Reading Comprehension - B2: I Select The Best of The Four Choices A), B), C), D) After Each Question

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Reading Comprehension – B2

Why is there so much shame surrounding the issue of men wanting to go on a diet?
(Paragraph 1) A survey of more than 600 men found 90% wanted to lose weight, but almost one in three
wouldn’t tell anyone about it. It seems that too much shame still exists around weight and a good
proportion of people at any one time are likely to be dieting covertly. But this issue seems to affect men
and women in different ways.
(Paragraph 2) Phil Mundy, a food and diet writer says many men are reluctant to say they are on a diet
because it involves admitting they have a problem. He thinks there might be more willingness among
younger men to discuss weight in public – but the problem is, if they do, says Briscoe, it’s still considered
acceptable “to pull their leg, in a way you never would with women. It’s seen as just a part of office
banter, but for men it’s equally upsetting.”
(Paragraph 3) Bob Baker, from Brighton, says the moment it becomes possible to discuss weight is often
when a secret dieter has dropped a good few pounds, and feels proud. At that stage, men will often start
talking about it, “but in my experience they’ll make it sound simpler than it probably was. They won’t be
telling the whole truth; just a version. They won’t be saying: ‘This has been quite arduous’. They want to
portray it like a DIY problem.
(Paragraph 4) There are mixed outlooks on being candid about it; support from family and friends can, of
course, be helpful, but disclosing your diet to anyone who might respond with fat jibes could prompt a
sorry descent into comfort eating. “When it comes to this subject, we probably all just need to grow up, so
it can be discussed honestly and clearly. It’s not an uncommon problem – and it shouldn’t be an
unspeakable one,” says Mundy.

I Select the best of the four choices a), b), c), d) after each question.
1. Why is dieting different for men and women?
a) Men prefer dieting in secret
b) Men are made fun of for dieting
c) Men just don’t want to talk about it
d) Women are more willing to take action
2. Bob Baker thinks that men start talking about weight:
a) When their colleagues start upsetting them with their comments
b) When the person who was on a secret diet decides to make it public
c) When someone asks them about it
d) When the person who was on a secret diet had already lost weight
3. When men talk about their diet, they usually:
a) Make it seem like no big deal
b) Exaggerate it
c) Give advice to others
d) Lie about everything
4. Being honest about your diet could be a problem because:
a) They might say something to discourage you from dieting
b) They might be offensive so you wish to find solace in food
c) They might feel sorry for you
d) They might only be pretending to be helpful
5. What is Phil Mundy’s conclusion?
a) Men should choose who they decide to talk to about their diet
b) Men need to be more mature about it and start opening up
c) People should accept it as a problem that can affect anyone
d) People should stop lying about their eating habits
II Ask a question relating to the underlined part of the following sentence.
6. This issue seems to affect men and women in different ways.
____________What seems to affect men and women in different ways?________________
7. Many men are reluctant to say they are on a diet because it involves admitting they have a
________Why are many men reluctant to say they are on a diet?________

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