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Written assignment week Seven

University of the People

BUS 5112: Marketing management

Instructor – Dr. Bobbi Warford

Due date – 18/10/21

Are direct marketing channels possible for some products and not others? Why or
why not?

Direct marketing channels is possible for all products and services. This is because
it involves directly communication between producers and consumers. Some of
the major channels of direct marketing are as follows: (a) Face-to-Face Selling (b)
Direct Mail (c) Catalogue Marketing (d) Telemarketing (e) TV and other Direct
Response Media (f) Kiosk Marketing (Chand, nd).

(a) Face-to-Face Selling:

The original and oldest form of direct marketing is the field sales call. Today most
industrial companies rely heavily on a professional sales force to locate prospects
and develop them into customers. Many consumer companies use direct-selling
force, insurance agents, stock brokers and distributors working for direct-sales

(b) Direct Mail:

Direct mail marketing involves sending an offer, announcement, reminder or other

items to a person at a particular address. Using highly selective mailing lists, direct
marketers send out millions of mail pieces each year-letters and folders etc. Some
direct marketers mail audiotapes, video tapes, CDs and computer diskettes to
prospects and customers.

(c) Catalogue Marketing:

Catalogue marketing occurs when companies mail one or more product catalogues
to selected addresses. They may send full-time merchandise catalogues and
business catalogues, usually in print form but also sometimes as CDs, Videos.

The success of catalogue marketing depends on the company’s ability to manage

its customer lists so carefully that there is little duplication or bad debts, to control
its inventory carefully, to offer quality merchandise so that returns are low, and to
project a distinctive image. Catalogue marketing is common in USA, and Europe
with reputed companies such as Tiffany and Co., Patagonia, Eddie Bauer and
Lands’ End operating in this field successfully.

(d) Telemarketing:
Telemarketing by telemarketing executives attracts new customers, contact
existing customers to ascertain satisfaction levels, and/or take direct orders. Many
customers order goods and services through telephones.

Telemarketing has become a major direct marketing tool in the new millennium
and more and more marketers are making use of this service. Telemarketing is
increasingly used in business as well as consumer marketing. Telemarketing
reduces the sales force costs, which are expensive. As sales people and customers
become more comfortable with e-commerce, sales travel costs will go down. Some
telemarketing systems are fully automated.

(e) TV and other Direct Response Media:

Direct marketers use all the major media to make direct efforts to potential
buyers. Newspapers and magazines carry abundant print ads offering books,
articles, appliances, and other goods and services that individuals can order by
dialling a toll free number. Radio ads present offers to listeners throughout day
and night. Some TV channels are dedicated to selling goods and services. 

(f) Kiosk Marketing:

Kiosk is customer order placing machines located in stores, airports, railway

stations and other locations. Customer order contains the particulars of foods,
phone number, credit card, particulars, and address where the goods can be

Explain the value middlemen can add to product sales and marketing success.
Middlemen, also referred to as intermediaries, play a vital part in ensuring that the
distribution channel between the producer and the consumer is complete. The more
intermediaries there are in the supply chain, the higher the distribution channel (Adams,

Think of the products you currently use. Are there any of them you would prefer to buy
through different marketing channels? Why?
There are some products I will prefer to buy through direct marketing channels because
the prices may reduce. Although the meddle men facilitate distribution of products, they
sometimes increase the cost of buying the product. 


Adams, D (2019) What Is the Middleman in

Accessed on 18/10/2021.

Chand, S (nd) Major Channels of Direct

major-channels-of-direct-marketing/29964  Accessed on 18/10/2021. 

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