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Lecture 3:
Electric Fields and Motion
The Field Model
Concept of a Field
 A field is a function that
assigns a vector to every
point in space.
 The alteration of space
around a mass is called
the gravitational field.
 Similarly, the space
around a charge is altered
to create the electric

Concept of a Field
If a probe charge q
experiences an electric
force at a point in space,
we say that there is an
electric field at that point
causing the force.

The units of the electric field are N/C. The magnitude E of

the electric field is called the electric field strength.
Comparison to Gravity
Coulomb’s Law Newton’s Law
⇓ ⇓
1 𝑞1 𝑞2 𝑞1 𝑞2 m1m2
𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐 = 2 =𝑘
Fgrav =G 2
4𝜋𝜀0 𝑟12 2
𝑟12 r12
source source
1 𝑄 æ Mö
𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑒𝑐 =𝑞 Fgrav = mç G 2 ÷
4𝜋𝜖0 𝑟𝑄𝑞 è RE ø
It is convenient to describe the electric and gravitational forces in terms of vector fields.

• The version for gravity is straightforward and largely depends on the Earth for its
source. All masses (m) placed in the Earth’s (M) gravitational field feel a force.
• The same is true for the electric field: all charges (q) placed in an electric field
(created by Q) feel a force.
𝐹 𝑁𝑚2
9 −11
𝜀0 = 8.8 ∙ 10 𝑘 = 9 ∙ 10 𝐺 = 6.67 ∙ 10 4
𝑚 𝐶2 𝑘𝑔 ∙ 𝑠 2
There’s Just One Complication
Coulomb’s Law Newton’s Law
⇓ ⇓
q, Q can be + or – m, M can only be +

source of field

The electric force and field together provide 4× the opportunity for confusion!
The Electric Field of a Point Charge

 If we calculate the field at

a sufficient number of
points in space, we can
draw a field diagram.
 Notice that the field
vectors all point straight
away from charge q.
 Also notice how quickly the
arrows decrease in length
due to the inverse-square
dependence on r.

Electric Field Lines

• Electric field lines are used to visualize and analyze electric

• Field lines are simply a pictorial tool, not a physical entity in
Properties of Electric Field Lines
1. Field lines begin on positive charges and end on
negative charges.
2. The number of field lines leaving or entering a
charge is proportional to the magnitude of the
3. The strength of the field is proportional to the
closeness of the field lines.
4. The direction of the electric field is tangent to the
field lines at any point in space.
5. Field lines can never cross.
The Electric Field of Two Equal Positive Charges

This figure represents

the electric field of two
same-sign charges
using electric field lines.
Field Lines Vector Model

CQ1: Consider a non-conducting wire that is bent into a half-
circle of radius r. Assume that an electric charge of +Q is
uniformly distributed on the wire. Which of the following
statements are correct for the electric field point (P) that is at
the center of the half-circle?

A. It points directly to the right
B. It points directly to the left
C. All segments of the same length contribute P
the same electric field magnitude at P +

D. Both A and C are correct

E. Both B and C are correct +

Use symmetry to your advantage!

How Do We Find the Electric Field Due to Many Charges?

• Add the electric fields due to each charge – superposition!

• With a few charges, we do this by hand and vector addition.
• With many charges, we do this by considering the symmetry,
the charge distribution, and integrating (uh oh!).

EX1: A plastic rod with a uniformly distributed charge –Q is bent into a circular arc of
radius r that subtends an angle of π/3 radians. We place coordinate axes such that
the axis of symmetry of the rod lies along the x-axis and the origin is the center of
curvature for the rod. What is the electric field (magnitude and direction) at the

π/3 x

EX1: A plastic rod with a uniformly distributed charge –Q is bent into a circular arc of
radius r that subtends an angle of π/3 radians. We place coordinate axes such that
the axis of symmetry of the rod lies along the x-axis and the origin is the center of
curvature for the rod. What is the electric field (magnitude and direction) at the

y Hint: Imagine that the arc is made up of

many infinitesimally small point charges
dq. Each dq creates a differential
electric field of magnitude dE = k dq/r2.

Sum up all the dEs from all the dqs to get

π/3 x
the magnitude of the overall electric field.

Integration is a way to add many

infinitely small elements.

EX1: A plastic rod with a uniformly distributed charge –Q is bent into a circular arc of
radius r that subtends an angle of π/3 radians. We place coordinate axes such that
the axis of symmetry of the rod lies along the x-axis and the origin is the center of
curvature for the rod. What is the electric field (magnitude and direction) at the
Before we integrate, use symmetry to make
y mathematics easier.

CQ2: What is true about the electric fields

produced by the two dq elements shown in
blue on the left?
θ A) Their x-components cancel out and their
y-components add together.
B) Their x-components add together and
their y-components cancel out.
C) Both their x- and y-components add
D) Both their x- and y-components cancel

EX1: A plastic rod with a uniformly distributed charge –Q is bent into a circular arc of
radius r that subtends an angle of π/3 radians. We place coordinate axes such that
the axis of symmetry of the rod lies along the x-axis and the origin is the center of
curvature for the rod. What is the electric field (magnitude and direction) at the

y CQ3: What is the magnitude of the x-component

of dE due to the dq element shown in blue?

A) dEx = k cos (q )
r 2

B) dEx = k sin (q )
r 2

C) dEx = k 2 tan (q )
D) dEx = k

EX1: A plastic rod with a uniformly distributed charge –Q is bent into a circular arc of
radius r that subtends an angle of π/3 radians. We place coordinate axes such that
the axis of symmetry of the rod lies along the x-axis and the origin is the center of
curvature for the rod. What is the electric field (magnitude and direction) at the
origin? y

dEy = k sin (q )
θ r 2

dEx = k cos (q )
r 2

Suggested Reading
• From today: 21.4, 21.6
• For next time: 21.5, 21.7

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