Business Plan: Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”

Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Executive Summary

Smoothies are flexible drink combinations with basic ingredients such as yogurt or ice cream,
fruits, and added nutrients. These are mixed together using blenders to form a meal substitute
on-the-go beverage or an in-between – meal snack. Smoothies are often served at fitness center
juice bars and stand-alone shops. A smoothie business offers a wide and diverse mix of drinks
that are tasty and rich in nutrition that has an alternative to fast food snacks or to people who
just don’t like taking their fruits.

The “Likha” smoothie stand offers smoothies that will be a great source of daily nutrition as
it has health benefits. One of the main goals of the growing business is to create different,
various, and unique smoothie combinations. These smoothies will be beneficial as health
consciousness and demand for alternative health benefits arise to become a hot topic to
consumers nowadays. The products that the company offers will ensure that consumers will be
encouraged by themselves, by their friends, by their doctors or nutritionist to take up such
nutrients that will benefit them.

Children love fun tasting, refreshing beverages especially if it’s filled down to the cup with
sugar. Though enjoyable for children, Likha has come up with the idea for children to choose
their own on-hand healthy ingredients. This releases the creative thinking out of the children as
they create fun, yet nutritious smoothies for themselves. As for teens and adults, on the other
hand, they will also be encouraged to create their own smoothies as it is one of the best
substitutes when it comes to alternating fruits with beverages (smoothies).

Objectives of the company will act as the guide towards the end goal. The objectives of the
company are to: Establish consistent strong sales, Maintain tight control of cost and operation,
and to achieve the benefit of loyal customers. Guided by these objectives, the company will have
a goal-oriented work - environment.

As the scare for a variety of health problems arises, Likha’s main goal is to encourage consumers
to have a healthier lifestyle one cup at a time. The creation of smoothies, along with the ready-
made menu, will all be guided and closely monitored by the staff. Staff will ensure that
consumers will not be allergic to any ingredient mixed or smoothie gave to them. With Likha, the
customers’ health comes second to none.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Personal Details

Erla Marie T. Masangkay

She was born on the 15th of February 2002 in the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia. She had grown up with her mother, Maricel Tisico
Masangkay, and her father, Erwil Magpantay Masangkay, alongside her.
She is the eldest in the family of 6 with 2 younger siblings. She has
studied in The Philippine School - Dubai since 2008 and is currently
studying at the same school as a Grade 12 ABM (Accounting, Business,
and Management) student. She has been guided well as she is
surrounded by excellent teachers and good people. With the support
that she has with her, she will be going to the University of Sto. Thomas
for her college degree taking up the course of Accountancy as she
wishes to be a successful Certified Public Accountant in 4 years’ time,
then proceeds to go to law school afterward.

John Eric S. Cortez

He was born on May 21, 2002. He is the eldest in his family with
1 sibling being the youngest. He was born and raised in Dubai, UAE. His
parents are Maria Leonora Teresa Sulit Cortez and Linoric Soriano
Cortez. He is currently studying as a Grade 12 ABM (Accounting,
Business, and Management) student in The Philippine School Dubai.
With all the studies he has gone through he will be going to the
University of Sto. Thomas to finish up college and in the future, after he
finishes college he will be taking up culinary as he wishes to become a
chef or business owner in the hotel industry or culinary industry.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Overview of the business

Likha’s Smoothie Stand serves consumers the finest, fresh, and up to quality products. The
company will sell smoothies of different mixes that come from fruits, favorite cookies, and other
similar ingredients. Founder Erla Marie Masangkay and John Eric Cortez saw the need for
promoting good nutrition and health, they believe that in catering these smoothies to the public,
it would encourage consumers to ditch the processed foods and junk foods for a better, and
sweeter alternative that is excellent for their health.

Name of The Business

The business is named “Likha”, which is a Filipino word that means “create” in English. The word
Likha was chosen to be the business name as it highlights the company’s unique activity which is to
create their own smoothie. “Drink what matters” is the slogan the company uses to emphasize the
creation of a healthier lifestyle among individuals.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Business plan proper

The Needs

The details below show the problem/needs for the business to be put up:

Nowadays, more variety of food are being produced almost every day, which makes people
more ignorant about the nutrition of the food that they’re consuming. In our business, it’s
not just about producing nutritious drinks, we also let our customers know which nutrition
will be in their drinks and how it would help them in their daily lifestyle.


As health issues start to emerge rapidly not just in our community, but also worldwide,
putting up a health-friendly business is a very good idea which could be a common practice
in the years to come. In our time where fast food restaurants and cafeterias could be seen
on almost every corner of our community, putting up a health-friendly business is a big step
on making our future a healthy place to live in.


Kids love sugars these days but they don’t realize the bad sides of it and instead skip their
fruits. With Likha, we want to promote that fruit isn’t all about eating it but you can also turn
it into fun and amazing smoothies that are sweet but don’t contain sugar and instead using
honey as an alternative way to beat sugar the healthier way.

Vision, Mission, and Values

The information provided below shows the vision, mission, and values of the company:

Vision: “Our vision at Likha is to start a business that will grow, succeed, and continue to meet total
satisfaction of all customers while empowering them to have a healthier lifestyle one cup at a time. ”

Through our business venture, we want to assure that every consumer of our

product leads and learns to live a healthy lifestyle.

“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Mission: “Our mission is at Likha is to supply the best quality leverages to our customer’ demands
and to promote freshly-made smoothies with an uncompromising commitment in making a
difference through our values.”

Through our shop, we will serve the finest and up to quality products that is good and

nutritious for the health of all.

Values: “The customers come second to none as we value the transparency of operations, delivery
of high-quality products, union, and organization between employees, and a strong, loyal
relationship with our customers.”

We ensure that the customers will be warmly welcomed into buying the products of our
company as they will be surrounded by the positive environment that the company entails.
Employees are driven by passion, and service dedicated to encouraging a healthier lifestyle to
customers of all ages.

Marketing Plan

The provided details below show the marketing plan A, B, and C based on the product
concept and data gathered. It includes the features of the product or service, the target audience,
and marketing strategies.

Marketing Plan A


The products that the business will sell are mostly

smoothies. These come in various mixtures such as
strawberry, banana, mango, and other tropical and
seasonal fruits. There will also be a sweeter option for
students in the younger age bracket. Plus, the business
offers customizable smoothies wherein students, teachers,
staff, and customers of all ages will be able to choose their
own ingredients with the guidance of our staff.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Target Market:

The product is to be sold to:

TPS Students from the lower levels up to the senior levels which are KG to Grade 12 students and
who just want a nice cold beverage on a hot scorching day.

TPS Faculty who work in The Philippine School – Dubai whether they are academic or non-academic,
and who just want something on-the-go to sip while on their breaks.

Smoothie Fanatics are customers found beyond the school premises who want to grab a drink from
our business in order to satisfy themselves.


Juice World

Juice world ranks as the no. 1 smoothie business as per Google with a 4.3-star rating out of 5. It has 3
branches in the UAE and is open from 10 am till 4:30 am.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jamba Juice

With 885 juice stores worldwide that include 68 company-owned stores in the US and 817
franchisee-owned stores, Jamba Juice Company has a prominent presence in several countries
including Canada, South Korea, the US, Taiwan, Philippines, Mexico, and the Middle East. Jamba
Juice Company offers smoothies under categories such as super blend smoothies, classic smoothies,
all-fruit smoothies, protein smoothies, fruit & veggie smoothies, creamy treats smoothies, and
whole food nutrition smoothies.

Marketing Plan B

Comparison Chart of Competitors


Market Share % Good Good

Quality Good Great

“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Location Good Poor

Size of Facility Large Small

Prices Average Expensive

Reputation Good Great


Likha will charge for the good of the finances of the TPS students. It means that our prices will be
affordable for students who will be our target market. Pricing is based on the quality of products
used along with a percentage of interest which is to be our profit. Our competitors charge on
average or expensive; It means that their prices depend on market demand and market quality for
their customers. They charge this way to maintain competitiveness to the business world.


Our store will use the following tools of advertisement:

We will use Social Media. The new media is the most popular platform for advertising nowadays.
The company will create an account across all platforms and will post offers or promotions in it. In
this manner, a wider audience may be reached.

We will use Special Prices. The Special Prices will be student- friendly prices that will attract more
customers to the products of the business. The affordability of the product may increase the
customer awareness towards our business.

We will use flyers/ posters. These materials will contain information about the booth’s name and its
location, social media handles, along with the menu and the special prices.

We will use packaging. Our smoothies will be packaged neatly with our logo on all cups. This will
make potential customers curious about the product and the company that produces it. From this,
we may increase customer awareness of our business.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Marketing Plan C

Public Relation

To get the attention of our customers, we will be using the following:

Flyers/Posters. These materials will attain all the information that the customers need in order to
know what the business is truly about. It will include the logo, the menu and the offers given.
Posters may also be uploaded online wherein customers may share it to their stories, tag us, and
then receive a 10% discount. Online posters will increase the customer engagement with our social
media platforms.

“JUICE OF THE WEEK”. Wherein the recipe with the most votes on our social media platform will be
chosen as the Juice of The Week for it being the customer’s choice. Having this offer will also
increase customer awareness and will develop relationships with them.

We will host a “JUICE HUNT”. This will be a fun and interesting activity for our customers. We will
simply place 2 mini juice keychains (with our signatures for assurance) anywhere on school grounds.
There will be hints of its location placed on our smoothie stand, and the customers who find the
keychains will receive a small smoothie cup for free.

Promotions. These offers would include promotions such as: Buy 1 Get 1, Buy 2 Get 1 free, Weekly
Offers, Monthly Offers, Birthday Offers, and Opening Day Offers.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Operation Plan

The chart below shows the production paradigm based on our product concept:

Finished Products:
Smoothie Recipes Gathering of needed materials
Freshly made smoothie
and Ingredients Manufacturing of necessary of choice or from the
Designs menu

The Production Paradigm

The recipe for the smoothies will be pre-made or chosen by the customer themselves. After
finalizing the recipes and ingredients needed, we will calculate the affordability and profitability of
the product while assuring that the quality will satisfy and exceed expectations from the consumer.
It shall be made by the use of blenders and other kitchen tools. All smoothies will be segregated
according to content, benefits, and purpose.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Organization and Management Plan

In this part, you will know our own organizational/management chart based on our chosen

Organizational Chart:
Designer/Sales and
Financial Staff

Erla Marie T. Masangkay

Maker/Sales and
Financial Staff

John Eric S. Cortez

Position Duties and Responsibilities

Co-Owner Responsible for making sure the business

runs smoothly without any problems,
ensures all responsibilities are done and is
accountable for his/her actions.

Smoothie Maker In charge of making the product of the

company without any error

Graphic Designer Creates flyers/posters for promotional

purposes and advertisements.

Sales and Financial Staff Handles sales-related duties that involves the
ups and downs of the business, while
financing staff is responsible for creating the
designs that give a high visual impact on the
company’s sales
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


This part shows the financial plan, projected cost revenue, and projected revenue:

Financial plan


Likha's initial capital AED 400. There will be two members, and each member shall
split and share AED 200 each.

Monthly Expenses

The table below shows the projected expenses per week during the initial quarter of
our operation based on the product.

Table 1 Monthly Expenses

Fixed Cost Week 1 Week 2

Salaries AED 50 per student x2 AED 50 per student x2

(A) Total Fixed Cost 50 per student x2 50 per student x2

Variable Cost (Week)

Raw Materials

Ingredients AED 250 - AED 200 -

Drinkware 100 - 50 -

Telephone Bill --- ---

Water --- ---

Electricity --- ---

Transportation --- ---

Miscellaneous 50 - 40 -

(B) Total Variable Cost 400 - 290 -

(A+B) TOTAL Monthly Cost AED 500 - AED 390 -

“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Table 1 shows the projected expenses per week during the initial quarter of the operation.
It is noted that fixed cost is lower than variable cost.

Computation of Projected Cost and Revenue


Projected Projected
Volume Volume

Types of Costing Daily Weekly

Product/s Revenue Revenue

Daily (PVD x 5)
(C x PVD) (DR x 5)

Let that Mango C – 1.5 C – 7.5 C – 37.5

M–5 10 50

SP – 7/10 SP – 70/100 SP – 350/500

Bananarama C – 2.5 C – 12.5 C – 62.5

M–5 5 25

SP – 7/10 SP – 35/50 SP –175/250

“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

C – 1.5

Bravocado M–5 10 C – 7.5 50 C – 37.5

SP – 7/10 SP – 70/100

SP – 350/500

Strawberry C – 1.5 C – 7.5 C – 37.5

M–5 10 50

SP – 7/10 SP – 70/100 SP – 350/500

Tropic like its C – 1.5 C – 7.5 C – 37.5

M–5 10 50

SP – 7/10 SP – 70/100 SP – 350/500

DIY Smoothie C – 2.5 C – 12.5 C – 62.5

M–5 5 25

SP – 7/10 SP – 35/50 SP –175/250

Mineral Bottle C – 0.75 C–9 C – 45

M–1 10 50

SP – 2 SP – 20 SP –100

Total 55 C – 64 300 C – 320

SP – 490/700 SP – 1850 /2600

Legend: C - Cost M - Mark Up SP - Selling Price

“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Table 2 & 3 showed the projected cost and revenue by weeks. Based on the table the Total
Revenue is AED 1850/2600. It shows that Likha has shown great potential of generating profit.

TABLE 3 Projected Cost Revenue

Week 1 Week 2 Total

Revenue 1850/2600 1900/2650 3750/5250

Cost 500 390 890

Projected 1350/2100 1510/2260 2860/4360

Net Profit

Table 3 shows that in the span of 2 weeks the business grew by 2.63%/1.9% of revenue. Meaning
the business didn’t go down and is continuing to rise over the span of a week.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Social Impact

There has been an alarming increase in the numbers of health problems that were caused by
unhealthy living. The CDC or Centers of Disease Control has stated that 75 percent of healthcare
spending goes to treating preventable chronic diseases, most of which are diet-related. The key term
would be preventable, meaning that these chronic diseases are completely avoidable; only if the
community decides to live a healthier life.

Luckily, this is what has awakened the founders to start up the company. “Likha” was created with
goals of creating a healthier lifestyle to the community one cup at the time. It is about encouraging
consumers of all ages to drink what matters, and to leave behind all of the other unhealthier

Likha encourages children to start living healthier at a young age as it is important for children to
learn to take care of themselves in order to keep their bodies healthy and strong. Students will
become more aware of the many things we do to take care of ourselves and realize that eating well
is essential if you want to stay healthy as they grow older.

Not only does it cater to young children, but also to the old generation of consumers as well. Unlike
fruit juice, smoothies also provide fiber, because you use the whole edible portion of the fruit. Fruit
smoothies typically contain significant amounts of folate, vitamin C and potassium, because fruits
are good sources of these nutrients. These smoothies can also provide other essential nutrients.

Smoothies have excellent health benefits that the community as a whole must have in their system.
It can make a good addition to a healthy diet, and it is found that it is especially helpful for people
who may not be consuming enough fruits. Health and nutrition experts worldwide suggest
consuming liquid food for better digestion. Smoothies contain blended fruits and vegetables in liquid
form that make it easier for the body to break them down.

Likha’s vision and mission statement both revolve around the idea of encouraging and motivating a
healthier lifestyle into the individuals of a community. The increase of diseases is dangerous,
especially to an unhealthy community. Therefore Likha is a company that will be beneficial to any
community. As it caters to both the new generations and the old generations of individuals.
“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

SWOT Analysis


● Affordable student-friendly product

● Convenient
● 100% real fruit content
● Offers personalized juices
● Is a healthier option for all ages
● Up to quality products

● Low customer awareness

● Small menu size
● Getting into an existing industry
● Startup business

● Tied with trends towards health-conscious lifestyle

● Promotes health-related events and causes

● Faces many competitors

● Increase of prices due to season

Areas of consideration:

Course of Action 1: Maximize menu size with healthier options

Course of Action 2: Offer deals to increase customer awareness

Course of Action 3: Expand the business inside the school


Course of Action 1: Maximize menu size with healthier options

Advantages: It will increase the selection for customers towards their demands

Disadvantages: Customers will have a hard time choosing a product

Course of Action 2: Offer deals to increase customer awareness

Advantages: More customers will be interested in buying products from the business

Disadvantages: Proper time management is needed for staff

“Leader in Academic Excellence and Values Formation”
Al Muhaisnah 2, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Course of Action 3: Expand the business inside the school

Advantages: It will increase revenue to the business

Disadvantages: More staff is needed to keep up with the expanding business


Criteria CA1 CA2 CA3

Profitability 2 3 1

Regulations/Restrictio 1 2 3

Competitive 1 3 2

Cost Efficiency 1 3 2

Total 5 11 8

Based on the table above, course of action no. 2 (Offer deals to increase customer awareness) with
the highest value of 11 is seen to be the most effective and beneficial for the business. It has shown
higher profitability, competitive advantage, and cost efficiency among others.

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