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MODULE 1: Lesson 4


GREECE FAMOUS PLACES The Meteora is a rock
formation in central Greece
hosting one of the largest and
most precipitously built
complexes of Eastern Orthodox
monasteries, second in
importance only to Mount
Athos. The six (of an original
twenty four) monasteries are
built on immense natural pillars
and hill-like rounded boulders
Meteora Greece that dominate the local area.
rock isformations
twenty four monasteries were established atop the rocks. located nearhave
always been a site of worship
town of Kalabaka at the northwestern edge of the Plain of Thessaly near the Pineios
for the ancient people of the
river and Pindus Mountains.
area, however between the
13th and 14th century the
Mykonos is a Greek
island, part of the
Cyclades, lying
between Tinos, Syros,
Paros and Naxos. The
island has an area of
85.5 square kilometres
(33.0 sq mi) and rises
to an elevation of 341
metres (1,119 feet) at
its highest point. There
are 10,134 inhabitants
according to the 2011 Mykonos Greece
census, most of whom live in the largest town, Mykonos, which lies on the west coast.
The town is also known as Chora ('Town' in Greek, following the common practice in
Greece when the name of the island itself is the same as the name of the principal town
most beautiful, certainly the most photographed, bridge in the world. At the time of its
opening longest and the tallest suspension bridge in the world 4 years.
The Greek poet changed into born someday among the twelfth and eighth centuries BC,
likely someplace at the coast of Asia Minor. He is well-known for the epic poems The Iliad
and The Odyssey, which have had a significant impact on Western culture, however little
or no is thought approximately their alleged author.

Sophocles changed into a historical Greek playwright, born in Colonus close to Athens,
Greece in 496 B.C.E. His father, Sophilus, changed into a wealthy member of a small
community, the rural 'Deme'. Sophocles changed into incredibly educated. He is one of
all 3 Greek tragedians whose performs have lived on.

Odysseus changed into a Greek hero famed for his mind and cunning. He created the
plan to sack the town of Troy with the use of a massive hole horse. He is likewise well-
known for his lengthy odyssey, or journey, looking to go back domestic after the
occasions of the Trojan War. Odysseus is one of the maximum famous of the early Greek

Odysseas Elytis

You have a taste of tempest on your lips—But where did you wander
All day long in the hard reverie of stone and sea?
An eagle-bearing wind stripped the hills
Stripped your longing to the bone
And the pupils of your eyes received the message of chimera

Spotting memory with foam!

Where is the familiar slope of short September
On the red earth where you played, looking down
At the broad rows of the other girls
The corners where your friends left armfuls of rosemary.

But where did you wander

All night long in the hard reverie of stone and sea?
I told you to count in the naked water its luminous days
On your back to rejoice in the dawn of things
Or again to wander on yellow plains
With a clover of light on you breast, iambic heroine.
You have a taste of tempest on your lips
And a dress red as blood
Deep in the gold of summer
And the perfume of hyacinths—But where did you wander
Descending toward the shores, the pebbled bays?

There was cold salty seaweed there

But deeper a human feeling that bled
And you opened your arms in astonishment naming it
Climbing lightly to the clearness of the depths
Where your own starfish shone.

Listen. Speech is the prudence of the aged

And time is a passionate sculptor of men
And the sun stands over it, a beast of hope
And you, closer to it, embrace a love
With a bitter taste of tempest on your lips.

It is not for you, blue to the bone, to think of another summer,

For the rivers to change their bed
And take you back to their mother
For you to kiss other cherry trees
Or ride on the northwest wind.

Propped on the rocks, without yesterday or tomorrow,

Facing the dangers of the rocks with a hurricane hairstyle
You will say farewell to the riddle that is yours.
1. Interpret the poem according to its setting.

ANSWER: The poem explores the theme of surrealism that incorporated dreams and the
unconscious and fuses reality and pure imagination. It peers from under sleepy eyelids in the
forms of dreams. The author of the poem uses a powerful fantasy completely subservient to the
dream to express a universal poetic vision.

2. Discuss the symbolism used in the poem

ANSWER: “Marina of the Rocks”, was combined the love, beauty, nature, and passion are all
fused in one. For Elytis, surrealism was the gust of wind that cleared away all literary prejudice
and opened the ground for poetic experimentation. He was careful in selecting those notions that
could be combined with Greek reality, mentality, and his sensitivity. He once said that “everything
depends on imagination, that is, on the way a poet sees the same phenomenon as you do, yet
differently from you.”

3. Relate the theme of the poem to your life as a student, as a family member, and as a citizen.
ANSWER: As a student, family member, and as a citizen, I can relate to this poem because it
taught us that most decisions that we do are really important. The poem taught us that in
making decision, we must think critically and wisely so that in the end, we will not regret. It also
says that the decisions must be taken independently without fearing and we must face its
possible consequences. Always remember that in every decision we make, there is an outcome
that is either positive or negative.

How do you identify yourself with the poem?

I can identify myself with the poem of Odysseas Elytis by treasuring everybody, or everything on
this planet. Someday we will go but we have memories stayed in our beloved country. Love yourself
because this poem reminds us to love and beauty and nature also. We the people have the freedom to
do everything in our lives. We can manipulate everybody so if you are upset as being you don’t quit you
are too concerned with what was and what will be. There’s a saying “Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a
mystery, but today is a gift” that is the way it is called present.

Easy life becomes hard,
Thinking had gone absurd.
Crazy times goes by,
Careless and nonsense things
Smiling and dreaming of wonderful things
Sweet moments completes our days,
Reminiscing all the past about your youth
But now, all you can do is accept the truth.
life keeps moving, and you can't stay the same,
Everything will stay as memories

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