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Folk Warriors

Recruit your folk and fight!

Whitepaper version 1.0.0



Team’s Mission................................................................3

Game Requirements........................................................4

Gameplay Features..........................................................4
Customizable Weapons..............................................6
Boss fights............................................................6
Combat Rewards.......................................................6



Folk Warriors is a blockchain roleplaying game that can be played on your

desktop or mobile browser, where you can reunite your NFT assets, warriors and
weapons, fighting amazing monsters and earning experience and rewards for
your victories. Folk Warriors is based on the OpenSource code of cryptoblades,
with many new features, granting the players a superior experience and
consistent gains. Keyfeatures as stamina, forge, elements, nfts and tokenomics
are all revamped, from the start and with new features already being in

Team’s Mission

Our mission is to give the gamers community a superior and entertainment

version of previous games from this same category, providing a good experience
of true gameplay, making the gamer truly enjoy all roleplay aspects of the game,
along of earning consistent gains trough your journey! Our main objective is
help the community.
Game Requirements

The whole concept of the game will run in any web browser, both desktop and
mobile, of all operational system. All you need is to connect your wallet. This
will allow the gamer to play without any download or use of space in your
system. The contracts are from the Binance Smart Chain and in order to play you
must have enough BNB for the transactions.

Gameplay Features


Each warrior, weapon and creature of this world have an inner elemental force
that drives its powers.

Initially in Folk Warriors there are four elements: Fire, Water, Earth and Air.
Each one have its own advantages and weakness, and matching the right weapon
and warrior, as well as the target is a keyfeature of your success.

 Fire beats Earth, but is weak to Water;

 Earth beats Air, but is weak to Fire;
 Air beats Water, but is weak to Earh;
 Water beats Fire, but is weak to Fire;
 Soul is a rare neutral elemental, for now.

More elements are in development for

the near future, adding more variety and
new possibilities for your journey. At the
start there is two in development, Light
and Dark, that are directly bonded to
other elements, increasing their power.
We want to create a full circle of
advantages and weakness.

During you journey you must recruit and train your Folk Warriors! Each
warrior is unique, being a NFT asset of your own, allowing the player to fight,
sell, trade, gift or even burn it. Training them will increase their power level,
increasing your rewards.
An standard account supports up to 4 warriors, but that number will be
upgradeable up to 6 total slots, and according with the community interactions,
that number can be expanded even further, making easier to manage your folks
and make a collection of rare nfts.

The foreign warriors

We’ve implemented an special encounter during the recruitment process, that
allow a new type of folk to help your journey. As every character of your guild is
and nft asset, this might became a really precious partnership.

Fusion and Marriage

This feature in development will allow two warrior to join

forces and create a new one, stronger and with features from
the previous two. That will be a key feature to progress in the
game even further and faster, since a character made this way
will have special traits, only obtained though this method, like
the Soul element, that boost its powers.

Each warrior has a stamina bar that is depleted at each action, and the player is
able to choose how many of it to spent in a battle. The stamina initially recover 1
point each 3 minutes, making a full recover in exactly 10 hours. This number
was choosen for improved gameplay, more immersion with the game and to be
easy to calculate for the players.
Were also in test fase of other schedules, like the full 24h period, allow the
player to reserve the same special period of his just for playing. In development
we have a special feature, that change the ammount of stamina and recover speed
for each member of your part, according with his level and element.

As an extra option, the player might choose to sent his folk warrior to take a
nap in an Inn and restore all your stamina at once, paying for the house’s service
with the FOLK coin token.
Customizable Weapons
All weapon nfts are customizable, allowing the player to increase their power
and elemental enchantments. The weapon highly extends the warrior force
power, increasing his chances of defeating an enemy on a fight and of course the
rewards it gains with the victory.
You can create a brand new weapon at the Forge, or dismantle an old one to
gather new materials to improve other weapons
Swords are the most basic and easy weapon to forge, but in the later game your
will have access to a new type o weapons. Axes, clubs and spears, each one will
have specifics attributes, that will be enhanced on the right hands.
Each weapon has a level of rarity that is randomly generate as follow:
• One-star, 44% chance
• Two-star, 35% chance
• Three-star, 15% chance
• Four-star, 5% chance
• Five-star, 1% chance

The different categories of weapons that will be added later in the game will
have different rates, according with their strength.

We’ve added already a bunch of new creatures in the game, like bandits,
witches, werewolfs, dwarves and elves. Our goal is to achieve a full immersive
roleplay during your fights, using a large variety of enemies coming for folklore
and create our own mythology. Each enemy, like the warriors are bonded to an
elemental force, and its your job to choose the right weapon to defeat it.

Boss Fights
Fight a strong enemy boss and get an exclusive reward. This is an optional
challenge, so if you feel that you’re no ready yet you can just skip it.

Combat Rewards
By successfully defeating an enemy you will earn a reward in the form of
FOLK token. The ammount will be according your warrior’s level and weapon
as well as the enemie’s. We have also an ongoing feature to allow you to
temporaly activate a boost to your rewards by burning special nft.
The rewards are temporaly staked at our portal interface, but its yours to claim
or use at any time your desire. To ensure and help the token liquidy a 10% fee is
added if your want to withdraw them right away, but that ammount is decreased
each day, and you can make a withdraw with no fees in the 10th day.

Starting with an initial supply of 1,000,000.00 FOLK token serves as the native
game currency for Folk Warriors. Players will leverage FOLK to acquire
characters, forge and reforge weapons, and to buy and sell on the Folk Warriors

*This version is not final and more implements may be added in the future.

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