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Dela Torre, Elmer J.

EDU 542 – Technology for Teaching and Learning 2

BSED - Filipino Ma’am Cherlyn Pascual

Module 8
Activity 1: What I know (Part 1)

What I Know Questions: What I Learned

(Activity 4)
Problem-based learning 1. What do you know about problem-
is a student-centered based learning?
pedagogy in which
students learn about a
subject through the
experience of solving an
open-ended problem
found in trigger
Project-based learning 2. What do you know about
is a student-centered project- based learning?
way of teaching that
involves in which it is
believed that students
acquire a deeper
knowledge through
active exploration of
real-world challenges
and problems.
Activity 3.1 – IDENTIFYING SIMILARITIES & DIFFERENCES: Base on the information given
about PBL, identify the similarities and differences of the 2 learning approaches. Write your
answer on the space provided in the graphic organizer below.
Activity 3.2 – PBL Preferences! Imagine that you are a literature teacher who is about to teach
7th grade students about poetry. In application to your understanding of PBL approach, how will
you teach poetry to the said students? Write your answer below.

 Middle school can be the ideal time to help students appreciate poetry. Kids who are in
middle school are often fascinated by different ways that they and others can express
themselves, their emotions, and their relationship to the world around them. By this
age, many kids are strong independent readers with a capacity to appreciate new
genres and sophisticated themes. They might also be looking for new and different ways
to process some of the complicated emotions they experience. One way to teach poetry
to middle school students is by incorporating activities into your instruction. When you
teach with activities, students have a chance to work from their strengths and practice
learning in different ways. The activities in this lesson will help middle school students
appreciate poetry.

WHAT I KNOW (Part 2)

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

Problem-based learning 1. What do you know about Based on what I have learned,
is a student-centered problem-based learning? problem-based learning
pedagogy in which originates in the 196os. It uses
students learn about a scenarios and cases that are
subject through the perhaps less related to real life.
experience of solving an It is more likely to be single
open-ended problem subject and shorter. Also, I’ve
found in trigger learned that often share the
material. outcomes of and jointly set the
learning goals with the teacher.
I also learned that students
learn a topic through solving
problems and generally works
in groups to solve the problem.
Project-based learning 2. What do you know Based on what I have learned,
is a student-centered about project- based project-based learning was first
way of teaching that learning? termed in 1918 in the works of
involves in which it is Dewey and Kilpatrick. It is often
believed that students multidisciplinary and shorter.
acquire a deeper Also, It is a learning approach
knowledge through where the goals are set in. it is
active exploration of quite structured. Not only that,
real-world challenges It involves authentic tasks that
and problems. solve real world problems. In
addition, I learned that project-
based learning is an
instructional approach wherein
students investigate a complex
question, problem or challenge.

ACTIVITY 5. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: Multiple choice- circle the letter of your answer.

1. What is the common acronym for both Project-based and Problem-based learning?

a. PPL b. PBL c. PrBL d. PBrL

2. What is problem-based learning?

a. An educational model used only in kindergarten

b. An education model that poses a question and allows students to research answers

c. An education model that relies on lectures and notes

d. An education model led by teachers that uses memorization and testing

3. In problem-based learning, authenticity refers to ______.

a. How many students are in a problem solving group

b. How well the problem correlates with states standards

c. How easy a problem is to solve

d. How true to life the problem is

4. Which of the following best describes problem-based learning?

a. Problem-based learning has teachers reflect on the problems in their classes

b. Problem-based learning has students solve many problems in rapid succession

c. Problem-based learning helps students learn content while solving the complex and
authentic problems

d. Problem-based learning has students teach each other how to solve problems.

5. In a PBL classroom, you probably _____

a. Won’t see multiple choices quizzes

b. Won’t see homework

c. won’t see teachers lecturing

d. might see any of the above

6. What is project-based learning?

a. Learning where grades are based on final project

b. Learning that engages students in hands-on experiences

c. Learning that happens outside of the school

d. Learning that happens in art class

7. Which skills can project-based learning help your students develop?

a. Critical thinking

b. Creativity

c. collaboration

d. all of the answers are correct

8. Which of the following can project-based learning NOT be applied to?

a. History

b. Mathematics

c. Science

d. none of the above

9. Problem-based learning and project-based learning are synonymous strategies.

a. True

b. False

c. not sure

d. all of the above

10. Project-based learning leads students and teachers towards the ____

a. completed project

b. collaboration of members

c. finishing activity

d. output assessment

11. Problem-Based Learning leads the teachers and students to ____

a. completed project

b. grouping activities

c. problem identification and a solution

d. individual reflection

12. All are 21st century skills that is required in the PBL approach except ____

a. collaboration
b. critical thinking

c. communication

d. clarity

13. Which PBL originated way back in 1918 through the works of John Dewey?

a. Project-based learning

b. Program-based lessons

c. Problem-based learning

d. Protocol based lessons

14. Which is a teaching pedagogy that is student-centered?

a. Project-based learning

b. Program-based lessons

c. Problem-based learning

d. Protocol based lessons

15. Which is an instructional approach where students learn by investigating a complex

question, problem or challenge?

a. Project-based learning

b. Program-based lessons

c. Problem-based learning

d. Protocol based lessons


Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

Here are some guide questions intended to give you a better understanding of this lesson.

a. Can other teaching methods be used along with Project Based Learning?

Yes. Because PBL is a flexible and engaging teaching approach that can be used to design
new lessons or to improve lessons you have previously. Educators use PBL for many
reasons, including increased student engagement, possibilities for teaching and
assessing multiple skills, and possibilities for differentiation.

b. Does Project Based Learning requires too much time?

Yes. PBL takes too much time. It is true that projects take time, but it is time well spent.
The key is to design a project well, so it aligns with standards, and manage it well, so
time is used efficiently. I do believe that it requires a lot of time because it is not easy to
come up with a good plan.

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