal to the pelvis (Fig. 36-50).
outcomes were seen with regard to pulmonary status, pain,
and self-image. Counseling patients and their families before Medical Treatment
surgery is essential. Occupational therapists should evaluate There is currently no effective drug treatment for SMA.35,36
the children for the appropriateness of adaptive equipment In a few reported cases, the life span of affected individuals
following surgery. has been significantly expanded by the use of intermittent
There are conflicting reports in the literature regarding positive-pressure ventilation, with and without tracheos-
the effect of scoliosis surgery on pulmonary function. There tomy.2,38 Proposed future therapies for SMA patients
is agreement that a decline in respiratory status correlates include increasing the transcription level of SMN RNA,
with an increasingly severe scoliosis.27 Some authors have stabilization of the SMN protein, repair of degenerated
found that respiratory parameters improve after spinal motor neurons, and stem cell therapy to replace degener-
arthrodesis,27 whereas others have found a continuous ated motor neurons.35,40
e186 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 36-50  A, Posteroanterior standing spinal

radiograph of an ambulatory 13-year-old girl with
type III spinal muscular atrophy. B and C, Clinical
appearance of the girl. Note the anterior pelvic tilt,
hip flexion, and excessive spinal lordosis. D, Posterior
spinal fusion was performed using Luque
instrumentation to L5 to allow pelvic motion during
gait. She remained a limited ambulator 2 years after C D

4. Bowen JR, Forlin E: Spinal muscular atrophy. In Weinstein SL,

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207:44, 1986.
e188 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 36-1  Tibialis Tendon Transfer to the Calcaneus to Prevent or Correct Calcaneal Deformity


This procedure is indicated for patients with unopposed absorbable suture material is placed at its distal end. The
voluntary or involuntary ankle dorsiflexion producing tendon is mobilized to the retinaculum. A second incision
dynamic and potentially fixed calcaneal deformity of the is made over the anterior compartment of the lower leg,
ankle. The patient is most conveniently positioned in the exposing the tibialis anterior tendon and retracting it into
lateral decubitus position with the affected side up, allow- the proximal incision. If soft tissue contractures of the long
ing ready access to the anterior and posterior aspects of toe extensors or ankle capsule prevent plantar flexion of the
the ankle and lower leg. Alternatively, especially when the foot into a neutral position, these structures can be divided
deformity is bilateral, the patient may be positioned supine, through an extension of this proximal incision.
with the leg rotated to allow somewhat awkward access to B, With displacement of the tibialis anterior superiorly and
the heel, or prone, with the knee flexed for the anterior retraction of the contents of the anterior compartment
portions of the procedure. laterally and extraperiosteally away from the tibia, the inter-
osseous membrane is identified and incised to allow passage
of the tibialis anterior tendon through it and into the pos-
Operative Technique
terior compartment.
A, The tibialis anterior tendon is exposed at its insertion C, The Achilles tendon and superior aspect of the calcaneus
through an incision on the dorsomedial aspect of the foot. are exposed through an incision paralleling the lateral border
The tendon is sharply resected from its insertion on the base of the Achilles tendon.
of the first metatarsal, and a Bunnell-type suture of heavy
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e189


D, The tibialis anterior tendon is brought through the inter- Postoperative Management
osseous membrane into the posterior aspect of the leg. A
The patient is not permitted to bear weight in the cast while
drill hole is made in the calcaneus from its superior surface
the button is in place. The cast can be removed 2 to 3 weeks
just anterior and lateral to the insertion of the Achilles
after surgery to inspect the wounds and remove the button
by transecting the absorbable suture at the skin. I use this
E, The tibialis anterior tendon is passed through the calca-
clinic visit to cast the patient for new ankle-foot orthoses.
neus using straight Keith needles and sutured over a pad
A new short-leg walking cast is applied, and the patient is
and button on the sole of the foot. I prefer to suture the
allowed to bear weight as tolerated. The parents must be
transferred tendon with the foot in a neutral position rather
educated to watch for evidence of skin irritation or excoria-
than plantar flexion. The tibialis anterior tendon can be
tion at the edges of the cast and the tips of the toes and to
sutured to the Achilles tendon for additional reinforcement
report breakdown of the sole of the cast. The cast is removed
of the transfer. The surgeon must be careful to avoid exces-
6 weeks after surgery, and the patient is placed in ankle-foot
sive pressure of the pad and button on the heel pad, which
or knee-ankle-foot orthoses, as needed.
could lead to pressure necrosis. The wounds are irrigated
Excessive swelling after removal of the cast may be sec-
and closed after the tourniquet has been released and hemo-
ondary to fracture of the distal tibial metaphysis. This com-
stasis achieved. A short-leg cast is applied, with meticulous
plication may be avoided by immobilizing the foot and ankle
attention to preventing wrinkles and pressure points.
in a neutral position in the cast, rather than in plantar
flexion, and by ensuring a smooth transition from cast to
orthosis postoperatively.
e190 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 36-2  Achilles Tendon–Distal Fibular Tenodesis for Mild Ankle Valgus in Skeletally
Immature Patients


The patient is placed prone on the operating table for easiest Achilles tendon, peroneal tendons, and posterior aspect of
exposure of the posterior aspect of the lower leg and heel. the fibular shaft proximal to its physis are exposed.
B, A distally based slip (≈1 cm wide) of Achilles tendon is
fashioned. The remaining Achilles tendon is lengthened if
Operative Technique
A, A long vertical incision is made, paralleling the lateral
border of the Achilles tendon. Through this incision, the

CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e191



C, A Bunnell-type suture is passed through the proximal short-leg walking cast is applied with the foot in a neutral
free end of the slip of the Achilles tendon, tubulating the position.
tendon as needed. A trough is made in the posterior distal
fibular shaft and, if it is stout enough, drill holes are made Postoperative Management
proximal to the trough to receive the suture.
D, The free slip of Achilles tendon is sutured into the The patient is allowed to bear weight in the cast. The
trough in the distal fibula. The transferred portion of the child and parents are educated to watch for evidence of
Achilles tendon should be tensioned so that it is snug in skin irritation or excoriation at the edges of the cast and
neutral ankle dorsiflexion. If the fibula is too small for holes tips of the toes and to report breakdown of the sole of
to be drilled in the cortex, the suture can be passed around the cast. The cast is removed 6 weeks after surgery, and
the shaft of the fibula or the slip of Achilles tendon can be the patient is placed in ankle-foot or knee-ankle-foot
wrapped around the fibula and sutured to itself. The wounds orthoses, as needed.
are irrigated and closed. A well-molded and padded
e192 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 36-3  Lumbar Kyphectomy in Myelomeningocele Patients With Fixation to the Pelvis Using the
Dunn-McCarthy Technique

Before this major surgical procedure is undertaken, every this purpose, but this can be modified, depending on the
effort must be made to provide stable soft tissue coverage state of the patient’s soft tissues and the need for any con-
of the kyphotic area. The patient’s ventriculoperitoneal comitant rotational flaps. After mobilization of the skin, the
shunt must be determined to be patent and functioning or posterior spinal elements are exposed proximal to the dys-
the patient must be known to be shunt-independent. The raphic area. The sac is identified and mobilized by freeing
patient is positioned prone on rolls or a Hall-Relton or it from the spinal column distal to the intended level of
similar frame. Meticulous attention must be given to kyphectomy. The sac is transected distally and then mobi-
padding bony prominences and avoiding excessive arm lized proximally by identifying and tying off the nerve roots
abduction. An indwelling Foley catheter, large intravenous in sequence as they exit the sac. Because of previous scar-
lines, and central venous pressure monitoring are minimal ring, dissection is usually more tedious than the illustrations
anesthetic requirements. The entire posterior aspect of the might suggest, and the vessels between the sac and the
trunk to the buttocks is draped into the surgical area. spinal column or those associated with the nerve roots can
cause considerable bleeding.
B, Mobilization of the sac continues proximally until it can
Operative Technique
be elevated off the spinal column proximal to the intended
A, The posterior skin is mobilized from the myelomeningo- level of kyphectomy—usually the point at which the pos-
cele sac remnants. Usually, a midline incision is effective for terior elements are intact or the base of the thoracic spine.
CHAPTER 36  Disorders of the Spinal Cord e193


C, While the sac is held by its distal stump, the cord and stout protective membrane between the spinal column and
sac remnants are transected proximal to the level of kyph- retroperitoneal area, but dissection is normally more tedious
ectomy. The meninges only are tied with a purse-string and vascular. Typically, to correct the deformity, two verte-
suture at the level of resection. It is essential that the spinal bral body equivalents spanning three segments need to be
cord not be sutured along with the meninges. Tying of the resected. The surgeon should carefully plan which vertebrae
spinal cord may cause central canal obstruction and acute are to be resected to provide optimal realignment of the
hydrocephalus and has been associated with sudden periop- residual spinal column, ideally by making tracings of preop-
erative death. erative radiographs and studying the effect of vertebral
D, The lumbar spine is exposed in a subperiosteal or extra- body resection at different levels. Proximal thoracic lordosis
periosteal fashion, as desired, exposing the kyphotic area of or a milder kyphotic deformity of the spine below the major
the spine circumferentially and allowing the paraspinal kyphotic deformity may shift the optimal area of resection
muscles, psoas muscle, retroperitoneum, and abdominal (usually proximally). However, the surgeon should avoid
contents to fall anteriorly with the dissection. The extra- centering the area of resection near the thoracolumbar or
periosteal plane is generally more easily mobilized from the lumbosacral area; approximation and fixation of the residual
spine; segmental vessels usually need to be ligated as the spinal column are more difficult when resection has been
dissection proceeds. Subperiosteal dissection provides a carried out in these areas.

Continued on following page

e194 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 36-3  Lumbar Kyphectomy in Myelomeningocele Patients With Fixation to the Pelvis Using the
Dunn-McCarthy Technique, cont’d

E, Fixation and fusion of the spinal column are performed F, After completion of fixation, bone graft is placed around
using pedicle screws where the pedicles remain intact. I the rods from the sacrum to the upper limit of the fusion.
prefer to extend the fusion proximally into the upper The rods should be cross-linked to provide maximum
thoracic spine to optimize spinal fixation and prevent the construct stability. The wound is then closed over drains.
development of a midthoracic kyphotic deformity, which
can result from shorter fusions. In the dysraphic area,
Postoperative Management
wires can be looped around the transverse process or
pedicle remnants or passed through drill holes in the ped- The patient should initially be nursed in bed, prone or
icles if they are stout enough. Bone screws inserted directly supine. I prefer to have the patient sitting as soon as fea-
into the vertebral bodies or figure-eight loops of wire sible, depending on the adequacy of spinal fixation. If
passed around the bases of pedicles above and below the extremely secure fixation has been accomplished, external
area of vertebral body resection are alternative methods immobilization is not necessary. However, for 6 weeks, the
of fixation in the dysraphic area. Optimal fixation to the patient should not be allowed to pull himself or herself
pelvis is provided, in my experience, by the Dunn- into a sitting position or to self-transfer. Nursing staff and
McCarthy modification of the Luque instrumentation caretakers should be taught to transfer the patient to and
technique. Prefabricated right and left S-shaped stainless from the bed, chair, and toilet in an effective sitting
steel rods are contoured to the residual deformity (ideally position—that is, with the legs and torso moved simulta-
lordotic, but in actuality, usually straight or slightly neously without torque on the lumbosacral spine or hips.
kyphotic). The lower S portion of each rod is passed If fixation is not secure or if compliance is not ensured,
around the front of the sacral ala and secured to the spine the patient can be immobilized in a custom-molded tho-
below the kyphectomy area. (In younger patients I use the racolumbosacral orthosis, with thigh extensions fixed or
Fackler technique, placing custom-bent rods through the hinged to allow the sitting position. This provides external
sacral foramen.) Both rods are then pushed anteriorly support in the sitting position and minimizes movement
toward the proximal spinal segment, thereby reducing the of the legs, pelvis, and spine during transfers. If fixation is
kyphotic deformity, and the wires of the proximal spinal completely inadequate, the patient can be nursed prone
segment are gradually tightened to the rod. or supine in bed until satisfactory healing has occurred;
this course should be avoided if at all possible.
C H A P T E R 3 7 

Poliomyelitis John A. Herring

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recom-

Chapter Outline mended that children be inoculated first with inactivated
vaccine, followed by oral attenuated vaccine.161 In 2006 the
Pathology CDC reported that vaccine-associated paralytic polio cases
Course and Prognosis had been eliminated in the United States after this change
Treatment Overview in vaccine administration; the last such case was reported
Management of the Hip in 1999.1 It is important to differentiate vaccine-related
Management of the Knee polio from Guillain-Barré syndrome. The latter has been
Management of Specific Deformities of the Foot reported to occur more frequently during oral polio vaccina-
and Ankle tion campaigns.2
Management of the Trunk The effort to eliminate poliomyelitis worldwide contin-
Management of the Shoulder ues. Great credit goes to several organizations for their
Management of the Elbow work, including Rotary International, the Bill and Melinda
Management of the Forearm Gates Foundation, and the World Health Organization.36
Much progress has been made, as noted in 2011 that
between 2009 and 2010 the rate of polio in Nigeria and
Poliomyelitis is an acute infectious disease caused by a group India had been reduced by 95%. The authors stated that
of neurotropic viruses that initially invade the gastrointesti- this represented “real opportunities in India and Nigeria,
nal and respiratory tracts and subsequently spread to the setting the stage for polio to follow smallpox into the history
central nervous system (CNS) through the hematogenous books.”6 In a 2012 report, however, these recent gains were
route. The poliomyelitis virus has a special affinity for the reported to be offset by continued endemicity in Pakistan
anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and for certain motor and Afghanistan where large outbreaks had occurred.90
nuclei of the brainstem. These cells undergo necrosis, which Major issues are the identification of asymptomatic viral
results in loss of innervation of the motor units that they carriers and the difficulty of environmental screening, which
supply. even involves the screening of sewage.88,104 Polio can be
The first description of paralytic poliomyelitis was given contracted by unvaccinated adults traveling to countries
by Underwood in 1789.166 where polio is still endemic.28
Infection may be caused by type I, II, or III poliomyelitis Another manifestation of poliomyelitis that has received
virus. No cross-immunity exists among the various types of considerable attention is the occurrence of postpolio syn-
poliovirus; thus infection may recur in the same individ- drome. This syndrome is characterized by increasing muscle
ual.111,135 Poliovirus is a member of the enterovirus group, weakness, fatigue, pain, and loss of function in individuals
which includes coxsackievirus and the echoviruses. Paralytic who contracted poliomyelitis 20 or more years earlier. Perry
disease that is clinically and pathologically indistinguishable and associates131 showed that this condition represents a
from poliomyelitis can be produced by various other entero- chronic overuse syndrome, with overstressed muscles
viruses. These viruses may be isolated by tissue culture. “wearing out.” Another theory of the origin of this phenom-
In the past, poliomyelitis was an epidemic disease in the enon is the failure of axonal sprouts that formed during the
summer and fall months, with sporadic cases occurring healing process after poliomyelitis.40,47 The prevalence is
throughout winter and spring. The development and wide- higher in women than in men, and the syndrome is more
spread use of a prophylactic vaccine greatly reduced the likely in those who contracted polio at an early age.132 A
incidence of poliomyelitis; however, sporadic cases still do discussion of the management of this problem, however, is
occur, and continued rehabilitation of patients who have beyond the scope of a text on pediatric orthopaedics.
had the disease remains a concern of the orthopaedic This chapter deals with general principles of the manage-
surgeon.111,136,137,141,150 ment of paralytic deformities of the musculoskeletal system
More recently, attention has focused on cases of polio- that result from poliomyelitis. These principles are appli-
myelitis caused by oral vaccine, so-called vaccine-associated cable not only to the treatment of poliomyelitis but also to
paralytic poliomyelitis. The risk of contracting poliomyelitis the management of similar problems of flaccid paralysis
from the vaccine remains extremely low, with a rate of 1 secondary to other causes. For a detailed account of the
case per 2.5 million doses. Between 1980 and 1989, 80 such disease and its medical aspects of management, the reader
cases were reported in the United States. During the same is referred to the voluminous literature on the subject.
period no cases resulted from wild virus, and 5 cases of
imported disease were reported. People at risk for contract-
ing vaccine-associated disease were infants receiving their Pathology
first dose, persons in contact with vaccine recipients who
were not vaccinated, and immunologically compromised Poliovirus has a definite predilection for the anterior horn
people. Because of this rare but devastating occurrence, the cells of the spinal cord and for certain motor nuclei in the

e196 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

brainstem. The lumbar and cervical enlargements of the The two primary factors to consider in the prognosis are
spinal cord are the most commonly affected. The damaging the severity of the initial paralysis and the diffuseness of its
action on the motoneurons may be direct, occurring through regional distribution. If total paralysis of a muscle persists
the toxic effects of the virus, or indirect, occurring through beyond the second month, severe motor cell destruction is
ischemia, edema, and hemorrhage in the neurons’ support- indicated, and the likelihood of any significant return of
ive glial tissue.14 function is poor. If the initial paralysis is partial, the prog-
The motoneurons swell and the Nissl substance in their nosis is better.
cytoplasm undergoes chromatolysis. An inflammatory reac- The condition of the neighboring muscles is another con-
tion ensues, with infiltration of polymorphonuclear and sideration. A weakened muscle surrounded by completely
mononuclear cells into the gray matter, particularly the paralyzed muscles has less chance of recovery than does a
perivascular areas. The necrotic bodies are subsequently muscle of corresponding power that is surrounded by strong
replaced by scar tissue. muscles. Muscle spasm, contracture of antagonist muscle
Involvement of the anterior horn cells varies from groups, deformity, and inadequate early treatment are
minimal injury, with temporary inhibition of metabolic other factors that may interfere with recovery of muscle
activity and rapid recovery, to complete and irrevocable function.
Paralysis is of the flaccid type, with the individual motor
units following the “all-or-none” law, because the virus Treatment Overview
affects the anterior horn cells rather than the muscle. The
percentage of motor units destroyed varies, and the resul- Management of poliomyelitis varies with the stage of the
tant muscle weakness is proportionate to the number of disease and the severity and extent of paralysis.58,59 Treat-
motor units that are lost. For example, a muscle with “poor” ment in the acute febrile stage is primarily the domain of
muscle strength will have 20% of its motor units function- the pediatrician or internist, and patients are admitted to
ing, whereas a muscle with “good” motor strength will have infectious disease hospitals or to isolation units of general
80% of its motor units functioning. These remaining func- hospitals. Care of the musculoskeletal system, however, is
tional motor units are called guiding neuromuscular units important from the first day of the disease. It is imperative
and are of particular importance in retaining patterns of that the orthopaedic surgeon be consulted to examine a
motion of the individual muscles or muscle groups during patient with a suspected case of poliomyelitis before lumbar
the recovery stage. The recovery of muscle power primarily puncture is performed. The surgeon should be responsible
depends on restitution of the anterior horn cells of the for all orders concerning management of the musculoskel-
spinal cord that have been damaged but not destroyed. etal system. The pediatrician is responsible for general care
of the patient, especially any problems of respiratory system
and bulbar involvement, should they develop. Once afebrile
Course and Prognosis for 18 hours (i.e., after termination of the acute stage), the
patient should be transferred to the service of the ortho-
The course of the disease is subdivided into acute, conva- paedic surgeon, who assumes the dominant role. Such
lescent, and chronic phases. The acute phase, which lasts delineation in addition to continuity of supervision is man-
from 5 to 10 days, is the period of acute illness when datory because it stimulates early attention to deforming
paralysis may occur. It is further subdivided into the pre- tendencies and prevents their development.
paralytic phase and the paralytic phase. The acute phase is
ordinarily thought to end when the patient has had no fever
Acute Phase
for 48 hours.
The convalescent phase encompasses the 16-month During the initial, febrile phase of the disease, the primary
period after the acute phase. During this time a varying concerns of the orthopaedic surgeon are the comfort of the
degree of spontaneous recovery in muscle power takes patient and the prevention of deformity. It is best to place
place. This phase is also further subdivided into the sensitive the patient on complete bed rest and restrict physical activi-
phase (lasting from 2 weeks to several months), character- ties to a minimum. The patient is irritable and apprehensive.
ized by hypersensitivity of muscles, which are tender and It is important to reassure the patient and allay fears.
“in spasm,” and the insensitive phase, in which the muscles General medical measures consist of the administration
are no longer sensitive but are still in the period of of a varied diet with relatively high fluid intake, attention
recovery. to urinary retention and bladder paralysis, prevention of
The chronic or residual phase is the final stage of the constipation and fecal impaction, and provision of analgesia
disease after recovery of muscle power has taken place. It for pain. Opiates and other medications that have a depress-
encompasses the rest of the patient’s life after termination ing action on the CNS should not be given in the presence
of the convalescent period.106 of impending paralysis of the muscles of respiration.
Immediately after onset it is difficult to make an accu- A detailed determination of the severity and extent of
rate prognosis regarding the rate and extent of spontaneous muscle paralysis is not warranted during this febrile period.
recovery. It is best to assume that the involved muscles will By gentle handling of the limbs and trunk, however, the
recover until the subsequent course of the disease demon- clinician can make an approximate assessment of the degree
strates otherwise. Muscle recovery is most marked in the and distribution of the motor weakness without much dis-
first 3 to 6 months, and the potential for recovery ceases tress to the patient. This initial muscle examination has
approximately 16 to 18 months after onset. diagnostic and therapeutic implications. It also provides the
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e197

necessary information to prevent the development of poten- When the patient is lying supine, the knees should be
tial deformities consequent to paralysis. held in slight flexion with padded rolls under them and
Ordinarily, paralysis develops 2 or 3 days after the onset behind the proximal ends of the tibiae to prevent genu
of fever and increases in severity for several days. Progres- recurvatum and posterior subluxation of the tibiae. A
sive involvement ceases only after the elevated temperature slightly flexed position of the knees relaxes the sensitive
returns to normal. Characteristically, the paralysis in polio- hamstrings. Excessive flexion of the knees, however, should
myelitis is asymmetric. In the presence of symmetric paral- be avoided. Sandbags or rolled pads are placed on the lateral
ysis of the limbs and trunk, a paralytic disease other than sides of the thighs and legs to prevent external rotation
poliomyelitis should be considered. In a large epidemic the deformity of the lower limbs. Intermittent use of rolls
care of patients will be much simplified if those with paraly- between the scapulae will prevent forward hunching of the
sis are separated from those without paralysis. shoulders.
The limbs should not be maintained in rigidly fixed posi-
Management of Respiratory Involvement tions. Several times a day the joints are carried passively
Patients with bulbar and respiratory involvement require through their range of motion; this will help relieve muscle
specialized intensive care. An early appraisal of the distribu- pain. Overstretching of the muscles, however, should be
tion and extent of paralysis will help detect muscle weak- avoided. The patient should be handled as gently as possi-
ness in certain areas that should alert the clinician to the ble. Passive motion of the joints of a limb is imperative to
possible development of such distressing complications. For prevent stiffness and myostatic contractures. At times,
example, a patient who cannot lift his or her head because during severe spasm of the hip flexors, hamstrings, and
of paralysis of the anterior neck muscles or one who has a gastrocnemius, the sensitivity and pain of muscles are so
nasal intonation of the voice, difficulty swallowing, and great that anatomic alignment cannot be assumed without
weakness of the facial muscles should be watched carefully excessive discomfort.
for bulbar involvement. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are
essential to keep the patient’s airways open because the Management of Muscle Spasm
condition may be fatal. Aspiration of unswallowed secre- “Muscle spasm,” a principal manifestation of poliomyelitis
tions is a definite danger. The foot of the bed is elevated in its early stages, is characterized by protective contraction
and the patient is placed in a prone or lateral position. Fre- of the muscles to prevent a potentially painful movement.
quent suction or postural drainage is usually required. Occa- “Muscle resistance to stretch” is more descriptive of this
sionally, tracheostomy may be necessary. reflex guarding action of the muscles, which resembles the
Another anatomic area that should be observed for muscle spasm associated with painful phenomena such as
muscle weakness is the shoulder girdle. The nerve supply hamstring spasm in synovitis of the knee. True spasticity
to the deltoid muscle is provided by the fifth cervical root; and signs of upper motoneuron involvement are absent. The
it is adjacent to the fourth cervical root, which innervates exact cause of the muscle pain and sensitivity is unknown.
the diaphragm. Consequently, progressive paralysis of the Most probably these manifestations are the result of inflam-
deltoid muscle is usually followed by paralysis of the inter- matory changes in the posterior ganglia and meninges.
costal muscles and the diaphragm. An increased rate of Other possible causes are lesions in the reticular substance
breathing, use of accessory muscles of respiration, and rest- and lesions of the internuncial neurons in which inhibitory
lessness, anxiety, and disorientation are signs that should fibers to the anterior horn cells are affected.
alert the physician to the possible need for a mechanical The degree of muscle pain and sensitivity varies consid-
respirator. Paralysis of the diaphragm is easily detected on erably. Some muscle discomfort is usually present in the
fluoroscopy. Abdominal muscle weakness is determined by preparalytic period. Nerve traction tests, such as those of
asking the patient to lift the head and shoulder or the lower Lasègue and Kernig, increase muscle spasm and pain. Spon-
limbs. Asymmetry of power is indicated by the Beevor sign, taneous severe pain is rare but occasionally seen in adult
which is a shift of the umbilicus toward the stronger patients. The important consideration is that the painful
muscles. strong muscles tend to shorten during the sensitive phase;
if these muscles are maintained in their shortened position,
Prevention of Deformity myostatic contracture and fixed deformity will develop.
Patient positioning should provide correct anatomic align- In the acute and sensitive phase of convalescence, appli-
ment of the limbs and proper posture of the trunk. The aim cation of moist heat relieves the sensitivity of the muscles
is to prevent the development of deformities. The bed and alleviates discomfort. Physiologically, heat increases
should give adequate support and should not sag. A firm local temperature and enhances blood flow to the muscle.
foam rubber mattress is preferable. Bed boards should be It has no specific therapeutic effect on the course of the
placed beneath the mattress and should be hinged to permit paralysis and actual recovery of involved nerve cells. Heat
sitting in the later convalescent period. A padded footboard is more beneficial if it is applied intermittently for short
is used to maintain the ankles and feet in neutral position periods.
when the patient is lying supine or prone. Pulling the end In the acute phase, to minimize handling of the patient,
of the mattress about 10 cm away from the footboard pro- a lay-on wool pack is used. It consists of three layers, one
vides an interspace in which the heels are allowed to fall. of wool blanket material (wrung out of boiling water by
Periods in the supine position should be alternated with passing it twice through a wringer) and one of waterproof
periods in the prone position. The prone position is impor- material, which in turn is covered by an outer layer of wool
tant for maintenance of good muscle tone of the gluteus blanket. The number of these packs and the duration of
maximus and erector spinae muscles. their use are individualized according to the intensity of
e198 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

pain and spasm. In general, two moist heat packs are applied in power during a 3-month period, it is unlikely that it will
during a 20-minute period. Continuous and overzealous use recover or gain strength of functional significance. In such
of heat should be avoided because it can be tiring and a case the patient should be fitted with appropriate orthotic
harmful to the patient. Moist heat is best used before physi- support and allowed greater activity. In contrast, a muscle
cal therapy in the acute phase to assist in developing greater that shows steady improvement has a good possibility of
range of joint motion and to facilitate the performance of recovering to a functional level; hence it is unwise to apply
active exercises. Warm tub baths are substituted for the an above-knee orthosis to this weak limb and permit the
lay-on packs within a few days after the patient’s tempera- patient to walk.
ture has returned to normal and when the patient’s general
condition permits. The buoyant effect of water makes it Preserving and Restoring
easier for the weakened muscles to move. Active exercises Neuromuscular Function
in water in the acute phase should be closely supervised so In management of the convalescent stage of poliomyelitis,
that the patient does not substitute stronger muscles for the the following aspects of neuromuscular function must be
weaker ones. Again, the patient’s comfort is the primary considered.59
consideration. The temperature of the tub baths should be
approximately 100° F, and the total period of immersion in Patterns of Motor Activity
the tub should not exceed 20 minutes. In cases of extensive Limb motions are complex and are not the result of isolated
paralysis, overhead cranes may be used to lower the patient contraction of a single muscle. The functions of many
directly into the tub from the stretcher. muscles are integrated and coordinated in the execution of
a movement and are controlled by the automatic reflexes
of the CNS. In dorsiflexion of the ankle, for example, the
Convalescent Phase
anterior tibial muscle, the toe extensors, and the peroneus
The objectives of treatment during the convalescent stage tertius are the prime movers that execute the desired move-
are (1) attainment of maximum recovery in individual ment, whereas the triceps surae and the toe flexors are the
muscles, (2) restoration and maintenance of normal range antagonist muscles that become relaxed because of the
of joint motion, (3) prevention of deformities and correc- reciprocal innervation of the agonist and antagonist muscles.
tion of deformities if they occur, and (4) achievement of The synergist and fixation muscles also contract while the
the best possible physiologic status of the neuromusculo­ prime mover acts.
skeletal system.59 In the presence of muscle weakness, the tendency is to
use a strong group of muscles that can perform the action
Management of Muscle Spasm more easily and readily, thus excluding the weaker muscles
and Prevention of Deformity from the pattern of motor activity. A muscle that has been
In the early part of the convalescent stage, because muscle temporarily paralyzed will be left out of the pattern of
sensitivity and spasm are still present, the use of hot packs motion permanently if other muscles substitute for its
is continued for the comfort of the patient. Passive exercises action during the period of its recovery. In the convalescent
are performed four to six times a day to prevent the devel- stage, these muscular substitutions and abnormal patterns
opment of contractural deformity. When joint motion is of motor activity should be avoided.
limited, gentle passive stretching exercises are added to the Some neuromuscular units often remain intact in the
therapy program. This exercise regimen should not cause paralyzed muscles; they act as “guiding contractile units,”
the patient discomfort; however, the threshold of pain may and in the performance of active exercises, these function-
be very low in an apprehensive, sensitive person. A firm but ing neuromuscular units should be used to guide the body
sympathetic attitude by the therapist is important, and the part in execution of normal motion.
patient should be encouraged more each time to gain a For example, in reeducation of a poor anterior tibial
greater degree of motion. Tendencies toward deformity muscle, the ankle joint is first passively dorsiflexed through
should be observed, such as external rotation and abduction its full arc of motion to stretch any contracture of the
of the hips, plantar flexion of the feet, or adduction of the triceps surae muscle. The limb is then placed in a side-lying
shoulders. Passive stretching exercises should be directed position to eliminate the force of gravity, and the ankle joint
toward preventing and correcting deformity. is again passively dorsiflexed in some inversion through its
full range. The therapist assists the patient to localize the
Muscle Examination action of the anterior tibial muscle and emphasizes that
Several days after onset of the convalescent stage, a com- substitution by the toe extensors and peroneus tertius
plete muscle examination should be performed. Ordinarily, muscle should be avoided.
it is done in stages to avoid fatiguing or disturbing the Next the patient is asked to produce an active, sustained
patient. This initial motor assessment provides a basis for contraction of the anterior tibial throughout its full arc of
comparison with subsequent examinations, and it also motion, first with and then without assistance. As the
serves as a guide to the therapy regimen that is to be insti- muscle becomes stronger, the limb is placed in the supine
tuted. The rate and extent of muscle recovery are deter- position to make the muscle work against gravity, and gradu-
mined by repeating these muscle tests periodically—monthly ally increasing manual resistance is applied. The active exer-
during the first 4 months, bimonthly during the following cises are graduated on the basis of performance. Muscles
8 months, and then quarterly during the second year of the that are overworked lose strength.
disease. The prognostic value of the serial muscle tests is In poliomyelitis, reciprocal innervation between agonist
evident: when a muscle exhibits little or no improvement and antagonist muscles is often disturbed, with resultant
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e199

loss of synergistic muscular action and the normal pattern facilitated in the pool because the buoyant effect of the
of motor activity. water facilitates coordinated motion of the parts. Strict
supervision by the therapist is mandatory, however, to
Fatigue prevent substitution of strong muscles for those that are
A paralyzed muscle is easily fatigued. This is readily shown weak. Excessive exercises and overwork should be avoided.
by its rapid loss of power and inability to function after Patients with extensive paralysis are initially instructed to
several effective contractions. Forcing a weak muscle beyond ambulate in the pool; when adequate control of the trunk
its point of maximal action does not increase its strength; and lower limbs is achieved, this is no longer necessary.
on the contrary, it inhibits recovery of the paralyzed muscle. Standing balance should be developed first, followed by
It is important to observe the level of functional activity walking with the help of crutches. The gait pattern should
of a weak muscle so that it is not forced to exceed its be a reciprocal four-point gait, with the amount of body
capability. weight borne depending on the degree of paralysis. The
physical therapist assists in locomotion so that abnormal
Contractural Deformity and Progressive Loss mechanisms do not develop. During the convalescent
of Function period, use of an orthosis should be kept to a minimum
Flaccid paralysis is the chief cause of functional loss. Mus- because it increases the workload on the paralytic levels and
cular action is also inhibited by pain, sensitivity, and spasm. tends to produce abnormal gait patterns. In severe paralysis
When a muscle is maintained in a shortened position for a of the lower limbs and trunk, however, locomotion may be
prolonged period, myostatic contracture develops. Muscle impossible without the support of an adequate orthosis.
imbalance and increased stress secondary to abnormal pat- General activities of the patient are gradually increased.
terns of activity are other factors producing deformity. During the first few minutes of locomotion the gait may be
Growth is an important consideration in the management effective, but with fatigue it may become poor. Random,
of poliomyelitis in children. The contour of bony structures purposeless activity should be discouraged.
is influenced by paralysis and dynamic muscle imbalance.
For example, when the triceps surae muscle is weak and the
Chronic Phase
ankle dorsiflexors are of normal motor strength, a progres-
sive calcaneus deformity of the hindfoot results. If the child The goals of treatment in the residual stage are to enable
is permitted to walk without support and protection, the the patient to attain maximal function and to obtain the
loss of power of the triceps surae muscle will be greater greatest amount of productive activity despite residual
because the muscle is working against gravity. Figure 37-1 weakness.58 With continued growth and use of the limb,
shows the vicious cycle of factors causing progressive loss progressive deformities that will ultimately cause loss of
of function in poliomyelitis. function may develop. Hence an equally important task
In the asensitive stage, proper alignment of the limbs and during the chronic stage is to prevent deformities and to
full range of joint motion must be restored and maintained. correct them, should they develop. The residual stage is a
Passive stretching exercises are performed vigorously. In the dynamic, not a static, period. Much can be done to improve
presence of muscle imbalance and a tendency to develop the functional capacity of the patient.
contracture, bivalved casts should be used at night to main-
tain the part in correct position. When a deformity is fixed, Physical Therapy
wedging casts or traction may be applied. In the residual stage the physical therapy regimen is directed
Active exercises are performed to integrate recovering toward (1) increasing the motor strength of muscles by
motor units into the normal pattern of motion; their primary active hypertrophy exercises, (2) preventing or correcting
objective is not to produce hypertrophy of muscles that are deformity by passive stretching exercises, and (3) achieving
already functioning normally. Hydrotherapy and active maximum functional activity.101
exercises in a pool are prescribed for patients with extensive
paralysis. Motion of the hips, shoulders, and trunk is greatly Active Hypertrophy Exercises
Active hypertrophy exercises are performed primarily for
the benefit of marginal muscles, to elevate or maintain their
functional level. (There is little to be gained by exercising
zero or “trace” muscles that remain unchanged after 18
Flaccid Loss of Muscle imbalance
+ Contracture Deformity months, and the same is true of muscles that have a “good”
paralysis function
Functional stress or “normal” rating.) For example, when the anterior tibial
and toe extensor muscles are “fair” in motor strength and
the triceps surae muscles are “normal,” active exercises of
Rapidly in child the ankle dorsiflexors should be performed to maintain
because of growth them at the antigravity functional level. Progressive resis-
Progressive Continued tance exercises entail the use of activity graded in propor-
deformity activity tion to the strength of the involved muscles. These exercises
Slowly in adult
are recommended in the residual stage of poliomyelitis to
FIGURE 37-1  Principal factors involved in the progressive loss of increase the strength and improve the endurance of such
function in the residual stage of poliomyelitis. (Redrawn from individual muscles or groups of muscles as a “fair” quadri-
Green WT, Grice DS: The management of chronic poliomyelitis, ceps or triceps surae or a “fair plus” hip abductor muscle to
Instr Course Lect 9:86, 1952.) maximum capacity. Whether progressive resistive exercises
e200 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

are of any permanent value when the motor strength Orthoses and Other Apparatus
of a muscle is less than “fair minus” is doubtful; a “poor” Use of an apparatus may be necessary during the asensitive
quadriceps muscle cannot, through hypertrophy exercises, period of the convalescent stage and the residual stage of
be improved to “fair” strength so that it can lift the poliomyelitis. The primary objectives of the orthosis are to
leg against gravity. Correction of flexion deformity of the (1) support the patient and enable the patient to walk and
knee, however, may provide added strength by eliminating increase functional activity, (2) protect a weak muscle from
the need for the quadriceps muscle to work against overstretching, (3) augment the action of weak muscles or
deformity. substitute for muscles completely lost, (4) prevent defor-
mity and malposition, and (5) correct deformity by stretch-
Passive Stretching Exercises ing certain groups of muscles that have been contracted.
Prevention of contractural deformity is much simpler than The support, substitution, and corrective mechanisms may
correction of such deformity. When a limb is continuously be combined in a single apparatus. In general, dynamic
maintained in one position, contracture and fixed deformity splinting is more desirable than static splinting.
develop as a result of the effects of gravity and dynamic
imbalance of muscles. An ankle joint held in plantar flexion General Principles
because of weak dorsiflexors and a strong triceps surae is Certain general principles should be followed regarding the
susceptible to the development of progressive equinus use of an apparatus in patients with poliomyelitis. When-
deformity if the ankle is not passively stretched into dorsi- ever satisfactory recovery of function is expected, an ortho-
flexion every day. The calf muscles should also be passively sis should be used with caution on the lower limbs because
stretched to prevent the development of equinus deformity; it is likely to produce an abnormal gait pattern. Thus during
this is implemented by the use of a bivalved night cast to the early convalescent period, use of an orthosis should be
hold the foot out of equinus and in neutral position. Passive deferred until after maximum recovery of muscle function
stretching exercises should be performed gently several has taken place. Locomotion without an orthosis but with
times a day. In the presence of muscle imbalance, however, the support of crutches should be attempted to stimulate
these exercises are not adequate to prevent deformity, and active muscular function through the exercise of walking.
other measures should be undertaken, such as the use of a Use of an orthosis should not, however, be postponed if
removable bivalved long-leg night cast to hold the foot in deformities appear likely to develop from the stress of
neutral position and wearing of a below-knee dorsiflexion- weight bearing. The needs of each patient are different, and
assist spring orthosis during the day. the use of a lower limb orthosis depends on the severity of
the muscle weakness and the degree of dynamic imbalance
Functional Training of the muscles. If the patient has extensive paralysis of the
The purpose of a functional training program is to enable lower limbs, use of an orthosis may be the only means of
the patient to overcome the handicaps imposed by the achieving stance and locomotion.
physical disability. The residual deficit in function varies, In general, use of an orthosis should be as minimal as the
depending on the extent and severity of paralysis. The condition permits. For example, if a patient with paralysis
needs of a growing child progressively change. In the resid- of both lower limbs were to be fitted with two above-knee
ual stage the patient is taught how to use all available orthoses, he or she would also need to use two crutches to
muscles to accomplish a task successfully. This is in contrast walk. If the patient were to use two crutches, he or she
to the convalescent stage, when the patient is not allowed could do as well with an above-knee orthosis on one leg only
to substitute stronger muscles for weaker ones. For example, because only minimal motor strength is required of the
when the anterior tibial is “poor” in motor strength in the other leg to walk without an orthosis. During the stance
convalescent stage, the child is not permitted to use the toe phase on the leg without the orthotic support, the tripod
extensors to dorsiflex the foot when active exercises are base is completed by the two crutches; the knee is stabilized
performed with the anterior tibial. In the chronic stage, by being locked in hyperextension. “Fair” motor strength in
however, if anterior tibial function is still “poor,” the child the ankle dorsiflexors and hip flexor muscles allows clear-
is taught how to dorsiflex the foot by using the toe extensors ance of the lower limb in the swing phase.
and peroneal muscles. It is imperative to explain to the patient the reasons
At times the activity of stronger muscles is suppressed for using an orthosis. The patient should understand
to prevent the development of deformity. For example, an clearly that wearing the orthosis will help in the early
individual with “normal” sartorius, biceps femoris, and convalescent stage of the disease and that the orthosis
peroneal muscles but “poor” iliopsoas, medial hamstring, may be discarded later, after training or reconstructive
and anterior tibial muscles walks with a marked external surgery. For example, the use of a dorsiflexion-assist below-
rotation deformity of the foot and leg. It is important to knee orthosis may be unnecessary after a successful ante-
supervise such a patient’s gait and teach the patient to sup- rior transfer of the peroneal tendons, or an opponens splint
press the eversion power of the peroneals and the externally may be discarded after a satisfactory opponens tendon
rotating power of the biceps femoris and the sartorius to transfer. In addition, when the child becomes an adult,
prevent the development of an external rotation deformity he or she may no longer need an above-knee orthosis to
of the lower limb. prevent genu recurvatum.
To teach a child merely to walk with crutches and ortho- The continued use of an orthosis should be reevaluated
ses is not satisfactory. The child should be instructed in regularly. Before advising that use of an orthosis be discon-
activities of daily living, such as how to get in and out of tinued, the clinician should be certain that no possibility for
chairs, open doors, and enter an automobile. the development of progressive deformities exists and that
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e201

the level and quality of functional performance will not deformity of the knee is present as a result of dynamic
deteriorate. imbalance between the hamstrings and quadriceps femoris
muscles, a well-padded anterior knee component is pre-
Specific Applications scribed. An Engen extension knee orthosis is worn at night
Lower Extremity.  When the toe extensor and anterior tibial to correct flexion deformity of the knee.
muscles are paralyzed and the triceps surae muscle is
normal, a dorsiflexion-assist spring orthosis (which acts as Hip.  If the muscles controlling the hip are weak, stability
an active substitute for the weak ankle dorsiflexors) is pref- of the hip joint can be provided by an ischial weight-bearing
erable to a below-knee caliper orthosis with a posterior stop thigh socket; crutches are used if necessary. Rotational align-
that prevents plantar flexion of the ankle beyond neutral ment of the lower limbs is obtained by the addition of
position. In paralysis of the gastrocnemius and soleus rotation straps or twisters. Ordinarily the patient walks
muscles, a plantar flexion–assist spring below-knee orthosis better without a pelvic band and drop-lock hips; however,
with a dorsiflexion stop at neutral position is prescribed in a young child with gluteus maximus paralysis, these
(Fig. 37-2). In the presence of a flail ankle and foot, a devices may be used temporarily for balance. Frequently
double-action ankle joint (both plantar flexion–assist and the spine also requires support. When upright posture is
dorsiflexion-assist) is provided, and a varus or valgus T-strap resumed, the abdominal muscles overstretch, and severe
is added to the shoe as necessary. In addition, inside or lumbar lordosis and paralytic scoliosis develop. Any asym-
outside wedges are prescribed for the shoe depending on metric involvement of the abdominal and trunk muscula-
the deformity of the foot. ture should always be carefully noted. An abdominal corset
When the muscles controlling the knee are paralyzed, an support with metal stays often serves to control abdominal
above-knee orthosis with a drop-lock knee joint is pre- muscle paralysis. If the trunk extensors are weak, a spinal
scribed. This type of orthosis provides knee stability for orthosis with an abdominal corset is provided. If the spine
walking and can be unlocked during sitting. If genu recur- is unstable and collapsing, it may be supported by a molded
vatum results from paralysis of the triceps surae in the plastic body jacket constructed from a plaster-of-Paris cast
presence of some strength of the quadriceps femoris, it can made while the patient is standing, with traction provided
be controlled by an above-knee orthosis with a free knee by a head sling. In paralytic scoliosis, usually a Milwaukee
joint constructed so that complete extension of the orthosis brace is worn, provided that lower limb paralysis is not
at the knee is prevented. Proper positioning of the thigh and extensive and wearing such an appliance does not prevent
calf bands also checks genu recurvatum. Genu varum or ambulation. In these instances the Milwaukee brace is used
knock-knee pads are added as necessary. When flexion intermittently during periods of recumbency or sitting,
or both.

Upper Extremity.  In the upper limb the paralyzed shoulder

muscles, particularly the deltoid, are best protected from
the effects of gravity with a sling, which allows functional
use of the forearm and hand. During the initial period of 6
to 8 weeks an abduction shoulder splint may be worn at
night and during part of the day to prevent overstretching
of the deltoid muscle, particularly when the patient has
associated paralytic subluxation or dislocation of the shoul-
der joint. A cock-up wrist splint is used when the wrist
extensors are paralyzed, and an opponens splint is used
when the opponens of the thumb is weak. When the intrin-
sic muscles of the hand are paralyzed, hyperextension of
the metacarpophalangeal joints is prevented by a knuckle-
bender dynamic splint.
Surgical Treatment
A multitude of operative procedures can be performed both
for the correction of paralytic deformities and for the total
physical rehabilitation of a child with poliomyelitis. These
procedures may include fasciotomy, capsulotomy, tendon
transfers, osteotomy, and arthrodesis. Leg length inequality
commonly occurs in poliomyelitis as a result of shortening
in the paralyzed leg.
Principles of Tendon Transfer
Tendon transfer entails shifting the insertion of a muscle
from its normal attachment to another site to replace the
active muscular action that was lost by paralysis and to
FIGURE 37-2  Plantar flexion–assist below-knee orthosis with a restore dynamic muscle balance. The procedure was origi-
dorsiflexion stop at neutral position. nally described by Nicoladoni in 1882. Many surgeons have
e202 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

devised various types of tendon transfers and established With posterior transfer of the peroneus longus, the unop-
their usefulness. Lange, Velpeau, Vulpius, Codivilla, Mayer, posed anterior tibial gradually causes the first metatarsal
Biesalski, Goldthwait, Ober, Steindler, Bunnell, and Green to ride up and produces a dorsal bunion. Thus the pero-
are some who may be mentioned.* The term tendon trans- neus longus should not be transferred to the os calcis
plantation should not be used interchangeably with tendon unless the anterior tibial is shifted from its insertion on
transfer because the two are not synonymous. Tendon trans- the first metatarsal to the midline of the foot.
plantation refers to the excision of a tendon and its use as 4. The joints on which the transferred muscle is to act
a free graft. In muscle transplantation both the origin and should have functional range of motion. All contractural
the insertion of a muscle are detached, and the entire deformity should be corrected by wedging casts or soft
muscle with its intact neurovascular supply is transplanted tissue release before tendon transfer. An anterior transfer
to a completely new site. for footdrop, for example, should not be performed in
The basic principles of tendon transfers have been out- the presence of equinus deformity of the ankle.
lined by Green57 and are listed here. 5. A smooth gliding channel with adequate space must be
provided for excursion of the tendon in its new location.
1. The muscle to be transferred must have adequate motor The paratenon and synovial sheath are preserved over
strength to carry out the new function. As a rule, the the tendon surface during dissection. It is preferable to
motor rating of the muscle should be good or normal to pass the tendon beneath the deep fascia through tissues
warrant transfer. The function that the transferred that permit free gliding rather than subcutaneously. A
muscle is intended to perform is another consideration. wide portion of the intermuscular septum is excised
In the lower limb, for example, in the presence of foot- whenever muscles are passed from one muscle compart-
drop, anterior transfer of the peroneus longus is adequate ment to another. Sufficient space should be provided for
to produce effective ankle dorsiflexion, whereas in cal- the tendon so that adhesions will not form. An Ober
caneus limp, posterior transfer of the peroneus longus tendon passer of appropriate size should be used to redi-
alone to the os calcis is not sufficient to substitute for rect the tendon to its new insertion; the tendon passer
action of the gastrocnemius-soleus, and the additional spreads the tissues and prevents binding.
action of two or three motors such as the flexor digito- 6. The neurovascular supply of the transferred muscle must
rum communis and the anterior tibial muscles is required. not be damaged while transferring the tendon. The
Ordinarily, one grade of motor power is lost after a surgeon must be careful to avoid denervating the muscle
muscle is transferred. while freeing it for redirection. When the tendon is
2. The range of motion of muscles on contraction is an pulled up from the distal wound into the proximal inci-
important consideration. This range must be similar to sion, traction should not be applied to the origin of the
that of the muscles for which they are being substituted; muscle. Stretching of the motor nerve can be prevented
furthermore, whenever muscles are transferred in com- by using a double-hand technique: the proximal segment
bination, their range of contraction should not differ of the tendon is held steady with a moist sponge while
significantly. The transfer of antagonistic muscles is not traction is applied on its distal segment with another
ordinarily as effective as the transfer of muscles having sponge. Acute angulation or torsion of the neurovascular
similar function or corollary activity. However, with bundle is another cause of injury. Gentle handling is
meticulous postoperative care, antagonistic muscles may imperative to preserve innervation and function of the
be transferred effectively with good results. Posterior transferred muscle.
transfer of the anterior tibial to the os calcis and transfer 7. In rerouting of the tendon, a straight line of contraction
of the hamstring muscles to the patella are common must be provided between the origin of the muscle and
examples of such antagonistic transfers. its new insertion. Angular courses and passages over
3. In choosing the muscles for transfer, the surgeon must pulley systems should be avoided. To allow adequate
weigh the loss of original function that will result from freeing of the muscle toward its origin, the incision over
the tendon transfer against the gains to be obtained. For the belly of the muscle must be long and proximally
example, in the presence of hip flexor weakness, the located.
hamstring muscles should not be transferred to the 8. The tendon should be reattached to its new site under
patella for quadriceps paralysis because loss of active sufficient tension so that the transferred muscle will have
knee flexion added to the lack of hip flexion will be a a maximal range of contraction. The transferred muscle
greater disability. Whenever possible, muscle balance should be tested during the operation to ensure that it
must be restored. Ideally, a deforming muscle force must will hold the part in optimal position. In the lower limb,
be shifted so that it substitutes for an essential weakness. where weight-bearing forces are involved, the tendon is
In the foot and ankle, for example, the muscles of inver- ordinarily attached to bone, whereas in the upper limb
sion and eversion and those of plantar flexion and dorsi- it is sutured to the tendon. An important technical detail
flexion should be balanced. A common pitfall is transfer is scarification of the distal segment of the tendon that
of the peroneus longus muscle posteriorly to the os is to be anchored to a bone or tendon; this is achieved
calcis in the presence of a strong anterior tibial muscle. by excising the sheath and paratenon and “roughening”
Normally, the anterior tibial muscle dorsiflexes the first the tendon by scraping and crosshatching it with a knife.
metatarsal and the peroneus longus opposes this action. To diminish any tension on the tendon while it is healing,
the position of immobilization in a cast should allow the
*References 1, 11, 20, 37, 55, 97, 113-115, 117, 126, 128, 151-159, transferred tendon to be in a relaxed attitude. For
167. example, when the flexor carpi ulnaris is transferred to
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e203

the extensor carpi radialis longus, the tension on the Occasionally the patient is unable to contract the trans-
tendon should be sufficient to hold the wrist in 30 ferred muscle actively and has difficulty “finding” it. To
degrees of dorsiflexion. However, when the cast is enable the patient to use the transfer actively and to help
applied, the wrist is immobilized in the overcorrected in acquiring the feeling desired, the therapist may exert
position of 45 to 50 degrees of dorsiflexion.57 gentle mild tension on the transferred tendon, have the
patient shift positions during attempts at active contraction,
Postoperative Care and Training or advise the patient in the use of corollary motions. If dif-
Postoperative care and training are fundamental to achieving ficulty finding the transfer persists after 2 weeks, electrical
a good result. The following principles, given by Green, stimulation may be used to initiate contraction as the
should be followed meticulously. patient attempts to use the muscle. After a few sessions
The age of the patient at the time of tendon transfer is the patient begins to feel the transfer and to contract it
an important preoperative consideration. The child should voluntarily.
be old enough, preferably older than 4 years, to cooperate As soon as the patient is able to contract the transferred
in training of the transfer. A delay in tendon transfer in the muscle actively, exercises in the direction of the original
presence of muscle imbalance leads to progressive defor- action of the muscle are discontinued and only motions in
mity. Usually, conservative measures should be undertaken the new function provided by the transfer are performed.
to control deforming factors, but early surgery may be indi- When poor motor strength develops in the transferred
cated when a delay in tendon transfer would result in muscle—that is, it can carry the part through the full range
increasing structural deformity. A common example is the of motion with gravity eliminated—the physical therapist
rapid development of progressive calcaneus deformity of instructs one of the parents to perform the exercises with
the foot with paralysis of the gastrocnemius-soleus muscles the child. The exercise regimen is supervised by the physical
and strong ankle dorsiflexors. An early posterior transfer therapist and the surgeon, who check it at weekly or
prevents the development of a deformed foot. biweekly intervals.
Support of the part in an overcorrected position should Initially the limb should be retained in the bivalved cast
be continued until the muscle has assumed full function and for support, except during the exercise periods. As soon as
there is no tendency for the deformity to recur. A bivalved the motor strength of the transfer becomes “fair,” use of a
cast or an orthosis holds the transferred tendon in a relaxed bivalved cast during the day is gradually discontinued. Con-
position. trolled activities are permitted to develop function. These
It is best to teach the patient preoperatively to localize activities are permitted sooner in the upper than in the
active contraction in the muscle to be transferred. Active lower limb. The age and dependability of the patient are
exercises are continued postoperatively as soon as the reac- other considerations. Resistive exercises to develop power
tion to surgery and pain have subsided. The surgeon should are begun whenever the transfer has a normal range of
assist the physical therapist during the initial exercises. action and is “fair” in strength. It is also important to exer-
When tendon transfer is combined with arthrodesis, muscle cise the antagonistic muscles to prevent disuse atrophy.
reeducation is delayed until adequate bony union has taken The next stage of training is incorporation of the transfer
place. into the new functional pattern. This is particularly impor-
The patient is instructed to contract the transferred tant in the lower limb, in which the muscles are concerned
muscle voluntarily by moving the part through the arc of with gait. For example, the action of a peroneus transfer
motion that was the original normal action of the muscle may be good in that it can dorsiflex the ankle through a full
while the therapist manually guides the part to move in the range and take moderate resistance, yet during locomotion,
direction that is intended to be provided by the transfer. voluntary control over the transfer may be lost and the
For example, when the peroneus longus muscle is trans- patient may walk with a footdrop gait. The transition to
ferred anteriorly to the base of the second metatarsal, the walking requires diligent supervision. Of particular impor-
active motion called for is eversion in combination with tance is the use of crutches, which protect the limb from
guided dorsiflexion, or if the anterior tibial muscle has been undue strain and at the same time allow the patient to be
transferred posteriorly to the os calcis, active inversion is taught to use the transfer and to become accustomed to it.
combined with guided plantar flexion of the ankle. In ante- First the patient is asked to take a single step, and the
rior transfer of the hamstrings to the patella for quadriceps therapist ensures that the muscle contracts and dorsiflexes
femoris paralysis, the patient is placed in a side-lying posi- the ankle. As soon as the transfer functions throughout all
tion and asked to extend the hip actively (using the ham- the phases of a single step, the walking periods are gradually
strings) as the knee is guided into extension. If the flexor increased until the normal gait pattern becomes a condi-
carpi ulnaris has been transferred to the extensor carpi tioned reflex.
radialis longus, the wrist is gently guided into extension as Orthoses should be used in the postoperative period
the patient turns it in the ulnar direction. With one hand judiciously and for specific reasons. Orthotic support pro-
the therapist should palpate the belly and tendon of the tects the part and allows early activity. This is indicated
transferred muscle to ensure its contraction. In the begin- particularly when paralysis is extensive, as in myelomenin-
ning the exercises are performed in the bivalved cast. gocele. In a posterior transfer to the os calcis, for example,
Motion of the concerned joint is executed slowly, steadily, a plantar flexion–assist orthosis with a dorsiflexion stop at
and smoothly through as full a range as possible. Soon the right angles and crutches may be used to assist in developing
limb is taken out of the cast and is properly positioned, and function in the transfers and prevent stretching. However,
measures are taken to prevent stretching of the tendon out standing and walking exercises are also performed without
of its resting position. the brace to stimulate function in the transfer. Prolonged
e204 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

use of a bivalved night cast is important to prevent the

development of a contractural deformity that would oppose
the action of the transfer (e.g., equinus deformity of the A
ankle in the setting of anterior transfer for dorsiflexion).
From the beginning, daily stretching exercises should be B
a part of the exercise regimen. Stretching and night support C
are continued over a long period until full strength has
developed in the muscle and balanced function is observed
between agonistic and antagonistic muscles with no ten-
dency for recurrence of the original deformity. In fact, the
use of stretching and active exercises should be a simple
rule of daily living.
Arthrodesis to provide stability and correct osseous
deformity may be indicated, particularly in the foot.
However, if dynamic balance is established before the
development of structural deformity, arthrodesis may be
unnecessary. When it is necessary to combine arthrodesis
with tendon transfer, muscle reeducation must be delayed
until adequate bony union has taken place.

Management of the Hip

Soft Tissue Contracture
The common deformity of the hip secondary to soft tissue
contracture consists of flexion, abduction, and external
rotation. Several factors must be considered in its patho-
genesis. During the acute and convalescent stages of polio- FIGURE 37-3  The three-pronged attachment of the upper part
myelitis, the patient lies supine in the so-called frog-leg of the iliotibial band to the iliac crest. There is a middle prong
attitude with the hips flexed, abducted, and externally (A) through the aponeurosis over the gluteus medius, an anterior
rotated; the knees are flexed, and the feet are in equino­ one (B) through the tensor fasciae latae, and a posterior one
varus posture. This position is assumed because of spasm of (C) through the gluteus maximus. Proximally, the location of the
iliotibial tract is anterior and lateral to the axis of the hip, whereas
the hamstrings, hip flexors, tensor fasciae latae, and hip
inferiorly, in a normal knee, it inserts on the tibia well in front of
abductor muscles and because of the force of gravity acting the axis of the knee joint.
on the flail lower limbs. Maintenance of the lower limbs in
malposture results in permanent shortening of the soft
tissues. Contracture of the intermuscular septa and envel- anterior border of the iliotibial tract join expansions that
oping fasciae occurs first. This can easily be observed at emanate from the quadriceps muscle to form the lateral
surgery. On sectioning of the contracted fasciae that cover patellar retinaculum. The lower end of the iliotibial band is
normal muscle fibers and retraction of the cut edges of the attached to the lateral condyle of the tibia and the head of
fascia 2 to 3 cm, the underlying muscle tissue is found to the fibula. Proximally the iliotibial band is located in a plane
be in a relaxed condition when it is elevated with tissue that is anterior and lateral to the axis of the hip joint,
forceps. Partially paralyzed muscle becomes shortened whereas distally in a normal limb the iliotibial tract inserts
because of contracture of the involved fibrosed muscle on the tibia in front of the axis of the knee joint. Irwin
fibers scattered throughout the normal muscle tissue. Adap- stated, however, that the lower part of the iliotibial tract
tive shortening of normal muscle occurs later. Structural lies in a plane posterior and lateral to the axis of the
bony deformity develops with growth in the presence of knee joint.84
soft tissue contracture and dynamic muscle imbalance. Contracture of the iliotibial band may contribute directly
The iliotibial band (or tract) is the thickened lateral or indirectly to development of the deformities described
portion of the fascia lata; it is located along the entire lateral in the following subsections.48,50,84,85,174
aspect of the thigh and extends from the greater trochan-
teric region to below the knee. Superiorly, the iliotibial band Lower Limb
is attached to the iliac crest by three prongs: a middle one
through the aponeurosis over the gluteus medius, an ante- Flexion, Abduction, and External Rotation Contracture
rior one through the tensor fasciae latae, and a posterior one of the Hip
through the gluteus maximus (Fig. 37-3). The shortened iliotibial band, which is in a plane anterior
Throughout its extent on the lateral aspect of the thigh, and lateral to the hip joint, draws the femur into flexion
the iliotibial tract is continuous on its deep surface with the and abduction at the hip, with the pelvis as the fixed point.
lateral intermuscular septum, through which it is firmly External rotation deformity results from maintenance of
attached to the linea aspera on the posterior aspect of the the malposture of the frog-leg position. The related
femur. At the knee joint level, fascial expansions from the muscles—the tensor fasciae latae, reflected head of the
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e205

rectus femoris, sartorius, and external rotators of the hip— Exaggerated Lumbar Lordosis
will undergo myostatic contracture if the fascial contracture Exaggerated lumbar lordosis is produced by bilateral flexion
is not corrected. The fixed soft tissue contracture causes contracture of the hips. It is a compensatory response to
anteversion of the proximal end of the femur. the increased pelvic inclination when the trunk assumes an
upright position.
Flexion and Valgus Deformity of the Knee
and External Torsion of the Tibia Pelvic Obliquity
The iliotibial band crosses lateral to the axis of the knee. Fixed pelvic obliquity is a common deformity after polio-
When it is contracted, a force is exerted on the lateral myelitis and may be caused by suprapelvic, intrapelvic, or
aspect of the joint and the tibia is gradually abducted on infrapelvic abnormalities. In an extensive study conducted
the femur. Its deforming action resembles that of a taut in Korean patients, pelvic obliquity was classified into two
string on the concavity of an archer’s bow. Irwin proposed major types and four subtypes relative to the resultant
that flexion deformity of the knee develops as a result of scoliosis.99 In major type I, the pelvis is lower on the
the location of the band in a plane posterior to the axis of short-leg side and we recommended ipsilateral abductor
motion of the knee joint.84 However, subsequent studies did fasciotomy and, at times, contralateral lumbodorsal fasci-
not support this observation. The short head of the biceps otomy to correct the deformity. In type II deformities, the
takes its origin in part from the intermuscular septum, pelvis is high on the short-limb side as a result of adduction
which in turn is attached to the iliotibial band. Flexion contracture of the ipsilateral hip, abduction contracture
deformity of the knee develops as a result of spasm and of the contralateral hip, or ipsilateral lumbodorsal fascial
subsequent myostatic contracture of the short head of the contracture.
biceps. Prolonged maintenance of the knee in flexion causes
contracture of the patellar retinacula and soft tissues behind Treatment
the knee.
Bivalved Casts
External Torsion of the Tibia and Subluxation Static malpostural deformities of the lower limbs in the
of the Knee Joint acute and subacute stages of poliomyelitis can be prevented
The pull of the laterally located iliotibial band and the short by the use of bivalved casts to maintain the joints in neutral
head of the biceps femoris gradually rotates the tibia and position. A horizontal bar in the posterior half of the cast
fibula externally on the femur. When the contracture is not or a rotational strap controls malrotation at the hips. The
controlled, the deforming forces cause posterolateral sub- knees should be in slight flexion to prevent genu recurva-
luxation of the knee with displacement of the fibular head tum. Passive exercises are performed to maintain full range
into the popliteal space. of joint motion.
Positional Pes Varus Passive Stretching Exercises
Positional pes varus results from an ill-fitted orthosis that Minimal contracture of the iliotibial band can be corrected
fails to compensate for the external tibial torsion. The axes by passive stretching exercises, which follow the same steps
of the knee and ankle joints do not occupy the same hori- as in the Ober test. These exercises can also be performed
zontal plane in external torsion of the tibia. When an above- with the patient supine and the hip that is to be stretched
knee orthosis manufactured with these joints in the same hanging over the edge of the bed. In an older patient the
horizontal plane is fitted to a limb with external tibial iliotibial band can be stretched by the following exercise:
torsion, the appliance forces the foot into varus position so the patient should stand sideways approximately 2 feet
that the ankle is in line with the knee joint. Initially, the away from the wall with the hip that is to be stretched
varus deformity is purely functional (the foot assumes placed facing it. With the feet on the ground and the legs
normal alignment when the lateral upright of the orthosis together, the hip is brought toward the wall to the count of
is allowed to rotate externally on the thigh); it later becomes 10 and is then returned to the original position. This exer-
fixed because of permanent shortening of the soft tissues cise should be performed for 20 repetitions, 3 times a day.
and adaptive osseous changes in the tarsal bones.
Ober and Yount Fasciotomies
Pelvis and Trunk When the iliotibial band is contracted to such a degree that
fixed deformity at the hip and knee with tilting of the pelvis
Pelvic Deformity, Lumbar Scoliosis, and Subluxation has resulted, correction cannot be obtained by manipulative
of the Contralateral Hip stretching or application of a series of plaster casts. The
In abduction deformity of the hip secondary to contracture pelvis cannot be locked securely enough to permit stretch-
of the iliotibial band, the pelvis is level with or at a right ing forces to be exerted on the shortened iliotibial band;
angle to the vertical axis of the trunk as long as the affected instead, the pelvis is tilted into an oblique and hyperex-
hip is maintained in abduction; however, when it is brought tended position, thereby stretching the lateral and anterior
parallel to the vertical axis of the body in the weight-bearing abdominal muscles on the side of the contracture.
position, the pelvis is forced to assume an oblique position. Surgical intervention is the only way to correct the defor-
This pelvic obliquity results from contracture below the mity. The shortened soft tissues must be sectioned proxi-
iliac crest. Lumbosacral scoliosis, convex to the low side of mally as well as distally by combining the Ober fasciotomy
the pelvis, simultaneously develops. The contralateral hip with the Yount procedure.127,174 As stated previously, the
subluxates. primary cause of the deformities is contracture of the
e206 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

intermuscular septa, the enveloping fascia, and the fibrosed

muscular tissue in the partially involved muscles. Normal
muscle tissue should not be divided.
Both lower limbs and hips are prepared and draped in
sterile fashion. The Ober fasciotomy is performed through
an incision that starts at the junction of the posterior and
middle thirds of the iliac crest and then extends distally to
the anterior superior iliac spine, where it swings posterolat-
erally for a distance of 10 cm. The wound flaps are mobi-
lized to expose the sartorius, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae
femoris, and gluteus medius and minimus muscles. The
enveloping fascia of these muscles, the intermuscular septa,
the intervening fibrosed muscular tissue, and the iliotibial
band are sectioned as far back as the greater trochanter. The
Ober and Thomas tests are performed to determine by
palpation the occurrence of any tight bands, which are
divided if present. Normal muscle tissue and the anterior
capsule of the hip joint should not be divided. The con-
tracted fibers of the Bigelow ligament can be released
without entering the hip joint.
The Yount procedure consists of excision of a segment
of the iliotibial band and the lateral intermuscular septum
in the distal part of the thigh. A midlateral longitudinal
incision is made beginning immediately above the knee joint
line and extending cephalad for a distance of 10 cm. The
subcutaneous tissue is divided and the wound flaps are
mobilized by blunt dissection to expose the anterolateral
aspect of the thigh in its distal fourth. Next a 7-cm block
of the iliotibial band, the fascia lata covering the vastus
lateralis muscle, and the lateral intermuscular septum are
excised. It is important to divide the lateral intermuscular
septum down to the femur. If it is contracted and contribut-
ing to flexion deformity of the knee, the lateral patellar
retinaculum is also divided.
In severe cases with lateral rotatory subluxation of the
knee, the biceps femoris muscle is lengthened by the frac-
tional method, with extreme care taken not to injure the
common peroneal nerve (Plate 37-1). This lengthening can
FIGURE 37-4  Method of suspension traction after an Ober-Yount
be performed through the same incision. An attempt at release of the iliotibial band.
reduction is then made by forcibly extending and internally
rotating the knee. Often, Z-lengthening of the fibular col-
lateral ligament is necessary to achieve reduction.
Both the hip and the thigh wounds are closed routinely. Meticulous observation of circulation and sensation in the
Bilateral long-leg casts are applied with the knees held in toes is imperative, especially if excessive shortening of neu-
full extension. Metal rings are anchored to the cast on both rovascular structures was observed at surgery.
its anterior and posterior aspects so that the patient can be In patients with myelomeningocele who have impaired
placed in suspension traction. One set of rings is placed in sensation, stretching by the method described may cause
the distal fourth of the leg and another set in the proximal pressure sores. The atrophied bones of these children may
fourth. Rotational straps can be added to the plaster cast if also be fractured easily by vigorous manipulations or stretch-
necessary. The patient is placed on two or three half- ing procedures.
mattresses so that the lower limbs can hang free at the edge Passive stretching by the suspension-traction method is
of the mattress and the hips can be hyperextended or flexed continued for 3 weeks. As the child grows, with progressive
by suspension (Fig. 37-4). An infant or small child can be longitudinal growth of the femur, contracture of the ilio-
placed on a bent, hyperextended Bradford frame to achieve tibial band will recur unless passive stretching exercises and
the same result. The opposite lower limb is flexed at the proper positioning of the joints in bivalved casts are contin-
hip to obliterate the lumbar lordosis. The affected limb is ued during periods of growth.
gradually hyperextended, adducted, and internally rotated
at the hip to stretch out all remaining contractural defor-
Gluteus Medius Paralysis
mity. The same position of the hips can be achieved with
the patient prone or supine. In patients with bilateral cases When the hip abductor muscles are paralyzed, the trunk
the hips are alternated several times a day. Manipulative sways toward the affected side, and the contralateral side
stretching exercises are performed three times a day. of the pelvis drops during the weight-bearing phase of gait.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e207

to the upper thigh segment of the orthosis. Often, however,

Iliopsoas Muscle Transfer for Lateral Stability the additional support of one or two crutches is required.
of the Hip  Muscle transfers to restore gluteus maximus function are
Lateral stability of the hip joint is best achieved by transfer- not always successful and should be undertaken only after
ring the iliopsoas muscle from the lesser trochanter to the considerable deliberation. Lange transferred the erector
greater trochanter (Plate 37-2). I commonly perform the spinae muscle to the greater trochanter and used silk sutures
Sharrard modification of the Mustard iliopsoas transfer, to obtain length.93,97 Ober and Hey Groves used a strip of
which involves making the hole in the ilium as far posteri- fascia lata to attach the erector spinae muscle to the greater
orly as the nerve supply to the iliacus will allow.123,124 The trochanter.64,125
importance of using a nerve stimulator while transferring The technique of Ober was further improved by Barr,
the iliopsoas muscle cannot be overemphasized. The hip who used a wide strip of fascia lata, including the iliotibial
should be protected with crutches until the transferred tract and tensor fasciae latae muscle (Fig. 37-5).7 Contrac-
iliopsoas is “fair plus” or “good” in motor strength and the tures about the hip, such as fascia and tight intermuscular
Trendelenburg test is negative. During this period the septa, are released, particularly those that are anterior and
patient should sleep in a bivalved hip spica cast to maintain lateral to the hip joint. Complete mobilization of the ilio-
the hip in 40 to 60 degrees of abduction. Active hip abduc- tibial tract in addition to shift of its pull laterally to the
tion exercises should be performed diligently, with the child greater trochanter removes a major deforming force. Release
graduating from the supine position to side lying against of contracted investing fascia about the shortened erector
gravity and then to a standing Trendelenburg position. spinae muscle permits rotation of the pelvis to a nearly
normal position and diminishes the severity of fixed lumbar
External Oblique Muscle Transfer for Hip lordosis.
Abduction  Malrotation of the limb is prevented and corrected by
The external oblique abdominal muscle can be used to transfer of the insertion of the tensor fasciae latae into the
restore hip abduction power. Lowman used part of the greater trochanter. Stability of the hip is provided if there
external oblique muscle and attached it to the greater tro- is power in the erector spinae and tensor fasciae latae
chanter with a strip of fascia lata.107-109 Thomas and col- muscles, which act in conjunction as a digastric muscle
leagues transferred the entire muscle belly of the external transfer. The operation does not significantly improve the
oblique.163 The remaining abdominal muscles (rectus
abdominis, internal oblique, and transverse muscles) main-
tain integrity of the abdominal wall. I have had no personal
experience with external oblique muscle transfer for paraly-
sis of the hip abductors. Physiologically, the procedure is
sound; for details of operative technique, the reader is
referred to the original article.163 In addition, the tensor
fasciae latae muscle may be transferred posteriorly on the
iliac crest to increase hip abduction strength.100

Gluteus Maximus Paralysis

Instability of the hip and exaggerated lumbar lordosis
result from paralysis of the gluteus maximus muscle. In gait,
the trunk lurches backward when body weight is borne
on the affected side. When the hip flexor muscles are of
normal strength, increasing flexion deformity of the hip
For motor evaluation of the gluteus maximus muscle, the
patient is placed prone with the lower limbs hanging off the
examining table. The knee is in flexion to eliminate action
of the hamstrings. The patient is asked to extend the hip
against gravity and manual resistance. This position also
allows the examiner to evaluate the degree of flexion defor-
mity of the hip when it is extended passively. If unable to
lift the thigh against gravity, the patient is placed in a side-
lying position to eliminate the force of gravity. Any abduc- B
tion contracture is best determined by the Ober test because
the degree of hip abduction noted on maximal extension of
the hip in prone position is not as accurate. A
In gluteus maximus paralysis, stability of the pelvis may FIGURE 37-5  Erector spinae transfer or fascia lata transfer to the
be achieved by adding posterior gluteal crisscross straps greater trochanter. A, The strip of fascia lata is mobilized. B, The
between the pelvic band and the thigh band of the above- strip is attached to the iliac wing. (Redrawn from Hogshead HP,
knee orthosis. An alternative method is to discard the pelvic Ponseti IV: Fascia lata transfer to the erector spinae, J Bone Joint
band and fit an ischial weight-bearing quadrilateral socket Surg Am 46:1390, 1964.)
e208 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

extensor or abductor power of the hip but appears to to this muscle is segmental and enters from its ventral
produce a more dynamic fasciodesis. Stance and gait are surface, it may be necessary to sacrifice one or two of the
improved by relief of hip flexion contracture, stabilization most distal neurovascular bundles to mobilize a 10-cm
of the hip, and relief of lumbar lordosis.148 length of muscle mass.
The operative technique, as advocated by Barr in 1964, By means of a long tendon carrier, the free end of the
is as follows. fascia lata is passed within the gluteal muscle compartment
and enters the lumbar incision just medial to the posterior
Surgical Technique (Barr) superior iliac spine. The tunnel at its point of emergence is
The patient, under general anesthesia, is placed in the carefully dilated by the surgeon’s finger so that the fascia
lateral position with both limbs flexed 90 degrees at the hip can glide freely. The gliding deep surface of the fascia should
and knee; the affected limb is uppermost, abducted, and be placed as it lies ventrally. With the hip held in extension,
resting on pillows. The skin of the lumbar region, buttock, the fascia is attached, under moderate tension, to the free
and limb is prepared from the ribs to the midcalf. The end of the mobilized erector spinae muscle. This is best
operative field is draped so that the limb can be moved done by laying the ventral surface of the muscle on the
freely. The incision in the thigh begins just anterior to the subcutaneous surface of the fascial strip, passing the suture
head of the fibula and ends proximally just distal to the in the end of the fascia through the muscle as far proximally
anterior superior iliac spine passing over the greater trochan- as possible, and then fixing the edges of the fascia to the
ter. The iliotibial band is exposed throughout its full length edges of the muscle flap by a series of interrupted sutures.
and breadth and is divided transversely at the level of the The distal end of the muscle is thus covered on its deep
distal pole of the patella. A stout silk suture is passed surface by the fascia lata. The lumbar incision is closed in
through its free end, and as wide a strip of fascia as can be layers; it is usually possible to close the lumbodorsal fascia
obtained is dissected upward and preserved as the tendon partially over the transplant. The thigh incision is closed in
of insertion of the tensor fasciae latae muscle. Beginning at routine manner. No attempt should be made to close the
the trochanteric level, the dissection is carried toward the defect in the fascia of the thigh. After the application of
anterior superior iliac spine while mobilizing the distal half sterile dressings, the extremity is immobilized by elastic
of the tensor fasciae latae muscle and preserving its neuro- bandages and long plaster splints that extend from the ribs
vascular bundle. The intermuscular septa and other con- to the toes. The hip is immobilized in as much extension as
tracted fascial structures at the knee and anterior to the hip can be obtained comfortably. No attempt is made to correct
are divided as necessary while an assistant holds the hip and the hip flexion contracture completely at this time.
knee in as much extension as possible. The sartorius and
rectus muscles are tenotomized if they are contracted Technique for Correction of Remaining
and totally paralyzed. The iliopsoas tendon, if need be, may Contractures in Poliomyelitic Deformities
be divided at its insertion but should be transposed to a After 10 days to 2 weeks, when the incisions have healed,
more proximal and anterior position in the intertrochanteric the remaining contractures are gradually stretched out.
region. The anterior capsule of the hip may also be divided The lumbar spine and the opposite lower extremity are
through the same incision if it prevents extension of the hip. immobilized in a spica with that hip in sufficient flexion
The neurovascular bundle is preserved. to obliterate the lumbar lordosis. A separate toe-to-groin
Subperiosteal anchorage of the fascial strip to the femur cast is applied to the affected limb with the knee prefer-
is accomplished by making two parallel longitudinal inci- ably in almost complete extension. With the patient supine
sions, usually 5 to 6 cm long, through the origin of the the affected limb in its plaster cast is suspended from
vastus lateralis and the periosteum, one on the anterolateral an overhead frame. The contracture can then be stretched
and the other on the posterolateral aspect of the femur just gradually and completely by lowering the limb incremen-
below the greater trochanter, and tunneling beneath the tally each day until the hip comes into hyperextension.
periosteum to join the two incisions. The strip of fascia is During this procedure circulation and sensation in the
then passed through the tunnel and secured to the perios- toes should be watched carefully, especially if excessive
teum by silk sutures. This must be done with the hip held shortening of the femoral vessels and nerves was observed
in as much extension as possible, without putting undue at surgery.
force on the tissues and while maintaining slight abduction If a knee flexion deformity is present, it may be cor-
and neutral position with regard to rotation. rected simultaneously by wedging the cast.
The lumbar incision is approximately 15 cm long. It is As a rule the deformity is satisfactorily corrected in 2
made parallel to and 5 to 8 cm lateral to the line of the to 3 weeks. The apparatus is then removed and assistive
spinous processes of the fourth and fifth lumbar and first muscle reeducation exercises are begun with the patient in
sacral vertebrae. The inferior end of the incision is located recumbency. Underwater exercises are of value. A bivalved
medial to and about 5 cm distal to the posterior superior long spica to hold the hip in the corrected position should
iliac spine. The incision is deepened through the lumbodor- be worn at night for several months. Walking with crutches
sal fascia, which is reflected to expose the underlying erector is permitted as soon as the transplant functions satisfacto-
spinae muscle. By blunt dissection along a vertical line, rily, usually approximately 6 weeks postoperatively. Many
the lateral two thirds of this muscle mass is mobilized and patients require bilateral transplants and should undergo
freed from the medial third, which is left attached to the surgery in two stages 4 to 6 weeks apart. Careful gait train-
adjacent spinous processes and laminae. The mobilized ing is essential if the best results are to be obtained.8
muscle is freed by sharp dissection from its origin to the Hogshead and Ponseti found formation of an erector
ilium and sacrum. Because the nerve and blood supply spinae flap in myelomeningocele to be difficult. The
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e209

procedure was bloody and the ramifications of the menin- erector spinae.76 The route of the transfer should be sub-
gocele sac were inadvertently entered; this resulted in trou- fascial, and its direction from the greater trochanter to the
blesome drainage of cerebrospinal fluid through the wound. region of the posterior superior iliac spine should be as far
Because, in their experience, erector spinae transfer did not posterior as possible.
provide active power of hip extension or abduction, these Caution should be exercised during anterior release of
surgeons recommended attachment of the distal end of the soft tissue contractures of the hip. Every effort should be
fascia lata band to the freed lumbodorsal fascia at the level made to preserve viable muscles and their nerve and blood
of the third or fourth lumbar vertebra (Fig. 37-6). They supply. To prevent anterior dislocation of the femoral head,
termed the operative procedure fascia lata transfer to the the anterior capsule of the hip should not be sectioned.
When contracture of the anterior capsule is fixed and it
limits extension of the hip, the anterior capsule should be
In the Sharrard modification of the Mustard operation,
a hole is made in the posterior part of the ilium, and the
iliacus muscle is sutured to the lateral surface of the ilium
(see Plate 37-2). The operation was designed to provide
power of hip extension, as well as hip abduction. Unfortu-
nately, the motor nerve supply of the iliacus muscle is fre-
quently distal in its location, thus limiting the degree of
posterior positioning of the iliac hole. In my experience, the
Sharrard iliopsoas transfer has not been successful in provid-
ing active power of hip extension against gravity in the
presence of complete paralysis of the gluteus maximus
muscle. When the hamstring muscles are normal in motor
strength and the gluteus maximus is only partially para-
lyzed, this procedure restores functional strength of hip
extension and provides substantial improvement in gait.

Paralytic Dislocation of the Hip

Hip dislocation in poliomyelitis is an acquired deformity
caused by flaccid paralysis and the resulting muscular imbal-
ance that develops. In a young child when the gluteus
A maximus and medius muscles are paralyzed and the hip
flexors and adductors are of normal strength, eventual luxa-
tion of the hip is almost inevitable. Loss of hip abductor
power causes retardation of growth from the greater tro-
chanteric apophysis. Disparity of relative growth from the
capital femoral epiphysis and the greater trochanteric
apophysis causes increasing valgus deformity of the femoral
neck. In severe cases the angle between the neck and shaft
of the femur increases to 180 degrees. Excessive anteversion
of the femoral neck may also develop. When the angle
between the femoral neck and the horizontal plane of the
pelvis approaches 90 degrees, the hip joint becomes
mechanically unstable. Under the forces of body weight,
the capsule gradually becomes lax and the femoral head
rides out of the acetabulum. The empty acetabulum retains
adequate depth for several years after paralytic dislocation.
With lack of concentric pressure of the femoral head in the
acetabulum, however, progressive shallowness and obliquity
of the acetabular roof develop. Thus factors in the patho-
genesis of true paralytic dislocation are muscle imbalance,
coxa valga, and laxity of the capsule. In treatment, it is
important to remember that coxa valga precedes sublux-
ation and shallowness of the acetabulum.86,87,143
B Acquired hip dislocation does not usually occur in a
FIGURE 37-6  Fascia lata transfer to the lumbodorsal fascia to totally flail lower limb, particularly if the patient has been
provide posterior stability to the hip joint. A, The strip of fascia walking with the support of an orthosis. If inadequately
lata is mobilized. B, The strip is overlapped with erector spinae treated, however, abduction-flexion–external rotation con-
fascia. (Redrawn from Hogshead HP, Ponseti IV: Fascia lata transfer tracture may develop in the flail hip as a result of shortening
to the erector spinae, J Bone Joint Surg Am 46:1404, 1964.) of the iliotibial band. When the lower limbs are aligned
e210 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

parallel to the vertical axis of the body in the weight-bearing It is a matter of personal preference and depends on
position, the pelvis is forced into an oblique position. The past experience. Blundell Jones exposed the trochanteric
contralateral hip—the one on the high side of the pelvis—is region of the proximal end of the femur posterolaterally
in a markedly functional valgus position and eventually with the patient in the prone position and corrected the
becomes dislocated. Pelvic obliquity may also result from valgus deformity by excising a wedge of bone with its base
the foregoing factors; another cause may be severe struc- medially.86,87
tural scoliosis in the suprapelvic region. This type of scolio- When the hip is completely dislocated, the hip joint
sis should be distinguished from the positional scoliosis that capsule is stretched out and lax. Paralytic hip dislocation is
is produced by pelvic obliquity as a result of contractural easily reduced. In the beginning the femoral head can be
deformities below the pelvis. relocated into the acetabulum by simple abduction of the
hip. Later, however, soft tissue contracture may develop,
Surgical Treatment and an initial period of skin or skeletal traction is then
A review by Lau and associates of surgical treatment of indicated. Prolonged immobilization of the hip in a spica
paralytic dislocations of the hip in poliomyelitis patients cast after reduction is not recommended. Once the cast is
demonstrated that the keys to successful reduction are res- removed, the dislocation will recur. The use of a solid hip
toration of muscle balance, correction of the femoral neck- spica cast does not correct the etiologic factors, and it has
shaft angle, correction of anteversion, and restoration of the additional disadvantage of causing disuse atrophy of
acetabular coverage.98 We also emphasize the importance of muscles and bone. To stimulate normal proximal femoral
posterior acetabular coverage. growth, weight bearing should be restored as soon as
Muscle Transfer Reefing and repair of the capsule are essential. These
Dynamic balance about the hip is restored by appropriate procedures are described and illustrated in Plate 16-3. An
muscle transfers. If the age at onset of paralysis and muscle iliopsoas transfer is performed at the same time to restore
imbalance is younger than 2 years, iliopsoas transfer to power of hip abduction and muscle balance about the hip.
restore power of hip abduction is performed when the child If the acetabulum is shallow and maldirected, the procedure
is 4 or 5 years of age. If the coxa valga deformity is less than may be combined with a Salter innominate osteotomy.
150 degrees, a preliminary varization osteotomy is unneces-
sary; the valgus deformity will correct itself with growth Arthrodesis of the Hip
once hip abductor power is restored. If the coxa valga Fusion of the hip in poliomyelitis may increase the ability
deformity is greater than 150 degrees, it is best to correct to walk and eliminate the need for orthotic support. The
the deformity and obtain a femoral neck-shaft angle of 110 procedure does have serious disadvantages, however, which
degrees before iliopsoas transfer. should be carefully considered. Sharp and colleagues
If at the time of paralysis the patient is older than 2 reported a series of 16 hip fusions performed in children
years, iliopsoas transfer may be postponed and the stability for paralysis caused by poliomyelitis.147 The number of frac-
of the hip monitored periodically with radiographs. When tures (8 of the femur and 1 of the tibia) was high. In addi-
the coxa valga exceeds 160 degrees and the femoral head tion, there were 3 cases of pseudarthrosis and 1 of slipped
starts to subluxate laterally, varization osteotomy is per- capital femoral epiphysis. In 3 patients the hip was fused
formed. In patients younger than 6 years, the femoral neck- and subsequently required correction by femoral osteot-
shaft angle is reduced to 105 degrees; in older patients the omy. One patient had marked limitation of knee motion
angle is corrected to 125 degrees. Often, if dynamic muscle after prolonged immobilization in the cast; in another,
imbalance persists, valgus deformity will recur with growth. amputation was indicated because of excessive shortening
The procedure should be followed in 6 months to a year by of the limb.
transfer of the iliopsoas. A stiff hip burdens the spine and knee with abnormal
stress and strain. Thus ligamentous instability of the knee,
Varization Osteotomy progressive lumbosacral scoliosis, and trunk instability sec-
The operative technique of varization osteotomy follows the ondary to extensive paralysis of the abdominal muscles are
same principles as those of valgus osteotomy, as described absolute contraindications to hip fusion in poliomyelitis. A
in Chapter 35. Any adduction contracture of the hip should functional quadriceps femoris is desirable but not absolutely
be passively stretched and corrected by split Russell trac- necessary, as long as the patient has no flexion deformity of
tion, with the hips gradually brought into wide abduction. the knee and stability of the foot and ankle is provided by
Adductor myotomy of the hip should be avoided whenever a strong triceps surae muscle or by pantalar arthrodesis in
possible. The anterolateral surface of the subtrochanteric a 15-degree equinus position. Stability of the flail knee is
region of the femur is subperiosteally exposed, as described achieved as body weight falls on the ball of the foot, forces
in Plate 37-3. The line of osteotomy is shaped like a modi- the heel onto the ground, and drives the knee into hyper-
fied dome with a lateral buttress of cortical bone in the extension (Fig. 37-7).
proximal segment to lock the upper end of the distal Hallock in 1942, 1950, and 1958 reported an enlarging
segment while the femoral shaft is adducted. This proce- series of hip fusions performed in patients with flail lower
dure is the reverse of valgus osteotomy. Rotational malalign- limbs as a result of poliomyelitis.67-69 At first the procedure
ment can be corrected at the same time. I use Crow pins was used only in patients with painful arthritic subluxation
or threaded Steinmann pins and a Roger Anderson appara- or dislocation of the hip or when previous reconstructive
tus to fix the fragments together. Other surgeons may use operations such as open reduction, shelf stabilization, or
a bone plate with four screws, a blade plate, or two staples. muscle transfers had failed. Hallock later extended his
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e211

FIGURE 37-8  The effect of muscle-controlled or fixed talipes
equinus on extension of the knee. A, Normal action of the soleus
as an extensor of the knee with the foot on the ground. B, The
soleus as a fixator of the foot in equinus position. C, Rigid equinus
foot showing the effect of body weight in extending the knee.
Vertical arrows represent body weight; horizontal arrows indicate
the direction of movement on the knee joint.
FIGURE 37-7  The principle of dynamic knee stabilization when of the body forward. The only functional disabilities are
the hip is fused and the ankle is fixed in a slightly equinus difficulty climbing steps and running. In the presence of
position. A, A collapsible knee, when the hip and ankle are flail. knee flexion deformity, however, the knee joint becomes
B, Stability of the knee is achieved when body weight falls on the unstable because it cannot be locked in hyperextension.
ball of the foot, forces the heel to the ground, and locks the knee,
thereby driving it into hyperextension.
Muscle Transfer
indications to include several individuals with severe hip Indications and Contraindications
lurch from extensive hip muscle paralysis without disloca- Several muscles have been transferred to restore knee
tion. He reported gratifying results: the arthrodesis relieved extension power, namely, the biceps femoris, semitendino-
pain, achieved stability, and decreased the limp. Hallock sus, sartorius, tensor fasciae latae, and adductor longus.†
recommended that optimum position of fusion to be 35 When the hamstring muscles are normal, they can be trans-
degrees of flexion, neutral rotation, and a neutral abduction- ferred anteriorly to the patella and ligamentum patellae to
adduction position, except in female patients or when con- provide extension and stability of the knee. This procedure
siderable shortening is present, in which case 10 or 15 is advised when instability of the knee interferes with ordi-
degrees of abduction is advised for biologic reasons and to nary walking or when the patient will be able to dispense
compensate in some measure for the inequality of leg with an orthosis after such a transfer. Each case, however,
length.68 must be considered individually. When the hip flexors are
When marked shortening of the flail limb makes equal- less than “fair” in motor strength, anterior transfer of the
ization impractical, hip fusion should not be performed. The hamstrings is absolutely contraindicated. After surgery the
age of the patient is another consideration; it is imperative patient will be unable to clear the limb from the floor, and
that the patient be mature enough to understand the dis- consequently the disability will be greater. The triceps surae
advantages of a stiff hip. Hip fusion in a patient with a para- muscle must be at least “fair” in strength; if not, with loss
lytic flail lower limb is controversial and should be considered of all dynamic posterior knee support, marked genu recur-
only after thorough and meticulous assessment of the vatum will develop. It is preferable to have adequate
patient. strength of the gluteus maximus and hip abductor muscles.
Before tendon transfer, any flexion contracture of the
knee and equinus deformity of the ankle should be fully
corrected by wedging casts. The mechanics of the patello-
Management of the Knee femoral articulation should be normal. Any significant
Quadriceps Femoris Paralysis malalignment of the lower limb, such as marked genu
valgum, should also be corrected preoperatively.
The quadriceps is commonly affected by poliomyelitis. Transfer of both the biceps femoris and the semitendi-
When the patients have slight genu recurvatum with ade- nosus muscle is the procedure of choice. The strength of
quate strength of the triceps surae and hamstring muscles, the tensor fasciae latae and sartorius muscles is not suffi-
the knee is stabilized by locking it in hyperextension (Fig. cient to substitute for the quadriceps. In an electromyo-
37-8). Patients so treated are able to walk satisfactorily. graphic study of 21 patients with paralysis of the lower limb
During the stance phase of gait, quadriceps weakness is
compensated for by tilting the trunk and center of gravity †
References 16, 21, 39, 75, 92, 94, 130, 133, 144, 165.
e212 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

secondary to poliomyelitis in whom 39 muscle transfers for preserve their nerve and blood supply. The new direction
quadriceps paralysis were performed, Sutherland and asso- of the line of pull of the transfer must be as nearly vertical
ciates reported the following results: 10 to 14 hamstring as possible; if the transferred tendons run horizontally, the
transfers achieved conversion from swing phase to stance muscles will pull the patella in a posterior direction.
phase activity (roughly comparable to that of the normal Next a transverse incision is made over the anterior
quadriceps femoris), and 2 of 11 sartorius transfers and 4 aspect of the knee, centered over the distal third of the
of 12 tensor fasciae latae transfers achieved stance phase patella. The subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia are divided.
activity.162 The wound flaps are undermined to expose the patella and
patellar tendon. During a large Ober tendon transfer, a wide
Surgical Technique subcutaneous tunnel is made extending from the patella
The operative technique of transfer of the biceps femoris incision to the incision on the lateral aspect of the thigh. A
and semitendinosus muscles, as described by Crego and 10- to 15-cm-long segment of the intermuscular septum
Fischer39 and Schwartzmann and Crego,144 is as follows (Fig. and the iliotibial band is excised to allow free gliding of the
37-9). The patient is placed supine with a large sandbag transferred muscle belly.
under the ipsilateral hip so that the patient is tilted 45 The sandbag is next removed and placed under the oppo-
degrees to the opposite side and the knee to be operated site hip so that the patient is positioned semilaterally, turned
on is in semiflexion. A longitudinal incision is made over the to the ipsilateral side. A longitudinal incision is made over
posterolateral aspect of the thigh, starting immediately the posteromedial aspect of the thigh, beginning 3 cm prox-
above the head of the fibula and extending proximally to imal to the popliteal crease and extending to the junction
terminate at the junction of the proximal and middle thirds of the middle and proximal thirds of the thigh. The subcu-
of the thigh. The subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia are taneous tissue and deep fascia are divided. The semitendi-
incised in line with the skin incision. The common peroneal nosus tendon is isolated, and through a separate small
nerve, located posteromedial to the biceps tendon, is identi- incision over the anteromedial aspect of the proximal part
fied and gently retracted posteriorly with moist umbilical of the leg it is detached from its insertion on the tibia. It is
tape. The biceps femoris tendon is dissected free of its sur- easy to identify the semitendinosus tendon in the distal leg
rounding soft tissues and retracted anterolaterally. At its wound by pulling on it in the proximal thigh wound; ana-
point of attachment to the fibular head the lateral collateral tomically at its insertion the semitendinosus tendon is
ligament adheres to the biceps tendon; great caution must located posterior to the sartorius tendon and inferior to the
be exercised to protect and not divide it. Next the biceps tendon of the gracilis. The semitendinosus tendon is then
tendon is detached from its insertion on the head of the delivered into the proximal wound and dissected free to the
fibula. Using sharp and blunt dissection, the surgeon frees middle third of the thigh. Through a wide subcutaneous
the muscle bodies of the short and long heads of the biceps tunnel from the anterior transverse knee incision to the
muscle proximally as high as possible while taking care to posteromedial thigh incision, the semitendinosus tendon is
rerouted and delivered into the prepatellar area. Again the
deep fascia is widely incised to avoid angulation and to
permit free gliding of the semitendinosus tendon.
Next the prepatellar bursa is reflected and retracted to
one side and an I-shaped incision is made through the quad-
riceps tendon and periosteum over the anterior surface of
the patella. These tissues are stripped and reflected medi-
tendon ally and laterally. With a 9 64 -in drill, oblique longitudinal
Biceps Posteromedial tunnels are made through the patella, starting at the supero-
femoris incision lateral and superomedial poles of the patella and emerging
tendon on each side of the patellar tendon. The tunnels are enlarged
with progressively increasing sizes of hand drills and curets.
The operator must be careful not to damage the articular
surface of the patella.
With braided silk whip sutures on their ends, the biceps
femoris tendon and the semitendinosus tendon are each
Semitendinosus pulled through their respective tunnels in the patella and
tendon sutured to the patellar tendon under tension. Additional
divided at interrupted sutures are placed proximally and distally to fix
the biceps and semitendinosus tendons to the rectus femoris
and patellar tendons. The soft tissues are sutured over the
anterior aspect of the patella and the wounds are closed. A
long-leg cast that holds the knee in neutral position but not
in hyperextension is applied.
Postoperative Care and Functional Training
Meticulous postoperative care is important to obtain a sat-
FIGURE 37-9  Transfer of the semitendinosus and biceps femoris isfactory result. Tension on the transferred hamstring is
tendons to the patella to restore knee extension. prevented by avoiding flexion of the hip. The patient is kept
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e213

supine in bed for 3 weeks, and it should be strongly empha-

Flexion Deformity of the Knee
sized to personnel that the patient is not to sit.
Functional training of the transfer is begun 3 to 5 days Contracture of the iliotibial band secondary to the static
after surgery or as soon as the patient is comfortable. The forces of malposture of a flail lower limb causes flexion
patient is placed on his or her side to eliminate the force contracture of the knee, along with flexion-abduction–
of gravity. The knee and hip are slightly flexed, and the external rotation deformity of the hip, genu valgum, and
patient is asked to extend the hip and knee. Active con- external tibial torsion. This deformity is preventable and, if
traction of the hamstrings as knee extensors is initiated by minimal, can be corrected by passive exercises and wedging
having the patient execute his or her former action of hip casts.38,72 When it is marked, an Ober-Yount open surgical
extension. Active guided knee extension exercises are then release of the contracted iliotibial band is required.
performed from starting positions of greater knee flexion Flexion contracture of the knee may also result from a
and decreasing hip flexion; the patient should soon be dynamic imbalance between the quadriceps femoris and
encouraged to divorce the two movements of knee and hamstring muscles (Fig. 37-10). As stated previously, when
hip extension. The active exercise of knee extension is flexion deformity of the knee is present, paralysis of the
performed with the hip in the partially flexed position of quadriceps muscle cannot be compensated for by locking
the normal pattern of locomotion without, however, the knee in hyperextension, and the knee is then unstable.
extending the hip. Thus it is imperative that the knee flexion deformity be
The function of the antagonistic muscles should not be fully corrected.
ignored. Active knee flexion exercises are carried out It is important to understand the pathomechanics of a
(through a limited range initially) while making sure that knee that has become fixed in flexion. In a normal knee the
the transferred muscle is not used for both extensor and last 5 degrees of extension is accompanied by medial rota-
flexor functions. tion of the femur on the tibia, a movement that tightens
As soon as the transferred muscle is “fair minus” in the collateral ligaments and oblique posterior ligament, thus
motor strength, the patient, while still supine in bed, is locking the knee in extension. Because the axis of knee
asked to go slowly through the motions of walking: namely, motion passes not through the joint line but through the
ankle-foot dorsiflexion and hip flexion, followed by knee upper attachments of the collateral ligaments, the tibial
extension (using the transfer), hip extension, and ankle plateau must glide forward on the femoral condyles. In
plantar flexion. The same exercises are performed standing, fixed flexion deformity of the knee this normal gliding
first in parallel bars and then in crutches. During the stance movement does not take place; instead, a simple rocking
phase, hyperextension of the knee should be avoided. A motion occurs. When the knee is forced into extension, the
bivalved cast is worn at night for 8 to 12 months to prevent
stretching of the transferred muscles. Orthotic devices to
support the knee are not usually necessary unless their use
is indicated for control of the foot and ankle.
Genu recurvatum is a not infrequent complication; it occurs
in 10% to 20% of reported cases and is a natural conse-
quence of an operation in which the hamstring muscles that
normally provide dynamic support to the knee posteriorly
are removed and transferred anteriorly. Other factors con-
tributing to its pathogenesis are (1) pes equinus, (2) selec-
tion of patients with inadequate (less than “fair”) strength
in the triceps surae muscle, (3) immobilization of the knee
in hyperextension in the postoperative period, (4) lack of
an adequate and diligent postoperative exercise regimen
with resultant failure to develop active knee flexion against
gravity, and (5) improper use of orthotic support after
surgery. The development of genu recurvatum can be mini-
mized if the preceding factors are circumvented.
Lateral instability of the knee often results from inadver-
tent operative division of the tibial or fibular collateral liga-
ments while detaching the semitendinosus and biceps
tendons from their insertion.
Lateral dislocation of the patella commonly occurs when
the biceps femoris alone is transferred. This complication
can be prevented by transfer of both the biceps and the
semitendinosus muscles.
Failure of transfer may result from denervation of FIGURE 37-10  Flexion deformity of the right knee in poliomyelitis.
muscles during proximal dissection, inadequate postopera- A dynamic imbalance between the quadriceps femoris and
tive training, or binding down of the transfer by adhesions hamstring muscles caused the deformity. Note also the
in sharp angular pathways to the patella. calcaneovalgus deformity of the right foot.
e214 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

tibia subluxates posteriorly, and the knee joint becomes

incongruous and painful. When correcting a fixed flexion
deformity of the knee it is important to preserve joint con-
gruity by pulling the tibial plateau forward on the femoral
condyles. This is accomplished by applying skeletal traction
through a pin in the proximal end of the tibia after section
of the contracted iliotibial band and patellar retinacular
expansions that are usually adherent to the joint capsule and
that obliterate the lateral recesses. Posterior capsulotomy of
the knee is not usually required.
Supracondylar osteotomy may be indicated in patients
with a marked fixed flexion deformity and structural bony
changes in the femoral condyles. Osteotomy is also indi-
cated to align the lower limb when significant genu valgum
persists after correction of soft tissue contracture.65
Asirvatham and associates warned against the use of a
proximal tibial extension and medial rotation osteotomy to
correct knee flexion contracture and tibial lateral rotation
deformity simultaneously.4 Recurrence of contracture, genu
recurvatum, and peroneal palsy complicated the outcome.

Genu Recurvatum
Hyperextension of the knee in poliomyelitis may develop
as a result of stretching of the soft tissues in the back of the
knee, or it may be caused by structural bony changes, with
depression and downward sloping of the anterior portion of
the tibial plateau.
Genu Recurvatum Caused by Stretching FIGURE 37-11  Genu recurvatum in a patient with chronic
of the Soft Tissues in the Back of the Knee poliomyelitis.
Genu recurvatum can occur in patients with extensive
paralysis of the lower limb with marked weakness of the
hamstrings, triceps surae, and quadriceps femoris muscles genu recurvatum in a patient younger than 10 years, in
(Fig. 37-11). There is frequently calcaneus deformity of whom osseous structural changes in the tibial plateau have
the foot. With continued weight bearing, the hamstring not yet taken place. To prevent deformity from recurring
and triceps surae muscles and the capsule and ligaments in until skeletal growth has been completed, the patient sleeps
the posterior aspect of the knee stretch and elongate. The in a bivalved night cast that holds the knee in 40 degrees of
degree of genu recurvatum rapidly increases with loss of the flexion. For walking, the knee is held in 5 to 10 degrees of
support normally provided by the muscles and ligaments. flexion in an above-knee orthosis.
The functional disability is usually great; an above-knee
orthosis with a posterior knee strap is often required to Genu Recurvatum Resulting From Ankle
support the knee. Equinus and Hamstring Weakness
Heyman recommended the use of peroneal tendons to This type of genu recurvatum develops in patients with an
construct posterior check ligaments for preventing hyper- equinus deformity of the ankle with normal triceps surae
extension of the knee.79-81 When the patient has associated and hamstring muscles but a weak quadriceps femoris
excessive lateral instability of the knee, the collateral liga- muscle. The paralyzed quadriceps muscle is unable to lock
ments are also reinforced. The tendons are passed through the knee in neutral extension, and on heel strike the proxi-
drill holes placed superior to the epiphyseal plate at the mal end of the tibia is forced into hyperextension with
lower end of the femur and inferior to the epiphyseal plate limited dorsiflexion of the ankle. With continued walking
of the upper end of the tibia, thus avoiding any injury to and the stress of weight bearing, the anterior portion of the
the epiphyseal plate. The tendons are firmly anchored with tibial plateau becomes depressed and is tilted inferiorly. The
the knee in 30 degrees of flexion. An above-knee cast is bony deformity is corrected either by open-up wedge oste-
worn for 6 weeks. The knee is then further protected for 3 otomy or by close-up wedge osteotomy of the proximal end
months in an above-knee orthosis that limits extension of of the tibia.83,160 The procedure is usually performed at the
the knee to 5 degrees less than neutral. In a long-term subcondylar level distal to the proximal tibial tubercle. It is
follow-up note, Heyman reported complete and lasting cor- best to delay surgery until skeletal growth is completed. The
rection in five cases, with extension of the knee limited to technique described by Irwin is simple and satisfactory (Fig.
a point just short of neutral. In my experience, however, 37-12, A and B).83 A modified dome-shaped osteotomy
under the force of body weight, the tendons and shortened achieves the same result (Fig. 37-12, C and D).
soft tissues eventually become stretched and the deformity We, however, prefer an open-up wedge osteotomy (Fig.
recurs. I recommend the Heyman tenodesis operation for 37-12, E and F). The operative technique is as follows. A
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e215

The growing apophysis of the proximal tibial tubercle and

the upper epiphyseal plate of the tibia should not be dis-
turbed by stripping the periosteum. The level of osteotomy
is immediately distal to the proximal tibial tubercle; its line
is marked with a starter, and then holes are drilled through
the anteromedial and lateral cortices, with the posterior
cortex of the tibia left intact.
Three large, threaded Steinmann pins are chosen, and
their fit in the Roger Anderson apparatus is double-checked.
Starting from the medial side, the first threaded Steinmann
pin is placed transversely through the distal portion of the
proximal fragment. The pin should just engage in the lateral
A B cortex of the tibia (thereby avoiding injury to the common
peroneal nerve), and it should be more posterior in position,
away from the proximal tibial tubercle. The second and
third Steinmann pins are placed transversely through the
distal fragment of the tibia 5 and 10 cm, respectively, distal
to the osteotomy site. The tibia is then divided with an
osteotome, leaving the posterior cortex intact. When the
proximal tibial fragment is kept in maximal hyperextension
by forward pull on the first Steinmann pin and by manual
pressure on the anterior surface of the knee and distal
part of the thigh, the leg and the distal segment of the tibia
are forced posteriorly and a wedge-shaped defect is created
at the osteotomy site with its base facing anteriorly. A
lamina spreader may be used effectively to open up the
C D wedge.
Osteotomes of different widths are placed into the
osteotomy site to determine the size of the iliac bone
graft wedges, which are taken in routine manner with both
cortices intact. It is best to obtain radiographs with the
proper osteotome placed at the osteotomy site to double-
check the correction. The degree of angulation at the oste-
otomy site should be approximately 10 degrees greater than
that of the genu recurvatum, and the longitudinal axis of
the distal fragment of the tibia should be parallel to that
Graft of the femur. The proximal tibial fragment should be in
Next two iliac bone graft wedges are placed at the oste-
E F otomy site (one is medial, the other lateral to the tibial
crest); they are locked in place with an impactor. The sur-
FIGURE 37-12  Surgical methods of correcting genu recurvatum.
A and B, The Irwin technique. C and D, Modified dome
rounding spaces are firmly packed with bone graft chips.
osteotomy. E and F, Open-up wedge osteotomy. The lateral bars of the Roger Anderson apparatus are tight-
ened to provide additional stability to the osteotomy site.
The correction obtained is then rechecked with radiographs.
curved transverse incision is made across the anterior aspect The wound is closed in the usual manner. The Roger Ander-
of the leg, centered 1.5 cm distal to the proximal tibial son apparatus is padded with petrolatum gauze to prevent
tubercle. The lateral limb of the incision is continued proxi- its incorporation into the cast. An above-knee cast is applied
mally to terminate immediately superior and posterior to with the knee in extension.
the upper end of the fibula. Subcutaneous tissue and fasciae Mehta and Mukherjee reported successful use of a
are divided in line with the skin incision, and the wound femoral osteotomy to correct genu recurvatum, with flat-
flaps are mobilized and retracted. First, the neck and 2 cm tening of the femoral condyles.120 Deformity recurred in
of the proximal shaft of the fibula are exposed extraperios- only one case.
teally. Meticulous attention must be paid to avoiding damage
to the common peroneal nerve and proximal fibular epiphy-
Flail Knee
seal plate (if open). With drill holes and a sharp thin osteo-
tome, a simple short oblique osteotomy of the proximal A flail knee is unstable (Fig. 37-13). For weight bearing it
shaft of the fibula is performed. Often it is desirable to requires the support of an above-knee orthosis with a drop-
excise a wedge of bone from the proximal end of the fibula lock knee. With such an orthosis, the patient is able to flex
with its base facing posteriorly. the knee while sitting. Arthrodesis of the knee should not
Next a T-shaped incision is made in the periosteum over be performed in children; it is best postponed until adult-
the anteromedial surface of the proximal end of the tibia. hood, when the patient is mature enough to understand and
e216 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 37-13  Bilateral unstable flail knees in a patient with chronic poliomyelitis.

assess the advantages and disadvantages of a fused stiff everted. When the ankle joint is plantar flexed, the hindfoot
knee. In patients with unilateral involvement I do not rec- inverts, whereas in dorsiflexion of the ankle, the hindfoot
ommend arthrodesis of the knee, especially if they have everts. The foot is most stable in eversion and dorsiflexion
associated muscle weakness of the hip and foot. When both and least stable in equinus position and inversion.
lower limbs are paralyzed, however, one limb can be sup- The muscles that produce plantar flexion are the
ported in an above-knee orthosis and the other knee stabi- gastrocnemius-soleus, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digito-
lized by fusion, provided the hip has normal musculature rum longus, peroneus longus, peroneus brevis, and posterior
and the foot is fixed in a slightly equinus posture. The tibial. Dorsiflexor muscles are the anterior tibial, extensor
technical details of arthrodesis of the knee are described in hallucis longus, extensor digitorum communis, and pero-
the literature.35,122 neus tertius. The muscles that produce inversion are the
In a large series of patients, Men and colleagues reported posterior tibial, flexor hallucis longus, and anterior tibial;
good results with soft tissue releases, extension osteoto- the evertors of the foot are the peroneus brevis, peroneus
mies of the femur, and a patellar bone block for genu tertius, extensor digitorum communis, and extensor hallucis
recurvatum.121 longus. The muscles that plantar flex the ankle and foot
provide the force for forward propulsion of the body during
locomotion. The dorsiflexor muscle group clears the foot
Management of Specific Deformities during the swing phase of gait.
of the Foot and Ankle Approximately two thirds of the total musculature of
the leg is constituted by the triceps surae, one of the stron-
Paralysis of the muscles acting on the foot may result in gest muscles in the body. It acts on the foot as a first-class
various deformities and functional disability of the foot, lever with the ankle joint as a fulcrum. The working capac-
depending on the particular muscle or muscles involved and ity of the triceps surae is 6.5 kg/m, whereas that of the
the strength of the remaining musculature. dorsiflexors of the ankle joint is only 1.4 kg/m, or a relative
ratio of 4 : 1. This gross discrepancy in muscle mass between
the plantar flexors and dorsiflexors of the ankle is the result
Normal Physiology
of developmental and mechanical factors. The strength of
Stability of the foot depends on several factors: the contour the calf muscles is a necessary antigravitational force against
of the bones and the articular surfaces, the integrity of the the elevated center of gravity of the body in the upright
ligamentous and capsular support, and the motor strength posture. Moreover, because the center of gravity of the
of the muscles. The combined mobility of the foot and human body falls anterior to the ankle joint, the triceps
ankle is equal to that of a universal joint. Motions of the surae must counteract a strong rotatory component in ankle
ankle, subtalar, and midtarsal joints are related to each dorsiflexion. The muscles that provide lateral stability to
other. In inversion of the hindfoot, for example, the os calcis the foot in plantar flexion are the posterior tibial and pero-
is displaced forward, and adduction and inversion of the neals, whereas in dorsiflexion, lateral stability is provided
forefoot are produced; when the hindfoot is everted, the os by the action of the anterior tibial and extensor digitorum
calcis moves backward and the forefoot is abducted and communis.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e217

located on the lateral side of the anterior tibial vessels in

Treatment of Muscle Imbalance
the upper third of the leg, in front of the artery in the
Muscle imbalance produces progressive deformity. This middle third, and then again lateral in the distal third. Care
deformity is flexible in the beginning, but with skeletal should be taken not to injure the deep peroneal nerve and
growth, fixed soft tissue and structural osseous deformity the anterior tibial vessels. The anterior tibial sheath is
will develop. The deformities of the foot and loss of func- divided, and by gentle traction, using the two-hand tech-
tion produced by muscle imbalance are predictable. The nique, the tendon is delivered into the proximal wound.
dynamic imbalance from paralysis of the major muscle Transfer of the anterior tibial tendon on the dorsum of the
groups, the resultant deformity, and its treatment are pre- foot distal to the transverse crural ligament from the medial
sented in Table 37-1. to the lateral side does not correct the varus action of the
Paralysis of the Peroneal Muscles Next an incision 3 cm long is made over the dorsum of
When the peroneus longus and brevis muscles are paralyzed, the foot with its center over the base of the third metatarsal
the os calcis is pulled into inversion by the strong posterior bone. With an Ober tendon passer, the anterior tibial tendon
tibial muscle. The forefoot adducts after inversion of the is delivered into the dorsum of the foot, by passing deep to
hindfoot and also because of the unopposed action of the the transverse crural ligament to produce straight dorsiflex-
anterior tibial muscle. A varus deformity of the foot gradu- ion. It is securely fixed to the base of the third metatarsal
ally develops (Fig. 37-14). Normally the peroneus longus bone with the ankle joint in neutral position or dorsiflexed
depresses the first metatarsal, and the anterior tibial raises 5 degrees. The muscle should be under physiologic tension.
it. When the peroneus longus muscle is paralyzed, the first The wounds are closed in routine fashion and a long-leg cast
metatarsal becomes dorsiflexed by the unopposed action of is applied with the ankle in 5 degrees of dorsiflexion and
the anterior tibial, and a dorsal bunion results. The opposing the knee in 45 degrees of flexion.
actions of the peroneus longus and anterior tibial muscles
on the first metatarsal should always be considered when- Paralysis of the Anterior Tibial Muscle
ever a dynamic imbalance exists between the two. Dorsiflexor and inversion power of the foot are lost when
Treatment consists of lateral transfer of the anterior the anterior tibial muscle is paralyzed, and an equinovalgus
tibial to the base of the second metatarsal bone. Lateral deformity of the foot develops (Fig. 37-15). The toe exten-
stability of the foot is then adequate, and arthrodesis is sors are overactive in an attempt to substitute for the action
not required. of the anterior tibial muscle in dorsiflexion of the ankle. The
proximal phalanges of the toes become hyperextended and
Paralysis of the Peroneals, Extensor Digitorum depress the metatarsal heads, thereby causing a cock-up
Longus, and Extensor Hallucis Longus deformity of the toes. Equinus deformity of the ankle grad-
The deformity resulting from paralysis of these muscles ually results from contracture of the triceps surae. Occa-
consists of moderate varus and some degree of equinus. sionally a cavovarus deformity of the foot may result from
Dynamic balance of the foot is restored by lateral transfer the action of the peroneus longus muscle, which acts as a
of the anterior tibial tendon to the base of the third meta- depressor of the first metatarsal. On active dorsiflexion of
tarsal bone (Video 37-1). Pes valgus may result if the ante- the ankle the forefoot is everted, but on weight bearing it
rior tibial is transferred to the fourth or fifth metatarsal goes into inversion to permit horizontal contact of all meta-
bone. tarsal heads with the ground. The heel inverts after inver-
A longitudinal incision is made over the medial aspect of sion of the forefoot.
the foot, beginning at the base of the first metatarsal bone During the convalescent phase of poliomyelitis aggres-
and extending proximally parallel to the course of the ante- sive measures should be taken to retain passive range of
rior tibial tendon for a distance of 3 cm. The anterior tibial dorsiflexion of the ankle joint. Passive heel cord–stretching
tendon is detached from its insertion into the base of the exercises are performed every day. At night, a bivalved cast
first metatarsal bone and the medial surface and undersur- or a plastic splint is used to hold the ankle in neutral posi-
face of the first cuneiform bone. A Mersilene or Dacron tion, and during the day an ankle-foot dorsiflexion-assist
whip suture is inserted into the distal end of the tendon. orthosis supports the ankle and foot.
By sharp dissection, the tendon is mobilized over the If proper treatment is neglected, a fixed equinus defor-
dorsum of the foot. The dorsalis pedis artery, lying between mity may develop. In that event, the heel cord should not
the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus and the first be lengthened, and every effort should be made to retain
tendon of the extensor digitorum longus, should not be full function of the triceps surae muscle. Range of dorsiflex-
divided. ion of the ankle may be obtained with a wedging cast or a
A second 8- to 10-cm longitudinal incision is then made below-knee walking cast with an anterior heel. In severe
over the anterior tibial compartment in the distal third of fixed equinus deformity, posterior capsulotomy of the ankle
the leg, beginning at the upper border of the transverse and subtalar joints is performed and the heel cord is
crural ligament. The subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia are stretched with skeletal traction through a threaded Stein-
divided. The anterior tibial tendon is located immediately mann pin in the os calcis. Functional disability is great after
on the tibia. The anterior tibial vessels lie between the the loss of plantar flexion power.
anterior tibial and extensor hallucis longus muscles in the Dorsiflexion power of the ankle is restored by anterior
middle third of the leg. At the ankle, the extensor hallucis transfer of the peroneus longus tendon to the base of the
longus tendon crosses the anterior tibial vessels from the second metatarsal bone. The peroneus brevis is sutured to
lateral to the medial side. The deep peroneal nerve is the distal stump of the peroneus longus. The operative
e218 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Table 37-1  Tendon Transfers for Paralytic Deformities of the Foot and Ankle
Dynamic Imbalance

Paralyzed or Weak Normal or Strong* Deformity of Foot Tendon Transfer Remarks

Peroneus longus Anterior tibial Varus Lateral transfer of Perform transfer before fixed
Peroneus brevis Extensor hallucis Dorsal bunion (first anterior tibial to deformity develops
longus metatarsal base of second Lateral stability will be retained
Extensor digitorum dorsiflexed because metatarsal Do not transfer more lateral than
communis of unopposed second metatarsal in presence
Posterior tibial action of anterior of strong extensor digitorum
Gastrocnemius-soleus tibial) communis (will cause pes
Flexor hallucis longus valgus)
Flexor digitorum
Peroneus longus Anterior tibial Varus, some equinus Lateral transfer of Do not transfer further lateral than
Peroneus brevis Posterior tibial anterior tibial to base of third metatarsal (will
Extensor digitorum Gastrocnemius-soleus base of third cause pes valgus)
communis Flexor hallucis longus metatarsal
Extensor hallucis Flexor digitorum
longus longus
Peroneus longus Posterior tibial Equinovarus Anterior transfer of Postoperatively, equinovarus
Peroneus brevis Gastrocnemius-soleus posterior tibial deformity should be fully
Extensor digitorum Flexor hallucis longus tendon through corrected by stretching cast or
communis Flexor digitorum interosseous soft tissue surgery
Extensor hallucis longus space to base of May consider reinforcing posterior
longus third metatarsal tibial transfer by adding flexor
Anterior tibial hallucis longus or flexor
digitorum longus to anterior
transfer through interosseous
space; anterior tenodesis to
prevent dropping down of foot
is another choice
Postoperatively, support transfer by
dorsiflexion-assist below-knee
Anterior tibial Peroneus longus Equinovalgus Anterior transfer of Do not attach peroneus longus to
Peroneus brevis Cock-up deformity of peroneus longus first metatarsal (will displace it
Extensor hallucis toes (overactivity of to base of upward and cause dorsal
longus toe extensors second bunion)
Extensor digitorum displaces proximal metatarsal Transfer long toe extensors to
communis phalanges of toes (suture peroneus heads of metatarsals if cock-up
Gastrocnemius-soleus into hyperextension brevis to distal deformity of toes is present
Posterior tibial and depresses stump of If both peroneals are transferred,
Flexor hallucis longus metatarsal heads) peroneus lateral instability of foot will
Flexor digitorum Occasionally cavovarus longus) develop, necessitating
longus deformity of foot stabilization by subtalar
results (unopposed extraarticular or triple
peroneus longus arthrodesis
acts as depressor of
first metatarsal)
Gastrocnemius- Peroneus longus Calcaneus or Posterior transfer (to Caution—Prevent development of
soleus (motor Peroneus brevis calcaneocavus os calcis) of both dorsal bunion by lateral transfer
strength zero or Flexor hallucis longus peroneals, of anterior tibial to base of
trace) Posterior tibial posterior tibial, second metatarsal within a year
Flexor digitorum and flexor In adolescent patient with fixed
longus hallucis longus calcaneus deformity, before
Anterior tibial tendon transfers, perform triple
Extensor hallucis arthrodesis with posterior shift
longus of os calcis to correct bony
Extensor digitorum deformity
communis In young child, calcaneus deformity
will correct with subsequent
growth; however, subtalar
extraarticular arthrodesis may be
required for lateral stability
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e219

Table 37-1  Tendon Transfers for Paralytic Deformities of the Foot and Ankle, cont’d
Dynamic Imbalance

Paralyzed or Weak Normal or Strong* Deformity of Foot Tendon Transfer Remarks

Gastrocnemius- See previous Calcaneus or Posterior transfer (to Suture distal stump of peroneus
soleus (motor calcaneocavus os calcis) of longus to peroneus brevis
strength poor) posterior tibial Watch closely for possible
and peroneus development of dorsal bunion;
longus lateral transfer of anterior tibial
to base of second metatarsal
may be indicated
Gastrocnemius- Anterior tibial Calcaneovarus Posterior transfer (to Suture distal stump of flexor
soleus Flexor hallucis longus os calcis) of hallucis longus to flexor hallucis
Posterior tibial Extensor hallucis anterior tibial brevis
Peroneus longus longus and flexor Interphalangeal joint fusion of great
Peroneus brevis Extensor digitorum hallucis longus toe may be necessary
Flexor digitorum
Anterior tibial Peroneus longus Calcaneovarus Posterior transfer (to Perform triple arthrodesis in
Gastrocnemius- Peroneus brevis os calcis) of both adolescence to provide lateral
soleus Posterior tibial peroneals and stability to hindfoot
Flexor hallucis longus posterior tibial
Flexor digitorum
Extensor hallucis
Extensor digitorum
Gastrocnemius- Anterior tibial Calcaneovarus Posterior transfer (to Protect transfer with plantar
soleus Extensor hallucis os calcis) of flexion–assist orthosis until
Posterior tibial longus anterior tibial skeletal maturity
Peroneus longus Extensor digitorum Consider Achilles tendon tenodesis
Peroneus brevis communis In adolescence, if adequate
Flexor hallucis function exists in transferred
longus anterior tibial, foot is stabilized
Flexor digitorum by triple arthrodesis
longus If anterior tibial function is
inadequate, Chuinard-type ankle
fusion is performed (will provide
stability and gait will improve
Gastrocnemius- Extensor hallucis Calcaneovalgus Ankle fusion Stability and muscle control of knee
soleus longus (minimal) (Chuinard type) should be adequate
Posterior tibial Extensor digitorum Flexion of toes and Pantalar arthrodesis Full knee extension and functioning
Peroneus longus communis metatarsus varus Resect motor hamstrings are prerequisite
Peroneus brevis None except short Hindfoot neutral or branches of Same as above
Flexor hallucis toe flexors and valgus (may be in plantar nerves
longus intrinsic muscles inversion due to
Flexor digitorum of foot contracture of
longus plantar fascia)
Anterior tibial
Flail ankle and foot
(all muscles
Anterior tibial Gastrocnemius-soleus Equinus Anterior transfer of Do not lengthen Achilles tendon
Extensor hallucis Flexor digitorum flexor digitorum (will produce calcaneus
longus longus longus and deformity)
Extensor digitorum Flexor hallucis longus flexor hallucis Disability is minor (patient must lift
communis through leg to clear toes)
Peroneus longus interosseous Stretch triceps surae; use night
Peroneus brevis space support to prevent fixed
Posterior tibial Anterior tenodesis equinus deformity

*Italics indicate major muscle affected.

e220 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 37-14  Paralytic pes varus. The deformity is the result of paralysis of the peroneus longus and brevis muscles. The hindfoot is
inverted by the pull of the strong posterior tibial muscle, and the forefoot is adducted and inverted by the unopposed action of the
anterior tibial muscle. Note that the dorsiflexed first metatarsal has produced a dorsal bunion.

transferred, lateral instability of the foot will develop and

require stabilization of the hindfoot by extraarticular sub-
talar arthrodesis or triple arthrodesis.
Paralysis of the Anterior Tibial Muscle,
Toe Extensors, and Peroneals
An equinovarus deformity of the foot develops from
the unopposed action of the posterior tibial and triceps
surae muscles (Fig. 37-16). Treatment consists of anterior
transfer of the posterior tibial tendon through the interos-
seous space to the base of the third metatarsal or second
cuneiform (Plate 37-5). Preoperatively, equinovarus defor-
mity should be fully corrected by a stretching cast. Soft
tissue release may be indicated for correction of the fixed
pes varus.
The flexor digitorum longus or flexor hallucis longus may
be transferred anteriorly through the interosseous route to
reinforce the strength of dorsiflexion power of the posterior
tibial transfer. Anterior tenodesis is another method of pre-
venting the foot from dropping down in plantar flexion. In
the postoperative period, the anterior transfer and tenodesis
should be supported in an ankle-foot dynamic dorsiflexion-
assist orthosis during the day and a bivalved cast or plastic
splint at night.
Paralysis of the Triceps Surae Muscle
When the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are weak or
paralyzed, the patient walks with a calcaneus limp (i.e.,
there is weakness or lack of push-off). The tibia is displaced
posteriorly on the talus by the forward thrust of the trunk,
and the foot is forced into excessive dorsiflexion at the ankle
The Achilles tendon inserts into the posterior aspect of
the apophysis of the os calcis. Normally the force exerted
FIGURE 37-15  Equinovalgus deformity of the foot as a result of by the triceps surae muscle elevates the heel, depresses the
paralysis of the anterior tibial muscle.
anterior end of the os calcis, and pushes the body forward.
The longitudinal arch is flattened as the head of the talus
plantar flexes with the anterior end of the os calcis. In
technique and postoperative care for anterior transfer of the paralysis of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, the head
peroneus longus are described and illustrated in Plate 37-4. of the talus and the anterior end of the os calcis are dis-
The peroneus longus tendon should not be attached to the placed upward to a more vertical position. This results in
base of the first metatarsal because it will displace the bone disappearance of the normal prominence of the heel and an
upward and cause a dorsal bunion. If a cock-up deformity increase in the range of dorsiflexion of the ankle (Fig.
of the toes is present, the long toe extensors are transferred 37-17). When the accessory plantar flexor muscles (i.e., the
to the heads of the metatarsals. If both peroneals are posterior tibial, flexor hallucis longus, flexor digitorum
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e221

FIGURE 37-16  Equinovarus deformity of the

right ankle and foot caused by unopposed
action of the triceps surae and posterior tibial

FIGURE 37-17  Calcaneus deformity of the foot and ankle. Note the posterior shift of the tibia over the talus during push-off.
e222 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 37-18  Calcaneocavus deformity of the left foot and ankle.

longus, and peroneals) are strong, the forefoot is forced into tends to develop, lateral transfer of the anterior tibial to the
an equinus position, thereby producing a calcaneocavus base of the second metatarsal may again be indicated.
deformity. The foot is shortened by plantar flexion of the When the posterior tibial and peroneal muscles are para-
metatarsals and by rotation of the os calcis into a vertical lyzed along with the triceps surae, the muscles available for
position. Soon the plantar fascia and short flexors of the posterior transfer are the anterior tibial and flexor hallucis
toes contract and act as a bowstring, which pulls the meta- longus. The flexor digitorum longus may be added if neces-
tarsal heads and the os calcis together and increases the sary. The interphalangeal joints, particularly that of the great
cavus deformity (Fig. 37-18). The calcaneocavus deformity toe, are fused.
progressively increases with every step. With paralysis of When the anterior tibial muscle is paralyzed with the
the triceps surae, growth of the apophysis of the os calcis triceps surae, posterior transfer of both peroneals and the
is retarded. This is particularly important in a young child posterior tibial is performed; lateral stability of the hindfoot
in whom, after early and successful posterior tendon trans- is provided by triple arthrodesis.
fer to the os calcis, the calcaneus deformity of the heel may The anterior tibial muscle is transferred to the os calcis
be restored to normal. when all the plantar flexor muscles are paralyzed. The pos-
The triceps surae muscle is the strongest muscle of the terior transfer is protected with a plantar flexion–assist
foot. Therefore it is desirable to transfer three or four ankle-foot orthosis until skeletal maturity. Achilles tendon
muscles posteriorly to the os calcis, depending on their tenodesis may be performed to provide posterior stability
availability and the degree of weakness of the triceps surae. to the ankle joint. In adolescence, when plantar flexion
Plantar flexion at the ankle is more important functionally function of the transferred anterior tibial is adequate, the
than dorsiflexion. hindfoot is stabilized by triple arthrodesis.
When the motor strength of the triceps surae muscle is When anterior tibial function is inadequate, a Chuinard-
“zero,” the peroneus longus and brevis, posterior tibial, and type ankle fusion is performed. If only the toe extensors are
flexor hallucis longus are transferred to the os calcis. The functioning, no muscles will be available for posterior trans-
anterior tibial is transferred laterally to the base of the fer. An ankle fusion is performed, provided stability and
second metatarsal within a year to prevent the formation of muscle control of the knee are adequate.
a dorsal bunion. In adolescents with a fixed calcaneus defor- The operative technique and postoperative care for
mity, the hindfoot is stabilized by triple arthrodesis, the posterior tendon transfer to the os calcis are presented in
bony deformity is corrected, and the os calcis is shifted Plate 37-6.
posteriorly. In a young child, calcaneus deformity will be A dorsal bunion is characterized by dorsiflexion of the
corrected by subsequent growth if the posterior transfer is first metatarsal and plantar flexion of the great toe (Fig.
successful; however, a subtalar extraarticular arthrodesis 37-19). It is caused by muscle imbalance—weakness or
may be required later for lateral stability. absence of the peroneus longus muscle (plantar flexor of the
Only the peroneus longus and posterior tibial muscles first metatarsal) against normal strength of the anterior
are transferred when the gastrocnemius-soleus muscles are tibial muscle (dorsiflexor of the first metatarsal) or flexor
“poor” in motor strength. The distal stump of the peroneus hallucis brevis and longus. There are two types of dorsal
longus is sutured to the peroneus brevis. If a dorsal bunion bunion: one characterized by primary dorsiflexion of the
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e223

first metatarsal and secondary plantar flexion of the hallux interphalangeal joint of the great toe. The abductor hallucis
and another characterized by primary plantar flexion of the and medial part of the flexor hallucis brevis are identified,
hallux with resultant upward displacement of the metatar- detached from their insertion, and dissected free; as much
sal head. I have treated dorsal bunion successfully by tendon as possible should be preserved (Fig. 37-21, A). The
open-up wedge osteotomy of the base of the first metatarsal lateral tendon of the flexor hallucis brevis and the tendon
and transfer of the flexor hallucis longus to the head of the of the adductor hallucis are then sectioned from their inser-
first metatarsal. tion and dissected free. The sesamoid bones in the tendi-
McKay transferred tendinous insertions of the flexor nous part of the flexor hallucis brevis are carefully removed.
hallucis brevis and abductor and adductor hallucis to the If the patient has associated hallux valgus, the abductor
neck of the first metatarsal (Fig. 37-20). He believed that hallucis is left intact; if hallux varus is present, the adductor
these muscles provide greater mechanical advantage than hallucis is left attached to its insertion. Next a circumfer-
the flexor hallucis longus after transfer. Furthermore, the ential incision is made in the periosteum of the first meta-
deforming action of the flexor hallucis brevis is also removed. tarsal at its neck and elevated for a distance of 1 cm. The
A longitudinal incision is made on the medial aspect of the abductor hallucis and medial part of the flexor hallucis
foot from the base of the first metatarsal to the brevis are transferred medially to the dorsal aspect of the
metatarsal neck; the adductor hallucis and lateral part of
the flexor hallucis brevis are transferred dorsally between
the first and second metatarsals (Fig. 37-21, B). All four
tendons are sutured together to create a myotendinous ring
around the neck of the metatarsal (Fig. 37-21, C; see also
Fig. 37-20C). The collar of periosteum is sutured to the
tendon. Next the interphalangeal joint of the great toe is
stabilized by tenodesis or arthrodesis. A below-knee walking
cast is applied and worn for 3 to 4 weeks. McKay reported
complete correction in 10 feet (Figs. 37-22 and 37-23).
Westin and associates reported that tenodesis of the
Achilles tendon to the fibula resulted in improved gait
in 66 consecutive patients.170 However, 16 feet (24%)
required revision because of the development of an equinus

Arthrodesis of the Foot and Ankle

FIGURE 37-19  Dorsal bunion of the right foot. Note the In the operative treatment of a paralyzed foot, many surgi-
dorsiflexion of the first metatarsal and the plantar flexion cal procedures have been developed to provide stability,
of the great toe. (Courtesy D.W. McKay, MD.) correct deformity, and improve function.

FIGURE 37-20  The McKay technique for correction of a dorsal bunion. A, Plantar view of the right foot showing section of the abductor
hallucis, adductor hallucis, and flexor hallucis brevis from the base of the proximal phalanx. B, Tendinous portions of these muscles
transferred to the neck of the first metatarsal, as seen from the plantar aspect. C, Dorsal view showing tendons transferred to the dorsum
of the neck of the first metatarsal. (Redrawn from D.W. McKay, MD.)
e224 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 37-21  Operative views of the McKay technique for correcting a dorsal bunion. A, Note the abductor hallucis muscle. B, The
suture on the right is attached to the abductor hallucis and the medial head of the flexor hallucis brevis; the other suture is attached to
the adductor hallucis and the lateral head of the flexor hallucis brevis. The flexor hallucis longus tendon is in the middle of the wound.
C, The four tendons are sutured over the dorsum of the neck of the first metatarsal and to the adjoining capsule and periosteum to
provide a myotendinous ring. (Courtesy D.W. McKay, MD.)

FIGURE 37-22  The McKay technique for correction of a dorsal
bunion. A, Preoperative lateral radiograph of the foot showing the
deformity. B, Postoperative lateral radiograph of the foot. Note
the excellent correction. (Courtesy D.W. McKay, MD.)

FIGURE 37-23  Dorsal bunion corrected by the McKay technique.
A, Preoperative photograph. The dorsal bunion developed after a
cuneiform opening wedge osteotomy (Fowler procedure) for a
cavovarus foot. B, Postoperative lateral view of the foot showing
correction. (Courtesy D.W. McKay, MD.)
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e225

Table 37-2  History of Stabilizing Operations of the Foot and Ankle

Year Surgeon Procedure

1879 Albert Tibiotarsal or ankle joint arthrodesis

1879 Von Lesser Tibiotarsal or ankle joint arthrodesis
1884 Samster Ankle and subtalar joint arthrodesis
1901 Whitman Talectomy and posterior displacement of the foot
1905 Nieny Talocalcaneal and talocalcaneonavicular or subtalar arthrodesis
1908 Jones Talocalcaneal and talocalcaneonavicular or subtalar arthrodesis
1908 Goldthwait Supratalar and infratalar arthrodesis
1911 Lorthioir Pantalar arthrodesis (temporary removal of the talus)
1911 Ombredanne Surgical approach for exposure of the subtalar and midtarsal joints
1912 Soule Talonavicular arthrodesis
1912 Soule Talonavicular and subtalar arthrodesis
1913 Davis Subtalar arthrodesis (transverse horizontal section of the tarsus) with posterior displacement
of the foot
1915 Albee Talonavicular arthrodesis with a bone graft peg
1916 Davis Subtalar or calcaneotalar and calcaneotalonavicular arthrodesis
1919 Dunn Midtarsal tarsectomy and calcaneotalar arthrodesis
1920 Toupet Posterior bone check
1921 Hoke Calcaneotalonavicular arthrodesis; resection, reshaping and reimplantation of the head and
neck of the talus, and posterior displacement of the foot
1922 Dunn Excision of navicular bone, calcaneotalocuneiform and calcaneocuboid arthrodesis with
posterior displacement of the foot
1922 Putti Anterior bone check
1922 Steindler Pantalar arthrodesis (talus not temporarily removed)
1923 Ryerson Triple (subtalar and calcaneocuboid) arthrodesis
1923 Ryerson Lateral arthrodesis (cuneonavicular, first and fifth tarsometatarsal arthrodesis)
1923 Campbell Posterior bone block
1925 Smith and von Calcaneotalonavicular and calcaneocuboid arthrodesis, excision of the head and neck of the
Lackum talus with posterior displacement of the foot
1927 Lambrinudi Resection of a wedge of bone from the plantar aspect of the head and neck of the talus to
lock the talus in equinus position at the ankle while the rest of the foot is in the desired
degree of dorsiflexion
1933 Brewster Calcaneonaviculocuneiform arthrodesis, excision of the head and neck of the talus, posterior
displacement of the foot, and countersinking of the body of the talus in the os calcis
1935 Girard Arthrodesis of the subtalar and calcaneocuboid joints, shortening of the neck of the talus,
posterior displacement of the foot, and construction of ankle joint mortise
1952 Grice Extraarticular arthrodesis of the subtalar joint
1963 Chuinard and Peterson Distraction-compression bone graft arthrodesis of the ankle

The history of the evolution of stabilizing operations of blocks to limit motion at the ankle joint. These procedures
the foot and ankle is presented in Table 37-2. Detailed may be performed alone or in combination.
accounts of these procedures can be found in the original
articles and in comprehensive historical reviews by Hart, Triple Arthrodesis
Hallgrimsson, and Schwartz.66,73,143 This procedure was devised by Ryerson in 1923 and consists
In general, stabilizing operations on the foot and ankle of fusion of the subtalar, calcaneocuboid, and talonavicular
can be subdivided into the following: (1) triple arthrodesis, joints.134
(2) extraarticular subtalar arthrodesis, (3) ankle fusion and
pantalar arthrodesis, and (4) anterior or posterior bone
e226 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Indications and Preoperative Considerations

The triple arthrodesis operation is designed to provide

lateral stability, and it will also correct deformity if the
articular surfaces are resected with removal of wedges to
correct deformity. In locomotion, the essential motions of
the foot and ankle are plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. In
the presence of muscle weakness, triple arthrodesis stabi-
lizes the hindfoot and diminishes the functional demand on
the remaining active muscles by reducing the number of
joints that they control. Triple arthrodesis is described and
illustrated in Plate 37-7.
The subtalar and midtarsal joint motions are particularly
important for balance during walking on rough or uneven
terrain. The loss of lateral mobility of the hindfoot after
triple arthrodesis may result in difficulty in locomotion on
an irregular surface.
Because triple arthrodesis may exert excessive ligamen-
tous strain on the ankle joint, it is imperative to determine
the stability of the body of the talus in the ankle mortise.
This is done clinically by testing passive lateral motion of
the ankle. If ankle stability is questionable, weight-bearing
anteroposterior (AP) radiographs of the ankle are obtained A B C
with the hindfoot first in forced maximal eversion and FIGURE 37-24  Alignment of the foot. A, Normal foot, ankle, and
abduction and then in forced inversion and adduction. Nor- knee alignment without tibial torsion. B, Incorrect. The foot is
mally, there is no lateral motion of the body of the talus in aligned with the knee, not the ankle, in the presence of external
the ankle mortise except when the ankle is in marked tibial torsion. C, Correct. The foot is aligned with the ankle joint in
plantar flexion; lateral motion may then be present in the presence of external tibial torsion. (Redrawn from Patterson
RL, Parrish FF, Hathaway EN: Stabilizing operations on the foot,
minimal amount. In patients with marked instability of the
J Bone Joint Surg Am 32:3, 1950.)
ankle joint, varus or valgus deformity of the hindfoot may
recur after triple arthrodesis, and stabilization of the ankle
joint may be indicated. to function: (1) the talus with the tibia and ankle joint;
Anterior subluxation of the ankle joint may be present (2) the os calcis; and (3) the tarsal bones, the joints distal
in severe equinus deformity and should be ruled out by to the midtarsal joint, and the metatarsals and phalanges.
obtaining lateral radiographs of the ankle with the foot in The talus is the only tarsal bone that transmits the entire
maximal plantar flexion and in forced dorsiflexion. body weight; thus the importance of double-checking the
Alignment and weight-bearing lines of the lower limb stability of the body of the talus in the ankle mortise cannot
should be carefully studied. The presence of bowleg, knock- be overemphasized.
knee, or any excessive medial or lateral tibial torsion should The pattern of osteotomies and the plane of resection of
be noted. Lateral tibial torsion and genu valgum are common the articular surfaces of each joint should be carefully and
deformities in poliomyelitis. In stance, does the center of precisely planned. It is best to draw these lines on tracings
gravity of the body fall on the second metatarsal bone? of the preoperative lateral radiographs of the foot.
Failure to recognize malalignment of the leg results in
improper positioning of the foot. During surgery it is man- Surgical Technique
datory that the knee be draped in sterile fashion in the Varus Deformity Correction.  In the correction of varus
operative field. The foot should be aligned with the ankle deformity, a wedge of bone with its base facing laterally is
mortise and not with the knee (Fig. 37-24). Any significant resected from the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints
torsional or angular deformity of the leg is corrected at a (Fig. 37-25). Lateral displacement of the forefoot is often
subsequent operation. prevented by the “beak” of the navicular bone, which pro­
The growth of the foot in a young child should not be jects posteriorly along the medial side of the head of the
disturbed. The tarsal bones grow concentrically at their talus. It is important to excise this “beak” flush with the
periphery, and resection of their articular surfaces inhibits main body of the navicular, through a separate incision if
their growth. Triple arthrodesis should be deferred until the necessary. The planes of osteotomies of the talonavicular
foot has achieved skeletal maturity, which is 10 to 12 years and calcaneocuboid joints should be parallel to each other
in girls and 12 to 14 years in boys. in the vertical axis to achieve close apposition of bones. To
The osseous deformity of the foot should be carefully correct varus deformity of the heel, a laterally based wedge
analyzed on the preoperative radiographs. These images is resected from the subtalar joint. Most of the bone should
should include AP and mediolateral weight-bearing views of be removed from the superior surface of the calcaneus.
the foot and ankle. It is important to obtain the radiographs Only a minimal amount of bone should be excised from the
with the foot held in the positions of maximum correction. talus. A slight valgus position of the heel provides stability;
Tracings of the foot are made on x-ray negative films. The however, the hindfoot should not be placed in more than 5
foot and ankle are divided into three segments according to 10 degrees of eversion because it will cause difficulty in
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e227

Navicular Cuboid

Talus Calcaneus
Bone wedges resected


FIGURE 37-25  Wedges of bone to be resected for correction of pes varus. A to C, Three views of the varus deformity. Shaded areas show
the amount of bone wedges to be resected. D to F, Corrected positions of the bones postoperatively.
e228 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

proper wearing of shoes and is not cosmetically satisfactory. permits the cavus deformity to increase. The metatarsal
A varus position of the heel should not be accepted. heads should be well padded to prevent skin sloughing.
Three to 4 months later the metatarsals are osteotomized
Valgus Deformity Correction.  Valgus deformity of the foot at their base and elevated into dorsiflexion to correct the
is corrected by excision of a medially based wedge from the forefoot equinus deformity. In this way, some degree of
midtarsal area and another wedge, also based medially, from mobility of the naviculocuneiform and cuneiform metatar-
the subtalar region. The use of a laminectomy spreader in sal joints is preserved.
the subtalar joint adequately exposes the medial side of the Talectomy corrects the severe calcaneus defor-
hindfoot. Great care should be taken not to injure the pos- mity.80,110,164,171,172 However, it reduces the height of the
terior tibial nerves and artery, which lie adjacent and super- foot, lowers the malleoli, and causes great difficulty in
ficial to the flexor hallucis longus tendon. In a valgus foot, fitting shoes. This is particularly disturbing to women.
the os calcis is everted and the head of the talus is plantar Fibroarthrosis and degenerative arthritis of the ankle joint
flexed over the medial aspect of the foot. The common often develop in later years. For these reasons, astragalec-
tendency is to excise a large wedge to reduce the calcaneus tomy is not recommended.
medially beneath the talus. This should be avoided because In the classic triple arthrodesis, it is difficult to displace
it reduces the height of the hindfoot and lowers the mal- the os calcis backward. Dunn described a method of excis-
leoli, thereby resulting in a wide ankle contour and extreme ing the navicular and part of the head and neck of the talus
difficulty in fitting shoes. When correcting severe valgus, to permit posterior displacement of the calcaneus.44,45 Hoke
varus, or calcaneus deformity of the foot, it is best to add had previously resected the navicular and head and neck of
bone graft wedges rather than excise too much bone. Resec- the talus; after subtalar joint resection and posterior dis-
tion of excessive bone from the talus and navicular may also placement of the foot, he recommended reshaping and
cause avascular necrosis of these tarsal bones with subse- reimplanting the head and neck of the talus.79 The Hoke
quent degenerative arthritis of the ankle and pseudarthrosis and Dunn procedures, however, shorten the foot and
of the talonavicular joint. increase the likelihood of pseudarthrosis of the talonavicular
el-Batouty and co-workers described a modified tech- joint. For these reasons, I prefer correction of calcaneus
nique of triple arthrodesis to correct paralytic pes valgus.46 deformity by bone graft wedges.

Calcaneus Foot Deformity Correction.  For restoration Pes Equinus Deformity Correction.  In correction of pes
of alignment of a calcaneus foot, a wedge of bone based equinus, fixed contracture of the posterior capsule of the
posteriorly is resected from the subtalar joint (Fig. 37-26). ankle and subtalar joints and the triceps surae muscle must
Patients often have an associated cavus deformity, which be corrected preoperatively. As stated previously, function
is corrected by excising a dorsally based wedge from the of the gastrocnemius-soleus muscles should be maintained
talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints. It is imperative as much as possible. Wedging casts are tried first, followed
to displace the os calcis posteriorly to provide a longer by posterior capsulotomy and skeletal traction through the
lever arm. When contracted, the anterior capsule of the os calcis. In severe equinus deformity, limited heel cord
ankle joint is stretched out preoperatively by passive manip- lengthening may have to be performed, but it is preferable
ulation and corrective casts. Release of soft tissue contrac- to leave some tightness of the triceps surae. It is imperative
ture may be indicated when the contracture is fixed. It that the foot be dorsiflexed to neutral position; otherwise,
is imperative to obtain normal range of plantar flexion of a rocker-bottom deformity will result. In patients with cere-
the ankle. bral palsy, I maintain reduction with a large Kirschner wire.
In severe talipes calcaneus, the bony deformity and soft One pin is placed through the os calcis into the talus and
tissue contracture are rigid, and the talus and os calcis are across the ankle joint into the tibia, whereas the other
fixed in marked dorsiflexion. The associated cavus defor- transfixes the talonavicular joint. When equinus posture
mity is marked, with severe contracture of the plantar fascia results simply from footdrop and the foot can be passively
and osseous changes in the midtarsal bones. Correction of dorsiflexed beyond neutral position, it is preferable to
the deformity by wedge resections results in an appreciable perform tendon transfer anteriorly to provide power of
reduction in height and length of the foot. active dorsiflexion. If adequate muscles are not available for
Plantar fasciotomy is performed first. The anterior anterior transfer, the triple arthrodesis may be modified to
capsule of the ankle joint is released through an anterolat- prevent the foot from dropping down into plantar flexion.
eral approach. Next the articular surfaces of the subtalar, Lambrinudi in 1927 described a method of triple arthro­
talonavicular, and calcaneocuboid joints are resected mini- desis in which a wedge of bone is excised from the plantar
mally to expose raw cancellous bone. The calcaneus defor- aspect of the head and neck of the talus and the distal sharp
mity is corrected by inserting an anteriorly based wedge of margin of the body of the talus is inserted into a prepared
bone graft into the subtalar joint. Forefoot equinus defor- trough in the navicular. In this way the talus is locked in
mity can be corrected by excising a wedge of bone based equinus position at the ankle joint while the rest of the foot
dorsally from the talonavicular and calcaneocuboid joints. I is maintained in the desired degree of dorsiflexion.95 I do
frequently postpone surgical correction of the cavus defor- not recommend the Lambrinudi operation because his
mity until solid healing of the triple arthrodesis has taken experience with it was unsatisfactory. For adequate correc-
place. During application of the above-knee cast, however, tion of equinus deformity, too much bone must be resected
it is important to immobilize the heel in moderate plantar from the talus, with the subsequent development of avas-
flexion and the forefoot in maximal dorsiflexion. A common cular necrosis of the talus, talonavicular pseudarthrosis, flat-
pitfall is to hold the forefoot in equinus position, which
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e229

Navicular Cuboid

Talus Calcaneus
Bone wedges resected


FIGURE 37-26  Wedges of bone to be removed for correction of a calcaneocavus deformity. A to C, Dorsal, lateral, and posterior views of
the deformity. Shaded areas indicate the amount of bone removed. D to F, Positions of the bones after correction of the deformity by
triple arthrodesis. Note the posterior displacement of the hindfoot.

tening of the superior surface of the talus, and painful

arthritis of the ankle.49,74,96,111,112,129 autogenous bone grafts in the sinus tarsi in the lateral aspect
of the foot for correction of paralytic pes valgus and restora-
Extraarticular Subtalar Arthrodesis tion of the height of the longitudinal arch.61,62 Any interfer-
At the suggestion of William T. Green, Grice developed a ence with subsequent normal growth of the foot is minimal,
method of fusion of the subtalar joint by insertion of
e230 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

at most, because the procedure is extraarticular. The opera- uneven pressure under the metatarsal heads. The lateral
tive technique is described and illustrated in Plate 37-8. border of the foot should be straight, with the heel in
neutral or a slightly valgus position and the ankle in less than
Ankle Fusion and Pantalar Arthrodesis 10 degrees of plantar flexion.
When surgical reconstruction is considered for a flail foot Waugh and associates reported the results of 116 panta-
and ankle, the relationship of the foot and ankle with the lar arthrodeses performed in 97 patients after a mean
lower limb as a whole should be carefully assessed because follow-up of 5 years and an average follow-up of 6.9 years.
of the often associated paralysis of the muscles throughout In general, pantalar arthrodesis was found to be an effective
the lower limb. Various techniques have been described in and satisfying procedure. Approximately 80% of the patients
the literature.‡ had no complaints referable to their pantalar arthrodesis.
Pantalar arthrodesis is surgical fusion of the joints around Because adequate compensatory motion developed in the
the talus—the ankle, subtalar, and talonavicular joints. The fore part of the foot, rigidity of the feet was not a problem
calcaneocuboid joint (which is not an articulation of the despite fusion of the ankle and hind part of the foot. Of
talus) is also included in the stabilization, thus making the 52 patients who had used an orthosis preoperatively, 47
the procedure a combination of triple arthrodesis and ankle were able to discard it after fusion. Pseudarthrosis occurred
fusion. in 14.7% of these cases.169
Lorthioir, as he originally reported the procedure in When the foot has normal alignment and adequate bony
1911, extirpated and replaced the talus as an autogenous and ligamentous stability, I recommend ankle fusion only
bone graft.105 In 1923 Steindler advised against temporary with the distraction-compression bone graft arthrodesis
removal of the talus from the wound because of the danger described by Chuinard and Peterson (Plate 37-9).32 The
of avascular necrosis; he also included the calcaneocuboid paralyzed limb has no compression forces to maintain
joint in the fusion to provide stability and maintain the the tibia and talus in close apposition, and the weight of the
correction.154 cast pressing on the dorsum of the foot may distract them.
When the muscles below the knee are paralyzed, panta-
lar arthrodesis provides stability to the ankle and hindfoot, Anterior or Posterior Bone Blocks to Limit
thus eliminating the need for orthotic support, provided the Motion at the Ankle
gluteus maximus is of adequate strength and the knee is In pes calcaneus, construction of a bone buttress anteriorly
stable. Extensor strength of the knee is desirable but not in the talus limits dorsiflexion of the ankle by impinging on
imperative. When the quadriceps muscle is paralyzed, sta- the anterior lip of the distal end of the tibia, whereas in
bility of the knee joint is provided by shifting the center of equinus deformity of the foot, plantar flexion of the ankle
gravity of the body forward anterior to the plane of the knee may be restricted by bone block construction on the poste-
joint. To lock the knee in extension, the tibia should not be rior aspect of the talus.22,23,53,54 These procedures were
allowed to come forward through a dorsiflexion movement developed for use in cases of paralytic calcaneus or footdrop
of the ankle, either by a strong triceps surae muscle or by in which no musculature is available for transfer to provide
a fixed equinus ankle joint. A good gluteus maximus muscle plantar flexion or dorsiflexion power. Long-term follow-up
transmits push-off power to the ball of the foot when the studies of bone block operations disclosed a high incidence
ankle is rigid and the knee is locked in extension. of recurrence of deformity and fibrous ankylosis or painful
Position of ankle fusion is an important consideration. In degenerative arthritis of the ankle joint. I do not recom-
arthrodesis of the ankle, excessive plantar flexion to stabi- mend bone blocks to limit motion at the ankle because the
lize the knee in extension during the stance phase of gait or procedure has all the disadvantages of arthrodesis of the
to compensate for a short limb results in increased pressure ankle without providing the pain-free stability of the latter.
on the metatarsal heads. Calluses form, and eventually the The only indication for posterior bone block is in a
skin ulcerates. Consequently in later adult life pain in the female patient who desires to wear shoes with heels of
forefoot becomes a constant complaint. Unequal heel height various height and who has “fair” strength of the triceps
is another cause of dissatisfaction; frequently patients would surae muscle but no dorsiflexor power. After triple arthro­
rather accept shortening and a full-sole buildup. It is imper- desis, small subarticular grafts are placed posteriorly to lift
ative that the position of ankle fusion be 5 to 10 degrees the articular surface of the posterior aspect of the talus and
equinus. Lateral radiographs of the foot and ankle should limit plantar flexion. Massive bone grafts that abut the
be obtained at the time of surgery, and the position of sta- posterior aspect of the tibia should not be used. The small
bilization of the ankle should be accurately measured with blocks placed beneath the articular surface of the talus are
a goniometer. just as effective, heal rapidly, can be performed in combina-
Pronation or supination of the forefoot results in unequal tion with triple arthrodesis, and are less likely to cause
pressure on its sides and may also cause painful callus and pain.60
ulceration. When the forefoot is in supination, calluses
develop over the fifth metatarsal head, whereas in prona-
tion, they develop over the first and second metatarsal Management of the Trunk
heads. In excessive equinus inclination calluses develop over
the first and fifth metatarsal heads. The cause and treatment of pelvic obliquity are discussed
The plantar surface of the foot should be in the normal in the section on contracture of the iliotibial band (see
weight-bearing position, with no pronation or supination or “Pelvic Obliquity,” earlier). Pelvic obliquity may also be
caused by unilateral paralysis of the quadratus lumborum

References 3, 10, 12, 24, 29, 56, 70, 82, 102, 129. muscle. Paralysis of the abdominal muscles results in
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e231

exaggeration of the anterior pelvic tilt and an increase in through an arc of 150 degrees. The scapula moves anteriorly
lumbar lordosis. Lowman described fascial transplants to and posteriorly and rotates vertically through the extremes
substitute for the paralyzed abdominal muscles. For indica- of the arc (about 30 degrees on either side). In general,
tions and operative technique, the reader is referred to the vertical gliding of the humeral head is accomplished by the
literature: Axer; Clark and Axer; Dickson; Lowman; Mayer; muscle fibers acting in the plane of motion, whereas the
and Williamson, Moe, and Basom.5,34,42,107-109,116,173 muscle fibers that are anterior and posterior to these act to
Management of paralytic spine deformity is discussed in glide the humeral head in the horizontal plane at succeeding
Chapter 12. As with deformity of other causes, paralytic stages of shoulder abduction.
deformity in poliomyelitis responds best to combined ante-
rior and posterior fusion with stable instrumentation.103 Depressor Group
Instrumentation without fusion has not been successful.95 The depressor group consists of the sternal head of the
Halo femoral traction has also not proved to be beneficial.119 pectoralis major, the latissimus dorsi, and the teres major
The role of pelvic obliquity and scoliosis was well discussed and teres minor. (The teres minor is included in this group
by Lee and associates.99 because electromyographic evidence has shown that it par-
ticipates in this motion, although anatomically it is classified
as belonging to the short rotator group.) The function of
Management of the Shoulder these muscles is to rotate the shaft of the humerus during
abduction and depress the humeral head, thereby assisting
The shoulder joint is a multiaxial joint. On full abduction in the last few degrees of full abduction. The steering action
of the shoulder, scapulothoracic motion contributes 60 that they exert on the humeral head is minimal, however.
degrees and glenohumeral motion contributes 120 degrees, Scapular rotation takes place through its body in an AP axis
in a ratio of 1 : 2. When the arm is abducted to 90 degrees, and contributes approximately 60 degrees of total shoulder
the arm should rotate externally to allow full abduction. abduction. Fixation of the scapula is equally important
Full 180-degree forward flexion is permitted by internal during abduction provided by gravity and the lower fibers
rotation of the arm. Extension of the shoulder joint is of the serratus.
limited to 80 degrees by the mechanical block of the acro-
mion process and the adjacent spine of the scapula. Normal Treatment by Muscle and Tendon Transfer
scapulohumeral rhythm is imperative for execution of When the deltoid and clavicular head of the pectoralis
graceful motions and strength of the shoulder joint.138 major are paralyzed, it is important to determine the action
of the steering group of muscles when performing tendon
transfers to restore shoulder abduction. If the steering
group of muscles is paralyzed, transfer of a single muscle
Saha provided a functional classification of the muscles (e.g., the trapezius) or several muscles to a common attach-
acting at the shoulder joint.139,140 ment for restoration of function will give at best only 90
degrees of shoulder abduction, and scapulohumeral rhythm
Prime Movers will still be disturbed. According to Saha, if any two of the
The prime movers are the deltoid and clavicular head of the steering group of muscles are paralyzed, appropriate tendon
pectoralis major. They provide the greatest amount of active transfers should be performed to restore their function.
power in shoulder abduction and exert force in three direc- This is as imperative as trapezius transfer for paralysis of
tions. Their insertion is most distal from the shoulder joint, the deltoid. Table 37-3 gives Saha’s recommendations for
at the juncture of the middle and upper thirds of the possible tendon transfers to restore power at the shoulder
humeral diaphysis. joint.
The Saha trapezius transfer for paralysis of the deltoid
Treatment by Muscle Transfer is illustrated in Figure 37-27. The upper and middle trape-
When these prime movers are paralyzed, natural automatic zius is completely mobilized from its insertion to provide
substitution of function with adjacent motors is not feasible. an additional 5 cm of length without disturbing the nerve
Muscle transfer is required to restore active shoulder and blood supply to the muscle. The detached portion of
abduction. the trapezius with the distal end of the clavicle, the capsule
of the acromioclavicular joint, the acromion process, and
Steering Group the adjoining portion of the posterior border of the spine of
The steering group consists of the subscapularis, supraspi- the scapula are rerouted and attached by two screws to the
natus, and infraspinatus muscles. Their force is exerted humeral shaft as far distally as possible. The acromion is
at the junction of the head-neck and shaft of the humerus, crushed to aid coaptation with the curve of the shaft of the
and their primary function is to stabilize the humeral humerus.
head in the glenoid cavity by steering (i.e., by rolling and Transfer of the upper two digitations of the serratus
gliding movement). Secondarily, they assist in shoulder anterior for paralysis of the subscapularis is shown in Figure
abduction. 37-28. Levator scapulae transfer for paralysis of the supra-
The infraspinatus muscle acts primarily as a posterior spinatus is shown in Figure 37-29, pectoralis minor transfer
glider of the humeral head during the final stages of full for paralysis of the subscapularis in Figure 37-30, sterno-
abduction. The supraspinatus and subscapularis muscles are cleidomastoid transfer for paralysis of the supraspinatus in
indispensable for shoulder abduction in that they steer the Figure 37-31, and either latissimus dorsi or teres major
head of the humerus during abduction in different planes transfer, or both, for paralysis of the subscapularis in Figure
e232 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Table 37-3  Possible Tendon Transfer to Restore Power at the Shoulder Joint
Muscle Requiring Replacement Choices of Muscles for Transfer
or Reinforcement Action (in Order of Preference)

Deltoid and clavicular head of Prime mover (abduction) 1. Trapezius (as far down as possible on the shaft)
the pectoralis major
Supraspinatus Superior glider 1. Levator scapulae (first choice because of the
direction and length of its fibers)
2. Sternocleidomastoid
3. Scalenus anterior
4. Scalenus medius
5. Scalenus capitis
(All act from above and are good substitutes)
Infraspinatus Posterior glider (acting 1. Latissimus dorsi
from behind) 2. Teres major
Subscapularis Posterior glider 1. Upper two digitations of the serratus anterior
2. Pectoralis minor
3. Pectoralis major (whole or part)
(These muscles act in almost the same direction as
fibers of the subscapularis)

Modified from Saha AK: Surgery of the paralyzed and flail shoulder, Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 97:40, 1967.

FIGURE 37-27  Trapezius muscle transfer (Saha technique) for paralysis of the deltoid muscle. A, Insertion of trapezius elevated.
B, Implantation of the trapezius into the humerus.

37-32. For technical details the reader is referred to Saha’s Orthopedic Association, is 50 degrees of abduction, 20
original article.140 degrees of flexion, and 25 degrees of internal rotation. This
position is functional in that it allows the patient to reach
the face and top of the head with the elbow flexed.9
Arthrodesis of the Shoulder
It is wise, however, to consider the sex and occupation
Arthrodesis of the shoulder is indicated for paralytic sub- of the patient and the regional muscle power and functional
luxation or dislocation of the shoulder and extensive paraly- status of the opposite limb. In general, office workers
sis of the scapulohumeral muscles. Because scapulothoracic require more abduction than do laborers. In female patients,
motion serves as a substitute for glenohumeral joint motion, the degree of abduction should be less because this permits
it is important that the motor strength of the trapezius and the scapula a better resting position in relation to the trunk.
serratus anterior be normal. The direct action of the scapula For cosmetic reasons, female patients strongly object to
moves the arm. Normal function of the hand, however, is winging of the scapula. The lesser degree of abduction is
a primary requisite. It is best to delay shoulder arthrodesis functionally compensated for by fusing it in greater internal
until after epiphyseal closure has taken place. rotation. The most acceptable position of shoulder arthro­
The optimum position for shoulder fusion, as recom- desis in female patients is 30 degrees of glenohumeral
mended by the Research Committee of the American abduction, 5 to 10 degrees of flexion, and 45 degrees of
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e233

FIGURE 37-28  Transfer of the upper two digitations of the serratus anterior for paralysis of the subscapularis muscle. A, Separation of the
upper two slips of the serratus anterior. B, The slips are sewn into the rotator cuff.

FIGURE 37-29  Levator scapulae transfer for paralysis of the supraspinatus. A, Primary insertion site. B, Alternative insertion site.

FIGURE 37-30  Pectoralis minor transfer for paralysis

of the subscapularis. A, Release of the pectoralis
A B minor from the coracoid. B, Insertion of the
pectoralis minor into the humerus.
e234 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 37-31  Sternocleidomastoid transfer for paralysis of the supraspinatus muscle. A, Release of the sternomastoid from its insertion.
B, Rerouting of the sternomastoid. C, Insertion of the sternomastoid into the rotator cuff.

Management of the Elbow

Paralysis of the Biceps Brachii and Brachialis

Loss of elbow flexion results from paralysis of the biceps

brachii and the brachialis muscles. The resultant functional
deficit is considerable because the patient is unable to bring
the hand to the head, mouth, or trunk.
Numerous operative procedures have been devised to
restore elbow flexion, including (1) Steindler flexorplasty,151
(2) transfer of the distal third of the pectoralis major muscle
(Clark33), (3) transfer of the pectoralis major tendon
(Brooks and Seddon18), (4) transfer of the pectoralis minor
muscle (Spira149), (5) transfer of the sternocleidomastoid
muscle (Bunnell20), (6) anterior transfer of the triceps
FIGURE 37-32  Latissimus dorsi or teres major transfer for paralysis
brachii tendon to the biceps insertion on the radial tuberos-
of the subscapularis muscle. ity (Bunnell20 and Carroll26), and (7) transfer of the latis-
simus dorsi (Hovnanian81).
Before a specific procedure is selected, it is imperative
internal rotation. The shoulder should never be fused in to assess the motor strength of the muscles of the entire
external rotation because the limb will be positioned in an upper limb and the functional status of the opposite limb
awkward and functionally poor position. It should be carefully. With paralysis of the elbow flexors, there is often
explained to the patient that after surgery, extension and a varying degree of paresis of the muscles of the scapulo-
rotation of the shoulder will be limited and the patient will humeral joint, forearm, and hand.
have difficulty lying on the side of the arthrodesis to sleep. Function of the hand is of primary concern. Restoration
Fusion of both shoulders should never be performed because of elbow flexion is only one step in total functional recon-
of the loss in range of motion. Arthrodesis of the shoulder struction of the upper limb, and procedures on the hand
increases the power of both flexion and extension of the should precede those on the elbow. In the absence of a
elbow and provides adduction power to the shoulder, functional hand, flexorplasty of the elbow should not be
thereby enabling the patient to grip an object between the performed.
arm and the body.
For technical details of shoulder fusion, the reader is Steindler Flexorplasty
referred to the original descriptions in the literature.§ It
should be emphasized, however, that the position of fusion Techniques
should be calculated according to the angle between the Steindler in 1918 described a procedure in which the
humerus and scapula rather than that of the arms and humeral origins of the flexor carpi radialis, the palmaris
thorax. Internal fixation is imperative; otherwise, the angle longus, the pronator teres, the flexor digitorum sublimis,
will be changed in the shoulder spica cast. and the flexor carpi ulnaris were transferred to a more
proximal site on the humerus, thereby changing the leverage
of these muscles across the elbow joint and enhancing their
flexor action at the elbow.151 Later he reviewed the results
of flexorplasties of the elbow and pointed out that the dis-
References 9, 10, 15, 17, 19, 29-31, 52, 91, 168.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e235

recommended that a turnbuckle extension orthosis be worn

at night to prevent the development of flexion contracture
of the elbow. As soon as the strength of the transfer is “fair”
or “fair plus,” a night splint is used and passive stretching
exercises of the elbow flexors are performed.118
The motor strength of the triceps is another important
factor in the development of flexion contracture of the
elbow because this contracture represents the residuum of
Humerus flexorplasty and the end result of dynamic imbalance
between elbow flexors and extensors over the years. A
flexion deformity of the elbow greater than 30 degrees
usually develops when the triceps brachii is less than “fair”
Pronator teres in motor strength. In the presence of a weakened triceps
muscle brachii, the period of postoperative immobilization should
be short, and active assisted exercises should be started on
the fifth to seventh postoperative day, with precautions
Flexor carpi taken to prevent the transfer from being stretched away
ulnaris muscle
from the bone. There should be an extensive period of
postoperative splinting at night with the elbow in
Flexor digitorum extension.
Pullout wire sublimis muscle
Complications and Disadvantages
FIGURE 37-33  The Bunnell modification of Steindler flexorplasty Loss of supination is an inherent complication of the
of the elbow. The common flexor muscles are elongated by a Steindler flexorplasty. Attachment of the transferred
fascial graft. muscles as far laterally on the humerus as possible mini-
mizes the severity of pronation contracture; however, even
advantage of this transfer was an increase in the pronating with this precaution a varying degree of pronation defor-
action of these muscles on the forearm.154,156,157,159 mity of the forearm results in a dynamic imbalance between
Bunnell modified the Steindler flexorplasty by attaching a strong pronator teres and a paralyzed biceps brachii—its
the transferred muscles to the lateral border of the humerus chief supinator opponent. The strength of the flexorplasty
to decrease their tendency to cause pronation. To reach the is not influenced by the degree of pronation contracture;
lateral border of the humerus, the common flexor muscles however, it does impair the position of the hand and impedes
had to be elongated with a fascial graft (Fig. 37-33).20 This its functional use. If the motor strength of the supinators
method of fascial lengthening is technically difficult if one of the forearm is poor, flexor carpi ulnaris transfer to the
is to obtain secure fixation and maximum strength of the dorsum of the radius is performed to enhance supinator
flexorplasty. Mayer and Green attached the transferred function and prevent the development of pronation con-
muscles to the anterior surface of the humerus through tracture of the forearm.
holes drilled in bone.118 This direct fixation to bone ensured In poliomyelitis, paralysis of the elbow without paralysis
firm healing of the transferred muscle. The operative tech- of the muscles that control the scapulohumeral joint is
nique of Steindler flexorplasty as modified by Mayer and rarely seen. A flail shoulder greatly impedes the effective-
Green is described and illustrated in Plate 37-10. ness of the flexorplasty. In the abducted position of the
shoulder, the force of gravity assists elbow flexion, and the
Results amount of strength required to flex the elbow is decreased.
Carroll and Gartland reported the results of Steindler Arthrodesis of the shoulder markedly improves the results
flexorplasty in 27 patients.27 Kettelkamp and Larson evalu- of flexorplasty.
ated the results of Steindler flexorplasty in 15 patients and Overestimation of the motor strength of the common
determined the maximum strength of the flexorplasty flexor muscle group is a frequent pitfall that accounts for
through a useful range of flexion. Nine of the 15 patients poor results in some patients. For the transfer to function
were able to lift a weight of 1 pound or more to 110 degrees effectively, these muscles must rate at least “good” in motor
of flexion. On correlating the strength of the flexorplasty strength. If they are weaker, other reconstructive methods
with the degree of flexion contracture of the elbow, these must be used. The flexor digitorum sublimis may be strong
authors found the average strength of the flexorplasty to be and the flexor carpi ulnaris and carpi radialis weak. In such
2 pounds to 110 degrees of flexion when the degree of an instance, after Steindler flexorplasty, flexion of the elbow
flexion contracture was between 30 and 60 degrees. The is accomplished only by clenching the fingers, and any relax-
mechanical advantage and strength of the transfer were ation of the grip allows the elbow to extend. This interferes
increased in the presence of flexion contracture of the with function of the hand, which is the primary interest of
elbow.89 When patients have marked paralysis of the oppo- the patient.
site limb, the strength restored by flexorplasty is a greater
consideration than is the cosmetic appearance.
Mayer and Green, however, emphasized the importance
of the appearance of the arm and preferred that the flexion
position of the elbow not exceed 15 degrees. They
e236 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Pectoralis Major Muscle Transfer and brachialis muscles. A tube of fascia lata was used to
Techniques and Results bridge the gap between the detached origin of the pectoralis
minor and the paralyzed biceps tendon.149
A portion of the pectoralis major transfer was used by Clark
to restore active elbow flexion.33 The nerve supply of the Sternocleidomastoid Muscle Transfer
distal third of the pectoralis major muscle (from branches Bunnell used the sternocleidomastoid muscle as a motor to
of the medial thoracic nerve) is separate from that of its restore active elbow flexion.20 The sternoclavicular insertion
proximal part. This inferior strip of the pectoralis major of the sternocleidomastoid muscle is detached and the
muscle, which is 5 to 7 cm in width, is freed from the chest distal half of the muscle is mobilized by gentle blunt dis-
wall and mobilized toward the axilla as far as its nerve and section. A long tube of fascia lata is used to bridge the gap.
blood supply will allow. The muscle is then passed subcu- The tube extends from the distal end of the sternocleido-
taneously down the arm and sutured to the biceps tendon. mastoid muscle and then passes forward subcutaneously in
The reader is referred to Clark’s original description for the the arm to the elbow, where the graft is attached to the
specific technical details.33 The Clark operation is particu- tuberosity of the radius (Fig. 37-34).
larly indicated in patients with traction injury of the upper Carroll reported the results of 15 cases of sternocleido-
trunk of the brachial plexus, in whom the clavicular head mastoid transfer, with a satisfactory outcome in 80%. He
of the pectoralis major is paralyzed but the sternal head is stressed the importance of placing the transferred muscle
normal in motor strength. Seddon in 1949 reported satisfac- under maximal tension at the time of surgery.25
tory results in 15 of 16 pectoralis major transfers performed In my experience with seven patients, the strength of
by the Clark method.145 In a 1959 report by Segal and elbow flexion after the Bunnell sternocleidomastoid transfer
associates, the results of the Clark operation in 17 patients is excellent; however, the aesthetic appearance of the pro-
were graded “excellent” or “good” in 47% and “fair” or cedure is grotesque and objectionable, particularly in female
“failed” in 53%.146 patients. This procedure should be used when it is the only
Brooks and Seddon devised a technique in which the method available, but it must be limited to male patients,
entire pectoralis major muscle is transferred to restore in whom function is the primary consideration and the
elbow flexion.18 The gap between the distal end of the resultant deformity can be hidden by the buttoned collar of
pectoralis major tendon and the tuberosity of the radius is a shirt.
bridged by the long head of the biceps, which is detached
from its origin and completely mobilized. Reducing the Anterior Transfer of the Triceps Brachii Tendon
blood supply of the biceps brachii induced conversion of Anterior transfer of the triceps brachii tendon was described
the muscle into tendon. The procedure was recommended by Bunnell in 1948 and in 1951 and later by Carroll, who
by Brooks and Seddon in patients in whom either the lower showed the feasibility and effectiveness of the procedure
part of the pectoralis major is paralyzed (or too weak for without the use of the fascial graft that was recommended
the Clark transfer) but the clavicular head is strong, or the by Bunnell.20,28
entire muscle is of such weakness that it is desirable to use Another indication to perform anterior transfer of the
all the active muscle. These surgeons reported the results triceps is brachial plexus injuries, in which simultaneous
as “excellent” or “good” in six, “fair” in two, and “failed” in contraction of the triceps (the antagonistic muscle) occurs
two (one patient had arthrogryposis multiplex congenita on active flexion of the elbow and the action of the pecto-
and the other had poliomyelitis). ralis major transfer is impaired. This simultaneous flexion-
The operative technique of the Brooks-Seddon proce- extension mass action can be successfully overcome by
dure is described and illustrated in Plate 37-11. I recom- anterior transfer of the triceps into the flexor apparatus.
mend its use when the Steindler flexorplasty is not
applicable; of course, it should be used only when the biceps Techniques
brachii is completely and permanently paralyzed. The pro- The operative technique described by Carroll is as follows.
cedure does restore some degree of active supination of the The patient is placed in the lateral position. A midline
forearm and rarely limits passive extension of the elbow. incision is made on the posterior aspect of the arm, begin-
ning in its middle half and extending distally to a point
Disadvantages lateral to the olecranon process; the incision is then carried
One disadvantage of the pectoralis major transfer is that in over the subcutaneous surface of the shaft of the ulna for
the presence of weak scapulohumeral muscles, active flexion a distance of 5  cm. The subcutaneous tissue is divided and
of the elbow is often accompanied by shrugging, adduction, the wound flaps are mobilized. The ulnar nerve is identified
and internal rotation of the shoulder. These undesirable and mobilized medially to protect it from injury. The inter-
motions, with the hand hitting the chest wall, seriously muscular septum is exposed laterally. The triceps tendon
impair the result of the operation. If there is appreciable is detached from its insertion with a long tail of periosteum.
paralysis of the shoulder muscle, the pectoralis major trans- The triceps muscle is then freed and mobilized proximally
fer must be followed by arthrodesis of the scapulohumeral as far as its nerve supply permits. The motor branches of
joint. the radial nerve to the triceps enter the muscle in the
interval between the lateral and medial heads as the radial
Pectoralis Minor Muscle Transfer nerve enters the musculospiral groove. The distal portion
Spira in 1957 reported successful use of the pectoralis of the detached triceps is then sutured to itself to form
minor as a motor to restore elbow flexion. The patient had a tube. Through a curvilinear incision in the antecubital
complete paralysis of the pectoralis major, biceps brachii, fossa, the interval between the brachioradialis and the
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e237


FIGURE 37-34  The Bunnell sternocleidomastoid transfer to restore active flexion of the elbow. A, Drawing showing the
sternocleidomastoid muscle transfer. B, Preoperative photograph of the patient with a flail shoulder and elbow and partially paralyzed
hand. The shoulder was fused, the sternocleidomastoid muscle was transferred, and arthrodesis of the wrist was performed in the
functional position. C and D, Postoperative photographs showing the result. Function of the useless right upper limb was greatly
improved. (From Bunnell S: Restoring flexion to the paralytic elbow, J Bone Joint Surg Am 33:569, 1951.)

pronator teres is developed. With an Ober tendon passer, Results and Disadvantages
the triceps tendon is passed into the anterior wound sub- In 1970 Carroll and Hill reported the results of triceps
cutaneously, superficial to the radial nerve. With the elbow transfer in 15 patients (8 with arthrogryposis multiplex
in 90 degrees of flexion and the forearm in full supination, congenita and 7 with posttraumatic and paralytic loss of
the triceps tendon is either sutured to the biceps tendon elbow flexion). The criteria of success were a preoperative
or anchored to the radial tuberosity by a suture passed inability to flex the elbow against gravity and bring the hand
through a drill hole (Fig. 37-35). The wound is closed in to the mouth and a postoperative ability to do so. Carroll
routine fashion. An above-elbow cast is applied with the and Hill’s results were as follows: the posttraumatic and
elbow in 90 degrees of flexion and full supination for 4 paralytic group had 5 successes, 1 limited result, and 1
weeks, at which time immobilization is discontinued and failure; the arthrogrypotic group had 5 successes, 1 limited
active exercises are begun. Gravity provides extension to result, and 2 failures.28
the elbow.28 Loss of active extension against gravity is a definite dis-
advantage of anterior transfer of the triceps. The operation
e238 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Triceps muscle,
long head

Triceps muscle,
lateral head

Radial nerve

Triceps muscle,
medial head

FIGURE 37-35  The Carroll modification of Bunnell anterior transfer of the triceps for paralysis of the biceps. A, The motor branches of the
radial nerve are given off in the area between the medial and lateral heads of the triceps muscle. B, The long curvilinear incision avoids
pressure points on the elbow and gives adequate exposure. C, Only a small incision is necessary to expose the ulnar aspect. D, The
tendon of the mobilized triceps brachii is woven through the biceps tendon with the elbow in flexion. It may be anchored directly to
the radial tuberosity.

should be restricted to exceptional cases in which restora- locked in slight hyperextension, the patient can ambulate
tion of elbow flexion is imperative and no other tendon well. If the patient has marked paralysis of both lower limbs
transfer is possible. and trunk, however, a functional triceps is desirable to lock
the elbow in extension for daily activities such as arising
Latissimus Dorsi Transfer from a bed or chair or reaching for objects overhead.
Hovnanian described a method of transfer of the origin and Various operative procedures have been devised to
belly of the latissimus dorsi muscle into the arm.81 This is restore active extension of the elbow. Trapezius muscle
feasible because the nerve supply of the latissimus dorsi (the transfer was used in 1930 by Lange, who detached the
thoracodorsal nerve) is a long nerve (12 to 17 cm in length) muscle from the acromion and joined it by long silk sutures
and is highly mobile and easily identified. In addition, the to the olecranon.97 Ober and Barr described a technique for
blood supply of the latissimus dorsi muscle enters from a transferring the brachioradialis muscle by rerouting it at the
wide zone in its proximal third. Thus the latissimus dorsi elbow to a more posterior position.128 The extensor carpi
can be mobilized without denervating or devascularizing the radialis longus muscle was added to the brachioradialis
muscle. Active elbow flexion is restored by anchoring the muscle transfer if greater strength was necessary. Transfer
origin of the latissimus dorsi muscle into the biceps tendon of flexor carpi radialis and ulnaris muscles was proposed by
near the radial tuberosity; active extension of the elbow is Hohmann.77,78 Friedenberg transferred the biceps brachii
obtained by suturing it to the olecranon (Fig. 37-36). for triceps paralysis.51 The posterior part of the deltoid was
proposed by d’Aubigné.41 The latissimus dorsi was used for
transfer to restore elbow extension by Hohmann,77,78
Paralysis of the Triceps Brachii Muscle
Lange,97 Harmon,71 Schottstaedt and associates,142 Hovna-
Loss of active extension of the elbow as a result of paralysis nian,81 and du Toit and Levy.43
of the triceps muscle seldom causes significant disability The relative merits and shortcomings of the various
because the elbow extends passively under the force of procedures are not discussed here because I have had no
gravity. A strong triceps is not essential for crutch walking, personal experience with them. The Hovnanian transfer of
provided good shoulder depressors are present. A triceps the origin of the latissimus dorsi to the olecranon, with its
strap or band is added to the crutch, and with the elbow insertion left intact, is recommended because the procedure
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e239

Teres major muscle

Thoracodorsal artery

Subscapularis muscle
Thoracodorsal nerve

Latissimus dorsi muscle

Latissimus dorsi muscle

FIGURE 37-36  Latissimus dorsi transfer to restore flexion or extension at the elbow (Hovnanian operation). A, Anatomy of the axilla and
the latissimus dorsi muscle. B, Skin incision used to restore elbow flexion. The lumbar extension of the skin incision is shown by dotted
lines. C, Line of section of the latissimus dorsi muscle across its musculofascial portion inferiorly and its muscle fibers superiorly.
e240 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Transplanted latissimus is physiologically sound and has been successful in my

dorsi muscle experience.

Management of the Forearm

Fixed supination and pronation contractures of the forearm
are deformities in flaccid paralysis that require surgical
Thoracodorsal artery treatment.
Thoracodorsal nerve Supination contracture of the forearm is rare but dis-
abling. It results from selective paralysis of the four muscles
that originate from the medial epicondyle of the humerus
(the pronator teres, flexor carpi ulnaris, palmaris longus, and
D flexor carpi radialis) in the presence of a strong biceps
brachii muscle. Contracture of the interosseous membrane
soon develops. With growth and under the influence of
unopposed action of the biceps brachii muscle, osseous
changes take place that cause the radius to become curved
and spiral around the ulna. If the deformity remains uncor-
rected and muscle imbalance remains, a progressive fixed
deformity will develop, with permanent shortening of the
soft tissues, primarily the interosseous membrane, biceps
brachii, and supinator muscles. The radius becomes mark-
edly bowed and the radioulnar joints may subluxate. In
children younger than 12 years, closed osteoclasis of the
middle third of both bones of the forearm was recom-
mended by Blount.13 Because of recurrence of deformity,
which can occur with further growth, he advised overcor-
E rection. In two of the nine reported cases, osteoclasis
was later repeated because of recurrence of supination
Zaoussis corrected the fixed supination deformity by
open osteotomy near the tuberosity of the radius.176 He
found more or less permanent “blocking” of forearm rota-
tion after surgery, but the synostosis of the proximal end of
the radius and ulna did not seem to impair the functional
result. Because internal fixation was not used by Zaoussis,
angulation, displacement, and delayed union of the oste-
otomy occurred; however, these complications did not
affect cosmetic and functional results.
Transfer of the biceps brachii to the side of the radial
tuberosity opposite its normal insertion was mentioned
Thoracodorsal by Schottstaedt and associates in 1958.142 A year later
nerve Grilli described the operative technique of rerouting the
Latissimus dorsi biceps tendon insertion to the radial side of the neck of the
muscle radius to convert its function from a supinator to that of
Zancolli included surgical release of the contracted
soft tissues in biceps transfer, especially the interosseous
Thoracodorsal membrane.175 He reported satisfactory results in 14 patients
artery with supination contracture of the forearm (8 patients
had obstetric brachial plexus paralysis, 4 had poliomyelitis,
and 2 had traumatic quadriplegia). Correction was main-
F tained in all 14 patients. Active pronation (measuring 10
FIGURE 37-36, cont’d  D, To restore elbow flexion, the belly and to 60 degrees and using the transferred biceps brachii
origin of the latissimus dorsi are transferred to the anteromedial muscle) was achieved in 8 patients. Active supination
aspect of the arm, and the origin is anchored in the biceps (measuring 20 to 80 degrees) was retained in 8 patients.
tendon near the radial tuberosity. E, Skin incision used to restore The procedure permits a more normal anatomic relation-
elbow extension. F, The latissimus dorsi muscle is transferred to ship of the radius and ulna to develop and results in a nearly
the posterior aspect of the arm and anchored to the olecranon normal shape of the forearm. For details of the operative
and triceps tendon.
technique, the reader is referred to the original paper of
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e241

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Extremitaten und deren Behandlung, Stuttgart, Germany, 1810, feet, Am J Orthop Surg 14:323, 1916.
Kohler. Wilson FC Jr, Fay GF, Lamotte P, et al: Triple arthrodesis: a study of
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Z Chir 6:497, 1879. J Bone Joint Surg 11:40, 1929.
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drop with report of twenty-seven cases, J Bone Joint Surg 13:142, the knee, J Bone Joint Surg 11:40, 1929.
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Wagner LC, Rizzo PC: Stabilization of the hip by transplantation of the myelitis in a child with sex-linked agammaglobulinemia, J Pediatr
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Watkins MB, Jones JB, Ryder CT Jr, et al: Transplantation of the pos- Yadav SS: Complete rotation of the leg with associated deformities in
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Weissman SL: Capsular arthroplasty in paralytic dislocation of the hip: Yadav SS: Muscle transfer for abduction paralysis of the shoulder in
a preliminary report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 41:429, 1959. poliomyelitis, Clin Orthop Relat Res 135:121, 1978.
Weissman SL, Torok G, Kharmosh D: L’arthrodese extraarticulaire avec Yount CC: An operation to improve function in quadriceps paralysis,
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plat valgue paralytique de jeune enfant, Rev Chir Orthop 43:79, Zachariae L: The Grice operation for paralysis flat feet in children,
1957. Acta Orthop Scand 33:80, 1963.
e248 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-1  Fractional Lengthening of the Hamstrings

Operative Technique
A, The patient is positioned prone with a pneumatic tour-
niquet placed high on the proximal part of the thigh. A 3- to
4-in-long midline incision is made, starting just proximal to
the popliteal crease. The subcutaneous tissue is divided and
the incision carried to the deep fascia. The posterior femoral
cutaneous nerve will be in the proximal aspect of the wound
and should not be damaged.
B, The deep fascia is incised and the hamstring tendons are
identified by blunt dissection. It is imperative to divide the
tendon sheath of each hamstring tendon separately and Incision
mark it with 000 silk sutures for meticulous closure later.
C, In the lateral compartment of the wound, the biceps
femoris tendon is exposed. It should be gently dissected
away from the common peroneal nerve, which lies on its
posteromedial surface. A blunt instrument, such as a staph-
ylorrhaphy probe or a joker, is passed deep to the biceps

Tendon sheath
tagged with sutures

Biceps femoris

Line of Semimembranosus
division of muscle
deep fascia Common peroneal

Tibial nerve
and vessels

CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e249

Tendinous fibers of biceps femoris muscle D, With a sharp knife, the tendinous portion of the biceps
lengthened by passive straight-leg raising femoris is incised transversely at two levels 3 cm apart and
the muscle fibers are left intact. The tendon is lengthened
in continuity by straight-leg raising with the knee in
E, The semimembranosus tendon is then isolated in the
medial compartment of the wound. The tendinous portion
lies on its deep surface; to expose it the muscle is everted.
The tendinous fibers are divided at two levels (similar
to the biceps tendon), with the muscle fibers left in
scle continuity. Again, by extending the knee and flexing
the hip, a sliding lengthening of the semimembranosus is
F, Next the semitendinosus is exposed. The tendinous
portion is divided proximal to the musculotendinous
s muscle junction.

Forceps everting semimembranosu smuscle to Dividing tendinous portion of semitendinosus muscle

expose tendinous portion. Division at two levels. proximal to musculotendinous junction

Incision of distal
tendinous portion of
semitendinosus muscle


Continued on following page

e250 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-1  Fractional Lengthening of the Hamstrings, cont’d

Separate meticulous closure of each tendon sheath. Deep

fascia is not sutured.

Z-plasty alternative


G, If the semitendinosus tendon ruptures inadvertently, stretching of the hamstrings. At the end of 3 to 4 weeks
Z-plasty is performed. the casts are removed and new above-knee bivalved casts
H, The tendon sheath of each tendon is meticulously are made. Active and passive exercises are performed to
closed. The deep fascia is not sutured. The subcutaneous develop knee flexion, first with the patient side lying with
tissue and skin are closed in routine manner, and bilateral gravity eliminated and then against gravity. The motor
long-leg casts are applied with the knees in full strength of the quadriceps is developed. Whenever func-
extension. tional range of motion of the knees is present, the patient
is allowed to be ambulatory with appropriate support.
Postoperative Care
While the patient is in the solid cast, straight-leg-raising
exercises are performed 15 times, once a day, for further
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e251

Plate 37-2  Iliopsoas Muscle Transfer for Paralysis of the Hip Abductors

Deep incision in cartilaginous

Anterior superior iliac spine
Anterior superior Gluteus medius muscle
iliac spine
Tensor fasciae
latae muscle

Skin incision Iliopsoas muscle

Femoral nerve,
Fascia lata artery, and vein
Capsule of
hip joint

Lateral femoral
Rectus femoris muscle circumflex artery
and vein
Sartorius muscle


Operative Technique by sharp dissection and protected by retracting it medially

with moist hernia tape. The wound flaps are undermined
The patient is positioned supine with a small sandbag
and retracted. The anterior medial margin of the tensor
under the sacrum and a larger sandbag under the ipsilateral
fasciae latae muscle is identified, and by blunt dissection,
scapula. The entire involved lower limb, the hip, the lower
the groove between the sartorius and rectus femoris
part of the abdomen and chest, and the iliac and sacral
muscles medially and the tensor fasciae latae muscle later-
regions are prepared in sterile fashion and draped so that
ally is opened. The dissection is carried deep through the
the limb that is to be operated on can be freely manipu-
loose areolar tissue that separates these structures, and
lated and the incision extended to the posterior third of
the adipose tissue that covers the front of the capsule of
the iliac crest without contamination.
the hip joint is exposed. The ascending branch of the
A, The skin incision extends forward from the junction of
lateral femoral circumflex artery and the accompanying
the posterior and middle thirds of the iliac crest to the
vein cross the midportion of the wound; they are isolated,
anterior superior iliac spine; it is then carried distally into
clamped, cut, and ligated.
the thigh along the medial border of the sartorius muscle
The origin of the sartorius muscle from the anterior
for a distance of 10 to 12 cm and ends 2 cm distal to the
superior iliac spine is detached and the muscle is reflected
lesser trochanter.
distally and medially. The free end is marked with a silk
B, The deep fascia is incised over the iliac crest, and the
whip suture for later reattachment. The origins of the two
fascia lata is opened in line with the skin incision.
heads of the rectus femoris are divided and reflected dis-
The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is identified; it
tally. The femoral nerve and its branches to the sartorius
usually crosses the sartorius muscle 2.5 cm distal to the
and rectus femoris are identified. Moist hernia tape is
anterior superior iliac spine and lies in close proximity to
passed around the femoral nerve for gentle handling. The
the lateral border of the sartorius. The nerve is mobilized
femoral vessels and nerve are retracted medially.

Continued on following page

e252 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-2  Iliopsoas Muscle Transfer for Paralysis of the Hip Abductors, cont’d

Gluteus medius elevator

Incision in
iliac apophysis
Iliacus muscle

Tensor fasciae
latae muscle
Level of dissection Psoas major and
minor muscles

Greater Iliopsoas muscle


Lesser trochanter


C, The cartilaginous apophysis of the ilium is split and the D, Then, with a large periosteal elevator, the iliacus muscle
dissection is deepened along the iliac crest down to bone. is subperiosteally elevated and reflected medially to expose
With a broad periosteal elevator the tensor fasciae latae and the inner wall of the wing of the ilium from the greater
the gluteus medius and minimus muscles are stripped sub- sciatic notch to the anterior superior iliac spine.
periosteally from the lateral surface of the ilium and By careful blunt dissection with a periosteal elevator, the
reflected in one continuous mass laterally and distally to the iliacus muscle is freed, elevated, and mobilized from the
superior margin of the acetabulum. Bleeding is controlled inner wall of the ilium and the anterior capsule of the hip
by packing the interval between the reflected muscles and joint. It is important to stay lateral and deep to the iliacus
ilium with laparotomy pads. muscle and work in a proximal-to-distal direction.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e253

Hip flexed, abducted, and externally rotated Level of thigh at lesser trochanter viewed from below
Rectus femoris muscle
Nerves to iliacus muscle Iliacus muscle Sartorius muscle
Femoral vessels and nerve
Femoral nerve Pectineus muscle
Adductor longus muscle

Tensor fasciae Adductor

latae muscle brevis muscle
Osteotome lateralis Adductor
muscle minimus muscle
attachment Obturator
Femur externus muscle
trochanter Ischium

Lesser trochanter femoris muscle
F Gluteus maximus muscle

CAUTION: Do not injure sciatic nerve


CAUTION: Do not stretch nerve supply to iliacus muscle

Capsule of hip

Lateral and deep Femoral nerve

Periosteal elevation of iliacus muscle
Iliopsoas tendon
and lesser
trochanter delivered

Iliopsoas muscle

Iliopsoas tendon freed Lesser trochanter

from linea aspera removed


E to G, Next the hip is flexed, abducted, and laterally H, The iliacus and psoas muscles are reflected proximally
rotated, and with the index finger the lesser trochanter is by sharp and dull dissection. It is essential to avoid injuring
cleared of soft tissues proximally, posteriorly, and distally. the nerve to the iliacus, which at times enters the muscle
The index finger is then placed on the posteromedial aspect belly distally; in addition, the femoral nerve should not be
of the lesser trochanter and is used to direct a curved osteo- damaged. We find the use of a nerve stimulator of great
tome to the superior and deep aspect of the base of the help. Circumflex vessels are clamped, cut, and ligated as
lesser trochanter. necessary.
The lesser trochanter is osteotomized and the distal
insertion of the iliacus muscle on the linea aspera of the
femur is freed with a periosteal elevator.

Continued on following page

e254 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-2  Iliopsoas Muscle Transfer for Paralysis of the Hip Abductors, cont’d

Window cut into

wing of ilium

Window in ilium

CAUTION: Do not enter

sacroiliac joint or fracture
innominate bone

Skin incision

I Posterior view J

CAUTION: Do not injure

greater trochanter
epiphyseal plate

I, In the middle third of the wing of the ilium a rectangular J, With the hip in extension and medial rotation, the greater
hole, usually 1 to 2 in, is cut with drill holes and osteotomes. trochanter is exposed via a longitudinal lateral incision. The
The hole should be large enough to accommodate the trans- vastus lateralis muscle is split and the lateral surface of the
ferred muscle. It should be located as far posteriorly as proximal 4 to 5 cm of femoral shaft is subperiosteally
possible to allow a more direct line of muscle action. The exposed.
limiting factor is the nerve supply to the iliacus, which K, It is important to avoid damaging the apophyseal growth
should not be stretched. plate of the greater trochanter.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e255

Iliopsoas muscle with

lesser trochanter pulled
through window in ilium

Ober tendon Ober tendon Split in gluteus

passer passer medius muscle
Tensor fasciae Vastus lateralis
latae muscle muscle
Gluteus medius and
gluteus minimus
muscles with periosteal
flap retracted Greater
trochanter Line of incision
in periosteum
Split in gluteus Fascia lata
medius muscle Vastus lateralis
muscle split

Split in gluteus
medius muscle above
greater trochanter
Split in gluteus
medius muscle
above greater
Iliopsoas muscle trochanter
and tendon Tensor fasciae
latae muscle
Tensor fasciae
Iliopsoas muscle
latae muscle
Lesser Periosteum
trochanter opened

Vastus lateralis
Femur roughened muscle split
with osteotome
Periosteum Lesser trochanter
anchored to femur
L, Next a large Ober tendon passer is inserted through O
the hole in the wing of the ilium, directed deep to the
glutei, and brought out in the greater trochanteric region by
splitting the insertion of the fibers of the gluteus medius
muscle. Iliopsoas
M and N, The iliopsoas muscle is then transferred laterally muscle
by this route with the Ober tendon passer. The nerve supply
to the iliacus is again checked to be sure that it is not under Periosteum Vastus
great tension. Next the hip is abducted at least 45 to 60 muscle
degrees and internally rotated 10 to 15 degrees. The site of
Periosteum and
insertion of the iliopsoas tendon on the femoral shaft is vastus lateralis
determined and roughened with curved osteotomes. The muscle sutured over
muscle should be under proper tension. iliopsoas
O, The lesser trochanter is anchored to the proximal end tendon
of the femur by one or two transversely placed small staples.
Mustard recommends making a trapdoor in the femur, into P
which the lesser trochanter is drawn and anchored by heavy
wire sutures.
P, The periosteum and vastus lateralis muscle are sutured
to the edges and over the iliopsoas tendon.

Continued on following page

e256 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-2  Iliopsoas Muscle Transfer for Paralysis of the Hip Abductors, cont’d

Reattachment of muscles Q and R, The rectus femoris and sartorius muscles are
sutured to the inferior and superior iliac spines, respec-
tively. The tensor fasciae latae, gluteus medius and
Iliac apophysis minimus, and abdominal muscles are sutured to the iliac
crest. The wound is closed in layers in routine manner.
A one-and-one-half hip spica cast is applied with the hip
Gluteus in 60 degrees of abduction, 10 to 15 degrees of medial
medius rotation, and slight flexion.
muscle Capsule
of hip
Femoral artery, Postoperative Care
and nerve Four to 6 weeks after surgery, the patient is readmitted
Tensor fasciae to the hospital, the cast is removed, and a new bivalved
Sartorius muscle
latae muscle hip spica cast is made. It should be cut low on the lateral
side so that hip abduction exercises can be performed in
Rectus the posterior half of the cast. Radiographs of the hips are
femoris obtained to determine the stability of the hip joint.
muscle Great care should be exercised to avoid causing a patho-
logic fracture of the femur when the child is lifted out
of the cast.
Training of the iliopsoas transfer follows the same
general principles as training of tendon transfers in polio-
myelitis. In myelomeningocele, however, extensive
paralysis of the lower limb necessitates orthotic support,
and the patient is much younger. Thus as soon as the
transferred iliopsoas has fair motor strength and the
lower limbs can be adducted to neutral position, weight
bearing is permitted in bilateral above-knee orthoses.
The butterfly pelvic band keeps the hips in 5 to 10
degrees of abduction during locomotion. At night, the
hips and the transfer are protected in the bivalved hip
spica cast or in a plastic hip-knee-ankle-foot orthosis.

Iliopsoas muscle
R Iliopsoas muscle
pulled through
window in ilium
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e257

Plate 37-3  Lloyd Roberts Technique of Intertrochanteric Oblique Osteotomy of the Proximal End
of the Femur and Internal Fixation With Coventry Apparatus (Lag Screw and Plate)

Guide pin inserted Lateral cortex of upper

in femoral neck femoral shaft reamed

Cannulated reamer
fitted over guide pin

Pin stops
immediately distal to
A capital femoral physis B

The patient is placed supine on a radiolucent operating is visualized, and the femoral head can be palpated within
table. The operation is performed under image intensifica- the capsule. A sturdy stainless steel pin of appropriate
tion radiographic control. The iliac region, hip, and entire diameter, usually 0.062 in, is chosen; the operator must
lower limb are prepared in sterile fashion and draped so be sure that its diameter fits the hole in the lag screw. With
that the limb can be manipulated freely. the hip in full medial rotation, a 3-mm hole is drilled
through the center of the lateral cortex of the upper
femoral shaft, 0.75 to 1.0 cm below the growth plate of
Operative Technique
the greater trochanter. To avoid injury to the growth plate
A, The incision begins 1 cm posterior and inferior to the of the apophysis, the surgeon should verify its site with
anterior superior iliac spine, curves across to the top of image intensification radiography. Next the guide pin is
the greater trochanter, and continues distally along the inserted into the femoral neck parallel to the floor in a
femoral shaft for a distance of 6 to 8 cm. The subcutane- proximally inclined oblique plane parallel to the long
ous tissue is divided in line with the skin incision. The axis of the femoral neck. The tip of the pin should
deep fascia is incised and the interval between the tensor stop immediately distal to the capital femoral physis.
fasciae latae anteriorly and the gluteus medius posteriorly Proper placement of the guide pin is crucial and is con-
is developed by blunt dissection. The vastus lateralis is firmed with anteroposterior and lateral image-intensified
divided longitudinally by an L- or U-shaped incision, and radiographs.
the part of it that originates from the anterior aspect of B, A cannulated reamer (with a stop to prevent more than
the intertrochanteric area is detached. With a periosteal ½-in penetration) is fitted over the guide pin. The lateral
elevator, the intertrochanteric region and the upper cortex of the upper femoral shaft is reamed to permit firm
femoral shaft are exposed. At this time the calcar femorale fixation of the lag screw in the cancellous bone.

Continued on following page

e258 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-3  Lloyd Roberts Technique of Intertrochanteric Oblique Osteotomy of the Proximal End
of the Femur and Internal Fixation With Coventry Apparatus (Lag Screw and Plate), cont’d

Lag screw inserted in

femoral neck, stops
short of capital physis

Guide pin

Drill holes marking

line of osteotomy
Graft source

C D Femoral osteotomy completed

at intertrochanteric level
parallel to calcar

Top hole of side plate

engages protruding
end of lag screw

Graft placed

Side plate (bent to

appropriate angle) Distal fragment adducted
and rotated laterally

C, Next with the special lag screw inserter, a lag screw of oblique line of the osteotomy will often make a triangle
appropriate length is inserted into the femoral neck. It of bone at the upper end of the femoral shaft that will
should stop short of the capital physis. To avoid injury to protrude anteriorly; this bone is excised and used as a local
the growth plate, the surgeon should confirm the position bone graft. The osteotomized fragments are apposed and
of the screw with anteroposterior and lateral radiographs. secured by attaching the side plate to the femoral shaft
D, With an oscillating saw, the femoral osteotomy is per- with screws and a nut at the top of the lag screw and the
formed at the intertrochanteric level parallel to the calcar; proximal fragment. Final radiographs are taken to double-
use the guide pin, which protrudes from the lag screw, to check security of the fixation device. A one-and-one-half
guide the direction of osteotomy and verify it with image hip spica plaster-of-Paris cast is applied.
intensification radiography. (Drill holes may be used to
mark the line of osteotomy.) Once the osteotomy is com- Postoperative Care
pleted, gently strip the adjacent periosteum to mobilize
the bone fragments and permit free rotation of the femoral The child is usually sent home 3 to 4 days postoperatively
shaft. and readmitted to the hospital 6 weeks later. The plaster
E, The side plate is bent to the appropriate angle. The cast is removed, and the hip and knee are mobilized. When
guide pin is removed and the top hole of the side plate is able to ambulate with crutches (three-point partial weight
engaged to the protruding end of the lag screw. A can- bearing on the affected limb), the patient is discharged,
nulated level with a handle is attached to the lag screw for usually within 2 to 4 days.
firm control of the upper fragment. The distal fragment is The plate and screws are removed 6 months
adducted and rotated laterally to the desired degree. The postoperatively.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e259

Plate 37-4  Anterior Transfer of the Peroneus Longus Tendon to the Base of the Second Metatarsal

Peroneus brevis tendon

b Line of division
Peroneus longus


Operative Technique
3 cm above the lateral malleolus and extends proximally
The patient is placed in a semilateral position with a for a distance of 7 cm. Subcutaneous tissue and deep fascia
sandbag under the hip on the affected side. are incised, and the peroneal tendons are exposed by divid-
A, A 3- to 4-cm-long incision (a) is made over the lateral ing their sheath. The peroneus longus tendon lies superfi-
aspect of the foot from the base of the fifth metatarsal to cial to that of the peroneus brevis. The muscle is inspected
a point 1 cm distal to the tip of the lateral malleolus. to ensure that it is of normal gross appearance.
Subcutaneous tissue is divided, and the tendons of the B, Next the peroneus brevis muscle is detached from the
peroneus longus and brevis are exposed. A second incision base of the fifth metatarsal and a whip suture is inserted
(c) is then made over the fibular aspect of the leg; it begins into its distal end.

Continued on following page

e260 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-4  Anterior Transfer of the Peroneus Longus Tendon to the Base of the Second Metatarsal, cont’d

Peroneus brevis tendon with

whip suture

Division of
peroneus longus Stump of peroneus
tendon longus tendon sutured to
C peroneus brevis tendon

Pulling tendon into proximal wound with

two-hand technique

longus tendon

Deep peroneal
nerve Peroneus
brevis tendon


C and D, The peroneus longus tendon is divided as far E and F, The peroneus longus tendon is mobilized and, with
distally as possible. The peroneus brevis tendon is sutured a two-hand technique, gently pulled into the proximal
to the distal stump of the peroneus longus tendon to pre- wound in the leg. The origin of the peroneus brevis tendon
serve the longitudinal arch and depression of the first from the fibula should not be disrupted. An adequate
metatarsal. opening is made in the intermuscular septum with care
taken not to injure any neurovascular structures.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e261

Deep Peroneus
nerve longus

tendon tendon

Periosteal incision

Technique of anchoring tendon to bone

Periosteal closure


longus t.


G and H, A 2- to 3-cm-long longitudinal incision is made I and J, A drill hole is made in the base of the second
over the dorsum of the foot (incision b in part A), centered metatarsal. A star-head hand drill is used to enlarge the hole
over the base of the second metatarsal. The deep fascia is to receive the tendon adequately. The peroneus longus
divided, and the extensor tendons are retracted to expose tendon is passed through the recipient hole and sutured on
the proximal fourth of the second metatarsal. The perios- itself under correct tension. If the peroneus longus tendon
teum is divided longitudinally and the cortex of the recipi- is not of adequate length, two small holes are made 1.5 cm
ent bone is exposed. distal to the large hole at each side of the metatarsal shaft.
With an Ober tendon passer, the peroneus longus tendon The silk sutures at the end of the tendon are passed
along with its sheath is passed into the anterior tibial com- from the large central hole to the lateral distal small holes
partment, deep to the cruciate crural and tarsal ligaments, and the tendon is securely sutured to the bone. The ankle
and delivered into the incision on the dorsum of the foot. joint should be in neutral position or 5 degrees of dorsiflex-
We do not recommend a subcutaneous route. A direct line ion. The pneumatic tourniquet is released and hemostasis
of pull of the peroneus longus tendon from its origin to its is obtained. The wounds are closed in routine manner. A
insertion should be ensured. long-leg cast is applied with the ankle in 5 degrees of dor-
siflexion and the knee in 45 degrees of flexion. Postopera-
tive care follows the guidelines outlined in the section on
the principles of tendon transfer (see text).
e262 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-5  Anterior Transfer of the Posterior Tibial Tendon Through the Interosseous Membrane

Posterior tibial tendon

(preserve maximum length)



Stump of tendon

Delivery of posterior tibial tendon Operative Technique

into proximal wound
A, A 4-cm-long incision is made over the medial aspect of
the foot, beginning posterior and immediately distal to the
tip of the medial malleolus and extending to the base of the
first cuneiform bone. A second longitudinal incision is made
1.5 cm posterior to the subcutaneous medial border of the
tibia, beginning at the center of the middle third of the leg
and ending 3 cm from the tip of the medial malleolus.
B, The posterior tibial tendon is identified at its insertion,
and its sheath is divided. The tendon is freed and sectioned
at its attachment to the bone, with maximal length pre-
served. The peritenon of the distal 3 cm of the tendon is
excised, and a 00 silk whip suture is inserted in its distal
C, The posterior tibial muscle is identified in the leg inci-
sion, and its sheath is opened and freed. Traction on the
stump in the foot incision can help in its identification.
Incision Moist sponges and a two-hand technique are used to deliver
the posterior tibial tendon into the proximal wound. The
muscle belly is freed well up the tibia. The operator must
be careful to preserve the nerve and blood supply to the
posterior tibial muscle.

CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e263

Window cut into

interosseous membrane

anterior muscle



CAUTION: Avoid injury to anterior tibial

D vessels and deep peroneal nerve

D, A longitudinal skin incision is made anteriorly one fin- E, The anterior tibial muscle is exposed and elevated from
gerbreadth lateral to the crest of the tibia, starting at the the anterolateral surface of the tibia, together with the
proximal margin of the cruciate ligament of the ankle and anterior tibial artery and extensor hallucis longus muscle. It
extending 7 cm proximally. A 4-cm-long longitudinal inci- is retracted laterally, exposing the interosseous membrane.
sion is made over the dorsum of the foot, centered over the Next a large rectangular window is cut in the interosseous
base of the second metatarsal. membrane. The surgeon should avoid stripping the perios-
teum from the tibia or fibula.

Continued on following page

e264 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-5  Anterior Transfer of the Posterior Tibial Tendon Through the Interosseous Membrane, cont’d

Tibialis posterior muscle passed through

window in interosseous membrane

V IV III II I Tibialis posterior tendon

anchored into base
of second metatarsal

Ober tendon passer delivers tibialis posterior tendon
beneath extensors and cruciate ligament
into wound over base
of second metatarsal G

F and G, With an Ober tendon passer, the posterior tibial transfer of the peroneal tendons (see Plate 37-4). The
tendon is passed posteriorly to anteriorly through the wounds are closed in layers in the usual manner. A short-
window in the interosseous membrane into the anterior leg cast that will hold the foot in neutral position at the
tibial compartment. Care is needed to avoid twisting the ankle joint and the knee in 45 degrees of flexion is applied.
tendon or damaging its nerve or blood supply. Next with
the aid of an Ober tendon passer, the posterior tibial Postoperative Care
tendon is passed beneath the cruciate ligament and the
extensors and is delivered into the wound on the dorsum The principles of postoperative care are the same as for
of the foot. It is anchored to the base of the second meta- any tendon transfer.
tarsal bone according to the method described for anterior
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e265

Plate 37-6  Posterior Tendon Transfer to the Os Calcis for Correction of Calcaneus Deformity
(Green and Grice Procedure)

Partial division of
Achilles tendon
at its insertion


Operative Technique
It is best to place the patient in the prone position to facili-
tate surgical exposure of the heel. The posterior tibial and
peroneus longus and brevis tendons are divided distally at
their insertion and delivered into the proximal wound.
When the flexor hallucis longus tendon is to be transferred,
its distal portion is sutured to the flexor hallucis brevis
muscle. The anterior tibial tendon is delivered into the calf
and heel through the interosseous route.
A, A 5-cm-long posterior transverse incision is made around
the heel along one of the skin creases in the part that neither
presses the shoe nor touches the ground.
B, The skin and subcutaneous flaps are undercut and
reflected to expose the os calcis and the insertion of the
Achilles tendon. An L-shaped cut is made in the lateral two
thirds of the insertion of the Achilles tendon. The divided
portion is reflected proximally to expose the apophysis of
the os calcis.
C, Next, with a 9 64 -in drill, a hole is made through the
calcaneus, beginning in the center of the apophysis
and coming out laterally at its plantar aspect. With a Hole drilled in center of
diamond-head hand drill and curet, the hole is enlarged to calcaneal apophysis
extending to plantar
receive all the transferred tendons. aspect near lateral border

Continued on following page

e266 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-6  Posterior Tendon Transfer to the Os Calcis for Correction of Calcaneus Deformity
(Green and Grice Procedure), cont’d

Tendons sutured
to periosteum
of os calcis

Drill hole
longus tendon
longus tendon

Twisted wire probe Capsule over

to pull tendons calcaneocuboid joint
through tunnel
drilled in calcaneus

D, Through a lateral incision, the intermuscular septum is with a twisted wire probe, the tendons are inserted into the
widely divided between the lateral and posterior compart- hole and pulled through the tunnel in the calcaneus.
ments. An Ober tendon passer is inserted through the E, At their point of exit on the lateral aspect of the calca-
wound and directed anterior to the Achilles tendon into neus the tendons are sutured to the periosteum and liga-
the transverse incision over the os calcis. The threads of the mentous tissues. The tendons are sutured under enough
whip sutures at the ends of the peroneal tendons are passed tension to hold the foot in 15 degrees of equinus when the
through the hole in the tendon passer and the tendons are remaining ankle dorsiflexors are fair in motor strength and
delivered at the heel. The posterior tibial tendon is deliv- in 30 degrees of equinus if they are good or normal. The
ered at the heel by a similar route, through an incision in tendons are sutured to each other and to the periosteum of
the intermuscular septum between the medial and posterior the apophysis of the calcaneus at the posterior end of the
compartments and anterior to the Achilles tendon. Next, tunnel.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e267

Tendons sutured to
periosteum of os calcis

Peroneus brevis tendon

sutured to distal stump of
peroneus longus tendon

New course of
peroneus longus tendon
and flexor
Achilles tendon sutured hallucis longus tendon
to its distal stump


F and G, The divided portion of the Achilles tendon is Ambulation is permitted in an above-knee bivalved cast
resutured in its original position posterior to the transferred with crutches.
tendons. In about 4 to 6 weeks, when the transferred tendons are
The wounds are closed and a long-leg cast is applied to fair in motor strength, the patient is allowed to stand on
hold the knee in 45 to 60 degrees of flexion and the hind- both feet. The heel of the foot that was operated on rests
foot in 15 to 30 degrees equinus, but the forefoot in neutral on a 3-cm-thick block to prevent stretching of the trans-
position. Cavus deformity of the forefoot should be avoided. ferred tendons. Bearing partial weight on the foot, the
patient should rise up on tiptoes while holding onto a table
with the hands or using two crutches.
Postoperative Care
When the transplant functions effectively during tiptoe
Three to 4 weeks after surgery the solid cast is removed standing, walking with crutches is begun with three-point
and a new above-knee bivalved cast is made to protect the gait and partial weight bearing on the affected limb. The
limb at all times when exercises are not being performed. heel of the shoe is elevated with a 1- to 1.5-cm lift that
It is imperative to prevent forced dorsiflexion of the ankle tapers in front (toward the toes). Walking periods are grad-
and stretching of the transferred tendons. ually increased. When the transplant works effectively in
Exercises are first performed in the side-lying position gait and take-off has been developed in walking, standing-
with gravity eliminated and then in the prone position tiptoe rising exercises are started without the support of
against gravity. To teach the patient the new action of the crutches. The knee should not be flexed and the patient
transferred muscle, the patient is asked to move the foot in should not lean forward while rising up on the toes at least
the direction of a component of the original action of the three times. This may take a long time (as much as a year
muscle and then to plantar flex the foot. For example, or more), but it is an important phase of postoperative
when the peroneals are transferred, the patient is asked to management.
evert and plantar flex the foot or, when the anterior tibial A plantar flexion spring orthosis or an orthosis with pos-
is transferred, to invert and plantar flex the foot. Soon, terior elastic is worn when the patient is uncooperative in
under supervision, guided dorsiflexion of the foot is per- the use of crutches or when muscular control of the knee
formed along with plantar flexion. It is important to develop and hip is poor because of extensive paralysis. A stop at the
reciprocal motion and motor strength of the agonistic and ankle prevents dorsiflexion of the ankle beyond neutral
antagonistic muscles. Weight bearing is not allowed. position.
e268 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-7  Triple Arthrodesis



Peroneal tendons

Flap reflected distally

Extensor digitorum
Fat in sinus tarsi brevis muscle

Cruciate ligament

Periosteum Calcaneocuboid


Operative Technique elevated in one mass from the calcaneus and lateral aspect
of the neck of the talus and retracted distally. It is essential
A pneumatic tourniquet is placed on the proximal aspect of
to provide a viable soft tissue pedicle to obliterate the dead
the thigh, and the patient is positioned semilaterally with a
space remaining at the end of the operation.
large sandbag under the hip on the affected side.
Next an incision is made superiorly over the periosteum
A, A curvilinear incision centered over the sinus tarsi is
of the talus, and the head and neck of the talus are carefully
made. It starts one fingerbreadth distal and posterior to the
exposed. The upper flap of the skin, subcutaneous tissue,
tip of the lateral malleolus and extends anteriorly and dis-
and periosteum should be kept as thick as possible to avoid
tally to the base of the second metatarsal bone.
necrosis. Traction sutures are placed on the periosteum. At
B, Skin flaps should not be developed. The incision is
no time are the skin edges to be retracted. It is not necessary
carried to the floor of the sinus tarsi. By sharp dissection
to divide the peroneal tendons or their sheaths. By subperi-
with scalpel and periosteal elevator, the periosteum of the
osteal dissection, the peroneal tendons are retracted poste-
calcaneus, the adipose tissue contents of the sinus tarsi, and
riorly to expose the subtalar joint.
the tendinous origin of the extensor digitorum brevis are
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e269

Periosteum Wedge to be removed

capsule opened

C D Angles and direction of osteotomes

dependent on type and degree
of deformity to be corrected
Sinus tarsi cleared
of all soft tissue
capsule opened


C and D, The capsules of the calcaneocuboid, talonavicular, causes difficulty wearing shoes. At times, it is best to add a
and subtalar joints are incised. These joints are opened and bone graft rather than resect wedges of bone. With a sharp
their cartilaginous surfaces clearly visualized by turning the osteotome, the cartilaginous surfaces of the calcaneocuboid
foot into varus position. A lamina spreader placed in the joint are excised. Next the articular cartilage surface of the
sinus tarsi will aid in exposure of the posterior subtalar joint. talonavicular joint is exposed, the plane of osteotomy being
Before excision of the articular cartilaginous surfaces, the perpendicular to the long axis of the neck of the talus and
surgeon should review the deformity of the foot and decide parallel to the calcaneocuboid joint. When the beak of the
on the wedges of bone to be removed for correction of the navicular is unduly prominent medially or when, in a varus
deformity. Circulation of the talus and the complications of foot, one cannot obtain adequate exposure of the talona-
avascular necrosis of the talus and arthritis of the ankle after vicular joint without excessive retraction, a second dorso-
triple arthrodesis should always be kept in mind. The height medial incision may be used to expose the talonavicular
of the foot is another consideration. A low lateral malleolus joint.

Continued on following page

e270 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-7  Triple Arthrodesis, cont’d

E to H, With a lamina spreader in the sinus tarsi, the Talus

subtalar joint is widely exposed and the cartilage of the Lines of division
anterior and posterior joints is excised. The surgeon should Calcaneus
keep in mind the neurovascular structures behind the
medial malleolus. The wedges of bone that must be
removed to correct the deformity are excised in one mass Lamina spreader
with the articular cartilage. It is of great help to leave the
osteotome used on the opposing articular surface in place
and held steady by the assistant as a second osteotome or
gouge is used to take contiguous cartilage and bone. The
divided articular surfaces of the joints to undergo arthro­
desis are fish-scaled for maximum raw cancellous bony
The skin is closed with interrupted sutures. A well-
molded long-leg cast is applied with the foot held in the E
desired position. We have not found fixation of the joints
by staples necessary and do not recommend it. In foot
stabilization in children with cerebral palsy, especially in
the severely athetoid or spastic child, secure crisscross
Kirschner wires are used to maintain position. These wires
are removed in 6 to 8 weeks.

CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e271

Plate 37-8  Extraarticular Arthrodesis of the Subtalar Joint (Grice Procedure)

Operative Technique
A, A 2-in-long, slightly curved incision is made over the
subtalar joint, centered over the sinus tarsi. Incision
B, The incision is carried down to the sinus tarsi. The cap-
sules of the posterior and anterior subtalar articulations are
identified and left intact. The operation is extraarticular. If
the capsule is opened inadvertently, it should be closed with
interrupted sutures.
The periosteum on the talus corresponding to the lateral
margin of the roof of the sinus tarsi is divided and reflected
proximally. The fibrofatty tissue in the sinus tarsi along with
the periosteum of the calcaneus corresponding to the floor
of the sinus tarsi and the tendinous origin of the short toe A
extensors from the calcaneus are elevated and reflected
distally in one mass.
C, The remaining fatty and ligamentous tissue from the Lines of incision
sinus tarsi is thoroughly removed with a sharp scalpel and to excise fat pad
curet. Fat in sinus

Cruciate lligament
B Peroneal tendons
Extensor digitorum
brevis muscle

open articular capsules

C Curet excising fat

from sinus tarsi

Continued on following page

e272 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-8  Extraarticular Arthrodesis of the Subtalar Joint (Grice Procedure), cont’d

Bone graft bed on

inferior surface of talus

Osteotome measuring
length of graft to be used

Sinus tarsi

Bone graft bed on

superior surface of calcaneus

D, Next the foot is manipulated into equinus position and E, The optimal site of the bone graft bed is marked with
inversion and the calcaneus rotated into its normal position the broad osteotome. A thin layer of cortical bone (⅛ to 116
beneath the talus to correct the valgus deformity. Broad in) is removed with a dental osteotome from the inferior
straight osteotomes of various size (¾ to 11 4 in or more) are surface of the talus (the roof of the sinus tarsi) and the
inserted into the sinus tarsi to block the subtalar joint and superior surface of the calcaneus (the floor of the sinus
determine the length and optimum position of the bone tarsi) at the site marked for the bone graft. It is best to
graft and the stability that it will provide. The long axis of preserve the most lateral cortical margin of the graft bed to
the graft should be parallel to that of the leg when the ankle support the bone block and prevent it from sinking into soft
is dorsiflexed into neutral position, and the hindfoot should cancellous bone.
be in 5 degrees valgus or neutral, but never varus. Even a
slight degree of varus deformity of the heel seems to
increase with growth.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e273

Bone graft bed on

superior surface of calcaneus

Shaping of bone graft

from tibia Longitudinal axis of graft placed
parallel to shaft of tibia

Shaped fibular graft

(our preferred method)

F, A bone graft of appropriate size can be taken from the With the foot held in the desired position, the distal soft
anteromedial surface of the proximal tibial metaphysis as a tissue pedicle of fibrofatty tissue of the sinus tarsi, the
single cortical graft, which is then cut into two trapezoidal calcaneal periosteum, and the tendinous origin of the short
bone grafts with their cancellous surfaces facing each other. toe extensors are sutured to the reflected periosteum from
We prefer to use fibular bone grafts with the cortices intact. the talus. The subcutaneous tissue and skin are closed with
The corners of the base of the graft are removed with a interrupted sutures, and an above-knee cast is applied.
rongeur so that it is trapezoidal and can be countersunk into
cancellous bone and thereby prevent lateral displacement Postoperative Care
after surgery.
The bone graft is placed in the prepared graft bed in the The cast is removed 6 to 10 weeks after surgery and radio-
sinus tarsi by holding the foot in varus position. An impactor graphs are taken. If there is solid healing of the graft, gradual
may be used to fix the cortices of the graft in place. The weight bearing is allowed with the protection of crutches.
longitudinal axis of the graft should be parallel to the shaft Active and passive exercises are performed to strengthen the
of the tibia with the ankle in neutral position. muscles and increase range of motion of the ankle and knee.
e274 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-9  Arthrodesis of the Ankle Joint via the Anterior Approach Without Disturbing
the Distal Tibial Growth Plate

Tibialis anterior muscle Tibia

perficial fibular nerve
Crest of tibia

Transverse crural ligament Incision

Extensor digitorum
longus muscle Long saphenous vein
Anterior tibial artery
Extensor hallucis Epiphyseal
longus muscle plates Epiphyses
Medial malleolus
Lateral malleolus
Cruciate ligament Do not disturb
Digital branches of Tendon of tibialis
medial dorsal anterior muscle
cutaneous nerve Cruciate ligament


Operative Technique
The subcutaneous tissue is divided and the skin flaps are
A and B, A longitudinal skin incision is made beginning 7 cm mobilized and retracted to their respective sides. The veins
proximal to the ankle joint between the extensor digitorum crossing the field are clamped, divided, and coagulated. The
longus and extensor hallucis longus tendons and extended intermediate and medial dorsal cutaneous branches of the
distally across the ankle joint in line with the third meta- superficial peroneal nerve are identified and protected by
tarsal; the incision ends 4 cm distal to the ankle joint. retraction to one side of the wound.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e275

Anterior tibial vessels

and deep peroneal nerve Capsule retracted

bular nerve
Extensor Transverse crural ligament
digitorum Talus
muscle Tibialis anterior
Extensor muscle

peroneal Cruciate
artery, ligament
Fatty layer
and nerve
Silk suture
Median dorsal Cruciate
cutaneous ligament
nerve CAUTION: Do not injure
neurovascular bundle
Crural ligaments and deep
Capsule opened by
fascia divided and retracted
transverse incision
C with silk sutures D

C, The deep fascia and transverse crural and cruciate crural anterolateral malleolar and lateral tarsal arteries are isolated,
ligaments are divided in line with the skin incision. The liga- clamped, divided, and ligated. The distal end of the tibia,
ments are marked with 00 silk suture for accurate closure ankle joint, and talus are identified. A transverse incision is
later. made in the capsule of the talotibial joint from the posterior
D, The neurovascular bundle (deep peroneal nerve, anterior tip of the medial malleolus to the lateral malleolus. The
tibial–dorsalis pedis vessels) is identified, isolated, and edges of the capsule are marked with 00 silk suture for
retracted laterally with the extensor hallucis longus, exten- meticulous closure later.
sor digitorum longus, and peroneus tertius tendons. The

Continued on following page

e276 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-9  Arthrodesis of the Ankle Joint via the Anterior Approach Without Disturbing
the Distal Tibial Growth Plate, cont’d

growth plates

Fibula Tibia

growth plate
Posterior Anterior

Wedge of bone graft
Articular parts of from ilium to be inserted
tibia and talus
to be resected E
F Articular parts of
tibia and talus
to be resected

E to G, The capsule is reflected and retracted distally

on the talus and proximally on the tibia. The periosteum
growth plate
of the tibia should not be divided. The distal tibial and
fibular epiphyseal plates should not be disturbed in
Posterior capsule growing children. With thin curved and straight osteo-
of ankle joint
Epiphyseal tomes, the cartilage and subchondral bone are Tibia
growth plate from the opposing articular surfaces of the distal tibia
not disturb
and proximal talus down to raw bleeding cancellous
bone. Cartilage chips should not be left posteriorly.


H cancellous
bone Wedge
from ilium

Foot in 10˚–15˚ equinus

when placing wedge
in joint for arthrodesis

G Cancellous
surface of talus
Capsule retracted
with silk sutures
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e277

H, Next a large piece of bone for grafting is taken from the Epiphyseal
ilium and fashioned to fit snugly in the ankle joint. The graft growth plate
should have both cortices intact and should be thicker at
one end and wedge shaped. The cortices of the graft are
perforated with multiple tiny drill holes. The ankle joint is
held in the desired position, and the bone graft is firmly
fitted into the joint with an impactor. If any space is left on
each side of the graft, it is packed with cancellous bone from
the ilium. The graft in the ankle joint gives compression
force to the arthrodesis and adds to the height of the foot
and ankle. The capsule of the ankle joint and the transverse
crural and cruciate crural ligaments are closed carefully in
layers. The deep fascia and the wound are closed in the
usual manner. Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs are Talus
taken to ensure that the ankle joint is in the desired
I, A long-leg cast is applied with the ankle joint in the Softened
desired position of plantar flexion (boys, 10 degrees; girls, H cancellous
15 to 20 degrees) and the knee in 45 degrees of flexion. bone Wedge
from ilium

Postoperative Care
Periodic radiographs are taken to determine the position of
Foot in 10˚–15˚ equinus
the graft and the extent of healing. Eight to 10 weeks after when placing wedge
surgery, the solid cast is removed and radiographs are taken in joint for arthrodesis
with the cast off. Ordinarily, by this time the fusion is solid
and the patient is gradually allowed to be ambulatory. Full
weight bearing is begun 2 to 3 weeks later.

e278 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-10  Flexorplasty of the Elbow (the Mayer and Green Modification of the Steindler Technique)


Incision of deep fascia

Triceps brachii muscle

Line of division of fascial

roof over ulnar nerve

B Medial
Ulnar nerve retracted

B, The subcutaneous tissue and fascia are divided in line

Operative Technique
with the skin incision, and the skin flaps are widely mobi-
A, With the elbow in extension, a curved longitudinal inci- lized and retracted. Next the ulnar nerve is located poste-
sion is made over the anteromedial side of the elbow, begin- rior to the medial intermuscular septum and lying in a
ning approximately 3 in above the flexion crease of the groove on the triceps muscle. It is isolated, and moist hernia
elbow joint over the medial intermuscular septum and tape is passed around it for gentle handling. The ulnar nerve
extending distally to the anterior aspect of the medial epi- is traced distally to its groove between the posterior aspect
condyle. At the joint level it turns anterolaterally on the of the medial epicondyle of the humerus and the olecranon
volar surface of the forearm along the course of the pronator process. The fascial roof over the ulnar nerve is carefully
teres muscle for a distance of approximately 2 in. divided under direct vision over a grooved director.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e279

Ulnar nerve

Cut edge of
deep fascia

Triceps brachii
Medial epicondyle
exor carpi ulnaris muscle


Biceps brachii tendon

Cutaneous nerve Lacertus fibrosus

Brachioradialis Biceps brachii

muscle muscle

Common flexors Ulnar nerve

Line of incision of deep fascia

and lacertus fibrosus

C, The ulnar nerve is dissected free distally to the point D, Next the biceps tendon is identified over the anterior
where it passes between the two heads of the flexor carpi aspect of the elbow joint. The deep fascia and the lacertus
ulnaris muscle. Inadvertent damage to branches of the ulnar fibrosus are divided along the medial aspect of the biceps
nerve to the flexor carpi ulnaris should be avoided. A second tendon.
piece of hernia tape is passed around the ulnar nerve in the
distal part of the wound, and the nerve is retracted

Continued on following page

e280 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-10  Flexorplasty of the Elbow (the Mayer and Green Modification of the Steindler Technique), cont’d

Brachioradialis muscle Biceps Median nerve

brachii tendon

Biceps brachii muscle retra

Cutaneous nerve
Brachial artery Brachialis muscle
(veins omitted)

Common flexors
Branch of median
nerve to pronator
Ulnar teres muscle


Biceps brachii tendon

Median nerve

Brachialis muscle
Lacertus fibrosus
Brachial artery
Common flexors Triceps brachii muscle

Ulnar nerve

Osteotomy detaching common flexors
from medial epicondyle
E, By digital palpation, the interval between the biceps and F, Next, with an osteotome, the common flexor origin of
pronator teres muscle is developed. The brachial artery with the pronator teres, the flexor carpi radialis, the palmaris
its accompanying veins runs along the medial side of the longus, the flexor digitorum sublimis, and the flexor carpi
biceps tendon. The median nerve, lying medial to the bra- ulnaris is detached en bloc with a flake of bone from the
chial artery, is dissected free of surrounding tissue and medial epicondyle.
gently retracted anteriorly with moist hernia tape. The
branches of the median nerve to the pronator teres muscle
must be identified and protected from injury.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e281

Biceps brachii Median nerve and

tendon brachial artery
Brachioradialis muscle

Common flexors
Distal dissection of common Line of division
flexors with periosteal elevator of brachial muscle
Triceps brachii muscle

Ulnar nerve


Split brachialis muscle
Chandler periosteal

Radius Two small holes for

anchoring tendon

H Hole in distal humerus shaped to

receive tendon of common flexors

G, By sharp and blunt dissection, the flexor muscle mass is to the elbow). With a drill, a hole is made on the anterior
freed and mobilized distally away from the joint capsule and surface of the humerus. The opening is enlarged with pro-
the ulna as far as the motor branches of the median nerve gressively larger diamond-head hand drills to receive the
and ulnar nerve will permit. A no. 1 silk whip suture is transferred muscle. The action of the transfer as a pronator
placed in the proximal end of the common flexors. of the forearm is decreased by transferring it laterally on
H, The biceps muscle, brachial vessels, and median nerve are the humerus. With smaller drill points, two tunnels are
retracted laterally, and the atrophied brachial muscle is split made from the lateral and medial cortices of the humerus
longitudinally. The periosteum is incised and stripped to and connected to the larger hole for passing the suture.
expose the anterior aspect of the distal end of the humerus.
The elbow is then flexed to 120 degrees to determine
the site of attachment of the transfer (usually 2 in proximal
e282 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-10  Flexorplasty of the Elbow (the Mayer and Green Modification of the Steindler Technique),

Split brachialis muscle

Common flexors Periosteum

Brachialis muscle

Lateral view showing new

attachment site of common
flexors (Note: attachment
is 5 to 7 cm proximal
to medial epicondyle)

Common flexors

Tendon firmly
I Medial epicondyle attached to humerus

I and J, Because the elbow will be immobilized in acute interrupted sutures over the transferred tendon, thus rein-
flexion, it is best to close the distal half of the wound forcing its anchorage. The proximal half of the wound is
before anchoring the transplant to the humerus. The ends closed, and a long-arm cast is applied with the elbow in
of the whip suture are brought out through the tunnels, acute flexion and the forearm in full supination.
and the common flexors and the origin are firmly secured For postoperative care, see the guidelines outlined in
in the larger hole. The periosteum is closed with the text on principles of tendon transfer.
CHAPTER 37  Poliomyelitis e283

Plate 37-11  Pectoralis Major Transfer for Paralysis of the Elbow Flexors


Cephalic vein
Deltoid muscle
Line of muscle


Pectoralis major muscle

A Operative Technique
A, The patient is positioned
supine with the upper limb
supported on a hand table and
the shoulder in 45 degrees of
abduction and 30 degrees of
external rotation. Two incisions
are made, the first one follow-
ing the deltopectoral groove
and extending from the clavi-
cle down to the junction of the
Cephalic vein upper and middle thirds of the
Deltoid muscle
ligated and divided
retracted arm. The second incision is
Bicipital groove centered over the anteromedial
of humerus Pectoralis major aspect of the elbow.
tendon detached B, Through the first incision
Coracobrachialis the subcutaneous tissue and
deep fascia are divided, and the
cephalic vein is ligated if
C, The pectoralis major tendon
is identified and divided at its
insertion, as close to the bone
Biceps brachii muscle, short head as possible. By blunt dissection
the muscle is mobilized from
the chest wall toward the clav-
icle. The deltoid muscle is then
Biceps brachii muscle, long head, detached retracted laterally and the
tendon of the long head of the
biceps is exposed as it runs
C upward toward the shoulder
joint. It is severed at the upper
end of the bicipital groove and
pulled distally into the wound.

Continued on following page

e284 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 37-11  Pectoralis Major Transfer for Paralysis of the Elbow Flexors, cont’d

Deltoid muscle D, By blunt and sharp dissection, the muscle belly of the
long head of the biceps is mobilized to the lowest third of
the arm by freeing it from the short head. The vessels and
nerves entering the muscle belly are divided and ligated
as necessary. The tendon and muscle of the long head are
delivered into the distal second incision and freed down
to the tuberosity of the radius. Often, freeing the muscle
from adhesions to the overlying fascia requires sharp dis-
section. After complete mobilization of the long head of
the biceps by traction on its proximal end, the operator
should be able to flex the elbow.
Brachialis muscle E, The long head of the biceps is pulled into the upper
wound. Two slits are made in the tendon of the mobilized
Biceps brachii pectoralis major through which the tendon of the long
muscle, short head is passed, looped on itself, and brought down again
head into the distal wound. With the elbow acutely flexed, the
proximal end of the tendon is sutured to its own tendon
of insertion through a slit in the distal part of the tendon.
Silk sutures are also inserted at the level of the tendon of
the pectoralis major. The incisions are then closed in
routine manner. A plaster-of-Paris–reinforced Velpeau
Biceps brachii muscle, bandage is applied with the elbow acutely flexed.
long head, freed
to its insertion
D Postoperative Care
Plaster-of-Paris immobilization is continued for 3 weeks.
At the end of this time active flexion and extension exer-
cises of the elbow are started, first with gravity eliminated
and then against gravity. A sling is used to protect the
transferred tendon from stretching. Care should be taken
to extend the elbow gradually so that active flexion above
the right-angle position is maintained. Extension of the
Rerouting of biceps elbow is regained slowly.
brachii muscle, long head,
through pectoralis major

Origin of biceps brachii

muscle, long head,
sutured to its insertion
E on radial tuberosity
C H A P T E R 3 8 

Disorders of the David A. Podeszwa

Peripheral Nervous
characterized by axonal degeneration. It is characterized by
Chapter Outline older age at onset (usually in the third decade) and normal
to only slightly diminished nerve conduction velocities, but
Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathies
severely reduced compound motor action potentials. Deep
Congenital and Acquired Analgia
tendon reflexes are preserved. The prevalence of CMT-2 is
Guillain-Barré Syndrome
approximately one third that of CMT-1.164
(Acute Polyradiculoneuritis)
Although CMT-2 is clinically indistinguishable from
Sciatic and Peroneal Nerve Palsy
CMT-1, it is pathologically and genetically distinct from
CMT-1.14,49,164 One form of CMT-2 maps to chromosome
1p36, which encodes for MPZ (CMT-2A), another maps to
chromosome 3p (CMT-2B), and another maps to chromo-
some 7p (CMT-2D)134,153,193 (Table 38-2). Unlike in CMT-1,
there is no enlargement of the peripheral nerves, and sensory
Hereditary Motor and Sensory changes are infrequent.265 Nerve biopsy does not show
Neuropathies hypertrophy; rather, axonal degeneration is seen. The ortho-
paedic manifestations of the disease are the same as those
Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies (HMSNs) seen in CMT-1.
are a group of genetically acquired progressive peripheral
neuropathies (Box 38-1). The most common of this group Genetics
is Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, described by the team An explosion in the number of CMT subtypes has occurred
of Charcot and Marie, and independently by Tooth, in as a result of localization of their different genetic abnor-
1886. Dyck and Lambert classified the HMSNs in 1968 malities18,164,179 (see Table 38-2). There are many described
(Table 38-1).70-72 subtypes, including CMT-1 (hypertrophic demyelinating
form), CMT-2 (axonal form), and X-linked CMT neuropa-
thy (CMTX). CMT-1 is inherited as an autosomal dominant
Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease
trait. Genetic loci for CMT-1 have been mapped to chromo-
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT) has classically been some 17 (CMT-1A), chromosome 1 (CMT-1B), and the
divided into demyelinating and axonal forms. Although SIMPLE gene (CMT-1C).13,15,48 CMT-1A is most often asso-
types 1A, 1B, and 1C are characterized by demyelination ciated with a duplication in chromosome 17p11.2-12, an
and type 2 by axonal degeneration, studies have established area that codes for the peripheral myelin protein 22
intermediate forms such as type C and X-linked CMT, sug- (PMP22), a glycoprotein expressed in the myelin sheath of
gesting a continuum of disease encompassing demyelination Schwann cells.203,217,228,243,296,307
and axonal degeneration. Studies have indicated that demy- Patients with duplications have three copies of a normal
elination renders the axon susceptible to degeneration, gene, a situation producing disease by what is termed a gene
which may explain the overlap between what were tradi- dosage effect—too much of a normal gene.182,210 CMT-1B is
tionally considered demyelinating and axonal forms.345 associated with point mutations in the myelin protein zero
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1 (CMT-1), also (P0 or MPZ) gene.113 P0 is the major structural membrane
known as HSMN I and II, is the most common heritable protein expressed in Schwann cells of peripheral nerves.328
chronic demyelinating neuropathy. The overall incidence CMTX is associated with mutations in the connexin32 gene
of the various forms of CMT ranges from 1/2500 to (more recently renamed the gap junction protein beta one
1/5000.124,202 The disease is characterized by progressive gene, GJB1), which codes for connexin, a gap junction
weakness and atrophy of distal musculature, depressed protein that enhances conduction across paranodes of the
tendon reflexes, slowed motor nerve conduction velocity, peripheral nerves.20,26,31,164,230 Although the specific genetic
and frequently a family history of the disorder.25 CMT-1 defects responsible for CMT have become known, there is
usually manifests in the second decade of life, but it may little correlation between genotype and phenotype, as evi-
become evident earlier in some patients. denced by the variability seen in the clinical features among
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2 comprises a group affected family members. The Inherited Peripheral Neu-
of peripheral neuropathies that are inherited as an autoso- ropathies Mutation Database (IPNMDB) provides a com-
mal dominant or recessive disorder. Although CMT-1 is prehensive and updated database of all known mutations.18
generally described as a demyelinating process, CMT-2 is Prenatal diagnosis using molecular genetic techniques is

e286 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

now available but has led to ethical debates regarding Physical examination reveals diminished to absent deep
the use of prenatal genetic screening for nonlethal tendon reflexes, with the ankle reflex disappearing before
diseases.23,175,213 the knee reflex.19 Sensory loss occurs in two thirds of
affected individuals but is rarely noticed by the patients
Clinical Features themselves.19 There may be palpable enlargement of the
The age of onset varies in CMT, with some patients present- peripheral nerves. Motor testing results vary among patients
ing before 5 years of age and others in adulthood. Physical but usually include diminished strength in the anterior tibi-
examination in infants and young children with CMT alis and peroneus brevis. Tibialis anterior weakness can be
proved by genetic analysis may be normal.19 Motor mile- identified by the inability to stand on the heels. As the
stones are usually achieved at normal ages in those with patient actively tries to dorsiflex the ankle, the metatarso-
most forms of CMT. Usually patients present in the second phalangeal (MTP) joints of the toes extend, and the great
decade of life. Boys and girls are affected in equal numbers, toe may dorsiflex to augment the weak anterior tibialis.
although boys with CMTX are more significantly involved Some patients have weakness throughout all the distal calf
than girls, who may be asymptomatic.69 musculature, and those with the most severe involvement

Box 38-1  Dyck-Lambert Features of

Hereditary Motor Sensory Neuropathies Table 38-1  Classification of Hereditary Motor
and Sensory Neuropathies*
1. The predominant involvement is of peripheral motor
neurons, with lesser involvement of peripheral sensory and Type Example
peripheral autonomic neurons.
2. The disorders are inherited. HMSN I Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
3. The disorders are slowly progressive. (hypertrophic demyelinating type)
4. The neurologic signs are symmetric. HMSN II Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (axonal type)
5. The disorders are system degenerations in that several
populations of neurons of similar structure and function are HMSN III Dejerine-Sottas disease
affected. HMSN IV Refsum disease
6. The pathologic features are nonfocal, and nerve fiber
degeneration consists of axonal atrophy and degeneration. HMSN V Spastic paraplegia
HMSN VI Similar to type I, with optic atrophy
From Dyck PJ: Inherited neuronal degeneration and atrophy affecting
peripheral motor, sensory, and autonomic neurons. In Dyck PJ, Thomas HMSN VII Similar to type I, with retinitis pigmentosa
PK, Lambert EH, et al, editors: Peripheral neuropathy, vol 2, ed 2,
Philadelphia, 1984, Saunders, p 1600. *Hereditary peripheral neuropathies.

Table 38-2  Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Subtypes

Type Genes and Loci Features Inheritance

1A PMP22 (peripheral myelin protein); Most common form (70%); demyelinating Autosomal dominant
17p11.2 duplication
1B MPZ or P0 (myelin protein zero); Less common (>10% of CMT1) Autosomal dominant
chromosome 1 point deletion
1C SIMPLE gene, 16p13.1-p12.3; early Demyelinating Autosomal dominant
growth response 2 gene
2 2a, chromosome 1 Axonal Autosomal dominant and
2b, chromosome 3 recessive forms
2c, chromosome 7
2d, chromosome 7
2e, chromosome 8
LMNA gene—encodes for lamin A/C
C Chromosome 1p34-p35 Intermediate; axonal and demyelinating features Autosomal dominant
4 Chromosome 5; periaxin gene Outfolding of myelin sheaths; can be associated Autosomal recessive
(PRX); SBF2; GDAP1 gene (8q21) with glaucoma; axonal or demyelinating;
usually early onset
X Connexin32 (CX32) gene Second most common form (7%-10%); X-linked dominant
X chromosome abnormal gap junction communication;
intermediate slowing of nerve conduction
velocities; demyelinating and axonal features;
boys more severely affected
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e287

Central nervous system involvement such as sensorineu-

ral deafness has been described in a few patients with the
X-linked dominant form of the disease.294 Regardless of
the type and severity of CMT, the disorder has been
shown to affect the quality of life in childhood negatively,
with affected children exhibiting lower physical, psycho-
logical, and social well-being than the general pediatric
Diagnostic Evaluation
Up to 80% to 90% of all patients with CMT can now be
diagnosed only a blood test for the known gene muta-
tions.30,164 Patients who are suspected of having CMT should
be referred to a neurologist for further diagnostic testing.
Electromyography (EMG) and the measurement of nerve
conduction velocities can support the diagnosis in question-
able cases. In demyelinating forms of CMT, electrophysio-
logic testing reveals slowing of motor nerve conduction
velocities in the upper and lower extremities because of the
loss of myelin (Fig. 38-2). Conduction is slowed uniformly
from side to side and between different motor nerves.149 In
demyelinating forms of the disease, slowed nerve conduc-
tion velocities are present by 3 years of age, although symp-
toms may not be apparent.91 EMG may show fibrillation
caused by denervation.
In occasional patients, the diagnosis remains in question
FIGURE 38-1  Father and daughter with Charcot-Marie-Tooth after electrical studies and genetic testing, and a nerve
disease type 1. Atrophy of the calves is striking, particularly in the biopsy should be performed for definitive diagnosis. The
father. sural nerve is chosen as the site of biopsy. A 1.5-cm-long
segment of nerve is removed in the interval between the
have generalized muscle weakness and are unable to walk. posterolateral border of the Achilles tendon and lateral
Atrophy of the calves can be seen in severely involved indi- malleolus.279 The nerve lies together with the lesser saphe-
viduals, giving a so-called stork’s leg appearance (Fig. 38-1). nous vein, and the two structures should not be confused
Foot deformity such as pes cavus, pes cavovarus, or claw when the surgeon is obtaining the biopsy specimen. Histo-
toes is very common. Calluses along the lateral border of pathologic study of sural nerve biopsy specimens from
the foot, particularly over the base of the fifth metatarsal, patients with CMT-1 reveals large onion bulb formations
may be present. resulting from cycles of demyelination and remyelination.
Observation of the gait in patients with early CMT The myelin appears folded or uncompacted on ultrastruc-
reveals a subtle drop foot in swing phase. As the dorsiflexors tural examination.88 There is less demyelination and fewer
become weaker, a steppage gait develops, characterized by onion bulbs in CMTX than in classic CMT-1.269 Muscle
plantar flexion of the ankle, hyperflexion of the knee, and biopsy in CMT-1 shows scattered atrophic fibers and neu-
hyperflexion of the hip in swing phase. Often the hemipel- ropathic degeneration.75
vis also elevates during swing phase to allow clearance of MRI and computed tomography (CT) of the spine show
the foot, and the leg may circumduct.263 Other character- diffuse enlargement of the cauda equina, nerve roots, and
istics of gait in patients with types I and II CMT include ganglia.45,52,208 A difference in the location of fatty infiltra-
failure of plantar flexion and increased foot supination, tion of muscles on MRI has been identified between
hyperextension in stance, excessive external rotation of the CMT-1A and CMT-2A; patients with CMT-1A have selec-
hip, and decreased hip adduction in stance (typical of a tive fatty infiltration primarily in the anterior and lateral
broad-based gait).214 compartment (peroneal nerve innervated) musculature,
Examination of the hand reveals intrinsic atrophy. The whereas those with CMT-2A have involvement primarily of
patient may have difficulty grasping a goniometer placed the superficial posterior compartment muscles.53
between the fingers.
A careful examination of the spine should be performed. Medical Treatment
Although CMT is the most common cause of pes cavus, a Neuropathic pain is a significant problem for many people
spinal cord lesion such as a tethered cord or lipomeningo- with CMT. In one study, 71% of patients who participated
cele may manifest initially with pes cavus or cavovarus. The stated that they had neuropathic pain, most frequently in
back should be examined for evidence of underlying spinal the lower back, knees, and feet.44 The pain may be severe
dysraphism, such as a hairy patch, dimpling, or hemangi- enough to require treatment with medication.
oma. Scoliosis may be seen in teenagers with CMT but is There is no proven medical treatment for the various
not seen in young children; therefore, any sign of abnormal forms of CMT. Animal models have been developed,
curvature in a young child should be further evaluated with and progesterone antagonists and antioxidants, such as
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). vitamin C, coenzyme Q, and lipoic acid, have been under
e288 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Right Median Motor Right Median Motor Right Median Motor



Elbow Elbow

A 2000 (µV) 5 (ms) B 2000 (µV) 5 (ms) C 2000 (µV) 5 (ms)

FIGURE 38-2  A, Normal median nerve conduction velocity (NCV) of 57 m/sec and amplitude of 12 mV. B, NCV from patient with
Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease type 1. Because of demyelination, the NCV is significantly diminished (26 m/sec), whereas the
amplitude is 8.8 mV (within normal limits). C, NCV from patient with CMT-2. The velocity is 38 m/sec, which is low normal, but the
amplitude has significantly diminished to 1.3 m/sec. This result supports an axonal, rather than demyelinating, process.

investigation.264,275 With further delineation of the molecu- Standing lateral radiographs of the cavus foot in patients
lar genetic defects responsible for CMT, treatment with with CMT show an increase in the Meary angle, measured
gene transfer may be feasible in the future. along the longitudinal axis of the talus and first metatarsal.
Normal values for the Meary angle range from 0 to 5
Orthopaedic Manifestations degrees, but values average 18 degrees in patients with
and Surgical Treatment CMT.5 Varus is seen as parallelism of the talus and calcaneus
on the lateral radiograph. Finally, the lack of hindfoot
Foot equinus can be documented by measurement of the calca-
Manifestations.  The most common orthopaedic manifesta- neal pitch, which usually reveals dorsiflexion of the calca-
tion of CMT is pes cavovarus.125,262,279 One study has found neus and the presence of forefoot equinus with the apex of
that patients with bilateral cavovarus feet have a 78% prob- the deformity in the midfoot (Fig. 38-4).2
ability of being diagnosed with CMT; a family history of Azmaipairashvili and colleagues have described the
CMT increases the probability to 91%.211 Patients often Coleman block lateral radiograph, a mediolateral weight-
present initially to the orthopaedic surgeon for evaluation bearing view for evaluating the flexibility of the hindfoot,
of pes cavovarus, and the diagnostic workup leads to the rotational correction in the ankle, and degree of correction
diagnosis of CMT. Atrophy and contracture of the intrinsic of forefoot supination.9a To obtain this view, the patient
musculature of the foot occur because of denervation, stands on a 2-inch block of radiolucent material, allowing
which leads to collagen replacement of the intrinsic muscles the first, second, and third rays to drop down on the edge
of the foot. There is an increase in the connective tissue of the block, as in the Coleman block test. The x-ray plate
within and around the muscle tissue.262 These pathologic is placed on the lateral side of the foot and the beam is
changes produce elevation of the longitudinal arch because directed from medial to lateral. The authors suggested that
of contracture of the plantar fascia, which increases the this radiographic view may help delineate the need for a
pressure on the metatarsal heads and leads to painful cal- midfoot osteotomy versus soft tissue surgery alone to
luses along the lateral border of the foot and beneath the correct a cavovarus foot deformity.
metatarsal heads (Fig. 38-3).96 Varus of the hindfoot is MRI studies have found that the appearance of fatty
caused initially by the plantar flexion of the first ray and infiltration differs according to the severity of CMT-1A,
forefoot equinus. In addition, the posterior tibialis and pero- ranging from fatty infiltration of only the intrinsic foot
neus longus remain strong relative to the weak peroneus muscles to fatty infiltration of the lateral, anterior, and
brevis and anterior tibialis, leading to depression of the first superficial posterior leg muscles; these MRI features cor-
ray and increased varus.125,190 It is believed that the peroneus related with the severity of symptoms.90
longus remains relatively stronger than the peroneus brevis
because it is normally approximately twice as strong as the Treatment.  The treatment of pes cavovarus foot is described
brevis.190 Toe deformity results from nonfunctional intrinsic in greater detail in Chapter 23. The Coleman block test,
muscles, which normally flex the MTP joints and extend performed by having the patient stand on a block with the
the distal and proximal interphalangeal (IP) joints of the head of the first metatarsal hanging medially off the block,
foot. With absent intrinsic function, the long toe flexors is useful when planning surgical correction of the foot defor-
create flexion deformities of the IP joints of the toes, and mity. When hindfoot varus is caused by plantar flexion of
the toes eventually hyperextend through the MTP joints, the first metatarsal, the heel will evert to neutral as the first
assuming a dorsally displaced position with metatarsal head metatarsal head drops off the block and is allowed to plantar
prominence on the plantar aspect of the foot.105 flex (Fig. 38-5).55 With time, the varus deformity becomes
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e289



FIGURE 38-3  Pes cavovarus in a 12-year-old girl with Charcot-

Marie-Tooth disease. A, The longitudinal arch of the foot is
elevated, and there is clawing of the great toe (hyperextension
of the metatarsophalangeal joint and flexion of the
interphalangeal joint). B, Hindfoot varus of the right foot is
apparent. C, A callus is present over the base of the fifth
metatarsal. D, Clawing of the lesser toes is present bilaterally.
E, Pressure is abnormally distributed, with excess loading along
the lateral border of the foot, on the first metatarsal head, and
on the tips of the claw toes.

fixed and does not correct when the block test is Dynamic pedobarography has shown that operative
performed. treatment, even when the foot deformity is corrected, may
The surgical correction of the cavovarus foot in patients not correct abnormal foot pressure patterns, especially
with CMT can be divided into two components—deformity increased heel pressure, which was correlated with a
correction and rebalancing of deforming muscle forces (Fig. decrease in ankle power generation.47 These residual abnor-
38-6). When done early in the disease in young patients, mal pressure patterns may cause persistence of symptoms,
soft tissue surgery consisting of plantar fascia release or and the patient and parent(s) should be informed of this
extensive plantar release, including capsulotomies with before surgery.
tendon transfer, may be sufficient to postpone or avoid Tendon transfers used in CMT include transfer of the
triple arthrodesis.* posterior tibialis tendon to the dorsum of the foot and
transfer of the peroneus longus to the peroneus brevis to
*References 35, 198, 220, 229, 258, 268, 272, 282, 292. decrease the plantar flexion of the first ray. The anterior
e290 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

tibialis tendon is not transferred because it is usually weak been performed in this patient population with some
in this disease. Proximal metatarsal osteotomy of the first success (see Plate 39-1).205
metatarsal alone or of multiple metatarsals corrects plantar When fixed cavovarus deformities are present, bony
flexion of the forefoot in patients who have flexible varus surgery, such as calcaneal osteotomy, midfoot dorsal closing
hindfeet.96,198,229,268,330 Care must be taken when performing wedge, or dome osteotomy, is recommended (Figs. 38-7
a proximal first metatarsal osteotomy in a young patient and 38-8).333 Although triple arthrodesis has been discour-
because the open physis is located proximally. aged in patients with CMT, it may be preferable to midfoot
Transfer of the posterior tibialis tendon through the osteotomy, which can lead to arthrosis because of the
interosseous membrane to the dorsum of the foot may be need to cross multiple joints with the osteotomy.105 In
performed to decrease hindfoot varus and provide ankle severe deformity, a triple arthrodesis may be necessary
dorsiflexion. Weakness of the tibialis anterior leads to a to restore a plantigrade foot (Fig. 38-9).108 Careful plan-
steppage gait and foot drop during swing phase in patients ning of wedges to be resected during the triple arthrodesis
with CMT. Although the posterior tibialis is considered a is necessary to correct the complex hindfoot and midfoot
stance phase muscle, transfer of the posterior tibialis has deformities because the lack of normal protective sensa-
tion may lead to poor results over time if residual defor-
mity persists.
Despite frequent residual deformity and poor objective
results, patient satisfaction with triple arthrodesis has been
reported to be high (85% to 95%) at intermediate and long-
term follow-up. Long-term follow-up studies have found
deteriorating results, likely because of progressive weakness
and degenerative changes in a neighboring joint, especially
the ankle joint.5,189,201,231,235,266
Cavus feet in CMT are difficult to treat because the
progressive neuropathy leads to a significant rate of recur-
rence of deformity after all forms of surgery.105,220 A long-
term follow-up study (26 years) of 25 adults who were
treated for flexible cavovarus deformities with first meta-
tarsal osteotomy and selected muscle transfers has reported
that degenerative changes and reoperations were less fre-
quent than after triple arthrodesis, even though almost all
patients had recurrence of some hindfoot varus.327
Patients with CMT often walk on their toes, and it is
tempting to perform an Achilles tendon lengthening proce-
dure in these patients. It is important to note that the
forefoot is in equinus in CMT and the calcaneus usually is
FIGURE 38-4  Standing lateral radiograph of the foot of a not, as evidenced by lack of calcaneal plantar flexion or
14-year-old girl with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and cavovarus normal calcaneal pitch on standing lateral radiographs of the
deformity. The Meary angle is increased (20 degrees) and there is
foot. Therefore, lengthening of the Achilles tendon is not
parallelism of the talus and calcaneus, demonstrated by the ability
advised. In addition, when a plantar release is performed, a
to “see through” the subtalar joint. The calcaneus is dorsiflexed
relative to the tibia. cast is used to maintain dorsiflexion of the forefoot.

2 cm 2 cm

FIGURE 38-5  Coleman block test. The heel of the foot and lateral border are placed on a wooden block, allowing the head of the first
metatarsal to drop into plantar flexion. If the hindfoot varus is secondary to the tripod effect of the plantar flexed first ray, the hindfoot
will correct to neutral or valgus alignment (middle). If the hindfoot varus is rigid, it will not correct (right).
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e291

Step 1. Deformity correction

Plantar flexed first Plantar flexed first Severe, stiff cavovarus

Global interior cavus metatarsal with metatarsal with deformity not
± hindfoot varus correctable uncorrectable correctable with other
hindfoot varus hindfoot varus options

1. PFR 1. PFR
1. PFR 1. PFR
2. Multiple metatarsal 2. First metatarsal
or mid-tarsal osteotomy 2. First metatarsal osteotomy 2. Triple arthrodesis
3. ± calcaneal osteotomy 3. Calcaneal osteotomy

Step 2. Rebalancing of deforming

muscle forces

Overpowering peroneus
Dorsiflexion weakness Hindfoot equinus
longus muscle

Peroneus longus
EDL transfer or posterior Achilles tendon
to peroneus brevis
tibial tendon transfer lengthening
tendon transfer

FIGURE 38-6  Algorithm for treatment of cavus foot deformity in the pediatric patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. EDL, Extensor
digitorum longus; PFR, plantar fascia release. (Redrawn from Olney B: Treatment of the cavus foot: deformity in the pediatric patient with
Charcot-Marie-Tooth, Foot Ankle Clin 5:314, 2000.)

Manipulating the foot into dorsiflexion in the presence of a Surgical treatment, consisting of varus osteotomy of the
surgically lengthened Achilles tendon usually leads to over- femur or an acetabular redirectional osteotomy such as the
lengthening of the Achilles tendon and loss of correction of Steel osteotomy or Bernese periacetabular osteotomy, has
the forefoot equinus. been useful in these patients in our practice.311 The treat-
Weakness in the ankle dorsiflexors also leads to the ment of teenagers with CMT requires correction of the
development of claw toes because the intrinsic muscles are acetabular and femoral components of the dysplasia and is
paralyzed and contracted and the toe extensors are recruited similar to the treatment of adolescent idiopathic hip dys-
to help dorsiflex the ankle. When the condition is symp- plasia outlined in Chapter 16 (Fig. 38-11). However, the
tomatic, a Jones transfer of the extensor tendons of the treatment of the acetabular dysplasia in the CMT popula-
great and lesser toes can help relieve pain on the dorsum of tion may be associated with a higher rate of major and minor
the toes. The long toe extensors are inserted through bone complications.303
into the necks of the metatarsals so that they help dorsiflex
the ankle rather than clawing the toes.96 Fusion of the IP Spine
joint of the great toe and of the proximal IP joints of the Scoliosis is seen in up to 37% of adolescents with CMT.324
lesser toes helps prevent flexion deformity of the toes and Curves may resemble idiopathic curves in location but
should be done concomitantly with extensor tendon usually have increased thoracic kyphosis, unlike idiopathic
transfer. scoliosis, which is typically lordotic (Fig. 38-12).60,151 There
is also an increased incidence of left-sided thoracic curves
Hip in patients with CMT. Patients at highest risk for scoliosis
A second orthopaedic problem seen in patients with CMT are girls and those with CMT-1.324
is hip dysplasia (Fig. 38-10).86,225,323 It has been proposed Orthotic management rarely is successful, and the pre-
that subtle weakness in the proximal musculature leads to scription of a spinal orthosis should be considered in view
progressive dysplasia of the hip. Although there are rare of the patient’s other orthotic needs and ambulatory abili-
cases of hip instability in newborns with CMT, subluxation ties.151 Posterior spinal fusion surgery may be needed if
and acetabular dysplasia are usually asymptomatic until ado- orthotic management fails and the curves are progressive.118
lescence, when pain and gait abnormalities may occur.47,165,225 Spinal cord monitoring of somatosensory evoked potentials
Early recognition and appropriate treatment are essential to is usually impossible because of the peripheral neuropathy,
avoid serious morbidity associated with the condition.47 so an intraoperative wake-up test may be necessary in
e292 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 38-7  A to C, Bilateral residual pes cavovarus in a 15-year-old boy with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease after transfer of the posterior
tibialis to the dorsum of the foot, plantar fascia release, and first metatarsal osteotomy. A, Bilateral hindfoot varus is present. B, The
longitudinal arch remains elevated, and there is clawing of the second through fifth toes. C, A callus is present on the lateral aspect of the
plantar surface of the left foot because of excessive pressure. D to G, Clinical appearance of the foot at 18 years of age, after calcaneal
osteotomies and Jones transfers. D, Varus has been improved but is not obliterated. E, The longitudinal arch is restored to normal. F, The
toes lie in neutral alignment after Jones transfers and proximal interphalangeal joint fusions. G, Distribution of weight across the sole of
the foot has improved.
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e293


FIGURE 38-8  A and B, Radiographs of an 11-year-old child with cavovarus feet secondary to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. The hindfoot
varus was inflexible. C and D, Postoperative radiographic appearance. Surgery consisted of a calcaneal osteotomy, first metatarsal
osteotomy, plantar fascia release, and peroneus longus to peroneus brevis transfer.
e294 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders



FIGURE 38-9  A to C, Standing radiographs of a 13-year-old boy with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. Severe cavovarus is present bilaterally.
D to F, Photographs reveal clawing of the toes, excessive lateral plantar pressure, and elevation of the arch of the foot.
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e295

G FIGURE 38-9, cont’d  G and H, Triple arthrodesis was



FIGURE 38-10  Radiographic appearance in a 17-year-old girl with

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and symptomatic left hip dysplasia.
A, Preoperative radiograph. B, Postoperative radiograph obtained after
C a Steel osteotomy and varus derotation osteotomy. C, At 6-month
follow-up, the patient was asymptomatic.
e296 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 38-11  A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis in a

14-year-old boy with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A. Left
hip dysplasia is evidenced by the break in the Shenton line and
a decreased center edge angle. B, The false-profile view shows
anterior deficiency. C, A Ganz periacetabular osteotomy was C

patients with sufficient lower extremity strength.151,163 Sur-

gical fusion does not appear to be associated with a high
rate of complications in patients with CMT, but a long
instrumented posterior fusion usually is necessary.151 A
subset of patients with CMT may have thoracic hyperky-
phosis without scoliosis.324

Manifestations.  Hand involvement also occurs in patients
with CMT, but intrinsic muscle atrophy and weakness
usually become symptomatic later in the course of the
disease.206 The onset of hand symptoms can occur in the
first decade or as late as 30 years of age. The appearance
of hand involvement may lag behind the appearance of
lower extremity symptoms by 8 years.39 One study,
however, has found that hand involvement is present in
all children with CMT-1A, even in its earliest stages.40
A delay in the recognition of hand problems may delay
rehabilitation, which becomes more difficult with age
because of worsening of day to day problems, such as
poor handwriting, weakness, pain, and sensory symptoms.
Approximately 75% of children have only mild hand
involvement, 20% have hand problems severe enough to
FIGURE 38-12  Scoliosis in a 14-year-old with Charcot-Marie-Tooth require daily rehabilitation, and approximately 5% have
disease. A, Anteroposterior view. B, Lateral view demonstrates problems so severe that independence in activities of daily
increased thoracic kyphosis. living (ADLs) is compromised.322 Patients with significant
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e297

upper extremity weakness are at risk for weakness of the innervated extensor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis longus,
respiratory muscles as well.212 or the extensor indicis proprius routed to the first dorsal
Intrinsic weakness with clawing of the ring and small interosseous or adductor pollicis. Transfers that do not
digits occurs first. Intrinsic paralysis of muscles innervated require pulleys are preferred and where a pulley is neces-
by ulnar and median nerves is common, whereas muscles sary, it should be static and not another tendon or tendon
innervated by the radial nerve are usually spared. Weakness loop because of the potential for deterioration.335
of the forearm musculature innervated by median and ulnar Arthrodesis of the thumb metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
nerves also occurs.185 joint or carpometacarpal joint can predictably stabilize one
of the unstable motion segments. Intrinsic transfer proce-
Treatment.  Reports of treatment to augment upper limb dures build in flexion at the MCP joint to help balance the
function in patients with CMT have not been widely pub- extrinsic metacarpal extensors. Flexor digitorum superficia-
lished. Although nerve conduction velocities are typically lis looped around the A1 pulley, as described by Zancolli,
slowed, this appears to be a problem intrinsic to the nerve or metacarpal capsulodesis, restores a more useful posture
and is not caused by a compressive neuropathy. Thenar to the hand.344
muscle wasting and increased median motor and sensory Performing an upper extremity tendon transfer proce-
nerve latencies in this diagnosis are not indicative of carpal dure in a young patient should be considered cautiously.
tunnel syndrome. A carpal tunnel release, therefore, may Because hand deformities are likely to progress and because
not relieve symptoms. aftercare for the tendon transfers requires protection from
The specific functional problems related to the intrinsic excessive abuse, it may be best to wait until the patient
weakness of the hands include loss of opposition of the reaches an age at which he or she understands the limita-
thumb, loss of side to side pinch, and clawing of the fingers tions of what can be done and what is expected of him or
(Fig. 38-13). Surgical procedures to augment function are her afterward.
available to take advantage of donor tendons that are
unlikely to deteriorate with time or to use bony procedures
Hypertrophic Interstitial Neuritis
to correct the deformity. Electrodiagnostic evaluation of
(Dejerine-Sottas Disease)
potential donor muscles for tendon transfers can help select
the best muscle. Opponensplasty using the extensor carpi Dejerine-Sottas disease, also known as HMSN III, is a
ulnaris or extensor indicis proprius can greatly increase pre- severe, infantile-onset, demyelinating polyneuropathy.
hension.231 Transfers to augment side pinch use the radially Dejerine and Sottas described this chronic familial


FIGURE 38-13  A, Intrinsic atrophy in a child with Charcot-

Marie-Tooth disease. B, There is clawing of the long and ring
fingers and wasting of the thenar and hypothenar musculature.
C, Functional problems include loss of thumb opposition and
e298 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

polyneuropathy in 1893.65 It belongs in the family of Nerve biopsy and muscle biopsy may be needed to
HMSNs and is related to but more severe than CMT confirm the diagnosis.
Dejerine-Sottas disease was traditionally thought to be Prognosis and Treatment
inherited in an autosomal recessive pattern, but molecular The disease progresses slowly. In mild cases the neuropathy
genetic research has shown autosomal dominant inheritance may plateau and life expectancy may be normal. Many but
in many patients.227,252,293,306,318 Mutations in the genes not all of the patients lose the ability to walk in early adult-
coding for MPZ on chromosome 1, PMP22 on chromosome hood.87 Death in childhood has been described in severe
17, and periaxin on chromosome 19, as well as in early cases.29
growth response 2 genes, have been demonstrated in There is no specific treatment. Corticosteroids are
patients with this disease and in patients with CMT.† reported to improve the condition and may be tried in
Whereas CMT-1A is caused by a duplication of the severe cases or during acute exacerbations. Orthopaedic
PMP22 gene, Dejerine-Sottas disease can be caused by a management usually consists of prescribing orthoses to
point mutation of the same gene. improve gait. Pes cavus may require surgical reconstruction.
Carpal tunnel syndrome has been reported in this patient
Pathology population.320 Scoliosis may progress and require orthotic
Peripheral nerves are enlarged as a result of the proliferation management or surgery. Spinal cord and cauda equina com-
of perineural and endoneural connective tissue. Classic pression have been reported in patients with Dejerine-
onion bulb formation is seen on cross section of nerve Sottas disease as a result of hypertrophy of the nerve
biopsy specimens because of demyelination and remyelin- roots.43,62,156
ation of the surviving axons, with Schwann cell prolifera-
tion.236,342 There is a lower density of myelinated fibers.224
Refsum Disease
Muscle biopsy reveals atrophy.
Refsum disease (HMSN IV), also known as heredopathia
Clinical Features atactica polyneuritiformis, is a rare disorder of lipid metabo-
Although the disease can present in the newborn period as lism characterized by peripheral neuropathy, retinitis pig-
respiratory failure, the usual presenting complaint is poor mentosa, cerebellar ataxia, and increased protein in the
gait in a child younger than 3 years.7 A history of delayed CSF.248,291 Other clinical findings may include cataracts and
walking is present. The child is ataxic and unsteady, falls cardiac arrhythmias.54 The condition is one of the inherited
frequently, has difficulty climbing stairs, and cannot run. peroxisomal disorders and is caused by a defect in phytanoyl–
Sensory disturbances such as paresthesias may occur. coenzyme A (CoA) hydroxylase, the enzyme responsible for
Physical examination reveals weak floppy feet. Deep the degradation of phytanic acid, a dietary branched-chain
tendon reflexes are absent or markedly reduced. Sensory fatty acid.139,140,290 This results in an accumulation of phy-
loss involves all modalities of sensation and occurs in a tanic acid in the blood and tissues. The abnormal fatty acids
stocking-glove pattern. Proprioception is disturbed, and are incorporated into cell membranes and lead to axonal
Romberg’s sign is positive. Nystagmus and slurred speech degeneration and demyelination.238 As is the case with the
occur in some patients. vast majority of enzyme deficiencies, the disease is inherited
The gait is similar to a steppage gait. Muscle weakness is in an autosomal recessive pattern. The gene responsible for
seen distally, and pes cavus occurs at an early age. Paralysis Refsum disease has been mapped to chromosome 10, and
of the intrinsic muscles of the hand appears later. Flexion infantile Refsum disease has been linked to the peroxin
contractures of the wrist and fingers occur in late childhood. PEX gene.204,238
Scoliosis develops in early adolescence. There are two clinical presentations of the disease. In the
infantile form, hypotonia and developmental delay are first
Diagnosis noted. Growth retardation, mental retardation, hepato-
The diagnosis is usually made by genetic testing for splenomegaly, and retinitis pigmentosa then develop.273
known mutations. Results of electrodiagnostic studies are Abnormalities in peroxisomal function are present in the
notably abnormal because the nerve conduction velocity is infantile type.237,257,326 Peroxisomes are organelles involved
markedly prolonged, even more so than in CMT.17,72,316 in the metabolism of lipids critical to the functioning of the
EMG shows fibrillation in the stimulated muscle caused by nervous system.38
denervation. In the classic form of Refsum disease, symptoms develop
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) shows an elevation in total between 4 and 7 years of age. The gait becomes unsteady,
protein. Blood cell counts are within normal ranges. Labora- and the limbs weaken as the distal musculature atrophies.
tory measurements of serum aldolase and creatine phospho- Deep tendon reflexes are absent, and there is no spasticity.
kinase levels are normal. The Babinski reflex is absent, but the Romberg sign may be
MRI of the spine is performed to rule out an intraspinal present. Vibration and position sense in the legs may be
tumor. Enlargement of the spinal nerves, cauda equina, and disturbed. Ophthalmologic changes may be present, and
sciatic nerve can be seen in older patients with Dejerine- deafness is seen in some patients. Hepatosplenomegaly
Sottas disease.45,188,194,298 occurs because of the fatty accumulation.
The skeletal changes in Refsum disease include osteope-
nia, mild epiphyseal dysplasia (especially in the knees and

References 29, 114, 192, 223, 236, 316, 329. elbows), and shortening and deformity of the tubular bones
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e299

in the hands and feet.235,325 Pes cavus may result from the biopsy may be helpful in cases with anhidrosis and to assess
peripheral neuropathy. for dermal innervation.
The diagnosis is made by documenting increased serum
phytanic acid levels. Carriers can be detected by a phytol
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain
loading test.119 Nerve biopsy shows onion bulb formation
and fatty deposits. Motor nerve conduction velocities are This rare disorder is characterized by the absence of subjec-
slow. CSF protein levels are increased. tive and objective responses to noxious stimuli in patients
Conditions from which Refsum disease must be distin- with intact central and peripheral nervous systems.64,305
guished include Friedreich ataxia, the other rare inherited Temperature and touch sensation are preserved.123 The
ataxias, and peroneal muscular atrophy. Retinitis pigmen- onset of disease is at or shortly after birth. The cause is
tosa is seen only in Refsum disease. unknown. The cutaneous nerve endings in the skin and
Treatment of both forms of Refsum disease is first periosteum are normal in congenital insensitivity to pain.183
dietary, with avoidance of foods that contain phytanic Nerve biopsies in childhood are normal, although it is
acid.254 Low phytanic acid intake is achieved by restricting suspected that the condition may be caused by a sensory
fat while allowing free amounts of fruit and green vegeta- neuropathy and that pathologic changes may be seen in
bles.59 Medical treatment by plasmapheresis can lower the adulthood.172 Substance P, a nociceptive cytokine protein,
phytanic acid levels, especially during acute attacks.6,93,130,331 is absent in the synovial fluid in individuals with congenital
Cascade filtration, a procedure resembling plasmapheresis, insensitivity to pain.67 One case report has associated con-
similarly lowers the serum phytanic acid level while avoid- genital indifference to pain with terminal deletion of the
ing loss of albumin and decreasing the loss of immunoglobu- long arm of chromosome 10.148 The disease may be inher-
lins.104 The main indication for plasma exchange is a severe ited in an autosomal recessive pattern81 but is usually
deterioration in the patient’s clinical condition. A lesser sporadic.169
indication is failure of dietary management to reduce the As soon as the teeth erupt, the condition becomes
plasma phytanic acid level.109 Lowering the serum phytanic evident from the child’s biting her or his tongue, lips, and
acid level can improve clinical symptoms of ataxia and fingers. Burns and bruises do not elicit crying. Corneal
weakness. damage can be caused by trauma and foreign bodies in the
eye. Intelligence is normal.
The orthopaedic manifestations of the disease vary
Congenital and Acquired Analgia among patients.99 Traumatic fractures are common and,
because of the lack of pain, may go unrecognized for pro-
In children, indifference to pain, termed analgia, may be longed periods, resulting in malunions or pseudarthroses
congenital or acquired. Congenital analgia may be one of (Fig. 38-14). Multiple neglected fractures in patients with
the following types: burns and bruises may lead to confusion of this condition
with child abuse.287 Epiphyseal separations may occur in
1. Congenital insensitivity to pain
infancy and may resemble rickets radiographically. Avascu-
2. Familial dysautonomia, also known as Riley-Day
lar necrosis of the talus, femoral head, or femoral condyles
may occur. Recurrent dislocation of the hip that is refrac-
3. Congenital sensory neuropathy
tory to cast management has also been described in patients
4. Hereditary sensory radicular neuropathy
with congenital insensitivity to pain.253
5. Congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
Repetitive trauma to the joints can lead to effusion,
Acquired indifference to pain may be caused by syringomy- hemarthrosis, synovial hypertrophy, and ligamentous laxity.
elia, spinal cord tumor, or diabetes mellitus. The differential A Charcot joint may be the end result, particularly in
diagnosis of absent pain perception in a child is presented weight-bearing joints such as the ankle and knee (Fig.
in Table 38-3. 38-15).103 Increasing laxity can lead over time to dislocation
Physical examination should assess the different sensory of the involved joint.183 Surgical treatment is rarely success-
modalities. The physician should assess for temperature ful, and conservative treatment with protective orthoses is
sensation with cold and warm items, for light touch sensa- advised (Fig. 38-16).99 Septic arthritis is also seen with
tion, and for deep pain sensation. Deep pain may be tested increased frequency in these patients. Some patients with
by applying firm pressure to the bones or muscles and by congenital insensitivity to pain have required amputation for
assessing the response to insertion of needles. It may be treatment of their Charcot or septic joints.100 It is important
difficult to assess small children accurately but if pain is felt, to anticipate and prevent neuropathic joints in these chil-
the pulse rate, respiratory rate, and blood pressure will rise, dren. Patient and parent education in joint protection and
and the pupils will dilate. It is important to try to determine surveillance for injury is the most important component of
whether a painful stimulus is not felt at all or whether the the treatment plan for these children.183
stimulus is felt but not perceived as painful. Spinal manifestations of congenital insensitivity to pain
Radiographic evaluation is rarely diagnostic, but MRI of include instability caused by the development of Charcot-
the brain and spinal cord should be done to assess for patho- like changes from neuropathic arthropathy of the spine and
logic processes such as syringomyelia or tumor. scoliosis.131,232 Radiographs initially show disk space narrow-
Finally, nerve conduction studies of the motor and ing, facet arthropathy, and hypertrophic spurs. With time,
sensory nerves should be performed. Often a nerve and osteopenia, fragmentation, large osteophytes, and sublux-
muscle biopsy is necessary to confirm the diagnosis. Skin ation can be seen.232 Flexion-extension lateral radiographs

Table 38-3  Differential Diagnosis of Congenital and Acquired Analgia Syndromes

Hereditary Familial Sensory Acquired Sensory
Congenital Congenital Sensory Sensory Radicular Neuropathy With Neuropathy (Toxic,
Parameter Insensitivity Familial Dysautonomia Neuropathy Neuropathy Anhidrosis Infectious) Syringomyelia

Heredity None Recessive None, occasionally Dominant Recessive None None

Age at onset Birth Birth Birth Early adolescence Birth Adult Young adult
Physiologic pain Present Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent
SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Touch perception Normal Normal Lost Lost Normal Normal Normal

Temperature Normal Diminished Lost Lost Diminished Normal Normal
Distribution of Universal Incomplete Islands of normal Legs and feet, Islands of normal Legs and feet, Arms and hands
sensory loss sensation occasionally sensation occasionally hands
Axon reflex Normal Absent Absent Absent Absent Absent Normal
Nerve Normal Normal Sensory absent, Sensory absent, Sensory absent, Motor and sensory Normal or slightly
conduction motor present motor present motor present abnormal reduced
Motor strength Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Weak (atrophied) Weak (atrophied)
Sensory nerve Normal Absence of fungiform No myelinated No myelinated Myelinated fibers Loss of myelinated Normal
biopsy papillae on tongue fibers fibers present fibers
Skin biopsy Normal Normal No nerve endings; — Normal Degeneration of nerve Normal
no cholinesterase Normal cholinesterase
Brain and other Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal; absence Normal Normal
Autonomic nervous of Lissauer
system—lack of tract and small
lacrimation; excessive dorsal root
perspiration; axon
poor temperature control
Intelligence Normal Dull to average Dull to average Normal Defective Normal Normal

Adapted from Winkelmann RK, Lambert EH, Hayles AB: Congenital absence of pain: report of a case and experimental studies, Arch Dermatol 85:334, 1965.
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e301

FIGURE 38-14  A, Radiographs of a right forearm showing nonunion of fracture in the middle third of the ulna in a 4-year-old with
congenital insensitivity to pain. After immobilization in an above-elbow cast for 3 months, there was no evidence of healing. Thus, an
open reduction, intramedullary fixation with a Steinmann pin, and onlay bone grafting were performed. B and C, Radiographs of the
forearm obtained 3 months after surgery. D and E, Radiographs obtained 1 year later, showing progressive healing of the fracture.

can demonstrate instability. Patients may present with neu- presentation. Aspiration for cultures should be undertaken
rologic deficits, and surgical fusion (posterior or combined whenever infection is suspected. Wide surgical débridement
anteroposterior) has been successfully performed in small is usually necessary.11
numbers of patients with congenital insensitivity to pain
(Fig. 38-17).68,131
Familial Dysautonomia (Riley-Day
Osteomyelitis is seen more frequently than in the
Syndrome; Hereditary Sensory and
general population, probably as a result of neglected foci of
Autonomic Neuropathy Type III)
infection, such as dental abscesses and bitten fingers. The
most frequent sites are the fingers and toes. Osteomyelitis This disturbance in pain perception is the result of an auto-
is usually indolent and chronic rather than acute in somal recessive trait and is the most common of the
e302 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 38-15  A, Charcot knees in an 8-year-old boy with congenital insensitivity to pain. Anteroposterior (B) and lateral (C) radiographs
obtained at age 16 years show destruction of joint with multiple loose bodies. D, Charcot changes at the ankle are also present at age
16 years.
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e303

FIGURE 38-15, cont’d  E, Clinical appearance of the lower extremities. F, Self-inflicted ulcerations of the tongue.

FIGURE 38-16  A and B, Clinical appearance of a 15-year-old boy with congenital insensitivity to pain, bilateral Charcot knees, and
insensate wounds on his feet. C, Treatment consisted of a knee-ankle-foot orthosis to protect the knees.
e304 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 38-17  A, Posteroanterior spine radiograph of an 8-year-old boy with congenital insensitivity to pain. B and C, The patient
underwent anteroposterior spinal fusion for treatment of scoliosis. D, At 14 years of age, an amputation of his left great toe was
performed because of chronic ulceration and osteomyelitis.

hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies.121 It is

usually seen in patients of Ashkenazi Jewish descent; the
carrier frequency in this population is 1 in 30.251 The genetic
locus has been mapped to chromosome 9q31.27,150,285 It
is believed that incomplete maturation of unmyelinated
neurons in the sensory, sympathetic, and parasympathetic
systems may be responsible for the disease.251 Infants
present with lack of tears (alacrima), excessive perspiration,
labile blood pressure, abnormal gastrointestinal motility, and
poor temperature control. A characteristic lack of fungiform
papillae on the tongue is seen. Speech development is fre-
quently delayed, and the patients usually are of subnormal
intelligence. Walking is delayed, and gait is ataxic because
of lack of normal proprioception.
Neurologically, patients with familial dysautonomia have
diminished temperature and vibration sensation but pre-
served touch perception.121 They have a lack of objective
response to painful stimuli. Deep tendon reflexes are absent.
Orthopaedic manifestations are the same as in those
with congenital insensitivity to pain and include fractures,
Charcot joints, and osteomyelitis. In a study of 182 patients
with Riley-Day syndrome, 60% had sustained fractures and
11% had one or more neuropathic joints, most commonly
the knee.171 Foot deformity is seen in a subset of the
Limited atlantooccipital and cervical sagittal range of
motion has been identified in patients with familial dysau-
FIGURE 38-18  Posteroanterior radiograph of the spine of a boy
tonomia.117 Scoliosis is seen in up to 90% of children with with Riley-Day syndrome. Note the right hip dislocation and
Riley-Day syndrome and can be extremely difficult to severe scoliosis.
manage (Fig. 38-18).150 Most patients are diagnosed with
scoliosis before 10 years of age.115 Curves tend to be rigid
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e305

and may also exhibit significant kyphosis, unlike the defor- usually presents in the second or third decade of life, unlike
mity seen in idiopathic scoliosis. Left thoracic curves are the previously discussed disorders, which manifest in
common in this group of patients. Orthotic management infancy. The sensory changes begin distally in the lower
usually fails. In 89% of 65 braced patients with Riley-Day extremities and progress proximally. Rarely does the neu-
syndrome, orthotic management of their scoliosis failed.115 ropathy extend proximal to the knees. Owing to the lack
When preparing a patient for spinal fusion, a preoperative of protective pain and temperature sensation, severe neu-
nutritional evaluation should be performed to rule out mal- ropathic foot ulcers are frequently seen in these patients.199,278
nutrition and reflux with aspiration. Posterior spinal fusion Paradoxically, although sensation is disturbed, severe neuro-
with instrumentation is usually recommended for the treat- pathic pain is frequently present.164
ment of scoliosis in patients with Riley-Day syndrome, but
combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion with instru-
Congenital Insensitivity to Pain
mentation has been advocated for patients with kyphosco-
With Anhidrosis (Hereditary Sensory
liosis.260 Fusion should extend to the proximal thoracic
and Autonomic Neuropathy Type IV)
spine to decrease the likelihood of junctional kyphosis.11
Patients are prone to autonomic dysfunction while anesthe- This neuropathy, also known as familial sensory neuropathy
tized, with wide swings in blood pressure.255 Intraoperative with anhidrosis and as hereditary sensory and autonomic
fatal cardiac arrest has been described in these patients.342 neuropathy type IV, is characterized by the absence of tem-
After surgery, monitoring in an intensive care setting is perature and pain sensation but intact touch perception.234
necessary. The patient should be immobilized after surgery, Sweating is absent because of the lack of eccrine sweat
and a thoracolumbosacral orthosis (TLSO) is preferred over gland innervation.135 The inability to sweat leads to prob-
a cast because of the tendency for unrecognized skin break- lems with body temperature regulation and hyperpyrexia.
down beneath the nonremovable cast.118,260 Treatment com- The disease is present from birth and affects the entire
plications are very common in this patient population and body.196
range from infection to wound breakdown to failure of fixa- The disease is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
tion.4 The patients do not notice loss of fixation caused by It is most common in Israeli Bedouins.280 Molecular genetic
hook pullout because of the lack of painful sensation. research has suggested that the gene responsible for con-
Instrumentation should be planned to maximize bone pur- genital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis is the TRKA
chase to decrease the likelihood of loss of fixation because gene on chromosome 1, which encodes for a tyrosine kinase
high rates of proximal instrumentation failure have been receptor for nerve growth factor.132,133
reported in these patients.10,117 Electron microscopy has revealed mitochondrial abnor-
Life expectancy is decreased, with many patients dying malities in muscle biopsy specimens of patients with con-
from pulmonary infections.342 In one study, the probability genital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis.73 Nerve
that a child born after 1982 would reach the age of 30 years histopathologic studies have shown a loss of the small
was 50%, whereas another study found that the mean age myelinated and unmyelinated fibers.299 Results of EMG and
at the time of death in patients with Riley-Day syndrome nerve conduction velocity studies are variable and may show
was 23 years.9,171 Cause of death is most frequently related slow conduction and decreased amplitudes, especially in the
to pulmonary compromise as a result of aspiration and sensory nerves. Results of the sympathetic skin response
pneumonia.10 test are abnormal.283 Skin biopsy reveals lack of epidermal
and sweat gland innervation.32 Radiographs show evidence
of fractures, joint deformity and dislocation, avascular
Congenital Sensory Neuropathy
necrosis, osteomyelitis, and acro-osteolysis.271
Congenital sensory neuropathy is a very rare, nonprogres- Systemic findings include mental retardation, and self-
sive disease that is usually inherited as an autosomal reces- mutilating behavior is frequently a problem.21 Patients bite
sive trait. In this disorder, touch, temperature, and pain their tongues and extract their own teeth.6 Corneal ulcer-
sensation are absent.8,13 Motor nerve conduction is normal, ations occur as a result of lack of protective sensation.336
but sensory nerve conduction is absent. Nerve biopsy shows Orthopaedic manifestations are the same as in the other
the absence of myelinated nerve fibers and dermal nerve sensory neuropathies, with fracture, nonunions, deformity,
networks. The brain and spinal cord are normal. Deep Charcot joints, and osteomyelitis seen.102,162,166,196,297 In
tendon reflexes are diminished or absent. Retinitis pigmen- comparison to hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropa-
tosa may be present. There is an association with mental thy (HSAN) type III, in which osteonecrosis is the initial
retardation and deafness. lesion preceding destructive arthropathy, HSAN type IV is
most commonly associated with Charcot arthropathy of
joint subluxation and dislocation, with the Charcot arthrop-
Hereditary Sensory Radicular Neuropathy
athy affecting both sides of the joint and leading to collapse
(Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic
and fragmentation.83 Recurrent hip dislocation has been
Neuropathy Type I)
described in this patient population that was refractory to
This autosomal dominant disorder is characterized by a conservative treatment with a Pavlik harness. Open reduc-
primary degenerative neuropathy of the dorsal root tion with femoral osteotomy failed to prevent redisloca-
ganglia.66,314 The disorder is inherited as an autosomal domi- tion.111,160 The merit of operative reduction in these patients
nant trait on chromosome 9.215 All sensory modalities are is questionable. Cardiac complications during anesthesia
lost, but there is no disturbance of sweating. Deep tendon have been described, and temperature regulation in the
reflexes in the lower extremities are absent. This disorder operating room must be monitored.259,308
e306 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

The inability to sweat renders affected patients suscep-

tible to high fevers when the environmental temperature is
high. Death from hyperpyrexia occurs in up to 20% of
patients with congenital insensitivity to pain with anhidrosis
by 3 years of age.271

Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a rare congenital disorder of
purine synthesis characterized by self-mutilating and aggres-
sive behavior, mental retardation, choreoathetosis, and
hyperuricemia.177 The frequency of this syndrome has been
estimated to be 0.18/100,000 live births.197 The syndrome
is caused by the absence of hypoxanthine guanine phospho-
ribosyltransferase (HPRT). It is inherited as an X-linked
recessive trait and, therefore, is seen in boys.76 The gene
locus on the X chromosome has been identified.61,274,301
Most boys with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome are initially mis-
diagnosed with athetoid cerebral palsy because of the rarity
of the condition and presence of choreoathetosis.289 The
diagnosis is made by determining the blood uric acid level,
which is elevated in Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. The blood uric
acid level should be determined in the diagnostic evaluation
of all children with suspected congenital insensitivity to FIGURE 38-19  Supine radiograph of a 17-year-old boy with
pain. Uric acid crystals are also seen in the urine of affected Lesch-Nyhan syndrome. There is a left hip dislocation and
patients.218 Prenatal diagnosis by the measurement of HPRT scoliosis. A baclofen pump has been implanted for tone
or molecular genetic testing is possible.3,98,195,337 management.
A decrease in large myelinated fibers has been seen
on sural nerve biopsy in a patient with Lesch-Nyhan motor syndrome with further aging is uncommon, although
syndrome.221 progression of disability from long-standing dystonia
Affected boys exhibit self-injurious behavior, most com- becomes more apparent—for example as contractures or
monly biting the lips and fingers. Dental extraction has been scoliosis.143
performed to reduce the self-mutilation.79 Although self- Hip subluxation and dislocation were seen in 50% of hips
injurious behavior is rarely the presenting feature of the in one study (Fig. 38-19).289 Surgical treatment with muscle
illness, it eventually develops in almost all cases. The emer- release, femoral osteotomy, and pelvic osteotomy, when
gence of the behavior often provides the essential clue to needed, was successful. Postoperative heterotopic ossifica-
the diagnosis in a case with known developmental delay or tion was common.289
hyperuricemia.143 In addition to the classic clinical syndrome, patients with
A multicenter international study of the largest cohort less severe disease and partial syndromes have been recog-
of patients to date has found that the most prominent nized.142 In these milder variants, self-injury may not occur,
feature of the motor syndrome in all patients is dystonia.143 cognition may be normal, or dystonia may be mild or even
Essentially, all parts of the body were affected. Multidirec- absent. Some may have overproduction of uric acid and its
tional cervical dystonia was universal. Truncal twisting and consequences alone. These patients are identified by the
arching was present in all, particularly with efforts to stand. overproduction of uric acid caused by HPRT deficiency.
Dystonia of the upper limbs prevented their use for most Collectively, they are referred to as Lesch-Nyhan
tasks such as feeding or grasping in all patients. All these variants.142
patients regularly used wheelchairs because lower limb dys- There is no treatment for this disease at present, but
function prevented them from walking or standing unas- research is directed at bone marrow transplantation and
sisted. Oromandibular and lingual dystonia were evident potential gene therapy.74,180
during speaking or eating in most. Several also exhibited
blepharospasm, most prominently during ocular testing;
some developed fixed abnormal postures of the hands or
feet, and fixed contractures of the hamstring muscles with Syringomyelia, defined as a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)-filled
incomplete extension at the knee were common. Muscle dilation of the central canal of the spinal cord, is the most
hypertrophy resulting from long-standing dystonia was common spinal cord anomaly that can lead to an acquired
evident in several patients in the neck and arms. No studies sensory neuropathy. Presenting signs and symptoms in chil-
have delineated the natural history of Lesch-Nyhan disease, dren with syringomyelia are most commonly scoliosis, with
but available evidence has suggested a stereotypical pattern or without back pain, and sensory disturbances, usually in
of progression, with hypotonia and developmental delay the upper extremities. Decreased pain sensation may be
early in the first year of life. Other involuntary movements present in the arms and hands, but temperature sensation
emerge later, between 6 and 24 months of age. Once is usually normal. Unlike in most of the congenital forms
established, significant progression of the severity of the of insensitivity to pain, motor weakness in the upper
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e307

extremities may accompany the sensory changes seen in Barré, and Strohl in 1916.101 GBS is rare, with an incidence
patients with syringomyelia.99 of 0.84 to 1.91 cases/100,000 population 15 years of age
Charcot neuropathic joints do not commonly occur in or younger.200,239,246,284 It is more common in the older adult
the upper extremities, but when a Charcot joint is present, population, with an incidence of 3.3/100,000/yr in indi-
it is usually the result of syringomyelia. There is a predilec- viduals older than 50 years.200
tion for destruction of the shoulder.103,112,147 Neuropathic
joint changes are rarely seen in the hands, but diminished
Cause and Pathophysiology
sensation in the hands may result in self-injurious behavior
such as multiple burns. Diminished sensation on the trunk The disease is autoimmune and directed against the periph-
in a bandlike dermatomal distribution may be seen. Motor eral nervous system myelin, axon, or both.77 GBS has been
findings are present, and clawing of the hand may be noted divided into three subtypes—acute inflammatory demyelin-
on physical examination. Asymmetry of the abdominal ating polyradiculoneuropathy (AIDP), a more severe acute
reflexes may support the diagnosis of syringomyelia. motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN), and a mixed variant.302
Radiographic findings include scoliosis, which may be The disease is triggered by a preceding bacterial or viral
upper thoracic in location or convex to the left. Curves illness51,94,106; therefore, patients present most frequently
caused by syringomyelia are notable for their lack of typical in winter when upper respiratory infections are more
apical lordosis seen in idiopathic curves, with some of the common.129 A study of 56 children diagnosed with GBS has
curves exhibiting true kyphosis in the sagittal plane.80,222,288 found that upper respiratory infection is the most frequent
A radiographic study of 87 children and adolescents with preceding event and limb weakness is the most frequent
syringomyelia has found atypical curve patterns in almost symptom at the onset of the disease.176 Functional status at
50% of them.242 The authors suggested that atypical curve nadir was found to be more important than electrophysio-
patterns, atypical features in typical curve patterns, and a logic findings in predicting long-term outcome. One fre-
normal to hyperkyphotic spine may suggest the need for quently identified cause of GBS is Campylobacter jejuni
MRI evaluation before surgery and that kyphosis may be infection.127
indicative of progressive scoliosis. Spinal radiographs may The possibility of a vaccination leading to GBS has been
also reveal congenital scoliosis—patients with congenital investigated, but no cause and effect relationship has been
vertebral malformations have been found to have a higher proved.28,154,173,244,315 An 8-year study in the United Kingdom
incidence of intraspinal abnormalities, such as syringomy- that included almost 2 million patients found no association
elia.295 The diagnosis of syringomyelia is established by between immunization and GBS.126 Although some data
spinal MRI (Fig. 38-20). from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Symptomatic syringomyelia is treated by neurosurgical (CDC) have indicated a small increased risk of GBS after
posterior fossa decompression or by shunting.120 Sensory meningococcal conjugate vaccination, the CDC continues
changes usually resolve, although the scoliosis may persist, to recommend routine vaccination for adolescents, college
progress, and require treatment in up to 50% of cases (see freshmen living in dormitories, and other populations at
Fig. 38-20).50,80,309 A retrospective review of 20 patients increased risk because of the morbidity and mortality asso-
with syringomyelia and scoliosis has concluded that early ciated with meningococcal disease.46
diagnosis and treatment of a syrinx in scoliosis patients, The pathophysiology of the AIDP subtype is an acute
before the age of 10 years, are crucial and may decrease demyelinating process. The posterior nerve roots and
curve size and limit curve progression.339 At our center, we ganglia, proximal portion of the peripheral nerves, and ante-
usually treat small asymptomatic syringomyelias by neuro- rior nerve roots are involved. Pathologic findings in sural
surgical observation. A study of 13 patients with syringo- nerve biopsies show demyelination and lymphocytic infiltra-
myelia who had scoliosis surgery reported 48% correction; tion in the AIDP form and normal or few degenerating
however, 3 patients progressed significantly following ante- fibers in the AMAN variant.181 In severe cases the peripheral
rior surgery and 4 patients progressed more than 10 degrees nerves undergo wallerian degeneration.
after arthrodesis. The authors cautioned that fusion levels
should be carefully chosen, and the underlying pathology
should be kept in mind.36 Scoliosis surgery appears to be
safe in these patients with treated syrinx when spinal cord The CSF shows a characteristic increase in protein level,
monitoring or wake-up tests are used. with a normal cell count (i.e., without pleocytosis). The
increase in CSF protein levels peaks at 2 to 4 weeks and
then declines.
Guillain-Barré Syndrome Nerve conduction is delayed in the motor and sensory
(Acute Polyradiculoneuritis) nerve fibers. Sensory evoked potentials are absent or
decreased.37 Subtypes of the disease have been described
With poliomyelitis approaching eradication in most of the based on electrical diagnostic studies.310
world, Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) is the most common MRI of the spine shows thickening of the cauda equina
cause of acute flaccid paralysis in children.12,219 This rare and nerve roots. There is enhancement of the intrathecal
disease is characterized by symmetric motor and sensory spinal nerve roots with gadolinium.59,137 Enhancement
paresis of the limbs and, at times, the trunk. The paralysis diminishes as the clinical symptoms improve.57 The differ-
may ascend rapidly and involve the muscles of respiration ential diagnosis includes acute poliomyelitis, transverse
and the cranial nerves. The disease was first described by myelitis, tick paralysis, toxic neuropathy, infantile spinal
Landry in 1859170 but was further described by Guillain, muscular atrophy, and myasthenia gravis.145,209,247,340
e308 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 38-20  A, Posteroanterior radiograph of the spine of a 15-year-old girl with scoliosis measuring 52 degrees. B, Lateral radiograph
reveals increased thoracic kyphosis (which is atypical for idiopathic scoliosis). C and D, Foot radiographs reveal a right foot deformity.
E, Magnetic resonance imaging shows an extensive syrinx. F, After neurosurgical decompression and shunting, the curve progressed.
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e309

FIGURE 38-20, cont’d  G, Clinical appearance of the patient. H and I, Radiographs after uneventful posterior spinal fusion with
instrumentation. A wake-up test was performed because intraoperative neurologic monitoring was not possible because of lack of signal
before incision.

Plasma exchange or intravenous immune globulin

Clinical Features
(IVIG) shortens the duration and severity of the disease
There is variation in the mode of onset, severity of motor significantly when started early in the course of the
and sensory involvement, and distribution of paresis. Ante- disease.77,126,141,168,186,341 IVIG treatment has been shown to
cedent symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, or diar- decrease hospital days and decrease the number of patients
rhea.158 Patients may be seen in the emergency department who require mechanical ventilation.161 Repeated plasma-
or by a pediatric orthopaedist with acute deterioration in pheresis works in GBS by removing the pathogenic autoan-
gait or inability to walk. They may also complain of acute tibodies. The use of IVIG is based on the theory that it may
severe leg or back pain, and therefore may be referred to inactivate specific antimyelin antibodies and inhibit their
the orthopaedic surgeon.138,191 Because the child may ini- production indirectly.270 The administration of IVIG has
tially present with an inability to walk, and because the gained favor because of its simplicity and similar clinical
paralysis can rapidly ascend, leading to death, it is impera- results, with clinical improvement noted within 1 to 2.4
tive for the pediatric orthopaedic surgeon to be aware of days in various series.1,3,216 The number of IVIG infusions
this rare disease. necessary to obtain the best results is unknown, but one
Paralysis is usually symmetric and more marked distally study has recommended a total empiric dose of 2 g/kg
than proximally. The deep tendon reflexes are diminished administered over 2 consecutive days; relapse may occur 2
or absent. Motor weakness is usually accompanied by some to 3 weeks posttreatment.161,276,343 Treatment with com-
sensory disturbance, which varies widely. Bowel and bladder bined selective plasmapheresis and IVIG administration is
involvement may be seen in severe cases. Cranial nerve not beneficial.128 The efficacy of plasmapheresis or IVIG
involvement is most frequently seen in the facial and acces- therapy in established severe disease has been debated.97,248,277
sory nerves. Occasionally papilledema may be present. Corticosteroids have not been proven effective for the
Tachycardia and hypertension may be seen.56 Intelligence is treatment of GBS; however, combined methylprednisolone
usually preserved. and IVIG has been reported to shorten the time needed to
regain independent walking.276,319
The paralyzed limbs are exercised with physical therapy
to maintain motion, and orthoses are used as needed to
Treatment is managed by the pediatric neurologist. Patients position the joints. When the child regains the ability to
are immediately admitted to the hospital and monitored for walk, orthoses may be helpful to provide support. Tendon
autonomic and respiratory involvement.145 Intubation and transfer or arthrodesis may be useful in the treatment of
mechanical ventilation may be necessary in some patients. the child with permanent neurologic deficits, but surgery
e310 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

should be delayed at least 2 years after the onset of the stretch incurred during femoral lengthening or reduction of
disease to allow for any return of function.22,95 developmental dislocation of the hip.122,146,155 The sciatic
nerve may also be injured during pelvic osteotomies such as
the Salter innominate osteotomy, Chiari osteotomy, or
Bernese periacetabular osteotomy.16,84,240,303 Sciatic nerve
The clinical course varies with the type and severity of palsy has been described after intramedullary nailing of the
disease.110,136 Overall, recovery is more rapid and complete femur and as a result of stretch incurred during hamstring
in the pediatric population.129 Patients with the AMAN lengthening in children with cerebral palsy and knee flexion
form are usually younger, have more rapid clinical deteriora- contractures.7,152 Finally, the sciatic nerve may be injured
tion, have a higher incidence of respiratory failure, and during a difficult obstetric delivery or as a result of a pen-
experience slower recovery.226 In patients with mild involve- etrating missile injury (e.g., gunshot wound).78,144,267,300
ment, complete recovery may occur within a few months. Peroneal nerve palsy has been described as being caused
In severe forms, recovery may take up to 2 years, and there by the presence or resection of proximal fibular osteochon-
may be residual paralysis. Mild long-term muscle weakness dromas, after proximal tibial osteotomy for angular defor-
has been documented in up to 23% of children with GBS, mity, or caused by direct compression in patients with
but this rarely affects functional activities.317 In very severe anorexia nervosa.42,178,184,233,286 Patients undergoing applica-
cases, all voluntary musculature may become paralyzed, and tion of external fixation for tibial lengthening may also
death may rarely occur from respiratory arrest or pneumo- develop peroneal nerve palsy, which may be discovered
nia.174 The need for mechanical ventilation has been cor- intraoperatively with the use of somatosensory evoked
related with high CSF protein levels and cranial nerve potential monitoring.89,187 Peroneal nerve palsy has been
involvement.245,266 Death from cardiac arrhythmias caused documented in patients who had early spica cast application
by autonomic nervous system involvement has also been for the treatment of femoral shaft fractures and in patients
described.34 who underwent delayed nailing of shortened femur frac-
In a multicenter study of 175 patients between 11 tures.250,332 Peroneal nerve palsy has also been seen in the
months and 17.7 years of age, 26% of patients remained presence of a perineuroma of the nerve, a rare benign
able to walk, but 16% had to be mechanically ventilated at growth present in and around the substance of the nerve.116
the peak of neurologic involvement. The median time from
onset of symptoms to the first sign of recovery was 17 days,
Clinical Features
to walk unaided, 37 days, and to complete resolution of
symptoms, 66 days. There was a large group with a benign In sciatic nerve injury resulting from an injection, an acute
course and a smaller group with a more protracted course. inflammation of the intraneural and perineural tissues
At long-term follow-up, 98 of 106 patients were free of develops first. Destruction of the axons and disappearance
symptoms and the remainder were able to walk unaided.159 of the myelin sheath follow, with eventual fibrosis of the
Grossly, the nerve appears withered and fibrotic. The
Sciatic and Peroneal Nerve Palsy nerve becomes adherent to the surrounding fatty and mus-
cular tissues, and there is local hypervascularity.
The sciatic nerve is made up of the tibial and peroneal divi- Loss of motor function and sensory disturbances occur
sions. The peroneal division is most prone to palsy because immediately after injection of or injury to the nerve. Usually
of its more superficial anatomic location. The common there is intense local and referred pain in the distribution
peroneal nerve is most likely to suffer injury within the of the nerve in cases of injection injury, and there may be
fibular tunnel—that is, between the proximal fibular neck local gluteal tenderness.
and tendinous origin of the peroneus longus.261,304 If the peroneal nerve division of the sciatic nerve is
selectively involved, dorsiflexion of the ankle and toes and
eversion of the ankle are lost, and sensation over the lateral
aspect of the calf and the dorsum of the foot is absent. If
A common cause of sciatic nerve injury in infants and chil- the tibial component of the nerve is injured as well, the
dren is an intramuscular injection of antibiotics or other entire foot will be anesthetic and the ankle will be flail. The
medications into the gluteal region. The medication is neurologic injury is maximal immediately after injury, and
injected into or adjacent to the nerve as it exits from the the paresis remains static or slowly improves. Atrophic
sciatic notch and is crossed by the piriformis muscle. The changes in the lower extremity mirror the severity of the
child may be emaciated and have gluteal atrophy or may be nerve deficit. Muscle wasting, atrophic skin changes, and
a well-nourished child who is kicking at the time of the decreased bone growth with leg length inequality should be
inoculation.24,58,167,321 Children younger than 5 years are anticipated.
most at risk.82
Parenteral administration of medications through the
Radiographic Findings
umbilical vessels in a newborn may also cause thrombosis
or vasospasm of the inferior gluteal arteries and damage Routine radiographic studies should be performed to rule
the sciatic nerves. The buttock skin may slough in this out fracture of the lesser trochanter, posterior hip disloca-
situation.63,92,241,281 tion, and heterotopic ossification when these entities are
Other causes of sciatic nerve palsy include trauma (e.g., suspected. MRI of the sciatic nerve can show inflammation
posterior dislocation of the hip or acetabular fracture) and or transection in the case of iatrogenic laceration of the
CHAPTER 38  Disorders of the Peripheral Nervous System e311

nerve. MRI is also useful in establishing the presence of with sciatic nerve injury. It was found that young pediatric
lesions within the nerve, such as a ganglion, neurofibroma, patients have the best chance of recovering motor function
or perineuroma. after sural nerve grafts.313 Protective sensation improves
more than motor strength in these patients, but 50% of the
children were able to decrease their reliance on orthoses for
ankle stability.312 Recovery in the tibial division of the nerve
Prevention is the most important approach regarding sciatic occurs more often than recovery in the peroneal division
and peroneal nerve palsies. Surgical retraction must be after surgery.157
gentle, especially in cases of proximal tibial osteotomy for Similarly, if peroneal nerve function fails to recover by 3
angular correction.286 Surgeons must remain aware of the to 6 months after the onset of the palsy, or if nerve lacera-
effect of hip flexion and knee extension on the tension tion is suspected as the cause of the palsy, surgical explora-
within the sciatic nerve during surgical procedures such as tion of the nerve is merited, with sural nerve grafting as
lengthening the hamstrings in a child with cerebral palsy.33 needed.207,334 Mont and colleagues have recommended per-
The use of intraoperative electrophysiologic monitoring forming the studies at 3 months if the palsy persists, with
during acetabular fracture surgery and pelvic osteotomy operative exploration in the fourth month if recovery is not
remains controversial.107,240 seen. Their results indicated a faster and more complete
It is crucial to prevent sciatic nerve palsy resulting from recovery after exploration and neurolysis.207
gluteal injections. Tachdjian has outlined the following pre- Supportive orthopaedic care consists of the prescription
ventive measures: of ankle-foot orthoses for treatment of the flail ankle or foot
drop. In patients with permanent peroneal nerve palsy,
1. Intramuscular (IM) injections in the anterior and lateral
anterior transfer of the posterior tibialis tendon through the
portions of the midthigh should be made in the quadri-
interosseous membrane to the middorsum of the foot may
ceps muscle.
restore some dorsiflexion, or at least serve as a tenodesis
2. If multiple IM injections must be given, rotate them
and improve the steppage gait from the foot drop.249,256
from the right to left sides.
Although clinical results are usually good, only 30% of ankle
3. Inject into the upper outer quadrant of the buttock if
dorsiflexion power, as measured by dynamometry, is
the gluteal site must be used.
restored with this transfer.338
4. Use an assistant to immobilize the kicking child, and
observe the site of injection at all times.
5. Pick up the muscle with one hand and perform the injec- References
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C H A P T E R 3 9 

Muscle Diseases Lori A. Karol

Chapter Outline Significant advances in molecular genetic research have
helped establish the cause of the primary progressive mus-
Muscular Dystrophies cular dystrophies. The gene responsible for Duchenne mus-
Myotonic Dystrophy cular dystrophy is located on the Xp21 region of the X
Metabolic Diseases of Muscle chromosome and spans 2 million base pairs.119,149 One third
Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis of all cases of Duchenne muscular dystrophy occur as a
Myositis Ossificans result of spontaneous mutation.244 The Xp21 region of the
Progressive Fibrosis of the Quadriceps X chromosome encodes for dystrophin, a 400-kilodalton
Myasthenia Gravis protein present in skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle and
in the brain.127 Dystrophin is critical to the stability of the
cell membrane cytoskeleton. Boys with Duchenne muscular
dystrophy have mutations that disrupt the translational
reading frame or the promoter region of DNA, thereby
resulting in a lack of dystrophin.
Becker muscular dystrophy, which is a more benign
Muscular Dystrophies form, occurs in males and is transmitted in an X-linked
recessive manner, similar to Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
The gene responsible for Becker muscular dystrophy is the
The muscular dystrophies are a group of genetically deter- same gene that encodes dystrophin. However, boys with
mined, progressive diseases of skeletal muscle (Table 39-1). Becker muscular dystrophy have in-frame mutations that
Muscular dystrophies are not inflammatory and thus are result in the production of low-molecular-weight dystro-
classified as myopathies rather than as myositis. By defini- phin or lower amounts of normal-molecular-weight dystro-
tion, pathologic changes occur within the muscle fibers phin.119 Genetic testing has revealed that 60% to 80% of
themselves, but innervation of the muscle is normal, and children with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy have
the peripheral nerves are also normal. demonstrable mutations or deletions of the dystrophin
Historical Background Dystrophin is not abnormal in other forms of muscular
The first documentation of muscular dystrophy was pro- dystrophy. The gene locus for Emery-Dreifuss muscular
vided by Meryon in 1852 when he described a family in dystrophy is located on the long arm of the X chromosome
which progressive atrophy and weakness of the muscles at Xq28.34,57,286 This gene encodes for emerin, a protein that
developed in four boys during childhood.182 Even though is present in the nuclear membranes of skeletal and cardiac
autopsy revealed degeneration of muscle, Meryon still con- muscle.163 Even though dystrophin is normal in Emery-
fused the condition with progressive neurologic atrophy. Dreifuss syndrome, emerin is absent.
In 1868 Duchenne characterized the entity as a muscle The gene associated with myotonic dystrophy is located
disease of childhood or adolescence, most commonly seen on chromosome 19. This disease is epitomized by expansion
in boys, that is typified by progressive weakness of the of a sequence of three nucleotides: cytosine, thymine, and
muscles, beginning in the lower limbs and spreading to guanine. The number of repeats of this trinucleotide (CTG)
the trunk and arms; enlargement (pseudohypertrophy) of increases as the gene is passed to subsequent generations,
the weakened muscles; hyperplasia of interstitial connective and the clinical manifestations of myotonic dystrophy
tissue; and an increase in fat cells in the affected muscles.64 become more severe with an increasing number of repeats.
Duchenne also noted that the changes occurred only in the Thus, anticipation is characteristic of the phenotype of the
muscles; no pathologic changes were evident in the nervous disease, with children of affected mothers exhibiting greater
system. severity.
In 1879 Gowers described the classic clinical sign of a The locus for facioscapulohumeral dystrophy is located
patient “climbing up the legs” (Fig. 39-1) and later delin- on chromosome 4 at the 4q35 region.21,280
eated another form of muscular dystrophy that affected
primarily the distal musculature.95,96 Limb-girdle, facioscapu- Pathology
lohumeral, and myotonic dystrophies were all described in The pathologic changes in muscles are similar in all forms
the late 1800s.73,74,152 of muscular dystrophy.116 Yet each disease is a separate
entity based on its genetic transmission, age at onset, clinical
Classification course, distribution of involvement, and results of molecu-
The classification of progressive muscular dystrophy that is lar genetic testing.
most relevant from clinical and genetic standpoints is the The most important histologic feature of muscular dys-
system proposed by Walton (Box 39-1).277,278 trophy is loss of muscle fibers, which is caused by segmental

CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e321

Table 39-1  Clinical Features of Principal Types of Muscular Dystrophy

Clinical Features Duchenne Becker Emery-Dreifuss Limb-Girdle Facioscapulohumeral

Incidence Most common Less common, but Uncommon Less common Not common
not rare
Age at onset Usually before 3 yr; Usually after 7 yr Variable (usually Variable (usually in
some between 3 by second second
and 6 yr decade, decade)
Sex prevalence Male Male Male Either sex Either sex
Inheritance X-linked recessive X-linked recessive X-linked recessive Autosomal Autosomal dominant
Responsible gene Xp21 region of X Xp21 region of X Xq28 region of X Located on 4q35 region of
chromosome chromosome chromosome chromosome chromosome 4
15 and
responsible for
production of
calpain 3
Pattern of muscle Proximal (pelvic and Proximal (similar to Humeroperoneal Proximal (shoulder Face and shoulder
involvement shoulder girdle Duchenne type, distribution and pelvic girdle; later
muscles affected but loss of girdle, spreads spreads to pelvic
early; spreads to muscle strength to periphery girdle
periphery of is slower) late)
limbs late in
Muscles spared Gastrocnemius, toe Similar to Duchenne — In upper Back extensors,
until late flexors, posterior type extremity, iliopsoas, hip
tibial, hamstrings, brachioradialis abductors,
hand muscles, and hand; in quadriceps
upper trapezius, lower
biceps, triceps, extremity, calf
face, jaw, muscles
laryngeal, and
Pseudohypertrophy 80% of cases (calf Same as Duchenne — Less than 30% of Rare
muscles) cases
Contractural Common Common in severe Common Develop late in Mild, occur late
deformities cases; less course; less
common in severe than in
milder cases Duchenne type
Scoliosis and Common in late More common in Does occur but Mild in late stage Mild, occur late
kyphoscoliosis stage severe cases may
Cardiac Hypertrophy and Electrocardiographic Cardiomyopathy, Very rare Very rare
involvement tachycardia abnormalities most
common; in late common; dilated commonly
stages, cardiomyopathy manifested as
widespread in high heart block
degeneration, percentage of
fibrosis, and fatty patients; mitral
infiltration regurgitation and
heart failure seen
in late stages
Intellectual level Commonly Normal Normal Normal Normal
e322 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 39-1  Gowers sign: a patient with hip extensor weakness “walks” his hands up his legs to raise his trunk to an upright position.

Box 39-1  Walton’s Classification of The histopathologic findings vary with disease severity.
Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Fiber necrosis, splitting, phagocytosis, and fatty replace-
ment are most pronounced in Duchenne muscular dystro-
PURE MUSCULAR DYSTROPHIES phy. In later-onset dystrophies (e.g., distal muscular
X-linked recessive inheritance dystrophy), fiber size variation, fibrosis, and central nucle-
Duchenne ation are more common. In myotonic dystrophy, a unique
Becker finding of rows of central nuclei and annulets is sometimes
Emery-Dreifuss seen. Histochemistry often reveals a predominance of small
Autosomal recessive inheritance
type I fibers.
Early onset in childhood—”Duchenne-like”
Analysis of dystrophin in muscle biopsy specimens has
Congenital become an integral part of the evaluation and diagnosis of
Autosomal dominant inheritance muscular dystrophy.117,118,185 The content of dystrophin in
Facioscapulohumeral muscle biopsy specimens can be determined by immuno-
Scapuloperoneal fluorescent staining with antibodies against parts of the
Late onset proximal dystrophin molecule. Commonly, a Western blot of a
Distal (adult) homogenate of muscle tissue is examined for the presence,
Distal (infantile) amount, and molecular weight of dystrophin.125 An enzyme-
Ocular linked immunosorbent assay is also used to quantify the
amount of dystrophin.48
DYSTROPHIES WITH MYOTONIA Because dystrophin is absent in the vast majority of boys
Myotonia congenita with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a definitive diagnosis
Dystrophia myotonica can be made when no dystrophin is present.203 In patients
Paramyotonia congenita with Becker muscular dystrophy, dystrophin is altered in
size, amount, or both. The amount of dystrophin present
has been correlated with the clinical phenotype; specifically,
the age at which the patient loses the ability to walk inde-
necrosis and eventual fragmentation of the fibers (Fig. pendently.202 The presence of normal dystrophin rules out
39-2).1 The size of individual muscle fibers displays marked Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy while raising the
variation, with fibers ranging from 10 to 230 µm. In addi- possibility of limb-girdle dystrophy or one of the other less
tion, the arrangement of large and small fibers is random. common forms.
Enlarged, “hypercontracted” fibers may contain abnormally Analysis of dystrophin has also been used in genetic
increased amounts of calcium. The muscle fibers retract testing to help distinguish potential carriers of Duchenne
from their endomysial sheaths, with forking or branching and Becker muscular dystrophy. In some women who are
(“splitting”) of the fibers, which some researchers hypoth- carriers, dystrophin immunostaining has been documented
esize may represent an attempt at regeneration. Necrosis of as abnormal.45,120,168
the muscle fibers is accompanied by phagocytosis and his-
tiocytic proliferation in the areas of necrosis. The sarcolem- Laboratory Findings
mic nuclei are enlarged in regenerating fibers. Interstitial The level of creatine kinase (CK) in blood is elevated in
connective tissue is increased, with substantial infiltration patients with muscle disease and is not specific to the mus-
of adipose tissue.118 cular dystrophies.196 As the muscle cell degenerates, CK is
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e323

levels in end-stage disease.54 Serum glutamic-oxaloacetic

transaminase (also known as aspartate transaminase) and
lactate dehydrogenase may also be elevated, but abnormali-
ties in these enzyme levels are nonspecific for muscle
Electromyography and Nerve Conduction
An electromyogram (EMG) can help differentiate myo-
pathic and neuropathic processes. The EMG recording in
patients with muscular dystrophies is distinguished by a
pattern of low-amplitude, short-duration, polyphasic motor
unit potentials.244 Nerve conduction velocity is normal in
patients with muscular dystrophies. It should be noted that
nerve conduction velocity increases with age as myelination
occurs in young children.191,222 Normal adult values (i.e.,
A 50 m/sec) are usually seen by 6 years of age.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

Etiology and Diagnosis
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the most common form of
muscular dystrophy, occurs in 1 in 3500 boys.71,244 It is
transmitted in an X-linked recessive fashion whereby all
affected persons are male; females are carriers of the gene.
On very rare occasion, females with Turner syndrome
exhibit the disease because of their XO genotype. Other
rare chromosomal events, such as translocations, can also
result in clinically affected girls.
The first responsibility of the orthopaedic surgeon is to
establish the diagnosis. It may be difficult for an orthopae-
dist to diagnose Duchenne muscular dystrophy at a child’s
initial visit. Duchenne muscular dystrophy and polymyositis
have some similarities, but certain features of the two dis-
FIGURE 39-2  Histologic changes in progressive muscular eases can help establish the correct diagnosis (Table 39-2).
dystrophy. A, Transverse section taken from the vastus lateralis It is extremely important to diagnose Duchenne muscular
muscle of a 7-year-old boy with early-stage disease (hematoxylin- dystrophy as soon as possible because a delay may lead to
eosin, ×400). Note the substantial variation in the size of further pregnancies in a carrier and the birth of affected
individual muscle fibers and retraction of the muscle fibers from children in an uninformed family.226
the endomysial sheaths. B, Longitudinal section from an enlarged Molecular genetic testing has eliminated the need for
gastrocnemius muscle (hematoxylin-eosin, ×250). Note the
muscle biopsy in many patients, but in some cases, muscle
accumulation of adipose tissue and reduction in the number of
muscle fibers.
biopsy is still necessary. The vastus lateralis is the usual site
for biopsy. It is important to excise enough muscle so that
dystrophin analysis can be performed in addition to light
released and serum CK levels can be elevated 20 to 200 microscopy. The muscle sample must not be traumatized;
times higher than normal.244 Serum CK levels are generally careful surgical technique is used so that the specimen is not
higher in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy than stretched or crushed, and handling of the specimen should
in those with the Becker type; however, the two diseases be minimized. Preoperative consultation with the patholo-
do have some overlap, and a distinction cannot be made gist is essential so that the tissue is delivered promptly and
simply by measuring serum CK levels. In Duchenne mus- not placed in an inappropriate solution. Fresh tissue for
cular dystrophy, the CK level is elevated in the presymp- cryostat section is necessary for an accurate diagnosis.
tomatic phase of the disease, falls as the disease worsens, Debate exists whether open biopsy is preferable to
and approaches nearly normal levels in end-stage disease, needle biopsy. Special clamps to maintain muscle length
when almost all skeletal muscle has been replaced.54 In have fallen out of favor as more specific testing of the tissue
some cases, female carriers of Duchenne muscular dystro- has become available. Mubarak and associates found needle
phy have elevated CK levels; however, genetic counseling biopsy to be diagnostic in most patients; in addition, it
based only on this finding is ill advised.120,169 required less anesthetic and left minimal scarring.194
Aldolase is another enzyme that is elevated in children In utero fetal muscle biopsy has been used to establish
with muscular dystrophy. Its course is similar to that of CK: the diagnosis of Duchenne muscular dystrophy following
serum levels are highest in the early phase of the disease, the diagnosis of one previously affected male in whom no
decline as the disease progresses, and approach normal gene deletion could be identified.109
e324 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Table 39-2  Differential Diagnosis of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy and Polymyositis

Features Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Polymyositis

Sex prevalence Males Females

Inheritance Sex-linked recessive None
Pattern of muscle involvement Proximal, much more selective Proximal, sometimes distal
Facial muscle weakness May be present in some forms Almost never
Weakness of neck and back extensors Rare except very late Common
Dysphagia Very rare except terminally Frequent
Muscular atrophy Severe Mild (with tenderness)
Pseudohypertrophy Common Rare
Deep tendon reflexes Preserved until late Preserved longer
Skin changes Not observed Present
Electromyography Short, low-amplitude potentials Short, low-amplitude potentials; fibrillations
Serum enzymes (creatine kinase and Elevated Elevated
Muscle biopsy Variable fiber size degeneration Degeneration and inflammatory cells
Specific treatment None Steroids (definite clinical response if given early
in high dosage)
Prognosis Usually death within 20 yr Spontaneous remission in 80%

Clinical Features located anterior to the joint.124,254 Thus, the patient partially
The disease is usually manifested in children between 3 and overcomes weakness in the quadriceps by locking the knee
6 years of age. The onset of weakness is insidious. Affected joint via the posterior capsule in full extension (Fig. 39-3).
boys may achieve motor milestones at somewhat older ages, Muscle weakness is also present in the gluteal muscles
and a slight delay in walking may be noted. Although the early in the disease and leads to the development of a Tren-
disease is not usually evident until after 3 years of age, the delenburg gait.124,254,255 The stance-phase limb abductors are
Gowers sign may be present as early as 15 months. not strong enough to hold the pelvis up as the contralateral
Initial signs can range from a waddling gait to difficulty limb enters the swing phase. As a result, the child brings
climbing stairs to marked muscle weakness and clumsiness. the weight of the upper part of the body over the stance
In the early stages of the disease, boys may have notable limb via trunk sway to augment abductor strength (Fig.
toe-walking during ambulation. Duchenne muscular dystro- 39-4). Such compensation results in a waddling appearance
phy should be considered in any young boy with ankle as the trunk sways back and forth over each limb during the
equinus and a normal birth history. stance phase. The base of the gait also widens in an attempt
The muscle weakness develops symmetrically. Weakness to improve stability and avoid falling. Subsequent contrac-
is noted initially in the proximal musculature, with the hip tures of the iliotibial band cause further widening of the
extensors often being the first muscles affected. Lower base of the gait.
extremity involvement usually precedes upper extremity As the disease progresses and muscle weakness becomes
disease by 3 to 5 years. As the disease progresses, contrac- more pronounced, the stance phase of gait is prolonged and
tures occur predictably in certain muscle groups while the swing phase shortens. The child’s cadence decreases as
sparing others. Weakness coupled with contractures leads it becomes more difficult to take steps.255 The amount of
to deviations in gait. time spent in double-limb support increases as the patient
Ankle equinus is frequently the first sign of Duchenne experiences more difficulty standing on a single limb.
muscular dystrophy. Contracture at the ankle leads to toe- Behavioral studies have shown that patients with Du­­
walking and a tendency to hyperextend the knees. Knee chenne muscular dystrophy have cognitive impairment with
hyperextension locks the posterior capsule of the knee, lower than normal intelligence. Abnormal central nervous
thereby augmenting the weak quadriceps and preventing system architecture and loss of neurons, as well as electro-
buckling of the knee. Hip extensor weakness leads to ante- encephalographic abnormalities, have been documented.10
rior tilt of the pelvis, which results in hyperlordosis of the
lumbar spine during gait.255 The body realigns itself to take Physical Examination
advantage of the stability offered by the hip and knee Findings on physical examination vary depending on the
joints.124 The hip becomes more stable as the ground reac- stage of the disease. Initially, the only discernible contrac-
tion force comes to lie posterior to the joint, whereas the ture is in the gastrocsoleus. The muscle belly of the gastroc-
knee gains stability when the ground reaction force is soleus is usually enlarged (termed pseudohypertrophy) (Fig.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e325


FIGURE 39-5  In patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, the

muscle belly of the gastrocsoleus is usually enlarged (termed

FIGURE 39-3  Typical posture of ambulatory patients with

Duchenne muscular dystrophy. To compensate for a weak 39-5). Enlargement results from fibrofatty replacement of
quadriceps and prevent buckling of the hip, the patient locks the muscle fibers, which is most notable in the gastrocsoleus
knee joint in full extension. Stability is increased when the ground muscle and feels like hard rubber. The patient is unable to
reaction force is posterior to the hip and anterior to the knee. fully dorsiflex the ankles.
Careful, complete muscle testing reveals weakness in the
proximal musculature of the lower extremities. Hip abduc-
tor weakness can be demonstrated by having the patient
attempt to stand on one leg. When viewing the individual
from behind during this maneuver, the clinician can see a
drop in the hemipelvis on the side of the non–weight-
bearing limb (Trendelenburg sign), which indicates weak-
ness of the gluteal muscles (see Fig. 39-4). If the examiner
is not sure whether the patient has muscular weakness, the
child should be asked to sit on the floor of the examining
room and then rise quickly to a standing position without
assistance. Difficulty performing such a maneuver leads the
patient to use the arms to push up on the lower extremities
to assist in hip and knee extension while standing up. A boy
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy “walks” his hands up
his legs to raise his trunk to an upright position (Gowers
sign; see Fig. 39-1).96 A second clinical sign is the Meryon
sign182; when the examiner lifts the child by the chest, the
child’s arms abduct and slide through the embrace of the
examiner’s arms because of shoulder girdle weakness.
As the severity of the disease increases, contractures
occur throughout the lower extremities. Abduction con-
tractures of the hips develop because of tightness of the
Normal Positive
iliotibial bands. Such contractures can be demonstrated
with the Ober test, which is performed with the child lying
FIGURE 39-4  Trendelenburg gait. The stance-phase limb
on his side. The leg is abducted, and the hip is extended
abductors are not strong enough to hold the pelvis up as the
and brought into adduction in the extended position.
contralateral limb enters the swing phase. As a result, the patient
brings the weight of the upper part of the body over the stance Abduction contractures in children with Duchenne muscu-
limb via trunk sway to augment abductor strength. When viewing lar dystrophy usually exceed 30 degrees. Ankle equinus
the patient from behind, the clinician can see a drop in the becomes more pronounced, and varus of the hindfoot
hemipelvis on the side of the non–weight-bearing limb, which appears as the posterior tibialis muscle becomes contracted
indicates weakness of the gluteal muscles. (Fig. 39-6). Knee and hip flexion contractures develop as
e326 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

the child loses the ability to walk and starts using a wheel- late in the course of the disease. Boutonnière and swan-neck
chair more often. When measuring hip flexion contractures, deformities develop in the fingers but rarely interfere with
the hip must be adducted because the abduction contrac- the patient’s ability to use a motorized wheelchair.
ture may mask the severity of the flexion contracture.
Scoliosis appears in late childhood or early adolescence. Medical Concerns
It is mild at first but progresses relentlessly in most patients. As the myopathy worsens, the pulmonary and cardiac
The curve is frequently accompanied by an increase in systems are affected. The first sign of pulmonary insuffi-
lumbar kyphosis after the patient starts using a wheelchair. ciency is a reduction in expiratory muscle strength. With
While in the wheelchair the patient’s trunk lists to the side, advancing age, pulmonary function steady declines.104
and sitting without the assistance of the upper extremities Cardiac changes include right ventricular hypertrophy, sinus
becomes progressively more difficult (Fig. 39-7). tachycardia, mitral valve prolapse, and diminution of the
In the upper extremities, contractures eventually develop QRS wave.20,204 A policy statement has been published that
in the elbow flexors. The patient loses the ability to abduct provides recommendations for cardiac evaluation in boys
the shoulders. Hand function is not usually affected until with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.9
No definitive treatment is available for Duchenne muscular
dystrophy, and the disease is inevitably fatal. Coordinated
multidisciplinary care, including orthopaedic surgery, neu-
rology, pulmonology, cardiology, nutrition, and physical
therapy, focuses on maximizing the child’s function. The
primary goal of early treatment is to help the patient main-
tain functional ambulation as long as possible. When the
patient becomes nonambulatory, management is directed
toward treating scoliosis when it develops and addressing
the problems associated with nonambulation as they occur.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is provided to prolong mobility and stretch
the muscles to prevent or minimize contractures. A stretch-
ing program at home, combined with the use of orthoses at
night, can delay the progression of equinus. The patient is
FIGURE 39-6  Equinovarus contracture of the foot in a trained in the use of orthoses while still ambulatory.110
nonambulatory patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Upper extremity weakness generally precludes the use of

FIGURE 39-7  A and C, Thirteen-year-old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and scoliosis. Clinical photographs and radiograph (B)
show listing to the right and waist asymmetry.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e327

walkers or crutches. After surgery or fractures, aggressive be that the children who were able to walk for the longest
mobilization of the patient in a physical therapy setting is time after surgery had milder disease to start with—that is,
crucial to minimize postoperative weakening of the muscles. they may have had some dystrophin present—and thus
When the child is no longer able to walk, appropriate wheel- severe Becker muscular dystrophy should have been diag-
chair seating is prescribed, and the patient is trained in nosed instead of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. A more
transfers and use of a motorized chair. accurate diagnosis may be achieved through dystrophin
Lower Limb Surgery It is agreed that if the child has already lost the ability
As muscle weakness worsens and contractures develop, to walk, the operation must be done in a timely manner if
walking becomes more labored and unstable, which results ambulation is to be reestablished.273 Once the patient
in many falls. Soft tissue surgery can improve gait and becomes nonambulatory, muscle strength is lost quickly. A
prolong the child’s ability to walk. small window of opportunity—3 to 6 months—is available
after the child stops walking when surgery can make ambu-
Timing of Surgery. The timing of this surgery is controver- lation possible again in rare instances.248 Operations after
sial.274 Surgery for lower limb contractures in patients with this time do not help the patient walk; however, foot surgery
Duchenne muscular dystrophy has been classified by in a nonambulatory patient can make wearing shoes
Shapiro and Specht (Box 39-2).244 possible.
The strongest proponents of early surgery (i.e., per- Factors other than age play an important role in deter-
formed between 4 and 6 years of age, before contractures mining the success of tendon surgery in patients with Duch-
develop) believe that the quality of ambulation without enne muscular dystrophy.272 The child’s motivation to retain
braces is enhanced and the child’s need for a wheelchair is walking ability and to cooperate with postoperative bracing
delayed.18,81,90,228 However, a randomized trial by Manzur and physical therapy cannot be overlooked. Depression,
and associates164 reported no beneficial effect on strength which is common in patients in the surgical age group, can
or function at 12 to 37 months of follow-up. Smith and interfere with postoperative care and home exercise pro-
colleagues248 found that patients who underwent surgery at grams. The parents’ motivation must also be taken into
a later age (>10 years) maintained their ability to walk an account. Another factor is obesity, which is common in boys
average of 2 years longer than did those who did not undergo with Duchenne muscular dystrophy68 and is a poor prognos-
surgery, and they were able to stand almost a year after they tic sign for regaining the ability to ambulate after surgery.38
lost the ability to walk. With the advent of steroid therapy,
muscle strength is preserved for longer periods and there- Techniques. Equinus is managed by percutaneously length-
fore early surgery has fallen out of favor. ening the Achilles tendon.282,286 Varus is treated by surgery
It is difficult to compare the results of the various studies on the posterior tibialis tendon. Some authors recommend
of lower extremity surgery in patients with Duchenne tenotomy or lengthening of the posterior tibialis, but most
muscular dystrophy. On average, such operations prolong advocate anterior transfer of the tendon through the inter-
walking time 2 to 3 years, but the age at which children osseous membrane to the center of the dorsum of the foot
who are not treated with steroids lose ambulation varies (Plate 39-1).186 This approach not only corrects varus of the
from 7 to 16 years (whereas with Becker muscular dystro- hindfoot but also augments dorsiflexion of the ankle, which
phy, loss of ambulation may occur after 16 years). It may leads to less frequent recurrence of deformity.99,273
Scher and Mubarak reported that patients who under-
went multilevel surgery to prolong ambulation did not
Box 39-2  Shapiro and Specht Classification believe that the results were worth the surgery, bracing, and
of Contracture Surgery of the Lower Limbs therapy, and families stated that they would not choose to
in Patients With Duchenne Muscular do it again.238 However, satisfaction with the status of the
Dystrophy feet after Achilles tendon lengthening and posterior tibialis
tendon transfer was high, and patients who underwent pos-
• Early-extensive ambulatory approach: release at the hip, terior tibialis tendon transfer were more likely to be able to
hamstrings, and heel cords and posterior tibialis transfer wear whatever shoes they liked.238 The authors recom-
before the onset of significant contractures mended that Achilles lengthening, posterior tibialis tendon
• Moderate ambulatory approach: rarely includes hip
transfer, and toe flexor tenotomies be offered to all boys
abductor releases, with surgery being performed while
the child is still able to walk but is experiencing increasing
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. It should be noted that
difficulty their surgical technique of posterior tibialis tendon transfer
• Minimum ambulatory approach: correction of only equinus was novel in that the tendon was divided longitudinally
contractures proximal to the fibrocartilaginous insertion and extended in
• Rehabilitative approach: operative intervention after the length by doubling back the divided tendon from the mus-
child ceases walking but surgery pursued with the goal of culotendinous junction. The site of transfer chosen was the
reestablishing ambulation base of the second metatarsal, which necessitated a longer
• Palliative approach: surgical correction of equinovarus after tendon for transfer.
full-time wheelchair use has begun, with the goals of pain Another study in which patients who underwent Achilles
relief and improved ability to wear shoes
tendon lengthening and posterior tibial tendon transfer
From Shapiro R, Specht L: The diagnosis and orthopaedic treatment of
were compared with patients who had no foot surgery
inherited muscular diseases of childhood, J Bone Joint Surg Am 75:439, found no differences between the two in terms of the ability
1993. to wear shoes, foot pain, and patient satisfaction, although
e328 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

greater degrees of equinus were noted in the nonsurgical

group.155 Based on the different results of these two studies,
it can be concluded that foot surgery consisting of tendon
lengthening and transfer can benefit some boys with Duch-
enne muscular dystrophy, but many patients remain asymp-
tomatic despite the presence of contractures. The decision
to perform surgery should be made on an individualized
basis in consultation with the family.
Knee surgery consists of lengthening or tenotomy of the
hamstrings. Abduction contractures of the hips are treated
by resecting the iliotibial band through a proximal Ober
release, with or without a distal Yount resection, or via
fasciectomy of the iliotibial band. Hip flexion contractures
can be improved by release of the sartorius, rectus femoris,
and tensor fasciae latae.98
Postoperative care should include early weight bearing
and ambulation, with the child placed in a standing position
on the first postoperative day (Fig. 39-8). Because every day
of bed rest adds to the child’s weakness, effort must be
made to mobilize the child immediately. Casting should be
limited to below the hips so that the child can take steps
with the cast on. Short-leg casts are preferable when immo-
bilization of the knees is not crucial. When surgery is per-
formed on children 10 years or older, bracing with
lightweight knee-ankle-foot orthoses (KAFOs) is necessary
FIGURE 39-8  Early physical therapy in long-leg casts immediately to prolong ambulation (Fig. 39-9).273 The need for bracing
after soft tissue releases in a boy with Duchenne muscular should be anticipated before surgery so that the orthoses
dystrophy. are ready immediately afterward. Locked-knee KAFOs are
needed postoperatively for ambulation. Many children have
a well-founded fear of falling in their KAFOs because upper
extremity weakness prevents them from breaking the fall.
In children with sufficient arm strength, a walker may be
of assistance.

FIGURE 39-9  Postoperative lightweight knee-ankle-

foot orthoses used by a patient with Duchenne
muscular dystrophy. A, Braces can be used for
standing and walking. B, When the patient is using A B
a wheelchair, the knees of the braces are unlocked.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e329

impede full respiratory effort. Pulmonary function is already

Spinal Surgery precarious in these children, with forced vital capacity
Scoliosis develops in nearly all children with Duchenne (FVC) decreasing by approximately 4% each year and by
muscular dystrophy who are not treated medically, and it another 4% for each 10 degrees of thoracic scoliosis.150
becomes increasingly pronounced after the child is nonam- Because curve progression is the rule rather than the excep-
bulatory.134 Historically, scoliosis developed in one in four tion and because pulmonary function deteriorates rapidly
children before becoming nonambulatory.40 Currently, the when the patient is no longer able to walk, it is preferable
use of corticosteroids in boys with Duchenne muscular to perform surgery earlier, when the child’s respiratory
dystrophy is reducing the incidence and delaying the devel- status is functionally better. Delaying surgery because of
opment of scoliosis. Curves are long and sweeping and are brace treatment may make any subsequent operation less
associated with pelvic obliquity. The pattern of the defor- safe as a result of the presence of pulmonary disease.229,252,253
mity does not resemble that seen with idiopathic scoliosis; A lesser known reason for early stabilization of scoliosis
instead, it is neuromuscular in appearance (Fig. 39-10). is to prevent any subluxation or dislocation of the hip that
Thoracolumbar kyphosis is commonly present, but lumbar may result from the pelvic obliquity. Hip abnormalities,
hyperlordosis may be seen in some boys. If left untreated, though rare, have a deleterious effect on balanced seating
many curves progress beyond 90 degrees. Such curves make of nonambulatory boys with muscular dystrophy.50,53
it difficult for the child to sit comfortably and lead to skin The indications for spinal fusion to correct scoliosis in
breakdown because the muscle weakness interferes with patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy are different
the patient’s ability to relieve pressure during sitting.247 from those for idiopathic scoliosis. Surgery should be per-
formed once a curve reaches 30 degrees and the patient
Timing of Surgery and Indications. The appropriate treat- is nonambulatory because curve progression is guaranteed
ment of scoliosis is surgical intervention. Bracing has been and pulmonary function will deteriorate as the curve
tried but is not recommended in this patient population for worsens.123,247,251,252 Mubarak and associates recommended
several reasons. First, the goal of bracing is to prevent pro- surgery for curves greater than 20 degrees in children whose
gression of the curvature during the time of spinal growth, FVC is greater than 40% of normal.195 Surgery is best toler-
yet progression occurs in these patients despite bracing.49,55,65 ated before the patient’s FVC is less than 35% of age-
Second, the risk for progression is prolonged because of the matched normal values.187 Although surgery has been
patient’s profound muscle weakness. Third, bracing can performed successfully in children with more advanced
pulmonary disease,166,257 the risk for prolonged mechanical
ventilation and postoperative pneumonia increases. Use of
noninvasive mask ventilation such as bilevel positive airway
pressure (BIPAP) has improved postoperative outcomes in
patients with poor preoperative pulmonary function (i.e.,
FVC <30%).106 Preoperative planning must include cardiac
evaluation242 and pulmonary function tests. If the child’s
projected life span is less than 2 years, surgery may be

Techniques. Surgery consists of posterior spinal fusion with

instrumentation. Luque instrumentation with sublaminar
wires provides segmental fixation at each vertebra.160 Rigid
cross-linking of the rods is essential to maintain correction.
Use of a unit rod has also been recommended for posterior
spinal fusion in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
(Fig. 39-11). Good correction of scoliosis and pelvic obliq-
uity with segmental fixation via hook–screw constructs has
also been reported.112 Posterior spinal fusion with segmental
pedicle screw fixation is currently favored by many surgeons
because of improved curve correction and reduced blood
loss in comparison to sublaminar wires (Fig 39-12).16,105
Debate continues about the need to extend the fusion
to the pelvis. Mubarak and associates reported that for mild
curves without preexisting pelvic obliquity, fusion to L5 was
sufficient.195 More recently, Sengupta and co-workers found
that with smaller curves and no preoperative pelvic obliq-
uity, fixation to L5 with lumbar pedicle screws and thoracic
sublaminar wires prevented pelvic obliquity at a 3.5-year
follow-up.239 Most recently, all pedicle screw constructs to
L5 have been shown to maintain correction of severe scolio-
sis with pelvic obliquity as long as L5 tilt measured less than
FIGURE 39-10  Long sweeping thoracolumbar curve in a patient 15 degrees preoperatively.257 Alman and Kim are propo-
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. nents of fusion to the pelvis in boys with Duchenne
e330 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

muscular dystrophy.6 In a review of 38 patients with the

pelvis fused to L5, worsening pelvic obliquity occurred in
10 patients, 2 of whom required further spinal surgery.
In clinical practice, most patients have preexisting pelvic
obliquity at the time of treatment of the spinal curvature.
Because one of the primary goals of the operation is to
ensure a level pelvis for comfortable seating, most surgeons
continue to fuse to the pelvis with the Galveston or Dunn-
McCarthy technique or iliac screws (Figs. 39-13 and 39-
14).3,4,39,84,170,184 Marchesi and associates described the use
of sacral screws at S1 in patients with Duchenne muscular
dystrophy rather than Galveston rods between the tables
of the ilium.165 Regardless of the particular technique
used, caudal fixation is recommended to control pelvic

Results and Complications. The effect of spinal fusion and

correction of scoliosis on pulmonary function has been
studied by a number of investigators. Most authors have
found no difference in the rate of pulmonary deterioration
or long-term survival between patients who underwent
spinal fusion and those who did not, although all agree that
surgery improves sitting.139,184,185,242 Conversely, Velasco and
colleagues found that the rate of decline in pulmonary func-
tion was half the annual preoperative rate of decline in a
group of 56 patients following posterior spinal fusion.270
Additionally, an average perioperative decrease in pulmo-
nary function of 1% has been reported, which should be
FIGURE 39-11  Posterior spinal fusion with unit rod considered in the preoperative assessment of the patient.231
instrumentation for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Galasko and associates, on the other hand, found that chil-
dren whose scoliosis was stabilized maintained better pul-
monary function and lived longer.85,86
The complication rate of spinal surgery in patients with
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a concern. Major compli-
cations occurred in 27% in one study.225 During spinal
fusion, loss of blood can be substantial.241 Although the
results of laboratory analysis of platelet function are normal,
bleeding times may be increased, and blood vessel reactivity
is impaired.205,264 Platelet adhesion has also been found to
be deficient in boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.80
Therefore, one should be prepared for the transfusion of
several units of blood.279 Intravenous administration of an
antifibrinolytic medication such as tranexamic acid has been
shown to decrease blood loss in this patient group.245 Post-
operative infection is not uncommon, and instrumentation
failure can occur. Medical complications, such as pneumo-
nia, also occur more frequently in this patient population.
Miller and Hoffman noted pulmonary complications in 17%
of 183 patients who underwent surgery.188 Cardiac compli-
cations have been reported during anesthesia128 and in the
postoperative period.52 Sudden death can occur on rare
occasion in these children during the perioperative period.225
Studies have shown that the families of children with
Duchenne muscular dystrophy believe that the patients’
quality of life is enhanced by spinal fusion surgery.97,225
Without surgery, scoliosis interferes with comfortable sitting
in a wheelchair, thereby deterring children from getting out
into the community and forcing them into their beds during
A B the terminal phase of the disease. One substantial func-
FIGURE 39-12  A and B, Posterior fusion from T2 to the sacrum tional change noted by parents is that their children can no
using pedicle screw segmental fixation with iliac screws in a boy longer feed themselves after spinal fusion surgery because
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. the spine can no longer collapse and enable the head to be
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e331

FIGURE 39-13  Preoperative (A) and postoperative (B and C) radiographs of posterior spinal fusion with Luque-Galveston instrumentation
in a patient with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

FIGURE 39-14  A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the spine of an 11-year-old boy with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and 30-degree
scoliosis. B and C, Posterior spinal fusion via hybrid fixation, including hooks, pedicle screws, and Dunn-McCarthy sacral fixation, was
e332 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

lowered to the level of the food tray. Postoperative malnu- has been shown to delay the loss of ambulation in patients
trition has been documented in some of these children.126 with Duchenne muscular dystrophy for 2 to 5 years.76,100,101,175
Families should be counseled about the serious risks associ- Further investigations have been undertaken to evaluate
ated with this surgery and the consequences if the surgery pulsed treatments and alternate-day dosing to preserve
is not performed. A validated outcome tool has been devel- the efficacy of steroids but decrease their potential side
oped to assess symptoms and functional abilities important effects.288 Convincing work has come from Toronto and
to children with scoliosis and muscular dystrophy and their Quebec, where protocols using the steroid deflazacort have
parents.285 produced prolonged ambulation and a striking decrease in
the incidence of scoliosis.7,121 High-dose daily deflazacort
Anesthetic Considerations has been shown to maintain strength, preserve pulmonary
Malignant hyperthermia has been associated with muscular function, and prevent deformity better than lower-dose
dystrophies, particularly the Duchenne and Becker types. regimens.33 Seventy-seven percent of boys maintained on a
Use of succinylcholine and inhalational agents should be protocol of deflazacort, vitamin D, and calcium remained
avoided during surgery.138,153 Intraoperative cardiac arrest,128 able to walk at 15 years of age. Scoliosis was present in only
intraoperative anaphylaxis as a result of latex allergy,63 and 16% of the treated boys as compared with 90% of controls.
complete airway obstruction because of tracheobronchial A 2007 study of corticosteroid use found that boys who
compression after intubation230 have also been described in were treated daily with steroids walked 3.3 years longer
children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Hypotensive than did untreated boys and had a 31% incidence of scoliosis
anesthetic techniques to minimize blood loss have been versus 91% in the untreated cohort.142 Pulmonary function
used in selected patients with Duchenne muscular dystro- is also better preserved in Duchenne patients treated with
phy and mild scoliosis.42,83 both deflazacort and prednisone than in untreated controls
as evidenced by greater FVC (88% versus 39% of predicted
Upper Extremities FVC) and a delay in the use of noninvasive ventilation.17,22,30
Children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy commonly The improved health in patients treated with steroids versus
have elbow flexion and shoulder adduction contractures, untreated controls is maintained at longer-term follow-up
but these conditions do not require treatment. Wrist flexion, (age of 18 years).31
ulnar deviation, and finger flexion contractures may develop, Steroid therapy is associated with significant side effects,
and these conditions are best treated with daily passive including weight gain, cataracts, and osteopenia. Weight
stretching exercises. When wrist dorsiflexion is limited to gain is variable in boys taking steroids, with one study
neutral, splinting is indicated.244 Surgery is not generally finding no gain in weight because of an increased activity
required to treat conditions in the upper extremity second- level in treated patients.33 Bone mineral density, as mea-
ary to Duchenne muscular dystrophy. sured by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry, is decreased in
all boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and is even
Fractures more diminished in those taking steroids.29 Osteopenia may
Patients with muscular dystrophy are prone to fractures for result in vertebral compression fractures and long-bone
several reasons. First, the bone mineral density of the lower fractures (Fig. 39-15).37,142 Bisphosphonates have been
extremities is decreased, even in ambulatory patients with found to be beneficial in a small series when given to coun-
Duchenne muscular dystrophy.12,29,154 Corticosteroid use teract the osteopenic effects of steroids.94,108
results in further decreases in bone mineral density. Second, The current literature on the use of steroids for Du­­
lower extremity weakness predisposes the patient to falling, chenne muscular dystrophy can be summarized as follows:
and upper extremity weakness generally precludes the use ambulation can be prolonged secondary to maintenance of
of walking aids that might prevent falls. A study of 378 boys muscle strength, scoliosis can be at least delayed and pos-
with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (median age, 12 years) sibly prevented (Fig. 39-16), and side effects are present
found that 21% had sustained fractures.172 Forty-eight but manageable. Therefore, steroids should be offered to
percent of the fractures occurred in ambulatory patients. boys in whom Duchenne muscular dystrophy is diagnosed
Unfortunately, 20% of ambulatory patients and 27% of to preserve strength as long as possible.
those who were able to walk with orthoses permanently lost Gentamicin is an effective treatment in a small subset of
the ability to ambulate after the fracture. Furthermore, 40% boys with Duchenne muscular dystrophy caused by a stop
of boys who sustain a fracture of the femur lose their ability codon within the dystrophin gene. Aminoglycosides can
to walk.271 Therefore, aggressive management of lower allow readthrough of some stop codons.122,162,218
extremity fractures with early mobilization and therapy
should be pursued. Fractures in ambulatory patients should Gene Therapy
be treated with internal fixation when appropriate to mobi- Research is now focusing on the genetic treatment of
lize the patient as soon as possible. Duchenne muscular dystrophy.127,136,188,189,212,213 Myoblast
transfer to introduce healthy dystrophin via injection into
Steroid and Other Drug Therapy the muscles of children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
The efficacy of oral steroids in slowing the progression of has been unsuccessful because of immune system rejection
Duchenne muscular dystrophy has been tested in clinical and failure to achieve anything but a local response at the
trials, the results of which strongly support their use.193 injection site.174,188,211 Injection of dystrophin cDNA has
Steroids are potent antiinflammatories and can help stabi- been successful in the dystrophin-deficient mouse.135 Gene
lize the cell membrane.5 They act by decreasing the inflam- therapy to replace the defective dystrophin gene has not
matory response to the disrupted muscle cell. Prednisone been successful in humans to date. One area of investigation
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e333

involvement is the cause of death in approximately 20% of

males with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.78 With current
medical treatment, improved respiratory therapy, and the
availability of home mechanical ventilation, life expectancy
is increasing for patients.66 Median survival to the age of 30
was reported in a group of patients who underwent spinal
fusion and were subsequently ventilated when pulmonary
function declined over time.67 New problems are surfacing
with survival into adulthood. In a survey of adults 18 to 42
years of age with Duchenne muscular dystrophy, musculo-
skeletal pain was a complaint in 40%.223

Becker Muscular Dystrophy

Becker muscular dystrophy23 resembles Duchenne muscu-
lar dystrophy, but the age at onset is later and the rate of
muscle deterioration is slower. The age at diagnosis is gener-
ally older than 7 years, and the patient may be able to
ambulate into early adulthood.
Etiology and Diagnosis
Becker muscular dystrophy is inherited in an X-linked reces-
sive pattern. The genetic cause of the disease is a mutation
at the Xp21 locus on the X chromosome, the same location
as the mutation that causes Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Genetic testing can identify the mutation in many
Because this locus encodes for dystrophin, the protein is
abnormal in patients with Becker muscular dystrophy as
well. The site of deletion in the Xp21 locus determines the
amount or size of dystrophin (i.e., an in-frame deletion
causes Becker muscular dystrophy, whereas an out-of-frame
deletion causes Duchenne muscular dystrophy).44 In-frame
deletions result in the production of subnormal amounts of
dystrophin or the production of dystrophin that is abnormal
in size.117,119 The presence of diminished amounts of dys-
trophin on histochemical stains of muscle biopsy specimens
is diagnostic of Becker muscular dystrophy. The prevalence
FIGURE 39-15  Lateral spine radiograph of a 16-year-old boy of Becker muscular dystrophy, as established by dystrophin
receiving steroids long term as treatment of Duchenne muscular
analysis, has been reported to be 2.38 per 100,000, a rate
dystrophy. Note the severe osteopenia and lumbar compression
greater than that assumed before dystrophin analysis became
In young patients, muscle biopsy shows active necrosis
is upregulation of utrophin, a dystrophin-related protein of muscle fibers with regeneration.261 In older patients, a
that has been found to partially replace the function of chronic myopathic process is seen on biopsy specimens.132
dystrophin in experimental animal models.214 Clinical trials
have been performed to evaluate medical therapy in patients Clinical Features
with two specific dystrophin mutations described as “exon The clinical manifestations of Becker muscular dystrophy
skipping” and “nonsense codon suppression.” The trials can vary significantly, with the severity of the patient’s
were successful in restoring dystrophin production, albeit weakness directly related to the amount of dystrophin
reduced in comparison to normal, in children with these present. In milder forms of the disease (in which dystrophin
specific mutations. This illustrates the probable need in the levels are ≥20% of normal), patients may be able to walk
future to classify the specific dystrophin mutations present into their 20s.119 In the most severe form, little dystrophin
in children with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.200 is present, and before the availability of dystrophin analysis,
Stem cell therapy is also under investigation but not yet Duchenne muscular dystrophy was often misdiagnosed in
of clinical use.176 these boys. Other patients with severe Becker muscular
dystrophy were thought to have spinal muscular atrophy173
Prognosis or limb-girdle muscular dystrophy.206 Bushby and Gardner-
Until recently, death from respiratory failure usually Medwin described two groups of patients with Becker mus-
occurred by the late teens to early 20s.2,114 The age when cular dystrophy.43 Children in the first group are younger at
vital capacity falls below 1 L has been shown to predict disease onset, lose the ability to ambulate in adolescence,
mortality, with a 5-year survival rate of only 8%.215 Cardiac and more frequently have cardiac involvement. In the
e334 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders


FIGURE 39-16  A and B, Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of a 14-year-old boy with scoliosis who was being treated long-term with
steroid therapy. Though rare, scoliosis may occur and is complicated by obesity and osteopenia. C and D, Same boy following posterior
spinal fusion with segmental fixation.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e335

FIGURE 39-17  A and B,

Pseudohypertrophy of the calf in a boy
with Becker muscular dystrophy.

second group, onset occurs at an older age, the disease using the same principles as for patients with Duchenne
follows a milder clinical course, and patients may walk muscular dystrophy, is recommended.58
until 40 years of age. Calf pseudohypertrophy is seen in Medical treatment with prednisolone has been investi-
Becker muscular dystrophy, as it is in the Duchenne type gated, with improvement in muscle strength reported.19
(Fig. 39-17). Short-term improvement in strength has likewise been
reported in a small series of patients given creatine supple-
Medical Concerns ments.159 Gene therapy is also under investigation.32,136
Cardiac involvement occurs frequently in patients with
Becker muscular dystrophy. The age at onset of cardiomy-
opathy has been correlated with the patient’s specific dys- Emery-Dreifuss Muscular Dystrophy
trophin mutation.137 Up to 71% of people with the disease
have electrocardiographic abnormalities.123,171 Dilated car- Etiology and Diagnosis
diomyopathy develops in a high percentage of patients and Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is an uncommon,
can be incapacitating and life-threatening. Because patients X-linked recessive form of the disease that was first
with Becker muscular dystrophy live longer than those with described in 1966.72 The gene most frequently responsible
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a more significant long-term for Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is the STA gene
workload is placed on the weakened myocardium, which located in the Xq28 region of the X chromosome,57,91,115
leads to mitral regurgitation and heart failure.234 Severe which encodes for a nuclear membrane protein called
restrictive lung disease is a less frequent and later emerin.163 The abnormalities in this gene have been
complication.171 described in the literature.246,286 Although the disease
is usually inherited as an X-linked recessive trait, severe
Treatment cases caused by autosomal dominant inheritance as a
Orthopaedic management of patients with Becker muscular result of mutations in the lamin A/C gene have been
dystrophy is similar to that for patients with Duchenne reported.70,113,178,232 This gene is also disturbed in patients
muscular dystrophy. Ankle equinus has been treated suc- with type 1B limb-girdle muscular dystrophy and type 2B
cessfully by Vulpius or heel cord lengthening, with posterior Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.207,276
tibialis transfer to the dorsum of the foot being performed Muscle biopsy specimens from patients with Emery-
as needed.244 Lower extremity bracing is often prescribed Dreifuss muscular dystrophy show a normal level of dystro-
for patients with Becker muscular dystrophy (in contrast to phin but an absence of emerin.185 Microscopically, the
Duchenne muscular dystrophy) because loss of muscle muscles appear myopathic. Cardiac muscle biopsy speci-
strength occurs more slowly in these patients. As patients mens show structural changes within the myocardium.275
become nonambulatory, scoliosis develops, particularly in Skin biopsy to determine the presence or absence of emerin
those with severe Becker muscular dystrophy. Spinal fusion, has been proposed as a diagnostic test.192
e336 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Clinical Features Treatment

Emery-Dreifuss dystrophy is associated with the classic The orthopaedic deformities associated with Emery-
triad of slowly progressive muscle wasting and weakness, Dreifuss muscular dystrophy result from joint contractures,
cardiomyopathy (most commonly manifested as heart which are a hallmark of the disease. Achilles tendon con-
block), and early contractures.69,70 Patients may have com- tractures may be present at diagnosis, in which case patients
plaints of only diminished flexibility and contractures; may benefit from heel cord lengthening.243 Characteristic
because the cardiac manifestations are usually silent, it is elbow flexion contractures occur but rarely exceed 90
critical that the orthopaedist be aware of this condition.92 degrees. Further flexion, pronation, and supination are pre-
Muscle weakness is manifested in a humeroperoneal distri- served. Physical therapy may be helpful, but surgery is
bution. The initial symptoms are mild weakness, clumsi- rarely indicated. Cervical extension contractures limit
ness, and toe-walking. The Gowers sign may be present. flexion of the neck, but they do not usually progress beyond
Patients usually retain the ability to walk as they become the neutral position of the neck. Over time, lateral rotation
older. may also become limited (rigid spine syndrome).243
Scoliosis occurs in patients with Emery-Dreifuss muscu-
Laboratory Findings lar dystrophy, but unlike the situation in those with Du­­
Serum CK levels are elevated in males with Emery-Dreifuss chenne or Becker muscular dystrophy, the curvature may
muscular dystrophy, but the levels are not as high as those stabilize. Thus, scoliosis in these patients does not always
in patients with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy. require spinal fusion. Progression of the curve should be
Female carriers of the disease do not usually have elevated monitored closely. The effect of contractures of the spine
CK levels.27 stabilizing curves of up to 40 degrees has been described
(Figs. 39-18 and 39-19).243
Medical Concerns Anesthesia in persons with Emery-Dreifuss muscular
The most serious medical condition associated with Emery- dystrophy carries increased risk. In addition, intubation can
Dreifuss muscular dystrophy is cardiomyopathy. Patients be difficult because of cervical contractures, and cardiac
are susceptible to conduction defects, and sudden death arrhythmias may occur.129
from complete heart block has occurred in patients in
their 20s. In a series reported by Merlini and associates,
Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy
30 of 73 patients died suddenly, with most of them
exhibiting no cardiac symptoms before the fatal heart The limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMDs) are char-
block.181 Even female carriers without muscle weakness acterized by weakness in the proximal muscles of the
who have the STA gene may suffer bradyarrhythmias and limbs.171,278 Twenty-one genetically distinct forms of the
die suddenly.235 Insertion of a pacemaker in patients in disease have been isolated as of this writing.199 Fourteen
whom Emery-Dreifuss dystrophy is diagnosed has been types are inherited as autosomal recessive traits, and seven
recommended.28,70,208,224,263,289 are autosomal dominant in inheritance.11 The autosomal

FIGURE 39-18  A and B, Spinal radiographs of an 11-year-old girl with Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy show mild scoliosis and
increased lordosis throughout the spine.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e337

The age at onset of type 2A disease averages 14 years,

with 71% of patients manifesting muscle weakness between
6 and 18 years of age.233 The disease is typically more benign
than Duchenne muscular dystrophy, although the clinical
course is variable. The age at onset and clinical symptoms
mimic Becker muscular dystrophy, and type 2A LGMD was
often confused with it before the availability of molecular
genetic testing.15 The disease has also been mistaken for the
Kugelberg-Welander form of spinal muscular atrophy.210 The
mean age at loss of ambulation with type 2A disease is 32
years.233 In contrast, the onset of type 1A LGMD usually
occurs in adulthood. This form is clinically distinct based
on the presence of a dysarthric pattern of speech.107
Two major patterns of weakness are noted in the various
forms of LGMD. In the pelvic-femoral type, muscle weak-
ness involves primarily the pelvic girdle musculature. In
particular, the iliopsoas, gluteus maximus, and quadriceps
are affected. Shoulder weakness becomes apparent soon
thereafter. The tibialis anterior is affected before the gas-
trocsoleus.25 Contractures of the Achilles tendon and elbow
are variable; in patients with type 2A LGMD, contractures
develop early in the course of the disease,219 whereas in
others, contractures may not develop for many years.267
Weakness of hip abduction and extension leads to increased
lumbar lordosis. In the less common scapulohumeral type,
the shoulder girdle is affected initially, with pelvic weakness
occurring several years later. Initial symptoms include dif-
ficulty lifting the arms above the head, rising from the floor,
FIGURE 39-19  Radiograph of the spine of a 16-year-old boy with or climbing stairs. Calf pseudohypertrophy may be present.
scoliosis secondary to Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy. The
Patients usually retain the ability to walk into adulthood.
curve has an idiopathic appearance.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) shows typical pat-
terns of muscular involvement in some forms of LGMD. In
type 2I, changes are seen in the hip adductors, posterior
recessive forms are more common (accounting for 90% of thigh muscles, and gastrocsoleus. Clinical examination of
cases) and tend to follow a more severe clinical course.36,290 this subset of patients shows weakness in hip flexion and
adduction, knee flexion, and ankle dorsiflexion. In type 2A,
Etiology MRI shows abnormal signal in the adductor and posterior
Genetic analysis has identified numerous abnormali- thigh muscles as well, but the medial head of the gastroc-
ties.93,102,133 Type 2A LGMD is the most common form.75 nemius and the soleus muscles are significantly involved,
The gene responsible for the production of calpain 3 is whereas the lateral gastrocnemius is spared.79,179
located on chromosome 15 and is defective in this type.82,233
Calpain is absent in patients with type 2A LGMD but, Laboratory Findings
interestingly, is increased in patients with Duchenne mus- Serum CK levels may be normal or elevated. Myopathy is
cular dystrophy.262 Type 2B LGMD is the result of muta- noted on EMGs, but nerve conduction velocity is normal.249
tions in the dysferlin gene on chromosome 2p13.201 Dysferlin Histologic evaluation of muscle biopsy specimens shows
is a transmembrane protein normally located in the sarco- predominantly dystrophic changes; less frequently, myo-
lemma.216 Types 2C through 2F are known as the sarcogly- pathic and neurogenic changes may be present as well.
canopathies.217 Type 2I results from mutations in Inflammatory cells are seen more frequently in the autoso-
fukutin-related protein. Fukutin mutations are also caus- mal recessive forms, which is logical because these forms
ative in congenital muscular dystrophy; therefore, these are clinically worse than the autosomal dominant sub-
diseases are allelic. The genetic abnormalities that result in types.268 The diagnosis is made by immunoassay analysis of
LGMD may also be shared by patients with Emery-Dreifuss muscle tissue using antibodies against a panel of muscular
muscular dystrophy and type 2b Charcot-Marie-Tooth dystrophy–associated proteins.217 For example, staining for
disease, thus illustrating genetic overlap among the various dystrophin is normal in LGMD but abnormal in Duchenne
progressive neuromuscular diseases.87,207 and Becker muscular dystrophy, whereas stains for calpain
are abnormal in patients with LGMD type 2A.
Clinical Features
Significant similarities may be noted in the clinical manifes- Medical Concerns
tations of the different forms of LGMD, although disease Cardiac involvement is less common overall in patients with
severity can vary markedly, even within affected families.290 LGMD. Electrocardiographic and echocardiographic abnor-
Onset is usually in the second or third decade at an average malities were discovered in 50% and 25% of patients,
age of 17.2 years.287 respectively.249 The clinical significance of these findings,
e338 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

however, remains unknown. Pulmonary involvement also individuals have symptoms by the age of 20 years.144 Initial
occurs but is much milder than in Duchenne or Becker findings are a lack of facial wrinkles (noticeable around the
muscular dystrophy. The severity of pulmonary disease does eyes and on the forehead), a transverse smile, and an inabil-
not correlate with the degree of muscle weakness present ity to fully and forcefully close the eyelids. A characteristic
in the limbs.250 Cardiac and pulmonary failure is more pattern of weakness involving the facial muscles and scapu-
common in type 2I, the form linked with fukutin lar stabilizers ensues.
mutations.220 The most significant weakness is seen in the trapezius,
rhomboids, and levator scapulae. The deltoid remains
Treatment strong, but its ability to abduct the shoulder is lost as the
Treatment of LGMD is similar to that for Becker muscular unstable scapula rotates with attempted abduction. Physical
dystrophy. Scoliosis rarely requires orthopaedic interven- examination reveals winging of the scapulae, in addition to
tion because the onset of disease is later than that of Du­­ loss of forward flexion and abduction of the shoulder as a
chenne muscular dystrophy. result of loss of stabilization of the scapula on the chest wall
(Fig. 39-20). As the patient tries to abduct the shoulder,
the unstable scapula protrudes, elevates, and rotates
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy inward.52 Patients complain of a loss of range of motion,
stretching along the medial border of the scapula, pain, and
Etiology fatigue.
Facioscapulohumeral (FSH) muscular dystrophy is inher- Lower extremity involvement is uncommon. Because the
ited as an autosomal dominant trait and usually causes muscles of the lower limbs are usually spared, only 20% of
symptoms in the second decade of life. The incidence of patients eventually become wheelchair bound.260 Weakness
FSH dystrophy is 1 in 20,000 live births.8 The gene for the of the anterior tibialis develops in some patients, and these
disease has been localized to chromosome 4q35.8,13,236 The individuals benefit from bracing. The hip girdle is affected
genetic defect is a deletion of a variable number of noncod- late, and some patients may need wheelchairs in their 30s
ing triplet repeats in the D4Z4 gene.156 Penetrance of the or 40s. Spinal deformity has been documented in up to 35%
gene is variable, so even though the disease is transmitted of patients, with the primary deformity being hyperlordo-
as an autosomal dominant trait, clinical severity of the sis.244 Scoliosis may occur but rarely requires treatment.
disease may vary among family members. Some individuals Life expectancy is usually normal.
carry the mutation but have no identifiable muscle weak-
ness.251 Females are more mildly affected than males and Laboratory Findings
are more likely to be asymptomatic carriers.291 Serum CK levels are generally normal in patients with FSH
muscular dystrophy. Genetic testing can now demonstrate
Clinical Features mutations in affected persons, but the size of the deletion
The clinical course of FSH muscular dystrophy is character- varies among patients.47 The diagnosis of FSH muscular
ized by slow progression. Ninety percent of affected dystrophy is usually suspected on the basis of clinical

FIGURE 39-20  A to C, Clinical appearance of a patient with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy. Note the winging of the scapulae.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e339

findings. The supraspinatus muscle is recommended for with wire passed through drill holes in the scapula and
obtaining a biopsy specimen to confirm the diagnosis when around the ribs,41 by plate and wire techniques,157 by mul-
genetic testing is equivocal because specimens from other tifilament cables,61 or by screw fixation.148
sites often result in nondiagnostic findings.35 The position in which the scapula should be stabilized
can be determined clinically by manually holding the scapula
Medical Concerns while the patient abducts the shoulder. When performing
Medical complications from FSH muscular dystrophy are this maneuver, the preferred position of the scapula has
rare. Restrictive pulmonary disease has been documented been determined to be 15 to 20 degrees of external rota-
(22% rate in one study).141 In a comprehensive survey of tion. Less rotation does not maximize abduction, and greater
Dutch patients with FSH muscular dystrophy, 1% of the abduction limits shoulder adduction. The scapula is not
patient population was found to use nocturnal BIPAP.283 pulled distally because of the potential for endangering the
Cardiac disease occurs less frequently in these patients than brachial plexus.
in those with other forms of muscular dystrophy.141 Several authors have reported improvement in abduction
ranging from 25 to 65 degrees and an increase in flexion
Treatment ranging from 29 to 40 degrees after scapulothoracic arthro­
The use of prednisone to slow the progression of FSH desis.26,41,265 Demirhan and colleagues found that active
muscular dystrophy has not proved effective.259 However, shoulder flexion and abduction doubled 3 years following
trials indicate that albuterol (a β2-receptor agonist) may be successful scapulothoracic fusion, with corresponding
helpful.145,269 improvements seen in Disabilities of the Arms, Shoulder,
Orthopaedic management of patients with FSH muscu- and Hand (DASH) scores.61 Diab and co-workers found
lar dystrophy has focused on scapulothoracic stabilization that some patients with FSH will experience a decrease in
(Fig. 39-21).60 Indications for scapulothoracic fusion are abduction following scapulothoracic arthrodesis over time,
intractable shoulder pain and loss of function because of however, because of progression of weakness in the deltoid
lack of shoulder range of motion. Ketenjian first described muscle.62
scapulocostal stabilization for scapular winging in 1978 The disadvantage of scapulothoracic fusion is limitation
(Plate 39-2).140 He advocated fixing the scapula to the ribs of rib motion, which can lead to loss of pulmonary function,
with double Mersilene tape, which he preferred to fascia although Bunch and Siegel found that vital capacity was
lata. The tape is passed through drill holes along the medial reduced by approximately 10% in one patient (not clinically
border of the scapula and around three or four ribs. Alter- significant).41 Perioperative pulmonary complications (e.g.,
natively, fixation of the scapula to the ribs may be achieved pleural effusion, atelectasis, pneumothorax) have also been
described.157 Overall, complications of scapulothoracic
arthrodesis are common and include brachial plexus palsy
and pseudarthrosis.26,284 Intraoperative neuromonitoring of
the brachial plexus may alert the surgeon to potential injury
as a result of scapular repositioning.161 Despite modern fixa-
tion techniques consisting of plates, wires, and bone grafts,
Krishnan and associates reported complications in more
than half of their 22 patients.148
One alternative to scapulothoracic fusion is scapulopexy,
whereby the scapula is stabilized to the ribs via multiple
wires, but fusion is not performed. A small study of 13
patients observed for an average of 10 years showed good
results with only one incident of wire breakage.88,89

Infantile Facioscapulohumeral
Muscular Dystrophy
An early-onset form of FSH muscular dystrophy that has a
distinctly different clinical course than the more common,
later-onset form has been reported.147,244 Facial weakness
(also described as facial diplegia) is seen in infancy, with
sensorineural hearing loss occurring at an average of 5 years
of age. Weakness is rapidly progressive, and the lower
extremities are affected as well. The hallmark of this disease
is a rapidly progressive lumbar hyperlordosis.
Treatment of the hyperlordosis with spinal orthoses has
not been successful and interferes with walking. Spinal
fusion after the child loses the ability to ambulate is recom-
mended. Scapulothoracic fusion is not advised because the
advanced weakness associated with this variant of FSH
FIGURE 39-21  Radiograph of the scapula after scapulothoracic muscular dystrophy precludes improvement in function
arthrodesis with wire fixation to the ribs. after the procedure.
e340 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

The initial complaints in all forms of CMD are hypotonia

Scapuloperoneal Dystrophy
and motor weakness of the limbs, trunk, and facial muscles.
Scapuloperoneal dystrophy is an autosomal dominant con- Symptoms are present at birth or are noted shortly there-
dition characterized by involvement of the shoulder mus- after. Neck extensor weakness may be present with merosin-
culature and the peroneal and tibialis anterior muscles. The deficient CMD and rigid spine syndrome. This weakness
facial muscles are generally spared, but some clinical overlap leads to a “dropped head” appearance in infancy, which
occurs with the clinical manifestations of FSH muscular becomes noticeable as children attempt to sit or move
dystrophy.183 Patients are usually initially seen in adult- about.59 In merosin-deficient patients, sucking and swallow-
hood,209 some with complaints of toe-walking. The disease ing may be difficult, with resultant aspiration. Gastroesoph-
has been linked to chromosome 12,281 but the diagnosis is ageal reflux is also common.201 Deep tendon reflexes are
generally confirmed by muscle biopsy. decreased or absent. Deformities such as clubfeet and
contractures are often present at birth. The deformities
tend to worsen with growth and are aggravated by
Congenital Muscular Dystrophy
Congenital muscular dystrophy (CMD) is evident at or CMD has a variable clinical course. In milder forms,
shortly after birth. As is the case with many of the other progression of weakness is slow. Patients with merosin in
forms of muscular dystrophy, molecular genetic research their muscles are able to walk by 2 years of age and may
has led to the discovery of multiple subtypes of this retain the ability to ambulate into adulthood. Merosin-
disease.274 deficient patients rarely develop the ability to walk inde-
Merosin-deficient CMD (CMD1a) is the most common pendently. Some forms of CMD are associated with mental
form and is characterized by neonatal hypotonia, delayed retardation158 and seizures.131 Cardiac involvement is vari-
motor milestones, and contractures. It is caused by a defi- able among the subtypes of CMD.77
ciency in a protein in the extracellular matrix of muscle EMGs show myopathic changes in all forms of CMD.
fibers, the α2 chain of laminin 2 known as merosin.1 An associated neuropathy is seen in patients with the
This disease occurs as a result of a mutation in the LAMA2 merosin-deficient form of the disease, which is expected
gene at 6q22-23.14,56,103,111,266 Merosin-deficient CMD devel- because of the lack of normal myelination seen on MRI.221
ops at a young age and tends to have a severe clinical Serum CK levels are often, but not always elevated. Find-
course.245 Cases of partial merosin deficiency have been ings from muscle biopsy are similar to those in other types
reported, and the phenotype in these patients is usually of muscular dystrophy. Histopathologic changes in the
milder.167 muscle are more severe in the merosin-deficient form of the
Mutations in the genes that encode collagen VI (COL6A1 disease.258 Skin biopsy may provide the diagnosis.240 Cardiac
to COL6A3), located at chromosome 21q22.3, result in involvement is present in some children.51
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helpful in establishing the presence of myotonia.
Clinical Features
Myotonic Dystrophy Myotonia, the striking characteristic of the disease, is failure
of voluntary muscles to relax immediately and persistence
Myotonic dystrophy is a steadily progressive familial disease of contraction following voluntary movement or mechanical
in which a myopathy involving the face, eyes, jaw, neck, and or electrical stimulation. A delay in relaxation of handgrip
distal limb muscles is associated with myotonia. Onset of can be noted clinically. Myotonia may be elicited by striking
the disease usually occurs in late adolescence or adulthood. the muscle of the thenar eminence or deltoid with a reflex
Earlier onset is seen in the offspring of affected mothers, in hammer. A persistent dimple is seen because of the pro-
which case the disease is called congenital myotonic dystro- longed muscle contraction (Fig. 39-22). The muscles most
phy. Overall, myotonic dystrophy is the most common form affected by myotonia are those of the hands, face, tongue,
of muscular dystrophy in adults, with an incidence of 1 in and occasionally the limbs. When the patient closes the eyes
8000 individuals.18 tightly, a delay in relaxation occurs. The degree of myotonia
is lessened by repetition of motion.
Etiology A characteristic facial appearance is associated with myo-
The condition is divided into the more common type 1 tonic dystrophy (Fig. 39-23). The face is expressionless, and
myotonic dystrophy, also known as Steinert disease, and ptosis is notable. The patient has difficulty pursing the lips,


FIGURE 39-22  Clinical signs of myotonia in a patient with myotonic dystrophy. A and B, Delayed relaxation of the hand may be noted.
C, Myotonia may be elicited by striking the muscle of the thenar eminence or deltoid with a reflex hammer. D, A persistent dimple is
seen because of the prolonged muscle contraction.
e348 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

FIGURE 39-23  Characteristic facial appearance

associated with myotonic dystrophy in a child
(A) and the child’s mother (B). The face is
expressionless, and ptosis is present.

whistling, and tightly closing the eyes. The voice is nasal and atrophy, diabetes, and cardiac arrhythmias.5,10 Annual elec-
monotonous. Dysarthria may result from laryngeal involve- trocardiography has been recommended to monitor for
ment. The sternocleidomastoid muscles are often involved, cardiac involvement.17 Anesthesia poses great risks for
with atrophy leading to increasing cervical lordosis. patients with myotonic dystrophy, pulmonary complica-
Myotonic dystrophy affects the distal musculature first, tions are common, and these patients are predisposed to
with the muscles of the hand, the tibialis anterior, and the malignant hyperthermia.4,16,22
peroneals involved early in the course of the disease. The
calf muscles become involved next, followed by the quad- Treatment and Prognosis
riceps and hamstrings. Deep tendon reflexes are diminished No effective medical treatment is available for patients with
or absent. Contractures are mild, but children with the either type of myotonic dystrophy. Creatine supplementa-
congenital form of the disease may have either clubfoot or tion does not influence strength in these patients.25
acquired equinovarus deformities, which often require The life span is shortened in most patients with congeni-
surgery.3,21 Some patients slowly lose the ability to walk tal or type 1 myotonic dystrophy. Because of the milder
within 20 years after the onset of symptoms. phenotype, type 2 myotonic dystrophy rarely results in
Scoliosis has been reported in up to 30% of children with premature death.20
myotonic dystrophy.3 Surgery is needed rarely but may be
difficult because of the arthrogrypotic-like stiffness of the
curve and excessive bleeding.26
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culty and respiratory distress, and many require mechanical correlates of MRI findings in myotonic dystrophy, Neuroradiology
38:629, 1996.
ventilation.15 Severe clubfeet, similar to that seen in chil-
2. Campbell C, Sherlock R, Jacob P, et al: Congenital myotonic
dren with arthrogryposis, may be present in newborns with
dystrophy: assisted ventilation duration and outcome, Pediatrics
congenital myotonic dystrophy.19 113:811, 2004.
3. Canavese F, Sussman MD: Orthopaedic manifestations of congeni-
Medical Concerns
tal myotonic dystrophy during childhood and adolescence,
Myotonic dystrophy is associated with mental retardation. J Pediatr Orthop 29:208, 2009.
Cerebral atrophy and white matter disease can be seen on 4. Colovic V, Walker RW: Myotonia dystrophica and spinal surgery,
MRI of the brain, and these findings correlate with increas- Paediatr Anaesth 12:351, 2002.
ing size of the triplet expansion.1,8,9 The severity of mental 5. Day JW, Ricker K, Jacobsen JF, et al: Myotonic dystrophy type 2:
impairment is greater with the congenital form of the molecular, diagnostic and clinical spectrum, Neurology 60:657,
disease.12 Developmental delays occur in this group of
6. Gennarelli M, Novelli G, Andreasi Bassi F, et al: Prediction of
affected infants. Likewise, overall morbidity is markedly
myotonic dystrophy clinical severity based on the number of intra-
increased in infants with congenital myotonic dystrophy. genic [CTG]n trinucleotide repeats, Am J Med Genet 65:342,
One study found that up to 25% of infants who required 1996.
prolonged ventilation died during the first year of life.2 7. Gharehbaghi-Schnell EB, Finsterer J, Korschineck I, et al:
Other associated medical problems in patients with type Genotype-phenotype correlation in myotonic dystrophy, Clin
1 and type 2 myotonic dystrophy include cataracts, gonadal Genet 53:20, 1998.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e349

8. Hashimoto T, Tayama M, Miyazaki M, et al: Neuroimaging study hyperkalemic periodic paralysis, and an uncommon subtype
of myotonic dystrophy. I. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, of hypokalemic periodic paralysis result from mutations in
Brain Dev 17:24, 1995. a sodium channel gene. Another disease, McArdle syn-
9. Hashimoto T, Tayama M, Miyazaki M, et al: Neuroimaging study
drome, is a rare disorder of muscle glycogen metabolism.
of myotonic dystrophy. II. MRI measurements of the brain, Brain
Dev 17:28, 1995.
10. Hayashi Y, Ikeda U, Kojo T, et al: Cardiac abnormalities and Thomsen Myotonia
cytosine-thymine-guanine trinucleotide repeats in myotonic dys-
trophy, Am Heart J 134:292, 1997. Thomsen myotonia, or myotonia congenita, is a rare con-
11. Hecht BK, Donnelly A, Gedeon AK, et al: Direct molecular diag- genital condition characterized by myotonia of the entire
nosis of myotonic dystrophy, Clin Genet 43:276, 1993. voluntary musculature.14 After voluntary contraction of a
12. Johnson ER, Abresch RT, Carter GT, et al: Profiles of neuromus- muscle (e.g., gripping the hand), individuals are unable to
cular diseases. Myotonic dystrophy, Am J Phys Med Rehabil quickly relax the muscle.
74(5 Suppl):S104, 1995. The disease is transmitted as an autosomal dominant
13. Lopez de Munain A, Blanco A, Emparanza JI, et al: Anticipation
trait, with males and females affected equally. The gene for
in myotonic dystrophy: a parental-sex-related phenomenon, Neu-
Thomsen disease has been located on chromosome 7q35 in
roepidemiology 13:75, 1994.
14. Machuca-Tzili L, Brook D, Hilton-Jones D: Clinical and molecular the region of the human skeletal muscle chloride channel
aspects of the myotonic dystrophies: a review, Muscle Nerve 32:1, gene (CNCL1 gene).1,2,7 This gene is different from the one
2005. responsible for myotonic dystrophy, hence the differing
15. Martinello F, Piazza A, Pastorello E, et al: Clinical and neuroimag- clinical courses of the two diseases.
ing study of central nervous system in congenital myotonic dystro-
phy, J Neurol 246:186, 1999. Pathology
16. Mathieu J, Allard P, Gobeil G, et al: Anesthetic and surgical com- The muscle fibers in Thomsen disease are hypertrophied.
plications in 219 cases of myotonic dystrophy, Neurology 49:1646, Dystrophic changes are not seen.17
17. Phillips MF, Harper PS: Cardiac disease in myotonic dystrophy, Clinical Features
Cardiovasc Res 33:13, 1997.
18. Ranum LP, Day JW: Myotonic dystrophy: RNA pathogenesis comes The clinical severity of Thomsen myotonia is variable. One
into focus, Am J Hum Genet 74:793, 2004. study found that 10% of patients with documented genetic
19. Ray S, Bowen JR, Marks HG: Foot deformity in myotonic dystro- mutations had no clinical symptoms.3 In other individuals,
phy, Foot Ankle 5:125, 1984. myotonia may be noted in infancy or early childhood. A
20. Ricker K: Myotonic dystrophy and proximal myotonic myophathy, history of developmental delay may be present. The initial
J Neurol 246:334, 1999. complaints are difficulty commencing activity and stiffness
21. Roig M, Balliu PR, Navarro C, et al: Presentation, clinical course, following rest, difficulty walking or running after prolonged
and outcome of the congenital form of myotonic dystrophy, sitting, frequent falling, and clumsiness. The lower limbs
Pediatr Neurol 11:208, 1994.
are affected more than the upper extremities. The myoto-
22. Rosenbaum HK, Miller JD: Malignant hyperthermia and myotonic
nia is worse at the beginning of an activity and lessens with
disorders, Anesthesiol Clin North America 20:623, 2002.
23. Spranger M, Spranger S, Tischendorf M, et al: Myotonic dystro- repetitive movement.
phy. The role of large triplet repeat length in the development of The characteristic physical finding is myotonia, which
mental retardation, Arch Neurol 54:251, 1997. can be noted when the surface of any muscle is struck
24. Tachi N, Kozuka N, Ohya K, et al: CTG repeat size and histologic sharply with a reflex hammer. The stimulated area of the
findings of skeletal muscle from patients with congenital myotonic muscle contracts and remains contracted for several
dystrophy, J Child Neurol 11:430, 1996. seconds before relaxing. Another way to demonstrate myo-
25. Tarnopolsky M, Mahoney D, Thompson T, et al: Creatine mono- tonia is to ask the patient to rapidly open a tightly clenched
hydrate supplementation does not increase muscle strength, lean fist. Muscle weakness and endocrine abnormalities are not
body mass, or muscle phosphocreatine in patients with myotonic
seen in this disease. Findings on neurologic examination are
dystrophy type 1, Muscle Nerve 29:51, 2004.
otherwise normal. Diffuse hypertrophy of the muscles
26. Themistocleous GS, Sapkas GS, Papagelopoulos PJ, et al:
Scoliosis in Steinert syndrome: a case report, Spine J 5:212, develops and results in a “Herculean” appearance, which
2005. may be present in early childhood or may develop over
Laboratory Findings
Metabolic Diseases of Muscle EMGs show myotonia. Serum CK and aldolase levels are
Transient and recurring weakness or paralysis of skeletal
muscles may occur in the familial or sporadic forms of Differential Diagnosis
metabolic diseases of muscle. Research has established that The primary entities to be distinguished from myotonia
several forms of myotonia and periodic paralysis can result congenita are myotonic dystrophy and paramyotonia con-
from mutations in “ion channel” genes, such as skeletal genita of Eulenburg (Table 39-3).
muscle calcium,10,12 chloride, and sodium6,11 channel genes.8 Disability is minimal. The disease is not progressive, and
Thomsen myotonia (also known as myotonia congenita) patients remain ambulatory. Drug therapy is not necessary
results from mutations in a chloride channel gene. Hypoka- for all affected individuals. Many learn to live with the
lemic periodic paralysis results from mutations in a calcium myotonia by “warming up” the muscles before commencing
channel gene. Paramyotonia congenita, also known as activity.
e350 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Table 39-3  Clinical Findings in Children With Myotonia

Myotonia Congenita Paramyotonia Congenita
(Thomsen Disease) (Paramyotonia of Eulenburg) Myotonic Dystrophy

Age at onset Childhood or infancy Infancy or early childhood Childhood to adulthood

Inheritance Autosomal dominant (¼ of cases) Autosomal dominant Autosomal dominant
Recessive gene often (Becker)
Sex incidence Males and females equally Males and females equally Males and females equally
affected affected affected
Precipitating factors Voluntary movement after Exposure to cold Voluntary movement
prolonged sitting or inactivity
Clinical Findings
  Muscle group involved Generalized Proximal muscles of limbs, Muscles in face, tongue, and
Difficulty walking or running after eyelids, and tongue distal ends of limbs,
prolonged sitting Intermittent attacks of particularly the upper limbs
Clumsiness weakness may last from a
few minutes to 24 hr
Myotonia precedes weakness
  Response to activity Improves myotonia Aggravates myotonia Aggravates myotonia and
fatigue-affected muscles
  Muscle hypertrophy Present (“Herculean” appearance) Absent Muscles atrophic
  Endocrine, cardiac, None None Testicular atrophy, ECG changes
other abnormalities Frontal baldness, mental
Laboratory Findings
  Serum potassium level Normal High normal or elevated Normal
  Creatine kinase, Normal Normal Elevated
aldolase levels
  Creatine clearance Increased Normal Decreased
  EMG Rapid volley of action potentials Rapid volley of action Rapid volley of action potentials
on insertion of electrode into potentials on insertion of of varying amplitude on
myotonic muscle electrode into myotonic insertion of electrode into
muscle myotonic muscle
Histologic findings Hypertrophy of muscle fibers Similar to myotonic dystrophy Dystrophic changes (see text)
No dystrophic changes
Treatment Quinine hydrochloride and Not available No specific treatment
procaine amide effective Calcium gluconate may abort
an attack
Prognosis Disability minimal Improves with age Progressive, moderate disability
Condition remains static Nonprogressive over a period of many years

ECG, Electrocardiographic; EMG, electromyography.

McArdle syndrome, or myophosphorylase deficiency, is Myoglobinuria is present in many cases. Serum CK levels
a rare disorder of muscle glycogen metabolism that begins are elevated.
in childhood with muscle pain, cramping, weakness, and The clinical severity of the disease varies, and to date,
myoglobinuria following exercise. It is also known as glyco- this variability has not been explained by the molecular basis
gen storage disease type V. As is the case with most enzyme of the mutations responsible for the disease.13 Any muscle
deficiencies, the condition is transmitted by an autosomal can be affected. While walking, the calf and thigh muscles
recessive gene located on chromosome 11.15 The most are involved; while chewing, the masseter muscles are
common mutation is the R49X mutation, which can be affected. The muscles become stiff and remain so for
identified by a blood test in suspected individuals.5 The varying periods. The more strenuous the exercise, the more
underlying pathophysiology of McArdle syndrome is an prolonged the symptoms. Muscular ischemia exacerbates
absence of myophosphorylase, an enzyme that splits off the the disease. Perfusion studies have demonstrated that
terminal glucose molecule from glycogen. As a result, gly- patients with McArdle syndrome do not have a normal
cogen cannot be metabolized to lactate. The absence of increase in blood flow to the muscle with exercise.9
myophosphorylase can be established by histochemical Treatment consists of limiting excessive strenuous physi-
staining of muscle. Muscle biopsy reveals an abnormal accu- cal activity. A placebo-controlled trial of oral creatine sup-
mulation of glycogen.4 Laboratory tests show that blood plementation showed improved skeletal muscle function in
lactate and pyruvate levels fail to rise following exercise. patients with McArdle disease.16
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e351

References boys.27 About one sixth of cases of polymyositis occur in

Metabolic Diseases of Muscle
1. Abdalla JA, Casley WL, Cousin HK, et al: Linkage of Thomsen Etiology
disease to the T-cell-receptor beta (TCRB) locus on chromosome
7q35, Am J Hum Genet 51:579, 1992. In polymyositis and dermatomyositis, humoral and cellular
2. Abdalla JA, Casley WL, Hudson AJ, et al: Linkage analysis immune function is disrupted, and research suggests an
of candidate loci in autosomal dominant myotonia congenita, underlying disturbance in immunoregulation.15 Most intrigu-
Neurology 42:1561, 1992. ing is evidence of a viral agent that is capable of precipitating
3. Angelini C, Fanin M, Freda MP, et al: Prognostic factors in mild an ongoing, immunologically mediated reaction that damages
dystrophinopathies, J Neurol Sci 142:70, 1996. muscles and endothelial cells.24 However, there is no
4. Byard RW, Lach B, Preston DN: Peripheral nerve and vasculature concrete evidence of viral invasion of muscle in these
involvement in myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle’s disease),
Pathology 23:62, 1991.
5. Dimaur S, Andreu AL, Bruno C, et al: Myophosphorylase defi-
The current theory about the pathogenesis of dermato-
ciency (glycogenosis type V; McArdle disease), Curr Mol Med myositis is that the condition is an autoimmune microangi-
2:189, 2002. opathy that results in muscle ischemia and necrosis.1 In
6. Fontaine B, Khurana TS, Hoffman EP, et al: Hyperkalemic periodic other words, the main immune response appears to be
paralysis and the adult muscle sodium channel alpha-subunit gene, humoral and directed against the microvasculature. In poly-
Science 250:1000, 1990. myositis, cytotoxic CD8+ T cells and macrophages invade
7. George AL Jr, Crackower MA, Abdalla JA, et al: Molecular basis and eventually destroy muscle fibers that express major
of Thomsen’s disease (autosomal dominant myotonia congenita), histocompatibility complex class 1 antigens.5,8
Nat Genet 3:305, 1993. A strong association between polymyositis and neoplasm
8. Heatwole CR, Moxley RT 3rd: The nondystrophic myotonias,
has been noted in adults, but childhood polymyositis is
Neurotherapeutics 4:238, 2007.
9. Jehenson P, Leroy-Willig A, de Kerviler E, et al: Impairment of the
rarely a paraneoplastic phenomenon.26 Polymyositis is a
exercise-induced increase in muscle perfusion in McArdle’s rarely reported complication of chronic graft-versus-host
disease, Eur J Nucl Med 22:1256, 1995. disease (GVHD), but it does not affect the patient’s overall
10. Jurkat-Rott K, Lehmann-Horn F, Elbaz A, et al: A calcium channel prognosis. In some cases, polymyositis may be the only
mutation causing hypokalemic periodic paralysis, Hum Mol Genet manifestation of chronic GVHD.19
3:1415, 1994.
11. Kelly P, Yang WS, Costigan D, et al: Paramyotonia congenita and Diagnosis
hyperkalemic periodic paralysis associated with a Met 1592 Val The definitive diagnosis is often delayed, with a mean
substitution in the skeletal muscle sodium channel alpha subunit— 4-month delay reported in one study.27 Criteria for the
a large kindred with a novel phenotype, Neuromuscul Disord
diagnosis of polymyositis and dermatomyositis are as
7:105, 1997.
12. Lapie P, Lory P, Fontaine B: Hypokalemic periodic paralysis:
follows: (1) symmetric, progressive weakness of the limb-
an autosomal dominant muscle disorder caused by mutations girdle and sternocleidomastoid muscles; (2) histologic evi-
in a voltage-gated calcium channel, Neuromuscul Disord 7:234, dence of muscle necrosis in a perifascicular distribution,
1997. with perivascular inflammatory exudate noted on biopsy
13. Martinuzzi A, Sartori E, Fanin M, et al: Phenotype modulators in specimens; (3) elevated serum CK levels; (4) EMG findings
myophosphorylase deficiency, Ann Neurol 53:497, 2003. of small polyphasic motor units, fibrillation, and repetitive
14. Thomsen J: Tonische Krampfe in willkurlich beweglichen Musklen discharges; and (5) rash on the face, neck, and extensor
in Folge von Erebter psychischer Disposition (Ataxia muscularis?), surfaces of the limbs.3,4 In polymyositis, the first four crite-
Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr 6:706, 1876. ria must be present. In dermatomyositis, the rash plus three
15. Tsujino S, Shanske S, DiMauro S: Molecular genetic heterogeneity
other criteria are necessary for diagnosis.
of myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle’s disease), N Engl J
Med 329:241, 1993.
In polymyositis a muscle biopsy is needed, whereas in
16. Vorgerd M, Grehl T, Jager M, et al: Creatine therapy in myophos- dermatomyositis only a skin biopsy is necessary, although
phorylase deficiency (McArdle disease): a placebo-controlled muscle biopsy may be used to direct medical treatment.
crossover trial, Arch Neurol 57:956, 2000. Multiple percutaneous needle muscle biopsies are as effec-
17. Wohlfart G: Dystrophia myotonica and myotonia congenita; his- tive as single-site open biopsies in establishing the diagnosis
topathologic studies with special reference to changes in the of polymyositis.9 MRI is also useful in diagnosis to docu-
muscles, J Neuropathol Exp Neurol 10:109, 1951. ment the extent of muscle involvement (Fig. 39-24).10 Enti-
ties to be excluded when a diagnosis of polymyositis or
dermatomyositis is entertained include muscular dystrophy,
Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis spinal muscular atrophy, hereditary metabolic myopathies
such as McArdle disease, myasthenia gravis, rhabdomyoly-
Juvenile dermatomyositis and polymyositis are childhood sis, and inflammatory myopathies such as viral myositis and
inflammatory myopathies that usually affect children sarcoid myopathy.32
between 2 and 15 years of age. The diseases are manifested
as severe proximal muscle weakness, and in dermatomyosi- Pathology
tis a characteristic cutaneous rash is present. Juvenile der- Muscle biopsy sites must be selected carefully. The muscle
matomyositis is far more common than polymyositis in chosen should not be markedly weakened and atrophic, nor
children.31 The prevalence of dermatomyositis is 1 to 3.2 should it be of normal strength. Microscopic examination
cases per million children.13 The mean age at diagnosis is of biopsy specimens reveals widespread degeneration of
6.8 years. Girls are affected five times more frequently than muscle fibers with some regeneration present, perivascular
e352 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

extensor surfaces of the elbows, knees, and metacarpopha-

langeal joints and the area over the medial malleoli become
erythematous, atrophic, and scaly. Scaly lesions over the
knuckles of the hand are termed the Gottron sign (Fig.
39-25, C). A flat, erythematous rash can appear on the face,
neck, shoulders, and back (shawl sign). Hyperemia at the
base of the fingernails may be present, and the skin of the
fingertips may be shiny, red, and atrophic (Fig. 39-25, D).
Nonpitting edema develops in the acute stage of the disease.
During the chronic stage, the skin becomes atrophic and
adherent to underlying structures.
Calcium deposits may develop in the subcutaneous
tissues, muscles, and fasciae, sometimes causing loss of
motion (Figs. 39-26 and 39-27).17 Subcutaneous calcifica-
tion is more common in children and occurs in 30% to 70%
of those with pediatric dermatomyositis.2 In severe cases,
ulceration of the skin overlying such deposits may develop
(Fig. 39-28).
Arthritis and synovitis of the knees, wrists, and small
joints of the fingers occur in approximately 60% of patients
with dermatomyositis.30 Arthritis develops, on average, 4.5
months after the onset of dermatomyositis. In a minority
FIGURE 39-24  Magnetic resonance image of 7-year-old girl with of cases, synovitis precedes muscle weakness. The Raynaud
dermatomyositis showing diffuse myositis within all muscle phenomenon—blanching or cyanosis of the fingers on expo-
groups. sure to cold—may also be present.
Systemic effects of dermatomyositis are common. Pneu-
monitis, myocarditis or pericarditis, nephritis, or gastroin-
collections of chronic inflammatory cells, and phagocytosis testinal ischemia may be associated with dermatomyositis.
of necrotic muscle fibers.3 Vasculopathy with hyperplasia Interstitial lung disease can occur in children and is mani-
of the intima of arteries and veins may be present in fested as cough or dyspnea.2 Patients with interstitial lung
dermatomyositis.1 disease are likely to experience arthralgias and to have the
anti–Jo-1 antibody.12 Central nervous system involvement
Clinical Features occurs in rare cases of pediatric dermatomyositis, possibly
Polymyositis is a kaleidoscopic disease with diverse symp- because of cerebral vasculopathy.22
toms and variable modes of onset and rates of progression,
including exacerbations and remissions. Laboratory Findings
Dermatomyositis in children may have a sudden onset Patients with acute polymyositis have a marked elevation in
and acute course, or it may have an insidious beginning serum levels of CK, aldolase, and glutamic and pyruvic
and follow a chronic course. Febrile illness is frequently transaminases. CK levels may be up to 50 times normal.14
present before dermatomyositis (and polymyositis). Expo- Laboratory findings are similar to those seen with muscular
sure to sunlight may exacerbate the rash associated with dystrophy, and values decrease as the muscle is replaced by
dermatomyositis. fibrous tissue. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate is ele-
The initial symptom is muscle weakness, first noted in vated in polymyositis and dermatomyositis. Rheumatoid
the proximal musculature of the pelvic and shoulder girdles. factor and antinuclear antibodies are sometimes present,
Patients have difficulty rising from the floor and climbing but lupus erythematosus cells are usually absent. Myositis-
stairs. The affected muscles become tender and brawny. specific autoantibodies may be detected in some patients.2
Pain is most common in the shoulders, upper part of the EMG findings include (1) spontaneous fibrillation and
back, arms, and thighs. As the disease progresses, shoulder positive or sawtooth potentials at complete rest or after
abduction becomes difficult. If the sternocleidomastoid mild mechanical irritation, (2) complex polyphasic or
muscle is involved, the patient cannot lift the head from short-duration potentials of low amplitude with voluntary
the bed when in the supine position. Involvement of the contracture, and (3) salvos of repetitive high-frequency
pharyngeal muscles may cause dysphagia and difficulty potentials occurring after mechanical stimulation. These
eating. If the muscle weakness spreads, the patient may lose changes on the EMG are characteristic of polymyositis but
the ability to walk or sit. Progressive involvement may lead are not absolutely specific for the condition.20
to death, but this is uncommon.
The skin changes in dermatomyositis are characteristic. Treatment
The rash consists of a dusky or faint erythema over the In the acute stage of polymyositis and dermatomyositis,
bridge of the nose and the malar areas in a butterfly dis­ when the muscles are painful, tender, and edematous, the
tribution (Fig. 39-25, A). A dark purple discoloration of patient is prescribed bed rest, and moist heat is applied over
the upper eyelids (heliotrope eyelids) is pathognomonic the affected muscles as tolerated. Gentle range-of-motion
for dermatomyositis (Fig. 39-25, B). The periorbital rash exercises are performed to preserve joint motion. Splints
may spread to the neck and upper part of the chest. The may be needed if contractures develop. Studies have shown
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e353


FIGURE 39-25  Characteristic skin changes with dermatomyositis. A, Rash consisting of a dusky or faint erythema over the bridge of the
nose and malar areas in a butterfly distribution. B, Dark purple discoloration of the upper eyelids (heliotrope eyelids). C, Scaly lesions over
the knuckles of the hand (Gottron sign). D, Hyperemia at the base of the fingernails. The skin of the fingertips is shiny, red, and atrophic.

FIGURE 39-26  A and B, Subcutaneous calcifications resulting in elbow stiffness in an adolescent with dermatomyositis.
e354 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

presence of lung involvement. Prompt immunosuppressive

treatment is needed to prevent chronic pulmonary fibrosis,
which may lead to early death.7
In later stages of the disease, excision of mature intra-
muscular calcification can improve mobility and muscle
function. Calcification may recur postoperatively.
The results from a number of long-term follow-up studies
have been reported.6 In a 10-year follow-up, Collison and
associates3a reported that 58% of patients had at least one
residual finding on physical examination and that 78% of
those with juvenile dermatomyositis had residual dermato-
logic sequelae.6 In a study of 33 patients with juvenile
dermatomyositis or polymyositis at a mean follow-up of 4
years, 45% experienced complete recovery, 26% went into
remission (steroid dependency), other connective tissue
diseases developed in 10%, 6% were wheelchair dependent,
and 3% had died.29 In that study, patients with the highest
FIGURE 39-27  Ectopic calcification of the knee in a patient with CK levels had the worst outcomes. Early diagnosis and
treatment lead to the greatest likelihood of recovery or
remission. Overall, the prognosis for children with inflam-
matory myopathies is much better than that for adults with
the same conditions.6

Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis
1. Adams R, Denny-Brown D, Pearson C: Diseases of muscle: a study
of pathology, New York, 1962, Hoeber.
2. Amato AA, Barohn RJ: Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies,
Neurol Clin 15:615, 1997.
3. Carpenter S, Karpati G: The pathological diagnosis of specific
inflammatory myopathies, Brain Pathol 2:13, 1992.
3a.  Collison CH, Sinal SH, Jorizzo JL, et al: Juvenile dermatomyositis
and polymyositis: a follow-up study of long-term sequelae, South
Med J 91:17, 1998.
4. Dalakas MC: Update on the use of intravenous immune globulin
in the treatment of patients with inflammatory muscle disease,
J Clin Immunol 15(6 Suppl):70S, 1995.
FIGURE 39-28  Multiple ulcerations around the elbow of a child 5. Dalakas MC, Hohlfeld R: Polymyositis and dermatomyositis,
with subcutaneous calcification secondary to dermatomyositis. Lancet 362:971, 2003.
6. Danko K, Ponyi A, Constantin T, et al: Long-term survival of
that 2 to 3 weeks after an acute exacerbation of the disease, patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies according to
participation in an exercise program can lead to improve- clinical features: a longitudinal study of 162 cases, Medicine (Bal-
ments in muscle strength.30 timore) 83:35, 2004.
7. Fathi M, Lundberg IE: Interstitial lung disease in polymyositis and
Medical treatment of polymyositis and dermatomyositis
dermatomyositis, Curr Opin Rheumatol 17:701, 2005.
consists of immunosuppressant therapy, beginning with cor-
8. Figarella-Branger D, Civatte M, Bartoli C, et al: Cytokines, che-
ticosteroids and methotrexate.11,33 Prednisone is used to mokines, and cell adhesion molecules in inflammatory myopathies,
diminish the acute inflammatory reaction and relieve pain. Muscle Nerve 28:659, 2003.
Serum CK levels are monitored to follow the therapeutic 9. Haddad MG, West RL, Treadwell EL, et al: Diagnosis of inflamma-
response. Return of CK levels to normal may be a favorable tory myopathy by percutaneous needle biopsy with demonstration
prognostic sign. Intravenous immune globulin has been of the focal nature of myositis, Am J Clin Pathol 101:661, 1994.
useful in some patients.2,4,10,16,21,23 Plasmapheresis and thy- 10. Huber AM: Juvenile dermatomyositis: advances in pathogenesis,
mectomy18,25 have also been performed occasionally to treat evaluation, and treatment, Paediatr Drugs 11:361, 2009.
polymyositis and dermatomyositis. 11. Huber AM, Giannini EH, Bowyer SL, et al: Protocols for the initial
treatment of moderately severe juvenile dermatomyositis: results
The arthritis associated with the inflammatory myopa-
of a Children’s Arthritis and Rheumatology Research Alliance Con-
thies usually responds to systemic steroid therapy. Resistant
sensus Conference, Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 62:219, 2010.
cases may require intraarticular steroid injections.28 12. Kang EH, Lee EB, Shin KC, et al: Interstitial lung disease in
In patients with interstitial lung disease, it is important patients with polymyositis, dermatomyositis and amyopathic der-
to make the diagnosis as soon as possible and to initiate matomyositis, Rheumatology (Oxford) 44:1282, 2005.
treatment at once. High-resolution computed tomography 13. Koler RA, Montemarano A: Dermatomyositis, Am Fam Physician
(CT) scans and pulmonary function tests can establish the 64:1565, 2001.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e355

14. Lundberg I, Ulfgren AK, Nyberg P, et al: Cytokine production in borns.18,21,36 Myositis ossificans has been described in asso-
muscle tissue of patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopa- ciation with child abuse.6
thies, Arthritis Rheum 40:865, 1997.
15. Mastaglia FL, Ojeda VJ: Inflammatory myopathies: Part 1, Ann Classification
Neurol 17:215, 1985.
The condition can be subdivided into several types. The first
16. Mastaglia FL, Phillips BA, Zilko P: Treatment of inflammatory
myopathies, Muscle Nerve 20:651, 1997. type, traumatic myositis ossificans, follows a single severe
17. Maugars YM, Berthelot JM, Abbas AA, et al: Long-term prognosis injury, such as an elbow fracture or dislocation or extremity
of 69 patients with dermatomyositis or polymyositis, Clin Exp surgery.3,8 This posttraumatic form may develop in adoles-
Rheumatol 14:263, 1996. cent boys who sustain quadriceps contusions while playing
18. Oddis CV: Therapy for myositis, Curr Opin Rheumatol 3:919, football.23 Seventy-five percent of patients with myositis
1991. ossificans report a history of trauma.35
19. Parker P, Chao NJ, Ben-Ezra J, et al: Polymyositis as a manifesta- The second type of myositis ossificans develops as a
tion of chronic graft-versus-host disease, Medicine (Baltimore) result of repeated microtrauma and overuse injuries. This
75:279, 1996.
type usually occurs in athletic adolescents and young adults.
20. Pearson CM: Polymyositis and related disorders. In Walton J,
An example is heterotopic bone formation in the soleus
editor: Disorders of voluntary muscle, Boston, 1964, Little Brown,
pp 305. muscle in ballerinas.
21. Pistoia V, Buoncompagni A, Scribanis R, et al: Cyclosporin A in Third, myositis ossificans can complicate the clinical
the treatment of juvenile chronic arthritis and childhood course of severe neurologic disorders, such as Guillain-
polymyositis-dermatomyositis. Results of a preliminary study, Clin Barré syndrome,22 acquired immunodeficiency syndrome–
Exp Rheumatol 11:203, 1993. associated encephalopathy,14 and more commonly, closed
22. Ramanan AV, Sawhney S, Murray KJ: Central nervous system head or spinal cord injury.41 The average time between the
complications in two cases of juvenile onset dermatomyositis, traumatic neurologic insult and the onset of myositis ossifi-
Rheumatology (Oxford) 40:1293, 2001. cans in children is 4 months. In a comparison of children
23. Rider LG, Miller FW: Classification and treatment of the juvenile
with traumatic brain injuries and those with hypoxic brain
idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, Rheum Dis Clin North Am
injuries, myositis ossificans was more likely to develop in
23:619, 1997.
24. Roberts LJ, Fink CW: Childhood polymyositis/dermatomyositis, children who had suffered hypoxia.19 Myositis ossificans is
Clin Dermatol 6:36, 1988. likely to be much more extensive when it is associated with
25. Seggia JC, Abreu P: [Plasmapheresis in neurology. Critical analysis neurologic conditions.26
of indications and protocols], Arq Neuropsiquiatr 50:324, 1992. Finally, myositis ossificans can result from extensive
26. Sherry DD, Haas JE, Milstein JM: Childhood polymyositis as a burns and from muscular bleeding in individuals with
paraneoplastic phenomenon, Pediatr Neurol 9:155, 1993. hemophilia.29
27. Symmons DP, Sills JA, Davis SM: The incidence of juvenile der-
matomyositis: results from a nation-wide study, Br J Rheumatol Pathology
34:732, 1995.
The pathology of myositis ossificans is most notable for the
28. Tse S, Lubelsky S, Gordon M, et al: The arthritis of inflammatory
presence of four histologic zones1: (1) a central, undiffer-
childhood myositis syndromes, J Rheumatol 28:192, 2001.
29. Van Rossum MA, Hiemstra I, Prieur AM, et al: Juvenile dermato/ entiated zone that is highly cellular, with mitotic figures and
polymyositis: a retrospective analysis of 33 cases with special focus extreme variation in the size and shape of cells; (2) an
on initial CPK levels, Clin Exp Rheumatol 12:339, 1994. adjacent zone in which well-oriented zones of cellular
30. Varju C, Petho E, Kutas R, et al: The effect of physical exercise osteoid are separated by loose cellular stroma; (3) a more
following acute disease exacerbation in patients with dermato/ peripheral zone showing new bone formation with osteo-
polymyositis, Clin Rehabil 17:83, 2003. blasts and fibrous tissue undergoing trabecular organization;
31. Wedderburn LR, Li CK: Paediatric idiopathic inflammatory muscle and (4) an outermost zone of well-oriented bone encapsu-
disease, Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol 18:345, 2004. lated by fibrous tissue.
32. Wortmann RL, DiMauro S: Differentiating idiopathic inflamma-
Histologically, the lesion appears more benign at the
tory myopathies from metabolic myopathies, Rheum Dis Clin
periphery and very abnormal (with mitotic figures resem-
North Am 28:759, 2002.
33. Yoshioka M, Okuno T, Mikawa H: Prognosis and treatment of bling osteosarcoma) in the center. This is distinctly different
polymyositis with particular reference to steroid resistant patients, from osteosarcoma, in which the periphery or leading edge
Arch Dis Child 60:236, 1985. of the tumor does not appear more organized and has
malignant cellular characteristics. As the heterotopic bone
matures, the involved area becomes smaller.
Myositis Ossificans The lesions of myositis ossificans are white and glistening
on gross appearance and gritty in texture.20 Compressed
Myositis ossificans is characterized by heterotopic calcifica- muscle may be present around the lesion, but the mass is
tion and ossification in muscle tissue. Injury is an important clearly delineated from the surrounding tissues.32
factor in its pathogenesis.7 The process most likely repre-
sents metaplasia of fibroblasts at the site of injury. When Clinical Features
the condition is not associated with a traumatic injury, Physical findings consist of tenderness over the affected
the term pseudomalignant myositis ossificans has been area, palpable swelling, pain on range of motion, and stiff-
applied.20,32 ness. The limb may have increased warmth. It is not uncom-
Myositis ossificans is most common in teenagers, but it mon for the patient to have a fever.2 If persistent local
has also been described in younger children. The disorder discomfort and marked limitation of motion 3 weeks after
has rarely been reported to occur in infants and new- a posterior dislocation of the elbow are noted, myositis
e356 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

ossificans may be present. The pain and swelling of myositis relatively new lesions.27 These patterns are not unique to
ossificans may mimic an infection.2,30 myositis ossificans, however, and resemble those reported
with other lesions. The MRI appearance of the lesion
Radiographic Findings changes with the acuity of the mass.13,27 Use of gadolinium
Initial radiographic findings are normal, but by 10 days to may help differentiate myositis ossificans from osteogenic
4 weeks, fine calcifications can be seen in the muscle, sarcoma.11
referred to as the “dotted veil appearance.”10,16 Over time, CT scans of myositis ossificans clearly delineate the
the calcification increases; the entire calcified mass then peripheral ossification and central lucency of the masses.4
appears to shrink and become more dense. The process is Separation of the lesion from the underlying bone is best
self-limited, with the course varying from a few weeks to seen on CT. If the lesion is in continuity with the bone, it
several months. Periosteal reaction may be seen in the is not myositis ossificans, and the possibility of tumor or
underlying bone, but no erosion of the bony cortex devel- infection arises.
ops. The mass may be connected to the underlying bone by In summary, although myositis ossificans has certain
a thin stalk or a broad base, but it is generally separated imaging characteristics on CT, MRI, and ultrasonography, it
from the underlying bone by at least a thin line.5,32 The has some overlap with the appearance of malignant tumors.
lesions are usually located in the diaphysis (Fig. 39-29). This confusion is compounded in patients with no history
A bone scan with technetium-99m shows increased of significant trauma. A combination of imaging techniques
uptake in the heterotopic bone that is forming. Abnormal is most useful in differentiating infection and neoplasm
uptake can be seen on the bone scan before plain films show from heterotopic ossification.17
calcification.42 Thallium and gallium scintigraphy also shows
abnormal uptake in myositis ossificans33,39; however, neither Differential Diagnosis
study can differentiate myositis ossificans from tumor. Myositis ossificans is distinct from metastatic calcification,
Abnormal findings can also be seen on ultrasonography which occurs as a result of hypercalcemia.44 It must be dif-
before changes are evident on plain films.37 Calcification ferentiated from fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, an
may first be noted on ultrasonography, and a focal, inherited condition characterized by relentless ossification
hypoechoic mass located within the muscle may be seen.25 of all skeletal muscle throughout childhood. Myositis ossi-
The MRI characteristics of myositis ossificans have been ficans must also be distinguished from infections, such as
described elsewhere.34 A rim with low signal intensity is a osteomyelitis or soft tissue abscess, and from tumors, such
common finding. Surrounding edema can be seen with as osteogenic sarcoma, parosteal osteosarcoma, and rhabdo-
myosarcoma4,15 The correct diagnosis can usually be made
from imaging studies. When myositis ossificans is believed
to be the most likely diagnosis, serial radiographs can be
obtained to follow the evolution and maturation of the
In equivocal cases, biopsy may be necessary to document
the different zones of histology associated with myositis
ossificans. Although fine-needle biopsy has been successful
in establishing the diagnosis,12,28,38 extreme care must be
taken when interpreting the results because such biopsies
do not procure enough specimen to demonstrate the zonal
architecture of the mass.24,31,32,45 The histologic findings in
a single biopsy specimen taken from the center of a myositis
ossificans lesion can strongly resemble those of osteosar-
coma. Unnecessary ablative surgery, such as amputation, has
been performed in cases of myositis ossificans that were
diagnosed incorrectly.32
Treatment should be conservative. Nonsteroidal antiinflam-
matory medication can control pain. Any physical therapy
should be discontinued because persistent passive stretch-
ing to regain motion will exacerbate the myositis. Relative
rest of the affected extremity is helpful, with motion and
activity gradually resumed as the acute phase subsides.
Radiation should be avoided in children.
Jackson and Feagin proposed a three-phase treatment
plan for patients at risk for myositis ossificans of the quad-
riceps following thigh contusions.23 The first phase consists
of limiting motion and icing the extremity while avoiding
heat or massage. When quadriceps control is regained, the
FIGURE 39-29  Posttraumatic myositis ossificans of the thigh. Note second phase begins, and the patient is encouraged to
the mature bone at the periphery of the calcified lesion. perform knee extensions and slowly regain flexion. The
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e357

third phase starts when the patient has 90 degrees of motion 22. Hung JC, Appleton RE, Abernethy L: Myositis ossificans compli-
and consists of progressive resistance exercises and noncon- cating severe Guillain-Barré syndrome, Dev Med Child Neurol
tact sports. 39:775, 1997.
23. Jackson DW, Feagin JA: Quadriceps contusions in young athletes.
Spontaneous resolution of myositis ossificans has been
Relation of severity of injury to treatment and prognosis, J Bone
reported in up to 38% of lesions.32,40,43 Surgery is not gener-
Joint Surg Am 55:95, 1973.
ally necessary to remove the calcified lesion.9 Once the 24. Jouve JL, Cottalorda J, Bollini G, et al: Myositis ossificans: report
process has matured, symptomatic masses can be excised if of seven cases in children, J Pediatr Orthop B 6:33, 1997.
they are painful or interfere with motion; calcification may 25. Kirkpatrick JS, Koman LA, Rovere GD: The role of ultrasound in
recur, however. Surgery is not performed until a year or so the early diagnosis of myositis ossificans. A case report, Am J Sports
after the acute stage of the disease, at a time when radio- Med 15:179, 1987.
graphs reveal that the heterotopic bone is fully mature and 26. Kluger G, Kochs A, Holthausen H: Heterotopic ossification in
bone scans show either a return to normal uptake or decreas- childhood and adolescence, J Child Neurol 15:406, 2000.
ing activity in the lesion. 27. Kransdorf MJ, Meis JM, Jelinek JS: Myositis ossificans: MR
appearance with radiologic-pathologic correlation, AJR Am J
Roentgenol 157:1243, 1991.
References 28. Layfield LJ, Anders KH, Glasgow BJ, et al: Fine-needle aspiration
Myositis Ossificans of primary soft-tissue lesions, Arch Pathol Lab Med 110:420, 1986.
1. Ackerman LV: Extra-osseous localized non-neoplastic bone and 29. Massey GV, Kuhn JG, Nogi J, et al: The spectrum of myositis
cartilage formation (so-called myositis ossificans): clinical and ossificans in haemophilia, Haemophilia 10:189, 2004.
pathological confusion with malignant neoplasms, J Bone Joint Surg 30. Merkow SJ, St Clair HS, Goldberg MJ: Myositis ossificans mas-
Am 40:279, 1958. querading as sepsis, J Pediatr Orthop 5:601, 1985.
2. Adderson EE, Bohnsack JF: Traumatic myositis ossificans simulat- 31. Nuovo MA, Norman A, Chumas J, et al: Myositis ossificans with
ing soft tissue infection, Pediatr Infect Dis J 15:551, 1996. atypical clinical, radiographic, or pathologic findings: a review of
3. Akgun I, Erdogan F, Aydingoz O, et al: Myositis ossificans in early 23 cases, Skeletal Radiol 21:87, 1992.
childhood, Arthroscopy 14:522, 1998. 32. Ogilvie-Harris DJ, Fornasier VL: Pseudomalignant myositis ossifi-
4. Amendola MA, Glazer GM, Agha FP, et al: Myositis ossificans cans: heterotopic new-bone formation without a history of trauma,
circumscripta: computed tomographic diagnosis, Radiology J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:1274, 1980.
149:775, 1983. 33. Osmanagaoglu K, Kuyvenhoven J, Dierckx RA, et al: Thallium-201
5. Beiner JM, Jokl P: Muscle contusion injuries: current treatment accumulation in myositis ossificans and in juxta-articular ossifica-
options, J Am Acad Orthop Surg 9:227, 2001. tion, J Nucl Med 36:2239, 1995.
6. Ben-Youssef L, Schmidt TL: Battered child syndrome simulating 34. Parikh J, Hyare H, Saifuddin A: The imaging features of post-
myositis, J Pediatr Orthop 3:392, 1983. traumatic myositis ossificans, with emphasis on MRI, Clin Radiol
7. Best TM: Muscle-tendon injuries in young athletes, Clin Sports 57:1058, 2002.
Med 14:669, 1995. 35. Paterson DC: Myositis ossificans circumscripta. Report of four
8. Booth DW, Westers BM: The management of athletes with myo- cases without history of injury, J Bone Joint Surg Br 52:296, 1970.
sitis ossificans traumatica, Can J Sport Sci 14:10, 1989. 36. Pazzaglia UE, Beluffi G, Colombo A, et al: Myositis ossificans in
9. Carlson WO, Klassen RA: Myositis ossificans of the upper extrem- the newborn. A case report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 68:456, 1986.
ity: a long-term follow-up, J Pediatr Orthop 4:693, 1984. 37. Peck RJ, Metreweli C: Early myositis ossificans: a new echographic
10. Cushner FD, Morwessel RM: Myositis ossificans in children, sign, Clin Radiol 39:586, 1988.
Orthopedics 18:287, 1995. 38. Rooser B, Herrlin K, Rydholm A, et al: Pseudomalignant myositis
11. Cvitanic O, Sedlak J: Acute myositis ossificans, Skeletal Radiol ossificans. Clinical, radiologic, and cytologic diagnosis in 5 cases,
24:139, 1995. Acta Orthop Scand 60:457, 1989.
12. de Almeida MM, Abecassis N, Almeida MO, et al: Fine-needle 39. Salzman L, Lee VW, Grant P: Gallium uptake in myositis
aspiration cytology of myositis ossificans: a case report, Diagn ossificans. Potential pitfalls in diagnosis, Clin Nucl Med 12:308,
Cytopathol 10:41, 1994. 1987.
13. De Smet AA, Norris MA, Fisher DR: Magnetic resonance imaging 40. Spencer JD, Missen GA: Pseudomalignant heterotopic ossification
of myositis ossificans: analysis of seven cases, Skeletal Radiol (myositis ossificans). Recurrence after excision with subsequent
21:503, 1992. resorption, J Bone Joint Surg Br 71:317, 1989.
14. Drane WE, Tipler BM: Heterotopic ossification (myositis ossifi- 41. Spencer RF: The effect of head injury on fracture healing. A quan-
cans) in acquired immune deficiency syndrome. Detection by titative assessment, J Bone Joint Surg Br 69:525, 1987.
gallium scintigraphy, Clin Nucl Med 12:433, 1987. 42. Suzuki Y, Hisada K, Takeda M: Demonstration of myositis ossifi-
15. Gebhardt MC, Ready JE, Mankin HJ: Tumors about the knee in cans by 99mTc pyrophosphate bone scanning, Radiology 111:663,
children, Clin Orthop Relat Res 255: 86, 1990. 1974.
16. Geschickter C, Ready JE: Myositis ossificans, J Bone Joint Surg 43. Thorndike A: Myositis ossificans traumatica, J Bone Joint Surg
20:661, 1938. 222:315, 1940.
17. Gindele A, Schwamborn D, Tsironis K, et al: Myositis ossificans 44. Vanden Bossche L, Vanderstraeten G: Heterotopic ossification: a
traumatica in young children: report of three cases and review of review, J Rehabil Med 37:129, 2005.
the literature, Pediatr Radiol 30:451, 2000. 45. Wakely PE Jr, Almeida M, Frable WJ: Fine-needle aspiration
18. Heifetz SA, Galliani CA, DeRosa GP: Myositis (fasciitis) ossificans biopsy cytology of myositis ossificans, Mod Pathol 7:23, 1994.
in an infant, Pediatr Pathol 12:223, 1992.
19. Heindl UT, Laub MC: Outcome of persistent vegetative state fol-
lowing hypoxic or traumatic brain injury in children and adoles-
cents, Neuropediatrics 27:94, 1996. Progressive Fibrosis of the Quadriceps
20. Heinrich SD, Zembo MM, MacEwen GD: Pseudomalignant myo-
sitis ossificans, Orthopedics 12:599, 1989. Progressive fibrosis of the quadriceps muscle is a condition
21. Howard CB, Porat S, Bar-On E, et al: Traumatic myositis ossificans in which extension contracture of the knee develops in early
of the quadriceps in infants, J Pediatr Orthop B 7:80, 1998. childhood as a result of fibrosis of one or more components
e358 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

of the quadriceps muscle. The condition is more common Postoperative extensor lag may be present but resolves
in girls than in boys. with time in most cases.1,12 The extensor lag is more preva-
lent following V-Y plasty than after proximal release of the
Etiology fibrotic bands.8 When the fibrosis is chronic and genu recur-
The exact cause of progressive fibrosis of the quadriceps is vatum is present, skeletal changes may develop in the distal
not known. Gunn first proposed that it was a sequela of end of the femur where the articular surface points anteri-
multiple injections of antibiotics into the thigh muscles orly. In such cases it may be necessary to perform distal
during early infancy.6 This possible cause has been reported femoral flexion osteotomy to gain knee flexion and maintain
by others.4,14,16 Nearly all affected children have a history joint congruity.
of serious illness during early infancy.14 Similar fibrotic
changes with contractures have been seen in the gluteal and
deltoid muscles following intramuscular injections.3,5,9,11
Fibrosis in the gluteus maximus causes abduction-extension Progressive Fibrosis of the Quadriceps
contractures of the hips,7 and deltoid fibrosis results in 1. Alvarez EV, Munters M, Lavine LS, et al: Quadriceps myofibrosis.
abduction contractures of the shoulder along with scapular A complication of intramuscular injections, J Bone Joint Surg Am
62:58, 1980.
2. Bose K, Chong KC: The clinical manifestations and pathomechan-
Pathophysiology ics of contracture of the extensor mechanism of the knee, J Bone
Joint Surg Br 58:478, 1976.
The pathophysiology of progressive fibrosis is speculative. 3. Duran Sacristan H, Sanchez-Barba A, Lopez-Duran Stern L, et al:
It has been proposed that the volume of drug injected in Fibrosis of the gluteal muscles: report of three cases, J Bone Joint
very young infants compresses the capillaries and muscle Surg Am 56:1510, 1974.
fibers and causes muscle ischemia, which leads to fibrotic 4. Euliano JJ: Fibrosis of the quadriceps mechanism in children, Clin
changes. Local necrosis may occur as a result of focal disrup- Orthop Relat Res 70: 181, 1970.
tion of fibers at the site of injection. The irritative nature 5. Fernandez de Valderrama JA, Esteve de Miguel R: Fibrosis of the
of the injected drug may also play a role in producing gluteus maximus: a cause of limited flexion and adduction of the
hip in children, Clin Orthop Relat Res 156: 67, 1981.
6. Gunn DR: Contracture of the quadriceps muscle. A discussion on
Clinical Features the etiology and relationship to recurrent dislocation of the patella,
J Bone Joint Surg Br 46: 492, 1964.
The clinical hallmark of progressive fibrosis of the quadri- 7. Hang YS: Contracture of the hip secondary to fibrosis of
ceps is painless, progressive limitation of both active and the gluteus maximus muscle, J Bone Joint Surg Am 61:52,
passive knee flexion with an extension contracture.2 The 1979.
vastus intermedius is most commonly involved. Fibrosis 8. Jackson AM, Hutton PA: Injection-induced contractures of the
occurs more distally than proximally, within and between quadriceps in childhood. A comparison of proximal release and
the muscle fibers. A dimple in the skin may be present distal quadricepsplasty, J Bone Joint Surg Br 67:97, 1985.
because of the rigid, fibrous septa that extend between 9. Jhunjhunwala HR: Abduction contracture of the deltoid muscle in
children, Int Orthop 19:289, 1995.
the skin and the deep fascia; the dimple deepens with
10. Lloyd-Roberts GC, Thomas TG: The etiology of quadriceps con-
forced flexion of the knee. Range of motion is painless
tracture in children, J Bone Joint Surg Br 46:498, 1964.
within the available arc. The involved muscle is atrophic, 11. Minami M, Yamazaki J, Minami A, et al: A postoperative long-term
with subcutaneous hardness and limitation of motion. study of the deltoid contracture in children, J Pediatr Orthop
Genu recurvatum may develop in severe cases. The patella 4:609, 1984.
is high riding. 12. Mukherjee PK, Das AK: Injection fibrosis in the quadriceps
Habitual dislocation of the patella may occur in chronic femoris muscle in children, J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:453,
cases.2 Knee flexion in these patients is accomplished 1980.
through lateral dislocation of the patella. With the patella 13. Sasaki T, Fukuhara H, Iisaka H, et al: Postoperative evaluation of
held within the groove of the femur, the knee cannot be quadriceps contracture in children: comparison of three different
procedures, J Pediatr Orthop 5:702, 1985.
flexed. In these patients the vastus lateralis is usually
14. Sengupta S: Pathogenesis of infantile quadriceps fibrosis and
involved. This condition differs from congenital lateral dis-
its correction by proximal release, J Pediatr Orthop 5:187,
location of the patella in that it is an acquired contracture 1985.
resulting from progressive fibrosis. 15. Thompson T: Quadriceps plasty to improve knee function, J Bone
Joint Surg 26:366, 1944.
Treatment 16. Valdiserri L, Andrisano A, Manfrini M, et al: Post-injective quad-
Although physical therapy is often prescribed initially, it riceps contracture, Ital J Orthop Traumatol 15:267, 1989.
rarely improves knee flexion significantly.10 Two different
surgical releases have been advocated for the treatment of
quadriceps fibrosis. The first is surgical release of the exten- Myasthenia Gravis
sion contracture by proximal division of the fibrotic muscu-
lar bands, which is often combined with transverse division Myasthenia gravis is a rare autoimmune disease in which
of the iliotibial tract.13 This approach is preferred in patients antibodies are produced to the nicotinic acetylcholine
younger than 10 years in whom no radiographic changes are receptor at the neuromuscular junction. As a result, impulses
present in the distal end of the femur.14 The other surgical cannot be transmitted properly across the junction, and the
approach is V-Y quadricepsplasty to lengthen the extensor patient experiences muscle weakness or paralysis following
mechanism as a whole when the fibrosis is extensive.15 repetitive activity.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e359

results in myasthenia.5,9,10,25,30 In many of these forms the

Incidence acetylcholine receptor is abnormal. Congenital myasthenic
The reported prevalence of myasthenia gravis in the general syndromes are not autoimmune. These syndromes can
population varies from 1 in 50,000 to 1 in 10,000. The develop at any age, with diagnosis shortly after birth in some
disease can be manifested at any age but is most common patients. Most occur within the first year of life.27 Affected
in adulthood. Only approximately 10% of patients with infants have poor sucking and a weak cry.11 The clinical
myasthenia gravis are children.21 In 1% of patients, myas- course varies among the different types.27 The spectrum of
thenia gravis is diagnosed before 1 year of age.8 disease ranges from mild weakness to severe disability with
life-threatening respiratory compromise. Patients may have
Etiology the typical contractures of arthrogryposis multiplex con-
The exact cause of the disease is not fully understood. It is genita.28 Congenital contractures of the extremities may
an autoimmune disorder with antibody production against resolve with medical treatment of the myasthenia.15 Camp-
a protein antigen at the motor end-plate. These acetylcho- todactyly has been reported in these patients.15 Scoliosis
line receptor antibodies can be identified in the blood of may occur in older children.
many affected patients, although up to 44% of young chil-
dren are seronegative on testing.3 More recent research has Juvenile Myasthenia Gravis. In 75% of cases, the age at
established the presence of a second autoantibody targeting onset is 10 years or older.13 Eye weakness is the most
muscle-specific kinase in a group of patients who were common initial finding. Weakness of the upper and lower
previously thought to be seronegative.2 The thymus is con- extremities occurs in fewer children, with the weakness
sidered the site of antibody production. Abnormalities of more pronounced later in the day.13 The child is unable to
the thymus (e.g., benign tumor, hyperplasia, persistence of walk long distances without rest and also has difficulty
the gland) are frequently found in patients with myasthenia climbing stairs. Quadriceps weakness leads to frequent falls.
gravis. Gluteal weakness causes a Trendelenburg gait. Facial weak-
The disease appears to be regulated by hormones, with ness produces a sad expression or flat affect. Weakness in
postpubertal patients more likely to be seropositive. Addi- mastication is due to easy fatigability of the jaw muscles.
tionally, the sex frequency of myasthenia gravis shifts after Tongue weakness leads to dysarthria. The child speaks
puberty.3 In early childhood the ratio between females and clearly at first, but the words become slurred as the tongue
males is nearly equal (1.3:1), whereas after puberty, the fatigues. Respiratory difficulty, which is known as myas-
vast majority of patients are female (14:1). This supports thenic crisis, occurs in 40% of untreated patients and can
the theory that hormones play an important modulating be fatal.12 Neurologic examination reveals normal sensation
role. and normal deep tendon reflexes. Pathologic reflexes are
Familial cases have been reported.7,20,23,31 Histocompati- absent. The natural history of juvenile myasthenia gravis is
bility leukocyte antigen phenotypes have been studied, and variable. Usually the disease worsens during the first 2 years
two have been linked to the therapeutic response and clini- following onset. However, patients may experience periods
cal course of the disease.16 of remission lasting months or even years.
Clinical Features Diagnosis
Three patterns based on age at onset and clinical features The key feature of myasthenia gravis is a history of muscle
have been described in children: neonatal transient myas- weakness precipitated by activity, termed fatigability. A
thenia gravis, congenital myasthenic syndromes, and juve- positive Tensilon (edrophonium chloride) test confirms the
nile myasthenia gravis.21,22 diagnosis. Tensilon, which is an analogue of neostigmine
(Prostigmin), has a short duration of action and is excreted
Neonatal Transient Myasthenia Gravis. This form of the rapidly. In normal individuals, Tensilon has no effect on
disease affects 10% to 15% of infants born to mothers who muscle strength but does produce cholinergic side effects
have myasthenia gravis.8 Symptoms consist of generalized (e.g., perspiration, salivation, lacrimation, fasciculations).
muscle weakness, paucity of movement, weak sucking, Myasthenic patients exhibit marked improvement in the
facial weakness, ptosis, and respiratory weakness. Failure to motor strength of weak muscles within 1 minute of injec-
thrive can be a significant problem because of the infant’s tion of Tensilon, and cholinergic side effects are minimal.
inability to suck. The symptoms are present at birth and In addition, ptosis improves after the administration of Ten-
begin to resolve spontaneously within approximately 4 silon.13 Five minutes after administration of the drug,
weeks. The cause of the disease appears to be passage of however, the beneficial effects disappear.
maternal antibodies to the acetylcholine receptor to the Electrophysiologic testing can also establish the diagnosis
fetus. As the antibodies are destroyed or excreted, the clini- of myasthenia gravis. Repetitive stimulation of the ulnar
cal symptoms disappear, usually by 6 weeks of age. The nerve results in a decrement in magnitude of the compound
disease can be fatal if untreated, but affected newborns muscle action potential in 75% to 88% of children with the
respond to neostigmine therapy. Exchange plasmapheresis disorder.29 As the ulnar nerve is stimulated, the electrical
is advocated for infants with generalized weakness,13 and response in the hypothenar muscles diminishes significantly
high-dose immune globulin therapy has also been used.4,12 over time. The nerve may be further sensitized by
Congenital Myasthenic Syndromes. Congenital myasthenic Assays for anti–acetylcholine receptor antibodies are
syndromes are a group of genetically inherited diseases char- available. The presence or absence of antibodies makes it
acterized by an abnormal response to acetylcholine that easier to distinguish the various forms of myasthenia gravis
e360 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

and can help define the prognosis and guide treatment of 10. Engel AG: Congenital myasthenic syndromes, Neurol Clin 12:401,
these patients.24 1994.
11. Engel AG, Uchitel OD, Walls TJ, et al: Newly recognized congeni-
Treatment tal myasthenic syndrome associated with high conductance and
fast closure of the acetylcholine receptor channel, Ann Neurol
Treatment of myasthenia gravis is medical, surgical, or both.
34:38, 1993.
Anticholinesterase therapy with neostigmine or pyridostig- 12. Evoli A: Acquired myasthenia gravis in childhood, Curr Opin
mine bromide is often used for long-term medical manage- Neurol 23:536, 2010.
ment. Glucocorticosteroids are also commonly used. 13. Fenichel GM: Myasthenia gravis, Pediatr Ann 18:432, 1989.
Plasmapheresis can be helpful in decreasing the amount of 14. Ferrero B, Durelli L: High-dose intravenous immunoglobulin G
antibody to acetylcholine.6 Intravenous immunoglobulin G treatment of myasthenia gravis, Neurol Sci 23(Suppl 1):S9, 2002.
has been used to treat rapidly progressive weakness and 15. Hageman G, Smit LM, Hoogland RA, et al: Muscle weakness
myasthenic crisis but is of limited benefit as long-term and congenital contractures in a case of congenital myasthenia,
treatment.14,26 J Pediatr Orthop 6:227, 1986.
16. Hayashi M, Kida K, Yamada I, et al: Involvement of HLA in clinical
Surgical treatment consists of removal of the thymus,
courses of myasthenia gravis, J Neuroimmunol 18:171, 1988.
which is believed to be the primary site of antibody produc-
17. Hennessey IA, Long AM, Hughes I, et al: Thymectomy for induc-
tion.19 Approximately 60% of children with myasthenia ing remission in juvenile myasthenia gravis, Pediatr Surg Int
gravis have a good response following thymectomy.17,19 27:591, 2011.
Muscle strength may improve within 1 week of surgery.13 18. Herrmann DN, Carney PR, Wald JJ: Juvenile myasthenia gravis:
Patients whose myasthenia gravis is not associated with treatment with immune globulin and thymectomy, Pediatr Neurol
antibody production do not benefit from thymectomy.8 18:63, 1998.
Patients currently considered appropriate candidates for 19. Lindner A, Schalke B, Toyka KV: Outcome in juvenile-onset myas-
thymectomy are those whose response to anticholinesterase thenia gravis: a retrospective study with long-term follow-up of 79
medications and immunosuppressants is unsatisfactory and patients, J Neurol 244:515, 1997.
20. Matthes JW, Kenna AP, Fawcett PR: Familial infantile myasthenia:
those who prefer surgery to long-term immunosuppressant
a diagnostic problem, Dev Med Child Neurol 33:924, 1991.
therapy.18 In patients with a peripubertal onset of juvenile
21. Millichap JG, Dodge PR: Diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia
myasthenia gravis, better postoperative results are obtained gravis in infancy, childhood, and adolescence: a study of 51
if thymectomy is performed within 12 months of disease patients, Neurology 10:1007, 1960.
onset.1,3 22. Parr JR, Jayawant S: Childhood myasthenia: clinical subtypes and
practical management, Dev Med Child Neurol 49:629, 2007.
References 23. Pascuzzi RM, Sermas A, Phillips LH 2nd, et al: Familial autoim-
mune myasthenia gravis and thymoma: occurrence in two brothers,
Myasthenia Gravis Neurology 36:423, 1986.
1. Adams C, Theodorescu D, Murphy EG, et al: Thymectomy in 24. Roach ES, Buono G, McLean WT Jr, et al: Early-onset myasthenia
juvenile myasthenia gravis, J Child Neurol 5:215, 1990. gravis, J Pediatr 108:193, 1986.
2. Andrews PI: Autoimmune myasthenia gravis in childhood, Semin 25. Schara U, Lochmuller H: Therapeutic strategies in congenital
Neurol 24:101, 2004. myasthenic syndromes, Neurotherapeutics 5:542, 2008.
3. Andrews PI, Massey JM, Howard JF Jr, et al: Race, sex, and 26. Selcen D, Dabrowski ER, Michon AM, et al: High-dose intrave-
puberty influence onset, severity, and outcome in juvenile myas- nous immunoglobulin therapy in juvenile myasthenia gravis,
thenia gravis, Neurology 44:1208, 1994. Pediatr Neurol 22:40, 2000.
4. Bassan H, Muhlbaur B, Tomer A, et al: High-dose intravenous 27. Shillito P, Vincent A, Newsom-Davis J: Congenital myasthenic
immunoglobulin in transient neonatal myasthenia gravis, Pediatr syndromes, Neuromuscul Disord 3:183, 1993.
Neurol 18:181, 1998. 28. Vajsar J, Sloane A, MacGregor DL, et al: Arthrogryposis multiplex
5. Beeson D, Palace J, Vincent A: Congenital myasthenic syndromes, congenita due to congenital myasthenic syndrome, Pediatr Neurol
Curr Opin Neurol 10:402, 1997. 12:237, 1995.
6. Chiang LM, Darras BT, Kang PB: Juvenile myasthenia gravis, 29. Vial C, Charles N, Chauplannaz G, et al: Myasthenia gravis in
Muscle Nerve 39:423, 2009. childhood and infancy. Usefulness of electrophysiologic studies,
7. Chin D, Gubbay SS: Familial myasthenia gravis: a study of three Arch Neurol 48:847, 1991.
families, Clin Exp Neurol 21:141, 1985. 30. Vincent A, Newland C, Croxen R, et al: Genes at the junction—
8. Dooley JM, Writer H, Gibson EJ, et al: Congenital myasthenia candidates for congenital myasthenic syndromes, Trends Neurosci
gravis. The clinical spectrum. A practical approach to diagnosis and 20:15, 1997.
treatment, Clin Pediatr (Phila) 27:575, 1988. 31. Zammarchi E, Donati MA, Masi S, et al: Familial infantile myas-
9. Engel AG: Myasthenia gravis and myasthenic syndromes, Ann thenia: a neuromuscular cause of respiratory failure, Childs Nerv
Neurol 16:519, 1984. Syst 10:347, 1994.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e361

Plate 39-1  Anterior Transfer of the Posterior Tibial Tendon Through the Interosseous Membrane

Operative Technique
A, A 4-cm-long incision is made over the medial aspect
of the foot, beginning posterior and immediately distal to
the tip of the medial malleolus and extending to the base Incision
of the first cuneiform bone. A second longitudinal incision
is made 1.5 cm posterior to the subcutaneous medial border
of the tibia and ends 3 cm from the tip of the medial
B, The posterior tibial tendon is identified at its insertion,
and its sheath is divided. The tendon is freed and sectioned
at its attachment to the bone, with maximal length Incision
preserved. A 0-0 silk whip suture is inserted in its distal
C, The posterior tibial muscle is identified through the leg
incision, and its sheath is opened and freed. Traction on the
stump in the foot incision can help in its identification.
Moist sponges and a two-hand technique are used to deliver
the posterior tibial tendon into the proximal wound. The
surgeon must be careful to preserve the nerve and blood A
supply to the posterior tibial muscle.

Delivery of posterior tibial

tendon into proximal wound
Posterior tibial tendon
(preserve maximum length)


Stump of tendon


Continued on following page

e362 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 39-1  Anterior Transfer of the Posterior Tibial Tendon Through the Interosseous Membrane, cont’d

Window cut into

interosseous membrane

Incision anterior muscle


CAUTION: Avoid injury to anterior tibial

D vessels and deep peroneal nerve

D, A longitudinal skin incision is made anteriorly one fin- E, The anterior tibial muscle is exposed together with the
gerbreadth lateral to the crest of the tibia, starting at the anterior tibial artery and extensor hallucis longus muscle. It
proximal margin of the cruciate ligament of the ankle and is retracted laterally to expose the interosseous membrane.
extending 7 cm proximally. A 4-cm-long longitudinal inci- Next, a large rectangular window is cut in the interosseous
sion is then made over the dorsum of the foot, centered membrane.
over the base of the second metatarsal.
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e363

Tibialis posterior muscle passed through

window in interosseous membrane


Tibialis posterior tendon

anchored into base
of second metatarsal

Ober tendon passer delivers tibialis posterior tendon

beneath extensors and cruciate ligament
into wound over base
of second metatarsal


F and G, With an Ober tendon passer, the posterior tibial The wounds are closed in layers in the usual manner. A
tendon is passed posteriorly through the window in the short-leg cast that will hold the foot in neutral position at
interosseous membrane into the anterior tibial compart- the ankle joint is applied.
ment. Care is needed to not twist the tendon or damage its
nerve or blood supply. Next, with the aid of an Ober tendon Postoperative Care
passer, the posterior tibial tendon is passed beneath the
cruciate ligament and the extensors and is delivered into The principles of postoperative care are the same as for
the wound on the dorsum of the foot. It is anchored to the any tendon transfer.
base of the second metatarsal bone through a bone tunnel.
e364 SECTION VI  Neuromuscular Disorders

Plate 39-2  Scapulocostal Stabilization for Scapular Winging (Ketenjian Technique)

Scapula fixed
Scapula: note with medial
inferior angle border parallel
tilted medially to vertebral

Medial border of
scapula tilted 40°
laterally 40° Range of
Active active
abduction shoulder
of shoulder abduction
is 80° increased
A B C to 140°

In winging of the scapula in patients with facioscapulo- B, The inferior angle of the scapula is displaced laterally
humeral muscular dystrophy, the scapula is malrotated, with until the medial border of the scapula is parallel to the
its longitudinal axis deviated medially and its inferomedial longitudinal axis of the spinous processes of the vertebrae.
angle displaced toward the spinous process of the vertebrae. With the scapula fixed on the thoracic cage, the patient
actively abducts the shoulder, and the degree of glenohu-
Preoperative Assessment meral active abduction is measured. In this illustration,
active shoulder abduction is 80 degrees.
Before surgery, the surgeon must determine the position in C, The inferior angle of the scapula is displaced laterally,
which the scapula will be fixed to the thoracic wall. This is thus rotating the scapula laterally in the coronal (scapular)
done with the patient standing and the surgeon behind the plane. In this illustration the medial border of the scapula
patient. is tilted laterally 40 degrees in relation to the vertebral
A, The surgeon steadies the scapula with one hand by spines. The patient is asked to actively abduct the shoulder,
holding its superomedial border with the thumb and fingers. and the total range of thoracoglenohumeral abduction is
With the thumb of the opposite hand, the surgeon hooks measured and correlated with the scapuloaxial angle (the
the inferior angle of the scapula while the palm and fingers angle formed by the medial border of the scapula and a
grasp the thoracic cage laterally. The patient’s arm hangs longitudinal line connecting the spinous processes of the
loosely at the side. vertebrae).
CHAPTER 39  Muscle Diseases e365

of shoulder
is 80° Supraspinatus muscle



40° major
Drill holes made 1.3 cm
D E from medial border of scapula

Operative Technique
At surgery the scapula is fixed to the tho- Ribs
racic cage at the scapuloaxial angle mea- 4
sured during the maximum desired
position of shoulder abduction. The oper- 5
ation is performed with the patient prone. 5
The neck, entire thorax, and involved 6
upper limb are prepared and carefully
draped to allow free manipulation of the 6
shoulder. 7
D, With the scapula in position to be fixed 7
to the thoracic cage, a longitudinal incision
is made at its medial border. The subcu-
taneous tissue and superficial fascia are
divided in line with the skin incision. Mersilene strips Strips pulled through drill holes
E, The trapezius, levator scapulae, and passed around ribs and tied down snugly with scapula
rhomboids are sectioned from the medial positioned in 40° external rotation
border of the scapula; these muscles are G H
atrophic and have been replaced by fibrous
or fibrofatty tissue. The supraspinatus,
infraspinatus, and subscapularis are ele-
vated with a periosteal elevator for a dis-
tance of 2.5 cm from the medial border nerves at the inferior margin of the ribs. Mersilene or fasciae latae strips are
of the scapula. then passed around the ribs.
F, Four drill holes are made 1.3 cm from H, The strips are passed through drill holes and tied snugly with the scapula
the medial border of the scapula at the maintained in 20 degrees of lateral rotation. The stability of the scapula’s
level of the adjacent ribs when the scapula fixation to the rib cage is tested, and the wound is closed in the usual fashion.
is placed in the desired position for stabili-
zation. The scapula is tilted to approxi-
Postoperative Care
mately 20 degrees of lateral rotation.
G, The ribs underlying the drill holes in The upper limb is supported in a sling. Several days postoperatively, active
the scapula are exposed subperiosteally. assisted and gentle passive range-of-motion exercises are performed several
The surgeon must be extremely careful to times a day. Codman pendulum exercises are begun 7 days after surgery. The
not injure the intercostal vessels and sling support is discontinued 4 to 5 weeks after the operation.
C H A P T E R 4 0 

Skeletal Dysplasias John A. Herring

in the most common forms of bone dysplasia. Although

Chapter Outline specific gene therapy is not yet possible, much new informa-
tion is becoming rapidly available and is advancing our
Overview understanding of the mechanism of bone dysplasias.
Nomenclature and Classification The diagnosis of skeletal dysplasias can most often be
Achondroplasia made from the history and the physical examination of the
Hypochondroplasia child. Short stature is readily identified and is often the
Thanatophoric Dwarfism chief complaint of the family. At the initial examination,
Pseudoachondroplasia the pattern of shortening should be established. Rhizomelic
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia is a term implying shortening that is most prominent in the
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia proximal segments of the limbs (i.e., in the femur or
Diastrophic Dysplasia (Diastrophic Dwarfism) humerus). When the midportion of the limb is shortest, the
Kniest Dysplasia (Pseudometatrophic Dysplasia) term mesomelic should be used. Acromelic describes short-
Chondrodysplasia Punctata ening of the distal limb. Sitting heights and standing heights
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia should be compared with normal growth charts to establish
Osteopetrosis whether the short stature is proportionate or disproportion-
Progressive Diaphyseal Dysplasia ate (see Chapter 1).
(Camurati-Engelmann Disease) The physical examination should include careful charac-
Osteopoikilosis terization of the patient’s facies. Frontal bossing is seen in
Osteopathia Striata achondroplasia, whereas trefoil (triangular) facies is seen in
Melorheostosis osteogenesis imperfecta. In many dysplasias the patient’s
Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis (Caffey Disease) teeth are abnormal, a visible reflection of collagen abnor-
Pyknodysostosis malities common to both the dentition and the bone.
Cleidocranial Dysostosis Inspection of the patient’s ears and skin can narrow the
Idiopathic Osteolysis potential diagnoses as well. Comparison with atlases of skel-
Mucopolysaccharidoses etal malformations is useful.2 It has been said that children
Niemann-Pick Disease with skeletal dysplasias and syndromes resemble depictions
of affected children in atlases more than they resemble their
own siblings.
After the history and physical examination, radiographs
are used to identify the area of the bone in which abnormali-
ties are seen. Epiphyseal changes are evident in multiple
epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) and glycogen storage diseases.
Overview Metaphyseal abnormalities are most noticeable in rickets
and metaphyseal chondrodysplasias. Spinal radiographs
This chapter describes the major skeletal dysplasias seen in should always be obtained in the evaluation of a child with
the pediatric population. In each of these conditions a struc- a suspected skeletal dysplasia. Dysplastic changes are seen
tural abnormality in the bone itself leads to disturbances in in the spine in several of these conditions, and the presence
growth of the trunk or extremities. More than 200 bone or absence of spinal involvement can assist the orthopaedic
dysplasias have been described, most of which are extremely surgeon in establishing the diagnosis. Cervical spine films
rare.1 Most of the bone dysplasias result in short stature, are also helpful in the diagnosis, and they may reveal trou-
which is defined as a height that is less than the 3rd per- blesome instability that may require attention once identi-
centile for the chronologic age of the patient. Short stature fied. Hand radiographs are helpful in screening for skeletal
can be further described as proportionate or disproportion- dysplasias because certain dysplasias demonstrate charac-
ate, with disproportionate short stature divided into short- teristic changes in the metacarpals and phalanges. When the
limbed and short-trunk forms. dysplasia is not evident on films, a pediatric orthopaedic
Some of the dysplasias are genetically transmitted, radiologist should be consulted to review the radiographs.
whereas others are not. In those dysplasias with genetic Some of the skeletal dysplasias are associated with sig-
transmission, research has focused on molecular genetics. nificant medical findings. One example is the presence of
Not only are scientists discovering on which chromosomes precocious puberty in young girls with Albright syndrome.
the dysplasia is transmitted, but also they are uncovering Other dysplasias place patients at increased risk for future
the precise mutations. In addition, the proteins that are medical problems. For example, patients with nail-patella
encoded from the genes and the roles these proteins play syndrome are diagnosed with the condition as children, but
in skeletal development are becoming known. Table 40-1 they are predisposed to developing renal failure as adults.
lists the known genetic mutations that have been identified In these cases the pediatric orthopaedist should counsel

e368 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Table 40-1  Genetic Mutations Identified in the Most Common Forms of Bone Dysplasia
Condition (Clinical Inheritance Chromosome Proposed Effect
Phenotype) Pattern Location Locus Gene Product Function of Mutation

Achondroplasia AD 4p16.3 FGFR3 Tyrosine kinase Gain-of-function mutations;

transmembrane slow rate of endochondral
receptor for FGFs bone growth
Thanatophoric AD 4p16.3 FGFR3 Tyrosine kinase Gain-of-function mutations;
dysplasia I and II transmembrane slow rate of endochondral
receptor for FGFs bone growth
Hypochondroplasia AD 4p16.3 FGFR3 Tyrosine kinase Gain-of-function mutations;
transmembrane slow rate of endochondral
receptor for FGFs bone growth
OI type I AD 17q21.31 COL1A1 Type I collagen Functional null alleles
7q22.1 COL1A2 (decreased amounts of
type I collagen)
OI type II AR 17q21.31 COL1A1 Type I collagen Functional null alleles
7q22.1 COL1A2 (decreased amounts of
type I collagen)
OI type III AR 17q21.31 COL1A1 Type I collagen Functional null alleles
7q22.1 COL1A2 (decreased amounts of
type I collagen)
OI type IV AD 17q21.31 COL1A1 Type I collagen Functional null alleles
7q22.1 COL1A2 (decreased amounts of
type I collagen)
Achondroplasia type AD 12q31.1-q13.3 COL2A1 Extracellular matrix protein Dominant negative
II (type II collagen)
Hypochondrogenesis AD 12q31.1-q13.3 COL2A1 Extracellular matrix protein Dominant negative
(type II collagen)
Spondyloepiphyseal AD 12q31.1-q13.3 COL2A1 Extracellular matrix protein Dominant negative
dysplasia (type II collagen)
Kniest dysplasia AD 12q31.1-q13.3 COL2A1 Extracellular matrix protein Dominant negative
(type II collagen)
Stickler dysplasia AD 12q31.1-q13.3 COL2A1 Extracellular matrix protein Haploinsufficiency
(type II collagen)
MED type II AD 1p33-p32.3 COL9A2 Type IX collagen: Dominant negative
(EDM2) regulation of collagen
assembly in cartilage
Metaphyseal AD 6q21-q22.3 COL10A1 Type X collagen: deficiency Haploinsufficiency
chondrodysplasia, in hypertrophic zone of
Schmid type epiphyses
Stickler-like dysplasia AD 6p21.3 COL11A2 Type XI collagen: lacks Dominant negative
alpha-1 chain
(contributes to cohesive
strength of cartilage)
MED type I (Fairbank AD 19p12-13.1 COMP Extracellular matrix protein Dominant negative
type) (EDM1) of cartilage
Pseudoachondroplasia AD 19p12-13.1 COMP Extracellular matrix protein Dominant negative
of cartilage
Metaphyseal AD 3p21-p22 PTHrPR G protein transmembrane Gain-of-function mutation
chondrodysplasia, receptor for PTH and
Jansen type PTH-related protein
Diastrophic dysplasia AR 5q31-q34 DTDST Diastrophic dysplasia Loss-of-function mutation
sulfate transporter:
decreased sulfation of
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e369

Table 40-1  Genetic Mutations Identified in the Most Common Forms of Bone Dysplasia, cont’d
Condition (Clinical Inheritance Chromosome Proposed Effect
Phenotype) Pattern Location Locus Gene Product Function of Mutation
Achondrogenesis type AR 5q31-q34 DTDST Diastrophic dysplasia Loss-of-function mutation
IB sulfate transporter:
decreased sulfation of
Chondrodysplasia XLR Xpter-p22.32 ARSE Arylsulfatase enzyme Loss-of-function mutation
punctata (CPXR) (defect in sulfate
metabolism in cartilage)
Camptomelic AD 17q24-25.1 SOX9 Transcription factor in Haploinsufficiency
dysplasia (CMD1) growth plate
Pyknodysostosis AR 1q21 CTSK Cathepsin K (a lysosomal Decreased amount in
protease in bone osteoclasts

Adapted from Baitner AC, Maurer SG, Gruen MB, et al: The genetic basis of the osteochondrodysplasias, J Pediatr Orthop 20:594, 2000.
AD, Autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; MED, multiple epiphyseal dysplasia; OI, osteogenesis imperfecta;
PTH, parathyroid hormone; XLR, X-linked recessive.
*Chondroitin, keratan sulfate, and heparan sulfate.

Related to sex-determining region Y (SRY).

patients and their families accordingly and direct them to References

appropriate medical care.
Nomenclature and Classification
Referral to a pediatric geneticist is often required when 1. Bergsma D: Limb malformations, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser 10:3,
evaluating patients with bone dysplasias. These medical spe- 1974.
cialists may be helpful in reaching a diagnosis in vexing 2. Bergsma D: Malformation syndromes, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser
cases. Genetic counseling is often of concern for the family, 10:7 No. 7, 1974.
both to estimate the risk in future pregnancies and to obtain 3. Bergsma D: Skeletal dysplasias, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser 10:9,
information about genetic transmission of the dysplasia 1974.
when their child reaches reproductive age. Detailed chro- 4. Bergsma D: Disorders of connective tissue, Birth Defects Orig Artic
mosomal studies are now available for some of the skeletal Ser 11, 1975.
5. Bergsma D: Morphogenesis and malformation of the limb, Birth
Defects Orig Artic Ser 13:1, 1977.
6. Bergsma D: The genetics of hand malformations, Birth Defects Orig
References Artic Ser 14:3, 1978.
7. Fairbank HAT: An atlas of general affections of the skeleton, Edin-
Overview burgh, 1951, Livingstone.
1. Hertel NT, Muller J: Anthropometry in skeletal dysplasia, J Pediatr 8. Rubin P: Dynamic classification of bone dysplasias, Chicago, 1964,
Endocrinol 7:155, 1994. Year Book.
2. Jones K: Smith’s recognizable patterns of human malformation,
Philadelphia, 1988, Saunders.
3. Reardon W: Skeletal dysplasias detectable by DNA analysis, Prenat
Diagn 16:1221, 1996. Achondroplasia
Achondroplasia is the most common form of dwarfism.
Reports of its incidence range between 1.3 per 100,000 live
Nomenclature and Classification births2 and 1.5 per 10,000 live births.63

Sir Thomas Fairbank, in his Atlas of General Affections of

the Skeleton, was among the first to try to classify the skel-
etal dysplasias.7 In Dynamic Classification of Bone Dyspla- Achondroplasia is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait
sias, Rubin further refined the classification schemes by with complete penetrance. Ninety percent of cases are the
grouping the dysplasias according to the anatomic distribu- result of spontaneous mutation.82 Point mutations in the
tion of bone changes8 (Fig. 40-1 and Box 40-1). The March fibroblast growth factor receptor (FGFR) gene have been
of Dimes followed with a series of meetings on birth defects linked with paternal age greater than 36 years.64 It has
that led to publications describing the skeletal dysplasias.1-6 therefore been shown that the achondroplasia mutation
The European Society of Pediatric Radiologists then arrived occurs more often on the paternal than the maternal chro-
at an international nomenclature of constitutional disorders mosome.100 There are extremely rare reports of familial
of the bone, which resulted in the classification provided in recurrence of achondroplasia in subsequent siblings of
Box 40-2. affected patients born to unaffected parents as a result of
e370 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Hyperplasias Hypoplasias

Multiple epiphyseal


Familial exostosis

Progressive imperfecta
diaphyseal dysplasia


FIGURE 40-1  Dynamic classification of bone dysplasias. (Redrawn from Rubin P: Dynamic classification of bone dysplasias, Chicago, 1964,
Year Book.)

Box 40-1  Dynamic Classification of Bone Dysplasias

I. Epiphyseal dysplasias 2. Failure to absorb primary spongiosa: osteopetrosis
A. Epiphyseal hypoplasias congenita and tarda
1. Failure of articular cartilage: spondyloepiphyseal 3. Failure to absorb secondary spongiosa:
dysplasia congenita and tarda craniometaphyseal dysplasia congenita and tarda
2. Failure of ossification center: multiple epiphyseal B. Metaphyseal hyperplasias
dysplasia congenita and tarda 1. Excessive spongiosa: multiple exostoses
B. Epiphyseal hyperplasia IV. Diaphyseal dysplasias
1. Excess of articular cartilage; dysplasia epiphysealis A. Diaphyseal hypoplasias
hemimelica 1. Failure of periosteal bone formation: osteogenesis
II. Physeal dysplasias imperfecta congenita and tarda
A. Cartilage hypoplasias 2. Failure of endosteal bone formation: idiopathic
1. Failure of proliferating cartilage: achondroplasia osteoporosis congenita and tarda
congenita and tarda B. Diaphyseal hyperplasias
2. Failure of hypertrophic cartilage: metaphyseal 1. Excessive periosteal bone formation: progressive
dysostosis congenita and tarda diaphyseal dysplasia
B. Cartilage hyperplasias 2. Excessive endosteal bone formation:
1. Excess of proliferating cartilage: hyperchondroplasia hyperphosphatasemia
2. Excess of hypertrophic cartilage: enchondromatosis
III. Metaphyseal dysplasias
A. Metaphyseal hypoplasias
1. Failure to form primary spongiosa: hypophosphatasia
congenita and tarda

From Rubin P: Dynamic classification of bone dysplasias, Chicago, 1964, Year Book Medical Publishers, p 82.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e371

Box 40-2  International Nomenclature of Constitutional Disease of Bone

CARTILAGE AND/OR BONE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT) 17. Trichorhinophalangeal dysplasia
DEFECTS OF GROWTH OF TUBULAR BONES AND/OR SPINE 18. Acrodysplasia with retinitis pigmentosa and nephropathy,
A. Identifiable at birth Saldino-Mainzer
1. Achondrogenesis type I, Parenti-Fraccaro
2. Achondrogenesis type II, Langer-Saldino
3. Thanatophoric dysplasia
1. Dysplasia epiphysealis hemimelica
4. Thanatophoric dysplasia with cloverleaf skull
2. Multiple cartilaginous exostoses
5. Short rib–polydactyly syndrome type I, Saldino-Noonan
3. Acrodysplasia with exostoses, Giedion-Langer
(perhaps several forms)
4. Enchondromatosis, Ollier
6. Short rib–polydactyly syndrome type II, Majewski
5. Enchondromatosis with hemangioma, Maffucci
7. Chondrodysplasia punctata
6. Metachondromatosis
a. Rhizomelic form
7. Fibrous dysplasia, Jaffe-Lichtenstein
b. Dominant form
8. Fibrous dysplasia with skin pigmentation and precocious
c. Other forms, excluding symptomatic stippling in
puberty, McCune-Albright
other disorders (e.g., Zellweger syndrome, warfarin
9. Cherubism (familial fibrous dysplasia of the jaws)
10. Neurofibromatosis
8. Camptomelic dysplasia
9. Other dysplasias with congenital bowing of long bones ABNORMALITIES OF DENSITY OF CORTICAL DIAPHYSEAL
10. Achondroplasia 1. Osteogenesis imperfecta congenita (several forms)
11. Diastrophic dysplasia 2. Osteogenesis imperfecta tarda (several forms)
12. Metatropic dysplasia (several forms) 3. Juvenile idiopathic osteoporosis
13. Chondroectodermal dysplasia, Ellis–van Creveld 4. Osteoporosis with pseudoglioma
14. Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia, Jeune 5. Osteopetrosis with precocious manifestations
15. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita 6. Osteopetrosis with delayed manifestations (several forms)
a. Type Spranger-Wiedemann 7. Pyknodysostosis
b. Other forms (see B, 11 and 12) 8. Osteopoikilosis
16. Kniest dysplasia 9. Osteopathia striata
17. Mesomelic dysplasia 10. Melorheostosis
a. Type Nievergelt 11. Diaphyseal dysplasia, Camurati-Engelmann
b. Type Langer (probable homozygous 12. Craniodiaphysial dysplasia
dyschondrosteosis) 13. Endosteal hyperostosis
c. Type Robinow a. Autosomal dominant, Worth
d. Type Reinhardt b. Autosomal recessive, Van Buchem
e. Other forms 14. Tubular stenosis, Kenny-Caffey
18. Acromesomelic dysplasia 15. Pachydermoperiostosis
19. Cleidocranial dysplasia 16. Osteodysplasty, Melnick-Needles
20. Larsen syndrome 17. Frontometaphyseal dysplasia
21. Otopalatodigital syndrome 18. Craniometaphyseal dysplasia (several forms)
B. Identifiable in later life 19. Metaphyseal dysplasia, Pyle
1. Hypochondroplasia 20. Sclerostenosis
2. Dyschondrosteosis 21. Dysosteosclerosis
3. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia type Jansen 22. Osteoectasia with hyperphosphatasia
4. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia type Schmid
5. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia type McKusick
6. Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia with exocrine pancreatic
insufficiency and cyclic neutropenia
1. Craniosynostosis (several forms)
7. Spondylometaphyseal dysplasia
2. Craniofacial dysostosis, Crouzon
a. Type Kozlowski
3. Acrocephalosyndactyly, Apert (and others)
b. Other forms
4. Acrocephalopolysyndactyly, Carpenter (and others)
8. Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia
5. Mandibulofacial dysostosis
a. Type Fairbank
a. Type Treacher Collins, Franceschetti
b. Other forms
b. Other forms
9. Arthro-ophthalmopathy, Stickler
6. Oculomandibulofacial syndrome, Hallermann-Streiff-Francois
10. Pseudoachondroplasia
7. Nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome
a. Dominant
11. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda 1. Vertebral segmentation defects, including Klippel-Feil
12. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, other forms (see A, 15 and 2. Cervico-oculoacoustic syndrome, Wildervanck
16) 3. Sprengel anomaly
13. Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen dysplasia 4. Spondylocostal dysostosis
14. Spondyloepimetaphyseal dysplasia (several forms) a. Dominant form
15. Myotonic chondrodysplasia, Catel-Schwartz-Jampel b. Recessive forms

e372 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Box 40-2  International Nomenclature of Constitutional Disease of Bone, cont’d

5. Oculovertebral syndrome, Weyers 3. Late rickets, McCance
6. Osteo-onychodysostosis 4. Idiopathic hypercalciuria
7. Cerebrocostomandibular syndrome 5. Hypophosphatasia (several forms)
6. Pseudohypoparathyroidism (normocalcemic and
hypocalcemic forms, including acrodysostosis)
2. Apodia 1. Mucopolysaccharidosis type I (α-L-iduronidase deficiency)
3. Ectrodactyly syndrome a. Hurler form
4. Aglossia-adactyly syndrome b. Scheie form
5. Congenital bowing of long bones (several forms; see also c. Other forms
osteochondrodysplasias) 2. Mucopolysaccharidosis type II, Hunter (sulfoiduronate
6. Familial radioulnar synostosis sulfatase deficiency)
7. Brachydactyly (several forms) 3. Mucopolysaccharidosis type III, Sanfilippo
8. Symphalangism a. Type A (heparan sulfamidase deficiency)
9. Polydactyly (several forms) b. Type B (N-acetyl-α-glucosaminidase deficiency)
10. Syndactyly (several forms) 4. Mucopolysaccharidosis type IV, Morquio
11. Polysyndactyly (several forms) (N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase deficiency)
12. Camptodactyly 5. Mucopolysaccharidosis type VI, Maroteaux-Lamy
13. Poland syndrome (arylsulfatase B deficiency)
14. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome 6. Mucopolysaccharidosis type VII (β-glucuronidase deficiency)
15. Pancytopenia-dysmelia syndrome, Fanconi 7. Aspartylglucosaminuria (aspartylglucosaminidase deficiency)
16. Thrombocytopenia–radial aplasia syndrome 8. Mannosidosis (α-mannosidase deficiency)
17. Orodigitofacial syndrome 9. Fucosidosis (α-fucosidase deficiency)
a. Type Papillon-Leage 10. GM1 gangliosidosis (β-galactosidase deficiency)
b. Type Mohr 11. Multiple sulfatase deficiency, Austin, Thieffry
18. Cardiomelic syndrome, Holt-Oram (and others) 12. Neuraminidase deficiency (formerly mucolipidosis I)
19. Femoral facial syndrome 13. Mucolipidosis II
20. Multiple synostoses (includes some forms of symphalangism) 14. Mucolipidosis III
21. Scapuloiliac dysostosis, Kosenow-Sinios
22. Hand-foot-genital syndrome
1. Niemann-Pick disease
23. Focal dermal hypoplasia, Goltz
2. Gaucher disease
1. Phalangeal (several forms)
1. Adenosine deaminase deficiency and others
2. Tarsocarpal
a. Including Francois form (and others) AMINO ACIDS
b. With nephropathy 1. Homocystinuria and others
3. Multicentric
a. Hajdu-Cheney form
1. Menkes kinky hair syndrome and others
b. Winchester form
c. Other forms
1. Hypophosphatemic rickets
2. Pseudodeficiency rickets, Prader, Royer

From Horan F, Beighton P: Orthopaedic problems in inherited skeletal disorders, New York, 1982, Springer.

mosaicism.22,29 The risk that two parents without achon- the phenotype of the disease is similar among unrelated
droplasia will produce children with achondroplasia is individuals with achondroplasia.13 The amino acid sub­
0.02%.54 The usual patient with achondroplasia is hetero- stitution in the FGFR3 gene is the most mutable single
zygous in genotype. Homozygous achondroplasia occurs in nucleotide in the human genome.10 FGFR-3 acts on growth
the children of two achondroplastic parents. In homozy- plate chondrocytes to regulate linear growth.39 FGFR is
gous cases, achondroplasia is usually fatal in the neonatal expressed in all prebone cartilage, and its function is to slow
period.69 down or inhibit enchondral ossification. It inhibits chondro-
The gene for achondroplasia encodes for FGFR-3 and is cyte proliferation and differentiation and down-regulates
located on chromosome 4p.26 The abnormality in the gene bone morphogenetic protein-4 expression in growth plate
is a glycine-to-arginine substitution, and the mutation allows chondrocytes.58 Research has found that FGFR-3 overex-
overactivity of the receptor’s function.22 No variability in pression inhibits parathyroid hormone (PTH)–related
the mutation occurs among patients with achondroplasia. peptide (PTHrP), with resulting abnormal apoptosis of
Because the mutation is the same for all patients, chondrocytes.102
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e373

of the head (Fig. 40-3). The children are often suspected

of having hydrocephalus because of the greater size of the
The abnormality seen in the bone of patients with achon- head relative to limb size. The skull appears flattened in the
droplasia is failure of enchondral ossification. Intramembra- anteroposterior (AP) plane and broad when viewed from
nous and periosteal ossification is undisturbed. Histologic the front. The nasal bridge is depressed and flattened. Den-
studies have shown disarray of the chondrocytes, with loss tition is normal.
of columnization and of normal chondrocyte prolifera- The hands are short and broad. Because the middle finger
tion.53,72 Fibrous tissue is present in the zone of provisional is shorter than usual, all the digits are of equal length
calcification, and what trabeculae are present are irregular.74 (referred to as starfish hand). The separation between the
Because enchondral growth is disturbed, the bones remain middle and ring fingers of these patients has been described
short. Intramembranous ossification is normal, leading to as trident hand (Fig. 40-4).
normal clavicles and skull. Because the width of the long The upper limbs are short, and flexion contractures of
bones is a product of intramembranous periosteal ossifica- the elbows may be present. The contractures may be the
tion, the bones are of normal diameter. result of dislocations of the radial head (Fig. 40-5). The
lower limbs also are short and may be bowed in varus. There
is relative shortening of the tibia compared with the fibula.
Clinical Features
The ends of the bones are enlarged. The patient may have
The most striking clinical feature in children with achon- a waddling gait.
droplasia is their short stature. This is apparent at birth and The muscular development of the limbs is usually accen-
has been documented on fetal ultrasonography through tuated. The skin and soft tissues appear overabundant in
measurement of femoral length.49 Trunk height tends to be relation to the length of the limbs. The abdomen is protu-
normal, but arm span and standing height are diminished. berant, and obesity is a problem in many patients.65
Shortening is most severe in the proximal limbs; thus these Patients with achondroplasia usually have normal
patients have rhizomelic micromelia. In normal individuals intelligence.
the fingertips reach to the level of the midthighs, but in
patients with achondroplasia the fingertips reach only to the
Radiographic Findings
greater trochanters (Fig. 40-2). Normally, the midpoint of
stature is at the umbilicus, but in patients with achondro- The characteristic radiographic findings in achondroplasia
plasia the midpoint of height may be as high as the inferior are shortness of the tubular long bones, with a relative
end of the sternum. Ultimate height usually is about 4 feet increase in bony diameter and density. The metaphyses are
3.5 inches (131 cm) for men and 4 feet 1 inch (124 cm) widened and flared, but the epiphyses are uninvolved. The
for women. growth plates are U shaped or V shaped. This feature is best
Facial features include frontal bossing, small maxillae, seen at the distal femur (Fig. 40-6). The two limbs of the
relatively prominent mandibles, and apparent enlargement “V” of the metaphysis appear to embrace the epiphysis. The

FIGURE 40-3  Facial appearance of a boy with achondroplasia.

FIGURE 40-2  A 6-year-old child with achondroplasia. Note that Note the frontal bossing and apparent enlargement of the head,
his fingers reach to the level of his hips. especially in relation to limb size.
e374 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-6  Anteroposterior radiograph of an 8-year-old girl with

FIGURE 40-4  Trident hand characteristic of achondroplasia. Note achondroplasia. The distal femoral physis is V shaped.
the space separating the middle finger from the ring finger.

long bones, especially the tibia, may be bowed. The meta-

carpal, metatarsal, and phalangeal bones are short and thick.
In achondroplasia, the pelvis characteristically appears
broad and flat, with squared iliac wings16 (Fig. 40-7). The
ilium appears broad because the pelvis is formed almost
entirely by intramembranous ossification, which is undis-
turbed in achondroplasia. The sciatic notches are small. The
acetabula are horizontal and may be notched in very young
patients. Flattening of the acetabula can be visualized by
sonography in achondroplastic infants.21 Ponseti found that
disturbances in enchondral ossification at the triradiate car-
tilage lead to abnormal vertical growth of the iliac contribu-
tion to the acetabulum and therefore to radiographic
flattening.74 Because the width of the pelvic inlet is greater
than its depth, the pelvis takes on the appearance of a
champagne glass.
The proximal femoral metaphyses are widened and the
femoral necks are short as a result of the abnormalities in
longitudinal growth. Ossification of the proximal femoral
epiphysis is delayed to more than 1 year of age.21 The
greater trochanter is formed by periosteal ossification and
is normal in size, thus leading to a decrease in the articu-
lotrochanteric distance. True coxa vara is not present, but
the overgrowth of the greater trochanter leads to the
appearance of varus.9
The spine also has a unique appearance in patients with
achondroplasia. The spinal canal, as measured by the inter-
pedicular distance, normally widens distally in the lumbar
spine from L1 to L5. In patients with achondroplasia,
FIGURE 40-5  Radial head dislocation in a 16-year-old girl with however, the spinal canal narrows and the interpedicular
achondroplasia. distance decreases (Fig. 40-8). Wynne-Davies and associates
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e375

FIGURE 40-7  Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph in an 8-month-old

girl with achondroplasia. The iliac wings are characteristically
short and broad, and the inlet of the pelvis has the shape of
a champagne glass (width greater than depth). The acetabula
are flat.

FIGURE 40-9  Lateral radiograph of an achondroplastic lumbar

spine showing posterior scalloping of the vertebral bodies and
shortened pedicles.

found interpedicular narrowing from L1 to L5 in 69% of

achondroplastic patients. No patient with achondroplasia
showed widening of the interpedicular distance.101 The pro-
gressive decrease in size of the lumbar spinal canal is caused
by premature synostosis between the vertebral bodies and
their arches. The pedicles are short and broad, a feature
best seen on lateral radiographs. The posterior vertebral
bodies may appear scalloped in the lumbar spine (Fig. 40-9).
The thoracolumbar spine in the toddler with achondro-
plasia may appear kyphotic in alignment, with abnormal
anterior vertebral growth in severe cases.
Skull radiographs show marked shortness of the base
of the skull. The foramen magnum is smaller than normal.36,37
The frontal region of the skull protrudes to accommodate
the enlarging brain.

Much attention has been paid to the prenatal diagnosis
of achondroplasia. Ultrasonography does reveal decreased
femoral length for gestational age. However, confusion
arises in distinguishing achondroplasia from more severe and
even lethal forms of dwarfism. In one study, precise sono-
graphic diagnosis was correct in only 65% of fetuses with
bone dysplasias.67 If achondroplasia seems likely based on
ultrasonographic findings, studies of the FGFR gene may
confirm the diagnosis.55,78,84
In the newborn with achondroplasia, the diagnosis
FIGURE 40-8  Anteroposterior radiograph of an achondroplastic usually is easy to make. At birth, achondroplasia must be
spine. The interpedicular distance progressively decreases distally distinguished from lethal forms of short-limbed dwarfism,
in the lumbar spine rather than increasing. such as thanatophoric dwarfism and achondrogenesis.87 In
e376 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

the older child achondroplasia may be confused with the

mucopolysaccharidoses (e.g., Morquio syndrome) and with
hypochondroplasia, which is less severe than achondroplasia
but has similar radiographic findings.

Orthopaedic Considerations
Most of the orthopaedic problems encountered in patients
with achondroplasia are related to the spine.8 Young infants
are predisposed to cervical spinal cord compression because
of hypoplasia of the foramen magnum.36,50,61 Cervical spine
instability is rare in patients with achondroplasia. Posterior
spinal fusion is recommended in individual cases.34
Craniocervical Stenosis
Sudden death has been reported in infants with achondro-
plasia who are younger than 1 year of age, and cervical spinal
cord compression has been suggested as the cause.12,35,71 A
mortality rate in the first year of life as high as 7.5% was
reported as recently as 1987.35 Presenting symptoms in
infants with brainstem and upper cervical spinal cord com-
FIGURE 40-10  Magnetic resonance image of the craniocervical
pression consist of hypotonia and sleep apnea.
junction shows severe foramen magnum stenosis with
Hypotonia impingement of the cervical cord restricting cerebrospinal
fluid flow.
Physical examination reveals hypotonia, but decreased tone
and a developmental delay of 3 to 6 months in achieving
motor milestones are common in most infants with achon-
droplasia.95 The presence of clonus and lower limb hyper- warranted.70 Others argue that MRI scans show abnormali-
reflexia should generate concern.70 Infants can present with ties in all infants with achondroplasia and that the natural
progressive quadriparesis.32 history is one of improvement with growth. These investiga-
tors assert that surgery is necessary only in the presence of
Sleep Apnea neurologic symptoms or the appearance of spinal cord
Sleep apnea may result from one of two mechanisms.79 changes or a lack of cerebrospinal fluid flow on MRI scans.45,81
Central sleep apnea is caused by compression of the upper The treatment of obstructive sleep apnea involves the
cervical spinal cord,27,96 whereas obstructive sleep apnea is otolaryngologist and may require tonsillectomy, adenoidec-
secondary to upper airway obstruction as a result of midface tomy, or, in very rare cases, tracheostomy.31,56,90 Although
hypoplasia. Sleep studies may be able to differentiate the orthopaedic surgery is not needed for either form of sleep
two forms.38,98,106 Somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEPs) apnea, the orthopaedist often oversees the care of the
may also confirm the presence and neurologic significance achondroplastic child and must be aware of these poten-
of foramen magnum stenosis.18,60,83 SSEPs have been found tially dangerous problems so that timely referrals can
to correlate with clinical symptoms and magnetic resonance be made.
imaging (MRI) findings.14 MRI is useful in delineating the
myriad abnormalities of the cranial, cerebral, and cervico- Hydrocephalus
medullary junction present in children with achondropla- The appearance of an enlarged head in children with achon-
sia,43,94 but the severity of foraminal stenosis does not always droplasia may raise concern about the presence of hydro-
correlate with the clinical symptoms.80 MRI findings may cephalus. Hydrocephalus does occur on rare occasions in
include cervical medullary compression, abnormal cerebro- children with achondroplasia and is usually the communi-
spinal fluid flow, myelomalacia, and even intramedullary cating type.23,28,32 Chiari malformations have also been
cyst formation15 (Fig. 40-10). seen.105 Growth and head circumference charts specific to
The treatment of central sleep apnea is neurosurgical children with achondroplasia are available.41,59 Any devia-
craniocervical decompression,6 consisting of foramen tion from these charts merits attention.
magnum decompression, suboccipital craniectomy, and C1
laminectomy.45 Alternatively, some children have been Thoracolumbar Kyphosis
placed on apnea monitors and closely observed without Thoracolumbar kyphosis is a developmental problem that
surgery. Distinguishing between children who need decom- becomes evident in the slightly older infant with achondro-
pression and those who do not remains difficult and contro- plasia. Kyphosis at the thoracolumbar junction is seen in
versial.96 Some investigators have recommended that all almost all young achondroplastic infants. The kyphosis is
patients be evaluated for craniocervical stenosis and that most noticeable when the infant is placed in a sitting posi-
MRI be obtained if the patient has hyperreflexia, a small tion. As the child learns to walk, muscle tone and trunk
foramen, or sleep apnea. If MRI confirms stenosis, these control improve, and the kyphosis usually resolves without
investigators believe that surgical decompression is treatment.48
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e377

undergoing laminectomy for decompression of stenosis and

Etiology for all children who have kyphosis measuring 50 degrees or
Investigators have proposed that the large head size of the more that is accompanied by progressive deformities.1
infant, combined with low muscular tone, lack of trunk Surgery consists of anterior and posterior spinal arthro­
control, and a tendency toward hip flexion, leads to the desis.11 Anterior surgery combines diskectomy with anterior
kyphotic deformity. strutting with rib graft (Fig. 40-12). Posterior fusion may
Unsupported sitting by hypotonic infants with achon- be accomplished without the use of internal hardware. Cur-
droplasia has been suggested to lead to the development rently, posterior instrumentation is used with great caution.
of kyphosis. Avoidance of unsupported sitting in achon- The stenotic spinal canal and lack of subarachnoid fluid
droplastic infants and early bracing with thoracolumbosa- space leave little room for the use of instrumentation in the
cral orthoses in infants with kyphosis have been spinal canal. Paraplegia has been reported as a complication
recommended. The rationale for early bracing is that struc- of posterior instrumentation.96
tural changes in the anterior vertebral bodies (e.g., anterior Studies of achondroplastic patients who underwent lam-
beaking and wedging) may be prevented with earlier inectomy combined with posterior fusion with pedicle
support. More commonly, brace treatment is reserved for screw fixation1,3 found that when only pedicle screws are
children whose kyphosis is still present at 3 years of age96 used as bony anchors, the spinal canal is not further impinged
or does not resolve when the child becomes ambulatory by instrumentation (Fig. 40-13). Posterior instrumentation
(Fig. 40-11). has been successfully used in children as young as 5.5 years.
With intraoperative neurologic monitoring and wake-up
Treatment tests as needed, an average 50% correction of kyphosis has
Surgical intervention is required for the few young children been obtained without neurologic complications.
who have persistent kyphosis. Untreated kyphosis, when The use of anterior instrumentation to maintain correc-
combined with spinal stenosis, may lead to the development tion of kyphosis together with noninstrumented posterior
of neurologic deficits in later childhood. This risk has fusion has been described in children with achondroplasia
prompted recommendations of surgery for patients with as young as 4 years of age. Indications for anterior surgery
progressive kyphosis and for children 5 years old or older with instrumentation include insufficient pedicle size, the
who have 30 degrees of residual kyphosis at the thoraco- need for anterior decompression, and rigid kyphosis as doc-
lumbar junction.96 More recently, fusion has been recom- umented by an inability to reduce the kyphosis to less than
mended for all pediatric patients with kyphosis who are 50 degrees on a hyperextension radiograph.1 Technical

FIGURE 40-11  A, Lateral radiograph of a girl age 1 year and 9 months with achondroplasia. Note the beaklike irregularities of the
anterior vertebral bodies at the thoracolumbar junction. B, The child was treated with a thoracolumbosacral orthosis. C, Radiograph at 8
years of age shows persistent kyphosis with stenosis that required decompression and fusion.
e378 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

points include correcting kyphosis only as much as the

patient can achieve on a hyperextension lateral radiograph Clinical Features
while he or she is awake. Anatomic changes seen in the lumbar spine include thicken-
ing of the pedicles, hypertrophy of the facets, and enlarge-
Spinal Stenosis ment of the laminae.33 These abnormalities lead to spinal
stenosis, which becomes symptomatic most often in the
Etiology third decade of life, but earlier (in the teen years) in some
Interpedicular narrowing in the lumbar spine results from patients. One third of patients with achondroplasia and
abnormal growth of the pedicles in the achondroplastic symptomatic spinal stenosis present by age 15 years. Patients
spine. with spinal stenosis complain of neurogenic claudication, or

FIGURE 40-12  A, A 5-year-old boy with persistent thoracolumbar kyphosis despite bracing. B, Anterior vertebral body changes are seen
in the apex of the kyphosis. C, Anterior spinal fusion with two rib strut grafts and posterior spinal fusion without instrumentation was
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e379

FIGURE 40-12, cont’d  D, Lateral radiograph at 12 years of age (7 years after surgery) shows solid anterior fusion. E, Clinical photo at age
12 years. The patient is asymptomatic.

pain in the lower back and legs that is exacerbated by activ- Thoracolumbar kyphosis (regardless of its magnitude), an
ity.25 These patients relieve the pain by bending over or L1 interpedicular distance less than 20 mm, an L5 interpe-
squatting, which reduces the amount of lumbar lordosis and dicular distance less than 16 mm, and large structural
thereby increases the size of the spinal canal. As the stenosis lumbar lordosis have been associated with disabling symp-
continues, walking endurance decreases and neurologic toms, which develop by the age of 30 years in most
signs such as clonus, hyperreflexia, lower extremity weak- patients.42 The coexistence of thoracolumbar kyphosis with
ness, bowel and bladder dysfunction, and myelopathy stenosis can lead to neurologic compromise.101 The additive
may develop.96 Paresthesias are common, whereas sensory effects of thoracolumbar junction kyphosis, degenerative
changes occur less frequently. disk narrowing, lumbar hyperlordosis, and interpedicular
Not all patients with achondroplasia develop symptom- narrowing lead to critical narrowing of the spinal canal and
atic stenosis, even though all do have anatomic stenosis. a predisposition to neurologic deficits.96
e380 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-13  Anteroposterior (AP) (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of an 8-year-old girl with kyphosis secondary to achondroplasia.
AP (C) and lateral (D) radiographs 3 years after anterior and posterior fusion with pedicle screw instrumentation and decompression.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e381

FIGURE 40-14  Myelographic appearance in a 6-year-old girl with FIGURE 40-15  Magnetic resonance image of a 6-year-old girl with
spinal stenosis secondary to achondroplasia. Myelography shows stenosis throughout the lumbar spine.
indentation of the narrowed dye column and confirms significant
lumbar stenosis.

removing the laminae in the absence of a normal subarach-

noid space. High-speed burrs are used to thin the laminae,
Radiographic Findings followed by curettage to remove the remaining bone gently.
MRI is useful in identifying the extent of the stenosis. There may be no room in the spinal canal for the usual
Computed tomography (CT) myelography documents the Kerrison rongeurs.96
stenosis well (Fig. 40-14). When myelography is performed, Because instability rarely develops even after wide
a cisternal puncture is required because a lumbar puncture decompression, primary fusion usually is not indicated.97
may exacerbate neurologic compromise.92 MRI and myelog- When fusion is performed, instrumentation within the
raphy are used not only to identify the number of levels spinal canal is contraindicated because of the risk of paraple-
with significant stenosis but also to assess the intervertebral gia. Fusion generally is indicated in achondroplastic spinal
disks for other pathologic processes that would affect the stenosis only when thoracolumbar kyphosis is present.96 The
child’s neurologic status (Fig. 40-15). fusion is performed posterolaterally, with postoperative
immobilization in a cast when the apical vertebrae in the
Treatment kyphotic segment are only mildly wedged and the patient
Treatment is by surgical posterior decompression. Laminec- has no preexisting neurologic compromise. If neurologic
tomy usually fails to decompress enough of the neural deficits are present, anterior decompression and fusion with
elements, and a more lateral decompression (including rib or fibular strut grafting and posterolateral fusion with
undercutting of the facet joints) usually is necessary.51 If laminectomies are recommended. Instrumentation posteri-
possible, the facet resection should be minimal, consisting orly with pedicle screw fixation is possible as well because
of undercutting and removing the medial portion of the the fixation does not violate the decompressed canal.
inferior facet. Wide decompression must be performed in Neurologic deficits of short duration are usually revers-
combination with foraminotomies of the lateral recesses. ible with surgical decompression.57 Some patients have, or
Some authors suggest that the decompression extend three later develop, compression adjacent to the myelographic
levels cephalic to the myelographic block, at least to S2, site of the stenosis. Recurrent symptoms may develop
and laterally at least to the facets.76 The common error in because of hypertrophic scarring at the site of initial decom-
decompressing stenosis in achondroplasia is to address too pression, facet hypertrophy, or disk disease.2 Recurrence
few levels. of neurologic compromise requires additional decompres-
Because of the stenosis and preexisting neurologic symp- sion.76 Long multisegmental decompression of 10 or more
toms, intraoperative SSEP monitoring usually is not possi- segments results in a lower likelihood of recurrent
ble. Additional technical difficulty is encountered in safely symptoms.91
e382 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

bone length may be achieved, but complications are fre-

Angular Deformities of the Lower Extremities quent when greater lengthening is attempted.75 In a series
Angular deformities of the lower extremities may develop of 80 patients with achondroplasia who underwent length-
during childhood in patients with achondroplasia. Genu ening for stature, 39% sustained complications, but the
varum and tibia vara are more common than valgus defor- average height gain was 20 cm.4 Leg lengthening does add
mity.9 Relative overgrowth of the fibula compared with the height. However, the usual gains seen as a result of surgical
tibia has been proposed as the cause of the varus.74 Despite lengthening do not place the patient within the range of
the presence of angular deformity, degenerative arthritic normal height, but instead place him or her at the tall end
changes in the knees are rare. For that reason, surgery is of height for dwarfism. A marked increase in height may be
suggested only for patients whose varus is symptomatic or achieved by staged lengthenings of both tibiae and femora.73
for those who find their deformity unacceptable cosmeti- This approach subjects the child to multiple operations and
cally. Bracing has not been successful in the management of hospitalizations, however. In a small study comparing body
genu varum in patients with achondroplasia. The use of image before and after leg lengthening, an improvement in
orthotics for genu varum has led to peroneal nerve palsy in self-image was found after lengthening, but achondroplastic
these patients.8 patients still had a more negative body image than a normal
Proximal fibular epiphysiodesis has been recommended control group despite the limb lengthening.24
for the treatment of tibia vara and fibular overgrowth in Some centers advocate simultaneous bilateral femoral
patients with achondroplasia.74 Successful correction of or bilateral tibial lengthening, whereas others find that the
varus has been seen in patients between 7 and 10 years of lengthening procedures are better tolerated if one femur
age. Although unpublished reports looked promising, other and the contralateral tibia are lengthened together. Unilat-
investigators have found the procedure unpredictable.9 eral tibial and femoral lengthening is not recommended
Overgrowth of the distal fibula has been described as the because if the patient does not tolerate the lengthening and
cause of ankle varus in later childhood. Again, distal fibular either refuses or is unable to undergo the contralateral pro-
epiphysiodesis has been suggested.89 cedure, the child is left with a limb length discrepancy.
Surgical treatment of genu varum in achondroplasia most Lengthening of the humeri follows the lower extremity
commonly consists of proximal tibial and fibular osteotomy lengthenings.
with fixation (Fig. 40-16). Stabilization of the osteotomy The technical considerations that pertain to lengthening
has been achieved with crossed pins, internal fixation, and through callotasis or chondrodiastasis are discussed in
external fixation. Except in severe cases, proximal osteoto- greater detail in Chapter 24. The tissues in patients with
mies are sufficient to correct both the genu varum and the achondroplasia, such as muscle and ligaments, tolerate
varus at the ankle.9 Patients with achondroplasia have liga- lengthening with fewer problems than in other shortening
mentous laxity. Thus during surgery attention must be conditions, such as congenital short femur, probably because
directed toward restoring the mechanical axis through the muscle lengths exceed bone lengths before lengthen-
precise bony realignment rather than through the knee joint ing.66 Nonetheless, complications such as infection, joint
by stressing the loose medial collateral ligament. stiffness, and even death have been reported in patients
Hip flexion contractures are commonly seen in patients with achondroplasia. Patients with achondroplasia seem to
with achondroplasia. However, surgical release of the con- be at increased risk for development of peroneal nerve palsy
tractures is not necessary. during lengthening, and footdrop has been noted in up to
one third of patients.19 Upper extremity lengthening also
Elbow Deformity may be complicated by radial nerve palsy.44
Lack of full elbow extension is commonly seen in patients One study found that femoral lengthening can lead to an
with achondroplasia. Posterior bowing of the humerus and improvement in sacral inclination by tensioning the gluteus
posterior radial head dislocation are causative. Treatment maximus and hamstrings. Corticotomy (in bifocal lengthen-
has not been advocated, but correction of the flexion defor- ings) proximal to the insertions of these muscles led to a
mity of the distal humerus is possible in the subset of more upright posture, with a less protuberant abdomen and
patients who undergo humeral lengthening procedures.7,47 buttocks.68
Growth Hormone
Short Stature
Growth hormone is used to augment the height of patients
Limb Lengthening with achondroplasia.62,103 Early results indicate that some,
Significant controversy exists regarding the lengthening of but not all, children with achondroplasia experience
short extremities in patients with achondroplasia to achieve increased longitudinal growth while receiving growth
a taller stature. Little People of America, a support group hormone.40,88,99 The greatest acceleration in growth velocity
of patients and families with bone dysplasias, does not has been seen during the first year of treatment.46,88 Prelimi-
support the use of surgical lengthening to increase height. nary reports find that increases in growth rate and height
Nonetheless, limb lengthening is performed in various seem to be dose dependent, with best results seen in chil-
centers, particularly in Europe. dren who start treatment early.77,85 It is unclear whether
Adolescence usually is the time when lengthening is treatment with growth hormone leads to an increase in the
undertaken30,66,104 (Fig. 40-17). The usual length achieved body disproportion.77,86,93 Administration of growth hormone
with a single surgical lengthening procedure is 7 to continues on an investigational basis, and final judgment of
15 cm,5,19,75 although some authors report greater gains in its efficacy should be reserved until the patients in these
length.17,20 Lengthening of approximately 35% of initial studies reach their final adult height.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e383


FIGURE 40-16  A, A 12-year-old girl with achondroplasia and symptomatic genu varum. B, Radiographs of the lower extremities reveal
bilateral tibia vara. C, Correction by bilateral proximal and distal tibial osteotomy and Ilizarov fixation. D, Postoperative appearance of the
lower extremities after valgus osteotomy with external fixation of tibiae. E, Radiograph after healing and removal of fixators.
e384 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-17  A, A 14-year-old girl with achondroplasia: before limb lengthening. She is standing next to her mother. B, Postoperative
appearance of the child after lengthening of the lower extremities.

8. Bailey JA 2nd: Orthopaedic aspects of achondroplasia, J Bone

Outcomes Research
Joint Surg Am 52:1285, 1970.
A survey was performed using the database from the Little 9. Bassett GS: Lower-extremity abnormalities in dwarfing condi-
People of America.52 The Short Form 36 (SF-36) was tions, Instr Course Lect 39:389, 1990.
administered to 437 individuals with achondroplasia at an 10. Bellus GA, Hefferon TW, Ortiz de Luna RI, et al: Achondroplasia
is defined by recurrent G380R mutations of FGFR3, Am J Hum
average age of 38 years. Although the mental components
Genet 56:368, 1995.
of the questionnaire were identical to normal data, achon- 11. Bethem D, Winter RB, Lutter L, et al: Spinal disorders of dwarf-
droplastic patients scored significantly lower on the age- ism: review of the literature and report of eighty cases, J Bone
and gender-adjusted physical component summary scores. Joint Surg Am 63:1412, 1981.
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13. Bonaventure J, Rousseau F, Legeai-Mallet L, et al: Common
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References gene account for achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, and thana-
tophoric dwarfism, Am J Med Genet 63:148, 1996.
Achondroplasia 14. Boor R, Fricke G, Brühl K, et al: Abnormal subcortical somato-
1. Ain MC, Browne JA: Spinal arthrodesis with instrumentation sensory evoked potentials indicate high cervical myelopathy in
for thoracolumbar kyphosis in pediatric achondroplasia, Spine achondroplasia, Eur J Pediatr 158:662, 1999.
29:2075, 2004. 15. Brühl K, Stoeter P, Wietek B, et al: Cerebral spinal fluid flow,
2. Ain MC, Elmaci I, Hurko O, et al: Reoperation for spinal reste- venous drainage and spinal cord compression in achondroplastic
nosis in achondroplasia, J Spinal Disord 13:168, 2000. children: impact of magnetic resonance findings for decompres-
3. Ain MC, Shirley ED: Spinal fusion for kyphosis in achondropla- sive surgery at the cranio-cervical junction, Eur J Pediatr 160:10,
sia, J Pediatr Orthop 24:541, 2004. 2001.
4. Aldegheri R, Dall’Oca C: Limb lengthening in short stature 16. Caffey J: Achondroplasia of the pelvis and lumbosacral spine:
patients, J Pediatr Orthop B 10:238, 2001. some roentgenographic features, AJR Am J Roentgenol 80:449,
5. Aldegheri R, Renzi-Brivio L, Agostini S: The callotasis method of 1958.
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6. Aryanpur J, Hurko O, Francomano C, et al: Craniocervical droplasia by Ilizarov’s method, Int Orthop 12:173, 1988.
decompression for cervicomedullary compression in pediatric 18. Colamaria V, Mazza C, Beltramello A, et al: Irreversible
patients with achondroplasia, J Neurosurg 73:375, 1990. respiratory failure in an achondroplastic child: the importance of
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droplasia, Clin Orthop Relat Res 80:75, 1971. literature, Brain Dev 13:270, 1991.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e385

19. Correll J: Surgical correction of short stature in skeletal dyspla- 45. Keiper GL Jr, Koch B, Crone KR, et al: Achondroplasia and
sias, Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl 377:143, 1991. cervicomedullary compression: prospective evaluation and surgi-
20. De Bastiani G, Aldegheri R, Renzi-Brivio L, et al: Chondrodiatasis- cal treatment, Pediatr Neurosurg 31:78, 1999.
controlled symmetrical distraction of the epiphyseal plate: limb 46. Key LL Jr, Gross AJ: Response to growth hormone in children
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sia and hypochondroplasia is the specific amino acid muta-
tion, and therefore achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia
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tions of achondroplasia, J Pediatr 102:534, 1983. are allelic disorders (different mutations occurring at the
91. Streeten E, Uematsu S, Hurko O, et al: Extended laminectomy same gene locus).3,4,12 Because of the greater variability in
for spinal stenosis in achondroplasia, Basic Life Sci 48:261, 1988. the mutation that causes hypochondroplasia, there is more
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droplasia: value of a lateral C1-2 puncture and non-ionic, water- N540K mutation in the FGFR3 gene is one of the most
soluble contrast medium, Radiology 149:159, 1983. frequently documented abnormalities. The estimated
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e387

incidence of hypochondroplasia is 3 to 4 per 1 million live


Clinical Features
The condition cannot be detected at birth and, if mild, may
remain undiagnosed throughout the person’s life. Clinically,
patients with hypochondroplasia are short but less so than
those with achondroplasia. The spectrum of severity is
wide, ranging from severe short-limbed dwarfism to short,
apparently normal prepubertal children who manifest dis-
proportion only after failure to achieve a pubertal growth
spurt.2 The ratio of sitting height to standing height is
increased, but the body disproportion may not be apparent
until puberty. Final height has been reported between 118
and 165 cm.10 The head appears only slightly enlarged com-
pared with the limbs, although the forehead is large and
high. Some patients have small hands.16

Radiographic Findings
The following are the primary radiographic criteria for
the diagnosis of hypochondroplasia9: (1) a narrowed or
unchanged lumbar interpedicular distance; (2) squared,
shortened ilia; (3) a short, broad femoral neck; (4) short
tubular bones, with metaphyseal flaring; and (5) mild to
moderate brachydactyly. Secondary criteria are (1) AP FIGURE 40-18  Anteroposterior lower extremities radiograph of a
shortening of lumbar pedicles, (2) dorsal concavity of the 7-year-old girl with hypochondroplasia. The patient has mild genu
lumbar spine, (3) a long distal fibula, (4) a short distal ulna, varum.
and (5) a long ulnar styloid. The radiographic features may
be subtle, leading to missed diagnosis in up to half of cases.14

Orthopaedic Considerations
Orthopaedic problems are similar to those seen in achon-
droplasia. Lumbar lordosis usually is accentuated, and
mild interpedicular narrowing can predispose some patients
with hypochondroplasia to symptomatic spinal stenosis.
The fibula is longer than the tibia,13 and genu varum may
develop in approximately 8% of patients (Fig. 40-18).21
Mild flexion contractures of the elbow and knee develop in
some cases. Radial head dislocation is rare but may occur
(Fig. 40-19).

Leg lengthening has been performed in patients with hypo-
chondroplasia and can result in enough gain in length to
place the child in the low-normal range.1,7,8,19,22 Growth
hormone therapy remains investigational at this time.2,11,17
The response to growth hormone is greatest during the first
year of use.6 The response varies among patients, perhaps
because of the genetic heterogeneity of the disease, although
it is known that patients with hypochondroplasia respond
more favorably to growth hormone therapy with greater
increases in height than do patients with achondroplasia.18
Growth hormone therapy has been used successfully in
patients with hypochondroplasia who do not exhibit an
adolescent growth spurt.15 FIGURE 40-19  Radial head dislocation in a 13-year-old girl with
Disabling symptoms do not occur, and the patient’s life hypochondroplasia. The patient is asymptomatic but has mild
expectancy is normal. flexion contractures.
e388 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

References Genetics
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79:796, 1990. dence of thanatophoric dwarfism is between 0.2 and 0.5 per
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study reveals significant brain malformations in both
Am J Med Genet 75:109, 1998.
14. Prinster C, Del Maschio M, et al: Diagnosis of hypochondroplasia:
types.6,19 Severe disturbances of ossification at the growth
the role of radiological interpretation. Italian Study Group for plate are seen on histologic studies.7 Type 2 thanatophoric
Hypochondroplasia, Pediatr Radiol 31:203, 2001. dwarfism is differentiated from the classic type 1 histologi-
15. Ramaswami U, Hindmarsh PC, Brook CG, et al: Growth cally by many bone-lined, penetrating vascular canals in the
hormone therapy in hypochondroplasia, Acta Paediatr Suppl physis and by hyperactive osteoblasts and osteoclasts in the
88:116, 1999. metaphysis.20 In type 1 the femora are curved, whereas in
16. Rousseau F, Bonaventure J, et al: Clinical and genetic heterogeneity type 2 straight femora are associated with a cloverleaf
of hypochondroplasia, J Med Genet 33:749, 1996. skull.15
17. Shohat M, Tick D, Barakat S, et al: Short-term recombinant
human growth hormone treatment increases growth rate in achon-
droplasia, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81:4033, 1996. Radiographic Findings
18. Tanaka N, Katsumata N, Horikawa R, et al: The comparison of
the effects of short-term growth hormone treatment in patients The radiographic features of thanatophoric dysplasia include
with achondroplasia and with hypochondroplasia, Endocr J 50:69, the following: markedly flattened vertebral bodies with
2003. a typical U-shaped deformity; a flat, squat pelvis; and short
19. Trivella G, Aldegheri R: Surgical correction of short stature, Acta extremities with flaring and irregularity of the metaphy-
Paediatr Scand Suppl 347:141, 1988. ses.11 The thorax is narrow, with short horizontal ribs
20. Wynne-Davies R, Hall CM, Apley AG: Atlas of skeletal dysplasias, (Fig. 40-20).
Edinburgh, 1985, Churchill Livingstone
21. Wynne-Davies R, Walsh WK, Gormley J: Achondroplasia and
hypochondroplasia: clinical variation and spinal stenosis, J Bone Prognosis
Joint Surg Br 63:508, 1981.
22. Yasui N, Kawabata H, Kojimoto H, et al: Lengthening of the lower
Cardiorespiratory failure uniformly results in death in the
limbs in patients with achondroplasia and hypochondroplasia, Clin neonatal period.11 Thanatophoric dwarfism and the other,
Orthop Relat Res 344:298, 1997. less common, lethal chondrodysplasias are discussed in
detail by Maroteaux and associates.10

Thanatophoric Dwarfism References

Thanatophoric Dwarfism
Thanatophoric dwarfism is the most common lethal form 1. Bonaventure J, Rousseau F, Legeai-Mallet L, et al: Common muta-
of dwarfism. tions in the fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR 3) gene
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e389


FIGURE 40-20  Thanatophoric dwarfism, characterized by a large head, very short limbs, and a narrow thorax. Anteroposterior (AP)
(A) and lateral (B) views of the thorax. Note the short, horizontal ribs and platyspondyly with notched end-plates. C, AP view of the
femora and tibiae. The long bones are shortened and bowed. The femora are shaped like telephone receivers. D, AP view of the right
hand and forearm. Note the short, broad phalanges, metacarpals, radius, and ulna.

account for achondroplasia, hypochondroplasia, and thanatophoric 4. Csecsei K, Szeifert G, Nemes Z, et al: Pathomorphological findings
dwarfism, Am J Med Genet 63:148, 1996. of a prenatally diagnosed thanatophoric dwarf, Prog Clin Biol Res
2. Chen CP, Chern SR, Shih JC, et al: Prenatal diagnosis and genetic 104:505, 1982.
analysis of type I and type II thanatophoric dysplasia, Prenat Diagn 5. Fink IJ, Filly RA, Callen PW, et al: Sonographic diagnosis of thana-
21:89, 2001. tophoric dwarfism in utero, J Ultrasound Med 1:337, 1982.
3. Cremin BJ, Shaff MI: Ultrasonic diagnosis of thanatophoric dwarf- 6. Ho KL, Chang CH, Yang SS, et al: Neuropathologic findings in
ism in utero, Radiology 124:479, 1977. thanatophoric dysplasia, Acta Neuropathol (Berl) 63:218, 1984.
e390 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

7. Horton WA, Hood OJ, Machado MA, et al: Abnormal ossification Most cases are the result of spontaneous mutations.
in thanatophoric dysplasia, Bone 9:53, 1988. Investigators have found a genetic linkage of pseudoachon-
8. Kassanos D, Botsis D, Katassos T, et al: Prenatal sonographic diag- droplasia to the pericentromeric region of chromosome
nosis of thanatophoric dwarfism, Int J Gynaecol Obstet 34:373,
19.5,10 This region encodes for cartilage oligomeric matrix
protein (COMP), which is a large extracellular matrix
9. Mahony BS, Filly RA, Callen PW, et al: Thanatophoric dwarfism
with the cloverleaf skull: a specific antenatal sonographic diagnosis, protein expressed in cartilage, ligament, and tendon tissue.11
J Ultrasound Med 4:151, 1985. COMP plays a role in calcium binding within cartilage.3 A
10. Maroteaux P, Stanescu V, Stanescu R: The lethal chondrodyspla- disruption of calcium-dependent proteoglycan binding by
sias, Clin Orthop Relat Res 114:31, 1976. COMP has been suggested to result in the accumulation of
11. Nissenbaum M, Chung SM, Rosenberg HK, et al: Thanatophoric proteoglycan in chondrocytes.7 Accumulations of massive
dwarfism: two case reports and survey of the literature, Clin amounts of COMP within iliac crest chondrocytes have
Pediatr (Phila) 16:690, 1977. been found to lead to chondrocyte death in specimens
12. Orioli IM, Castilla EE, Barbosa-Neto JG, et al: The birth harvested from affected individuals.11 Premature death of
prevalence rates for the skeletal dysplasias, J Med Genet 23:328,
physeal chondrocytes results in decreased linear growth. In
addition, the extracellular matrix is deficient in COMP, a
13. Orioli IM, Castilla EE, Scarano G, et al: Effect of paternal age in
achondroplasia, thanatophoric dysplasia, and osteogenesis imper- finding that predisposes the articular cartilage to degrada-
fecta, Am J Med Genet 59:209, 1995. tion and subsequent arthritis.18 Similar mutations in the
14. Pretorius DH, Rumack CM, Manco-Johnson ML, et al: Specific COMP gene are seen in some forms of MED, thus indicat-
skeletal dysplasias in utero: sonographic diagnosis, Radiology ing phenotypic overlap between pseudoachondroplasia and
159:237, 1986. MED.4 Mutation screening for abnormalities in the COMP
15. Rousseau F, el Ghouzzi V, Delezoide AL, et al: Missense FGFR3 gene is available for diagnostic purposes.13
mutations create cysteine residues in thanatophoric dwarfism type
I (TD1), Hum Mol Genet 5:509, 1996.
16. Su WC, Kitagawa M, Xue N, et al: Activation of Stat1 by mutant Pathology
fibroblast growth-factor receptor in thanatophoric dysplasia type
Histologic studies of cartilage from patients with pseudoa-
II dwarfism, Nature 386:288, 1997.
17. Tavormina PL, Shiang R, Thompson LN, et al: Thanatophoric chondroplasia reveal noncollagenous protein accumulated in
dysplasia (types I and II) caused by distinct mutations in fibroblast the rough endoplasmic reticulum of chondrocytes.19 Elec-
growth factor receptor 3, Nat Genet 9:321, 1995. tron microscopic studies of iliac crest specimens have dem-
18. Tretter AE, Saunders RC, Meyers CM, et al: Antenatal diagnosis onstrated abnormalities in proteoglycans.17
of lethal skeletal dysplasias, Am J Med Genet 75:518, 1998.
19. Wongmongkolrit T, Bush M, Roessmann U: Neuropathological
findings in thanatophoric dysplasia, Arch Pathol Lab Med 107:132, Clinical Features
1983. The appearance of newborns with pseudoachondroplasia is
20. Yang SS, Heidelberger KP, Brough AJ, et al: Lethal short-limbed
normal, and the dysplasia is not clinically apparent until 1
chondrodysplasia in early infancy, Perspect Pediatr Pathol 3:1,
to 3 years of age, when rhizomelic shortening becomes
noticeable. Adult height ranges from 106 to 130 cm.1
Growth curve charts specific to pseudoachondroplasia are
Pseudoachondroplasia The skull and facies in pseudoachondroplasia are normal,
and this finding is helpful in differentiating the disorder
Pseudoachondroplasia is characterized by short-limbed from achondroplasia, in which frontal bossing and midface
dwarfism in which both the epiphyses and metaphyses hypoplasia are present (Fig. 40-21). The features distin-
are involved. Affected individuals have significantly short guishing between pseudoachondroplasia and achondroplasia
stature, loose ligaments, and a predisposition to premature are summarized in Table 40-2.
osteoarthritis. Pseudoachondroplasia was first described by The fingers and toes of patients with pseudoachondro-
Maroteaux and Lamy in 1959.15 In 1961, Ford and associ- plasia are short and thick (Figs. 40-22 and 40-23).
ates clearly differentiated pseudoachondroplasia from Patients may have mild thoracolumbar kyphosis, and
achondroplasia and spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED).9 scoliosis develops in a few patients. Lumbar lordosis usually
The prevalence of pseudoachondroplasia is estimated at 4 is pronounced (Fig. 40-24).
per 1 million. Angular deformity of the lower extremities is common
in pseudoachondroplasia. Genu valgum or varum may occur.
Some children develop “windswept” deformities of the
knees, in which genu valgum is present on one side and genu
Pseudoachondroplasia is usually transmitted as an autoso- varum on the other (see Fig. 40-21). Patients with pseudo­
mal dominant trait. Whether autosomal recessive forms achondroplasia have marked ligamentous laxity,22 which can
exist or whether familial recurrence of pseudoachondro- accentuate angular deformity of the lower extremities. Pes
plasia is the result of mosaicism remains debated.8 In planus is common.
either case, the two types of inheritance are not distin-
guishable radiographically or clinically. Four forms have
Radiographic Findings
been identified: autosomal dominant severe, autosomal
dominant mild, autosomal recessive severe, and autosomal Spinal radiographs reveal mild platyspondyly, with anterior
recessive mild.23 tonguelike projections and irregular end-plates (Fig. 40-25).
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e391

The interpedicular distance in the lumbar spine is normal The long bones are short and broad, with flaring of the
in pseudoachondroplasia, unlike in achondroplasia (Fig. metaphyses. Ossification of the epiphyses is delayed. When
40-26). Scoliosis may be present in teenage patients. the epiphyses do ossify, they appear irregular and frag-
Cervical spinal radiographs may reveal odontoid hypo- mented. The hip and knee are most severely affected (Fig.
plasia, such as that seen in other SEDs. Atlantoaxial instabil- 40-27). Genu varum or valgum can be present (Fig. 40-28).
ity may be evident on flexion-extension lateral cervical spine The appearance of fragmented ossific nuclei of the
radiographs. femoral heads may resemble what is seen in other SEDs
and even bilateral Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Features of
pseudoachondroplasia that distinguish it from bilateral
Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease are synchronous symmetric

FIGURE 40-21  A boy 5 years and 4 months of age with

pseudoachondroplasia. His face appears normal; his limbs are FIGURE 40-22  In pseudoachondroplasia the fingers are short and
short, with valgus of the right knee and varus of the left knee. stubby.

Table 40-2  Features Distinguishing Pseudoachondroplasia and Achondroplasia

Features Pseudoachondroplasia Achondroplasia

Inheritance Heterogeneous; both autosomal dominant Autosomal dominant

and recessive Almost all new mutants
Most sporadic
Skull and facies Normal Bulging forehead; low nasal bridge
Sometimes hydrocephalic
Spine Lumbar lordosis Severe lumbar lordosis
No progressive narrowing of interpedicular Progressive narrowing of interpedicular
distance distance in lumbar spine
Platyspondyly with anterior central breaking No platyspondyly; short pedicles
Long bones Both epiphysis and metaphysis affected Epiphysis normal (only metaphysis affected)
Epiphysis delayed in ossification, irregular, Wide metaphysis
and fragmented
Flared metaphysis
Pelvis and sciatic notch Shallow acetabulum Horizontal acetabular roof
Wide great sciatic notch Great sciatic notch narrowed to a slit
Flared iliac wings Squared iliac wing
Problems and Degenerative arthritis from incongruous Spinal stenosis from narrow spinal canal
complications weight bearing (hip and knee joints) Tibia vara
Tibia vara
e392 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-23  Anteroposterior radiograph of the hands in

pseudoachondroplasia shows shortened, thick metacarpals and

FIGURE 40-25  Platyspondyly with anterior tonguelike projections

and increased lumbar lordosis, characteristic of

FIGURE 40-24  Increased lumbar lordosis occurs in

pseudoachondroplasia as a result of hip flexion contractures.

involvement and the finding that the epiphyses do not

develop progressive lucencies in pseudoachondroplasia.6
The pelvis has normal sciatic notches. The acetabula are
shallow but not horizontal. The triradiate cartilage is
widened, as is the ischiopubic junction (Fig. 40-29). Epiph-
yseal involvement leads to flattening and enlargement of the
femoral heads, with subluxation of the hip. Degenerative
arthritis develops in response to the incongruity.

Orthopaedic Considerations
FIGURE 40-26  Posteroanterior radiograph in
Lower Extremity Malalignment
pseudoachondroplasia showing normal interpedicular distance
Lower extremity malalignment usually requires corrective in the lumbar spine. In achondroplasia, by contrast, there is
osteotomies. In genu varum associated with achondroplasia, progressive narrowing of the lumbar interpedicular distance.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e393

FIGURE 40-29  Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis in a

6-year-old girl with pseudoachondroplasia. Note the very small
and irregular ossific nuclei.

the deformity is present solely within the tibia; in pseudo­

FIGURE 40-27  Flared metaphyses and irregular epiphyses are achondroplasia, however, the bony deformity often is
features of pseudoachondroplasia. Note the absence of proximal evident in both the proximal tibia and the distal femur. For
femoral ossific nuclei at the hip in this 5-year-old child. this reason, careful preoperative planning with weight-
bearing radiographs of the entire lower extremity is neces-
sary to correct the malalignment. When distal femoral varus
is present, valgus osteotomy of the distal femur should be
performed. It may be difficult to assess correction of the
knee during surgery because of the epiphyseal malforma-
tion. Thus arthrography at the time of surgery may be
helpful in documenting knee alignment.1 Care must be
taken in assessing the contribution of ligamentous laxity to
the skeletal deformity. Recurrence of deformity with growth
is common.14
Surgical treatment of the hip in pseudoachondroplasia is
difficult given the incongruity of the femoral head with the
acetabulum. The femoral head is flattened and poorly
covered by the small, shallow acetabulum. Varus osteotomy
of the proximal femur usually creates more incongruity.
Valgus osteotomy of the proximal femur may improve joint
congruity and enhances abductor function by moving the
greater trochanter distally and laterally.2 Redirectional oste-
otomies of the pelvis, such as the Salter osteotomy or the
triple innominate osteotomy of Steel, are not helpful in
pseudoachondroplasia because a prerequisite for these oste-
otomies is concentric congruity of the joint. In a few cases,
Chiari osteotomy or shelf acetabular augmentation may
improve coverage of the femoral head.2
Patients with pseudoachondroplasia develop premature
osteoarthritis of the hip secondary to the epiphyseal defor-
mities of the femoral heads (Fig. 40-30). In a study of the
natural history of pseudoachondroplasia, approximately
FIGURE 40-28  Anteroposterior radiograph of the lower extremities 50% of adult patients had undergone total hip arthroplasty.16
in a 4-year-old girl with pseudoachondroplasia. She has bilateral Joint replacement in this patient population is technically
coxa vara and significant genu valgum on the right. demanding because of the joint dysplasia and short bones.
e394 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

pseudoachondroplasia-multiple epiphyseal dysplasia disease spec-

trum, Am J Hum Genet 62:311, 1998.
5. Briggs MD, Rasmussen IM, Weber JL, et al: Genetic linkage
of mild pseudoachondroplasia (PSACH) to markers in the
pericentromeric region of chromosome 19, Genomics 18:656,
6. Crossan JF, Wynne-Davies R, Fulford GE: Bilateral failure of the
capital femoral epiphysis: bilateral Perthes disease, multiple epiph-
yseal dysplasia, pseudoachondroplasia, and spondyloepiphyseal
dysplasia congenita and tarda, J Pediatr Orthop 3:297, 1983.
7. Dietz FR, Mathews KD: Update on the genetic bases of disorders
with orthopaedic manifestations, J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1583,
8. Ferguson HL, Deere M, Evans R, et al: Mosaicism in pseudoachon-
droplasia, Am J Med Genet 70:287, 1997.
9. Ford N, Silverman FN, Kozlowski K, et al: Spondyloepiphyseal
dysplasia (pseudoachondroplastic type), AJR Am J Roentgenol
86:462, 1961.
FIGURE 40-30  Radiograph of a 15-year-old girl with 10. Hecht JT, Francomano CA, Briggs MD, et al: Linkage of typical
pseudoachondroplasia. The femoral heads are irregular. pseudoachondroplasia to chromosome 19, Genomics 18:661,
The patient is likely to develop early osteoarthritis. 1993.
11. Hecht JT, Makitie O, Hayes E, et al: Chondrocyte cell death
and intracellular distribution of COMP and type IX collagen in
Thoracolumbar Kyphosis and Lumbar Lordosis the pseudoachondroplasia growth plate, J Orthop Res 22:759,
Thoracolumbar kyphosis is rarely problematic in pseudo­ 2004.
12. Horton WA, Hall JG, Scott CI, et al: Growth curves for
achondroplasia. Lumbar hyperlordosis may be accentuated.
height for diastrophic dysplasia, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
Tolo proposed that the cause of increased lordosis is hip
congenita, and pseudoachondroplasia, Am J Dis Child 136:316,
flexion contracture, which may be treated by proximal 1982.
femoral extension osteotomy.21 13. Kennedy J, Jackson G, Ramsden S, et al: COMP mutation screen-
ing as an aid for the clinical diagnosis and counselling of patients
Cervical Atlantoaxial Instability with a suspected diagnosis of pseudoachondroplasia or multiple
Cervical atlantoaxial instability is associated with pseudo­ epiphyseal dysplasia, Eur J Hum Genet 13:547, 2005.
achondroplasia and results from odontoid hypoplasia in the 14. Kopits SE: Orthopedic complications of dwarfism, Clin Orthop
setting of ligamentous laxity. Neurologic symptoms range Relat Res 114:153, 1976.
from increased fatigability and decreased walking endur- 15. Maroteaux P, Lamy M: Les formes pseudoachondroplastiques des
dysplasies spondylo-epiphysaires, Presse Med 10:383, 1959.
ance to myelopathy. Flexion-extension lateral cervical spine
16. McKeand J, Rotta J, Hecht JT: Natural history study of pseudo­
radiographs are used to quantify the amount of abnormal
achondroplasia, Am J Med Genet 63:406, 1996.
movement, but MRI performed with the patient in flexion 17. Pedrini-Mille A, Maynard JA, Pedrini VA, et al: Pseudoachondro-
and extension is the best way to observe the impact of the plasia: biochemical and histochemical studies of cartilage, J Bone
instability on the cervical spinal cord. Surgical treatment of Joint Surg Am 66:1408, 1984.
patients with neurologic signs or symptoms consists of 18. Posey KL, Hayes E, Haynes R, et al: Role of TSP-5/COMP in
atlantoaxial posterior fusion with immobilization in a halo pseudoachondroplasia, Int J Biochem Cell Biol 36:1005, 2004.
brace.20 An important part of any preanesthetic evaluation 19. Stanescu V, Stanescu R, Maroteaux P, et al: Pathogenic mecha-
of children with pseudoachondroplasia should be radio- nisms in osteochondrodysplasias, J Bone Joint Surg Am 66:817,
graphic studies for C1-2 instability. 1984.
20. Svensson O, Aaro S: Cervical instability in skeletal dysplasia:
Scoliosis report of 6 surgically fused cases, Acta Orthop Scand 59:66, 1988.
21. Tolo VT: Spinal deformity in short-stature syndromes, Instr Course
Scoliosis may occur in patients with pseudoachondroplasia. Lect 39:399, 1990.
Posterior fusion should be performed when indicated. 22. Wordsworth P, Ogilvie D, Smith R, et al: Joint mobility with
Instrumentation may be safely used in patients with particular reference to racial variation and inherited connective
pseudoachondroplasia because they do not have spinal tissue disorders, Br J Rheumatol 26:9, 1987.
stenosis.21 23. Wynne-Davies R, Hall CM, Younf ID: Pseudoachondroplasia: clini-
cal diagnosis at different ages and comparison of autosomal domi-
nant and recessive types: a review of 32 patients (26 kindreds),
References J Med Genet 23:425, 1986.
1. Bassett GS: Lower-extremity abnormalities in dwarfing conditions,
Instr Course Lect 39:389, 1990.
2. Bassett GS: Orthopaedic aspects of skeletal dysplasias, Instr Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia
Course Lect 39:381, 1990.
3. Briggs MD, Hoffman SM, King LM, et al: Pseudoachondroplasia SED is characterized by disproportionate dwarfism with
and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia due to mutations in the cartilage progressive involvement of the spine and epiphyses of the
oligomeric matrix protein gene, Nat Genet 10:330, 1995. long bones. There are two major types of SED. The con-
4. Briggs MD, Mortier GR, Cole WG, et al: Diverse mutations genita type is detectable at birth, whereas a milder tarda
in the gene for cartilage oligomeric matrix protein in the type manifests later in childhood.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e395

Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Congenita Radiographic Findings

SED congenita results in obvious short-trunk dwarfism and Radiographic findings include the delayed appearance of the
variable degrees of coxa vara, accompanied by abnormal epiphyses.10 The femoral heads are not apparent on radio-
epiphyses and vertebral flattening. Shortening is rhizomelic graphs until the patient is approximately 5 years of age. The
and mesomelic, with relative sparing of the hands and feet. ossification centers of the carpals and tarsals are delayed, as
are the secondary centers of ossification of the long tubular
Genetics bones. When the epiphyses do appear, they are flattened
Inheritance is by autosomal dominant transmission, but and irregular in shape. The hands and feet show minimal
most cases are sporadic. SED congenita is caused by muta- shortening on radiographs.
tions in the COL2A1 locus on chromosome 12, which Coxa vara is present, and the disorder is further subdi-
encodes the type II procollagen α1 chain.24 This results in vided into a group in which coxa vara is severe and a group
abnormal type II collagen.2,7,9 The mutations seen in patients in which it is mild. Young infants with coxa vara may have
with SED congenita are closely related to those that cause radiographic findings similar to those seen in developmental
Kniest dysplasia.8 dislocation of the hip. The iliac wings are small, and the
acetabula are usually horizontal (Fig. 40-32). Coxa vara can
Clinical Features be documented by ultrasonography in young infants.12
Clinically, short stature is present19 (Fig. 40-31). The Platyspondyly is seen (Fig. 40-33), and kyphoscoliosis
patient’s eyes are wide-set, the neck is short, and the chest may be apparent. Odontoid hypoplasia or os odontoideum
appears barrel shaped. Angular deformity of the lower may be present, and cervical spine films should be rou-
extremities, particularly genu valgum, is common. Lumbar tinely obtained in these patients to assess for atlantoaxial
lordosis may be accentuated and is usually the result of hip instability. The radiographic appearance of the spine is
flexion contractures. The lordosis gives the abdomen a pro- identical to that in Morquio syndrome and other
tuberant appearance. A waddling gait is produced by the mucopolysaccharidoses.
coxa vara. Clubfoot deformity can be seen in patients with
SED congenita. Orthopaedic Considerations
Associated anomalies in SED congenita are cleft palate,
myopia with retinal detachment, cataracts, deafness, and Spine
hernias.22,28 A rare form of SED congenita is associated with Orthopaedic treatment begins with the cervical spine. Signs
nephrotic syndrome.6,33,34 of cervical instability include hypotonia, sleep apnea,

FIGURE 40-31  A to C, Clinical appearance of a 3-year-old boy with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. The short neck and
increased lumbar lordosis are obvious.
e396 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

respiratory insufficiency, and myelopathy.30 Respiratory

insufficiency has been seen in infants with SED congenita
secondary to thoracic dysplasia16,27 and cervical spinal cord
compression. Thus children with pulmonary problems must
be carefully assessed for upper cervical instability. Signifi-
cant instability has been described in infants with SED
congenita who are younger than 1 year old. For this reason,
flexion and extension cervical radiographs should be
obtained before the administration of any anesthetic in chil-
dren with SED.32 In children with odontoid hypoplasia,
instability may be present with extension because the odon-
toid is not sufficiently large to prevent posterior migration
of C1 (Figs. 40-34 and 40-35). When odontoid hypoplasia
produces atlantoaxial instability, posterior cervical fusion
from the occiput or C1 to C2 with halo vest immobilization
is necessary.23,37,38 Instability of 8 mm or more or the pres-
ence of myelopathic symptoms is an indication for surgery.
The posterior ring of C1 may be incomplete, and this situ-
ation should be considered in the preoperative planning.38
In addition, the sagittal diameter of C1 may be narrowed
in some patients with SED congenita. In these cases, lami-
nectomy of C1 combined with occiput–C2 fusion is the
preferred treatment.26
Patients with SED congenita have also been found to be
at risk for basilar invagination. Symptoms include hypoto-
nia, cranial nerve dysfunction, hyperreflexia, and nystag-
FIGURE 40-32  Radiographic abnormalities in spondyloepiphyseal mus. Treatment consists of posterior fossa decompression
dysplasia congenita include delay in ossification of the femoral and occipitocervical fusion, with prolonged external
heads and coxa vara. immobilization.35
Other spinal deformities associated with SED congenita
include scoliosis and lumbar hyperlordosis.39 Scoliosis may
require bracing, although the response to bracing in patients
with SED is somewhat unpredictable. Scoliosis may be
associated with severe kyphosis. When the scoliosis exceeds
50 degrees or is associated with significant kyphosis, fusion
with standard instrumentation is effective.5,38 Because the

FIGURE 40-33  Platyspondyly in a 2-year-old boy with FIGURE 40-34  Patients with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia have
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita. hypoplasia of the odontoid, which may lead to posterior instability
at C1-2.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e397


FIGURE 40-35  Flexion (A) and extension (B) lateral radiographs of cervical spine in a 4-year-old girl with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia.
Odontoid hypoplasia and atlantoaxial instability are noted. C, Posterior C1-2 fusion was performed with halo immobilization.
D, Radiograph at 9 years of age shows solid fusion from the occiput to C3.

spinal canal is not narrowed by the bone dysplasia, instru- degrees, when the Hilgenreiner–epiphyseal angle is greater
mentation may be used. than 60 degrees, when the varus is progressive, or when an
Lumbar lordosis does not require spinal surgery, but inverted triangular fragment is present3 (Fig. 40-37). Hip
attention must be directed to the hips. Extension osteot- dislocation has been seen in conjunction with coxa vara and,
omy of the proximal femur is occasionally performed to when present, further complicates surgical treatment. Open
address hip flexion contractures leading to increased lumbar reduction with femoral and acetabular osteotomies has been
lordosis. performed to treat hip dislocation secondary to SED.
Genu valgum is common in SED congenita. Proximal
Lower Extremities femoral valgus osteotomy for the treatment of coxa vara
Coxa vara may be severe and may result in discontinuity of further accentuates the distal femoral valgus. A distal
the femoral neck (Fig. 40-36). Bassett recommended valgus femoral varus osteotomy is performed to correct the condi-
osteotomy when the neck–shaft angle is less than 100 tion. Recurrence is a frequent complication.
e398 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-36  A, Anteroposterior radiograph of pelvis in a 7-year-old girl with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia reveals bilateral coxa vara.
B, Radiograph after bilateral valgus osteotomy. C, Three years and 8 months after surgery, left coxa vara has recurred. D, Coxa vara
remains well corrected 3 years after revision left proximal femoral osteotomy and 7 years after right proximal femoral valgus osteotomy.

Pain and Joint Problems or adolescence with complaints of hip pain. Height is
Premature osteoarthritis results from the epiphyseal defor- affected only minimally.
mity (Fig. 40-38). Whether osteotomies delay the onset of
degenerative arthritis remains unknown.
An evaluation of the incidence of pain in patients with Genetics
SED found that 94% reported activity-related pain, even The inheritance of SED tarda is either autosomal recessive
though 50% had undergone previous orthopaedic surgical or X-linked recessive.1,21 The X-linked form has also been
procedures. Patients noted that their activity was mildly described and mapped to the SEDL gene in the Xp22
impaired by their pain and joint mobility restrictions.11 region.4,18 SEDL codes for the protein sedlin, which is
important in endoplasmic reticulum–Golgi vesicular trans-
port.15 SED tarda is genetically distinct from SED con-
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia Tarda
genita.25 Rare autosomal dominant forms of SED tarda have
SED tarda is a milder form of SED that is not clinically also been reported.29,31,36 Thus SED tarda has genetic
apparent at birth. Most patients present in older childhood heterogeneity.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e399

FIGURE 40-37  Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia in a 4-year-old girl.

Anteroposterior view of the pelvis shows irregular ossification of
the femoral heads. The left hip exhibits a severe coxa vara
deformity with elevation of the greater trochanter. FIGURE 40-38  Severe degenerative arthritis in a 15-year-old
patient with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia and dislocated hips.

FIGURE 40-39  A and B, Mild

platyspondyly and proximal femoral
epiphyseal irregularities in a 16-year-old
A patient with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia

involvement is discordant, with one hip more radiographi-

Clinical Features cally affected than the other.10,17 Coxa magna with flatten-
The dysplasia is not recognized at birth but becomes appar- ing and extrusion can be seen on pelvic radiographs.
ent as the growth rate of the child slows in middle child- Abnormalities of other epiphyses (usually the proximal
hood or adolescence. The presenting complaint is either humerus), platyspondyly with the appearance of a protrud-
short stature or hip pain. The X-linked recessive form ing “hump,” and narrowed disk spaces of the spine help
affects only boys and is characterized by diminished height, establish the correct diagnosis of SED tarda14 (Fig. 40-39).
barrel chest deformity, and early hip arthrosis.13
Orthopaedic Considerations
Radiographic Findings Orthopaedic surgery is directed at treating the precocious
Radiographically, the dysplasia may be confused with Legg- hip arthritis (Fig. 40-40). Valgus osteotomy of the proximal
Calvé-Perthes disease. However, in SED involvement is femur, with acetabular augmentation when needed, has
symmetric, whereas in bilateral Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease been proposed for younger patients with SED tarda, but
e400 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

9. Cole WG, Hall RK, Rogers JG, et al: The clinical features of
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita resulting from the substi-
tution of glycine 997 by serine in the alpha 1(II) chain of type II
collagen, J Med Genet 30:27, 1993.
10. Crossan JF, Wynne-Davies R, Fulford GE, et al: Bilateral failure of
the capital femoral epiphysis: bilateral Perthes disease, multiple
epiphyseal dysplasia, pseudoachondroplasia, and spondyloepiphy-
seal dysplasia congenita and tarda, J Pediatr Orthop 3:297, 1983.
11. Damignani R, Young NL, Cole WG, et al: Impairment and activity
limitation associated with epiphyseal dysplasia in children, Arch
Phys Med Rehabil 85:1647, 2004.
12. De Pellegrin MP, Mackenzie WG, Harcke HT, et al: Ultrasono-
graphic evaluation of hip morphology in osteochondrodysplasias,
J Pediatr Orthop 20:588, 2000.
13. Fiedler J, Bergmann C, Brenner RE, et al: X-linked spondyloep-
iphyseal dysplasia tarda: molecular cause of a heritable disorder
associated with early degenerative joint disease, Acta Orthop Scand
74:737, 2003.
14. Fiedler J, Frances AM, Le Merrer M, et al: X-linked spondyloep-
iphyseal dysplasia tarda: molecular cause of a heritable platyspon-
dyly, Spine 28:E478, 2003.
FIGURE 40-40  Joint space narrowing and epiphyseal irregularities 15. Gedeon AK, Colley A, Jamieson R, et al: Identification of the
in both hips in a 17-year-old patient with spondyloepiphyseal gene (SEDL) causing X-linked spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda,
dysplasia tarda. Nat Genet 22:400, 1999.
16. Harding CO, Green CG, Perloff WH, et al: Respiratory complica-
tions in children with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita,
the influence of osteotomy on the long-term outcome of
Pediatr Pulmonol 9:49, 1990.
these hips has not been established. Degenerative arthritis
17. Hesse B, Kohler G: Does it always have to be Perthes’ disease?
associated with SED tarda in adulthood is treated by total What is epiphyseal dysplasia? Clin Orthop Relat Res 414:219,
joint arthroplasty in early adulthood. Custom components 2003.
may be necessary because of the anatomy and length of the 18. Heuertz S, Smahi A, Wilkie AO, et al: Genetic mapping of
femur.20 Xp22.12-p22.31, with a refined localization for spondyloepiphy-
Platyspondyly is present in patients with SED tarda, seal dysplasia (SEDL), Hum Genet 96:407, 1995.
and odontoid hypoplasia may lead to instability requiring 19. Horton WA, Hall JG, Scott CI, et al: Growth curves for height
stabilization in some patients. Patients with SED tarda may for diastrophic dysplasia, spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita,
have back pain, but they rarely need spinal surgery.38 and pseudoachondroplasia, Am J Dis Child 136:316, 1982.
20. Huo MH, Salvati EA, Liberman JR, et al: Custom-designed
If scoliosis is present, bracing or fusion should be per-
femoral prostheses in total hip arthroplasty done with cement
formed, following guidelines similar to those for idiopathic
for severe dysplasia of the hip, J Bone Joint Surg Am 75:1497,
scoliosis. 1993.
21. Ikegawa S: Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda: the autosomal
References recessive form in two sisters, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 113:49,
Spondyloepiphyseal Dysplasia 22. Ikegawa S, Iwaya T, Taniguchi K, et al: Retinal detachment in
1. Al-Awadi SA, Farag TI, Naguib K, et al: Spondyloepiphyseal dys- spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, J Pediatr Orthop 13:791,
plasia tarda with progressive arthropathy, J Med Genet 21:193, 1993.
1984. 23. Le Doux MS, Naftalis RC, Aronin PA, et al: Stabilization of the
2. Anderson IJ, Goldberg RB, Marion RW, et al: Spondyloepiphyseal cervical spine in spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, Neuro-
dysplasia congenita: genetic linkage to type II collagen (COL2AI), surgery 28:580, 1991.
Am J Hum Genet 46:896, 1990. 24. Lee B, Vissing H, Ramirez F, et al: Identification of the molecular
3. Bassett GS: Orthopaedic aspects of skeletal dysplasias, Instr defect in a family with spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Science
Course Lect 39:381, 1990. 244:978, 1989.
4. Bernard LE, Chitayat D, Weksberg R, et al: Linkage analysis of two 25. Lewkonia RM, Bech-Hansen NT: Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
Canadian families segregating for X linked spondyloepiphyseal tarda simulating juvenile arthritis: clinical and molecular genetic
dysplasia, J Med Genet 33:432, 1996. observations, Clin Exp Rheumatol 10:411, 1992.
5. Bethem D, Winter RB, Lutter L, et al: Disorders of the spine in 26. Miyoshi K, Nakamura K, Haga N, et al: Surgical treatment for
diastrophic dwarfism, J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:529, 1980. atlantoaxial subluxation with myelopathy in spondyloepiphyseal
6. Bogdanovic R, Komar P, Cvoric A, et al: Focal glomerular sclerosis dysplasia congenita, Spine 29:E488, 2004.
and nephrotic syndrome in spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Nephron 27. Naumoff P: Thoracic dysplasia in spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia
66:219, 1994. congenita, Am J Dis Child 131:653, 1977.
7. Chan D, Rogers JF, Bateman JF, et al: Recurrent substitutions of 28. Nishimura G, Fukushima Y, Aihara T, et al: Previously undescribed
arginine 789 by cysteine in pro-alpha 1 (II) collagen chains produce spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia associated with craniosynostosis,
spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, J Rheumatol Suppl 43:37, cataracts, cleft palate, and mental retardation: report of four sibs,
1995. Am J Med Genet 77:1, 1998.
8. Chen L, Yang W, Cole WG, et al: Alternative splicing of exon 12 29. Nishimura G, Saitoh Y, Okuzumi S, et al: Spondyloepiphyseal
of the COL2A1 gene interrupts the triple helix of type-II collagen dysplasia with accumulation of glycoprotein in the chondrocytes:
in the Kniest form of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, J Orthop Res spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, Stanescu type, Skeletal Radiol
14:712, 1996. 27:188, 1998.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e401

30. Reardon W, Hall CM, Shaw DG, et al: New autosomal dominant been documented in the gene that encodes matrilin-3,
form of spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia presenting with atlanto-axial another extracellular matrix protein.9 Patients with
instability, Am J Med Genet 52:432, 1994. matrilin-3 abnormalities are of normal stature but have very
31. Reginato AJ, Passano GM, Neumann G, et al: Familial spondylo-
small proximal femoral epiphyses and hip dysplasia that
epiphyseal dysplasia tarda, brachydactyly, and precocious osteoar-
lead to childhood-onset arthritis in the hips and knees.25 An
thritis associated with an arginine 75→cysteine mutation in the
procollagen type II gene in a kindred of Chiloe Islanders. I. Clini- autosomal recessive form of MED is characterized by early
cal, radiographic, and pathologic findings, Arthritis Rheum 37:1078, osteoarthritis, clubfeet, multilayered patellae, and brachy-
1994. dactyly and has been mapped to the diastrophic dysplasia
32. Roberts W, Henson LC: Anesthesia for scoliosis: dwarfism and sulfate transporter gene (DTDST).23,34 Although genetic
congenitally absent odontoid process, AANA J 63:332, 1995. testing can be performed for these known mutations, posi-
33. Rottenberg GT, Shaw DG, Hall CM, et al: Spondyloepiphyseal tive identification of the abnormality is possible in less than
dysplasia with nephrotic syndrome (Schimke immunoosseous dys- half of patients with MED at present.20
plasia), J Pediatr Orthop B 6:7, 1997.
34. Santava A, Zapletalova J, Michalkova K, et al: Spondyloepiphyseal
dysplasia with nephrotic syndrome (Schimke immunoosseous dys- Pathology
plasia), Am J Med Genet 49:270, 1994.
35. Sawin PD, Menezes AH: Basilar invagination in osteogenesis The basic defect in MED is a disturbance in the develop-
imperfecta and related osteochondrodysplasias: medical and surgi- ment of the epiphyseal ossification centers. Enchondral
cal management, J Neurosurg 86:950, 1997. ossification is disorganized, and epiphyseal cartilage cells are
36. Schantz K, Andersen PE Jr, Justesen P, et al: Spondyloepiphyseal irregular, with disordered columns and areas of degenera-
dysplasia tarda: report of a family with autosomal dominant trans- tion.17 Funnelization, diaphyseal cylindricalization, and
mission, Acta Orthop Scand 59:716, 1988. modeling are not affected. The articular cartilage is initially
37. Svensson O, Aaro S: Cervical instability in skeletal dysplasia: normal but becomes secondarily misshapen during life
report of 6 surgically fused cases, Acta Orthop Scand 59:66, 1988. because of the lack of underlying osseous support. The
38. Tolo VT: Spinal deformity in short-stature syndromes, Instr Course
articular deformities are permanent, with degenerative
Lect 39:399, 1990.
changes and osteoarthritis developing early in adult life,
39. Wynne-Davies R, Hall C: Two clinical variants of spondylo-
epiphysial dysplasia congenita, J Bone Joint Surg Br 64:435, 1982. especially in the weight-bearing joints.
Electron microscopy shows intracytoplasmic inclusions
in the chondrocytes. These inclusions are dilations of the
rough endoplasmic reticulum and resemble those seen in
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia pseudoachondroplasia. These findings lend further support
to the opinion that these two dysplasias are genetically
MED is a condition characterized by the following features: related.33
a delay in the appearance of the epiphyses; irregular, sym- The epiphyses most commonly affected are those of the
metric epiphyseal formation; mild short stature; and early- femoral and humeral heads. The short tubular bones of the
onset osteoarthritis. Fairbank first described this entity and hands and feet may also be involved. The skull, vertebrae,
called it dysplasia epiphysealis multiplex.14,15 It soon became and pelvis are normal.
apparent that the dysplasia had several forms. The two most
common forms are the Fairbank form, known as type I, and
Clinical Features
a milder form, described by Ribbing,30 that is known as type
II. The reported prevalence of MED ranges from 9 per The dysplasia is not recognizable at birth. The first sign may
100,0001 to 11 per 1 million index patients.40 MED is be a delay in walking. Often the diagnosis is not made until
detected with increasing frequency. early adolescence. Initial presenting complaints include
joint stiffness or contractures, pain, a limp, or a waddling
gait. As the child grows older, shorter stature becomes more
evident in some patients. However, true dwarfism is not
In most patients, MED is inherited by autosomal dominant associated with this condition because many patients are
transmission. A rare autosomal recessive form also exists.26 above the 3rd percentile for height.3
Genetic variability occurs among families,12 and this is The fingers and, to a lesser extent, the toes may be short
expected because variable forms of the disease exist. Six and stubby. Flexion contractures of the elbows and knees
different mutations have been described to date in patients are common. Genu valgum or varum may develop. Pain
with MED.5,20,36 MED has been mapped to chromosome 19, from degenerative arthritis may be present in adolescence
and its gene product is COMP, the same gene that is abnor- or early adulthood. Arthritic changes in the shoulder are
mal in pseudoachondroplasia. Some forms of MED and frequently accompanied by symptomatic stiffness.18
pseudoachondroplasia are therefore allelic.7,8,22 COMP is MED has no associated neurologic findings. Intelligence
found in the extracellular matrix of cartilage, ligament, and is not affected.
tendon.21 Other families with MED have a different muta-
tion located on chromosome 1 in the gene encoding for the
Radiographic Findings
α2 polypeptide chain of type IX collagen.6,28 Type IX col-
lagen is located on the surface of type II collagen fibrils and The principal finding on radiographs is a delay in the appear-
is necessary for the long-term integrity of articular carti- ance of the ossification centers. When the epiphyses do
lage.13 These patients tend to have more knee involvement appear, they are small, fragmented, mottled, and flattened
with relative sparing of the hips.37 A third genetic locus has (Fig. 40-41). There are numeric indices for the normal
e402 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders



FIGURE 40-41  Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia in two sisters and their 40-year-old father. The disorder is inherited as an autosomal
dominant trait. Anteroposterior (AP) (A) and frog-leg lateral (B) radiographs of both hips of a 12-year-old girl. Note the irregularity and
flattening of the capital femoral epiphyses. Involvement is bilateral. AP (C) and lateral (D) views of both hips of the 14-year-old sister
showing similar changes. AP (E) and lateral (F) radiographs of the father’s hips. Note the irregularity of the femoral heads and marked
degenerative arthritis in both hips.

height of the epiphyses, particularly at the distal femur. in MED.10 In addition, acetabular changes are seen more
Measurement of epiphyseal height and carpal height, both frequently in MED. Metaphyseal cysts are seen in Legg-
of which are decreased in MED, may assist in reaching an Calvé-Perthes disease, but not in MED.2 When bilateral
early diagnosis before degenerative arthritis begins.19,31,38 Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease is suspected, radiographic
The proximal femur is most often affected. The findings examination of other joints should be performed. In MED,
on hip radiographs may be easily confused with those of epiphyseal irregularities are visible in other locations, such
bilateral Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease. Clues to the diagnosis as the shoulders and knees.
include the presence of symmetric involvement in MED, Correctly diagnosing MED is further hampered by the
in contrast to the metachronous findings in Legg-Calvé- frequent occurrence of avascular necrosis (AVN) in the hips
Perthes disease2 (Fig. 40-42). In Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, of patients with MED.39 Because AVN may be present in
usually one hip is involved before the other, so that each MED, the distinction from bilateral Legg-Calvé-Perthes
hip is in a different stage of the disease. This is not the case disease cannot be made by bone scan or MRI, given that
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e403

FIGURE 40-42  Anteroposterior (A) and frog-leg (B) radiographs of a 7-year-old girl with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia.

FIGURE 40-43  A, Lateral radiograph of the knee of a 5-year-old girl with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. Ossification of the patella is
irregular. B, By age 8 years, the patella appears to be double layered.

these imaging studies demonstrate avascularity and subse- peculiar finding seen in MED, the double-layered patella
quent changes for both diseases.24 Radiographic changes in (Fig. 40-43). When this feature is present, it is characteris-
patients with MED and AVN include subchondral fractures, tic for MED.11,16,32 On AP radiographs the femoral condyles
increased radiodensity of the ossific nucleus, resorption of appear squared off and flat, and the intercondylar notch is
ossified cartilage, reossification, and asymmetric images.24 shallow27 (Fig. 40-44).
Coxa vara may occur but is not necessarily bilateral. The The metacarpals and phalanges usually are short. Their
femoral necks appear short. Other angular deformities, such epiphyses are irregular.
as genu varum or valgum, may be present on plain radio- MED is distinguished from SED by the absence of severe
graphs. Lateral radiographs of the knee may demonstrate a vertebral changes. Mild end-plate irregularities may be
e404 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

present.4 Radiographic findings in hypothyroidism may

resemble those in MED, and the distinction is made by
thyroid function studies.

Orthopaedic Considerations
Orthopaedic treatment is rarely necessary in early child-
hood. Once the diagnosis is established, maintenance of
range of motion is initiated. The patient and parents should
be cautioned regarding weight gain.
Despite findings resembling those of Legg-Calvé-Perthes
disease, no evidence supports the use of containment
orthoses or prophylactic containment surgery in MED.
Arthrography of the hip demonstrates the flat, mushroom-
shaped femoral head (Fig. 40-45). If hinge abduction is
present on arthrography, valgus proximal femoral osteot-
omy may improve congruency and therefore relieve pain.
Shelf acetabular augmentation may be beneficial in some
patients with MED to improve coverage of the misshapen
femoral head.3 When MED is complicated by AVN, the
prognosis for degenerative arthritis worsens. Nonetheless,
FIGURE 40-44  Anteroposterior radiograph of the knees in a child
with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia shows irregular articular
varus osteotomy is contraindicated because of preexisting
surfaces and flat femoral condyles. coxa vara.3


FIGURE 40-45  Anteroposterior (A) and frog-leg (B) radiographs of a 9-year-old

girl with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. Both femoral heads are irregular and
mushroom shaped. C, Arthrogram of the left hip. Articular irregularity can be
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e405

FIGURE 40-46  A, Anteroposterior (AP) lower extremity radiograph of a 9-year-old boy with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. B, AP lower
extremity radiograph after bilateral distal femoral varus osteotomies. C, Two and a half years after surgery, valgus has recurred.
D, Correction was achieved with hemiepiphyseal stapling.

Osteotomies may be helpful in realigning the lower 6. Briggs MD, Choi H, Warman ML, et al: Genetic mapping of a
extremities when angular deformities exist, particularly at locus for multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (EDM2) to a region of
the knee. Growth manipulation by hemiepiphysiodesis or chromosome 1 containing a type IX collagen gene, Am J Hum
stapling may provide correction in some cases (Fig. 40-46). Genet 55:678, 1994.
For optimal surgical correction, the level of the deformity 7. Briggs MD, Hoffman SM, King LM, et al: Pseudoachondroplasia
and multiple epiphyseal dysplasia due to mutations in the cartilage
must be ascertained before surgery.3 Valgus osteotomy of
oligomeric matrix protein gene, Nat Genet 10:330, 1995.
the proximal femur is the treatment for coxa vara, but
8. Briggs MD, Mortier GR, Cole WG, et al: Diverse mutations in
recurrence is common. the gene for cartilage oligomeric matrix protein in the
Degenerative arthritis in children is treated symptomati- pseudoachondroplasia–multiple epiphyseal dysplasia disease spec-
cally.3,29 Osteoarthritis is present by 30 years of age in those trum, Am J Hum Genet 62:311, 1998.
hips that are incongruent with large, flat heads and poor 9. Chapman KL, Mortier GR, Chapman K, et al: Mutations in the
acetabular coverage.35 If the femoral head is well formed at region encoding the von Willebrand factor A domain of matrilin-3
maturity, the onset of arthritis is delayed. Arthritis seems are associated with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, Nat Genet
to develop at similar ages in affected family members.35 28:393, 2001.
Total joint replacement in early adulthood is possible. 10. Crossan JF, Wynne-Davies R, Fulford GE, et al: Bilateral failure of
the capital femoral epiphysis: bilateral Perthes disease, multiple
epiphyseal dysplasia, pseudoachondroplasia, and spondyloepiphy-
seal dysplasia congenita and tarda, J Pediatr Orthop 3:297, 1983.
11. Dahners LE, Francisco WD, Halleran WJ, et al: Findings at arthrot-
Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia omy in a case of double layered patellae associated with multiple
1. Andersen PE Jr, Hauge M: Congenital generalised bone dysplasias: epiphyseal dysplasia, J Pediatr Orthop 2:67, 1982.
a clinical, radiological, and epidemiological survey, J Med Genet 12. Deere M, Blanton SH, Scott CI, et al: Genetic heterogeneity in
26:37, 1989. multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, Am J Hum Genet 56:698, 1995.
2. Andersen PE Jr, Schantz K, Bollerslev J, et al: Bilateral femoral 13. Dietz FR, Mathews KD: Update on the genetic bases of disorders
head dysplasia and osteochondritis: multiple epiphyseal dysplasia with orthopaedic manifestations, J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1583,
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3. Bassett GS: Lower-extremity abnormalities in dwarfing conditions, 39:315, 1946.
Instr Course Lect 39:389, 1990. 15. Fairbank HAT: Dysplasia epiphysialis multiplex, Br J Surg 34:225,
4. Bassett GS: Orthopaedic aspects of skeletal dysplasias, Instr 1947.
Course Lect 39:381, 1990. 16. Hodkinson HM: Double patellae in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia,
5. Briggs MD, Chapman KL: Pseudoachondroplasia and multiple J Bone Joint Surg Br 44:569, 1962.
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genotype to phenotype correlations, Hum Mutat 19:465, 2002. dysplasia in two siblings: histological and biochemical analysis of
e406 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

epiphyseal cartilage plate in one, J Bone Joint Surg Am 49:1611, 39. Wenger DR, Ezaki M: Bilateral femoral head collapse in an adoles-
1967. cent with brachydactyly (multiple epiphyseal dysplasia tarda type
18. Ingram RR: The shoulder in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, J Bone 1c), J Pediatr Orthop 1:267, 1981.
Joint Surg Br 73:277, 1991. 40. Wynne-Davies R, Hall CM, Apley AG: Atlas of skeletal dysplasias,
19. Ingram RR: Early diagnosis of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, Edinburgh, 1985, Churchill Livingstone.
J Pediatr Orthop 12:241, 1992.
20. Jakkula E, Makitie O, Czarny-Ratajczak M, et al: Mutations in the
known genes are not the major cause of MED; distinctive pheno-
typic entities among patients with no identified mutations, Eur J Diastrophic Dysplasia
Hum Genet 13:292, 2005. (Diastrophic Dwarfism)
21. Kennedy J, Jackson GC, Barker FS, et al: Novel and recurrent
mutations in the C-terminal domain of COMP cluster in two In 1960 Lamy and Maroteaux distinguished a very rare form
distinct regions and result in a spectrum of phenotypes within the of micromelic dwarfism from that of achondroplasia.20 They
pseudoachondroplasia–multiple epiphyseal dysplasia disease named it nanisme diastrophique and derived the word dia-
group, Hum Mutat 25:593, 2005.
strophic from the Greek word meaning “crooked” or
22. Knowlton RG, Cekleniak JA, Cohn DH, et al: High-resolution
“twisted.” In this condition, severe short stature is associ-
genetic and physical mapping of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia and
pseudoachondroplasia mutations at chromosome 19p13.1-p12, ated with rigid clubfeet, scoliosis, and “hitchhiker’s thumb.”
Genomics 28:513, 1995.
23. Lachman RS, Krakow D, Cohn DH, et al: MED, COMP, multi- Genetics
layered and NEIN: an overview of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia,
Pediatr Radiol 35:116, 2005. Diastrophic dysplasia is inherited as an autosomal recessive
24. Mackenzie WG, Bassett GS, Mandell GA, et al: Avascular necrosis trait. The responsible gene, DTDST, is located on the distal
of the hip in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, J Pediatr Orthop 9:666, part of the long arm of chromosome 5.12 This gene encodes
1989. a unique sulfate transporter. Impaired function of the gene’s
25. Makitie O, Mortier GR, Czarny-Ratajczak M, et al: Clinical and
product leads to undersulfation of proteoglycans in cartilage
radiographic findings in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia caused by
matrix,12,38 a condition that impairs the growth response of
MATN3 mutations: description of 12 patients, Am J Med Genet
A 125:278, 2004. these cells to FGF and thus stunts enchondral growth.36
26. McKusick VA: Mendelian inheritance in man: catalogue of autoso- Lack of sulfation of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in articular
mal dominant, autosomal recessive, and X-linked phenotypes, Bal- cartilage renders the cartilage vulnerable to early degenera-
timore, 1992, Johns Hopkins University Press. tion. Abnormalities are seen in type IX collagen, which is
27. Miura H, Noguchi Y, Mitsuyasu H, et al: Clinical features of mul- responsible for establishing the lattice of type II collagen.7,8
tiple epiphyseal dysplasia expressed in the knee, Clin Orthop Relat Mutations at the same locus are responsible for lethal forms
Res 380:184, 2000. of dwarfism such as achondrogenesis.38
28. Muragaki Y, Mariman EC, van Beersum SE, et al: A mutation in
the gene encoding the alpha 2 chain of the fibril-associated collagen
IX, COL9A2, causes multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (EDM2), Nat Pathology
Genet 12:103, 1996.
29. Patrone NA, Kredich DW: Arthritis in children with multiple Abnormal cross-linking of cartilage has been seen, leading
epiphyseal dysplasia, J Rheumatol 12:145, 1985. to mechanically weaker cartilage.1 Light microscopy shows
30. Ribbing S: Studien uber hereditare multiple Epiphysenstorungen, atypical chondrocytes, with extreme variation in size and
Acta Radiol (Stockholm) Suppl 34, 1937. shape, and premature cytoplasmic degeneration. The chon-
31. Schlesinger AE, Poznanski AK, Pudlowski RM, et al: Distal femoral drocytes are larger and clearer than normal, with more
epiphysis: normal standards for thickness and application to bone rounded nuclei.39 Prominent, densely staining fibrotic foci
dysplasias, Radiology 159:515, 1986. are present throughout the cartilage. The collagen in these
32. Sheffield EG: Double-layered patella in multiple epiphyseal dys- foci is remarkably abnormal.37 The cartilage matrix demon-
plasia: a valuable clue in the diagnosis, J Pediatr Orthop 18:123,
strates an increase in fibrous tissue as well. Abnormalities
are seen in the chondrocytes of the entire skeleton including
33. Stanescu R, Stanescu V, Muriel MP, et al: Multiple epiphyseal
dysplasia, Fairbank type: morphologic and biochemical study of the trachea.39
cartilage, Am J Med Genet 45:501, 1993.
34. Superti-Furga A, Neumann L, Riebel T, et al: Recessively inherited Clinical Features
multiple epiphyseal dysplasia with normal stature, club foot, and
double layered patella caused by a DTDST mutation, J Med Genet The condition is easily diagnosed at birth. The affected
36:621, 1999. newborn is severely dwarfed, with very short limbs and
35. Treble NJ, Jensen FO, Bankier A, et al: Development of the hip marked bilateral clubfeet (Fig. 40-47). During the first 2
in multiple epiphyseal dysplasia: natural history and susceptibility weeks of life, swelling of the external ears develops and
to premature osteoarthritis, J Bone Joint Surg Br 72:1061, 1990.
subsequently calcifies and ossifies, to form the “cauliflower
36. Unger S, Hecht JT: Pseudoachondroplasia and multiple epiphyseal
ear” deformity characteristic of diastrophic dysplasia
dysplasia: new etiologic developments, Am J Med Genet 106:244,
2001. (Fig. 40-48).
37. Unger SL, Briggs MD, Holden P, et al: Multiple epiphyseal dyspla- The face appears cherubic because of the fullness of
sia: radiographic abnormalities correlated with genotype, Pediatr the cheeks around the mouth. The nasal bridge is narrow,
Radiol 31:10, 2001. and the nostrils are flared. A cleft palate is present in 56%
38. van Mourik J, Weerdenburg H: Radiographic anthropometry in of patients.18,34 Tracheomalacia and bronchomalacia are
patients with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia, AJR Am J Roentgenol common in infants and lead to increased mortality in the
169:1105, 1997. neonatal period.24
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e407

FIGURE 40-47  An infant with diastrophic dysplasia. The legs and

arms are very short, and the clubfeet bilaterally are obvious. FIGURE 40-49  ”Hitchhiker’s thumb” is characteristic of diastrophic

FIGURE 40-48  Swollen external ear in an infant with diastrophic


The hands are short and broad. The thumb deformity,

referred to as hitchhiker’s thumb, is a distinctive feature of
the dysplasia (Fig. 40-49). It is caused by excessive shorten-
ing of the first metacarpal (which is triangular), leading to
FIGURE 40-50  ”Hitchhiker’s thumb” results from severe
radial subluxation of the metacarpophalangeal joint of the
shortening of the first metacarpal, which appears triangular.
thumb (Fig. 40-50). The thumb is nearly perpendicular to
the index finger.
Equinovarus of the foot is another distinctive feature of motion. Most patients have the stiff joint variant. Flexion
the dysplasia. In a study by Ryoppy and associates, only 7% contractures of the hips, knees, and elbows are present at
of 208 feet in children with diastrophic dysplasia were birth. The contractures may be progressive, leading to
normal.35 The equinovarus of diastrophic dysplasia differs impairment in standing and walking. Hip dislocation may
from the deformity present in idiopathic clubfoot. In dia- be present in affected infants. Genu valgum and patellar
strophic dysplasia, the first metatarsal is short and triangular dislocation can develop at the knee. Radial head dislocation
(like the first metacarpal in the hand). The forefoot is medi- is commonly seen.
ally deviated, and extreme hallux varus is present. The The spine appears normal at birth, but as the child
hindfoot and ankle are in severe equinus (Figs. 40-51 and becomes ambulatory, scoliosis and kyphosis develop (Fig.
40-52). The Achilles tendon consists of a band of fanlike 40-53). Spinal deformity is rigid and progressive, especially
fibers and is not a distinct cord. The foot deformity is rigid in patients who have the onset of scoliosis in early
and resistant to correction. childhood.28
The joints may be hyperextensible because of excessive Cervical kyphosis is present in some cases. No abnormal-
ligamentous laxity, or they may have limited range of ity of the odontoid process occurs in diastrophic dysplasia,
e408 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

but the disorder has a high rate of association with hypo- is delayed, and the distal femoral epiphyses are not apparent
plasia of the cervical vertebral bodies. Spina bifida occulta at birth. Development of the proximal femoral ossific nuclei
of the upper cervical spine is present (Fig. 40-54). Myelopa- is distinctly delayed,42 and the proximal femoral metaphysis
thy can result from spinal cord compression in rare instances. has a saucerlike indentation2 (Fig. 40-55). When the epiph-
Thoracolumbar kyphosis is present in almost all patients. ysis does ossify, it is flattened and irregular in shape. Coxa
Lumbar lordosis is markedly increased and is linked to vara is common, and hip dislocation is present in approxi-
flexion contractures of the hip. Spinal stenosis can occur mately 25% of patients.43 MRI shows that the proximal
but is less common than in achondroplasia. femoral epiphyses are absent or flattened in young patients;
Stature is markedly reduced, with adult height reaching when visible, signal changes may resemble AVN.29
80 to 140 cm (2 feet 7 inches to 4 feet 7 inches). The limbs Valgus angulation is frequently present at the knee23 (Fig.
are excessively short compared with the trunk. 40-56). There is relative shortening of the fibula compared
Motor milestones are delayed. Patients who walk achieve with the tibia.2 MRI studies of the knee in patients with
this skill at an average of 24 months of age.5 Intelligence is diastrophic dysplasia reveal anterior cruciate ligament defi-
normal. ciency, hypoplasia of the posterior cruciate ligament, patel-
lar fragmentation, and changes in the articular cartilage.22
The first metacarpal and first metatarsal are triangular,
Radiographic Findings
leading to the hitchhiker’s thumb in the upper extremity.
Radiographic findings associated with diastrophic dysplasia Symphalangism of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the
include a short, broad appearance of long bones with flared hand is present.
metaphyses. The radiographic appearance of the epiphyses Accessory centers of ossification of the manubrium are
seen in young infants with diastrophic dysplasia. These
centers give the appearance of a double-layered manubrium,
which is specific to this dysplasia.6 Eventually, the accessory
centers coalesce with the manubrium, which remains abnor-
mally shaped.32
Spinal radiographs show characteristic findings.4,16,41
Cervical kyphosis of varying severity is noted, with hypo-
plasia of the third, fourth, and fifth cervical vertebral
bodies.9 In severe cases, the odontoid may come to lie in a
position parallel to the foramen magnum (Fig. 40-57). Spina
bifida of the cervical spine is common. MRI of the cervical
spine in 90 individuals with diastrophic dysplasia revealed
a wide foramen magnum (in contradistinction to achondro-
plasia), but the transverse diameter of the spinal canal was
narrowed. The stenosis was more pronounced with advanc-
ing age. Disks are narrowed and black on T2-weighted
FIGURE 40-51  Equinovarus deformity of the feet in diastrophic In the lumbar spine, there may be mild wedging of
dysplasia. The great toe deformity is similar to hitchhiker’s thumb. the vertebral bodies at the thoracolumbar junction. The

FIGURE 40-52  A and B, Radiographs of clubfeet in a child with diastrophic dysplasia. The first metatarsal is characteristically short.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e409

FIGURE 40-55  Ossification of the femoral heads is delayed in this

23-month-old girl with diastrophic dysplasia.

FIGURE 40-53  Rigid scoliosis in an 8-year-old girl with diastrophic

dysplasia. She also has bilateral hip dislocations.

FIGURE 40-56  Hip dislocations and genu valgum in diastrophic

dysplasia. The metaphyses are broad and flared.

FIGURE 40-54  Spina bifida occulta of the cervical spine is a
feature of diastrophic dysplasia. Prenatal diagnosis is possible with ultrasonography, which
shows the short limbs and hitchhiker’s thumbs.10,11,17 DNA
analysis may provide a reliable means of prenatal diagnosis
interpedicular distance may increase, remain the same, or during the first trimester of pregnancy.13
decrease from the upper to the lower lumbar spine.4 Scolio- In infants, one should rule out dysplasias with short-
sis may be present, and segmentation defects resembling limbed dwarfism, such as achondroplasia, chondrodysplasia
congenital scoliosis are associated with diastrophic dyspla- punctata (Conradi disease), and SED congenita. Arthrogry-
sia.41 The MRI appearance of the lumbosacral spine is posis may be mistaken for diastrophic dysplasia because of
similar to that of the cervical spine, in that the spinal canal the multiple joint contractures and dislocations. The diag-
is decreased in diameter and disks are narrowed, but disk nosis of diastrophic dysplasia is most easily made by the
protrusion is absent.31 presence of hitchhiker’s thumbs and cauliflower ears.
e410 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-58  Clinical appearance of the feet in diastrophic
dysplasia after surgery. Recurrent deformity is very difficult to

FIGURE 40-59  Femoral head deformity and hip dislocation in

diastrophic dysplasia.
FIGURE 40-57  A and B, Cervical kyphosis in diastrophic dysplasia. likely to achieve and maintain a plantigrade foot (Fig.
40-58). Talectomy and talar decancellation have been neces-
sary in this patient population.
Orthopaedic Considerations Hip
The orthopaedic management of diastrophic dysplasia is Hip dislocation is common in diastrophic dysplasia (Fig.
exceptionally difficult. Deformities are rigid and likely to 40-59). However, femoral head deformity and joint con-
recur after surgery, yet nearly all young patients with dia- tractures make reduction of the dislocated hip challenging.
strophic dysplasia are able to walk. The dislocations are teratologic and therefore do not
respond to closed forms of treatment. Open reduction has
Foot been performed in some hips, but some hips may be “so
Equinovarus of the foot requires correction through surgery. resistant that sometimes it is good judgment to leave them
It is best to perform soft tissue release when the child is dislocated.”40 Lack of containment and incongruity lead to
about to learn to walk, which usually is at or slightly older premature osteoarthritis. Because the irregularity of the
than 1 year of age. The deformity may be very resistant femoral head is inherent to the dysplasia, surgical treatment
even to aggressive release. Postoperative bracing with ankle– in early childhood does not prevent degenerative changes.
foot orthoses is recommended to delay recurrence. Recur- Joint contractures may require osteotomy to improve gait,
rent deformity requires repeat surgery, which is even less and valgus extension proximal femoral osteotomy is helpful
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e411

for some patients. Hip arthroplasty can be beneficial in Any preoperative evaluation of a young child with dia-
young adults.15 strophic dysplasia (e.g., before clubfoot surgery) must
Genu valgum also is common in patients with diastrophic include radiographic documentation of normal cervical
dysplasia, but it does not require corrective osteotomy in alignment. Failure to do so could lead to devastating neuro-
most cases.2 Patellofemoral dislocation occurs because of logic sequelae or even death.
patella infra and genu valgum. Knee flexion contractures
require surgical soft tissue release, which should be com- Scoliosis
bined with simultaneous release of the hip flexion contrac- Scoliosis is particularly problematic in the diastrophic
tures. Bony abnormalities at the knee and hip joints are dwarfism population. In a study of 101 diastrophic patients
inevitable in diastrophic dysplasia. In fact, MRI reveals in Finland (where the incidence of diastrophic dysplasia is
degenerative changes in the articular cartilage beginning as highest), scoliosis was present in 49% of female and 22% of
early as 6 years of age.22 Thus although soft tissue release male patients.42 Later reports have put the incidence much
may improve soft tissue contractures, skeletal malalignment higher, at 70% to 88% of patients. Curves may be apparent
and intraarticular disease can prevent achieving full correc- as early as 6 months of age,16 but more commonly become
tion of the joint contractures. Extension osteotomy may be evident at approximately 5 years of age. The rate of progres-
necessary. Recurrence is very common. Severe osteoarthritis sion varies considerably in reported series, from universal16
can be improved by total joint arthroplasty.14 to occasional35 (Fig. 40-61). Although adults with dia-
strophic dysplasia have decreased pulmonary function, the
Spine amount of spinal deformity has been shown to correlate
Spinal deformity associated with diastrophic dysplasia is inversely with lung volume parameters.25
universal. Two types of curves have been identified.41 The first type
resembles idiopathic scoliosis and accordingly responds to
Kyphosis bracing and surgery. Bethem and associates were successful
Cervical kyphosis is extremely common in infants with in treating patients with milder curves with Milwaukee
diastrophic dysplasia and commonly resolves spontaneously braces.4 The second type of curve is short and sharp and is
in young patients.4,26,41 Progression of cervical deformity is associated with kyphosis. Most frequently, the deformity is
seen most frequently in patients with greater than 60 a double thoracic curve with true kyphosis at the junction
degrees of kyphosis who have round or posteriorly displaced between the two curves.21 Bracing has been used to treat
apical vertebrae.26 When spontaneous resolution of kyphosis this type as well, but with little success. Early surgery may
does occur, it does so by 5 years of age.24 Severe, progressive be necessary, even as early as 2 to 3 years of age if the curves
kyphosis necessitates spinal fusion. Anterior fusion with are severe.41 Delaying surgery to allow for further trunk
fibular strut grafting and posterior fusion with halo immo- growth at the expense of worsening deformity leads only to
bilization have met with success.16 Deficiencies of the pos- stiffer deformities at the time of surgery and greater diffi-
terior elements of the cervical spine make posterior spinal culty in operative treatment. Combined anterior and pos-
fusion more difficult. Failure to stabilize severe kyphosis has terior spinal fusion has been recommended as the preferred
led to quadriplegia and death.3,19 Atlantoaxial instability has treatment (Fig. 40-62). Spinal cord monitoring should be
also been described in diastrophic dysplasia33 (Fig. 40-60). performed because neurologic problems have been reported

FIGURE 40-60  A and B, Atlantoaxial instability may occur in diastrophic dysplasia. Posterior spinal fusion was performed in this child.
e412 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-61  A to C, Progression of kyphoscoliosis from 3 to 13 years of age in a patient with diastrophic dysplasia.

FIGURE 40-62  Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of a 3-year-old girl with kyphoscoliosis secondary to diastrophic dysplasia.
C, Lateral radiograph after spinal fusion with anterior fusion with anterior rib strut graft.

secondary to surgical correction.41 Instrumentation has been correction is not indicated.16 Spinal stenosis may require
used safely in some patients with diastrophic dysplasia41 lumbar decompression similar to that described for achon-
(Fig. 40-63), but those patients with significant spinal ste- droplasia (Fig. 40-64).
nosis may not tolerate instrumentation within the spinal
canal, and caution should be used in preoperative
Lumbar hyperlordosis is common in diastrophic dyspla- Many adults with diastrophic dysplasia become nonambula-
sia; however, it usually is not progressive, and surgical tory. Loss of ambulation usually results from loss of spine,
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e413

FIGURE 40-63  A, Radiograph of a 9-year-old child with scoliosis secondary to diastrophic dysplasia. B and C, Spinal fusion was performed
using instrumentation.

FIGURE 40-64  Anteroposterior radiograph (A) and magnetic resonance image (MRI) (B) of a 4-year-old boy with diastrophic dysplasia
and symptoms of spinal stenosis. There is interpedicular narrowing, and MRI shows disk bulging and stenosis.
e414 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

hip, knee, and foot mobility. Spinal cord compression, as 24. Poussa M, Merikanto J, Ryoppy S, et al: The spine in diastrophic
evidenced by abnormal SSEPs, also may contribute to func- dysplasia, Spine 16:881, 1991.
tional deterioration in rare instances.27 25. Remes V, Helenius I, Peltonen J, et al: Lung function in diastrophic
dysplasia, Pediatr Pulmonol 33:277, 2002.
26. Remes V, Marttinen E, Poussa M, et al: Cervical kyphosis in dia-
strophic dysplasia, Spine 24:1990, 1999.
References 27. Remes V, Poussa M, Lönnqvist T, et al: Walking ability in patients
Diastrophic Dysplasia (Diastrophic Dwarfism) with diastrophic dysplasia: a clinical, electroneurophysiological,
1. Bailey AJ, Sims TJ, Stanescu V, et al: Abnormal collagen cross- treadmill, and MRI analysis, J Pediatr Orthop 24:546, 2004.
linking in the cartilage of a diastrophic dysplasia patient, Br J 28. Remes V, Poussa M, Peltonen J, et al: Scoliosis in patients with
Rheumatol 34:512, 1995. diastrophic dysplasia: a new classification, Spine 26:1689, 2001.
2. Bassett GS: Lower-extremity abnormalities in dwarfing conditions, 29. Remes V, Tervahartiala P, Helenius I, et al: Magnetic resonance
Instr Course Lect 39:389, 1990. imaging analysis of hip joint development in patients with dia-
3. Bethem D: Os odontoideum in chondrodystrophia calcificans con- strophic dysplasia, J Pediatr Orthop 22:212, 2002.
genita: a case report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 64:1385, 1982. 30. Remes V, Tervahartiala P, Poussa M, et al: Cervical spine in dia-
4. Bethem D, Winter RB, Lutter L, et al: Disorders of the spine in strophic dysplasia: an MRI analysis, J Pediatr Orthop 20:48, 2000.
diastrophic dwarfism, J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:529, 1980. 31. Remes V, Tervahartiala P, Poussa M, et al: Thoracic and lumbar
5. Crockett MM, Carten MF, Hurko O, et al: Motor milestones in spine in diastrophic dysplasia: a clinical and magnetic resonance
children with diastrophic dysplasia, J Pediatr Orthop 20:437, 2000. imaging analysis, Spine 26:187, 2001.
6. Currarino G: Double-layered manubrium sterni in young children 32. Remes VM, Helenius IJ, Marttinen EJ, et al: Manubrium sterni in
with diastrophic dysplasia, Pediatr Radiol 30:404, 2000. patients with diastrophic dysplasia: radiological analysis of 50
7. Diab M, Wu JJ, Shapiro F, et al: Abnormality of type IX collagen patients, Pediatr Radiol 31:555, 2001.
in a patient with diastrophic dysplasia, Am J Med Genet 49:402, 33. Richards BS: Atlanto-axial instability in diastrophic dysplasia: a
1994. case report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 73:614, 1991.
8. Dietz FR, Mathews KD: Update on the genetic bases of disorders 34. Rintala A, Marttinen E, Rantala SL, et al: Cleft palate in dia-
with orthopaedic manifestations, J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1583, strophic dysplasia: morphology, results of treatment and complica-
1996. tions, Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 20:45, 1986.
9. Forese LL, Berdon WE, Harcke HT, et al: Severe mid-cervical 35. Ryoppy S, Poussa M, Merikanto J, et al: Foot deformities in dia-
kyphosis with cord compression in Larsen’s syndrome and dia- strophic dysplasia: an analysis of 102 patients, J Bone Joint Surg Br
strophic dysplasia: unrelated syndromes with similar radiologic 74:441, 1992.
findings and neurosurgical implications, Pediatr Radiol 25:136, 36. Satoh H, Susaki M, Shukunami C, et al: Functional analysis of
1995. diastrophic dysplasia sulfate transporter: its involvement in growth
10. Gembruch U, Niesen M, Kehrberg H, et al: Diastrophic dysplasia: regulation of chondrocytes mediated by sulfated proteoglycans,
a specific prenatal diagnosis by ultrasound, Prenat Diagn 8:539, J Biol Chem 273:12307, 1998.
1988. 37. Shapiro F: Light and electron microscopic abnormalities in dia-
11. Gollop TR, Eigier A: Prenatal ultrasound diagnosis of diastrophic strophic dysplasia growth cartilage, Calcif Tissue Int 51:324, 1992.
dysplasia at 16 weeks, Am J Med Genet 27:321, 1987. 38. Superti-Furga A, Rossi A, Steinmann B, et al: A chondrodysplasia
12. Hastbacka J, Kaitila I, Sistonen P, et al: Diastrophic dysplasia gene family produced by mutations in the diastrophic dysplasia sulfate
maps to the distal long arm of chromosome 5, Proc Natl Acad Sci transporter gene: genotype/phenotype correlations, Am J Med
U S A 87:8056, 1990. Genet 63:144, 1996.
13. Hastbacka J, Salonen R, et al: Prenatal diagnosis of diastrophic 39. Taber P, Freedman S, Lackey DA, et al: Diastrophic dwarfism,
dysplasia with polymorphic DNA markers, J Med Genet 30:265, Progr Pediatr Radiol 4:152, 1973.
1993. 40. Tachdjian MO: Pediatric orthopaedics, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1990,
14. Helenius I, Remes V, Lohman M, et al: Total knee arthroplasty in Saunders.
patients with diastrophic dysplasia, J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:2097, 41. Tolo VT: Spinal deformity in short-stature syndromes, Instr Course
2003. Lect 39:399, 1990.
15. Helenius I, Remes V, Tallroth K, et al: Total hip arthroplasty in 42. Vaara P, Peltonen J, Poussa M, et al: Development of the hip in
diastrophic dysplasia, J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:441, 2003. diastrophic dysplasia, J Bone Joint Surg Br 80:315, 1998.
16. Herring JA: The spinal disorders in diastrophic dwarfism, J Bone 43. Walker BA, Scott CI, Hall JG, et al: Diastrophic dwarfism,
Joint Surg Am 60:177, 1978. Medicine (Baltimore) 51:41, 1972.
17. Kaitila I, Ammala P, Karjalainen O, et al: Early prenatal detection
of diastrophic dysplasia, Prenat Diagn 3:237, 1983.
18. Karlstedt E, Kaitila I, Pirinen S, et al: Craniofacial structure in
diastrophic dysplasia: a cephalometric study, Am J Med Genet Kniest Dysplasia (Pseudometatrophic
72:266, 1997. Dysplasia)
19. Kash IJ, Sane SM, Samaha FJ, et al: Cervical cord compression in
diastrophic dwarfism, J Pediatr 84:862, 1974. Kniest dysplasia is a rare, severe form of chondrodysplasia
20. Lamy M, Maroteaux P: Le nanisme diastrophique, Presse Med characterized by dwarfism, progressive joint stiffness
52:1977, 1960. and contractures, retinal detachment, cleft palate, midface
21. Matsuyama Y, Winter RB, Lonstein JE, et al: The spine in dia- hypoplasia, and hearing loss.9,15 Kyphoscoliosis is a hallmark
strophic dysplasia: the surgical arthrodesis of thoracic and lumbar
of the disease.8,9 The prenatal diagnosis of Kniest dysplasia
deformities in 21 patients, Spine 24:2325, 1999.
has been described.1
22. Peltonen J, Remes V, Tervahartiala P: Early degeneration of the
knee in diastrophic dysplasia: an MRI study, J Pediatr Orthop
23:722, 2003. Genetics
23. Peltonen J, Vaara P, Marttinen E, et al: The knee joint in diastrophic
dysplasia: a clinical and radiological study, J Bone Joint Surg Br Kniest dysplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder. The
81:625, 1999. dysplasia is the result of mutations of COL2A1, which leads
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e415

to defective type II collagen.10,15 These mutations typically the dysplastic bone resists attempts at surgical fusion
result in alternate splicing or in-frame deletions and inter- (Fig. 40-65).
ruption of the triple helix of α1 (II) chains of type II col- Loss of joint motion creates functional difficulties for
lagen.2,4,14,16 Genetically, Kniest dysplasia is related to SED patients with Kniest dysplasia. Thus physical therapy is
congenita and Stickler syndrome.12 recommended, as well as occupational therapy for hand
involvement. Angular deformities of the lower extremities
are best treated by osteotomy in the ambulatory patient,
although recurrence of deformity is common. Degradation
Pathologic findings include the following: a disorganized of articular cartilage leads to severe arthritis in adolescence,
physeal growth plate; soft, crumbly cartilage with a “Swiss and few patients are able to continue to walk.
cheese” appearance; and intracytoplasmic inclusions in the
resting chondrocytes.5,11
Kniest Dysplasia (Pseudometatrophic Dysplasia)
Clinical Features 1. Bromley B, Miller W, Foster SC, et al: The prenatal sonographic
The dysplasia usually can be detected at birth. The child’s features of Kniest syndrome, J Ultrasound Med 10:705, 1991.
2. Cole WG: Abnormal skeletal growth in Kniest dysplasia caused by
limbs are short, with rhizomelic involvement. The charac-
type II collagen mutations, Clin Orthop Relat Res 341:162, 1997.
teristic facial appearance consists of a depressed midface
3. Dwek JR: Kniest dysplasia: MR correlation of histologic and radio-
and prominent eyes and forehead. Contractures begin to graphic peculiarities, Pediatr Radiol 35:191, 2005.
appear at approximately 1 year of age. Affected children 4. Fernandes RJ, Wilkin DJ, Weis MA, et al: Incorporation of struc-
cannot fully close the hand into a fist because of contrac- turally defective type II collagen into cartilage matrix in Kniest
tures. The joints appear enlarged because of flaring of the chondrodysplasia, Arch Biochem Biophys 355:282, 1998.
metaphyses. Cleft palate is present in approximately 50% 5. Gilbert-Barnes E, Langer LO Jr, Opitz JM, et al: Kniest dysplasia:
of infants. radiologic, histopathological, and scanning electronmicroscopic
findings, Am J Med Genet 63:34, 1996.
6. Merrill KD, Schmidt TL: Occipitoatlantal instability in a child
Radiographic Findings with Kniest syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop 9:338, 1989.
7. Oestreich AE, Prenger EC: MR demonstrates cartilaginous mega-
Radiographic findings include the following: osteopenia;
epiphyses of the hips in Kniest dysplasia of the young child, Pediatr
short, bowed tubular bones with exaggerated metaphyseal Radiol 22:302, 1992.
flare; and characteristically shaped iliac bones.5 Platyspon- 8. Rimoin DL, Siggers DC, Lachman RS, et al: Metatropic dwarfism,
dyly is apparent; vertical clefts of the vertebral bodies the Kniest syndrome and the pseudoachondroplastic dysplasias,
are seen in 63% of young patients with Kniest dysplasia.13 Clin Orthop Relat Res 114:70, 1976.
The ilia are hypoplastic, and the acetabula are small and 9. Spranger J, Menger H, Mundlos S, et al: Kniest dysplasia is caused
shallow. by dominant collagen II (COL2A1) mutations: parental somatic
The appearance of the epiphyses, in particular the mosaicism manifesting as Stickler phenotype and mild spondylo-
femoral heads, is delayed. The epiphyses are irregularly epiphyseal dysplasia, Pediatr Radiol 24:431, 1994.
10. Spranger J, Winterpacht A, Zabel B, et al: Kniest dysplasia: Dr. W.
shaped, thus leading to angular deformities of the lower
Kniest, his patient, the molecular defect, Am J Med Genet 69:79,
extremities. Patchy, sclerotic changes are seen in the epiph-
yses when they do appear.2 These sclerotic areas correspond 11. Stanescu V, Stanescu R, Maroteaux P, et al: Pathogenic mecha-
to lakes of bright T2 signal on MRI.3 MRI of the femoral nisms in osteochondrodysplasias, J Bone Joint Surg Am 66:817,
head has revealed large cartilaginous “megaepiphyses.”7 1984.
The presence of enlarged cartilaginous epiphyses and 12. Vikkula M, Mariman EC, Lui VC, et al: Autosomal dominant and
sclerosis within the epiphysis differentiates Kniest dysplasia recessive osteochondrodysplasias associated with the COL11A2
from SED congenita.2 Kniest dysplasia resembles Morquio locus [see comments], Cell 80:431, 1995.
syndrome radiographically8; however, the two conditions 13. Westvik J, Lachman RS: Coronal and sagittal clefts in skeletal
can be distinguished by laboratory testing of the urine. dysplasias, Pediatr Radiol 28:764, 1998.
14. Wilkin DJ, Artz AS, South S, et al: Small deletions in the type II
collagen triple helix produce Kniest dysplasia, Am J Med Genet
Treatment 85:105, 1999.
15. Wilkin DJ, Bogaert R, Lachman RS, et al: A single amino acid
Treatment during the neonatal period focuses on respiratory substitution (G103D) in the type II collagen triple helix produces
care because the collagenopathy may lead to tracheomala- Kniest dysplasia, Hum Mol Genet 3:1999, 1994.
cia.2 Aggressive treatment of upper respiratory infections 16. Winterpacht A, Superti-Furga A, Schwarze U, et al: The deletion
may prevent hearing loss. Cleft palates are repaired when of six amino acids at the C-terminus of the alpha 1 (II) chain
the infants are medically stable. causes overmodification of type II and type XI collagen: further
evidence for the association between small deletions in COL2A1
and Kniest dysplasia, J Med Genet 33:649, 1996.
Orthopaedic Considerations
Orthopaedic treatment often focuses on correction of the
spinal deformity. Cervical atlantoaxial instability has been Chondrodysplasia Punctata
reported in Kniest dysplasia. Surgical treatment is posterior
cervical fusion with halo immobilization.6 Kyphoscoliosis Chondrodysplasia punctata is a group of dysplasias charac-
develops in infancy and is resistant to treatment because terized by stippled calcifications within the epiphyses in
e416 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-65  Clinical (A) and radiographic appearance (B and C) of severe kyphoscoliosis in a child aged 1 year and 7 months with
Kniest dysplasia.

infancy and associated with short stature, dry and scaly skin, The X-linked dominant form of chondrodysplasia punc-
occasional heart defects, and cataracts.12 The most common tata (CDPX2), also known as Conradi-Hünermann-Happle
form of chondrodysplasia punctata is Conradi-Hünermann syndrome, is seen in girls and is a result of a mutation in
syndrome, which is inherited as an X-linked dominant trait. the emopamil-binding protein (EBP) gene. EBP is also
A rarer autosomal recessive form, characterized by a rhizo- involved in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway.33 Although
melic pattern of dwarfism, is often fatal within the first year it has become clear that the genetic basis for all known
of life. Other forms of the disease exist and are becoming forms of chondrodysplasia punctata is error in cholesterol
better understood as the molecular genetics of the subtypes metabolism, the link to the development of skeletal dyspla-
are discovered.34 sia remains elusive.

Genetics Pathology
Conradi-Hünermann syndrome comprises a variety of Specimens obtained from patients with rhizomelic chondro-
genetically distinct entities. The X-linked recessive form of dysplasia punctata exhibit marked irregularity of vascular-
chondrodysplasia (CDPX1) has been localized to the aryl- ization of the epiphyses, disturbance of chondroblastic
sulfatase E (ARSE) gene, a member of the sulfatase gene maturation, and mucoid degeneration of cartilage.10,35 In
family in the Xp22 region.13,25 The exact mutations in the other forms of the dysplasia, irregular areas of calcification
ARSE gene are variable and probably account for the phe- and cyst formation in the epiphyseal cartilage are noted.
notypic variability of the disease.7 Abnormalities in the
ARSE gene lead to deficiency of a sulfatase enzyme that
Clinical Features
results in a high degree of sulfation in the cartilage matrix.3
The rhizomelic form of chondrodysplasia punctata is Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata is characterized clini-
transmitted as an autosomal recessive trait. It results from cally by symmetric shortening of the proximal limbs. The
a variety of mutations in the PEX7 gene, which encodes the shortening is notable at birth. Contractures of the joints,
protein peroxin 7.5,6,24,27 This type of chondrodysplasia is including dislocation of the hips, are common. The patient
genetically a member of the family of peroxisomal disor- has a characteristic dysmorphic face with a depressed nasal
ders, which include Zellweger syndrome and infantile bridge. Bilateral cataracts are present in 75% of patients
Refsum disease.30 As in CDXP1, the variability in mutations with the rhizomelic form. Other systemic abnormalities
in the PEX7 gene results in variable disease severity.23 may include congenital heart disease, upper airway
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e417

obstruction, psychomotor retardation, and tracheoesopha- phenytoin, alcohol, and rubella embryopathies; chromo-
geal fistula.8,10,28 some trisomies 18 and 21; Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome;
In the milder type of chondrodysplasia punctata, limb hypothyroidism; and other rare disorders.21,34 Stippling may
shortening is less severe and may be asymmetric. The facial also occur in the trachea and larynx and can result in upper
appearance is similar to that of patients with the rhizomelic airway obstruction.
form, with a flat nasal bridge. Similarly, the skin is dry and Other radiographic findings include cranial stenosis,
scaly, an appearance termed ichthyosiform erythroderma.16 which can lead to cervical spinal cord compression.15 Upper
The abnormalities in the child’s clinical appearance may be cervical spine abnormalities, such as os odontoideum and
subtle enough that the disorder is not diagnosed at the time instability, have also been described4 (Fig. 40-68). Congeni-
of birth. tal vertebral anomalies and scoliosis or kyphosis are often
Cataracts are suggested as a diagnostic marker to dif- present. In the lateral projection, vertebral bodies may show
ferentiate among the different forms of chondrodysplasia separate centers of ossification anteriorly, separated by a
punctata. In both the rhizomelic and the X-linked domi- cleft posteriorly. This feature is most commonly seen in the
nant types, cataracts are present in approximately two thoracolumbar spine. Clefting is seen in 79% of young
thirds of cases. In the rhizomelic type, the opacities tend patients with chondrodysplasia punctata.32 Platyspondyly is
to be bilateral and symmetric. In the X-linked dominant not present.
type, they are usually asymmetric and often unilateral. In The peculiar appearance of a duplicate calcaneus may be
contrast, the consistent lack of cataracts is characteristic seen in chondrodysplasia punctata, as well as in thanato-
of the autosomal dominant form of chondrodysplasia phoric dysplasia. This finding results from delayed coales-
punctata.17 cence of two primary calcaneal centers of ossification.9
The appearance of the secondary centers of ossification
is often delayed. After the stippling has resolved, the radio-
Radiographic Findings
graphic appearance of the long bones resembles that of
The hallmark of the disease is the presence of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia. Coxa vara may be present.
punctate opacities in the unossified cartilage at the ends of
the long bones, the tarsals, the pelvis, and the vertebrae
Prenatal Diagnosis
(Fig. 40-66). The radiographic picture of epiphyseal punc-
tate calcifications is typical, but early diagnosis is important The prenatal diagnosis of chondrodysplasia punctata has
because the characteristic calcifications disappear within been made with ultrasonography.14,26 The punctate calcifica-
the first year of life1 (Fig. 40-67). Although they are the tions can be seen in late pregnancy in the rhizomelic form,
hallmark of chondrodysplasia punctata, the calcifications are whereas limb shortening is apparent earlier.2,11 Amniocen-
nonspecific and have been seen in a variety of disorders. tesis has also been useful in diagnosing the rhizomelic
These include the following: Zellweger syndrome; warfarin, form.19

FIGURE 40-66  A and B, Punctate calcifications are seen throughout the carpals and tarsals of a 5-month-old child with chondrodysplasia
e418 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-68  Vertebral body irregularity in the cervical spine of a

1-year-old child with chondrodysplasia punctata.

dysplastic curves required, on average, 2.6 surgical proce-

dures to achieve fusion.22
Upper cervical instability may be detected on flexion-
extension lateral cervical spine radiographs. Occasionally,
surgical stabilization is necessary (Fig. 40-71). Severe
cervical stenosis has also been described in patients with
chondrodysplasia punctata.18,20 Although the presence of
spasticity is often accompanied by abnormal MRI signal in
the brain in severely affected patients,29 cervical stenosis
should be excluded.
Coxa vara, when severe, is treated by valgus osteotomy
of the proximal femur. Limb length equalization by epiphys-
B iodesis or lengthening may be helpful in adolescent patients.

FIGURE 40-67  A, Multiple areas of calcification are evident in the

pelvis and proximal femur of an infant with chondrodysplasia
punctata. B, At 1 year and 6 months of age, the calcified areas In the past, most infants with the rhizomelic form of chon-
have disappeared. drodysplasia punctata died in infancy of respiratory compli-
cations. More recent reports found that 90% of infants with
rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata survive up to 1 year
Orthopaedic Considerations
of age, and 50% are alive at age 6 years.32 Patients who
Orthopaedic treatment consists primarily of managing the survive have a high rate of associated spasticity, psychomo-
scoliosis. Because the curves may be severe in young tor retardation, growth failure, seizures, thermoregulatory
patients, surgical management is typically difficult. Bracing instability, feeding difficulty, and pneumonia.31 Most patients
is of questionable use. A multicenter study of spinal defor- with milder forms of Conradi-Hünermann syndrome have
mity in 20 patients with chondrodysplasia punctata22 found normal life spans.
that all patients had spinal deformity, most commonly a
rapidly progressive form of kyphoscoliosis that appeared at References
an average age of 1.1 years (Fig. 40-69). The bony anatomy
in the area of the deformity was described as “dysplastic” Chondrodysplasia Punctata
because of the radiographic resemblance to congenital sco- 1. Andersen PE Jr, Justesen P: Chondrodysplasia punctata: report of
two cases, Skeletal Radiol 16:223, 1987.
liosis and the overwhelming tendency to rapid progression.
2. Argo KM, Toriello HV, Jelsema RD, et al: Prenatal findings in
Surgical techniques to control the scoliosis that rely on
chondrodysplasia punctata, tibia-metacarpal type, Ultrasound
normal bony development (e.g., hemiepiphysiodesis) typi- Obstet Gynecol 8:350, 1996.
cally failed because of the inherent bone dysplasia. The 3. Baitner AC, Maurer SG, Gruen MB, et al: The genetic basis of the
most successful treatment consisted of early anterior and osteochondrodysplasias, J Pediatr Orthop 20:594, 2000.
posterior spinal fusion (Fig. 40-70). Pseudarthrosis and pro- 4. Bethem D: Os odontoideum in chondrodystrophia calcificans con-
gression of the deformity were common. Patients with genita: a case report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 64:1385, 1982.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e419


FIGURE 40-69  A and B, Clinical appearance of a 3-year-old boy with chondrodysplasia punctata and kyphoscoliosis. Lateral (C) and
anteroposterior (D) radiographs show significant kyphosis and scoliosis.

5. Braverman N, Chen L, Lin P, et al: Mutation analysis of PEX7 7. Brunetti-Pierri N, Andreucci MV, Tuzzi R, et al: X-linked recessive
in 60 probands with rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata and chondrodysplasia punctata: spectrum of arylsulfatase E gene muta-
functional correlations of genotype with phenotype, Hum Mutat tions and expanded clinical variability, Am J Med Genet A 117:164,
20:284, 2002. 2003.
6. Braverman N, Steel G, Obie C, et al: Human PEX7 encodes the 8. Ciske DJ, Waggoner DJ, Dowton SB, et al: Unique cardiac and
peroxisomal PTS2 receptor and is responsible for rhizomelic chon- cerebral anomalies with chondrodysplasia punctata, Am J Med
drodysplasia punctata, Nat Genet 15:369, 1997. Genet 75:59, 1998.
e420 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-70  A and B, Radiographs of a 1-year-old girl with chondrodysplasia punctata reveals kyphoscoliosis. C and D, By age 3 years,
progression of the deformity was significant.

9. Cormier-Daire V, Savarirayan R, Unger S, et al: “Duplicate calca- 12. Fairbank HAT: Dysplasia epiphysialis punctata; synonyms: stippled
neus”: a rare developmental defect observed in several skeletal epiphyses, chondrodystrophia calcificans congenita (Hunermann),
dysplasias, Pediatr Radiol 31:38, 2001. J Bone Joint Surg Br 31:114, 1949.
10. Coughlin EJ Jr, Guare HT, Moskovitz AJ, et al: Chondrodys- 13. Franco B, Meroni G, Parenti G, et al: A cluster of sulfatase genes
trophia calcificans congenita, J Bone Joint Surg Am 32:938, on Xp22.3: mutations in chondrodysplasia punctata (CDPX) and
1950. implications for warfarin embryopathy, Cell 81:15, 1995.
11. Duff P, Harlass FE, Milligan DA, et al: Prenatal diagnosis of chon- 14. Gendall PW, Baird CE, Becroft DM, et al: Rhizomelic chondro-
drodysplasia punctata by sonography [see comments], Obstet dysplasia punctata: early recognition with antenatal ultrasonogra-
Gynecol 76:497, 1990. phy, J Clin Ultrasound 22:271, 1994.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e421


FIGURE 40-70, cont’d  E and F, After halo traction, spinal fusion was performed. G and H, By 5 years of age she has undergone revision
anterior posterior spinal fusion.

15. Goodman P, Dominguez R: Cervicothoracic myelopathy in 18. Herman TE, Lee BC, McAlister WH, et al: Brachytelephalangic
Conradi-Hunermann disease: MRI diagnosis, Magn Reson Imaging chondrodysplasia punctata with marked cervical stenosis and cord
8:647, 1990. compression: report of two cases, Pediatr Radiol 32:452, 2002.
16. Hamaguchi T, Bondar G, Siegfried E, et al: Cutaneous histopathol- 19. Hoefler S, Hoefler G, Moser AB, et al: Prenatal diagnosis of rhi-
ogy of Conradi-Hunermann syndrome, J Cutan Pathol 22:38, zomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, Prenat Diagn 8:571, 1988.
1995. 20. Khanna AJ, Braverman NE, Valle D, et al: Cervical stenosis second-
17. Happle R: Cataracts as a marker of genetic heterogeneity in chon- ary to rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, Am J Med Genet
drodysplasia punctata, Clin Genet 19:64, 1981. 99:63, 2001.
e422 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-71  A, Lateral radiograph of cervical spine in 7-month-old boy with chondrodysplasia punctata. Stippling of the vertebral
bodies and cervical kyphosis are evident. The patient was myelopathic and had respiratory distress. B, Posterior spinal fusion with halo
immobilization was performed. C, Pseudarthrosis. The fusion failed, and the patient required two reoperations, including anterior cervical
decompression and fusion. D, Radiograph at 8 years of age shows solid fusion.

21. Leicher-Duber A, Schumacher R, Spranger J, et al: Stippled epiph- with rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata type 1, Am J Hum
yses in fetal alcohol syndrome, Pediatr Radiol 20:369, 1990. Genet 70:612, 2002.
22. Mason DE, Sanders JO, MacKenzie WG, et al: Spinal deformity 24. Motley AM, Hettema EH, Hogenhout EM, et al: Rhizomelic chon-
in chondrodysplasia punctata, Spine 27:1995, 2002. drodysplasia punctata is a peroxisomal protein targeting disease
23. Motley AM, Brites P, Gerez L, et al: Mutational spectrum in the caused by a non-functional PTS2 receptor, Nat Genet 15:377,
PEX7 gene and functional analysis of mutant alleles in 78 patients 1997.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e423

25. Parenti G, Buttitta P, Meroni G, et al: X-linked recessive chondro- tends to develop angular deformities, with angulation
dysplasia punctata due to a new point mutation of the ARSE gene, present at the junction of the metaphysis and diaphysis.
Am J Med Genet 73:139, 1997.
26. Pryde PG, Bawle E, Brandt F, et al: Prenatal diagnosis of nonrhi- Radiographic Findings
zomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (Conradi-Hunermann syn-
Radiographs show bulbous expansion of the metaphyses,
drome), Am J Med Genet 47:426, 1993.
27. Purdue PE, Zhang JW, Skoneczny M, et al: Rhizomelic chondro- with mottling and fragmentation.25 The metaphyses are
dysplasia punctata is caused by deficiency of human PEX7, a wide, resembling what is seen in rickets.29 The epiphyses
homologue of the yeast PTS2 receptor, Nat Genet 15:381, 1997. are normal once they appear. The hands and feet are
28. Seguin JH, Baugh RF, McIntee RA, et al: Airway manifestations of involved. The metacarpals and metatarsals are cupped, with
chondrodysplasia punctata, Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 27:85, dense, sclerotic bone on the side of the metaphysis.
29. Viola A, Confort-Gouny S, Ranjeva JP, et al: MR imaging and MR Laboratory Findings
spectroscopy in rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, AJNR Am Severe hypercalcemia and hypophosphatasia resembling
J Neuroradiol 23:480, 2002.
hyperparathyroidism are seen in patients with Jansen meta-
30. Wanders RJ, Waterham HR: Peroxisomal disorders I: biochemistry
physeal chondrodysplasia, despite normal or low levels of
and genetics of peroxisome biogenesis disorders, Clin Genet
67:107, 2005. PTH.9,24 PTH/PTHrP receptors normally mediate the
31. Wardinsky TD, Pagon RA, Powell BR, et al: Rhizomelic chondro- endocrine actions of PTH that are required for the control
dysplasia punctata and survival beyond one year: a review of the of calcium homeostasis. This action is disturbed in Jansen
literature and five case reports [see comments], Clin Genet 38:84, metaphyseal chondrodysplasia.10 The gene mutation also
1990. disrupts normal chondrocyte proliferation and differentia-
32. White AL, Modaff P, Holland-Morris F, et al: Natural history of tion because of a high degree of expression in the growth
rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata, Am J Med Genet A 118:332, plate.1
33. Whittock NV, Izatt L, Simpson-Dent SL, et al: Molecular prenatal
diagnosis in a case of an X-linked dominant chondrodysplasia punc- Schmid Type
tata, Prenat Diagn 23:701, 2003.
34. Wulfsberg EA, Curtis J, Jayne CH, et al: Chondrodysplasia punc- The Schmid type is the most common form of metaphyseal
tata: a boy with X-linked recessive chondrodysplasia punctata due chondrodysplasia.
to an inherited X-Y translocation with a current classification of
these disorders, Am J Med Genet 43:823, 1992.
35. Yang SS, Heidelberger KP, Brough AJ, et al: Lethal short-limbed Inheritance is autosomal dominant. Mutations present on
chondrodysplasia in early infancy, Perspect Pediatr Pathol 3:1, chromosome 6 affect the C-terminal nonhelical domain
1976. of type X collagen (COL10A1) in Schmid metaphyseal
chondrodysplasia.32,33 Type X collagen is synthesized specifi-
cally by hypertrophic chondrocytes at sites of endochondral
Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia ossification. The mutations in Schmid metaphyseal chon-
drodysplasia result in impaired collagen X trimer assembly
Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia denotes a group of bone dys- and secretion.5 Knowledge of the precise mutation respon-
plasias characterized by failure of normal mineralization of sible for Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia has led
the zone of provisional calcification that leads to widened to successful prenatal diagnosis through chorionic villus
physes and enlarged knobby metaphyses. Histologic studies sampling.23
of the growth plate show abnormalities in columnization,
with nests and clusters of chondrocytes instead of orderly Clinical Features
rows.6 Because the longitudinal growth of the bone is This dysplasia is characterized by predominant involvement
affected, affected patients are short, and angular deformi- of the proximal femora and moderate short stature. Skeletal
ties may occur. In all types of this dysplasia the epiphyses changes are not present at birth. They develop with weight
are spared, and thus arthritis rarely develops. Many differ- bearing at 3 to 5 years of age, when bowing of the lower
ent types of metaphyseal chondrodysplasia are recognized, extremities becomes apparent.2 Angular deformities, par-
and the most common are described here.12 ticularly genu varum, are common after the child has been
walking for a few years (Fig. 40-72). Coxa vara produces a
waddling gait. Despite the normal appearance of the
Jansen Type
patient’s face, this dysplasia has often been mistaken for
The Jansen type is the most severe, but also the rarest, form achondroplasia.34
of metaphyseal chondrodysplasia.
Radiographic Findings
Genetics The epiphyses are normal in Schmid metaphyseal chondro-
The genetic abnormality is a mutation of the PTH/PTHrP dysplasia. The skull, thorax, and pelvis are not involved. The
(PTHrP) receptor gene on chromosome 3.24,28 metaphyses are widened and the physes are abnormally
thick. Radiographs show splaying, irregularity, and cupping
Clinical Features of the metaphyses (Fig. 40-73). The proximal femoral
The disorder is usually apparent at birth because of the metaphysis is particularly irregular and splayed, and medial
severely short stature, widely spaced eyes, and exophthal- beaking is evident.13 Coxa vara is present to varying degrees.
mos. The forearms and legs are very short. The lower limb A triangular bone fragment may be seen on the inferior
e424 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-72  A, Girl aged 4 years and 9 months with Schmid
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia. B, Clinical appearance of the child FIGURE 40-74  A, Coxa vara in an 8-year-old boy with Schmid
after right proximal tibial osteotomy and left distal femoral and chondrodysplasia. B, Radiographic appearance of the lower
proximal tibial osteotomies were performed. extremities 2 years and 6 months after bilateral proximal femoral
osteotomy, right proximal tibial osteotomy, and left distal femoral

D–resistant rickets.7 The diagnosis of Schmid metaphyseal

chondrodysplasia is based on normal serum chemistry
Orthopaedic Considerations
Orthopaedic treatment is primarily confined to the lower
extremities. Valgus osteotomy of the proximal femur may
be indicated for children with significant coxa vara (Fig.
40-74). Indications for surgical correction include a trian-
gular fragment in the inferior femoral neck and progressive
deformity.2 Usually the entire femur has a varus bow, with
the clinical appearance of genu varum. The varus alignment
may improve spontaneously during childhood.26 If the
femoral condyles are parallel to the floor, corrective oste-
otomy may not lead to improved functional results.2 If
surgical realignment of genu varum is performed, distal
femoral and proximal tibial osteotomies are usually required.
After osteotomies, recurrence of deformity with growth is
common. Hemiepiphysiodesis or stapling may improve
angular deformities in some children (Fig. 40-75).
FIGURE 40-73  Genu varum in a 4-year-old girl with Schmid
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia. The physes are widened, and
metaphyseal cupping resembles rickets. Cartilage–Hair Hypoplasia (McKusick Type)

aspect of the femoral neck when the coxa vara is severe. Genetics
Spinal involvement is rare, consisting of mild platyspondyly This chondrodysplasia is transmitted as an autosomal reces-
and end-plate irregularity.27 sive trait. It is particularly prevalent in Finland,15,18 as well
as in the Amish population.2 The genetic defect in cartilage–
Differential Diagnosis hair hypoplasia (CHH) is in the ribonuclease of mitochon-
Entities to be ruled out before diagnosing Schmid metaphy- drial RNA–processing (RMRP) gene, which has been
seal chondrodysplasia include nutritional and vitamin mapped to chromosome 9.8,11,30
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e425

FIGURE 40-75  A, Genu valgum in a 7-year-old boy with metaphyseal chondrodysplasia. B, Medial femoral hemiepiphyseal stapling was
performed. C, Improvement in alignment is notable.

Clinical Features Orthopaedic Considerations

Clinically, affected patients are short, usually shorter than Orthopaedic treatment is usually directed toward the
those with Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia. Height ankle and foot. A calcaneal sliding osteotomy can correct
is severely diminished, with adult stature ranging from 105 hindfoot varus, but the ankle should be assessed for liga-
to 157 cm (3 feet 5 inches to 5 feet 2 inches). The fingers mentous laxity before osteotomy to improve results.31
and toes are shortened and hyperextensible. Elbow exten- Supramalleolar osteotomy can be used for ankle varus sec-
sion may be limited. Genu varum usually is mild and rarely ondary to fibular overgrowth.2 Growth hormone has been
requires treatment. Ankle deformity is caused by unusually used with mixed results to improve stature in a patient
long fibulae, thus leading to hindfoot varus, with midfoot with CHH.4,8
and forefoot valgus. Scoliosis may be present in up to one
fourth of patients with CHH. Lumbar lordosis is usually
increased.15,18 The milder clinical appearance in infancy may References
cause a delay in the diagnosis.14 The presence of fine, sparse,
short, brittle hair is the distinguishing feature. The eye- Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia
lashes and eyebrows are also affected.21,22 1. Baitner AC, Maurer SG, Gruen MB, et al: The genetic basis of the
osteochondrodysplasias, J Pediatr Orthop 20:594, 2000.
Unlike the other metaphyseal chondrodysplasias, anemia
2. Bassett GS: Orthopaedic aspects of skeletal dysplasias, Instr
is frequently seen in children with CHH.16 This dysplasia
Course Lect 39:381, 1990.
is also associated with immunodeficiency secondary to 3. Berthet F, Siegrist CA, Ozsahin H, et al: Bone marrow transplanta-
decreased immunoglobulins.3,17 The increased mortality tion in cartilage–hair hypoplasia: correction of the immunodefi-
seen in patients with CHH is attributable to their defective ciency but not of the chondrodysplasia, Eur J Pediatr 155:286,
immunity.19 Patients with CHH also have an increased risk 1996.
of cancer, particularly non-Hodgkin lymphoma, probably as 4. Bocca G, Weemaes CM, van der Burgt I, et al: Growth hormone
a result of their defective immune systems.20 treatment in cartilage–hair hypoplasia: effects on growth and the
immune system, J Pediatr Endocrinol Metab 17:47, 2004.
Radiographic Findings 5. Chan D, Ho MS, Cheah KS, et al: Aberrant signal peptide cleavage
of collagen X in Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia: implica-
Radiographic findings resemble those seen with the Schmid
tions for the molecular basis of the disease, J Biol Chem 276:7992,
type. Coxa vara may be present but is usually milder than
that associated with Schmid metaphyseal chondrodyspla- 6. Cooper RR, Ponseti IV: Metaphyseal dysostosis: description of an
sia.2 The epiphyses are normal. Odontoid hypoplasia is ultrastructural defect in the epiphyseal plate chondrocytes: case
present in some patients. In the hands, the metaphyses of Report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 55:485, 1973.
the phalanges are cupped and the epiphyses appear delta 7. Evans R, Caffey J: Metaphyseal dysostosis resembling vitamin D
shaped. The vertebral bodies are ovoid. refractory rickets, Am J Dis Child 95:581, 1958.
e426 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

8. Harada D, Yamanaka Y, Ueda K, et al: An effective case of growth cause metaphyseal chondrodysplasia type Schmid but not several
hormone treatment on cartilage–hair hypoplasia, Bone 36:317, other forms of metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, J Med Genet
2005. 33:450, 1996.
9. Juppner H: Functional properties of the PTH/PTHrP receptor, 33. Warman ML, Abbott M, Apte SS, et al: A type X collagen muta-
Bone 17(Suppl):39S, 1995. tion causes Schmid metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Nat Genet
10. Juppner H, Schipani E: Receptors for parathyroid hormone 5:79, 1993.
and parathyroid hormone-related peptide: from molecular cloning 34. Wasylenko MJ, Wedge JH, Houston CS, et al: Metaphyseal chon-
to definition of diseases, Curr Opin Nephrol Hypertens 5:300, drodysplasia, Schmid type: a defect of ultrastructural metabolism:
1996. case report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:660, 1980.
11. Juvonen E, Makitie O, Makipernaa A, et al: Defective in-vitro
colony formation of haematopoietic progenitors in patients with
cartilage–hair hypoplasia and history of anaemia, Eur J Pediatr
154:30, 1995.
12. Kozlowski K: Metaphyseal and spondylometaphyseal chondrodys- Osteopetrosis is a rare bone dysplasia that was first described
plasias, Clin Orthop Relat Res 114:83, 1976.
by Albers-Schönberg in 19043 and, according to Hamersma,
13. Lachman RS, Rimoin DL, Spranger J, et al: Metaphyseal chondro-
given the name osteopetrosis by Karshner in 1926.36
dysplasia, Schmid type: clinical and radiographic delineation with
a review of the literature [see comments], Pediatr Radiol 18:93, The dysplasia is characterized by failure of osteoclasts to
1988. resorb bone. Calcified chondroid and primitive bone persist
14. Le Merrer M, Maroteaux P: Cartilage hair hypoplasia in infancy: and lead to osteosclerosis and increased brittleness of the
a misleading chondrodysplasia, Eur J Pediatr 150:847, 1991. bones.
15. Makitie O: Cartilage–hair hypoplasia in Finland: epidemiological
and genetic aspects of 107 patients, J Med Genet 29:652, 1992.
16. Makitie O, Juvonen E, Dunkel L, et al: Anemia in children with Types
cartilage–hair hypoplasia is related to body growth and to the Molecular genetic research has delineated several forms of
insulin-like growth factor system, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 85:563,
the disease.75 Previously, the disease was subdivided clini-
cally into the classic congenital form known as malignant
17. Makitie O, Kaitila I, Savilahti E, et al: Deficiency of humoral
immunity in cartilage–hair hypoplasia, J Pediatr 137:487, 2000. osteopetrosis, two milder forms known as benign or tarda
18. Makitie O, Marttinen E, Kaitila I, et al: Skeletal growth in osteopetrosis, intermediate forms,7,32,41,79 and a form linked
cartilage–hair hypoplasia: a radiological study of 82 patients, to renal tubular acidosis. Rare cases of osteopetrosis associ-
Pediatr Radiol 22:434, 1992. ated with congenital brain malformations and syringomyelia
19. Makitie O, Pukkala E, Kaitila I, et al: Increased mortality in have been reported.58,59
cartilage–hair hypoplasia, Arch Dis Child 84:65, 2001.
20. Makitie O, Pukkala E, Kaitila I, et al: Increased incidence of cancer Malignant Osteopetrosis
in patients with cartilage–hair hypoplasia, J Pediatr 134:315, 1999. The incidence of malignant autosomal recessive osteopetro-
21. McKusick VA: Metaphyseal dysostosis and thin hair: a new reces-
sis is 1 in 300,000 births, with an increased incidence in
sively inherited syndrome, Lancet 1:832, 1964.
Costa Rica.27 In malignant osteopetrosis, clinical manifesta-
22. McKusick VA, Eldridge R, Hostetler JA, et al: Dwarfism in the
Amish. II, Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 116:697, 1965. tions appear at birth or in early infancy. Obliteration of the
23. Milunsky J, Maher T, Lebo R, et al: Prenatal diagnosis for Schmid marrow cavity by bony overgrowth results in an inability of
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia in twins, Fetal Diagn Ther 13:167, the bone marrow to participate in hematopoiesis. Pancyto-
1998. penia develops, resulting in presenting symptoms of abnor-
24. Minagawa M, Arakawa K, Takeuchi S, et al: Jansen-type metaphy- mal bleeding, easy bruising, progressive anemia, and failure
seal chondrodysplasia: analysis of PTH/PTH-related protein recep- to thrive. Hepatosplenomegaly occurs in response to the
tor messenger RNA by the reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain anemia. Dentition is delayed, and the teeth have multiple
method, Endocr J 44:493, 1997. caries. Bony overgrowth of the cranial foramina causes
25. Nazara Z, Hernandez A, Corona-Rivera E, et al: Further clinical
cranial nerve palsies, which result in early blindness and
and radiological features in metaphyseal chondrodysplasia Jansen
deafness. Hearing loss is both conductive and sensorineu-
type, Radiology 140:697, 1981.
26. Rosenbloom AL, Smith DW: The natural history of metaphyseal ral.23 Hydrocephalus may develop, and stenosis of the
dysostosis, J Pediatr 66:857, 1965. carotid and vertebral arteries has been described.70 Patho-
27. Savarirayan R, Cormier-Daire V, Lachman RS, et al: Schmid type logic fractures occur in the fragile, brittle bones. The clinical
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia: a spondylometaphyseal dysplasia course is rapidly progressive and is lethal at a very early age
identical to the “Japanese” type, Pediatr Radiol 30:460, 2000. in the absence of a bone marrow transplant.
28. Schipani E, Kruse K, Juppner H, et al: A constitutively active
mutant PTH-PTHrP receptor in Jansen-type metaphyseal chon- Benign or Tarda Osteopetrosis
drodysplasia, Science 268:98, 1995. The onset of benign osteopetrosis varies.10 Often the dys-
29. Silverthorn KG, Houston CS, Duncan BP, et al: Murk Jansen’s
plasia is diagnosed incidentally after radiographic examina-
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia with long-term followup, Pediatr
tion of an asymptomatic patient. Approximately 40% of
Radiol 17:119, 1987.
30. Sulisalo T, van der Burgt I, Rimoin DL, et al: Genetic homogeneity patients with benign osteopetrosis are asymptomatic.9 Type
of cartilage–hair hypoplasia [see comments], Hum Genet 95:157, I autosomal dominant osteopetrosis is less common than
1995. type II and is not associated with an increased fracture risk.
31. Tachdjian MO: Pediatric orthopaedics, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1990, Clinical findings in type II autosomal dominant osteopetro-
Saunders. sis (also known as Albers-Schönberg disease) are limited to
32. Wallis GA, Rash B, Sykes B, et al: Mutations within the gene mild anemia, pathologic fractures, and premature osteoar-
encoding the alpha 1 (X) chain of type X collagen (COL10A1) thritis. Patients generally are healthy and have normal life
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e427

spans. In rare cases osteomyelitis of the mandible may

Abnormal osteoclastic activity leads to the inability to absorb
Osteopetrosis Associated With Renal Tubular cartilage and bone. Shapiro and associates performed histo-
Acidosis logic, ultrastructural, and biochemical studies of osteope-
In a series of patients with this form of osteopetrosis, dental trotic bone.64 The bone contained an increased number of
caries, cerebral calcifications, and optic atrophy were osteoclasts, but the osteoclasts were not resorbing bone, as
common, whereas anemia was usually not present.2 evidenced by the absence of ruffled borders and clear zones.
The osteoclasts were unable to respond to PTH. There is
an inherent inability to activate macrophages and mono-
cytes.81 Pathologic changes in osteopetrosis result from
Malignant osteopetrosis is transmitted as an autosomal failure to resorb enchondral cartilage and bone. Formation
recessive trait, the two subtypes of osteopetrosis tarda are proceeds normally, leading to the presence of too much
inherited in a autosomal dominant fashion,11,26,34 and the immature bone. Calcified cartilage and woven bone persist
intermediate form is autosomal recessive. Fifty percent to down into the metaphysis and diaphysis. The metaphysis
60% of patients with autosomal recessive malignant osteo- widens and becomes bulbous as a result of lack of funneliza-
petrosis have mutations in the TCIRG1 gene on chromo- tion, and the cortex thickens. Because the overabundant
some 11, which codes for a subunit of the H+-adenosine bone is immature, collagen fibrils are less numerous than
triphosphatase proton pump of the osteoclast.28,65 Muta- normal, and the bones are brittle and prone to break.
tions in the chloride channel of the osteoclast, specifically Microscopically, the characteristic histologic picture con-
in the CLCN7 chloride channel gene on chromosome sists of irregular patches of immature chondro-osseous
16p13.3,48,77 have been found in most patients with type II tissue embedded in matrices of coarse fiber bone (Fig.
autosomal dominant osteopetrosis17,50 and autosomal reces- 40-76). Cement lines are wide and prominent. The bone
sive intermediate osteopetrosis,14 as well as in 13% of marrow spaces are obliterated by the dense bands of imma-
patients with severe osteopetrosis.29 Type I autosomal domi- ture bony tissue.
nant osteopetrosis has also been localized to chromosome Intramembranous bone formation and bone resorption
11q12-13.76 A small subset of patients has osteopetrosis are also affected. The cranial nerves are pinched by the bony
associated with renal tubular acidosis, which is autosomal overgrowth of the cranial foramina.
recessive in inheritance and is linked with cerebral calcifica-
tions. This form of osteopetrosis results from a lack of
Clinical Features
carbonic anhydrase II.56 Carbonic anhydrase deficiency
interferes with acidification of the bony surface and thereby Osteopetrosis produces the characteristic orthopaedic clini-
blocks resorption by the osteoclasts.75 cal problems of fractures, deformity, back and bone pain,

FIGURE 40-76  Histologic findings in osteopetrosis. Original magnifications ×100 (A) and ×400 (B). Note the irregular patches of
immature chondro-osseous tissue embedded in a matrix of coarse fiber bone with wide and prominent cement lines.
e428 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-77  Osteopetrosis in a 5-year-old child. The FIGURE 40-78  Endobones in the metacarpals and phalanges of
intramedullary canal has been filled with bone. There is no the hand. Note the transverse striations in the distal radius.
distinction between cortical and cancellous bone.

and osteomyelitis.47 Pathologic fractures are common in They are pathognomonic for osteopetrosis. Endobones are
osteopetrosis because of the brittle nature of the “marble most noticeable in early childhood and are best seen in the
bones.” In a series of 42 patients with autosomal dominant tarsals, tibia, fibula, radius, ulna, vertebrae, and pelvis.
type II osteopetrosis, 78% of patients sustained fractures.8 Flaring of the metaphysis is present because of failure of
The fracture line usually is transverse, but epiphyseal sepa- normal bone modeling and tubulization. Flaring is best seen
rations, including slipped capital femoral epiphysis, have at physes with the most rapid growth, such as the distal
also been seen.19,46,55,63 Fracture callus is produced, although femur.
healing usually is slow. Histologically the callus is normal; In early childhood the vertebral bodies are uniformly
however, subsequent normal remodeling into mature bone radiodense. In adolescence and adulthood the spine shows
with a developed haversian canal does not occur.22 Callus a “rugger jersey” appearance (Fig. 40-79). The vertebrae
can envelop the existing bone. The proximal femur is par- resemble sandwiches, with osteosclerosis adjacent to the
ticularly prone to fracture.33 Coxa vara may develop as a end-plates but relative radiolucency in the middle of the
result of the shear stresses across the osteopetrotic femoral vertebral body.
neck. Osteomyelitis is common in patients with osteopetro- On skeletal scintigraphy one sees increased uptake of
sis because of reduced resistance to infection. The mandible tracer, particularly in the distal femur and proximal tibia.
is most frequently involved.6,40 Dual x-ray absorptiometry of the lumbar spine, femur, and
total body shows a marked increase in bone mineral density.25
Bone mineral content is also increased in osteopetrosis.34
Radiographic Findings
The skull is radiodense and the fossae are underdevel-
The hallmark of osteopetrosis is the increased radiopacity oped. Skull CT has been performed in patients with osteo-
of the bones. No distinction exists between cortical and petrosis. Internal carotid artery stenosis has been seen as a
cancellous bone because the intramedullary canal is filled result of documented bony overgrowth of the petrous
with bone30 (Fig. 40-77). carotid canal.21 Doppler studies of the ophthalmic artery
With excellent radiographic technique, transverse stria- have been used to document optic nerve encroachment and
tions can be seen in the long bones. The transverse bands impending blindness in infants.39 Cranial MRI shows thick-
are composed of alternating zones of sclerosis and relative ening of the calvaria, optic nerve atrophy, and optic canal
lucency, which correlate with the activity of the disease. stenosis and may reveal enlarged ventricles.20
Longitudinal striations that represent vascular columns may
be seen.
Laboratory Findings
Endobones, also known as os-in-os or bone-within-a-bone,
are miniaturized, radiodense tissues that resemble tiny Serum calcium, phosphate, and PTH levels are normal.
bones inside the cortices of the tubular bones (Fig. 40-78). Newborns with malignant osteopetrosis may be
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e429

produce osteosclerosis are metal poisoning, syphilis, and


Treatment for the congenital form of osteopetrosis is
directed at the life-threatening pancytopenia. In a European
study conducted from 1972 to 1988 comprising 33 patients
with autosomal recessive osteopetrosis, the probability of
survival to 6 years of age was approximately 30% for the
group.42 The risk for development of visual or hematologic
impairment in the first year of life was approximately 75%.
Patients with early hematologic impairment (i.e., before 3
months of age), especially when combined with early visual
impairment, had a very poor prognosis regarding life
Congenital osteopetrosis is treated by early bone marrow
transplantation to provide monocytic osteoclast precur-
sors.66 In 1975 Walker discovered that osteopetrosis in the
rat could be cured by transplanting osteoclast precursors
from bone marrow and spleen.78 This animal research led
to the ability to cure previously fatal malignant osteopetro-
sis by transplanting human bone marrow into an affected
infant. More recent data show that the 5-year disease-free
survival probability for genotype human leukocyte antigen
(HLA)–identical hematopoietic stem cell transplantation is
FIGURE 40-79  “Rugger jersey” spine in a 16-year-old patient with 73%; for phenotype HLA-identical or one HLA antigen–
osteopetrosis. mismatch graft from a related donor, it is 43%; for a graft
from a matched unrelated donor, it is 40%; and for a graft
from an HLA-mismatch related donor, it is 24%.24 Myeloab-
hypocalcemic and therefore may have clinical manifesta- lative chemotherapy before transplantation maximizes the
tions of hypocalcemia, such as seizures or hyperirritability.67 potential for success.66 Hypercalcemia may develop after
Alkaline phosphatase levels may be elevated, and acid phos- successful bone marrow transplantation because the osteo-
phatase levels are elevated. In osteopetrosis associated with clasts resorb the excess bone.31 Several cases of severe pul-
renal tubular acidosis, plasma pH reveals metabolic acido- monary hypertension occurring after stem cell transplantation
sis.56 Hypokalemia may be present. have been described in infants with osteopetrosis.71 Inves-
tigators have reported that although the skeletal manifesta-
tions of the disease are reversible after bone marrow
Prenatal Diagnosis
transplant, children with generalized neurodegeneration
Prenatal diagnosis has been accomplished in the twenty- continue to deteriorate.1
fifth week of pregnancy with the use of fetal radiography, In successful bone marrow transplants, normalization of
which reveals sclerosis of osteopetrotic bone and metaphy- the bone marrow occurs, with normal osteoclastic activity
seal splaying and clubbing of the femora.57 Ultrasonography seen on bone marrow biopsy. Bone marrow scintigraphy is
has also been used to identify affected fetuses.61 Prenatal useful in confirming restoration of the marrow.74 Radio-
molecular genetic testing by linkage analysis has been used graphs of the long bones and hands show resolution of
in osteopetrosis with renal tubular acidosis and in malignant the osteosclerosis and new normal bone formation with
osteopetrosis.62,73 remodeling.16,18,60
Umbilical cord blood transplantation has been reported
to be successful in the treatment of congenital osteopetro-
Differential Diagnosis
sis. The advantages of this approach are the ability to use
Osteopetrosis must be differentiated from other sclerosing unrelated donors and a lower incidence of graft-versus-host
bone conditions. In pyknodysostosis, anemia is not present, disease.51
whereas hypoplasia of the clavicles and distal phalanges The pharmacologic treatment of patients with osteope-
and mandibular changes (seen as a small chin) are evident. trosis is being investigated. There are a few reports of
In progressive diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati-Engelmann successful treatment with prednisone,38 but more com-
disease), anemia is not present and the ends of the bones monly steroid treatment improves the anemia but does
are not clubbed because the sclerosis involves only the not reduce bone mass. Thyroid hormone therapy has
diaphysis. Pathologic fractures are not seen. Other, rarer been shown to stimulate bone resorption.11 Calcitriol
dysplasias, such as craniometaphyseal dysplasia, metaphy- in high doses has been reported to result in clinical
seal dysplasia (Pyle disease), and frontometaphyseal dyspla- improvement.42 Interferon-γ has been used to allow bone
sia, can be confused with osteopetrosis. In none of these resorption by enhancing superoxide production.43,44 Blood
conditions does anemia occur. Medical conditions that may counts improved significantly, and bone marrow scans
e430 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

demonstrated improved marrow production. However,

some patients cannot tolerate the side effects of interferon
and actually develop greater immunosuppression.49 Eryth-
ropoietin was used in an adult case of transfusion-dependent
osteopetrosis, with resultant improvement in red blood cell
and platelet counts.54 All these medical therapies ameliorate
osteopetrosis, but they do not cure the condition.42
Cranial nerve impingement is treated by neurosurgical
decompression of the bony impingement at the cranial
neural foramina. Because blindness may be prevented or
reversed by timely decompression of the optic nerves,
regular visual assessment should be performed routinely in
these patients.37 Upper airway obstruction may require
A review of the anesthetic literature revealed increased
morbidity and mortality rates for children with malignant
osteopetrosis who were undergoing general anesthesia. Of
noteworthy concern, there is an increased risk of inability
to intubate the trachea in these pediatric patients.12

Orthopaedic Considerations
Fractures are treated by conventional methods, but they
may be slow to heal. Closed reduction and casting of most
pediatric tibial and upper extremity fractures lead to
healing.4 Internal fixation of fractures is technically demand-
ing, and intraoperative fractures can occur because the FIGURE 40-80  Spondylolysis of C2 in a 7-month-old boy with
osteopetrotic bone is difficult to drill or ream.63 Nonunions osteopetrosis.
may occur, particularly at the proximal femur, and recon-
structive osteotomy can fail if fixation is inadequate.8,69
Coxa vara is the most common orthopaedic deformity in
patients with benign osteopetrosis. The condition develops
as a result of multiple stress fractures of the femoral neck.
Although corrective osteotomy is difficult to perform
because of problems with internal fixation,45,53 valgus proxi-
mal femoral osteotomy remains the most successful proce-
dure for the treatment of coxa vara in symptomatic
Total joint arthroplasty of the hip has been performed in
patients with benign osteopetrosis who had symptomatic
nonunions of the subtrochanteric femur and premature
osteoarthritis.5,13,53 However, preparation of the femur is
extremely difficult because of the absence of the intramed-
ullary canal and the brittleness of the bone.35 Proximal tibial
osteotomy and total knee arthroplasty have also been per-
formed in adult patients with osteoarthritis; the technical
challenges are similar.15,68
Cervical and lumbar spondylolysis are commonly seen in
children with osteopetrosis (Fig. 40-80). Lumbar spondy-
lolysis may produce low back pain (Fig. 40-81). Progressive
spondylolisthesis does not occur. Conservative treatment
with orthoses can help reduce symptoms of pain.52 Scoliosis
has been described in osteopetrosis.8,80

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Genet 10:1767, 2001. on chromosome 19q13 have been found in patients with
66. Solh H, Da Cunha AM, Giri N, et al: Bone marrow transplantation Camurati-Engelmann disease.14,17 The nature of the exact
for infantile malignant osteopetrosis, J Pediatr Hematol Oncol mutations does not correlate with the phenotypic severity
17:350, 1995. of disease.4 The prevalence is less than 1 per 1 million. The
67. Srinivasan M, Abinun M, Cant AJ, et al: Malignant infantile osteo- disease has a slight male predominance.
petrosis presenting with neonatal hypocalcaemia, Arch Dis Child
Fetal Neonatal Ed 83:F21, 2000.
68. Stalder H, Von Hochstetter A, Schreiber A, et al: Valgus tibial Pathology
osteotomy in a patient with benign dominant osteopetrosis
The bony cortex is markedly thickened, with some hyper-
(Albers-Schoenberg disease). A case report, Int Orthop 18:304,
1994. trophy of the periosteum. Microscopic examination shows
69. Steinwender G, Hosny GA, Koch S, et al: Bilateral nonunited an increase in the fibrous component of the periosteum.
femoral neck fracture in a child with osteopetrosis, J Pediatr There is marked osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity. The
Orthop B 4:213, 1995. trabeculae are thickened but otherwise normal. The medul-
70. Steward CG: Neurological aspects of osteopetrosis, Neuropathol lary cavity is slightly narrowed. Later in the disease, the
Appl Neurobiol 29:87, 2003. compact bone may change to cancellous bone. The bone
71. Steward CG, Pellier I, Mahajan A, et al: Severe pulmonary hyper- marrow is normal early on but later consists of loose
tension: a frequent complication of stem cell transplantation for mesenchymal fibrous tissue with occasional foci of
malignant infantile osteopetrosis, Br J Haematol 124:63, 2004.
72. Stocks RM, Wang WC, Thompson JW, et al: Malignant infantile
osteopetrosis: otolaryngological complications and management,
Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 124:689, 1998. Clinical Features
73. Strisciuglio P, Hu PY, Lim EJ, et al: Clinical and molecular hetero-
geneity in carbonic anhydrase II deficiency and prenatal diagnosis The disease usually manifests by 10 years of age. Involve-
in an Italian family, J Pediatr 132:717, 1998. ment of the long bones is bilateral and symmetric. The tibia
74. Thelen MH, Eschmann SM, Moll-Kotowski M, et al: Bone marrow is the most frequently affected bone. Other common sites
scintigraphy with technetium-99m anti-NCA-95 to monitor of involvement, in order of frequency, are the femur, fibula,
therapy in malignant osteopetrosis, J Nucl Med 39:1033, 1998. humerus, radius, and ulna.8 As the disease progresses, the
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e433

skull, pelvis, and vertebrae may be affected, but the pha- Other clinical findings include the following: delayed
langes are rarely involved.12,15 Cranial involvement eventu- puberty; hypogonadism; dry, hard skin; dental caries; and
ally occurs in 61% of patients, and bony thickening can ocular proptosis. The skull may be enlarged, with possible
entrap cranial nerves or cause increased intracranial pres- frontal bossing. Bony encroachment on the cranial foramina
sure.26 Affected children are tall and thin, with spindly legs may cause cranial nerve impingement.
(Fig. 40-82).
Bilateral leg pain usually is the presenting complaint.
Radiographic Findings
Muscle weakness is common and becomes evident by a
delay in walking, inability to run, and fatigability. The child The longer the disease is present, the more marked are the
often has a waddling gait. Lumbar hyperlordosis may be radiographic findings. Initially, increased density and widen-
present. ing of the cortex of the diaphysis of the long bones are seen.


FIGURE 40-82  Camurati-Engelmann disease in a young boy. Clinical appearance at age 10 years (A) and again at age 18 years (B). Note
the asthenic habitus, lack of physical development, marked genu valgum, and external tibial torsion. C, Anteroposterior radiographs of
the tibiae at 7 years of age show diaphyseal sclerosis with both endosteal and periosteal thickening and relatively normal epiphyses and
metaphyses. D, A histologic section of specimen obtained at the time of osteotomy reveals thickened trabeculae with normal haversian
systems (original magnification ×100). (From Clawson DK, Loop JW: Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia [Engelmann disease], J Bone Joint
Surg Am 46:143, 1964.)
e434 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Differential Diagnosis
Camurati-Engelmann disease must be differentiated from
Caffey disease (infantile cortical hyperostosis). The pattern
of involvement is different for these two dysplasias.
Camurati-Engelmann disease involves the long bones in a
symmetric pattern, whereas Caffey disease affects the man-
dible, ribs, and clavicle asymmetrically. Camurati-Engelmann
disease is slowly progressive; in contrast, Caffey disease is
self-limiting. Finally, Caffey disease usually becomes evident
at an earlier age, possibly at birth and, on average, by 8
weeks of life.
Other diseases in the differential diagnosis include
fibrous dysplasia, heavy metal poisoning, and metaphyseal
and craniometaphyseal dysplasias. When only one bone is
involved in a child or an adolescent, the physician should
consider osteomyelitis, osteoid osteoma, osteoblastoma,
and Ewing sarcoma.

No specific treatment exists for this dysplasia. Pain is
treated symptomatically with antiinflammatory medication.
Physical therapy exercises are performed to increase muscle
strength and maintain joint motion.
Corticosteroids have been helpful in controlling symp-
toms in patients who fail to respond to nonsteroidal antiin-
flammatory medications.11,20,21 Although the mechanism of
action of steroids remains unclear, histologic studies have
shown increased bone resorption and remodeling, with
increased osteoclastic activity and decreased lamellar
bone deposition.1 Usually, low-dose steroids are effective.
However, the risk and complications of long-term steroid
therapy in children should be carefully weighed. Deflazacort
FIGURE 40-83  Anteroposterior radiograph of lower extremities in
has been successfully used with reportedly fewer side
a 6-year-old girl with Camurati-Engelmann disease. Irregularity
and thickening of femoral cortices are present.
Bisphosphonates have been tried in affected patients, but
they have been found to worsen the bone pain.13

The process begins in the midshaft and then extends in both

directions toward the metaphyses (see Fig. 40-82, C and D).
The physis and epiphysis are normal. The cortex is smooth Progressive Diaphyseal Dysplasia (Camurati-Engelmann Disease)
at first and becomes irregular later (Fig. 40-83). The diam- 1. Allen DI, Sanders AM, Northway WH, et al: Corticosteroids in
eter of the diaphysis of the bone enlarges over time, with the treatment of Engelmann’s disease: progressive diaphyseal dys-
narrowing of the medullary canal25 (Fig. 40-84). Secondary plasia, Pediatrics 46:523, 1970.
2. Applegate LJ, Applegate GR, Kemp SS, et al: MR of multiple
anemia may develop as the canal becomes obliterated.
cranial neuropathies in a patient with Camurati–Engelmann
CT demonstrates the extent of the disease.16 Findings on
disease: case report, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 12:557, 1991.
bone scans vary with the activity of the disease.25 Bone scan 3. Bas F, Darendeliler F, Petorak I, et al: Deflazacort treatment in
results may be negative when the lesion is biologically qui- progressive diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati–Engelmann disease),
escent or mature.18 J Paediatr Child Health 35:401, 1999.
MRI and CT have been used to assess compression of 4. Campos-Xavier B, Saraiva JM, Savarirayan R, et al: Phenotypic
the cranial nerves.2 variability at the TGF-beta1 locus in Camurati–Engelmann disease,
Hum Genet 109:653, 2001.
5. Camurati M: Di un raro caso di osteite simmetrica ereditaria degli
Laboratory Findings arti inferiori, Chir Organi Mov 6:662, 1922.
6. Cohen J, States JD: Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia: report of a
Blood alkaline phosphatase levels and urinary hydroxypro-
case with autopsy findings, Lab Invest 5:492, 1956.
line excretion may be elevated. Hypocalcemia and hyper-
7. Engelmann G: Ein Fall von Osteopathia hyperostotica sclerotisans
phosphatemia are seen occasionally.24 Serum osteocalcin multiplex infanitilis, Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr 39:1101, 1929.
levels are elevated.10 Biochemical markers of bone turnover, 8. Greenspan A: Sclerosing bone dysplasias: a target-site approach,
such as procollagen and bone alkaline phosphatase, have Skeletal Radiol 20:561, 1991.
been used to assess the activity of the disease.10 The sedi- 9. Griffiths D: Engelmann’s disease, J Bone Joint Surg Br 38:312,
mentation rate may be elevated. 1956.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e435

FIGURE 40-84  Anteroposterior (AP) (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of left leg in a patient with Camurati-Engelmann disease reveal cortical
widening that is most noticeable in the midshaft of tibia and fibula. AP (C) and lateral (D) radiographs 7 years later show persistently
thick cortices.

10. Hernandez MV, Peris P, Guanabens M, et al: Biochemical markers 22. Mottram ME, Hill HA: Diaphyseal dysplasia: report of a case, AJR
of bone turnover in Camurati–Engelmann disease: a report on four Am J Roentgenol 95:162, 1965.
cases in one family, Calcif Tissue Int 61:48, 1997. 23. Naveh Y, Kaftori JK, Alon U, et al: Progressive diaphyseal dyspla-
11. Heymans O, Gebhart M, Alexiou J, et al: Camurati–Engelmann sia: genetics and clinical and radiologic manifestations, Pediatrics
disease: effects of corticosteroids, Acta Clin Belg 53:189, 1998. 74:399, 1984.
12. Hundley JD, Wilson FC: Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia: review 24. Smith R, Walton RJ, Corner BD, et al: Clinical and biochemical
of the literature and report of seven cases in one family, J Bone studies in Engelmann’s disease (progressive diaphyseal dysplasia),
Joint Surg Am 55:461, 1973. Q J Med 46:273, 1977.
13. Inaoka T, Shuke N, Sato J, et al: Scintigraphic evaluation of pami- 25. Vidal-Sicart S, Pons F, Guanabens N, et al: Bone scan in Camurati–
dronate and corticosteroid therapy in a patient with progressive Engelmann disease, Clin Nucl Med 23:237, 1998.
diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati–Engelmann disease), Clin Nucl 26. Wallace SE, Lachman RS, Mikikian PB, et al: Marked phenotypic
Med 26:680, 2001. variability in progressive diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati–
14. Janssens K, Gershoni-Baruch R, Van Hul E, et al: Localisation of Engelmann disease): report of a four-generation pedigree, identifi-
the gene causing diaphyseal dysplasia Camurati–Engelmann to cation of a mutation in TGFB1, and review, Am J Med Genet A
chromosome 19q13, J Med Genet 37:245, 2000. 129:235, 2004.
15. Johnston CE: Progressive diaphyseal dysplasia, Pediatr Orthop
7:133, 1984.
16. Kaftori JK, Kleinhaus U, Nevah Y, et al: Progressive diaphyseal
dysplasia (Camurati–Engelmann): radiographic follow-up and CT
findings, Radiology 164:777, 1987. Osteopoikilosis
17. Kinoshita A, Saito T, Tomita H, et al: Domain-specific mutations
in TGFB1 result in Camurati–Engelmann disease, Nat Genet The bone dysplasia osteopoikilosis is characterized by mul-
26:19, 2000. tiple asymptomatic oval or round radiodensities in cancel-
18. Kumar B, Murphy WA, Whyte MP, et al: Progressive diaphyseal lous bone (Fig. 40-85).
dysplasia (Engelmann’s disease): scintigraphic-radiographic-clinical
correlations, Radiology 140:87, 1981.
19. Lennon EA, Schechter MM, Hornabrook RW, et al: Engelmann’s
disease: report of a case with a review of the literature, J Bone Joint Genetics
Surg Br 43:273, 1961.
20. Lindstrom JA: Diaphyseal dysplasia (Engelmann) treated with cor- Osteopoikilosis is inherited as an autosomal dominant trait,
ticosteriods, Birth Defects 10:504, 1974. with a prevalence of less than 0.1 per 1 million.2 The condi-
21. Minford AM, Hardy GJ, Forsythe WI, et al: Engelmann’s disease tion is believed to result from loss-of-function mutations in
and the effect of corticosteroids: a case report, J Bone Joint Surg the LEMD3 gene, which encodes an inner nuclear mem-
Br 63:597, 1981. brane protein.10
e436 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Pathology Clinical Features

On histologic examination the nodules associated with In approximately 10% of cases, small, white to yellow
osteopoikilosis consist of laminated bone that merges with dermal or subcutaneous nodules are seen. When osteopoi-
the surrounding spongiosa. The sclerotic densities corre- kilosis and skin lesions are present, the term dermatofibrosis
spond to old and inactive remodeling of spongy trabeculae lenticularis disseminata or Buschke-Ollendorff syndrome
in epiphyseal and metaphyseal locations.13 The histologic is used.8,18
appearance of the sclerotic nodules is identical to that of Some patients have features of osteopoikilosis as well as
bone islands.9 melorheostosis or osteopathia striata. The coexistence of
two or more sclerosing conditions in one patient has been
termed mixed sclerosing bone dysplasia.3,4,16,17 The coexis-
tence of osteopoikilosis and melorheostosis in the same
patients and the same families raises the possibility that
the two diseases result from related mutations of the
LEMD3 gene.10,15
The condition is asymptomatic.

Radiographic Findings
The lesions of osteopoikilosis usually range from 2 to 10 mm
and are found in clusters in the metaphyseal and epiphyseal
regions of long bones and, rarely, in the diaphyses. The
cortex of the bone is uninvolved. The most frequent loca-
tions are the carpals, the tarsals, the ends of long tubular
bones, the acetabulum, and the hand11,12,19 (Fig. 40-86).
Involvement of the bones tends to be symmetric.6 The
radiodensities may be noted at birth or during skeletal

Differential Diagnosis
Osteopoikilosis may be confused on radiographs with bone
metastases, particularly in adults.5,7 Results of bone scans
FIGURE 40-85  Osteopoikilosis of the proximal femora. Note the may be negative, or the scans may show increased uptake
numerous sclerotic fossae in the epiphyses and metaphyses. in patients with osteopoikilosis.21 When the result of a bone

FIGURE 40-86  Multiple small, round radiodensities in the carpals and metacarpals (A) and feet (B) of a teenager with osteopoikilosis.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e437

scan is positive, the scan cannot be used to differentiate 19. Rucker PT, Sundaram M: Radiologic case study: osteopoikilosis,
between the dysplasia and tumor.17 A positive family history Orthopedics 19:357, 1996.
confirms osteopoikilosis.20 20. Sarralde A, Garcia-Cruz D, Nazara Z, et al: Osteopoikilosis: report
of a familial case, Genet Couns 5:373, 1994.
21. Tong EC, Samii M, Tchang F, et al: Bone imaging as an aid for the
Clinical Course diagnosis of osteopoikilosis, Clin Nucl Med 13:816, 1988.
22. Weisz GM: Lumbar spinal canal stenosis in osteopoikilosis, Clin
The clinical course of osteopoikilosis is variable. The scle- Orthop Relat Res 166:89, 1982.
rotic lesions may increase in size, diminish, or even disap-
pear over time. Pathologic fractures do not occur. No
treatment is required. Osteopoikilosis occasionally has been
associated with hereditary multiple exostosis. Rare cases of Osteopathia Striata
malignant change in osteopoikilosis have been described.1,14
A case of spinal stenosis in a patient with osteopoikilosis has Osteopathia striata is a dysplasia characterized by striations
been reported.22 in the metaphyseal regions of cancellous bone, with sclerosis
of the base and vault of the skull. It was first described by
Voorhoeve and named by Fairbank in 1924.7,8,21 Its preva-
References lence is less than 0.1 per 1 million.
1. Ayling RM, Evans PE: Giant cell tumor in a patient with osteopoi- Genetics
kilosis, Acta Orthop Scand 59:74, 1988.
2. Benli IT, Akalin S, Boysan E, et al: Epidemiological, clinical and The genetic mode of transmission is not yet definitively
radiological aspects of osteopoikilosis [published erratum appears decided. Some investigators believe the dysplasia is inher-
in J Bone Joint Surg Br 76:683, 1994], J Bone Joint Surg Br 74:504, ited as an autosomal dominant trait.12,18,20 Others propose
1992. an X-linked form of the disease associated with significant
3. Butkus CE, Michels VV, Lindor NM, et al: Melorheostosis in a cranial abnormalities in which boys are more severely
patient with familial osteopoikilosis, Am J Med Genet 72:43, 1997.
affected.2,3,17 The disease has a high degree of variability in
4. Cantatore FP, Carrozzo M, Loperfido MC, et al: Mixed sclerosing
clinical expression.13-15,19
bone dystrophy with features resembling osteopoikilosis and osteo-
pathia striata, Clin Rheumatol 10:191, 1991.
5. Carpintero P, Abad JA, Serrano P, et al: Clinical features of ten Clinical Features
cases of osteopoikilosis, Clin Rheumatol 23:505, 2004.
6. Chigira M, Kato K, Mashio K, et al: Symmetry of bone lesions in Skull abnormalities lead to abnormal facies. The forehead
osteopoikilosis: report of 4 cases, Acta Orthop Scand 62:495, is high, with frontal bossing. A broad nasal bridge is present.
1991. Cleft palate has been seen in patients with skull defor-
7. Ghandur-Mnaymneh L, Broder LE, Mnaymneh WA: Lobular car- mity.15,22 Some patients are mentally retarded. The skeletal
cinoma of the breast metastatic to bone with unusual clinical, lesions are asymptomatic.
radiologic, and pathologic features mimicking osteopoikilosis,
Cancer 53:1801, 1984.
8. Giro MG, Duvic M, Smith LT, et al: Buschke–Ollendorff syn- Radiographic Findings
drome associated with elevated elastin production by affected skin
fibroblasts in culture, J Invest Dermatol 99:129, 1992. Usually one sees symmetric involvement of one bone or of
9. Greenspan A: Sclerosing bone dysplasias: a target-site approach, the entire skeleton.11 The striations are radiodense and par-
Skeletal Radiol 20:561, 1991. allel to the long axis of the bone9 (Fig. 40-87). They may
10. Hellemans J, Preobrazhenska O, Willaert A, et al: Loss-of-function extend into the epiphysis. The most common sites are in
mutations in LEMD3 result in osteopoikilosis, Buschke–Ollendorff the long bones at areas of rapid growth.10 When present in
syndrome and melorheostosis, Nat Genet 36:1213, 2004. the ilia, the radiating lines have a “fanlike sunburst” appear-
11. Hinkel CL: Developmental affections of the skeleton character- ance. The pathognomonic feature of osteopathia striata is
ized by osteosclerosis, Clin Orthop Relat Res 9:91, 1957.
sclerosis of the skull base.5 The bone striations do not
12. Kobus RJ, Lubbers LM, Coleman CR, et al: Connective tissue
change with age.
nevus and osteopoikilosis in the hand: the Buschke–Ollendorff
syndrome, J Hand Surg Am 14:535, 1989.
13. Lagier R, Mbakop A, Bigler A, et al: Osteopoikilosis: a radiological Differential Diagnosis
and pathological study, Skeletal Radiol 11:161, 1984.
14. Mindell ER, Northup CS, Douglass HO Jr, et al: Osteosarcoma The differential diagnosis includes osteopoikilosis, the auto-
associated with osteopoikilosis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 60:406, 1978. somal dominant form of osteopetrosis, and hyperostosis
15. Nevin NC, Thomas PS, Davis RI, et al: Melorheostosis in a family corticalis generalisata.1 Osteopathia striata may be present
with autosomal dominant osteopoikilosis, Am J Med Genet 82:409, in patients with mixed sclerosing bone dysplasias (see the
1999. previous section, on osteopoikilosis).
16. Ostrowski DM, Gilula LA: Mixed sclerosing bone dystrophy pre-
senting with upper extremity deformities: a case report and review
of the literature, J Hand Surg Br 17:108, 1992. Clinical Course
17. Pacifici R, Murphy WA, Teitelbaum SL, et al: Mixed-sclerosing-
bone-dystrophy: 42-year follow-up of a case reported as osteope- This disorder has no orthopaedic complications, and no
trosis, Calcif Tissue Int 38:175, 1986. treatment is necessary. Visual impairment and deafness
18. Reinhardt LA, Rountree CB, Wilkin JK, et al: Buschke–Ollendorff as a result of cranial nerve impingement have been
syndrome, Cutis 31:94, 1983. reported.4,6,16
e438 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-87  Osteopathia striata. Anteroposterior radiographs of the upper (A) and lower (B) limbs show the striations parallel to the
longitudinal axis. These striations are especially marked in the metaphyseal areas.

References 14. Koenig WJ: Index of suspicion. Case 3. Diagnosis: limb girdle
muscular dystrophy, Pediatr Rev 13:391, 393, 1992.
Osteopathia Striata 15. Kornreich L, Grunebaum M, Ziv N, et al: Osteopathia striata,
1. Bass HN, Weiner JR, Goldman A, et al: Osteopathia striata syn- cranial sclerosis with cleft palate and facial nerve palsy, Eur J
drome: clinical, genetic and radiologic considerations, Clin Pediatr Pediatr 147:101, 1988.
(Phila) 19:369, 1980. 16. Odrezin GT, Krasikov N: CT of the temporal bone in a patient
2. Behninger C, Rott HD: Osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis: with osteopathia striata and cranial sclerosis, AJNR Am J Neuro-
literature reappraisal argues for X-linked inheritance, Genet Couns radiol 14:72, 1993.
11:157, 2000. 17. Pellegrino JE, McDonald-McGinn DM, Schneider A, et al: Further
3. Bueno AL, Ramos FJ, Bueno O, et al: Severe malformations in clinical delineation and increased morbidity in males with osteo-
males from families with osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis, pathia striata with cranial sclerosis: an X-linked disorder? Am J
Clin Genet 54:400, 1998. Med Genet 70:159, 1997.
4. Clementi M, Bellato S, Rossetti A, et al: Is visual field reduction 18. Robinow M, Unger F: Syndrome of osteopathia striata, macro-
a component manifestation of osteopathia striata with cranial scle- cephaly, and cranial sclerosis, Am J Dis Child 138:821, 1984.
rosis? Am J Med Genet 46:724, 1993. 19. Savarirayan R, Nance J, Morris L, et al: Osteopathia striata with
5. Cortina H, Vallcanera A, Vidal J: Familial osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis: highly variable phenotypic expression within a
cranial condensation, Pediatr Radiol 11:87, 1981. family, Clin Genet 52:199, 1997.
6. De Keyser J, Bruyland M, De Greve J, et al: Osteopathia striata 20. Schnyder PA: Osseous changes of osteopathia striata associated
with cranial sclerosis: report of a case and review of the literature, with cranial sclerosis: an autosomal dominant entity, Skeletal
Clin Neurol Neurosurg 85:41, 1983. Radiol 5:19, 1980.
7. Fairbank HAT: A case of unilateral affection of the skeleton of 21. Voorhoeve N: L’image radiologique non encore decrite d’une
unknown origin, Br J Surg 12:594, 1925. anomalie du squelette, Acta Radiol 3:407, 1924.
8. Fairbank HAT: Osteopathia striata, J Bone Joint Surg Br 32:117, 22. Winter R, Crawfurd Md’A, Meire HB, et al: Osteopathia striata
1950. with cranial sclerosis: highly variable expression within a family
9. Gehweiler JA, Bland WR, Carden TS Jr, et al: Osteopathia striata: including cleft palate in two neonatal cases, Clin Genet 18:462,
Voorhoeve’s disease: review of the roentgen manifestations, Am J 1980.
Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 118:450, 1973.
10. Greenspan A: Sclerosing bone dysplasias: a target-site approach,
Skeletal Radiol 20:561, 1991.
11. Hinkel CL: Developmental affections of the skeleton character- Melorheostosis
ized by osteosclerosis, Clin Orthop Relat Res 9:91, 1957.
12. Horan FT, Beighton PH: Osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis:
Melorheostosis is a rare dysplasia characterized by “flowing”
an autosomal dominant entity, Clin Genet 13:201, 1978. hyperostosis of the cortex. The radiographic appearance has
13. Keymolen K, Bonduelle M, De Maeseneer M, et al: How to been likened to “dripping wax down the side of a candle.”
counsel in osteopathia striata with cranial sclerosis, Genet Couns The long bones of the extremities are most often involved,
8:207, 1997. followed by the short tubular bones of the hand, and finally
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e439

the spine. Unlike most of the other osteosclerotic dyspla- Transforming growth factor-β has been immunolocalized
sias, melorheostosis is not believed to be a genetic disorder. in periosteal fibroblasts and in the mesenchymal cells sur-
Its prevalence is estimated at 1 per 1 million. rounding vessels in areas of involvement.20

Etiology Clinical Features

The etiology of melorheostosis remains unknown. The The disease usually becomes apparent in childhood or ado-
hyperostosis has a peculiar tendency to involve only one side lescence. Presenting complaints consist of soft tissue con-
of the bone and follows a sclerotomal pattern.24 Theories tracture and fibrosis in children and bone pain in adolescents
have been proposed linking melorheostosis to a peripheral and adults. The disease may affect one bone, one limb, or
neuropathy resembling herpes zoster.17,30 Molecular genetic multiple sites. The most frequent sites of involvement are
studies have implicated abnormalities in β Ig-h3 in osteo- the long bones of the lower extremity.16
blast differentiation in patients with melorheostosis.25 Limitation of joint motion is present in all patients. Con-
Overlap among osteopoikilosis, osteopathia striata, and tractures result from periarticular calcification, soft tissue
melorheostosis has suggested that LEMD3 gene mutations fibrosis, and bony deformity. Flexion contractures of the
may play a role in all three sclerosing bone dysplasias.12,19 hips and knees, abduction contractures of the hips leading
to pelvic obliquity, equinus, and varus or valgus of the feet
are all seen.41 Genu valgum may be present. Finger and toe
flexion contractures also occur.3,35,36,40,43 Melorheostosis of
Pathologic examination of bone and soft tissue reveals no the hand can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, even in young
pathognomonic features. Histologic study shows osteoscle- children.5,6,8
rosis, with thickening of the bony trabeculae and narrowing The affected limb appears enlarged. Leg length inequal-
of the medullary cavity. An abundance of osteoid and ity is common, but the affected extremity may be longer or
increased angiogenesis are noted. The presence of numerous shorter.
osteoclasts suggests a high rate of bone turnover.20 The The soft tissue is tense, thickened, and shiny or ery-
haversian canals are surrounded by thick and irregular thematous. The underlying subcutaneous tissue feels woody.
laminae. The bone appears primitive, particularly on the
periosteal surface. The abnormal bony deposition begins at
Radiographic Findings
the proximal end of the bone and proceeds distally.17 The
bone marrow appears fibrous.7 The classic radiographic finding is asymmetric, irregular
Periosseous fibrosis of soft tissues is common. Fibrosis of osteosclerosis along the axes of the long bones (Figs. 40-88
the skin and subcutaneous tissues is frequently noted. Peri- and 40-89). A distinct border is seen between pathologic
articular calcifications or ossification may occur.14,50 and normal bone. In children the sclerosis in the long bones

FIGURE 40-88  Melorheostosis. Sclerosis is seen in the right hand, most prominently the second metacarpal. Sclerosis is also present in the
carpals and phalanges. The left hand is normal.
e440 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

is endosteal, whereas in adults it is subperiosteal or extra-

cortical. Epiphyseal sclerosis may be present in children
(Fig. 40-90).
Bone scintigraphy in melorheostosis shows increased
uptake with asymmetric cortical activity that may cross the
joints.11,15,26,45 Blood pool imaging on bone scans shows
increased tracer uptake.27 MRI shows low signal changes in
the involved bone. Soft tissue involvement can be readily
appreciated on MRI.31 Soft tissue masses can appear infiltra-
tive and may show mineralization.23

Clinical Course
The clinical course of melorheostosis is one of slow but
constant progression into adulthood.10 Several associated
conditions have been documented in patients with melorhe-
ostosis, including scleroderma,29,44,46 neurofibromatosis,
tuberous sclerosis,18 rheumatoid arthritis,47 and hemangi-
oma.17 Melorheostosis may be a component, along with
osteopoikilosis and osteopathia striata, in patients with
mixed sclerosing bone dysplasia.32,33,48
Vascular anomalies, including aneurysms and renal artery
stenosis, have been described in patients with melorheosto-
sis.1,13,21,34,39 Ischemia leading to amputation has been
Malignant transformation has been described in isolated
FIGURE 40-89  Melorheostosis of the femur and tibia in an
18-year-old woman. The opposite limb is uninvolved. The left leg
is shorter than the right.

FIGURE 40-90  Melorheostosis involving the tibia (A), tarsals (B), and feet (C) in a child. Epiphyseal sclerosis can be seen.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e441

11. Davis DC, Syklawer R, Cole RL, et al: Melorheostosis on three-

Differential Diagnosis phase bone scintigraphy: case report, Clin Nucl Med 17:561, 1992.
Osteomyelitis, osteopetrosis, osteopoikilosis, and osteo- 12. de Goede E, Fagard R, Frijns JP, et al: Unique cause of renovascular
hypertension: melorheostosis associated with a malformation of
pathia striata should be considered in the differential diag-
the renal arteries, J Hum Hypertens 10:57, 1996.
nosis. The presence of joint contractures in an infant may
13. Debeer P, Pykels E, Lammens J, et al: Melorheostosis in a family
suggest arthrogryposis, but the radiographic appearance of with autosomal dominant osteopoikilosis: report of a third family,
hyperostosis differentiates arthrogryposis from melorheos- Am J Med Genet A 119:188, 2003.
tosis. Soft tissue fibrosis resembles scleroderma. Limb pain 14. Dissing I, Zafirovski G: Para-articular ossifications associated with
may mimic acute rheumatic fever or poliomyelitis. Malig- melorheostosis Leri, Acta Orthop Scand 50:717, 1979.
nant diseases such as parosteal osteosarcoma must be 15. Drane WE: Detection of melorheostosis on bone scan, Clin Nucl
considered. Med 12:548, 1987.
16. Freyschmidt J: Melorheostosis: a review of 23 cases, Eur Radiol
11:474, 2001.
Treatment 17. Greenspan A: Sclerosing bone dysplasias: a target-site approach,
Skeletal Radiol 20:561, 1991.
Medical treatment is recommended to control the bone
18. Hall GS: A contribution to the study of melorheostosis: unusual
pain.42 bone changes associated with tuberous sclerosis, Q J Med 12:77,
Orthopaedic Considerations 19. Hellemans J, Preobrazhenska O, Willaert A, et al: Loss-of-function
mutations in LEMD3 result in osteopoikilosis, Buschke–Ollendorff
Orthopaedic management of the contractures is difficult. syndrome and melorheostosis, Nat Genet 36:1213, 2004.
Soft tissue contractures are resistant to release, and 20. Hoshi K, Amizuka N, Kurokawa T, et al: Histopathological char-
recurrence of deformity after surgery is extremely acterization of melorheostosis, Orthopedics 24:273, 2001.
common.36 Manipulation, casting, soft tissue releases, cap- 21. Iglesias JH, Stocks AL, Pena DR, et al: Renal artery stenosis associ-
ated with melorheostosis, Pediatr Nephrol 8:441, 1994.
sulotomies, and osteotomies have all resulted in a high
22. Ippolito V, Mirra JM, Motta C, et al: Case report 771: melorhe-
recurrence rate.49
ostosis in association with desmoid tumor, Skeletal Radiol 22:284,
Fixed contractures are treated by release, with extensive 1993.
capsulotomy and tendon resections rather than lengthening, 23. Judkiewicz AM, Murphey MD, Resnick CS, et al: Advanced
as in the treatment of arthrogryposis. Orthoses are used imaging of melorheostosis with emphasis on MRI, Skeletal Radiol
after surgery to delay recurrence. Osteotomies may be 30:447, 2001.
needed to correct deformity. Gradual correction of defor- 24. Kawabata H, Tsuyuguchi Y, Kawai H, et al: Melorheostosis of the
mity with the Ilizarov technique has been reported.2,9,28 upper limb: a report of two cases, J Hand Surg Am 9:871, 1984.
Spinal involvement is rare. Isolated cases of back pain 25. Kim JE, Kim EH, Han EH, et al: A TGF-beta-inducible cell adhe-
and spinal stenosis with resultant myelopathy have been sion molecule, betaig-h3, is downregulated in melorheostosis and
involved in osteogenesis, J Cell Biochem 77:169, 2000.
26. Kloos RT, Shreve P, Fig L, et al: Melorheostosis bone scintigraphy
and F-18 fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography, Clin
References Nucl Med 21:805, 1996.
27. Mahoney J, Achong DM: Demonstration of increased bone metab-
Melorheostosis olism in melorheostosis by multiphase bone scanning, Clin Nucl
1. Applebaum RE, Caniano DA, Sun CC, et al: Synchronous left Med 16:847, 1991.
subclavian and axillary artery aneurysms associated with melorhe- 28. Marshall JH, Bradish CF: Callotasis in melorheostosis: a case
ostosis, Surgery 99:249, 1986. report, J Bone Joint Surg Br 75:155, 1993.
2. Atar D, Lehman WB, Grant AD, et al: The Ilizarov apparatus for 29. Moreno Alvarez MJ, Lazaro MA, Espada G, et al: Linear sclero-
treatment of melorheostosis: case report and review of the litera- derma and melorheostosis: case presentation and literature review,
ture, Clin Orthop Relat Res 281:163, 1992. Clin Rheumatol 15:389, 1996.
3. Azuma H, Sakada T, Tanabe H, et al: Melorheostosis of the hand: 30. Murray RO, McCredie J: Melorheostosis and the sclerotomes:
a report of two cases, J Hand Surg Am 17:1076, 1992. a radiological correlation, Skeletal Radiol 4:57, 1979.
4. Baer SC, Ayala AG, Ro JY, et al: Case report 843: malignant fibrous 31. Osgood GM, Lee FY, Parisien MV, et al: Magnetic resonance
histiocytoma of the femur arising in melorheostosis, Skeletal imaging depiction of tight iliotibial band in melorheostosis associ-
Radiol 23:310, 1994. ated with severe external rotation deformity, limb shortening and
5. Barfred T, Ipsen T: Congenital carpal tunnel syndrome, J Hand patellar dislocation in planning surgical correction, Skeletal Radiol
Surg Am 10:246, 1985. 31:49, 2002.
6. Bostman OM, Bakalim GE: Carpal tunnel syndrome in a melorhe- 32. Ostrowski DM, Gilula LA: Mixed sclerosing bone dystrophy pre-
ostotic limb, J Hand Surg Br 10:101, 1985. senting with upper extremity deformities: a case report and review
7. Campbell CJ, Papademetriou T, Bonfiglio M, et al: Melorheostosis: of the literature, J Hand Surg Br 17:108, 1992.
a report of the clinical, roentgenographic, and pathological findings 33. Pacifici R, Murphy WA, Teitelbaum SL, et al: Mixed-sclerosing-
in fourteen cases, J Bone Joint Surg Am 50:1281, 1968. bone-dystrophy: 42-year follow-up of a case reported as osteope-
8. Caudle RJ, Stern PJ: Melorheostosis of the hand: a case report trosis, Calcif Tissue Int 38:175, 1986.
with long-term follow-up, J Bone Joint Surg Am 69:1229, 1987. 34. Patrick JH: Melorheostosis associated with arteriovenous aneu-
9. Choi IH, Kim JI, Yoo WJ, et al: Ilizarov treatment for equinopla- rysm of the left arm and trunk: report of a case with long follow-up,
novalgus foot deformity caused by melorheostosis, Clin Orthop J Bone Joint Surg Br 51:126, 1969.
Relat Res 414:238, 2003. 35. Perlman MD: Melorheostosis: a case report and literature review,
10. Colavita N, Nicolais S, Orazi C, et al: Melorheostosis: presentation J Foot Surg 29:353, 1990.
of a case followed up for 24 years, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 36. Pruitt DL, Manske PR: Soft tissue contractures from melorheos-
106:123, 1987. tosis involving the upper extremity, J Hand Surg Am 17:90, 1992.
e442 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

37. Reznik M, Fried GW: Myelopathy associated with melorheostosis: osteogenesis imperfecta. The age at onset in the familial
a case report, Arch Phys Med Rehabil 86:1495, 2005. form is younger than in the sporadic form; the familial form
38. Robertson PA, Don AS, Miller MV, et al: Painful lumbosacral manifests in approximately 24% of patients at birth.25 An
melorheostosis treated by fusion, Spine 28:E234, 2003.
even more severe autosomal recessive form may exist that
39. Roger D, Bonnetblanc JM, Leroux-Robert C, et al: Melorheostosis
begins in the prenatal period.10 Infants with prenatal evi-
with associated minimal change nephrotic syndrome, mesenteric
fibromatosis and capillary haemangiomas, Dermatology 188:166, dence of Caffey disease can be divided into two groups.
1994. First, a severe form with onset before 35 weeks of gestation
40. Rozencwaig R, Wilson MR, McFarland JB Jr, et al: Melorheostosis is associated with polyhydramnios, lung disease, and prema-
of the skeletally immature hand: a case report and long-term turity. Early-onset prenatal Caffey disease is usually lethal.
follow-up evaluation, J Hand Surg Am 21:703, 1996. A second form with onset after 35 weeks of gestation is not
41. Rozencwaig R, Wilson MR, McFarland JB Jr, et al: Melorheostosis, associated with systemic complications.26 Inheritance in the
Am J Orthop 26:83, 1997. prenatal form can be either autosomal dominant or
42. Semble EL, Poehling GG, Prough DS, et al: Successful symptom- recessive.
atic treatment of melorheostosis with nifedipine, Clin Exp Rheu-
matol 4:277, 1986.
43. Sharma R, Burke FD: Melorheostosis of the hand, J Hand Surg Br Pathology
21:413, 1996.
44. Siegel A, Williams H: Linear scleroderma and melorheostosis, Br In the early stages of the disease, a marked inflammatory
J Radiol 65:266, 1992. process involves the periosteum and adjacent soft tissues.
45. Spieth ME, Greenspan A, Forrester DM, et al: Radionuclide Gradually the inflammation subsides, leaving a thickened
imaging in forme fruste of melorheostosis, Clin Nucl Med 19:512, periosteum and subperiosteal immature lamellar bone. Vas-
1994. cular fibrous tissue occupies the bone marrow space (Fig.
46. Thompson NM, Allen CEI, Andres GS, et al: Scleroderma and 40-91). Biopsy of more mature bony lesions reveals only
melorheostosis, J Bone Joint Surg Br 33:430, 1951. hyperplasia of the lamellar cortical bone, without inflamma-
47. Todesco S, Bedendo A, Punzi L, et al: Melorheostosis and rheuma-
tion or subperiosteal hemorrhage.9,19,28
toid arthritis, Clin Exp Rheumatol 1:349, 1983.
48. Whyte MP, Murphy WA, Fallon MD, et al: Mixed-sclerosing-bone-
dystrophy: report of a case and review of the literature, Skeletal Clinical Features
Radiol 6:95, 1981.
49. Younge D, Drummond D, Herring J, et al: Melorheostosis in chil- The average age at presentation is 9 weeks, and almost all
dren: clinical features and natural history, J Bone Joint Surg Br cases are apparent by 5 months of age. The disease may be
61:415, 1979. present at birth.
50. Yu JS, Resnick D, Vaughan LM, et al: Melorheostosis with an In the sporadic form, the mandible is the most common
ossified soft tissue mass: MR features, Skeletal Radiol 24:367, site of involvement, with mandibular abnormality present
1995. in 75% to 80% of cases. The most common clinical mani-
festations at presentation are hyperirritability and the pres-
ence of a local mass, often over the mandible. The swelling
appears suddenly, is deep and firm, and may be tender. No
Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis local heat or redness are noted. Fever may be present, and
(Caffey Disease) the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and serum alkaline
phosphatase level are elevated, thus mimicking infection.
Infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease) is a self- Affected infants may refuse to eat because of mandibular
limiting disorder characterized by soft tissue swelling, pain, and failure to thrive may develop.27 Anemia may be
subperiosteal new bone formation, cortical thickening of present.
underlying bones, fever, and irritability.5 Classically, the Of the limbs, the ulna and tibia are most frequently
onset of the disease occurs before the fifth month of life, involved. The tibia is most often affected in the familial
with resolution by 3 years of age. A distinct form of Caffey form of the disease. Next in frequency of involvement are
disease with prenatal onset has also been characterized.26 the clavicles, scapulae, and ribs. The humerus, femur, and
Rare cases of documented cortical hyperostosis in older fibula are less often involved. Occasional involvement of the
children resemble Caffey disease in every way.16 skull, ilium, and metatarsals has been described.14,15 Multi-
focal involvement is common, but the disease usually is
Late recurrence or persistence of symptoms with defor-
The occurrence of the disease in isolated cases or in mul- mity is rare.2,3,21,30
tiple members in families suggests that three different types
exist: a sporadic form, a familial form, and a prenatal form.29
Radiographic Findings
Reported cases of the sporadic form are becoming less
common.25 In the sporadic form mostly the mandible is The characteristic finding on plain radiographs is the forma-
affected, whereas in the familial form the tibia is the pre- tion of periosteal new bone engulfing the diaphysis but not
dominant bone affected.3 The familial form is inherited as the epiphysis of the existing bone. The diameter of the bone
an autosomal dominant trait with variable penetrance,1,11 increases. Soft tissue swelling is evident. Over time the
and it is the result of a novel missense mutation in COL1A1, periosteal bone increases in density and becomes homoge-
the gene that encodes the α1 chain of type I collagen.13 neous with the underlying cortex. Over months to years the
This is the same gene that is abnormal in patients with appearance of the bone becomes normal20 (Fig. 40-92).
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e443

FIGURE 40-91  Infantile cortical hyperostosis, pathologic findings. A, Histologic section. Note the thickened periosteum with underlying
immature bone. B, Photomicrograph showing the filling of marrow spaces with vascular fibrous tissue. (From Staheli LT, Church CC, Ward
BH: Infantile cortical hyperostosis [Caffey disease], JAMA 203:98, 1968.)

The MRI appearance of Caffey disease has been

Differential Diagnosis
described.23 Marked periosteal reaction appears as a dis-
cretely visualized area of even thickness and intermediate The condition may be mistaken for osteomyelitis or child
signal intensity encircling the femoral diaphysis. Marked abuse.33 Congenital syphilis and hypervitaminosis A may
edema and swelling of the adjacent soft tissues of the peri- also resemble Caffey disease34 (Table 40-3). Other diseases
osteal segment are also present. MRI provides excellent in the differential diagnosis include scurvy, Ewing sarcoma,
images for differentiating bony and soft tissue structures and metastatic neuroblastoma.
and for evaluating the extent of soft tissue involvement, but The administration of prostaglandin E in young infants
it has no additional value in clinical management.24 with cardiac malformations has been shown to produce
periosteal reaction with new bone formation.36,37 The hyper-
ostosis associated with the use of prostaglandin can be dif-
Prenatal Diagnosis
ferentiated from Caffey disease by the site of involvement.
Prenatal diagnosis of the prenatal form of Caffey disease is With prostaglandin-associated hyperostosis the mandible is
possible with ultrasonography. The ultrasonographic appear- not affected, whereas in Caffey disease the mandible is
ance resembles that of osteogenesis imperfecta.18 most often involved.22

Diagnosis Treatment
The diagnosis of prenatal-onset Caffey disease should be No specific treatment exists for Caffey disease. Corticoste-
considered in infants with short, angulated long bones with roids are effective in alleviating the acute systemic manifes-
irregular and echodense diaphyses but no fractures. The tations but do not change the bony lesions. Steroid treatment
lack of fractures distinguishes this condition from osteogen- is reserved for infants with extensive disease.4 Nonsteroidal
esis imperfecta.7 The diagnostic features of infantile cortical antiinflammatory medication was used successfully to treat
hyperostosis are specific: (1) the narrow age range for pre- a child with recurrent Caffey disease.32
sentation (between birth and 5 months of age); (2) the triad
of irritability, swelling, and bone lesions; and (3) mandibular
Orthopaedic Considerations
involvement. Laboratory tests may help rule out other con-
ditions. Biopsy of the lesion usually is not indicated. Residual deformity may result from severe disease with
However, when the possibility of malignancy cannot be intermittent recurrences. The medullary canal may remain
ruled out, biopsy may be necessary. expanded, with thinning of the cortex. Fusion of the ribs,
e444 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-92  A, Radiograph of a 3-month-old boy with Caffey disease in the upper extremity. B, Radiograph obtained 1 month later
shows maturation of the periosteal new bone. C, Follow-up radiograph obtained at 7 months of age is negative. D, Involvement of the
tibia was also present at 3 months of age. E, At 7 months of age, the right tibia remains widened compared with the left.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e445

Table 40-3  Features Distinguishing Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis and

Hypervitaminosis A
Features Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis Hypervitaminosis A

Age at onset Birth-6 mo ≥1 yr

Involvement of mandible Present (almost always) Universally absent
Metatarsal involvement Rare Usual
Fever Present Absent
Cortical hyperostosis Present Present
Tender soft tissue swelling Present Present
Vitamin A level Normal Elevated
Response to low-vitamin None Amelioration of symptoms
diet within 1 mo
Response to corticosteroid Alleviation of acute systemic No response
therapy manifestations
Inheritance Possibly autosomal dominant Nonhereditary

the tibia and fibula, and the radius and ulna has been 11. Emmery L, Timmermans J, Christens J, et al: Familial infantile
described. The radial head may dislocate. Leg length cortical hyperostosis, Eur J Pediatr 141:56, 1983.
12. Finsterbush A, Rang M: Infantile cortical hyperostosis: follow-up
inequality may result from asymmetric involvement.16,28,31
of 29 cases, Acta Orthop Scand 46:727, 1975.
13. Gensure RC, Makitie O, Barclay C, et al: A novel COL1A1 muta-
Clinical Course tion in infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease) expands the
spectrum of collagen-related disorders, J Clin Invest 115:1250,
The disease is self-limiting, and complete recovery within 2005.
6 to 9 months can usually be expected. Spontaneous remis- 14. Harris VJ, Ramilo J: Caffey’s disease: a case originating in the first
sions may occur. On rare occasions, death may occur in the metatarsal and review of a 12 year experience, AJR Am J Roent-
severe prenatal form of Caffey disease.8,35 Indomethacin has genol 130:335, 1978.
been described in the treatment of infants with Caffey 15. Holtzman D: Infantile cortical hyperostosis of the scapula present-
disease.6 ing as an ipsilateral Erb’s palsy, J Pediatr 81:785, 1972.
16. Jackson DR, Lyne ED: Infantile cortical hyperostosis: case report,
J Bone Joint Surg Am 61:770, 1979.
17. Jones ET, Hensinger RN, Holt JF, et al: Idiopathic cortical hyper-
ostosis, Clin Orthop Relat Res 163:210, 1982.
Infantile Cortical Hyperostosis (Caffey Disease) 18. Lecolier B, Bercau G, Gonzales M, et al: Radiographic, haemato-
1. Bernstein RM, Zaleske DJ: Familial aspects of Caffey’s disease, logical, and biochemical findings in a fetus with Caffey disease,
Am J Orthop 24:777, 1995. Prenat Diagn 12:637, 1992.
2. Blank E: Recurrent Caffey’s cortical hyperostosis and persistent 19. Mossberger JI: Infantile cortical hyperostosis: report of a
deformity, Pediatrics 55:856, 1975. case with observations at autopsy, Am J Dis Child 80:610,
3. Borochowitz Z, Gozal D, Misselevitch I, et al: Familial Caffey’s 1950.
disease and late recurrence in a child, Clin Genet 40:329, 1991. 20. Padfield E, Hicken P: Cortical hyperostosis in infants: a radiological
4. Bush LG, Merrell OE: Infantile cortical hyperostosis: report of a study of sixteen patients, Br J Radiol 43:231, 1970.
case responding to treatment with corticotropin, J Pediatr 40:330, 21. Pajewski M, Vure E: Late manifestations of infantile cortical hyper-
1952. ostosis (Caffey’s disease), Br J Radiol 40:90, 1967.
5. Caffey J, Silverman WA: Infantile cortical hyperostosis: prelimi- 22. Poznanski AK, Fernbach SK, Berry TE: Bone changes from pros-
nary report in a new syndrome, AJR Am J Roentgenol 54:1, 1945. taglandin therapy, Skeletal Radiol 14:20, 1985.
6. Couper RT, McPhee A, Morris L, et al: Indomethacin treatment 23. Saatci I, Brown JJ, McAlister WH: MR findings in a patient
of infantile cortical periostosis in twins, J Paediatr Child Health with Caffey’s disease [see comments], Pediatr Radiol 26:68,
37:305, 2001. 1996.
7. Dahlstrom JE, Arbuckle SM, Kozlowski K, et al: Lethal prenatal 24. Sanders DG, Weijers RE: MRI findings in Caffey’s disease, Pediatr
onset infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease), Pathology Radiol 24:325, 1994.
33:521, 2001. 25. Saul RA, Lee WH, Stevenson RE: Caffey’s disease revisited:
8. de Jong G, Muller LM: Perinatal death in two sibs with infantile further evidence for autosomal dominant inheritance with incom-
cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease), Am J Med Genet 59:134, plete penetrance, Am J Dis Child 136:55, 1982.
1995. 26. Schweiger S, Chaoui R, Tennstedt C, et al: Antenatal onset of
9. Dickson DD, Luckey CA, Logan NH, et al: Infantile cortical cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease): case report and review, Am
hyperostosis, J Bone Joint Surg Am 29:224, 1947. J Med Genet A 120:547, 2003.
10. Drinkwater BM, Crino JP, Garcia J, et al: Recurrent severe infan- 27. Sheppard JJ, Pressman H: Dysphagia in infantile cortical hyperos-
tile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey disease) in siblings, Prenat Diagn tosis (Caffey’s disease): a case study, Dev Med Child Neurol
17:773, 1997. 30:111, 1988.
e446 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

28. Sherman MS, Hellyer DT: Infantile cortical hyperostosis: review

of the literature and report of five cases, AJR Am J Roentgenol
63:212, 1950.
29. Sidbury JB Jr, Sidbury JB: Infantile cortical hyperostosis: an
inquiry into the etiology and pathogenesis, N Engl J Med 250:309,
30. Swerdloff BA, Ozonoff MB, Gyepes MT, et al: Late recurrence of
infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey’s disease), Am J Roentgenol
Radium Ther Nucl Med 108:461, 1970.
31. Tampas JP, Van Buskirk P, Peterson O, et al: Infantile cortical
hyperostosis, JAMA 175:491, 1961.
32. Thometz JG, Di Raimondo CA: A case of recurrent Caffey’s
disease treated with naproxen, Clin Orthop Relat Res 323:304,
33. Tien R, Barron BJ, Dhekne RD: Caffey’s disease: nuclear medicine
and radiologic correlation: a case of mistaken identity, Clin Nucl FIGURE 40-93  Clinical appearance of the hands of a child with
Med 13:583, 1988. pyknodysostosis.
34. Toohey JS: Skeletal presentation of congenital syphilis: case report
and review of the literature, J Pediatr Orthop 5:104, 1985.
35. Turnpenny PD, Davidson R, Stockdale EJ, et al: Severe prenatal
infantile cortical hyperostosis (Caffey’s disease), Clin Dysmorphol
2:81, 1993.
36. Ueda K, Saito A, Nakano H, et al: Cortical hyperostosis following
long-term administration of prostaglandin E1 in infants with cya-
notic congenital heart disease, J Pediatr 97:834, 1980.
37. Williams JL: Periosteal hyperostosis resulting from prostaglandin
therapy, Eur J Radiol 6:231, 1986.

Pyknodysostosis was first described by Maroteaux and
Lamy in 1962.14,15 The term pyknodysostosis was derived
from the Greek words pycnos (meaning “thick” or “dense”),
dys (meaning “defective”), and osteon (meaning “bone”).
The dysplasia enjoys the celebrity of counting the French
painter Henri de Toulouse Lautrec (1864 to 1901) among
those affected.

Pyknodysostosis is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.
The locus for the dysplasia has been mapped to chromo-
some 1q21.7,18 Mutations in this region lead to cathepsin K
deficiency. Cathepsin K is a cysteine protease that is highly
expressed in osteoclasts.8 The estimated prevalence of pyk- FIGURE 40-94  Clinical appearance of a girl with pyknodysostosis.
nodysostosis is 1 per 1 million. Her chin is very small.

the clavicles, as well as hypoplasia of the terminal phalanges
The mechanism for the development of the diffuse sclerotic of the digits (termed acro-osteolysis) that leads to short,
process associated with pyknodysostosis is not clearly stubby hands with large fingernails (Fig. 40-93). The skull
understood.12 Findings from microscopic examination of has widened sutures and persistent open fontanelles, even
bone biopsy specimens are similar to those seen in osteope- into adulthood. The mandible is small, and the angle of the
trosis.4 Meredith and associates proposed that normal mandible is described as obtuse, leading to a very small chin
osteoblasts and osteoclasts fail to respond as they should to (Fig. 40-94). The nose is protuberant. The teeth are delayed
the demands of stress on the bone.16 Although osteoclasts in appearance and disordered when present.5,10,17
are present, they do not appear to function properly in
resorbing bone. At fracture sites, all cellular elements of
Radiographic Findings
fracture repair are present.13,16
Radiographs show generalized osteosclerosis. The medullary
canal is always present, but it is small and irregular. Spinal
Clinical Features
radiographs may show failure of segmentation of the atlas
This dysplasia is characterized by short-limbed short stature. from the axis and again in the lower lumbar spine. Spondy-
Patients have hypoplasia or absence of the lateral portion of lolisthesis and spondylolysis are common1,4,6 (Fig. 40-95).
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e447

Hand radiographs show the hypoplasia or resorption of the

distal phalanges.
The sclerotic bone has a propensity to fracture, usually
in the lower extremities. The fracture lines are characteris-
tically transverse on radiographs and are located in the
middle diaphysis. Comminution is not seen.4
Bone formation and resorption are simultaneously dimin-
ished. Bone densitometry showed values up to 291% of
those of age-matched normal control subjects (the increased
bone density was mainly in the trabecular bone and not in
the cortical bone). MRI studies showed the cortex to be of
normal thickness, whereas the space within the medullary
canal was limited as a result of the increase in trabecular
bone. Bone scan reveals increased uptake.13

Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis includes osteopetrosis. Unlike
osteopetrosis, pyknodysostosis does not lead to aplastic
anemia because the medullary canal is partially preserved.19
FIGURE 40-95  Spondylolysis of L5 in pyknodysostosis.
Cleidocranial dysostosis may be considered because of the
hypoplasia of the clavicles; however, osteosclerosis is not
seen in cleidocranial dysostosis9 (Table 40-4). Rare condi-
tions that may be confused with pyknodysostosis are

Table 40-4  Features Distinguishing Pyknodysostosis, Osteopetrosis, and Cleidocranial Dysplasia

Features Pyknodysostosis Osteopetrosis Cleidocranial Dysplasia

Inheritance Autosomal recessive Congenital malignant type Autosomal dominant

(autosomal recessive)
Mild tarda type (autosomal
Stature Short stature in short-limbed type Short in congenital type Usually normal
Normal in tarda type Sometimes minimal shortness
Prevalence <1 per million 3 per million <1 per million
Facies Micrognathia with obtuse Normal Low nasal bridge with bulging
mandible, small maxilla; frontal and parietal regions
delayed eruption of Disordered eruption of teeth
disorganized teeth Failure of fusion of mandibular
Skull Dysplasia with widened sutures; Thickened vault, base Wormian bones
wormian bones Cranial foramina impingement Open fontanelles in childhood
Persistent open fontanelles with bone overgrowth No cranial nerve palsy
No cranial foramina impingement Cranial nerve palsy
No cranial nerve palsy
Clavicle Hypoplastic, sometimes absent in Present and normal Partially or completely absent
lateral portion
Hands and feet Hypoplasia or absence of terminal Normal Normal
phalanges of digits
Pelvis and hips Flattened femoral heads, short Endobones and transverse Wide symphysis pubis
and deformed femoral necks bands of increased and Wide triradiate cartilages and
decreased radiopacity sacroiliac joints
Coxa vara may be present
Bone texture Osteosclerosis without obliteration Osteosclerosis with obliteration Normal
of intramedullary canals of intramedullary canals
Hematologic picture Normal Aplastic anemia Normal
Liver and spleen Normal Hepatosplenomegaly Normal
e448 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

progressive diaphyseal dysplasia (Camurati-Engelmann healing has been reported as normal by some investiga-
disease) and idiopathic nonfamilial acro-osteolysis.9 tors,4,20 whereas others have reported that callus formation
is poor.16 Most stress fractures result in little if any pain,
even when they occur in weight-bearing bones.3
Orthopaedic Considerations
Spondylolysis may occur. Apparent spondylolysis at the
Orthopaedic treatment consists of fracture care. Stress frac- second cervical vertebra, resembling the “hangman’s frac-
tures can occur with minimal trauma (Fig. 40-96). Fracture ture,” results from clefts in the pedicles of C2 but rarely
leads to instability2,3 (Fig. 40-97).

Clinical Course
Life expectancy is normal. Adult height reaches 130 to
150 cm. Growth hormone has been used in physiologic
replacement doses to accelerate growth in these short
patients.21 Chronic osteomyelitis of the jaw occurs
frequently and is resistant to standard forms of

1. Beguiristain JL, Arriola FJ, Leyes M: Lumbar spine anomalies in a
pycnodysostosis case, Eur Spine J 4:320, 1995.
2. Currarino G: Primary spondylolysis of the axis vertebra (C2) in
three children, including one with pyknodysostosis, Pediatr Radiol
19:535, 1989.
3. Edelson JG, Obad S, Geiger R, et al: Pycnodysostosis: orthopedic
aspects with a description of 14 new cases, Clin Orthop Relat Res
280:263, 1992.
4. Elmore SM: Pycnodysostosis: a review, J Bone Joint Surg Am
49:153, 1967.
5. Ferguson JW, Brown RH, Cheong LY, et al: Pycnodysostosis associ-
ated with delayed and ectopic eruption of permanent teeth, Int J
Paediatr Dent 1:35, 1991.
6. Floman Y, Gomori JM, Fast A, et al: Isthmic spondylolisthesis in
pycnodysostosis, J Spinal Disord 2:268, 1989.
7. Gelb BD, Edelson JG, Desnick RJ, et al: Linkage of pycnodysos-
FIGURE 40-96  Stress fracture of the tibia in osteosclerotic bone of tosis to chromosome 1q21 by homozygosity mapping, Nat Genet
a child with pyknodysostosis. 10:235, 1995.

FIGURE 40-97  A, Spondylolysis of C2 in a 2-year-old child with pyknodysostosis. B, The same child at 13 years of age. No treatment had
been performed.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e449

8. Gelb BD, Shi GP, Chapman HA, et al: Pycnodysostosis, a lyso-

somal disease caused by cathepsin K deficiency, Science 273:1236,
9. Greenspan A: Sclerosing bone dysplasias: a target-site approach,
Skeletal Radiol 20:561, 1991.
10. Hunt NP, Cunningham SJ, Adnan N, et al: The dental, craniofacial,
and biochemical features of pyknodysostosis: a report of three new
cases, J Oral Maxillofac Surg 56:497, 1998.
11. Iwu CO: Bilateral osteomyelitis of the mandible in pycnodysosto-
sis: a case report, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 20:71, 1991.
12. Jacobson HG: Dense bone—too much bone: radiological consid-
erations and differential diagnosis. Part II, Skeletal Radiol 13:97,
13. Karkabi S, Reis ND, Linn S, et al: Pyknodysostosis: imaging and
laboratory observations, Calcif Tissue Int 53:170, 1993.
14. Maroteaux P, Lamy M: Deux observations d’une affection asseuse
condensante la pycnodysostose, Arch Fr Pediatr 19:267, 1962.
15. Maroteaux P, Lamy M: La pycnodysostose, Presse Med 20:99,
16. Meredith SC, Simon MA, Laros GS, et al: Pycnodysostosis: a
clinical, pathological, and ultramicroscopic study of a case, J Bone
Joint Surg Am 60:1122, 1978.
17. O’ Connell AC, Brennan MT, Francomano CA, et al: Pycnodysos-
tosis: orofacial manifestations in two pediatric patients, Pediatr
Dent 20:204, 1998.
18. Polymeropoulos MH, Ortiz de Luna RI, Ide SE, et al: The gene
for pycnodysostosis maps to human chromosome 1cen-q21, Nat
Genet 10:238, 1995.
FIGURE 40-98  Clinical appearance of a child with cleidocranial
19. Santhanakrishnan BR, Panneerselvam S, Ramesh S, et al: Pycno-
dysostosis with visceral manifestation and rickets, Clin Pediatr
(Phila) 25:416, 1986.
20. Shuler SE: Pycnodysostosis, Arch Dis Child 38:620, 1963.
21. Soliman AT, Rajab A, Al Salmi I, et al: Defective growth hormone skull is wider than normal, but the face appears small; Fig.
secretion in children with pycnodysostosis and improved linear 40-98). The eyes are slightly wide-set. The palate is high
growth after growth hormone treatment, Arch Dis Child 75:242, and narrow. Deciduous teeth erupt normally, but perma-
1996. nent teeth are delayed. When they do appear, they are
22. van Merkesteyn JP, Bras J, Vermeeren JI, et al: Osteomyelitis of the
jaws in pycnodysostosis, Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 16:615, 1987.
The shoulders look droopy, and the chest appears
narrow.14 Sternal abnormalities result from the abnormal
Cleidocranial Dysostosis intramembranous ossification, and pectus excavatum is
Cleidocranial dysostosis was first described by Marie and One or both clavicles may be underdeveloped or missing
Sainton in 1898.10 It is a disorder in which the bones formed altogether.1 The most common defect is loss of the lateral
by intramembranous ossification (primarily the clavicles, end of the clavicle, with failure of development of the
cranium, and pelvis) are abnormal. The characteristic finding middle third of the clavicle second in frequency. The defect
in cleidocranial dysostosis is hypoplasia or absence of the may be palpable. When it is bilateral, the child can touch
clavicles. Although the most significant abnormalities are the shoulders together in front of the chest as a result of
seen in the bones formed by intramembranous ossification, hypermobility. The scapulae appear small, and winging may
enchondral growth is disturbed to a lesser degree, with be noticeable (Fig. 40-99).
resulting mild dwarfism. Patients with cleidocranial dysplasia are of short stature.
The average adult height in men ranges between the 5th
and 50th percentiles. Women have more significant dwarf-
ism, with adult height less than the 5th percentile.7
Cleidocranial dysostosis is inherited as an autosomal domi-
nant trait. The gene responsible for the dysplasia is located
Radiographic Findings
on chromosome 6p21.2,9 The gene has been cloned and is
called CBFA1, an osteoblast-specific transcription factor Hypoplasia or absence of the clavicles is obvious on radio-
and a regulator of osteoblast differentiation.9 Approximately graphs (Fig. 40-100, A). Absence of the clavicles has even
two thirds of cases are familial and one third of cases consist been seen on prenatal ultrasonography.5,6
of new mutations.13 Skull radiographs show multiple wormian bones and
poor mineralization of the cranium. Closure of the sutures
is markedly delayed, and the anterior fontanelle is enlarged.
Clinical Features
In some patients the anterior fontanelle never closes. The
Typically the disease is identified within the first 2 years of nasal, lacrimal, and malar bones may be hypoplastic
life. Affected children have large heads with elfin faces (the or absent, and the zygomas are poorly developed. The
e450 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Spina bifida occulta may be present in the thoracic and

lumbar spine. Scoliosis is seen in this patient population.
Lumbar spondylolysis has also been reported in 24% of
Ossification of the carpal and tarsal bones is delayed. The
terminal phalanges are short, pointed, hypoplastic, or even
absent. The second through the fifth metatarsals and meta-
carpals have epiphyses at both their proximal and distal
ends. The second metacarpal is unusually long.

Orthopaedic Considerations
Patients may have an absence or hypoplasia of the muscu-
lature that originates or inserts on the clavicle, specifically
the anterior portion of the deltoid and the clavicular head
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Brachial plexus irrita-
tion occurs rarely and manifests with pain and numbness.
Excision of the clavicular fragments can decompress the
brachial plexus. Scapular winging may be painful or symp-
tomatic. Scapulothoracic arthrodesis has been described in
these cases.8
Coxa vara is treated by valgus osteotomy of the proximal
A femur (Fig. 40-102). Indications for surgery are identical to
those for developmental coxa vara (i.e., a neck–shaft angle
of less than 90 degrees, a Hilgenreiner-epiphyseal angle of
60 degrees or more, or progression of deformity). Younger
patients may show progressive acetabular remodeling after
osteotomy. In older children, pelvic osteotomy to improve
the containment of the hip is advised.12
Treatment of scoliosis in these patients is similar to that
of idiopathic scoliosis (Fig. 40-103).

Other Considerations
An association between cleidocranial dysplasia and syringo-
myelia has been described.3 A predisposition to Wilms
tumor has been documented in patients with cleidocranial

Cleidocranial Dysostosis
1. Chung SMK, Nissenbaum MM: Congenital and developmental
defects of the shoulder, Orthop Clin North Am 6:381, 1975.
2. Dietz FR, Mathews KD: Update on the genetic bases of disorders
with orthopaedic manifestations, J Bone Joint Surg Am 78:1583,
B 1996.
3. Dore DD, MacEwen GD, Boulos MI: Cleidocranial dysostosis and
FIGURE 40-99  A and B, In cleidocranial dysostosis the shoulders
syringomyelia: review of the literature and case report, Clin
can be approximated because of the absence of the clavicles.
Orthop Relat Res 214:229, 1987.
4. Gamble JG, Simmons SC, Freedman M: The symphysis pubis:
anatomic and pathologic considerations, Clin Orthop Relat Res
203:261, 1986.
maxilla is small, and the symphysis of the mandible may fail 5. Hamner LH 3rd, Fabbri EL, Browne PC: Prenatal diagnosis of
to fuse. cleidocranial dysostosis, Obstet Gynecol 83:856, 1994.
6. Hassan J, Sepulveda W, Teixeira J, et al: Prenatal sonographic
The pelvis shows bilateral involvement. The symphysis
diagnosis of cleidocranial dysostosis, Prenat Diagn 17:770,
pubis remains wide4 (Fig. 40-100, B). The rami also are
incompletely fused and may appear thinner than usual. The 7. Jensen BL: Somatic development in cleidocranial dysplasia, Am J
sacroiliac joint may be wide. The iliac wings appear small. Med Genet 35:69, 1990.
Coxa vara is associated with cleidocranial dysplasia, and the 8. Krishnan SG, Hawkins RJ, Michelotti JD, et al: Scapulothoracic
femoral necks are very short (Fig. 40-101). Hip dislocations arthrodesis: indications, technique, and results, Clin Orthop Relat
occur infrequently. Res 435:126, 2005.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e451

FIGURE 40-100  A, Anteroposterior (AP) shoulder radiographs show hypoplasia of the clavicle in patient with cleidocranial dysostosis.
B, AP pelvic radiograph in patient with cleidocranial dysostosis shows a lack of ossification of the symphysis pubis.

FIGURE 40-101  Pelvic radiograph of a 9-year-old child with FIGURE 40-102  Postoperative radiograph after valgus osteotomy
cleidocranial dysostosis. The symphysis pubis is wide, and coxa of the proximal femora performed on the child whose
vara is present bilaterally. pretreatment radiograph is shown in Figure 40-101.

9. Lee B, Thirunavukkarasu K, Zhou L, et al: Missense mutations 13. Soule AB: Mutational dysostosis (cleidocranial dysostosis), J Bone
abolishing DNA binding of the osteoblast-specific transcription Joint Surg Am 28:81, 1946.
factor OSF2/CBFA1 in cleidocranial dysplasia, Nat Genet 16:307, 14. Tan KL, Tan LK: Cleidocranial dysostosis in infancy, Pediatr Radiol
1997. 11:114, 1981.
10. Marie P, Sainton P: Sur la dysostose cleidocranienne hereditaire,
Rev Neurol 6:835, 1898.
11. Merks JH, Caron HN, Hennekam RC, et al: High incidence of
malformation syndromes in a series of 1,073 children with cancer, Idiopathic Osteolysis
Am J Med Genet A 134:132, 2005.
12. Richie MF, Johnston CE 2nd: Management of developmental coxa Idiopathic osteolysis, or “disappearing bone disease,” is an
vara in cleidocranial dysostosis, Orthopedics 12:1001, 1989. extremely rare condition characterized by the spontaneous
e452 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-104  Magnetic resonance image in a 12-year-old child

with Gorham disease shows kyphosis in the area of disappearing
bone, with spinal cord compromise.

The massive osteolysis results from vascular proliferation

or angiomatosis within the involved bones and the surround-
ing soft tissue. Histologic study reveals ectatic vessels
covered with endothelium that resemble hemangiomas.22,25
FIGURE 40-103  Scoliosis in a 12-year-old child with cleidocranial Cytokine studies have shown increased levels of interleukin-6
dysostosis. Note the absent clavicles. in patients with Gorham disease, thus leading to a hypoth-
esis that the disease may result from enhanced osteoclast
activity stimulated by cytokine mediators.6
onset of rapid destruction and resorption of a single bone
or multiple bones. This condition results in severe deformi- Hereditary Multicentric Osteolysis With
ties, with joint subluxation and instability. Dominant Transmission
The age of onset of this genetically transmitted dysplasia
usually is between 2 and 7 years. The child complains of
Types pain and swelling in the hands and feet. The child may have
a history of previous trauma. Over a period of a few years
Gorham Massive Osteolysis the carpals and tarsals completely resorb. The proximal
Gorham disease is the most common form of idiopathic metacarpals are tapered on radiographs, and the distal
osteolysis. It is not genetically transmitted. The age at onset radius, ulna, and proximal humerus may also be involved
of osteolysis is variable, and the disease has been seen in (Fig. 40-105). Wrist instability and ankle deformity result.
children. It may appear in any part of the skeleton and has The disease usually stabilizes in adolescence, but it may
been described in the shoulder, pelvis, proximal femur, reappear in later adulthood.
skull, and spine. It often involves multiple contiguous bones
(i.e., ribs and spine; or pelvis, proximal femur, and sacrum; Hereditary Multicentric Osteolysis With
Fig. 40-104). Although the disease was previously thought Recessive Inheritance
to be benign, its course varies with the site of involvement. This form of idiopathic osteolysis resembles the dominantly
Gorham disease of the spine can be lethal.* The disease transmitted type, with the addition of generalized osteopo-
may be multifocal.26 rosis of the appendicular skeleton.
Presenting symptoms may consist of limb pain and weak-
ness, and they depend on the site of involvement. Patho- Nonhereditary Multicentric Osteolysis With
logic fracture may occur.20 Nephropathy
This form has greater involvement of the hand and wrist
*References 1, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13-15, 17, 19, 23-25. than of the foot. The carpus begins resorbing between 2 and
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e453

Medical treatment with bisphosphonates such as zole-

dronic acid has met with some success in isolated cases.
Because bisphosphonates inhibit osteoclastic resorption,
their use is logical.18,20 Interferon-α2 has also been used in
patients with Gorham disease.20
Chylothorax and pleural effusions are particularly prob-
lematic in patients with osteolysis of the spine and have
been linked to a high mortality rate. Surgical and medical
treatments have been proposed2,20,21,27 (see Fig. 40-106).

Idiopathic Osteolysis
1. Anavi Y, Sabes WR, Mintz S: Gorham’s disease affecting the maxil-
lofacial skeleton, Head Neck 11:550, 1989.
2. Aoki M, Kato F, Saito H, et al: Successful treatment of chylothorax
by bleomycin for Gorham’s disease, Clin Orthop Relat Res
330:193, 1996.
3. Assoun J, Richardi G, Railhac JJ, et al: CT and MRI of massive
osteolysis of Gorham, J Comput Assist Tomogr 18:981, 1994.
4. Chung C, Yu JS, Resnick D, et al: Gorham syndrome of the thorax
and cervical spine: CT and MRI findings, Skeletal Radiol 26:55,
5. Damron TA, Brodke DS, Heiner JP, et al: Case report 803: Gor-
ham’s disease (Gorham–Stout syndrome) of scapula, Skeletal
Radiol 22:464, 1993.
FIGURE 40-105  Osteolysis, carpotarsal form. Note the marked
6. Devlin RD, Bone HG 3rd, Roodman GD: Interleukin-6: a poten-
erosion of the base of the metacarpals and absence of the carpal
tial mediator of the massive osteolysis in patients with Gorham–
bones. The proximal phalanges appear bizarre and elongated. The
Stout disease, J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81:1893, 1996.
hand is in marked ulnar deviation. (From Poznanski AK: The hand
7. Dominguez R, Washowich TL: Gorham’s disease or vanishing bone
in radiologic diagnosis, Philadelphia, 1984, Saunders.)
disease: plain film, CT, and MRI findings of two cases, Pediatr
Radiol 24:316, 1994.
8. Drewry GR, Sutterlin CE 3rd, Martinez CR, et al: Gorham disease
5 years of age, at which time the children complain of pain of the spine, Spine 19:2213, 1994.
and swelling. The metacarpals look like sucked peppermint 9. Dunbar SF, Rosenberg A, Mankin H, et al: Gorham’s massive
sticks. At the same time as bone resorption, severe renal osteolysis: the role of radiation therapy and a review of the litera-
disease occurs, manifesting with proteinuria, glomerulone- ture, Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 26:491, 1993.
10. Foult H, Goupille P, Aesch B, et al: Massive osteolysis of the cervi-
phritis, and malignant hypertension. The disease usually is
cal spine: a case report, Spine 20:1636, 1995.
fatal in adolescence.
11. Frankel DG, Lewin JS, Cohen B: Massive osteolysis of the skull
base, Pediatr Radiol 27:265, 1997.
Radiographic Findings 12. Handl-Zeller L, Hohenberg G: Radiotherapy of Morbus Gorham–
Stout: the biological value of low irradiation dose, Br J Radiol
The CT and MRI appearances of Gorham disease have been 63:206, 1990.
well described.† 13. Kulenkampff HA, Richter GM, Hasse WE: Massive pelvic osteoly-
sis in the Gorham–Stout syndrome, Int Orthop 14:361, 1990.
14. Livesley PJ, Saifuddin A, Webb PJ, et al: Gorham’s disease of the
Differential Diagnosis spine, Skeletal Radiol 25:403, 1996.
15. Mawk JR, Obukhov SK, Nichols WD, et al: Successful conserva-
The differential diagnosis should include inflammatory dis-
tive management of Gorham disease of the skull base and cervical
orders of bone, malignant osteoclast tumors, arterial vascu-
spine, Childs Nerv Syst 13:622, 1997.
lar disease, posttraumatic osteolysis, and AVN. 16. McNeil KD, Fong KM, Walker QJ, et al: Gorham’s syndrome: a
usually fatal cause of pleural effusion treated successfully with
Treatment radiotherapy [see comments], Thorax 51:1275, 1996.
17. Mendez AA, Keret D, Robertson W, et al: Massive osteolysis of
Surgical treatment of Gorham disease is fraught with the femur (Gorham’s disease): a case report and review of the
complications. Bone grafts resorb as readily as does the literature, J Pediatr Orthop 9:604, 1989.
host bone. Attempts have been made surgically to stabilize 18. Mignogna MD, Fedele S, Lo Russo L, et al: Treatment of Gorham’s
the disappearing spine, but they are usually unsuccessful disease with zoledronic acid, Oral Oncol 41:747, 2005.
19. Mitchell CS, Parisi MT, Osborn RE, et al: Gorham’s disease involv-
(Fig. 40-106).
ing the thoracic skeleton: plain films and CT in two cases [see
Radiation therapy has met with some success in patients
comments], Pediatr Radiol 23:543, 1993.
with Gorham disease.9,12,15,16 Orthotic stabilization of the 20. Patel DV: Gorham’s disease or massive osteolysis, Clin Med Res
spine with a halo, combined with radiation, has been used 3:65, 2005.
in a few patients.15 21. Riantawan P, Tansupasawasdikul S, Subhannachart P: Bilateral chy-
lothorax complicating massive osteolysis (Gorham’s syndrome)

References 3, 4, 7, 19, 24, 28, 29. [see comments], Thorax 51:1277, 1996.
e454 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-106  A and B, Radiographs of a 12-year-old girl with Gorham osteolysis of cervical spine. C, Posterior cervical fusion with halo
immobilization was attempted.

22. Sato K, Sugiura H, Yamamura S, et al: Gorham massive osteolysis, 25. Stove J, Reichelt A: Massive osteolysis of the pelvis, femur and
Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 116:510, 1997. sacral bone with a Gorham–Stout syndrome, Arch Orthop Trauma
23. Schnall SB, Vowels J, Schwinn CP, et al: Disappearing bone disease Surg 114:207, 1995.
of the upper extremity, Orthop Rev 22:617, 1993. 26. Tauro B: Multicentric Gorham’s disease, J Bone Joint Surg Br
24. Spieth ME, Greenspan A, Forrester DM, et al: Gorham’s disease 74:928, 1992.
of the radius: radiographic, scintigraphic, and MRI findings with 27. Tie ML, Poland GA, Rosenow EC 3rd: Chylothorax in Gorham’s
pathologic correlation. A case report and review of the literature, syndrome: a common complication of a rare disease, Chest
Skeletal Radiol 26:659, 1997. 105:208, 1994.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e455


FIGURE 40-106, cont’d  D and E, Radiographic appearance after three attempts at cervical fusion. The patient now has a tracheostomy
and has weakness of all her extremities. F, Chest radiograph shows progressive osteolysis of the clavicle and scapula and chylothorax.

28. Vinee P, Tanyu MO, Hauenstein KH, et al: CT and MRI of Gorham mucopolysaccharidoses are subdivided based on their
syndrome, J Comput Assist Tomogr 18:985, 1994. enzyme deficiency and the type of substance that accumu-
29. Yoo SY, Hong SH, Chung HW, et al: MRI of Gorham’s disease: lates. The most common of the mucopolysaccharidoses are
findings in two cases, Skeletal Radiol 31:301, 2002.
Morquio and Hurler syndromes.

The GAGs heparan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, and keratan
The mucopolysaccharidoses constitute the largest group sulfate are the mucopolysaccharides that accumulate and
of lysosomal storage diseases (Table 40-5). The intracellu­ are excreted in the urine. Biochemical analysis of the urine
lar degradation of micromolecular compounds by lysoso­ can lead to the diagnosis of the specific mucopolysacchari-
mal enzymes is abnormal in this group of diseases, and dosis. Many different techniques are used to isolate the
this abnormality leads to intracellular accumulation of GAGs from the urine. The ease with which abnormal
semidegraded compounds. The overall incidence of the GAGs are detected on biochemical testing varies with the
mucopolysaccharidoses is 1 in 25,000 live births.81 The different mucopolysaccharidoses.25,51,58,129
e456 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Table 40-5  Characteristic Features Distinguishing the Mucopolysaccharidoses

Age at
Increased Urinary Which
Excretion of Acid Features Corneal
Type Enzyme Defect Mucopolysaccharide Inheritance Present Facies Clouding

Hurler syndrome Deficient α-L-iduronidase Dermatan sulfate ++ Autosomal First few Grotesque; Present
(MPS I) Heparan sulfate + recessive months gargoyle
May appear
normal at

Hunter Low sulfoiduronate Heparan sulfate ++ Sex-linked 6-12 mo Similar to Absent

syndrome sulfatase Dermatan sulfate + recessive Hurler;
(MPS II) All patients less severe

Sanfilippo Low N-heparan sulfatase or Heparan sulfate ++ Autosomal Early Not coarse Absent
syndrome α-acetylglucosaminidase recessive childhood

Morquio N-acetylgalactosamine-6- Keratan sulfate ++ Autosomal 2-4 yr Not coarse; Present,

syndrome sulfate sulfatase (diminishes with recessive wide slowly
(MPS IV) age) mouth; progressive

Scheie syndrome Deficient α-L-iduronidase Heparan sulfate + Autosomal Late Somewhat Present
(MPS I-S Dermatan sulfate ++ recessive childhood coarse
[MPS V])
Maroteaux-Lamy N-acetylgalactosamine-4- Dermatan sulfate ++ Autosomal Early to late Coarse Present, poor
syndrome sulfate sulfatase recessive childhood vision

MPS, Mucopolysaccharidosis.

Identification of the mucopolysaccharidoses is also pos- storage diseases have been scrutinized. In an Australian
sible through skin fibroblast culture.10 The fibroblasts are study, screening using protein markers was accurate in
assayed for specific enzyme activity known to be abnormal Morquio and Sanfilippo syndromes but was not reliable in
in the different mucopolysaccharidoses. This assay has Hunter syndrome.74
also been used with chorionic villus sampling and amniotic
fluid cells to establish the prenatal diagnosis in affected
Radiographic Findings
As molecular genetic research determines the specific All the mucopolysaccharidoses lead to abnormally short
mutations that result in mucopolysaccharidoses, genetic stature. Radiographic changes are also seen in the skull, and
testing has become a means of establishing the diagnosis. they lead to abnormal facies. The skull is enlarged, with
Specific mutations are described individually for each type thick calvaria. The clavicles are broad, especially medially.
of mucopolysaccharidosis. The scapulae are short and stubby. The ribs are oar shaped
Because new therapies are most effective in very young and broader anteriorly than posteriorly. The vertebral bodies
infants who have not yet suffered neurologic deterioration are ovoid when immature. Scoliosis and kyphosis are fre-
as the result of accumulation of mucopolysaccharides, early quently present. The iliac wings are flared, and the acetab-
diagnosis is critical. The accuracy and effectiveness of ula are dysplastic. Coxa valga is common. The long bones
newborn screening for mucopolysaccharidoses and other often have thickened cortices. The second through fifth
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e457

Cardiovascular Skeletal Mental

Deafness Hepatosplenomegaly Abnormality Stature Changes Retardation Prognosis

Present Present Present Normal at Moderate Severe Progressive disease;

birth, later dorsolumbar usually death by
may be kyphosis age 10 yr from
moderately Anteroinferior heart disease or
short beaking of respiratory
body of L2 or infection
Frequent Present Present Normal at Moderate, Late in onset, Survival possible into
Pulmonary birth, later absence of less severe the third decade of
hypertension may be lumbar than in life
moderately kyphosis Hurler Eventual death from
short cardiopulmonary
Present Minimal or moderate Absent Normal Minimal Severe Survival into third or
widening of fourth decade
clavicles at
medial ends,
no kyphosis
Present Usually absent Minimal, if Markedly short Severe and Absent Normal longevity
present (<4 ft) diffuse Respiratory failure
aortic platyspondyly from rib cage
regurgitation with central rigidity
Capital femoral
Present Absent Present; aortic Normal Small epiphysis Absent Normal longevity
valve disease on hands

Present Hepatomegaly rather Absent Normal at Severe (same as Absent Guarded; death from
than splenomegaly birth, later Hurler) cardiovascular
markedly complications

metacarpals are pointed at their proximal ends, and the lesser amounts, heparan sulfates, which are excreted in the
phalanges are bullet shaped. Ossification of the carpal bones urine.28,75 Hurler syndrome is seen equally in both sexes and
is delayed. has been described in all ethnic groups.69 The spectrum of
clinical severity in α-L-iduronidase deficiency ranges from
the very severe (Hurler syndrome) form in which death
occurs in untreated patients in the first decade of life,
It is not possible to differentiate the various types of muco- through an intermediate form (Hurler/Scheie syndrome)
polysaccharidoses on the basis of radiographic features compatible with survival into the third decade, to a rela-
alone. The distinctive features of the various mucopolysac- tively mild form (Scheie syndrome) with near-normal life
charidoses are summarized in Table 40-5. expectancy.130 Numerous mutations of the gene encoding
α-L-iduronidase are known in Hurler syndrome, and differ-
Mucopolysaccharidosis I (Hurler Syndrome) ent mutations have been found to cause the milder sub-
types.62,112 Although all patients with nonsense mutations
Genetics on both alleles develop the Hurler phenotype, patients with
Hurler syndrome is an autosomal recessive disorder charac- missense, insertion, deletion, or splice site mutations are
terized by a deficiency in α-L-iduronidase.8 The enzyme more variable in their clinical involvement.109 As noted,
defect leads to an accumulation of both dermatan and, in prenatal diagnosis is available through amniocentesis, and
e458 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-107  A and B, Typical deformity of the head in an infant with Hurler syndrome (mucopolysaccharidosis I).

the carrier state can be identified by assaying leukocytes for

enzyme activity.126
Deposits of abnormal mucopolysaccharide are seen in many
tissues, including the central nervous system (CNS) and
peripheral ganglia, the retina, the parenchymal and Kupffer
cells of the liver, the reticulum cells of the spleen and lymph
nodes, the pituitary glands, and the testes.73 Deposits are
also seen in the heart, especially in the valves and coronary
arteries.17,93 Chondrocytes and osteocytes are enlarged and
have vacuoles. The chondrocytes of the growth plate are
disorganized.102 GAGs infiltrate the ligaments, tendons, and
joint capsules.102 Neutrophils, lymphocytes, and eosinophils
show coarse violet granules, termed Reilly granules, on
Wright stain.
Clinical Features
Affected infants are normal in the neonatal period because
the changes seen in Hurler syndrome do not occur until the
mucopolysaccharide accumulates. The average age at diag-
nosis is 9 months.20
The facies of affected infants becomes coarse and heavy FIGURE 40-108  Lateral view of an infant with Hurler syndrome
(Fig. 40-107). The head is enlarged, and hydrocephalus may shows localized kyphosis at the dorsolumbar junction.
result from meningeal deposits.101 The skull is abnormally
shaped, and the forehead is low. Premature closure of the Clouding of the cornea is a universal feature of the
sagittal and metopic sutures of the skull leads to a promi- disease. Progressive degeneration of the retina, combined
nent longitudinal ridge that may cross the forehead. The with the clouded cornea, leads to blindness. Glaucoma in
ears are low and the eyes are wide-set. The teeth are poorly early childhood has been described.85
formed and widespread. The nostrils are wide, and the nose The patient has a short neck. The rib cage is deformed,
has a depressed bridge and broad tip. The lips are everted, with flaring of its lower portion. The abdomen is protuber-
the tongue is enlarged, and the mouth is open. “Chronic ant because of hepatosplenomegaly.
rhinitis” with noisy mouth breathing is always present and Thoracolumbar kyphosis can be seen in children as young
is caused by narrowing of the nasopharynx by enlarged as 6 months of age (Fig. 40-108). The presence of a gibbus
adenoids and mucosal deposits. This feature, combined deformity in a child with motor delays should raise the
with the presence of hernias, may be the presenting sign of suspicion of Hurler syndrome.12 Flexion contractures of
the disease.20 Obstructive sleep apnea may result from the joints are common. The little finger is curved radially.
upper airway obstruction and may lead to death.100 The hands are broad, with short, stubby fingers. Genu
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e459

FIGURE 40-109  A and B, Clinical appearance of a 7-year-old girl with Hurler syndrome who has been treated with bone marrow
transplantation. She has short stature, genu valgum, and thoracolumbar kyphosis. C, Lateral spine shows typical thoracolumbar kyphosis
with hypoplasia of the L1 vertebral body.

valgum and flatfeet may be present. Stature usually is short sutures. The sella turcica is elongated and J-shaped. The
(Fig. 40-109). mandible is short and wide.
Mental retardation is a consistent, progressive feature of Dysplastic changes develop in the vertebrae in the first
Hurler syndrome but is absent in the Scheie variant. Cardiac few months of life. In the lateral view, the biconvex shape
problems result from myocardial deposits, which lead to persists, and mild thoracolumbar kyphosis may be appreci-
stiff walls and valve malfunction, most commonly of the ated. Between 1 and 2 years of age, the kyphosis at the
mitral valve.93 In the absence of treatment, cardiomyopathy thoracolumbar junction becomes pronounced. An anteroin-
is relentlessly progressive.24 ferior beak develops on the vertebral body (Fig. 40-110)
that differs from the central tonguelike projection seen in
Radiographic Findings patients with Morquio disease. Odontoid hypoplasia and
The skeletal changes in Hurler syndrome resemble those atlantoaxial instability may be seen in patients with Hurler
seen in Morquio syndrome, with a few exceptions. The skull syndrome110 (Fig. 40-111, A).
is normal in infancy but becomes enlarged in the AP diam- The pelvis is flared, and the acetabula are dysplastic.
eter and short in height because of premature closure of the Coxa valga is marked. Ossification of the capital femoral
e460 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-110  A, Thoracolumbar kyphosis in a 3-year-old child with Hurler syndrome. The anteroinferior beaking of the vertebral bodies
is apparent. B, Dysplastic acetabula and coxa valga are seen in Hurler syndrome. C, Short, tapered metacarpals are also present.

epiphysis is delayed. Subluxation or dislocation of the hips Treatment

is a frequent finding70 (Fig. 40-111, B). If untreated, Hurler syndrome is fatal, usually before 10
Chest radiographs reveal cardiomegaly. The abnormal years of age. The usual cause of death is cardiac complica-
ribs are broad anteriorly and narrow posteriorly. The clavi- tions. Fortunately, molecular genetic and transplantation
cles are hypoplastic at their lateral ends and thick research has provided some hope for survival in patients
medially. with Hurler syndrome.
The long bones have widened diaphyses. The humerus Hurler syndrome has been treated successfully with
is short and thick, whereas the distal radius and ulna are bone marrow transplantation. Transplantation before the
tapered, with their physes pointing toward each other. In age of 24 months yields better clinical results.89 The pre-
the hand, the metacarpals are tapered proximally and the ferred donor is an HLA-identical sibling.39 After successful
phalanges are short and broad (see Fig. 40-110, C). transplantation, accumulation of the mucopolysaccharide
CT and MRI of the brain reveal abnormalities. Small stops. The coarse facies, hepatosplenomegaly, and possibly
cystic lesions and increased signal intensity are noted in the hearing improve. Unfortunately, the neurologic abnormali-
periventricular white matter on brain MRI.2,60 ties persist, although they do not worsen.39 To avoid serious
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e461

FIGURE 40-111  A, Cervical spine radiograph of a 4-year-old girl with Hurler syndrome. The odontoid is hypoplastic but she was not
unstable. B, Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph of a girl with Hurler syndrome shows subluxation of the hips and severe acetabular

neurologic deterioration in infancy, it is crucial that the progressive generalized myopathy typically result in loss of
diagnosis of Hurler syndrome be made as soon as mobility as the child enters adolescence.30 Medial epiphy-
possible.12 seal stapling has resulted in improved alignment in early
Umbilical cord blood transplantation from unrelated follow-up of a limited number of patients128 (Fig. 40-112).
donors has been performed in children with Hurler syn- Although correction of valgus necessitates staple removal,
drome who do not have a suitable bone marrow transplant the valgus may recur. In such cases, repeat stapling has
option. Although graft-versus-host disease is problematic, been used.86 Now that patients can survive childhood,
one study found an 85% survival rate after umbilical cord it remains to be seen whether surgery will improve their
blood transplantation.104 long-term gait.
Enzyme replacement therapy has also been investigated Carpal tunnel syndrome is nearly always present in chil-
in patients with Hurler syndrome. Weekly infusions of a dren with Hurler syndrome. In fact, the mucopolysacchari-
recombinant human enzyme known as laronidase have doses as a group account for the majority of all reported
resulted in improved ability to walk, improved pulmonary cases of pediatric carpal tunnel syndrome.123 The condition
function, and decreased hepatomegaly.55,133 Because the is bilateral. Symptoms are rare, but signs such as decreased
enzyme cannot cross the blood–brain barrier, the CNS sweating, pulp atrophy, thenar wasting, and manual clumsi-
manifestations of the disease cannot be influenced.76,131 The ness are common.15,42 Thenar wasting and claw-hand defor-
use of enzyme replacement therapy in adjunct with hema- mity can be seen in advanced cases.132 Median nerve
topoietic cell transplantation has also been described.37 compression results from accumulations around the nerve
Research is currently under way in the field of gene and within the carpal tunnel (Fig. 40-113). The flexor
therapy for Hurler syndrome. Genetically modified hema- retinaculum is characteristically thickened. Treatment is
topoietic progenitor cells infected with retroviruses carrying surgical decompression.123 Because patients may be too
human α-L-iduronidase cDNA have successfully produced young to voice complaints of numbness and paresthesias
α-L-iduronidase in vitro and thus may be potentially useful or may be mentally impaired by their disease, Van Meir
for the gene therapy of Hurler syndrome.29,49 and De Smet suggested that routine screening may be of
benefit before obvious signs of carpal tunnel syndrome
Orthopaedic Considerations appear.123 Trigger fingers may also develop and may respond
Orthopaedic manifestations of Hurler syndrome are not to surgical release41 (Fig. 40-114). Surgery consists of
responsive to bone marrow transplantation.30,39,128 Hip annular pulley release, with partial flexor digitorum super-
flexion contractures are very common in these children. Hip ficialis tendon resection recommended by Van Heest and
dysplasia is progressive despite successful bone marrow colleagues. Improved digital range of motion was seen after
transplantation, and it often requires surgical reconstruc- surgery.122 Bone marrow transplantation does not prohibit
tion, including reduction, femoral osteotomy, and pelvic the development of carpal tunnel syndrome and trigger
osteotomy.70 Increasing valgus deformity of the knees and digits.128
e462 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 40-112  A, Bilateral genu valgum in a

7-year-old girl with Hurler syndrome after bone
marrow transplantation. B, Medial tibial epiphyseal A B
stapling was performed.

Anesthesia is complicated in children with Hurler syn-

drome. Up to 53% of affected children have been reported
to have airway difficulty during surgery.46 The trachea is
infiltrated with abnormal deposits, thus making airway
obstruction problematic.1 Myocardial abnormalities may
also pose anesthetic risks.57

Mucopolysaccharidosis II (Hunter Syndrome)

Hunter syndrome is a rare sex-linked recessive disorder
caused by a deficiency in the enzyme iduronate-2-sulfatase.
Nearly all affected patients are male, whereas carriers are
female. The disease affects approximately 1 in 132,000
boys.44 The genetic abnormality is in the iduronate-2-sulfa-
FIGURE 40-113  Intraoperative photograph of carpal tunnel tase gene located at the Xq27-q28 region. Several different
decompression in a child with Hurler syndrome shows changes in mutations have been described in this area in patients with
the median nerve. Hunter syndrome.19,32,87,113 The variability in the molecular
genetic abnormality produces variability in the clinical phe-
notype. Carrier status can be identified with DNA testing.114
Cervical instability may be present in children with A few girls have been affected with Hunter syndrome as a
Hurler syndrome. MRI shows ligamentous thickening, syno- result of complete unilateral inactivation of the nonmutant
vial hypertrophy at C1-2, and increased soft tissue anterior paternal X chromosome.119
to the odontoid.128 Although odontoid dysplasia may
improve after successful bone marrow transplantation in Pathology
children with Hurler syndrome, soft tissue deposits persist Patients with Hunter syndrome excrete large amounts of
in the upper cervical spine on MRI.48 C1-2 fusion may be heparan sulfate and lesser amounts of dermatan sulfate in
necessary in children with instability secondary to odontoid the urine. As in Hurler syndrome, these substances accu-
hypoplasia. mulate in the tissues of affected patients.
Thoracolumbar kyphosis persists after bone marrow
transplantation (see Fig. 40-109). One report noted suc- Clinical Features
cessful anterior spinal fusion using instrumentation and The distinguishing feature is an absence of corneal clouding.
strut grafting in a young patient after bone marrow Thoracolumbar kyphosis is less pronounced than in patients
transplantation.23 with Hurler syndrome (Fig. 40-115). Mental retardation is
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e463

FIGURE 40-114  A and B, Flexion of the fourth and fifth fingers secondary to trigger finger deformity in a child with Hurler syndrome.

FIGURE 40-116  Radiographs of the hand of a boy with Hunter

syndrome show tapered proximal metacarpals, a sloped radial
epiphysis, and flexion contractures of the fingers.

Clinical Course
FIGURE 40-115  Lateral (A) and anteroposterior (B) radiographs of
the spine in an adolescent boy with end-stage Hunter disease. The clinical course is milder and more variable than in
Mild thoracolumbar kyphosis is present. Hurler syndrome. Although most patients die by 18 years
of age if not treated, some survive into adulthood. The usual
later in onset and slower in progression than in Hurler syn- cause of death is airway obstruction36,61,100,134 or cardiac
drome. Deafness occurs in 50% of patients. Carpal tunnel failure.24
syndrome is common.15,84
Radiographic Findings Mucopolysaccharidosis III (Sanfilippo Syndrome)
Radiographic findings are similar to those seen in Hurler Genetics
syndrome but are less severe (Fig. 40-116). Sanfilippo syndrome is a group of four autosomal recessive
enzyme deficiencies, all leading to an inability to metabolize
Treatment heparan sulfate. Sanfilippo syndrome type A results from a
Bone marrow transplantation has been used in isolated defect in the lysosomal enzyme sulfamidase.14,99 Sanfilippo
cases of Hunter syndrome.65,72 Gene therapy is being syndrome type B is caused by a deficiency of α-N-acetyl-
investigated.16 glucosaminidase.11,98,137 Sanfilippo syndrome type C results
e464 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

from a deficiency of acetyl-coenzyme A:α-glucosaminide-

N-acetyltransferase.6 Sanfilippo syndrome type D is caused Diagnosis
by a deficiency of N-acetylglucosamine-6-sulfatase.34 The diagnosis of Morquio syndrome is made with a positive
test result for urinary keratan sulfate.51 Urinary keratan
Pathology sulfate concentrations peak between the ages of 1 and 5
Patients with Sanfilippo syndrome excrete excessive years.117 Blood keratin sulfate levels are also elevated in
amounts of heparan sulfate in the urine, but routine screen- patients with Morquio syndrome.117 The clinical severity of
ing of urine may fail to identify the abnormal substance.92 the disease varies among patients. Children with the milder
Accumulation of heparan sulfate in lysosomes results in form of the dysplasia may not excrete keratan sulfate in
degeneration of the CNS. their urine, thus making differentiation from SED diffi-
cult.35 The incidence of Morquio syndrome type A is 1 per
Clinical Features 76,000 live births.
CNS deterioration is manifested by relentlessly progressive A second form of Morquio syndrome is mucopolysac-
mental retardation, combined with hyperactivity and aggres- charidosis IV-B, which is caused by a deficiency in
sive behavior.127 Colville and Bax reported that the present- β-galactosidase.121 Morquio syndrome type B dysplasia
ing symptom in 56% of patients with Sanfilippo syndrome tends to manifest at a later age.10 Affected individuals have
was a delay or regression in language.21 Sleep disturbances normal intelligence and no neurologic abnormalities. This
are almost universal.33 form of Morquio syndrome does produce dysostosis multi-
Corneal clouding and cardiac abnormalities are extremely plex, dwarfism, odontoid anomalies, and cloudy corneas.38
rare in this disorder. Hepatosplenomegaly, skeletal deformi- Keratan sulfate is present in the urine of these patients
ties, and short stature are milder than in Hurler syndrome as well.120
(Fig. 40-117). These patients have no specific musculoskel-
etal problems. Histology
Histopathologic study reveals physeal abnormalities, includ-
Treatment ing vacuolization of the chondrocytes and disruption of the
As is the case with the other mucopolysaccharidoses, orderly arrangement of the proliferating chondrocytes. Pro-
bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy are being visional calcification is sparse.71
Clinical Features
Mucopolysaccharidosis IV (Morquio Syndrome) Patients usually appear normal at birth but exhibit growth
failure and SED as infants. Most children are brought to a
Genetics physician for investigation of what the parents perceive as
Morquio syndrome is an autosomal recessive dysplasia an abnormal appearance by 12 to 18 months of age.21,81 The
caused by a deficiency in the enzyme N-acetylgalactosamine- average age of the onset of symptoms in a Brazilian report
6-sulfate sulfatase, which is essential for the degradation of was before 36 months, whereas the average age at diagnosis
keratan sulfate and chondroitin-6-sulfate.103 The gene for was 48 months.7 Intelligence is normal in this condition,
this lysosomal enzyme is located on chromosome 16.9,79 unlike in the other mucopolysaccharidoses.

FIGURE 40-117  Anteroposterior (A) and frog-leg (B) pelvic radiographs of adolescent girl with Sanfilippo syndrome. Dysplastic changes
of both femoral heads are apparent.
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e465

process is a characteristic feature of Morquio syndrome

(Fig. 40-119, B to D).
The epiphyses of the long bones ossify irregularly and
thus are broad and flat. Ossification of the femoral heads is
delayed, and the femoral necks are widened. Coxa vara or
valga may occur (Fig. 40-119, E). The acetabula are dysplas-
tic. The pelvis becomes narrow with growth, with a result-
ing “wine-glass” shape to the inner pelvic contour. The iliac
wings are flared laterally.
A delay in the ossification of the lateral proximal tibial
epiphysis is common. The metaphyses are widened, but the
diaphyses are relatively normal. The carpals and tarsals are
irregular, and their ossification is delayed. Central constric-
tion of the diaphyses of the metacarpals, phalanges, and
metatarsals occurs. The bases of the second through fifth
metacarpals are pointy (Fig. 40-119, F).
Prenatal Diagnosis
Prenatal diagnosis of Morquio syndrome is possible. Cells
present in the amniotic fluid are assayed for the presence
of N-acetylgalactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase. An absence of
enzyme activity predicts the diagnosis of Morquio syndrome
type A.
Orthopaedic Considerations
FIGURE 40-118  A and B, Characteristic clinical appearance of a
child with Morquio syndrome. Morquio syndrome is the most common of the mucopoly-
saccharidoses to produce upper cervical instability.116 Odon-
Thoracolumbar kyphosis may be the first deformity toid hypoplasia leads to upper cervical spinal cord
noted by the parents. The child also has genu valgum. compression because of instability between C1 and C2.77
Dwarfing is primarily the result of shortness of the trunk The odontoid hypoplasia is present in all patients with
rather than the limbs. The neck is short. The child stands Morquio syndrome type A.82,83
with the knees and hips flexed in a crouched position and Patients usually become symptomatic between 4 and 6
the head thrust forward and sunk between the high shoul- years of age, when they complain of difficulty walking.59
ders (Fig. 40-118). The eyes are wide-set, the nasal bridge Parents often attribute the change in ambulation to genu
is depressed, and the maxilla is prominent. The abdomen valgum (Fig. 40-120). The treating orthopaedist must be
may protrude, but hepatosplenomegaly is not associated aware of the potential cervical spinal cord problems, and
with this particular mucopolysaccharidosis. lateral flexion-extension radiographs must be obtained
The epiphyses of the knees, elbows, shoulders, wrists, before surgical treatment of the genu valgum is considered.
and ankles appear enlarged. Generalized joint laxity is a In most cases the patient’s decreased endurance is caused
feature of Morquio syndrome that distinguishes it from the by subtle myelopathy rather than lower extremity
other mucopolysaccharidoses, in which joint stiffness is the malalignment.
rule. Ankle valgus and flatfeet are present. Muscle weakness Evaluation of cervical spine instability in a patient with
may be noted. The gait is waddling, and the hands and feet Morquio syndrome begins with lateral flexion-extension
are short. plain radiographs. Translation of the anterior arch of C1 or
Corneal opacities develop. Nearly all patients have splaying of the posterior elements with flexion indicates
hearing loss by the end of the first decade.94 Silent cardiac instability (see Fig. 40-119). CT scans obtained in flexion
abnormalities, particularly mitral and aortic valve thickening and extension have also been used to document instability
and stenosis, are found in many patients with Morquio and spinal cord compression,95 but MRI images the spinal
syndrome.54 Restrictive lung disease results from abnormali- cord more clearly.60 Posterior indentation of the spinal cord
ties in the shape and mechanics of the chest wall.18 Pectus by the posterior arch of C1 can be seen. A few studies have
carinatum is present. The sternal segments fuse prema- reported the presence on MRI or myelography of an ante-
turely, with consequent restriction of chest excursion and rior soft tissue mass at C1 that further compromises the
reduced vital capacity. space available for the spinal cord in patients with Morquio
syndrome.50,105 SSEPs have also been used to document the
Radiographic Findings physiologic effect of upper cervical instability on the spinal
The radiographic features of Morquio syndrome are distinc- cord.108 In our experience, when spinal cord compression is
tive. The vertebral bodies in the thoracic and lumbar spine suspected on imaging studies, surgical treatment should
are ovoid in infancy but with time become flattened (termed proceed, and preoperative SSEPs are unnecessary.
platyspondyly). A central tongue or anterior beak becomes Atlantoaxial instability in Morquio syndrome is treated
obvious in the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae by posterior spinal fusion.105,116 Postoperative immobiliza-
(Fig. 40-119, A). The disks are narrower than normal. tion in a halo vest is necessary. If the instability is untreated,
Kyphosis is common. Hypoplasia or absence of the odontoid myelopathic changes will progress rapidly, and traumatic
e466 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-119  A, Lateral radiograph of the spine in a 3-year-old girl with Morquio syndrome. A central tonguelike beak can be seen on
the vertebral bodies. Lateral flexion (B) and extension (C) radiographs of a girl with Morquio syndrome show atlantoaxial instability. C1-2
fusion was performed. D, Radiograph 2 years 6 months after surgery shows solid fusion.

quadriparesis and death from respiratory arrest have been adds to the difficulty of the surgical procedure by increas-
described.40,67 Because myelopathy rarely resolves com- ing the instability already present, but the procedure has
pletely after surgery, performing surgery at the first sign of been found necessary in a few patients with Morquio
instability is imperative to preserve neurologic func- syndrome.4,90
tion.67,107,116 Some investigators advocate prophylactic pos- Thoracolumbar kyphosis is also commonly seen in
terior occipitocervical fusion in patients with Morquio patients with Morquio syndrome. Anterior wedging of the
syndrome and state that once myelopathy occurs, neuro- T12 or L1 vertebra is often present. Occasionally the
logic compromise is usually permanent.91 wedging does not resolve with growth and leads to progres-
When significant anterior compression exists, anterior sive kyphosis that requires orthotic treatment or even
transoral decompression has been performed in conjunction decompression or surgical fusion.22,116 Left untreated, the
with posterior occipitocervical fusion in patients with kyphosis may progress and cause neurologic compromise.64
Morquio syndrome. The addition of anterior decompression Anterior fusion with instrumentation was successful in
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e467

FIGURE 40-119, cont’d  E, Pelvic radiograph of a child with Morquio syndrome shows severe dysplasia of the proximal femur and
acetabulum. The pelvis is narrowed. F, Radiographic appearance of the hand in Morquio syndrome.

chondral layer from subchondral bone has been seen on

knee arthroscopy.56 Total knee arthroplasty has been per-
formed in adults with Morquio syndrome.26 Proximal
femoral osteotomy for coxa vara is occasionally performed.
Wrist instability usually can be treated by splinting.
Patients with Morquio syndrome carry substantial anes-
thetic risk because of their cervical instability and respira-
tory and cardiac abnormalities.78 Upper airway obstruction
can preclude safe endotracheal intubation.115
Mucopolysaccharidosis V (Scheie Syndrome)
Mucopolysaccharidosis V has now been recategorized as a
subtype of mucopolysaccharidosis I (Hurler syndrome).
The enzyme deficiency has been identified as α-L-
iduronidase, the same defect seen in patients with Hurler
syndrome. In contrast to Hurler syndrome, progressive neu-
rologic deterioration is not reported, and stature is nearly
normal. Musculoskeletal problems usually do not occur.
Patients can present with muscle stiffness.125 Survival into
adulthood is expected.131
Mucopolysaccharidosis VI
(Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome)
Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome is a very rare mucopolysac-
charidosis that results from a deficiency in arylsulfatase B,
also known as N-acetylgalactosamine-4-sulfate sulfatase. It
FIGURE 40-120  Excessive genu valgum in a 5-year-old boy with is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, as are most
Morquio syndrome and difficulty walking. enzyme deficiencies. Patients have an abnormal accumula-
tion of the GAG dermatan sulfate.
The disease usually manifests at 2 to 3 years of age, when
treating a small series of patients with Morquio syndrome shortness of the trunk and limbs, genu valgum, lumbar
who presented with neurologic deterioration.22 kyphosis, and pectus carinatum become apparent (Fig.
Genu valgum may be treated by realignment osteotomy 40-121, A and B). Spinal cord compression is possible.66,80,96
after cervical instability has been ruled out or treated. Stenosis at the level of the foramen magnum and upper
Degenerative knee arthritis may occur; delamination of the cervical spine can occur, resulting in compression. The
e468 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 40-121  A, Clinical appearance of an 18-month-old boy with mucopolysaccharidosis type VI (Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome). B and
C, At 8 years of age, he has hip and knee flexion contractures, thoracolumbar kyphosis, more noticeable shortening of the extremities,
and a tracheostomy. D, Lateral radiograph of spine shows thoracolumbar kyphosis. The patient has undergone upper cervical fusion. The
ribs are short and broad, and the chest is severely narrowed.

posterior longitudinal ligament is thickened in such cases.111 This disorder has a spectrum of clinical involvement.
Corneal opacities and hepatosplenomegaly are present. Car- This observation is supported by molecular genetic research,
diomyopathy may be seen in young children.45 Pulmonary which shows several mutations that produce various forms
function can be compromised. Skeletal abnormalities closely of the syndrome.53,68 Bone marrow and stem cell trans-
resemble those seen in Hurler syndrome, but intelligence is plants, umbilical cord blood transplantation, and gene
normal in Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome (Fig. 40-121, C). therapy have been proposed as treatments.3,31,63,88 As in
CHAPTER 40  Skeletal Dysplasias e469

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C H A P T E R 4 1 

Orthopaedic- John A. Herring

Related Syndromes
description of the major features of Marfan syndrome was
Chapter Outline complete.4 Ironically, the diagnosis of Marfan’s first patient
has been challenged by Hecht and Beals,35 who believe that
Marfan Syndrome Gabrielle’s condition was more likely Beals syndrome5
Hereditary Progressive Arthro-ophthalmopathy because apparently she lacked the typical ocular and cardiac
(Stickler Syndrome) anomalies associated with Marfan syndrome.*
Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly A comparison of Marfan’s drawing of Gabrielle’s limb
(Beals Syndrome) and digital anomalies (Fig. 41-1) with the features of Beals
Homocystinuria syndrome supports Hecht and Beals’ argument. A thorough
Nail-Patella Syndrome (Hereditary and detailed description of Marfan syndrome is provided by
Onycho-osteodysplasia) Godfrey,27 and Steel offers an entertaining review of the
Larsen Syndrome history of the description’s evolution.96 Excellent reviews of
Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) Marfan syndrome have been published by several other
Neurofibromatosis authors.26,37,45,64,72
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Heredity and Incidence
Gaucher Disease
Arthrogryposis (Arthrogryposis Multiplex Marfan syndrome is transmitted in an autosomal dominant
Congenita) manner. There is great variability in the nature and severity
Craniocarpotarsal Dysplasia (Freeman-Sheldon or of clinical manifestations, and an unwary physician may
Whistling Face Syndrome) not recognize the syndrome in mildly affected patients.
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Although a family history of Marfan syndrome is an impor-
Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome tant diagnostic criterion, the incidence of spontaneous
Otopalatodigital Syndrome mutations is thought to be between 15% and 30%. The lack
Proteus Syndrome of a specific laboratory test to confirm the diagnosis of
Klippel-Trénaunay Syndrome Marfan syndrome and the variable clinical expression of the
Metatropic Dwarfism (Dysplasia) disorder, including mild manifestations, make it difficult to
Camptomelic Dysplasia estimate its incidence with certainty. The prevalence is
Chondroectodermal Dysplasia (Ellis–van Creveld thought to be approximately 1/5,000 population in the
Syndrome) United States.37
Asphyxiating Thoracic Dysplasia (Jeune Disease)
Marfan syndrome is caused by a defective gene, FBN1,
located on the long arm of chromosome 15.19,20,46,101 This
Marfan Syndrome gene encodes for fibrillin-1, a large glycoprotein closely asso-
ciated with elastin. The biochemistry of fibrillin correlates
Patients with Marfan syndrome are a clinically diverse with the syndromic features of Marfan and Beal syndromes.
group, but they classically exhibit tall stature, long thin Fibrillin monomers normally link head to tail in forming
limbs, long thin spider-like digits (arachnodactyly), disloca- microfibrils, which form two- and three-dimensional struc-
tion of the ocular lens, and cardiac anomalies. In 1896, tures that add elasticity to tissues. Abnormal or absent
Marfan, a French pediatrician, described to his colleagues fibrillin alters tissue elasticity.14 Fibrillin also alters the bio-
the clinical features of Gabrielle, a 5-year-old girl with long availability of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). In
thin limbs (leading him to describe the girl’s condition by addition to their presence in the aortic media and suspen-
the term dolichostemelia), spider-like digits, and joint con- sory ligaments of the lens, fibrillin microfibrils are found in
tractures that prevented her from walking.54 In 1902, skin, tendon, cartilage, and periosteum.†
Achard named the syndrome arachnodactyly,2 although In contradistinction, the much rarer Beals syndrome is
Marfan considered this characterization too limited. Boerger caused by a defective gene, FBN2, located on chromosome
in 1914 identified the characteristic ocular anomaly of lens 5, which encodes for the glycoprotein fibrillin-2.
dislocation (ectopia lentis).9 Weve in 1931 demonstrated
that this syndrome was an autosomal dominant condition.108
It was only after the identification of associated cardiac *References 25, 27, 29, 44, 59, 73, 74, 75, 78, 96.
anomalies by Baer and colleagues in 1943 that the †
References 10, 34, 52, 55, 56, 57, 66, 70, 71, 76, 79, 80, 105.

e474 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-1  The extremities of Gabrielle, as drawn by Marfan.

Their appearance is remarkably similar to that of patients now
identified as having Beals syndrome (see Figs. 41-6 and 41-7),
leading Hecht and Beals to contend that Marfan’s patient actually
had congenital contractural arachnodactyly.34

Despite the identification of the specific gene defect that

causes Marfan syndrome, there is no laboratory test to
confirm or exclude the diagnosis categorically, partly because
many mutations of the gene have been identified, even
within specific families known to harbor the defect. Thus
the diagnosis is based on the presence and severity of the FIGURE 41-2  Clinical appearance of a patient with Marfan
clinical manifestations of the disease.59 syndrome. Note the extreme myopia (represented by thick
corrective lenses), severe pectus excavatum, long limbs, and
arachnodactyly. The patient also has scoliosis and severe
Clinical Features
planovalgus feet. This appearance is typical of patients with florid
A person with classic, florid, Marfan syndrome is easily manifestations of the syndrome.
recognized as an unusually tall, lanky individual with
arachnodactyly, disproportionately long arms, chest wall diagnosis to be specifically confirmed or excluded by a
deformity, extreme myopia, and a loud cardiac murmur search for the causative gene in these samples.27 More likely
(Fig. 41-2).‡ to have been affected with Marfan syndrome were violinist
Many patients have much less florid manifestations, Nicolo Paganini25,84 and composer Sergei Rachmaninoff.25
however, and the clinician should rely on an awareness of Certain to have had Marfan syndrome was U.S. volleyball
the condition and strict fulfillment of specific criteria to player Flo Hyman,25 whose 1986 death on the volleyball
make the diagnosis. Some individuals may have subtle court emphasizes the importance of identifying the pres-
deformities suggestive of the condition, including a taller ence of the condition and screening for its sequelae.
than average appearance, ligamentous laxity, myopia, and
minimal cardiac abnormalities, such as mild mitral valve Stature and Proportion
prolapse. In the past, such patients were characterized as Patients with Marfan syndrome are typically tall—usually
having forme fruste Marfan syndrome.28,75,81,83,96 However, attaining a height greater than 6 feet in adult life—and have
as Pyeritz and colleagues noted,75 including such patients in disproportionately long, thin limbs. The distal bones of the
this vague category does not help elucidate the nature of limbs exhibit the excess length most strikingly, resulting in
the condition or aid in its management, and this practice long slender hands and feet, with spider-like digits (arach-
should be discouraged. Unfortunately, the large number of nodactyly). The ratio of the upper body segment (measured
FBN1 gene mutations that have been identified in clear from the top of the symphysis pubis to the top of the head,
cases of Marfan syndrome suggests that further appreciation or by subtracting the measurement of the lower body
of the gene defects may not simplify the diagnosis. segment from the total height) to the lower body segment
A number of historical figures are thought to have had (measured from the sole to the top of the symphysis pubis)
Marfan syndrome, the most famous being Abraham is abnormally low (the upper body–to–lower body ratio is
Lincoln.85 Although Lincoln was tall and lanky and had large 0.93 in the normal adult population). In addition, the arm
hands, lending credence to this suggestion, he had no known span usually exceeds the patient’s total height.
family history of the disorder and no cardiac anomalies, and
he wore glasses for reading only after 50 years of age.96 Thus Skull and Facies
it is unlikely that Lincoln had Marfan syndrome. Examina- Patients with Marfan syndrome often have a high-arched
tion of bloodstains from Lincoln’s garments may allow the palate, a long narrow face; and prognathism. The increased
height of the skull is associated with enlargement of the

References 25, 27, 29, 37, 44, 45, 59, 73, 74, 75, 78, 96. frontal sinus.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e475

FIGURE 41-3  Clinical signs suggestive of, but not pathognomonic for, Marfan syndrome. They result from a combination of joint laxity
and long limbs or arachnodactyly. A, Thumb sign. With the thumb opposed across the palm and the fingers flexed over the thumb, the
distal phalanx of the thumb protrudes beyond the ulnar border of the hand. B, Wrist sign. When the patient encircles the opposite wrist
with the thumb and small finger, these digits overlap at least to the distal interphalangeal joint of the small finger.

Dislocations of the hip, either developmental95 or present-

Eyes ing later, and of other joints can occur. Perilunate disloca-
The hallmark of ocular involvement is ectopia lentis (dislo- tions have been reported and are caused by excessive carpal
cated lens) caused by lax or broken suspensory ligaments ligamentous laxity.69 Extreme planovalgus deformity of the
(zonules). The lens typically dislocates upward and laterally feet is a common feature. The combination of joint laxity
and may manifest as iridodonesis (fluttering of the iris). The and long digits results in several clinical signs indicative of,
dislocation is best seen on slit lamp examination after dila- but not pathognomonic for, Marfan syndrome. One of these
tion of the pupil. There is usually extreme myopia as a is the thumb sign (Fig. 41-3, A), in which the nail of the
consequence of changes in the shape of the globe. Strabis- flexed thumb extends beyond the ulnar border of the
mus, cataract, glaucoma, and detached retina also may clenched fist. Although first reported by Parker and Hare,67
occur. this is often referred to as the Steinberg sign, because Stein-
berg recommended that it be used as routine screening for
Cardiovascular System Marfan syndrome.97 The wrist sign refers to the patient’s
Dilation of the ascending aorta and mitral valve insuffi- ability to encircle the opposite wrist with the thumb and
ciency are the most common associated cardiovascular small finger, with the thumb overlapping the terminal
anomalies.§ phalanx of the small finger (see Fig. 41-3, B).104 The cross-
Ascending aortic dilation may result in aortic valvular leg sign is the ability to touch the floor with the foot of the
incompetence and frequently leads to the formation of a crossing-over leg.
dissecting aneurysm. Aneurysms and dissections may also The vertebral column is significantly affected in patients
occur in the descending or thoracoabdominal aorta. In a with Marfan syndrome.13, 18, 41, 42, 51, 62 Radiographs typically
review of 732 cases of Marfan syndrome followed for 6 show tall vertebral bodies with elongated transverse pro-
years, there were five deaths and two aortic dissections. cesses. The position of the sacrum is low in relation to the
These events were four times more likely to occur if the iliac crests. The spinal canal may appear widened in the
aortic diameter exceeded 50 mm.40 These cardiovascular lumbar region, with concavity of the posterior borders of
anomalies are the most frequent cause of death in patients the vertebral bodies. Increased localized kyphosis and evi-
with Marfan syndrome, and their presence must be care- dence of ligamentous instability have been noted in the
fully sought.‖ cervical spine.38 Scoliosis is common, reported in 30% to
100% of patients.¶ The curve pattern in Marfan syndrome
Other Skeletal Manifestations is often double or multiple. Pain is frequently associated
Pectus excavatum is common and is caused by excessive with these curves.22,91,98 Spondylolisthesis of L5-S1 is also
longitudinal growth of the ribs. The anteroposterior (AP) relatively common in Marfan syndrome.91,99,109 Several cases
diameter of the thoracic cage is reduced. Recurrence after of atlantoaxial rotatory instability have been reported in
surgical correction is more common than in the general patients with Marfan syndrome, including one case of
population.3,106 Pectus carinatum is also frequently seen in sudden death.36,53
patients with Marfan syndrome.
Joint laxity is another hallmark of the disease. Other Associated Anomalies
Marked pes planovalgus and genu recurvatum are typical. Other anomalies associated with Marfan syndrome include
polysyndactyly, myopathy, talipes equinovarus, muscular
References 4, 7, 12, 17, 24, 29, 30, 31, 33, 49, 57, 58, 61, 68, 77,
81, 82, 86, 87.
‖ ¶
References 12, 17, 29, 30, 31, 39, 49, 60. References 8, 18, 41, 42, 44, 51, 60, 78, 83, 89, 91, 93, 98, 99, 106.
e476 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Box 41-1  Diagnostic Criteria for Marfan Syndrome

For the skeletal system to be considered involved, at least two For the pulmonary system to be considered involved, at least
major criteria or one major criterion plus two minor criteria must one minor criterion must be present.
be present.
• Pectus carinatum
• Pectus excavatum requiring surgery
• Spontaneous pneumothorax
• Reduced upper segment–to–lower segment ratio, or arm
• Apical blebs (ascertained by chest radiography)
span–to-height ratio > 1.05
• Scoliosis > 20 degrees or spondylolisthesis For the skin and integument to be considered involved, at least
• Reduced extension at the elbows (<170 degrees) one minor criterion must be present.
• Medial displacement of the medial malleolus, causing pes
• None
• Protrusio acetabuli of any degree (ascertained on
radiographs) MINOR CRITERIA
• Striae atrophicae (stretch marks)
• Recurrent or incisional hernia
• Pectus excavatum of moderate severity
• Joint hypermobility DURA
• High-arched palate with crowding of teeth For the dura to be considered involved, the major criterion must
• Facial appearance (dolichocephaly, malar hypoplasia, be present.
enophthalmos, retrognathia, down-slanting palpebral
• Lumbosacral dural ectasia
In addition to the major criterion, at least two minor criteria
• None
must be present for the ocular system to be considered involved.
For the family or genetic history to be considered contributory,
• Ectopia lentis
one major criterion must be present.
• Abnormally flat cornea (as measured by keratometry)
• Having a parent, child, or sibling who meets these diagnostic
• Increased axial length of globe (as measured by
criteria independently
• Presence of a mutation of FBN1 known to cause Marfan
• Hypoplastic iris or hypoplastic ciliary muscle causing
decreased miosis
• Presence of a haplotype around FBN1, inherited by descent,
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM known to be associated with unequivocally diagnosed Marfan
For the cardiovascular system to be considered involved, one syndrome in the family
major criterion or one minor criterion must be present.
• Dilation of the ascending aorta with or without aortic
regurgitation and involving at least the sinuses of Valsalva
• Dissection of the ascending aorta
• If the family or genetic history is not contributory, major
MINOR CRITERIA criteria in at least two different organ systems and
• Mitral valve prolapse, with or without mitral valve involvement of a third organ system must be present.
regurgitation • If a mutation known to cause Marfan syndrome in others
• Dilation of the main pulmonary artery, in the absence of is detected, one major criterion in one organ system and
valvular or peripheral pulmonic stenosis or any other obvious involvement of a second organ system must be present.
cause, in a patient <40 years
• Calcification of the mitral annulus in a patient <40 years
• Presence of a major criterion in the family history, and one
• Dilation or dissection of the descending thoracic or
major criterion in one organ system and involvement of a
abdominal aorta in a patient <50 years
second organ system

underdevelopment, and hypotonia. Protrusio acetabuli can

be seen radiographically and may manifest as hip pain and
stiffness in patients with Marfan syndrome.# Although the defective gene for Marfan syndrome has been
Inguinal, femoral, diaphragmatic, and incisional hernias identified, the diagnosis remains a clinical one, based on the
may be present. Subcutaneous fat is usually sparse. The skin fulfillment of diagnostic criteria. These criteria were updated
is relatively elastic, and striae may be present. by De Paepe and colleagues and are summarized in Box
41-1.16 In the past, an increased metacarpal length-to-width
References 21, 44, 47, 48, 92, 96, 102, 103, 107. ratio (metacarpal index) was thought to aid in the diagnosis
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e477

of Marfan syndrome. However, there is disagreement chromosome 5 (see later, “Congenital Contractural
regarding the usefulness and specificity of this radiographic Arachnodactyly”).
assessment, and it should probably not be used as a criterion
for the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome.15,43,63,100 Hereditary Juvenile Ophthalmoarthropathy
Clinicians, particularly primary care physicians and those Patients with Stickler syndrome have some phenotypic fea-
working in scoliosis clinics, must be alert to the possibility tures similar to those of Marfan patients in that they tend
of this condition because the presenting anomaly is usually to have long thin limbs (dolichostemelia); this condition is
scoliosis or a heart murmur. The physician should seek a also autosomal dominant, so a family history is often found.
family history of the disorder or its manifestations, espe- However, Stickler syndrome has features of a skeletal dys-
cially tall stature, ligament laxity, poor vision, cardiac anom- plasia radiographically. Furthermore, the primary ocular
alies, and sudden or premature death. The examiner should manifestation is a tendency toward retinal detachment,
check for the typical manifestations, including tall stature, which also occurs in patients with Marfan syndrome, but
reduced upper body–to–lower body ratio, high-arched much less frequently than lens dislocation (see later,
palate, spinal deformity, thumb and wrist signs, and cardiac “Hereditary Progressive Arthro-ophthalmopathy”).
murmur. A survey of patients presenting to a musculoskel-
etal practice found that craniofacial features, thumb and Other Conditions
wrist signs, pectus excavatum, and hindfoot valgus were the Other conditions with features of Marfan syndrome primar-
physical features with the highest diagnostic yield.90 Con- ily affecting organ systems other than the skeletal system
sultation should be sought with an ophthalmologist, who must be considered by geneticists, ophthalmologists, and
should perform a slit lamp examination to identify the pres- cardiologists. They include familial thoracic aortic aneu-
ence of a dislocated lens, and a cardiologist, who should rysm, familial aortic dissection, familial ectopia lentis,
perform echocardiography to assess the diameter of the familial Marfan-like habitus, MASS (myopia, mitral valve
aortic root and look for evidence of mitral valve prolapse. prolapse, mild aortic regurgitation, and skin [striae] and
As detailed in Box 41-1, for an individual with a family skeletal [minor Marfan’s criteria] involvement) phenotype,
history of Marfan syndrome (i.e., definite family history of and Shprintzen-Goldberg syndrome (Marfan-like skeletal
the disease or genetic confirmation in a first-order relative), changes, craniosynostosis, neurodevelopmental abnormali-
one major criterion in one organ system and involvement of ties, and occasionally aortic dilation).16,27
a second organ system are required to make the diagnosis.
For an individual with a noncontributory family history, the
presence of major criteria in at least two different organ
systems and involvement of a third organ system are Although there is no specific treatment for patients with
required to make the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome. Marfan syndrome, physicians should be alert to the various
manifestations that may be initial evidence of the disorder.
Orthopaedic surgeons should assure themselves that
Differential Diagnosis
patients presenting with flatfeet, joint instability, or scoliosis
A number of conditions have clinical features suggestive of do not have other manifestations of Marfan syndrome. If
Marfan syndrome and should be considered in the differ- the skeletal features are consistent with those of Marfan
ential diagnosis. The principal considerations for orthopae- syndrome, a cardiologist and ophthalmologist should be
dic surgeons are homocystinuria, congenital contractural consulted.
arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome), and juvenile ophthalmo-
arthropathy (Stickler syndrome). Cardiovascular System
The most common cardiovascular manifestations of Marfan
Homocystinuria syndrome are mitral valve prolapse, with or without regur-
Homocystinuria can closely resemble Marfan syndrome gitation, and aortic aneurysm. Aortic aneurysm most com-
clinically. Patients whose appearance suggests Marfan syn- monly involves the ascending aorta and can lead to aortic
drome and who have mental retardation or mental defi- valve incompetence or dissection of the aortic wall. All
ciency should be suspected of having homocystinuria. This patients suspected of having Marfan syndrome should be
diagnosis can be confirmed by testing the urine for the pres- evaluated by a cardiologist, and echocardiography should be
ence of excessive homocystine or its byproducts (see later, performed to evaluate for the presence of these two condi-
“Homocystinuria”). tions. Patients with confirmed Marfan syndrome should
undergo serial echocardiography to monitor for progressive
Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly dilation of the aortic root, which normally measures approx-
Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome) imately 3 cm in adults, depending on body size. Prophylac-
also shares some phenotypic similarities with Marfan syn- tic aortic root resection is recommended when the dilation
drome, in that patients have long extremities and usually reaches 5 to 6 cm; it is important to monitor this condition
marked arachnodactyly. However, the condition appears to in confirmed cases of Marfan syndrome because aortic aneu-
occur sporadically and is essentially obvious from birth, and rysm rupture is the most common cause of death in patients
affected patients have joint contractures rather than liga- with the syndrome, and the perioperative mortality is much
mentous laxity and more problematic kyphoscoliosis rather higher in urgent or emergent repairs than in elective
than the scoliosis seen in Marfan’s syndrome. As noted repairs.*a
earlier, Beals syndrome is caused by an abnormality of
fibrillin-2 due to a defect in the FBN2 gene located on *aReferences 12, 17, 24, 29, 30, 31, 39, 49, 61, 68, 77, 82, 86, 87.
e478 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-4  Protrusio acetabuli in a 14-year-old boy with Marfan syndrome. A, Note the crossing or collapse of the acetabular teardrop.
Pain and stiffness of the hip were the presenting manifestations in this patient. B, Radiographic appearance 1 year after surgical closure of
the triradiate cartilage, as described by Steel.96 There was significant resolution of pain and stiffness.

Another treatment to be considered is the use of after rod lengthening, with resolution of the failure with
β-blockers, which slow the rate of aortic root dilation relief of the distraction.88
in adults.31,33,59,86,87 Some authors also recommend their Surgical management is recommended for larger curves.
use in children. Finally, cardiologists often exclude Some authors report success with posterior fusion alone,
children with Marfan syndrome from contact sports or whereas others recommend combined anterior posterior
strenuous activities because of the increased incidence of fusion.50Anterior instrumentation and fusion alone have not
sudden death related to the cardiac manifestations of the been successful.112 Marfan’s patients undergoing spinal
syndrome. fusion and instrumentation may have a higher likelihood of
pseudarthrosis, mandating secure instrumentation and
Skeletal System careful observation for its development.
In addition to scoliosis, kyphotic deformities and spon-
Scoliosis dylolisthesis occur regularly in patients with Marfan syn-
Scoliosis is one of the most common and important mani- drome. These deformities may require treatment, using the
festations of Marfan syndrome from an orthopaedic per- same guidelines that apply to patients without Marfan syn-
spective and is often the presenting complaint. The incidence drome. Finally, patients with Marfan syndrome have a
of scoliosis is 30% to 100% in different series,†a with the higher incidence of back pain, with or without spinal defor-
variation likely related to the heterogenicity of study popu- mity, which may require symptomatic care.22,91,98,99,109
lations. The treatment of scoliosis in patients with Marfan
syndrome parallels that in patients with idiopathic scoliosis. Protrusio Acetabuli
In general, observation is sufficient for curves less than 25 Another skeletal manifestation of Marfan syndrome is pro-
degrees, bracing should be considered for progressive curves trusio acetabuli.21,44,47,48,92
greater than 25 to 30 degrees, and spinal fusion and instru- This condition102,103,107 is characterized clinically by hip
mentation should be considered for curves greater than 45 joint stiffness and pain and radiographically by collapse of
to 50 degrees. However, the results of scoliosis treatment the acetabular teardrop (Fig. 41-4). Steel described surgical
in patients with Marfan syndrome differ from the results in closure of the triradiate cartilage in skeletally immature
those with idiopathic scoliosis.‡a patients who were symptomatic or in whom increasing
Specifically, most reports indicate poor patient tolerance acetabular deepening was demonstrated radiographically.96
of bracing and a relatively high frequency of deformity In his report on 19 hips followed to skeletal maturity,
progression, despite bracing. Vertebral stapling has been radiographic indices normalized in 12, improved in 4, and
reported to have a high failure rate.65 In younger patients, were unchanged in 3 (these 3 patients were operated on
growing rods may be considered, but again with a fairly high between 13 and 14 years of age); all hips were asymptom-
rate of complications.94 One case is reported of heart failure atic. He recommended surgical closure of the triradiate
cartilage for patients between 8 and 10 years of age; older
patients had symptomatic relief but little improvement in
References 8, 18, 25, 27, 41, 42, 44, 51, 74, 78, 83, 89, 91, 111. the radiographic appearance of their hips. Others have
References 1, 6, 8, 18, 41, 42, 44, 51, 78, 83, 89, 93, 99, 110. reported that the incidence of protrusio acetabuli in patients
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e479

with Marfan syndrome is as high as 31%; however, not

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42. Jones KB, Sponseller PD, Hobbs W, et al: Leg-length discrepancy indicates an important role of the domains encoded by exons 24
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47. Kharrazi FD, Rodgers WB, Coran DL, et al: Protrusio acetabuli 71. Putnam EA, Cho M, Zinn AB, et al: Delineation of the Marfan
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Marfan syndrome, Am J Orthop 26:689, 1997. gene, Am J Med Genet 62:233, 1996.
48. Kuhlman JE, Scott WW Jr, Fishman EK, et al: Acetabular protru- 72. Pyeritz RE: The Marfan syndrome, Annu Rev Med 51:481, 2000.
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49. LeMaire SA, Coselli JS: Aortic root surgery in Marfan syndrome: the Marfan Syndrome, Am J Med Genet 47:127, 1993.
current practice and evolving techniques, J Card Surg 74. Pyeritz RE, McKusick VA: The Marfan syndrome: diagnosis and
12(Suppl):137, 1997. management, N Engl J Med 300:772, 1979.
50. Li ZC, Liu ZD, Dai LY: Surgical treatment of scoliosis associated 75. Pyeritz RE, Murphy EA, McKusick VA: Clinical variability in the
with Marfan syndrome by using posterior-only instrumentation, Marfan syndrome(s), Birth Defects 15:155, 1979.
J Pediatr Orthop B 20:63, 2011. 76. Ramirez F: Fibrillln mutations in Marfan syndrome and related
51. Lipton GE, Guille JT, Kumar SJ: Surgical treatment of scoliosis phenotypes, Curr Opin Genet Dev 6:309, 1996.
in Marfan syndrome: guidelines for a successful outcome, 77. Roberts WC, Honig HS: The spectrum of cardiovascular disease
J Pediatr Orthop 22:302, 2002. in the Marfan syndrome: a clinico-morphologic study of 18
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necropsy patients and comparison to 151 previously reported 102. Van de Velde S, Fillman R, Yandow S: Protrusio acetabuli in
necropsy patients, Am Heart J 104:115, 1982. Marfan syndrome: indication for surgery in skeletally immature
78. Robins PR, Moe JH, Winter RB: Scoliosis in Marfan’s syndrome. Marfan patients, J Pediatr Orthop 25:603, 2005.
Its characteristics and results of treatment in thirty-five patients, 103. Van de Velde S, Fillman R, Yandow S: Protrusio acetabuli in
J Bone Joint Surg Am 57:358, 1975. Marfan syndrome. History, diagnosis, and treatment, J Bone Joint
79. Robinson PN, Arteaga-Solis E, Baldock C, et al: The molecular Surg Am 88:639, 2006.
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2006. in the Marfan syndrome, Arch Intern Med 126:276, 1970.
80. Robinson PN, Godfrey M: The molecular genetics of Marfan 105. Wang M, Wang JY, Cisler J, et al: Three novel fibrillin mutations
syndrome and related microfibrillopathies, J Med Genet 37:9, in exons 25 and 27: classic versus neonatal Marfan syndrome,
2000. Hum Mutat 9:359, 1997.
81. Roman MJ, Devereux RB, Kramer-Fox R, et al: Comparison of 106. Waters P, Welch K, Micheli LJ, et al: Scoliosis in children with
cardiovascular and skeletal features of primary mitral valve pro- pectus excavatum and pectus carinatum, J Pediatr Orthop 9:551,
lapse and Marfan syndrome, Am J Cardiol 63:317, 1989. 1989.
82. Rozendaal L, Groenink M, Naeff MS, et al: Marfan syndrome in 107. Wenger DR, Ditkoff TJ, Herring JA, et al: Protrusio acetabuli in
children and adolescents: an adjusted nomogram for screening Marfan’s syndrome, Clin Orthop Relat Res 147:134, 1980.
aortic root dilatation, Heart 79:69, 1998. 108. Weve H: Uber Archnodaktylie (Dystrophia mesodermalis con-
83. Savini R, Cervellati S, Beroaldo E: Spinal deformities in Marfan’s genita, Typus Marfan), Arch Augenheilk 104:1, 1931.
syndrome, Ital J Orthop Traumatol 6:19, 1980. 109. Winter RB: Severe spondylolisthesis in Marfan’s syndrome:
84. Schoenfeld MR: Nicolo Paganini. Musical magician and Marfan report of two cases, J Pediatr Orthop 2:51, 1982.
mutant? JAMA 239:40, 1978. 110. Winter RB: Thoracic lordoscoliosis in Marfan’s syndrome. Report
85. Schwartz H: Abraham Lincoln and aortic insufficiency. The of two patients with surgical correction using rods and sublaminar
declining health of the President, Calif Med 116:82, 1972. wires, Spine 15:233, 1990.
86. Shores J, Berger KR, Murphy EA, et al: Progression of aortic dila- 111. Winter RB, Anderson MB: Spinal arthrodesis for spinal deformity
tation and the benefit of long-term beta-adrenergic blockade in using posterior instrumentation and sublaminar wiring. A prelimi-
Marfan’s syndrome, N Engl J Med 330:1335, 1994. nary report of 100 consecutive cases, Int Orthop 9:239, 1985.
87. Silverman DI, Burton KJ, Gray J, et al: Life expectancy in the 112. Yu B, Zhang JG, Qiu GX, et al: Video-assisted thoracoscopic
Marfan syndrome, Am J Cardiol 75:157, 1995. correction and fusion of scoliosis, Chin Med Sci J 22:144, 2007.
88. Skaggs DL, Bushman G, Grunander T, et al: Shortening of
growing-rod spinal instrumentation reverses cardiac failure in
child with Marfan syndrome and scoliosis. A case report, J Bone Hereditary Progressive Arthro-
Joint Surg Am 90:2745, 2008. ophthalmopathy (Stickler Syndrome)
89. Sponseller PD, Bhimani M, Solacoff D, et al: Results of brace
treatment of scoliosis in Marfan syndrome, Spine 25:2350, 2000. Hereditary progressive arthro-ophthalmopathy is an autoso-
90. Sponseller PD, Erkula G, Skolasky RL, et al: Improving clinical mal dominant disorder that was first described in 1965 by
recognition of Marfan syndrome, J Bone Joint Surg Am 92:1868, Stickler and associates.17,18 It is more commonly referred to
as Stickler syndrome. Genetic linkage analyses in some
91. Sponseller PD, Hobbs W, Riley LH III, et al: The thoracolumbar
families suggest that the disorder is due to a mutation of
spine in Marfan syndrome, J Bone Joint Surg Am 77:867, 1995.
92. Sponseller PD, Jones KB, Ahn NU, et al: Protrusio acetabuli in the COL2A1 gene, which encodes for type II collagen.1,10,20
Marfan syndrome: age-related prevalence and associated hip Other studies have identified homozygous loss-of-function
function, J Bone Joint Surg Am 88:486, 2006. mutations in COL9A1, COL9A2, and COL9A3 genes,
93. Sponseller PD, Sethi N, Cameron DE, et al: Infantile scoliosis in which code for collagen IX.4
Marfan syndrome, Spine 22:509, 1997.
94. Sponseller PD, Thompson GH, Akbarnia BA, et al: Growing rods
Clinical Features
for infantile scoliosis in Marfan syndrome, Spine (Phila Pa 1976)
34:1711, 2009. Clinically, the condition is characterized by mild hereditary
95. Sponseller PD, Tomek IM, Pyertiz RE: Developmental dysplasia spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia, premature degenerative
of the hip in Marfan syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop B 6:255, 1997. arthritis, hearing loss, and congenital myopia that is com-
96. Steel HH: Protrusio acetabuli: its occurrence in the completely
pounded over time by chorioretinal degeneration and retinal
expressed Marfan syndrome and its musculoskeletal component
and a procedure to arrest the course of protrusion in the growing
detachment.3,4,15,20-22 In addition, patients often have micro-
pelvis, J Pediatr Orthop 16:704, 1996. gnathia or cleft palate, somewhat reminiscent of Pierre
97. Steinberg I: A simple screening test for the Marfan syndrome, Robin syndrome.7,19 Mandibular lengthening is feasible and
Am J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 97:118, 1966. may eliminate the need for tracheostomy.12 Herr­mann and
98. Tallroth K, Malmivaara A, Laitinen ML, et al: Lumbar spine in associates called attention to Stickler syndrome in the
Marfan syndrome, Skeletal Radiol 24:337, 1995. 1970s, believing that it was underdiagnosed and might be
99. Taylor LJ: Severe spondylolisthesis and scoliosis in association confused with Pierre Robin syndrome.5,9,11 Establishing a
with Marfan’s syndrome. Case report and review of the litera- correct diagnosis is important because of the genetic impli-
ture, Clin Orthop Relat Res 221:207, 1987. cations and the need for periodic ophthalmologic assessment
100. Thomas SM, Younger KA, Child A, et al: Is the metacarpal index
because retinal detachment occurs and is preventable.3,11
useful in the diagnosis of Marfan syndrome? Clin Radiol 51:570,
101. Tsipouras P, Del Mastro R, Sarfarazi M, et al: Genetic linkage of Orthopaedic Manifestations
the Marfan syndrome, ectopia lentis, and congenital contractural
arachnodactyly to the fibrillin genes on chromosomes 15 and 5. The orthopaedic manifestations consist of a mild spondy-
The International Marfan Syndrome Collaborative Study, N Engl loepiphyseal dysplasia.8 Coxa valga with or without acetabu-
J Med 326:905, 1992. lar protrusion, acetabular dysplasia, valgus slipped capital
e482 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

femoral epiphysis, and hip subluxation have been 20. Vintiner GM, Temple IK, Middleton-Price HR, et al: Genetic and
described.6,14,16 Typically, early degenerative changes occur clinical heterogeneity of Stickler syndrome, Am J Med Genet
in the hip because of the dysplasia. The digits may have 41:44, 1991.
21. Winter RM, Baraitser M, Laurence KM, et al: The Weissenbacher-
fusiform enlargement. Vertebral body changes are similar to
Zweymuller, Stickler, and Marshall syndromes: further evidence
those of Scheuermann kyphosis. End-plate irregularities are
for their identity, Am J Med Genet 16:189, 1983.
seen, and scoliotic or kyphotic deformities can occur.13 22. Zlotogora J, Sagi M, Schuper A, et al: Variability of Stickler syn-
Reduced bone mass and reduced bone turnover may account drome, Am J Med Genet 42:337, 1992.
for some of the skeletal manifestations.2
Treatment includes genetic counseling concerning the
autosomal dominant trait and referral to an ophthalmologist Congenital Contractural
for the management of eye complications. Progressive sco- Arachnodactyly (Beals Syndrome)
liosis or kyphosis may require orthotic treatment or spinal
fusion. Total joint arthroplasty may be necessary in midlife Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (CCA), or Beals
because of premature degenerative joint disease. syndrome, is a rare condition that resembles and has been
confused with Marfan syndrome, including the case Marfan
described in 1896.§a
References Epstein and associates described a case in 1968.6 In
1971, Beals and Hecht delineated this syndrome in a report
Hereditary Progressive Arthro-ophthalmopathy
(Stickler Syndrome) of two kindreds.3 CCA is usually differentiated from Marfan
1. Ahmad NN, McDonald-McGinn DM, Zackai EH, et al: A second syndrome by the absence of lens dislocation and aortic root
mutation in the type II procollagen gene (COL2AI) causing Stick- dilation (although eye and heart problems can occur)2 and
ler syndrome (arthro-ophthalmopathy) is also a premature termi- by the presence of joint contractures (maximal at the knee)
nation codon, Am J Hum Genet 52:39, 1993. that spontaneously improve with growth and walking.
2. Al Kaissi A, Roschger P, Nawrot-Wawrzyniak K, et al: Evidence of CCA is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait.
reduced bone turnover and disturbed mineralization process in a Genetic linkage studies have identified the defect as a muta-
boy with Stickler syndrome, Calcif Tissue Int 86:126, 2010. tion of the FBN2 gene located on chromosome 5, which
3. Antunes RB, Alonso N, Paula RG: Importance of early diagnosis
encodes for the protein fibrillin-2.8,22,26,29 (As noted earlier,
of Stickler syndrome in newborns, J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg
Marfan syndrome is caused by a mutation of FBN1 on
65:1029, 2012.
4. Baker S, Booth C, Fillman C, et al: A loss of function mutation in chromosome 15, which encodes for fibrillin-1.) Fibrillin is
the COL9A2 gene causes autosomal recessive Stickler syndrome, a large glycoprotein and one of the structural components
Am J Med Genet A 155A:1668, 2011. of the elastin-associated microfibrils. The similarity of the
5. Baraitser M: Marshall/Stickler syndrome, J Med Genet 19:139, two FBN genes accounts for the phenotypic similarities
1982. between CCA and Marfan patients, although definitive
6. Bennett JT, McMurray SW: Stickler syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop amino acid sequence differences have been identified.7
10:760, 1990.
7. Kelly TE, Wells HH, Tuck KB: The Weissenbacher-Zweymuller
syndrome: possible neonatal expression of the Stickler syndrome, Clinical Features
Am J Med Genet 11:113, 1982.
In patients with CCA, there is a tendency toward retro­
8. Kozlowski K, Turner G: Stickler syndrome. Report of a second
Australian family, Pediatr Radiol 3:230, 1975. gnathia and a small mouth. The crumpled appearance of the
9. Herrmann J, France TD, Spranger JW, et al: The Stickler syndrome external ear is a distinctive clinical feature. It is caused by
(hereditary arthroophthalmopathy), Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser extra and prominent crura in the antihelix, partial oblitera-
11:76, 1975. tion of the concha, and flattening of the helix (Fig. 41-5).
10. Liberfarb RM, Hirose T, Holmes LB: The Wagner-Stickler There may be mild restriction of range of motion of the
syndrome—a genetic study, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser 15:145, temporomandibular joints. Intelligence is generally normal,
1979. although some cases of neurodevelopmental delay have
11. Liberfarb RM, Hirose T, Holmes LB: The Wagner-Stickler syn- been reported.27,28
drome: a study of 22 families, J Pediatr 99:394, 1981. The initial descriptions of CCA suggested that patients
12. Miloro M: Mandibular distraction osteogenesis for pediatric airway
with this condition did not exhibit eye or heart abnormali-
management, J Oral Maxillofac Surg 68:1512, 2010.
13. Rose PS, Ahn NU, Levy HP, et al: Thoracolumbar spinal abnor- ties. As more cases were described, however, it was observed
malities in Stickler syndrome, Spine 26:403, 2001. that these patients can have myopia1 and cardiac abnormali-
14. Rose PS, Ahn NU, Levy HP, et al: The hip in Stickler syndrome, ties that are milder than those seen in Marfan syndrome
J Pediatr Orthop 21:657, 2001. (typically, mitral valve prolapse with regurgitation).8,18,28,30
15. Say B, Berry J, Barber N: The Stickler syndrome (hereditary Aortic root enlargement has also been reported in three
arthro-ophthalmopathy), Clin Genet 12:179, 1977. cases.5 The extremities often exhibit muscle hypoplasia,
16. Shank CF, Thiel EJ, Klingele KE: Valgus slipped capital femoral exacerbating patients’ asthenic appearance. The joint con-
epiphysis: prevalence, presentation, and treatment options, tractures in CCA are present at birth. Knee flexion contrac-
J Pediatr Orthop 30:140, 2010.
ture is the most severe; it may be as great as 90 degrees
17. Stickler G, Belau P, Farrell F, et al: Hereditary progressive arthro-
(Fig. 41-6) and may delay walking. The hips are normal.
opththalmopathy, Mayo Clin Proc 40:433, 1965.
18. Stickler G, Pugh D: Hereditary progressive arthro-ophthalmopathy. The ankles may be in the calcaneus position, with limited
II. Additional observations on vertebral anomalies, a hearing defect, plantar flexion and excessive dorsiflexion; alternatively, they
and a report of a similar case, Mayo Clin Proc 42:495, 1967. may demonstrate vertical talus. In the hands and feet, there
19. Turner G: The Stickler syndrome in a family with Pierre Robin
syndrome and severe myopia, Aust Paediatr J 10:103, 1974. References 4, 9, 10, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e483

FIGURE 41-7  Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals

FIGURE 41-5  Infant with congenital contractural arachnodactyly syndrome). The fingers are very long (arachnodactyly), with
(Beals syndrome). The crumpled appearance of the external ear is crossing of some digits. Contractures of the metacarpal phalangeal
typical of this disorder. and proximal interphalangeal joints are common.

The limbs, fingers, and toes are long and gracile (see Figs.
41-6 and 41-7). The long narrow foot may show metatarsus
varus. Vertical talus and equinovalgus are also common.
Progressive scoliosis develops in the spine and may be severe
(Fig. 41-8).

Radiographic Findings
Radiographs show the elongated appearance of the diaphy-
sis of the long bones, especially of the digits.11 Scoliosis is
evident, and osteopenia may also be present (see Fig.
41-8).12 Long bone films in infancy may suggest osteogenesis
imperfecta because of bowing and the appearance of dia­
physeal fragility (Fig. 41-9). Interestingly, birth fractures are
rare.14 Scoliosis is often evident early, with a characteristic
wedging or dysplasia of apical vertebrae, reminiscent of
neurofibromatosis (Fig. 41-10; see also Fig. 41-8).

Differential Diagnosis
CCA should be differentiated from Marfan syndrome,
homocystinuria, arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, and
Achard syndrome. Homocystinuria is distinguished by the
presence of lens dislocation, cardiovascular disease (espe-
cially thromboembolism), mental retardation, and charac-
teristic biochemical abnormalities in the urine and tissues.
These findings are usually not observed in CCA.
FIGURE 41-6  Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals Arthrogryposis is characterized by congenital joint con-
syndrome). Digital anomalies of the feet are similar to those of tractures that are usually more rigid than those seen in
the hands. Flexion contractures of the knees and elbows are often CCA, have little tendency to resolve, and are often associ-
severe at birth; they may improve with growth or require surgical
ated with other structural anomalies such as talipes equi­
release. Calcaneus and toe deformities with arachnodactyly may
also require treatment.
novarus, vertical talus, dislocated hips, and dislocated or
hyperextended knees.25
In Achard syndrome, arachnodactyly is present, but it
lacks the dolichostenomelia and contractures that are
are flexion contractures of the metacarpal phalangeal and present in CCA. Achard syndrome is differentiated from
proximal interphalangeal joints (Fig. 41-7). The elbows do Marfan syndrome by the absence of lens dislocation and
not extend completely, and the forearms are restricted in cardiac abnormalities.
supination, pronation, or both. The joint contractures tend
to improve spontaneously with growth and development.
This restoration of joint motion may be almost complete,
making the diagnosis of CCA somewhat difficult in A cardiac examination, including echocardiography, should
adolescents. be performed, with periodic reassessment as indicated.2
FIGURE 41-8  A, Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome). This patient also developed early-onset thoracic scoliosis with
dysplastic vertebral elements. B, The scoliosis proved refractory to brace management and required spinal fusion and instrumentation at
age 4 years.

FIGURE 41-9  A, Marked bowing and osteopenia in a patient (also shown in Fig. 41-6) with residual knee flexion contractures. The
appearance is reminiscent of osteogenesis imperfecta. B, Fixed flexion deformity of the knee.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e485

Contracted joints are treated by gentle passive stretch- anterior and posterior fusion. Like other conditions in
ing exercises and splinting to maintain and increase range which osteopenia coincides with dysplastic bone, fixation is
of motion. Surgical soft tissue release, particularly of often tenuous in CCA, and there is a tendency toward
the knee (where the flexion contracture is most severe), pseudarthrosis (see Fig. 41-10). Because CCA patients
should be delayed until the deformity is clearly impeding are generally thin and asthenic, skin coverage for spinal
normal ambulation. Such releases may not be required implants may be problematic, especially in young children
at all, however, because the contractures tend to resolve (see Fig. 41-10).
Joint contractures and finger deformities can resemble References
those of arthrogryposis and are often treated similarly. The
Congenital Contractural Arachnodactyly (Beals Syndrome)
scoliosis, however, may be progressive and severe, and 1. Bard LA: Congenital contractural arachnodactyly and intraocular
although orthotic management can be attempted, surgery is colobomas, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser 15:189, 1979.
often required. Significant deformity may result, similar to 2. Bawle E, Quigg MH: Ectopia lentis and aortic root dilatation in
infantile or neuromuscular scoliosis, requiring aggressive congenital contractural arachnodactyly, Am J Med Genet 42:19,
treatment such as growing instrumentation20 and early 1992.


FIGURE 41-10  A and B, A 2-year-old boy with congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome) and thoracolumbar scoliosis.
C and D, Radiographs demonstrate dysplastic vertebrae and sagittal plane deformities. E and F, The patient at age 3 years, 1 year after
anterior and posterior fusion with pediatric instrumentation. Because of wound dehiscence, the instrumentation became exposed and had
to be explanted, with resulting pseudarthrosis and loss of correction.
e486 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-10, cont’d  G and H, The patient at age 4 years 2 months. He underwent anterior and posterior osteotomies and revision of
instrumentation. I and J, The patient at age 6 years. The convex rod was removed 1 year postoperatively because of prominence and skin
erosion. The fusion mass appeared solid, and no further deformity has recurred.

3. Beals RK, Hecht F: Congenital contractural arachnodactyly. A heri- 16. Lowry RB, Guichon VC: Congenital contractural arachnodactyly:
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4. Bjerkreim I, Skogland LB, Trygstad O: Congenital contractural 17. MacLeod PM, Fraser FC: Congenital contractural arachnodactyly.
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49:574, 1972. 23. Passarge E: A syndrome resembling congenital contractural arach-
11. Hernandez R, Poznanski AK, Hensinger R: Case Report 16, Skel- nodactyly, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser 11:53, 1975.
etal Radiol 1:175, 1977. 24. Penchaszadeh VB, Barreiro C, Groiso JA: Marfan syndrome
12. Ho NK, Khoo TK: Congenital contractural arachnodactyly. Report with congenital contractures, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser 11:109,
of a neonate with advanced bone age, Am J Dis Child 133:639, 1975.
1979. 25. Poznanski AK, La Rowe PC: Radiographic manifestations of the
13. Kontras SB: Congenital contractural arachnodactyly, Birth Defects arthrogryposis syndrome, Radiology 95:353, 1970.
Orig Artic Ser 11:63, 1975. 26. Putnam EA, Zhang H, Ramirez F, et al: Fibrillin-2 (FBN2) muta-
14. Kupeli S, Korkmaz A, Bulun A, et al: Congenital contractural tions result in the Marfan-like disorder, congenital contractural
arachnodactyly and femoral fracture in a newborn infant: a causal arachnodactyly, Nat Genet 11:456, 1995.
relationship or a coincidence? Am J Perinatol 21:41, 2004. 27. Snape KM, Fahey MC, McGillivray G, et al: Long-term survival
15. Langenskiold A: Congenital contractural arachnodactyly. Report of in a child with severe congenital contractural arachnodactyly,
a case and of an operation for knee contracture, J Bone Joint Surg autism and severe intellectual disability, Clin Dysmorphol 15:95,
Br 67:44, 1985. 2006.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e487

28. Su PH, Hou JW, Hwu WL, et al: Congenital contractural arach- Methionine
nodactyly (Beals syndrome), Acta Paediatr Taiwan 41:59, 2000.
29. Tsipouras P, Del Mastro R, Sarfarazi M, et al: Genetic linkage of
Folic acid
the Marfan syndrome, ectopia lentis, and congenital contractural
arachnodactyly to the fibrillin genes on chromosomes 15 and 5.
The International Marfan Syndrome Collaborative Study, N Engl
J Med 326:905, 1992. ( ) Homocysteine Homocystine ( )
30. Viljoen D, Ramesar R, Behari D: Beals syndrome: clinical and
molecular investigations in a kindred of Indian descent, Clin Genet Cystathionine
39:181, 1991. synthetase Serine Cystine ( )
B6 (pyridoxine)

( ) Cystathionine Cysteine ( )
Homocystinuria is an inborn error of methionine metabo-
lism inherited as an autosomal recessive trait. In its classic B6 (pyridoxine)
form, it is caused by deficiency of the enzyme cystathionine FIGURE 41-11  Normal metabolic pathway of methionine and
synthase, sometimes called cystathionine β-synthase or cys- homocysteine. The arrows in parentheses show the consequences
tathionine synthetase.‖a of cystathionine synthetase deficiency, the enzymatic defect in
Clinically, the disorder is characterized by mental retar- homocystinuria. Homocysteine is converted by cystathionine
dation, a tendency for thromboembolic complications, lens synthetase to cystathionine, which is a precursor to cysteine and
is normally present in the brain. In homocystinuria, cystathionine
dislocation (ectopia lentis), and various skeletal abnormali-
synthetase deficiency results in decreased quantities of
ties that strongly resemble those of Marfan syndrome. The cystathionine, and it cannot be found in the brain; cystine
condition was first described by Field and associates16 in becomes an essential amino acid for these patients. The block
1962 and was later reported independently by Gerritsen in the metabolic pathway leads to increased quantities of
and Waisman.18 Before these reports, cases of homocystin- homocystine (converted from homocysteine) in plasma, tissues,
uria were likely misdiagnosed as Marfan syndrome,29 and and urine.
this probably still occurs.
The worldwide prevalence of homocystinuria is reported
Clinical Features
to be approximately 1 in 335,000. This prevalence varies
regionally, from 1 in 65,000 in Ireland to 1 in 900,000 in The clinical features consist of a tendency toward venous
Japan. A bacterial inhibition assay or amino acid chromatog- and arterial thrombosis,15,22 mental retardation,8,15,37 disloca-
raphy can be used to screen children at birth for homocys- tion of the lens,44 and skeletal changes resembling those of
tinuria; however, approximately 20% of documented cases Marfan syndrome, along with the additional findings of
are missed by these methods. Because of the relatively low osteoporosis and metaphyseal enlargement (particularly
prevalence of the disorder and inaccuracy of screening around the knee).3,4,28,30,34,39
methods, routine screening for homocystinuria has been
discontinued in many countries.32 Vascular Changes
The lesions in the blood vessels consist of intimal fibrosis,
abnormality of the elastic laminae, atherosclerosis, and
Biochemical Defect and Pathophysiology
thrombosis. Homocysteine itself is a very toxic substance,
A deficiency in the enzyme cystathionine synthase (or causing endothelial lesions.13 Another factor in the patho-
synthetase) blocks the conversion of homocysteine to genesis of thrombosis is platelet stickiness.40 Venous and
cystathionine (Fig. 41-11). The abnormally accumulated arterial thrombosis can become life-threatening. Death can
homocysteine is converted to homocystine, causing an ele- occur from myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism,
vated level of homocystine in the tissues and plasma and mesenteric thrombosis, or cerebrovascular accident. About
the excretion of large quantities of homocystine in the 20% of patients with homocystinuria develop serious
urine.12 The plasma concentration of methionine is also thrombosis. Because the incidence of venous thrombosis
increased. Cystathionine is normally present in brain tissue is very high following surgery, the need for any surgery
and is a precursor to cysteine. In a homocystinuric patient, must be considered carefully and if surgery is required,
cystathionine cannot be found in the brain, and cystine antithrombotic measures must be taken to minimize the
becomes an essential amino acid for the patient. danger.
There are several other extremely rare causes of homo-
cystinuria, such as vitamin B12 malabsorption syndrome Mental Retardation
(Imerslund-Graesbeck syndrome), vitamin B6 depletion, Mental retardation is common but is not uniformly present;
5-methyltetrahydrofolate-homocysteine methyltransferase some patients with homocystinuria have normal intelli-
deficiency caused by defective production of cofactor meth- gence.35 In those who are retarded, the IQ is usually about
ylcobalamin, and 5,10-methylene tetrahydrofolate reduc- 50, and it can deteriorate with age. Whether the mental
tase deficiency. The latter two causes of homocystinuria are retardation is caused by biochemical abnormalities or by
inheritable metabolic defects. In this chapter, only classic intermittent cerebral thrombosis is not certain. Hyperten-
homocystinuria is discussed. sive hydrocephalus has been reported.9 In general, homo-
cystinuric patients who respond to pyridoxine (vitamin B6)
References 2, 6, 11, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 33, 36. have less severe mental retardation. Adolescents with
e488 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

homocystinuria may exhibit schizophrenia-like states. clinical features.10,32 The authors emphasize that unusual
Patients may develop seizures and have abnormal myopia (high, abnormally progressive, or occurring at a very
electroencephalograms. young age), especially when combined with skeletal mani-
festations, should alert the attending physician to the pos-
Dislocation of the Lens sibility of homocystinuria.
Dislocation of the lens is not observed in infancy but Homocystinuria is apparently caused by a number of
develops later in childhood. It appears to be caused by a potential genetic or biochemical abnormalities, as suggested
defective suspensory ligament. Lens dislocation can produce by the spectrum of clinical manifestations and the variable
glaucoma. response to pyridoxine. Thus confirmation of the diagnosis
with laboratory tests is not always simple.14,21 The measure-
Skeletal Changes ment of sulfur amino acid concentrations, especially total
The limbs are excessively long and thin (dolichostenomelia), homocysteine, in plasma or urine is a good screening tool.
with the arm span exceeding the patient’s height. The mea- In patients whose clinical features and laboratory results
surement from the head to the symphysis pubis is less than suggest the diagnosis of homocystinuria, cystathionine syn-
that from the symphysis pubis to the heel. Arachnodactyly thase assays can be done using fibroblasts cultured from skin
may be present but is not as severe or as frequent as in biopsy.17
Marfan syndrome. There may be fixed flexion deformity of Features distinguishing homocystinuria from Marfan syn-
the digits and flexion deformity of the elbow, with limited drome are presented in Table 41-1.
supination. The feet and toes are long. Severe pes planoval-
gus is common, and some patients have cavus feet. Most
patients have scoliosis—usually a left lumbar, right thoracic
curve, with the lumbar curve greater than the thoracic one. Patients diagnosed with homocystinuria should have a trial
Osteoporosis, especially in the spine, is often a striking of pyridoxine; approximately 50% of patients respond to
feature. The vertebral bodies frequently exhibit biconcave such treatment, with reversal of the biochemical abnor-
end-plates in addition to the generalized osteopenia. malities.1,7,25 This biochemical reversal may reduce the risk
Widening of the metaphyses and enlargement of the of thromboembolic complications and prevent the progres-
epiphyses of the long bones, particularly at the knees, are sion of osteopenia or mental retardation, but the extent is
important features of homocystinuria.5 These are usually uncertain. Preservation of good vision is enhanced if the
not present in Marfan syndrome. Associated anomalies are diagnosis is made and treatment initiated within the first 6
pectus carinatum or excavatum, high-arched palate, facial weeks of life.38 In addition, Wilcken and Wilcken demon-
appearance characterized by malar flush, and light-colored strated a significant reduction in thromboembolic events
hair. (myocardial infarction and pulmonary edema) in a group of
patients treated with a combination of pyridoxine, folic
acid, and hydrocobalamin.42 About 50% of patients do not
respond to pyridoxine therapy, presumably because of indi-
Several studies indicate that the diagnosis of homocystin- vidual variations in the exact nature of the metabolic
uria is frequently delayed, despite the presence of typical disorder.41,43

Table 41-1  Distinguishing Between Homocystinuria and Marfan Syndrome

Parameter Homocystinuria Marfan Syndrome

Inheritance Autosomal recessive Autosomal dominant

Cause Deficiency in enzyme cystathionine synthase Defect in fibrillin-1
Neurologic features Mental retardation present in most but not all Absent
Convulsions; schizophrenia-like state
Vascular changes Tendency to thrombosis of veins and arteries Dissecting aneurysm
High incidence of thromboembolism Rupture of aorta
Prolapse of mitral valve
Lens dislocation Present, usually downward; not present at birth Present, usually upward; can be present at birth
Skeletal changes Osteoporosis with platyspondyly and biconcave Osteoporosis absent or minimal
vertebrae Dolichostenomelia
Dolichostenomelia Epiphysis and metaphysis normal
Flaring of metaphysis with enlargement of Joint laxity typical
epiphysis at knee Severe arachnodactyly
Joint laxity; dislocation rare Pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum
Moderate arachnodactyly Scoliosis
Pectus excavatum, pectus carinatum

Modified from Tachdjian MO: Pediatric orthopaedics, ed 2, Philadelphia, 1990, Saunders, p 889.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e489

Progressive scoliosis in skeletally immature patients is 24. Kennedy C, Shih VE, Rowland LP: Homocystinuria: a report in
initially treated with a thoracolumbar orthosis. However, two siblings, Pediatrics 36:736, 1965.
this treatment often fails to prevent progression of the 25. Komrower GM, Lambert AM, Cusworth DC, et al: Dietary treat-
ment of homocystinuria, Arch Dis Child 41:666, 1966.
deformity, and spinal fusion and instrumentation must be
26. Kraus JP: Komrower Lecture. Molecular basis of phenotype
considered. Vertebral body osteopenia and the risk of
expression in homocystinuria, J Inherit Metab Dis 17:383, 1994.
thromboembolic complications must be taken into consid- 27. Kurczynski TW, Muir WA, Fleisher LD, et al: Maternal homocys-
eration when advising and proceeding with surgery. tinuria: studies of an untreated mother and fetus, Arch Dis Child
55:721, 1980.
28. MacCarthy JM, Carey MC: Bone changes in homocystinuria, Clin
References Radiol 19:128, 1968.
Homocystinuria 29. McKusick V: Homocystinuria. In McKusick V, editor: Heritable
1. Barber GW, Spaeth GL: The successful treatment of homocystin- disorders of connective tissue, St. Louis, 1972, Mosby, p 224.
uria with pyridoxine, J Pediatr 75:463, 1969. 30. Morreels CL Jr, Fletcher BD, Weilbaecher RG, et al: The
2. Beals RK: Homocystinuria. A report of two cases and review of roentgenographic features of homocystinuria, Radiology 90:1150,
the literature, J Bone Joint Surg Am 51:1564, 1969. 1968.
3. Boers GH, Polder TW, Cruysberg JR, et al: Homocystinuria versus 31. Mudd S, Levy H, Skovby F: Disorders of transsulfuration. In
Marfan’s syndrome: the therapeutic relevance of the differential Scriver C, Beaudet A, Sly W, et al, editors: The metabolic and
diagnosis, Neth J Med 27:206, 1984. molecular bases of inherited disease, vol 1, New York, 1982,
4. Brenton DP: Skeletal abnormalities in homocystinuria, Postgrad McGraw-Hill, p 1279.
Med J 53:488, 1977. 32. Naughten ER, Yap S, Mayne PD: Newborn screening for homo-
5. Brenton DP, Dow CJ, James JI, et al: Homocystinuria and Marfan’s cystinuria: Irish and world experience, Eur J Pediatr 157(Suppl
syndrome. A comparison, J Bone Joint Surg Br 54:277, 1972. 2):S84, 1998.
6. Brill PW, Mitty HA, Gaull GE: Homocystinuria due to cystathio- 33. Sardharwalla IB, Fowler B, Robins AJ, et al: Detection of hetero-
nine synthase deficiency: clinical-roentgenologic correlations, Am zygotes for homocystinuria, Arch Dis Child 49:553, 1974.
J Roentgenol Radium Ther Nucl Med 121:45, 1974. 34. Schedewie H, Willich E, Grobe H, et al: Skeletal fingings in homo-
7. Carson NA, Carre IJ: Treatment of homocystinuria with pyridox- cystinuria: a collaborative study, Pediatr Radiol 1:12, 1973.
ine. A preliminary study, Arch Dis Child 44:387, 1969. 35. Schimke RN, McKusick VA, Huang T, et al: Homocystinuria.
8. Carson NA, Neill DW: Metabolic abnormalities detected in a Studies of 20 families with 38 affected members, JAMA 193:711,
survey of mentally backward individuals in Northern Ireland, Arch 1965.
Dis Child 37:505, 1962. 36. Smith R: Biochemical disorders of the skeleton, London, 1979,
9. Cerbo RM, Cabano R, Lombardi G, et al: From apneic spells to Butterworth, p 210.
the development of hypertensive hydrocephalus: a case report of 37. Spaeth GL, Barber GW: Prevalence of homocystinuria among the
homocystinuria with early onset, J Child Neurol 25:368, 2010. mentally retarded: evaluation of a specific screening test, Pediatrics
10. Cruysberg JR, Boers GH, Trijbels JM, et al: Delay in diagnosis of 40:586, 1967.
homocystinuria: retrospective study of consecutive patients, BMJ 38. Taylor RH, Burke J, O’Keefe M, et al: Ophthalmic abnormalities
313:1037, 1996. in homocystinuria: the value of screening, Eye 12:427, 1998.
11. Cusworth DC, Dent CE: Homocystinuria, Br Med Bull 25:42, 39. Thomas PS, Carson NA: Homocystinuria. The evolution of skel-
1969. etal changes in relation to treatment, Ann Radiol (Paris) 21:95,
12. Cusworth DC, Gattereau A: Inhibition of renal tubular reab- 1978.
sorption of homocystine by lysine and arginine, Lancet 2:916, 40. Uhlemann ER, TenPas JH, Lucky AW, et al: Platelet survival and
1968. morphology in homocystinuria due to cystathionine synthase defi-
13. Dehnel JM, Francis MJ: Somatomedin (sulphation factor)-like ciency, N Engl J Med 295:1283, 1976.
activity of homocystine, Clin Sci 43:903, 1972. 41. Wilcken B, Turner B: Homocystinuria. Reduced folate levels during
14. Drayer JI, Cleophas AJ, Trijbels JM, et al: Symptoms, diagnostic pyridoxine treatment, Arch Dis Child 48:58, 1973.
pitfalls, and treatment of homocystinuria in seven adult patients, 42. Wilcken DE, Wilcken B: The natural history of vascular disease in
Neth J Med 23:89, 1980. homocystinuria and the effects of treatment, J Inherit Metab Dis
15. Dunn HG, Perry TL, Dolman CL: Homocystinuria. A recently 20:295, 1997.
discovered cause of mental defect and cerebrovascular thrombosis, 43. Wong PW, Justice P, Hruby M, et al: Folic acid nonresponsive
Neurology 16:407, 1966. homocystinuria due to methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase defi-
16. Field C, Carson N, Cusworth DC, et al: Homocystinuria, a new ciency, Pediatrics 59:749, 1977.
disorder of metabolism (abstract). Presented at the Proceedings 44. Zavala C, Cobo A, Lisker R, et al: Frequency of homocystinuria
of the 10th International Congress of Pediaetrics, Lisbon, 1962, amongst the blind, Clin Genet 4:98, 1973.
p 274.
17. Fowler B, Jakobs C: Post- and prenatal diagnostic methods for the
homocystinurias, Eur J Pediatr 157(Suppl 2):S88, 1998. Nail-Patella Syndrome (Hereditary
18. Gerritsen T, Waisman HA: Homocystinuria, an error in the metab- Onycho-osteodysplasia)
olism of methionine, Pediatrics 33:413, 1964.
19. Gibson JB, Carson NA, Neill DW: Pathological findings in homo- In 1820, Chatelain described a patient with congenital
cystinuria, J Clin Pathol 17:427, 1964. anomalies of the nails, elbows, and patellae, the earliest
20. Grieco AJ: Homocystinuria: pathogenetic mechanisms, Am J Med
report of nail dystrophy associated with skeletal dysplasia.4
Sci 273:120, 1977.
In 1897, Little quoted a description by Sedgwick of a family
21. Hagberg B, Hambraeus L: Some aspects of the diagnosis and treat-
ment of homocystinuria, Dev Med Child Neurol 10:479, 1968. in which 18 members from four generations had no thumb-
22. Harker LA, Slichter SJ, Scott CR, et al: Homocystinemia. Vascular nails and no patellae, suggesting the hereditary nature of
injury and arterial thrombosis, N Engl J Med 291:537, 1974. this disorder.20 Involvement of the elbows was reported by
23. Kang AH, Trelstad RL: A collagen defect in homocystinuria, J Clin Wrede in 1909.32 A detailed study of this triad of anomalies
Invest 52:2571, 1973. was made by Osterreicher in 1931.24
e490 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-12  Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph of a 14-year-old

girl with nail-patella syndrome. Bilateral iliac horns are seen
protruding from the iliac wings.

In 1933, Turner observed flaring of the iliac crests and

prominence of the anterior superior iliac spines in some
affected patients.29 Fong, in 1946, during routine pyelogra-
phy, noted conical bony projections on the posterior ilia,
which he termed iliac horns; he did not, however, associate
them with any syndrome.11 A few years later, these iliac
FIGURE 41-13  Dystrophic nails in a 10-year-old girl with nail-
horns were observed in association with knee, elbow, and patella syndrome. The ulnar digits are less affected than the
nail anomalies and reported by other authors.23,27 Thus iliac thumb.
horns were established as an important constituent of this
syndrome (Fig. 41-12).
Nail-patella syndrome is the popular name applied noted in some patients. The thumbnail may be absent, bifid,
to this triad of anomalies, but in 1957 Love and Beiler or hemiatrophic; the ulnar side of the nail is usually the part
proposed the term hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia.21 that is absent. The nails may be reduced in length and show
It is also referred to as Fong syndrome and hereditary numerous longitudinal cracks. Nail deformity is present in
onycho-osteodysplasia.7 98% of cases.
The incidence of nail-patella syndrome in the United Bony abnormalities of the digits have not been demon-
States is 4.5/1 million population.12 Wynne-Davies and strated. The mesodermal tissues of the fingers appear to be
associates reported a probable prevalence of about 1/1 involved to some extent. The terminal pulp may extend
million population.34 In 1963, Duncan and Souter found from the volar aspect onto the dorsal surface. The dorsal
reports in the world literature of 44 families exhibiting the skin creases over the distal interphalangeal joints may be
syndrome.7 The entire series comprised more than 400 absent or poorly developed. There may also be laxity of the
affected persons, but details were available on only 252 ligaments of the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal
individuals. joints.
The patella is absent or hypoplastic (Fig. 41-14). The
hypoplastic patella may be ovoid, triangular, or irregular in
Inheritance and Genetics
shape and may arise from several ossification centers (Fig.
Onycho-osteodysplasia is transmitted as an autosomal dom- 41-15). It may be located more distally than in the normal
inant trait.8 Despite this type of inheritance, there is a knee.
marked degree of intrafamilial and interfamilial variation in The presenting complaint may be knee pain or recurrent
the clinical severity of the disease.9,26 The gene for nail- lateral dislocation of the patella caused by hypoplasia of the
patella syndrome is LMX1B, located on chromosome 9.6,30 lateral femoral condyle.1 Some degree of genu valgum is
Many different mutations in the gene have been described, usually present. The medial femoral condyle is frequently
which lead to a loss of function of the protein. LMX1B is large and prominent, whereas the lateral femoral condyle is
a transcription factor involved in normal patterning of the underdeveloped. The medial tibial plateau may slip down-
dorsoventral axis of the limbs and early morphogenesis of ward and medially or may even be grooved. The medial
the glomerular basement membrane.2 margin of the proximal tibial metaphysis tends to sweep
upward and medially in a characteristic arc. Valgus of the
foot and ball-and-socket ankle joint have been reported.10
Clinical Features
The carrying angle of the elbow joint is increased, with
Dystrophy is greatest in the thumbnails and becomes less varying degrees of cubitus valgus. There is hypoplasia of the
severe in the more ulnar digits (Fig. 41-13). The little finger lateral side of the elbow joint involving not only the capitel-
is rarely affected. Abnormalities of the toenails have been lum and lateral condyle but also the radial head. The radial
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e491


FIGURE 41-14  Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of the knee of a boy aged 4 years 7 months with nail-patella syndrome.
Note the absence of the patella. Magnetic resonance imaging (lateral [C] and transverse [D] views) shows a lack of normal patellar

head may articulate normally with the capitellum, or there or impalpable, according to their size. The horns are located
may be subluxation or dislocation posteriorly (Fig. 41-16).25 at the origin of the gluteus medius and project posterolater-
There may be a pointed exostosis of the lateral aspect of ally.12 Secondary centers of ossification may occur at their
the coronoid process. Range of motion of the elbow joints tips. They are present early in life. When outflaring of the
is usually limited. iliac crests and prominent anterior superior iliac spines is
combined with iliac horns, the appearance of the pelvis has
been likened to that of an elephant’s ear.
Radiographic Findings
Iliac horns17 and flaring of the iliac crests, with prominence
Associated Anomalies
of the anterior superior iliac spines, are the two types of
pelvic abnormalities encountered. Iliac horns, one of the Other anomalies that may be found in association with the
most common features of onycho-osteodysplasia, are bilat- foregoing main lesions include clubfoot and other congenital
eral, present in 80% of cases, and may be visible, palpable, foot abnormalities,13,16 developmental dysplasia of the hip,
e492 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-15  A, Clinical appearance of the lower extremities of a

10-year-old girl with nail-patella syndrome and patellofemoral instability.
A B, Computed tomography scan of the patellofemoral joint reveals hypoplasia
of the patella and a shallow femoral groove.


FIGURE 41-16  A, Bilateral radial head dislocations in a 15-year-old girl with nail-patella syndrome. B, The radial head is dislocated
posteriorly. C and D, The girl’s mother has significant limitation in both elbow flexion and extension.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e493

scoliosis, glenoid and acromial dysplasia,36 and congenital 10. Fiedler BS, De Smet AA, Kling TFJ, et al: Foot deformity in
contracture of the little finger. Abnormal pigmentation of hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia, Can Assoc Radiol J 38:305,
the iris occurs in about 50% of cases. Plummer-Vinson syn- 1987.
11. Fong EE: Iliac horns (symmetrical bilateral central posterior iliac
drome (dysphagia, hypochromic anemia, and koilonychia)
processes), Radiology 47:517, 1946.
has also been associated with nail-patella syndrome.
12. Goshen E, Schwartz A, Zilka LR, et al: Bilateral accessory
About 40% of individuals with nail-patella syndrome iliac horns: pathognomonic findings in nail-patella syndrome.
have kidney disease. Most have accelerated age-related loss Scintigraphic evidence on bone scan, Clin Nucl Med 25:476,
of filtration function, which is usually asymptomatic. A 2000.
minority, about 5% to10% of people with nail-patella syn- 13. Guidera KJ, Satterwhite Y, Ogden JA, et al: Nail patella syndrome:
drome have more severe disease, with nephritic syndrome a review of 44 orthopaedic patients, J Pediatr Orthop 11:737,
in their youth, which progresses to end-stage kidney 1991.
failure.19 Later in life, usually during the third or fourth 14. Hawkins CF, Smith OE: Renal dysplasia in a family with multiple
decade, nephropathy and proteinuria develop, with subse- hereditary abnormalities including iliac horns, Lancet 1:803, 1950.
15. Hoger PH, Henschel MG: [Skeletal anomalies in nail-patella syn-
quent renal failure.¶a
drome. Case report and overview.] Hautarzt 48:581, 1997.
Nephropathy occurs in approximately 40% of affected
16. Hogh J, Macnicol MF: Foot deformities associated with onycho-
individuals,14 is more frequent in female patients, and may osteodysplasia. A familial study and a review of associated features,
be linked to the specific mutation location in the LMX1B Int Orthop 9:135, 1985.
gene.3 17. Karabulut N, Ariyurek M, Erol C, et al: Imaging of iliac horns in
Glaucoma is also seen with increased frequency in nail-patella syndrome, J Comput Assist Tomogr 20:530, 1996.
patients with nail-patella syndrome.3,26 Because of the asso- 18. Kozlovskaia NL, Tareeva IE, Popova VV, et al: [Kidney involvement
ciation with both renal failure and glaucoma, patients with in hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia.] Ter Arkh 69:37, 1997.
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associated conditions.9 Nephrol 24:2345, 2009.
20. Little EM: Congenital absence or delayed development of the
patella, Lancet 781, 1897.
Treatment 21. Love WH, Beiler DD: Osteo-onychodysplasia, J Bone Joint Surg
Am 39:645, 1957.
There is no specific treatment for the disorder. The iliac 22. Maruno K, Fujii K, Tanaka T, et al: Surgical management of con-
horns do not affect gait and should not be resected. Recur- genital permanent dislocation of the patella in nail patella syn-
rent dislocation of the patella may occur; if this is disabling, drome by Stanisavljevic procedure, J Orthop Sci 4:446, 1999.
it is treated by proximal or distal realignment.22,35 In a series 23. Mino RA, Mino VH, Livingston RG: Osseous dysplasia and dys-
reported by Guidera and associates, approximately 50% of trophy of the nails: review of the literature and report of a case,
children with nail-patella syndrome underwent knee surgery AJR Am J Roentgenol 60:633, 1948.
to treat instability.13 Foot deformities often require postero- 24. Osterreicher W: Family with anonychia, patella abnormalities and
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tions, Z Menschl Vererb Konstitutionsl 465, 1931.
25. Reichenbach H, Hormann D, Theile H: Hereditary congenital
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mutation location is involved in the risk of developing nephropathy, 29. Turner JW: A hereditary arthrodysplasia associated with hereditary
Eur J Hum Genet 13:935, 2005. dystrophy of thumb nails, JAMA 100:882, 1933.
4. Chatelain: Cited by: Roeckerath W, Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr 30. Vollrath D, Jaramillo-Babb VL, Clough MV, et al: Loss-of-function
75:700, 1951. mutations in the LIM-homeodomain gene, LMX1B, in nail-patella
5. Darlington D, Hawkins CF: Nail-patella syndrome with iliac horns syndrome, Hum Mol Genet 7:1091, 1998.
and hereditary nephropathy. Necropsy report and anatomical dis- 31. Wildfeuer T, Albrecht G: [Nail-patella syndrome.] Hautarzt
section, J Bone Joint Surg Br 49:164, 1967. 47:860, 1996.
6. Dreyer SD, Zhou G, Baldini A, et al: Mutations in LMX1B cause 32. Wrede A: Kongenitale erbliche Luxation der Patells nach aussen,
abnormal skeletal patterning and renal dysplasia in nail patella Berl Klin Wochenschr 46:373, 1909.
syndrome, Nat Genet 19:47, 1998. 33. Wright LA, Fred HL: Fatal renal disease associated with hereditary
7. Duncan JG, Souter WA: Hereditary onycho-osteodysplasia: the osteo-onycho-dysplasia, South Med J 62:833, 1969.
nail patella syndrome, J Bone Joint Surg Br 45:3242, 1963. 34. Wynne-Davies R, Hall C, Apley AG: Atlas of skeletal dysplasias,
8. Duthie RB, Hecht F: The inheritance and development of the Edinburgh, 1985, Churchill-Livingstone.
nail-patella syndrome, J Bone Joint Surg Br 45:259, 1963. 35. Yakish SD, Fu FH: Long-term follow-up of the treatment of
9. Farley FA, Lichter PR, Downs CA, et al: An orthopaedic scoring a family with nail-patella syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop 3:360,
system for nail-patella syndrome and application to a kindred with 1983.
variable expressivity and glaucoma, J Pediatr Orthop 19:624, 1999. 36. Yarali HN, Erden GA, Karaarslan F, et al: Clavicular horn: another
bony projection in nail-patella syndrome, Pediatr Radiol 25:549,
References 5, 8, 14, 15, 18, 28, 31, 33. 1995.
e494 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Larsen Syndrome Neurologic Evaluation

The magnitude of the task of managing patients with Larsen The neurologic evaluation of children with suspected Larsen
syndrome has been recognized since the first description syndrome is critical. These patients are often described as
of the disorder by Larsen and associates in 1950.18 The being hypotonic, a condition associated with hyperelasticity
syndrome is associated with so many orthopaedic deformi- syndromes and often implicated in the delayed achievement
ties requiring treatment that its management has been of certain motor skills, such as the ability to walk. In infants
referred to as a herculean task.6 Dislocated joints, foot who are floppy or who are late in reaching milestones, it
deformities, and spinal deformities, including a potentially may be a dangerous oversimplification to attribute such
lethal cervical kyphosis, may all need to be addressed in the delay to the syndrome per se or to the presence of multiple
patient. Once an infant has been diagnosed, a thorough joint dislocations or foot deformities; the possibility of cer-
investigation of the entire musculoskeletal system is neces- vical cord compression must always be entertained in any
sary to prioritize the management of these multiple defor- infant with hypotonicity. In patients with a known associ-
mities. Even with optimal care of each deformity, the ated cervical kyphosis, the presence of cord compression
functional outcome at maturity is guarded at best because must be determined as early as possible to avoid chronic
of the additive morbidity and possible complications of myelopathy and neurologic morbidity. Should cervical cord
managing bilateral dislocations of the hips and knees, inde- compression occur before complete myelinization, the
pendent of any spinal deformities and foot surgeries that classic signs of spasticity or hyperactive deep tendon reflexes
might also be required. indicating spinal cord compression are likely to be absent,
and the patient may exhibit a flaccid-type paresis (hypoto-
nicity). Although the tracheomalacia or bronchomalacia
Clinical Features
observed in patients with Larsen syndrome30,33,34 can be
An initial evaluation is often requested soon after birth responsible for pulmonary compromise or death in infancy,
because the orthopaedic manifestations are so dramatic. patients with cord compression and flaccid paresis also
The lower extremities most frequently exhibit bilateral suffer respiratory weakness and failure.11,26 Thus the impor-
hyperextension deformities of the knees and fairly rigid tance of early neurologic evaluation and radiographic iden-
clubfeet. The knee deformity spans a spectrum from simple tification of cervical kyphosis cannot be overemphasized in
congenital hyperextension deformity to complete (grade 3) this patient population.11 Furthermore, a review of the lit-
anterior dislocation of the tibia on the femur (Fig. 41-17),4 erature strongly suggests that cervical kyphosis and cord
with the more severe dislocation being common. The hips impingement are underdiagnosed. The cervical spine defor-
are often teratologically dislocated, with obvious foreshort- mities were not emphasized in the original description
ening of the thighs, but there is often remarkable mobility, of the syndrome18 and, with the exception of sporadic
reflecting the characteristic generalized ligamentous laxity. reports,2,5,21,26,27 there has been little emphasis on this criti-
Other obvious skeletal manifestations include deformities cal and potentially catastrophic lesion in patients with
of the hands and elbows. The elbows frequently demon- Larsen syndrome.
strate radiohumeral dislocation, with lateral prominence of
the radial heads, even in infants; there may be more exten-
Differential Diagnosis
sive dislocation, with total disruption of the radiocapitellar
and humeroulnar joints (Fig. 41-18).13 In the latter case, the Other entities that share features with Larsen syndrome
elbow is fixed by webbing in the antecubital space, with a must be ruled out. These include other hyperelasticity syn-
flexion contracture varying from 60 to 90 degrees.24 The dromes, such as Marfan and Ehlers-Danlos syndromes, and,
fingers are usually long and cylindric, with a series of short- because of the contractures and extremity deformities,
ened metacarpals and a spatulate thumb, where the termi- arthrogryposis multiplex congenita and Beals syndrome
nal phalanx is short and wide. Dislocation of the metacarpal (congenital contractural arachnodactyly). The latter two are
joint of the thumb can occur (see Fig. 41-18). The appear- usually differentiated by the fact that patients with Larsen
ance of the fingers is distinctly different from classic arthro- syndrome have a relatively normal muscle mass. Patients
gryposis, one of the other possible diagnoses to be considered with Beals syndrome or classic arthrogryposis may suffer
in this setting. birth fractures as a result of rigid joints. Arthrogrypotic
Facial dysmorphia aids in the immediate identification patients lack normal flexion creases, and with the exception
of patients with Larsen syndrome, who characteristically of chest cage elasticity in patients with Larsen syndrome,
have a flattened nasal bridge, relatively widely spaced eyes, which may manifest in newborns as paradoxical motion on
and a prominent forehead (hypertelorism). Depression of inspiration and stridor, infants with Larsen syndrome are
the nasal bridge is a universal characteristic that makes the generally more robust and actively moving. Patients with
facial findings, in conjunction with the orthopaedic deformi- hyperelasticity syndromes do not exhibit the multiple joint
ties, pathognomonic. Other nonorthopaedic involvement dislocations typical of Larsen syndrome. A milder form of
includes elasticity of the thoracic cage, tracheomalacia, and Larsen syndrome lacking full-blown joint dislocations may
laryngomalacia. Respiratory failure and early respiratory be confused with other hyperelasticity syndromes. In this
death have been reported as part of the syndrome.7,19,26,34 case, the dysmorphic facies of Larsen syndrome is the physi-
Acquired lesions of the mitral valve and aorta, similar to cal finding that settles the issue.
those found in Marfan syndrome and other hyperelasticity Larsen syndrome is classically inherited by an autosomal
conditions, can further complicate the surgical management dominant pattern,8,25 so a family history of the disorder
of these children.15,36,37 is an important factor in a patient with an otherwise
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e495



FIGURE 41-17  Larsen syndrome. A, Newborn infant with obvious dislocated knees and clubfeet. B and C, Radiographs show grade 3
complete dislocation of the knee. D, Grade 3 dislocation of the knee in another patient. E and F, Incomplete reduction following cast
correction. Both knees subsequently underwent open reduction.
e496 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-18  Larsen syndrome. A, Right elbow in a newborn. Note the

complete radiocapitellar and humeroulnar dislocation. The thumb is also
dislocated at the metacarpophalangeal joint. B and C, Radiographic appearance
at age 6 years. Marked webbing and a 90-degree flexion contracture
accompany the untreated deformity. C

uncertain diagnosis. Evidence of mutations clustered in cervical levels, spondylolysis at multiple levels is common,
the FLNB gene indicate that a molecular diagnostic which may represent unossified fibrocartilage or may be
test may be available to assist in diagnosis and genetic associated with AP dissociation.14,23
Radiographic Findings
Because of the multiple deformities presenting simultane-
An unusual radiographic finding—a separate, additional ously, the order of treatment should be determined as early
ossification center for the calcaneus (Fig. 41-19)—may aid as possible. In infants with the full-blown syndrome, I rec-
in the diagnosis.6,35 The additional calcaneal apophysis is a ommend that treatment be prioritized as follows:
fairly consistent finding, and its absence casts doubt on a
diagnosis of classic Larsen syndrome. Extra carpal ossifica- • Cervical kyphosis (or other threatened instability)
tion centers have also been observed (Fig. 41-20).6,31,35 The • Congenital dislocation of the knee
presence of multiple joint dislocations (hip, knee, elbow), • Congenital dislocation of the hip
with or without cervical kyphosis and spondylolysis, is an • Foot deformities requiring correction to reach planti-
additional confirmatory finding. In the spine, particularly at grade position
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e497

FIGURE 41-19  Unusual radiographic findings that may

aid in the diagnosis of Larsen syndrome. A, Accessory
calcaneal apophysis (arrow) in a 2-year-old with
clubfeet. B, The accessory calcaneal apophysis has
fused to the main calcaneus at age 5 years.

Congenital dislocation of the elbow or radial head rarely

requires treatment; scoliosis should be treated as described
in Chapter 12.
Cervical Kyphosis
To minimize morbidity from unsuspected or undiagnosed
cervical kyphosis, definitive management of this deformity
is the first priority. Although surgical stabilization of a
cervical kyphosis need not precede the treatment of
other deformities, the presence of cervical kyphosis must
be acknowledged, even if spinal cord impingement is not
present, and appropriate anesthetic precautions must be
taken during surgical procedures for other deformities to
avoid possibly catastrophic complications.2,18,26
Complex deformities such as C3-4 spondyloptosis with
atlantoaxial dislocation have been reported.17 Reports of AP
dissociation in the cervical spine have highlighted a new and
previously unreported complication of Larsen cervical dys-
plasia.14,23 In the presence of such dissociation between the
anterior vertebral column and posterior elements, simple
posterior fusion will fail to stabilize a kyphosis because
of the lack of bony continuity between the dysplastic
anterior vertebrae and posterior tether. Computed tomog-
raphy (CT) scanning is the best modality to identify this
dissociation, which should be suspected when multiple
wide cervical pars defects are noted on plain radiographs.23
The absence of pedicles clearly identifies the AP dissocia-
FIGURE 41-20  Extra carpal bone ossific nuclei in a 9-year-old with tion.14 Continued or worsening myelopathy is the hallmark
Larsen syndrome. of such dissociation, even after circumferential fusion.
e498 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-21  A, Left knee in maximum flexion after manipulation and casting in a 1-month-old boy with Larsen syndrome. B, Two
months later, following botulinum toxin (Botox) injection of the quadriceps and daily physical therapy. C, At age 11 months, the range of
motion is −10 to 110 degrees flexion.

Unexpectedly long anterior or posterior fusion is required

to stabilize these cases,14,23 essentially bypassing the levels
of dissociation and fusing to anatomically intact levels. In
an extreme case, this may require fusion extension from the
occiput to the upper thoracic levels.14
Congenital Dislocation of the Knee
The full spectrum of knee dislocation has been observed in
Larsen syndrome. It is occasionally amenable to nonopera-
tive treatment in infancy. If the knee is merely hyper­
extended (grade 1),4 it may be possible to use serial casting
and quadriceps stretching to achieve reduction by flexion.
More often than not, however, the quadriceps contracture
is more severe, and obliteration of the suprapatellar pouch
is complete.38 In this case, open reduction is necessary to
gain concentric femorotibial motion. I have also been suc-
cessful in obtaining closed reduction by inducing neuromus-
cular blockade of the quadriceps with botulinum toxin
(Botox; Fig. 41-21). An early attempt at closed reduction
by flexion and serial casting should be made in newborns,
and if the reduction is successful, it can be maintained by
splinting, which may include the use of a Pavlik harness to
maintain the knees in a flexed position (Fig. 41-22).29 In a
relatively mild case, knee hyperextension and hip disloca-
tion can be treated simultaneously by a Pavlik harness in the
neonatal period,9 provided that knee flexion greater than 40
to 45 degrees can be achieved. FIGURE 41-22  Simultaneous treatment of dislocated hips and
Open reduction of congenital dislocation of the knee is knees with a Pavlik harness in a patient with Larsen syndrome. The
probably the second most important operative procedure, patient had recently undergone posterior cervical fusion as well.
after cervical spine stabilization, if the patient is to have a
good functional outcome and ambulatory ability as an adult. extraarticular adhesions, preventing congruous knee flexion,
The best results are obtained when the knees are reduced and to mobilize the patellofemoral joint. However, the
by age 2 years.1,3,4,10,16,32 common end result of such lengthening is an incompetent
Traditional treatment involves extensive quadriceps quadriceps mechanism, producing extensor weakness and
mechanism lengthening to achieve flexion, as well as poor ambulatory function. If the knee is also unstable
an anterior arthrotomy to release intraarticular and because of ligamentous insufficiency (particularly cruciate),
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e499

FIGURE 41-23  Larsen syndrome. A, Following bilateral open reduction of dislocated knees at age 14 months, both tibiae resubluxated
anteriorly because of incomplete release and decompression by femoral shortening. B, Two years later, frank dislocations were present in
spite of bracing. Quadriceps function was good, and further surgery was refused. C, By age 11 years, the unstable, dislocated knees
required full-time bracing, and function was poor.

or if extensive intraarticular release is required to achieve extensive dissection and lengthening of the muscle-tendon
reduction, the quadriceps weakness further reduces func- unit itself. With shortening of the femur, the extension
tion, and severe valgus or frank subluxation may result, contracture is decompressed, and with a more limited
making the patient brace-dependent. Marked instability at arthrotomy, intraarticular and extraarticular obstructions to
the time of reduction, requiring temporary transarticular reduction of the knee can be released or excised without
fixation, portends the later development of valgus, sublux- damage to the suprapatellar quadriceps mechanism itself.
ation, and fixed flexion contracture caused by resubluxation The patellofemoral joint can be realigned by extending the
of the tibia. In such a clinical scenario, impaired knee func- arthrotomy proximally on the lateral side of the knee,
tion becomes the most significant disability (Fig. 41-23). freeing the patella from its laterally dislocated position, and
Experience with arthrotomy and primary femoral short- realigning it in its appropriate intercondylar groove, again
ening to gain reduction and flexion of the knee has been aided by femoral shortening. The bony shortening is stabi-
more encouraging (Fig. 41-24). The purpose of femoral lized by an appropriately sized small or mini-DCP plate
shortening is to lengthen the quadriceps mechanism without (dynamic compression plate). After bony healing, the knees
e500 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-24  Simultaneous reduction of congenital hip and knee dislocations in Larsen syndrome. A, Radiograph obtained after age
1 year showing bilateral teratologic hip dislocation. B, Unstable left knee in the same patient following closed reduction and casting.
C, Appearance after open reduction of the left hip and knee with diaphyseal shortening and anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
using the iliotibial band. The right hip and knee had undergone similar treatment 3 months earlier. D, Hip reduction 2 years
postoperatively. E, Appearance 10 years postoperatively. Both knees were clinically stable and did not require orthoses. Despite identical
cruciate ligament reconstruction and posteromedial capsular imbrication in both knees, the right one suffered proximal tibial growth
arrest. Eventually, the alignment was corrected by opening wedge valgus osteotomy.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e501

are splinted in a flexed position and gradually brought to contralateral extremity with one or both joints dislocated
full extension as the child grows and ambulatory status can be approached in 2 to 3 months.
develops. Additional details of this technique are available If a patient presents late with dislocated hips, or if open
elsewhere.12 reduction has failed, leaving the hips unreduced is a viable
Late angular deformity, primarily valgus, is common fol- option. Larsen and colleagues did not treat the dislocated
lowing knee reduction surgery. If the valgus is associated hips in some of their patients because of the excellent
with marked anterolateral instability, ligamentous recon- motion and absence of hyperlordosis.18
struction can be attempted. I have used the iliotibial band
transfer to substitute for the anterior cruciate ligament, Foot Deformities
combined with imbrication of the posteromedial corner to Foot deformities in Larsen syndrome usually include equi­
stabilize such knees, with definite short-term improve- novarus or equinovalgus. Foot deformities are usually
ment.12 Over the longer term, subluxation may recur addressed after the knee and hip have been stabilized. As
because of gradual stretching of the ligamentous replace- with other congenital foot problems involving significant
ment. As always, any transphyseal cruciate ligament transfer equinus, waiting until the patient is ambulatory and fully
in an immature knee risks a growth disturbance of the weight bearing is beneficial in terms of maintaining correc-
proximal tibial physis (see Fig. 41-24, E). However, the tion. Although operative treatment is frequently required
stability obtained by the ligament and capsular reconstruc- for equinovarus deformities, it is not unreasonable to
tion is invaluable to the ultimate function of the knee and attempt closed correction with casting or other stretching
is well worth the risk of physeal growth disturbance, which techniques while the hip and knee joints are undergoing
can be addressed later by appropriate lengthening and treatment. The equinus of Larsen syndrome tends to be
angular correction. Bony realignment by varus osteotomy resistant, however, and Achilles tendon lengthening and
may also be appropriate for valgus alignment. Although it posterior release will likely be required to achieve a planti-
does not directly address the pathologic ligamentous and grade foot. Because of the overall ligamentous laxity, caution
articular structures, realignment may improve symptomatic is recommended when releasing other components of the
valgus by preventing further stretching of the medial and clubfoot, because hyperpronated valgus overcorrection is
posterior capsules.22 common. An apparently rigid clubfoot in an infant may later
become pathologically flexible. Minimal release of the
Congenital Dislocation of the Hip equinus and hindfoot varus in a 1-year-old who has com-
Congenital dislocation of the hip may be amenable to closed pleted treatment for other joint dislocations may be all that
treatment in newborns. Although this deformity is often is required.
considered teratologic in patients with Larsen syndrome, Equinovalgus deformities may not require treatment at
closed reduction and stabilization have been performed suc- all or may require only Achilles tendon lengthening.20
cessfully. As noted, knee hyperextension and congenital Patients with Larsen syndrome also tend to develop serpen-
dislocation of the hip can be treated simultaneously in neo- tine or Z-foot deformities, in which hindfoot valgus is com-
nates by means of a Pavlik harness. If hip stability is not bined with forefoot adductus (Fig. 41-25). Because of the
achieved with the harness, maintaining the knees in flexion ligamentous laxity, the feet of patients with Larsen syn-
is still beneficial for subsequent formal closed or open drome frequently appear to have significant deformity in
reduction of the hips, which are then immobilized in a spica the weight-bearing position but remain asymptomatic. Sur-
cast. Knee flexion is obviously helpful when applying an gical intervention is rarely required, and supportive shoes
appropriate spica cast. or orthoses are usually sufficient. On occasion, however, it
If teratologic dislocation persists after closed treatment may be necessary to correct the hyperpronated portion of
in infancy, which should not be unexpected, an attempt at the deformity by hindfoot stabilization.
anterior open reduction and capsulorrhaphy should be
planned. Hyperlaxity usually contributes to the hip instabil- Congenital Dislocation of the Elbow
ity, necessitating capsulorrhaphy; this is best done through or Radial Head
a traditional anterior ilioinguinal approach. I have no experi- Congenital dislocation of the elbow or radial head is a fairly
ence with medial open reduction without capsulorrhaphy frequent finding in patients with Larsen syndrome but
in patients with Larsen syndrome. rarely requires treatment.13,22 Patients with radial head dis-
Anterior open reduction and capsulorrhaphy of the hip location are treated like any other patients with this con-
are best performed around 1 year of age. Simultaneous genital deformity; excision of the radial head is performed
reduction of both the hip and knee, aided by a single diaphy- at maturity if the patient is symptomatic. Because the arms
seal femoral shortening, has proven to be the most effica- remain functional, with an adequate range of motion of the
cious method of achieving joint reduction with a minimum elbow, the skeletal anomaly is generally ignored. In the
of surgical procedures. Because femoral shortening may be more severe situation of humeroulnar dislocation, the
required to achieve a stable hip reduction without risking deformity appears to require treatment in that the elbows
avascular necrosis, I perform a mid-diaphyseal femoral are frequently in a flexed position, with webbing and sig-
shortening to aid in the simultaneous reduction of both nificant contracture (see Fig. 41-18).24 However, because of
the hip and knee (see Fig. 41-24). With the knee flexed, the bizarre absence of a distal humerus in these patients,
the quadriceps realigned, and the incision closed, the ace- treatment is generally declined because of the inability to
tabulum is cleared, capsulorrhaphy is performed, and the restore a normal articulation by open reduction. Proximal
hip wound is closed. The involved extremity is then immo- radioulnar synostosis, although reported in two thirds of
bilized in a spica cast for an appropriate period. The the patients in Laville and associates’ series,20 is an
e502 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-25  Foot deformities in Larsen syndrome. A and B, Equinovalgus feet. The hindfoot valgus is exacerbated by the extreme
ligamentous laxity. Mild metatarsus varus may be present on the left in A. C, Anteroposterior radiographs show shear dislocation of the
talocalcaneal joints. D, Lateral radiographs show marked hindfoot valgus and accessory calcaneal apophyses. The patient was

uncommon elbow abnormality with little therapeutic or the child may present with neck pain (Fig. 41-27). Spon-
implications because of the lack of symptoms or functional dylolisthesis at C6-7 or C7-T1 has been noted in younger
impairment. children, associated with the pars defects and incomplete
posterior elements of the cervical spine in Larsen syndrome
Scoliosis (see Chapter 13). The spondylolisthesis generally does not
Scoliosis in patients with Larsen syndrome usually presents progress and may be asymptomatic in adolescents; however,
as a juvenile-onset deformity and can be treated as such, late presentation of cervicothoracic spondylolisthesis with
with one caveat—because of the plasticity of the thoracic symptoms may require fusion (see Fig. 41-27, B). Hyper-
cage and laxity of the costochondral joints, bracing must be lordosis per se does not require treatment unless there is
prescribed with caution because the chest wall can be sig- dural impingement from a posterior direction; this was
nificantly deformed by scoliosis pads. As in other patients seen in one patient who grew into hyperlordosis after
with hyperlaxity, there may be an absolute thoracic lordosis having undergone fusion 11 years earlier for kyphosis (see
that contraindicates bracing. Scoliosis has been reported in Chapter 11).
25% to 70% of patients with Larsen syndrome,20,22 with
approximately half subsequently undergoing operative sta-
bilization. Because of the earlier onset of the deformity,
most patients with Larsen syndrome require anterior and Patients with Larsen syndrome usually require treatment
posterior fusion to eliminate the crankshaft phenomenon. for multiple orthopaedic deformities that must be identi-
Growing rod instrumentation with periodic serial lengthen- fied, prioritized, and managed in a staged fashion. Optimal
ings to maintain correction without fusion has also been outcome depends on the following (in order of importance):
successful in Larsen scoliosis.28 In patients with sagittal stabilization of cervical kyphosis and prevention of chronic
imbalance caused by cervical kyphosis, the lordosis of the myelopathy; stable reduction of congenital knee dislocations
thoracic deformity as a result of the cervical kyphosis above with quadriceps muscle-sparing surgery (i.e., femoral short-
may be an incipient feature that induces the scoliosis to ening); reduction of congenital hip dislocations, with
progress (Fig. 41-26). As with any juvenile-onset deformity, maintenance of good range of motion and functional hip
the condition can progress rapidly and dramatically, eventu- musculature; and creation of plantigrade feet. Scoliosis
ally producing thoracic insufficiency (see Chapter 12). may have to be addressed in older children, but upper
Treatment, whether by definitive fusion or a fusionless extremity (i.e., elbow) deformities generally do not
method, is recommended as soon as the deformity exceeds require treatment. Mistaking syndromic hypotonicity for
60 degrees. the more sinister cervical myelopathy in infants and young
Cervical spondylolisthesis or hyperlordosis may be children should be avoidable now that the predilection
present in older children or adolescents. The deformity may for cervical kyphosis in Larsen syndrome has been well
be clinically apparent, with a progressively protruding jaw, documented.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e503


FIGURE 41-26  Scoliosis in Larsen syndrome.

A, Forty-degree scoliosis in a patient age 4 years
6 months who had already undergone anterior
and posterior cervical fusion and lower extremity
reconstructions (see Fig. 41-24). B, Severe
thoracic lordosis in response to the residual
cervical kyphosis (arrow) was also noted. C, At
age 8 years, the deformity had progressed to
75 degrees. A Milwaukee brace had been used
intermittently. D and E, The patient underwent
anterior and posterior fusion with instrumentation.
One year postoperatively, the scoliosis was 30
degrees, and the thoracic lordosis had improved.

4. Curtis BH, Fisher RL: Congenital hyperextension with anterior
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e504 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-27  Spondylolisthesis in Larsen syndrome. A, Radiograph of a 15-year-old boy with spondylolysis at C7-T1 (arrowhead). The
patient had been followed for potential instability at C1-2 when the hypoplastic ring of C1 and synostosis of C2-3 were observed at an
early age. No instability ever developed. The spondylolysis was asymptomatic. B, Radiograph of an 18-year-old man with progressive
throat protrusion and neck pain shows spondylolisthesis.

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13. Joseph B, Varghese RA: Congenital distal humeral dysplasia: a case 29. Nogi J, MacEwen GD: Congenital dislocation of the knee,
report, Pediatr Radiol 33:7, 2003. J Pediatr Orthop 2:509, 1982.
14. Katz DA, Hall JE, Emans JB: Cervical kyphosis associated with 30. O’Herlihy C, O’Brien N: Neonatal stridor with Larsen’s syndrome,
anteroposterior dissociation and quadriparesis in Larsen’s syn- Isr J Med Sci 13:912, 1977.
drome, J Pediatr Orthop 25:429, 2005. 31. Oki T, Terashima Y, Murachi S, et al: Clinical features and treat-
15. Kiel EA, Frias JL, Victorica BE: Cardiovascular manifestations in ment of joint dislocations in Larsen’s syndrome. Report of three
the Larsen syndrome, Pediatrics 71:942, 1983. cases in one family, Clin Orthop Relat Res 119:206, 1976.
16. Klingele KE, Stephanes S: Management of ACL elongation in the 32. Ooishi T, Sugioka Y, Matsumoto S, et al: Congenital dislocation of
surgical treatment of congenital knee dislocation, Orthopedics the knee. Its pathologic features and treatment, Clin Orthop Relat
35:e1094, 2012. Res 287:187, 1993.
17. Roopesh Kumar VR, Madhquiri VS, Sasidharan GM, et al: Larsen 33. Rock MJ, Green CG, Pauli RM, et al: Tracheomalacia and bron-
syndrome with C3-C4 spondyloptosis and atlantoaxial dislocation chomalacia associated with Larsen syndrome, Pediatr Pulmonol
in an adult, Spine (Phila PA 1976) 38:E43, 2013. 5:55, 1988.
18. Larsen LJ, Schottstaedt ER, Bost FC: Multiple congenital disloca- 34. Ronningen H, Bjerkreim I: Larsen’s syndrome, Acta Orthop Scand
tions associated with characteristic facial abnormality, J Pediatr 49:138, 1978.
37:574, 1950. 35. Steel HH, Kohl EJ: Multiple congenital dislocations associated
19. Latta RJ, Graham CB, Aase J, et al: Larsen’s syndrome: a skeletal with other skeletal anomalies (Larsen’s syndrome) in three sib-
dysplasia with multiple joint dislocations and unusual facies, lings, J Bone Joint Surg Am 54:75, 1972.
J Pediatr 78:291, 1971. 36. Strisciuglio P, Sebastio G, Andria G, et al: Severe cardiac anomalies
20. Laville JM, Lakermance P, Limouzy F: Larsen’s syndrome: review in sibs with Larsen syndrome, J Med Genet 20:422, 1983.
of the literature and analysis of thirty-eight cases, J Pediatr Orthop 37. Swensson RE, Linnebur AC, Paster SB: Striking aortic root dilata-
14:63, 1994. tion in a patient with the Larsen syndrome, J Pediatr 86:914, 1975.
21. Lefort G, Mourad H, de Niscault G, et al: [Dislocation of the 38. Uhthoff HK, Ogata S: Early intrauterine presence of congenital
superior cervical spine in the Larsen syndrome.] Chir Pediatr dislocation of the knee, J Pediatr Orthop 14:254, 1994.
24:211, 1983. 39. Zhang D, Herring JA, Swaney SS, et al: Mutations responsible for
22. Lubicky JP, Herman J: Clinical review of patients with Larsen’s Larsen syndrome cluster in the FLNB protein, J Med Genet
syndrome. Personal communication, 2000. 43:e24, 2006.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e505

Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21) More than 50% of trisomy 21 conceptions abort in
early pregnancy. Nevertheless, the overall incidence of
Down syndrome is the most frequent and most readily Down syndrome is 1 in 600 to 800 live births.24 The
recognizable trisomy occurring in humans. It was reported incidence increases with increasing maternal age at the time
in 1866 by Down,16 who remarked that a large number of of delivery; it is 1 in 1500 at age 15 to 29 years, 1 in 800
congenital idiots are typical Mongols. As recently as the at age 30 to 34 years, 1 in 270 at age 35 to 39 years, 1 in
1970s, patients with this syndrome were referred to as 100 at age 40 to 44 years, and 1 in 50 at age 45 years and
mongoloid. It was not until 1959 that Lejeune and Turpin older.28
identified an extra chromosome 21 as the cause of this Prenatal screening for Down syndrome can be
condition.22,33a All affected individuals have, in some form, useful.9,12,26,33,42,60 In the second trimester of a pregnancy
three copies of this chromosome. Most (almost 95%) have with a trisomy 21 fetus, the maternal serum alpha-
three free-standing copies, or full trisomy 21. Approxi- fetoprotein concentration is lower than normal, unconju-
mately 4% of affected individuals have a translocation gated estriol is decreased, human chorionic gonadotropin
involving chromosome 21. Most of these translocations level is increased, and serum inhibin A levels are elevated.
exist as fusions at the centromere between chromosomes Ultrasonography can provide further information noninva-
13, 14, 15, or 21 t(21q;21q). For children born to mothers sively. If the results of these tests indicate an increased risk
younger than 30 years, the incidence of translocation is of Down syndrome, particularly in women older than 35
slightly higher (6% to 9% of affected children).22,31 Because years, it is reasonable to consider amniocentesis and chro-
of this possibility, chromosome studies should be done on mosome analysis.
every individual with Down syndrome. If a translocation is
identified, parental studies should be done to identify which
Clinical Features
normal-appearing parent is the translocation carrier. This
individual can then be counseled about the higher risk of The prominent clinical features in Down syndrome include
bearing future chromosomally abnormal offspring. The the following: hypotonia; a flat face with upward and slanted
remaining 1% of patients with Down syndrome are mosaic, palpebral fissures or epicanthic folds; a tendency to keep
with some normal cells. the mouth open, with the tongue protruding; hyperlaxity
Genetic studies have further localized the abnormal leading to hyperflexibility of joints; relatively small stature,
regions on chromosome 21.11,13,59 Many of the features with an awkward gait; varying degrees of mental retarda-
attributable to Down syndrome are found in region D21S55, tion; a high-arched palate; short broad hands with a simian
or the Down syndrome chromosome region, located on crease; and a hypoplastic middle phalanx of the fifth finger,
21q22.2 or 22.3. Further genetic research is expected to leading to the appearance of clinodactyly (Fig. 41-28).
provide greater insight into the abnormal regions of chromo- Other less evident findings include speckled irides, intesti-
some 21 responsible for the numerous abnormalities seen nal atresia, cardiac malformations, and radiographically
in Down syndrome. demonstrated dysplasia of the pelvis. Joint swelling and pain

FIGURE 41-28  Clinical appearance of a 14-year-old boy with Down syndrome.

A A, Note the characteristic flat face, with slanted palpebral fissures. B, His hands
are short and broad, with clinodactyly in the little finger.
e506 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

meeting the criteria for juvenile idiopathic arthritis occur posterior column signs and symptoms. These signs and
rarely and require significant antiarthritic therapy.30 symptoms often remain stable for months or years; occa-
Over time, muscle tone tends to improve, but joint sionally, they progressively worsen. Trauma is rarely respon-
hyperlaxity remains. Improvement in mental development sible for the initial appearance or progression of these
slows with increasing age, and the mean IQ of adults is 24. symptoms. To date, no studies have been able to provide
The social performance of children with Down syndrome guidelines for identifying asymptomatic patients at risk of
usually extends beyond their mental age. developing neurologic symptoms.
Physical growth is slow, and the development of second- Atlantoaxial hypermobility is primarily caused by laxity
ary centers of ossification is often delayed. Thyroid dysfunc- of the transverse ligament of C1 and joint capsules. This
tion is common but is often not readily noticeable, so the localized laxity does not necessarily correlate with patients’
primary care physician should perform thyroid function generalized ligamentous laxity.10 In addition, abnormal
studies periodically. development of the odontoid process of C2 (e.g., persistent
The major cause of early mortality in patients with Down synchondrosis, os odontoideum, hypoplasia) may predis-
syndrome is congenital heart disease. With ongoing improve- pose an individual to hypermobility.47 The reported preva-
ments in the surgical treatment of congenital heart defects, lence of odontoid dysplasia approximates 7%, but this figure
survival has increased. Nevertheless, life expectancy remains may underestimate the actual frequency because most
shorter for those with congenital heart defects than for screening studies involve only lateral radiographs of the
those without. upper cervical spine.47,51 If AP radiographs and other types
of images were also obtained, it is likely that more skeletal
anomalies would be detected in the C1-2 region. Down
Treatment syndrome children with atlantoaxial hypermobility are
Hypermobility of the Upper Cervical Spine more likely to have spina bifida of C1 than are those without.
Orthopaedists and pediatricians are often asked to evalu-
Atlantoaxial Hypermobility ate children with Down syndrome to confirm their eligibil-
Atlantoaxial (C1-2) hypermobility is the primary orthopae- ity to participate in the Special Olympics.62 In 1983, the
dic concern in individuals with Down syndrome. The term Special Olympics organization introduced a requirement
hypermobility is used here instead of instability, which that lateral neck radiographs be obtained in individuals with
implies pathologic intersegmental motion that jeopardizes Down syndrome before they were allowed to participate.
neurologic integrity. Hypermobility refers to the increased Those with radiographic evidence of C1-2 hypermobility
excursion of the cervical spine in Down syndrome patients were excluded from certain activities thought to be associ-
compared with normal controls, but does not necessarily ated with an increased risk of injury to the cervical spine.
connote a loss of structural integrity of the soft tissue In 1984, the American Academy of Pediatrics published a
restraints that protect the spinal cord.41 The difference position statement that supported this requirement.1
between hypermobility and instability is important for clini- However, participation in sports by asymptomatic children
cians to understand to avoid overtreatment. with atlantoaxial hypermobility has not proved to be a sig-
In a study of 404 patients with Down syndrome, hyper- nificant risk factor for the development of neurologic symp-
mobility was present in 14.6% (13.1% were asymptomatic, toms.10 Based in part on this information, in 1995, the
and 1.5% had neurologic symptoms).45 In other reports, the American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Sports
incidence ranges from 9% to 31%.35,45,51,53,55 Matsunaga and Medicine and Fitness retracted its support for routine radio-
co-workers reported an incidence of 6.7% of instability with graphic screening for the Special Olympics, noting that
myelopathy from a review of 102 children. They also noted there is insufficient evidence of the value of cervical spine
a component of stenosis with a reduced AP diameter of the radiographs in predicting catastrophic neck injuries in chil-
atlas and the cross-section of the canal at that level.37 The dren with Down syndrome.2 The 2007 Special Olympics
diagnosis is confirmed with measurements taken from website stated that radiographs of the cervical spine con-
lateral radiographs of the upper cervical spine obtained in tinue to be required for all athletes in sports requiring sig-
flexion, extension, and neutral positions (Fig. 41-29). The nificant cervical flexion before their participation. Therefore
atlanto-dens interval, which is measured in millimeters, is orthopaedists and pediatricians will continue to be asked to
the shortest distance between the posterior aspect of the order these tests.
anterior arch of C1 and the adjacent anterior aspect of the The arguments in favor of the continued screening of
odontoid process of C2. If this interval is 5 mm or greater, patients with Down syndrome include the theoretic possi-
atlantoaxial hypermobility is considered to be present.46,47 bility of preventing the rare, catastrophic, sports-related
This is usually best demonstrated on the lateral radiograph spinal cord injury among individuals with asymptomatic
obtained during flexion. CT can show additional skeletal hypermobility. Another purpose is to identify the rare, pre-
anomalies of the C1-2 region but is not necessary to screen viously unrecognized patient with symptomatic hypermo-
for hypermobility.44 bility. Arguments against screening include the rarity of
The neurologic manifestations of symptomatic atlanto- symptomatic hypermobility, the inaccuracy of the screening
axial hypermobility may be difficult to identify. Subtle find- test, the fact that some patients with abnormal initial radio-
ings include easy fatigability, difficulty walking, abnormal graphs have normal radiographs later on,40 and the absence
gait, neck pain, limited neck mobility, torticollis or head tilt, of evidence that a screening program is effective in prevent-
incoordination, and clumsiness. More definite findings ing symptomatic disease. Screening is also expensive, which
include sensory deficits, spasticity, hyperreflexia, clonus, may prevent some individuals from participating in the
extensor plantar reflex, and other motor neuron and Special Olympics.2
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e507


FIGURE 41-29  Radiographic appearance of Down syndrome in an 11-year-old girl

who is neurologically normal. Lateral radiographs with the neck in neutral (A),
extension (B), and flexion (C). Flexion-extension radiographs of the cervical spine
demonstrate 4 to 5 mm of instability between C1 and C2. In addition, instability
between the occiput and C1 is present.

Occipitoatlantal Hypermobility negatively affects the reproducibility and accuracy of the

Since the early 1980s, there has been increased awareness Powers ratio. The Wiesel-Rothman technique for establish-
that hypermobility can also exist at the occipitoatlantal ing abnormal motion of the occipitoatlantal joint appears to
joint.7,18,36,56,58 This finding was first reported by Hungerford be the most reproducible of the lateral radiographic mea-
and colleagues, who described a case of combined atlanto- surements.31 The basion-axial interval is not applicable to
axial instability with neurologic compromise.27 children with Down syndrome because it does not account
The radiographic diagnosis of hypermobility is much for the multilevel hypermobility that is so common in this
more difficult to make at the occipitoatlantal joint than at population. Ultimately, in a neurologically symptomatic
the C1-2 level. The reported incidence of occipitoatlantal patient, the clearest picture of instability and spinal cord
hypermobility in patients with Down syndrome ranges from compression is obtained with magnetic resonance imaging
8.5%40 to 71%, reflecting the variety of techniques used to (MRI).
measure hypermobility at the occiput-C1 level.31 Three It is important to be aware that hypermobility can occur
popular techniques for measuring this hypermobility are the simultaneously in the occipitoatlantal joint and atlantoaxial
Powers ratio,43 Wiesel-Rothman technique,61 and basion- joint.56 An increase in motion that can be seen radiographi-
axial interval (Fig. 41-30).23 The advantage of the Powers cally between the occiput and C2 generally occurs only in
ratio is that it is not influenced by radiographic magnifica- the presence of accompanying atlantoaxial hypermobility.58
tion; it is a ratio rather than a direct measurement. In addi- Hypermobility can also occur in other regions of the cervical
tion, because the Powers ratio is not referenced off the axis spine (e.g., C2-3) and should always be sought during the
(C2), it is not affected by any accompanying atlantoaxial evaluation.8 Ossification of the posterior longitudinal liga-
hypermobility. Unfortunately, localization of the opisthion ment has also been described in a patient with Down syn-
(one of the radiographic landmarks used) is difficult, which drome and myelopathy.57
e508 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

D }



FIGURE 41-30  Methods for measuring occipitoatlantal instability. A, Powers ratio

measurement. On a lateral extension radiograph of the cervical spine, the distance between
the basion (B) and anterior aspect of the posterior ring of C1 (C) is divided by the distance
between the opisthion (O) and the posterior aspect of the anterior arch of C1 (A). The Powers
ratio (BC/OA) for this radiograph is 0.90. B, Wiesel-Rothman technique, using flexion (left)
and extension (right) radiographs of the cervical spine. A transverse line is drawn from the
anterior arch of C1 to the most posterior aspect of the posterior ring. A perpendicular to this
line is drawn along the posterior aspect of the anterior arch of the atlas. The closest distance
between this line and the basion is measured (D), and the difference between this distance in
flexion and extension represents the amount of instability. C, The basion-axial interval (BAI),
established by measuring the distance between a line drawn along the posterior aspect of the
body of C2 and the basion. (From Karol LA, Sheffield EG, Crawford K, et al: Reproducibility in
the measurement of atlanto-occipital instability in children with Down syndrome, Spine
21:2463, 1996.)

Upper Cervical Spine Hypermobility position, as demonstrated by the MRI scan, surgical stabili-
Nonoperative treatment for upper cervical spine hypermo- zation should be undertaken. For those without significant
bility in Down syndrome is not effective in preventing neu- impingement (e.g., open posterior ring of C1), close obser-
rologic deterioration. Families should be counseled that vation is warranted. Meticulous examination must be
certain sports (e.g., gymnastics, diving, high jump) can lead carried out in this situation to identify the presence of
to excessive stress on the neck. subtle neurologic findings. Others report that treatment
The indications for surgical stabilization are controver- plans for these children should depend on the space avail-
sial.17 In the past, some investigators recommended early able for the cord, rather than on absolute values of displace-
fusion whenever atlantoaxial hypermobility was identified, ment.56 Treatment guidelines based on radiographic findings
with or without myelopathy, to prevent potential neurologic are presented in Box 41-2.41
catastrophe.4,14,32 However, it is now recognized that the The one absolute indication for stabilization between C1
vast majority of asymptomatic patients with C1-2 hyper- and C2 (with posterior arthrodesis) is the occurrence of
mobility will remain asymptomatic, and the need for pro- neurologic symptoms. Preoperative evaluation with flexion-
phylactic surgical stabilization has not been substantiated. extension radiographs and MRI should be performed to
Some authors suggest that hypermobility greater than determine the exact location or locations of instability, the
10 mm should be stabilized with a posterior C1-2 arthro­ amount of cord impingement, and whether normal align-
desis, regardless of the presence or absence of symptoms.34 ment can be reestablished between C1 and C2. Instability
They cite the lack of secondary soft tissue restraints (incom- may be seen alone or in combination at the occiput-C1
petent transverse ligament, capsular structures, and alar level, C1-2 level, or C2-3 region.
ligaments) as the reason to proceed surgically. Because of Several surgical techniques have been proposed. In situ
the high risk of complications associated with attempts at autogenous bone graft without internal fixation continues
surgical stabilization, however, I recommend MRI evalua- to be effective, as reported in the literature.48 Stable fibrous
tion for the rare individual without neurologic symptoms or union is common with this method. However, because it
signs whose instability exceeds 10 mm. If the spinal cord is provides no inherent stability, postoperative halo-vest
significantly impinged on when the neck is in the flexed immobilization is mandatory. In addition, if normal
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e509

Box 41-2  Radiograph-Based Treatment shortens the duration of external immobilization. Facet
Guidelines for Down Syndrome screws placed between C1 and C2 provide greater stabiliza-
tion than sublaminar wiring,39 and this technique should
ATLANTO-DENS INTERVAL be considered if normal C1-2 alignment is obtained
Less than 4.5 mm—allow full, unrestricted activity. intraoperatively.
Greater than 4.5 mm but < 10 mm and neurologically Additional methods have been reported for arthrodesis
normal—limit high-risk activities.* between the occiput and upper cervical spine. In one
Greater than 4.5 mm with a neurologic deficit: method, a contoured autogenous iliac crest bone graft is
• Limit activities.
secured with wires between the occiput and C2 (sometimes
• Obtain neurologic consultation.
C3).15 A halo-vest device is used postoperatively. Another
• Perform magnetic resonance imaging:
■ Normal study—observe.
method uses a Luque loop rod and wires to avoid rigid
■ Signal changes within cord—perform surgical postoperative external immobilization.24 Both these methods
stabilization. have the advantage of allowing the decompression of spinal
Greater than 9.9 mm—perform surgical fusion. cord impingement at C1 by removing its posterior ring.
The literature reports a high rate of complications (73%
Normal—allow full unrestricted activity. to 100%) following attempts at upper cervical spine arthro­
Greater than 2-mm motion and neurologically normal—limit desis in patients with Down syndrome.17,50 Major complica-
high-risk activities.* tions include nonunion, loss of reduction of C1 on C2, even
Greater than 2-mm motion with a neurologic deficit: in the presence of sublaminar wire fixation, late subaxial
• Limit activities. instability, infection, progressive neurologic deterioration,
• Obtain neurologic consultation. resorption of autogenous bone graft, and death in the post-
• Perform magnetic resonance imaging: operative period. The fact that sublaminar wiring of the
■ Normal study—observe.
atlas may not protect against the potential loss of reduction
■ Signal changes within cord—perform surgical
of C1 on C2 emphasizes the need for postoperative halo-
vest immobilization.
SUBAXIAL CERVICAL SPINE DEGENERATIVE CHANGES It bears repeating that although upper cervical spine
Neurologically normal—observe. instability in patients with Down syndrome can be progres-
Pain with no neurologic deficit—provide symptomatic sive and may have serious consequences, there is no way
to predict which asymptomatic patients will progress or
Neurologic deficit:
• Obtain neurologic consultation.
develop symptoms. Minor trauma rarely precipitates neu-
• Perform electromyography and nerve conduction velocity rologic deterioration in previously asymptomatic patients.17
studies. Therefore attempts at fusion in those with asymptomatic
• Perform magnetic resonance imaging. atlantoaxial or occipitoatlantal hypermobility should be
• Perform disk excision and fusion. approached with great caution. In myelopathic patients
with documented weakness or functional decline, surgical
From Pizzutillo PD, Herman MJ: Cervical spine issues in Down stabilization should be attempted after preoperative radio-
syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop 25:2253, 2005.
graphic and MRI evaluation.
*Boxing, diving, football, gymnastics, ice hockey, rugby, soccer, and
Hip Disorders
Radiographs of the hip joint in patients with Down syn-
alignment of C1 on C2 is reestablished at the time of drome often demonstrate a deep acetabulum, horizontal
surgery, there is a greater risk of redisplacement in the acetabular roof, deep-seated femoral head, normal femoral
postoperative period with this method because of the lack neck–shaft angle, and moderately increased femoral ante-
of internal fixation. Conversely, this technique is preferred version. This orientation would be expected to create an
if a fixed subluxation of C1 on C2 is recognized preopera- intrinsically stable joint, yet hip dysplasia or dislocation
tively. If preoperative traction has been unsuccessful in occurs in almost 5% of children with Down syndrome and
improving C1-2 alignment, no attempt to achieve a surgical is the most common hip disorder seen in this population.5
reduction should be made; rather, the subluxated C1-2 The dislocations are not congenital but occur between the
articulation should be fused in situ. In this case, passage of ages of 2 and 10 years. They can progressively evolve into
sublaminar wire underneath an intact ring at C1 carries too a chronic dysplasia or fixed dislocation (Fig. 41-32).3,5,19,21,52
much neurologic risk because of the lack of available space. The cause of these recurrent, usually painless disloca-
Once in situ fusion has been achieved in a patient with fixed tions is related to joint hypermobility and ligamentous
C1-2 subluxation, potential neurologic compromise may laxity. The hip capsule is thin, attenuated, and poorly devel-
necessitate future resection of the dens. oped. Increased femoral neck anteversion and an increase
The most common surgical technique uses sublaminar in the neck–shaft angle may be noted radiographically. One
wires for internal fixation. This method requires that normal study using three-dimensional CT reconstruction found the
C1-2 alignment be restored, thus providing adequate space posterior acetabular wall to be deficient.63
for the spinal cord before the wires are passed. Autogenous The goal of treatment is to create a stable, normal hip
bone graft is used, and a halo vest is required postopera- joint that lasts the patient’s lifetime, but achieving this can
tively. The use of wires increases the likelihood, but does be difficult. Nonoperative methods include closed reduc-
not guarantee, that normal C1-2 alignment achieved at the tion and immobilization in a hip spica cast, followed by
time of surgery will be maintained (Fig. 41-31). It also the use of an abduction brace. Although nonoperative
e510 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-31  Treatment of upper cervical spine instability in Down syndrome. A, The patient in Figure 41-30 was treated by posterior
fusion (with wire fixation) between the occiput and C2, with external immobilization provided by a soft collar only. B and C, Six months
later, the wires had broken, and motion was evident at C1-2. D, The wires were removed, and in situ fusion between the occiput and C2
was repeated. External immobilization with a halo vest was used postoperatively. E and F, Three years later, the occiput-C1 fusion was
solid. Spontaneous fusion between C2 and C3 had also occurred. Nonunion between C1 and C2 persisted but was accepted, with only a
3-mm difference in the atlanto-dens interval evident between flexion and extension.

treatment is thought to be of minimal benefit in children been reported in as many as 50% of cases.5 The most promi-
with joint laxity,5,19 a report on two patients with Down nent complications include redislocation and infection.20
syndrome noted a lasting benefit.21 Cast immobilization is The risk of wound infection is always increased in those
used for 2 to 3 months, after which the child wears an with Down syndrome.
ambulatory abduction orthosis full time for 4 months and Other hip disorders that occur in these children include
then only at night for an additional 2 to 4 months. This a slipped capital femoral epiphysis and avascular necro-
extensive amount of abduction is probably critical to the sis.6,54 Unlike unaffected children, patients with Down
success of nonoperative management. syndrome often ambulate almost pain-free on hips that
Operative treatment should be undertaken if conserva- show severe deterioration radiographically (Fig. 41-33). If
tive cast or brace management fails to remedy the recurrent slipped capital femoral epiphysis is diagnosed, it is impera-
dislocations. If the acetabulum is normal and sufficient, tive to evaluate for thyroid dysfunction because of its fre-
capsular plication combined with a varus derotation femoral quent association.
osteotomy may provide a reduced and stable hip.5 If the When all hip disorders are considered in the pediatric
acetabulum is insufficient and dysplastic, a Dega osteotomy Down syndrome population, the incidence of some form of
or modified Pemberton osteotomy combined with capsular hip abnormality is 7.9%.52 In the adult Down syndrome
plication and a varus derotation osteotomy may be effec- population, hip abnormalities occur with even greater fre-
tive.3,19,52 Recently, more complete coverage of the hip has quency.25 A normal hip at maturity does not preclude later
been achieved using the Ganz periacetabular osteotomy. subluxation or dislocation, and there seems to be no safe
Sankar and co-workers showed superior results for children age at which hip stability can be guaranteed. As hips pro­
treated in this way compared with those treated with varus gress from mild to severe subluxation or dislocation in
osteotomy and Dega or shelf acetabuloplasty.49 Despite adulthood, deterioration in walking ability leads to increased
meticulous attention to surgical detail, complications have difficulty participating in community activities.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e511


FIGURE 41-32  A and B, Anteroposterior and lateral radiographs of the pelvis in a 5-year-old child with Down syndrome. C, The right
hip was dislocatable with little effort and did not cause pain. Surgical stabilization of the hip was recommended, but the family refused.
D, Ten years later, acetabular dysplasia of the right hip was evident radiographically. The patient remained asymptomatic, and the family
decided against any orthopaedic intervention.

shoe wear usually accommodate the abnormalities. On

Patellofemoral Disorders occasion, bunionectomies provide relief in adults.
Instability of the patella can be debilitating.14,62 The knee
may give way, leading to frequent episodes of falling. Quad-
riceps strengthening exercises and patellar stabilizing braces
may be of benefit to some individuals. If nonoperative Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
treatment is unsuccessful, operative intervention includes 1. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Sports Medicine:
the Galeazzi-Dewar realignment. A shallow trochlear Atlanto-axial instability in Down’s syndrome, Pediatrics 74:152,
groove in the femur, combined with tissue laxity, can make
2. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Sports Medicine
patellar stabilization difficult to achieve. Joo and colleagues
and Fitness: Atlantoaxial instability in Down syndrome: subject
reported no recurrences after a four-in-one procedure, review, Pediatrics 96:151, 1995.
including lateral release, tube realignment of the patella, 3. Aprin H, Zink WP, Hall JE: Management of dislocation of the hip
semitendinosus tenodesis, and lateral transfer of the patella in Down syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop 5:428, 1985.
tendon.29 4. Aung MH: Atlanto-axial dislocation in Down’s syndrome. Report
of a case with spinal cord compression and review of the literature,
Foot Disorders Bull Los Angeles Neurol Soc 38:197, 1973.
Despite the generalized ligamentous laxity in children with 5. Bennet GC, Rang M, Roye DP, et al: Dislocation of the hip in
Down syndrome, congenital clubfoot deformities do occur, trisomy 21, J Bone Joint Surg Br 64:289, 1982.
6. Berghof R, Carstens C: [Hip joint problems in patients with
and a significant percentage of these are resistant to nonop-
Down’s syndrome.] Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb 130:136, 1992.
erative treatment.38 Flatfoot deformities are common, but
7. Brooke DC, Burkus JK, Benson DR: Asymptomatic occipito-
treatment is usually unnecessary because of the lack of atlantal instability in Down syndrome (trisomy 21). Report of two
symptoms. Customized arch supports may provide relief to cases in children, J Bone Joint Surg Am 69:293, 1987.
those with discomfort. Rarely should surgery be undertaken 8. Citow JS, Munshi I, Chang-Stroman T, et al: C2/3 instability in a
to alter this condition. Along with flatfoot, hallux valgus child with Down’s syndrome: case report and discussion, Pediatr
occurs widely in patients with Down syndrome. Changes in Neurosurg 28:143, 1998.
e512 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-33  This 14-year-old boy had moderate right hip discomfort but remained ambulatory. A, Anteroposterior pelvic radiograph
demonstrates a slipped capital femoral epiphysis of the right hip. B, At the time of surgery, the femoral head was unstable, demonstrating
motion. It was stabilized with two screws. C, Five months later, the patient had a limp but no pain. The radiograph showed evidence of
avascular necrosis of the femoral head and screw penetration into the joint. D and E, Because the physis remained open, the two screws
were removed and replaced with one screw. Further collapse occurred, and the screw was removed 6 months later. After 2 years, the
patient remained pain-free but had a pronounced limp. F, The radiograph shows that the joint space was maintained, despite an irregular
femoral head.

9. Copel JA, Bahado-Singh RO: Prenatal screening for Down’s 11. Dahmane N, Ghezala GA, Gosset P, et al: Transcriptional map of
syndrome—a search for the family’s values, N Engl J Med 341:521, the 2.5-Mb CBR-ERG region of chromosome 21 involved in Down
1999. syndrome, Genomics 48:12, 1998.
10. Cremers MJ, Beijer HJ: No relation between general laxity and 12. Dalgliesh GL, Aitken DA, Lyall F, et al: Placental and maternal
atlantoaxial instability in children with Down syndrome, J Pediatr serum inhibin-A and activin-A levels in Down’s syndrome pregnan-
Orthop 13:318, 1993. cies, Placenta 22:227, 2001.
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13. Delabar JM, Theophile D, Rahmani Z, et al: Molecular mapping 37. Matsunaga S, Imakiire T, Koga H, et al: Occult spinal canal stenosis
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Eur J Hum Genet 1:114, 1993. surg 107(Suppl):457, 2007.
14. Diamond LS, Lynne D, Sigman B: Orthopedic disorders in patients 38. Miller PR, Kuo KN, Lubicky JP: Clubfoot deformity in Down’s
with Down’s syndrome, Orthop Clin North Am 12:57, 1981. syndrome, Orthopedics 18:449, 1995.
15. Dormans JP, Drummond DS, Sutton LN, et al: Occipitocervical 39. Mitchell TC, Sadasivan KK, Ogden AL, et al: Biomechanical study
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J Bone Joint Surg Am 77:1234, 1995. modified Brooks posterior wiring, J Orthop Trauma 13:483, 1999.
16. Down J: Observations on an ethnic classification of idiots, London 40. Ohsawa T, Izawa T, Kuroki Y, et al: Follow-up study of atlanto-axial
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18. Gabriel KR, Mason DE, Carango P: Occipito-atlantal translation 42. Platt LD, Greene N, Johnson A, et al: Sequential pathways of
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20. Gore DR: Recurrent dislocation of the hip in a child with Down occipital dislocation, Neurosurgery 4:12, 1979.
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21. Greene WB: Closed treatment of hip dislocation in Down syn- persons with Down syndrome and atlantoaxial instability, Spine
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22. Hall J: Chromosomal clinical abnormalities. In Berhman RE, 45. Pueschel SM, Scola FH, Perry CD, et al: Atlanto-axial instability
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ders, p 314. 46. Pueschel SM, Scola FH, Pezzullo JC: A longitudinal study of
23. Harris JH Jr, Carson GC, Wagner LK: Radiologic diagnosis of atlanto-dens relationships in asymptomatic individuals with Down
traumatic occipitovertebral dissociation: 1. Normal occipitoverte- syndrome, Pediatrics 89:1194, 1992.
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J Roentgenol 162:881, 1994. of the upper cervical spine in children with Down syndrome,
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with Down syndrome, J Bone Joint Surg Br 75:604, 1993. 49. Sankar WN, Millis MB, Kim YJ: Instability of the hip in patients
26. Huang T, Alberman E, Wald N, et al: Triploidy identified through with Down syndrome: improved results with complete redirec-
second-trimester serum screening, Prenat Diagn 25:229, 2005. tional acetabular osteotomy, J Bone Joint Surg Am 93:1924, 2011.
27. Hungerford GD, Akkaraju V, Rawe SE, et al: Atlanto-occipital and 50. Segal LS, Drummond DS, Zanotti RM, et al: Complications of
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28. Jones K: Chromosomal abnormality syndromes. In Jones K, editor: ity in children with Down syndrome (trisomy 21), J Bone Joint
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1997, Saunders, p 8. 52. Shaw ED, Beals RK: The hip joint in Down’s syndrome. A study
29. Joo SY, Park KB, Kim BR, et al: The ‘four-in-one’ procedure for of its structure and associated disease, Clin Orthop Relat Res
habitual dislocation of the patella in children: early results in 278:101, 1992.
patients with severe generalised ligamentous laxity and aplasis of 53. Spitzer R, Rabinowitch JY, Wybar KC: A study of the abnormalities
the trochlear groove, J Bone Joint Surg Br 89:1645, 2007. of the skull, teeth and lenses in mongolism, Can Med Assoc J
30. Juj H, Emery H: The arthropathy of Down syndrome: an under- 84:567, 1961.
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31. Karol LA, Sheffield EG, Crawford K, et al: Reproducibility in the 55. Tishler J, Martel W: Dislocation of the atlas in mongolism: pre-
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e514 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

neurofibroma. Subsequently, the eponymous von Reckling-

hausen disease was used to describe NF-1.
For a century, neurofibromatosis and the famous ele-
phant man, Joseph Cary Merrick, were linked.39 In the
1880s, Merrick was of interest to physicians in London
because of severe disfigurement of his head and extremities
and vertebral abnormalities, all of which were thought to
be caused by neurofibromatosis. Almost 100 years later,
with a better understanding of various syndromes, it was
determined that Merrick probably had Proteus syndrome
rather than neurofibromatosis.6

FIGURE 41-34  Neurofibromatosis. Appearance of the “wart man,” Neurofibromatosis Type 1

Johann Gottfried Rheinhard, as described and illustrated by Tilesius (von Recklinghausen Disease)
in 1793. (From Morse RP: Neurofibromatosis type 1, Arch Neurol
56:365, 1999.) Neurofibromatosis type 1 is the most common single-gene
disorder affecting the human nervous system. Its incidence
is estimated at between 1 in 2500 to 4000, and it affects
62. Winell J, Burke SW: Sports participation of children with Down at least 1 million people worldwide.7,9,10,19 There is no
syndrome, Orthop Clin North Am 34:439, 2003. gender or ethnic predilection. Although it is inherited in an
63. Woolf SK, Gross RH: Posterior acetabular wall deficiency in Down autosomal dominant fashion, approximately 50% of all
syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop 23:708, 2003. NF-1 cases are thought to result from new mutations. The
penetrance of this disorder is close to 100%, so that almost
every individual who carries the abnormal gene on chromo-
Neurofibromatosis some 17 eventually shows some clinical feature of NF-1.
Mildly affected parents may have a severely affected child,
Neurofibromatosis is a hereditary, hamartomatous disorder and the reverse is also true. Fewer than 10% of NF-1
that affects numerous systems of the body, including the patients require orthopaedic management, but for those
central and peripheral nervous systems, skeleton, skin, and who do, several operative interventions to manage this
deeper soft tissues. Since the late 1980s, a great deal of ongoing multisystem disease process can be expected.
information about neurofibromatosis has been gained from Many systems of the body can be affected, and the
molecular genetic studies.#a potential complications are numerous. These include cogni-
Two distinct types of the disorder exist. Neurofibroma- tive deficits, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, intracranial tumor,
tosis type 1 (NF-1), also known as von Recklinghausen optic glioma, short stature, scoliosis, hemihypertrophy,
disease or peripheral neurofibromatosis, is caused by a pseudarthrosis of extremity bones, precocious puberty,
defect in chromosome 17. Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF-2), hypothalamic dysfunction, hypertension, and renal artery
previously known as bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis stenosis.31
or central neurofibromatosis, results from a defect in the
long arm of chromosome 22. Children with orthopaedic Genetics
manifestations of the disease, such as spinal deformities Mapping of the NF-1 gene on chromosome 17 was reported
or congenital tibial pseudarthrosis, almost always have in 1987.2 This was followed 3 years later by reports docu-
NF-1. Children with NF-2 rarely require orthopaedic menting the ability to clone the abnormal gene.4,6,48 Muta-
intervention. tions in the NF-1 gene have been identified in benign
neurofibromas and malignant tumors associated with NF-1,
leading to classification of the NF-1 gene as a tumor sup-
Historical Perspective
pressor gene. Neurofibromin, the protein encoded by the
The names Tilesius, Virchow, and von Recklinghausen are NF-1 gene, is thought to have an important role in cell
historically tied to neurofibromatosis.28 In 1793, Tilesius growth and differentiation.31
provided one of the earliest descriptions of a patient thought In 1995, a protein truncation assay was developed to
to have this disorder.41 Known as the “wart man,” this confirm the diagnosis of NF-1 in patients with equivocal
patient had numerous growths on his skin, café au lait spots, physical signs and to allow prenatal diagnosis in families
macrocephaly, and scoliosis (Fig. 41-34). Between 1847 and with multiple affected generations.18 This assay enables the
1863, Virchow presented a series of reports describing investigator to detect approximately 60% of germline muta-
patients with neuromas and fibromas. In 1882, Virchow’s tions in the NF-1 gene. At this time, the sensitivity and
student, Frederick von Recklinghausen, presented a report specificity of this test have not been confirmed.
titled “On Multiple Cutaneous Fibromas and Their Rela-
tionship to Multiple Neuromas,” in which he reviewed the Diagnosis
existing literature on neurofibromatosis and added two In 1987, the Consensus Development Conference on Neu-
cases.47 He linked the simultaneous existence of fibromas rofibromatosis at the National Institutes of Heath (NIH)
and neuromas for the first time and coined the term reported on seven criteria found in patients with NF-1 (Box
41-3).30 If two or more of these criteria are identified in a
References 2, 4, 14, 15, 38, 42, 44, 48. child, that individual can be considered to have NF-1.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e515

Subsequent reports have reinforced the usefulness of these Development Conference is the presence of more than six
criteria.16,29 of these spots; each must be at least 15 mm in greatest
diameter in adults and at least 5 mm in children. Café au
Clinical Features lait spots by themselves are insufficient to confirm the diag-
nosis of NF-1, however. If these spots are noted in an infant
Café au Lait Spots in the absence of other findings, the family should be told
Café au lait spots are the most common clinical finding in that this might be an early presentation of NF-1, but further
NF-1, present in more than 90% of affected patients. These evaluation will be necessary over time. Additional criteria
spots are areas of hyperpigmentation that usually have that confirm the diagnosis usually become apparent by age
rounded borders, as opposed to the irregular borders seen 5 to 10 years.23
in Albright disease. They become clinically obvious during
the first 2 years of life (Fig. 41-35). One criterion for the Axillary and Inguinal Freckling
diagnosis of NF-1 as established by the NIH Consensus Axillary and inguinal freckling is the second most common
clinical feature found in children with NF-1, with a fre-
quency approximating 80% by age 6 years.33 The freckling
consists of diffuse hyperpigmented spots 1 to 3 mm in
Box 41-3  National Institutes of Health diameter (Fig. 41-36).
Criteria for Diagnosis of Neurofibromatosis
Cutaneous Neurofibromas
Type 1
Cutaneous neurofibromas (termed fibroma molluscum by
• More than six café au lait spots, at least 15 mm in greatest Virchow ≈150 years ago) contain axons and Schwann cells.
diameter in adults and 5 mm in children They usually become evident in preadolescence and increase
• Two or more neurofibromas of any type or one plexiform
in number thereafter. Clinically, these nodules are fre-
• Freckling in the axillae or inguinal regions (Crowe’s sign)
quently raised above the skin surface and may have a
• Optic glioma slight bluish hue (Fig. 41-37). Cutaneous neurofibromas do
• Two or more Lisch nodules (iris hamartomas) not transform into malignant tumors. This characteristic
• A distinctive bone lesion, such as sphenoid dysplasia or distinguishes them from the more worrisome plexiform
thinning of the cortex of a long bone, with or without neurofibromas, of which 1% to 4% are premalignant.31
pseudarthrosis Rarely are cutaneous neurofibromas associated with central
• A first-degree relative (parent, sibling, or offspring) with nervous system (CNS) lesions.
neurofibromatosis type 1 by these criteria
Lisch Nodules
National Institutes of Health Consensus Development: National
Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference Statement:
Lisch nodules are dome-shaped elevations on the surface of
neurofibromatosis. Bethesda, Md, USA, July 13-15, 1987, the iris and can be identified by an ophthalmologist using a
Neurofibromatosis 1:172, 1988. slit lamp. They are pathognomonic for NF-1. The incidence

FIGURE 41-35  Café au lait spots in neurofibromatosis. Spots with rounded borders are seen on a patient’s abdomen (A), back (B), and
thigh (C). They normally vary in size.
e516 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-36  Axillary freckling (consisting of numerous 1- to

3-mm hyperpigmented spots) is present in almost 80% of
individuals with neurofibromatosis by age 6 years. FIGURE 41-38  Large nevus overlying a plexiform neurofibroma.
(From Crawford AH: Neurofibromatosis in children, Acta Orthop
Scand Suppl 57:218, 1986.)

FIGURE 41-37  Cutaneous neurofibromas (called fibroma

molluscum by Virchow) in neurofibromatosis. (From Crawford AH:
Neurofibromatosis in children, Acta Orthop Scand Suppl 57:218, FIGURE 41-39  This tender, enlarging subcutaneous neurofibroma
1986.) in the forearm was benign on histologic examination.

of Lisch nodules increases markedly with age. The reported neurofibroma, which may extend into deeper tissues such
frequency is between 22% and 81% by age 5 or 6 years. By as muscle, fascia, bone, and visceral regions (Fig. 41-38).37
20 years of age, almost 100% of patients have evidence of Growth of these tumors varies greatly, and larger lesions
Lisch nodules.25 may lead to overgrowth of an extremity. Because malignant
transformation of these normally benign tumors occurs in
Plexiform Neurofibromas 1% to 4% of cases, resection should be considered if they
Plexiform neurofibromas are very sensitive subcutaneous become large, painful, or conspicuous or begin to expand
neurofibromas described as ropy and feeling like a bag of rapidly (Fig. 41-39). Other NF-1 tumors are more frequent
worms when palpated. They are found in 25% of patients in patients with plexiform neurofibromas, and these patients
affected by NF-1 and may lead to significant disfigurement. have a higher mortality rate.36 Early removal is easier and
Cutaneous hyperpigmentation often overlies the plexiform may improve the cosmetic appearance.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e517

rapidly to cause symptoms but others remain asymptomatic

Verrucous Hyperplasia for many years.
Verrucous hyperplasia represents a thickened overgrowth of
the skin, which has a velvety soft feel on palpation. Crevices Skeletal Abnormalities
commonly form within the hyperplastic area, intermittently
resulting in infection requiring antibiotics. Elephantiasis Spinal Deformities
(pachydermatocele) represents excessive amounts of this Scoliosis is the most common skeletal manifestation of
skin, which may be associated with overgrowth of underly- neurofibromatosis (Fig. 41-40).7,8,9,11,20,22 Typically, it affects
ing dysplastic bone. Fortunately, these two features— the thoracic spine, consists of a short, sharply angled curve,
verrucous hyperplasia and elephantiasis—are uncommon. and involves four to six vertebrae. The reported incidence
is between 10% and 60%.1,5,7,11,18,40 The higher reported
Optic Glioma rates may be biased in that they were determined in
This low-grade pilocytic astrocytoma is the most common neurofibromatosis patients followed by musculoskeletal
CNS tumor in NF-1, occurring in 15% to 20% of patients specialists. One report, citing a 10% to 49% incidence of
studied with CT or MRI. Less than 50% become symptom- scoliosis, appears to reflect the entire neurofibromatosis
atic. Those that do become symptomatic can cause population more accurately.1,43
decreased visual acuity, visual field defects, proptosis, head- The cause of spinal deformity in neurofibromatosis is
ache, nausea, anorexia, and hypothalamic dysfunction. unknown. Proposed explanations include primary mesoder-
Optic gliomas may involve the intraorbital portion of the mal dysplasia, osteomalacia, erosion or infiltration of the
nerve, chiasm, intracerebral visual nerve pathways, or any bone by localized neurofibromatosis tumors, and endocrine
combination. It is unknown why some tumors progress disturbances.7


FIGURE 41-40  Neurofibromatosis in a 16-year-old boy.

A, Thoracolumbar scoliosis is clinically evident, with the convexity to
the right. Posteroanterior (B) and lateral (C) radiographs of the
spine demonstrate the dystrophic nature of the curve, as evidenced
by erosions of the vertebral bodies (arrow). D, A 10- by 6-cm
neurofibroma was excised from the region of the concavity of the
e518 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Neurofibromatosis scoliosis can be dystrophic or nondys-

trophic, depending on the accompanying abnormalities spe- Malignant Degeneration of Neurofibromas
cific to the disorder.*b NF-1 predisposes individuals to an increased risk of malig-
Differentiating between the two is important because nancy, primarily neurofibrosarcoma.21 This risk increases
the prognosis and management differ significantly. Dystro- with age, and higher incidences of malignant degeneration
phic scoliosis is more common, has a greater tendency to are found in more severely affected patients. MRI findings
progress, and includes a subgroup of patients (those with of enlarged nerves can distinguish malignant from benign
severe kyphoscoliosis) at risk for developing neurologic tumors with reasonable sensitivity and specificity (61% and
deficits.40 Nondystrophic scoliosis more closely resembles 90%, respectively). Malignant tumors are larger and have
idiopathic scoliosis in both its curve patterns and behavior. more peripheral enhancement, perilesional edema, and
It has become clear that nondystrophic curves in younger intratumoral cyst formation.49 Malignant fibrous histiocy-
children can transform into the more worrisome dystrophic toma of bone associated with NF-1 in an adult was
type over several years.8 reported.35 Plexiform neurofibromas that enlarge rapidly or
A more complete discussion of scoliosis that is associated are associated with progressive pain should be carefully
with neurofibromatosis and its treatment is provided in evaluated for malignant degeneration. Other malignancies,
Chapter 12. such as leukemia, rhabdomyosarcoma of the urogenital
tract, and Wilms tumor, have also been reported in patients
Congenital Pseudarthrosis of the Tibia with NF-1.
Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia is frequently associ-
ated with neurofibromatosis (Fig. 41-41).17,46 The term is Cognitive Deficits
somewhat inaccurate, however, because most clinically Compared with the general population, those with NF-1
apparent pseudarthroses of the tibia are not present at birth. have lower IQs. Learning disabilities are common in chil-
Instead, the orthopaedist encounters a tibial deformity dren with NF-1, with a reported frequency of 30% to
(anterolateral bowing) that, over time, usually fractures and 60%.32 There appears to be no specific profile of learning
subsequently results in pseudarthrosis. More accurate terms disabilities, with language-based learning problems (reading
for this disease process might be congenital anterolateral and spelling) being as common as nonverbal learning defi-
bowing or congenital tibial dysplasia.9 cits. Poor organizational skills and attention deficits tend to
The relationship between this disorder and neurofibro- affect performance in many areas.
matosis has been known since 1937. Up to 55% of cases of
anterolateral bowing and pseudarthrosis are associated with
Neurofibromatosis Type 2
NF-1. The tibial abnormality by itself may be evident very
early in life, when other findings that confirm the diagnosis Neurofibromatosis type 2 is also an autosomal dominant
of NF-1 (e.g., café au lait spots, axillary freckling, cutaneous disorder, although approximately 50% of new cases result
neurofibromas) are not yet present. Over time, as other from spontaneous genetic mutation.26 It has almost full
associated findings evolve, the clinical appearance of NF-1 penetrance, as measured by the development of NF-2–asso-
becomes clear. Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia and ciated tumors by age 18 years. Its incidence is 1 in 40,000
its numerous methods of treatment are discussed in detail individuals, making it much less common than NF-1.12 No
in Chapter 22. gender or ethnic predilection has been demonstrated. The
musculoskeletal deformities encountered in NF-1 are gen-
Hemihypertrophy erally absent in NF-2, and there is essentially no overlap
Overgrowth of an extremity is uncommon and usually between the two types once a thorough examination has
unilateral (Fig. 41-42). The hypertrophy may result from been performed. The NIH Consensus Development Con-
neurosegmental overgrowth, which implies that a nerve dys- ference criteria for the diagnosis of NF-2 are presented in
plasia rather than a primary bone dysplasia is responsible.44 Box 41-4.16,29
Autonomous hypertrophy of brachial or lumbosacral plexus The NF-2 gene, located on the long arm of chromosome
nerve roots can lead to enlargement of an extremity. 22, was identified in 1993. It encodes a novel member of the
Although primarily neural in cause, bone and soft protein 4.1 family of cytoskeletal-associated elements.38,42,44
tissues are affected. Changes in the soft tissue include Its protein product is merlin or schwannomin.
some or all of the following: hemangiomatosis, lymphangi- Vestibular schwannomas in the eighth cranial nerve occur
omatosis, elephantiasis, and numerous beaded plexiform in almost every individual with NF-2 but are not seen in
neurofibromas.9 The long bone is elongated and may have NF-1.26 There is considerable variability in tumor growth
an irregular or thickened cortex. Macrodactyly is a common rates, but they tend to grow faster in patients who are
associated finding, with disproportionate enlargement of younger at the onset of signs or symptoms.28 In adulthood,
the toes or fingers. patients exhibit progressive deterioration in hearing, ambu-
Attempts to debulk the soft tissue lesion and surgically lation difficulties, diminished vision, and chronic pain.
diminish the bony overgrowth usually result in minimal, if When NF-2 is found in children, neurologic symptoms such
any, improvement. Early epiphysiodesis has a modest effect as spinal cord compression or visual dysfunction are much
on this generalized, unilateral bony enlargement. Attempts more common than the symptoms referable to vestibular
to resect hypertrophic plexus nerve roots, perhaps in the schwannomas.
belief that they represent plexiform neurofibromas, may Although schwannomas are the most common tumors
result in severe motor or sensory deficits. associated with NF-2, meningiomas occur in 50% of affected
individuals. Spinal cord tumors are seen in more than 80%,
*bReferences 3, 7, 13, 22, 24, 34, 40, 50. but most remain asymptomatic.27
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e519


FIGURE 41-41  Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia in neurofibromatosis. A and B, Radiographs in a 1-year-old child showing severe
anterolateral bowing. C and D, By age 5 years, a distinct pseudarthrosis from a fracture was evident at the apex of the deformity. E and F,
After a failed attempt to achieve union of the fracture, a second surgical intervention with a Williams rod was undertaken at age 6 years
3 months. G and H, Six years later, the patient was asymptomatic and had a mild lower limb length discrepancy.
e520 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

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4. Cawthon RM, Weiss R, Xu GF, et al: A major segment of the
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p 619.
8. Crawford AH: Pitfalls of spinal deformities associated with neu-
rofibromatosis in children, Clin Orthop Relat Res 245:29, 1989.
9. Crawford AH, Schorry EK: Neurofibromatosis in children: the role
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10. Crowe FW, William J, Schull WJ, Neel JV, editors: A clinical,
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following: 19. Huson SM, Harper PS, Compston DA: Von Recklinghausen neu-
■ Neurofibroma
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■ Meningioma
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■ Glioma
20. Joseph KN, Bowen JR, MacEwen GD: Unusual orthopedic mani-
■ Schwannoma
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From Crawford AH, Schorry EK: Neurofibromatosis in children: the role fibrosarcoma, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 25:752, 2000.
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22. Kim HW, Weinstein SL: Spine update. The management of scolio-
The criteria were formulated by a National Institutes of Health
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25. Lubs ML, Bauer MS, Formas ME, et al: Lisch nodules in neurofi-
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CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e521

28. Morse RP: Neurofibromatosis type 1, Arch Neurol 56:364, Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
29. Mulvihill JJ, Parry DM, Sherman JL, et al: NIH conference. Neu- Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a rare disorder of
rofibromatosis 1 (Recklinghausen disease) and neurofibromatosis 2 connective tissue differentiation characterized by congenital
(bilateral acoustic neurofibromatosis). An update, Ann Intern Med malformation of the great toe and progressive heterotopic
113:39, 1990.
ossification of tendons, ligaments, fascia, and skeletal
30. National Institutes of Health consensus development conference
muscle.5-8 Previously, it was also referred to as myositis
statement. Bethesda, MD, 13-15 July, 1987. Neurofibromatosis
1:172, 1988. ossificans progressiva. This condition usually becomes
31. North KN: Neurofibromatosis 1 in childhood, Semin Pediatr evident within the first 10 years of life, with an equal preva-
Neurol 5:231, 1998. lence in males and females. The diagnosis can be readily
32. North KN, Riccardi V, Samango-Sprouse C, et al: Cognitive func- established if, while assessing the progressively developing
tion and academic performance in neurofibromatosis. 1: consensus subfascial nodules or ossification, the clinician is aware of
statement from the NF1 Cognitive Disorders Task Force, Neurol- the relationship between fibrodysplasia ossificans progres-
ogy 48:1121, 1997. siva and the great toe deformity. Otherwise, uncertainty
33. Obringer AC, Meadows AT, Zackai EH: The diagnosis of about the cause of the painful lesions may lead to biopsy,
neurofibromatosis-1 in the child under the age of 6 years, Am J
which should be avoided; biopsy almost certainly exacer-
Dis Child 143:717, 1989.
bates the condition and, depending on the stage of matura-
34. Ogilvie J: Neurofibromatosis. In Lonstein JE, Winter RB, Bradford
DS, Ogilvie, JW, editors: Moe’s textbook of scoliosis and other tion of the biopsied specimen, can lead to confusion about
deformities, Philadelphia, 1994, Saunders, p 33. the histologic diagnosis.
35. Papagelopoulos PJ, Mavrogenis AF, Galanis EC, et al: Usually, fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva begins in
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of bone associated with type-1 childhood as painful, erythematous subfascial nodules,
neurofibromatosis. A case report, J Bone Joint Surg Am 87:399, usually located on the posterior neck and back. The indi-
2005. vidual nodules occasionally resolve but more often progres-
36. Prada CE, Rangwala FA, Martin LJ, et al: Pediatric plexiform sively worsen and eventually mature into heterotopic bone.
neurofibromas: impact on morbidity and mortality in neurofibro- This transformation, which begins in childhood, progresses
matosis type 1, J Pediatr 160:461, 2012.
throughout life, leading to numerous sites of heterotopic
37. Reith JD, Goldblum JR: Multiple cutaneous plexiform schwanno-
ossification. This ossification spans normal joints and
mas. Report of a case and review of the literature with particular
reference to the association with types 1 and 2 neurofibromatosis severely debilitates the individual by eliminating motion
and schwannomatosis, Arch Pathol Lab Med 120:399, 1996. of the jaw, neck, spine, shoulders, hips, and more distal
38. Rouleau GA, Merel P, Lutchman M, et al: Alteration in a new gene joints. In recent years, numerous medical disciplines have
encoding a putative membrane-organizing protein causes neuro- devoted attention to this rare debilitating disorder in the
fibromatosis type 2, Nature 363:515, 1993. hope that a better understanding will lead to more effective
39. Seward GR: The Elephant Man. Part I, Br Dent J 169:173, 1990. treatment.
40. Sirois JL 3rd, Drennan JC: Dystrophic spinal deformity in neuro-
fibromatosis, J Pediatr Orthop 10:522, 1990.
41. Tilesius von Tilenau W, Ludwig CF: Historia pathologica singularis Cause
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The cause of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva remains
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42. Trofatter JA, MacCollin MM, Rutter JL, et al: A novel moesin-, unknown. The genetic defect and pathophysiology of the
ezrin-, radixin-like gene is a candidate for the neurofibromatosis 2 disorder are unknown, and chromosomal anomalies have
tumor suppressor, Cell 72:791, 1993. not yet been identified. Although the condition is rare, clini-
43. Trovó-Marqui AB, Goloni-Bertollo EM, Valério NI, et al: High cal and genetic evaluation of two small multigenerational
frequencies of plexiform neurofibromas, mental retardation, learn- families revealed evidence of clinical and molecular hetero-
ing difficulties, and scoliosis in Brazilian patients with neurofibro- geneity and suggested the possibility of genetic heterogene-
matosis type 1, Braz J Med Biol Res 38:1441, 2005. ity in the disease.49 An autosomal dominant mode of
44. Tsukita S, Yonemura S: ERM (ezrin/radixin/moesin) family: from inheritance has been confirmed, with the most recent sub-
cytoskeleton to signal transduction, Curr Opin Cell Biol 9:70,
stantiation reported in 1993.9 Most cases, however, are
attributable to spontaneous genetic mutations within previ-
45. Turra S, Santini S, Cagnoni G, et al: Gigantism of the foot: our
experience in seven cases, J Pediatr Orthop 18:337, 1998. ously unaffected families.9
46. Vitale MG, Guha A, Skaggs DL: Orthopaedic manifestations of Kaplan and colleagues reported on the transmission of
neurofibromatosis in children: an update, Clin Orthop Relat Res this disorder from an affected parent to his offspring,24 and
401:107, 2002. Connor and associates reported on a three-generation family
47. von Reckinghausen F: Uber die mutiplen Finbrome der Haut und with a wide range of phenotypic severity, ranging from
ihre Beziehung zu den multiplen Neuromen, Berlin, 1882, August disabling ectopic bone formation and premature death to
Hirschwald. an asymptomatic adult whose only manifestation was the
48. Wallace MR, Marchuk DA, Andersen LB, et al: Type 1 neurofibro- characteristic big toe malformations.9 Maternal gonadal
matosis gene: identification of a large transcript disrupted in three
mosaicism may be another possible mode of transmission in
NF1 patients, Science 249:181, 1990.
light of a report of two affected half-sisters with the same
49. Wasa J, Nishida Y, Tsukushi S, et al: MRI features in the differen-
tiation of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors and neurofi- unaffected mother and different unaffected fathers.21
bromas, AJR Am J Roentgenol 194:1568, 2010. Reports such as these are rare, for several reasons—the
50. Wilde PH, Upadhyay SS, Leong JC: Deterioration of operative condition itself is rare, reproductive fitness in affected
correction in dystrophic spinal neurofibromatosis, Spine (Phila Pa patients appears to be low, the severe deformity may lead
1976) 19:1264, 1994. to difficulties with pregnancy and delivery, and there may
e522 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

be a component of decreased fertility because of primary loop involving BMP-4 and its secreted antagonists may offer
and secondary amenorrhea. insight into the disease mechanism.13,44,52
Discrepancies are apparent in the results of attempts to Specifically, heterotopic ossification in fibrodysplasia
use genetic linkage analysis to identify the location of the ossificans progressiva begins in childhood and can be pre-
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva gene. Chromosomal cipitated by soft tissue injury. Notably, levels of BMP-4 are
regions 17q21-22 and 4q27-314 have both been proposed increased at the site of soft tissue injury. Normally, BMP-4
as the putative site of the causative mutation(s).13,32 It has upregulates expression of its secreted antagonists, but a
been suggested that the genetic marker human leukocyte blunted BMP-4 response after soft tissue injury permits
antigen B27 may be associated with the disease, as it is with rapid expansion of a BMP-4 morphogenetic gradient that
ankylosing spondylitis, another disorder causing less severe may encourage progressive osteogenesis through an endo-
hyperostosis. Other evidence refutes this, indicating that chondral pathway. The local growth of highly vascular, pre-
the pathogenesis of these two disorders differs.7 osseous fibroproliferative tissue in response to this BMP
Intense perivascular lymphocytic infiltration in early overexpression would be magnified if the BMP-4 antagonist
lesions supports the discovery that lymphocytes may play a response were blunted, theoretically explaining the bone
role in the biochemical pathogenesis of heterotopic ossifica- induction that occurs during flare-ups of the disease. This
tion and fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.16 Bone mor- process is exacerbated by the arrival of additional lympho-
phogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4), a potent osteogenic cytes at the site of the soft tissue injury. Over time, a large,
morphogen, is uniquely overexpressed in the lymphoblas- vascular fibroproliferative mass results; it replaces skeletal
toid cells in periosseous fibroproliferative lesion cells of muscle tissue and matures through an endochondral process
patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.†b into the highly restrictive extraarticular ribbons, sheets, and
Inappropriate enhancement of the rate of BMP-4 tran- plates of bone characteristic of the disease. Although this
scription has been suggested as an essential element in the hypothesis is plausible, extensive work is still necessary
molecular pathophysiology of the disease.40 Despite this to identify the primary genetic mutation associated with
overexpression of BMP-4 in patients with fibrodysplasia this disorder and elucidate the involved BMP-4 regulatory
ossificans progressiva, extensive analysis has revealed no pathway.23,46a Certainly, fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
mutations of the BMP-4 gene in patients with the disorder. is one of the first genetic diseases in humans associated with
This finding is supported by the absence of genetic linkage the disordered expression of BMP-4.
of the BMP-4 locus with the disease in four affected mul- Inflammatory mast cells are present at every stage of
tigenerational families worldwide.13 Differential gene development of the lesions and are most pronounced during
expression and somatic cell mitotic recombination studies the highly vascular fibroproliferative stage. Mobilization and
have been undertaken to identify altered cellular pathways activation of inflammatory mast cells are therefore impli-
and the gene mutation(s) that lead to activation of the cated in the pathology of fibrodysplasia ossificans progres-
BMP-4 pathways in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans siva.40 It has also been hypothesized that the stromal cells
progressiva.23,46a of early lesions may be locally recruited vascular cells or
BMP-4 is responsible for directing the formation and cells of the bone marrow stroma that maintain the potential
regeneration of the skeletal and hematopoietic systems in to differentiate along an endochondral ossification pathway.20
vertebrates, and although the BMP-4 gene does not contain Dysregulation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-κB), an inflam-
the mutation that causes fibrodysplasia ossificans progres- matory mediator that plays a critical role in developmental
siva, its overexpression almost certainly induces bone for- skeletogenesis and suppression of BMP-4 expression, has
mation in patients with the disease.24 It is known that BMPs been explored and exonerated as a cause of BMP-4 overex-
restrict their own activity by inducing secreted agonists in pression in the disease.1
responsive cells during embryonic skeletal formation and Clinical tests have not demonstrated any enzymatic or
postnatal bone growth.23,46a Findings in animal studies indi- metabolic abnormalities, with the exception of mild tran-
cate that BMP-4 can upregulate the expression of multiple sient elevations in serum alkaline phosphatase levels during
secreted BMP antagonists, establishing an autoregulatory new episodes of heterotopic ossification.
negative feedback loop.17 Kaplan and co-workers23 postu-
lated that a defect in this autoregulatory mechanism may
Histology and Pathology
contribute to elevated BMP-4 activity in patients with fibro-
dysplasia ossificans progressiva, and cell lines from these The earliest lesions of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
lesions in patients with both the sporadic and familial forms consist of loose myxoid fibrous tissue resembling the lesions
of the disease exhibit a markedly attenuated upregulation found in juvenile fibromatosis.26 The fibroblastic prolifera-
of the secreted BMP antagonists noggin and gremlin, which tion infiltrates and replaces normally formed fibrous con-
may account in part for elevated levels of BMP-4 in patients nective tissue and striated muscle. Numerous small blood
with this condition.2 Although most published findings vessels are prominent in early lesions. Cells immunoreactive
suggest that the noggin and gremlin genes are not the site for S-100 protein (expressed in chondroblasts) and carti-
of genetic mutation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, laginous foci are scattered among proliferating fibroblasts.
and it remains unclear whether the loss of these BMP antag- Intense perivascular lymphocytic infiltration into normal-
onists affects the growth of bone tissues after embryogen- appearing skeletal muscle has also been found in the very
esis, the dysfunction in the autoregulatory negative feedback early stages of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.
Endochondral ossification is the prominent and iden­
tifying histologic feature of maturing lesions. Cartilage
References 15, 16, 30, 39, 45, 50, 51. and bone formation gradually replaces the fibroblastic
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e523

proliferation in muscle and adjacent connective tissue. The

newly developed marrow cavity is adipose. Only the absence
of a normal anatomic orientation reveals this bone as being
Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva lesions are staged
according to pathologic and morphologic changes.14,16 Stage
1A lesions involve intense perivascular aggregations, without
invasion of surrounding tissues. Stage 1B is characterized by
lymphocytic infiltration from the vessels into the surround-
ing muscle, with myocytolysis and myonecrosis. Stage 1C
lesions are typified by the appearance of fibroproliferative
tissue that surrounds and invades the adjacent muscle. Pro-
nounced vascularity emerges in stage 2A, and stage 2B is
characterized by the appearance of cartilage. Finally, stage
2C is identified by endochondral bone formation and mature
heterotopic bone. Inflammatory mast cells are present at A
every stage of lesion development and are most pronounced
during the highly vascular fibroproliferative stage.14
Abnormal levels of basic fibroblast growth factor have
been found in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans
progressiva.23,46a Basic fibroblast growth factor is an
extremely potent in vivo stimulator of angiogenesis, and
urinary levels of this factor are elevated during acute disease
flare-ups. This may provide a biochemical basis for consider-
ing antiangiogenic therapy to inhibit endochondral osteo-
genesis in this disorder. Along with information about
BMP-4, this information about basic fibroblast growth factor
supports the concept that defective regulation of the induc-
tion of endochondral osteogenesis is the main pathogenetic
mechanism in this disorder.

Clinical Features
The primary congenital skeletal abnormality in patients
with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is malformation of B
the great toes.48 The toes are short, tend to be in a valgus
position, and have an abnormally shaped proximal phalanx
(Fig. 41-43). They may become monophalangic if the
abnormal epiphyses fuse. In young children, this may be the
first hint of the diagnosis.34 Often, no attention is given to
the toe deformity until painful nodules or ossification devel-
ops. Some patients have clinically abnormal short thumbs
because of short first metacarpals (Fig. 41-44). Corneal
keloid development has been reported following ocular
surgery in patients with the disease.11
The most common site of onset of the heterotopic ossi-
fication is the neck, followed by the spine and shoulder
girdle (Fig. 41-45).8 Other primary sites that have been
reported include the elbow and wrist, knee, and hip. The
average age at onset is 5 years (range, birth to 25 years),
and almost 80% of patients have some restrictive hetero-
topic ossification by age 7 years. By age 15, almost 95% of
patients have severely restricted mobility in the upper
limbs. The typical pattern is for the heterotopic ossification
to proceed in a direction that is axial to appendicular, FIGURE 41-43  A, This 3-year-old boy with fibrodysplasia ossificans
craniad to caudad, and proximal to distal. progressiva has short, valgus-positioned great toes. B, The
As the lesions develop, they tend to go through proximal phalanx is abnormally shaped, and the interphalangeal
several stages.26 During the first few weeks (early lesions), joint is fixed in valgus. C, In another 3-year-old, the proximal
phalanx is fused to the first metatarsal.
pain, erythema, swelling, warmth, and tenderness are
noted.35 After several weeks (intermediate lesions), the
swelling begins to subside. There is a decrease in pain, ery-
thema, and tenderness but an increase in induration. After
e524 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Limited jaw mobility creates great difficulty in feeding

and maintaining adequate nutrition. Surgical attempts to
restore mobility of the jaw through resection of ossified
muscle have been unsuccessful.10
Spinal deformity is common in patients with fibrodys-
plasia ossificans progressiva.46 Approximately 65% of
patients have radiographic evidence of scoliosis, and 42%
have hypokyphosis. These rapidly developing abnormalities
are usually associated with spontaneously occurring lesions
in the paravertebral soft tissues. These lesions ossify before
skeletal maturity, forming unilateral bony bridges along the
spine. This limits growth on the ipsilateral side of the spine
while growth continues uninhibited on the contralateral
side. Over time, a severe scoliotic deformity may result
(Fig. 41-48).
Fortunately, the diaphragm, as well as the extraocular,
cardiac, and smooth muscles, are characteristically spared.
Patients have extremely limited chest expansion and depend
on diaphragmatic breathing. Lung volumes are reduced to
approximately 44% of normal values, but flow rates are
relatively normal.28 Electrocardiographic evidence of right
ventricular dysfunction is found in older patients with fibro-
dysplasia ossificans progressiva. The presence of severely
restrictive chest wall disease is associated with a high
incidence of right ventricular abnormalities on the electro-
FIGURE 41-44  At age 8 years, the patient shown in Figure 41-43
cardiogram. Whether cor pulmonale eventually occurs has
(part C) has an extremely short first metacarpal and short thumbs.
not been clearly demonstrated. Premature death may result
from respiratory failure because of restricted movement of
the thoracic cage or from inanition caused by ankylosis of
approximately 12 weeks (late lesions), the swelling disap- the jaw. The average life expectancy in this disorder is 56
pears and there remains a hard nontender lesion that is years, with the most common cause being cardiorespiratory
visible radiographically as a new area of ossification. Severe failure from thoracic constriction.27
disability subsequently develops secondary to the extraar-
ticular ankylosis of the major joints.
Radiographic Findings
In patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, any
form of trauma to the deep tissues is often a stimulus for Radiographs of the heterotopic skeleton demonstrate fea-
new bouts of heterotopic ossification, including relatively tures of normal bone modeling. These include the develop-
minor events such as immunizations and dental injec- ment of tubular and flat bones with mature cortical and
tions.29,31,38 Patients can often date the onset of new lesions trabecular organization, presence of well-defined cortical-
to the time of an otherwise minor soft tissue injury, and endosteal borders enclosing medullary canals, and presence
they frequently anticipate the onset of a focal flare-up of metaphyseal funnelization in isolated ossicles or at sites
within several days of the trauma. Biopsies often trigger a of synostoses. Characteristics of bone remodeling include
clinical flare-up, but the mechanism is not understood. the response of heterotopic bone to weight-bearing stress
Flare-ups have also been linked to infection with influenza- with osteosclerosis of use and osteopenia of disuse and the
like viral illnesses, which may be a source of previously resistance of heterotopic bone to fatigue failure, with the
unrecognized muscle injury in these patients.43 Unlike other absence of pathologic fractures and stress fractures.25
forms of heterotopic ossification, the ossification that occurs
in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is irre-
versible. Resection of a mature lesion invariably leads to the
formation of new and more robust ossification. Tripping and falling can be catastrophic in patients with
The presenting limitation of motion often occurs in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.19 Two thirds of falls
the neck as ossification matures along the cervical spine lead to painful flare-ups of the disease, and 50% of all falls
(Fig. 41-46). In addition to axial skeleton involvement, lead to permanent disability, particularly if trauma to the
ossification occurs in the shoulder girdle and severely head occurs. Therefore precautions should be taken to mini-
restricts motion of the upper extremities. Involvement mize the risk of injury without compromising the patient’s
of the wrists and elbows occurs much later, if at all. Simi- functional level and independence. This includes limiting
larly, as the disorder progresses in the lower extremities, high-risk activities, using protective head gear, installing
limitation of range of motion occurs earlier in the hip than safety features in the home, and augmenting stabilizing and
in the knee or ankle (Fig. 41-47).41,42 By age 30 years, most protective functions.
patients are capable of a sitting or a standing position only; Fractures that occur in normal or heterotopic bone can
few are able both to sit and stand with comfort and be expected to heal uneventfully, although other sites of
stability. ossification may evolve.12
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e525

FIGURE 41-45  A and B, At age 4 years, the patient shown in Figure 41-43 (part A) has no range of motion in his neck because of
heterotopic ossification in the posterior soft tissues. C and D, Neither of his shoulders has any mobility.

Surgical excision of heterotopic bone is futile because significant deformity and pelvic obliquity. One study
any form of trauma (including surgery) predictably stimu- reported that the risks associated with operative correction
lates even more abundant heterotopic ossification. This of spinal deformities in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
makes orthopaedic management difficult, especially in may outweigh the benefits.45 However, in an occasional
patients with severe spinal deformities or ankylosed lower patient, the risk of progressive spinal deformity may warrant
extremities fixed in an awkward position. If the lower surgical arthrodesis (see Fig. 41-48).33,36,37,47
extremities require repositioning for improved sitting, the Anesthesia also presents a risk in these patients because
patient and surgeon must be prepared for the possibility of of neck stiffness, altered bony anatomy, small oral access,
the development of other lesions secondary to the operative restrictive pulmonary disease, and abnormalities in cardiac
stress. Deformity of the spine is perplexing, and operative conduction.33,36,37,47
intervention for scoliosis exacerbates the disease. Equally There is no clearly effective medical therapy for fibro-
worrisome in a young patient is that anterior growth of a dysplasia ossificans progressiva. Etidronate has been studied
scoliotic spine that is tethered posteriorly can lead to because of its inhibitory effect on bone mineralization and
e526 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-46  Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. A, At age 6 years, the patient shown in Figures 41-43 (part C) and 41-44 had
ossification of the soft tissue of his neck. B, Thirteen years later, the cervical spine was completely fused.

Gene therapy with BMP antagonists may hold promise

in the future, based on existing knowledge. Mouse models
of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva have been devel-
oped.18,22 In one report, a mouse model of heterotopic
osteogenesis was created using an injectable basement
membrane matrix (osteoconductive material) impregnated
with BMP-4.18 In this model, implants containing BMP-4
induced aggressive fibroproliferative activity with chondro-
genesis, except in animals pretreated with local administra-
tion or systemic delivery of the BMP antagonist noggin via
somatic cell gene transfer. In these treated animals, BMP-4
induced no significant ossification. Therefore delivery of the
BMP antagonist protein noggin prevents BMP-4–induced
heterotopic ossification in a mouse model of the disease.18
In addition to noggin, other classes of BMP antagonists have
been identified, including the follistatin, chordin, and DAN-
FIGURE 41-47  Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. At age 19 Cerberus families of inhibitors, each of which demonstrates
years, the hips of the patient shown in Figure 41-46 were unique binding properties.18 Numerous obstacles must be
ankylosed in 45 degrees of flexion. overcome before gene therapy can be used to treat patients,
including a determination of its long-term safety with regard
its potential to impair the rapid ossification process observed to bone development, the development of safe viral vectors
after acute episodes of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. for gene delivery, and the use of inducible promoters to
The results of studies using IV etidronate and oral steroids regulate gene activity.18,23,46a
suggest that these agents may provide some benefit.6 When Because the mobilization and activation of inflammatory
used at high doses for sustained periods, however, etidro- mast cells are implicated in the pathology of fibrodysplasia
nate causes osteomalacia and may impair the ossification of ossificans progressiva, these processes may represent a new
normal bone, so its clinical usefulness is limited.23,46a Isotret- target for pharmacologic interventions.40 Stem cell therapy
inoin (13-cis-retinoic acid) also inhibits the differentiation may also play a future role in treatment of the disease
of mesenchymal tissue into cartilage and bone, but a study because hematopoietic stems cells are known to give rise to
examining its effectiveness was unable to determine whether multiple mesenchymal tissues, including bone.4,14 Trans-
it was beneficial or detrimental in preventing disease flare- plantation to replace the hematopoietic stem cell pool of
ups in regions that had even minimal heterotopic ossifica- these patients may therefore prove useful. Additionally, a
tion when therapy began.53 The authors thus recommended report of the short-term arrest of fibrodysplasia ossificans
extreme caution when using isotretinoin in patients with progressiva symptoms in a patient undergoing bone marrow
fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. transplantation has led to the suggestion that if B cells are
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e527

FIGURE 41-48  Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.

A to C, At age 4 years, the patient shown in Figure
41-45 had numerous sites of ossification in the
paravertebral tissues of his back. D, This limited growth
and led to a 47-degree scoliotic deformity of the
lumbar spine. E, Because of the likelihood that the
progressive scoliosis would create excessive deformity
between the trunk and pelvis, anterior fusion of the
lumbar spine was performed. The scoliosis remained
stabilized 4 years postoperatively at 48 degrees.



found to be the lymphocytes responsible for excess BMP-4 and airway management, relatively long-term survival is
production, use of rituximab, a monoclonal anti-CD20 anti- possible.
body that targets B cells, may offer a future treatment
alternative.3 References
At present, for early lesions, it is reasonable to use anti-
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva
inflammatory drugs, including corticosteroids, in addition to
1. Ahn J, Feldman G, Terry L, et al: Exoneration of NF-kappa B
analgesics and etidronate until the acute phase subsides. dysregulation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Clin Orthop
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15. Gannon FH, Kaplan FS, Olmsted E, et al: Bone morphogenetic ties, Paediatr Anaesth 14:53, 2004.
protein 2/4 in early fibromatous lesions of fibrodysplasia ossificans 37. Newton MC, Allen PW, Ryan DC: Fibrodysplasia ossificans pro-
progressiva, Hum Pathol 28:339, 1997. gressiva, Br J Anaesth 64:246, 1990.
16. Gannon FH, Valentine BA, Shore EM, et al: Acute lymphocytic 38. Nussbaum BL, O’Hara I, Kaplan FS: Fibrodysplasia ossificans pro-
infiltration in an extremely early lesion of fibrodysplasia ossificans gressiva: report of a case with guidelines for pediatric dental and
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17. Gazzerro E, Gangji V, Canalis E: Bone morphogenetic proteins 39. Olmsted EA, Gannon FH, Wang ZQ, et al: Embryonic overexpres-
induce the expression of noggin, which limits their activity in sion of the c-Fos protooncogene. A murine stem cell chimera
cultured rat osteoblasts, J Clin Invest 102:2106, 1998. applicable to the study of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva in
18. Glaser DL, Economides AN, Wang L, et al: In vivo somatic cell humans, Clin Orthop Relat Res 346:81, 1998.
gene transfer of an engineered Noggin mutein prevents BMP4- 40. Olmsted EA, Kaplan FS, Shore EM: Bone morphogenetic protein-4
induced heterotopic ossification, J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:2332, regulation in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Clin Orthop
2003. Relat Res 408:331, 2003.
19. Glaser DL, Rocke DM, Kaplan FS: Catastrophic falls in patients 41. Rocke DM, Zasloff M, Peeper J, et al: Age- and joint-specific risk
who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Clin Orthop Relat of initial heterotopic ossification in patients who have fibrodyspla-
Res 346:110, 1998. sia ossificans progressiva, Clin Orthop Relat Res 301:243, 1994.
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clues to a vascular origin of heterotopic ossification? J Pathol 43. Scarlett RF, Rocke DM, Kantanie S, et al: Influenza-like viral ill-
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Anesth 15:211, 2003. thin, similar to cigarette paper or parchment (Fig. 41-51).
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lessons from a rare disease, Clin Orthop Relat Res 346:7, 1998.
tion in the bruised areas. In others, masses called pseudo-
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heterogeneity in fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, Calcif Tissue tumors form at sites of friction, such as the elbows, heels,
Int 65:250, 1999. and knees. Bleeding gums occur in some forms of Ehlers-
50. Wozney JM, Rosen V: Bone morphogenetic protein and bone Danlos syndrome.
morphogenetic protein gene family in bone formation and repair, Joint hypermobility is present in all forms. In most cases,
Clin Orthop Relat Res 346:26, 1998. there is hyperextensibility of the joints of the fingers, wrists,
51. Xu M, Shore EM: Mutational screening of the bone morphogenetic
protein 4 gene in a family with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva,
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53. Zasloff MA, Rocke DM, Crofford LJ, et al: Treatment of patients
who have fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva with isotretinoin,
Clin Orthop Relat Res 346:121, 1998.

Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome refers to a group of inherited dis-
orders characterized by abnormalities of collagen metabo-
lism that result in varying degrees of joint laxity, skin
hyperelasticity, and abnormalities of other organs. In 1682,
FIGURE 41-50  Hyperlaxity of the skin on the sole of the foot in
van Meeckeren16 described the first case, noting extraordi-
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
nary dilatability of the skin. Ehlers, in 1901, described
patients with loose joints and subcutaneous hemorrhages.6
Danlos, in 1908, added subcutaneous tumors that may
develop at pressure points to the description.5 Although
more than 13 types of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome have been
identified, some characteristics are common among afflicted

Clinical Features
Skin manifestations vary from mild laxity to extreme laxity
(Fig. 41-49). In some cases, the patient’s skin over the
elbow can be pulled out 10 to 15 cm, with remarkably
delayed relaxation. Elastic skin over the palms and soles

FIGURE 41-49  Hyperlaxity of the skin of the elbow in Ehlers- FIGURE 41-51  Hyperpigmented, cigarette paper–like skin on the
Danlos syndrome. legs of a 10-year-old boy with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.
e530 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

pain, and a positive family history. In this type, joint laxity

is the dominant manifestation, and skin extensibility is vari-
able. These individuals may have musculoskeletal pain that
can be debilitating at times, which correlates with the
degree of joint laxity.17
Type 3: Vascular 
Inheritance is autosomal dominant. The major diagnostic
criteria are thin translucent skin and arterial, intestinal, or
uterine fragility or rupture. Extensive bruising and a char-
acteristic facial appearance (thin, delicate, pinched nose,
thin lips, tight skin, hollow cheeks, prominent staring eyes)
are other major criteria. Minor criteria are acrogeria, small
joint hypermobility, tendon and muscle rupture, clubfoot,
early-onset varicose veins, arteriovenous or carotid-
FIGURE 41-52  Hyperextension of the metacarpal joint of the cavernous sinus fistula, pneumothorax, gingival recession,
index finger in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. positive family history, and sudden death in a close relative.
The basic defect is a mutation in the COL3A1 gene, which
elbows, knees, and ankles (Fig. 41-52). Specific degrees of results in abnormal procollagen III synthesis. In a study of
hypermobility of these five areas were considered diagnostic patients with this diagnosis, 90% survived free of vascular
of pathologic laxity by Wynne-Davies (Fig. 41-53).18 In complications at age 20 years and 39% at age 40, but only
more severe cases, the joints can be distracted to an exces- 20% at age 60.12
sive degree. Some patients have a history of recurrent dis-
locations of the patellae or shoulders. In the most severe Type 4: Kyphoscoliotic
cases, joint dislocations become chronic or fixed. Many Inheritance is autosomal recessive, and the defect is a defi-
patients have chronic joint pain, most often in the shoul- ciency of lysyl hydroxylase, a collagen-modifying enzyme.
ders, hands, and knees. The pain is usually refractory to The major diagnostic criteria are generalized joint laxity,
intervention.15 Chronic effusions and hemarthrosis are severe muscle hypotonia at birth, scoliosis at birth that is
sometimes present. Scoliosis, spondylolisthesis, and atlan- progressive, and scleral fragility, with rupture of the ocular
toaxial instability occur occasionally. globe. The minor criteria are tissue fragility, atrophic scars,
Vascular, pulmonary, and intestinal ruptures occur easy bruising, arterial rupture, marfanoid habitus, microcor-
in type IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and are often life- nea, osteopenia, and a positive family history. This type may
threatening.8,9,12 Wound dehiscence may be a problem in resemble the severe infantile form of Marfan syndrome.
any patient with skin fragility. One report described a patient followed without treatment.
Many children with joint hypermobility do not meet the Between ages 9 and 29 years, the curvature progressed to
criteria for a specific diagnosis. Adib and co-workers noted 115 degrees, with severe hyperkyphosis.11
that these children often present with arthralgias, gait devia- The kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome has
tions, clumsiness, and easy bruising.1 Future studies may also been called type 6a. Patients have moderate skin and
further characterize this group of children. joint laxity. Vascular rupture may occur even before birth.14
They may have ectopy of the lens of the eye, and scoliosis
usually occurs. The deficiency in lysine content results in
poor cross-linking of collagen.4,13 In one patient with kypho-
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome was described in 1986 in the Berlin scoliosis, meningeal cysts were present in the spinal canal.4
nosology by Beighton and associates.3 The nosology was In a series of five patients treated with spinal instrumenta-
revised in 1998, with major and minor criteria established tion and fusion (four having anterior surgery), two serious
for each type (Table 41-2).1,3 vascular complications occurred—one avulsion of the seg-
mental arteries and rupture of the iliac artery and vein, and
Type 1: Classic one avulsion of the superior gluteal artery during iliac crest
Inheritance is autosomal dominant. The major diagnostic bone graft exposure.2 Early diagnosis is possible by noting
criteria are skin hyperextensibility, widened atrophic scars, increased length at birth, muscular hypotonia, wrist drop,
and joint hypermobility. The minor criteria are smooth, and kyphoscoliosis in infancy or at birth.7,14
velvety skin, molluscoid pseudotumors, subcutaneous
spheroids, complications of joint laxity, muscle hypotonia Type 5: Arthrochalasis
with delayed gross motor development, easy bruising, and Inheritance is autosomal dominant. The major criteria are
other manifestations of tissue laxity and fragility. Another extreme hyperlaxity of the joints, with recurrent sublux-
minor criterion is a positive family history. ations, and bilateral congenital hip dislocation. Minor crite-
ria are skin hyperextensibility, tissue fragility, atrophic scars,
Type 2: Hypermobility  easy bruising, muscle hypotonia, kyphoscoliosis, and osteo-
Inheritance is autosomal dominant. The major criteria are penia. Patients are not short of stature, except as a compli-
skin involvement (hyperextensibility, smooth velvety skin, cation of severe spinal deformity. The biochemical defect is
or both), and generalized joint hypermobility. The minor determined by electrophoretic demonstration of pro-alpha1
criteria are recurring joint dislocations, chronic joint or limb or pro-alpha2 chains from dermal collagen. Also, there is
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e531


FIGURE 41-53  Criteria for ligamentous laxity (after Wynne-Davies18). A, Flexion of the thumb to the volar forearm. B, Dorsiflexion
of the fingers parallel to the forearm. C, Hyperextension of the elbow to 15 degrees. D, Hyperextension of the knee to 15 degrees.
E, Dorsiflexion of the ankle to 60 degrees.

complete or partial skipping of exon 6 in COL1A1 or texture, easy bruising, premature rupture of fetal mem-
COL1A2. branes; and large hernias.2,3
Type 6: Dermatosparaxis
Inheritance is autosomal recessive. This type is caused by a
deficiency of procollagen I N-terminal peptidase. The major There are no specific treatments to correct the biochemical
diagnostic criteria are severe skin fragility and sagging defects responsible for the collagen abnormalities. Joint dis-
redundant skin. The minor criteria are a soft, doughy skin locations are initially treated with standard immobilization
e532 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Table 41-2  Revised Classification of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome

Type Inheritance Major Criteria Minor Criteria Cause

1:  Classic Autosomal Skin hyperextensibility; Smooth, velvety skin; No uniform cause known
dominant widened atrophic molluscoid pseudotumors;
scars; joint subcutaneous spheroids;
hypermobility complications of joint
hypermobility; muscle
hypotonia; easy bruising;
manifestations of tissue
extensibility and fragility;
surgical complications
2:  Hypermobility Autosomal Skin involvement; Recurring joint dislocations; Unknown
dominant generalized joint chronic joint or limb pain;
hypermobility positive family history
3:  Vascular Autosomal Thin, translucent skin; Acrogeria; hypermobility of Structurally abnormal
dominant arterial, intestinal, small joints; tendon and collagen type III or
uterine fragility or muscle rupture; clubfoot; mutation in COL3A1 gene
rupture; early-onset varicose veins;
characteristic facial arteriovenous, carotid-
appearance cavernous sinus fistula;
pneumothorax; gingival
recession; positive family
history; sudden death in
close relative
4:  Kyphoscoliotic Autosomal Generalized joint laxity; Tissue fragility, including Deficiency in lysyl
recessive severe muscle atrophic scars, easy hydroxylase;
hypotonia at birth; bruising; arterial rupture; homozygosity or
scoliosis at birth marfanoid habitus; compound heterozygosity
(progressive); scleral microcornea; radiologic for mutant PLOD allele(s)
fragility and rupture osteopenia; family history
of ocular globe
5:  Arthrochalasis Autosomal Severe generalized Skin hyperextensibility; tissue Mutations leading to
dominant joint hypermobility fragility; easy bruising; deficient processing of
with recurrent muscle hypotonia; the amino-terminal end
subluxations; kyphoscoliosis; radiologic of pro-alpha1 (type A) or
congenital bilateral osteopenia pro-alpha2 (type B) chains
hip dislocation of collagen type I because
of skipping of exon 6 in
COL1A1 or COL1A2 gene
6:  Dermatosparaxis Autosomal Severe skin fragility; Soft, doughy skin texture; Deficiency in procollagen I
recessive sagging, redundant easy bruising; premature N-terminal peptidase
skin rupture of fetal caused by homozygosity
membranes; large hernias of mutant allele

methods, although recurrences are expected; these are dif- References

ficult to manage, and standard procedures often fail.15 Bony Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
realignment, when appropriate, is more likely to stabilize a 1. Adib N, Davies K, Grahame R, et al: Joint hypermobility syndrome
joint than soft tissue procedures. Wound dehiscence and in childhood. A not so benign multisystem disorder? Rheumatology
healing complications are common, and surgeons should (Oxford, England) 44:744, 2005.
consider more rigorous closure techniques and wound pro- 2. Akpinar S, Gogus A, Talu U, et al: Surgical management of the
tection for longer periods than usual. Patients should be spinal deformity in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type VI, Eur Spine J
12:135, 2003.
warned that unsightly scarring is a possibility from surgery.
3. Beighton P, De Paepe A, Steinmann B, et al: Ehlers-Danlos
Severe bleeding complications have been reported with
syndromes: revised nosology, Villefranche, 1997. Ehlers-Danlos
anterior surgery for spine deformity, and several publica- National Foundation (USA) and Ehlers-Danlos Support Group
tions have noted that kyphoscoliosis can be effectively (UK), Am J Med Genet 77:31, 1998.
managed by posterior spinal fusion with stable instrumenta- 4. Brunk I, Stöver B, Ikonomidou C, et al: Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
tion.10,19 The management of vascular and visceral ruptures type VI with cystic malformations of the meninges in a 7-year-old
is beyond the scope of this text. girl, Eur J Pediatr 163:214, 2004.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e533

5. Danlos M: Un cas de cutis laxa avec tumeurs par contusion chro-

niques des coudes et des genoux (xanthome juvenile pseudodiabe-
tique de MM. Hallopeau et Lepinary), Bull Soc Fr Dermatol Symph
70:1908, 1908.
6. Ehlers E: Curtis laxa, Neigung zu Haemorrhagien in der Haut,
Lockerung mehrerer Artikulationen, Dermatol Z 8:173, 1901.
7. Giunta C, Randolph A, Al-Gazali LI, et al: Nevo syndrome is allelic
to the kyphoscoliotic type of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS
VIA), Am J Med Genet A 133:158, 2005.
8. Gurndtner P, Assadian A, et al: History of a patient with Sack-
Barabas syndrome (Ehlers Danlos Type IV)—16 years of recurrent
life-extending open and endovascular surgery, Eur J Vasc Endovasc
Surg 30:112, 2005.
9. Jindal R, Choong A, Arul D, et al: Vascular manifestations of Type
IV Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 30:224,
10. Liu Y, Gao R, Zhou X, et al: Posterior spinal fusion for scoliosis in
Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, kyphoscoliosis type, Orthopedics 34:228,
11. Natarajan D, Samartzis D, Wong YW, et al: Natural history of
FIGURE 41-54  Gaucher cells, characteristic of Gaucher disease
spinal deformity in a patient with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: case
(hematoxylin-eosin, ×400).
report with 20-year follow-up, Spine J 11:e1, 2011.
12. Oderich GS, Panneton JM, Bower TC, et al: The spectrum, man-
agement and clinical outcome of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV:
a 30-year experience, J Vasc Surg 42:98, 2005. degrees of clinical involvement.4 Phenotypic variation is
13. Pinnell SR, Krane SM, Kenzora JE, et al: A heritable disorder
caused in part by the extent of the enzyme deficiency,
of connective tissue. Hydroxylysine-deficient collagen disease,
which can range from partial to complete absence of
N Engl J Med 286:1013, 1972.
14. Rohrbach M, Vandersteen A, Yis U, et al: Phenotypic variability β-glucocerebrosidase.
of the kyphoscoliotic type of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS VIA): Gaucher disease is the most common lipid storage dis-
clinical, molecular and biochemical delineation, Orphanet J Rare order. It is especially prevalent in the Ashkenazi Jewish
Dis 6:46, 2011. population.100 In a screening study conducted in Israel, the
15. Sacheti A, Szemere J, Bernstein B, et al: Chronic pain is a mani- carrier frequency among those tested was 1 in 17.49
festation of the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, J Pain Symptom Manage
14:88, 1997.
16. van Meeckeren J: De dilatabilitate extraordianaria cutis. In Obser- Pathology and Diagnosis
vations medicochirugicae, Amsterdam, 1682, Chapter 82.
Glucocerebrosides accumulate in the reticuloendothelial
17. Voermans NC, Knoop H, Bleijenberg G, et al: Pain in Ehlers-
system and sometimes in the CNS. Pale-staining foam cells,
Danlos syndrome is common, severe, and associated with func-
tional impairment, J Pain Symptom Manage 40:370, 2010. known as Gaucher cells, also accumulate (Fig. 41-54). The
18. Wynne-Davies R: Acetabular dysplasia and familial joint laxity: disease may manifest with hepatosplenomegaly, bone
two etiological factors in congenital dislocation of the hip. A review marrow suppression, and bone lesions.
of 589 patients and their families, J Bone Joint Surg Br 52:704, The diagnosis of Gaucher disease is often missed ini-
1970. tially.98 The definitive method of diagnosis is enzyme assay
19. Yang JS, Sponseller PD, Yazici M, et al: Vascular complications of β-glucocerebrosidase activity,21 which demonstrates
from anterior spine surgery in three patients with Ehlers-Danlos reduced acid activity in peripheral blood leukocytes. Geno-
syndrome, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 34:E153, 2009. typing at the glucocerebrosidase gene locus can provide
additional information and identify carriers. Histologic diag-
nosis of Gaucher disease is not necessary.75
Prenatal diagnosis can be made by enzyme assays of cells
Gaucher Disease obtained from amniocentesis or chorionic villous sampling,
as well as by DNA analysis for known mutations.109
Genetics and Heredity
Gaucher disease is an autosomal recessive, inborn distur-
Clinical Features
bance of lipid metabolism characterized by a deficiency in
the enzyme β-glucocerebrosidase, which cleaves glucosyl­ Brady and Barranger identified three distinct forms of
ceramide.19 Molecular genetic research has localized the Gaucher disease.18 In all three forms, the bone marrow is
glucocerebrosidase gene to 1q21,23 and almost 200 different infiltrated, causing anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocyto-
mutations in this gene that produce Gaucher disease have penia. These aberrations manifest clinically as fatigue,
been described. There is variable correlation between the bleeding tendencies, and recurrent infections. Enlargement
specific genotype and phenotypic expression in patients of the spleen results in abdominal protuberance. Enlarged
with Gaucher disease.‡b lymph nodes are palpable.
In 10 of 24 Gaucher disease families, siblings who
carry the same mutations were found to have varying Type 1
Type 1 Gaucher disease is also referred to as the chronic,
References 14, 15, 50, 54, 76, 97, 102. nonneuropathic form or adult form, although it usually
e534 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

becomes evident during childhood.108 It is the most common

clinical form, representing 95% of cases, and it manifests
within the first 2 decades of life. Disease severity is
extremely variable, with a tendency for increasing severity
in children. Splenomegaly, enlargement of lymph nodes,
bone lesions, and skin pigmentation abnormalities are
present. The CNS is not involved.
Type 2
Type 2 disease is the acute infantile neuropathic form. This
type is very rare, appears in infancy, and involves primarily
the CNS. The disease is fatal within 18 months of onset.
There is extensive, progressive brainstem destruction caused
by the accumulation of glucosylsphingosine. The most fre-
quent presenting signs of type 2 Gaucher disease are hyper-
extension of the neck, swallowing abnormalities, and
strabismus.72 Pulmonary involvement, hepatosplenomegaly,
pancytopenia, and failure to thrive are not specific to type
2 disease but are also present. Bony involvement is not
A new subset of type 2 Gaucher disease has been
described. This perinatal form of the disease is lethal in the
newborn period.28 It is characterized by hydrops fetalis—an
excessive accumulation of serous fluid in the subcutaneous
tissues and serous cavities of the fetus99—and severe, pro-
gressive neurologic involvement. Associated findings include
hepatosplenomegaly, ichthyosis, arthrogryposis, and abnor- FIGURE 41-55  Erlenmeyer flask deformity of the femur in Gaucher
mal facies.73 Because of the lethality of the disease, bone disease.
involvement is insignificant.
Type 3
Type 3 is the subacute neuropathic or juvenile form of Avascular Necrosis
Gaucher disease. It has the features of the chronic form, Avascular necrosis is caused by interruption of the micro-
along with CNS involvement. The disease manifests during vasculature by the expanding mass of Gaucher cells. AVN
childhood, with slowly progressive neural dysfunction, gait of the femoral head is common, occurring in up to 75% of
abnormality, seizures, and mental retardation. patients in a series reported by Amstutz and Carey (Fig.
41-56).5,6 It is usually bilateral. There may be segmental
involvement, or the total head may be affected. The joint
Orthopaedic Manifestations
space may become narrowed, with resultant osteoarthri-
The orthopaedic problems that develop in types 1 and 3 tis.101 The humeral head is also frequently involved.30
disease vary among patients.29 There are six different bony Patients who have had splenectomies are at higher risk for
manifestations of Gaucher disease—bone marrow infiltra- AVN.91 Marrow changes consistent with AVN can be easily
tion, avascular necrosis (AVN), bone crises, pathologic frac- seen by MRI.40,93 Histologic examination of avascular
tures, lytic lesions, and osteomyelitis. femoral heads shows sheets of Gaucher cells and fibrous
tissue filling the marrow spaces.
Bone Marrow Infiltration Although AVN is typically thought to affect the epiphy-
The bone marrow is infiltrated by Gaucher cells, ses of the proximal femur, knee, and proximal humerus,
which multiply and replace the hematopoietic cells. The there is a variant of osteonecrosis seen in patients with
metaphysis and diaphysis expand, and the adjacent cortex Gaucher disease that affects the medullary canal of the long
becomes thinned, creating the appearance of an Erlen- bones. Bone infarcts occur, resulting in the death of the
meyer flask on radiographs (Fig. 41-55).63,107 The distal osseous elements and marrow containing the Gaucher cells.
femur is most commonly involved, followed in frequency Damage to these cells results in the deposition of calcium
by the proximal tibia.52 The expansion and erosion of in the bone. Although there is a radiographic appearance
the cortices can produce chronic bone pain. MRI of the of increased density, the bone is not mechanically
peripheral and axial skeleton and specialized bone scans strengthened.69
can quantify the extent of replacement of normal bone
marrow with Gaucher cells.67,70 The MRI appearance of Bone Crises
the bone marrow in Gaucher’s patients is characterized Bone crises resembling those seen in patients with sickle
by an abnormally low signal intensity on conventional cell anemia may occur. They manifest as acute episodes of
T1- and T2-weighted spin echo sequences because of a severe limb pain with localized tenderness, warmth, redness,
reduction in fatty marrow, which normally has high signal inability to use the limb, fever, and leukocytosis. In short,
intensity.66 they resemble infection.12 Bone crises occur most
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e535

FIGURE 41-56  A and B, Early avascular necrosis in a 6-year-old girl presenting with pain in both lower extremities. Gaucher disease was
diagnosed based on expansion of the distal femora (as seen in Fig. 41-55) and simultaneous avascular necrosis of the femoral heads. The
diagnosis was confirmed by enzyme assay.

commonly in the lower extremity, but one third of patients

with bone pain present with symptoms in the upper Lytic Lesions
extremities.57 Radiographs show periosteal new bone forma- The presence of bubbly, expansile lytic lesions in the long
tion and mottled rarefaction of the involved bone. bones is caused by marked aggregates of Gaucher cells.80
Technetium bone scans may be helpful in differentiating Occasionally, the masses of Gaucher cells protrude from the
between bone crisis and osteomyelitis. A cold scan supports bone into the soft tissue and mimic malignancy.41,86 Tumor
the diagnosis of bone crisis, because osteomyelitis usually formation may occur in Gaucher disease, but is rare.85,104
produces increased uptake.25,58 Similarly, gallium scanning
shows decreased uptake in Gaucher disease and increased Osteomyelitis
uptake in osteomyelitis.74 Subperiosteal edema has been Osteomyelitis is a serious problem in Gaucher disease.79
seen in patients with Gaucher disease during bone crises.22 The ischemic bone is inherently susceptible to infection,
Lipophilic tracer scans have been used in a few cases to and when osteomyelitis does occur, the lack of vascular
differentiate bone pain caused by Gaucher disease from supply to the bone makes antibiotic treatment difficult.12
infection.62 Bell and associates recommended blood cul- Patients with Gaucher disease are prone to infection with
tures, technetium bone scans, and CT for all patients with anaerobic organisms not commonly seen in osteomyelitis.34
Gaucher disease suspected of having bone crises or osteo- Technetium bone scans may show increased uptake, and
myelitis.12 When aspiration of the bone is necessary, it gallium scanning can help make the correct diagnosis.84 Sur-
should be carried out under aseptic conditions to prevent gical treatment is often contraindicated in Gaucher disease
secondary infection. because the result is often chronic osteomyelitis.
The course of bone crises in Gaucher disease is self-
limiting, and the pain gradually subsides within days or
weeks. The pathophysiology of the crisis is presumed to be
vaso-occlusive. The Gaucher cells mechanically block the Significant advances have been made in the treatments
circulation, leading to a marked elevation in intramedullary available to patients with Gaucher disease.
pressure. One study, supported by MRI findings of signal
change within the bone and subperiosteal fluid collections, Splenectomy
proposed that subacute hemorrhage caused by coagulopathy Splenectomy had long been used for patients with hyper-
leads to bone crises.48 The issue remains unsettled. splenism and thrombocytopenia, but unfortunately, sple-
nectomy leaves patients at increased risk for infection.35
Pathologic Fractures Splenectomy also shifts the deposition of Gaucher cells
Osteopenia and AVN predispose to pathologic fracture in from the spleen to the bone marrow, resulting in a greater
Gaucher disease.83,101 The sites most frequently involved are risk of AVN, fractures, and bone crises.51,69 For these
the proximal femur and the spine.37 In pediatric patients, reasons, partial splenectomy came into favor, but follow-up
the fractures heal with conservative treatment, although studies showed regrowth of the remnant spleen and the
there is a tendency for fractures of the proximal femur to reappearance of splenomegaly.9,44,78,111
heal in varus alignment.38 Fracture healing may be pro-
longed, even in children.55 Kyphosis may result from verte- Enzyme Replacement Therapy
bral compression fractures, and cord and root impingement Enzyme replacement therapy became possible in 1991 and
have been described in rare cases.42,59,60,81,95 Usually, more is currently advocated as the treatment of choice for chil-
than one vertebra is involved. dren with type 1 Gaucher disease.77,108 Placental human
e536 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

glucocerebrosidase (alglucerase) and recombinant glucocer- The neurologic abnormalities seen in type 2 Gaucher
ebrosidase (imiglucerase [Cerezyme]) are the two enzymes disease are not reversed with enzyme treatment, because
used.11 The indications for treatment are splenomegaly, the enzyme cannot cross the blood-brain barrier.31 Those
growth failure, and bony, hematologic, and pulmonary with type 2 disease still die in infancy, despite enzyme
complications. Recommendations have been proposed for replacement.17,32,89 Newer therapies using pharmacologic
enzyme replacement therapy in all children with any signs chaperones offer some hope. These small molecules are
or symptoms of type 1 Gaucher disease.8 Improvement in capable of penetrating the blood-brain barrier and enhanc-
hepatosplenomegaly, anemia, and thrombocytopenia is ing the function of the mutant enzyme.24
usually apparent within 6 months. Studies of children with The response to enzyme replacement in patients with
type 1 Gaucher disease who received enzyme replacement type 3 Gaucher disease has been investigated. Similar to
therapy showed a reduction in the size of the liver and spleen type 1 disease, significant improvement in hematologic
on abdominal ultrasonography and a significant increase in parameters, hepatosplenomegaly, and bone involvement
height because of more normal skeletal growth.27,84 were seen. Neurologic deterioration occurred despite treat-
The bone involvement associated with Gaucher disease ment in 8 of 21 patients.3 There have been rare cases of
responds more slowly.16 Partial restoration of vertebral body neurologic improvement in patients with type 3 disease.112
height has been described in pediatric patients.43 Improve-
ment in lumbar bone mineral density has also been docu- Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplantation
mented in children receiving enzyme replacement therapy.13 Bone marrow transplantation has been successful in the
Bone biopsy has shown the disappearance of Gaucher cells treatment of Gaucher disease.20,47 Plasma levels of gluco-
from the marrow and shrinkage of those cells that persist.94 cerebroside return to normal, but the Gaucher cells persist
Painful bone crises are almost eliminated by enzyme for a long time.90 Because of the risks of overwhelming
replacement.71,94 infection, bone marrow transplantation is not the primary
Quality of life studies were performed in a group of 16 form of treatment for Gaucher disease.14
untreated and treated patients with Gaucher disease, Stem cell transplantation has also been used as treatment
including children and adults. Before treatment, patients for small numbers of children with types 2 and 3 Gaucher
stated that bone pain and fatigue interfered with school and disease whose neurologic involvement was not treatable by
social activities. Following enzyme replacement therapy, enzyme replacement therapy. Early diagnosis is mandatory
most experienced a significant increase in energy level and in these cases.61
quality of life.39
Enzyme therapy is extremely expensive. A 1998 Cana- Gene Therapy
dian study reported that the cost of enzyme therapy was Molecular genetic research has led to the development of
about $21,000/infusion for adults at the starting dose rec- gene therapy for the treatment of Gaucher disease.26 Trans-
ommended by the manufacturer.68 Studies have been fer of the gene that codes for glucocerebrosidase via an
undertaken to determine the absolute minimum amount adenoviral vector to hematopoietic progenitors has been
of enzyme necessary to control the disease.14,33,45,110,113 successful in mice.46 Preliminary results of this technique in
Response to therapy must be measured, and protocols for human patients with Gaucher disease indicate the persis-
monitoring enzyme replacement therapy have been out- tence of genetically corrected cells.10
lined.21 The enzyme chitotriosidase is produced and secreted
by Gaucher cells and is elevated 1000-fold (on average) in Orthopaedic Treatment
untreated patients. Changes in plasma chitotriosidase levels Orthopaedic treatment is required for the management of
reflect the burden on storage cells, thereby serving as a pathologic fractures. In children, treatment should be con-
measure of treatment efficacy.1 The use of chitotriosidase servative, because operative intervention carries the risk of
levels to monitor response to treatment has been validated the development of chronic osteomyelitis. Fracture fre-
in children with Gaucher disease.103 Current recommenda- quency and bone crises were reduced in one study of
tions call for the monitoring of hemoglobin, platelet count, patients treated with bisphosphonates.96 Other, more recent
and chitotriosidase level every 3 months at the beginning of studies showed that the incidence of painful bone crises was
therapy, and yearly thereafter.8 MRI has been useful in fol- markedly reduced in patients receiving enzyme replacement
lowing the restoration of more normal bone marrow in therapy.71,94 Among 51 patients who had pretreatment bone
patients on enzyme therapy.2,40,66,88 Although conversion to crises, 94% had no crises following the initiation of enzyme
more normal bone marrow does occur, bone infarcts remain replacement treatment at 2- to 5-year follow-up.106 One
unchanged on MRI scans, despite enzyme treatment.87 theory is that because thrombocytopenia improves with
Adjustments in enzyme therapy are based on the results of enzyme replacement, there are fewer hemorrhagic insults
regular monitoring of clinical involvement.7 to the bone and less risk of subperiosteal hemorrhage,
Miglustat is a substrate synthesis inhibitor and has been leading to the decreased incidence of bone crises.52
studied as an oral treatment for adults with type 1 Gaucher Vertebral involvement necessitates treatment in rare
disease. It is recommended for patients with mild to moder- cases. Progressive kyphosis can lead to cord impingement
ate clinical manifestations and for those who cannot receive and myelopathy. Bracing has been advocated for pediatric
IV enzyme replacement therapy. Decreases in liver and patients with progressive kyphosis and remaining growth.
spleen volume, as well as increases in platelet counts, have Combined anterior and posterior spinal fusion has been
been seen, but no change in bone involvement has been docu- performed in severe cases. When there is cord compromise
mented with this drug.82 Response to treatment is slower and neurologic deficit, anterior decompression combined
with oral miglustat than with IV enzyme replacement.105 with anterior and posterior spinal fusion is required. Gentle
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e537

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88. Poll LW, Maas M, Terk MR, et al: Response of Gaucher bone 1995.
disease to enzyme replacement therapy, Br J Radiol 75(Suppl 1): 111. Zimran A, Elstein D, Schiffmann R, et al: Outcome of partial
A25, 2002. splenectomy for type I Gaucher disease, J Pediatr 126:596, 1995.
89. Prows CA, Sanchez N, Daugherty C, et al: Gaucher disease: 112. Zimran A, Hadas-Halpern I, Zevin S, et al: Low-dose high-
enzyme therapy in the acute neuronopathic variant, Am J Med frequency enzyme replacement therapy for very young children
Genet 71:16, 1997. with severe Gaucher disease, Br J Haematol 85:783, 1993.
90. Rappeport JM, Ginns EI: Bone-marrow transplantation in severe 113. Zimran A, Hollak CE, Abrahamov A, et al: Home treatment with
Gaucher’s disease, N Engl J Med 311:84, 1984. intravenous enzyme replacement therapy for Gaucher disease: an
91. Rodrigue SW, Rosenthal DI, Barton NW, et al: Risk factors for international collaborative study of 33 patients, Blood 82:1107,
osteonecrosis in patients with type 1 Gaucher’s disease, Clin 1993.
Orthop Relat Res 362:201, 1999.
92. Rosenbloom BE, Weinreb NJ, Zimran A, et al: Gaucher disease
and cancer incidence: a study from the Gaucher Registry, Blood
105:4569, 2005. Arthrogryposis (Arthrogryposis
93. Rosenthal DI, Scott JA, Barranger J, et al: Evaluation of Gaucher Multiplex Congenita)
disease using magnetic resonance imaging, J Bone Joint Surg Am
68:802, 1986. The term arthrogryposis is used for a variety of conditions
94. Rudzki Z, Okon K, Machaczka M, et al: Enzyme replacement that have in common diminished fetal movements, with
therapy reduces Gaucher cell burden but may accelerate osteo- congenital joint stiffness and varying degrees of muscle
penia in patients with type I disease—a histological study, Eur J
weakness. The disorder should be considered a symptom
Haematol 70:273, 2003.
complex rather than a disease, and a definitive diagnosis
95. Ruff ME, Weis LD, Kean JR: Acute thoracic kyphosis in Gau-
cher’s disease. A case report, Spine 9:835, 1984. should be sought. Specific syndromes with the features of
96. Samuel R, Katz K, Papapoulos SE, et al: Aminohydroxy propyli- arthrogryposis have different prognoses and inheritance pat-
dene bisphosphonate (APD) treatment improves the clinical terns, and knowledge of these patterns allows accurate
skeletal manifestations of Gaucher’s disease, Pediatrics 94:385, patient counseling.
1994. The most common type of arthrogryposis is amyoplasia
97. Sidransky E, Bottler A, Stubblefield B, et al: DNA mutational or classic arthrogryposis; the descriptions that follow refer
analysis of type 1 and type 3 Gaucher patients: how well do to this form of the disorder. Distal arthrogryposis is char-
mutations predict phenotype? Hum Mutat 3:25, 1994. acterized by restricted motion of the distal joints of the
98. Sidransky E, Tayebi N, Ginns EI: Diagnosing Gaucher disease.
hands and feet and sometimes the knees and has been
Early recognition, implications for treatment, and genetic coun-
classified into six types. Contractural arachnodactyly (Beals
seling, Clin Pediatr (Phila) 34:365, 1995.
99. Stone DL, Sidransky E: Hydrops fetalis: lysosomal storage disor- syndrome), Freeman-Sheldon syndrome, and multiple
ders in extremis, Adv Pediatr 46:409, 1999. pterygium (Escobar) syndrome have been mistaken for
100. Strom CM, Crossley B, Redman JB, et al: Molecular screening arthrogryposis.31
for diseases frequent in Ashkenazi Jews: lessons learned from Arthrogryposis is a rare disorder that occurs in about 1
more than 100,000 tests performed in a commercial laboratory, in 3000 live births; true amyoplasia occurs in about 1 in
Genet Med 6:145, 2004. 10,000 live births.31,60 The disorder was first described in
101. Tauber C, Tauber T: Gaucher disease—the orthopaedic aspect. 1841 by Otto.46 Schanz later termed the condition multiple
Report of seven cases, Arch Orthop Trauma Surg 114:179, congenital contractures,57 and Rosencranz coined the term
arthrogryposis.54 In 1923, Stern proposed the term arthro-
102. Tsuji S, Choudary PV, Martin BM, et al: A mutation in the human
gryposis multiplex congenita, which is used today.64
glucocerebrosidase gene in neuronopathic Gaucher’s disease,
N Engl J Med 316:570, 1987. The clinical picture at birth is often one of dramatic
103. Vellodi A, Foo Y, Cole TJ: Evaluation of three biochemical deformities and immobility (Fig. 41-57). Parents need
markers in the monitoring of Gaucher disease, J Inherit Metab extensive counseling to convince them that despite the
Dis 28:585, 2005. obvious musculoskeletal abnormalities, most affected indi-
104. Watanabe M, Yanagisawa M, Sonobe S, et al: An adult form of viduals are able to lead productive functional lives, even
Gaucher’s disease with a huge tumour formation of the right with incomplete correction or nontreatment of many of the
tibia, Int Orthop 8:195, 1984. deformities, including those in the upper extremity.58,61,74
e540 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-57  Twins with arthrogryposis. A, At birth, the characteristic deformities were present. The shoulder muscles were atrophic, the
shoulders adducted, the elbows extended, and the wrists flexed. In the lower extremities, the knees were both flexed and extended, and
there were equinovarus deformities of the feet. B, The same boys at age 16 years. Lower extremity surgery was relatively successful. The
upper extremities remained in their original positions, and more aggressive upper extremity surgery may have been beneficial. However,
both boys played on their high school football team.

treated with curare for 2 days are born with ankylosis of
The clinical findings of arthrogryposis result from fetal the joints, similar to that in human arthrogryposis.20 Fetal
akinesia—fibrosis of joints and lack of creases, thin atrophic joints that were immobilized had similar findings.28 One
extremities, and fatty accumulations about the joints. This case of arthrogryposis has been described in an infant born
lack of motion is most often caused by failure of skeletal to a mother who was treated with muscle relaxants for
muscle development, which may result from abnormalities tetanus at 10 to 12 weeks’ gestation.36 Rat fetuses treated
at the anterior horn cell or more proximally or distally in with curare had multiple joint contractures, pulmonary
the nervous system. Associated muscle diseases include hypoplasia, micrognathia, fetal growth retardation, short
congenital muscular dystrophies, congenital myopathies, umbilical cord, and polyhydramnios, termed the fetal aki-
intrauterine myositis, and mitochondrial disorders.8 The nesia deformation sequence.40 These findings in humans have
syndrome has been associated with gastroschisis, intestinal been termed Pena-Shokeir syndrome.48,49
atresia, Poland sequence, and Möbius’ anomaly, all of which Joint contractures have been produced experimentally
have a vascular interruption component, suggesting that by infecting chick embryos with Newcastle disease and
arthrogryposis may also have a vascular cause.53 coxsackievirus.52 Akabane virus may cause similar joint con-
Amyoplasia may be caused by defective myogenic regula- tractures in cattle.65 Thus an infectious viral cause, likening
tory genes. The effect appears as a defective somite because arthrogryposis to a poliomyelitis infection in utero, remains
of lack of induction by the notochord and neural tube. The plausible.
muscle matrix, derived from lateral mesoderm, is present,
but myocytes, which are derived from somitic mesoderm,
are absent and have been replaced by adipose cells.55
Several cases have been reported in which mothers with Several genetic patterns have been recognized in arthrogry-
myasthenia gravis have passed antibodies to the fetus that posis, but most cases of the amyoplasia type are sporadic,
inhibit the function of the fetal acetylcholine receptor. The without an inheritance risk. Autosomal dominant transmis-
result is an autoimmune form of fetal paralysis.50 These sion has been noted, especially in type I distal arthrogrypo-
mothers are likely to have other affected children.51 sis. Autosomal recessive inheritance has also been noted, as
A number of animal studies have demonstrated the well as X-linked recessive inheritance.31 Rare cases of mito-
basic pathologic mechanism of the disease. Chick embryos chondrial inheritance have also been reported.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e541

The pathophysiology of arthrogryposis begins with failure
of fetal movement, usually caused by failure of develop-
ment of the anterior horn cells at the spinal level (the
neuropathic form). Consequently, the spinal cord is smaller
than normal, especially at the cervical and lumbar levels.
Anterior horn cells are diminished in number but otherwise
normal in appearance. The ventral roots are decreased in
number, whereas the dorsal roots are normal. Occasionally,
there are abnormalities in the brain, with reduced Betz cells
in the motor cortex and incomplete fissuring with large
lateral ventricles.19,22,25,38
The pathology of the articular joints indicates normal
embryologic development, with subsequent failure of move-
ment. Thus articular cartilage is well formed, and joint
spaces are present. The joint capsules are thickened and
fibrotic; joint creases are absent; skin and subcutaneous
tissues are adherent to bone, producing dimples near joints;
bursal areas are poorly formed, especially about the knee;
tendons are often fibrosed to their sheaths; and muscles are
thin, atrophic, and at times infiltrated with fat.
In the myopathic form, the brain, spinal cord, anterior
horn cells, and nerve rootlets are normal.1,24,38 The affected
muscles are firm, pale, and fibrous, with fibrous and fatty
degeneration. Individual muscle fibers are varied, with hap- FIGURE 41-58  This newborn with arthrogryposis has flexed
hazard distribution of large and small fibers. Endomesial elbows, a typical wrist and hand position, flexed knees, and severe
connective tissue is increased. Muscle biopsy may distin- equinovarus feet.
guish the neuropathic and myopathic types. In one study,
93% of children had the neuropathic type but only 7% had
the myopathic form.9 difference between the active and passive ranges of motion,
Over time, articular degenerative changes occur second- with passive flexion to 90 degrees a common finding. The
arily, with loss of articular cartilage and eventual spontane- wrists and fingers generally have marked reduction of
ous arthrodesis in some joints. motion, and the fingers often exhibit ulnar deviation with
flexion contractures. The thumb may have little opposition,
Clinical Features and grasping is done between the fingers. The pathogno-
monic posture—the waiter’s tip posture—is one of shoulder
Classic Arthrogryposis adduction and internal rotation, elbow extension, forearm
Classic arthrogryposis, or amyoplasia, presents with well- pronation, and wrist flexion.
recognized musculoskeletal abnormalities. These bright- In the lower extremities, hip motion is frequently pre-
eyed, intelligent children always have contractures of served, especially in flexion and extension. The knees may
the extremities and usually have a midline cutaneous hem- be stiff in flexion or extension, and the available range is
angioma on the forehead. The most frequent posture is that often hingelike rather than a gliding motion. The feet are
of elbow extension, wrist flexion and ulnar deviation, knee usually stiff in whatever position they assume. Some chil-
extension or flexion, and equinovarus foot deformities (see dren develop scoliosis, usually a neuropathic C curve with
Fig. 41-57). The arms and legs are thin and atrophic, and pelvic obliquity (Fig. 41-59).
the joints lack flexion creases. Accumulations of fat in the
extremities often give the limbs a sausage-like appearance. Distal Arthrogryposis
In some cases, the elbows are flexed (Fig. 41-58), and the Distal arthrogryposis syndromes involve the more periph-
feet may have pure equinus or vertical talus deformities. eral joints. Type I is associated with specific findings in
Typically, all four extremities are involved; occasionally, the hands, including medially overlapping fingers, flexed,
involvement is limited to the lower or upper extremities. adducted thumb, clinched fists, ulnar deviation of the
Prenatal diagnosis has been made as early as 19 weeks’ gesta- fingers, and camptodactyly (Fig. 41-60). Talipes equinovarus
tion, based on absent fetal movement and characteristic and vertical talus are found in the lower extremities.5,6,39 It
contractures.59 Breech position is common and is probably is transmitted as an autosomal dominant trait, with the gene
because of the inability of the fetus to kick strongly enough located on chromosome 9.7,31 A variant with craniofacial
to turn to a vertex position.56 Many are delivered by cesarean abnormalities has also been reported.41
section, and birth fractures are not uncommon. Type IIa distal arthrogryposis is accompanied by cleft
Active and passive joint motion is usually markedly palate and short stature. Type IIb, a mitochondrial disorder,
limited, but affected joints usually retain at least a jog has ptosis, ophthalmoplegia, hard and woody muscles, and
of motion. Head and neck motion is generally normal. absent palmar creases, along with distal contractures. Father
Shoulder motion is variably limited, with flexion usually to son and mother to son transmission have been reported
preserved. At the elbow, there may be considerable in this type.26,29 Type IIc has cleft lip and palate, type IId
e542 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-59  A and B, A 12-year-old girl with neuropathic lordotic scoliosis. Definitive treatment was delayed because of concern that
her ambulatory status would be negatively affected by spinal fusion. C and D, Radiographs showing pelvic obliquity even though the
patient continued to be ambulatory.

has scoliosis, and type IIe has trismus and an unusual con- For example, craniocarpotarsal dysplasia (Freeman-Sheldon
tracture of the hand, with wrist flexion and metacarpopha- or whistling face syndrome; see later), manifests as a limited
langeal joint extension.31 extension of multiple joints and characteristic puck-
ered facial appearance, giving rise to the whistling face
Differential Diagnosis
Multiple pterygium (Escobar) syndrome resembles
Some authors have indicated that as many as 150 different arthrogryposis due to the presence of joint contractures, but
syndromes have features in common with arthrogryposis.30 the knee and elbow contracture are often extreme, with
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e543

FIGURE 41-60  A and B, Distal arthrogryposis. Thumb flexion and opposition and ulnar deviation of digits are fixed.

winglike webbing on the flexor surface. Pterygia involving elbows and wrists; at the other extreme are children who
the neck are common, helping distinguish this syndrome have active motion of only the head and neck (fortunately,
from classic arthrogryposis. The severe kyphoscoliosis seen this is rare). Although the following discussion applies to
in Escobar patients is uncommon in those with arthrogry- typical, fairly severe cases, many variations are encountered
posis, who usually present with more typical lordoscoliosis in practice, and treatment must be tailored to the
(see Fig. 41-59) involving the thoracolumbar spine.75 individual.
Individuals with congenital contractural arachnodactyly In most patients, the two major goals of treatment are
(Beals syndrome) have long gracile extremities, similar to independent ambulation and independent function of the
those seen in Marfan syndrome, but also have contractures upper extremities for activities of daily living. The Pediatric
of the fingers and toes and mild loss of extension of other Outcomes Data Collection Instrument (PODCI) is a useful
joints. tool for evaluating function in these children.2 In one
Some dwarfing syndromes, such as diastrophic dysplasia, follow-up study of 53 patients, 73% were able to ambulate
involve restricted joint motion but are distinguished by independently or with occasional aids.62 To achieve these
other characteristic features, especially limb shortening. goals, it is necessary to do the following:
1. Correct the alignment of the lower extremities so that
Treatment plantigrade standing and walking are possible.
2. Preserve existing joint motion and put that motion in the
The treatment of arthrogryposis must be based on a thor-
most functional location.
ough understanding of this unique disorder. There are a
3. Increase active motion where appropriate tendon-muscle
number of different factors to consider in this regard.
transfers are possible.
First, these children are quite intelligent and sensitive to
4. Reposition stiff joints for functional advantage.
pain. Vigorous stretching of their stiff joints is counterpro-
ductive for improving range of motion and establishing At times, the surgeon and parents face the dilemma of
patient rapport. choosing stiff deformities that are compatible with a sitting
Second, the complex unit of the gliding joint did not or standing position, because the limited range of motion
form normally because the fetus failed to move. For will not allow both. In such cases, there is no right decision.
example, the knee cannot move normally because the Some severely involved persons prefer the many advantages
muscles, prepatellar bursa, and suprapatellar pouch failed of the sitting position for wheelchair mobility, driving, and
to develop, the skin and subcutaneous tissue envelope working. Others deal with life in a standing position despite
developed as a cylinder, without normal creases and lacking the obvious difficulties it poses.
the normal excess skin anteriorly, which allows motion, A well-planned treatment program should seek to
and the joint capsule is thick, fibrotic, and too small to accomplish as much functional improvement in as few
allow the femoral condyles to move back and forth. Thus operative procedures as possible, preferably finishing by
the surgeon must recognize that simple solutions, such as age 6 years. With the typical involvement of all four extrem-
capsular release or joint surface replacement, cannot create ities, early stretching and cast correction may be useful for
the complex anatomy necessary for a freely mobile joint. the contractures, but this is rarely effective for elbow, wrist,
Third, this disorder is variable. At one extreme are chil- and knee contractures. Surgical correction of the knees
dren with involvement limited to the feet and calves or usually precedes hip surgery, and a decision should be made
e544 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-61  A, A 5-month-old boy with a congenitally dislocated right hip and limited motion. He also had bilateral clubfeet. B, One
year after medial open reduction of the right hip. The left hip was thought to be subluxated anteriorly in extension but was simply
observed at this time. C and D, At age 4 years 6 months, the right hip remained subluxated but reduced, with abduction and internal
rotation. Salter osteotomy was performed.

about correction of flexion contractures by age 6 months, recommend early reduction of unilateral and bilateral hip
if possible. Hip reduction may be performed between 6 and dislocation in most cases (Fig. 41-61). Most patients with
12 months of age. Hands and feet are often corrected in dislocated hips have some active flexion or extension of the
the same operative procedure at an early standing age. I hip and a range of passive motion of 60 to 90 degrees. If
have found a higher rate of recurrence of foot deformity if flexion or extension is markedly limited, hip reduction may
foot surgery is performed before weight bearing begins. Late not be appropriate. If the child demonstrates little active
corrective osteotomies, scoliosis surgery, and osteotomies or hip movement and ambulation is clearly not likely, hip
fusions of the foot or ankle may be necessary as late as the reduction is unnecessary (Fig. 41-62), and positioning for
teenage years. sitting is appropriate.
Closed reduction is uniformly unsuccessful in children
Hips with arthrogryposis. I prefer to perform a medial open
reduction at about 6 months of age. Both hips are done in
Hip Dislocation the same procedure, if necessary. My experience has mir-
In recent years, it has become clear that the reduction of rored that of Szoke and colleagues in that satisfactory
dislocated hips in arthrogryposis is advantageous for func- results are the rule rather than the exception. In their series,
tion and is not as difficult as previously thought. I 80% of 40 treated hip dislocations had good outcomes.66
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e545

FIGURE 41-62  A, A 2-year-old girl with

severe arthrogryposis. No lower extremity
function was observed, and the left hip
dislocation was not treated. Note the
sequelae of pathologic fractures in both
femora. Thoracic insufficiency became
apparent in infancy, necessitating
tracheostomy and periodic home
ventilator support. B, Expansion
thoracoplasty with a vertical expandable
prosthetic titanium rib has stabilized the
patient’s ventilator dependency. Her
upper extremity function has improved,
and she required only bilevel positive
A B airway pressure (BPAP) at night via the

The procedure is described in Chapter 16. Postoperative Knees

immobilization is limited to 6 weeks in a cast in the human There is considerable variation in the knee deformities at
position. Further splinting is usually unnecessary and may birth. Flexion contractures are most frequent, but extension
promote stiffness. Femoral shortening should be added if contractures, hyperextension, and varus and valgus deformi-
the reduction is too tight. ties are also seen.
In an older child, the hip is reduced with an anterior
approach and femoral shortening. Successful anterior open Knee Hyperextension and Dislocation
reduction has been reported in children as old as 4 years,3 Hyperextended knees may respond to stretching and casting
although stiffness may be a significant problem later. Ace- or other nonoperative techniques, which should be initiated
tabular dysplasia is treated with an appropriate pelvic oste- in the early neonatal period.44 Details of such treatment are
otomy, usually a Salter or Dega procedure (see Fig. 41-61, discussed in Chapter 21 and elsewhere.37 Completely dis-
C and D). A 20-year follow-up of 19 patients undergoing located grades 2 and 3 knees are unlikely to respond because
bilateral hip surgery reported that community ambulation of the severe fibrosis usually seen in the quadriceps. If knee
was maintained in 13, with no patients suffering significant flexion or reduction of the anteriorly dislocated tibia is not
painful sequelae.66 Thus the trend to reduce arthrogrypotic achieved, a decision about surgical correction can be made
hips aggressively at an early age appears to be valid in terms once the ambulatory potential and overall quadriceps func-
of maintaining painless function. tion have been determined, usually between 6 and 12
months of age.37 The position of the patella is difficult to
Hip Contractures determine on physical examination, and it is often tightly
Hip abduction and adduction contractures are occasionally contracted in a superolateral position above the patellar
encountered, and the resultant pelvic obliquity may con- groove. 11
tribute to the development of scoliosis. Minor contractures To correct extension deformity, an anterior release of the
are treated with appropriate soft tissue releases. Con- knee capsule and patella is performed through an antero-
tracture of the iliotibial band produces a hip flexion, abduc- medial longitudinal incision. The quadriceps is lengthened
tion, and external rotation contracture. Proximal and distal in a V-Y plasty through the central tendon of the quadriceps.
iliotibial band release (Ober-Yount procedure) may resolve Alternatively, the femur may be shortened 2 to 3 cm at
the contracture. Osteotomies may be required for severe midshaft and plated to reduce the need for quadriceps
contractures. lengthening.37 Operative methods are detailed in Chapter
Fixed extension contracture of the hip is a rare but chal- 21. At the conclusion of the procedure, the knee should
lenging deformity. Soft tissue releases may be considered, flex to 90 degrees. Postoperatively, the knee is splinted in
but if they are followed by hip flexion deformity, ambula- flexion. The amount of flexion is determined while the
tory function may be lost. In addition, flexion after release surgeon inspects the blood flow to the prepatellar skin after
of the hip extensors and hip capsule may still be limited by tourniquet release. Because the normal redundant anterior
sciatic nerve tension. A shortening osteotomy may be the skin is not present in this condition, the skin will slough if
only alternative in this situation. the knee is splinted in so much flexion that the cutaneous
e546 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

blood flow is compromised. Early passive range-of-motion confirmed that the initial gains in extension were not main-
exercises are important and should start 2 to 3 weeks post- tained at later follow-up.34 Yang and associates reviewed 11
operatively. Splinting in flexion should be continued for 3 patients treated with femoral osteotomy and Ilizarov frame
months. fixation. Most nonambulatory patients were subsequently
The results of quadricepsplasty in arthrogryposis are able to ambulate after a gain of 50 degrees of extension.
rarely reported; flexion deformities predominate in most Final knee contractures averaged 34 degrees.73 Moreover,
reports, and the need to treat extension deformities is functional outcomes (e.g., community ambulation, mobility,
unclear.44,62,67 Ideally, the goals of treatment would be to transfers) universally decline with age and are not correlated
obtain a functional range of flexion (>60 degrees) without with the degree of residual flexion deformity. Considering
sacrificing quadriceps strength and to provide a knee with that less than 50% of patients with knee flexion contrac-
stable periarticular supporting structures. Often, these goals tures maintain community ambulation over time,44 it is
are not realistic because the arthrogrypotic quadriceps is crucial that the surgeon and family realistically assess treat-
congenitally weak and fibrotic. Thus, as noted, a decision ment goals. Treatment options include guided growth of the
must be made whether knees that are fixed in extension or distal femur, skeletal frame correction without releases, and
hyperextension and are suitable for standing unaided should releases and/or femoral osteotomy with and without frame
be mobilized for flexion at the risk of permanently weaken- correction.
ing the quadriceps and committing to a knee-ankle-foot Anterior guided growth with small parapatellar plates has
orthosis to remain ambulatory. been effective in a small number of studies in reducing knee
Fucs and co-workers reported satisfactory results in 8 of flexion contracture. Ambulatory function is improved when
11 knees undergoing quadricepsplasty between 18 months the residual contracture is less than 45 degrees.47
and 4 years of age.27 None of the knees were dislocated Posterior release surgery is difficult because of the dense
pretreatment. All knees underwent vigorous physical contracture coupled with flattening of the femoral condyles
therapy and serial casting postoperatively, with long-term and lack of anterior skin creases, which are essential to allow
splinting. A satisfactory result required an active quadriceps flexion. The patient can be positioned prone if no concomi-
that did not require a knee-ankle-foot orthosis, as well as a tant procedure on the hip or foot is being performed, but
congruent joint. Seven of eight patients were community the anterior exposure may require the patient to be turned
ambulators at 11 years’ follow-up. The patients all seemed after the popliteal release. Consequently, the supine posi-
to improve their ambulatory status by increasing knee tion is used more often.
flexion, even if they still required orthoses for ambulation. The knee is approached first through a Henry postero-
Long-term studies have shown a significant rate of degen- lateral incision. The interval between the biceps and fascia
erative changes in the knees of adults, especially those with lata is entered, and the dissection is carried posteriorly, deep
extension deformities.58 This may be secondary to persis- to the popliteal neurovascular structures. The posterior
tent subluxation in extension and limited articular surface capsule of the knee is readily visualized. The biceps tendon
congruency. It appears that some flexion is beneficial to is lengthened and the fascia lata transected. The posterior
ambulatory patients to avoid such degenerative changes. capsule is opened laterally and as far medially as possible.
However, balancing the amount of flexion with the mainte- If full extension is achieved, the procedure can be termi-
nance of quadriceps strength continues to be a challenge, nated. Typically, however, only partial correction is achieved
further indicating that femoral shortening with minimal at this point, and further release is required.
quadriceps dissection can provide similar joint movement Next, a medial incision is made just medial to the semi-
without the risk of muscle weakening.37 tendinosus muscle. The semitendinosus, semimembrano-
sus, gracilis, and sartorius are lengthened. The remainder of
Knee Flexion Contractures the posterior capsule medially is also sectioned. If full
The flexed knee is the deformity that most often limits extension is possible, the procedure is complete. Often the
functional ambulation (Fig. 41-63). It is very resistant to knee still lacks full extension, however, and an arthrotomy
passive stretching and is difficult to correct surgically.37,44 is necessary (see Fig. 41-63, C and D). In this case, the knee
The severity of the flexion deformity may vary from moder- is opened anteriorly through a medial parapatellar incision.
ate (45 degrees), with relatively normal popliteal tissues, to Fibrous and fatty accumulations are often encountered
a severe pterygium (≥90 degrees). anteriorly between the tibia and femur, and these are
Excessive manipulation may result in fractures or epiph- resected. If the suprapatellar pouch is obliterated and the
yseal separations at the distal femur or proximal tibia.61 patella is encased in fibrous tissue against the femoral con-
Recurrent deformity is common, especially if hamstring dyles, it is fully released. At this point, any remaining struc-
power is unopposed by the quadriceps. Thus the decision tures (except the neurovascular bundle) that prevent
whether to operate to correct knee flexion contracture must extension are released; these often include the anterior and
include a consideration of the ambulatory potential and, posterior cruciates and the collateral ligaments. If the knee
specifically, of quadriceps function. A patient with signifi- cannot be extended because the neurovascular structures
cant knee flexion deformity has no chance of walking are tight, femoral shortening is performed with plate fixa-
without correction, but if there is no quadriceps function, tion. The surgeon must stress the knee with caution after
the deformity is doomed to recur, even with the most femoral shortening because the bone purchase of the plate
aggressive postoperative bracing program. and screws may be tenuous.
An evaluation of 42 knee flexion contractures in 29 The knee is splinted in maximum extension, with careful
arthrogrypotic patients treated with posterior surgical monitoring of the neurovascular status of the leg and foot.
releases at my institution (mean follow-up, 11.4 years) Range-of-motion exercises can be started at 2 to 3 weeks
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e547



FIGURE 41-63  A, Clinical appearance

of a 1-year-old boy with bilateral
90-degree flexion contractures of the
knees. B, Preoperative radiograph.
C, Anterior arthrotomy. The lateral
femoral condyle (LFC ) is exposed by
sharp excision of the fibrofatty tissue
obliterating the intercondylar notch and
retropatellar space, blocking extension.
D, Further exposure of the intercondylar
notch. E, Postoperative position of
nearly full extension following radical
popliteal release with femoral
shortening and anterior arthrotomy.
F, Recurrence of flexion deformity at
age 11 years. Posterior physeal arrest
has occurred because of the extensive
popliteal release. However, there were
F also incongruent and misshapen femoral
condyles that had grown into flexion.
e548 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

postoperatively (to allow wound healing) or after 6 weeks of seven casts were required. One patient required a pos-
if the femur has been shortened. Long-term bracing of the teromedial release and four cases had subsequent surgery
knee is usually necessary, especially if the quadriceps is not for relapses. All had satisfactory correction at 4.6-year
functional or the knee is unstable. follow-up, but no long-term follow-up is available to asses
In those who have reached skeletal maturity, flexion recurrence.42 Van Bosse and co-workers also reported cor-
deformities can be corrected with closing wedge distal rection to a Dimeglio score of 5 with serial casting after a
femoral osteotomies. However, femoral extension osteoto- percutaneous Achilles tenotomy.68 Boehm and colleagues
mies in growing children are not successful. Either the reported 24 treated feet with good initial correction using
deformity recurs with growth or, if excessive angulation is the Ponseti technique, averaging seven casts/foot. Six feet
done, a Z deformity of the distal femur develops.16 Varus relapsed, four responded to repeat casting, and two required
and valgus deformities may accompany extension or flexion complete surgical release.10
deformities and are corrected at the time of reduction of Postcasting immobilization, a vital part of Ponseti club-
the primary deformity. Patellar instability is occasionally foot treatment, is even more important in these feet. The
present and may be addressed surgically with lateral release, original Denis Browne type of device may be used with
medial advancement, and correction of knee valgus, if shoes or custom-molded devices. As the child begins crawl-
necessary. ing and standing, carefully fit ankle-foot orthoses are useful.
Use of the Ilizarov technique for primary or recurrent In feet that have mild recurrences, posterior releases and
knee flexion contractures can be extremely useful in the anterior tibial transfer, when the muscle is present, are
short term. No other method allows correction with joint indicated.
distraction, which is often required to obtain full extension For more rigid recurrences, or for patients who present
in a long-standing or recurrent contracture.37 Furthermore, late, posteromedial releases are necessary. The surgeon must
no other method allows gradual extension to overcome be prepared to augment the release with surgery on the
severe soft tissue contractures and allow neurovascular bone when necessary. I commonly use a Cincinnati incision.
structures to be accommodated without complications. After mobilization of the neurovascular bundle, the atretic
Results of Ilizarov correction of knee flexion contracture medial tendons are sectioned or excised without repair. The
are encouraging, considering that these deformities are Achilles tendon should be resutured, with the foot in neutral
often severe and recurrent. Damsin and Ghanem reported dorsiflexion. The subtalar, tibiotalar, talonavicular, and cal-
the correction of 13 flexion deformities exceeding 90 caneocuboid joints are opened and released completely.
degrees to an average of 10 degrees at follow-up, with recur- Releases are done stepwise until the foot is plantigrade.
rence in only two patients and residual stiffness, reflecting When residual deformity remains, other options must
the severity of the joint deformity, in five.18 Others have be considered. Lateral column shortening is indicated for
reported success in less severe cases without significant residual adductus. This can be done in several ways; I prefer
frame- or technique-related complications.13,33 However, cuboid decancellation. Unlike excision of the anterior cal-
maintenance of correction, which is related to residual caneus (Lichtblau procedure) or fusion of the calcaneocu-
quadriceps function, and arthritic changes caused by joint boid joint (Evans procedure), some motion may be retained
compressive forces and subsequent cartilage necrosis, in after excision of the midportion of the cuboid (see Chapter
spite of arthrodiastasis techniques, remain long-term prob- 23). If equinovarus is still present after release, decancella-
lems with Ilizarov correction.37 tion of the talus (Verebelyi-Ogston procedure) should be
considered.35 This is usually done through a lateral incision,
Feet and a curet is used to remove the cancellous bone of the
The most frequent foot deformity is a rigid equinovarus that talus. The lateral cortex and cartilaginous anlage are incised,
is more severe than an idiopathic clubfoot (see Fig. 41-58). and the talus is crushed by dorsiflexing and everting the foot
However, almost any other foot deformity is possible, to allow its positioning in neutral dorsiflexion and valgus.
including vertical talus, equinovalgus, and cavus. Postoperative splinting or casting is needed for 6 weeks. The
foot must then be maintained in an orthosis indefinitely to
Talipes Equinovarus avoid loss of correction.
The equinovarus foot in arthrogryposis is typically severely These procedures can usually produce a plantigrade foot,
plantar-flexed, with greater or lesser degrees of varus and but one with poor range of motion. Unfortunately, recur-
adduction. Marked calf atrophy and lack of flexion creases rence of deformity is common, even though most patients
are usual. The tendons are often fibrosed within their are maintained in ankle-foot orthoses. Repeat surgery
sheaths and lack mobility. The joints of the foot and ankle requires bony wedge resection, triple arthrodesis, or ankle
are severely fibrosed and may be narrowed or fused. The fusion.21,43 Talectomy has traditionally been avoided because
extreme rigidity in the typical case precludes correction by of the lack of reconstructive options in the case of another
passive stretching or casting. Atypical cases may be more recurrence (i.e., the proximal medial bony column of the
flexible and responsive to manipulative means. foot, the talus, has already been excised). However, in a
Recent work has changed the initial treatment of foot large experience (101 feet) reported by Cassis and Capdev-
deformities in arthrogryposis from always using a surgical ila, talectomy was successful in two thirds of patients,
procedure to initiating Ponseti style serial casting in infancy. including those younger than 4 years.16 In that series, trans-
Morcuende and co-workers reported on 32 feet in 16 calcaneal pinning and prolonged immobilization were crucial
patients. Seven had had initial treatment elsewhere, and all in maintaining a plantigrade foot at follow-up.
were treated with a standard Ponseti protocol. Initial cor- Repeat correction for arthrogrypotic clubfoot involves a
rection was obtained in all but one patient and an average neurovascular risk exceeding that associated with idiopathic
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e549

FIGURE 41-64  A, Eight-year-old boy 4

days after acute correction of a severe
recurrent clubfoot by multiple midfoot
and hindfoot osteotomies and
application of a foot frame. Vascular
insufficiency was noted on release of
the tourniquet, with no improvement
after release of the correction or removal
of the foot portion of the fixator.
B, Eventual demarcation of necrosis.
A Syme amputation resulted.

deformities (Fig. 41-64). Because of the more rigid scar activities with the hands forward at desktop or computer
tissue and contracture following posteromedial release, level. Active elbow flexion may be possible if strong motors
acute recorrection may be complicated by vascular insuffi- are available for transfer. The following principles help
ciency, presumably because of vessel kinking or stretching achieve these goals:
in scarred areas of previous surgery. Extra caution is recom-
• Joint motion should be preserved if at all possible. Even
mended when using external fixation with acute correction,
a very limited range of motion may be functional and
and careful vascular assessment with the tourniquet deflated
should not be sacrificed.
must accompany any acute correction of a recurrent arthro-
• Passive motion of a joint must be gained before restoring
grypotic clubfoot. Incomplete correction may have to be
active motion.
accepted because of vascular compromise in the dorsiflexed
• Bimanual function is necessary in most patients because
everted position. Complete correction can be planned later,
neither hand is likely to have a strong unilateral grasp or
with external fixator adjustment or cast change after early
wound stabilization.
• The shoulders and elbows should allow the hands to
Vertical Talus work at tabletop level. This is important for feeding and
working, especially in this high-tech age.
The vertical talus deformity is treated surgically if it is
• Before surgical treatment, gentle stretching and manipu-
severe enough to interfere with plantigrade walking and
lation may increase the passive range of motion and make
shoe wear. Navicular excision is often necessary. The pro-
the limbs more supple.1
cedure is described in Chapter 23. The results of these
procedures are somewhat better than those for equinovarus The ultimate goal for most patients is independent living
feet, and postoperative stiffness and recurrence are less and employment, and proper upper extremity management
frequent. may make this possible. My preference is to complete the
major changes in limb position by age 4 years. By 8 years of
Cavovarus Deformity age, the use patterns are so well established that the child
These deformities can be corrected with plantar release, may not adapt well to new limb function, so any change in
midfoot osteotomy, or triple arthrodesis in an older child, limb position must be carefully considered.
depending on the severity of the deformity. The first goal is to achieve passive elbow flexion. The
second priority is to correct humeral rotation and then
Upper Extremities reposition the wrist and correct the thumb-in-palm defor-
In the past, it was thought that children should be left to mity. Often, repositioning of the wrist and correction of
function bimanually with the shoulders internally rotated thumb-in-palm deformity are performed together.
and adducted, elbows extended, and wrists flexed. They
often became adept at writing with the hands turned back- Shoulder
ward and the pencil gripped between adducted fingers. The shoulder is often contracted into adduction and internal
Today, much greater function is achieved with early reposi- rotation by joint incongruity and soft tissue contractures
tioning of the extremities, passive elbow flexion, and cor- (see Fig. 41-57). Limited scapulothoracic motion, added to
rection of the wrist and hand position to allow functional the lack of glenohumeral motion, further compromises
e550 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

shoulder function. Typically, there is little active flexion or as necessary. The surgeon must take care to avoid fracture
abduction of the shoulder. A major obstacle to the function or epiphyseal separation from forceful manipulation. It
of the elbow and hand is the internal rotation contracture should be possible to achieve at least 90 degrees of flexion
of the shoulder. Consequently, a useful procedure in the and still maintain medial and lateral stability. The triceps is
upper extremity is an external rotation osteotomy of the closed in a V to Y, with the medial and lateral limbs closed
humerus to allow the forearm to clear the body as the elbow over the central tongue of the triceps tendon.
flexes. This allows the hands to function at the midline in Postoperatively, the elbow is splinted in 90 degrees of
front of the body. The osteotomy can be performed at the flexion for 3 weeks. Active extension and passive flexion
midshaft level and fixed with a plate or can be performed range-of-motion exercises are then begun, and a resting
at the supracondylar level with crossed pin fixation. Post- splint is used for another 3 weeks. The parents should be
operatively, the arm should be immobilized only long enough taught to work with the child to maintain flexion and exten-
to achieve early bony union. sion. Van Heest and co-workers have shown an average
increase in range of elbow motion from 32 to 66 degrees
Elbow following release.69 Some authors add a humeral osteotomy
The elbow deformity is usually one of full extension (see to improve flexion after posterior release.77
Fig. 41-57), without active flexion but with some active
triceps function retained. Many children have some passive Procedures to Achieve Active Elbow Flexion. The ideal
flexion, but many others have a contracture at or near transfer to gain active elbow flexion would be to use an
full extension. If elbow flexion is limited to 90 degrees or expendable muscle, synergistic with elbow flexion, that can
less, a tricepsplasty is indicated to gain functional range of be appropriately aligned and has good strength. Elbow
motion. Elbow stability in extension should not be sacrificed flexion must not be unopposed, meaning that active exten-
because crutch use may be necessary; modified crutches sion is a prerequisite; otherwise, a flexion contracture will
may also be required. The extension contracture should be develop. Unfortunately, this combination is not present in
corrected before a humeral osteotomy is done to correct most children with arthrogryposis. Preoperative selection of
rotation. a muscle-tendon unit for transfer is difficult and is usually
not aided by imaging studies, electrodiagnostic studies, or
Posterior Release With Tricepsplasty. A posterior elbow even physical examination in some cases. It may be neces-
release with tricepsplasty is performed through a posterior sary to make an incision over the proposed muscle to evalu-
curvilinear incision. The ulnar nerve is released from its ate its bulk, color, and contractility (with electrical
tunnel and transferred anteriorly into a subcutaneous pro- stimulation) before using that muscle for transfer. Parents
tected position. During closure, the subcutaneous tissue is should be advised of the intraoperative decision making that
tacked to the medial epicondyle to prevent posterior dis- may be necessary. Several possible elbow flexorplasty pro-
placement of the nerve. cedures are described here.
The triceps is lengthened through a long W incision, with Bipolar Pectoralis Major Transfer. The entire pectoralis
the lateral and medial limbs of the W based distally and major muscle can be transferred by mobilizing it on its
including the triceps expansion (see Plate 41-1). The pos- neurovascular pedicle.15 The muscle is repositioned so that
terior capsule of the elbow is opened at the tip of the the tendon of insertion is transferred to the coracoid or
olecranon. The elbow is gently flexed, with the most pos- acromion, which becomes the new origin of the muscle (Fig.
terior fibers of the collateral ligaments being serially released, 41-65). The broad fascia of the origin is mobilized and

FIGURE 41-65  Bipolar transplantation of the

pectoralis major muscle for elbow flexion.
A, Incisions used for the procedure. Solid lines
indicate skin incisions, and dotted lines indicate the
exact extent of detachment of the pectoralis major
and rectus abdominis sheath. B, The completely
detached pectoralis major is rotated on its two
neurovascular pedicles. Its origin is attached to the
biceps tendon, and its insertion is attached to the
acromion through drill holes. A B
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e551

transferred to the ulna, directly or with a graft if necessary. radial wrist extensors. Unfortunately, most children with
This is a good option if the pectoralis major is strong. The arthrogryposis lack radial wrist extensors, and this transfer
disadvantage of this transfer is that the scars may be disfig- produces unacceptable wrist flexion unless these extensors
uring, especially in girls, and may result in breast asymmetry are present. Thus this procedure is rarely indicated.
if done unilaterally. Unipolar Pectoralis Major Transfer (Clark Procedure).
Bipolar Latissimus Transfer. For this transfer, the entire This procedure was popular in the past but is no longer
latissimus dorsi is mobilized on its pedicle and moved ante- recommended for two major reasons. First, the line of pull
riorly through the axilla (Figs. 41-66 to 41-68).76 The origi- is such that active elbow flexion can be achieved only when
nal tendon of insertion is moved to the coracoid or acromion, the arm is abducted. When the shoulder is adducted, muscle
where it functions as the origin of the transferred muscle. pull results only in further adduction. Second, over time,
The remainder of the muscle and its fascial prolongation are an adduction contracture is likely to develop.12
attached to the ulna distal to the coronoid process. This Free Gracilis Transfer. The gracilis can be used as a free
transfer is used if the latissimus is strong, but in most tissue transfer.23 In this procedure, the intercostal nerves
arthrogrypotic children the muscle is fibrotic and its quality are used to innervate the transferred muscle. The difficulty
is unsatisfactory for transfer. with this transfer is the lack of a better source of innerva-
Triceps Transfer. Transfer of the entire triceps to the tion. In addition, the gracilis is often fibrotic and nonfunc-
biceps is mentioned only to advise strongly against it. His- tional in children with arthrogryposis. Like many other
torically, it has often been used to achieve elbow potential transfers to achieve elbow flexion in arthrogry-
flexion.4,14,45,70,71 Short-term follow-up has shown significant potic children, this one is more theoretical than practical.
improvement in many children, but over time, severe
flexion contractures develop, and function deteriorates Wrist
because of unopposed flexion. If both sides have been oper- The wrist in arthrogryposis is usually flexed and deviated
ated on, elbow-extending activities (e.g., crutch walking) ulnarward, and only a small range of motion is available (see
are impossible; even worse, if only one elbow is flexed, Figs. 41-58 and 41-60). All the structures on the volar side
bimanual activities are not feasible. Despite fairly recent are contracted, including the joint capsule, tendons, skin,
reports of this procedure, I believe that it has no place in and subcutaneous tissue. The radial wrist extensors are
elbow reconstruction in these children.4 fibrotic and nonfunctional, but the extensor carpi ulnaris is
Transfer of the Long Head of the Triceps. This transfer is often spared. Carpal coalitions are common.
feasible because the long head of the triceps has a separate Early stretching and splinting have been recommended,
neurovascular pedicle and is sufficiently independent from but the efficacy is uncertain. Overzealous painful stretching
the rest of the triceps to be separated easily.23 It is present is clearly inappropriate. Surgical treatment is indicated to
in most children with arthrogryposis and can be tested reorient the wrist into a neutral position while maintaining
manually. A fascia lata graft can be used to prolong the any available motion. I have found that a midcarpal wedge
tendon to allow insertion into the proximal ulna. Although resection is the most useful procedure to correct flexion and
the muscle is not large, satisfactory active elbow flexion can ulnar deviation. Simultaneous tendon transfer to provide
be gained without loss of active elbow extension. radial extension can be done if an appropriate donor tendon,
Steindler Flexorplasty. The Steindler flexorplasty pro- such as the extensor carpi ulnaris, is available.
duces elbow flexion by transferring the flexor pronator origin
from the medial epicondyle to the anterior humerus.63 It Dorsal, Radial Closing Wedge Osteotomy of the Midcar-
may be useful if the muscle can be isolated preoperatively pus With Tendon Transfer. The wrist is approached through
and the wrist can be stabilized against excess flexion with the a transverse or longitudinal incision on the flexor surface of


artery and

FIGURE 41-66  A and B, Anatomy of the

latissimus dorsi. Shortly after entering the
muscle, the single neurovascular pedicle
(thoracodorsal nerve and artery) divides into
A B lateral and medial branches.
e552 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders





FIGURE 41-67  Bipolar transplantation of the latissimus dorsi. A, Incisions used for the procedure. B, The origin and insertion of the
latissimus dorsi (LD) are divided, and the muscle is mobilized on its neurovascular pedicle. C, Transplantation of the muscle under a
cutaneous bridge in the axilla. The origin is redirected through a subcutaneous tunnel in the arm to the biceps tendon. D, The distal
anastomosis is completed first, and the proximal attachment to the coracoid process and its conjoined tendon is used to set the tension.
PM, Pectoralis major.

the distal third of the forearm. The fascia over the wrist are resected, and the dorsal capsule is closed. The wrist is
flexors is opened. If the flexor carpi ulnaris has muscle bulk splinted or casted for 6 weeks; a splint is then used full time
and excursion, it can be transferred to the extensor carpi for 3 months and part time for a full year.
radialis. Usually, however, the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor
carpi radialis, and palmaris longus are fibrotic and are sec- Proximal Row Carpectomy. Proximal row carpectomy was
tioned at the wrist to increase wrist extension. used in the past, but because the capitate and radial articula-
A second dorsal incision is made at the level of the tions are grossly abnormal, the procedure usually produced
proximal carpal row. The digital and thumb extensors are undesirable incongruity in the radiocarpal articulation. In
isolated and protected. The wrist extensors are isolated addition, the usual carpal coalitions preclude sustained,
from the dorsal capsule and sectioned. The extensor carpi useful range of motion.
ulnaris is mobilized and transferred across the midline of
the wrist and secured to the distal stump of the wrist Wrist Fusion. Wrist fusion may be done as a salvage proce-
capsule or radial wrist extensors. dure. However, it is generally undesirable because even a
The radiocarpal capsule is left intact, and the wrist is small amount of motion may be functional for the patient.72
opened at the midcarpal level. A wedge resection of the
midcarpus is made, with a closing wedge dorsally and radi- Hand
ally to gain neutral alignment of the wrist. The osteotomy Flexion contractures of the fingers considerably limit hand
is closed and secured with several interosseous wires or function. The contractures include the flexor tendons, neu-
nonabsorbable sutures. Redundant capsule and synovium rovascular bundles, and skin. Passive stretching and splinting
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e553

(see Fig. 41-59). Therefore the deformity is probably neu-

ropathic. Although it might appear that correction of hip
contractures would be beneficial in managing scoliosis, this
has not been addressed directly.17,31,75 Typical arthrogryposis
curves are not congenital.50
It is commonly believed that bracing is ineffective.17,32
This conclusion is probably related to the fact that curve
magnitudes often exceed 30 degrees at prescription in non-
ambulatory patients, in whom progression is not surpris-
ing.75 Based on current management practices for patients
with curves of such magnitude, bracing would likely be
merely a delaying tactic. In patients younger than 8 years,
an early-onset deformity would be managed with tech-
niques that preserve spinal and thoracic growth (see Fig.
41-62). Patients older than 10 years would undergo con-
ventional spinal fusion with instrumentation, with the
limits of the fusion being dictated by standard criteria of
end vertebra selection, pelvic obliquity severity, degree of
maturity, and ambulatory status. In patients with hip exten-
sion deformities, fusion to the pelvis must also take into
consideration how sitting will be accommodated postopera-
tively, with hip releases or flexion osteotomies planned as
The surgical treatment of neuropathic curves in arthro-
gryposis can be challenging.75 Patients are often relatively
frail because of muscle atrophy and their nonambulatory
status. The soft tissues around the spine, in contrast, can be
extremely taut and nonextensile, making mere exposure of
the posterior spine a long and bloody procedure. Bleeding
from the bony surfaces is often robust, as is typical in neu-
FIGURE 41-68  A and B, Technique used for a myocutaneous romuscular cases, and the need for postoperative mechani-
latissimus dorsi transplantation. cal ventilation should be anticipated. Low-profile implants,
such as sublaminar wire instrumentation, must be selected
rarely add significant range of motion and, to date, surgical because of poor tissue coverage, which is exacerbated by
procedures have not added to finger motion or function. the paucity of skin, should significant correction be achieved.
Certainly, no procedure should result in diminished sensa- Some arthrogrypotic patients present with thoracic
tion, which would severely alter the function of the hand. insufficiency based on weakness and chest wall noncompli-
The thumb-in-palm deformity is another significant func- ance due to spinal deformity and intercostal fibrosis. These
tional impediment, but it may respond to appropriate patients may be best treated with expansion thoracoplasty
releases. procedures because of the severity of the respiratory com-
promise (see Fig. 41-62).
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report, J Pediatr 48:797, 1956. ogy 62:332, 2000.
25. Fowler M: A case of arthrogryposis multiplex congenita with 51. Riemersma S, Vincent A, Beeson D, et al: Association of arthro-
lesions in the nervous system, Arch Dis Child 34:505, 1959. gryposis multiplex congenita with maternal antibodies inhibiting
26. Friedman BD, Heidenreich RA: Distal arthrogryposis type IIB: fetal acetylcholine receptor function, J Clin Invest 98:2358,
further clinical delineation and 54-year follow-up of an index case, 1996.
Am J Med Genet 58:125, 1995. 52. Robertson GG, Williamson AP, Blattner RJ: A study of abnormali-
27. Fucs PM, Svartman C, de Assumpcao RM, et al: Quadricepsplasty ties in early chick embryos inoculated with New Castle disease
in arthrogryposis (amyoplasia): long-term follow-up, J Pediatr virus, J Exp Zool 129:5, 1955.
Orthop B 14:219, 2005. 53. Robertson WL, Glinski LP, Kirkpatrick SJ, et al: Further evidence
28. Fuller DJ: Immobilization of foetal joints: a cause of progressive that arthrogryposis multiplex congenita in the human sometimes
prenatal deformity, J Bone Joint Surg Br 57:115, 1975. is caused by an intrauterine vascular accident, Teratology. 45:345,
29. Gripp KW, Scott CI Jr, Brockett BC, et al: Extending the spectrum 1992.
of distal arthrogryposis, Am J Med Genet 65:286, 1996. 54. Rosencranz E: Ueber kongenitale Kontracturen der oberen
30. Hall J: An approach to congenital contractures (arthrogryposis), Extremitaten, Z Orthop Chir 14:52, 1905.
Pediatr Ann 10:15, 1981. 55. Sarnat HB: New insights into the pathogenesis of congenital myop-
31. Hall JG: Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita: etiology, genetics, athies, J Child Neurol 9:193, 1994.
classification, diagnostic approach, and general aspects, J Pediatr 56. Sarwark JF, MacEwen GD, Scott CI Jr: Amyoplasia (a common
Orthop B 6:159, 1997. form of arthrogryposis), J Bone Joint Surg Am 72:465, 1990.
32. Herron L, Westin G, Dawson E: Scoliosis in arthrogryposis multi- 57. Schanz A: Ein Fall von multiplen kongenitalen Kontracturen,
plex congenita, J Bone Joint Surg Am 60:293, 1978. Z Orthop Chir 9, 1898.
33. Herzenberg JE, Davis JR, Paley D, et al: Mechanical distraction 58. Sells JM, Jaffe KM, Hall JG: Amyoplasia, the most common type
for treatment of severe knee flexion contractures, Clin Orthop of arthrogryposis: the potential for good outcome, Pediatrics
Relat Res 301:80, 1994. 97:225, 1996.
34. Ho CA, Karol LA: The utility of knee releases in arthrogryposis, 59. Sepulveda W, Stagiannis KD, Cox PM, et al: Prenatal findings in
J Pediatr Orthop 28:307, 2008. generalized amyoplasia, Prenat Diagn 15:660, 1995.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e555

60. Silberstein EP, Kakulas BA: Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita in

Western Australia, J Paediatr Child Health 34:518, 1998.
61. Simonian PT, Staheli LT: Periarticular fractures after manipulation
for knee contractures in children, J Pediatr Orthop 15:288, 1995.
62. Sodergard J, Ryoppy S: The knee in arthrogryposis multiplex con-
genita, J Pediatr Orthop 10:177, 1990.
63. Steindler A: A muscle plasty for the relief of the flail elbow in
infantile paralysis, Interstate Med J 5:235, 1918.
64. Stern WG: Athrogryposis multiplex congenita, JAMA 81:1507,
65. Swinyard CA, Bleck EE: The etiology of arthrogryposis (multiple
congenital contracture), Clin Orthop Relat Res 194:15, 1985.
66. Szoke G, Staheli L, Jaffe K, et al: Medial-approach open reduction
of hip dislocation in amyoplasia-type arthrogryposis, J Pediatr
Orthop 16:127, 1996.
67. Thomas B, Schopler S, Wood W, et al: The knee in arthrogryposis,
Clin Orthop Relat Res 194:87, 1985.
68. van Bosse HJ, Marangoz S, Lehman WB, et al: Correction of
arthrogrypotic clubfoot with a modified Ponseti technique, Clin
Orthop Relat Res 467:1283, 2009.
69. Van Heest A, James MA, Lewica A, et al: Posterior elbow capsu-
lotomy with triceps lengthening for treatment of elbow extension
contracture in children with arthrogryposis, J Bone Joint Surg Am
90:1517, 2008.
70. Van Heest A, Waters PM, Simmons BP: Surgical treatment of
arthrogryposis of the elbow, J Hand Surg Am 23:1063, 1998.
71. Williams P: The elbow in arthrogryposis, J Bone Joint Surg Br
55:834, 1973.
72. Williams P: The management of upper limb problems in arthro- FIGURE 41-69  Clinical appearance of a baby with Freeman-
gryposis, Clin Orthop Relat Res 194:60, 1985. Sheldon syndrome. Notice the pursed lips, small nose, and
73. Yang SS, Dahan-Oliel N, Montpetit K, et al: Ambulation gains deep-set eyes.
after knee surgery in children with arthrogryposis, J Pediatr Orthop
30:863, 2010.
74. Yau PW, Chow W, Li YH, et al: Twenty-year follow-up of hip
problems in arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, J Pediatr Orthop
22:359, 2002.
75. Yingsakmongkol W, Kumar SJ: Scoliosis in arthrogryposis multi-
plex congenita: results after nonsurgical and surgical treatment,
J Pediatr Orthop 20:656, 2000.
76. Zancolli E, Mitre H: Latissimus dorsi transfer to restore elbow
flexion. An appraisal of eight cases, J Bone Joint Surg Am 55:1265,
77. Zlotolow DA, Kozin SH: Posterior elbow release and humeral
osteotomy for patients with arthrogryposis, J Hand Surg Am
37:1078, 2012.

Craniocarpotarsal Dysplasia (Freeman-

Sheldon or Whistling Face Syndrome) FIGURE 41-70  Rigid thumb-in-palm deformity in a child with
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome.
Craniocarpotarsal dysplasia was first described in 1938 by
Freeman, an orthopaedic surgeon, and Sheldon, a pediatri-
cian.8 Inheritance of Freeman-Sheldon syndrome is usually bilateral, and short stature, generally below the 3rd
sporadic, but autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive percentile.2,7,11,13,15
transmission have been reported.1,5,11 Other associated anomalies are scoliosis and kyphosis,
developmental dislocation of the hip, occasional spina bifida
occulta, asymmetric pinnae, mild pterygium coli, and pectus
Clinical Features
excavatum (Fig. 41-72). The clinical presentation may
Freeman-Sheldon syndrome is characterized by a typical mimic that of distal arthrogryposis. Craniocervical abnor-
whistling facies consisting of a small, pursed mouth, long malities have also been described.14
philtrum, small nose, deeply sunken eyes, and scarlike
contracture that extends from the middle of the lower
lip to the chin (Fig. 41-69). In addition, patients exhibit
ulnar deviation and thumb-in-palm deformity (Fig. 41-70), The foot and hand deformities require surgical correc-
rigid talipes equinovarus (Fig. 41-71), which is usually tion.3,7,10,15,16 The feet can be very difficult to realign, and
e556 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

malformation producing dysphagia and weight loss, Pediatr Neu-

rosurg 24:272, 1996.
15. Weinstein S, Gorlin RJ: Cranio-carpo-tarsal dysplasia or the whis-
tling face syndrome. I. Clinical considerations, Am J Dis Child
117:427, 1969.
16. Wenner SM, Shalvoy RM: Two-stage correction of thumb adduc-
tion contracture in Freeman-Sheldon syndrome (craniocarpotarsal
dysplasia), J Hand Surg Am 14:937, 1989.

Cornelia de Lange Syndrome

This rare syndrome is characterized by short stature, micro-
cephaly, mental retardation, and distinctive facies compris-
ing bushy eyebrows that meet in the midline, a small,
upturned nose, and full eyelashes (Fig. 41-73).9,12 Patients
FIGURE 41-71  Bilateral severe clubfeet in Freeman-Sheldon have more body hair than usual and may be covered in
syndrome. persistent lanugo. Mental retardation is usually severe, and
features of autism (e.g., self-mutilation) are common.1,10
Affected children cannot speak, and sensorineural hearing
recurrence of deformity is common. Anesthetic complica- loss is frequently present.6,14 The severity of mental retarda-
tions can be troublesome, including difficult intubation tion has been linked to birth weight, with larger children
because of microstomia and micrognathia.4,6,9,12 faring better.5 Congenital heart malformations are present
in 29% of children, and cleft palate has also been associated
with the syndrome.11
References Most cases of Cornelia de Lange syndrome are sporadic,
but autosomal dominant inheritance is seen in familial cases.
Craniocarpotarsal Dysplasia (Freeman-Sheldon or Whistling
Face Syndrome) Heterozygous mutations in the NIPBL gene have been doc-
1. Alves AF, Azevedo ES: Recessive form of Freeman-Sheldon’s syn- umented in 47% of unrelated individuals with Cornelia de
drome or ‘whistling face.’ J Med Genet 14:139, 1977. Lange syndrome.3 This gene encodes a protein important to
2. Antley RM, Uga N, Burzynski NJ, et al: Diagnostic criteria for the chromosome function and DNA repair called delangin.15 In
whistling face syndrome, Birth Defects Orig Artic Ser 11:161, normal parents, the risk of the syndrome occurring in future
1975. pregnancies is approximately 5%. Prenatal ultrasonography
3. Call WH, Strickland JW: Functional hand reconstruction in the shows a small for gestational age fetus but is usually non-
whistling-face syndrome, J Hand Surg Am 6:148, 1981. specific otherwise.2,8,13
4. Cervenka J, Gorlin RJ, Figalova P, et al: Craniocarpotarsal Orthopaedic manifestations of Cornelia de Lange syn-
dysplasia or whistling face syndrome, Arch Otolaryngol 91:183,
drome include a proximal thumb caused by first metacarpal
5. Dallapiccola B, Giannotti A, Lembo A, et al: Autosomal recessive shortening, clinodactyly of the fifth finger, and flexion
form of whistling face syndrome in sibs, Am J Med Genet 33:542, contractures of the elbows (Fig. 41-74).7 There is wide
1989. variability in the severity of the phenotype in patients
6. Duggar RG Jr, DeMars PD, Bolton VE: Whistling face syndrome: with Cornelia de Lange syndrome. The upper extremity
general anesthesia and early postoperative caudal analgesia, Anes- manifestations range from flexion contractures of the
thesiology 70:545, 1989. elbows to radial head dislocations to radial hemimelia with
7. Estrada R, Rosenfeld W, Salazar JD, et al: Freeman-Sheldon syn- ray deficiencies.
drome with unusual hand and foot anomalies, J Natl Med Assoc In the lower extremities, flexion contractures of the
73:664, 1981.
knees have been described infrequently. Syndactyly of
8. Freeman EA, Sheldon JH: Cranio-carpo-tarsal dystrophy: an unde-
the second and third toes is commonly seen. Other toe
scribed congenital malformation, Arch Dis Child 13:277, 1938.
9. Jones R, Dolcourt JL: Muscle rigidity following halothane anesthe- deformities, such as hallux valgus, can occur. Hip dysplasia
sia in two patients with Freeman-Sheldon syndrome, Anesthesiol- has also been reported in patients with Cornelia de Lange
ogy 77:599, 1992. syndrome.4
10. Kalliainen LK, Drake DB, Edgerton MT, et al: Surgical manage-
ment of the hand in Freeman-Sheldon syndrome, Ann Plast Surg
50:456, 2003.
11. Malkawi H, Tarawneh M: The whistling face syndrome, or cranio- Cornelia de Lange Syndrome
carpotarsal dysplasia. Report of two cases in a father and son and 1. Berney TP, Ireland M, Burn J: Behavioural phenotype of Cornelia
review of the literature, J Pediatr Orthop 3:364, 1983. de Lange syndrome, Arch Dis Child 81:333, 1999.
12. Munro HM, Butler PJ, Washington EJ: Freeman-Sheldon (whis- 2. Drolshagen LF, Durmon G, Berumen M, et al: Prenatal ultrasono-
tling face) syndrome. Anaesthetic and airway management, Paedi- graphic appearance of Cornelia de Lange syndrome, J Clin Ultra-
atr Anaesth 7:345, 1997. sound 20:470, 1992.
13. Rinsky LA, Bleck EE: Freeman-Sheldon (whistling face) syndrome, 3. Gillis LA, McCallum J, Kaur M, et al: NIPBL mutational analysis
J Bone Joint Surg Am 58:148, 1976. in 120 individuals with Cornelia de Lange syndrome and evaluation
14. Song HR, Sarwark JF, Sauntry S, et al: Freeman-Sheldon syn- of genotype-phenotype correlations, Am J Hum Genet 75:610,
drome (whistling face syndrome) and cranio-vertebral junction 2004.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e557


FIGURE 41-72  A and B, Clinical appearance of the spine of a 7-year-old girl with scoliosis as a part of Freeman-Sheldon syndrome. C and
D, Radiographs of the spine show 70-degree kyphoscoliosis. E and F, Radiographs 4 years after anterior and posterior fusion with
instrumentation show stabilization of the curve.

4. Grant RE, Schneider JA, Ferguson EJ, et al: Total hip reconstruc- 6. Ichiyama T, Hayashi T, Tanaka H, et al: Hearing impairment in
tion in a woman with Cornelia de Lange syndrome: a case report, two boys with Cornelia de Lange syndrome, Brain Dev 16:485,
J Natl Med Assoc 89:530, 1997. 1994.
5. Hawley PP, Jackson LG, Kurnit DM: Sixty-four patients with 7. Joubin J, Pettrone CF, Pettrone FA: Cornelia de Lange’s syndrome.
Brachmann-de Lange syndrome: a survey, Am J Med Genet 20:453, A review article (with emphasis on orthopedic significance), Clin
1985. Orthop Relat Res 171:180, 1982.
e558 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

8. Kliewer MA, Kahler SG, Hertzberg BS, et al: Fetal biometry in

the Brachmann-de Lange syndrome, Am J Med Genet 47:1035,
9. Kline AD, Barr M, Jackson LG: Growth manifestations in the
Brachmann-de Lange syndrome, Am J Med Genet 47:1042, 1993.
10. Kline AD, Stanley C, Belevich J, et al: Developmental data on
individuals with the Brachmann-de Lange syndrome, Am J Med
Genet 47:1053, 1993.
11. Kousseff BG, Newkirk P, Root AW: Brachmann-de Lange syn-
drome. 1994 update, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 148:749, 1994.
12. Levin AV, Seidman DJ, Nelson LB, et al: Ophthalmologic findings
in the Cornelia de Lange syndrome, J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabis-
mus 27:94, 1990.
13. Manouvrier S, Espinasse M, Vaast P, et al: Brachmann-de Lange
syndrome: pre- and postnatal findings, Am J Med Genet 62:268,
14. Sataloff RT, Spiegel JR, Hawkshaw M, et al: Cornelia de Lange
syndrome. Otolaryngologic manifestations, Arch Otolaryngol
Head Neck Surg 116:1044, 1990.
15. Tonkin ET, Wang TJ, Lisgo S, et al: NIPBL, encoding a homolog of
fungal Scc2-type sister chromatid cohesion proteins and fly
Nipped-B, is mutated in Cornelia de Lange syndrome, Nat Genet
36:636, 2004.

FIGURE 41-73  Clinical appearance of a child with Cornelia de Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome

Lange syndrome. Distinctive features include bushy eyebrows,
flexion contractures of the elbows, and radial head dislocations. Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome is recognized clinically by char-
acteristic facial features, including a broad long nose, which
has been called comical or Cyrano-like, and by broad distal
phalanges of the thumb and great toe. The great toe may
also have a delta phalanx and be deviated into varus.8
Affected individuals are mentally retarded, with an IQ
between 35 and 80.3

Orthopaedic Manifestations
There are three orthopaedic manifestations. First are the
thumb and toe deformities, which should prompt clinical
recognition of the syndrome (Figs. 41-75 and 41-76). The
second orthopaedic feature is cervical spondylolisthesis
associated with congenital vertebral anomalies,7 and the
third is dislocation of the patella.

Associated Anomalies
Children with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome have other anom-
alies that require careful evaluation before surgery. They
often have congenital heart defects, and occasionally they
have gastrointestinal abnormalities.3,12 A Chiari malforma-
tion with syringomyelia and scoliosis occurs occasionally.6,13
Occipito-C1 condyle subluxation, fusion of the C2-3 arches
with a syrinx, and hypothyroidism have also been reported.1,2
A significant incidence of mediastinal vascular rings has been
reported, with tracheal and esophageal obstruction.10 In
addition, unusual reactions to anesthetic agents8 and giant
A B keloid formation1 have been noted. A slipped capital femoral
epiphysis has been seen several times.9
FIGURE 41-74  A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the hand of a
12-year-old girl with Cornelia de Lange syndrome. The first
metacarpal is strikingly small, making the thumb appear smaller Treatment
and proximally displaced. The fifth ray is absent. B, Upper
extremity of the same girl. The proximal radius is dislocated, and Successful surgical treatment of patellar dislocation has
the ulna is hypoplastic. been reported; most of the patients had chronic bilateral
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e559

is common, however, because of the growth disturbance

related to the delta phalanx.

Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome
1. Akin MA, Gunes T, Akin L, et al: Thyroid hypoplasia as a cause
of congenital hypothyroidism in monozygotic twins concordant for
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, J Clin Res Pediatr Endocrinol 3:32,
2. Giussani C, Selicorni A, Fossati C, et al: The association of neural
axis and craniovertebral junction anomalies with scoliosis in
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Childs Nerv Syst 28:2163, 2012.
3. Hennekam RC, Van Den Boogaard MJ, Sibbles BJ, et al: Rubinstein-
Taybi syndrome in the Netherlands, Am J Med Genet Suppl 6:17,
4. Jain A, Rehman S, Smith G: Long-term results following osteot-
omy of the thumb delta phalanx in Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome,
J Hand Surg Eur 35:296, 2010.
5. Nguyen JQ, Gatewood JB, Beall D, et al: Longitudinal epiphyseal
bracket, J Okla State Med Assoc 100:380, 2007.
6. Parsley L, Bellus G, Handler M, et al: Identical twin sisters with
Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome associated with Chiari malformations
and syrinx, Am J Med Genet A 155A:2766, 2011.
7. Robson MJ, Brown LM, Sharrard WJ: Cervical spondylolisthesis
and other skeletal abnormalities in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome,
J Bone Joint Surg Br 62:297, 1980.
FIGURE 41-75  Radiograph showing radial deviation of the thumb 8. Rubinstein JH: Broad thumb-hallux (Rubinstein-Taybi) syndrome
with a delta proximal phalanx. This deformity is a consistent 1957-1988, Am J Med Genet Suppl 6:3, 1990.
finding in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome. 9. Shah H, Singh G, Vijayan S, et al: Second report of slipped capital
femoral epiphysis in Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Clin Dysmorphol
20:55, 2011.
10. Shashi V, Fryburg JS: Vascular ring leading to tracheoesophageal
compression in a patient with Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Clin
Genet 48:324, 1995.
11. Stevens CA: Patellar dislocation in Rubenstein-Taybi syndrome,
Am J Med Genet 72:188, 1997.
12. Stevens CA, Bhakta MG: Cardiac abnormalities in the Rubinstein-
Taybi syndrome, Am J Med Genet 59:346, 1995.
13. Wojcik C, Volz K, Ranola M, et al: Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome
associated with Chiari type I malformation caused by a large
16p13.3 microdeletion: a contiguous gene syndrome? Am J Med
Genet A 152A:479, 2010.

Otopalatodigital Syndrome
Otopalatodigital syndrome is characterized by cleft palate,
deafness, hallux valgus, and occasional spinal deformities. It
is thought to be an X-linked dominant trait. Omphalocele
has been reported in three cases.8
FLNA missense mutations are associated with the oto-
palatodigital syndrome. These mutations disrupt the devel-
opment of craniofacial and long bones and also cause
FIGURE 41-76  Radiograph of the thumb of an older child coagulopathies and thrombocytopenias.1,5,6 Type I was first
showing that the delta phalanx is caused by a bracket epiphysis. described by Taybi in 1962.7 Findings include mild mental
Resection of the bracket should be considered to allow
deficiency, small stature, moderate conductive deafness,
longitudinal growth.
and craniofacial abnormalities, including frontal and occipi-
tal prominence, hypertelorism, and a small nose and mouth.
dislocations.11 Another indication for surgical treatment is There is limited elbow extension and medial tibial bowing
symptomatic varus of the thumb or great toe, often caused (Fig. 41-77). The distal phalanges of the thumbs and toes
by a bracket epiphysis.5 In one review, opening wedge oste- are short and broad, and there may be hallux valgus. Trans-
otomy of the delta phalanx gave better results than a dome- mission is by X-linked dominant expression in males and
shaped osteotomy.4 Recurrence after realignment procedures intermediate expression in females.2,7
e560 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-77  Radiographic findings in a boy with otopalatodigital syndrome. A, Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of the foot shows
hallux valgus caused by a hypoplastic proximal phalanx. B, AP radiograph after realignment osteotomy of the proximal phalanx.
C, Lateral radiograph of the elbow shows hypoplasia of the trochlea. Elbow extension is limited. D, Lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine
shows increased lordosis. E, AP radiograph of the pelvis shows an extended pelvic position. Coupled with the lumbosacral lordosis, this
indicates a dissociation of the pelvis from the spine through the sacroiliac joints.

Type II was described by Fitch and colleagues in 1976 stillborn or die before 5 months of age from respiratory
and has more severe facial deformities than type I, espe- disorders.3,4,8
cially a prominent forehead, hypertelorism, and usually a
cleft palate.3 The fingers are flexed and overlap, and the
thumbs and great toes are short and broad. Polydactyly is References
often present, as well as occasional syndactyly of the hands Otopalatodigital Syndrome
and feet. The phalanges of the fingers and toes are poorly 1. Clark AR, Sawyer GM, Robertson SP, et al: Skeletal dysplasias due
ossified or absent. Joint subluxation is present at the elbows, to filamin A mutations result from a gain-of-function mechanism
wrists, knees, and hips. The vertebral bodies are flattened, distinct from allelic neurological disorders, Hum Mol Genet 18:4791,
and the ilia may be hypoplastic. Most affected children are 2009.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e561

2. Dubbing B, Gorlin R, Langer L: The oto-paloto-digital syndrome: a syndrome and not neurofibromatosis, as was long and com-
new symptom-complex consisting of deafness, dwarfism, cleft monly believed.5,30
palate, charactersitic facies, and a generalized bone dysplasia, Am J The genetic implications of Proteus syndrome are not
Dis Child 113:214, 1967.
well understood. Possible transmission from father to son
3. Fitch N, Jequier S, Papageorgiou A: A familial syndrome of cranial,
has been reported.9 Spontaneous mutation as a lethal auto-
facial, oral and limb anomalies, Clin Genet 10:226, 1976.
4. Holder SE, Winter RM: Otopalatodigital syndrome type II, J Med somal dominant condition, with survival attributed to mosa-
Genet 30:310, 1993. icism, has been postulated by others.2 However, no other
5. Nurden P, Debili N, Coupry I, et al: Thrombocytopenia resulting cases in the English literature have recorded a positive
from mutations in filamin A can be expressed as an isolated syn- family history or history of a consanguineous relationship.
drome, Blood 118:5928, 2011.
6. Parrini E, Rivas IL, Toral JF, et al: In-frame deletion in FLNA causing
familial periventricular heterotopia with skeletal dysplasia in males, Clinical Features
Am J Med Genet A 155A:1140, 2011. The clinical features are truly protean in their variety, sever-
7. Taybi H: Generalized skeletal dysplasia with multiple anomalies,
ity, and combinations.§b
AJR Am J Roentgenol 88:450, 1962.
These features are particularly well summarized in
8. Young K, Barth CK, Moore C, et al: Otopalatodigital syndrome type
II associated with omphalocele: report of three cases, Am J Med reviews by Wiedemann and associates36 and Stricker.27 The
Genet 45:481, 1993. primary clinical features are macrodactyly, hemihypertro-
phy, pigmented nevi, subcutaneous tumors (mostly lymph-
angiomas), and axial skeletal anomalies (Fig. 41-78).
Proteus Syndrome Individual patients may not exhibit all these features, and
their severity varies among patients. For example, lower
In 1983, Wiedemann and associates described a newly extremity hemihypertrophy can be a relatively minor finding
recognized hamartomatous syndrome in four boys, charac- or can be severely grotesque, affecting limb function and
terized by the clinical constellation of partial gigantism of greatly challenging the treating physician.18
the hands, feet, or both, pigmented nevi, hemihypertrophy, Macrodactyly (Fig. 41-79) is the most common feature
subcutaneous hamartomatous tumors, and macrocephaly or described. The digits are usually normal at birth but can
other skull anomalies.36 It has been described as a progres- enlarge massively over time. In the hand, the third and
sive, asymmetric, disproportionate overgrowth affecting fourth digits are most commonly affected. Hemihypertro-
tissues derived from any germline layer.29 Wiedemann and phy is almost as common and may be partial or complete
colleagues36 were certain that the syndrome had been rec-
ognized and described by previous authors, including §b
References 3, 6, 13, 15, 20, 33, 34, 35.
Graetz11 in 1928 and Temtamy and Rogers28 in 1976, and
they recommended that it be considered one of the con-
genital hamartomatous disorders, separate and distinct from
conditions such as neurofibromatosis, Klippel-Trénaunay
syndrome, Ollier disease, and Maffucci syndrome. Muta-
tions in the oncogene AKT1 and also in the PTEN tumor
suppressor gene have been associated with Proteus syn-
drome.16,17 This latter mutation suggests possible treatment
with rapamycin.
A recent study noted that the rate of growth in length
of the oversized bones of the hands was similar to that of
the normal bones of the same hand. Pazzaglia and col-
leagues21 proposed that the primary lesion of Proteus syn-
drome occurs in the early embryonic period, and that the
condensation of mesenchyme cells produces oversized car-
tilage anlagen. Subsequent defects of bone cell–mediated
apposition and modeling fit a somatic mosaicism explana-
tion for the cause of this disorder.
Because this disorder is characterized by such striking
and varied deformities, Wiedemann and associates termed
it Proteus syndrome, after the Greek god.36 Proteus (meaning
polymorphous) was capable of transforming into any shape
to disguise himself and thus escape from his enemies. Wie-
demann and associates were certain that this syndrome was
capable of doing the same thing to prevent its detection as
a specific disorder.
One interesting aspect of this extremely rare condition FIGURE 41-78  Adolescent with Proteus syndrome. Note the
(fewer than 100 cases have been described in the English cranial bossing. The patient has cervicothoracic scoliosis with
literature under the term Proteus) is that Joseph (incor- spondylomegaly (see Fig. 41-80), digital macrodactyly,
rectly known as John) Merrick of elephant man fame, hemihypertrophy, hindfoot varus of the left foot and valgus of the
described by Treves32 in 1885, likely suffered from Proteus right, and subcutaneous tumors.
e562 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-79  Hemihypertrophy of the right hand in Proteus

syndrome. Note the enlargement of the distal radius and ulna and
macrodactyly of the first ray.

FIGURE 41-81  Hindfoot varus of the left foot and hindfoot valgus
of the right foot in the patient shown in Figure 41-78.

FIGURE 41-82  Verrucous soft tissue hypertrophy of the both feet

(moccasin deformity) in Proteus syndrome. The patient has
undergone resection of the lateral two rays to manage
osteomyelitis and tissue necrosis caused by a previous fixed varus
deformity of the foot.

FIGURE 41-80  Spondylomegaly of the lumbar vertebrae in

Proteus syndrome.
in the frontotemporal or parieto-occipital area. Other skel-
and independent of macrodactyly. Pigmented (epidermal) etal features include genu valgum, hindfoot deformities
nevi are present in more than 75% of patients, may be (Fig. 41-81), verrucous soft tissue hypertrophy of the sole
located anywhere on the body, and may be covered with of the foot (described by Cohen as a moccasin lesion5; Fig.
thickened skin. Abrupt midline margins are frequently 41-82), hip dysplasia, exostoses, and generalized accelera-
noted. Subcutaneous soft tissue tumors may also be found tion of skeletal growth.
anywhere in the body. On biopsy, most are lymphangiomas Reported neurologic sequelae include gross motor delay,
that are frequently confluent with surrounding normal mental retardation in some patients, intracranial lesions, a
tissue, making resection difficult. Axial skeletal anomalies case of sinus thrombosis,8 and peripheral nerve enlargement
include vertebral gigantism, with or without scoliosis or with entrapment syndromes.19 At least four cases of spinal
kyphosis (Fig. 41-80), and bony protuberances of the skull cord compression have been reported.23,26,35 Three were
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e563

with soft tissue hypertrophy. These disorders and their

Table 41-3  Rating Scale for the Diagnosis of
clinical features are described elsewhere in this text.
Proteus Syndrome*
Clinical Feature Points
Orthopaedic Manifestations
Macrodactyly, hemihypertrophy, or both 5.0
The orthopaedic problems encountered in the reported
Thickening of skin 4.0 cases of Proteus syndrome include macrodactyly, limb
Lipomas and subcutaneous tumors 4.0 length inequality, genu valgum, hindfoot deformity, and
spinal deformity, especially scoliosis.4,7,12,27 Macrodystrophy
Verrucous epidermal nevus 3.0
lipomatosa may occur and is considered to be a localized
Macrocephaly, lückenschädel, or both 2.5 form of Proteus syndrome.24 Severe spinal canal stenosis,
Other minor abnormalities 1.0 scoliosis, cervical kyphosis, tethered spinal cord, syringohy-
dromyelia, arachnoid cyst, and thoracic deformity with
From Stricker S: Musculoskeletal manifestations of Proteus syndrome: airway obstruction have been reported.1,37 Reaccumulation
report of two cases with literature review, J Pediatr Orthop 12:667, of hypertrophied tissues appears to be common after reduc-
1992. tion procedures, and in general, ablations are preferable
*Definitive diagnosis, >13 points; questionable diagnosis, 10 to 13
points; diagnosis excluded, <10 points. when clinically appropriate. Biopsy of non-neoplastic
enlargement has revealed mature adiposal tissue in a fibrous
stroma in almost all reported cases.
caused by intrathecal angiolipoma and one by acute kypho-
sis. Intraabdominal neoplasms (usually benign) have been
described.10 Finally, death secondary to airway obstruction
can occur spontaneously during sleep (reported in a 5-year- The treatment of genu valgum by osteotomy in skeletally
old child and Merrick himself, at age 29), preoperatively immature patients frequently results in recurrence of the
after sedation, and postoperatively. deformity. Limb length inequality has been managed by
shortening osteotomies or epiphysiodesis. Scoliosis does not
seem to respond to bracing, and instrumentation and fusion
may be required; even with fusion, however, the deformity
The diagnosis of Proteus syndrome is entirely clinical. It is can progress. An NIH workshop report provided a number
based on a demonstration of the characteristic features of of useful recommendations for the follow-up and manage-
this disorder and on a failure to meet the criteria of similar ment of patients with Proteus syndrome.31
congenital hamartomatous conditions. Hotamisligil pro- Finally, the treating surgeon should be alert to the pos-
posed a rating scale based on the presence of six clinical sibility of spinal cord compromise, entrapment neuropa-
features to assist in the diagnosis (Table 41-3).14 thies, and perioperative respiratory problems caused by
positional obstruction or difficulty with intubation.22
Differential Diagnosis
The primary entities to be distinguished from Proteus References
syndrome include idiopathic hemihypertrophy, isolated Proteus Syndrome
macrodactyly, neurofibromatosis, Ollier disease, Maffucci 1. Anik Y, Anik I, Gonullu E, et al: Proteus syndrome with syringo-
syndrome, and Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome. A rather hydromyelia and arachnoid cyst, Childs Nerv Syst 23:1199, 2007.
recently described syndrome consisted of progressive vas- 2. Aylsworth A, Friedmann P, Powers S, et al: New observations with
cular malformations, dysregulated adipose tissue, scoliosis, genetic implicaitons in two syndromes: father to son transmission
and enlarged bony structures, but without progressive of the Nager acrofacial dysostosis syndrome; and parental consan-
bony overgrowth. The condition has been called the guinity in the Proteus syndrome, Am J Hum Genet 41:A43, 1987.
3. Azouz EM, Costa T, Fitch N: Radiologic findings in the Proteus
CLOVE syndrome—congenital lipomatous overgrowth,
syndrome, Pediatr Radiol 17:481, 1987.
vascular malformations, and epidermal nevi.25 Idiopathic
4. Barmakian JT, Posner MA, Silver L, et al: Proteus syndrome,
hemihypertrophy and isolated macrodactyly are normally J Hand Surg Am 17:32, 1992.
distinguished by the absence of other clinical manifestations 5. Cohen MM Jr: Understanding Proteus syndrome, unmasking the
associated with Proteus syndrome. Neurofibromatosis elephant man, and stemming elephant fever, Neurofibromatosis
patients often have a family history of the disorder, as well 1:260, 1988.
as café au lait spots, axillary freckling, Lisch nodules, and 6. Cremin BJ, Viljoen DL, Wynchank S, et al: The Proteus syndrome:
distinctly different bony abnormalities (when present). the magnetic resonance and radiological features, Pediatr Radiol
Ollier disease is characterized primarily by typical osseous 17:486, 1987.
lesions and by the skeletal distortions that result from the 7. Demetriades D, Hager J, Nikolaides N, et al: Proteus syndrome:
musculoskeletal manifestations and management: a report of two
interference of the enchondromas with normal physeal
cases, J Pediatr Orthop 12:106, 1992.
growth. Maffucci syndrome is similar to Ollier disease, with
8. Dietrich RB, Glidden DE, Roth GM, et al: The Proteus syndrome:
the additional features of hemangiomas and a propensity for CNS manifestations, AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 19:987, 1998.
soft tissue malignancies. Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome is 9. Goodship J, Redfearn A, Milligan D, et al: Transmission of Proteus
characterized by more severe and extensive vascular anoma- syndrome from father to son? J Med Genet 28:781, 1991.
lies rather than simple pigmented nevi and, as a rule, the 10. Gordon PL, Wilroy RS, Lasater OE, et al: Neoplasms in Proteus
skeletal abnormalities are limited to gigantism associated syndrome, Am J Med Genet 57:74, 1995.
e564 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

11. Graetz I: Uber einen Fall von sogenannter totaler halbseitiger 36. Wiedemann HR, Burgio GR, Aldenhoff P, et al: The Proteus syn-
Korperhypertrophie, Z Kinerheilk 45:381, 1928. drome. Partial gigantism of the hands and/or feet, nevi, hemihy-
12. Guidera KJ, Brinker MR, Kousseff BG, et al: Overgrowth pertrophy, subcutaneous tumors, macrocephaly or other skull
management in Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber and Proteus syndromes, anomalies and possible accelerated growth and visceral affections,
J Pediatr Orthop 13:459, 1993. Eur J Pediatr 140:5, 1983.
13. Hoeger PH, Martinez A, Maerker J, et al: Vascular anomalies in 37. Yamamoto A, Kikuchi Y, Yuzurihara M, et al: A case of Proteus
Proteus syndrome, Clin Exp Dermatol 29:222, 2004. syndrome with severe spinal canal stenosis, scoliosis, and thoracic
14. Hotamisligil G: Proteus syndrome and hamartoses with over- deformity associated with tethered cord, Jpn J Radiol 30:336,
growth, Dysmorphol Clin Genet 4:87, 1990. 2012.
15. Lacombe D, Taieb A, Vergnes P, et al: Proteus syndrome in
7 patients: clinical and genetic considerations, Genet Couns 2:93,
16. Lindhurst MJ, Sapp JC, Teer JK, et al: A mosaic activating muta- Klippel-Trénaunay Syndrome
tion in AKT1 associated with the Proteus syndrome, N Engl J Med
365:611, 2011. In 1900, Klippel and Trénaunay described a patient with
17. Marsh DJ, Trahair TN, Martin JL, et al: Rapamycin treatment for the triad of cutaneous nevus, varicosities, and limb hyper-
a child with germline PTEN mutation, Nat Clin Pract Oncol
trophy.16 In a review of 50 other cases from the literature,
5:357, 2008.
they also described what they called forme fruste cases, in
18. Mayatepek E, Kurczynski TW, Ruppert ES, et al: Expanding the
phenotype of the Proteus syndrome: a severely affected patient which the patients manifested only two features of the
with new findings, Am J Med Genet 32:402, 1989. triad, and crossed dissociation cases, in which the hyper­
19. McCullagh M, Harper J, Pitt MC, et al: Median nerve compression trophied limb was the uninvolved or lesser involved
in Proteus syndrome, Pediatr Surg Int 13:449, 1998. extremity.
20. Nguyen D, Turner JT, Olsen C, et al: Cutaneous manifestations of In 1907, Weber described three cases with the same
Proteus syndrome: correlations with general clinical severity, Arch triad of symptoms, and in 1918, he described an additional
Dermatol 140:947, 2004. patient with the triad and arteriovenous fistulae.30,31 In
21. Pazzaglia UE, Beluffi G, Bonaspetti G, et al: Bone malforma- 1965, Lindenauer also distinguished between the presence
tions in Proteus syndrome: an analysis of bone structural changes
and absence of arteriovenous fistulae in association with the
and their evolution during growth, Pediatr Radiol 37:829,
triad.19 Unfortunately, in outlining the history of publica-
22. Pennant JH, Harris MF: Anaesthesia for Proteus syndrome, Anaes- tions describing the syndrome, Lindenauer referred to
thesia 46:126, 1991. F. Parkes Weber as Parkes-Weber,19 leading to some con-
23. Ring D, Snyder B: Spinal canal compromise in Proteus syndrome: fusion over terminology and the specific definition of the
case report and review of the literature, Am J Orthop 26:275, syndrome. Some authors use the term Klippel-Trénaunay
1997. syndrome strictly for patients with at least two of the classic
24. Rohilla S, Jain N, Sharma R, et al: Macrodystrophia lipomatosa triad, reserving Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome (or
involving multiple nerves, J Orthop Traumatol 13:41, 2012. Parkes-Weber syndrome) for patients with features of the
25. Sapp JC, Turner JT, van de Kamp JM, et al: Newly delineated triad plus arteriovenous fistulae (my preference). Others
syndrome of congenital lipomatous overgrowth, vascular malfor-
refer to Klippel-Trénaunay-Weber syndrome without speci-
mations, and epidermal nevi (CLOVE syndrome) in seven patients,
fying, or necessarily identifying or requiring, the presence
Am J Med Genet A 143A:2944, 2007.
26. Skovby F, Graham JM Jr, Sonne-Holm S, et al: Compromise of of arteriovenous fistulae. Still others have suggested that the
the spinal canal in Proteus syndrome, Am J Med Genet 47:656, presence of two or more of the four features be termed
1993. Klippel-Trénaunay–type syndrome.3
27. Stricker S: Musculoskeletal manifestations of Proteus syndrome: This confusion in terminology is compounded by a lack
report of two cases with literature review, J Pediatr Orthop 12:667, of understanding of the pathophysiology of the disorder, an
1992. absence of any identifiable genetic features, and the fact
28. Temtamy SA, Rogers JG: Macrodactyly, hemihypertrophy, and that the diagnosis is a purely clinical, descriptive one.
connective tissue nevi: report of a new syndrome and review of Adding to the confusion are rare individual cases in which
the literature, J Pediatr 89:924, 1976.
the classic triad overlaps with features associated with neu-
29. Thomason JL, Abramowsky CR, Rickets RR, et al: Proteus
rofibromatosis or Proteus syndrome.13
syndrome: three case reports with a review of the literature,
Fetal Pediatr Pathol 31:145, 2012.
30. Tibbles JA, Cohen MM Jr: The Proteus syndrome: the Elephant Pathophysiology
Man diagnosed, Br Med J 293:683, 1986.
31. Tosi LL, Sapp JC, Allen ES, et al: Assessment and management The cause of Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome is not known. It
of the orthopedic and other complications of Proteus syndrome, is clearly not a genetic condition, although its features are
J Child Orthop 5:319, 2011. usually evident from birth. RASA1 mutations are associated
32. Treves F: A case of congenital deformity, Trans Pathol Soc Lond with the Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome.7,32
36:494, 1885. Liu and co-workers, using magnetic resonance lymphan-
33. Vaughn RY, Selinger AD, Howell CG, et al: Proteus syndrome:
giography with contrast, found that lymphatic vessel abnor-
diagnosis and surgical management, J Pediatr Surg 28:5, 1993.
malities and venous dysplasia were present in 31 of 32
34. Viljoen DL, Nelson MM, de Jong G, et al: Proteus syndrome in
southern Africa: natural history and clinical manifestations in six patients studied.20 Baskerville and associates conducted a
individuals, Am J Med Genet 27:87, 1987. study of blood flow and deep venous competence in 33
35. White NJ, Cochrane DD, Beauchamp R: Paraparesis caused by an patients with 36 affected lower extremities; some patients
angiolipomatous hamartoma in an adolescent with Proteus syn- had nevi on their otherwise unaffected contralateral lower
drome and scoliosis, J Neurosurg 103(Suppl):282, 2005. limbs.5 An abnormal lateral venous channel was found in 23
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e565

limbs (64%), but only 5 patients (15%) had atresia of the can change as the patient matures, often fading but rarely
deep venous system. Some patients had incompetent com- disappearing. Abrupt midline borders usually demarcate
municating veins in the calf and valveless or incompetent larger lesions.
deep veins. Blood flow measurements in the calf revealed
that flow was greater in limbs with nevi and greatest in limbs Varicosities
with both nevi and hypertrophy, compared with completely Varicosities typically develop with growth but may be
unaffected limbs. However, all measured values were within present from birth. In the lower limb, these varicosities
normal limits, confirming for the authors that an arteriove- include a lateral system and are usually not associated with
nous fistula was not present. Furthermore, there was no deep venous system incompetence.
correlation between the increase in calf blood flow and
extent of hypertrophy. It was hypothesized that Klippel- Bone and Soft Tissue Hypertrophy
Trénaunay syndrome is caused by a mesodermal defect, Bone and soft tissue hypertrophy of the limb vary consider-
resulting in the maintenance of fetal microscopic arteriove- ably in onset and severity. In some cases, the hypertrophy
nous communications. is present at birth; in others, it develops with growth. The
In a histologic study of tissue samples from 29 surgically distortions can vary from a mild limb length discrepancy to
treated patients, the most common and consistent vascular an inequality that exceeds 10 cm, with disfiguring anoma-
lesions represented venous fibromuscular dysplasia.18 The lies or enlargement of the digits (Fig. 41-83).12,13,21,22,25 In
lesions consisted of abnormal development of the vein wall, most cases (up to 90%), the lower extremity is involved,
with alternating segments of normal, hypertrophied, or defi- but the upper extremity can be the hypertrophied limb.
cient media. Aneurysmal dilation occurred where the media Usually, the limb affected by the nevus and varicosities
was deficient. Only one microscopic arteriovenous fistula is the one that is hypertrophied; however, in perhaps 1%
was identified in one of two amputated lower limb speci- to 2% of cases, the contralateral limb is the enlarged one,
mens; neither amputated limb demonstrated deep vein a feature that Klippel and Trénaunay termed crossed
atresia or absence. dissociation.
Other Associated Conditions
Clinical Features
Associated orthopaedic conditions include developmental
Nevus dysplasia of the hip (10 of 252 patients in the series by
The nevus, or birthmark, is most commonly a port-wine Jacob and associates13), syndactyly, metatarsus adductus,
stain. It can be located anywhere on the body, but at a congenital clubfoot, and scoliosis. Nonorthopaedic features
minimum, it usually discolors the hypertrophied limb. This that can occur over time include thrombophlebitis,
mark is almost always present at birth. Its size and intensity recurrent cellulitis, friability of the extremity, pelvic and

FIGURE 41-83  A and B, Patient with classic Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome. Note the triad of port-wine stain, varicosities, and significant
bone and soft tissue hypertrophy of the right lower extremity.
e566 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

intraabdominal varices causing local hemorrhage, hematu- Ligation or sclerotherapy can be considered for symp-
ria, rectal bleeding, intraabdominal bleeding and, rarely, tomatic varicosities, but as noted, the presence and compe-
intracranial hemorrhage.‖b tence of the deep venous system must be carefully assessed
In a review of 49 patients by Baskerville and associates, beforehand; otherwise, treatment is unlikely to be success-
25% had one or more severe, spontaneous hemorrhages ful.13,25 Recently, the use of ultrasound-guided sclerotherapy
from dilated varices, 22% had venous thromboembolism, with polidocanol foam has been shown to reduce the size
and 29% had episodes of rectal bleeding or hematuria from of lesions and decrease the associated pain.6 Intermittent or
pelvic angiomas.5 In the series of 252 patients reported by prophylactic antibiotics may be necessary for recurrent cel-
Jacob and associates, 11 had deep venous thrombosis and 9 lulitis. Thrombophlebitis and thromboembolism may
had pulmonary embolism, which was fatal in 1 patient.13 require bed rest, elevation of the extremity, and anticoagu-
Risk factors for developing deep venous thrombosis include lation therapy. Prophylactic therapy against thrombophlebi-
pelvic surgery, pregnancy, sclerotherapy, oral contraceptive tis and thromboembolism should be carefully considered
use, and invasive studies. when major orthopaedic, pelvic, or invasive investigational
procedures are required. The use of oral contraceptives
increases the risk of these complications and should be
Diagnosis and Evaluation
The diagnosis is based on identifying the three clinical fea- Resection of venous or lymphatic lesions is difficult and
tures of the triad—nevus, varicosities, and bone and soft is often incomplete or followed by recurrence of the lesion.
tissue hypertrophy. In most series, females slightly outnum- Thus careful preoperative assessment with MRI is required,
ber males in a ratio of 1.3:1.13,21,25 Most patients have evi- and the decision to proceed with resection should be based
dence of the syndrome at birth. This was true of 90% of on the extent of problems caused by the lesion. The surgeon
the patients in the series reported by Jacob and associates, also needs to take into account potential recurrence,
and family members recognized the presence of some intraoperative bleeding, and the pain that can result from
features of the syndrome in affected children by 9 years attempted resection.4,10,17
of age.13 Venous or lymphatic stasis can cause soft tissue swelling
Patients with the Klippel-Trénaunay triad should be of an extremity, compounding the true bone and soft tissue
assessed for the presence and extent of limb length hypertrophy of the syndrome. This problem can be managed
inequality. If a discrepancy is found, it should be further by a program of nocturnal intermittent pneumatic compres-
documented with scanography, repeated as necessary during sion combined with the prescription of a custom-fitted,
the patient’s growth. graduated, compression support garment to be worn during
The presence of arteriovenous fistulae should be assessed the day on the affected extremity. This approach can sig-
clinically by palpating and auscultating for bruits and by nificantly improve the soft tissue swelling component of
examining the patient for evidence of high-output cardiac limb enlargement, and it can also improve symptoms from
failure.16 If either is present, arteriography should be per- varicosities or friable superficial lesions.13,27 Reduction in
formed. As noted, true arteriovenous fistulae are uncom- limb enlargement, however, does not appear to influence
mon in Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome (KTS), and if they are limb length inequality at maturity.
present, the entity is more accurately called Klippel-Trénau- Orthopaedic management is generally directed toward
nay-Weber syndrome. Alomari and associates recently noted treating the bone and soft tissue hypertrophy. Shoe lifts and
that spinal arteriovenous malformations were not associated custom-fitted shoes may be needed if there is significant
with KTS, as had been erroneously reported.1 Oishi and limb length inequality or differences in foot size. Skeletally
Ezaki reported that large upper extremity venous malforma- immature patients with limb length inequality more than
tions were associated with venous thrombosis and pulmo- 2 cm should be monitored by clinical examination supple-
nary emboli.23 mented with scanography. Because the rate of growth of the
In patients with symptomatic varicosities who are hypertrophied limb is unpredictable,12,13,21,25 length discrep-
candidates for superficial ligation, the competency of the ancies need to be documented on a regular basis. The most
deep venous system should be carefully evaluated by phle- appropriate surgical procedure to manage limb length dis-
bography, Doppler flow studies, or MRI before surgery. crepancy more than 2 cm is an appropriately timed epiphys-
Other symptomatic vascular lesions, such as intrapelvic or iodesis of the longer limb. Wound healing is not a problem
intramuscular angiomas, should be assessed by MRI to after standard epiphysiodesis techniques.11,12
determine the extent of the lesion and feasibility of Patients with local gigantism can be treated by reduction
resection.4,10,17 procedures, epiphysiodesis, ray or digital resection, or
amputation for functional or cosmetic purposes. Local
reduction procedures are often unsatisfactory because of
inadequate reduction, recurrence, or wound healing prob-
Most patients with Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome need only lems. Symptoms of pain, swelling, and limited range of
symptomatic treatment.13,21,25 If the varicosities are minimal, motion because of intraarticular vascular malformations of
the nevus is superficial and stable, and the lower extremity the knee may be relieved following surgical synovectomy.14
hypertrophy results in less than 2 cm of limb length inequal- Ray resection for the treatment of localized digital gigantism
ity, without significant foot distortion, supportive treatment or as a method of foot reduction has been successful, and
and reassurance may be sufficient.29 wound healing is not a common problem.11,13 Occasionally,
a Syme or below-knee amputation is necessary for extreme
References 2, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 24, 25, 28. gigantism or poor foot function.13,26 However, the treating
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e567

surgeon and family must be aware that wound dehiscence, 20. Liu NF, Lu Q, Yan ZX: Lymphatic malformation is a common
bleeding, or infection complicates almost every amputation component of Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, J Vasc Surg 52:1557,
in patients with Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome. These com- 2010.
21. McGrory BJ, Amadio PC: Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: orthopae-
plications require extended local care or repeated débride-
dic considerations, Orthop Rev 22:41, 1993.
ments, but good function and fitting of the residual limb are
22. McGrory BJ, Amadio PC, Dobyns JH, et al: Anomalies of the
ultimately achieved in most cases. fingers and toes associated with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome,
J Bone Joint Surg Am 73:1537, 1991.
23. Oishi SN, Ezaki M: Venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolus in
References pediatric patients with large upper extremity venous malforma-
Klippel-Trénaunay Syndrome tions, J Hand Surg Am 35:1330, 2010.
1. Alomari AI, Orbach DB, Mulliken JB, et al: Klippel-Trenaunay 24. Oyesiku NM, Gahm NH, Goldman RL: Cerebral arteriovenous
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2. Aronoff DM, Roshon M: Severe hemorrhage complicating the 25. Samuel M, Spitz L: Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: clinical features,
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3. Atiyeh BS, Musharrafieh RS: Klippel-Trenaunay-type syndrome: an 1995.
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1995. J Bone Joint Surg Br 73:169, 1991.
4. Baraldini V, Coletti M, Cipolat L, et al: Early surgical management 27. Stringel G, Dastous J: Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome and other
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term haemodynamic effects of distal venous hypertension, J Pediatr Surg 22:645, 1987.
J Pediatr Surg 37:232, 2002. 28. Taira T, Tamura Y, Kawamura H: Intracranial aneurysm in a child
5. Baskerville PA, Ackroyd JS, Lea Thomas M, et al: The Klippel- with Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome: case report, Surg Neurol
Trenaunay syndrome: clinical, radiological and haemodynamic fea- 36:303, 1991.
tures and management, Br J Surg 72:232, 1985. 29. van der Poleg H, van der Poleg M, van der Poleg-Stapert J: Psy-
6. Blaise S, Charavin-Cocuzza M, Riom H, et al: Treatment of low- chological aspects of the Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, J Psychosom
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7. Boutarbouch M, Ben Salem D, Gire L, et al: Multiple cerebral 31. Weber F: Hemangiectatic hypertrophy of limbs: congenital phle-
and spinal cord cavernomas in Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome, barteriectasis and so-called congenital varicose veins, Br J Child
J Clin Neurosci 17:1073, 2010. Dis 15:13, 1918.
8. Darwish K, Bleau BL: Extensive small bowel varices as a cause of 32. Wooderchak-Donahue W, Stevenson DA, McDonald J, et al:
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troenterol 93:2274, 1998. secutive cases, Eur J Med Genet 55:91, 2012.
9. de Leon-Casasola OA, Lema MJ: Anesthesia for patients with
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10. Enjolras O, Chapot R, Merland JJ: Vascular anomalies and
the growth of limbs: a review, J Pediatr Orthop B 13:349, Metatropic Dwarfism (Dysplasia)
11. Gates PE, Drvaric DM, Kruger L: Wound healing in orthopaedic First described as a separate entity by Maroteaux and col-
procedures for Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop leagues13 in 1966, this rare skeletal dysplasia is often con-
16:723, 1996. fused with achondroplasia and Morquio syndrome.12,15 In
12. Guidera KJ, Brinker MR, Kousseff BG, et al: Overgrowth infancy, patients have short limbs and a normal trunk length;
management in Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber and Proteus syndromes, over time, the limbs become more disproportionately short,
J Pediatr Orthop 13:459, 1993. with prominent contracted joints, and the trunk assumes a
13. Jacob AG, Driscoll DJ, Shaughnessy WJ, et al: Klippel-Trenaunay moderate to severe kyphoscoliosis, producing a shorter and
syndrome: spectrum and management, Mayo Clin Proc 73:28,
more deformed individual. The changing nature of the clini-
cal severity led to the term metatropic, meaning a changing
14. Johnson JN, Shaughnessy WJ, Stans AA, et al: Management of
knee arthropathy in patients with vascular malformations, J Pediatr or variable course. Mutations in the TRPV4 gene, which
Orthop 29:380, 2009. encodes a calcium-permeable ion channel, has been found
15. Katsaros D, Grundfest-Broniatowski S: Successful management of to cause metatropic dysplasia.1,7,8
visceral Klippel-Trenaunay-Weber syndrome with the antifibrinol- Initial radiographs are often diagnostic. The spine dem-
ytic agent tranexamic acid (cyclocapron): a case report, Am Surg onstrates severe platyspondyly and delayed ossification of
64:302, 1998. the vertebral bodies, and the extremities show a dumbbell
16. Klippel M, Trénaunay P: Du noevus variqueux osteohypertro- pattern of marked metaphyseal flaring combined with
phique, Arch Gen Med 185:641, 1900. extreme shortening (Fig. 41-84). Based on a pathologic
17. Lee A, Driscoll D, Gloviczki P, et al: Evaluation and management
specimen, these findings have been explained as resulting
of pain in patients with Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: a review,
from continued perichondrial ring functioning producing
Pediatrics 115:744, 2005.
18. Lie JT: Pathology of angiodysplasia in Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome, circumferential metaphyseal growth in the presence of
Pathol Res Pract 183:747, 1988. total physeal failure, producing no longitudinal growth.6
19. Lindenauer SM: The Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome: varicosity, Later, the joints demonstrate irregular articular surfaces,
hypertrophy and hemangioma with no arteriovenous fistula, Ann ossification of the epiphyses is delayed, and joint incongru-
Surg 162:303, 1965. ity and premature arthritic changes are common. Odontoid
e568 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-84  Radiographic appearance of metatropic dwarfism. A, Lateral

radiographs of the lower extremities in maximum knee extension in a 6-year-
old child with metatropic dysplasia. Note the more severe flexion deformity
on the left. The flared metaphyses and dumbbell shape of the long bones are
obvious. B, Lower extremities of a 3-month-old exhibiting early evidence of B
metatropic metaphyseal changes.

hypoplasia with a high incidence of C1-2 instability is instability must be considered, along with symptomatic
almost universal.16 hydrocephalus.3,11,16 Mechanical problems with respiration
Clinically, some infants have a tail-like appendage over may be complicated by pectus excavatum or carinatum, as
the lower sacrum. The head and face are usually normal well as by bronchial or tracheal chondromalacia.15
(although they are sometimes described as elongated), In patients who survive infancy and achieve ambulatory
which makes the differentiation from achondroplasia rela- status, orthopaedic treatment is directed toward the upper
tively straightforward; however, an enlarged head and ven- cervical spine and kyphoscoliosis. Severe limb deformities
triculomegaly (macrocephaly > 97th percentile) are also may justify corrective osteotomies, but there is little in the
common.16 Progression of the limb contractures is notable, literature describing the application of this surgery or its
and patients may have difficulty achieving an upright efficacy. Because severe progressive contractures may elimi-
posture; more importantly, their ambulation may deterio- nate the ability to walk, it seems reasonable that some type
rate because of progression of the contractures, which are of treatment to prevent this outcome is indicated (see Figs.
incompatible with an upright gait (Fig. 41-85). Asymmetric 41-84 and 41-85). I have no experience in lower extremity
lower extremity contractures can be responsible for pelvic realignment in these patients.
obliquity, which may add to the severity of the kyphoscolio- C1-2 instability producing spinal cord compression and
sis that develops in the first few years of life. myelopathy is a well-known feature of the disorder and,
Knowledge of the clinical course of metatropic dysplasia with the identification of odontoid hypoplasia on the earli-
is somewhat limited, with only about 75 reported cases as of est radiographs, it should not escape detection (Fig. 41-86).2
1995.14 The spectrum of severity includes a lethal perinatal Neurologic assessment and periodic plain radiography
form and, at the opposite extreme, a mild form with minimal should be performed, with MRI assessment added if there
changes.4,10,15 Most patients achieve adulthood, with a is any question of progressive subluxation, which is often
stature shorter than 1.2 m.12 Many infants have severe respi- fixed on flexion-extension films, or myelopathy. Torticollis
ratory difficulties that are life-threatening, with a significant has been described as a possible mechanism to protect the
component being the small narrowed thorax (see Fig. 41-85). spinal canal, which is stenotic and relieved to some extent
Although restrictive and obstructive changes have been by extension with rotation, and the airway, which may be
detected by pulmonary function tests, the possibility of similarly compressed when there is fixed upper cervical
respiratory compromise caused by myelopathy from C1-2 subluxation.11 Of metatropic dysplasia patients, 75%
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e569


FIGURE 41-85  Metatropic dwarfism. A and B,

Clinical appearance showing asymmetric,
progressive lower extremity contractures. The pelvic
obliquity induced by the more severe left knee
contracture is additive to the hyperscoliosis.
C, Standing lower extremity radiograph shows
pelvic obliquity. D, Left scoliosis induced by pelvic
obliquity as a result of asymmetric contractures.
The narrow thorax seen in metatropic dysplasia was
relatively mild in this patient. In another patient,
more severe thorax narrowing. This infant died of D E
respiratory failure at 1 year of age.

demonstrate cervical stenosis (space available for the cord Kyphoscoliosis may progress rapidly during the early
[SAC] < 11 mm) on MRI, emphasizing the importance years of life, and the deformities are typically rigid. Because
of decompression when treating the C1-2 instability.11 of the rigidity of the spine, any pelvic obliquity caused by
This stenosis may occur at the C1-2 segment or at subaxial asymmetric lower extremity deformities exacerbates the
cervical levels. Prompt posterior C1-2 fusion, usually sup- labored posture and gait. Orthotic management has been
ported by a halo vest, is probably the treatment of choice mentioned in the literature,3 but because of the small size
once upper cervical instability or cord compression has of these patients and the rigidity of their deformities, it
been confirmed. Weakness caused by myelopathy, and probably has little efficacy. Subcutaneous instrumentation
resultant respiratory compromise, should not be a source without fusion has been reported in children as young as 2
of mortality in patients with this dysplasia. Nevertheless, years,9 with little improvement in the clinical course because
because the preoperative respiratory status of these patients of the well-known complications associated with that pro-
is frequently compromised by noncompliant chest walls cedure (e.g., loss of fixation, infection, recurrence or wors-
and kyphoscoliosis, in addition to any myelopathic weak- ening of the deformity). In patients presenting at a later age,
ness, significant complications from cervical surgery, osteotomy and halo traction have been reported,5 with defi-
including ventilator dependence and death, are probably nite improvement in the kyphosis, followed by spinal fusion
unavoidable.11 augmented with instrumentation. In my experience, in situ
e570 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-86  Imaging findings in metatropic dwarfism. A, Odontoid hypoplasia with C1-2 fixed subluxation in flexion. B, Magnetic
resonance image shows stenosis at C1-2 at the posterosuperior margin of the dens. Weakness was the primary complaint, although
unequivocal neurologic findings were absent. C, Reduction was achieved with a halo vest and posterior occiput-C2 fusion. The patient
went on to achieve a radiographically solid arthrodesis without significant improvement in functional strength.

fusion and cast correction have been used, primarily because References
of the diminutive spinal elements and the presence of osteo- Metatropic Dwarfism (Dysplasia)
penia (Fig. 41-87). Intervention before the development of 1. Andreucci E, Aftimos S, Alcausin M, et al: TRPV4-related skeletal
neurologic compromise from the kyphoscoliosis,3,5 with sta- dysplasias: a phenotypic spectrum highlighted byclinical, radio-
bilization of the deformity, is the goal of any spinal surgery graphic, and molecular studies in 21 new families, Orphanet J Rare
for metatropic dysplasia. Dis 6:37, 2011.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e571

FIGURE 41-87  A and B, Progression of

kyphoscoliosis in metatropic dwarfism (compare
with Fig. 41-85). The vertebral bodies were
extremely dysplastic and osteoporotic
(confirmed at surgery).

2. Barna M, Stulik J, Fencl F: [Metatropic dysplasia as the cause of 16. Shohat M, Lachman R, Rimoin DL: Odontoid hypoplasia with
atlantoaxial instability, spinal stenosis and myelopathy: case report vertebral cervical subluxation and ventriculomegaly in metatropic
and literature review], Acta Chir Orthop Traumatol Cech 79:169, dysplasia, J Pediatr 114:239, 1989.
3. Bassett GS: The osteochondrodysplasias. In Morrissy R, Weinstein
S, editors: Lovell and Winter’s pediatric orthopedics, Philadelphia,
1996, Lippincott-Raven, p 214.
4. Beck M, Roubicek M, Rogers JG, et al: Heterogeneity of metatro- Camptomelic Dysplasia
pic dysplasia, Eur J Pediatr 140:231, 1983.
Camptomelic dysplasia is a severe and rare form of short-
5. Bethem D, Winter RB, Lutter L: Disorders of the spine in dia-
strophic dwarfism, J Bone Joint Surg Am 62:529, 1980. limbed dwarfism that is sometimes fatal. Mutations in or
6. Boden SD, Kaplan FS, Fallon MD, et al: Metatropic dwarfism. around the SOX9 gene are causative.11 Cases with sex
Uncoupling of endochondral and perichondral growth, J Bone Joint reversal, the finding of female genitalia with an XY karyo-
Surg Am 69:174, 1987. type, have been reported.3,6,13 The abnormal formation of
7. Camacho N, Krakow D, Johnykutty S, et al: Dominant TRPV4 fetal cartilage is thought to be the basic defect, and defec-
mutations in nonlethal and lethal metatropic dysplasia, Am J Med tive cartilage in the tracheal rings and lower respiratory
Genet A 152:1169, 2010. tract may cause respiratory failure, with many patients
8. Dai J, Kim OH, Cho TJ, et al: Novel and recurrent TRPV4 muta- dying in the neonatal period.1,12 Anesthesia is challenging
tions and their association with distinct phenotypes within the
due to the multiple levels of airway obstruction.11 The term
TRPV4 dysplasia family, J Med Genet 47:704, 2010.
camptomelic (sometimes campomelic) refers to bowing of
9. Johnston CE II: Scoliosis in metatropic dwarfism, Orthopedics
6:491, 1983. the long bones, primarily the tibiae and femora, although
10. Kozlowski K, Campbell J, Anderson B, et al: Metatropic dysplasia there are reports of bowing of the humeri, radii, and
and its variants (analysis of 14 cases), Australas Radiol 32:325, ulnae.7,8 The bowing is usually marked and can be identified
1988. on prenatal ultrasound examination.8 Progressive spinal
11. Leet AI, Sampath JS, Scott CI Jr, et al: Cervical spinal stenosis in deformity is usually present as well (Fig. 41-88). Other
metatropic dysplasia, J Pediatr Orthop 26:347, 2006. clinical features include a flattened face with a high fore-
12. Maroteaux P: Bone disease of children, Philadelphia, 1979, JB head, low nasal bridge, micrognathia, cleft palate, short
Lippincott. palpebral fissures, and malformed or low-set ears. Occa-
13. Maroteaux P, Spranger J, Wiedemann HR: [Metatrophic dwarf-
sionally, there are developmental defects of the heart and
ism], Arch Kinderheilkd 173:211, 1966.
kidneys. Fatal malignant hyperthermia has been reported.2
14. Nieves Gil A, Gonzalez Molina E, Martinez Ayucar MM, et al:
Metatropic dysplasia: a case report, Am J Perinatol 12:129, Hydromyelia and diastematomyelia have also been
1995. observed.9,10
15. Rimoin DL, Siggers DC, Lachman RS, et al: Metatropic dwarfism, The bowing of the long bones appears to be caused
the Kniest syndrome and the pseudoachondroplastic dysplasias, by an abnormality in the formation of the cartilage
Clin Orthop Relat Res 114:70, 1976. anlage during fetal development (a dyschondrogenesis).
e572 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 41-88  Imaging findings in

camptomelic dysplasia. A, Lateral
radiograph of the spine at birth. There
is delayed ossification of the pedicles.
B, Lateral radiograph of the leg at
birth. The fibula is short, and the foot
is in an equinovalgus position. C,
Anteroposterior radiograph of the
spine in adolescence. There is severe
kyphoscoliosis. D, Lateral tomogram of
the spine shows the severe kyphosis.
E, Lateral radiograph of the spine
following anterior strut graft fusion and
posterior in situ fusion.

Enchondral growth at the physes is normal, but diaphyseal Postoperative measurements showed minimal correction.
cylinderization is markedly abnormal. Roth and associates Of these patients, 50% developed pseudarthroses, and 33%
suggested that these abnormalities are caused by an exog- had neurologic complications. The authors recommended
enous teratogen that affects the fetus transiently.12 noninstrumented anterior and posterior fusions with halo-
Spinal deformity is present in most patients and has even cast immobilization as the treatment of choice.
been reported in neonates.5 It becomes severe in early child- Coscia and colleagues reported significant spinal findings
hood and is often markedly progressive. Progression of the in eight patients with camptomelic dysplasia.4 Late ossifica-
spinal deformity results in further pulmonary compromise tion of the midthoracic pedicles was a clear diagnostic cri-
and death if untreated. In a study of eight patients with terion for the syndrome. Thoracic hyperkyphosis averaged
camptomelic dysplasia, Thomas and co-workers reported 126 degrees, and scoliosis was 63 degrees. Three patients
major difficulties in their management.14 The average initial had cervical kyphosis averaging 66 degrees, and one patient
kyphosis was 114 degrees, and the scoliosis was 61 degrees. became quadriplegic after a seizure. One patient had
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e573

cervical spondylolisthesis. Hypoplasia of the vertebral

bodies was the major cause of deformity. The authors noted
that because patients with camptomelic dysplasia are sur- Ellis–van Creveld syndrome is inherited as an autosomal
viving longer than previously expected, their spinal deformi- recessive disorder. The usual cause is mutation in the
ties should be treated appropriately. Treatment is difficult, Evc/Evc2 gene, related to the sonic Hedgehog pathway.15,17
however, and is complicated by pseudarthroses and neuro-
logic deficits.
Clinical Features
Chondrodysplasia in Ellis–van Creveld syndrome results in
acromelic and mesomelic shortness of the limbs. The short-
Camptomelic Dysplasia ening is most prominent in the most distal aspects of the
1. Banu NA, Khatoon S, Qadir E, et al: Camptomelic dysplasia with limbs (e.g., the phalanges). The tibia and fibula are also
sex reversal, Mymensingh Med J 14:80, 2005. short, with the fibula shorter than the tibia (unlike in achon-
2. Barros A, Teixeira F, Camacho MC, et al: Campomelic dysplasia
droplasia). The short stature is primarily because of the
and malignant hyperthermia, BMJ Case Rep (Jun 9):2011,
shortness of the lower legs. The trunk appears long, but the
3. Chen SY, Lin SJ, Tsai LP, et al: Sex-reversed acampomelic campo- thorax is narrow because of short ribs. The femora and
melic dysplasia with a homozygous deletion mutation in SOX9 humeri are less involved than the tibiae. Diminished height
gene, Urology 79:908, 2012. is present at birth but becomes more apparent with subse-
4. Coscia MF, Bassett GS, Bowen JR, et al: Spinal abnormalities in quent growth (Fig. 41-89).
camptomelic dysplasia, J Pediatr Orthop 9:6, 1989. Polydactyly of the hands is a hallmark of this dysplasia
5. Dahdaleh NS, Albert GW, Hasan DM: Campomelic dysplasia: a (Fig. 41-90). The polydactyly is most often postaxial, on
rare cause of congenital spinal deformity, J Clin Neurosci 17:664, the ulnar side of the hand. The feet are affected less often.
2010. Syndactyly is seen in some cases.
6. Jakubiczka S, Schroder C, Ullmann R, et al: Translocation and
Clinically, ectodermal dysplasia is characterized by
deletion around SOX9 in a patient with acampomelic campomelic
abnormalities of the nails, hair, and teeth. The nails
dysplasia and sex reversal, Sex Dev 4:143, 2010.
7. Khajavi A, Lachman R, Rimoin D, et al: Heterogeneity in the are small, hypoplastic, and dystrophic (Fig. 41-91). The
campomelic syndromes. Long- and short-bone varieties, Radiology teeth are described as natal and are pointed, dystrophic,
120:641, 1976. or absent.6,7 The upper lip may be adherent to the
8. Khajavi A, Lachman RS, Rimoin DL, et al: Heterogeneity in the underlying gum.
campomelic syndromes: long and short bone varieties, Birth Congenital heart disease is present in approximately
Defects Orig Artic Ser 12:93, 1976. 50% of patients with Ellis–van Creveld syndrome.2 Malfor-
9. Krous HF, Turbeville DF, Altshuler GP: Campomelic syndrome— mations commonly seen in this population are single atrium,
possible role of intrauterine viral infection, Teratology 19:9,
10. Mellows HJ, Pryse-Davies J, Bennett MJ, et al: The camptomelic
syndrome in two female siblings, Clin Genet 18:137, 1980.
11. Nelson ME, Griffin GR, Innis JW, et al: Camptomelic dysplasia:
airway management in two patients and an update on clinical-
molecular correlations in the head and neck, Ann Otol Rhinol
Laryngol 120:682, 2011.
12. Roth SI, Jimenez JF, Husted S, et al: The histopathology of camp-
tomelia (bent limbs). A dyschondrogenesis, Clin Orthop Relat Res
167:152, 1982.
13. Stoeva R, Grozdanova L, Scherer G, et al: A novel SOX9 nonsense
mutation, q401x, in a case of campomelic dysplasia with XY sex
reversal, Genet Couns 22:49, 2011.
14. Thomas S, Winter RB, Lonstein JE: The treatment of progressive
kyphoscoliosis in camptomelic dysplasia, Spine 22:1330, 1997.

Chondroectodermal Dysplasia
(Ellis–van Creveld Syndrome)
This extremely rare form of dysplasia was first described by
Ellis and van Creveld in 1940.3 It is characterized by four
components—chondrodysplasia, polydactyly, ectodermal
dysplasia affecting the hair, teeth, and nails, and congenital
heart defects. This dysplasia is one of the short rib polydac-
tyly syndromes.4 As its name implies, this syndrome affects
mesodermal and ectodermal tissues. The prevalence of
Ellis–van Creveld dysplasia is 0.1/million population. Par- FIGURE 41-89  Two-year-old girl with Ellis–van Creveld syndrome.
ticularly affected are the Pennsylvania Amish, in whom the Note the shortening of the humeri and polydactyly of the right
condition occurs in 1 in 5000 births.2,9 hand.
e574 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-90  A and B, Polysyndactyly

associated with Ellis–van Creveld
syndrome. There are more extra digits on A B
the ulnar side of the hand.

FIGURE 41-91  Hypoplastic dystrophic fingernails in a child with

Ellis–van Creveld syndrome.

atrial septal defects, and ventricular septal defects. Prenatal

ultrasonography can be diagnostic because the skeletal and
cardiac features can be identified in the fetus.14 FIGURE 41-92  Genu valgum results from hypoplasia of the lateral
Mental retardation has been reported in some patients proximal tibial epiphysis in Ellis–van Creveld syndrome.
with Ellis–van Creveld syndrome. CNS and renal malforma-
tions have been reported in isolated cases.10,11,16

capitate and hamate are fused (Fig. 41-93). There may be

Radiographic Findings
accessory carpal bones accompanying the polydactyly.13
The proximal end of the tibia is widened and pointed. The Tarsal coalitions may be present.
epiphysis of the tibia characteristically appears hypoplastic The femora and humeri are often bowed, the spine is
and deficient laterally, resulting in genu valgum (Fig. 41-92). normal, the ribs are short, and the thorax is long and narrow.
There may be an exostosis projecting from the medial proxi- The pelvis has a distinctive appearance. The iliac bones are
mal tibial metaphysis. small, with a decrease in their vertical height. An inferior
The fingers are very short. Ossification centers of the hook may be present in the region of the triradiate cartilage.
distal phalanges may be absent. Fusion of two or more of With growth, the pelvic radiographs have a normal
the carpals is seen in about 71% of patients.13 Usually, the appearance.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e575

FIGURE 41-93  Carpal coalitions and distal phalangeal hypoplasia FIGURE 41-94  Proximal tibial osteotomy for the treatment of
in 4-year-old girl with Ellis–van Creveld syndrome. genu valgum in a 4-year-old with Ellis–van Creveld syndrome
(same patient as in Fig. 41-92).

Patellar dislocation can occur because of the genu valgum.
During infancy, cardiac surgery is often required to treat Surgical realignment of the quadriceps mechanism and of
congenital malformations. Excision of polydactyly of the the bony anatomy is the treatment of choice.
hands and feet can be performed following the evaluation
and treatment of heart defects.
Genu valgum develops during early childhood as a result References
of the abnormal proximal tibial epiphysis and growth plate. Chondroectodermal Dysplasia (Ellis–van Creveld Syndrome)
Orthotic treatment may delay surgery, but when the valgus 1. Aldegheri R: Distraction osteogenesis for lengthening of the tibia
becomes symptomatic, proximal tibial osteotomy should be in patients who have limb-length discrepancy or short stature,
performed (Fig. 41-94). Recurrence of deformity is univer- J Bone Joint Surg Am 81:624, 1999.
sal, and it is wise to warn the parents of this before the 2. Dugoff L, Thieme G, Hobbins JC: First trimester prenatal diag-
initial surgery (Fig. 41-95).5,8 nosis of chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld syn-
The goal of surgery is complete correction of the drome) with ultrasound, Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 17:86, 2001.
mechanical axis of the limb; internal rotation through the 3. Ellis RWB, van Creveld S: Syndrome characterized by ectodermal
dysplasia, polydactyly, chondrodysplasia and congenital morbus
osteotomy is required to correct the external rotation defor-
cordis: report of three cases, Arch Dis Child 15:65, 1940.
mity. In severe cases of genu valgum caused by Ellis–van
4. Erzen M, Stanescu R, Stanescu V, et al: Comparative histopathol-
Creveld syndrome, medial femoral condylar overgrowth ogy of the growth cartilage in short-rib polydactyly syndromes type
contributes to the deformity. In these cases, distal femoral I and type III and in chondroectodermal dysplasia, Ann Genet
osteotomy should be performed, along with proximal tibial 31:144, 1988.
osteotomy to correct the extremity’s alignment. Repeat 5. Fukuda A, Kato K, Hasegawa M, et al: Recurrent knee valgus
osteotomies are necessary with further growth. As the child deformity in Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop B
nears the end of skeletal growth, combining proximal tibial 21:352, 2012.
osteotomy with closure of the proximal medial tibial physis 6. Hattab FN, Yassin OM, Sasa IS: Oral manifestations of Ellis-van
may prevent a further recurrence. Because the lateral Creveld syndrome: report of two siblings with unusual dental
anomalies, J Clin Pediatr Dent 22:159, 1998.
tibial plateau is depressed in this syndrome, deformity
7. Himelhoch DA, Mostofi R: Oral abnormalities in the Ellis-van
of the articular surface is an obstacle to correcting the
Creveld syndrome: case report, Pediatr Dent 10:309, 1988.
angular deformity and maintaining correction over time 8. Jockel JA, Reichel H, Nelitz M: Correction of knee deformity in
(Fig. 41-96).12 patients with Ellis-van Creveld syndrome: A case report and
Alignment is best achieved in some cases through gradual review of the literature, Knee 19:218, 2012.
correction and external fixation. Lengthening the short tibia 9. McKusick VA: Metaphyseal dysostosis and thin hair: a new reces-
has been performed in this way.1 sively inherited syndrome? Lancet 15:832, 1964.
e576 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 41-95  A, Clinical appearance of the

girl shown in Figure 41-89 at age 11 years 6
months. B and C, Despite multiple osteotomies,
valgus persisted. Hypoplasia of the lateral tibial
epiphysis was present, as was distal femoral A B C

13. Taylor GA, Jordan CE, Dorst SK, et al: Polycarpaly and other
abnormalities of the wrist in chondroectodermal dysplasia: the
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Radiology 151:393, 1984.
14. Tongsong T, Chanprapaph P: Prenatal sonographic diagnosis of
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, J Clin Ultrasound 28:38, 2000.
15. Yang C, Chen W, Chen Y, et al: Smoothened transduces Hedgehog
signal by forming a complex with Evc/Evc2, Cell Res 22:1593,
16. Zangwill KM, Boal DK, Ladda RL: Dandy-Walker malformation in
Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Am J Med Genet 31:123, 1988.
17. Zhang Z, Bao K, He JW, et al: Identification of one novel mutation
in the EVC2 gene in a Chinese family with Ellis-van Creveld
syndrome, Gene 511:380, 2012.

Asphyxiating Thoracic Dysplasia

(Jeune Disease)
Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia is an autosomal recessive
condition first described by Jeune and associates in 1954.15
It is characterized by hypoplasia of the chest, with a long
narrow thorax that is decreased in both the AP and trans-
FIGURE 41-96  Magnetic resonance imaging scan shows severe verse diameters. Affected babies usually die during the neo-
articular irregularities of the lateral distal femur and proximal tibia. natal period from respiratory insufficiency. A milder form
that does not lead to death in infancy has been described.13
A mutation of the IFT80 gene has been linked to Jeune
syndrome.5 A possibly causative genetic locus on chromo-
10. Moudgil A, Bagga A, Kamil ES, et al: Nephronophthisis associated
some 15q13 has also been reported.17
with Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Pediatr Nephrol 12:20, 1998.
11. Rosemberg S, Carneiro PC, Zerbini MC, et al: Brief clinical report:
chondroectodermal dysplasia (Ellis-van Creveld) with anomalies Pathology
of CNS and urinary tract, Am J Med Genet 15:291, 1983.
12. Shibata T, Kawabata H, Yasui N, et al: Correction of knee defor- Asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia is differentiated histologi-
mity in patients with Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop cally into two types. Type 1 is characterized by patchy
B 8:282, 1999. distribution of endochondral ossification in the physis, an
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e577

irregular physeal-metaphyseal junction, and large islands of of Jeune disease overlap with those seen in other short rib
poorly mineralized cartilage in the metaphysis. Type 2 is polydactyly syndromes, such as Ellis–van Creveld syndrome
characterized by a uniform distribution of disorganized (Fig. 41-97).11,18 Prenatal diagnosis with ultrasound exami-
endochondral ossification, accompanied by advancing carti- nation has been described.8 Findings on ultrasonography
lage forming lattice-like meshwork in the metaphysis.23 include a thorax that is small for gestational age and short
Another syndrome, short rib–polydactyly syndrome type III limbs.6,21
(Verma-Naumoff syndrome), is a variant of Jeune A high rate of proximal cervical stenosis, which may
syndrome.14 require decompression and occipital-cervical fusion, has
been noted.3 Radiographic findings classify the dysplasia
into two forms that correlate with the histologic findings.
Clinical Features and Radiographic Findings
In type I, the metaphyseal ends are irregular because of the
The patient’s limbs are short, and there may be associated patchy endochondral ossification. In type II, the metaphy-
postaxial polydactyly. Cone epiphyses may occur in the seal ends are smooth because the endochondral ossification
hands and feet, with premature fusion. The clinical features is more uniformly disturbed.24


FIGURE 41-97  Radiographic findings in asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune

disease). A and B, Anteroposterior (AP) and lateral radiographs of the chest. Note
the long, narrow thoracic cage. C, AP view of the hand showing the cone
epiphyses of the phalanges, with premature fusion of the physes.
e578 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

6. Chen CP, Lin SP, Liu FF, et al: Prenatal diagnosis of asphyxiating
Treatment thoracic dysplasia (Jeune syndrome), Am J Perinatol 13:495, 1996.
Aggressive pulmonary care allows some infants with Jeune 7. Conroy E, Eustace N, McCormack D: Sternoplasty and rib distrac-
tion in neonatal Jeune syndrome, J Pediatr Orthop 30:527, 2010.
dysplasia to survive. Restrictive lung disease because of the
8. Das BB, Nagaraj A, Fayemi A, et al: Fetal thoracic measurements
small chest is universal. Rib expansion surgery using tita-
in prenatal diagnosis of Jeune syndrome, Indian J Pediatr 69:101,
nium plates can increase the thoracic air space and improve 2002.
the patient’s function.9,10,19,22 Campbell and co-workers 9. Davis JT, Long FR, Adler BH, et al: Lateral thoracic expansion for
devised a rib expansion device that can be lengthened incre- Jeune syndrome: evidence of rib healing and new bone formation,
mentally to elongate the thorax.4 Anecdotal reports cite Ann Thorac Surg 77:445, 2004.
clinical successes. Gadepalli and colleagues reviewed 57 10. Davis JT, Ruberg RL, Leppink DM, et al: Lateral thoracic expan-
procedures for Jeune and other syndromes and were unable sion for Jeune’s asphyxiating dystrophy: a new approach, Ann
to show improvement in lung function and volume.12 An Thorac Surg 60:694, 1995.
alternative approach is to divide the sternum and separate 11. Franceschini P, Guala A, Vardeu MP, et al: Short rib-dysplasia
group (with/without polydactyly): report of a patient suggesting
the halves with a methylmethacrylate spacer. Only prelimi-
the existence of a continuous spectrum, Am J Med Genet 59:359,
nary results of these procedures are available.16 Conroy and
colleagues reported using a Leibinger midface distractor to 12. Gadepalli SK, Hirschl RB, Tsai WC, et al: Vertical expandable
distract the sternum gradually after splitting it horizontally.7 prosthetic titanium rib device insertion: does it improve pulmo-
The surgery was done when the patient presented at 12 nary function? J Pediatr Surg 46:77, 2011.
weeks of age with progressive respiratory failure. After a 13. Giorgi PL, Gabrielli O, Bonifazi V, et al: Mild form of Jeune syn-
second distraction procedure and rib expansion, he was drome in two sisters, Am J Med Genet 35:280, 1990.
thriving without respiratory support at age 30 months. Betz 14. Ho NC, Francomano CA, van Allen M: Jeune asphyxiating
and associates noted that 4 of 19 children treated with an thoracic dystrophy and short-rib polydactyly type III (Verma-
expandable prosthetic titanium rib had died during the first Naumoff) are variants of the same disorder, Am J Med Genet
90:310, 2000.
postoperative year.2 Further studies are needed to define
15. Jeune M, Carron R, Beraud C: [Polychondrodystrophy with fatal
the role and efficacy of these modalities for treating this
throacic blockage], Pediatrie 9:390, 1954.
difficult disease. In adolescence and young adulthood, sur- 16. Kaddoura IL, Obeid MY, Mroueh SM, et al: Dynamic thoraco-
viving patients with Jeune disease develop renal failure plasty for asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, Ann Thorac Surg
because of nephronophthisis.20 Successful renal transplanta- 72:1755, 2001.
tion has been performed.1 17. Morgan NV, Bacchelli C, Gissen P, et al: A locus for asphyxiating
thoracic dystrophy, ATD, maps to chromosome 15q13, J Med
Genet 40:431, 2003.
References 18. Moudgil A, Bagga A, Kamil ES, et al: Nephronophthisis associated
with Ellis-van Creveld syndrome, Pediatr Nephrol 12:20, 1998.
Asphyxiating Thoracic Dysplasia (Jeune Disease) 19. Mutabagani K, Humphrey R, Helstein J, et al: The lateral thoracic
1. Amirou M, Bourdat-Michel G, Pinel N, et al: Successful renal expansion for Jeune’s asphyxiating dystrophy: experience at a
transplantation in Jeune syndrome type 2, Pediatr Nephrol 12:293, single institution, Saudi Med J 24(Suppl):S33, 2003.
1998. 20. Ring E, Zobel G, Ratschek M, et al: Retrospective diagnosis of
2. Betz RR, Mulcahey MJ, Ramirez N, et al: Mortality and life- Jeune’s syndrome in two patients with chronic renal failure, Child
threatening events after vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib Nephrol Urol 10:88, 1990.
surgery in children with hypoplastic chest wall deformity, J Pediatr 21. Skiptunas SM, Weiner S: Early prenatal diagnosis of asphyxiating
Orthop 28:850, 2008. thoracic dysplasia (Jeune’s syndrome). Value of fetal thoracic mea-
3. Campbell RM Jr: Spine deformities in rare congenital syndromes: surement, J Ultrasound Med 6:41, 1987.
clinical issues, Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 34:1815, 2009. 22. Weber TR, Kurkchubasche AG: Operative management of asphyx-
4. Campbell RM Jr, Smith MD, Mayes TC, et al: The effect of iating thoracic dystrophy after pectus repair, J Pediatr Surg 33:262,
opening wedge thoracostomy on thoracic insufficiency syndrome 1998.
associated with fused ribs and congenital scoliosis, J Bone Joint Surg 23. Yang SS, Heidelberger KP, Brough AJ, et al: Lethal short-limbed
Am 86:1659, 2004. chondrodysplasia in early infancy, Perspect Pediatr Pathol 3:1, 1976.
5. Cavalcanti DP, Huber C, Sang KH, et al: Mutation in IFT80 in a 24. Yang SS, Langer LO Jr, Cacciarelli A, et al: Three conditions in
fetus with the phenotype of Verma-Naumoff provides molecular neonatal asphyxiating thoracic dysplasia (Jeune) and short rib–
evidence for Jeune-Verma-Naumoff dysplasia spectrum, J Med polydactyly syndrome spectrum: a clinicopathologic study, Am J
Genet 48:88, 2011. Med Genet Suppl 3:191, 1987.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e579

Plate 41-1  Posterior Release of Elbow Extension Contracture

Ulnar nerve W-plasty

transferred lengthening
anteriorly of triceps muscle

Operative Technique B, The ulnar nerve is identified and mobilized medially to

protect it from injury. The intermuscular septum is
A, The patient is placed in a lateral position. A midline
exposed laterally.
incision is made on the posterior aspect of the arm, begin-
C, Left, The ulnar nerve is mobilized and transferred
ning in the middle half and extending distally to a point
anteriorly. Right, The triceps muscle is lengthened in a W
lateral to the olecranon process; the incision is then carried
fashion, leaving a long proximal tongue.
over the subcutaneous surface of the shaft of the ulna for
a distance of 5 cm. The subcutaneous tissue is divided,
and the wound flaps are mobilized.

Continued on following page

e580 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Plate 41-1  Posterior Release of Elbow Extension Contracture, cont’d

Triceps tendon
sutured to itself
to form a tube

Anterior aspect

Interval developed between

brachioradialis muscle and
pronator teres muscle

Curvilinear Brachioradialis muscle

incision in
fossa s Pronator

D, The triceps muscle is freed and mobilized proximally of the detached triceps is then sutured to itself to form
as far as its nerve supply permits. The motor branches of a tube.
the radial nerve to the triceps enter the muscle in the E and F, Through a curvilinear incision in the antecubital
interval between the lateral and medial heads as the radial fossa, the interval between the brachioradialis and pronator
nerve enters the musculospiral groove. The distal portion teres is developed.
CHAPTER 41  Orthopaedic-Related Syndromes e581

G, With an Ober tendon passer, the triceps tendon is passed

into the anterior wound subcutaneously, superficial to the
radial nerve. Paralyzed biceps
H, With the elbow in 90 degrees of flexion and the forearm brachii muscle
in full supination, the triceps tendon is sutured to the biceps
tendon or anchored to the radial tuberosity by a suture Brachialis muscle
passed through a drill hole. The wound is closed in a routine
fashion. An above-elbow cast is applied, with the elbow in
90 degrees of flexion and full supination.

Postoperative Care
The cast is removed 4 weeks after surgery, and active
exercises are performed to develop elbow flexion. Gravity
provides extension to the elbow.

Ober tendon passer used to pass

triceps tendon into anterior wound
subcutaneously, superficial to
radial nerve

"Tubed" triceps tendon

pulled through slit in
biceps brachii tendon
and sutured to periosteum
of radial tuberosity

sed to pass
erior wound
ficial to

Long-arm cast applied

for 4 weeks. Elbow
in 90° flexion, forearm in
full supination.

C H A P T E R 4 2 

Metabolic and Harry K.W. Kim

Endocrine Bone
as hydroxyapatite, which is composed of calcium and
Chapter Outline phosphate compounds; thus, if extra calcium is needed
in the bloodstream to maintain cardiac or neurologic func-
General Pathophysiology tion, bone is the source of the required calcium, which is
Rickets released via osteoclast-mediated bone resorption. Various
Renal Osteodystrophy factors, including PTH, regulate the activity of osteoclasts.
Parathyroid Disorders For healthy bone formation, normal levels of calcium and
Vitamin Disorders phosphate are required, as demonstrated by hypophospha-
Hypophosphatasia temic rickets, in which renal phosphate wasting produces
Idiopathic Hyperphosphatasia bone abnormalities. TNSALP activity is also important
Growth Hormone Deficiency for bone formation, as evidenced by clinical features of
Hypothyroidism hypophosphatasia.
Idiopathic Juvenile Osteoporosis Because of the liver and kidneys’ involvement in calcium
Osteogenesis Imperfecta and vitamin D metabolism, hepatic or renal diseases can
lead to metabolic bone diseases. Serum calcium is under the
regulation of vitamin D and PTH (Fig. 42-1).63,131,132,260,384
PTH functions to increase serum calcium levels by increas-
General Pathophysiology ing osteoclastic bone resorption, renal reabsorption of
calcium in the proximal tubules, and stimulating the conver-
Maintenance of healthy bone in children is a multiorgan sion of inactive 25-hydroxyvitamin D—25(OH)D—to its
process that involves the coordination of various hormones active form, 1,25(OH)2D (calcitriol). A low level of calcium
and factors that affect calcium and phosphate metabolism. (hypocalcemia) itself also stimulates the conversion of inac-
Parathyroid gland, kidney, liver, intestine, and bone are the tive form of vitamin D to its active form. The active form
key organs that secrete, regulate, or respond to these factors. of vitamin D increases the intestinal absorption of calcium
Calcium, phosphate, vitamin D, parathyroid hormone and increases renal reabsorption of phosphate. FGF23 is
(PTH), fibroblast growth factor 23 (FGF23), tissue- also an important negative regulator of vitamin D activation
nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNSALP), and calcium- produced by bone cells. It inhibits 1α-hydroxylase activity,
sensing receptor (CaSR) are some of the factors known to which is required for vitamin D activation. FGF23 also
affect bone metabolism. Metabolic bone disease is caused plays a key role in phosphate homeostasis by increasing
by a dysfunction of one of the organs, such as renal failure, renal phosphate excretion, thus decreasing the serum phos-
or abnormality of one of the factors involved with the bone phate level (hypophosphatemia). An increase in FGF23
metabolic process. Mutations of the genes that regulate activity is an important pathophysiologic component of
calcium and phosphate metabolism have been described vitamin D–resistant rickets, which is associated with hypo-
with a greater frequency because of the advancement of phosphatemia and low 1,25(OH)2D activity.
genetic research. The defect or deficiency of type I collagen Vitamin D formation and activation is a complex process
chains, which are the major structural macromolecules of that involves the gut, skin, liver, and kidney. Ergosterol
the bone matrix fiber network, can also have a detrimental (provitamin D) is ingested and absorbed from the small
effect on the function and metabolism of bone, as seen in intestine. These precursors of vitamin D must be absorbed
osteogenesis imperfecta. To understand the pathophysiol- from the gut and undergo conversion to vitamin D2 (ergo-
ogy and clinical manifestations of various metabolic bone calciferol) before undergoing hydroxylation to become
disorders that affect children, it is important to have a clear active. Because these precursors are fat-soluble, gastrointes-
understanding of how various organs, hormones, and factors tinal or hepatic diseases that produce steatorrhea result in
involved in calcium and phosphate metabolism interact and an inability to absorb vitamin D. The skin is the site of
affect the normal bone homeostatic process. conversion of 7-dehydrocholesterol to vitamin D3 (cholecal-
The body is extremely sensitive to serum calcium levels; ciferol). This change occurs as a result of exposure to ultra-
a disturbance in calcium balance leads to abnormal irritabil- violet light.
ity, conductivity, and contractility of the cardiovascular and Vitamins D2 and D3 are biologically inert and must
neurologic systems. Only a very small portion of the body’s undergo a series of hydroxylation reactions in their trans-
calcium is present in the bloodstream, and its level is tightly formation to the active form, 1,25(OH)2D. The first hy­­
controlled. Almost all the body’s calcium is stored in bone droxylation takes place in the liver to produce 25(OH)D.

CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e583

Ergosterol 7-dehydrocholesterol

UV light

Calciferol (vit D2)

Cholecalciferol (vit D3)


PTH 25-hydroxy vit D

GI Ca2+
Bone 1,25 vit D Renal tubule absorption
resorption production resorption 1,25 vit D Kidney
Ca2+ production Renal
tubule Ca2+
1,25-dihydroxy vit D
Negative resorption
GI absorption feedback
24,25-dihydroxy vit D
A of Ca2+ B Bone
FIGURE 42-1  A, Metabolic control of calcium metabolism. B, Vitamin D metabolism. GI, Gastrointestinal; PTH, parathyroid hormone.

The liver also produces 7-dehydrocholesterol (a provitamin seizure is also a common presentation during the first 2
D).The second hydroxylation occurs in the kidney years of life.454
via 1α-hydroxylase, which produces the active form, In the early twentieth century, Hess used a trial of cod
1,25(OH)2D. Vitamin D activation is stimulated by hypo- liver oil to treat 65 infants with rickets and found that the
calcemia and high levels of PTH and inhibited by FGF23. rickets resolved in 92% of the infants during a 6-month
An increase in 1,25(OH)2D in turn increases FGF23 pro- course of treatment.230a This led to the development of the
duction, which downregulates 1α-hydroxylase activity as a first rickets clinic in 1917.429 Mellanby350 and Park,397 in the
negative feedback mechanism. In renal failure, the conver- mid-1920s, were the first to suggest that rickets could be
sion of inactive to active vitamin D is decreased because of prevented by adequate vitamin D intake. Since that time,
the kidney damage itself as well as an increase in FGF23 milk and dairy products have been fortified with vitamin D.
production, which is stimulated by hyperphosphatemia sec- Thus it is only in cases of malnutrition and unusual dietary
ondary to the renal failure. practices that vitamin D deficiency rickets is seen.
In rickets, the primary disturbance is failure of mineraliza-
Rickets tion of cartilage and osteoid tissue, which decreases longi-
Nutritional Rickets tudinal bone growth and weakens the mechanical properties
of tubular bone.254,325,393,398,507 Thus the pathologic manifes-
Vitamin D deficiency in the diet leads to nutritional rickets. tations of the disease are most noticeable around growth
Although vitamin D deficiency is rare in developed coun- plates and along long bones. Normal longitudinal growth of
tries because of vitamin D fortification, it is not absent from bone is the result of endochondral ossification. The key
these areas.25,504 Some studies show a reemerging burden of elements of the process are proliferation of chondrocytes in
rickets in developed countries.41,454 Certain populations are columns (zone of proliferation), cellular maturation to
at risk, including premature infants, infants with prolonged become hypertrophic chondrocytes, calcification of the car-
breast feeding, children on a vegetarian diet, black children, tilage matrix (zone of provisional calcification), vascular
and immigrant populations from the Indian subcontinent, invasion of the terminal hypertrophic chondrocytes, and
Africa, and the Middle East.* deposition of new bone. In rickets, failure of deposition of
An increased frequency of nutritional rickets in the calcium along the matrix of the maturing chondrocyte
United States in children with dark skin pigmentation who columns is observed, along with a disorderly invasion of
are breast-fed past 6 months of age without vitamin D cartilage by blood vessels, lack of resorption at the zone of
supplementation has been reported.261,417,429,494,559 In the provisional calcification, and consequently increased thick-
developed countries, nutritional rickets is also seen in ness of the physis (Fig. 42-2). The chondrocytes proliferate
patients with celiac or hepatic disease, which affects normally, but the normal process of endochondral ossifica-
vitamin D absorption from the gut.231,276,368,383 Children with tion fails to take place.
nutritional rickets are usually first seen between the ages Osteoblastic activity on the endosteal and periosteal
of 6 months and 3 years. Initial findings are listlessness, surfaces of bone is normal, and abundant osteoid (nonmin-
periarticular swelling, or angular deformities. Hypocalcemic eralized bone matrix) is formed. With defective mineraliza-
tion of osteoid, osteoclastic resorption of the osteoid
*References 41, 123, 146, 250, 280, 454, 466. does not take place. However, increased resorption of the
e584 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

mineralized bone because of secondary hyperparathyroid- After treatment of rickets with vitamin D, calcium
ism occurs. Hence, the overly abundant osteoid produced absorption increases and calcification of the cartilage
by normal osteoblasts generates widened osteoid seams. columns and osteoid occurs. Osteoclasts resorb the calcified
Because of a lack of resorption of osteoids, the osteoid islets cartilage, and normal remodeling and improvement of bone
may even persist down into the diaphysis. follows.28
In rickets, an abnormality in the arrangement of bundles
of collagen fibers in compact bone also exists. Instead of Laboratory Findings
running parallel to the haversian canals, they course perpen- Vitamin D deficiency results in an inability to absorb calcium
dicularly and are biomechanically inferior.154 Grossly, the and phosphorus from the gut. Vitamin D status is best
rachitic bone is soft and becomes misshapen under the force evaluated by measuring the level of serum 25(OH)D, which
of weight bearing. If the disease remains untreated, angular reflects the degree of deficiency. In contrast, the serum level
deformities of the lower extremities and deformities of the of 1,25(OH)2D is not helpful because it may be normal in
thoracic cage and pelvis may develop. most patients with vitamin D deficiency. The PTH level is
elevated in response to hypocalcemia (secondary hyperpara-
thyroidism), which attempts to ameliorate the serum
calcium level. Serum calcium levels are normal to mildly
decreased, but phosphate levels are low (hypophosphate-
mia) and alkaline phosphatase levels are high (Table
42-1).203,317,384,428 Urinary excretion of calcium is low
because of enhanced renal tubular reabsorption.
Clinical Features
The clinical features of nutritional rickets depend on the
severity of the disease and may be subtle. Infants demon-
strate generalized muscular weakness, lethargy, and irrita­
bility.487 Sitting, standing, and walking are delayed. The
abdomen may appear protuberant.
Early bone manifestations include a slight thickening of
the ankles, knees, and wrists. Beading of the ribs, referred
to as the rachitic rosary, is caused by enlargement of the
costochondral junctions. As the disease continues, the pull
of the diaphragm on the ribs produces a horizontal depres-
sion known as Harrison’s groove. Short stature results from
insufficient longitudinal growth. Pectus carinatum is caused
by forward projection of the sternum. Closure of the fon-
tanelles is delayed and the sutures are thickened, which
leads to a skull appearance described as resembling hot cross
buns. The dentition is affected, with delays in appearance
FIGURE 42-2  Histologic appearance of rickets. A photomicrograph of the teeth and defects in the enamel.
through the epiphyseal-metaphyseal junction shows uncalcified As the child begins standing and walking, the softened
osteoid tissue, failure of deposition of calcium along the mature long bones bow, and it is at this time that the child is usually
cartilage cell columns, and disorderly invasion of cartilage by brought to the orthopaedic surgeon for a diagnosis. In tod-
blood vessels (×25, H & E). dlers, bowleg, or genu varum, is one of the most common

Table 42-1  Biochemical Abnormalities in Rickets

Biochemical Abnormality

Alkaline 25-(OH) 1,25-(OH)2

Type of Rickets Calcium Phosphate Phosphatase PTH vitamin D vitamin D

Nutritional Nl Nl↓ ↑ ↑ ↓↓ ↓
Vitamin D–resistant (XLH, RTA, Nl ↓ ↑ Nl Nl Nl
Fanconi, oncogenic)
Vitamin D–dependent type I ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ ↑↑ ↓↓
(inability to hydroxylate)
Vitamin D–dependent type II ↓ ↓ ↑ ↑ Nl↑↑ ↑↑↑↑
(receptor insensitivity)
Renal osteodystrophy Nl↓ ↑ ↑ ↑↑ Nl ↓↓

Nl, Normal; PTH, parathyroid hormone; RTA, renal tubular acidosis; XLH, X-linked hypophosphatemia.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e585

initial signs.57 In older children, genu valgum and coxa vara Although the diagnosis of nutritional rickets should be
may be initial features. Stress fractures of the long bones made on review of plain films, bone scintigraphy has been
may be present.402 Children may be seen acutely with unex- used in neonates to confirm the diagnosis and pick up areas
plained fractures suggesting child abuse, tetany, and hypo- of fractures. Increased uptake is seen.484 With treatment,
calcemic seizures.62 Later, kyphoscoliosis may develop. mineralization occurs and radiographic abnormalities rapidly
become normal. The physis thins, and bone density increases
Radiographic Findings (Fig. 42-5).507,508
Failure of the physeal cartilage to calcify and undergo
normal endochondral ossification leads to an increased Treatment
thickness of the physis and a hazy appearance of the provi- Rickets is treated by the administration of vitamin D under
sional zone of calcification.419,520,532 The widened growth the supervision of a pediatric specialist in metabolic bone
plate is particularly suspect for rickets, which differentiates disease. The usual course of treatment is 6 to 10 weeks.
this rare condition from the more common physiologic After 2 to 4 weeks, radiographs show improvement in min-
angular deformities of the lower extremities (Fig. 42-3).319 eralization. Tetracycline labeling shows response to therapy,
The metaphysis abutting the physis is brushlike in appear- with areas of new mineralization being labeled with the
ance, with islands or columns of cartilage persisting well drug. Tetracycline should not be used in young children,
into the metaphysis (Fig. 42-4). The metaphysis also appears however, because of staining of the teeth.438 If the child
cupped or flared. The bones have an osteopenic appearance does not respond to vitamin D therapy, vitamin D–resistant
overall, with thinning of the cortices.448 The bony trabeculae rickets should be suspected. Because residual deformity is
are indistinct. Looser’s lines, or radiolucent transverse bands rare after medical treatment of nutritional rickets, there is
(pseudofracture lines) that extend across the axes of the no specific orthopaedic treatment of nutritional rickets.
long bones, are evident on radiographs in 20% of patients
with rickets.519
Rickets of Prematurity
As the rickets continues, deformities of the long bones,
ribs, pelvis, and spine develop. Thoracolumbar kyphosis— Very premature infants are particularly at risk for the devel-
rachitic cat back—may be apparent on radiographs. opment of nutritional rickets.67,85,190,393 Risk factors include

FIGURE 42-3  Radiographs obtained in a 1-year-old black girl with nutritional rickets. A, Forearm. B, Knee. C, Pelvis. All physes are
widened and the metaphyses are indistinct. Cupping is most prominent in the metaphysis of the distal radius and ulna and at the knee.
See also Figure 42-6.
e586 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-4  A, Hazy metaphysis with cupping in a young boy with rickets. B, Accentuated genu varum is present. C, With vitamin D
replacement therapy, the bony lesions healed in 6 months.

treatment required.125 Resolution of the rachitic changes

and fractures occurs as the infants gain weight.274

Drug-Induced Rickets
Certain antiepileptic medications have been known to
produce rachitic changes in children.19,119,364 Seizure medi-
cations that affect the liver may induce the cytochrome
P-450 microsomal enzyme system and decrease levels of
vitamin D. Hypocalcemia develops, which can aggravate
the seizure disorder. Treatment with vitamin D is very
helpful. The condition should be suspected in neurologic
patients with seizures who begin sustaining frequent

Vitamin D–Resistant Rickets

Vitamin D–resistant rickets, also known as hereditary or
familial hypophosphatemic rickets, encompasses a group of
disorders in which normal dietary intake of vitamin D is
insufficient to achieve normal mineralization of bone
because of pathologic renal phosphate wasting.374 Heredi-
tary hypophosphatemic rickets can be inherited as an
X-linked dominant, autosomal dominant, or autosomal
recessive form. X-linked dominant disease is the most fre-
quent form of hereditary rickets, with an incidence of 1 in
FIGURE 42-5  Radiographic appearance of the wrist of the girl
20,000, and is considered the prototypic disorder of renal
whose radiographs (rickets) appear in Figure 42-3 after 4 months
of treatment with vitamin D. The osteopenia has resolved and the
phosphate wasting. In 1995, a phosphate-regulating gene
physis is narrowed. with homologies to endopeptidases on the X-chromosome
(PHEX) was identified as the cause of X-linked dominant
disease. The PHEX mutation produces elevated levels of
hepatobiliary disease, total parenteral nutrition, diuretic FGF23 by a yet unidentified mechanism. FGF23 is a circu-
therapy, physical therapy with passive motion, and chest lating hormone produced by osteoblasts and osteocytes that
percussion therapy. These infants are seen with pathologic reduces renal phosphate reabsorption and the conversion
fractures in the neonatal intensive care unit. With treatment of 25(OH)D to its active form, 1,25(OH)2D, by suppress-
of the rickets, the fractures heal readily, with minimal other ing renal 25-hydroxy-1α-hydroxylase activity. Inhibition
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e587

of 1α-hydroxylase prevents the normal compensatory urine. The serum alkaline phosphatase concentration is
increase in active vitamin D formation associated with elevated but not to the levels seen with nutritional rickets
hypophosphatemia. Thus increased FGF23 activity leads to (see Table 42-1).
increased renal phosphate excretion, hypophosphatemia,
short stature, long bone bowing, and other radiographic Clinical Features
features of rickets. The disease usually becomes apparent at a slightly older age
In autosomal dominant form of hereditary rickets, muta- than nutritional rickets, with most patients becoming symp-
tions in FGF23 have been identified that prevent the deg- tomatic between 1 and 2 years of age. Severe hypophospha-
radation of this hormone and produce renal phosphate temic rickets can be recognized in early infancy, and when
wasting. In the autosomal recessive form of hereditary the disease is suspected because of the family history, labo-
rickets, mutations in the dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1) ratory determination of phosphorus concentrations can lead
gene and ENPP1 have been reported. DMP1 is an important to the diagnosis in infants as young as 3 months.357 The usual
regulatory protein produced by osteoblasts and osteocytes initial complaints are delayed walking and angular deformi-
that regulates the growth and development of dentin, bone, ties of the lower extremities. In contrast to what is seen in
and cartilage and also plays a role in matrix mineralization. nutritional rickets, systemic manifestations such as irritabil-
Thus DMP1 mutations impair osteocyte maturation and ity and apathy are minimal.
bone mineralization. DMP1 mutations also produce ele- Physical findings in hypophosphatemic rickets include
vated levels of FGF23 through an undefined mechanism, skeletal deformities, which resemble those seen in nutri-
leading to phosphaturia and hypophosphatemia. Other rare tional rickets but, because of the chronicity of the disease,
forms of hereditary rickets include hereditary hypophos- become much more severe. Once affected children begin
phatemic rickets with hypercalciuria (autosomal recessive to walk, genu varum develops, although genu valgum may
inheritance with mutation in SLC34A3) and autosomal occur in some children (Fig. 42-6). Periarticular enlarge-
recessive Fanconi syndrome caused by SLC34A1 mutation. ment is present as a result of widening of the physes and
In renal tubular acidosis, the kidney excretes fixed base and metaphyses. The rachitic rosary may also occur.
wastes bicarbonate, which also leads to wasting of calcium Short stature is a feature of hypophosphatemic rickets.
and sodium. The alkaline urine results in the precipitation Height is usually 2 standard deviations (SDs) below the
of calcium and severe renal calcinosis.72,367 mean for age in these patients.518
Laboratory Findings Radiographic Findings
Laboratory studies reveal normal or almost normal levels The radiographic changes are the same as those seen in
of calcium. The serum phosphate concentration is signifi- nutritional rickets and include physeal widening and indis-
cantly decreased,319 whereas the 1,25(OH)2D level may be tinct osteopenic metaphyses. In the lower extremities, genu
inappropriately low in response to the hypophosphatemia. varum is obvious, and the distal femoral and proximal tibial
The PTH level is normal. Urine assays for phosphate dem- physes are particularly widened medially (Fig. 42-7). Coxa
onstrate an increased concentration of phosphate in the vara is present, and there may be general anterior and lateral

FIGURE 42-6  A, Unilateral genu

varum in a 12-year-old child with
poorly controlled vitamin D–resistant
rickets. B, Same child at 15 years
of age after right medial
hemiepiphysiodesis of the femur.
Left genu varum is now apparent.
e588 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-7  A and B, Anteroposterior

radiographs of the left and right lower
extremities of a standing 7-year-old child
with familial hypophosphatemic rickets.
Severe genu varum and anterolateral
bowing of the femur are evident. The
distal femoral and proximal tibial physes are
widened medially. See Figures 42-8 A B
and 42-9.

bowing of the entire femur. The varus of the tibia is also children with hypophosphatemic rickets has become
generalized, not only present proximally but also producing controversial.216,290 Studies have shown that longitudinal
varus angulation of the ankle. growth is greater in children who undergo vitamin D
The upper extremities are involved as well, but to a treatment.309,491
lesser degree because of absence of the influence of weight Treatment of children with hypophosphatemic rickets
bearing (Fig. 42-8). with growth hormone has been shown to increase height
and have beneficial effects on bone density and phosphate
Treatment retention.473 Preliminary studies reported that the adminis-
tration of growth hormone with vitamin D increases the
Medical Treatment serum phosphate concentration and may reduce the inci-
The medical treatment of hypophosphatemic rickets is dence of nephrocalcinosis.401
best managed by a pediatric nephrologist with expertise
in metabolic bone disease. The usual treatment consists Orthopaedic Treatment
of oral replacement of phosphorus in large doses and The orthotic management of vitamin D–resistant rickets has
the administration of an active form of vitamin D, calcitriol not been efficacious. If patients are experiencing increasing
or alfacalcidol.86,324,437 Analogues of vitamin D3 (1,25- pain or difficulty walking, surgical correction of angular
dihydroxyvitamin D3) are several hundred times more deformities should be performed. It is important to work
potent than the original form of vitamin D in treating hered- closely with the nephrologist or endocrinologist who is man-
itary rickets.188,416,530 The therapeutic target of medical aging the medical therapy because calcium levels can sud-
therapy should not be to normalize the serum phosphate denly increase in a patient who is immobilized after surgery.
level because achieving normalization may not be a practical Discontinuation of vitamin D before surgery should be
goal and may lead to overmedication and greater side discussed.
effects. Focus should be on improving the skeletal defor- The deformity most commonly seen in patients with
mity, height, and physeal function. In general, growth and hypophosphatemic rickets is a gradual anterolateral bowing
skeletal deformities improve with medical therapy. Initia- of the femur, combined with tibia vara. Multilevel osteot-
tion of therapy in infancy has a greater impact on height but omy is generally required to satisfactorily correct the
does not completely normalize skeletal development.313 mechanical axis of the limb (Fig. 42-9). The mechanical axis
Nephrocalcinosis is a significant complication of medical should be mildly overcorrected at surgery. The suggested
treatment.522 In one study, renal calcinosis was present in fixation varies among reports. External fixation allows fine
79% of treated children with hypophosphatemic rickets, tuning of the alignment postoperatively, when the patient
and the severity of the calcinosis correlated with the dose is able to stand (Fig. 42-10).259 Others advocate the use of
of phosphorus.552 Because nephrocalcinosis is a significant intramedullary fixation or plating (Fig. 42-11).167,463 Regard-
complication, the decision whether to offer treatment to less of the type of fixation used, careful preoperative
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e589

FIGURE 42-8  Physeal widening and metaphyseal cupping of the distal end of the radius and ulna in a 7-year-old child (same as in
Fig. 42-7) with vitamin D–resistant rickets.

FIGURE 42-9  Postoperative radiographs of the child whose imaging findings are shown in Figures 42-7 and 42-8. A, Appearance after
distal femoral, proximal tibial, and distal tibial osteotomies for treatment of genu varum. B, Varus is recurring 1 year after surgery.
e590 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-10  A, Clinical appearance of a 13-year-old girl with severe genu varum secondary to vitamin D–resistant rickets. Calluses on
the knees were caused by crawling because of knee pain. B, Treatment consisted of distal femoral, proximal tibial, and distal tibial
corticotomies and gradual correction with the Ilizarov device. Surgery on the two legs was staged because of the extent of the frame.
C, Clinical appearance of the lower extremities at the end of treatment.

FIGURE 42-11  A, Coxa vara and genu varum in a 5-year-old boy with vitamin D–resistant rickets. B, Postoperative radiograph obtained
after corrective osteotomy with plate fixation of the proximal femora and osteotomy with K-wire fixation of the proximal tibiae.
C, Alignment remained satisfactory at 2-year follow-up.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e591

planning of the surgical treatment of these multiplanar aggressive calcitriol therapy. Parathyroidectomy may also
deformities is crucial to restoring alignment. contribute to this syndrome.480,481 In one report, 60% of
Recurrent deformity is a common sequela of osteotomies patients with chronic renal disease had a low-turnover dis-
in patients with hypophosphatemic rickets.167,463 Younger order, whereas 40% had high-turnover osteitis fibrosa
patients have a higher risk of recurrence.309 For this reason, cystica.183 Thus children with renal failure are at risk for
milder deformities should not be corrected in early child- both types of metabolic bone disorder.61 Patients with
hood. Some children have severe varus at a very young age slowly progressive forms of renal disease such as tubuloin-
that leads to thrust during gait. When gait is compromised terstitial disease are at risk for the hyperparathyroid, high-
or symptoms or pain is present, osteotomy should be turnover form of disease. Those with more rapidly
performed and the alignment monitored for recurrent progressive diseases such as the glomerular syndromes are
deformity. more likely to have an adynamic metabolism.583 It is impor-
Spinal deformity may be seen in patients with hypophos- tant to note that the adynamic form may be present with
phatemic rickets. Kyphoscoliosis, Arnold-Chiari malforma- a high PTH level.183
tions, and spinal stenosis have all been described in patients
with vitamin D–resistant rickets.84,584 Pathophysiology
Adults with hypophosphatemic rickets are prone to the The pathophysiology of high-turnover renal osteodystrophy
development of arthritis. Degradation of articular cartilage begins with the inability of the damaged glomerulus to
resembling osteochondritis dissecans has been described. excrete phosphorus, which results in hyperphosphate-
Joint stiffness and bone pain are common complaints.167 mia.318,319,395 Furthermore, advancing loss of nephrons and
increased FGF23 levels decrease the production of dihy-
droxyvitamin D from the kidney. Calcium absorption from
Tumor-Related Hypophosphatemic Rickets
the small intestine is diminished in the absence of vitamin
An association between benign and malignant tumors and D. The serum calcium level is also diminished by the
hypophosphatemic rickets has been described, termed physiochemical binding of calcium to phosphate. Resulting
oncogenic hypophosphatemic osteomalacia277,278,315,345,462 hypocalcemia triggers the release of PTH, which increases
Conditions such as neurofibromatosis and fibrous dysplasia osteoclast-mediated bone resorption in an attempt to nor-
produce rickets on rare occasion.334,476 Osteoblastoma, malize the serum calcium level.516 The hyperphosphatemia
hemangiopericytoma of bone, and skin tumors have pro- worsens with the release of minerals from bones, thereby
duced rachitic changes in bone by disrupting the renal leading to a cycle of bone resorption. PTH acts directly to
tubular resorption of phosphate.218,295 Certain tumors have stimulate osteoclast activity, which worsens the bony
been found to secrete phosphatonins, such as FGF23, that changes and leads to osteitis fibrosa.
result in phosphaturia.288 Oncogenic rickets should be sus- High levels of serum phosphate are universal in renal
pected in older children with hypophosphatemic rickets failure. In the setting of elevated phosphate levels, calcium
because the true genetic form is generally apparent by 2 may precipitate out and lead to ectopic calcification in
years of age. The rachitic changes resolve with excision of tissues. The usual areas for ectopic calcification are the
the tumor.22,399,476 corneas and conjunctivae, skin, blood vessels, and periar-
ticular soft tissues.49,50,314,395
Renal Osteodystrophy
Features of rickets and hyperparathyroidism are present in
As the rate of successful treatment of renal failure in chil- renal osteodystrophy (Fig. 42-12).516 The rachitic changes
dren with kidney transplants has increased, the prevalence consist of failure to replace physeal chondrocytes by endo-
of renal osteodystrophy has risen. Manifestations of renal chondral ossification. Physeal cartilage persists into the
osteodystrophy are present in 66% to 79% of children with metaphysis. The physis is widened, and the zone of provi-
renal failure.165,240 Children in whom renal disease develops sional calcification is irregular as a result of the lack of
in infancy or early childhood are more likely to have osteo- endochondral ossification occurring at the physis. Bony tra-
dystrophy than those who are older when the renal disease beculae have abundant osteoid and widened osteoid seams.
develops.240 Renal failure in children is caused by diseases The histologic features of hyperparathyroidism include
such as chronic pyelonephritis, congenital abnormalities, osteoclastic resorption of bone. Marrow is replaced by
and polycystic kidney disease. Renal osteodystrophy is hyperplastic fibrous tissue. Patchy formation of new bone
more common in renal disease secondary to congenital or leads to areas of osteosclerosis, present in 20% of patients
hereditary conditions than in acquired renal failure. Renal with renal osteodystrophy.
osteodystrophy is distinctly different from nutritional or
hypophosphatemic rickets.318 It is often driven by the pres- Laboratory Findings
ence of secondary hyperparathyroidism, which leads to acti- The blood urea nitrogen level is high, as is the serum creati-
vation of osteoclasts and resorption of bone. This type of nine concentration. Levels of serum phosphate, alkaline
bone involvement is termed high-turnover disease. phosphatase, and PTH are elevated. The serum calcium
With improved control of hyperparathyroidism, another concentration is almost always low, as is the albumin level.
form of osteodystrophy, termed low-turnover disease, has Acidosis is present, and vitamin D levels are decreased
been recognized. This adynamic disorder has been attrib- (see Table 42-1).
uted to the use of high doses of exogenous calcium as Bone biopsy may be necessary for accurate diagnosis and
phosphate-binding agents or during dialysis and to can help guide treatment.171,337
e592 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-12  Histologic findings of osteodystrophy secondary to chronic renal insufficiency. A, Photomicrograph of a section through
the widened physis showing extension of cartilage cells into the metaphysis (×25, ••). B, Higher magnification of the same area (×100,
H & E). Note the uncalcified osteoid tissue and replacement of normal fatty bone marrow by hyperplastic fibrous tissue.

Clinical Features In severe and prolonged renal failure, peculiar, aggressive-

Children with renal osteodystrophy resemble those with appearing lytic areas may develop within the long bones,
rickets.17 They are short for their age,215,240 and their bones termed brown tumors. The surrounding cortex is thinned
are fragile.396 Because of the effects of weight bearing, lower and then expands. The margins of a brown tumor are not
extremity involvement is more severe than upper extremity well defined. Pathologic fracture may result. Radiographi-
involvement. Patients may complain of bone pain, and frac- cally, these lesions mimic malignancy. They are well visual-
tures occur easily. Skeletal deformities may consist of genu ized by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).388
valgum, periarticular enlargement of the long bones, and Because many patients with renal failure, and all patients
slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE).37,202,222,307,343,496 who have undergone kidney transplantation, are treated
Gait may be abnormal because of muscular weakness, and with steroids, the typical skeletal abnormalities seen with
a Trendelenburg gait is present in patients with SCFE. chronic steroid use may develop. Corticosteroid-associated
Enlargement of the costochondral cartilage may produce a osteonecrosis is common and develops most frequently in
rachitic rosary, as in nutritional rickets. the femoral heads (Fig. 42-15).
Radiographic Findings
Generalized osteopenia is notable, with thinning of the
cortices and indistinct bony trabeculae.15,129,344,560 Overall, Medical Treatment
the bone looks blurry, like ground glass. The skull takes Treatment of the underlying renal disease is of primary
on a salt and pepper appearance because of the coarse importance. Dialysis and transplantation are extending the
granular pattern. The physes are increased in thickness, and life span of these patients. Medical treatment of osteodys-
the provisional zone of calcification looks uncalcified and trophy starts with the prescription of vitamin D.346,450,479
indistinct (Fig. 42-13).208,240 Cupping of the physes is not Because the abnormal kidney cannot participate in the
present, unlike the case in nutritional rickets. hydroxylation of provitamin D, the active 1,25(OH)2D
Changes of hyperparathyroidism develop with time.528 form is given.363 Serum calcium levels are closely monitored
SCFE may be seen, even in young patients (Fig. 42-14).69 because too much calcium leads to ectopic calcification. The
The terminal tufts of the distal phalanges of the fingers use of high-dose pulsed IV, intraperitoneal, and oral cal-
resorb, as do the lateral end of the clavicle and the symphy- citriol therapy has significantly decreased serum PTH levels
sis pubis.64,186,446,447 Subperiosteal resorption also occurs in and retarded the progression of osteitis fibrosa.16,482 Treat-
the metacarpals and ulna.278 ment of acidosis with sodium bicarbonate is also important
Osteosclerosis, when present, is most common at the in improving the metabolic bone disease. Phosphate-binding
base of the skull and in the vertebrae.224,285 The horizontal agents have been administered for the management of
striped appearance of the spine is called a rugger jersey hyperphosphatemia, but their use has been falling out of
spine. favor because of problems with aluminum toxicity, which
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e593


FIGURE 42-13  Osteodystrophy secondary to

chronic renal insufficiency in a young girl with
progressive slipped capital femoral epiphyses.
Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs
of both ankles at the age of 12 years showed
increased thickness of the physes and
irregularity of the metaphysis at the zone of
provisional calcification. C, Lateral view of the
skull showing a ground-glass appearance. Note
the absence of lamina dura of the teeth.

can lead to encephalopathy and worsening of the osteoma- (1) angular deformity of the lower extremities; (2) SCFE;
lacia and osteodystrophy.33,346,391 Bone biopsy is useful in and (3) avascular necrosis.91 In the surgical correction of any
monitoring the response to therapy and surveillance for of the orthopaedic deformities in renal osteodystrophy, the
such complications.316 Aluminum toxicity is treated by hazards and complications should be carefully weighed
administering aluminum-chelating agents. because of the increased risks in this patient population.
Decreased growth is a significant problem for a child Anemia, hypertension, bleeding tendencies, and electrolyte
with renal insufficiency, probably because of disturbances in imbalances are all present in patients with renal failure.
the growth hormone–insulin-like growth factor I axis. The risk for infection is also increased, particularly if the
Administration of recombinant human growth hormone can patient has received a transplant and is undergoing immu-
restore growth, thus making it possible to achieve normal nosuppressive therapy. Despite these potential risks, an
or improved adult height.206,215,342,347,480 Growth hormone osteotomy can be performed safely with careful coordina-
biomechanically weakens the physis, so vigilance on the part tion of surgery and perioperative management with the
of the treating physician for the development of SCFE or pediatric nephrologist.
physiolysis must be maintained.
In renal osteodystrophy that is recalcitrant to medical Angular Deformity. Angular deformity occurs in renal
treatment, parathyroidectomy may play a role in control of osteodystrophy because the bone is soft, undermineralized,
the bony disease.155 and prone to bend with weight bearing. Genu valgum is the
most common deformity,267 but genu varum may occur in
Orthopaedic Treatment some patients. It has been proposed that if the onset of
Patients with renal osteodystrophy are referred to the renal osteodystrophy occurs before 4 years of age, varus
orthopaedic surgeon for the treatment of three problems: deformity may develop because the normal alignment of the
e594 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 42-14  A, Anteroposterior (AP) radiograph of

a 7-year-old boy with hip pain. Slipped capital femoral
epiphysis is present, osteopenia is obvious, and the
physes are wide. AP (B) and lateral (C) radiographs
of the hips after treatment of renal failure with dialysis.
The proximal femoral physes have narrowed.

leg is in mild varus, which then is accentuated as the bone the serum alkaline phosphatase concentration above
becomes weak. Similarly, older children are predisposed to 500 U/L is a good marker of ongoing metabolic bone
the development of genu valgum because of the normal disease.128,390 A bone biopsy may be needed to establish that
valgus alignment of the lower extremity.128 Valgus at the the bone is metabolically healthy before osteotomy.128
ankle may accompany the genu valgum. Milder deformity may respond to physeal stapling.390
Some milder deformities will correct with medical treat- A subset of patients with genu valgum shows evidence
ment of the renal osteodystrophy.61 Deformities do not of a proximal tibial growth disturbance in the form of a
respond well to bracing. If the patient is symptomatic and physeal abnormality in the proximal lateral tibial physis.
has had optimal medical management of the osteodystrophy Oppenheim and associates compared the physeal widening
without resolution of deformity, an osteotomy is per- of the lateral physis with that seen in the medial physis in
formed.91 Preoperative assessment of the deformity with Blount disease.392 These patients benefit from tibial oste-
long-leg standing radiography will permit the surgeon to otomy for realignment.
decide the location of the deformity and how many oste-
otomies will be needed to correct the mechanical axis most Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis. SCFE is associated
effectively. Usually the distal end of the femur is the site with renal osteodystrophy, but the clinical picture of a
of greatest deformity, but some patients also need a proxi- patient with renal slips differs from the usual clinical sce-
mal tibial osteotomy. Internal or external fixation may be nario.38,114,202,381 Often the patients are younger than those
used. Application of the Ilizarov device in metabolic bone with idiopathic SCFE, and obesity is not commonly seen.
disease has met with success, although healing was Bilaterality is extremely common. Radiographs show more
delayed.517 Recurrence is common in patients with continu- physeal widening than is usual in SCFE, and osteopenia and
ing metabolic disease, so medical treatment should be opti- blurring of the metaphysis may be obvious.343 The ortho-
mized before osteotomy whenever possible. Elevation of paedic surgeon should be aware of the radiographic
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e595

appearance of renal SCFE because, on rare occasion, patients

may seek treatment of hip or groin pain while being unaware
of their renal disease. In such cases it is up to the orthopae-
dic surgeon to make the diagnosis of renal osteodystrophy,
and promptly refer the child to a nephrologist for appropri-
ate treatment.
There are inherent problems in the surgical treatment of
SCFE in renal osteodystrophy. The goal of routine treat-
ment of SCFE is to stop proximal femoral physeal growth
and thus heal the slip. This may not be a desirable goal in
a very young child with renal osteodystrophy. Also, physeal
healing may be difficult to achieve in the presence of osteitis
fibrosa and metabolic imbalance. Fortunately, in many
patients, the hip pain resolves and the proximal femoral
physis narrows with medical treatment of the renal osteo-
dystrophy, so surgery is not necessary for every patient with
renal SCFE.307,496 If the slip is displaced or if symptoms
persist despite good medical control of the osteodystrophy,
surgery may be needed. Fixation with special partially
threaded screws to achieve stability by crossing the physis
but not closing it has been performed in a small series of
patients with renal slips.222 In an adolescent with SCFE
FIGURE 42-15  Avascular necrosis of the left hip in a 7-year-old secondary to renal disease, epiphyseal closure with in situ
boy after renal transplantation and steroid therapy. fixation is the treatment of choice once the metabolic bone
disease is being treated appropriately (Fig. 42-16).


FIGURE 42-16  A and B, Valgus slipped capital femoral epiphysis in an 11-year-old child after renal transplantation and hypothyroidism.
C and D, In situ fixation was performed.
e596 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

In approximately two thirds of the patients the cause is

an adenoma, and in the remainder hyperplasia of the gland
is usually found.122,241,273,435 Patients who have undergone
head and neck irradiation are particularly susceptible to the
development of parathyroid adenomas.105,194 Hyperparathy-
roidism can also be a component of the multiple endocrine
neoplasia syndromes, which are inherited and can present
rarely in childhood.239,418,536,537 There are also very rare
genetic forms of hyperparathyroidism,124 some of which are
self-limiting with medical treatment,221,380 whereas others
are life-threatening.269,339 Infants born to parents with
familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia are at risk for the
development of severe neonatal hyperparathyroidism
(a rare autosomal recessive disorder) as a result of homozy-
gous mutations in the calcium-sensing receptor gene.65,410
The condition presents within days after birth with
life-threatening hypercalcemia, which requires emergent
resection of the parathyroid glands.
The radiographic findings resemble those of renal osteo-
dystrophy. Bone resorption is seen in the terminal tufts of
the phalanges and in the clavicle. The bone appears osteope-
FIGURE 42-17  Osteodystrophy secondary to chronic renal
nic. Angular deformities resembling those seen in rickets
insufficiency in a young girl. An anteroposterior radiograph shows
slipping of the humeral head.
can occur.351
Laboratory evaluation generally reveals hypercalcemia,
hypophosphatemia, and an elevated alkaline phosphatase
concentration. Rarely, the calcium and phosphate concen-
Physiolysis has been described in other physes in chil- trations are normal. The PTH level is elevated on direct
dren with renal osteodystrophy.535 Sites at which physiolysis assays.
has occurred include the distal femur, proximal humerus, Treatment is directed toward correcting the cause of the
and distal radius and ulna (Fig. 42-17). Treatment consists hyperparathyroidism. In cases of adenoma, tumor resection
of medical management of the metabolic bone disease and is performed. Adenomas are imaged with radionuclide
cast immobilization.21,531 scans, and it is not uncommon for multiple glands to be
involved.461 Hypercalcemic crisis is treated by hydration,
Avascular Necrosis. Another orthopaedic complication calciuresis, inhibition of bone calcium resorption, and treat-
seen in patients with renal failure is avascular necrosis, ment of the parathyroid abnormality.540,542
usually of the femoral head.394 It may be unilateral or bilat-
eral. Prolonged steroid use, commonly needed after renal
transplantation, is the probable cause of avascular necrosis
in most children, although it has been seen in the hips of Hypoparathyroidism can result from failure of the parathy-
some children with renal failure who were not taking ste- roid glands to synthesize or secrete PTH or from tissue
roids. Treatment is symptomatic. resistance to PTH.5 Parathyroid gland destruction from
iatrogenic causes—surgery or radiation—or an infiltrative
process is more relevant to the adult population, whereas
genetic causes of hypoparathyroidism affecting parathyroid
Parathyroid Disorders gland development and function are more relevant to the
Primary Hyperparathyroidism pediatric population. Aplasia or dysplasia of parathyroid
gland can result from mutations of the GCMB (glial cell
Primary hyperparathyroidism results from hyperplasia or missing) gene.71,140 Autosomal dominant and recessive forms
adenoma of the parathyroid glands, which leads to increased exist. Because the GCMB gene is almost exclusively
secretion of PTH.14,58 The increased PTH stimulates osteo- expressed in the parathyroid gland, its mutation causes iso-
clastic resorption of bone, which produces hypercalcemia. lated hypoparathyroidism without other phenotypes. Muta-
The initial symptoms of hyperparathyroidism are lethargy, tion of the X chromosome region q26-q27 is another cause
bone pain, and abdominal complaints. The diagnosis is of isolated hypoparathyroidism. This form is inherited as an
usually made late in the course of disease, when the child X-linked recessive trait in males.546,569
has abdominal symptoms, toxicity, and a hypercalcemic Reduced synthesis or secretion of PTH can result from
crisis.117,273,542 The symptoms of hyperparathyroidism are CaSR mutations (chromosome 3q13.3-21).71,422 The muta-
nonspecific, so the diagnosis is frequently missed at initial tion causes a decrease in PTH secretion despite low serum
evaluation.294 Prolonged hypercalcemia leads to ectopic cal- calcium levels because of activation of CaSR at a lower
cification in tissues and the formation of renal calculi. extracellular calcium set point.34 Rare mutations in the PTH
Abdominal pain and constipation result from the decreased gene can also reduce synthesis and secretion of PTH.
abdominal motility. Hypertension is commonly present. In Hypoparathyroidism is also associated with DiGeorge
severe cases, the patient may become obtunded. syndrome, which is caused by microdeletions in
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e597

chromosome 22q11.270 Thymic aplasia or hypoplasia with changes seen in pseudohypoparathyroidism are also termed
immunodeficiency, cleft palate, dysmorphic facies, and Albright osteodystrophy because Albright and associates
cardiac defects are other features of DiGeorge syn- were the first to describe the disease.9
drome.209,489 De novo mutation is much more common than The cause is usually genetic. There are four subtypes
the autosomal dominant form of DiGeorge syndrome. of pseudohypoparathyroidism—Ia, Ib, Ic, and II. The
Another autosomal dominant syndrome consists of hypo- molecular genetics of type Ia disease is caused by muta-
parathyroidism, sensorineural deafness, and renal dyspla- tions in the maternally inherited guanine nucleotide–
sia.223 Other autosomal recessive types are associated binding protein α-subunit gene (GNAS), which produces
with growth retardation, seizures, and severe mental a lack of GNAS signaling in the proximal renal tubules;
retardation.330,400,449 this in turn affects the adenylyl cyclase activity.4,509 Many
Hypoparathyroidism should be distinguished from pseu- mutations in the GNAS gene have been identified.168,304
dohypoparathyroidism, in which the production of PTH is Patients with type Ia disease have been found to have
increased but the end organs cannot respond to the hormone. resistance to other hormones as well and suffer from mul-
The PTH infusion test is useful for differentiating the two. tiple endocrinopathies, such as hypothyroidism and growth
When a test dose of PTH is administered to a patient with hormone deficiency.490 These patients can present with
hypoparathyroidism, urinary excretion of phosphate and clinical features of Albright hereditary osteodystrophy,
cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) increases appro- which include a round face, mental retardation, frontal
priately and dramatically in contrast to a patient with pseu- bossing, short stature, obesity, brachydactyly, and ectopic
dohypoparathyroidism, whose response to the PTH test is ossification.
blunted because of target tissue resistance to PTH.281 In type Ib pseudohypoparathyroidism, the typical
The initial symptoms of hypoparathyroidism are features of Albright’s osteodystrophy are not seen, and
those of hypocalcemia—tetany caused by increased neuro- hormone resistance appears to be limited to PTH and
muscular irritability, muscle cramps, facial or distal extrem- thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).320 Abnormal methyla-
ity paresthesias (Chvostek and Trousseau signs), and tion of the maternal GNAS allele has been reported.
lethargy. The skin is dry and the hair is brittle and scanty. Type Ic is a variant of type Ia, with clinical features of
The teeth erupt late and fall out early. Cataracts may be Albright osteodystrophy and resistance to multiple hor-
present, and papilledema may occur. Mental retardation is mones. However, no deficiency in GNAS activity is detect-
seen in very young children. able in a standard in vitro assay because of the location of
Laboratory evaluation reveals low serum PTH and GNAS mutation. The clinical appearance of affected infants
calcium levels, high serum phosphate levels, and low urinary is normal, with osteodystrophic features gradually becoming
calcium concentration because of hypocalcemia. Hypopro- apparent at 2 to 4 years of age. There is a characteristic
teinemia should be considered because the serum calcium shortening of the metacarpals, especially the first, fourth,
concentration is normally decreased in patients with and fifth, termed brachydactyly (Fig. 42-18).95 When the
decreased albumin concentrations. The serum phosphorus hands are clenched into a fist, dimples are present at the
concentration is elevated. Radiographs may be normal or sites of the knuckles of the fourth and fifth digits, thus
may reveal increased radiopacity of the cortices of the long giving rise to the mnemonic “knuckle, knuckle, dimple,
bones. Soft tissue calcification can occur, including calcifica- dimple.” Multiple exostoses may be present, and the radius
tion of the basal ganglia.341
Standard treatment is calcium and vitamin D therapy.
Nephrocalcinosis is a known complication of vitamin D
therapy, however.557 Administrating PTH to treat hypopara-
thyroidism is being investigated and promising results have
been reported in small studies with follow-up of up to 3
years.574-579 PTH therapy, however, is not yet considered
standard treatment for hypoparathyroidism. Infants with
hypoparathyroidism complicated by tetany may need
calcium infusion. There is no orthopaedic treatment specific
to the disease.

Pseudohypoparathyroidism is similar to hypoparathyroid-
ism in its clinical and radiographic manifestations but differs
in that PTH levels are elevated and it does not respond to
the administration of exogenous PTH. The parathyroid
glands are hyperplastic and secrete large amounts of the
hormone, but the kidneys are resistant to PTH.162 Bone
changes consistent with hyperparathyroidism occur because
the skeleton responds to the elevated PTH level.156 Thus,
findings include hypocalcemia and hyperphosphatemia FIGURE 42-18  Pseudohypoparathyroidism. An anteroposterior
resembling hypoparathyroidism, as well as osteitis fibrosa radiograph of the hands shows shortening (brachydactyly) of the
cystica resembling hyperparathyroidism.156,175 The skeletal first, fourth, and fifth metacarpals.
e598 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

may be bowed. Patients are very short and often obese, and
the facies has been described as moon-shaped.389 Hetero-
topic calcifications occur, especially in the periarticular
tissues.426,488 Intracerebral calcifications have also been
described.499 Sensorineural hearing loss is common.271
As noted, certain types of pseudohypoparathyroidism
may be associated with hypothyroidism, Turner syndrome,
and diabetes. Brachydactyly may also be seen in Turner
syndrome and in myositis ossificans progressiva.
The diagnosis is assisted by administering PTH. A
patient with pseudohypoparathyroidism is unable to
respond to the exogenous hormone, so there will be no
increase in serum calcium or urinary phosphate levels, and
plasma cAMP (a product of adenylyl cyclase) will also not
Treatment has been with vitamin D, but this has led to A
problems with nephrocalcinosis.557

Vitamin Disorders
Hypervitaminosis D
Hypervitaminosis D is a result of the ingestion of excessive
doses of vitamin D.59,220,251 Patients at risk are those who
are taking vitamin D for the treatment of metabolic bone
diseases such as vitamin D–resistant rickets and hypopara-
thyroidism.486 The elevated vitamin D level promotes the
intestinal absorption of calcium and thereby leads to hyper-
calcemia. The optimal nutritional requirements for vitamin
D in newborns and infants have been established.348
Pathology B
Histologically, wide osteoid seams are found around the
trabeculae, similar to what is seen in rickets.214 The physis,
however, is well calcified and normal in width and length.
Metastatic calcification may be found in the kidneys, arter-
ies, thyroid, pancreas, lungs, stomach, and brain. Deposition
of calcium salts in the kidneys and degenerative changes in
the arteries may produce significant morbidity.
Laboratory Findings
The hypercalcemia can be severe. The serum phosphate
concentration is normal, with a diminished alkaline phos-
phatase concentration.408
Clinical Features
Symptoms and signs of hypercalcemia are seen. Anorexia,
constipation, nausea and vomiting, polyuria, thirst, and C
symptoms of dehydration are the early manifestations. The
child feels very tired. With progression of the intoxication, FIGURE 42-19  Hypervitaminosis D in a 5-year-old boy who
mental depression and stupor develop. Renal failure and had taken 50,000 IU of vitamin D/day for the past 14 months.
A, Lateral view of the skull showing metastatic calcification of the
hypertension are common.
cerebral and cerebellar falces. B and C, Anteroposterior view of
Radiographic Findings both hips and lower limbs. Note the increased radiopacity of the
Dense metaphyseal bands are seen in the long bones and
result from an increase in the proximal zone of calcification.
The diaphyses show osteopenia as a result of demineraliza- Treatment
tion. Osteosclerosis is visible at the base of the skull, and Treatment is medical and consists of the immediate cessa-
there may be premature closure of the sutures. The verte- tion of vitamin D supplements. Diuretics are given, with
bral end-plates are dense. Metastatic calcifications are seen replacement of volume with saline. Because dehydration
in soft tissues (Fig. 42-19).102,235 can be fatal, serum electrolyte levels must be carefully
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e599

monitored. Steroids inhibit calcium absorption in the kidney

and gut and are helpful in correcting the calcium level.573 Radiographic Findings
Bisphosphonates inhibit bone resorption and have been The changes of scurvy are best seen at the knees, wrists,
useful in treating vitamin D intoxication.492 Sodium phos- and proximal humeri (Fig. 42-20).70,73 Osteopenia is the
phate should not be given because its administration leads first change seen, with thinning of the cortices.158 The zone
to ectopic calcification. of provisional calcification increases in width and opacity
(Frankel’s line) because of failure of resorption of the calci-
fied cartilaginous matrix, and it stands out in comparison to
the severely osteopenic metaphyses. The margins of the
epiphyses appear relatively sclerotic, a finding termed
Scurvy is caused by a nutritional deficiency of vitamin C, ringing of the epiphyses, or Wimberger sign. Lateral spur
ascorbic acid.29,145 The disease is rare and is now most com- formation at the ends of the metaphysis is produced by
monly seen in patients following extreme diets, such as outward projection of the zone of provisional calcification.
patients with anorexia nervosa.340,349 Historically, scurvy was The scurvy line or scorbutic zone is a radiolucent transverse
described in sailors whose diets lacked vitamin C during band adjacent to the dense provisional zone. The corner or
long sea voyages.538 angle sign of scurvy is a peripheral metaphyseal cleft caused
by a defect in the spongiosa and cortex adjacent to the
Pathology provisional zone of calcification. Epiphyseal separation may
When vitamin C is deficient, collagen synthesis is occur.375,505,506
impaired.31,172 Vitamin C is necessary for the hydroxylation Subperiosteal hemorrhage usually occurs at the femur,
of lysine and proline to hydroxylysine and hydroxyproline, tibia, or humerus and is initially seen as an increase in soft
two amino acids crucial to the proper cross-linking of the tissue density. The hemorrhage becomes radiodense as the
triple helix of collagen.415 The result is primitive collagen scurvy is treated and the lesions calcify. The development
formation throughout the body, including the blood vessels, of a physeal bar in a patient with scurvy has been
which predisposes to hemorrhage. described.232
Osteoblasts become dysfunctional, with failure to
produce osteoid tissue and form new bone. Chondroblasts, Differential Diagnosis
however, continue to function normally, and mineraliza- The most common entity for which scurvy is mistaken is
tion is unaffected. This leads to the persistence of car- osteomyelitis. The symptoms of pain, tenderness, subperi-
tilage cells, and calcified chondroid approaches the osteal soft tissue swelling, and pseudoparalysis resemble
metaphysis. Radiographically, an opaque white line termed the symptoms of infection. Because infection is common
Frankel’s line is seen at the junction of the physis and and scurvy is extremely rare, the condition can be misdiag-
metaphysis. nosed initially. The sedimentation rate, C-reactive protein
Generalized osteoporosis results from lack of osteoid level, and white blood cell count are normal in scurvy,
and new bone. Osteoclasts are normal, but osteoblasts however. Other diagnoses to be considered for this clinical
become flattened, with a resemblance to connective tissue picture include polio,432 leukemia, and purpuric conditions,
fibroblasts. The bone trabeculae and cortices of the long such as Henoch-Schönlein purpura and thrombocytopenic
bones are thin and fragile. Hemorrhage and fractures are purpura. Syphilis may be suspected543 but usually occurs
common, but the body’s attempt to repair these injuries earlier.
is disorderly. The provisional zone of calcification is weak, Serum levels of vitamin C may be difficult to interpret
which leads to epiphyseal separations. In the teeth, in scurvy. A more reliable test is the absence of vitamin C
dentin formation is abnormal because of the defective in the buffy coat of centrifuged blood.
Clinical Features Treatment is administration of vitamin C. Rapid recovery is
Scurvy develops after 6 to 12 months of dietary deprivation usual, with the pain and tenderness resolving. Scurvy is
of vitamin C, so it is not seen in neonates. Early manifesta- prevented by adequate intake of vitamin C, defined as
tions consist of loss of appetite, irritability, and failure to 25 mg/day for infants, 30 to 40 mg/day for children and 40
thrive. Hemorrhage of the gums is common, and they to 75 mg/day for adults. Intoxication does not occur.
become bluish and swollen. Subperiosteal hemorrhage is a
distinctive sign that usually occurs in the distal femur and
tibia and proximal humerus.182 The limbs become exqui-
Hypervitaminosis A
sitely tender, so much so that the infant screams on move-
ment of the affected areas. The child lies still in the frog-leg Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin whose primary biologic
position to minimize pain, a posture called pseudoparalysis. functions are concerned with skeletal growth, maintenance
The limbs are swollen and bruised. Beading of the ribs at and regeneration of epithelial tissues, and preservation of
the costochondral junctions may occur. Hemorrhage may visual purple in the retina. It is also necessary for membrane
also develop in the soft tissues, including the joints, kidneys, stability. The normal plasma level of vitamin A is 80 to
and gut, and petechiae may be seen.158,279,299,580 The hair 100 IU/100 mL. Hypervitaminosis A is very rare and
takes on a coiled appearance.386 Anemia and impaired usually results from inappropriate use of vitamin supple-
wound healing are common. Severe hypertension has been ments.44,184,485 Retinoids used for acne also contain vitamin
described.558 A and can lead to toxicity.48,413,505
e600 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-20  Scurvy in a 10-month-old infant. A, Anteroposterior radiograph of both lower limbs demonstrates early changes in the
scorbutic bones. Note the generalized osteoporosis with rarefaction of the spongiosa and atrophy of the cortex. There is relatively
increased opacity of the provisional zones of calcification at the ends of the metaphyses and around the margins of the epiphyseal centers
of ossification (ringing of the epiphyses). B, Two weeks after treatment with ascorbic acid, marked calcification of subperiosteal hematoma
of the right femur has occurred. Such minimal calcification is also evident in the medial aspects of the distal left femoral shaft and
proximal left tibia. Note the multiple metaphyseal spur formation. C, Three months later there are further radiographic signs of healing
scurvy. The cortices have become thicker and the spongiosa has almost normal density. Note the persistence of rarefaction in the
epiphyseal centers.

Clinical Features Treatment

Clinically, the soft tissues overlying the hyperostotic Treatment entails total cessation of administration of
bones are swollen and tender. Proliferation of basal cells vitamin A and eliminating all foods containing vitamin A
and hyperkeratinization cause dry, itchy skin.205 Anorexia, from the diet. Because of the large body reserves of vitamin
vomiting, and lethargy are caused by increased intracra- A, the hyperostosis will disappear only after a long period,
nial pressure.51 The child fails to thrive. Hepatomegaly although the systemic symptoms resolve quickly. Growth
with cirrhosis-like liver damage or splenomegaly may be of the long bones should be monitored because premature
present.160 physeal closure may not become apparent for years after
the initial insult.
Radiographic Findings
The development of bone changes in patients with hyper-
vitaminosis A is slow, so radiographs are normal initially. For Hypophosphatasia
this reason, radiographs are normal in children younger than
1 year. Once changes do occur, there is periosteal hyperos- Hypophosphatasia is a rare inheritable disorder cause by a
tosis and thickening of the cortex of the long bones.81 The deficiency of TNSALP.366 TNSALP is an enzyme that gener-
ulna, radius, metacarpals, and metatarsals are particularly ates inorganic phosphate by hydrolyzing inorganic pyrophos-
affected. The mandible is spared, a fact that distinguishes phate. Inorganic phosphate is required for hydroxyapatite
hypervitaminosis A from Caffey disease. Subperiosteal new formation, whereas inorganic pyrophosphate suppresses the
bone formation is seen (Fig. 42-21). Bone scintigraphy formation and growth of hydroxyapatite. There is wide
shows increased uptake. Premature partial or complete variation in the severity of the disease, with prognosis
physeal closure may be present.356,411,464 related to the age at onset. A number of forms of hypophos-
phatasia exist—perinatal lethal, perinatal benign, infantile,
Diagnosis childhood, adult, and odontohypophospatasia.33,359,431,563
The diagnosis is made by determining the plasma level of
vitamin A, which will be elevated 5 to 15 times the normal Inheritance
value. Hypercalcemia can be present.170,176 Hypervitamin- The gene for hypophosphatasia is the TNSALP gene
osis A must be differentiated from infantile cortical hyper- (TNSALP), and many different mutations have been
ostosis (Caffey disease), scurvy, and congenital syphilis.551 described within this gene.83,207,228 The transmission of
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e601

FIGURE 42-21  Hypervitaminosis A in a 2-year-old child. Note the subperiosteal new bone formation and cortical thickening of both
tibiae and both ulnae. The mandible and other facial bones are not affected. A and B, Radiographs of the right and left forearms.
C, Radiograph of both lower limbs.

lethal forms is autosomal recessive, whereas milder forms phosphatase levels and increased urinary pyrophosphate
may have autosomal dominant or recessive transmission. levels.312
Heterozygous carriers of hypophosphatasia can be detected
by abnormally diminished alkaline phosphatase concentra- Clinical Features and Radiographic Findings
tions in plasma.
Perinatal Hypophosphatasia
Pathology The clinical findings vary with the age at which the disease
The pathology seen in hypophosphatasia closely resembles is manifested. In the perinatal lethal form, absence of skel-
that seen in patients with rickets. Osteoid production pro- etal mineralization is detected by prenatal ultrasound, and
ceeds unharmed, but without alkaline phosphatase, miner- the infants may be stillborn. If they survive birth, they
alization of osteoid cannot occur.565 This leads to widening usually die from respiratory complications in early infancy
of the physis, with persistence of the provisional zone of because of hypoplastic lungs and chest wall deformities.
calcification, which cannot calcify, and islands of cartilage A nonlethal, benign, prenatal form also exists and has
continuing down into the metaphysis. The normal columnar been recognized.563 These patients have congenital limb
arrangement of the chondrocytes of the growth plate is bowing with a variable degree of hypomineralization, which
disturbed. If hypercalcemia is present, heterotopic calcifica- improves postnatally, along with their limb bowing.
tion can occur, especially in the kidney. Radiographs of infants with the severe or lethal form of
perinatal hypophosphatasia reveal diffuse, severe deminer-
Laboratory Findings alization of the entire skeleton (Fig. 42-22). Ossification
The hallmark of hypophosphatasia is a decrease or lack of of the skull is incomplete, and the suture lines are very
alkaline phosphatase. The enzyme is decreased not only in wide. The ribs are unossified at the ends and slender in the
serum but also in tissues such as the kidneys, bones, leuko- middle. The pelvis is small, soft, and poorly mineralized.
cytes, and spleen. Serum phosphorus, vitamin D, and PTH The vertebral bodies are paper thin and the neural arches
levels are normal, but hypercalcemia may be present, espe- cannot be seen. The long bones have jagged rarefied defects
cially in young children. Characteristic findings in urine are extending into the metaphysis.
elevated levels of phosphoethanolamine, which may be
elevated in other endocrinopathies, and inorganic pyrophos- Infantile Hypophosphatasia
phate. Pyridoxal-5′-phosphate levels are also increased in In the infantile form, patients appear normal at birth. The
hypophosphatasia in relation to disease severity.246 Disease onset of symptoms presents later in infancy, usually at
carriers have been found to have decreased serum alkaline approximately 6 months of age. Affected children fail to
e602 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 42-22  Typical radiographic changes of hypophosphatasia in a 4-month-old infant. A and B, Both upper limbs. C, Lower limbs.
D, Spine (see text for discussion). E, Skull. F, Femur, obtained at autopsy (see text for discussion).

thrive and experience anorexia, vomiting, dehydration, thigh pain secondary to pseudofractures of the femur.
fever, hypotonia, and sometimes seizures. Osteomalacia is present. Chondrocalcinosis and severe
Demineralization of the bones occurs but is not as osteoarthropathy may develop.
marked as in the perinatal form. The bones look rachitic,
with widened physes, bossing of the skull, bowing of the Diagnosis
ribs, and flaring of the metaphyses of the long bones and
costochondral junctions. Lucent streaks in the metaphyses Prenatal Diagnosis
represent nests of unossified physeal cartilage. Fractures and Hypophosphatasia can be diagnosed in fetuses. Ultrasound
bowing of the extremities are common. The cranial sutures shows deficient ossification of the fetal skull.265 A definitive
are initially wide but close prematurely, thereby leading to diagnosis can be established by amniocentesis and molecular
increased intracranial pressure. Some patients show spon- genetic testing to search for mutations in TNSALP in at-risk
taneous improvement with time whereas others show pro- infants.229
gressive skeletal deterioration, with fractures and flail chest
leading to pneumonia and lethal outcome. Hypercalcemia Differential Diagnosis
and hypercalciuria may cause renal calcinosis. Renal failure Hypophosphatasia is usually confused with severe type II
and hypertension then follow. osteogenesis imperfecta because of the presence of birth
fractures and the severe demineralization. Thanatophoric
Childhood Hypophosphatasia dwarfism and achondrogenesis can also resemble the peri-
This form is most heterogeneous.366 Skeletal deformities, natal form of hypophosphatasia.
enlarged joints, delayed walking, waddling gait, short stature Less severe forms of hypophosphatasia should be dif-
caused by disturbance of normal endochondral ossification, ferentiated from the various types of rickets. In rickets, the
dolichocephaly, failure to thrive, bone pain, fractures, and alkaline phosphatase concentration is generally increased,
intracranial hypertension may be observed. Dentition whereas in hypophosphatasia, by definition it is decreased
problem is common, with premature loss of the primary or not measurable.
teeth.94,556 Spontaneous improvement has been observed.
Adult Hypophosphatasia Although there is no curative treatment for hypophospha-
A rare adult form of hypophosphatasia usually presents tasia, a limited number of drugs have been reported to be
during middle age. Clinically, the disease usually becomes effective in managing certain problems associated with
apparent with nonhealing metatarsal stress fractures or hypophosphatasia. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e603

(NSAIDs) have been shown to improve pain in childhood Treatment consists of antiresorptive drugs such as calci-
hypophosphatasia.195,196 Recombinant human PTH 1-34 can tonin and bisphosphonates. Successful treatment of the
improve and resolve metatarsal stress fractures in adult disease has been reported in case reports and case series
hypophosphatasia.568 A case report of bone marrow cell with the use of pamidronate and ibandronate.87,121,534
transplantation in a patient with severe infantile hypophos-
phatasia showing clinical and radiographic improvements
has been reported.567 In another patient with infantile hypo-
phosphatasia, successful transplantation of bone fragments Growth Hormone Deficiency
and cultured osteoblasts, with improvement in the clinical
severity of the disease, has also been reported.82 If the Isolated growth hormone deficiency can have a congenital
diagnosis of rickets is mistakenly made, treatment with or acquired cause. However, the cause is unknown (idio-
vitamin D can worsen the heterotopic calcification and pathic) in most cases. The hereditary or familial form of
nephrocalcinosis. Enzyme replacement therapy is not yet growth hormone deficiency has four types, which are based
available. on the inheritance pattern and phenotype—autosomal
Fractures require orthopaedic referral. Healing of recessive (types IA and IB), autosomal dominant (type II),
fractures is generally delayed in patients with hypophospha- and X-linked (type III).8,104 Various mutations in the genes
tasia. Occasionally, multiple osteotomies with intramedul- for growth hormone (GH1), receptor of growth hormone–
lary fixation, as would be done in cases of severe osteogenesis releasing factor (GHRHR), and transcription factor SOX3
imperfecta, are needed to correct the bowing and lend have been reported in the cases of familial isolated growth
structural support to the long bones. hormone deficiency. The GH1 mutation is the most
common. In the vast majority of the familial cases, however,
a mutation is not detected, suggesting that unknown genetic
factors may also be involved in the pathogenesis. In type IA
Idiopathic Hyperphosphatasia deficiency, various GH1 mutations (deletions, frameshift,
or nonsense mutation) lead to a severely truncated or absent
Idiopathic hyperphosphatasia is an extremely rare bone dys- growth hormone, and serum growth hormone is undetect-
plasia characterized by Paget disease–like features, which able. In type IB deficiency, mutations in the gene for GH1
include an increased bone turnover, with failure to replace or GHRHR have been described. In contrast to type IA,
immature woven bone with mature lamellar bone, skeletal serum growth hormone level is low but detectable in type
deformity, bone expansion, and increased risk of pathologic IB. In type II deficiency, GH1 mutations are also observed;
fractures.430 It also known as juvenile Paget disease of bone however, the locations of the mutations mainly affect the
or familial hyperphosphatasia. Biochemically, serum levels splicing of mRNA for GH1, producing a smaller isoform of
of alkaline phosphatase are increased—hence, the name growth hormone. This has an altered protein structure that
hyperphosphatasia—as is urinary excretion of hydroxypro- affects the secretion of growth hormone and other hor-
line. The disease is transmitted as an autosomal recessive mones and the proliferation and survival of the somatotro-
trait, and mutations in the TNFRSFIIB gene, which encodes phic cells of the anterior pituitary.478 Thus, the patients with
osteoprotegerin (OPG), have been identified.120,566 Depend- type II deficiency may have a hypoplastic anterior pituitary
ing on the location of the mutation, the severity of the on MRI and may develop clinical features of other pituitary
disease can be mild to severe.101 hormone deficiencies. Type III deficiency has an X-linked
Clinically, the long bones are bowed and prone to stress inheritance; affected males have an absent or severe defi-
fractures because of osteopenia and decreased biomechani- ciency of gamma globulins.521 Mutations in the transcription
cal strength of the bone.141 Kyphosis and acetabular protru- factor SOX3 and the gene for Bruton tyrosine kinase have
sion may also develop. The patient’s skull is enlarged and been implicated with this condition.291,513 SOX3 plays an
progressive sensorineural deafness occurs. Initial complaints important role in the development of the pituitary gland,
are painful swelling of the limbs and bowing. Muscle mass craniofacial structures, and central nervous system (CNS).
appears diminished, and the limbs may be warm. Affected Thus, type III deficiency may be associated with mental
children are very short. retardation, craniofacial dysmorphism, panhypopituitarism,
Radiographic findings include generalized diaphyseal anterior pituitary hypoplasia, and posterior pituitary
expansion of the bones, with subperiosteal new bone depo- abnormalities.
sition.564,566 Fractures are transverse and usually nondis-
placed. The spine and pelvis show patchy areas of sclerosis. Clinical Features
The base and vault of the skull are thickened. In congenital forms the infant is of normal size, but dimin-
Pathologic studies of bone tissue show extensive fibrosis ished growth is noted within the first 6 months in type IA
of the marrow with cellular hyperactivity. There is evidence deficiency. The limbs are of normal proportion in relation
of increased bone resorption and bone formation resembling to the head and trunk. Intelligence is normal in most cases.
fibrous dysplasia.409,515 There may be a mosaic pattern of The phenotypic feature of type IB deficiency is less severe
cement lines resembling what is seen in Paget disease.157 in terms of growth disturbance than type IA. The condition
Conditions from which hyperphosphatasia must be dis- can be associated with hypogonadism and a delay in or
tinguished include Camurati-Engelmann disease, craniodi- absence of sexual maturation.204,458
aphyseal dysplasia, and fibrous dysplasia. Hyperphosphatasia In the acquired form caused by a pituitary lesion, signs
can be differentiated from all these conditions by the dis- of neurologic deficit, such as impaired vision, ocular distur-
tinct elevation in the serum alkaline phosphatase level. bances, and pathologic sleepiness, are present.
e604 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Radiographic Findings
In congenital hypopituitarism, skeletal maturation is
delayed. The ossification centers are late in both appearance
and closure. Osteoporosis of the long bones and the skull is
present. The fontanelles close later than normal.
Where there is a lesion in the pituitary, radiographs
reveal enlargement of the sella turcica, the home of the
pituitary. Intrasellar or suprasellar calcification suggests
craniopharyngioma. MRI is especially useful for viewing
the pituitary. Enlargement, hypoplasia, or tumor can be
Serum levels of growth hormone will be low or absent.
Because low levels are normal in healthy children, a stimula-
tory test is usually needed to confirm the lack of growth
hormone.305 Insulin or L-arginine is administered to produce
hypoglycemia, which stimulates the release of growth
hormone. Growth hormone levels do not increase in patients
with pituitary dwarfism after the administration of these
Pituitary dwarfism is treated by the administration of syn-
thetic growth hormone.225,460 This treatment stimulates
growth and should be monitored by a pediatric endocrinolo-
gist. Patients with growth hormone deficiency after resec-
tion of craniopharyngiomas rarely have an isolated deficiency
in growth hormone, so additional hormone replacement FIGURE 42-23  Typical clinical appearance of congenital
therapy is necessary, under the guidance of the endocrinolo- hypothyroidism.
gist. In some children with growth hormone deficiency,
panhypopituitarism has developed in adulthood, with hypo- and goiter to ectopic thyroid tissue. Defects in thyroid
thyroidism and abnormalities in antidiuretic hormone. On hormone synthesis are responsible for the remaining 20%
rare occasion, referral to an orthopaedic surgeon is needed of cases.
for the treatment of SCFE.
Clinical Features
Symptoms in early infancy include prolonged jaundice, leth-
Hypothyroidism argy, sleepiness, feeding difficulties, and constipation. Fre-
quently these infants are overweight. Other features include
Thyroid hormone deficiency may be congenital or acquired. dry skin, scanty coarse hair, an enlarged tongue, umbilical
The degree of deficiency, age at onset, and duration of the hernias, and an expressionless face (Fig. 42-23). Develop-
deficiency are all factors that determine the severity of mental delay is noted. Associated congenital malformations,
disease. Hypothyroidism is fairly common, with an inci- especially heart defects, are more likely to occur in children
dence of 1/4000 newborns.284 with congenital hypothyroidism.385,498
Congenital hypothyroidism, previously known as cretin- In acquired hypothyroidism, which is manifested later in
ism, is the most common endocrine disorder found in neo- childhood, sluggishness, a slowdown in growth, and worsen-
nates. It leads to dwarfism and mental retardation if ing school performance are noted.284 SCFE may occur and
treatment is delayed for more than 3 months postnatally.264 lead to groin, hip, or knee pain. Hypogonadism is present,
Neonatal screening for congenital hypothyroidism has and the children are often overweight.
allowed early diagnosis and treatment, with prevention
of mental retardation.169 It is more common in girls than Radiographic Findings
in boys. Thyroid hormone is very important in regulating bone
growth and maturation. In patients with hypothyroidism,
Causes enchondral bone formation is disturbed. The skeleton is
Congenital hypothyroidism can be caused by prenatal devel- immature for the infant’s chronologic age. Appearance of
opmental defects of the thyroid gland producing a struc- the epiphyses is delayed, and they appear irregular and
tural abnormality (thyroid agenesis or dysgenesis) or by fragmented, which in childhood resembles what is seen in
defects in thyroid hormone biosynthesis (thyroid dyshor- Perthes disease or multiple epiphyseal dysplasia.147 Epiphy-
monogenesis).212 The former, structural causes of congenital seal dysgenesis was the term used by Reilly and Smyth to
hypothyroidism, are found in most cases (80%). Structural describe the ossific nuclei.444 The physis may be irregular
abnormalities range from aplasia of the thyroid, hypoplasia, and widened, similar to the radiographic picture in rickets.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e605

The bone age of the patient is delayed. The long bones been successful in experimental settings.76,414 If congenital
are abnormally widened as a result of normal intramembra- hypothyroidism remains untreated, the mental retardation
nous bone formation in the context of disturbed endochon- is progressive, and most children die early of respiratory
dral ossification. infection.
The head appears large. Radiographically, ossification of
the skull is retarded and the base of the skull is shortened.
Orthopaedic Considerations
The sella turcica may be enlarged. Closure of the fontanelles
is delayed. A delay in the development of normal dentition In an older child, SCFE may be the first manifestation of
is common. Spinal radiographs show a tendency toward hypothyroidism (Fig. 42-24).308 Screening recommenda-
thoracolumbar kyphosis. The vertebral body of L2 is wedge- tions range from screening all patients with SCFE for
shaped and the anterior margin is beaked. L1 and L3 may thyroid disease561 to no routine screening whatsoever. We
have a similar appearance. The bony end-plates are convex. believe that any patient with SCFE who is younger than
Osteosclerosis develops in some patients as a result of usual (<11 years), who has a family history of thyroid abnor-
hypercalcemia. Radiographs in these patients show trans- malities, or who does not have the typical obese body
verse radiopaque bands in the metaphyseal areas and thick- habitus should be screened for hypothyroidism with a TSH
ened cortices. Metastatic calcification can occur. MRI has test. Patients with Down syndrome and slips should be
shown enlargement of the pituitary in children with con- considered to have hypothyroidism until proven other-
genital hypothyroidism.135 wise.66 In patients with SCFE secondary to hypothyroidism,
contralateral prophylactic pinning should be performed
Diagnosis because the incidence of bilateral SCFE in hypothyroidism
Great advances have been made in the diagnosis of con- is 61%.308
genital hypothyroidism. Screening programs are in place
to measure TSH levels in the newborn nursery.13,130,211,243,442
An elevated TSH level is suggestive of congenital hypo- Idiopathic Juvenile Osteoporosis
thyroidism.555 Further laboratory evaluation of thyroid
hormone levels and further imaging studies consisting of Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis is a rare metabolic
radionuclide scintigraphy of the thyroid or thyroid ultra- bone disease of childhood characterized by a profound
sound are then performed to ascertain the cause of the reduction in bone mass of unknown cause. The cardinal
hormone deficiency.93,370,548 features of idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis are as folllows:
Early diagnosis is mandatory because a delay in diagnosis (1) onset before puberty; (2) compression fractures of the
can lead to irreversible mental retardation. The workup of vertebrae and long bones; (3) formation of new but osteo-
a developmentally delayed child should include laboratory porotic bone; and (4) spontaneous recovery after skeletal
evaluation of thyroid function when the cause of the delay maturity.
is unknown.6
There is an association between Down syndrome and Causes
hypothyroidism. Studies have shown that 15% to 35% of The cause of idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis remains
infants with Down syndrome have congenital hypothyroid- unknown. The disease is not genetically transmitted. The
ism,253,262 and annual screening of these children is recom- basic mechanism of disease is decreased bone remodeling
mended.262 Hypothyroidism should be especially considered activity and decreased bone formation. Bone histology gen-
in children with Down syndrome who have SCFE. In one erally shows a decreased cancellous bone volume and a very
study, six of eight patients with Down syndrome and slipped low bone formation rate on cancellous surfaces.440 Bone
epiphyses had hypothyroidism.66 remodeling activity is less involved in the cortical bone
Other laboratory findings in children with hypothyroid- surfaces than cancellous bone surfaces.441 In one study,
ism may include high serum calcium levels.553 Patients with secretion of synthesized collagen by cultured skin fibroblasts
panhypopituitarism will have not only hypothyroidism but in some patients with idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis was
also the other hormonal deficiencies seen in this disorder, reduced, whereas the range of collagen secretion in other
such as growth hormone deficiency. patients with the disease overlapped the normal range.421
Another study found diminished levels of the carboxy-
Treatment terminal propeptide of type I procollagen in patients with
Treatment begins immediately on diagnosis. Hormone juvenile osteoporosis, again indicating abnormalities in col-
replacement therapy with thyroxine is initiated and care- lagen metabolism.427
fully monitored. If treatment is begun by 24 months of age, Biomechanical studies are conflicting. Serum calcium
subsequent growth has been shown to be normal by 5 and phosphorus levels are normal in these patients. Calcium
years.20,97 With hormonal replacement therapy, the pubertal balance, however, is negative, with poor gastrointestinal
growth spurt is normal, and adult height is within normal absorption of calcium.234,283 Alkaline phosphatase and
limits.137 Long-term thyroxine replacement therapy has not urinary hydroxyproline levels are usually normal as well.
been shown to decrease bone mass and lead to osteope- Although most studies reported normal vitamin D
nia.275 Prompt treatment results in normal intellectual levels,248 two studies found low levels of calcitriol
development.293 (1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol). Therapy was then directed
Prenatal diagnosis through cord blood sampling has been toward the vitamin deficiency, with improvement in the
achieved, and prenatal treatment of hypothyroidism by disease.323,474 It may be that different forms of the disease
means of thyroid hormone injected into amniotic fluid has have different biochemical profiles.
e606 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders



FIGURE 42-24  A and B, Right slipped capital femoral epiphysis in a 13-year-old girl. Hypothyroidism was diagnosed on initial evaluation.
Physeal widening is seen in the asymptomatic left hip. C and D, In situ fixation was performed bilaterally. E and F, At 2-year follow-up,
the physes were healed.

The initial complaints in children with idiopathic juvenile

Clinical Features osteoporosis are back and leg pain.138 Patients may refuse to
The mean age at onset is 7 years, with cases reported in walk or may have a slow gait or limp.554 The examining
children as young as 1 year.510 By definition, the disease is physician should always remember that a limp in children
always manifested before puberty. There is no gender is a common orthopaedic problem, whereas idiopathic juve-
predilection. nile osteoporosis is an extremely rare condition.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e607

FIGURE 42-25  Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis. Anteroposterior (A) and lateral (B) radiographs of the spine showing the severe
osteoporosis. Note the compression fractures of the vertebrae in the lumbar region. C, AP radiograph of both tibiae. Note the plastic
bowing of the fibulae and marked osteoporosis.

Radiographic Findings some patients. Finally, the fracture callus in juvenile osteo-
Diffuse generalized osteoporosis is seen on radiographs of porosis is osteopenic.
the spine and limbs (Fig. 42-25). The normal trabecular Fibroblast studies may be of some help in establishing
pattern is markedly decreased and the cortices of the bones the diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta, but overlap of
are thinned. On lateral radiographs of the spine, a codfish results with normal ranges and with results in idiopathic
appearance is seen. Increased thoracic or thoracolumbar juvenile osteoporosis may occur in some children.421
kyphosis with anterior wedging of the vertebrae may Bone biopsy is not generally necessary to diagnose osteogen-
develop. Vertebral compression fractures may be evident, esis imperfecta or idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis but,
and scoliosis may be present. when it is performed, increased woven immature bone is
Another radiographic feature is the presence of long seen in osteogenesis imperfecta, whereas increased osteo-
bone fractures in various stages of healing. The fractures are clastic resorption of bone is seen in idiopathic juvenile
usually metaphyseal and tend to occur in areas of highest osteoporosis.258
stress, such as the femoral neck. Other areas in which stress Another very important clinical distinction to make is
fractures are common are the distal femur and proximal that between leukemia and idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis.
tibia. The skull does not have a wormian appearance. A child with leukemia may have osteopenia and compres-
sion fractures, so urgent referral to a pediatric hematologist
Diagnosis is wise in the evaluation of a patient with osteoporosis.
The diagnosis is one of exclusion. The various known causes Usually, a bone marrow aspirate will be required to rule out
of osteoporosis in childhood are listed in Box 42-1. The leukemia definitively.
most difficult distinction to make is between idiopathic
juvenile osteoporosis and mild osteogenesis imperfecta. Treatment
Patients with a positive family history have osteogenesis Treatment of idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis is controver-
imperfecta, yet individuals with no affected relatives may sial. Isolated reports of successful medical treatment with
have either disease. Other distinguishing features of osteo- calcitonin,248 calcitriol,323,474 bisphosphonates,232 and estro-
genesis imperfecta that are not associated with idiopathic gen581 have been published. All reported improved bone
juvenile osteoporosis are blue sclerae, dentinogenesis imper- mineralization and decreased fractures. It appears that
fecta, ligamentous laxity, and easy bruising. Patients with when a demonstrable deficiency is found through laboratory
juvenile osteoporosis do not sustain fractures in early testing, treatment aimed toward correcting that deficiency
infancy, which may help differentiate the two diseases in is warranted.
e608 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Box 42-1  Causes of Osteoporosis can occur because of the collagen pathology. Less severe
in Childhood manifestations may include generalized ligamentous laxity,
hernias, easy bruisability, and excessive sweating. The spec-
ENDOCRINE DISORDERS trum of age at presentation, severity of skeletal manifesta-
Hyperthyroidism tions, and natural course of the disorder is very broad.†
Hyperparathyroidism The severity of the bone fragility is the best example of
Hypogonadism this wide spectrum; fragility can be so severe that the
Glucocorticoid excess—Cushing syndrome, steroid therapy affected infant is born with crumpled ribs, a fragile cranium,
METABOLIC DISORDERS and long bone fractures incompatible with life, whereas at
Homocystinuria the opposite end of the spectrum, an older child who oth-
Gastrointestinal malabsorption erwise appears normal may sustain only a few fractures after
Idiopathic hypoproteinemia a reasonable amount of trauma.
Vitamin C deficiency The distinction between child abuse (nonaccidental
Rickets of any cause
injury) and excessive bone fragility may be difficult to make
LIVER DISEASE in these latter circumstances.24,134,268,404,405,533 It is now
RENAL DISEASE known that at least 90% of affected individuals have an
Chronic tubular acidosis identifiable genetic defect producing quantitative or qualita-
Idiopathic hypercalciuria tive abnormalities in type I collagen (or both types of
Lowe syndrome defect).‡
Uremia and regular hemodialysis Type I collagen is the major structural protein found in
BONE DISEASES bone and connective tissue of dentin, sclera, skin, ear bones,
Osteogenesis imperfecta vessels, and heart valves. The disorder may be inherited
Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis from a parent in an autosomal dominant fashion, may
Idiopathic osteolysis occur as a spontaneous mutation or, rarely, may be inherited
Turner syndrome (XO chromosome anomaly) as a homozygous autosomal recessive trait from both
MALIGNANT DISEASES parents.109,110,358 The autosomal dominant forms are caused
Leukemia by a quantitative or qualitative type I collagen defect,
Lymphoma whereas autosomal recessive forms are caused by noncol-
lagenous proteins that interact with type I collagen during
posttranslational modification or during the folding of the
Disuse osteoporosis of paralyzed limbs as in myelomeningocele
Generalized osteoporosis of Still disease, especially after steroid triple helix.174
Heparin therapy
Anticonvulsant drug therapy The vast majority (at least 90%) of individuals with osteo-
genesis imperfecta have an identifiable genetic defect in one
of the two chains that form the type I collagen.§
Some understanding of normal collagen formation and
Orthopaedic treatment of the spine is usually conserva- errors in the metabolic process that are seen in osteogenesis
tive. Bracing may relieve back pain and treat the kyphotic imperfecta is essential for understanding the pathophysiol-
deformity. The Milwaukee brace has been used for this ogy and variability of the disorder.
purpose, with reported success.226,257 The role of the brace
in accelerating osteoporosis by stress shielding the spine is Normal Type I Collagen Metabolism
unknown. Use of the brace should be discontinued gradu- Type I collagen is the major structural collagen of the bone,
ally as the osteoporosis resolves. Similarly, scoliosis should skin, tendons, dentin, and sclera. It is a triple-helix molecule
be managed orthotically when possible. Spinal fusion has made of two α1 chains and one α2 chain. In a normal fibro-
been performed in isolated cases, but continued progression blast, precursor subunits for these two types of strands
of the deformity because of bending of the fusion mass has (pro-α1 [I] and pro-α2 [I] polypeptide chains) are synthe-
been described.39 sized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. These two pro-
Long bone fractures should be managed by conventional collagen polypeptide chains are encoded by two separate
means. Immobilization should be kept to a minimum genes, COL1A1 (encoding for pro-α1 [I]), located on the
because prolonged immobilization leads to worsening osteo- long arm of chromosome 17, and COL1A2 (encoding for
porosis and may result in a cycle of fractures. pro-α2 [I]), located on the long arm of chromosome 7.
Combining these three chains into the triple helix begins at
the carboxy-terminal end and propagates toward the amino-
Osteogenesis Imperfecta terminal end. The process of alignment and assembly of the
triple helix is supported by endoplasmic reticulum–resident
Osteogenesis imperfecta is a genetic disorder of connective molecular chaperones such as GRP78, Serpin H1, and the
tissue with the clinical trademark of bone fragility, as evi-
denced by long bone fractures. Other major clinical features †
References 2, 10, 11, 106, 107, 109, 110, 113, 193, 272, 326, 327,
may include skeletal deformity, blue sclerae, hearing loss, 329, 358, 365, 511, 525, 544, 547.
and fragile opalescent teeth (dentinogenesis imperfecta). ‡
References 2, 80, 106, 109, 110, 111, 113, 148, 358, 377, 529.
In adults, valvular insufficiency and aortic root dilation §
References 2, 80, 106, 109, 110, 111, 113, 148, 358, 377, 529.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e609

prolyl 3-hydroxylation complex, which consists of CRTAP, improved our understanding of the nature and variability of
P3H1, and PPIB. An essential feature of the pro-α chains the clinical manifestations but has not simplified the clas-
required for proper folding of the triple helix is a recurrent sification process. Variability in the natural history, time of
pattern of glycine residues at every third peptide position onset, different patterns of inheritance, relatively high inci-
in the chain (Glycine-X-Y sequence). It is at these residues dence of spontaneous mutations, and variability in clinical
that cross-linking of the three chains occurs. The type I severity, even when the mode of inheritance is known,
procollagen molecules are secreted from the cell and are further compromise the effectiveness of classification
processed extracellularly to form the type I collagen schemes. Two classification schemes, those of Sillence and
molecules (Fig. 42-26, A). associates501-503 and Shapiro,495 are clinically useful despite
their limitations.
Collagen Metabolism in Osteogenesis Imperfecta In 1979, Sillence and Danks delineated four distinct
In almost 90% of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta, the types of osteogenesis imperfecta based on clinical and
genetic defect is found in type I collagen α-chain genes. The genetic characteristics (Table 42-2).502 In their original
mutations can produce a qualitative or quantitative abnor- description, four types were described and identified as
mality of type I collagen formation. Type I collagen can be autosomal dominant (types I and IV) or autosomal recessive
assayed by performing gel electrophoresis of samples from (types II and III).502 More recent work on the nature of type
cultured dermal fibroblasts. The assay may show a quantita- I collagen disorders and the molecular genetic basis for
tive decrease in the amount of structurally normal type I these disorders has elucidated the nature of the genetic
collagen because of a premature stop codon in the affected defect, and true autosomal recessive transmission is rare in
allele (one copy of the gene involved) or frameshift muta- this condition.110 Cole has recommended modification of
tions. In this scenario, a patient who is heterozygous for the the original Sillence classification based on an extensive
condition will secrete approximately half the normal amount review of the collagen defect in 200 patients with osteogen-
of type I collagen (haploinsufficiency), with no abnormal esis imperfecta. Discoveries of noncollagen gene defects
type I collagen identifiable (see Fig. 42-26, B). This is the causing osteogenesis imperfecta and histologic features
type of defect most commonly identified in type IA osteo- dissimilar to those of the conventional types have led to
genesis imperfecta in Sillence’s classification (see later, the addition of types V to XI to osteogenesis imperfecta
“Classification and Heredity”).503 Rare types, with normal nosology.174 Type V has autosomal dominant transmission,
type I collagen but more severe reductions in quantity whereas types VI to XI have recessive transmission. It is
than the typical type I collagen (≤20%), have been important to note that these latter types collectively account
identified.110,503 for approximately 5% of cases of osteogenesis imperfecta.
Alternatively, there can be an error in substitution or
deletion, usually involving a glycine peptide residue some- Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type I
where along the polypeptide chain. In such a case, the Osteogenesis imperfecta type I is characterized by general-
affected patient will produce a structurally or qualitatively ized osteoporosis, with abnormal bony fragility, distinct blue
abnormal, less effectual collagen, generally in reduced sclerae throughout life, and presenile conductive hearing
amounts. The severity of the disruption of function caused loss. This is the most common type of osteogenesis imper-
by the structural abnormality of the collagen is in part fecta in most series, and type I patients are, in general, the
related to the location of the glycine residue error. Substitu- least affected in terms of the incidence of fractures and
tions at the carboxy end of the polypeptide chains are bone deformity. Fractures generally occur during the ambu-
potentially more serious because cross-linking of the triple latory stage of child development and decrease after puberty.
helix begins at the carboxy terminal of the chains. In general, This type is inherited as an autosomal dominant condition,
patients with mutations that affect glycine residues and the although spontaneous mutations occur. Molecular genetic
quality of a collagen α chain have more severe skeletal studies have revealed that this type is characterized by a
involvement than patients with haploinsufficiency muta- quantitative defect in type I collagen.‖
tions.439 This type of defect, which impairs the function of Specifically, one of the inherited COL1A1 genes in
type I collagen, is the more commonly identified defect in affected patients will not produce effective mRNA for pro-
Sillence’s types II, III, and IV (see later, also see Fig. 42-26, α1 collagen, so the amount of type I collagen is effectively
C). Patients with the most severe or lethal varieties tend to reduced to approximately 50% of the normal amount.
have the coding defect at the carboxy end of the pro-α1 (I) However, that 50% is structurally normal, and no mutant
or pro-α2 (I) chains. type I collagen is detectable by electrophoretic tech-
In addition to type I collagen mutations affecting its niques.110 Dentinogenesis imperfecta is present in some of
quantity or quality, other gene mutations, which produce these patients. Those without dentinogenesis imperfecta
recessive osteogenesis imperfecta (types VI, VII, VIII, IX, are subclassified as having osteogenesis imperfecta type IA,
X, XI), have been identified. These include genes that and those with dentinogenesis imperfecta are classified as
encode the components of the collagen 3-hydroxylation having type IB.
complex, which play a role in the assembly of the triple
helix. Collectively, the recessive form probably accounts for Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type II
less than 5% of cases of osteogenesis imperfecta. Type II osteogenesis imperfecta is characterized by extreme
bone fragility. Type II patients are almost invariably stillborn
Classification and Heredity or die shortly after birth. The long bones are crumbled
The identification of more than 280 specific locations
of disruptions in genetic coding for type I collagen has ‖
References 2, 38, 109, 110, 113, 148, 358, 529, 545, 582.
e610 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Fibroblast Collagen triple helix Fibroblast Collagen triple helix

α1 α1
Nucleus α1 Nucleus
α2 α2
Glycine cross-link Glycine cross-link


α1 α1 α1 α1

α2 α2

Chromosome 17 Chromosome 7 Chromosome 17 Chromosome 7

Fibroblast Mutant collagen triple helix

Nucleus α1
glycine cross-link

Mutant 1 α1


Chromosome 17 Chromosome 7
FIGURE 42-26  Schematic representation of normal and abnormal collagen formation. A, Normal type I collagen formation. Two pro-α1 (I)
(encoded by COL1AI on chromosome 17) and one pro-α2 (I) (encoded by COL1A2 on chromosome 7) polypeptide chains form a
left-handed triple helix, beginning at the carboxy end and continuing to the amino end. Cross-linking occurs at glycine residues located
at every third position in the chains. The procollagen molecule is then secreted from the endoplasmic reticulum into the extracellular
matrix, where coalescence into the complete type I collagen fiber continues. B, Quantitative defect typified by Sillence type IA
osteogenesis imperfecta. There is a stop codon for one of the COL1AI genes, which results in no mRNA from that gene. As a result,
normal pro-α1 polypeptide chains are produced in levels approximately 50% of normal, with the subsequent production of ≈50% of
the normal amount of type I collagen. The collagen produced is electrophoretically normal, and no abnormal collagen is detectable.
C, Formation of mutant type I collagen from some defect in COL1AI or COL1A2. Skips or substitutions for glycine occur at some point
along the polypeptide chains encoding for pro-α1 or pro-α2. The mutant polypeptide chain results in poorer cross-linking. Defects closer
to the carboxy terminal are potentially more serious because triple helix formation begins at this end. The mutant procollagen is usually
produced in reduced amounts, so there is a qualitative and quantitative deficiency of type I collagen. This type of defect is typical of
Sillence types II, III, and IV osteogenesis imperfecta.
Table 42-2  Classification of Osteogenesis Imperfecta Syndromes
Bone Deformity of Growth Hearing
Type Inheritance Teeth Fragility Long Bones Retardation Loss (%) Prognosis Sclerae Spine Skull Other Incidence

IA Autosomal Normal Variable, Moderate Short stature, 40 Fair Distinctly blue Scoliosis and Wormian Premature 1/30,000
dominant less 2%-3% throughout kyphosis bones on arcus
severe below mean life in 20% radiographs senilis
IB Autosomal Dentinogenesis Variable, Moderate Short, 2%-3% 40 Fair Distinctly blue Scoliosis and Wormian Premature 1/30,000
dominant imperfecta less below mean throughout kyphosis bones on arcus
severe life in 20% radiographs senilis
II Autosomal Unknown Very Crumbled Unknown Perinatal death Blue Marked 1/62,000
recessive (because of extreme bone (because of absence of live
perinatal (accordion perinatal ossification births
death) femora) death)
III Autosomal Dentinogenesis Severe Progressive Severe, smallest Nonambulatory, Bluish at birth, Kyphoscoliosis Hypoplastic, Very rare
recessive imperfecta bowing of of all wheelchair- become more
the long patients bound; may less blue ossified
bones and with die in third with age, than in
spine osteogenesis decade white in type II,
imperfecta adult wormian
IVA Autosomal Normal Moderate Moderate Short stature Low Fair Normal Kyphoscoliosis Hypoplastic, Unknown
dominant frequency wormian
IVB Autosomal Dentinogenesis Moderate Moderate Short stature Low Fair Normal Kyphoscoliosis Hypoplastic, Unknown
dominant imperfecta frequency wormian

Adapted from Sillence DO, Danks DM: The differentiation of genetically distinct varieties of osteogenesis imperfecta in the newborn period, Clin Res 26:178, 1978.
e612 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

(accordion femora) from in utero fractures, and ossification classified as having type IVA disease and those with den-
of the skull is markedly delayed; on palpation, the cranial tinogenesis imperfecta as having type IVB disease.
vault feels like numerous small plates of bone. Originally,
this condition was thought to be inherited as an autosomal Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type V
recessive trait.483 However, work on the nature of type I A mutation in the 5′-untranslated region of a gene encoding
collagen disturbance has revealed that the defect in most interferon-induced transmembrane protein 5 (IFITM5) has
cases is a severe disruption in the qualitative function of been shown to cause type V disease.100,493 Hypertrophic
type I collagen.¶ callus after fracture, a radiodense band adjacent to the
In most cases the condition is inherited as a dominant physis of long bone, and calcification of the interosseous
negative condition, often as the result of a spontaneous membrane between the radius and ulna are the three key
mutation; many different mutations have been described.110 features of this type.199 A key histologic feature is the mesh-
This pattern of inheritance is more in keeping with the like appearance of the lamellar bone. Patients have white
risk of recurrence in subsequent pregnancies of couples with sclera, absence of dentinogenesis imperfecta, and radial
a previously affected fetus. If the condition were inherited head dislocation. The severity of the disease in terms of
as an autosomal recessive trait, the risk in subsequent preg- bone deformation ranges from mild to moderate.
nancies should be approximately 25% or, if caused by a
spontaneous mutation, essentially 0%. The risk of having a Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type VI
subsequent affected fetus has been estimated at approxi- Type VI is distinguished from other types by its distinct
mately 7%. In these situations, one of the parents was histologic feature seen on bone biopsy samples. The lamellar
identified as being mosaic for the dominant negative gene, bone has a fish scale pattern instead of a layered pattern
which accounts for the low but present risk. For a discussion when examined under polarized light microscope, and fea-
of diagnostic evaluations for identifying an affected fetus, tures of severe mineralization defect are found.200 Patients
see later (“Prognostication and Parental Counseling: Ante- have white sclerae and do not have dentinogenesis imper-
natal Diagnosis”). fecta. The severity of skeletal deformity can be moderate
to severe. SERPINF1, which encodes pigment epithelium-
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type III derived factor (PEDF), has been identified as the causative
This variety of osteogenesis imperfecta is characterized by gene for this type.236
severe bone fragility, multiple fractures and progressive
marked deformity of the long bones, and severe growth Osteogenesis Imperfecta Types VII, VIII, and IX
retardation.109,110,501,503 Types III and IV patients are more These three types have in common a defect in the prolyl
severely affected than most type I patients and constitute 3-hydroxylation complex in the endoplasmic reticulum,
most patients with severe deformity and frequent fractures; which plays a crucial role in the assembly of the triple helix
they may require extremity intramedullary rodding and by posttranslational modification of specific proline residues
have more difficulty ambulating or are unable to do so. Type in unfolded collagen α-chains. Components of the complex
III may have qualitative and quantitative changes in type I include cartilage-associated protein (CRTAP), prolyl 3-
collagen and may be inherited as an autosomal recessive or hydroxylase 1 (encoded by LEPRE1), and peptidyl-prolyl
dominant negative trait.2,109,110,113,358,377 These patients typi- cis-trans isomerase B (PPIB) which are the causative genes
cally have triangular facies, frontal bossing, extremely short for types VII, VIII, and IX disease, respectively.174,362,549 All
stature, and vertebral compression. They may also have three types have autosomal recessive transmission. Clini-
basilar invagination and scoliosis. A higher prevalence of cally, type VII disease is associated with rhizomelia, moder-
coxa vara is seen in this type.1 ate to severe skeletal involvement, and growth deficiency.
The sclerae are bluish at birth but become less blue with Type VII was first described in the families of First Nations
age. In adolescents, the sclerae are of normal hue. The most people in northern Quebec. Null mutations in CRTAP
severely affected surviving patients often have this type of are lethal. Type VIII disease can also be severe or lethal
disease. and is associated with rhizomelia; it was first described in
South African blacks. Type IX disease is similar in severity
Osteogenesis Imperfecta Type IV to types VII and VIII diseases but does not produce
Osteogenesis imperfecta type IV has heterogeneous sever- rhizomelia.
ity that overlaps with types I and III. It is from this hetero-
geneous group that patients with type V, VI, or VII Osteogenesis Imperfecta Types X and XI
osteogenesis imperfecta have been identified over the past Types X and XI disease are caused by defects in SERPINH1
2 decades. Type IV osteogenesis imperfecta is inherited as and FKBP10, respectively.7,103 These are so-called collagen
an autosomal dominant condition, and most patients, like chaperons that bind and accompany the procollagen mole-
those with types II and III, have qualitative and quantitative cule from the endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi appara-
changes in type I collagen. At birth the sclerae are of normal tus. Type X disease is associated with severe bone dysplasia,
hue; if they are bluish, they become progressively less so blue sclera, dentinogenesis imperfecta, transient skin bullae,
with maturation and are normal in adolescence. The osteo- pyloric stenosis, and renal stones. Type XI disease is associ-
porosis, bone fragility, and long bone deformities are of ated with bone dysplasia, ligamentous laxity, platyspondyly,
variable severity. Dentinogenesis imperfecta also occurs in and scoliosis. Sclerae and teeth are normal.
some affected individuals; those with normal dentition are One of the problems for the orthopaedic surgeon and
the families of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta is the

References 2, 106, 109, 110, 112, 113, 148, 358, 529. significant variability in the severity of long bone deformity
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e613

and fracture frequency in the Sillence classification catego- fractures before walking. The age at onset of fractures was
ries. Even within families, whose members presumably not prognostic for ambulation within this group in Shapiro’s
share the same genetic defect, one sibling may have only a study. Patients with tarda B suffer their first fracture after
few fractures whereas another may have repeated fractures, walking age; all these patients were ambulatory in Shapiro’s
deformity requiring intramedullary rods, and difficulty study.
ambulating without lower extremity bracing or an upper
extremity aid. Because of this practical problem, clinical Incidence
classifications based on the age at onset and severity of The exact incidence of the various types of osteogenesis
fractures still have prognostic relevance for orthopaedic sur- imperfecta is uncertain. The population frequency of type
geons and affected individuals. I has been estimated as being approximately 2.35/100,000
Looser in 1906310 classified osteogenesis imperfecta into in Japan, 4.7/100,000 in Germany, and 3.4/100,000 in Vic-
two types, osteogenesis imperfecta congenita, characterized toria, Australia. The birth incidence of type II has been
by the presence of numerous fractures at birth, and osteo- estimated at 1/40,000 to 1.4/100,000 live births.501,502,503
genesis imperfecta tarda, in which the fracture(s) occur At present, the exact incidence of types III and IV is
after the perinatal period.310 Shapiro recommended a unknown,547 but they are less common than type I in most
further modification of Looser’s classification495 consisting clinical series. In Cole’s review of 200 patients, 28 patients
of four categories—congenita A, congenita B, tarda A, and had type IA (2 had type IB and 1 had type IC), 49 had type
tarda B. This classification has excellent practical applica- II, 41 had type III, and 79 had type IV.110
tion for the orthopaedic surgeon and families of affected In Shapiro’s review of 85 patients, 16 patients had con-
individuals in regard to prognosis for survival and ambula- genita A, 27 had congenita B, 21 had tarda A, and 21 had
tion. Shapiro classified patients as having osteogenesis tarda B.
imperfecta congenita if they had fractures in utero or at
birth, whereas Looser310 and other authors used congenita Pathology
only for in utero fractures. The distinction between the two The fundamental defect in approximately 90% of the
congenita types is based on the timing of the fracture and patients with osteogenesis imperfecta is an absolute reduc-
radiographic features of the affected bones. Patients with tion in the amount of normal type I collagen in bone or its
congenita A sustain fractures in utero or at birth, with the replacement with a poorly functioning mutant collagen,
additional radiographic features of crumpled long bones, usually also reduced in quantity. That defect is manifested
crumpled ribs with rib cage deformity, and a fragile skull histologically in many ways.#
(Fig. 42-27). These features are incompatible with life, and The formation of enchondral and intramembranous bone
the patients are almost always stillborn or die shortly after is disturbed. Histologic findings vary according to the type
birth from intracranial hemorrhage or respiratory insuffi- of osteogenesis imperfecta. The morphology of the cells and
ciency. Patients with congenita B have fractures at birth but matrix is not consistent throughout the spectrum of the
are radiographically distinct from congenita A patients in syndrome. The amount of woven bone is greater than in
that the long bones, as typified by the femur, are more normal controls, and histometric analyses have shown that
tubular and have more normal funnelization in the metaph- in type II, the proportion of primitive osseous tissue with a
ysis, the ribs are more normally formed (although there may woven or irregular collagen matrix is significantly higher
be rib fractures), and there is no rib cage deformity. These than in other types.77,143
patients are severely affected, but this type is compatible The bone trabeculae are thin and lack an organized tra-
with survival. Patients with tarda A have an onset of becular pattern. Fractured spicules of trabeculae may be
found. The spongiosa is scanty. The intracellular matrix is
reduced and, as a result, there is a relative abundance of
osteocytes (Fig. 42-28).78 The osteoclasts are morphologi-
cally normal, although they seem to be numerous and have
an increased number of resorption surfaces.
Osteoid seams are wide and crowded by plump osteo-
blasts. The mineralized chondroid lattice is surrounded by
wide seams of basophilic substance.136,143 This large number
of osteoblasts and osteoclasts, the large size of the osteo-
blasts, and the plentiful osteoid tissue covering the thin
bone trabeculae indicate increased bone turnover. Tetracy-
cline labeling studies have confirmed the increased bone
turnover in osteogenesis imperfecta,11,35 although normal or
decreased bone turnover was noted in eight adult patients
with Sillence type IA osteogenesis imperfecta.336
The lamellae in lamellar bone are thin and tenuous. In
type V, lamellae have a meshlike appearance. In type VI,
FIGURE 42-27  Radiograph showing crumpled femora and lack of
normal funnelization of the long bone in a child with osteogenesis the lamellae have a fish scale appearance under polarized
imperfecta, Sillence type II, and Shapiro congenita A. This form is light microscopy. On electron microscopy, the collagen
almost universally fatal inasmuch as the child is stillborn or dies in fibrils do not aggregate in bundles of normal thickness;
the neonatal period as a result of intracranial hemorrhage or
respiratory insufficiency. References 12, 35, 40, 77, 78, 143, 153, 336, 453.
e614 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-28  Histologic appearance of osteogenesis imperfecta.

There is a relative abundance of osteocytes with reduced
extracellular matrix. Osteoclasts are normal morphologically and
normal or increased in number, with an increased number of
resorption surfaces (H & E).

instead, they are organized into thin, loosely compacted fila-

ments.143,526 The compact bone consists of a coarse fibrillary
type of immature bone, without haversian systems. Perios-
teum and perichondrium are generally normal, but in one
study the periosteum was thickened, with a defective FIGURE 42-29  The skeleton in severe osteogenesis imperfecta.
microvascular system.382 The physis is usually broad and
irregular, the proliferative and hypertrophic zones are dis-
organized, and the typical columnar arrangement is lacking.
The calcified zone of the growth plates is thinner, and meta-
physeal blood vessels permeate the growth plate.77 Islands
of cartilage are present in the juxtaphyseal metaphyseal
region. Sanguinetti and associates483 observed that biopsy
specimens from patients with type II osteogenesis imper-
fecta had a relatively normal appearance of the growth
plate, but in specimens from patients with types I and III
disease they noted reduced cartilage matrix calcification,
thin, newly formed bony trabeculae, and decreased glycos-
aminoglycan staining within the growth plate.483
The primary spongiosa in the metaphysis is sparse,
with the osseous tissue almost always of the woven variety.
The secondary centers of ossification in the epiphysis are
delayed in maturation, and residual islands of cartilage
remain in the epiphysis. When a fracture is present, the
endosteal fracture callus is primarily cartilaginous, and the
periosteal reaction is abundant and consists mainly of
woven bone.
Gross anatomic findings consist of porosis (osteopenia),
diminution in size, and skeletal deformities secondary to
fracture and asymmetric physeal growth disturbance (Fig.
42-29) corresponding to the degree of bone fragility.78 In
severely affected individuals, the long bones are slender and
smaller than normal and the cortices are extremely thin,
with a paucity of medullary spongy bone and evidence of
recent or healed fractures, with varying degrees of angular
or torsional deformities. The cartilaginous epiphyseal ends
of the long bones in general retain a recognizable shape but
are disproportionately large and have some irregularity of
the articular surface.
The spine may show varying degrees of deformity, usually FIGURE 42-30  The spine in severe osteogenesis imperfecta.
scoliosis, often with compression fractures and wedging The vertebral bodies are biconcave and wedge-shaped, which
of the vertebral bodies (Fig. 42-30). Kyphosis may be has resulted in kyphoscoliosis.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e615

combined with scoliosis. In the skull multiple centers of imperfecta has been likened to that of a soldier’s helmet
ossification occur, particularly in the occipital region, and and is called helmet head.
wormian bones are seen. Severe spinal deformity may develop because of the
combination of marked osteoporosis, compression fractures
Clinical Features of the vertebrae, and ligamentous hyperlaxity.†a
The clinical picture varies according to the type of the The resultant scoliosis, kyphosis, or both, may be very
disease. In the severe congenital form (Sillence type II or severe and disabling. Scoliosis is present in 20% to 40% of
Shapiro congenita A), multiple fractures from minimal patients. The most common type of curve is thoracic scolio-
trauma during delivery or in utero cause the limbs to be sis. In some patients, spondylolisthesis develops as a result
deformed and short. Crepitation can be demonstrated by of elongation of the pedicles, without any actual break in
palpation at fracture sites. The skull is soft and membra- the pars interarticularis. Cervical spinal fracture or instabil-
nous. As noted, death usually ensues secondary to intracra- ity is relatively rare but does occur,353,407,467,588 including
nial hemorrhage or respiratory insufficiency caused by patients with associated cervical neurologic injury.407,588 A
incompetency of the rib cage. more commonly reported cervical anomaly is basilar
In the nonlethal forms of the disease (Sillence types I, impression.‡a
III, and IV), fragility of the bones is the most outstanding In osteogenesis imperfecta this condition may be caused
feature. In severely affected patients (types III and IV), by infolding of the margins of the foramen magnum or
fractures can occur after the slightest injury. In general, the upward migration of the odontoid process and results in
earlier that fractures occur, the more severe the disease compression of the brainstem and probably altered cerebro-
and, according to Shapiro, this has direct prognostic signifi- spinal fluid dynamics. Symptoms are highly variable but
cance for ambulation.495 The lower limbs are more fre- include headaches, ataxia, cranial nerve dysfunction, and
quently affected because they are more prone to trauma. paraparesis. Anterior or posterior decompression (or both)
The femur is more commonly fractured than the tibia. may be required.
The pattern of fracture depends on the nature of the Short stature is commonly caused by deformities in the
trauma, severity of the bone fragility, and presence of pre- limbs from angulation and overriding of fractures, growth
existing deformity acting as a stress concentrator. Any frac- disturbance at the physes, and the marked kyphoscoliosis.
ture pattern may be seen in osteogenesis imperfecta, and Hyperlaxity of ligaments with resultant hypermobility of
no particular pattern is specifically diagnostic of osteogen- joints is common. Pes valgus is a frequent physical finding.
esis imperfecta.133 Fractures heal at a normal rate; non- Recurrent dislocation of the patellofemoral joint may occur.
union is relatively rare but does occur.185,360,456 Fracture The radial head and hip joint may occasionally be dislo-
callus is typically wispy, but on rare occasion it may be very cated. Developmental dysplasia of the hip can occur144;
large and hyperplastic, similar to osteogenic sarcoma on unfortunately, femoral fractures resulting from screening
radiographs.*a for the condition also have been reported.403 Infants sus-
A pattern of repeated fractures can develop as the result pected of having osteogenesis imperfecta must have their
of a combination of disuse osteopenia, progressive long hips examined very gently, and physical examination should
bone deformity, and joint stiffness from immobilization. be supplemented by ultrasound examination whenever nec-
Growth may be arrested by multiple microfractures at the essary. Adults may be predisposed to rupture of the patellar
epiphyseal ends. The frequency of fractures declines ligament or Achilles tendon.133,387
sharply after adolescence, although it may increase again in The muscles are hypotonic, most likely because of the
postmenopausal women. Bowing results from multiple multiple fractures and deformities. The skin is thin and
transverse fractures of the long bones and muscle contrac- translucent, and subcutaneous hemorrhages may occur. As
tion across the weakened diaphysis. Typically, an anterolat- a rule, surgical scars tend to be wide.
eral bow or proximal varus deformity of the femur develops; Blue sclerae are one of the best-known manifestations of
an anterior or anteromedial bow of the tibia may develop. osteogenesis imperfecta92 but, as noted earlier, are not
Acetabular protrusion (Otto pelvis) may be present; in one present in all types. The blueness of the sclera is caused by
reported case this resulted in colonic obstruction.562 The the thinness of its collagen layer secondary to decreased
humerus is usually angled laterally or anterolaterally. The production of type I collagen. Normal-colored sclerae in
forearm may be in minimal pronation, and its rotation patients with osteogenesis imperfecta have normal collagen
is often severely limited. Angulation is generally greater thickness, but that collagen is abnormal. The so-called
in the upper part of both bones of the forearm. The Saturn ring, a frequent finding, is caused by a white sclera
elbow joint has cubitus varus with flexion contracture. In immediately surrounding the cornea. Hyperopia is fre-
type V patients, forearm rotation may be limited by calci- quently present, but vision generally remains unaffected.
fication of the interosseous membrane between the radius An opacity in the periphery of the cornea, known as embryo-
and ulna. toxon or arcus juvenilis, is common. Retinal detachment
The forehead is broad, with prominent parietal and tem- may occur.
poral bones and an overhanging occiput. The bulging calvaria The teeth are affected in patients with types IB and IVB
causes facial-cranial disproportion, which gives the face a disease as a result of a deficiency in dentin.47,301 The enamel
triangular, elfin shape. The ears are displaced downward and is essentially normal because it is of ectodermal, not mes-
outward. The configuration of the skull in osteogenesis enchymal, origin. Both deciduous and permanent teeth are

*aReferences 2, 18, 30, 32, 35, 79, 159, 266, 292, 331, 335, 452, 527, †a
References 45, 46, 116, 149, 197, 233, 247, 263, 360, 445, 586.
550. References 177, 219, 244, 282, 333, 425, 468.
e616 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-31  Dentinogenesis imperfecta. The dentin is

opalescent and the teeth are fragile, and are prone to caries,
wearing down, and fracture.

involved. They break easily and are prone to caries, and

fillings do not hold well. A yellowish brown or translucent
bluish gray discoloration of the teeth is common (Fig.
42-31). The lower incisors, which erupt first, are the most
severely affected. Dentinogenesis imperfecta, also called
hereditary opalescent dentin or hereditary hypoplasia of the
dentin, can exist as an isolated condition,42 so the diagnosis
of osteogenesis imperfecta must be made on criteria other FIGURE 42-32  Appearance of popcorn calcifications in the distal
than the presence of affected teeth alone. femur, as seen in severe osteogenesis imperfecta.
Deafness may occur in osteogenesis imperfecta, usually
beginning in adolescence or adulthood.497 It is present in
40% of those with type I disease and is lower in frequency have more normal funnelization.495 There are numerous
in type IV disease. Hearing loss may be of the conduction fractures, some recent and others in various stages of
type, secondary to otosclerosis, or of the nerve type, caused healing. Multiple rib fractures and atrophy of the thoracic
by pressure on the auditory nerve as it emerges from the cage may simulate the findings in asphyxiating thoracic dys-
skull. Otosclerosis results from abnormal proliferation of plasia. The presence of rib cage deformity is the other
cartilage, which on ossification produces sclerosis of the important radiographic feature distinguishing congenita A
petrous portion of the temporal bone.213 from congenita B disease.
Some patients, particularly those with type III disease, Goldman and co-workers described so-called popcorn
complain of excessive sweating, thought to be caused by a calcifications in the metaphyseal and epiphyseal areas of
resting hypermetabolic state.118,472 This excessive perspira- long bones close to the growth plate that appeared as clus-
tion is associated with heat intolerance and difficulty toler- tered collections of rounded or scalloped radiolucencies,
ating orthoses and can lead to chronic constipation.227 A each with a sclerotic margin and some with central radi-
related problem is the possible susceptibility of patients to opacities (Fig. 42-32).201 These collections have been
the development of malignant hyperthermia during general referred to in the literature as “whorls of radiodensities.”
anesthesia. The development of increased temperature, They probably represent traumatic fragmentation of the
metabolic acidosis, and cardiac arrhythmia suggesting this cartilaginous growth plate.78,201 The popcorn calcifications
diagnosis has been reported.303,424,433,470 However, results of appear in childhood and usually resolve after the comple-
an in vitro contracture test for malignant hyperthermia were tion of skeletal growth. They are more frequent in the lower
completely normal in muscle obtained from biopsy in one than in the upper limbs and more common in the severe
such affected patient.424 The surgeon and anesthesiologist congenital type of disease. Their appearance parallels the
must be aware of the potential for such untoward intraop- development of growth plate irregularity. With a growth
erative problems. spurt, popcorn calcifications increase in number. In a
severely affected nonambulatory child, as typified by con-
Radiographic Findings genita B patients, the lack of normal stress will give rise to
a cystic honeycomb pattern in the long bones.
Severe Form The skull has a mushroom appearance with a very thin
Radiographic findings in patients with Sillence type II calvaria. There is a marked paucity and delay in ossification.
disease or Shapiro congenita A are striking at birth. The long Wormian bones, described by a Danish anatomist, Klaus
bones of the limbs are short and wide, with thin cortices. Wormius, in 1643, are a salient radiographic feature of
The diaphyses are as wide as the metaphyses. Shapiro noted osteogenesis imperfecta.78 They are detached portions of
that this appearance is an important distinction from the the primary ossification centers of the adjacent membrane
congenita B type, in which the metaphyses of the femur bones. To be significant, wormian bones should be more
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e617

FIGURE 42-33  A to C, Radiographic

appearance of wormian bones of the skull in
a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta.

than 10 in number, measure at least 6 × 4 mm, and be common in type V OI than other types.163 This type also
arranged in a general mosaic pattern (Fig. 42-33). Cremin features a radiodense band adjacent to the growth plate of
and associates115 found wormian bones in all patients with long bones. Plastic bowing of long bones is common and is
osteogenesis imperfecta but none in the normal skulls.109 caused by microfractures and stress fractures or malunion
Wormian bones may be present in other bone dysplasias, of fractures. One lower limb may be in valgus deformation
such as cleidocranial dysplasia, congenital hypothyroidism, and the other in varus deviation. In the hip, coxa vara and
pachydermoperiostosis, Menkes syndrome, and some triso- acetabular protrusion may be found. The patellar joint,
mies,2 so their presence is not pathognomonic for osteogen- radial head, or hip may dislocate. Platyspondyly and bicon-
esis imperfecta. cave vertebrae are common. Varying degrees of scoliosis and
The spine shows marked osteoporosis; the vertebral kyphosis develop in up to 40% of cases.
bodies are compressed and become biconcave between In adolescence or adult life, basilar impression of the
bulging disks (Fig. 42-34). Scoliosis and kyphosis eventually foramen magnum into the posterior cranial fossa may
develop in most congenital severe forms of osteogenesis develop.§a
Laboratory Findings
Milder Forms In osteogenesis imperfecta, serum calcium and phosphorus
In the milder forms of osteogenesis imperfecta, the radio- levels are normal. The alkaline phosphatase level may be
graphic picture is that of osteoporosis: the cortices and elevated.
intramedullary trabeculae are thin. Fractures vary in fre- In general, the diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta can
quency and age at occurrence. Radiographs may show frac- be made with a positive family history and the presence of
tures in various stages of healing. Fractures tend to heal and typical clinical and radiographic signs of the condition.
remodel adequately in less severely affected patients. In
type V OI, hypertrophic calluses are found at the sites of
fractures. Radial head dislocation or subluxation is more §a
References 149, 177, 219, 244, 263, 282, 333, 425, 468.
e618 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-34  The spine in an adolescent with osteogenesis imperfecta. Note the structural scoliosis and collapsed vertebrae.
A, Anteroposterior radiograph of the spine showing structural scoliosis. B, Lateral radiograph of the dorsal spine showing osteoporosis
and biconcave vertebrae.

However, spontaneous mutations in affected individuals, hypoplasia of the clavicles, and osteolysis of the terminal
especially in patients who may be mildly affected, with phalanges of the fingers. The diffuse osteopenia in the early
white sclerae, may make the diagnosis more difficult. Elec- stages of leukemia, before the appearance of the typical
trophoretic analysis of type I collagen obtained from fibro- blood picture, may be mistaken for osteogenesis imperfecta.
blasts cultured from the skin biopsy specimen or DNA Idiopathic juvenile osteoporosis may be very difficult to
analysis for type I collagen gene can facilitate the diagnosis distinguish from osteogenesis imperfecta; the former is
in approximately 90% of suspected cases of osteogenesis characterized by being a self-limited disorder and by its
imperfecta. However, if osteogenesis imperfect is caused by onset a year or so before puberty. Osteoporosis and com-
a noncollagen gene defect, the biochemical or DNA analysis pression fractures of the vertebrae may also be caused by
for type I collagen defect will be negative. prolonged intake of steroids.
An important diagnosis to be considered in patients with
Differential Diagnosis fractures is nonaccidental injury—that is, child abuse or bat-
In the newborn period and in early infancy, Sillence type II tered child syndrome. Accusations of nonaccidental injury in
osteogenesis imperfecta should be distinguished from con- children subsequently proven to have osteogenesis imper-
genital hypophosphatasia. In the latter, a lethal affliction, fecta, a presumption of osteogenesis imperfecta in abused
laboratory tests will show a low phosphatase level in serum, children, and nonaccidental injury in children with osteo-
lack of alkaline phosphatase activity in leukocytes, and genesis imperfecta are all known to occur.24,134,268,403,405,533
excessive excretion of phosphorylethanolamine in urine. Therefore the clinician must carefully assess each child with
In an infant, osteogenesis imperfecta and achondroplasia suspicious fractures. A family history of disease, blue sclerae,
are frequently confused clinically because an enlarged head or the presence of dentinogenesis imperfecta will make this
and short limbs are common to both conditions. Radio- distinction easy in some patients. The proper diagnosis of
graphs will easily distinguish between them. Camptomelic milder forms of osteogenesis imperfecta, especially in
dwarfism may be mistaken for osteogenesis imperfecta patients without a family history or obviously blue sclerae
because of the congenital bowing and angulation of the long (Sillence type III and IV, Shapiro tarda A and B), may be
bones. Fractures, however, are not a feature of this type of more difficult. Other than the very severe multiple fracture
dwarfism. The presence of osteoporosis and a proclivity to patterns, with or without rib and skull deformities that char-
fracture in cystinosis may suggest osteogenesis imperfecta. acterize type II osteogenesis imperfecta, no particular frac-
Patients with pyknodysostosis may have a propensity to ture pattern specifically substantiates or excludes the
fracture. Patients with this condition will have bony sclero- diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta. Because a specific diag-
sis evident on radiographs, persistently wide cranial fonta- nosis is clinically important, skin biopsy for culture of fibro-
nelles, micrognathism with absence of the mandible, blasts and analysis of type I collagen may be required.328
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e619

resulting from fractures, correct deformities that have

Treatment developed, and monitor for potential complicating condi-
There is as yet no specific treatment to correct the basic tions associated with osteogenesis imperfecta. In addition,
mutant gene defect in osteogenesis imperfecta. In the past, the orthopaedist should be able to provide realistic
efforts to medically induce stronger bone less prone to expectations of disability and mobility to the family of an
fracture met with limited or no success. Important advances affected infant. These goals can be analyzed according to
have now been made in the medical treatment of osteogen- prognostication for future mobility and complications, non-
esis imperfecta, including the use of bisphosphonates to operative rehabilitation, and specific management of frac-
improve bone density. For severe disease, clinical trials using tures, long bone deformity, spinal deformity, and basilar
allogeneic bone marrow transplantation have been per- impression.
formed in a very limited number of patients with type III
disease.142,238 Although the results within the first 6 months Orthotic Treatment. The orthopaedist will be called on to
were promising, the duration of clinical improvement was assist in the rehabilitation of infants with osteogenesis
limited because of a low rate of donor marrow cell engraft- imperfecta who survive the neonatal period. Infants with
ment. Mesenchymal stromal cell transplantation has also birth fractures usually need only careful supportive handling
been investigated in a small number of patients.237 Low to prevent further injury. If long bone fractures are unstable,
osteopoietic engraftment remains a significant barrier to minimal external splinting may be used to stabilize the
clinical success and the application of bone marrow and affected limb; such fractures will generally heal within 1 or
mesenchymal stromal cell transplantation. 2 weeks. It is important to avoid excessive or prolonged
immobilization at any age because such treatment will
Medical Treatment aggravate the osteopenia and induce joint stiffness, either
Until recently, efforts to improve bone strength by medical of which in turn increases the risk for fracture.
means were largely unsuccessful. The administration of Protective bracing to prevent fractures and aid in ambu-
sex hormones,90 sodium fluoride,3,52 calcitonin,89,379 calcium, lation is a mainstay in the conservative management of
growth hormone, magnesium oxide, and vitamins D and C patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.‖a
were all attempted in the past, generally with no or mixed Typically, lightweight plastic and metal hip-knee-ankle-
results. foot orthoses (HKAFOs) are required for effective lower
Considerable experience has been reported in the use of extremity bracing in the most severely affected patients.
bisphosphonates for children with osteogenesis imper- These braces may allow patients to stand or walk, usually
fecta.23,43,180,198,242,298 These compounds inhibit osteoclastic with the upper extremity aids of crutches or a walker. In
resorption of bone, which appears to be increased in patients addition, HKAFOs can reduce the incidence of lower
with osteogenesis imperfecta. Aminohydroxypropylidene extremity fractures as compared with the incidence in
(pamidronate) has been studied extensively. It is adminis- unbraced patients.191,192
tered by the IV route in dosages ranging from 15 mg given Lightweight, air-filled, fluted trouser splints have been
every 20 days43 to 7 mg/kg/yr given every 4 to 6 months,23 reported to be an effective simple alternative to HKAFOs
with reported improvement in generalized bone pain and a for the purpose of allowing severely affected children to
reduced incidence of fractures.298 In addition, increased stand.181,300,361 These splints are lighter than conventional
bone mineral density as determined by dual-energy x-ray orthoses and easier to fit, provided that the child does not
absorptiometry has been noted.23,43,198,298 Transient fever have major lower extremity long bone deformity. However,
and increased serum calcium levels can occur during the IV they are not in common use in North America.
administration of this medication. Metaphyseal bands of Nonambulatory patients with osteogenesis imperfecta
increased density are seen in radiographs after bisphospho- are ideal users of motorized wheelchairs because they have
nate treatment.210 the intelligence to use them effectively and often have
Oral agents have also been used. Alendronate given over upper extremity deformity or weakness that hinders the use
a period of 4 years was associated with reduced frequency of standard wheelchairs. Custom inserts may be required
of fracture and improved ambulatory or mobility status. to support the trunk and accommodate the spinal defor-
Bone mineral density was also improved.99 Olpadronate mity. Such mobility aids should be made available to non-
treatment was effective in a randomized study in reducing ambulatory patients as soon as the child’s intellectual
fracture risk and increasing bone mineral density.475 Equally development allows safe operation.
beneficial effects have been noted in children treated with
oral or IV bisphosphonates.139 Management of Long Bone Fractures. Management of
Delayed healing of fractures or osteotomies has been long bone fractures depends on the severity of the fracture
reported in children treated with pamidronate, although and age of the patient. General management principles
others failed to find a correlation.372,420 The ideal treatment are based on the observations that most fractures heal,
of osteogenesis imperfecta would be to correct the basic recurrent fractures are common, and inherent osteopenia
genetic defect by replacing the defective COL1A1 or may be aggravated by prolonged immobilization, thus
COL1A2 gene with a normal one. That capability, of course, making the patient even more susceptible to fracture. For
does not yet exist. these reasons, fractures should be immobilized only until
symptoms resolve, with the minimum amount of external
Orthopaedic Treatment immobilization required to provide comfort. Patients should
The goal of orthopaedic treatment is to maximize the
affected patient’s function, prevent deformity and disability ‖a
References 53, 54, 55, 60, 68, 127, 181, 191, 192, 300, 361.
e620 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 42-35  Olecranon fracture in a patient with mild osteogenesis imperfecta type I. A, Preoperative radiograph showing the typical
avulsion pattern of this fracture. B, Postoperative radiograph after open reduction and internal fixation with a tension band wiring

be encouraged to return judiciously to their usual level of literature, and the benefits and risks of this technique must
activity as soon as feasible. Radiographs are not always be carefully assessed by the treating surgeon.
required, especially if the fracture is not grossly unstable or Other than extreme fragility and crumpled long bone
does not result in a new deformity. The patient’s immobi- deformities seen in severe cases of osteogenesis imperfecta,
lization should be based on symptoms, and serial radio- no specific fracture pattern is unique to these patients.134
graphs are not generally necessary for minor fractures. One fracture that occurs commonly, usually in more mildly
Frequently, children have pain suggesting a fracture but affected patients with Sillence type I disease, is a displaced
radiographs show no evidence of one. These patients should fracture of the olecranon; these fractures often occur bilat-
be immobilized as though a fracture were present, which is erally, although not usually simultaneously.136,332,369,526 They
almost certainly the case. Although a technetium-99m– can be managed by tension band wiring techniques, with
enhanced bone scan, MRI scans, or follow-up radiographs good restoration of function (Fig. 42-35).503
can demonstrate fracture, these investigations are rarely Nonunion is an uncommon sequela of fracture or surgery
necessary and are of no help to the patient or physician in in osteogenesis imperfecta, but it does occur. Gamble and
management of the fracture. Often, the parents of a severely associates reported nonunions most commonly in the femur
affected child will not even seek medical assistance for and humerus, but also in the radius, ulna, and pubis.185 Nine
minor fractures because of the frequency of such fractures of 10 patients in their study had type III osteogenesis
and the confidence gained by the parent in treating the imperfecta. Nonunion was associated with frequent frac-
infant or child symptomatically. tures and deformity. Eight of nine fractures healed after
Fractures in a newborn, if unstable or interfering with intramedullary fixation and grafting, although one patient
normal handling, may be splinted with padded tongue with a supracondylar femoral nonunion required an amputa-
depressors, padded aluminum splints, or plaster splints. tion for pain relief.
Usually only 1 or 2 weeks of splinting will be required until
the fracture has stabilized. Fractures in an older child or Management of Long Bone Deformity. Long bone defor-
adult, particularly when the patient has relatively minor mity is one of the most frequent conditions requiring treat-
involvement, should be treated by means appropriate to the ment in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta. Its incidence
fracture, including reduction and casting, percutaneous is generally related to the severity of the underlying bone
pinning, and internal fixation. The operating surgeon must fragility, and thus it is more likely to be seen in Sillence
exercise extreme caution in handling the patient and frac- types III and IV, although this deformity is by no means
ture to prevent further fracture or fragmentation of the limited to these types. Long bone bowing is induced by
fracture under treatment. As a general principle, intramed- bone fragility, deforming muscular forces, and repeated
ullary fixation is preferable to plates and screws whenever fractures and, in turn, results in repeated fractures. Thus
possible because of the stress risers produced by the latter. the most important indication for surgical correction of
The operating surgeon must be familiar with the techniques long bone deformity is repeated fractures induced by the
and pitfalls unique to the use of intramedullary fixation in deformity. A further indication for surgery is to remove the
patients with osteogenesis imperfecta (see later, “Manage- deformity to allow bracing for protection against further
ment of Long Bone Deformity”). Presumably, external fixa- fractures or to aid in ambulation. It is not clear from
tion may also be used in these patients, when indicated, and the literature, however, that correction of long bone
external fixation has been used to correct deformities in deformity alone results in long-term ambulation.127 Long
patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.173,286,451 However, bone deformity in infants and children can be corrected
the use of external fixation for fractures in patients with by closed osteoclasis without intramedullary fixation,361
osteogenesis imperfecta has not been described in the by closed osteoclasis with percutaneous intramedullary
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e621

FIGURE 42-36  Sofield procedure of fragmentation and intramedullary

fixation of a long bone. A, Preoperative appearance of the long bone
deformity. B, Intraoperative photograph showing multiple osteotomies
to allow straightening of the bone, with intramedullary fixation of the
fragments on a rod (see text).

fixation,179,338,354,355,471,500 and by open osteotomy with inter- technique is to thread a small-diameter smooth rod percu-
nal fixation.¶a taneously within the intramedullary canal of an affected
In addition, external fixation by the Ilizarov circular bone while simultaneously bending or breaking the bone by
fixator with wire fixation and osteotomy has been external compression to allow the rod to pass within the
used to correct long bone deformity in young adult intramedullary canal. Fluoroscopy and good fortune are
patients.173,286,451,477 required. We prefer to manage patients conservatively until
Closed Osteoclasis Without Internal Fixation. Manual their age, bone size, and medical stability allow them to
osteoclasis of long bone deformity has been described361 and undergo open osteoclasis with intramedullary fixation.
is generally indicated in medically fragile children who may Open Osteotomy With Intramedullary Fixation (Sofield
not be able to tolerate the blood loss and other physiologic Procedure). A procedure entailing multiple diaphyseal oste-
stresses of a formal open operative procedure but whose otomies (fragmentation) with intramedullary fixation was
deformity creates management difficulties. In essence, the described for osteogenesis imperfecta by Sofield and Millar
treating physician gently manipulates the deformed bone in 1959.512 The indications for fragmentation and rodding
with the child under adequate sedation or anesthesia and are a long bone deformity that interferes with fitting of
immobilizes the limb until union. This procedure is usually orthoses and impairs function and repeated fractures. These
followed by the application of protective bracing to help indications are much more frequent in the lower than in
prevent further fractures and recurrent deformity. The pro- the upper extremity. The basic principle is to expose the
cedure is indicated only when one of the procedures deformed bone subperiosteally, make appropriate wedge-
described in the following sections is not possible for any shaped osteotomies in the deformed metaphysis and diaph-
reason. ysis to allow straightening of the bone, and fix the fragments
Closed Osteoclasis With Percutaneous Intramedullary on an intramedullary rod of some sort to maintain alignment
Fixation. This procedure is essentially the same as the previ- and provide long-term internal splinting of the fragile bone
ous one, except that in addition to external manual correc- (Fig. 42-36). Much has been written about the technique
tion of the deformity, the operating surgeon attempts to and the results achieved with different intramedullary
splint the long bone by percutaneously threading a smooth devices.#a
rod (Kirschner wire [K-wire], Steinmann pin, or Rush rod) In general, reports are favorable in that deformity is cor-
in an intramedullary fashion.179,338,354,355,471,500 This procedure rected and mobility maintained or achieved.*b
is also indicated for a patient who sustains repeated fractures In a survey of adults, however, Daly and colleagues were
that interfere with care and in whom formal open fixation unable to demonstrate that intramedullary fixation had a
is not feasible because of bone fragility. The basic surgical long-term influence with respect to maintaining the ability

References 26, 27, 75, 79, 88, 108, 126, 127, 150, 178, 179, 187,
References 26, 27, 75, 108, 126, 127, 150, 178, 187, 189, 255, 287, 189, 255, 287, 311, 321, 322, 335, 352, 354, 360, 373, 376, 378,
311, 321, 322, 352, 373, 376, 378, 423, 455, 456, 457, 512, 524, 423, 455, 456, 457, 512, 524, 539, 570, 571, 572, 585, 587.
539, 570, 571, 572, 585, 587. *bReferences 108, 150, 178, 255, 287, 311, 360, 376, 524, 570, 587.
e622 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

to ambulate.127 Complications of the procedure include is then advanced toward the other metaphysis, with the
nonunion, infection, and rod migration. These complica- bone fragments threaded on the rod as it is advanced. The
tions are nonetheless remarkably uncommon in the context rod must be carefully sized for length before it is advanced
of a procedure that produces multiple devascularized seg- into the final segment and cut as necessary. In most cases,
ments of long bone. rotational control of the bone is poor, and the patient should
Sofield and Millar used a fixed intramedullary rod (a be immobilized in a long-leg or spica cast. Weight bearing
straight, round steel rod, Rush rod, or Küntscher rod) for in the cast should be encouraged as soon as feasible, and the
internal fixation.512 Others have used Rush rods311,360,423 or cast should be replaced with an HKAFO as soon as union
Williams rods.571,572 The technique of Williams rod insertion is evident radiographically.
is described in Chapter 22. When a Williams rod is used in Use of Extensible Intramedullary Rods. One of the prob-
the tibia, the rod is usually left embedded within the tibia lems that can develop with the use of a fixed-length intra-
itself and not left across the ankle and subtalar joints. This medullary device in children is growth of the epiphysis
procedure must be undertaken with careful preoperative beyond the rod. In 1963, Bailey and Dubow introduced an
planning and good communication among the orthopaedic extensible intramedullary fixation rod to reduce the need
surgeon, operating room personnel, and anesthesiologist. All for reoperation because of bone overgrowing the rod (Fig.
parties must handle the fragile child carefully. Blood pres- 42-37).27 The telescoping intramedullary rod consists of an
sure cuffs may not be advisable if humeral fragility is outer tubular sleeve with a detachable T-shaped end and an
extreme. The patient’s temperature will often rise during inner obturator rod with a solid T-shaped end. The inner
surgery, and the patient should be kept cool. The anesthe- rod can be entirely telescoped into the sleeve (Fig. 42-38).
siologist must be alert to temperature elevation, metabolic The surgical approach to the femur and tibia and tech-
acidosis, potential for cardiac arrhythmias, and possible nique of fragmenting and stringing the diaphysis on the rod
development of true malignant hyperthermia (see Chapter are similar to those of Sofield and Millar. The bowed bone
8). Excessive bleeding requiring transfusion is a distinct is exposed subperiosteally from metaphysis to metaphysis.
possibility. Patients with osteogenesis imperfecta tend to Additional exposure of the epiphyses is required for inser-
bruise easily, and a bleeding diathesis may develop. The tion of the T-piece for the outer rod and the inner, fixed
surgeon will probably not be able to use a tourniquet during T-ended rod. In the femur, the intercondylar notch is
extremity surgery. Extensive exposure of the deformed exposed by knee arthrotomy. Usually, only minimal expo-
bone will be necessary to perform corrective osteotomies, sure of the upper end of the femur is required, in the region
and many trying technical challenges may arise as the of the greater trochanter. In the tibia, the tibial plateau is
surgeon attempts to thread a series of fragile, macaroni- exposed by knee arthrotomy. Access to the distal end of the
shaped wisps of bone onto an unforgiving rod. Thus, when tibia is gained by arthrotomy and mobilization of the talus.
surgery on both femora or on all four lower limb segments The latter is accomplished by dividing the deltoid ligament,
is indicated, the operations may need to be staged to avoid formally osteotomizing the medial malleolus (not generally
life-threatening hemorrhage. required or feasible because of bone fragility), or detaching
The operating surgeon and staff must have available a full the insertion of the deltoid ligament along with a sliver of
assortment of lengths and breadths of the intramedullary medial malleolus with a knife.
device to be used, as well as pliers and bolt cutters to The length of the outer rod must be carefully deter-
modify the device as needed during insertion. Fluoroscopy mined. The fragments may be directly measured, or the
should be available to help guide insertion when it is not limb may be gently pulled out to length and the distance
done under direct vision, such as through the epiphyses. between the epiphyses measured. The outer rod should be
Extensive exposure of most of the length of the involved several centimeters shorter than the total length estimated
bone is almost always required. The femur is approached to be needed to allow some settling after surgery and maxi-
anterolaterally and the tibia directly anteriorly. Care should mize proper rod elongation. The outer rod has a detachable
be taken to identify the landmarks of the anterolateral T-piece and a like-diameter drill bit with a threaded base.
approach to the femur, especially the intermuscular septum. The drill bit can be threaded onto the outer rod in place of
Otherwise, excessive bleeding and damage to muscle will the T-piece to facilitate insertion of the rod during surgery.
result. Once the curved bone is exposed, the surgeon cuts In the femur, the outer rod is generally placed proximally,
into it with a knife, rongeur, osteotome, or saw, as needed, where the greater fracture stresses tend to occur. In addi-
in as many places as necessary to create a straight diaphysis. tion, this T-piece can detach from the rod; this complication
Although some have recommended preserving as much is less of a problem if it occurs at the greater trochanter
periosteal insertion in the bone as possible to maintain blood than in the knee.
supply to the individual segments,524,570 nonunion or infec- After a rod of appropriate length and diameter has been
tion harbored by devascularized bone is surprisingly infre- selected, the most effective sequence of rod insertion for
quent, and such preservation of the periosteal insertion may the femur is as follows (Fig. 42-39):
not be important. Straightening the deformed limb will
result in soft tissue lengthening, so portions of bone may 1. The drill bit is inserted into the proximal end of the
have to be removed to avoid excessive soft tissue tension. outer rod.
Intramedullary reaming is frequently required. The 2. Commencing from the distal end of the lowest meta-
surgeon should choose the narrowest bone fragment first physeal fragment if this is close to the epiphysis, or
and ream with a drill bit of appropriate diameter. There from the intercondylar region of the distal femur, the
may be no medullary cavity. Beginning at one metaphyseal surgeon drives the outer rod proximally while thread-
or epiphyseal end, depending on the rod being used, the rod ing the segments of bone on the rod as it is advanced.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e623

FIGURE 42-37  Use of a Bailey-Dubow extensible rod in the tibia. A, Preoperative lateral radiograph of the tibia of a boy with osteogenesis
imperfecta type I, repeated fractures, and anterior bowing of the tibial diaphysis. B, Postoperative anteroposterior (AP) view of the tibia.
Multiple osteotomies of the tibial diaphysis have been performed, with intramedullary fixation of the tibia with a Bailey-Dubow extensible
rod. C, Postoperative lateral view demonstrating correction of the anterior bow deformity. D, AP view of the tibia 2 years later
demonstrating extension of the rod. The patient sustained no further fractures of this tibia. E, Lateral radiograph demonstrating
maintenance of correction of the deformity.


FIGURE 42-38  Bailey-Dubow extensible rod used for intramedullary fixation of a long bone. A, The device consists of a hollow outer rod,
one end of which is threaded to receive either a like-diameter drill bit or a T-piece; a narrower inner rod with a fixed T-piece; and
inserters. B, The outer rod has a threaded end to accept the T-piece for fixation into the epiphysis. C, The inner rod slides into the outer
rod and has a fixed T-piece end. D, The outer rod may be inserted by using the removable drill bit, which threads into the end of the
rod. See Figure 42-39 for a description of the surgical details.
e624 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 42-39  Surgical technique of insertion of an extensible rod into the femur. A, After subperiosteal exposure of the femur from
metaphysis to metaphysis, an appropriate number of osteotomies are performed to allow straightening of the bone and fixation on the
intramedullary rod. B, The individual bone segments are reamed to accept the rod, and the largest diameter rod is selected based on the
reaming. An outer rod of appropriate length is selected by direct measurement of the fragments or by gently pulling on the limb and
measuring from epiphysis to epiphysis. The outer rod should be a few centimeters shorter than this measurement to permit postoperative
settling of the fragments and normal telescopic action of the rods. C, With the drill bit attached to the proximal end of the selected outer
rod, the rod is carefully driven proximally under direct vision or fluoroscopic control. The individual fragments are threaded on the rod as
it is advanced. When the rod exits the proximal end of the femur, it is advanced until it tents the skin. The skin is incised at this point, the
drill bit is removed, and the T-piece is inserted into the rod. The end of the rod should be crimped over the threaded portion with a pair
of pliers before the rod is reinserted to help prevent disengagement of the T-piece. D, The outer rod is pushed back to the level of the
proximal femur and into the bone. The T-piece is grasped with a small clamp and rotated 90 degrees under the cortex of the bone. This
helps prevent proximal migration of the outer rod and keeps the rod in the proximal portion of the femur. E, Under direct fluoroscopic
guidance, the inner rod is inserted through the intercondylar drill hole into the outer rod. The T-piece of the inner rod is pushed into the
distal femoral epiphysis and similarly rotated 90 degrees with a small clamp. The wounds are then closed and the patient immobilized in
a spica cast.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e625

3. When the rod exits the proximal femur at the greater The procedure may be performed with percutaneous rod
trochanter or base of the femoral neck, the outer rod placement and small incisions for osteotomies.302 A modifi-
and drill bit are driven further proximally until they cation of the Sheffield rod with a removal of the T-piece
tent the skin. from the distal obturator end and placement of an interlock-
4. A small incision is made over the rod, the drill bit is ing hole for anchorage has been reported to facilitate the
removed, the T-piece is threaded in place, and the insertion and removal of the telescoping rod.98 The newest
outer rod is crimped over the threads with a pair of telescoping device, the Fassier-Duval rod, was introduced
pliers to help prevent the T-piece from disengaging in 2003 in Canada. The main advantage of this new rod over
from the rod. the older rods is the single proximal entry point and threaded
5. The outer rod with the T-piece engaged is pushed epiphyseal portion that allows screw-in fixation. It is
back into the upper part of the femur, where it is implanted through small incisions, with early reports
countersunk into the femur. The T-piece should be showing good stability and function of the implants.164 Mul-
grasped with a small pliers or a similar instrument and tiple bone segments can be treated at the same sitting with
rotated 90 degrees to help secure the outer rod within this procedure, just as with the Bailey-Dubow rod. Pub-
the proximal epiphysis. lished studies of experience with the Fassier-Duval rod,
6. The obturator is then passed through the intercondy- however, have been limited. A minimum 1-year follow-up
lar notch into the outer rod under direct vision or study consisting of 15 patients with OI had a 13% reopera-
fluoroscopic control. Its T-piece, which is solid on the tion rate for proximal rod migration and a 40% complication
rod, is similarly countersunk under the distal femoral rate because of rod migration, limited telescoping, and
epiphyseal cartilage and rotated 90 degrees. intraoperative joint intrusion.56 In 60 children treated with
Fassier-Duval rodding of the femur and bisphosphonates,
In the tibia, the sequence of steps is similar. Because the the functional outcomes (ambulation, gross motor function,
detachable T-piece of the outer rod is located intraarticu- self-care, and mobility) were improved at 1-year follow-up.465
larly, there is no advantageous position for it, in contradis- Clearly, insertion of telescoping rods is more complex
tinction to the femur. Gaining access to the distal tibial than the insertion of fixed devices such as Kirschner wires,
epiphysis can be awkward, so it may be a little easier to Steinmann pins, Williams rods, Rush rods, or other fixed-
thread the outer rod in a proximal-to-distal direction, length rods. Correspondingly, the intraoperative procedure
remove the drill bit as it exits the distal tibia into the ankle is much more complex and the opportunity for technical
joint, replace it with the T-piece, and then push the rod problems and rod failure much greater. Complications spe-
proximally until the T-piece can be countersunk in the distal cific to these rods include failure of the rod to elongate,
tibial epiphysis. However, authors have described both extrusion of the rod into soft tissues (especially the proxi-
proximal and distal insertion of the outer rod in the tibia. mal part of the thigh), disengagement of the T-piece of the
These rods can also be used in the humerus, although the Bailey-Dubow rod, and bending of the rod, with bone frac-
need to correct deformity here is much less frequent than tures at the junction of the outer and inner rods (Fig.
in the femur and tibia. Furthermore, complications related 42-40). Other complications of the procedures include
to intramedullary fixation are more common here than in infection, nonunion, hypertrophic callus formation, and
the lower extremity.108,189,255,322 When used in the humerus, growth arrest (rarely). These complications have been well
the outer rod is inserted through the upper part of the documented in a number of publications, in which the
humerus and exits at the greater tuberosity, and the inner reported complication rate varies from 7% to 100%.‡b
obturator rod is inserted through the lateral epicondyle. In addition, several authors have noted that an alarming
These rods are not indicated for use in the radius or ulna. involution of cortical bone can occur around the rod, with
Although most authors have described burying the the original bone all but disappearing. Fortunately, no spe-
T-pieces in the epiphysis and rotating them 90 degrees to cific clinical problem has been identified with this radio-
help keep them in the epiphysis, the originators of the graphic finding. On the other hand, when the rods do
device initially described leaving the T-pieces outside the perform as intended, most reports comparing telescoping
epiphysis.†b rods and fixed-length rods noted this advantage when the
We agree with most authors on this topic in that we think patient had enough growth remaining to warrant the more
that the T-pieces should be buried within the epiphyseal complex index procedure. Just what age corresponds to
cartilage. In 1989, Stockley and associates described a mod- enough growth remaining is uncertain, but use of these
ified version of the original device, now commonly referred rods should be strongly considered in children younger than
to as the Sheffield rod.524 The device comes in a broader 10 years.
array of lengths and diameters, the T-pieces are fixed to the Studies have shown the telescoping rod to be an effective
end of both rods, and the T-pieces are butterfly-shaped so treatment, with an increased average length of time between
that they can be more easily grasped for rotation during replacement operations, lower removal rate, and few
insertion into the epiphysis.524,570 Experience with the Shef- adverse effects.321,457 Reoperation was required 3.5 times
field rod over a 10-year period has shown significant reduc- less often with the telescoping rod than with the solid
tion in the frequency of fractures and improvement in rod.321 Reported complication rates, however, range from
ambulatory status.371 68% to 72%.321,423 Common complications with the

†b ‡b
References 26, 27, 150, 178, 187, 255, 287, 311, 376, 456, 524, 570, References 75, 79, 126, 149, 178, 187, 189, 255, 287, 311, 321, 335,
587. 376, 423, 455, 456, 524, 570, 587.
e626 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders


FIGURE 42-40  Complications associated with the

Bailey-Dubow extensible rod. A, Failure of the rod
to elongate. This may occur if the inner rod
becomes jammed in the outer rod or if anchoring
of either T-piece in the epiphysis is inadequate.
B, Rod migration into soft tissue. This problem
also occurs after inadequate fixation of the T-piece
in the epiphysis. C, Disengagement of the outer
rod’s T-piece. This may be avoided by crimping
the end of the rod with a pair of pliers before the
T-piece is embedded in the epiphysis. D, Rod
extrusion from the metaphyseal cortex. This is
more common with fixed-length rods in growing
children. E, Resorption of the diaphysis around
the rod. Note also bending of the inner rod.
F, Fracture around a rod, with bending of the D E F
intramedullary rod.

Bailey-Dubow rod included proximal rod migration into the thoracolumbar spine is much more common. Fracture of
gluteal region or the knee, loosening of the T-piece, non- the vertebral body has been reported, as has spondylolisthe-
union, infection, failure of the rod to elongate as desired, sis, but the most common deformity is scoliosis, with or
and bending of the obturator rod at the junction of the without kyphosis.§b
two.321,423 In a comparison between Bailey-Dubow and Rush The incidence of scoliosis has been reported to be 39%
rods, Porat and colleagues found the Rush rod to have fewer to 100% in this patient population.247 Its incidence can be
complications (50% compared with 72%) and similar reop- related to the severity of bone fragility, being more common
eration rates and time to revision surgery.423 They indicated in patients with more severe fragility, and also to vertebral
that the results of the Bailey-Dubow rods did not justify body shape and strength. An inverse correlation with early
the burden of the additional technical challenges that their milestones has been noted, with spinal deformity being
insertion presents to the surgeon. We recommend the pro- more likely to develop in children who are late to achieve
cedure, but the operating surgeon must be alert to and warn sitting.152 Patients with biconcave vertebral bodies and
families of the relatively high complication rate. radiographic evidence of osteoporosis are at risk for the
development and progression of scoliosis and kyphosis152,247;
Management of Spinal Deformity. Involvement of the Ishikawa and associates247 found that the development of
cervical spine, other than basilar impression (see later,
“Basilar Impression”), is a relatively uncommon feature §b
References 36, 45, 46, 116, 149, 166, 197, 217, 233, 247, 263, 306,
of osteogenesis imperfecta.353,407,467,588 Involvement of the 360, 434, 436, 445, 503, 586.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e627

FIGURE 42-41  Scoliosis in osteogenesis imperfecta. A, Preoperative radiograph showing the typical deformity in a severely affected
patient. B, Postoperative radiograph obtained after posterior fusion and instrumentation with the Luque technique. Minimal correction
was noted. An allograft was required to supplement the local bone graft.

six or more biconcave vertebrae before puberty was a strong osteogenesis imperfecta patients in general. Spinal fragility
risk factor for the development of scoliosis of more than 50 demands careful surgical exposure and makes instrumenta-
degrees. These radiographic anomalies were more likely to tion very difficult. The iliac crest will often serve as only a
occur in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta congenita B. meager source of autologous bone graft material. Finally, the
The classifications of Falvo and associates161 and Shapiro495 patient may not tolerate postoperative external immobiliza-
have been found to be more useful in identifying risk for tion well for the same reasons that spinal orthoses for the
the development of scoliosis. In general, however, scoliosis prevention of progression are not well tolerated. When
is more prevalent in patients with Sillence type III or IV spinal stabilization is deemed warranted, the operating team
disease. must therefore be prepared to handle the delicate patient
Conservative management of scoliosis with an orthosis carefully, be prepared for blood transfusion, and have
has not generally prevented progression of the deformity allograft bone grafts or other bone graft substitutes available
and may be detrimental.45,46,217,586 External pressure applied to supplement whatever autologous bone can be obtained.
to the rib cage in an effort to control the spinal deformity Initially, spinal fusion was performed with in situ tech-
may result in secondary compressive deformity of the rib niques or Harrington instrumentation and methylmethacry-
cage itself. Furthermore, the excessive sweating and heat late augmentation of hook sites.¶b
sensitivity often observed in Sillence type III patients However, stable posterior segmental fixation with Luque
usually make it impossible for the patient to tolerate a spinal sublaminar wires or tape appears to be ideally suited to the
orthosis. Consequently, use of a corrective spinal orthosis in instrumentation management of these difficult cases (Fig.
the management of spinal deformity in osteogenesis imper- 42-41).217 It is not clear that even successful instrumenta-
fecta is rarely indicated. tion and fusion will halt progression of the spinal defor-
Spinal fusion has been recommended for the manage- mity.46,217 Halo gravity traction has been used to gain
ment of severe (>40 or 50 degrees) progressive deformity correction of the deformity, with instrumentation placed in
in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.‖b situ to maintain stability.252 A case report of all-pedicle
Many specific problems are faced by the treating surgeon screw fixation technique along with the use of cyclic IV
when performing spinal fusion in these patients. They are bisphosphonate and halo gravity traction to treat a patient
typically more fragile and so are more prone to fractures with severe kyphoscoliosis was reported.465 OI patients are
and other, anesthesia-related complications.514 Intraopera- not at high risk for pseudarthrosis after posterior fusion
tive bleeding tends to be greater than average, presumably alone, and anterior spinal growth is modest after fusion.
related to bone fragility and the bleeding diathesis noted in Thus, although successful anterior spinal fusion has been
‖b ¶b
References 45, 46, 149, 197, 217, 360, 445, 586. References 45, 46, 116, 197, 217, 230, 233, 263, 306, 445, 586.
e628 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

The development of hyperplastic callus is cause for great

concern, not only in managing the affected extremity but
also because of diagnostic problems in distinguishing hyper-
plastic callus from osteogenic sarcoma. Banta and co-workers
reported 21 cases of hyperplastic callus.32 Three of the
patients underwent amputation for the presumptive
diagnosis of osteogenetic sarcoma, which subsequently
proved to be hyperplastic callus. To complicate the picture
further, osteogenic sarcoma has been reported in patients
with osteogenesis imperfecta, so this is not an idle
concern.266,289,443,469 If there is any doubt in an individual
case, a confirmatory biopsy must be performed. Because
one postoperative case was associated with initial evidence
of deep wound infection,79 cultures should be performed as
well. However, true deep wound infection has not generally
been an inciting or intercurrent condition with hyperplastic
callus formation.
Histologic examination of the callus shows fibromucoid,
cartilage-like tissue, or chondroid, a transitional form
between fibrous, mucoid, and cartilaginous tissue. In con-
trast, a normal callus consists of a network of woven bone
trabeculae lying in fairly dense connective tissue, without
mucoid or chondroid.32,134 The peripheral part of the mass
shows undifferentiated tissue, whereas the central part is
more differentiated, similar to normal callus.
FIGURE 42-42  Hyperplastic callus formation in the femur after
Treatment is symptomatic. The affected extremity is
intramedullary fixation. splinted for comfort. Benefit from palliative radiation
therapy has been reported.32,35,79,301,539 Great caution must
be exercised in pursuing this course of treatment, however,
described,217 anterior spinal fusion would seem to be because of the risk for development of sarcomatous changes
required rarely in these patients. in the irradiated tissue. Diphosphonates have also been
tried, but without apparent success.79
Complications Tumors
Hyperplastic Callus Formation Osteogenic sarcoma has clearly occurred in patients with
Hyperplastic callus formation in patients with osteogenesis osteogenesis imperfecta.256,266,289,443,469 The treating physi-
imperfecta is a rare but clinically disturbing event.#b cian must not only be alert to this possibility but must
It is one of the characteristic features of OI type V.199 also consider this diagnosis actively when confronted
Prior to the recognition of OI type V, OI types III and IV with a patient in whom hyperplastic callus has formed.
were thought to be associated with hyperplastic callus for- Osteogenic sarcoma has been reported in all surviving
mation. Although not all patients with OI type V develop Sillence types.
hyperplastic callus formation, it was found only in the Other rare tumor or tumor-like conditions that have
patients with OI type V in one institution.96 The clinical been reported in patients with osteogenesis imperfecta
scenario is an acute localized inflammation with a progres- include aneurysmal bone cyst and unicameral bone cyst.249,459
sive, often alarming enlargement of the involved limb over
a 1- to 3-week period. Hyperplastic callus has been reported Basilar Impression
to occur as an apparently spontaneous event, after trauma Basilar impression is an unusual but well-recognized com-
or fracture, and after limb surgery, particularly intramedul- plicating condition seen in patients with osteogenesis
lary rodding.79,159,331,335,456 The condition appears to be most imperfecta.*c
common in the lower extremities of males. An enlarging Although case reports and reviews of general populations
mass that is painful, warm to the touch, and tender on of patients with osteogenesis imperfecta would suggest that
palpation develops in the involved limb. The overlying skin this condition is relatively rare, Engelbert and associates
is tense and translucent, with dilation of the superficial found radiographic evidence of basilar impression in 10 of
veins. Prolonged low-grade fever is commonly present. In 47 patients with osteogenesis imperfecta.149 Presumably as
one case, bilateral femoral hyperplastic callus formation a result of pathologic bone softening, the margins of the
after intramedullary rodding led to high-output cardiac foramen magnum invaginate into the posterior cranial fossa
failure.79 Laboratory studies show an elevated erythrocyte in affected patients, thereby translocating the upper cervical
sedimentation rate and alkaline phosphatase level. Radio- spine into this depression. This in turn produces direct
graphs show an enlarging, irregular callous mass enveloping brainstem compression and probably alteration in cerebro-
the involved bone (Fig. 42-42). spinal fluid flow dynamics, which can result in a wide variety
References 18, 30, 32, 79, 159, 292, 331, 335, 452, 456, 527, 550. *cReferences 45, 177, 219, 245, 282, 333, 425, 468.
CHAPTER 42  Metabolic and Endocrine Bone Diseases e629

of symptoms, including headaches, facial spasm and numb- those who survived beyond that age seemed to have a better
ness, bulbar symptoms (difficulty swallowing and speaking outlook.406 More severely affected patients are susceptible
and respiratory depression), and long-tract signs or weak- to the development of basilar impression and subsequent
ness in the upper and lower extremities. Basilar impression death. Finally, because of the relative fragility of these
was the confirmed or suspected contributory cause of death patients, deaths have occurred from the consequences of
in six patients in a study of mortality in patients with osteo- polytrauma after accidents that might otherwise be consid-
genesis imperfecta.333 The condition has been reported in ered relatively trivial.333
all Sillence types, except type II. Although basilar impres-
sion has been reported in a 3-year-old child,468 most reported Ambulation
cases have occurred in adults.177,219,244,282,333,425 More severely The future ambulatory ability of an affected infant is prob-
affected patients with associated dentinogenesis imperfecta ably best predicted by Shapiro’s classification into the cat-
may be more susceptible to the development of basilar egories of congenita A and B and tarda A and B.495 Although
impression, and those with ligamentous laxity may be less patients with osteogenesis imperfecta congenita A are
susceptible, but exceptions to these generalities have been unlikely to survive, those with congenita B are not only
reported. likely to survive, but a third, in Shapiro’s experience, also
Diagnosing basilar impression solely on the basis of plain achieve ambulation. In this study of patients who sustained
radiographic findings has always been difficult because of fractures after birth but before walking (tarda A),495 67%
difficulty in identifying radiographic landmarks at the ultimately were able to walk, whereas all patients whose
foramen magnum and variation in normal measurements in initial fracture occurred after walking age remained ambula-
this area. Computed tomography with three-dimensional tory. Prognosis using this classification has been substanti-
reconstruction and, even more importantly, MRI of the ated by Daly and associates, who found that 76% of patients
upper cervical spine and brainstem greatly simplify the cli- who were able to sit independently by 10 months of age
nician’s investigation. These studies should be performed achieved ambulation.127 They also found that the Sillence
whenever the patient’s complaints or physical findings on classification was predictive of ambulation. Specifically, in
neurologic examination increase the treating physician’s sus- their patient population, almost all Sillence type I patients
picion of this diagnosis. were independent ambulators, all type III patients were
Relatively short-term relief of symptoms and neurologic wheelchair-dependent, and three of seven type IV patients
signs has been reported after posterior decompression were able to walk. Engelbert and co-workers also found that
only.177,244,282,436,468 However, based on the pathophysiology children who could achieve independent sitting or standing,
of the deformity, combined transoral anterior decompres- or both, by the age of 12 months were likely to be able
sion and posterior fusion of the occiput to the lower cervical to walk.151
or thoracic spine, as recommended by Harkey and associ-
ates, appears to be the most appropriate management of Antenatal Diagnosis
this condition.219 According to Ablin, OI is one of the most common skeletal
dysplasias to be diagnosed by fetal ultrasonographic find-
ings.2 Most cases are Sillence type II and, as such, represent
Prognostication and Parental Counseling
an unexpected finding because of the usual absence of a
Parents will need to know the likelihood of survival of the positive family history.
affected infant and, when perinatal death is unlikely, what The ultrasonographic features of type II, usually identifi-
to expect in the future with regard to ambulation and able by the fetal age of 16 weeks, include long bone defor-
deformity. They may also want genetic counseling and pre- mity (implying fracture), severely reduced femoral length,
natal screening in future pregnancies. It is important to and decreased echogenicity of the skull, with correspond-
emphasize to the parents that surviving infants, even if ingly better than usual visualization of the brain.2,74,541 Rib
significantly affected by bone fragility, typically have normal fractures or chest wall deformity may also be detectable.
intelligence, determination, and excellent social skills that The prenatal findings of a fetus affected by Sillence type I,
allow them to compensate admirably for their skeletal III, or IV disease will vary with the severity of the disease
disability. expression and may be normal in mildly affected type I
Survival Couples with a history of a fetus affected by type II OI
The most important indicators of survival of an affected have a 2% to 7% risk of having another similarly affected
infant are the location and severity of the fractures and the fetus because of mosaicism in one parent. In such cases,
radiographic appearance of the skeleton (Sillence type II antenatal diagnosis can be made between 13 and 14 weeks
and Shapiro congenita A).495,503 Patients who are mildly of gestation by DNA analysis of chorionic villus cells
affected (particularly Sillence type IA patients) often have obtained by ultrasound-guided chorionic villus sampling.
a normal life span.333,406 Paterson and colleagues406 noted
that Sillence types IB and IV patients had only modestly
reduced life spans. More severely affected patients may References
have their life span shortened because of a susceptibility to 1. Aarabi M, Rauch F, Hamdy RC, et al: High prevalence of coxa
cardiac or pulmonary insufficiency related to the chest wall vara in patients with severe osteogenesis imperfecta, J Pediatr
deformity or kyphoscoliosis.333 In their review Paterson and Orthop 26:24, 2006.
colleagues noted that of 26 patients with Sillence type III 2. Ablin DS: Osteogenesis imperfecta: a review, Can Assoc Radiol
disease who had died, 19 did so before 10 years of age, so J 49:110, 1998.
e630 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

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4. Ahmed SF, Dixon PH, Bonthron DT, et al: GNAS1 mutational 29. Baker EM, Hodges RE, Hood J, et al: Metabolism of ascorbic-1-
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Endocrinol Metab 26:517, 2012. fragilitas ossium, J Pathol Bacteriol 58:609, 1946.
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C H A P T E R 4 3 

Hematologic Anthony I. Riccio

functional plasma factor levels (Table 43-1). Patients with
Chapter Outline severe hemophilia may have spontaneous hemarthroses,
intramuscular bleeding, and visceral bleeding, even in the
Hemophilia absence of trauma.
Sickle Cell Disease
Hemophilia A
Hemophilia A, or classic hemophilia, results from a congeni-
tal deficiency in factor VIII (also known as antihemophilic
Hemophilia factor or antihemophilic globulin). This type accounts for
about 80% of cases and is caused by a gene carried on the
Hemophilia, a genetically determined disorder, is character- X chromosome. Studies have identified at least 58 different
ized by abnormal blood coagulation as a result of a func- mutations that result in a deficiency in normally functioning
tional deficiency of factor VIII or IX. Since biblical times, factor VIII protein.86
the crippling deformities of the musculoskeletal system and Hemophilia A occurs in boys and is transmitted by
death resulting from uncontrolled hemorrhage have been asymptomatic female carriers. A girl could be affected if
well depicted in the pages of history. her mother were a carrier and her father a hemophiliac;
The term hemophilia, coined by Hopff in 1828, means however, this is very rare.
“blood loving.” Wright is credited with being the first to
demonstrate the prolonged clotting time in the disorder.166 Hemophilia B
Patek and Taylor isolated the deficient substance, terming Hemophilia B, or Christmas disease, is caused by a defi-
it antihemophilic globulin.114 ciency in factor IX (plasma thromboplastin component, or
Modern management of hemophilia has reduced the Christmas factor). Its clinical manifestations are similar to
morbidity of the disease remarkably. The development of those of classic hemophilia. The hereditary transmission
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in those also is by an X-linked recessive gene. As with hemophilia A,
receiving blood products has been a major setback. Better many mutations of the gene responsible for factor IX pro-
treatment of HIV infection and safer methods of blood duction have been identified.110,135 Hemophilia B accounts
product screening and factor preparation have reduced the for approximately 15% of cases of hemophilia.
effect of this unfortunate disease complex.81 Currently,
factors VIII and IX are produced with recombinant DNA von Willebrand Disease
methods, which avoids the hazards of bloodborne disease. In this bleeding disorder, factor VIII deficiency and platelet
During the HIV era, the mortality rate of patients with functional abnormality are present. The disorder is inher-
hemophilia was determined to be two to three times higher ited as an autosomal dominant trait and occurs in both
than that of the general male population, largely because of genders. The bleeding disorder is relatively mild.
the consequences of viral infections.119 Interestingly, studies Factor VIII, a glycoprotein with a molecular weight of
have continued to show that the mortality rate of patients 2000 kDa, is composed of subunits, each with a molecular
with hemophilia who were not infected with HIV continue weight of approximately 200 kDa. All these subunits
to exceed the mortality rate of the general population by a contain carbohydrates and are held together by disulfide
factor of 2.6.29,119 bonds.64,122 The precoagulant, sex-linked, hemophilic defect
is located on the lighter protein portion of the glycoprotein,
whereas the autosomal dominant von Willebrand defect
is related to the heavier carbohydrate moiety of the
The incidence of hemophilia is estimated to be 1/10,000 molecule.102
male births in the United States and 0.8/10,000 male births
in England.6,31 A 1998 study estimated the national preva-
lence at 13,320 cases of hemophilia A and 3640 cases of Clinical Features
hemophilia B, with a U.S. birth prevalence of both A and
B of 1/5032 live male births.143 Hemorrhage
Uncontrolled hemorrhage and repeated episodes of bleed-
ing are the hallmarks of hemophilia. The severity of the
Classification and Inheritance
disease varies from patient to patient but is constant in any
Hemophilia may be classified as hemophilia A, hemophilia one patient. Clinical manifestations of hemophilia A and B
B, or von Willebrand disease. Hemophilia A and B are are similar and depend on the blood levels of factor VIII or
further classified as mild, moderate or severe, based on the IX. The level of hemostasis is normal when the blood level

e644 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

pressure exceeds arterial and capillary pressure in the

Table 43-1  Classification of Severity of Hemophilia
synovium, resulting in tamponade of the synovial vessels and
A and B
causing ischemia of the synovium and subchondral bone.
Severity Factor Level (Percentage of Normal) With repeated hemorrhage, hyperplasia and fibrosis of
the synovium occur, and a vicious circle of bleeding-
Mild >50
synovitis-bleeding ensues.126 Pannus formation by the
Moderate 25-50 proliferating synovial tissue erodes the hyaline cartilage
Moderately severe   1-24 peripherally, and compression of its opposing cartilaginous
surfaces results in degeneration of articular cartilage cen-
Severe <1 trally. Articular cartilage is also degraded by the action of
proteolytic enzymes—lysosomal proteases, acid phospha-
tase, and cathepsin D.126 Data from animal studies have
of either factor is at least 50% of normal. When the func- suggested that articular cartilage may be more susceptible
tional plasma level of the factor is 25% to 50% of normal, to blood-induced damage at younger rather than at older
the hemophilia is mild, and excessive bleeding occurs only ages.131 Prostaglandin levels are also elevated in hemophilic
after major trauma or during surgery. When the plasma level arthropathy. An inflammatory process invades and destroys
of the factor is 5% to 25% of normal, the hemophilia is cartilage. Loss of joint motion and contractures from the
moderate; severe, uncontrolled bleeding occurs after minor capsular synovial fibrosis follow. Local ischemia causes for-
injury or during an operative procedure. When the plasma mation of subchondral bone cysts.
level of the factor is 1% to 5% of normal, the hemophilia is Repeated hemarthrosis causes marked dilation of the
moderately severe, with major hemorrhage occurring after capsular and epiphyseal vessels. The resultant hyperemia
minor injury or unrecognized mild trauma. When the plasma and increased circulation to the part result in enlargement
levels of factor VIII or IX are below 1% of normal, the of the epiphysis and increased length of the limb. Stimula-
hemophilia is considered very severe; clinically there are tion of growth may be asymmetric, resulting in valgus or
repeated spontaneous hemorrhages into joints and bleeding varus deformity. Alternatively, shortening of the limb may
into deep soft tissues. be produced by early closure of the physis. Osteoporosis
Abnormal bleeding may occur in any area of the body. and muscle atrophy are common.125
Joints are the most frequent sites of repeated hemorrhage,
followed by muscles and soft tissues. In the patient with Clinical Findings.  Clinical findings depend on the severity
severe hemophilia, the abnormal bleeding tendency may of hemorrhage and whether the hemarthrosis is acute, sub-
manifest in the neonatal period or early infancy. Ordinarily acute, or chronic. In acute hemarthrosis, pain and swelling
the ecchymosis and soft tissue bleeding are minor, resorb with distention of the joint capsule are the principal findings.
relatively readily, and are not detected by the parents. A history of injury may not be elicited. With cessation of
When the infant begins to crawl and starts bumping into bleeding, the intensity of the pain decreases. The joint will
objects, or is standing and falling, abnormal bleeding into assume the position of minimal discomfort, which is also
joints and soft tissues is noted by the parents. At this stage the position of minimal intraarticular pressure. The hip joint,
the infant is usually seen by the pediatrician. It is crucial to for example, is held in flexion, abduction, and external rota-
have a high index of suspicion for hemophilia to prevent tion. Extension, wide abduction, and medial rotation of the
serious consequences or invasive treatment, such as aspira- hip are limited and painful because they increase intraar-
tion of the joints. ticular hydrostatic pressure. The knee joint is held in flexion,
with range of motion markedly restricted by protective
Hemophilic Arthropathy spasm, pain, and the hemarthrosis. Local tenderness and
Intraarticular hemorrhage is a central clinical hallmark of increased heat are present. The overlying skin becomes tense
hemophilia. A single hemarthrosis may precipitate low- and shiny. The intense pain of acute hemarthrosis subsides
grade synovitis, which predisposes the involved joint to rapidly after the administration of factor VIII or IX.
recurrent hemarthrosis and a cycle of chronic synovitis, Subacute hemarthrosis develops after several episodes of
inflammatory arthritis, and progressive arthropathy.91 bleeding into the joint. Pain is minimal. The synovium is
thickened and boggy. Joint motion is moderately restricted.
Site of Involvement.  The weight-bearing joints are the Subacute hemarthrosis does not respond rapidly to the
most common sites of hemophilic arthropathy, with the administration of clotting factor.
frequency of involvement being, in decreasing order, Chronic hemarthrosis develops after 6 months of involve-
the knee, elbow, shoulder, ankle, wrist, and hip.17 The ment. Progressive destruction of the joint takes place, with
vertebral column is rarely involved. Any joint, however, the end stage being a fibrotic, stiff, and totally destroyed
may be the site of pathologic change. joint.6

Pathophysiology.  The pathophysiologic process was ini- Differential Diagnosis.  A difficult diagnostic challenge is
tially described by Konig in the late nineteenth century.73 the child with hemophilia and a superimposed joint infec-
An initial stage of synovial reaction to the bleeding into the tion. The diagnosis is often delayed because the symptoms
joint occurs first, followed by a later stage of cartilage degen- are similar to those of hemarthrosis. In one series, most but
eration and joint destruction. After injury, the synovial not all children with infection were found to have elevated
vessels rupture and the blood accumulates in the joint. white blood cell counts. Associated risk factors included
Bleeding continues until the intraarticular hydrostatic infected angioaccess catheters, pneumonia, and generalized
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e645

sepsis. Affected joints should be treated with antibiotics and radiographs of an affected joint disclose soft tissue swelling
repeated aspiration or arthrotomy.44,124 from distention of the joint capsule. With repeated hemor-
rhage and resultant chronic synovitis there may be joint
Radiographic Findings.  Radiographic findings associated effusion, osseous erosion, osteoporosis, enlargement of the
with hemarthrosis depend on the stage of the disease, epiphysis, subchondral cysts, narrowing of the articular car-
patient age at disease onset, and the joint involved.69 Mag- tilage space, formation of peripheral osteophytes, and other
netic resonance imaging (MRI) is considered the most accu- secondary degenerative changes (Figs. 43-1 and 43-2). The
rate imaging modality for assessing hemophilic arthropathy final phase of hemophilic arthropathy is fibrous ankylosis
and may significantly affect patient management. Initial (Fig. 43-3).

FIGURE 43-1  A, Hemophilic arthropathy of the left knee. B, The right knee is provided for comparison. Radiographs show the chronic
synovitis and enlargement of the distal femoral epiphysis.

FIGURE 43-2  Two examples of hemophilic arthropathy of the shoulder. A, Note the erosive changes of the humeral neck and glenoid.
B, Note enlargement of the humeral head.
e646 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

Box 43-1  Radiographic Staging

of Hemophilic Arthropathy
Soft tissue swelling
No skeletal abnormality
Overgrowth and osteoporosis of epiphysis
Joint integrity maintained
No bone cysts
No narrowing of articular cartilage space
Mild to moderate joint narrowing
Subchondral cysts
Patellar squaring
Widening of intercondylar notch of knee and trochlear notch
of elbow
Articular cartilage preserved, indicating that disease is still
Severe narrowing of joint space, with cartilage destruction
Other osseous changes, subchondral cysts, patellar squaring,
widening of intercondylar or trochlear notch, very
Total loss of joint space with fibrous ankylosis
Marked incongruity of the articular structures, with severe
irregular hypertrophy of the epiphysis

FIGURE 43-3  Fibrous ankylosis of the hip as a result of hemophilic Adapted from Arnold W, Hilgartner M: Hemophilic arthropathy:
arthropathy. current concepts of pathogenesis and management, J Bone Joint Surg
Am 59:287, 1977.
On the basis of radiographic findings and degree of car-
tilage destruction, Arnold and Hilgartner classified hemo-
philic arthropathy into five stages (Box 43-1).6 A modified Box 43-2  Modified Arnold-Hilgartner
version of the Arnold-Hilgartner system has four grades Arthroplasty Classification
instead of five (Box 43-2). This modified classification
eliminates the original stage II (epiphyseal enlargement and
Soft tissue fullness indicating effusion and synovial thickening
juxtaarticular osteoporosis), which is rarely discrete and has Juxtaarticular osteopenia often present
no implications for treatment.91 Osteoporosis frequently
accompanies chronic synovitis in patients with stage I GRADE II
arthropathy, and erosions are often present, with epiphyseal Widened epiphysis, surface irregularity, and small erosions
Normal cartilage interval or joint space
In a study comparing the ability to detect synovial hyper- GRADE III
trophy using plain radiography and MRI, Arnold-Hilgartner Narrowing of cartilage interval with extensive surface erosions
staging alone was proven to be predictive of synovial hyper- Juxtaarticular bony cysts may be present
trophy in patients with symptomatic knee and ankle joints, GRADE IV
with a sensitivity and specificity of 100% for the detection Same findings as stage III, but with complete loss of cartilage
of synovial hypertrophy within the knee.108 interval and marked surface irregularity
Reactive sclerosis, squaring of the margin of the femoral
Soft Tissue Bleeding condyles, and subluxation often present
After a direct injury, a large hematoma may accumulate in
the subcutaneous tissues. The blood usually is absorbed
spontaneously; ulceration occasionally occurs, commonly on anterior compartment (7%), adductors of the thigh (7%),
the forehead, the olecranon process, or the prepatellar area. hamstrings (6%), and sartorius (1%).7 In the upper limb the
This type of superficial hematoma usually remains fluid and most common site of bleeding is the deltoid (24%), fol-
fluctuant for a long time. Superficial soft tissue hemorrhage lowed by the wrist and finger flexors in the forearm (23.5%),
in the form of ecchymosis is common, especially in a patient brachioradialis (19.5%), biceps (14%), wrist and finger
with severe hemophilia; it is not of clinical significance. extensors in the forearm (11%), and triceps (8%).121 The
presenting complaint is pain on movement or at rest.
Intramuscular and Intermuscular Hemorrhage Hemorrhage in the quadriceps muscle may occasionally
In the lower limb the most common site of bleeding is the be painless and manifest only as stiffness or weakness of the
quadriceps (44%), followed by the triceps surae (35%), knee. Physical findings consist of local tenderness and
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e647

initially displays increased echogenicity compared with sur-

rounding soft tissues; within 3 to 4 days, relatively echo-free
areas develop in the bleeding site. Ordinarily, in 10 days,
the established hematoma is relatively echo-free. A soft
tissue hematoma may be of uniform texture, separating
muscle planes, or it may interdigitate with muscle fibers,
producing a mottled appearance, with poorly defined
margins. On follow-up ultrasonographic examination, the
FIGURE 43-4  Volkmann ischemic contracture of the forearm after intramuscular hematoma may have resolved spontaneously
fracture of both bones in a hemophilic boy. or may have progressively liquefied, with decreased internal
echoes and the development of well-defined borders.
A sudden increase in echogenicity indicates a fresh
The echo pattern of bleeding into joints shows a mixture
of echo-free fluid within the joint and a variable amount of
echogenic material floating free. In its initial stage hemar-
throsis is sometimes uniformly echogenic, in contrast to the
echo-free appearance of joint effusions from other causes,
such as toxic synovitis or septic arthritis.
Measurements of synovial thickness and synovial vascu-
larity using ultrasonography in conjunction with power
Doppler sonography have been shown to correlate highly
with the determination of these parameters using MRI.2
FIGURE 43-5  Ultrasonographic findings in soft tissue bleeding in The use of Doppler sonography with ultrasound may there-
the iliopsoas muscle. 1, Normal iliopsoas; 2, fascial plane; 3, iliac fore be a less costly means for determining the extent of
bone; 4, bleeding in the iliopsoas. synovial involvement; this may prove useful in patients
under consideration for selective prophylaxis prior to sus-
taining a frank hemarthrosis.
swelling, with limitation of motion of the adjacent joints.
Bleeding in the deltoid muscle restricts shoulder motion, Nerve Palsy
especially abduction and, to some extent, rotation, flexion, Neurapraxia in hemophilia is primarily caused by compres-
and extension of the shoulder. Bleeding in the forearm sion of a nerve from the hematoma. The femoral nerve is
flexors restricts motion of the fingers, wrist, or elbow, indi- usually involved because it is in a closed rigid compartment
vidually or in combination. limited by the iliacus fascia. The psoas sheath is easily dis-
Hemorrhage into the iliopsoas muscle or retroperito- tensible. The nerve next most frequently affected is the
neum may mimic a variety of surgical or medical emergen- median nerve. The ulnar, radial, sciatic, peroneal, and lateral
cies, such as appendicitis or renal colic. femoral cutaneous nerves also may be involved.26
Ischemia and fibrosis of muscles, with subsequent A history of injury, such as twisting of the limb or strenu-
myostatic contracture, result from bleeding within muscles ous use, may be obtained in some cases. Pain is the present-
or among muscles contained in a firm fascial compart- ing complaint and is soon followed by weakness of the
ment.78,93,94,105 Hemorrhage within the calf muscles pro- affected muscle groups.
duces fixed equinus deformity. Bleeding in the volar surface In femoral nerve palsy, the hip is held in moderate flexion
of the forearm may produce a Volkmann ischemic contrac- and some lateral rotation. Extension and medial rotation of
ture, with flexion deformity of the digits and wrists the hip are limited and painful. On palpation a tender mass
(Fig. 43-4). in the iliac fossa extending to the iliac crest and groin may
be present. There will be anesthesia or hypesthesia in the
Diagnostic Ultrasonography areas of the cutaneous distribution of the femoral nerve.
Diagnostic ultrasonography is routinely performed in hemo- Quadriceps paralysis is often present, in varying degrees.
philic patients in whom hemorrhage into joints or soft Ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT) demon-
tissues is suspected. It is noninvasive and can be performed strate the iliacus hematoma. With adequate factor replace-
at the bedside, with minimal disturbance of the patient.* ment, the natural course is one of gradual and steady
The diagnostic value of ultrasonography is in the identi- recovery, usually within 12 months.†
fication of bleeding into the hip, shoulder, and deep soft
tissues, such as the iliopsoas or retroperitoneum (Fig. 43-5). Hemophilic Pseudotumor
Effusions into these deep anatomic sites are easily detected The term hemophilic pseudotumor refers to a progressive
on ultrasonography. Hemorrhage into superficial joints such cystic swelling involving the musculoskeletal system. It is
as the knee, elbow, ankle, or wrist is determined on physical caused by uncontrolled hemorrhage within a confined space.
examination. The hematoma grows and causes pressure necrosis and
The echo pattern varies with the duration and anatomic erosion of surrounding tissues. The subjacent bone fre-
site of the hemorrhage. In the soft tissues a hematoma quently is involved.6

*References 2, 12, 71, 76, 103, 113, 138, 159, 164, 165. References 1, 4, 9, 13, 27, 33, 39, 53, 58, 60, 92, 132, 136, 144, 152.
e648 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

First described in 1918, this entity occurs only in severely A bone involved by pseudotumor may sustain pathologic
affected hemophiliacs who have a functional clotting factor fracture. Before adequate factor replacement was available,
level below 1% of normal. In these patients, with severe pseudotumors caused death in most patients, and involved
hemophilia, the estimated incidence is 1% to 2%. limbs were amputated. Fernandez de Valderrama and col-
These cysts develop in one of three ways.37 The simple leagues have observed that the location of these tumors is
cyst occurs within the fascial envelope of a muscle (or related to the powerful muscle groups of the quadriceps
muscles) and is confined by the tendinous attachments. No femoris, triceps surae, gluteus maximus, and iliopsoas
bony changes are seen on radiographs. The cyst usually muscles, which have firm attachments between their fibers
remains localized under the muscle fascia, although it may and the periosteum but not to any great extent with the
extend between muscle and fascia to point internally or bone itself.37 These muscles also have profuse vascular con-
through the skin. nections with the underlying periosteum and bone. Hemor-
The second type of cyst occurs in a muscle with wide rhage from these injured vessels easily detaches and elevates
and firm fibrous periosteal attachments; it may eventually the periosteum.37
cause cortical thinning because of compressive interference Hemophilic pseudotumor is essentially an expanding
with the periosteal and outer cortical blood supplies. hematoma. CT scans have demonstrated that the lesion is
In the third type, the pseudotumor originates as a sub- of fluid consistency and can show its true extent, bony
periosteal hemorrhage and progressively strips the perios- destruction, and extraosseous abnormality.115 MRI is also of
teum from the cortex until it is limited by the aponeurotic great value in delineating the nature and extent of the
or tendinous attachments. The overlying muscle is raised or pseudotumor. It is imperative that a hemophilic tumor not
destroyed.150 Most hemophilic pseudotumors are caused by be mistaken for a malignant or expanding benign bone
subperiosteal hemorrhage. Occasionally one may arise from tumor. It should not be aspirated, nor should a biopsy speci-
intraosseous hemorrhage.63 In the past, intramedullary men be taken for diagnosis, particularly without appropriate
bleeding was thought to be a cause of hemophilic pseudo- preoperative correction of functional factor deficiency.
tumor.1,58,63 It was proposed that uncontrolled intraosseous
hemorrhage increases the intramarrow pressure and causes Fractures
necrosis of the marrow and inner cortex of the bone. With Fractures in hemophilia may result from trauma or may
progressive bleeding and increasing pressure, the cortex occur pathologically after a trivial injury. They are most
would perforate, causing elevation of the periosteum and common in the lower limb, especially in patients with stiff
bone necrosis. Pathologic examination of large hemophilic knees, who sustain supracondylar fracture of the femur.
pseudotumors, however, has failed to demonstrate bone Fracture hematomas may be large, especially after femoral
necrosis or resorption of the inner part of the cortex. fractures. Uncontrolled bleeding into a closed fascial com-
The most common location of pseudotumors is in the partment may lead to a Volkmann ischemic contracture (see
thigh (50% of cases), followed by the abdomen, pelvis, Fig. 43-5).
and tibia (Fig. 43-6, A).59 Pseudotumor may also occur
in the hand (see Fig. 42-6, B).9 Pseudotumor involving Dislocations
the calcaneus may cause marked erosion of the calcaneal Intraarticular bleeding in the hip stretches the joint capsule
tuberosity.21,74 and causes subluxation and eventual dislocation of the hip.

FIGURE 43-6  Hemophilic pseudotumors of the tibia (A) and hand (B).
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e649

Bleeding in the hip joint is a rare but serious problem in correction of mutations in the factor IX gene has been
hemophilia. Increased intraarticular pressure, in addition to reported in a mouse model of hemophilia B, without the
stretching the joint capsule, causes avascular necrosis (AVN) development of host immune reactions.158 Despite these
of the femoral head, with eventual joint space narrowing, intriguing developments, gene therapy remains an investi-
subchondral irregularity and cyst formation, collapse of the gational method, with many obstacles to be overcome
femoral head, osteoarthrosis, and arthrokatadysis.137,150 before it can be reliably used as a treatment for
Myositis Ossificans
Ectopic ossification in hemophilia, first described by Medical Management
Hutcheson, develops as a result of intermuscular or intra- The objective of medical management is control of bleeding
muscular bleeding.61 Heterotopic bone formation around by hemostasis, achieved by intravenous (IV) administration
the hip joint restricts motion of the hip.80 In the past it was of the appropriate coagulation factors. There are two major
thought to be a rare complication in hemophilia, but has approaches. The first is treatment on demand—that is, at
been reported to occur in 15% of patients.156 the onset of any bleeding episode. The second approach
is prophylactic replacement in patients with recurrent
Bone Mineral Density hemarthroses.
Children with severe hemophilia and hemophilic arthropa-
thy are at risk for reduced bone mineral density related to Treatment on Demand
limitations in weight-bearing exercise and frequent hepatitis The most common approach to the treatment of recurrent
C infection.8 Although more recent research has suggested hemarthrosis is treatment on demand. It has been suggested
that only a small number children with moderate or severe that factor levels of 30 to 50 IU/dL are optimal in control-
hemophilia may have abnormal bone mineral density, ling an acute hemorrhage. To achieve these levels in a patient
reduced bone density in childhood remains a risk factor for with severe hemophilia (plasma levels < 1% of normal), 15
osteoporosis in later life.22 Because osteoporosis may there- to 25 IU/kg of factor VIII and 20 to 50 IU/kg/dL of factor
fore complicate the future treatment of patients with IX are required. Repeated treatments may be required daily
hemophilia, screening for reduced bone density of young for 2 to 3 days to control the hemarthrosis. Aspirin products
patients with severe hemophilia is recommended until and nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs must be avoided.123
further studies have explored this issue. An investigation into the cost implications of repeated
arthrosis in patients with hemophilia A has found that the
cost of treating a child with on-demand factor VIII more
than doubled within 1 year after the development of a
The care of the hemophiliac with musculoskeletal disorders target joint, defined as three bleeds into a single joint within
requires a multidisciplinary approach by a team consisting a 3-month period.68 This study, performed in boys with an
of a hematologist, orthopaedic surgeon, physical therapist, average age of 4.5 years, supports beginning primary pro-
nurse clinician, medical psychologist, social worker, and phylactic therapy at younger ages.
geneticist. There should be immediate access to a laboratory
capable of performing accurate factor VIII and IX assays Prophylactic Treatment
and detecting factor antibodies. Factor material should be Several studies have shown that ongoing prophylactic treat-
readily available for replacement therapy. The creation of ment reduces the incidence of hemarthrosis.50 One study
multidisciplinary hemophilia clinics in children’s hospitals has found that starting treatment at 3 years of age results
has simplified the care of hemophilic children. in a better outcome than starting at 5 years, but patients
with prior repeated hemarthrosis had continued arthropa-
Gene Therapy thy despite prophylactic factor replacement.40 Another
A number of trials of gene therapy in animals with geneti- study noted reduced bleeding frequency in 41 of 47 patients
cally produced factor deficiencies have been performed, but an increase in the cost of clotting factors compared with
with some success. Most studies have addressed the use of treatment on demand, although a similar investigation iden-
adenoviral vectors to carry the corrected gene into the tified fewer joint bleeds, less arthropathy, and lower treat-
recipient, with the goal of obtaining long-term therapeutic ment costs in 49 patients receiving factor prophylactically
levels of factor VIII or IX without stimulating an immune versus on demand.38,104
response against the transgene product or the vector itself.47 The efficacy of prophylactic treatment for the preven-
Host immunity to the adenoviral vector has thus far pre- tion of hemarthrosis and arthropathy in children has been
vented permanent correction of the factor deficiency, highlighted by two prospective, multicenter, randomized
although the development of viral vectors devoid of viral trials.51,96 The recent ESPRIT study in Europe has demon-
genes has allowed reduced immunogenicity and even sus- strated that when compared with patients randomized to
tained expression of factors VIII and IX, with complete demand treatment, those receiving prophylactic factor
cure of the bleeding disorder in some investigational replacement have significantly fewer hemarthroses and less
settings.14,35,66,153,161 signs of arthropathy on plain radiography. Patients who initi-
Specific gene therapy methodologies that have been ated prophylaxis prior to 36 months of age had fewer joint
investigated include the modification of hematopoietic stem bleeds per month and no radiographic signs of arthropathy.51
cells to express factor VIII transgene in the megakaryocytic The Joint Outcomes Study in the United States random-
lineage, allowing platelets to store and deliver factor VIII ized 65 boys younger than 30 months with hemophilia A to
to the site of vascular injury.130 Permanent therapeutic receive prophylactic or demand recombinant factor VIII
e650 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

replacement therapy. The mean annual number of joint home by themselves or by a family member. Immediate
bleeds was significantly higher in the demand treatment treatment of bleeding into joints results in less arthropathy
group. Furthermore, at 6 years of age, 93% of boys in and minimizes the extent of joint destruction. Home
the prophylaxis group had normal MRI studies of the therapy permits factor replacement as soon as a bleeding
knees, ankles and elbows versus only 55% in the demand episode takes place. This type of patient self-help, however,
group.96 has the disadvantages of inadequate follow-up, the possibil-
The dosage required to replace a factor deficiency ity of transmission of hepatitis to a family member, and an
depends on the patient’s weight and plasma volume. The increased risk of infection because of lack of appropriate
hematologist makes the calculation and is in charge of sterile technique in the handling of materials.83,84 The
administering the factor. The orthopaedic surgeon, however, parents should be instructed that if the bleeding is severe,
should be aware that 20 to 30 minutes after administration with marked distention of the joint, the child should be
of the antihemophilic factor, the plasma level will rise. The brought to the hospital within 4 hours of the onset of hem-
biologic half-life of factor VIII is 6 to 12 hours, whereas orrhage. It cannot be overemphasized that delay in institut-
that of factor IX is 8 to 18 hours. In the management of ing adequate treatment is the primary cause of crippling
bleeding into joint, muscles, and soft tissue, the dose of joint deformity in patients with hemophilia. A minimal or
factor VIII or IX is calculated to raise the plasma level to moderate intraarticular hemorrhage may not be so painful
30% of normal. In severe hemarthrosis it may be desirable at the onset, and the child will continue to use and bear
to raise the plasma level to 40% of normal. weight on the affected limb, causing continuous or intermit-
Inhibitors of factors VIII and IX develop as a result of tent progressive bleeding into the joint. Within a few days,
the human immunologic response.162 Risk factors for inhibi- the joint becomes markedly swollen, very painful, and
tor development include a family history of inhibitory anti- inflamed by reaction to the blood, and it develops a fixed
bodies, high risk–factor VIII gene mutations, and intensive flexion contracture. In case of associated bleeding into the
initial factor treatment.151 Also, black patients are twice as periarticular tissues and muscles, pain and muscle spasm are
likely to develop inhibitors to factor VIII as white patients.157 marked from the onset; the patient is apprehensive of
A low titer of inhibitors may be circumvented by high- moving the limb and is forced to rest and seek medical
dosage factor VIII infusion. Other methods to overcome attention.
this life-threatening problem include the administration of The affected joint is temporarily immobilized in a
prednisone and cyclophosphamide, the use of high concen- molded, well-padded splint in a position of rest and
trations of prothrombin-activated material, and the use of minimum hydrostatic pressure. This position varies with
plasmapheresis. Immune tolerance therapy can eradicate each joint. For example, for the knee, it is 35 to 45 degrees
inhibitors but has not been uniformly successful. Prelimi- of flexion, and for the elbow it is 50 to 60 degrees of
nary data have suggested that prophylaxis with activated flexion. Commercially available semiflexible splints (e.g.,
prothrombin complex concentrates safely reduces the inci- Jordan splint) provide partial immobilization and moderate
dence of joint bleeding during immune tolerance therapy compression.
and in patients in whom immune tolerance induction fails.82 Compression is effectively achieved by placing a rubber
Controlled clinical trials are needed, however, to identify sponge and elastic bandage over the site of hemorrhage. A
whether prophylaxis can prevent joint bleeding and damage second bandage may be applied intermittently over the first
and improve the quality of life in patients with factor one to increase tension. The distal circulation should be
inhibitors. carefully watched. Under no circumstances should a circu-
lar plaster cast be used, because the swelling underneath
Early Treatment of Bleeding into Muscles will obstruct blood flow and cause gangrene or compart-
and Soft Tissues ment syndrome. The limb should be elevated to reduce
Early treatment of bleeding into muscles and soft tissues by hydrostatic venous pressure. Cold compresses in the form
the self-administration of factor VIII or IX by the hemo- of ice bags are applied to the affected joint. The clotting
philiac or parent at home has been found to be effective. defect is corrected by IV administration of antihemophilic
The dose of factor is calculated to raise the level to 30% to factor.
40% of normal. The part is splinted in a comfortable neutral
position in foam pillows or soft appliances. If the hemor- Analgesics
rhage is in the lower limb, weight bearing is restricted by Narcotic analgesics are used with care because in such a
crutches or eliminated by confinement to the bed or a chronic disease, addiction can easily become a problem.
wheelchair. As soon as the acute symptoms of pain and Also, the course of the bleeding is best assessed by the
muscle spasm have subsided, the affected limb is gradually patient, and after being given a heavy analgesic, he or she
mobilized while factor replacement is continued. With early will be unable to give proper warning of continued
treatment (within 2 to 3 hours), the hemorrhage in the bleeding.
muscles usually resolves within 3 to 5 days. Hemorrhages A diminution in the severity of the pain is the first indica-
in the quadriceps femoris and biceps brachii take the longest tion of cessation of hemorrhage. The circumference of the
time to resolve.7,43 joint is measured at intervals to determine whether there is
progressive distention of the joint capsule. Also, analgesic
Acute Treatment of Hemarthrosis drugs that contain aspirin, guaiacolate, and antihistamines
Acute bleeding into joints is an emergency requiring imme- inhibit platelet aggregation and prolong the bleeding time.
diate attention. With proper education and instructions Administering these medications could produce a secondary
about dosage schedules, many patients can be treated at bleeding disorder. If the pain is intolerable and does not
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e651

respond to factor replacement and splinting, the pain medi- muscle atrophy and restriction of joint motion. If the knee
cations to be given are propoxyphene (Darvon), acetamino- is involved, quadriceps atrophy will cause joint instability,
phen (Tylenol), codeine, or methadone. A double-blind, leading to repeated trauma and bleeding.
controlled placebo study has found that etoricoxib, a Support of the lower limb in orthotic devices is indicated
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor, provides significant in two cases—when the motor power of the quadriceps or
improvement in various outcome measures assessing pain triceps surae muscle is less than fair or when flexion defor-
and function versus placebo, with no increased incidence of mity of the knee or equinus deformity of the ankle is
hemarthrosis in patients with hemophilic arthropathy.154 present to such a degree that mechanical insufficiency of
the lower limb predisposes the child to fall and sustain
Aspiration repeated injury. Rubbing and recurrent trauma to the oppo-
The need for joint aspiration has been debated. Some site thigh or leg caused by the medial caliper is a problem
authors recommend aspiration only for an extremely tense because it will cause soft tissue bleeding. Only a lateral
hemarthrosis and avoid aspiration in ordinary cases, citing upright is used. A well-padded plastic orthosis should be
the risk of introducing infection, discomfort to the patient, used whenever possible. When flexion deformity of the
and possibility that aspiration will incite more bleeding.123 knee or equinus deformity of the ankle develops, appropri-
Others believe that the removal of blood is critical for ate splinting is used at night to keep the part out of the
avoiding chronic synovitis and that a large hemarthrosis is position of deformity. Ankle splinting may be done initially
much more inviting to infecting organisms than sterile aspi- with ordinary posterior splints. Recurrent hemarthroses
ration of the joint.49 may be prevented by an ankle support worn during activi-
Joint aspiration should be performed under strict aseptic ties. Air splints, free ankle polypropylene orthoses, and
conditions and under local anesthesia. Factors VIII and IX lacers have all been used. Shock-absorbent heel pads also
are administered IV and reach an effective blood level 20 have been shown to reduce the impact on the ankle, with
to 30 minutes later, at which time the joint should be aspi- fewer hemarthroses resulting.54
rated. Later aspiration, after two to three infusions have During the stage of subacute hemarthrosis, prophylactic
been given, will be unsuccessful because of the thickening factor replacement is administered in conjunction with an
and clotting of the hemarthrosis. Aspiration is performed intensive physical therapy program. Graduated progressive
with an 18-gauge lumbar puncture needle with a stylet. One active resisted and gentle passive ROM exercises are per-
or at most two puncture wounds should be made with the formed immediately after infusion of the factor in the
needle. The joint is irrigated with normal saline solution evening and the following morning. The patient is allowed
until the return is clear. The compression dressing and pos- to swim and perform ordinary physical activities of daily
terior splint are reapplied. living. Contact sports should be avoided.
The appropriate factor is administered for 3 to 7 days
after cessation of bleeding. At this time physical therapy to Chronic Hemophilic Arthropathy
mobilize the joint is initiated. Isometric muscle exercises Chronic hemophilic arthropathy can usually be prevented
are begun, followed by gentle assisted range-of-motion by effective and immediate treatment of acute hemar-
(ROM) exercises, first with gravity eliminated and then throsis. The importance of prevention of chronic ar­­
against gravity. Between exercises the limb is protected in thropathy, with its accompanying intraarticular fibrosis,
an appropriate splint. The ROM of the affected joint is cartilage destruction, and joint stiffness, cannot be
progressively increased. Weight-bearing joints are protected overemphasized.
with crutches with a three-point gait. Full weight bearing is In the management of chronic hemophilic arthropathy,
not permitted for a minimum of 2 weeks, longer if neces- four modalities of treatment are available—physical therapy,
sitated by limitation of joint motion and muscle weakness. orthoses, traction and other corrective appliances, and
Transition to activity must be gradual. surgery. The objective is to correct joint deformity and
restore function.
Subacute Hemophilic Arthropathy
Repeated episodes of bleeding into a joint in a relatively Nonsurgical Treatment of Joint Deformity
short time result in synovial hypertrophy and persistent Nonoperative measures should always be used before
effusion. This is best managed nonoperatively by immobili- surgery. For flexion deformities of the knee and hip, a period
zation of the joint in a well-padded splint and with factor of continuous traction is effective for relieving muscle
replacement. Most subacute hemarthroses resolve over a spasm and increasing ROM. Traction forces are initially in
period of 3 to 4 weeks with this regimen. Aspiration is not the line of deformity and are gradually altered to achieve
indicated. Isometric exercises are performed to maintain correction. Traction with a Russell splint is effective. The
muscle tone and strength. Initially, passive ROM exercises vertical force is exerted by a sling placed under the proximal
are not allowed. Partial weight bearing with crutches is tibia when the knee is involved; with the hip, the sling
permitted. With resolution of the synovitis and effusion, support is under the distal thigh. In cases of lateral rotation
the patient is allowed to return to normal function contracture of the hip, a medial rotation strap is added to
gradually. the thigh.
If the subacute hemarthrosis fails to respond to 3 weeks Prophylactic protection with antihemophilic factor is
of partial immobilization, physical therapy, and factor usually not required for a child in traction. Once a neutral
replacement, an intraarticular injection of corticosteroid or almost neutral position is obtained, well-padded plastic
may be given. Prolonged immobilization of the affected splints are used to maintain the part in the corrected posi-
joint should be avoided because it will result in marked tion. Active exercises are begun to increase muscle power
e652 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

and joint ROM. It is best to refrain from forceful passive through frequent regular infusions of clotting factor concen-
stretching exercises. trate.5 Some patients with active inhibitors respond to the
If functional ROM is not achieved after 2 or 3 weeks of use of factor VIIa as a bypassing agent, although its efficacy
traction, a wedging cast is applied. Posterior subluxation of in patients undergoing major surgery is controversial.91 In
the knee may be prevented by applying an extension- addition, the half-life of factor VIIa is approximately 2
desubluxation hinge; this will lift the proximal tibia anteri- hours, and the cost of its administration is several times that
orly as the knee is extended.101,111,112,145 For safety, of recombinant factor VIII.
antihemophilic factor is administered when the cast is
wedged. When full knee extension is achieved, the knee is Hemophilic Arthropathy
immobilized for 7 to 10 days, a plastic splint is used to The most common procedures used to manage hemophilic
maintain the correction, and physical therapy in the form arthropathy are synovectomy, joint débridement, fusion,
of active exercises is begun. Partial weight bearing and and arthroplasty. Despite the medical and surgical com-
three-point crutch gait are permitted gradually. If bleeding plexities of hemophilic arthropathy, these procedures typi-
occurs during this period of training, it is controlled by IV cally result in symptomatic improvement and high levels of
administration of antihemophilic factor. Crutch support is patient satisfaction.91 If equinus deformity is very severe
discontinued and full weight bearing is allowed when there and rigid, Achilles tendon lengthening is indicated. Frac-
is functional range of joint motion and at least fair strength tional lengthening of the hamstrings combined with poste-
of the quadriceps muscle. rior capsulotomy is performed for flexion contracture of the
Management of flexion contracture of the elbow follows knee. On occasion, one may need to resort to osteotomy of
the same principles as those for the knee. Equinus defor- the distal femur, tilting it anteriorly to correct flexion defor-
mity of the ankle is treated by a dorsiflexion wedging cast. mity of the knee.128 Even in cases of marked radiographic
Forceful manipulation of a joint under general anesthesia is joint destruction, corrective osteotomy can yield acceptable
not recommended. long-term results and may delay or avoid the need for joint
The role of physical therapy should not be underesti- replacement.160 Osteotomy should be contemplated pri-
mated. Therapy can play an important role in preventing marily for patients in whom damage is unicompartmental
and managing joint contractures. Early and aggressive super- and accompanied by corresponding axial deviation.
vised physical therapy programs for young patients with Acute hemarthrosis of the immature hip requires special
hemophilia have demonstrated significant improvements in considerations, including factor replacement and aspiration
joint ROM and pain scores, with similar significant decreases on an urgent basis to reduce the risk for development of
in scores assessing disability.52 osteonecrosis.91 Discerning hip hemarthrosis from iliopsoas
muscle bleeds can be difficult because the symptoms of
Surgical Treatment of Deformity these two conditions may be identical. Iliopsoas bleeds
With early treatment and proper collaboration between the may, however, be associated with femoral nerve palsy and
hematologist and orthopaedic surgeon, deformities and numbness in the saphenous nerve distribution, whereas
crippling in patients with hemophilia can be prevented or patients with hip hemarthrosis may demonstrate an
corrected. If deformities caused by hemarthrosis cannot be increased femur-to-teardrop distance on anteroposterior
corrected by conservative closed methods, one should not radiographs. CT and MRI reliably differentiate between the
hesitate to perform open operations. Despite increased two conditions, and high-resolution ultrasonography may
anesthetic risk, it is sometimes preferable to perform two also be useful.91
or three orthopaedic surgical procedures in a single opera- Open surgery has become relatively safe, provided that
tive session to avoid repetition of surgical procedures and the clotting mechanism is restored to near normal by the
reduce factor consumption.127 administration of antihemophilic factor, which should be
continued for 3 weeks, with sutures removed on the 14th
Hematologic Management to 16th postoperative day. Wounds and bone heal normally
Before surgery is performed, the hematologist determines in hemophilic patients.
the factor level and performs tests to rule out the presence
of factor inhibitors. During surgery and on the first postop- Synovectomy.  The objective of synovectomy is to prevent
erative day, the factor level should be raised to 100% by the the progression of hemophilic arthropathy. The rationale for
infusion of factor concentrate, confirmed by a factor assay synovectomy in hemophilic arthropathy is based on the fol-
before surgery. The patient is then started on a continuous lowing considerations. Mechanically, the vulnerability to
infusion of clotting factor to maintain levels at 60% of trauma of the highly vascular synovial tissue is diminished
normal throughout the operative procedure, with this factor by its excision, and biochemically, hemophilic synovial
level maintained until hospital discharge.91 During the first tissue has a high level of fibrinolytic activity that tends to
postoperative week, the factor level is maintained at 50% prolong the bleeding episodes.39,147 Also, the hypertrophic
and for the next 2 to 4 weeks factor levels are maintained synovial tissue in hemophilia contains increased levels of
at 30% to 40% of normal by daily home infusion of factor acid phosphatase and cathepsin D, which are further ele-
concentrate. vated during bleeding episodes; these proteolytic enzymes
During the preoperative evaluation, children with hemo- destroy hyaline articular cartilage.56,57,162 The chronic syno-
philia are screened carefully for the presence of clotting vial inflammation is perpetuated by the elevated levels of
factor inhibitors. In general, patients with active inhibitors prostaglandin E and polymorphonuclear leukocytes because
are not candidates for elective surgery but may be consid- of chemotactic properties of the enzymes. Also, hemosid-
ered for this after the induction of immune tolerance erin deposition in the synovium interferes with the
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e653

production of collagenase, which may cause death of with a moist sponge. Growth of the distal femoral physis
chondrocytes. must not be disturbed. Next, the joint is copiously irrigated
Synovectomy of peripheral joints, particularly of the with antibiotic solution, and Gelfoam mixed with a solution
knee, is indicated for patients with a history of severe recur- of injectable saline and thrombin is applied over the denuded
rent hemarthrosis (two or three major bleeding episodes per tissues. The wound is packed with moist laparotomy pads,
month) and for those whose condition does not respond to and after several layers of elastic bandages have been applied
aggressive medical management maintained for at least 6 for compression, the tourniquet is released. Five to 10
months. Medical management involves a prophylactic factor minutes later, the wound is inspected and thorough hemo-
replacement program that raises factor levels to 30% to 40% stasis is obtained. The previously applied Gelfoam is
of normal; factor replacement is administered every other removed and the wound is closed in layers. Suction drainage
day in hemophilia A and every third day in hemophilia B. is always inserted. A bulky compression dressing is applied,
Other indications are failure to respond to orthopaedic non- and the limb is immobilized in an above-knee, plaster of
surgical treatment (physical therapy and protection with Paris posterior splint. The suction drainage is removed in 2
crutches and orthoses) and radiographic stage II or III or 3 days.
hemophilic arthropathy (in stages IV and V, synovectomy is Postoperative Care.  Isometric quadriceps- and hamstring-
ineffective and contraindicated). In the elbow, repeated strengthening exercises are begun immediately. Active
hemarthroses result in the loss of forearm rotation and ROM exercises should not be commenced early because
elbow extension. Limitation of rotation results mainly from they could result in massive hemarthrosis. Seven to 10 days
hypertrophy of the radial head.62 A reduction in the inci- after surgery, gentle active assisted and passive ROM exer-
dence of hemarthrosis has been reported after open syno- cises are started. Toe-touch weight bearing with crutch pro-
vectomy of the elbow, with excision of the radial head to tection is allowed as tolerated. Active ROM exercises are
improve ROM. Synoviorthesis with radioactive gold has started approximately 2 weeks after surgery. Passive range
also been reported to be effective for reducing of knee motion exercises may also be performed with a
hemarthroses.109 continuous passive motion (CPM) machine 14 days after
Arthroscopic Synovectomy.  Although open synovectomy surgery, at first for several hours of the day during waking
has been used longer than the other methods, it is often hours to ensure that there is no bleeding into the joint, and
complicated by the loss of ROM of the affected joint. then for gradually increasing periods. During the third post-
Arthroscopic synovectomy, which has now mostly replaced operative week, the limb should be in the CPM machine all
open procedures, is most useful when performed before night and part of the day. Active exercises are performed
severe degenerative changes have developed. Several reports intensively to develop quadriceps function. Full weight
have noted a significant reduction in hemarthroses without bearing is allowed gradually.
loss of motion after arthroscopic synovectomy. A cost- Problems and Complications.  Postoperative loss of range
benefit analysis of arthroscopic synovectomy has identified of joint motion from adhesions of the patellofemoral and
significant reductions in disease-related costs per month tibiofemoral joints is a common and challenging problem
and in the number of hemarthroses reported before and after synovectomy for hemophilic arthropathy and may be
after the procedure—$7500 versus $900, and 71 versus greater in younger patients because of poor cooperation
7 hemarthroses, respectively.149 Arthroscopic procedures with the postoperative physical therapy program.65,97,106 The
are difficult and often lengthy but avoid some of the motion stage of arthropathy, adequacy of control of intraarticular
problems of open approaches.30,34,90,163 In one study of bleeding during and after surgery, degree of quadriceps and
arthroscopic synovectomy performed in 69 joints in 44 hamstring atrophy, and patient’s motivation and coopera-
children, subjects experienced 84% fewer hemarthroses tion are important factors in determining the final ROM.
compared with control subjects. ROM remained stable Intensive, prolonged physical therapy and use of the CPM
or improved within 1 year in patients who underwent machine are vital after synovectomy.
arthroscopic synovectomy, and complications related to the Massive bleeding may occur in the joint during the
procedure were rare, although radiographic scores of immediate postoperative period after synovectomy or
patients treated arthroscopically worsened slightly during during the rehabilitation phase of treatment. This may
the study.30 require aspiration or surgical arthroscopic evacuation of the
Open Synovectomy.  Open synovectomy of the knee is hematoma.
performed under tourniquet ischemia.106 The surgical Despite these complications, the results reported in the
approach to the knee is through a long, medial, parapatellar literature have indicated that chronic recurrent hemarthro-
incision that begins 5 cm above the superior border of the sis and the pain in chronic hemophilic arthropathy can be
patella and extends to the medial border of the patella and effectively eliminated after open synovectomy, which also
then to the medial border of the proximal tibial tubercle. appears to slow the pace of progression of the disease.‡
Throughout the operation, electrocautery is used to main-
tain strict hemostasis. The subcutaneous tissue, fascia, and Synoviorthesis.  A number of methods of synovial ablation
capsule are divided and the knee joint is thoroughly using intraarticular radioactive substances have been
inspected. The proliferative synovial tissue is excised first reported. Children have been infrequently treated in this
from the suprapatellar pouch, then from the medial and manner because of unresolved concerns of future oncogen-
lateral recesses of the knee and intercondylar notch, includ- esis. Rifampicin injected intraarticularly has been shown
ing that around the cruciate ligaments, and finally from the to reduce synovial proliferation and the incidence of
menisci. The coronary ligaments must be preserved. The
synovial tissue on the articular cartilage is removed gently ‡
References 15, 23, 32, 65, 88, 97, 100, 106, 109, 118, 142, 146, 147.
e654 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

hemarthrosis. It seems most effective in younger patients little involvement of the other joints. The indication is
and in smaller joints.18,19 stronger when the child is unlikely to be compliant with
Radiosynovectomy is minimally invasive, does not require activity restrictions and likely to overstress a total hip
hospitalization, necessitates only minimal clotting factor replacement.
coverage, preserves ROM better than surgical synovectomy,
and is highly cost-effective compared with open surgical or Neurapraxia
arthroscopic synovectomy.87,91,139 This procedure can be Neurapraxia is treated by factor replacement therapy in a
accomplished successfully without the simultaneous sufficient dose to attain factor levels of 80% to 100% of
co-injection of corticosteroids.42,85 Yttrium has been widely normal for 48 hours after onset of hemorrhage; the dose is
used for radiation synoviorthesis. Its use has been shown to tapered to maintain a level of 40% for 1 to 2 weeks. The
result in a significant decrease in the frequency of bleeding limb is splinted. Gentle physical therapy is performed 7
episodes, but reports have differed about an association days after the bleeding episode. Decompression of the
with significant rates of reduced ROM in treated joints.55,155 entrapped nerve may occasionally need to be performed.79
Colloidal 32P-chromic phosphate has also been used to
treat hemarthroses. In one series, all patients had a reduced Fractures
incidence of hemarthrosis. Of these patients, 50% retained Fractures usually heal in the normal time.11,12,24,36,67 Factor
ROM and the other 50% gradually lost motion. Radio- replacement should be to the level of 40% to 60% of normal
graphic scores worsened, despite a reduction in the rate of on the day of fracture and the following day; subsequently,
hemarthrosis.124 A reduction in the incidence of hemarthro- it should be 20% to 30% for 7 or more days, depending on
sis of the elbow has been reported with synoviorthesis with the degree of associated soft tissue injury.36 Whenever pos-
radioactive gold and with rhenium-186.129,155 Chemical and sible, fractures are treated by closed reduction and immo-
radioisotope synovectomies have been tried for the treat- bilization in a cast. Pins should not be used for skeletal
ment of chronic hemophilic arthropathy.3,36,41,130 The results traction because the patient will need prolonged factor
have been dubious; at present, surgical synovectomy is the replacement therapy. External fixators should be avoided.
procedure of choice. Open reduction and internal fixation are carried out when
closed methods are not appropriate.
Total Joint Replacement and Arthrodesis.  Deciding
between total joint replacement and arthrodesis is difficult, Flexion Contractures
and the decision should be individualized. Disabling pain is In areas of the world in which home infusion of clotting
the prime indication for surgery. factor is not available, recurrent hemarthrosis is the major
Total Joint Replacement.  In case of bilateral knee involve- source of morbidity, giving rise to joint destruction and
ment, total joint replacement is indicated with stage IV or flexion contracture. Large-joint contractures have been
V arthropathy when persistent knee pain is definitely caused treated successfully by Ilizarov external fixation under such
by joint derangement; there should be at least 45 degrees circumstances, with factor IX levels maintained at 1.0 IU/
of knee motion. Over the years, reported results have been mL before and after surgery. In one reported case, fixed
good.§ flexion in the knee joint was reduced from 50 to 5 degrees,
The most recent literature reports have suggested that and the child walked freely and without pain 4 months after
with the use of modern, continuous factor replacement surgery.70
during the perioperative period, clinical outcomes can be
equivalent to those of knee arthroplasty in the nonhemo- Pseudotumors
philic population.45 Treatment of pseuodotumors remains controversial. Con-
Total hip replacement is indicated for stage IV or V servative management consists of factor replacement and
hemophilic arthropathy when persistent pain with severe close observation. Greene has recommended that pseudo-
disability is not relieved by conservative measures.28,114 Total tumors be excised whenever they are accessible and stated
joint replacement has been shown to have no adverse effects that they will continue to expand if left alone.48 Before
on the course of HIV infection in patients with hemo- surgical intervention, angiography, CT, and MRI should be
philia.116 Arthroplasty of the elbow has been reported.141 performed to provide accurate anatomic detail of adjacent
Although the available literature on the use of total elbow vessels.152 The pseudotumor itself is avascular.148 The surgi-
replacement for hemophilic arthropathy contains small cal extirpation of a hemophilic pseudotumor requires careful
cohorts, most patients in these studies have had more pain preoperative planning and extensive dissection.53,120,132 Sur-
relief, preserved function, and the ability to perform activi- gical excision, although potentially curative, can be associ-
ties of daily living with minimal difficulty.20,99 ated with severe intraoperative hemorrhage. The use of
Arthrodesis.  Arthrodesis of the ankle, subtalar, and mid- arterial embolization prior to surgical excision has been pro-
tarsal joints in the foot and shoulder or knee may be indi- posed as a means to limit operative blood loss.75
cated when these joints are destroyed. The surgical Radiation therapy has been used to control the expand-
technique is the same as for normal patients, except that ing hematoma of hemophilic pseudotumors; irradiation
percutaneous pins should not be used in hemophilic patients causes new bone formation and sclerosis of the cystic cavity.
because they will need factor replacement at moderate Its use may be considered for surgically inaccessible sites.
levels until the pins are removed.59,114 Arthrodesis of the hip It is important to shield the physis to avoid causing a growth
is considered when the patient has a destroyed hip, with disturbance.85 Amputation of a limb may be indicated when
the patient is seen late or the patient has a deformity so
References 6, 46, 77, 88, 95, 98, 140. severe that the limb is of no use.10,25,134
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e655

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for inhibitor development at first treatment for severe hemophilia Sickle cell disease is the homozygous state and occurs in
A: a tool for clinical practice, J Thromb Haemost 6:2048, 2008. 2.5% of the African American population.
152. Thomas ML, Walters HL: The angiographic findings in a haemo- Sickle cell disease also includes conditions in which
philic pseudotumour of bone, Australas Radiol 21:346, 1977. the abnormal hemoglobin S is combined with other
153. Thorrez L, VandenDriessche T, Collen D, et al: Preclinical gene abnormal hemoglobin entities, such as hemoglobin C,
therapy studies for hemophilia using adenoviral vectors, Semin
D, or E.7 These are termed mixed hemoglobinopathies.
Thromb Hemost 30:173, 2004.
Hemoglobin S may also be associated with other types of
154. Tsoukas C, Eyster ME, Shingo S, et al: Evaluation of the efficacy
and safety of etoricoxib in the treatment of hemophilic arthropa- hereditary diseases, such as thalassemia, spherocytosis, or
thy, Blood 107:1785, 2006. ovalocytosis.
155. Turkmen C, Zulflkar B, Taser O, et al: Radiosynovectomy in
hemophilic synovitis: correlation of therapeutic response and
blood-pool changes, Cancer Biother Radiopharm 20:363, 2005. Orthopaedic Manifestations and Treatment
156. Vas W, Cockshott WP, Martin RF, et al: Myositis ossificans in
hemophilia, Skeletal Radiol 7:27, 1981. Bone Infarction
157. Viel KR, Ameri A, Abshire TC, et al: Inhibitors of factor VIII Bone infarction occurs in sickle cell disease when vessels are
in black patients with hemophilia, N Engl J Med 360:1618,
occluded by the sickled RBCs. Infarction manifests as
sudden, often severe pain in an extremity, with swelling
158. Waddington SN, Nivsarkar MS, Mistry AR, et al: Permanent
phenotypic correction of hemophilia B in immunocompetent over the affected bone. Local warmth, erythema, and
mice by prenatal gene therapy, Blood 104:2714, 2004. decreased motion of adjacent joints may also occur. The
159. Wallis J, van Kaick G, Schimpf K, et al: Ultrasound diagnosis of most commonly affected bones are the humerus, tibia, and
muscle haematomas in haemophiliac patients [in German], Rofo femur. Although bone infarction is far more common than
Fortschr Geb Rontgenstr Nuklearmed 134:153, 1981. osteomyelitis in this patient population (50 times more
160. Wallny T, Saker A, Hofmann P, et al: Long-term follow-up after common in one study16), distinguishing between these two
osteotomy for haemophilic arthropathy of the knee, Haemophilia entities can be difficult, and therefore infection must be
9:69, 2003. ruled out. To confuse the clinical picture further, the eryth-
161. Wang L, Herzog RW: AAV-mediated gene transfer for treatment
rocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and other inflammatory
of hemophilia, Curr Gene Ther 5:349, 2005.
markers are often mildly elevated in the setting of a bone
162. White GC 2nd, McMillan CW, Blatt PM, et al: Factor VIII inhibi-
tors: a clinical overview, Am J Hematol 13:335, 1982. infarction. Fever, however, is uncommon. Technetium scans
163. Wiedel JD: Arthroscopic synovectomy of the knee in hemophilia: may show increased or decreased uptake, and gallium scans
10- to-15 year follow-up, Clin Orthop Relat Res 328:46, 1996. often show increased activity.16
164. Wilson DJ, Green DJ, MacLarnon JC: Arthrosonography of the The treatment of bone infarction is supportive and
painful hip, Clin Radiol 35:17, 1984. limited to analgesic administration for pain and aggressive
165. Wilson DJ, McLardy-Smith PD, Woodham CH, et al: Diagnostic oral or IV hydration. Antibiotics are often given until the
ultrasound in haemophilia, J Bone Joint Surg Br 69:103, 1987. diagnosis of osteomyelitis has been ruled out.16
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e659

organisms causing osteomyelitis in these patients are Staph-

Osteomyelitis ylococcus aureus and Salmonella spp., with Salmonella spp.
Osteomyelitis is a frequent problem in children with sickle being the causative agent in 60% to 80% of cases.3 Younger
cell disease. In one study, the annual incidence for a patient patients are more likely to have Salmonella osteomyelitis.8,26
was estimated at 0.36%.25 This increased incidence, in com- Septic arthritis in this patient group may also be caused by
parison to that in the normal population, is believed to be Salmonella spp.14 Osteomyelitis caused by vancomycin-
caused by the disruption of small vessel blood flow, which resistant Enterococcus faecium and the anaerobe Fusobacte-
generates areas of relative tissue ischemia susceptible to rium nucleatum has also been reported.3,21 In the latter case,
bacterial colonization while also impairing the delivery infection did not respond completely to antibiotic therapy
of host immunologic cells to the infectious nidus.1 Bone and resolved only after surgical débridement and hyperbaric
infarction and osteomyelitis are characterized by localized oxygen therapy.
erythema, tenderness, and swelling. Both may also be
accompanied by elevation in the ESR and C-reactive protein Hand-Foot Syndrome
levels and a high leukocyte count. One study attempting to Hand-foot syndrome is characterized by swelling and ten-
use clinical predictors to differentiate between infarction derness of the hands and feet of children with sickle cell
and osteomyelitis found that a longer duration of fever and disease who are younger than 6 years (Figs. 43-7 and 43-8).
pain prior to presentation, along with swelling of the It occurs in up to 58% of children with the disease and may
affected limb, were significant predictors of osteomyelitis. be the presenting symptom. It appears after approximately
The risk of osteomyelitis was reduced in patients with more 6 months of age, when fetal hemoglobin (hemoglobin F) has
than one site of pain.2 An ill-appearing patient with fever been replaced by hemoglobin S.12 It does not occur after
higher than 38.2° C and localized pain and swelling should the disappearance of the hematopoietic marrow from the
prompt the physician to aspirate or sample the affected area hands and feet, at approximately 6 years of age. The clinical
rather than rely on diagnostic studies, which may be unreli- findings of hand-foot syndrome resemble those of osteomy-
able in discriminating between these two diseases.6 Infec- elitis and include soft tissue swelling, limited motion, ten-
tion is confirmed by aspirating purulent material from the derness, and pain in the hands and feet of small children.8,12
bone or by a positive blood culture.6,8 Although osteomyelitis is rare in the hands and feet of
Radiographic studies may help the clinician differentiate young children, the disorder must be considered in the dif-
between sepsis and infarction, but careful interpretation is ferential diagnosis. In both conditions, the white blood cell
essential. Plain radiographs in the early stages of either count and infectious indices are elevated. Higher elevations
condition are negative or show only soft tissue swelling.8 At in the presence of significant fever suggest an infection.
approximately 2 weeks, both conditions exhibit destruction Blood cultures and aspiration of involved areas may provide
of bone and periosteal reaction. Technetium and gallium the diagnosis. Antibiotic coverage should include coverage
scans may help make the differentiation, but both may also for Salmonella infection.12
be misleading.16,18 A combination of sequential bone marrow
and bone scintigraphy can help make the diagnosis. Normal Vertebral Involvement
uptake on the bone marrow scan and abnormal uptake on Hyperplasia of the bone marrow in response to the hemo-
the bone scan at the site of pain is suggestive of osteomy- lytic anemia of sickle cell disease causes radiographic changes
elitis.27 Radionuclide scintigraphy is most useful in locating in the vertebrae. The height of the vertebrae may be reduced,
multiple sites of infection, especially in the pelvis and spine. and bulging of intervertebral disks into the bodies may be
On ultrasonography, a subperiosteal fluid depth more than seen (Fig. 43-9). Compression fractures may cause shorten-
4 mm is highly suggestive of osteomyelitis, but patients ing of the trunk or the development of a kyphosis.
with a subperiosteal fluid depth less than 4 mm require Vertebral collapse may be caused by AVN of the verte-
further imaging or aspiration to establish the diagnosis.30 bra.26 Spinal osteomyelitis must always be considered in the
Gadolinium-enhanced MRI remains the preferred differential diagnosis when spinal symptoms appear. In one
imaging modality when attempting to distinguish between center, 24% of patients evaluated for spinal disorders had
infarction and osteomyelitis. Sequestration of red blood osteomyelitis of the vertebrae.26 Surgical decompression
cells in the bone marrow can be readily visualized on unen- and anterior strut grafting are usually required to eradicate
hanced T1 fat-saturated sequencing. Because this is the infection and preserve spinal alignment.
feature that results in bony infarction, T1 fat-saturated
sequencing may be diagnostic of bone infarction. This Avascular Necrosis
should not demonstrate any contrast enhancement, whereas Avascular necrosis of the femoral head eventually occurs in
regions of acute osteomyelitis would show significant con- 19% to 31% of patients with sickle cell disease.10 The
trast enhancement following the administration of gado- humeral head may also undergo AVN, and this is usually
linium.15 Characteristically, children with osteomyelitis in better tolerated than AVN in the hip.31 Several options for
the setting of sickle cell disease demonstrate elongated, surgical management of the pediatric sickle cell patient with
serpiginous central medullary enhancement, with evident AVN have been proposed; these include core decompres-
periostitis.28 sion with or without internal fixation, vascularized bone
The treatment of osteomyelitis must take into account grafting, pelvic rotational osteotomy, and proximal femoral
the altered immune status of the patient and impaired osteotomy.19,23,32,33 Although some studies have found that
blood flow to the bone. Prompt operative decompression of core decompression with cancellous grafting show favorable
any abscess is essential, and parenteral antibiotic therapy short-term results with regard to halting the progression of
should be continued for 6 to 8 weeks.5 The most common AVN in patients with lower grade lesions, recent studies
e660 SECTION VII  Other Orthopaedic Disorders

FIGURE 43-7  Hand-foot syndrome in sickle cell disease. The hands and feet were painful and swollen for 2 weeks. A and B, Radiographs
of the right hand and both feet show patchy areas of bone destruction. C, Radiograph of the left foot obtained 2 months later. Repair is
taking place by creeping substitution.

have found no difference in clinical improvement at 3-year investigators because the hypoxia beyond the tourniquet
follow-up between patients undergoing core decompression induces RBC sickling. One author has reported using a
and those treated solely with physical therapy.19,29 Total hip tourniquet in 19 patients with sickle cell disease. The
replacement is the eventual treatment for most patients patients with sickle cell disease had more complications
with AVN. Unfortunately, the results are compromised by than those in a control group, and these included bone pain,
the disease, and complications are frequent.10 In one series, severe postoperative pain, jaundice, and tissue edema. All
five of eight arthroplasties required early revision. In addi- complications resolved within 2 weeks.22
tion, the investigators noted excessive blood loss, prolonged Autologous blood can be used, as well as blood salvaged
hospitalization, and medical or surgical complications in all from the surgical field, but both are difficult to store because
patients, including those with sickle cell trait. They reported of the potential for hemolysis and sickling.9
a failure rate of 50% by 5 years after surgery.13
Miscellaneous Bone Changes
Surgical Considerations A lower bone mineral density of between 6% and 21% is
The operative care of patients with sickle cell disease should usually found in patients with sickle cell anemia.4 Deficits
be conducted with focused perioperative optimization, in whole body bone mineral content seem to persist, even
preferably in conjunction with a hematologist. Preoperative following adjustments for poor growth and decreased lean
hydration, oxygen supplementation, and transfusions are all body mass that are common in this patient population.5
helpful in limiting intraoperative and postoperative compli- Furthermore, children with sickle cell disease have been
cations. One study has found that aggressive preoperative noted to have significant deficits in dietary calcium and
transfusion to raise the hemoglobin level to 9 to 11 g/dL circulating levels of vitamin D.17 These children may there-
and lower the hemoglobin S level to less than 30% resulted fore be at risk for insufficiency fractures. Lucencies in the
in lower rates of postoperative complications and skull may produce a ground-glass appearance, with loss of
transfusions.20 trabecular pattern. Changes in trabecular patterns of the
The use of a tourniquet in patients with sickle cell trait long bones appear in younger children, corresponding to the
or sickle cell disease is considered undesirable by most location of active bone marrow.11
CHAPTER 43  Hematologic Disorders e661

Sickle Cell Disease
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