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I. Fill each gap in the sentences with the correct form of the word from the box.
threat aware Alarm spread danger
affect catastrophe emit short solve

1. All of us have to take action to reduce the _______ of pollution.

2. The government has pledged to clean up industrial _______.
3. He was _______ with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work.
4. A tidal wave caused by the earthquake hit the coast causing _______ damage.
5. The rainforests are disappearing at an _______ rate.
6. There is likely to be a world _______ of timber in the future.
7. They were seeking an ultimate _______ to the city’s traffic problem.
8. The plan received _______ support throughout the country.
9. Smoking during pregnancy _______ your baby’s life.
10. There is growing _______ of the link between diet and health.
II. Complete the following word web.

III. Match the sentences (1-10) with suitable disasters (A-J).

A. Forest fire B. Typhoon C. Earthquake D. Tsunami E. Volcano
F. Drought G. Sandstorm H. Famine I. Flood J. Landslide

1. _____ Several people were walking along when suddenly tons of earth came crashing down
the hillside and blocked the road in front of them.
2. —— The winds have already strengthened considerably and the sea is now very rough instead.
As a result, ferries across the harbour have stopped sailing and all large ships have put out to sea.
3. _____ The river overflowed in several places and huge areas of farming land are now several
feet under water. Boats are being used to rescue people in nearby villages.
4. _____ Suddenly the ground shook beneath our feet and the tall building opposite the college
began to sway. Windows and doors rattled and several bookcases in the college library came
crashing down.
5. _____ Tankers full of water were sent, but it was too late to save many of the animals and
crops there. The whole area was like a vast desert.

6. Smoke poured out of the crater but no one expected an eruption. A week later, however, red
hot lava began to flow down the side of the mountain.
7. _____ It swept onwards, covering everything in its path. The travellers had to get off their
camels and lie down until it had eventually passed.
8. _____ Flames swept across a large area of land, burning almost everything. Two hours later,
only big trunks remained.
9. _____ It must have been at least twenty feet high as it swept towards the shore. In a few
seconds, it destroyed all the houses in its way, drowning everyone inside.
10. _____ Over 50,000 people in Ethiopia have died of starvation in the past months. Questions
are being asked concerning the delay in the supplies of rice and grain which were recently sent to
IV. Fill each gap in the passage with a suitable word in the box.
gas amounts Life sources production
forests effects deforestation atmosphere greenhouse

Gases pollute the (1) ________ because they are produced too quickly to be cleared away
naturally by rain, winds or plant life. These poisonous gases come from several (2) ________
such as oil producers, industry which burn fuel, and motor vehicles. When the gases are released,
they have two harmful (3) ________. Firstly, some of the gases are caught by rain clouds and fall
as acid rain, which damages the environment. Secondly, increasing (4) ________ of carbon
dioxide form a cover over the earth, keeping the heat of the sun close to the earth’s surface just as
a (5) ________ keeps heat in.
The increase in carbon dioxide is made worse by the cutting down of (6) ________. Trees
use carbon dioxide and the fewer trees there are, the more of this (7) ________ remains in
the air. The USA is now leading an international effort to limit (8) ________. In 1996,
Washington set goals for industry and several international agreements have already been
effective in reducing the (9) ________ of harmful gases. Only international cooperation can
solve this problem which, if not controlled, may threaten all (10) ________ on earth.
V. Fill each gap with the correct form of the word in brackets to complete the passage.
Today one of the biggest challenges is to end our (1) ________ (depend) on oil, which is
increasing global warming and causing (2) ________ (pollute). In the UK there are a number of
clean, (3) ________ (renew) sources of energy such as wind and wave power so
the answer should not be hard to find. The government is trying to reach a (4) ________ (decide)
on the best policy for the 21st century.
Some people claim that nuclear power is the answer but this produces (5) ________
(harm) nuclear waste and would result in more environmental threats and the danger of (6)
________ (terror). It is (7) ________ (clear) not an answer. With education and (8) ________
(encourage), people are changing their attitudes to energy. Anyone who wants to be (9)
________ (help) can sign on with an electricity company to get electricity generated (10)
________ (nature) by the power of the wind and water. This shows support
for alternative energy.
VI. Read the following passage and choose the best answer.
Coral reefs are found in clear, shallow water, mostly in the tropics. These ocean (1)
________ provide shelter for many (2) ________ of animals, including sharks and turtles. The
reefs provide fishing grounds for local people. They also help boost the tourist (3) ________.
Sadly, the world’s reefs are now disappearing at a catastrophic (4) ________. There are several
reasons for this. (5) ________ warming is a major contributor. Climate change has caused sea

temperatures to rise by about three degrees. Coral can’t (6) ________ such warm conditions so
the reefs are now under (7) ________.
Pollution is also a worry. Coral needs light or it will die. (8) ________, all over the world,
pollution is turning the sea murky. Erosion, over-fishing and uncontrolled tourism are also
threats. But it’s not too late. Coral reefs can recover quickly as (9) ________ as they are
protected. The good news is that local people, such as fishermen, students, divers and biologists
are becoming actively involved in controlling pollution and defending the reefs. And when
ordinary people get serious about caring for the environment and conserving wildlife, they can
really (10) ________ a difference.
1. A. places B. areas C. environs D. habitats
2. A. species B. groups C. parties D. specimens
3. A. market B. interest C. industry D. business
4. A. rate B. level C. amount D. number
5. A. Planet B. Global C. Weather D. Greenhouse
6. A. bear B. stand C. tolerate D. allow
7. A. threat B. danger C. problem D. difficulty
8. A. Despite B. While C. Although D. However
9. A. far B. well C. long D. much
10. A. do B. make C. have D. take
I. Change the simple -ing forms to perfect forms.
1. I apologise for not writing a reply to your email.
2. She didn’t remember locking the door.
3. The government was not responsible for giving false information.
4. The three men were found guilty of committing armed robbery.
5. I had no memory of being in his house.
6. Several students were accused of cheating in their exams.
7. I am not aware of breaking any law.
8. I feel really bad about not sending you a birthday card.
9. She’s angry about not being invited to the party.
10. They regretted not attending a three-day conference on global warming.
II. Fill each gap In the predictions with the correct form of a verb from the box.
rise (3) have (2) become Close double melt suffer

Climate change is now something we cannot close our eyes to and governments all over the
world have finally realised that they have to sit up and take notice. These are some of the things
that many scientists predict will happen if we keep on polluting the atmosphere with
CO2 emissions.
Short term: by the year 2050
 More than a third of the world’s plant and animal species will have (1) ________ extinct.
 The ice in the Artie Sea will melt every summer, causing the extinction of polar bears. Many
glaciers, for example, on Mount Kilimanjaro will have (2) ________ completely.
 Fifty percent of the world’s ski resorts will have (3) ________ down due to lack of snow.
Mid term: by the year 2100
 Sea levels will have (4) ________ by 6 - 27 inches (16 - 69 centimetres). This means that low-
lying islands like the Maldives will no longer be habitable.
 The number of serious coastal storms and tsunamis will have (5) ________.
 Northern European cities, e.g. Paris and London, will be (6) ________ 50 days a year of heat
waves when temperatures are over 86 °F (30 °C) (there are currently 6-9 days).
Long term: by the year 2300
 Temperatures will have (7) ________ by about 59 °F (15 °C).
 Sea levels will have (8) ________ by more than 36 feet (11 metres), flooding large areas
of Bangladesh and many low-lying cities, such as New York. Hundreds of millions of people will
be displaced.
 One third of the world will be (9) ________ from extreme droughts and half the world will be
(10) ________ moderate droughts. Tens of millions of Africans will have to migrate.
III. Rewrite the sentences using perfect participles.
1. After I had slept for twelve hours, I felt marvellous.
2. We haven’t brought the map, so we will have to try to remember the way.
3. Ben and Mark started working at six and they haven’t finished yet.
4. I had just had lunch, so I wasn’t hungry.
5. The children spent all the money. Then they left the fair.
6. Mary failed the English exam. She was very disappointed.
7. I was cold because I hadn’t taken any warm clothes.
8. When Owen left his job, he began to feel more relaxed.
9. The team finally won the match. They ran round the pitch to celebrate.
10. My brother was very happy when he got the exam results.

-The end-

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