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The Process of Photosynthesis

Bilqis: hi Refa, what are you doing here?

Refa: hi Bilqis, I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up, how about you?

Bilqis: me too, by the way why did you bring that flower?

Refa: oh this? my friend gave it to me, cute isn't it?

Bilqis: yeah that's so cute, the color is also beautiful!

Refa: Yes, that's right, it's very beautiful! uh how about we sit on the chair under that tree?

Bilqis: let's go!

[they both walk to the chair and sit there]

Bilqis: by the way, I'm curious, why do most plants have green leaves?

Refa: Leaves are green due to the presence of a green coloured pigment called chlorophyll, the main
function of chlorophyll is to perform photosynthesis in the presence of sunlight.

Bilqis: oh I see, uh wait did you say photosynthesis? what's that?

Refa: yes I said that, photosynthesis is a biological process utilized by all green plants to synthesize
their own nutrients. The process of photosynthesis requires solar energy, water and carbon dioxide.
One of the products of this process is oxygen. That's why the air under the tree is fresh because
there is much oxygen.

Bilqis: ohh I see, could you tell me more about photosynthesis?

Refa: yeah of course why not, so photosynthesis occurs because carbon dioxide in the air enters
through the stomata in the leaves. Then the plant roots absorb water from the soil, then carry it to
the leaves. Inside the leaves, carbon dioxide and water are processed by sunlight. The products of
photosynthesis are glucose, oxygen, and water. The oxygen produced by plants is then released
through the stomata. While glucose will be distributed to all parts of the plant.

Bilqis: oh I get it now, but what is the function of photosynthesis?

Refa: photosynthesis is essential for the existence of all life on earth. It serves a crucial role in the
food chain, the plants create their food using this process, thereby, forming the primary producers.
Photosynthesis is also responsible for the production of oxygen which is needed by most organisms
for their survival. We also need oxygen to breathe, right?

Bilqis: oh my god, it turns out that plants are very important to us and all living things on earth.
Refa: yes, that's why we have to protect and preserve plants for the common good.

Bilqis: you're right, thanks for this useful information, refa!

Refa: you're welcome. Oh, wait, it's drizzling, let's take a shade first!
Bilqis: come on!

Bilqis: hai Refa, sedang apa kamu disini?
Refa: hai Bilqis, aku sedang menunggu ayahku menjemputku, bagaimana denganmu?
Bilqis : aku juga, ngomong-ngomong kenapa kamu membawa bunga itu?
Refa: oh ini? temanku memberikannya kepadaku, lucu kan?
Bilqis : iya lucu banget, warnanya juga cantik!
Refa: iya benar, itu sangat indah! eh gimana kalau kita duduk di kursi di bawah pohon itu?
Bilqis: ayo!
[mereka berdua berjalan ke kursi dan duduk di sana]
Bilqis: omong-omong, aku penasaran, mengapa kebanyakan tanaman memiliki daun hijau?
Refa: Daun berwarna hijau karena adanya pigmen berwarna hijau yang disebut klorofil, fungsi
utama klorofil adalah untuk melakukan fotosintesis dengan adanya sinar matahari.
Bilqis: oh begitu, eh tunggu tadi kamu bilang fotosintesis? apa itu?
Refa: iya tadi aku bilang itu, jadi fotosintesis adalah proses biologis yang digunakan oleh semua
tanaman hijau untuk mensintesis nutrisi mereka sendiri. Proses fotosintesis membutuhkan energi
matahari, air dan karbon dioksida. Salah satu produk dari proses ini adalah oksigen. Itu sebabnya
udara di bawah pohon itu segar karena banyak mengandung oksigen.
Bilqis: oh begitu, bisakah kamu ceritakan lebih banyak tentang fotosintesis?
Refa: ya tentu saja kenapa tidak, jadi fotosintesis terjadi karena karbon dioksida di udara masuk
melalui stomata di daun. Kemudian akar tanaman menyerap air dari dalam tanah, lalu membawanya
ke daun. Di dalam daun, karbon dioksida dan air diproses oleh sinar matahari. Hasil fotosintesis
adalah glukosa, oksigen, dan air. Oksigen yang dihasilkan oleh tumbuhan kemudian dikeluarkan
melalui stomata. Sedangkan glukosa akan didistribusikan ke seluruh bagian tanaman.
Bilqis: oh aku mengerti sekarang, tapi apa fungsi fotosintesis?
Refa: fotosintesis sangat penting bagi keberadaan semua kehidupan di bumi. Ini melayani peran
penting dalam rantai makanan, tanaman membuat makanan mereka menggunakan proses ini,
dengan demikian, membentuk produsen utama. Fotosintesis juga bertanggung jawab untuk produksi
oksigen yang dibutuhkan oleh sebagian besar organisme untuk kelangsungan hidup mereka. Kita
juga butuh oksigen untuk bernafas, kan?
Bilqis : Ya Tuhan, ternyata tumbuhan sangat penting bagi kita dan semua makhluk hidup di bumi.
Refa: iya, makanya kita harus menjaga dan melestarikan tumbuhan untuk kepentingan bersama.
Bilqis: kamu benar, terima kasih atas informasi yang bermanfaat ini, refa!
Refa: sama-sama. Oh, tunggu, gerimis, mari kita berteduh dulu!

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