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Czasowniki w nawiasach wstaw w odpowiednich czasach, aby powstały poprawne

zdania w pierwszym, drugim lub trzecim trybie warunkowym.

1. I didn’t know you were in hospital. If I ………………………. (know), I

…………………. (go) to visit you.
2. You were late again. If you …………………… (not, be) late, we
…………………… (not, miss) the bus.
3. If the rain …………………. (come) early next year, there ………………………
(be) a good harvest.
4. If you ………………………. (listen) to what I said, this …………………… (never,
5. If I …………………………… (cook) the dinner, ………………………. (you,
wash) the plates?
6. I’ve forgotten the keys but my wife …………………….. (let) us in if she
………………… (be) at home.
7. If you …………………… (get) a loan, what ……………………. (you, buy)?
8. If you ………………………… (feel) sick, take one of these pills.
9. It’s so hot. It …………………….. (be) nice if it …………………………. (rain).
10. If I ……………………….. (not, leave) my car unlocked, it ………………………..
(not, be) stolen from the park on Friday.
11. If it …………………………. (snow) last weekend, we ………………………….
(go) skiing.
12. If you ………………………. (have) toothache, go to the dentist.
13. Please call me if you ………………………. (need) any help.
14. If you ………………………….. (not, be) in a hurry, you ………………………..
(not, forget) your keys.
15. I …………………………….. (never, work) again if I ……………………….. (be)
rich nowadays.
16. What ………………………… (you, do) if you ………………………… (see)
someone robbing a bank?
17. I know that your leg hurts but if you ………………………….. (look) both ways
before crossing the street, you ……………………………. (not, be) knocked down.
18. I left my map at home. If …………………………….. (not, leave) the map at home,
I …………………. (not, lose) my way.
19. If I ………………………. (be) young again, I ……………………………..
(become) a pilot.
20. I hope we …………………………. (catch) the last bus if we
………………………. (leave) at once.
21. Imagine you are a president. What ………………………… (you, do) if you
…………………….. (have) a political power?

22. He doesn’t speak clearly. If ……………………………. (not, speak) in that way, it
…………………… (be) easier to understand him.
23. At the airport: I …………………………… (not, get) to the airport so early if I
……………………… (know) about the delay.
24. We ……………………………. (not, wait) for Peter if he …………………………..
(not, come) in five minutes.
25. If you …………………………… (go) to the supermarket,
………………………….. (you, buy) some milk, please?
26. Why didn’t you ask me for help? Next time if you ………………………………….
(have) any problems, don’t hesitate to ask me!
27. ………………………………………….. (you, go) for a walk with me later on if
you ………………………. (have) free time?
28. If you ……………………………. (continue) to eat junk food, you
…………………….. (gain) weight.
29. This soup isn’t very good. It …………………………. (be) better if it
…………………….. (not, be) so salty.
30. Why you say that you were short of money? If I ………………………. (know), I
…………………… (lend) you some.
31. – I haven’t been feeling well lately.
– If I …………………… (be) you, I ………………………… (call) the doctor’s for
an appointment.
32. We had to stand almost all the way. It was all your fault. If you
………………………. (book) seats, we …………………………… (have) a
comfortable journey.
33. I ……………………………. (get) in touch if you …………………………. (tell)
me where you were staying.
34. She doesn’t earn very much. ………………………… (she, go) out very often if she
……………… (can) afford it?
35. I ……………………. (help) you if I could, but I’m afraid I can’t.
36. You’re always tired. If you ……………………… (not, go) to bed so late every
night, you …………………………. (not, be) tired all the time.
37. She didn’t take the medicine. She …………………………. (take) it if it
……………………………… (not, taste) so awful.
38. I think there are too many cars. There …………………………… (not, be) so much
pollution if there ……………………………….. (not, be) so many cars.
39. If you …………………………… (not, be) careful, you
…………………………………. (hurt) yourself.
40. Sarah …………………………….. (be) disappointed if you
………………………….. (not, send) her a birthday card next Sunday.
41. If I …………………………. (not, lie) to my boss yesterday, he
……………………. (not, fire) me.
42. If he …………………… (have) his car now, he ……………………….. (give) us a
lift to the station.
43. If you keep coming to work late, you ………………………… (lose) your job.

44. If he …………………………. (leave) on time, he ……………………… (not, be)
late for the meeting. Unfortunately he did because he overslept.
45. You should stop smoking. If you ………………….. (stop) smoking, you
…………………. (be) in better health.
46. If you ……………………… (do) what she had told you to do, you
……………………….. (not, lose) all your money.
47. If you ……………………. (love) a rich man and a poor man – which one you
…………………. (choose)?
48. If the clock …………………… (be) right, we ……………………….. (catch) the
train yesterday.
49. What you ……………………… (do) if you ……………………. (win) a lot of
money now?
50. If I ……………………….. (be) you, I …………………………… (change) your
51. If you ………………………. (not, hurry) up, we ……………………. (miss) the
52. I must go now. My wife …………………. (be) angry if I …………………… (be)
late for dinner.
53. – I’ve heard that Tom didn’t get this job.
– Yes, but if he ………………. (be) well-qualified, he ………………………. (can,
find) a good job without any problems.
54. I hope I ………………………. (buy) a better car if I ………………….. (get) a
55. You were so careless. If you ……………………… (be) careful, you
………………………….. (not, sprain) your ankle.
56. The vase broke into pieces. If Toby ……………………… (catch) it, it
……………………….. (not, smash).
57. I’d like you to follow my advice. If you ……………………….. (apologise) to him,
he ………………… (forgive) you.
58. Your shirt was dirty. It ……………………….. (not, look) like that if you
……………………. (not, pour) out oil on your shirt.
59. If Naomi Campbell ………………………….. (not, be) so beautiful, she
……………………….. (never, become) a model.
60. If I ………………………….. (have) a car, I …………………………. (not, have to)
wait for the bus every day.
61. The plate has been in the oven. If you ………………………….. (touch)) it, you
……………………. (burn) your fingers.
62. – Could I see the menu, please?
– Yes, sir. If you ……………………… (take) a seat, I ………………………….
(fetch) it for you.
63. – John crashed his car yesterday.
– I know, but if he ……………………… (not, be) changing the CD, he
………………. (not, crash).
64. – Shall I invite John to the party?

– Well, if I ………………… (be) you, I …………………… (invite) him.
65. What …………………… (you, do) if the teacher ……………………. (come) back
in a moment?
66. – What a lovely restaurant! I’m glad we came here.
– If you ………………………….. (not, burn) the dinner, we ……………………….
(not, come) here.
67. If she …………………………. (go) to the bank last week, she …………………..
(have) money for shopping.
68. If I ………………………. (know) you needed to borrow my car, I
………………………. (lend) it to you.
69. – Are you going to Paul’s birthday party next Saturday?
– I ………………. (come) if he …………………… (invite) me.
70. She …………………… (not, let) me watch TV unless I …………………….. (tidy
up) my room first.

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