Discernment Activity

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Name: Novalyn C.


Course/ Year : BSED 3- English

Name of Instructor : Joven Rey Baga

Subject Code : RS 5 MTF 11:00- 12:00 noon

Instruction: Read the following questions and write your answer in the empty spaces below. You can
have your answers as many as you can per item.

RS 5 Activity September 17, 2021

How do you personally define It is a way of knowing our own selves or self
discernment? discovery. It is somehow our own perception towards
our selves and to others.

Strongly Disagree or Neither Agree nor Agree or Strongly

Discernment is a practice Disagree Disagree Agree
that is personally
meaningful to me. I Agree, because it
is really important
that we are aware
at know who we
are and what we
should be. And it is
very meaningful
wherein in that way
we could evaluate

Given this definition, please Being disciplined because I decided to take care of myself
describe a way in which you I discern with my old habits to give importance with myself being
have personally taken part disturbed to other social media platforms that resulted to lack of sleep
in the act of discernment and lack of interest and sometimes it gives me hard time in managing
during this year of your my time. I learn to accept bad days in my life that I know there’s a
college years. purpose in everything because I know that God has plan for me. And I
know to myself that inspite of the challenges that I faced and to face in
my entire college years God is within my side.

What do you find For me it is really challenging it the part of knowing myself because
challenging in regard to there are times that I really don’t know what I’ve want and I was poor
discernment in your own in decision making in the past years I don’t really have a settled plan
life? that sometimes I don’t act with my own and just dependent to others.
But for now I can be aware of myself and know who I am and what I
really want in my life and sometimes it’s quite challenging in making
progress in my own life because now a days we encounter the
pandemic and we have a lot of adjustments not just for ourselves but
for others also.
What do you think would Well I guess to go on a retreat event and unwinding myself.
be the best practice you
might for an effective How: By attending retreat and go to the quite place.
discernment process?
Where: Something that in a quiet place with the people who also
How? needs a retreat to be able to listen and be inspired by them and to be
Where? guided by the coordinator of retreat that help us to realize what we
When? really need to do

When: Anytime because there are times that we really need to relax
and away to our business in our daily life and through retreat we can
receive a spiritual direction. Or maybe the time when I’m done in
everything and the time that I have to be alone or the time I have to be
at peace .

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