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MONIS, Clemcy Pearl A. 2.

How do you show that you are a true child of the

BSN 1 – A covenant in these critical times?
“THE CHALLENGING LIFE OF THE PATRIARCHS” This was the most critical year that I didn’t see coming – the one
APPLY & ASSESS that shook me out of complacency. When I learned to stop being
1. What is the relevance of the covenant of God in your compliant, to demand what was rightfully mine, refuse to settle for less
life? than what I deserved.

Covenant is a promise or an agreement between person to person I lost patience with small talks and fell in love with midnight
or things. And when two people make a covenant, it binds them conversations because it was when God told me that I could cross
together to carry out its provisions of the covenant. desserts and oceans in doing what I love and then it is what I did as His
true child, I held the ones I love, closer – letting go of the things that
The relevance of the covenant of God in my life is it strengthen me weren’t meant to be mine. Looked my past dead in the eye and said
when I am at my weakest, it lifts me up when I am at the lowest because “you weren’t welcome here anymore”. I chased away the cobwebs that I
God made a covenant with me that He is my savior and protector and had lingered far too long. And told the moon I was sorry – this is now
that I will commit my life with Him. Just like Noah I found grace in Him. my time in the sun. God saved me a million times already, not just
God told Noah that a great flood will come and He promised to during critical times but mostly when I’m battling between life and death.
preserve Noah’s family and the living creatures which took into the ark He showed me the purpose of life and that is enough for me to remain
that he and his sons made. Noah obeyed Him and to assure them, God true to Him. And I will start with the ones I love most. Because that is all
made a covenant with Noah that He would never again destroy the He’s asking for me to do – I am true to Him if I am only true to myself.
earth with a flood. God gave them a sign of this covenant – the rainbow.
Above all, I am working on myself to be deserving of the promises
I have been so emotional these past few weeks. I’ve been battling God told me – the signs he magically puts and drops in my way
from different types of worries and doubts. Everything was put into test. especially when I’m lost and redirected will never be neglected. I will
My patience, love for people, even my faith. I was totally lost and remain true to myself and in His eyes.
broken. But you know what’s amazing? It’s when God made a covenant
with me and gave a sign not to give up – the smile, the laughter, and the
joy that my son brings in my heart.

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